#Lavanya Kashyap
featheredclover · 4 months
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Tagging: @jalebi-weds-bluetooth @shiyaravi @barshifan @andli @hand-picked-star @msbhagirathi @phuljari @chutkiandchotte @laadgovernors @laad-governess @thedupattaknowswhatsup @muttonthings @sankititaliya @thenainitaldisaster @arnieobsessed @arshispyaar @arshilearner @thedustyshehnai @hi-this-is-permabanned @minpdnim
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chotebabua · 6 months
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Hear me out, the way he's looking at Lavanya here, omg, my heart can't handle it! They may not have been meant to be, but let's be real, they were totally an adorable couple <3
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hand-picked-star · 2 months
The 13th Anniversary Arshi Fiesta
Moodboard : Historical AU
Whispers of the heart | Chapter 17
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I am not very good at writing ffs. I even read ffs very selectively. But it was an attempt of me to participate in the 13th-anniversary arshi fiesta.
The story is set in early 20th century. I might be wrong about certain aspects of that age and era, but it's a fantasy, so why not? I don't own Arnav and Khushi and the story is purely fictional and has no relation to any living or dead. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Thank you notes: For this chapter I want to thank @featheredclover as she asked me to write about their London life, I got a chance to delve into their psyche and got to write about their fears and insecurities. And also like to thank my husband as I annoyed the living shit out of him by asking how did he think Arnav would react to certain questions.😂😂 and last but not the least @phuljari who inspired me to write in the first place.❤️
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Chapter 17
“I’m hungry. Let’s go out to eat tonight,” Khushi suggested, as she and Arnav lounged on the sofa, both worn out from their earlier activities.
"But we need to shower first. Let's save some water, Mrs. Raizada."
Before Khushi could react, he swept her off her feet. She yelped in surprise, as his strong arms carried her towards their bathroom.
After a while, they found themselves sitting across from each other in a nearby Indian restaurant. Arnav looked at her amusedly as she ordered to her heart's content.
"Kadai paneer, tarke wale daal, sarso ka saag, rasun aur dhaniye ki chutney umm....haan jeere wale chawal, naan aur haan makhan wala naan." Then she looked at Arnav expectantly. "Don't tell me you will only have water," she teased, causing him to break into a grin.
"Order for me too."
"Ek plain naan aur daal makhni, tarke mein mirchi kam dalke, thik hain?"
Arnav took Khushi's hand across the table as the waiter went away to prepare their meal. He played with her fingers absentmindedly.
"What exactly did Lavanya tell you?" His voice was calm but curious.
"I met her at the market the other day," Khushi began, noticing the way his eyes narrowed at her words.
"In this part of the city?"
"Yes. She mentioned they have a farmhouse nearby where... you and she spent last summer together."
Arnav's eyes darkened briefly, but he remained silent, prompting her to continue.
"Then we went to a coffee shop. She said it was your favourite.... that you two frequented it last summer."
Arnav chuckled softly. "She didn't actually lie. She just omitted some crucial details."
Khushi frowned. "I don't understand."
"It’s true we were at that farmhouse last summer," her heart almost stopped at his admission. "But she conveniently left out the ten other people who were there with us as well. Every summer, Mr. Kashyap invites his apprentices to spend a week at his farmhouse with him and his family before the vacation."
"And as for the coffee shop," Arnav continued, "we used to go there as a group every evening during our stay at the farmhouse. It's just an okayish place, nothing special. That you already know since you've been there."
A silence fell between them as they both absorbed the situation, each lost in their own thoughts. The bustling energy of the restaurant faded into the background as they reflected on their conversation. The clinking of dishes and the murmur of other diners became a distant hum. Arnav’s fingers, still gently caressing hers, seemed to hold a comforting warmth, while Khushi’s gaze lingered on him, curious to know more.
"Did Mr. Kashyap give you the proposal that summer?"
"Yes," Arnav replied thoughtfully. "I actually know Lavanya from university. She was my junior but we were in the same debate group... and as time went on, our social circles began to overlap. One of my friends back then suggested I should pursue Lavanya. At the time, I wasn't actually looking for any distraction. I had this one-track mind to finish the course as soon as possible and go home. After graduation, I started my apprenticeship...I didn’t really see her again until last summer when she began attending the Inns of Court parties."
It was as if Khushi’s curiosity was increasing exponentially. She wanted to know so much more but didn’t want to ruin their evening. Still, she decided to let her heart take control and ask him everything she needed to know to find peace.
"Why didn't you marry her?"
"Because I was in love with someone else."
Khushi simply nodded, her lips forming a surprised 'o' as a rush of thoughts and emotions swirled in her mind. She wasn’t sure how to respond, the weight of his words hanging heavily between them.
"You see, Khushi, the summer before that, I kissed a very drunk girl who might not have been in her right consciousness, but she stole all of my senses....that beautiful girl gave me countless sleepless nights."
Her eyes held a playful accusation as she gazed at him, noticing the smirk dancing at the corner of his lips.
"Is that all?" Arnav asked. He had no desire to linger on this subject any longer.
Khushi hesitated and then blurted out, "How did she know about the scar on your left thigh?"
A deep furrow appeared between his eyebrows as he gazed at Khushi, the corners of his mouth set in a hard line. He sighed, "She took it too far, didn't she?"
After a brief pause, he said, "She was there when it happened. There's a lake nearby, and we all went fishing one afternoon. We found an old boat, and I cut my thigh on a sharp edge when we tried to get on it."
Arnav’s mind drifted to that day, recalling how Lavanya had insisted on dressing his wound. David rescued him by taking charge of the dressing himself, though he never missed a chance to remind Arnav of his favour.
Khushi felt a cloak of mortification settle over her. Her downcast eyes were fixed on his finger gently caressing her palm.
"She didn't actually lie about the scar too, I guess. She just said she would have an identical scar on her thigh like you. It was me who assumed the worst."
"That's exactly what she wanted you to assume. Don't feel bad about that." he chuckled humorlessly.
Khushi felt her cheeks burn. She felt utterly embarrassed for being fooled like that. She blinked a few times to clear the blurriness from her eyes. Arnav took her hand in his and gently tugged it, urging her to look at him.
"Hey, don't do that."
"Do what?"
"Fold in on yourself. You need to talk about what's bothering you, Khushi. Don't let it fester in your mind." He sighed, "You used to share everything with me. Now you don't. Did I do something wrong?"
"No," she replied with an embarrassed smile. "I've dumped so many pointless conversations on you over the years. You probably need a break. I don't want you to run away, scared by my ramblings."
