#Lawrence Owens RKZ
bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
From the Estate of
Victor Owens
Characters: Victor Owens, Blaise Owens (mentioned), Lawrence Owens (mentioned)
Originally written: 16th February 2022
Dearest and honourable mayor of Mayberry,
dearest reputable city council of Mayberry,
as you may have noticed by now the defamatory article of my older brother, Blaise Owens, I, dear gentlemen would hereby speak out my sympathy for the shock and anger you must have been feeling for this smear campaign that the person, who, though it pains me deeply, I must call my brother, has brought upon your eyes and wonderful town, a city, if you allow me to remark, that is a noble example for a flawless working society.
My following words I assume will not bring you solace given how deep the pain that Blaise has inflicted must sit, however I ask you to please allow me to explain, so that you know, dearest gentleman, that I was in no position nor had I the knowledge that my brother would do such a thing. I can assure you that if there would have been even the smallest of hints, I would have tried to put an end of this mad project of his.
You might have heard that my weak and sickly younger brother Lawrence, writer for the renowned paper “Town-News”, has recently passed away due to a short but fatal sickness. Even if his death was foreseeable, it inflicted great psychological discomfort upon my older brother Blaise, who is unable to move on from this familiar calamity. There is no reason to paraphrase as well as deny it, my remaining brother, Blaise, has become mentally unstable due to the death of my and his younger brother.
In his grief and confusion, he sought to find someone to blame, find someone responsible for the sickness that has taken the life of our brother. You can see how illogical this sounds, which is further proof of the ill mind of Blaise. Unfortunately, the victim of his madness happened to be your great and famous city that he used as a target, by writing this disgraceful commentary.
Dearest gentleman, I once again would like to clarify, that MY, Victor Ownes, loyalty lies in this city, and I will not in this instance and no other be on the side of my remaining, clinically insane brother when it comes to the spreading of wrong and harmful misinformation that can cause economical, as well as personal damage on a person’s reputation.
I do hope that this isolated incident from my older brother won’t repeat itself. You have my promise that I will take all possible measures to ensure that he will not repeat the same or similar offence again in the future as well and I do hope that it did not damage our relations regarding the mining contracts of the company that I am employed to represent.
With that being said, and my alliance and loyalty to the city of Mayberry made clear, I wish you, dear gentleman pleasant days. I do hope that we meet again and have sympathetic conversations at the monthly dinner party at the “Diamond restaurant”.
Yours loyally and truly
Victor Owens
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Claire and Lawrence would defiantly relate to each other in the after life.
Greetings Anon
Oh definitely, both dying because of similar circumstances, feeling a deep sadness that they felt inside themselves and not wanting to bother other people with it, until it turned unbearable for them to live with.
How they left behind friends and or relatives, who all coped in different ways, which often are unhealthy and of course, both, feeling sorrow how their deaths affected their friends, family and acquaintances.
I think, that Claire du Rand and Lawrence Owens have met, in "the Peace".
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I have been thinking about two things lately related to my Roadkillerz OCs/Characters.
Leonid would, after his trip of self-discovery and returning, join the Medics as an ambulance driver (I am still unsure whether full or part-time)
Victor and Lawrence are twin brothers, with Victor bring the one who was born first, which makes him the "older brother" (being a few seconds or a minute born earlier).
I am still unsure about those concepts, but, I do have to admit that I like them, I still have to think about it.
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
🔺 What was Lawrence's last words?
5/10 in Blaise case
7/10 in Joanna's case
3/10 in Victor's case.
All three of them, have, different memories from what were the last words they remember Lawrence has said.
Blaise believes, Lawrence's last words were "It's good that it comes to an end."
Joanna remembers Lawrence saying "Don't cry for me, it's better this way."
For Victor, in his memory the last words of Lawrence, were directed to him.
"It's alright, you will understand."
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Has Tonic heard of mayberry before they passed?
Greetings Anon
They have, Tonic has heard about about Mayberry, not only because of their work as a journalist, but also, due of Blaise having told them about their brother Lawrence.
What they felt was, pity and sorry, because here there was a whole city, isolated from the rest of the world, it felt for them, as if a whole bunch of people, got walled in.
The wolf often questioned, how the life was inside of the city, but never dared to take a step inside of the city, with Tonic being too worried she might never get out again.
Of course, they felt hope that one day the isolation of the city would come to an end, and that the people of Mayberry would be free.
Something Tonic still hopes for, even beyond death.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Has Blaise or Lawrence seen any of Fli M's movies?
