#Leader Ceremony
celestralferret · 11 months
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✨Guided by the stars✨
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hamstyandfriends · 11 months
When you start drawing SquirrelStar's ceremony at the Moonstone...
Just to realize that there's NO MOONSTONE ANYMORE
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Was it even JayFeather who guided her there lmao
The curse of only reading the first series
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Prologue part 9
Yeah, its finally the end of it.
First || Read the prologue?
Click here to progress the story.
Click here to get explanations of some stuff.
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lotusfurliveson · 1 year
The start of a new Clan
Starting a new clan for this because I can. Let’s roll. Named Lotus Clan in honor of Lotusfur [Screen shots from ClanGen]
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[Some taken directly from the game] Newtflake leaves to speak with StarClan. He closes their eyes and are immediately surrounded by their loved ones, friends, and Clanmates who have passed. Stars shine throughout their pelts, and their eyes are warm as they greet the new leader. A queen steps forward with a smile and softly presses her nose in between Newtflake’s ears. “I’m Kestreltooth.” She speaks softly with her muzzle pressed against him. “I give you a life for pride.” Newtflake purrs with a twitch of his tail. He had been scolded more than once for his pride. It wasn’t always warranted after all. A large tom with scars covering his body and a firm gaze walks forward dwarfing the smaller tom when Kestreltooth walks away. Newtflake swallows and lifts his chin stubbornly refusing to back down. “I’m Cypresstrail. I was a warrior for Lotus Clan many years before you were born.” He purrs with a small smile leaning forward to press against the other tom. “And I give you a life for bravery. Even when afraid, stay strong.” A small kit darts forward and Newtflake has to swallow past the lump in his throat. He recognizes him as one of the kits he was unable to save when the tide swelled up and broke through their wall. Antlerkit was a moon shy of becoming an apprentice. Standing on his hind legs Antlerkit licks softly against Newtstar’s cheek. “A life for forgiveness. Forgive yourself as often as you forgive the others.” Newtflake startles when he was too busy watching Antlerkit dart back among the other cats and another queen steps forward and butts her head against his shoulder. “I am Tuftfur.” She smiles before pressing their foreheads together. “A life for endurance.” “I’m Rookpaw.” An apprentice introduces himself. “I could have been your mentor. Find happiness and don’t let it go.” Newtflake bowed his head in thanks as the small tom walks away. He lifts his gaze and smiles as an elderly queen limps towards him with a warm gaze. “Hello, Lilyfur.” “Hello little terror.” The two cats butt their heads together. “Your integrity is one of the best things you ever had.” A small queen with eyes that seem too soft for a warrior despite the obvious scars of one. “I’m Burdockflake, have mercy whenever you can.” She doesn’t linger before walking away and making way for the next cat.  Newtflake has to tip his head slightly to stare up at the slim cat that smells of catmint and herbs. Their head is held high and there is a kindness in their eyes he only ever saw in medicine cats.  “I’m Flintshadow.” As they bend down Newtflake has to resist bowing in return. “As leader everything you do is for your clan, I gift you the life of selflessness.” Newtflakes inhales the scent deeply and turns to the final cat that approaches him. “Your last life from me,”Hollowstar is one of the oldest leaders in Starclan, letting the whispers from others introduce him. “And while you already have a life for endurance, you will need one for endurance in the face of hardship. No matter how rough it may be, remember it will get better if you keep going.” Newtflake puffs up with pride as all of Star Clan begins to chant his new name, Newtstar. His old life is over, he now has guardianship of Lotus Clan. He is warned to use his new power wisely. 
Opening his eyes Newtstar looks up at where Frostripe sits waiting for him.  “Shall we return to our clan?” The older medicine cat asks with a tip of her head. He feels the power pulsing through him as he stands to his full height. Smaller than the other cat he nods his head. “Yes.”
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pikaclan · 3 months
Spikestar's Leadership Ceremony
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Starclan allows Cinderstar to give Spikestar their last life and at the end, Spikestar watches as Cinderstar falls through the clouds into the Dark Forest right before waking up
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simplyventi · 9 months
Meet Hollyclan’s newest leader Auburnstar~
Boragemask kept looking for signs on who will lead Hollyclan. She was the temporary leader until she could find some cat to be leader and then find the deputy. Boragemask kept getting dreams of Hollyberries being surrounded by auburn colored leaves and she had a hunch that the signs were pointing to Auburn but she didn’t think Starclan would accept a former kittypet to be their leader.
