#zero Kiryu
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tokyowos · 30 days ago
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Vampire knight wallpapers 🖤
pls like or reblog if u save it!
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whoishotteranimepolls · 8 months ago
"Who's Hotter?" Anime Vampires
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yume4evere · 5 months ago
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kiiseru · 9 months ago
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My love.
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gamer-comix · 8 months ago
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that's what i get for having the same email address since 7th grade.
note (copied from the first page): this is probably a lost cause because this manga's been out for 20 years now (wow, happy anniversary), but NO SPOILERS PLEASE, i want to experience this in real time and have only read the first volume (EDIT: i've read two now but this still applies)
vol. 1 - 1 | 2 | 3 vol. 2 - 4 | 5 | 6
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anime-707 · 8 months ago
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vk-crzy · 2 months ago
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Kaname & Zero from LaLa's All-Star Calendar 2025
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azraanth · 19 days ago
Kaname shoud’ve been the main character of VKM or at least should have had more moments where he got to experience what it’s like to be human, outside of his feelings for Yuuki. I feel like Hino didn’t want to explore certains aspects of Kaname’s character. Such as ; why after his memories are erased, he still feels like he’s a bad person? Is it something that he believes so deeply about himself that even erasing his memories didn’t change his perception about himself? What did he feel, when he woke up and had no memories of his past? What was it like to be confronted by the fact that he has two daughters and he doesn’t remember them ? What is it like for him to know he never got to see Ai grow up? Did he grieve that? Worse, what is it like, to know that Yuuki loved him so much that she waited a thousand years to give him her heart? That she died for him? Especially as a human, his perception of time should have changed. There was many themes that could have been explored with his character while keeping his love for Yuuki and Ai as the main topic but while also exploring Kaname in a different setting than the original manga. I am aware that some of those questions have been partially answered, but Hino never dug deep into his mind or his thought patterns.
I love VK and partially love VKM as well, but Hino went from interesting concepts and vilains to very generic ones that don’t give any real challenges to the main characters. At least not emotionally. The vilains in VKM never made Yuuki question herself or her choices. Even raising a daughter should’ve been a challenge itself. I mean, imagine : immature Yuuki learning to mother a child while maintaining order in the vampire communities and slowly understanding where Kaname was coming from before he died and his mistakes and also creating parallels between Kaname’s love for Yuuki — like the length he went to keep her safe to Yuuki herself being in the position of the protector for her daughter. It could have been so good. I sometimes see glimpes of that in VKM.
And— Zero, I feel like he made his peace with himself in VKM but we never for the thought process behind his actions. His main problem as a character was that he hated vampires, especially purebloods in VK and that got his arc completed in that regard in VK. I feel like his challenges would have been different too if I follow my own ideas. I don’t think he’s ever seemed deeply jealous of Kaname. His character was always the peaceful protector, the one who descalate situations and bring back Yuuki from extremes ideas to more neutral ones. But his challenges, so far? I have never seen him struggle with knowing that Yuuki loves Kaname as well. But what I would have liked to see with him is other themes : because in VKM, he’s the reverse of Kaname. He started his life as a human and became a vampire, and even from then, it was more or less implied that he would die quickly if he descended to a Level E. This man has never expected to live such a long life. How does he not struggle with the idea of eternal life? Of not knowing the end? How is he not having a crisis over this? Even after Kaname’s death, he still had problems with vampires and I truly do want him to see him become friends with some or even: what is it like to live longer than your hunter friends? What is like it kill a vampire with your gun and coming back to your pureblood wife? How does he deal with it? And, also, being 25 or so and having a baby daughter — because Ai is. How did it feel like, being so young and seeing the spitting image of his greatest love and greatest enemy/friend walking around? Did he learn to love parts of Kaname through Ai? Did it help him make peace with Kaname? Was Ai being born was the cataclyst to Zero forgiving Kaname?
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yanderevampireknight · 1 year ago
Zero Kiyru Headcanons
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Super aggressive towards you for no reason
He doesn't want to let you in and ends up pushing you away
You have to be persistent and have thick skin
He says very mean things to you and knows exactly what to say to hurt you
But, if you keep trying to be friends with him, he'll eventually tolerate you
He doesn't like you, just stands you
Say you were alone together, after months of him being cruel to you, and you just sit there near him, not saying anything, then he'll let you stay. He won't say anything and you can sit together in peace
He does grow to kind of like your presence and sometimes hopes to see you and to just 'hang out'
You start to notice that instead of you having to seek him out [Because he would hide from you], he's around a lot more
You'll turn a corner and he'll be right there. He's so close you almost bump into him
You're going back to the dorms and he's waiting outside. He said he was waiting for Yuki, but you had a sneaky suspicion that wasn't true
Whenever you're in danger he also is near
Say you almost fall down some stairs, he catches you
You trip over a tree root, he grabs the back of your shirt
He'll skip out on his duties to find you [Really pissing Yuki off]
He's a good listener and will listen to you rant about whatever you have on your mind
Sometimes he'll give advice, but you quickly learn that he's not nice about it. In fact, he's kinda mean [But that's not new or surprising] and acts like it's the most obvious thing in the world
Say you're complaining about a classmate, probably the class president- Kageyama - and while Zero thinks it's funny he'll be like "Why not just ignore him? That's what I do."
