#Lazy Gardening
kitocity · 3 months
Pot of Lost tags!
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This is the pot of sprouts that lost their tags! I’m not a gardener. I had no clue what these guys were buttttt now that they are bigger I aeee some tomatoes and maybe pumpkin or Mellon spinach and carrots!!!
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Over here we have the strawberries, beans and carrots, and the giant plant is some pathetic looking tomato’s that were clinging to life at Walmart! No idea what kind they just keep growing 😊
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This is my army of sunflowers that just keep coming back year after year. I don’t do anything. I planted them once and now they own that dirt square that refuses to support other life.
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This is my blueberry, raspberry, and rose area. (I don’t pull dandelions because they are beautiful and the other plants don’t mind them)
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This is my meadow! Lots of big fat Winnie the Pooh bumblers hang out here. I will be further meadowing other parts of the yard next year!!! We are going to to the entire side of the house once we find the right seed combination! ( if you have some ideas please let me know. The side I’m talking about is very shaded and the soil here is garbage)
(We have daisies and bell flowers on the other side of the house but I have no shoes on and I am unwilling to go get them on just to take a picture)
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thestudentfarmer · 2 years
Garden update :D
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We'll start with the lentils! We got some lil sprouting (Feb 2,2023) if you keep a journal for your growing/garden info it would be time to mark start of germination. or if you really want to figure out full grow time, you don't count this time yet. (When it is ill give a heads up for that kind of marking.) I didn't realise Tumblr doesn't date post so I did not mark down when I started. (This was jsut to see if it would really, nothing super serious)
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Next up! My suprise pumpkins! They are really hanging on hard! I'm going to wait and let these ones go as long as possible. The dryness of the plant is from necrotic tissue from freezing Temps. If I had covered them with a blanket before the nippy weather each night they likely would be doing far better.
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Full pic of the pumpkins. There's 5 pumpkins in there I believe. I haven't dug too much cause it's fragile enough at the moment and I'm trying to be gentle with the new growth.
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A few radishs and carrots. I'm leaving 2 of the bigger radish to attempt to collect some seed. The carrot sill be leaving a handful there so I can get second generation seed.
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The nasturtium got a lil seed! I've been eagerly looking forward to collecting a few of these! When I do my spring/summer planting I think 2 of my big pots will have them and I'm thinking of adding them to the herb/flower part.
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Last but not least! The peas :) more flowers today, not so much on the pods yet. I think next fall/winter I'll have a better trellis method as well as mayby get some straw to cover the ground to keep soil moisture and warmth.
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And one last pic, I made sourdough pancakes from scratch :D I plan to share the sourdough recipe soon, but I want to get a little more practice in :)
That's it for today's pictures, but with winter starting to head into spring~ has anyone started planning out their gardens or what they'll be planting this upcoming year? I think I'm going to start doing that pretty soon. What is everyone thinking about growing this upcoming season/year?
🌱🌻Happy Gardening, Homesteading and cooking🌻🌱
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eirene · 10 months
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The Romantic Novel Francisco Peralta Del Campo
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cocochoon · 2 years
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hm… bee and puppycat shoes or over the garden wall shoes?
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biteofcherry · 4 months
Ari + emotional comfort sex (calming the other down from anger, etc)
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Your fingers were trembling as you clung onto his shoulders, your whole body shaking with hiccups of crying.
It was slowly fading away, that ache in your chest, but the tears wouldn't stop as a different kind of overwhelming feelings took over.
You were unbound.
Possibly for the first ever time, since Ari stepped into the role of your Master and partner, there was no power imbalance between you.
Quite the opposite, Ari kept you on top, seated atop his lap and taking the pace you wanted. Yes, he could easily flip you over and pin you down with the sheer mass of his body - that was enough of overpowering to get you going. But he made no move to even clasp your wrists behind your back.
Ari's hands were gently caressing every inch of your body as he slowly rolled his hips beneath you, keeping you filled with him even as your movements stilled for a pause of shaky breath.
"I love having you tied, tamed and helpless for our mutual pleasure." Ari mouthed along the skin of your neck. "But you-"
He leaned back enough to look into your eyes, shiny with tears that were still coming, but now sweeter.
"You are what I want, Cherie."
"It's not the cuffs and toys and obedience, but you. With your playfulness and brattiness, and soft, caring heart."
You breathed out his name, your eyelashes fluttering against your cheeks. You slid your hands to his back and up, to comb your fingers through his hair.
What started out as a heartbreak induced by your own insecurities and fears that he would get bored of you, because you weren't a sweet obedient submissive all the other Doms praised so much; turned into a heart-clenching burst of love you didn't expect.
Ari's breath tickled your stiff nipple, before his mouth closed around it and sucked. Your pussy clenched around him in response, eliciting a pleased groan.
"Besides-" he murmured, releasing your peak with a wet pop- "I don't need you to be a sweet submissive. You taste sweetly tart and it's incomparable to anything else."
He placed a kiss on your sternum - a tender seal of his love.
Then mouthed at your other breast, sinking his teeth into the soft swell with enough sting to let you know your Master was lurking beneath his skin, just waiting for you to be ready to give yourself to him completely.
With a sniffle, you buried your tears-streaked face in the crook of Ari's neck; clinging to him.