He looked at her with an unreadable expression. His eyes softened, and his face transformed into the expression she adored—a look that made him a hundred times more handsome than usual.
"You aren't going to lose me, Khushi."
A lone tear escaped her eye as she gazed at the beautiful face of the man who had become her whole world. She longed for him to want her for the rest of his life, and only her. She wished these caramel-brown eyes would look at her as if she were his entire universe. She wanted him to dream only of her and to feel as if he would crumble into pieces if she ever stopped loving him. Because that’s how she felt about him, and she yearned for him to feel the same way.
"You have no idea how deeply I feel for you."
"I love you too, Mrs. Raizada."
"You mean comparing a small tree to an entire forest?" she said with a teasing smile as she brushed her tear away.
"A small tree, Mrs. Raizada? You could have at least compared it to a garden. You've just wounded me," he replied, feigning pain. Khushi broke into a fit of giggles, her laughter filling the space between them.
Their moment was interrupted when the waiter arrived with their food. Once the server left, Arnav’s eyes smoldered as he asked, "Do you really think it’s just a small tree?"
"I was just teasing you," she said with a soft smile. "Most of the time, I feel it's at least a small forest—except when I'm being a bit 'sanki'." She winked at him as she dug in.
As they stepped out of the restaurant after dinner, the chilling wind of London swept around them. It was noticeably colder than it had been all year. Arnav helped Khushi put on her scarf and coat, his movements gentle and attentive as he wrapped the fabric snugly around her. Khushi shivered despite the layers and rubbed her hands together. She edged closer to Arnav as they walked down the dimly lit streets.
"Why haven’t you brought your gloves?" Arnav scolded gently.
Before Khushi could respond, Arnav removed his left glove and handed it to her. She took it without thinking and blinked down at it.
"Put it on," he urged, coming to a stop in the middle of the sidewalk. Khushi slid the glove onto her hand. It was too large for her, but it still retained the warmth of his skin. Once her hand was covered, Arnav intertwined their gloved fingers and slipped his bare hand into his coat pocket, guiding Khushi to place her bare hand into her own pocket. As they walked hand in hand through the chilly night, a serene calm settled over them.
"Can I ask you a question?" Khushi said, tugging on his hand to get his attention.
"Why did you fall in love with me?"
"Um...because you kissed the hell out of me."
"Arnav, I’m serious," Khushi whined.
"What? I had dreamed about our first kiss for almost two years. Why can’t that be a valid reason?"
"You are impossible." Amusement and mirth sparkled in her eyes. "You know, I spent a lot of time last summer imagining what kind of person you would fall in love with one day."
"I drew up a picture in my mind, you know, kind of like a blueprint."
"And It didn’t match you at all, did it?" he chuckled.
Surprised, Khushi looked at him and averted her eyes to look ahead.
"What was she like?"
"Strong, independent, smart," she whispered in the air, her voice barely audible over the rustling of the wind.
Arnav fell silent, his gaze thoughtful as he seemed lost in his own thoughts. Khushi watched him intently and wondered what he might be thinking, the pause stretching between them as she waited for him to speak.
"You’re right," he finally said. "That’s totally my type. And I got lucky to find someone who happens to give the best kisses as well." He leaned in to steal a kiss, muffling her protest. Straightening up, Khushi shot him a glare, but he just smiled and began walking, pulling her along with him.
"Buaji thik kehti hain, sanki ho tum. You are really mad." he said shaking his head. "That's why Lavanya unnerves you so much, isn't it? I won’t deny that she does have her own qualities, but I refuse to let you believe you're anything less."
"Come on, I know who I am," her voice so small.
"You don’t give yourself enough credit, do you?"
"What have I done in my life that makes you think I’m all of those things?"
He stopped walking and turned her to face him. "I’m not good with words, Khushi, but I want you to know that I’ve always admired your strength, even as a kid. You’ve even inspired me to keep going at times......and it absolutely breaks my heart to know that you see yourself as the total opposite."
He held her gaze and continued, "You chose to live, Khushi. You chose to love." She broke eye contact and looked over his shoulder. He gently tugged her hands to draw her closer to meet his gaze again. Reluctantly, she turned her eyes back to his, but they remained guarded.
"I am sure It took immense strength to keep going when all you wanted was to curl up and disappear. Yet, you gave life a second chance. Loving chachu and chachi as deeply as you loved your own parents wasn't easy, but you did it. You chose to find happiness with your new family..... Despite the bitterness of your past, you've held on to your inner child." He gave her a soft smile as her eyes shone, held captive by his gaze. "Now, look at yourself. You've grown into a kind, gentle and strong human being. And that’s truly remarkable, I think."
"And let’s not forget 'sexy,' too," He added under his breath, causing Khushi to let out a teary laugh.
As these two souls stood still, oblivious to the people and the chilly wind around them, they sought to uncover treasures in each other’s gaze. A slow smile ghosted over Khushi’s lips.
"You seem pretty good with words to me." Her eyes sparkled in the street lights as she said accussingly, "But you still didn't answer my question."
His lips curved into the half-smile Khushi loved so much as he kissed the tip of her nose, which was turning red from the cold. "You are my blueprint, Khushi."
"Come on, I don’t want to freeze to death," Arnav said, dragging her along as she giggled. The echos of her laughter danced in the cold wind.
As they neared their house, Khushi gently pulled a somewhat reluctant Arnav toward her favourite bench. The quiet of the neighbourhood seemed to invite a moment of stillness. Khushi settled comfortably against him, resting her head on his shoulder. With a contented sigh, she closed her eyes and took in the serene surroundings—the faint rustling of leaves, the distant hum of the city, and the gentle embrace of Arnav beside her. The world seemed to pause for a moment, and she savoured the peace and warmth of the simple, shared tranquillity.
“Mujhe yeh bohot accha lag raha hai,” Khushi said softly, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Kya?” Arnav asked, turning slightly to look at her.
“Yeh—ap, hum, aur hamari choti si duniya,” she replied, a gentle smile playing on her lips. The warmth in her words wrapped around them like a cozy blanket.
Smiling, he pressed his cheek against her head.The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of them in their own little bubble.
“Do you remember me as a child, like before my parents died?” Khushi asked, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled between them.
“Yeah, I do. you were like a tiny human being. It’s amazing how something so small could be so annoying,” Arnav said with twinkling eyes.
She shoved him playfully, and they both laughed, the sound echoing in the stillness of the night.