Greetings Anon
Lawrence may have seen one of them to get a better view about Mayberry when he was in the city or maybe he went to one of the cinemas because he had some time to spare.
The movie Lawrence watched was called "The Wall of Love." and although it was the most cheesy movie with an predictable ending, it caused Lawrence to think about it.
Blaise meanwhile watched "Bright Southern Stars" to have an opinion about the movie themself, after the ending of the movie the old cat called "Eight hours of Confederate sympathetic torture".
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Does June also meet Lawrence?
Greetings Anon ^^
She does, with Lawrence introducing himself to her at one point, earlier when June still was learning about her newfound powers.
He was one of the people who encouraged her and told her, that he believed in her and that he knows she would use her powers for good and that he understands if all of this, is right now a bit much.
Lawrence told her about the Owens family and June's ancestors, he also, did not hide the fact in how his life ended, but despite how, sad it was, he still would still comfort June and visit here from time to time.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I don't suppose "Cat" was the inspiration to make the Owens family cats?
Greetings Anon ^^
Perhaps it was more subconscious, given that I really like cats.
If I remember correctly, when I created the design for Blaise, which was when the HTF ask-blogs happened, I, just thought about a cat, and only later did I decide to make them a manul / palla's cat because of the grumpy expression they can have, which is funny given that Blaise is a kind and caring person.
Later, when thinking about Victor, I thought it would be interesting if he was an Lynx, which is why his design is based off them.
And then, well I thought about the whole family being cats, with Blaise and Joanna being palla's cats, and Victor and Lawrence being lynxes. If I remember correctly, Lewis was a lynx/wildcat, while Eliza was a palla's cat / manul.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
And yes, just for the record, I meant Lawrence. not Timothey. i guess I get them mixed up a lot because of their kind characteristics.
Greetings Anon ^^
That is ok, I mistake or confuse characters all the time and I can understand, both of them were very kind people who were well liked and who passed away tragically.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
In the adoption AU quintet. How would Blaise, Victor, Joanna and Timothy get along with their cottontail nephews? (Theo, Grover and Elvin)
Greetings Anon ^^
I assume you mean Lawrence instead of Timothy, right?
Oh I think Blaise, Joanna and Lawrence get along with their nephews very well.
Lawrence adores them so much, he is always happy to see them, given that he is often away or occupied holding speeches or rallies. I could imagine Grover (@pinky-the-polar-bear OC) being a bit annoyed because sometimes the tall lynx acts as if they are still children.
He would of course apologies, but, Lawrence has to admit they have grown up so fast and that they will always to some part, be his little nephews.
Joanna I can think has, of course a good relationship with all of her nephews, but the closest she has is with Elvin, given that they both are working for the Medics.
She really appreciates his work and help and I can see her often bringing Elvin a small present when they meet each other.
With Blaise I think it is similar to Lawrence, with the exception of course that they see their nephews more often, and that the old war journalist does not treat them like children anymore, but of course understands were their brother is coming from.
If time allows it, they like to have conversations with their nephews, asking Theo, Grover and Elvin how they are doing and how it's going. I like to think Blaise quit smoking, after Theo was born because Blaise was worried being a health risk to his nephews.
Now Victor, the three know they have an uncle by that name, Sam and his siblings have mentioned him more than once, and I believe they also told them that their uncle Victor, has decided to live by himself some time ago, because of a fight.
They are all surprised, nephews and of course uncles and aunt as well when suddenly, at a family gathering, there is a knock at the door and Victor Owens is in front of them.
I believe there would be a tense situation at first between Victor and his siblings, but, I like to think the ice is broken, when Theo starts to ask him questions over questions, which leaves Victor at first puzzled, but he decides to answer them anyways.
He grows fond of his nephews, who he now had met for the first time, and I think they are one important part, that Victor overcomes himself and talks with his siblings, about the past.
So I think, later they all get along very well with their nephews in the Adoption AU Quintet.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Roadkillerz OC List
Based on @pinky-the-polar-bear‘s, @zombiedeers, @pastelprince18,  @peachy-keenss and  @onlyreyhere‘s Roadkillerz OC list.