His arms enclosed you in a tight embrace, one palm stroking along your back. When you whispered "I love you, Sir," that palm clenched around the back of your neck.
You knew that in a split of a moment he'd strip you of any physical power, but give you love and attention so intense you'd burst into tears all over again.
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Heart of Ruby Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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I pretty much only eat these fresh or make pies out of them. So if you have any recepies you like, I'd love to hear about them.
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[Day 23] Look at my son, he has 50 mental illnesses. So be nice! >:[
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happyheidi · 2 years
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jontaro-kun · 26 days
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God I love women I wish they were real
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karumizai · 8 months
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Broke: "Twilight's father's eyes were hidden because he doesn't remember his face/doesn't want to."
Woke: "His father's eyes weren't shown because he's actually the Shopkeeper."
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Call it a crack theory (someone else actually explained it quite well on this post) but I believe it enough to spend 5 hours on that drawing. Man just tanned a lot from all the gardening.
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bethanydelleman · 3 months
I want to advocate for "do it lazy", because I see a lot of "do it badly" posts, but I think specifically with gardening, people are told they need to do it perfectly to succeed but no, you can make a lot of food with a half-effort.
Here is my garden:
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It is so full of weeds I cannot even, but, look at all these peas!
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I grew those! I just put seeds in the ground and watered them a few times and half-weeded. It worked out great!
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This is my currant bush (asparagus in the back). Last year I made 6 jars of jam and a cake out of them. It just basically grows on it's own now. I also grow strawberries, something that also just mostly does it own thing and I prune occasionally:
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I also grow herbs and they bloom really prettily:
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(this is a chive and a sage) Now serious gardeners will tell you not to let them bloom for max production, but they still taste fine and they look nice and feed bees, so I just let them do their thing.
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I grow tomatoes for sauce (picture right), basil for pesto (picture left), asparagus (comes up all on it's own now), potatoes, watermelon, cucumbers, and broccoli as well.
I have both a front and backyard garden (that little strip of tomatoes and peas is the backyard) because I think growing grass is dumb. I don't start my own seedlings indoors, for a combination of pet, kid, window, and time issues, I just buy seedlings. It did take a lot of effort one year to build my garden, but now it's pretty low maintenance. I have chickens so I put their waste in the garden as fertilizer. I water if it looks really dry.
So anyway, my point is, you can grow food. You can do it without investing your whole life into it. I admire my friend's and my dad's beautiful weeded and better planned garden, but mine does work and I spend like 10% of the time they do. Do it lazy! Eat some delicious home grown food.
(I am very lucky to own a house with a yard. I have also grown gardens in apartment buildings, using pots. My chive has actually travelled with me throughout my university career, often in a pot. You can grow a little herb garden or some cherry tomatoes on a windowsill. You may also be able to access a community garden if your city has that available.)
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vikikollerova · 2 months
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paninityl · 9 months
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Their just trying to get to the beach ⛱️
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plantanarchy · 24 days
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The amount of stuff vining on my shitty little fence this year has grown too much. This year it's copious green beans and autumn clematis and thunbergia
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biteofcherry · 4 months
hello hi I hope your weekend is going great
for sinday, I can't stop thinking about dom bucky and dom curtis and dacryphilia
I just think it would make for such a fun scene
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Another slap had your body jerking (well, as much as the bonds would allow), but your squeak inaudible, turning into a garbled vibration around Bucky's cock that was filling your mouth.
The back of your throat was rubbed raw from all the times he forced himself in, in a pace so rapid you could do nothing but keep your lips spread wide as he fucked your face.
Your chin was a sticky mess of copious amounts of drool and salty tears that made your skin itchy as they dried off.
More tears flowed each time Curtis landed a hard smack to your ass, as well when Bucky cut off your airflow for a few seconds.
"Such a beautiful mess," Bucky's touch was incredibly gentle as he swiped his fingertips along your cheek.
"Come, man, see this." He called out to the other Dom, smudging with his thumb the stains of mascara under your eye.
Curtis' hand moved along your body as he stepped to the front of the sawhorse you were strapped down to. He stood next to Bucky, both of them looking down at you - their ruined prey.
"Your eyes are so stunning like this," Curtis rough voice held a tint of soft awe. "So big and shiny."
He cupped your other cheek, wiping away tears that haven't yet dried. There was still reverence in his gaze as his fingers pinched your nose shut.
Bucky pushed his hips forward at the same time, burying his cock to the very limit once again.
Your whole body tensed, tears welling up in your eyes anew as you fought for the remnants of breath in your chest. They didn't let up until drops were trickling down your cheeks again.
When Curtis released his hold and Bucky withdrew his cock, you wheezed and coughed. And couldn't suppress the little whimper as a faucet of tears unleashed.
Both Doms were instantly crouching down in front of you, their hands gentle on your face.
"Are you okay? What's your color? What do you need?" Came their steady, but genuinely worried check-in.
Though tears were still flowing, your lips curved into a grin - slightly manic with the rush of endorphins hitting your system.
"Green, Sirs." You replied, leaning into one of the palms cupping your cheek.
"Want more cock, though," you added cheekily and opened your mouth, sticking out your tongue.
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Ruby Deux Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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hyakunana · 18 days
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✨💖 Winner gets desir———
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