conandaily2022 · 11 months
St. James, Missouri teacher Rikki Lynn Laughlin arrested; Did she contact a boy via Snapchat?
Rikki Lynn Laughlin, 24, of Leadwood, Missouri, United States is originally from Irondale, Missouri. She is married to Grant Andrew Laughlin, 23. Rikki is an alumna of Central Methodist University in Fayette, Missouri. From 2019 to 2020, she was a preschool teacher’s assistant at East Missouri Action Agency (EMAA) Mid St. Francois County Head Start in Park Hills, Missouri. In June 2022, Grand…
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horoscopo-dehoy · 2 years
Videncia en Freer
#ESCORPIO: Esté preparado, ya que en estos días atravesará un momento de transformación que lo afectará tanto de manera interna como externa. Vincúlese con cuidado.
Tarot Y Videncia:
Llámanos Ahora
🇺🇸 Estados Unidos: +1 21 37 84 79 82
Para resolver los problemas del corazón y entregarnos a la felicidad. ¡Los temas del corazón son tan complejos! Cuando el amor no ha tocado a la puerta nos sentimos ansiosos por encontrar a la paraje ideal y una vez que la tenemos nos enfrentamos al miedo de perderla. En cualquiera de los casos no hay de qué preocuparnos porque el tarot amor nos brinda la ayuda necesaria para triunfar en una relación.
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milkmanviii · 8 months
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New lightsaber just dropped, and this one stabbed me personally multiple times. Those spikes are, in fact, spiky.
Ty Yorrick’s lightsaber, made with leadwood, mango, sycamore, and a tiny piece of redheart, with a beech(?) stand.
The mango looks really nice but the piece was full of fine cracks which did make it difficult to work with, especially the spike pieces which kept breaking. The sanding on the spikes probably could’ve been a little neater but if you don’t look too closely you can’t really tell.
Ty’s such a cool character, I hope we get more of her in phase 3
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carolinawrenn · 1 year
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Hardy plumbago (Ceratostigma plumbaginoides). Also known as leadwort or blue leadwood.
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reddus-sideblog · 2 years
M.E.R.C.s - Raw Deal
7-17-890 AR
The heady atmosphere of Hellish incense and smoke was carried on the soft heat of steam that enveloped the social house in a smothering embrace. Isaac had been breathing in the mixture for the better part of two hours now, and he’d been contributing to it by taking in smoke after smoke. He didn’t have anything better to do in the meantime while he waited for his appointment, and the atmosphere here had its own, nearly intangible draw. The live music was alright, but it wasn’t Isaac’s sort of thing, and it was too low key to engage him for any length.
    The devilkin looked around the lounge, at the other patrons, the decor, the empty space, again. He couldn’t possibly count how many times he’d gazed around like that at this point.  He pushed the blonde bangs of his shaggy hair away from his eyes before pulling out the last cigarette from his pack of Surbeck 16s, then lit it. It was late afternoon, so the temple was just starting to get busy, but the Infernalite clergy were hardly anywhere to be seen. The only staff that were around were the two bartenders.
    Isaac did want a drink, maybe even a dozen, but he had to keep his head clear for the meeting that he was waiting for. As if in response to the blonde devilkin’s reaffirmed resolve a pair of the temple’s temptors approached Isaac, bidding that he follow them. Each wore a silver mask that covered the top half of their faces, in the shape of a horned skull, the horns naturally being the spiraling, backwards-pointing horns of Qilnosyne. So too was the helical rune of the Lord of Lisolon engraved on the skull mask’s forehead. Along with their traditional masks the seductors also wore shimmering, pearlescent robes that shifted between blue and green as they moved, making the low light of the social house glimmer off of them.