If you would like to know more about them, feel free to ask whatever you like ^^
Owens Family
- Jeremiah Owains (Blaise ancestor, deceased) 
- Timothy Owens (Blaise great uncle, deceased)
- Lewis Owens (father, deceased) - Eliza Owens (mother, deceased)
Blaise Owens (first child, Neutral)
Victor Owens ( second child, Neutral)
Joanna Owens (third child, Medics)
Lawrence Owens (fourth child, Neutral) (deceased)
Connor Owens (Wrath, later Neutral) (Clone of Lawrence and Erwin)
June Owens (Neutral) (Clone of Blaise and Erwin)
Giordano "Cannelloni" Castellani (Wrath, later Neutral)
Nutmeg/Cinnamon (Wrath, later Neutral)
Lukas U. Naris (Neutral)
Dr. Lis Polarny aka "The Surgeon" (Wrath, later Medics)
Dr. Ruby Mortis (Neutral, then Wrath, later Medics)
Kathrina Akdow (Neutral)
Nikolai Akdow (Neutral, later Roadkillerz)
Thomas Lieberg (Broken Heart Cult)
Manatena Berrocal (Neutral, supports Medics)
“The Architect of Mayberry” (Town of Mayberry)
Ian Snapshot (Neutral)
Franz Weißschloss aka “The Hospital Chaplain” (Medics)
Chadli Spox (Roadkillerz, later Neutral)
Claire du Rand (Roadkillerz, deceased)
Sasha du Rand (Roadkillerz)
Weregeld Schein (Wrath, later Neutral)
Aeolus Piston aka “Soldier 040″ (Wrath, later Neutral)
Page aka “Soldier 404″ (Wrath, later Neutral)
Obdulio Bravo (Neutral, then Wrath, later Medics)
Roadkillerz belongs to @ghostypeppers and can be found on @ghostys-originals
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What would Timothy think of Pansy Cottontail? (@pastelprince18)
Greetings Anon
Timothy thinks she is a very kind person, her trying to stop fights was something that reminded him, about himself, because that was something Tim also sometimes did when he lived with the Cottontails.
He also admires her for the love she showed to her nieces and nephews and that she treated Samuel with kindness, even making a garden for him.
The former bricklayer and soldier is, deeply affected by her death, but similar to Lawrence, he does not hold it against her and hopes that she has a happy and peaceful afterlife.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What was thanksgiving like for Sam, Blaise, Victor and Margaret
Greetings Anon ^^
Because the Owens siblings have, at this point reconciled , it was a rather pleasant day.
Sure, it felt a bit strange for Sam, to sit with Blaise remaining family on the same table, given that he barely knew them, but, even he had to admit it felt nice, being surrounded by people who were not beating each other up.
Victor held a short speech, saying that he is happy that his siblings , have accepted his invitation and is of course happy to have a guest with them, Victor would go a bit quiet when he says that of course, he wishes Lawrence and their parents could be here, but, that they will be remembered and be there in spirit...and that he is glad, that they are all together again today, ending his speech and starting the dinner.
It was your classical thanksgiving dinner, turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, cranberry sauce, gravy, pumpkin pie etc. etc.
I think Sam talked mostly with Blaise, but also held conversations with Victor, Margaret and Joanna it was nice, at this point they knew him and I think they all also shared a few good laughs, telling jokes but also witty anecdotes of their, or their siblings lives.
All in all, it was a nice day, with Blaise mentioning to Sam that he is always welcome to join him to family gatherings.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
OC List V_2.0 (Under construction)
I am making a new version of the list so that it can be easier found because I will pin it on my blog ^^ Based on @pinky-the-polar-bear , @zombiedeers , @pastelprince18, @peachy-keenss and @onlyreyhere /@pan-fried-autism Roadkillerz OC lists
If you would like to know more about them, feel free to ask whatever you like ^^
Of Swords and Pens
Owens Family Tree
Jeremiah Owains (Blaise ancestor)
Timothy Owens (Blaise great uncle)
Lewis Owens (Father, deceased)
Eliza Owens (Mother, deceased)
Blaise Owens (first child, Neutral)
Victor Owens (second child, Neutral)
Joanna Owens (third child, Frist Responders)
Lawrence Owens (fourth child, Neutral, deceased)
Connor Owens (Neutral) (Clone of Lawrence)
June Owens (Neutral) (Clone of Blaise)
First Responders:
Garrett Bearlitz (First Responders)
Dr. Ruby Mortis (First Responders)
Manatena Berrocal (First Responders)
Franz Weißschloss aka “The Hospital Chaplain” (WIP)
Obdulio Bravo (formerly Tigris Empire, now First Responders )
Charl Mountebank (First Responders
Leonid Aksakov / Akdow (First Responders, joins later)
