#Lea rambles
slightlymad · 16 days
wish you were here.mp3 one of the songs of all time. you agree.
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leastrifedraws · 4 months
Radiant Garden Fam headcanons:
- Aeleus was the one who found Ienzo after his parents were killed by Unversed
- Ienzo was closest with Ansem and Even then being his primary caretakers, while he saw Aeleus and Braig as uncles and Dilan too, but Dilan was the most distant of them from Ienzo
- Ansem and Even are in a QPR, Aeleus and Dilan are dating (I do also like Aeleus x Even and might draw them at some point but these are my main ships)
- Braig makes jokes about being the fifth wheel of the group (until Xehanort comes along)
- Braig and Dilan are half-brothers(credit to xiiiwayfinders for that one idk if they got that headcanon from someone else, but I saw it on their blog first)
- Braig (pre-Luxu) became a guard as a late teen after Dilan (already a guard) suggested it when Braig said he didn’t know what to do with his life
- Ienzo has selective mutism (again credit to xiiiwayfinders) and autism
- Ansem and Even tried to find ways for Ienzo to make friends with kids his age, but between loosing his parents and already not being like most kids Ienzo was never able to get along with his peers
- Luxu tends to use vessels of people down on their luck or seeing little to no point in life anymore, Braig was about to cross a point he couldn’t come back from when Luxu stopped him and promised to make all the pain go away
- When Xehanort joined Luxu had never expected Xehanort to be so different from both Terra and the old coot and end up as someone completely new. It made him intrigued to meet this new combination of people he used to know and eventually Luxu found himself in love
- Ienzo was the first to find out about Xehanort’s experiments (not including Braig)
- The reason Xaldin is so bitter about love is because of the distance that grew between him and Lexeaus after loosing their hearts, the two barely talked or did anything together both believing it was what the other wanted which festered resentment between the two that they didn’t resolve until after their hearts were back
- A small part of the reason Vexen agreed to be apart of the real organization was because he was scared to look Ienzo in the eye again after causing him so much hurt
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licorishh · 1 year
Y'all realize that with all this foreshadowing, particularly with the mirror scene in Caribert, ain't no way the other twin isn't gonna be the final boss
I'm not ready to fight my precious boy Aether he deserves better 😭
At this point I'm just praying neither of the twins die and that the Traveler gets to stay in Teyvat because ohh my gosh if they have to leave after all the friends they've made and all the time they've spent there it's gonna be frickin gut-wrenching for everyone involved. Also if they kill off my girl Paimon I'm suing and deleting the game
After everything Paimon said in the Sumeru archon quest, nuh-uh. Nope. Paimon stays. She means too much to the Traveler and the Traveler means too much to her. When I say I SOBBED when Paimon told the Traveler about how scared she'd been for them-
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leandra-carstairs · 2 years
Per your OC get-to-know then post ☺️
Tenebrus Crayor, mostly bald due to the scarring on his head (like his player), is a proud Slytherin. His best friend is Natsai Onsai, who he adores like a sister. Tenebrus is sensitive to human suffering, and was anti-unforgivable curses before the story started. He was a tad put off to Ominis when he met him in the common room, but once he started to adventure with Sebastian, he and Ominis bonded from shared perspectives. At the end, they both agreed to turn in Sebastian, since they couldn't forgive him for his actions. They thought it would be best and safest for everyone (including Seb). However, Ominis and Tenebrus will need to emotionally support each other from now on, since despite their decision being the correct one, it didn't make it any easier. Seb was very dear to them 😭 who just made a series of worse and worse choices. Tenebrus never learned the curses, and he is at least satisfied that he won't have the temptation any more.
Tenebrus..what a powerful name. I love it. That is such a heartbreaking thought. Have a tri of close friends, and two of them have to make a serious decision for their safety. It's not easy to come to that conclusion and it certainly requires a lot of healing and support required to keep on going that way. Bless Tenebrus and his gentle soul, we certainly need more people like him. I can only hope that Ominis and Tenebrus continue to support one another and heal.