“I don’t remember much,��� Arnav admitted after a bit, his tone turning nostalgic. “But I do remember you being a very happy kid.”
Arnav chuckled as a specific memory came to mind. “One time, we went to your haveli during Diwali. You were stuffing your face with jalebis. I asked you for one, and do you know what you did?”
Khushi shook her head.
"You stuck your tongue out at me and told me to lick your fingers,” Arnav continued, laughing at the recollection. “Even then, you were obsessed with me.”
Khushi rolled her eyes but couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips. To emphasize her mock annoyance, she stuck her tongue out at him just like she did back then.
Without missing a beat, he gently grabbed her by the neck and kissed her sweetly. The kiss was soft and lingering.
As they pulled apart, the first droplets of rain began to fall, turning into a light drizzle. Arnav looked up at the sky, then back at Khushi. He momentarily got stuck in that moment. She looked so beautiful, so serene, it stole his breath. Her hair, escaping from her scarf and slightly tousled from their kiss, framed her face beautifully. The soft glow of the streetlights cast a gentle light on her features, making her eyes sparkle like stars. Her lips, still curved in a tender smile, were slightly flushed, and her cheeks had a rosy tint from the cold, with rain droplets catching in her eyelashes and glistening like tiny jewels.
Reluctantly, they hurried towards the house hand in hand, his eyes never leaving hers. The drizzle quickly transformed into a heavy downpour, the rain creating a symphony of splashing water around them. They barely made it inside before the rain came down in full force, drenching the world outside.
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@featheredclover @arshifiesta @phuljari
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phuljari · 2 months
social media au! part 6
summary : khushi is a model and influencer; arnav just seems to stumble upon her profile one day— not so much by accident. (or what if khushi fell in love at first sight?)
warnings : if you don't know already, i suck at updates. yes i mean it as a warning!
a/n : i am...trying something new (by using the word prompts) #IPK 13th Anniversary Fiesta @arshifiesta
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payaliyaa followed you back
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Unknown: Khushi ji agar aap kal subah tak jawab nahi dengi toh hum ye pictures post kar denge
Unknown: Aur haan, humne aapke sabhi account hack kar liye hai toh sochna bhi mat
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Unknown: arnav stay right where you are
Arnav: ???? Who's this?
Unknown: khushi
Unknown: hum jiji ka phone use kar rahe hain
Unknown: someone's hacked my phone
Arnav: WTF?
Arnav: What about the picture you just sent?
Payal: 😭😭😭
Payal: tabhi toh keh rahe hain ki rukiye
Payal: can you ask someone from your IT team to sort this issue out?
Arnav: Let me check
Arnav: Also, turn off your phone
Payal: yes yes, already did
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iMessage "Raizada" Group Manorama: Aakash bitwa Manorama: Hum tumhare liye miss tip-top chun liye hain Manorama: e dekho Manorama shared Lavanya Kashyap's Instagram profile
Manorama: Hum hi apna ID change karva lete hai HP se Manorama: divamanorama kaisan rahega? Manorama: hello hi bye bye, ekdum hi fantashtic sound karat hai naahi? Aakash: Maa, ye sab kya hai? Aakash: Maine kaha na aapse ki mujhe abhi shadi nahi karni Nani: Shaadi. Toh. Karni. Padegi. Aakash. BITWA Anjali: Are waah mamiji, ye toh badhiya choice hai aapki Anjali: Aur inhe toh Khushi ji bhi follow karti hai Anjali: Unse baat karein kya?
Anjali: Theek rahega Aakash: DIIIII Aakash: 😭😭😭
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liked by divalavanya, hari_prakash, preetika123, saritaraman, nandiii and others
thekhushigupta tick tick tick gulabi aankhien ✨
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hayerenandkishorekaahai HAYE RE NANDKISHORE E KAA HAI
hayerenandkishorekaahai AE SANKA DEVI
hayerenandkishorekaahai AAJ KAL KI LADKIYAN
preetika123 Darling, you're sparkling! ✨
saritaraman Is that the roberto cavalli dress a certain someone brought from a certain somewhere?
nandiii Beautiful Khushi ji!
user1 fishy
⤷user1 esp the caption
hellohibyebye phati sareeee! accha kiya post kardi! hum toh puchna hi bhool jate tumhein, e konsa shade lagayi ho lipshtik ka?
⤷hellohibyebye hum yaad karke oo naa le e he liye
⤷hellohibyebye bahutey bekaar laagat hai 😒
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liked by aakash_r, arnavsinghraizada, divalavanya, nandiii, anjaliiiii.r and others
payaliyaa ❗❗❗IMP NOTE: Hello everyone, as you may or may not know Khushi's account has been hacked recently. We request you all to cooperate till the situation is back in control. Please do not engage with any of Khushi's accounts on any social media until further notice. ❗❗❗
Love to all the 378M followers! Be careful of scammers and hackers out there!
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divalavanya: Oh my god! please be careful, i just received a dm from this account asking me to transfer 25k because of some server issue and i had almost done it thinking that was khushi user1: is this a PR scheme by ardesignhouse? they've hired khushi for their new collection photoshoot and this will def create a buzz ⤷user2: I heard Khushi was supposed to work for Pro Fashion before she signed with AR ⤷user3: maybe pro ppl have some revenge plan up their sleeve? ⤷user1: it's possible. but let's wait to see what happens rather than jump to conclusions
user4: Hope Khushi is mentally safe and sound! This can be an extremely terrifying situation to have your private space infiltrated. Cyber crime is no joke,,, this is def not a PR scheme
user5: Should we block and report?
⤷payaliyaa No, it would be difficult to regain a lost account. We're working on the security, will update everyone soon
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Arnav: Khushi, try resetting your password from any other device
Payal: okay
Arnav: Shit
Payal: ???
Arnav: Well, that photo you sent me? Not so private any more
Payal: omgggg
Payal: hey devi maiyaaaa 😭😭😭
Arnav: Why are you so goofy even in tense situations lol😂
Payal: kya goofy? hum omg kar rahe hai hindi mein
Arnav: Uh okay. Didn't think you were a devout person
Payal: something new you learn everyday
Arnav: I guess
Payal: wait, is that a bad thing?
Arnav: We'll talk about that later
Arnav: Did you change the password?
Payal: i tried from my laptop but the verification goes to my phone
Payal: so i need to switch it on
Arnav: Okay
Payal: yes, i guess it works now
Arnav: Change your passwords everywhere and add two factor authentication
Payal: yes yes, thank u so much
Arnav: No problem! I'm leaving now but Aman will stay at the office overnight in case something happens
Arnav: A threat to you is a threat to us
Payal: you don't really need to...