Misc. Roadkillerz:
Chadli Spox (Roadkillerz, later Neutral)
Claire du Rand (Roadkillerz, deceased)
Sasha du Rand (Roadkillerz)
Nikolai Akdow (Neutral, later Roadkillerz)
Aviso Grand (Neutral, later Roadkillerz)
Shade Marengo (Grey Mane Club, later Roadkillerz)
Bradley Bear (Roadkillerz, later missing)
Arthur P. Bellum (Army, later Roadkillerz)
Lukas U. Naris (Roadkillerz)
Misc. Wrath
Giordano "Cannelloni" Castellani (Wrath, later Neutral)
Nutmeg Cinnamon (Wrath, later Neutral)
Dr. Lis Polarny aka "The Surgeon" (Wrath, later Medics)
Weregeld Schein (Wrath, later Neutral)
Aeolus Piston aka “Soldier 040″ (Wrath, later Neutral)
Page aka “Soldier 404″ (Wrath, later Neutral)
Seren E. Ness (Wrath, later Neutral)
Misc. Neutral
Ian Snapshot (Neutral)
Kathrina Akdow (Neutral)
Michael "Mike" Melkboer (Neutral)
Keratin Grand (Neutral)
"Father" Job Fahim (Neutral)
Tonic Corner (Neutral, deceased)
Charly Doe (Neutral)
Dwight Cahoon (Neutral)
Vasily Akdow (Neutral, "departed")
Quintus Imperium (Neutral)
Lily Ordnung (Neutral)
Janus Gates (Neutral)
Constance Jacquemart aka "The Phantom of Mayberry" (Neutral)
Thomas Lieberg (Broken Heart Cult)
“The Architect of Mayberry” (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Jerome Alabaster (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Urban Bacchus (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Raymond Crosshill (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Denarius Snooze (Town of Mayberry)
"Father" Bartholomew Ekzem (Town of Mayberry)
Fed Geeman (Government/Town of Mayberry)
Tinker Robinson (Town of Mayberry)
Rex Imperium (Town of Mayberry)
Albert "Al" Clear aka "The Launderer" (Town of Mayberry)
Fil M. Helmer (Town of Mayberry)
Åge Aeon (Town of Mayberry)
Reverend/Pastor Mitchell Canon (Town of Mayberry)
"The Author" (Government)
Castor Montan (Town of Mayberry)
CATOS (Town of Mayberry)
Broken Heart Cult / Cult of the Broken Heart
Grey Mane Club
Blood Moon Order
Followers of the Moon
Church of the Righteous Cross
Trailer Park "Town"
"The Peace"
Shared Curse AU
Adoption AU Solo
Adoption AU Quintet
Pet AU
Fan Fictions
A Corner to lean on
Phantoms in the base
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Has Tinker heard of Lawrence Owens?
Greetings Anon
I can imagine, he did, given that Lawrence, wrote articles about Mayberry, that made the city look good and put it in a more positive light, because before Lawrence knew it, he found himself trapped in a web, and resigned, telling himself it was only a temporary deal.
However, the experience in Mayberry, plus the death of a person in the city he cared about, led of course to his end.
Of course, this is not the part Mayberry is talking about.
While, Lawrence is not seen as an,t too important character, he is mentioned by some residents of Mayberry fondly, who, fail to understand how their older sibling, could write such "lies" about their wonderful city, while his younger brother wrote so "nice and honest" about them.
But, Tinker, would realize, that he and Lawrence were not so different, that they both, are too worried and afraid of the consequences, to speak up.
He does feel sorry for the young journalist, and it makes him flinch when he would eventually find out the truth about Lawrence Owens death.
Yours sincerely
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
I can imagine Erwin feeling bad that he's lowkey the reason why Blaise's brother killed himself.
(TW: Suicide Mention)
Greetings Anon
I have to admit, I am, not sure anymore if that is still, the reason why Lawrence ended his own life.
It also was not the solely reason, but rather, the catalyst that caused Lawrence to see now reason to live anymore.
The thing is, I, just don't know if it would make a lot of sense anymore , timeline wise , that it was Erwin's death, that affected Lawrence so deeply.
Maybe it was another resident in Mayberry, who, similar to Erwin, ended his own life because he was not happy.
However, even, if I still go with the route that it was Lawrence, who cared for Erwin from afar, and was shaken by his suicide, causing him to loose the bit of hope and enjoyment he had left for this world, Blaise Owens would tell Erwin that it was not his fault, it really was not.
He couldn't have known how Lawrence felt, no one did and then it was too late and it took Blaise until now, to put the pieces together to figure out what was the catalyst.
Lawrence having lost his will to life, is not his fault, Blaise would tell Erwin as he gives him a hug.
Yours sincerely
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