It wasn’t until she saw how much Auburn had changed from when they first met and how she was already taking on most of the leadership duties since Boragemask had to focus on her medicine cat duties.
Since they don’t have a place to speak to Starclan yet Boragemask decided to take a leap of faith and tell Auburn that she was to lead and that now they should try to find a place to speak to Starclan so they can see if she’ll receive her nine lives.
They searched hard and was finally lead to a waterfall where they found a cave behind the water. Boragemask then believes they should drench themselves in the water before walking inside. In there would be strange illuminating mushrooms and small crystals and an opening in the ceiling where the moon shines down on a giant crystal. There they would meet their ancestors and Boragemask cries at seeing her former clanmates who had died, they tell her she did well and done the right thing before giving Auburn her nine lives.
Below the picture is Auburnstar’s nine lives ceremony. In Clangen I didn’t have a lot of cats in Starclan so there were two less cats so I added Nightshade and Bugsy to fill in those two spots. Which Nightshade is the cat who taught Auburnstar how to hunt and fight and he was the one who lived in the barn. Bugsy was Auburnstar’s foster mother. Auburn had been taken from her real mother when she got adopted by her former twolegs and Bugsy was their old cat that lived there already and she took her in and treated her like her own.
I also changed Auburnstar’s design in piccrew bc 1 I couldn’t really get it to look like the old picture since I added the star but I do like this one better than the old pic c:
This might be something I decide to write on Tumblr. I might make another blog solely for this story though I don’t have much of a story to this yet so we’ll see.
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Auburn and Boragemask closes their eyes as they lay next to the magnificent and illuminating crystal in the center of the cave. The moonlight shining down on the crystal making it grow a silver color.
The two cats find themselves in a meadow and Boragemask knows. It may be a different place than before seeing as when in Havenclan and she went to see Starclan it was in a misty forest but still she finds herself at home here.
Lightning bugs flutter around the two she-cats the medicine cat see Auburn is in complete awe of the sight. The long furred masked silver tabby couldn’t help but notice how beautiful the speckled dark ginger and white she-cat looks with the lightning bugs surrounding her. She blushes at the thought but is interrupted when she feels they are surrounded by her former clanmates who have passed on and she couldn’t help but feel tears form.
Star shines throughout their pelts and their eyes are warm as they greet them.
Auburn startles abit when she sees them but Boragemask lifts her tail and places it on her shoulders reassuring her that they are friends.
One starry form steps forward, a cat that Boragemask has never met before but there was something to this elder that held a noble aura around him.
“ My name is Havenstar, and I was the founding leader of Havenclan. You have done well to keep Havenclan’s name alive and I shall watch over you all as your Starclan Guide.” The cat dipped his head towards them before lifting it looking at Auburn, “ I think you are a perfect candidate to be leader.” He purred as he strides forward, an energy in their step, “ I give you the life for empathy, use it to better understand your clanmates’ and understand others as well.” He said and Auburn’s body seized forward but she stopped herself from falling. Her tail twitched and Boragemask wanted to reassure her but she knew she could not intervene.
She remembered Sunstar’s leader ceremony and the Sunstar nearly fainted by his 3rd life he received. She realizes now that maybe it was a sign he wasn’t meant to be leader but she shook her head erasing the thought from her mind.
She didn’t realize that Havenstar had stepped back joining the ranks of Starclan warriors before another cat stepped forward. Icequiver stepped forward dipping her head towards them. The she-cat was Sunstar’s mother and she had been mostly supportive of her son’s leadership when everyone else had their doubts.
The she-cat eyes Auburn and circled her as if checking her out but she nodded, “ I hope you will be a wonderful leader. Do good for Hollyclan.” She said before she pressed her muzzle to Auburn, “ With this life I give you the life for Loyalty.” She said, “ Use it to make Hollyclan a better home.”