^ You wanted to reply, but you decided to not comment on how Zero sleeps through every class
He waits for you to get your stuff ready when leaving class and will wait for you
^ This surprised Yuki, because he never waited for her
Kaname finds out about you and when you accidentally [On your end. He was looking for you on purpose] run into him, you're taken by surprise. You didn't know who he was, because you were never into the 'Night Class', because your parents paid for you to go to school not oogle boys, but you do know he's from the Night Class, because of his uniform.
^ "Sorry..."
^ "It's all right. Are you okay?"
^ "Yeah..."
^ There's a few seconds of awkward silence with you looking at anything but him
^ "You're Y/n L/n, right?"
^ You were taken a back that he knew your name. How the hell did he know your name. Instead of confirming his question, you decided to lie.
^ "No. You must be thinking of someone else"
^ He hums, but doesn't respond
^ Thankfully you don't have to worry about it to much, because Zero shows up
^ The awkward atmosphere takes a huge turn and you feel like you're being choked by the new atmosphere. You can tell they don't like each other
Zero tells you to stay away from Kaname and doesn't even let you explain yourself. He just wants you to be safe
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chatterbox-73 · 6 months ago
Simptember 2024.
Day 5 - love bites.
Zero Kiryu x fem!reader
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This story is a smut story for simptember, I’ll be writing more characters x reader one shots for simptember and if you want to see a character please let me know...
You must be 18 years or older to read this...
Summary: you offer yourself to zero in hopes it keeps him away from your sister, so that both yuuki and he can be safe. Though you didn’t expect what you received from this arrangement.
Word count: 1.5k
CW: NSFW and adult content, nipple play, unprotected sex, pull out, missionary, bitting, drinking blood, slight manipulation.
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You laid on the couch adjacent from the fire place in the headmaster’s living room, you had finished patrols much later than you were expected to and so now you found yourself locked out of the girls dormitory, “you can’t sleep on the couch tonight… go up to your room” you heard a voice from the door and found it to be your adopted father, “yeah I will…” you sighed and stood walking over to him, “…let me do one more sweep of the school, then I’ll go to bed” you watch the man sigh and slightly roll his eyes, “where did you learn to be so stubborn and ignorant? Yuki’s such a good girl, so what happened to you?” The man huffed, you chuckled and rested a hand on his shoulder, “yuki is too much of a good girl, she basically become a walking blood bag for Zero and it’s only a matter of time until Kuran takes her” you look at the headmaster from the corner of your eye, the man nod and focused on the fire burning away in the room, “stop Yuki from offering herself to zero…” he turned to you and swallowed thickly, before grabbing you and offering a sad expression, “even if you need to offer yourself in her place… please” he looked away from you in shame, “I hate myself for doing this, you know that?” He sigh and further leaned into the doorframe, “yeah, I know… but you don’t want to let down that woman…” you began to walk away before stopping for a moment, you looked over your shoulder at the man and met his gaze, “…are you sure she’s worth it? Or maybe you’ve allowed yourself to fall prey to a truly evil demon” you knew it was cruel but sometimes the headmaster would forget himself, actually you were sure he had begun to forget himself and no longer wished to remember.
You walked through the darkened courtyard until you reached the boy’s dormitory and to your surprise the doors were unlocked, you let yourself in and made your way to zero’s room, you didn’t bother knocking as you walked right in, the silver haired man jumped slightly and pointed his gun at you, “what do you want?” He hissed and slammed his gun on his side table, you shut the door behind you and locked it before walking over to him and sitting just in front of him on his bed, “I got locked out of my dormitory and the headmaster house is all locked up too…” you pout and move so that you were facing away from him, “but if you don’t want me here, I’m sure Kaname Kuran would be more than willing to open his bed for me…” you sigh and look back at zero with fake concern, “the only problem is, it’d break poor sweet Yuki’s heart… but you’d have your chance to comfort her and have her completely” you hummed and Zero glared at you, “what exactly are you asking me here…? Do you want a place to crash or are you trying to find a man to spend the night with?” He grumbled and raised a brow, “I’m looked for whatever I can get away with” you chuckled and began to straddle Zero, while you began to unbutton your shirt, you eyed the man for any reaction, “getting naked in front of me? This is harassment” he hummed watching your cute lacy bralette, “you’re right, I’m sorry… will you take me completely?” You asked and Zero’s hands moved to your waist as he nodded, “your skin and hair is damp, how?” He asked and grazed a thumb over the waistband of your skirt, “I’d like to think you’ve figured out why I’m here and perhaps realised I might have been lying, so that I might get what I need” you whispered and pressed your body to him, Zero clicked his tongue and rubbed his hands over your thighs, allowing them to disappear under your skirt, “so you lied so you could get off… you have a hand and fingers for that” he tilted his head and began to unzip your skirt.