    Stubbing out and stowing his barely touched cigarette he followed the silver-masked priests into the back of the establishment. As he passed through the beaded curtain Isaac felt a creeping apprehension he hadn’t felt since he was a child up to no good. An intense and strong presence was here, one which he couldn’t ignore, but also couldn’t identify. The warm, moist air didn’t fade away as he left the social house behind, but rather it increased in humidity and warmth. So too did the scent of smoky incense increase, blocking out anything but the faint smell of sweat.
    The chamber the devilkin was brought to was much like the social house that was the front end of this Infernal temple, but unlike the Leadwood Social House, this room felt like it was of some significance, like everything within it was amplified somehow. The pond surrounding the circular center of the room was far more magnificent than the ones Isaac had seen in the front. The plants and fish in the steamy mineral water must have been of Hellish stock, as he had never seen anything so otherworldly in any of the waters of the Ashlands.
    He was led to the central platform of the temple. A number of concentric ring-shaped paths radiated out from the platform, each with a small, flat bridge that brought it to the middle of the room. Each of the paths were veiled by a sheet of thin, silken fabric that hung from the vaulted ceiling of the temple. Each sheet was of a pastel shade of blue or green, and all together they formed a great, upside-down flower that covered the middle platform of the temple, and smothered all noise within its petals.
    The temptors led Isaac through the paths towards the depths of the temple, and the paranoid feeling within Isaac only grew. He wanted to look over his shoulder constantly, but he didn’t want to seem like a twitchy wreck before the Infernalites, getting turned down now was the last thing he needed.
    At the center of the silk walls the deepest chamber was more lavish than Isaac could have imagined. The intricate tiles were decorated with gold trim, the most ornate incense burner he had ever seen was smoldering with an unknown powder, and the raised dais at the far end of the silk-shrouded chamber was graven with intricate designs that he could barely make out the details on. The large dais was, itself, covered by a thin sheet that was almost see-through. Just through it Isaac swore that he could see something enormous, and inhuman writhing. He no longer felt the paranoia, rather he felt intently scrutinized by whatever was upon the covered dais, as though it were sizing up his very soul. He tried not to stare back.
    The temptors flanking Isaac fell back as their seductor approached, emerging from the shrouded dais. She was dressed similarly to her subordinates, but for the elaborate golden trim around her iridescent robes, and the golden mask of much higher quality. The seductor adjusted her robes and mask before properly addressing the new supplicant.
    “I am Seductor Tethia, servant of Hutaeos the Lovely Tide of Lisolon. I had heard that you were hoping to secure a great pact with my master.”
    The seductor spoke well, though she couldn’t entirely hide her breathy Northern Santa Free accent. Isaac just nodded. He wanted the power of the demon, and any care that he had for formalities had died with Nina.
    The seductor led Isaac before the great dais, and forced him to kneel with a gentle, but forceful, shove downwards and a hissed instruction. Isaac focused his thoughts on what he wanted, and images of the final moments of his wife’s life raced through his mind. The Triage helicopter touching down. The broken down door. The cartel goon he’d shredded with his machine pistol. The wrecked apartment with Nina huddled in a corner, barely able to do more than cry and shiver. Her passing away in his arms as he rushed back to the Triage helicopter.
    A single word crystallized in his mind. The otherworldly creature behind the curtain was observing him even more intensely now. Vengeance.
    “O demon. I want the power to murder those who have wronged me.”
    A slow, wry chuckle came from behind the curtain. Isaac resisted the urge to react to the mockery, but his frustration became evident as his body demonized. He gripped his thighs as golden scales on the back of his hands climbed up his knuckles and turned his fingers into talons which pierced his own flesh.
    “Now now, childe of Xhantheo,” came the lilting, honey sweet voice of the demon. “I am simply overwhelmed with sympathy by the earnesty of your plea. I think we can make an arrangement. I will, of course, need some payment for this rendering of services…”
    “My body. Take what you want. I just need to kill.”