Icequiver gave Boragemask a nod and then joined the ranks. The next cat to step forward was Violetpelt and Boragemask was then reminded of the last time she saw her. When she asked Boragemask to take Brightpaw and Frostkit with her to be safe.
She gave a warning smile and dipped her head to Boragemask, “ Thank you for taking my kits. They have grown up well and become wonderful cats. I’m watching over them everyday. Please tell them that for me.”
“ I will.” Boragemask whispered unable to speak louder.
“ I give you the life of Compassion. Use it not just for your clanmates but for others as well. Be kind and help any cat in need. Life is precious.” She said pressing her muzzle on Auburn, who seemed to not be in pain for this life.
Alderfeather was next and again Boragemask as reminded of how he asked her to take Gentlekit away; now his daughter was a full warrior, even though she acted childish at times but she was just like him.
“ Thank you for taking Gentlekit or Gentlespot.” He thanked, “ She takes after her old man.” He laughed, “ With this life I give you the life of Protection. Use it to make sure your clan is taken care of and protect them at all costs. The world can be cruel but they have you to protect them.”
Boragemask smiled as he joined the ranks and she froze when she saw Timberheart step forward. Her younger sister looked like she was happy and she couldn’t help but walk towards her and hug her, “ I missed you!” She cried out as Timberheart purred wrapping her tail around her.
“ I miss you too but I’m always with you.” She said as she gave Boragemask’s cheek a reassuring lick, “ You chose well in both a mate and leader.” She winked as the medicine cat pulled back, “ I give you the life of Acceptance. Sometimes things don’t work out the way you want and sometimes lives will be lost but it’s apart of the cycle and you have to accept and continue on.” Timberheart said as she was also looking at Boragemask, hoping her words reached her as well so the medicine cat can move on, “ We’re happy here and we will be watching over you and Hollyclan from now on.” She said before turning and joining the others.
“ How much longer…?” Auburn asked as Greenbillow stepped forward dipping their head in greeting.
He had been the youngest when he died and Boragemask remembered he had been so nervous and insecure but here he seemed confident and she was happy.
He pressed his head to Auburn, “ With this life I give you Happiness. Use this to share to your clanmates even in the harshest times. Everyone needs a little happiness in their life.” He said.
Next was a cat that Boragemask didn’t know but Auburn seemed to. She purred and bounded up to him and pressed her muzzle to his, “ This is the cat who taught me what I know, Nightshade.~” Auburn introduced, “ You’re here I can’t believe it.”
“ I was a clan cat and even though I had my differences with my old clan I’m still a clan cat and Starclan was always gonna be my home when it was my time.” Nightshade said, “ I’m here now to give you a life.” He purred, “ With this life I give you Open-Mindedness. With this life use it to open your mind to other possibilities and opportunities. Think of other ways to settle problems and dealing with them. It’s not always about fighting.” He explained.
Another cat stepped forward and Auburn knew her as well. She was a ginger she-cat with a flat face, “ Bugsy.~” Auburn purred happily.
“ My sweet Auburn.~” Boragemask then remembered that Auburn had told her about this cat before. This was the cat who was like a mother to her when she was first adopted by her former twolegs, “ With this life I give you Tireless Energy. Use it to take care of your clanmates and I know how much energy you already have.” She chuckled as Auburn grinned.
Bugsy turned and left and then it was the final cat. Sunstar stepped forward. Confidence in his step and Boragemask only wished he was this confident in life. He dipped his head to the two cats. Pride in his gaze as they stare into Auburn’s eyes, “ With this life I give you Confidence. Be confident in your actions and don’t ever doubt yourself.” He said before turning towards Boragemask, “ I’m sorry I wasn’t the leader you or Havenclan wanted.” He apologized, “ I understand I wasn’t the right decision and I’m ok with knowing that.” He told her.
“ I’m sorry I didn’t support you better.” Boragemask apologized, “ I should’ve…maybe things would’ve been different.”
He shook his head, “ No, this was the way it was supposed to be. We may have lost our lives but we do not regret anything. It was Havenclan’s time to end and now Hollyclan is born in its place.” He smiled before turning towards the group of Starclan cats, “ Use these lives well in leading Hollyclan to a better future. Use them with our blessing.” He cheered as the Starclan cats cheered as he faced Auburn, “ Auburn you are now Auburnstar, your old life is no more. You are now the leader of Hollyclan and use your lives wisely!”