Payal: oh ok, when you put it like that
Payal: but i swear it's just some insane stalker guy trying to get me to talk to him
Arnav: Nonetheless
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liked by arnavsinghraizada, aakash_r, divalavanya, thekhushigupta, hari_prakash, preetika123, saritaraman, nandiii and others
payaliyaa Cheers to khushi getting her account back (would've posted a pic with @/thekhushigupta but it seems like we don't click enough pictures together)
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thekhushigupta: jiji hai toh sahi 😭😭😭
⤷thekhushigupta: bohot sariiii
⤷payaliyaa : jisme tum bilkul pagal lagti ho
⤷thekhushigupta: sach sach bolo jiji, tumhari photo acchi nahi aati
⤷payaliyaa : hum toh tumhe beizzati se bacha rahe the par agar tumhe manzoor ho toh karde post..?
divalavanya: Thank god everything is fine Khushi! I was damn worried about you yaar!
⤷thekhushigupta: girl 😩❤️😭
preetika123 omg wtf happened
⤷thekhushigupta bestieeee 😭😭😭😭
hayerenandkishorekaahai E LAMBE PYALE ME SE KAA PI RAHI HO BITIYA
nandiii Not bad Payal ji, not bad! Maybe aapko model banana chahiye tha
⤷ nandiii BTW so sorry about Khushi ji's online harassment :(
⤷thekhushigupta nanhe jii wo sab chodiye banana 🍌nahi ban-na kehte hai usee
⤷nandiii Oh sorry, sorry! Typo Khushi ji, maaf kar dijiye
aakash_r You're so beautiful Payal ji! 🙇‍♂️
⤷payaliyaa Thank you Aakash ji! 😌
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liked by aakash_r, anjaliiiii.r, hari_prakash, hellohibyebye, mahendrarudrapratapsinghraizada, gulabo_devyani, payaliyaa, nandiii, laxmi.ji and others
arnavsinghraizada I have a knack for playing
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aakash_r Bhai hope you enjoy your stay!
anjaliiiii.r Aree Waah! I'm so proud of you
user1 Sir, are you hiring?
gulabo_devyani Arnav + Khushi. BITIYA ENJOY
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liked by arnavsinghraizada, anjaliiiii.r, hari_prakash, aakash_r, gulabo_devyani, payaliyaa, divalavanya and others
titaliya_k much needed pampering
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divalavanya My absolute fav! Hope you enjoy the little getaway we @/payaliyaa planned for you <3
⤷titaliya_k you have no idea la! you're the best <33
hari_prakash Didi PAMPERS OUT OF STOCK HAI
nandiii I bet you smell amazing Khushi ji!
⤷arnavsinghraizada She does, now back the fuck off
⤷nandiii nannav wtf
⤷titaliya_k omg calm down boys!
aakash_r Hope you enjoy the jalebis too Khushi ji!
⤷titaliya_k AAKASH JI😭😭😭😭tysm
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(1) new messages from preetika123
preetika123: Hey, you're NK right?
nandiii: Yes yes
nandiii: Nice to meet you pretti woman!
nandiii: Khushi ji has told me so much about you!
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(1) new messages from abhishek_kumar
abhishek_kumar: Hey
abhishek_kumar: Garima ji showed me your account
abhishek_kumar: Hope you don't mind
abhishek_kumar: Hope your parents mentioned me
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Khushi: hahahahahhahaha omggg
Khushi: look at these two goofballs
Khushi: aakash ji, payal ji, aakash ji, payal ji
Arnav: You know I'm sitting right besides you right?
Khushi: yesssssssssssss
Khushi: but it's easier to say things here
Arnav: Yeah?
Khushi: stop looking at me all flirty
Arnav: Your sister, my brother and your friend planned this one day getaway for us to "cool off"
Khushi: you're clearly doing the opposite
Arnav: Uh huh
Khushi: like how your fingers on that piano were driving me crazy
Khushi: the swiftness with which you played
Khushi: and those rolled up sleeves arnav, you're killing me 🫦
Arnav: Stop it
Khushi: what
Arnav: Stop biting your lip like that
Khushi: only one way to stop me
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chutkiandchotte · 6 months
IPKKND had an excellent OST and there are so many tracks that will forever be imbued with Arshi vibes for me (Arziyaan, Teri Meri); and I can never listen to Salaam-E-Ishq title track without immediately remembering Lavanya Kashyap's sad eyes and brave smile!
This song can never be a happy love song for me ever again, for me its a one sided love break up song 😢
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jalebi-weds-bluetooth · 2 months
hi, jalebi, hope life is treating you well.I watched your interview with Utkarsh Naithani,it was absolute delight and kind if a tutorial class of story-writting.keep it up and waiting for many more interviews like that.And I got to see your face too😍,which was a sight for sore eyes.
I want your absolute opinion on the fact that do you think that the introduction of kidnapping tract had disrupted the flow of IPKKND and kind of destroyed what the writters had previously had in mind?
thank you.
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Thank you so much for the sweet comment <3 Uff, you and your taareef.
Now, regarding to your question;
do you think that the introduction of kidnapping tract had disrupted the flow of IPKKND and kind of destroyed what the writters had previously had in mind?
To be very honest, the introduction of the kidnapping track brought the show back on track - for me. The show started addressing everything that was needed. The circumstance of the marriage. The fact that Arnav wouldn't believe Khushi. The fact that the situation was against Khushi. And that Shyam was upto something, he would take revenge against Arnav.
All the characters and situations were put on a RUDE pause from the end of Holi until the terrace scene (which worked into the kidnapping).
I have, legit, NO idea what the writers had in mind. Because the writers were writing aimless comedy, forgot the weight of the situation. And the months from Holi to Arnav leaving for London had absolutely little sense. It raised FAR too many questions, character rewrites, motivation rewrites, than anything else.
I believe, given the situation Arnav and Khushi was in - nothing would've been able to shift them away from bitterness apart from the fact that they loved each other UNTIL it was, literally, a matter of life and death between the characters.
We got back the telepathy, the hurt. Khushi is no longer a stupid woman trying to get back at the man who holds the reins of her sister's marriage in his hand by annoying him? (WTF was that logic)
Rather she's back to being the intelligent, hurt woman, who painfully knows that if things were fine - he'd never say he loved her.
So what went wrong with the show is not the kidnapping track but how they showed the investigation.