    “Hmmm, well widowers aren’t really my thing, but I did say I would help,” said the demon reluctantly. There was a noise of slithering fabric as the demon leaned out of its enclosure to whisper into the ear of his seductor. Hutaeos was still covered by the fabric of his dais, but as Isaac glanced upon the demon he immediately came to wish he hadn’t. He choked down the dry heave that rose in his throat as he beheld the union of serpents that the demon was. It was made of hands, snakes, teeth, and other “parts” in a messy jumble that made the veteran Triage M.E.R.C. want to wretch. The demon eventually slid back into its enclosure, thankfully.
    “Now then. I think that should be amenable, but I would have you do one small favor for me. I need to tie up a loose end, and you need to demonstrate some loyalty to me. Plus, I would like to have you know just what I am gifting you, Mister Muramur.”
    Isaac didn’t recall giving the demon his last name, but with all of the talking to temptors and other Infernalites he had done before he couldn’t truly recall if he’d told any of its associates.
    “Fine,” he said, tersely.
    The chamber suddenly became quite busy, as a trio of silver-masked temptors brought in a disheveled looking human man to the center of the chamber. He was weakly trying to resist the three’s clutches on his stained suit, but upon realizing who and what he was before he stopped.
    “Ah, Lord Hutaeos, what a pleasure!” said the captive man nervously. He was sweating profusely, looking nervously between Isaac, Seductor Tethia, and the veiled figure of the demon.
    “The pleasure is all mine,” responded the Lisolonian cooly, his malice evident even through the silken screen. “But really all that I feel when I look upon you is displeasure. I wouldn’t think that one of my own servants would turn my gifts upon his brethren, but here we are.”
    The suited man was brought before the dais, a few strides in front of Isaac, who eyed him down dispassionately. The man was past pleading verbally, and just looked at the blonde devilkin man with wide, hopeful eyes. Isaac didn’t care what this man had done. He just wanted his pact, and to get out of the temple.
    The suited man gasped and suddenly became transfixed with terror, as Isaac heard the soft sound of sliding fabric once more behind him. Before he could turn to look Isaac felt a hand, far larger than his own, come to rest on his shoulder.
    “Now then,” came the soft voice in his ear, “let me show you this power you sought.”
    A number of other hands emerged from behind Isaac, pulling his right arm out before him. The hands seemed almost like they were somewhere between a dextrous limb and the fanged head of a serpent, with each one snaking around his arm to guide him and hold him in place. The scaly arms guided his hand to form a fist, save for his index finger, leaving his hand as though he were pointing accusingly at the terror-struck man before him with a finger gun.
    “Good. Now, think it, and kill him.”
    Isaac would have frozen up if he weren’t so restrained by the demon’s limbs. His thoughts raced. What the Hell was this initiation? Who was this man? Did he even deserve to die? But among it all a single, clear command rose to prominence.
    The frozen man at the end of his finger exploded. More accurately, a large portion of him violently ceased to exist. The torso of the pathetic man was instantly ripped apart by otherworldly force, as though a pack of wolves had grabbed his arms and head, and torn everything in between asunder. A shotgun of blood and organ meat splattered the tiles opposite of Isaac as charred pieces of bones skidded across the ornate tiles of the temple. The dead man’s head rolled back a few meters, coming to rest in the bloody spray, while at least one of his arms fell into the pond beside the central platform. The kneeling pair of legs attached to a mauled hip bone fell forward, a small bundle of intestines and other, unidentifiable meat and bone spilling out of it, as though in a final bow of subservience to the demon.
    Isaac watched the spectacle without flinching, his eyes wide. This power was alarming, alarming enough to shake him out of the haze he had been in since Nina’s death. 
    “Quite useful, isn’t it?” came the breathy whisper of Hutaeos in his ear once more. 
    “Yes, I think this is exactly what I want,” responded Isaac, turning to face the demon. He was met by the silhouette behind the curtain once more.
    “Excellent. Then as collateral I think I will be taking that other arm of yours.”