(Poor Sebastian..I just want to give him a big hug)
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simonesbiles · 1 month
hi this is @slightlymad's gymnastics/sports sideblog because i'm trying to be at least a little bit organised for once in my life <3
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haunted-xander · 5 months
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Do you think Saix' emotional co-dependence started as a Nobody or did it start as human Isa and just grew to an unhealthy degree?
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parab0mb · 8 months
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The Vermilion Wasteland Experience.
I said I was gonna wait on revisiting Crosscode but I lied! (I have zero impulse control).
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yoroshiu · 1 month
Aqua training Kairi AND Lea arc
Aqua is hilariously extra strict with Lea and they bicker a lot but they end up connecting due to their specific similarity of trying their absolute hardest to keep their friend groups together and failing for a good while. It’s super therapeutic and now as a trio they get to go to Disney worlds and have iconic moments while also helping Kairi cope with her missing friends
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lesbianfakir · 6 months
Not to get personal but I think the reason princess tutu stuck with me for so long after watching it is like. As someone with low self esteem and abandonment issues seeing our hero hate who she is at her core only to make a friend who not only tolerated her “ugly” side but is so so deeply charmed by who she is under the mask that he wants to spend the rest of his life with her no strings attached? That’s the fucking DREAM
It’s the fantasy of having someone who loves you even when you’ve stopped being useful, when you can’t be funny or interesting or any of the traits you try to cultivate to make yourself more palatable to others. It’s the fantasy of having someone see to the core of you and not flinching, instead, coming away more endeared than before.
Princess Tutu is about hope. When Duck, our hero who brings hope to everyone, falls into despair, her best friend is there to bring hope back to her. And I think it says something that hope is the emotion the show leaves me with too. Hope for a better future. Hope that one day, like Duck, I’ll grow out of the ugly duckling phase and be able to embrace my true self.
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beantothemax · 9 months
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hello crosscode tumblr. get jolly
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slightlymad · 8 months
i'd kiss you as the lights went out!!! swaying as the room burned down!!! i'd hold you as the water rushes in!!! IF I COULD DANCE WITH YOU AGAIN!!!!! btw if you even care
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leastrifedraws · 2 months
Thinking about how tragic Axel is
Axel has got to be one of my favorites if not my favorite in kingdom hearts (surprise surprise I stole his name) and out of what I’ve seen people talk about how tragic Saïx and Roxas are and mention Axel when they do that but I feel like Axel doesn’t really get talked about individually typically only side by side with Saïx and Roxas
(Side note. Xion should also be talked about more but this post is about Axel rn and I will potentially talk about Xion in a later post)
Axel lost everything important in his life and the worst part is that for the most part that only happened cause he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. There’s nothing specific about Axel himself that requires him to be in the organization he was simply in proximity to Apprentice Xehanort at the time of the organization’s creation.
Starting with the first things he lost, his heart, his home world, and Isa, this doesn’t get talked about enough either these two lost their home. And they were only teenagers which is at a crucial point in development and loosing their hearts I like to headcanon essentially stopped this. (Again a post for a later time which will include Ienzo). Axel lost all of those crucial growing up years which will definitely affect him down the line and it kind of does. He also lost Isa. Maybe Saïx didn’t jump right on into the organization with clipboard in hand, but from what we can gather he was already trying to get in with Xehanort as he could’ve been their link to X, so I imagine Saïx would close himself off from Axel pretty quickly to prove himself to Xemnas. Leaving Axel alone. As opposed to members 2-6 (who were already close and who continue to be close as we can see in the 358manga and Lexeaus clearly cares about Zexion in CoM) who all still had each other in some sort of way, Axel didn’t have anyone because his only line of support in the organization would have been Saïx, but Saïx turned him away in favor of Xemnas (I know Saïx was doing this for him and Axel and did secretly care, but this is from Axel’s perspective and from his point of view Saïx is just cutting him off)
So for 10+ years not only has Axel lost his heart and his world, and his only line of support and I don’t think without hearts it’s very easy to bond with the others
Any of the others, not just the apprentices. We don’t get any indication Axel is close to anyone up until he meets Roxas and Xion. There’s nothing in any of the games indicating he has, nothing I’ve seen in the mangas (he does hang out in groups, but not often and never one on one with anyone other than Saïx, Roxas, or Xion) and I don’t have any of the other books.