I laughed at them forgetting Khushi is a Raizada. If, let's say Manish Malhotra's relative goes to the police fearing Manish Malhotra's safety. The police is not going to laugh at it. We know how the police treat the elite class. Remember how upon Lavanya Kashyap's (who is not even a Raizada) phone call the police had arrived at Shantivan personally to do an employment check?
Which by the the police don't have to carry out by themselves. Employees submit themselves and police verifies the history and fingerprints. But just because the house was Shantivan - they were ready to do basic duty. Secondly, not everyone in Delhi can just gently hold Delhi Police's hand and escort them out of the house.
Arnav Singh Raizada can.
So, the kidnapping, Khushi's intuition and disbelief over Arnav's confession, her constant panic and the family sending her to Lucknow and even she and Mami getting suspicious of Arnav reaching London or not were BRILLIANTLY done.
And even with Arnav, right. Forced upon this horrific situation he is stripped of his prejudices, fears and doubt. He loves her. She feels strongly for him (she nearly confessed before he left). She wanted his trust.
It was a great way to reset the dynamic between the two.
And FINALLY Shyam is doing something as a villain. He wants everything Arnav owns, everything Arnav has. It starts with his assets and ends with Khushi.
Also Khushi knows Shyam is enough of a horrid man to actually pull something like this off? She's suspicious of him from the START. And we see her dealing with her abuser and the threat of Shyam being under the roof as her.
What went wrong is in the execution of second half of kidnapping track:
Arnav's LIFE is at stake. Just why has she NOT confided in Akash? He's right THERE. Why not in Payal? Just how is the 'ghar ki shanti' more important than the life of the head of the household?
What was the whole stupid James Bond thing with Manorama?
What was the stupid "let's honeytrap Shyam" plan?
Just why were they doing Tom and Jerry stuffs to trap Shyam?
In short, why did the intelligence just disappear in the execution of this track?
WHY DO BABLI AND MASALA MAMA EXIST? (Honestly, I felt if Akash and Payal had a more relevant, important track the kidnapping track could have felt better than this demon child cause EVERYONE loved Akash Payal).
Actually introduced a really good cameo of a private detective/police inspector who would work in private sensing a bigger threat.
Either way, I have far less issues with the stupid kidnapping track because I got Arnav and Khushi back, and I got Shyam back. The three wheels of the story, their characterization, their plots, were on track.
And this is my absolute opinion of the kidnapping track.
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sankiraizada · 3 months
A Diwali Gift for Her | OS
Word Prompt : Shab-e-intizaar
Arnav blinked as he turned the device in his palm around.
"This could be a fake. It could never work" - he tried staying back in the denial zone for the 101st time.
But curiosity is an interesting thing. It made Arnav Singh Raizada make non-sensical decisions before - which by luck always ended up with pleasant consequences. Before clarity could rule his mind again, he quickly entered the date of that cold evening in 2011; and pressed the button.
His skin tingled all over and his mind swam for a second and more before he could feel the hard ground beneath his feet again.
Too bright. He squinted as he tried to adjust his sight to the surroundings while trying to figure out where he stood.
There were... diyas on the ground. Placed in groups of 3, 2 - and a few sad single ones in a handful of clean circles. He smiled as he reminisced; holding her hand, leading her carefully out of each of these circles.
He was in one of the few sitting areas in Shantivan. Thankfully as he remembered, the party had happened in the main hall of the mansion and no one was here to see him materialize out of thin air. He can't exactly be passed off to be the past Arnav considering he has let his beard grow out a bit and was still in his work clothes from this morning. Not party-ready.
He jogged quickly to the French windows of a dark corner of the room to see what had been going on in the party. As he expected (and hoped) many of the guests were around ASR and the much talked about Ms. Kashyap to congratulate them on their just-announced engagement. His stomach gave a twitch at the sight of a beaming Lavanya. He mumbled a quiet "sorry" to her and rushed off to find his Jalebi Rani.
He stopped dead at the end of the terrace staircase as "she" appeared in front of him. All the judgment and anger that was boiling inside him for his past self vanished as he made room in himself to admire the beauty wearing that red saree. The golden border draped around her looked like a bow on top of the gift wrap that she is in right now. Just for his eyes.
She was sobbing quietly making her chin quiver. Her thin figure trembled as she held on tightly to the chair she was sitting on… where he must have given her payal back just moments ago. He scanned around to make sure there were none around to spy on the would-be-private moment and in quick strides reached the French windows of his bedroom and closed them shut before drawing the privacy screens. This wasn't the public pool by the hall side, but it wasn't the guests he was barring themselves from. It was from himself that he needed space. He must be looking for her to spew some residual hatred towards.
Khushi quickly stood up confused as Arnav ji was checking the surroundings.
"Aap…" she trailed as she tried to understand what was going on. It's him. But it can't be. He was just wearing a different formal shirt with his sleeves down and buttoned up. When did he change? When did he grow a beard?
"Arnav ji?" she asked all the questions she had no words for. He was in front of her in 2 strides.
"So beautiful" he murmured as he flitted his eyes across her face.
She was a little scared now. Who is this very familiar stranger?
"Khushi, maine abhi jo bhi bakwas bola hoga" - "It is that. Bakwas"
He observed her thickly glossed lip for the millionth time. Was he here for her? What could he say to her now that would erase the hurt from her face.. and her heart? No, he was here for himself. Even after all these years, he was here to cater to his wounded memory. To pretend to ease her pain so he could think back to the day without regrets. Because he can't risk changing his past in fear of it affecting his precious present.
He took a deep breath placing his device tightly clutched in his palm into his pocket and continued.
"I don't know how to explain this to you to make it make sense, Khushi", he started with a subconscious finger on her arm slowly climbing up. "I am Arnav. And I am yours."
"The guy standing in the hall right now is an idiot. Ek dum gadha hai. I must have really hurt you, hadn't I?"
If she was confused before, she didn't know what she was feeling now.
"I'm not going to marry Lavanya. I'm not in love with her. And you.."
His palm reached her shoulder and held her firmly.
"You are not to say yes to marrying Shyam"
"Because I love you."
Khushi furrowed her brows as her body froze and her mind refused to work.
"Because you are mine." He placed his other palm behind her neck and tilted her face upward.
"Dekhiye, aap.."
"Your love,
your attention,
your concern
and devotion,
are mine."
"Your presence, your kindness, your laughter - your Khushi - is mine."
He freed her shoulder and caressed her cheek with a thumb.