    Isaac felt suddenly lighter. The left sleeve of his jacket fluttered down slowly, now empty. The gold ring that had been on his left hand clinked as it hit the temple’s floor. He felt imbalanced, and when he moved his left arm it didn’t respond. It was gone. Isaac didn’t know what to say, but the feeling of loss covered him once more like an old, familiar blanket.
    “So try not to die out there,” said the spawn of Qilnosyne in an almost mocking tone. “It would be a shame if you did pass away, it’d mean that your soul would default to my ownership, after all.”
    Isaac nodded again. He knew that dealing with demons was a gamble, with his soul as the ultimate wager. If things went how he was planning, though, it wouldn’t matter much. His thoughts turned to using this newfound power on the cartel in the Valmina Sector. If every single one of them ended up as little more than scattered piles of meat he would be very satisfied, even if he did die in that fight.
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erikacousland · 2 months
Hunting Knife - 16th/17thC | Heritage Blades
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A replica of a hunting knife on display in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, dated 1550-1600s. 
A replica of a hunting knife on display in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, dated 1550-1600s.  The blade is traditionally hand forged with a pattern welded damascus core, wrought iron spine and high carbon steel edge. The handle is african leadwood, fixed with steel rivets with bronze applique decoration. This particular example has a ring nagel, a small hand guard and a decorated blade catcher.  Althought the original is not found with a sheath, I have made one to fit the knife based on extant finds from other hunting sets. The sheath has a decorated, handstitched leather core with German silver fittings all around, hand engraved with desings typically found from other hunting knife sheaths. Vital Statistics Blade: damasucs steel core, wrought iron spine, carbon steel edge Handle: afican leadwood scales, steel rivets decorated with bronze applique Sheath: hand stitched leather core with German silve fittings Knife Overall length: 290mm Blade Length: 190mm Max Blade Width: 28mm Weight Overall: 380g Knife: 227g
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buyela-e-africa · 2 years
Lilac Breasted Roller (Coracias caudata)
A beautifully coloured bird, with a green head, lilac throat and breast, a blue belly and even brighter blue wing feathers, unlike most species of birds both sexes have the same colouration.
Rollers get their name from their impressive courtship flight, but the Afrikaans name "Gewone Troupant" meaning wedding ring has a unique story behind it.. we have not come across any documentation to back up the story but it's a good story none the less.
The story is about young men who wanted to get married, these men would gather the sticky gum from the Leadwood tree (Combretum imberbe), they would then roll this gum into a ball and place it where Lilac Breasted Rollers would normally purch, on a high branch in a dead tree, when the Rollers come to sit on the branch the gum ball would trap the bird - the man would then catch the bird and remove a single blue feather 🪶, he would then offer this feather to the bride to be, rapping it around her finger which in turn would stain her finger blue.
In African culture this bird is known as the bird of peace and reconciliation, the beautiful "bird of the sun" - often sacrificed by Kings who were making peace.
One of the Rollers would be caught and its neck then cut with a battle spear - purifying the spear of evil - by the blood of the "bird of the sun". The spear would then be broken by the two Kings, buried in a hole with the bird buried ontop of the spear - and thus peace was made.
We @ Buyela-e-Africa absolutely love the stories of the Bushveld, comment here if you know of any other Bushveld stories.
#lilacbreastedroller #troupant #birdofthesun #bushveld #stories #nature #bird #birding #underafricanskies #buyelaeafrica #returntoafrica #goodread #naturephotography #natureenthusiast #safari #safarilife #guides
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leawoodplumbing · 2 years
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princeelfati · 2 years
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Official Prince El Fati and his tropical almond🍋, his fruit for the day.
Terminalia catappa is a large tropical tree in the leadwood tree family, Combretaceae, native to Asia, Australia, the Pacific, Africa and Seychelles. Common names in English include country almond, Indian almond, Malabar almond, sea almond, tropical almond, beach almond and false kamani.
