#Invasive Ask Game
bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
🔺 Is Stoat leo silly about jack?
Greetings Anon
Oh alright I admit it....I am silly....but only a bit and definitely not as much as my sable brother.
I do like to press against Jack's nose with my own.
Or laying on him when he is sleeping or resting on the couch.
Or when he allows me to hang from his neck like a fur collar/necklet and I can take a nap.
But I am not as silly as Nikolai is!
(OOC: He is)
Yours sincerely
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faggot-friday · 1 year
91 and 96 for the invasive ask game
91: if you could have dinner with any one person, who would they be + why
See that's the thing. I'm not a eat-meals-with-people person. I feel like this keeps happening you'll give me a question and I'll go sorry :/ I'm not a whatever-the-question-described guy :/ I keep ruining it for you
96: what's something you can't do no matter how hard you try
Control my spending. If I have money you know I'm gonna be really irresponsible with it. When I used to volunteer at the local library I'd go out afterwards to the coffee van and get a lil hot chocolate with my lil marshmallows. I'm obsessed with the juice things they sell where I work I get em on my breaks. Thursdays are the worst because I have time between the buses I catch to go to the shops and buy shit for myself. There's no escape
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2aceofspades · 17 days
Number five with Leo and Mikey Leo feeling guilty about triggering the events of the movie
5.) "I don't know if I can forgive."
I changed it a bit, but hopefully it's still alright 🫣
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Also, here's an extra cuz I misread the request at first gah-!
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Thank you for your submission! 🌟✨
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bonesandthebees · 6 months
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there’s a bee invasion happening live during a tennis match rn. if you even care.
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wizardsix · 14 days
is it just me or is bioware spoiling way too much about the game . talking about gameplay improvements is one thing but revealing story and companion arcs seems very insecure to me bc now the mystery is gone when people play for the first time . seems like they're trying too hard to prove that their game isn't garbage after that first trailer but this is not how you do that
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cosmos-mews-and-twos · 8 months
Deep sea mew in your inbox
First off, I want to say sorry for not answering this one sooner! I've had a hard time focusing on drawing lately and I've been a bit busy, But as a bonus you get 2 mews!
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First here is Gumi, he's just a silly guy! he was my first idea for this ask, He is based off those kinda scary bioluminescent fish (like angler fish and such) I imagen he can't go to long without water, so he uses the frill around his neck to hold a bubble to stay hydrated.
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And then Oceana! (still in the early works) she's a Primarina fusion! she is mostly based on some inside jokes my siblings kept making about another character I'm working on (which I'll hopefully post soon as well as a slightly more detailed depiction of this one >:3 )
As for canon, Oceana has a fairly important part I'm still working on and will be part the comics at some point, and Gumi is more of a side character but will be in at least one or two chapters with Oceana.
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bluejay-flies · 9 months
Rainbow set of mewtwo eggs in your inbox
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Rainbow bunch :3
@blues-sues oh god they’re taking over
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🛌 🏒
Thank you, thank you <3 from this ask game.
From the home invasion fic:
“Thanks,” Jamie wheezed.
“Just rest,” Roy said, running his hand through Jamie’s hair.
Jamie flinched at the touch. It was minor, something someone else might not have noticed, but to Roy, so attuned to Jamie’s body and movements, it might as well have been a slap. Guilt and sadness fought for dominance in his gut.
“Sorry. Shit. Sorry,” Roy offered, a fleeting wish he hadn’t done it fleeting like a meteor through his mind.
Jamie looked, fuck, Jamie looked guilty. All sunken cheekbones, bruises and hurts seen and unseen painting across his face making Roy’s anger, something previously simmering and low turn bright and quick and deafening inside him as he fought his urge to run from the hospital and find the men who were responsible and do whatever he could to make sure there was nothing else they could inflict on anyone else.
and from the hockey au:
They spent the rest of the walk to the arena finalizing the lines and who would play the power-play, who would kill any penalties. Beard was the research man, without asking, Ted knew he would have found all the games the team had played in the last two years. More if he had time.
Ted felt slightly better by the time they reached the arena. Beard had that effect on him. Just his presence was able to calm Ted when he didn’t even know he was about to tumble down a metaphorical hill of anxiety.
The arena was alive with activity as the coaches arrived, players running through their normal pre match activities and preparation. That, too, relaxed Ted a bit, the normality of the scene, of skates being sharpened, meals being eaten, physios being utilized.
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fluffyk97 · 2 years
No he's just that fucked up
(Replying to tags from your reblog)
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He's simply a menace
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bowlerhatwearer · 1 year
🔺you two ARE married in an alternate universe, Swap!Leonid, and I have PROOF!!!!!!
Greetings Rey :-.)
~~~ (5/10)
Noooo! NO!
I don't believe it, I REFUSE to believe it!
Why in the whole world, would I be together with Jack Harris of all the people!