"Your thoughts, your desires, your days and nights are to be mine."
Her heart sped up uncontrollably. She was sure now she had gone mad. And hallucinating like she often does to cope.
"Your beauty, your coyness, your nakhre and your gussa, are all mine, Khushi Kumari Gupta. Heck your name would be mine once you would be Mrs. Raizada"
Tears flowed freely on her cheeks as she quietly indulged herself for once in her impossible imagination.
"I want my life to be with you Khushi. I have for a long time. Just that, the idiot downstairs doesn't know that there's no going back from this. There's no falling out of love with you Khushi. That would be denying myself of breathing."
He was shocked to find words coming so easily to him. Probably because of the number of times he had played this exact scenario in his head wondering what would he have changed about it. And the advantage of knowing both the past and the present, not caring to worry about consequences in a reality that is going to not exist in the next few minutes fuelled his next words.
"Did you put more gloss today or were you munching on jalebis on your way here?", he asked finally coming to mudde-ki-baat, tightening his grip on her neck.
His other hand swept her fringe away as he breathed out - "let's find out, shall we?"
She half-sobbed, half-gasped as his lips pressed onto hers firmly. He pecked once before leaning back to say, "Don't think, honey. Iss party se, yahan ki logon se, duniya se mujhe koi matlab nahi. Sirf tumse hai. Tumhari har baat se. Think of just me, darling."
He went in for a good long kiss this time. His beard scratched her chin. He could taste pineapple on her.
Curiosity is an interesting thing and Arnav Singh Raizada never denied himself of indulging in it.
He bit her lower lip gently and sucked on it when she parted for air.
His hand on her neck travelled down with familiarity and grabbed her by her waist, gathering her limp body closer. He kept sucking and nibbling alternatively as he lead her to walk back till they hit the wall.
He deepened the kiss and sucked more till she held his collar with her both hands and whimpered a faint complaint into his mouth.
He slowed down and tried to tongue her swollen lips as his hands went to her waist. He traced his favorite curve, tried to grab onto a love handle (oh, she didn't have them yet), and pinched her waist.
"Arnav ji!", she squealed bringing him to his senses. He should not forget that this is not his wife. Not yet.
"Khushi," he breathed against her mouth. Her eyes were still closed but she trembled with awareness.
"I am yours, Khushi."
"My heart,
my peace,
my pride,
my walls -
are yours to trample over."
"My joy, my care, my future, my dreams are yours."
"My family, my space, my hurt, my zidd are yours to share with."
A tear of submission ran from his eyelid.
"My life, my hopes, my promises and all possibilities are with you Khushi. Just you."
He grabbed her again and gave another scorching kiss, taking everything from her and giving all of him. He swiped his tongue against hers before slowing down to give her room to breathe (and cope).
He unglued his body from hers, not very eager to overwhelm her with his arousal. He gave a few pecks as he rubbed her arms to comfort her.
He peppered her face with light kisses while she took deep breaths to calm herself, not daring to open her eyes.
He kissed her eyelids before giving her final tight kisses on her cheeks with a smack.
He leaned back and observed her face as she slowly opened her eyes looking everywhere but his face.
He tidied up her hair and saree with gentle hands and a final - "Beautiful."
She looked at him at this and lifted a hand to touch his face as he moved back.
"I have to go now. But remember, stop stepping back, and start stepping alongside me. And… please forgive me. Main iss duniya ke liye badtameez hun. Tumhare liye nahin."
"And… jaane se pehle, reapply your gloss" he added with a wink.
He stepped out of her sight setting the device so that she forgets all that happened now as she stepped out of the area and pressed the button to go back home.
As his head swam, he wondered if he should continue from where he left with his wife back home.
Curiosity is an interesting thing, and Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada is waiting to indulge him in it back in their room.
Moral of the story: No amount of kissing is too much when it comes to Arshi.
This one felt more scandalous while writing it than it turned out to be lol
Thanks in advance for the kindness guys🤠
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phati-sari · 2 years
Hi PS! Do you think Lavanya and Khushi would stay in touch for a long time after her and Arnav's break up? Would she still visit Khushi in the distant future or attend special family events like weddings? Or funerals?
I reckon Khushi would have this ... fantasy ... of being Lavanya's friend and meeting up with her in the future: whenever they go to London, for example. But maintaining adult friendships is difficult enough without the added complication of Lavanya being Arnav's ex-girlfriend, no matter how unaffected Khushi pretends to be about it.
I guess that Lavanya could reasonably expect a wedding invite if Anjali got remarried, or for some funerals, but I want better things for Lavanya, she shouldn't spend her life constantly looking back. Especially when what she's looking back to wasn't ... healthy. Arnav will likely always be the one who got away for her, and that's just ... sad.
Of all the characters, Khushi's the most likely to pull off being genuine friends with her partner's ex, so I think there's a real possibility that Lavanya does stay in the Raizada's orbit. But I want Lavanya to maintain a professional relationship with Arnav and otherwise give the lot of them a wide berth.
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puranijeans · 7 years
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(PART 1)
@laadgovernorjalebis THROWBACKK 😂😂😂😂 I know this meme is dead but I just found these again lmao.
(PART 2)
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honeybellexox · 2 years
IPKKND characters as Aesthetics 💗
A fun little post of what I think the characters in IPKKND would be as TikTok aesthetics , based on vibes and fashion!
Arnav Singh Raizada - Dark Academia
Akash Raizada - Light Academia
Anjali Raizada - Old Money
Khushi Kumari Gupta - Y2K (Disney Girl edition - Lizzie McGuire, Hannah Montana, London Tipton)
Payal Gupta - Cottagecore
Lavanya Kashyap- It Girl (edit- I want to be more specific and add she’s the ‘insta baddie’ it girl)
Shyam Manohar Jha - Normcore
NK - Urbancore
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featheredclover · 9 months
Hey , everyone!
Rant alert, but I just want to know your opinions on this.
Why is the cheating trope prevalent in ipkknd fanfic world?! There should be a disclaimer for this (as it is to each their own)! Misunderstandings are okay, and who doesn't love the jealousy track ? But, Arnav actually cheating on Khushi (and it has never been the other way around btw) ? And I have tried to read them with an open mind, but it never seems to make enough sense that Khushi forgives him because "Arshi is the endgame in every multiverse" It's so painful to read. And I thought that maybe I am not mature enough to understand the intricacies of such relationships. But I would really want to know if you like such fanfics and why?
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simquility · 7 years
East Indian Names
It’s Zoe with another list of names! This time, East Indian names! 