“ Auburnstar! Auburnstar! Auburnstar!” The Starclan cats yowled in support of the new leader. Boragemask joining in as she pressed herself into her mate’s side so proud of her. Auburnstar purring happily as she felt a new strength within her body and Boragemask knows she is ready to lead the clan well.
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wreckclan · 11 months
Stormstar's Ceremony / Background
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The first thing that Stormchaser does when he approaches the Moonfalls is wait.
He doesn’t immediately notice the way the stars mute themselves and hang limply in the dark. Nor does he notice the quieter rush of the falls, as if they are trying to whisper to the moon as best they can, asking why him, why him? Paws that pound from beneath, however, are louder in his ears.
WreckClan’s been through so, so much (and Stormchaser wonders if the first thing he should do as leader is change the name). Cats have died over the last leafbare, and even more left when they learned who was chosen to lead.
The bastard kittypet son of Patchskip. The kitten who had always torn up his own nest in his sleep and always refused to give any reason why. The one who had led his Clanmates into disastrous battles in their last war with PeatClan, and now has still somehow been chosen as leader. And if the stars had their way, things would be different.
Still, when only one cat comes down to greet him and give him a life, Stormchaser–Stormstar gladly accepts his destiny. This is it now, and if anyone else wants to leave then they can go shove their noses into a shark’s mouth over it. He’ll be a good leader, a great one even, and he’ll prove all those who doubted him wrong.
Even if he had to turn toward the dark to do it.
“For now,” Newtpaw says, pressing his nose to Stormstar’s forehead, “take this gift, to help you see the dawn behind the darkness.”
The rest couldn’t even be bothered to show themselves.
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anonymous-ampersand · 3 months
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Isn't this what you wantеd? Time sure feels like it's running out Just finish what you startеd Queen of nothing Wearing such a heavy crown
PLEASE listen to Queen of Nothing by The Crane Wives !
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fallenclan · 4 months
Do you have a masterpost of all the leader ceremonies :o ? I wanted to read through them again bcs brainrot and am struggling to find them all xd
here you go! I hope you meant for the text and stuff lmao
Ravenstar's ceremony
Cherrystar's ceremony
Maplestar's ceremony
couldn't find Goldenstar's unfortunately :( I think its the hellsite being fucked up and evil again. as for Scorchstar, since she was the first leader, her ceremony was all unnamed cats with no specific lives
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bonefall · 11 months
BB Brief: The 9 Lives System
Quickie thing to answer asks with. How does the 9 Lives system work in BB?
At its simplest, when the previous leader dies, the deputy makes a pilgrimage to the Moonplace (Stone or Pool) and receives 9 entire lives from Starclan. Yes, NINE. The 10th, the one you started with, remains in the afterlife.
This is called your "Pulsar," a concept somewhat like a "soul." The difference is that only cats in the Clan Afterlife System get Pulsars, where all cats have souls. A leader's 9 deaths will slowly fill in that very faint pulsar, until their final death combines them with it.
Most Clan cats simply die and their soul immediately becomes a full, solid pulsar upon reaching the Afterlife. But this is about Leaders.
Until the MODERN ERA (BB!TBC, the "current day" in BB) the previous leader HAD to be dead before the deputy could receive a life.
Pinestar and Brokenstar were not dead, ergo, Sunstar and Nightstar could not receive their lives.
No lives until the previous leader is dead and their pulsar is filled. ALIVE? NO LIVES!
The Clan cats are currently, as we speak, inventing a ritual to strip an ousted leader of their lives without killing them. "Alive? No Lives!" was a rigid rule for most of Clan history, but will soon have an exception if the ritual is performed.
Lives can be for any reason the Patron sees fit, but most of them are wishes or advice on how they hope the new leader rules.
LIVES COME FROM CATS YOU HAVE A CONNECTION TO. You will never receive a life from a spirit you do not recognize, or are unfamiliar with. (Elder Bones doesn't do pointless fanservicey cameos in this house)
Only 9 and no more. No, you cannot "replenish" lives or get extras.