Why him?!
I am sure that the proof is fake or has been tampered with.
Nothing will convince me that I married him, nothing!
/*crosses his arms*/
Yours sincerely
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faggot-friday · 1 year
3, 10, 36, 42, 43 for the invasive asks (but you don't have to answer them all obvi)
3: have you had your first kiss
Nope 💪😔
10: are you a morning person
Well I woke up about 15 minutes ago so absolutely not (it's about 10am)
36: are your parents together
Hella. In my main friend group I'm the token parents-are-together
42: favourite song right now
Fuckkk. I can never answer these because I have about twenty favourites at any given time. Well there's a song stuck in my head right now that's up there so we'll go with him. So Good Right Now, Fall Out Boy
43: does talking about sex make you uncomfortable
Nah. It's a thing people do, and I can respect that. If someone's talking about it in a non-educational environment and they get too into detail it will but I feel like that goes for a lot of people
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elmaxlys · 3 months
Tenkuu Shinpan questions
Favorite character(s) and why
Favorite arc
Tenkuu Shinpan or Tenkuu Shinpan arrive? why?
Favorite scene
Favorite Angel Mask apart from Sniper
Favorite Guardian Angel
Favorite official illustration
Who had the coolest life so far: Yuuka or Rika?
Favorite relationship canonwise
Favorite ship
Favorite fanwork (fanart, fanfic, edit, etc)
Rant unlocker!
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normalsnails · 4 months
Also top 5 ts characters? (Sorry I asked twice but I forgot to add this question before 👽)
TYYY!! :3 and dont worry about it i love ask games :D
Top 5 (TS) characters
Im so sorry Ein. But Asuka
Honorary yet again, Juo
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sonicasura · 5 months
I'm not sure how much potential a crossover like this has, but what do you think of TFP X Chaotic?
I can see the kids being really into the game world and how they have the courage to do a lot of missions with the bots because of it. Also Miko is really into Underworld characters.
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All three kids are definitely Chaotic Players and this made them frighteningly more efficient in dealing with missions. Jack specializes in Overworlders while Raf is a Danian/Midpedian hybrid player.
The bots are absolutely confused, maybe even a bit concerned, on how quick one of the kids can point out a solution to the current problem. Even moreso if the suggestion is an effective battle strategy. Miko, Raf and Jack were active participants in dissolving actual tribe conflicts seen throughout the series including the M'arrillian Invasion. One such incident rewards them with a very unique upgrade to their scanners.
In the game, Chaotic Shadow Warriors, our main cast was given upgraded scanners that can cast interactive holograms of creatures and battlegear to handle the latest threat. The Jasper Trio were also given these Super Scanners by the Code Masters. Normally these abilities only work in Perrim.
However Ratchet gave Raf enough motivation to tinker with them when he learns that the bots could enact holoforms to blend in amongst humanity. You can say the war is about to take a really chaotic turn. And neither faction saw this coming.
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souldagger · 5 months
Hey mar! For the book ask game, 32, 36, and 37! I think I can guess the first two (Martha Wells and Murderbot, and if so, same). Also, if you haven't read City of Bones by Wells yet, the revised paperback just came out and even though they made the main character less of a snarky bitch (affectionate) I still adore him.
hi kemi :3
32. Name your favorite author(s).
okay BESIDES martha wells then: ursula k. le guin, p. djeli clark, ted chiang
36. Your absolute most favorite character(s) from any book you've ever read.
kakjdgnkj yeah murderbot. but also. jimothy holden my no#1 pathetic sopping wet blorbo from the expanse. and clarissa mao from the expanse as well + avrana kern from children of time… i love you fucked up women
37. The only example of your least favorite trope being written in such a way that you enjoyed it.
so. i really dont care for alien invasion (whether it's outright military invasion or "they are already here quietly taking us over from within"™️) stories. i think they're boring. i think they're a very unimaginative and anthropocentric approach to all the possibilities of alien life. and i think they tend to be a bizarre mix of pro-military stories that literally dehumanize the enemy, xenophobia/racism, straight up mccarthyism, some form of exceptionalism (whether it's american or human), "oo wouldn't it be scary if WE (white people) were colonised"… and when they do try to critique one or more of these i find they inevitably fall short somewhere else.
THAT ALL BEING SAIDDD Dawn by octavia butler.... oh my god. it's such a radical and deeply fascinating departure/subversion of both the "alien invasion" (so much so that you could probably argue whether or not it counts as one) and the "benevolent alien" i could write entire essays about it
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cosmos-mews-and-twos · 9 months
Mew game: a graceful silver mew with butterfly wings, four arms, and antennae
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They're so pretty~ ●_● I don't even know what else to say lol
I haven't come up with much for it lore-wise yet but I really like this one!
In terms of canon, not sure yet, at least a background character, we'll see what happens. I definitely want to draw her again sometime!
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