Here are a few things to note about French naming traditions:
The first name is the name they go by in their day-to-day life. 
Often, East Indians are given “pet-names” - their first name turned into a cuter version that they are called as a toddler. Sometimes this pet-name will stick into adulthood. 
The family name (last name) might denote a certain village or community the family is from. If it has the suffix “walla” (or a variant of this), it means their ancestors practised a certain trade. 
Parents put a lot of thought into making their child’s name sound nice, and good meaning. 
As always, if there are any inaccuracies in this post PLEASE let me know through a message or ask!
Any name lists you wanna see? Feel free to send in an ask! 
Feminine and masculine first names, as well as last names are underneath the cut!
1. Priya 2. Divya 3. Vani 4. Anjali 5. Riya 6. Aishwarya 7. Ira 8. Santana 9. Nikita 10. Natasha 11. Neha 12. Ramya 13. Sakshi 14. Leah 15. Pavithra 16. Seema 17. Anusha 18. Pavithra 19. Nishi 20. Anushri 21. Diya 22. Sadaf 23. Kalyani 24. Sara 25. Nishita 26. Tanu 27. Rhea 28. Prachi 29. Shrinidhi 30. Manisha 31. Aditi 32. Aashna 33. Swati 34. Anu 35. Ria 36. Neelam 37. Mitali 38. Dawn 39. Khushi 40. Arya 41. Deepa 42. Anamika 43. Lavanya 44. Niti 45. Vidhya 46. Kavya 47. Vasanti 48. Bindiya 49. Tanjua 50. Poonam
1. Rahul 2. Amit 3. Yash 4. Ankit 5. Deepak 6. Aryan 7. Raj 8. Arjun 9. Manoj 10. Akash 11. Rakesh 12. Naveen 13. Ashish 14. Parth 15. Mayank 16. Vivek 17. Soham 18. Kumar 19. Abhinav 20. Rohan 21. Pranav 22. Ajith 23. Rohan 24. Sanjay 25. Raghav 26. Manish 27. Anil 28. Krish 29. Siddharth 30. Ajay 31. Sumit 32. Shaan 33. Kartik 34. Nikhil 35. Jatin 36. Aniket 37. Ramanan 38. Tushar 39. Harish 40. Avi 41. Ajeet 42. Niranjan 43. PInaki 44. Azeez 45. Qutub 46. Balaram 47. Rajani 48. Ganesh 49. Shantashil 50. Omar
Last Names:
1. Singh 2. Devi 3. Kaur 4. Das 5. Kumar 6. Agarwal 7. Reddy 8. Bakshi 9. Anthony 10. Babu 11. Burman 12. Bhatt 13. Basu 14. Bedi 15. Kashyap 16. Gokhale 17. Ghosh 18. Arg 19. Dear 20. Ghandi 21. Ganguly 22. Gupta 23. Chopra 24. Dhawan 25. Dixit 26. Dubey 27. Haldar 28. Kapoor 29. Khurana 30. Kulkarni 31. Madan 32. Bajwa 33. Bhasin 34. Chandra 35. Chauhan 36. Deshmukh 37. Dayal 38. Dhillon 39. Goswami 40. Goel 41. Mallick 42. Mahajan 43. Kumar 44. Mani 45. Gill 46. Biswas 47. Batra 48. Bawa 49. Mehta 50. Saxena
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hand-picked-star · 3 months
The 13th Anniversary Arshi Fiesta
Moodboard : Historical AU
Whispers of the heart | Chapter 15
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I am not very good at writing ffs. I even read ffs very selectively. But it was an attempt of me to participate in the 13th-anniversary arshi fiesta.
I might be wrong about certain aspects of that age and era, but it's a fantasy, so why not? I don't own Arnav and Khushi and the story is purely fictional and has no relation to any living or dead. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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Chapter 15
"Is that you, Khushi?" Khushi was out to buy some fruits from the farmer's market when the voice startled her. Turning around, she found Lavanya Kashyap and two other ladies she didn't remember the names of, all dressed to the nines. Khushi was surprised to find them in this neighborhood.
"You don't mind me calling you Khushi, do you? We are friends, after all," Lavanya said with a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes.
"No, it's okay, Ms. Kashyap. What are you doing in this area? I suppose you don't live around here," Khushi replied, trying to keep her tone polite despite the unease she felt.
"Oh, actually, we have a farmhouse not far from here. Didn't Arnav tell you that? We spent last summer at that farmhouse," Lavanya said smugly, watching Khushi's discomfort become visible on her face.
"Oh, I didn't know that." Khush tried to mask her surprise and discomfort with a polite smile.
Giving Khushi a triumphant smile, Lavanya continued, "Come, Khushi, join us for a coffee. There's a coffee shop nearby that sells excellent coffee."
"I have to decline. I need to go home."
"Oh, Khushi, come on. Just one cup," Lavanya insisted, her tone a mix of persuasion and challenge.
Khushi couldn't deny any further and went with them. In the coffee shop, Lavanya jumped in to order.
"Let me order the coffee for you. It's actually Arnav's favorite. Last summer, we used to come here all the time."
Trying to keep her uneasiness at bay, Khushi only nodded her head. While they were sipping coffee, Lavanya started talking about useless town rumors, in which Khushi had no interest whatsoever. She got lost in her thoughts.
Why is Lavanya always trying to hint at a more intimate relationship between her and Arnav? But Arnav didn't say anything like that. She had to ask Arnav for more details, she thought to herself.
Suddenly, Lavanya informed them that she was going to use the powder room, and Khushi noticed a limp in her right leg that wasn't there at the party. When Lavanya came back, Khushi asked her, "What happened to your leg?"
"Oh, I accidentally cut my thigh on a loose nail at our dining table."
"Oh, poor thing, now you'll have an ugly scar there. It's such a nasty cut," one of the girls said sympathetically.
Lavanya's eyes shone with something Khushi couldn't quite recognize. With an air of confidence, Lavanya said, "Oh Pam, at least I'm glad that now I'll have a scar identical to Arnav's, even if his is on the left thigh."
Khushi's ear started ringing, her face flushing as she looked at Lavanya. Her mind brought up a flashback.
Her hand shot out to grip his thigh as he sat on his knees. His hands held her by the waist while she hooked her legs across his hips. In the throes of passion, she liked to keep her hand on that particular thigh and gently caressed the raised scar residing there with her thumb, in a futile attempt to keep herself grounded, while he drove into her deeper and harder.