“Why does he bond with Roxas and Xion then and not the others?” Thank you me for asking, the answer for Roxas is because of Ventus, and Xion is because he didn’t get much of a choice.
The following paragraph is mostly speculation/headcanon, but I feel like makes sense.
Axel who just lost everything from his old life including his best friend is now presented with this kid who looks exactly like someone he knew when he still had a heart. New name and outfit but this is the closest he’s gotten to having anything from his old life. And on top of that he was also ordered to watch over Roxas so he was kinda just pushed into spending time with him and when Roxas starts showing more emotion of course Axel is going to be invested. And Axel was incredibly hesitant to be friends with Xion but because of Roxas he did and he started to bond with her as well.
Things finally start looking up and then of course he looses everything again. And this time he looses one the things that he was put such a strong importance on. His memories. Not only did he loose Xion but he lost the memories of her. He tells Saïx he wants everyone he meets to remember him and he is constantly telling people to memorize things, and memories are incredibly important in this universe and Axel understands that. He’s also started to develop a heart again it seems when we see how desperate he was for Roxas not to fight against Xemnas. He will miss Roxas when no one else will.
Twice has Axel lost everything.
Throughout Kingdom Hearts 2 we see him trying to fix things in multiple different failed ways, tries going and getting Roxas and bringing him back, kidnaps Kairi, and then helps Sora in the end before falling to the Heartless, and it’s so sad especially because at this point Axel still believes Saïx doesn’t care about him despite Saïx showing (tiny) concern about Axel to Sora. Axel is just struggling to stay afloat at this point until he finally gives out at the end just to make sure Sora can stop Xemnas.
And then he wakes up to find out Xemnas hasn’t been stopped. Lea is alive again with his heart and emotions back, but he still has no one. Isa is still gone and not with the rest of them, and Roxas and Xion are still trapped in Sora’s heart. So deciding to try and do the right thing in hopes of getting Roxas out of Sora’s heart he becomes a keyblade wielder which causes him to come face to face with all of his mistakes. He has to face Kairi now being able to feel guilt. And it’s clear Lea is beating himself up over it. He’s on the right track but he’s still not doing good. Ie. breaks into tears over not remembering who Xion is and missing someone he doesn’t know. (Man that scene 😭)
Then he has to fight Saïx and Xion. He has to fight his best friend and the ending of that fight. Ahhh. Axel has to hold Saïx in his arms dying and even if he knows Isa will come back it’s still sad.
And finally we get to the end(ish) of his arc and he’s doing alright now with heart and friends back, but he’s still carrying the weight of so much and please I am fragile about this man.
I will go feral about the character who’s name I chose for so long and you cannot stop me anyway yeah he’s so traumatized and I need people to talk about that more because I feel like people focus on Saïx’s tragedy than Axel’s even though they’ve both lost so much
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licorishh · 4 months
The urge to vacation in the Appalachian mountains and whistle as loud as humanly possible in the dead of night is an urge I must restrain but I do not know how much longer I can hold it
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leandra-carstairs · 1 year
It would be a really neat feature if you can dye the garmets you collect in hp legacy. Personalize it to your own tastes :)
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xxlea-nardoxx · 9 months
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Ugly ahh mf
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mariazalea143 · 16 days
"A picnic with Kel" 🪦🧺
[ Henry and Mari often have picnics with Kel, just to enjoy some quiet time and catch him up on everything thats been happening in Faraway Town since he left... ]
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