Tropical almonds are popularly called "fruit" in Nigeria, West Africa; it contains certain minerals which are very important to human health because they serve as cofactors for many metabolic processes in the body.
These fruits contain several minerals and vitamins that perform essential functions and add nutritional values that contribute positively to healthy living. Like and share our page for more……
What is Tropical Almond ?Answered by Prince El Fati
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what-david-sees · 6 years
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This hand-carved leadwood buffalo statue was sent to me by a dear friend in South Africa. The piece now animates my fireplace mantel as it motions me to return to the place of its origin.  
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vicariousplacebo · 5 years
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Tree Cutter at Work by IrcaCaplikas_JackyKobelt Source: http://bit.ly/2XMMCBQ
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xhosabits · 4 years
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Destination: Khwai Leadwood Camp, Botswana
“Southern Africa boasts a variety of exquisite camping sites for the bourgeois traveller, Khwai Leadwood in Botswana is a site for sore feet and eyes looking for nature at heart.”
Once the dust settles and travel bans are lifted, visiting nature is probably your best bet at actually finding yourself before you venture into the big bad world again.
The Khwai Leadwood Luxury camp in Botswana by African Bush Camps is an ideal spot to detox from the anxieties of this pandemic and connect with nature. Sustainably developed, it hosts subtle luxuries to make your bush experience as pristine and prestigious as possible.
Consider it an opportunity to escape, rekindle and find new meaning to all of this by seeing what nature can do all by itself when undisturbed. Expect modern facilities and amenities with idyllic wildlife viewing and immersive activities for adventure seekers with the owner, Beks Ndlovu.
Find out more and make your reservations by visiting www.africanbushcamps.com and @africanbushcamps on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Original post here: https://renaissancemensa.com/feast/destination-khwai-leadwood-camp-botswana
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delux2222 · 2 years
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Hardkoolbome – Bosveld (Leadwood Trees, Bushveld)
Jacobus Hendrik Pierneef, 1945
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buyela-e-africa · 3 years
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Lilac Breasted Roller (Coracias caudata)
A beautifully coloured bird, with a green head, lilac throat and breast, a blue belly and even brighter blue wing feathers, unlike most species of birds both sexes have the same colouration.
Rollers get their name from their impressive courtship flight, but the Afrikaans name "Gewone Troupant" meaning wedding ring has a unique story behind it.. we have not come across any documentation to back up the story but it's a good story none the less.
The story is about young men who wanted to get married, these men would gather the sticky gum from the Leadwood tree (Combretum imberbe), they would then roll this gum into a ball and place it where Lilac Breasted Rollers would normally purch, on a high branch in a dead tree, when the Rollers come to sit on the branch the gum ball would trap the bird - the man would then catch the bird and remove a single blue feather 🪶, he would then offer this feather to the bride to be, rapping it around her finger which in turn would stain her finger blue.
In African culture this bird is known as the bird of peace and reconciliation, the beautiful "bird of the sun" - often sacrificed by Kings who were making peace.
One of the Rollers would be caught and its neck then cut with a battle spear - purifying the spear of evil - by the blood of the "bird of the sun". The spear would then be broken by the tow Kings, buried in a hole with the bird buried ontop of the spear - and thus peace was made.
We @ Buyela-e-Africa absolutely love the stories of the Bushveld, comment here if you know of any other Bushveld stories.
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0witchy-bitch3 · 3 years
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Terminalia catappa (欖仁樹) also known as the Indian almond, found in the family Combretaceae, is a deciduous tree sutable to beachside planting. Found on Repulse Bay in Hong Kong its a slow growing plant that requires full sun. A large tropical tree in the leadwood tree family, Combretaceae is native to Asia, Australia, the Pacific and Madagascar.