“Of course I could use my hand however I’m not here for me zero” you spoke in a serious tone while you helped Zero remove your skirt, you laid back and looked up at him as he gave you a confused look, “what are you doing here, then?” He asked with a frown, “the headmaster wants me to keep you from feeding on yuki, I’m here to seduce you and so that you desire me and all I can offer” you answered honestly and Zero leans over you, he grabbed your shoulders and held you down, “what the fuck?!” He growled and got in your face, “I’m sorry but by allowing her to feed you, you’re endangering her and yourself… how could you be so foolish?” You shout and zero blinks, he leans back and lets go of your shoulders, “you’re right, it’d be better if I left…” he sighs and you sat up, wrapping your arms around his neck, “no we still need you… we still need you to protect her, to protect the school… stay and I’ll allow you to gorge yourself on me…” you whisper, Zero’s hands brushed through your hair, “if you’ll except me” you looked off to one of the four blank walls in Zero’s room.
Zero’s thumb ran across your lips before he guided you to lean your head back, his lips light pressed to your pulse, “who implied I wouldn’t want you? Because I didn’t” he said before he trailed his tongue down to your collarbone, only to give the skin a little nip and licking up the fresh droplet of blood forming on your skin, before sucking on the spot until the blood stopped flowing.
Zero’s fingers fiddled with your bra clasp for a moment before the martial fell from your frame his hands began to roughly fondle your breasts, occasionally pinching your nipples, “fuck… they’re so damn soft” he groaned and gripped one of your breasts before leaning in and bringing his tongue to rest on your nipple, zero’s teeth gently grazed your breast as he licked over the sensitive nub, a shiver ran down your spine as you felt him press himself against you as he began to suckle on your nipple, you moaned loudly not caring where you were just how good you felt.
You laid back and hummed as Zero climbed over you, your hands traced up his bare arms “your chest and arms look bigger” you hummed as you squeezed his biceps, before coming to trail you hands up until your fingers interlocked behind his neck, you pulled Zero down and pressed your lips to his, it felt hot and suffocating, but oh so satisfying. You began to feel Zero’s hands grip your panties before pulling them off and discarding them across the room, he then pulled away from the kiss, “I’m going to get started now” his lips still hovering over yours as he spoke, you nodded and felt Zero shifted as he undid his pants and pulled his member from his pants, you gasped as he rubbed his tip between your folds, making his tip catch on your entrance, “damnit… you sure about this?” He groaned and pressed his tip against your open but not quite letting it slide in yet, “yeah, I’m sure… I want this” you huff out between deep breaths and zero looks into your eyes for any hesitation but finds none, to this he pressed forward and sheaths himself.
You slowly and sensual, it’s nothing like you expect, but exactly what you needed, your legs wrapped tightly around Zero and your nails dug into his back, his hips moved in strong and slowly thrusts that were angled upward, his hand grabbing tightly onto the bedsheets as his arms rested either side of your head, zero had captured your lips and tongue in a erotic dance that was yet to end, all your moans and gasps were swallowed by him before they even had a chance to escape. You body start to feel light and your opening began to squeeze, zero pulled away from the kiss and groaned “you’re close… just wait a little longer” he pulled back and grabbed your hips before he picked up his pace slightly, you gasped struggling to hold on any longer, “release for me, finish all on me” zero hummed and you did just that, you pressed your head back against the bed and you whined as your body seized up, zero quickly snapped his hips into your a few times rather franticly before he pulled out and pumped hot squirts of release all over your chest, “god damnit… shit” he groaned loudly and watched and as his shaft rested comfortably between your breasts, he brushed a hand over your face and stood to get you a damp cloth so he could clean you off.
You laid naked curled up into zero’s side, you spent the night until the early hours of dawn talking with him, “let’s skip class” Zero hummed as he closed his eyes and kissed your cheek, “this is way they kept you down a year, but I’m too tired to care” you chuckle before you closed your eyes and began to drift off to sleep, listening to the sound of Zero’s heart beating steadily in his chest, “very funny… now go to sleep… beautiful” he grumbled and lightly kissed your lips.
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Simptember Masterlist
Day 4 - Tamaki Amajiki: Comparison
Day 6 - Shigure Sohma: Taste
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boochhaan · 7 months ago
doodled after rereading the cursed manga †
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usui-zero · 6 months ago
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yume4evere · 5 months ago
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Volume 10 Cover
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kiiseru · 9 months ago
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Precious Moments
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gamer-comix · 6 months ago
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vol. 1 - 1 | 2 | 3 vol. 2 - 4 | 5 | 6
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needicedtea · 2 months ago
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Redraw of the dramatic zerokana art :) in a new cutsy style I found recently …
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