You do not get a 9-life guaruntee. It's uncommon, but if you don't have enough cats who want to see you rule for a long time, you won't get all 9. Because of this, leaders are encouraged to keep the details of their ceremony secret.
StarClan may also choose to "delay" lives. Blackstar was only given one life freely, the rest he earned over many years of repeated pilgrimages and trials as penance for his role in TigerClan.
It was unprecedented for Tigerstar to be outright and utterly rejected by StarClan when he went to receive his own. Instead, he went to the Dark Forest to recieve lives, both from demons and rebellious angels. And a surprise.
You can receive a mix of Dark Forest and StarClan lives, but StarClan will almost certainly damn you for taking forbidden lives.
There are extreme situations where there may not be enough ancestors to give the full set-- Spiderstar of SkyClan only received 3 due to a terrible rat problem.
Cats outside of the Clan cat afterlife cannot bestow lives, as they only have a normal soul, not a pulsar.
A leader's pulsar can be sent to the Dark Forest while they're still alive. This results in nightmares and dreams of the Place of no Stars.
StarClan's power is directly tied to its collective emotion. It's known best for its devastating fury with lightning-strike smites and covering the moon with clouds, but they can also perform acts of great love or sorrow.
One example of that was the resurrection of tigerHeartstar, after seeing her father announce to the heavens that his daughter is his deputy before plunging into the Moonpool with her body. As his lives drowned away, sinking further and further, StarClan was so inspired that it restarted the dead deputy's heart, using Rowanstar's last life to do so.
The flip side to this is that it is very possible for a life donor to give you a curse instead of a gift... though, it's almost unheard of, and most certainly only something that comes from the Dark Forest...
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duohensheng · 4 months
struck once again by jgy’s frankly arresting eyes/face/outfit combo
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(I am experiencing the duality of man. and, yes, he is beautiful in both hey and slay)
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bitterclan · 1 year
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big day for pathetic guy enjoyers
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yuridovewing · 5 months
as neat as i think froststar would be, i fear that nothing in canon will ever top "the unknown leader" fancomic in answering the question "what if an abused apprentice suddenly became responsible for an entire clan without processing that trauma and what would the realistic repercussions of that look like
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th3e-m4ng0 · 2 years
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an old, retired warrior
#transformers#art#optimus prime#au#optimus but what if he was old. angry at everyone and everything and lurked in the shadows#and if he also wore a cool (but dirty) cloth to hide his identity#what if ppl thought he died. so they mourn his passing in a ceremony. which he walked into to see whats up and then looks at his face in a#BIG HOLOGRAM and he's just standing there like “huh rip that guy i guess. never liked him” and left#not wanting to hear what megatron would say about him#(megs would be cybertron's leader !!!)#but megs would walk up and say to the public. genuinely teary eyed. how much his passing impacted him and how much he misses his old foe#and everyone would whisper old stories about optimus. remembering how nice he was and how skilled he was in the battlefield#why did he leave. you wonder. i dont know i made this up on the spot#maybe someone told him very mean (horrible) things about how his leadership style was going to doom cybertron or how he was surely going to#end up manipulating megatron and/or going to kill him and all the decepticons#maybe that someone was megatron and he said that stuff out of anger and didnt FULLY mean that#so he was like “ok then”. packed hastily and left without ppl knowing. so whoever entered his room after many days of “sulking” found it#all trashed and assumed the worst#and what does he do... save mechs from crimes like batman. but only when he's around and that's when he's low on energon and needs to get#more (not very frecuently). he's like a cryptid#other than that? build stuff idk. i like to imagine he's an engineer#he lives far. far away from society like the emo old man he is. perhaps near the sea of rust where he knows ppl wont get close#this wont make any sense i gave it like 5 minutes of thought. i just wanted to make an angry optimus design
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the-owl-tree · 11 months
They definitely colorpicked the art. I think one cat is listed as being GREEN.
see twigbranch got listed as green which is fine she is green to me but GREEN DOVEWING??
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like i don't like owen richardson's art for the series (with the understanding that he's probably not being given enough time or leeway to be making the best art he can for all these cats), but the colors are NOT that unrecognizable even with the harsh lighting.
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pikaclan · 4 months
Starlingstar's Leadership Ceremony
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