The tree grows up to 35 m (115 ft) tall, with an upright, symmetrical crown and horizontal branches. Terminalia catappa has corky, light fruit that are dispersed by water. The seed within the fruit is edible when fully ripe, tasting almost like almond. As the tree gets older, its crown becomes more flattened to form a spreading, vase shape. Its branches are distinctively arranged in tiers.
As mentioned above the trees are are dry-season deciduous. Before the leaves fall they turn pinkish-reddish or yellow-brown, due to pigments such as violaxanthin, lutein, and zeaxanthin. The trees are monoecious (having both the male and female reproductive organs in the same individual) with distinct male and female flowers on the same tree. Both are 1 cm in diameter, white to greenish, inconspicuous with no petals. The fruits are produced on axillary or terminal spikes. The fruit is a drupe 5–7 cm long and 3–5.5 cm broad, green at first, then yellow and finally red when ripe, containing a single seed.
The leaves contain several flavonoids (such as kaempferol or quercetin), several tannins (such as punicalin, punicalagin or tercatin), saponines and phytosterols. Due to this chemical richness, the leaves (and the bark) are used in different herbal medicines for various purposes. For instance in Taiwan, fallen leaves are used as an herb to treat liver diseases.
In Suriname, an herbal tea made from the leaves has been prescribed against dysentery and diarrhea. The leaves may contain agents for prevention of cancers (although they have no demonstrated anticarcinogenic properties) and antioxidants, as well as anticlastogenic characteristics. Extracts of T. catappa have shown activity against Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine (CQ)-resistant (FcB1) and CQ-sensitive (HB3) strains.
These photos were taken in rain during a stormy beach day 🌊
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leawoodplumbing · 2 years
Are you confused in hiring of plumbing services- Here is the answer.
When it comes to plumbing repair, you want to make sure you're getting the best service possible. Hiring a local plumber in Leadwood, KS can be a great decision, as they can offer personalized service, quality workmanship, and they understand the local plumbing regulations. Read on to learn more about the benefits of hiring a local plumber in Leawood, KS.
Advantages of Hiring a Local Plumber in Leawood, KS
If you're looking for reliable plumbing services in Leawood, KS then hiring a local plumber is your best bet. Not only can they provide comprehensive water heater repair in Leawood, KS but with them being local you don't have to worry about long distances when it comes to emergency repairs - time is of the essence after all.
If you're in Leawood, KS and looking for plumbing services, you should look no further than your local plumber. A local plumber will be intimately familiar with the local codes and regulations, so you can rest assured that your plumbing will be up to standard. That way, you won't have to worry about it for years down the line.
Besides the personalized service of a local plumber, families often choose to hire a local plumbing service when they need water heater replacement in Leawood Ks. This is because they are aware that the experts in their community will be better equipped to handle the specific nuances of their situation and provide them with the best quality workmanship available.
The Benefits of Choosing a Leawood Plumbing Company
If you are looking for a water heater repair in Leawood KS, it's important to find an experienced and reliable plumber. Luckily, the local area has experienced professionals ready to help - they understand the unique challenges that come with plumbing in Kansas and have been providing services in this area for years. You can be sure that they'll get your job done right!
If you're in the Leawood KS area and in need of plumbing services, look no further. Choosing a local plumbing company means you'll get personalized service tailored to your specific needs, like water heater repair installation, repair and replacement. You can rest assured knowing the plumbing pro is familiar with the area, so they'll be able to offer friendly advice and quick solutions that meet your expectations.
Additionally, when it comes to plumbing services in Leawood KS, there are reliable local plumbers available 24/7 to provide the quality service that you need. They have the expertise and experience necessary to ensure all of your plumbing needs are handled quickly and efficiently. From basic repairs and maintenance to full remodeling jobs, you can rely on a trusted local plumber to get the job done right.
There are numerous local numerous licensed local plumbers in Leawood Ks you can find them over as well. Superior Plumbing is one of such plumbing service provider in Leawood KS . It is an authorized plumber that offer complete plumbing services including sump repair in Leawood KS.
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