Khushi cleared her throat and tried her hardest to gather her composure.
"What are you trying to achieve, Lavanya, by telling me all of this about Arnav? If anything happened between you two, it's in the past. It doesn't matter anymore," Khushi said firmly, trying to assert her boundaries.
"Nothing. Just trying to break your illusion that you think you can keep a man like Arnav."
"What do you mean?"
"If you think you can hold onto a man like Arnav for your whole life, you're only fooling yourself. Come on, think, Khushi. Why did he marry you? He probably befriended you first. But you weren't someone he could sleep with, without marrying you, right? So, he did and brought you here to London, away from your family, so that he can do anything he wants. Do you really think he's planning to go to India and settle down with you there? Huh?..... You're only fooling yourself."
"At first, I really thought you might be his friend and knew him quite well. If that's your opinion of him, you didn't know him at all." She got up and never looked back at them. She went straight home and promised herself never to think about Lavanya and her lies again.
But that was easier said than done. To distract herself, she prepared Arnav's favorite dishes, which brought a huge smile to his tired face. However, Khushi's smile vanished when he said, 'We need to stay here for six more months, Khushi.''
"Mr. Kashyup got an important case, and he wants me to assist him with it. It's a huge opportunity, Khushi. It will end in more or less six months. Then we will go to India, okay?" Arnav told her, squeezing her hand.
But Khushi's mind drifted to Lavanya's words despite her unwillingness. She kept wondering if Arnav was stalling, if Lavanya was right. She shook herself free of that thought. She kept chanting in her overthinking mind 'I love him and he loves me.' over and over again.
"Hey, do you want to attend tomorrow's party?"
"No, these parties are boring. And you'll be working anyway."
"Hmm". Arnav chuckled.
"Will Ms.Kashyap be there?" Arnav caught the jealousy in her voice. "You've never told me about the nature of your friendship with her," she said, rolling her eyes.
"I didn't, because there's nothing to tell," Arnav laughed, then added, "By the way, you look really cute when you're jealous," he said teasingly.
"I am not jealous. "
"Yeah, of course not."
Of course, she was jealous, insecure, and confused. Her mind was a tumultuous storm of emotions. Doubt gnawed at her heart like a relentless predator, threatening to tear apart her foundations of trust.
For a couple of days, Arnav was tense and in a terribly foul mood. She asked him about it, but he didn't say anything specific. One Sunday, when the doorbell rang, Khushi opened it to reveal a beautiful woman, probably in her late twenties.
"How can I help you?" Khushi asked politely.
"Oh, hello, does Arnav Singh Raizada live here? I want to talk to him," the lady said pleasantly.
Arnav noticed their interaction and approached them.
"Khushi, please go inside. I'll take it from here," Arnav said gently.
Dumbfounded, Khushi did as she was told without any objection, but their voices kept coming back to her ears.
"How dare you come to my house? Leave now," Arnav said in a hushed voice.
"Please, Arnav, just listen to me this one time. I won't disturb you after that," she pleaded.
"That's 'Mr.Raizada' to you and I don't want to talk to you. Stop following me," Arnav insisted firmly. "I don't want be rude but I will if you don't listen to me. Don't create a scene here."
After coming inside, when she asked him about it, he simply ignored the topic, dismissing it as unimportant.
Then a very unusual thing happened. One day, as she was returning from the market, Khushi saw Arnav coming out of a house. He was looking down and didn't notice her. When Khushi turned to look at the house, she saw the lady standing at the door, looking at Arnav with sad eyes. Khushi's heart twisted, foreseeing an impending doom.
Arnav was very quiet during dinner, lost in thought. Any attempt at conversation was futile. Seeing her concerned expression, he hugged her tightly, kissed her, and promised to explain what was bothering him in a couple of days. Khushi simply nodded in response.
But Khushi, consumed by curiosity, went to the house she had seen Arnav leaving the previous day. Unable to contain her intrigue, she asked the nearby vendor whose house it was.
"Oh, that's Mrs. Raizada's house. Mrs. Raizada and her daughter live there," the woman continued, her voice tinged with sympathy. "Oh, poor lady, her husband left her, and then she had to raise that child all by herself... Ma'am, are you alright?"
she struggled to breathe amid the torrent of emotions flooding her. She fought to control herself as she rushed home and locked herself in their room. They say when the pain is too much to bear, you can't even cry; your heart turns to stone. As Khushi laid face down on the floor, her cheek pressed against the cold wood, she felt the anguish permeate every fibre of her being. Every inch of her body trembled with the anguish of realization—the betrayal by the man she loved, the deception hidden behind smiles and promises.
Khushi laid frozen, her mind a whirlwind of emotions. What she had seen felt like a cruel betrayal, yet her foolish heart clung to the slimmest hope, yearning for a different explanation. She wanted to believe that there was a misunderstanding, some plausible reason that would erase the sting of what she had witnessed. But how could she dismiss the image burned into her mind, the undeniable reality she had seen with her own eyes? It felt like her heart and mind were at war, each pulling her in opposite directions, leaving her torn and uncertain about what to do next.
In those moments of solitude, Khushi felt the echoes of Ratna Singh Raizada's pain, understanding the depth of despair that must have haunted her. But amidst her turmoil, Khushi vowed to herself that she wouldn't follow the path her late mother-in-law had chosen.
A doorbell interrupted Khushi's thoughts, prompting her to rise from the floor and answer it. She prepared herself to face him. To her surprise, it was Samuel, Nani ji's servant. He explained that Arnav had called to inform Nani ji about a sudden dinner party he had to attend, which meant he would be late. Concerned for Khushi, Nani ji had sent Samuel to escort her back to their house.
Khushi sent Samuel away to inform Nani ji that she couldn't come due to a headache and reassured him not to worry about her. She retreated to the bathroom, taking a scalding hot shower and scrubbing her body until it turned red. After changing into her nightgown, she moved to the living room to wait for Arnav.
As she waited, her mind involuntarily conjured an image of Arnav and Lavanya kissing passionately in a beautiful hall, surrounded by applauding well-wishers. Khushi wondered why her mind was fixated on Arnav and Lavanya instead of Arnav and his secret wife. She couldn't rationalize this obsession, fearing she might be on the verge of losing her sanity. Perhaps, she thought, this was the moment when Arnav would find it easy to leave her without any guilt, if she turned insane.
Around midnight, Khushi's reverie was broken by the jingling of Arnav's keys as he entered the house. He stood silently, observing Khushi—his beautiful wife with red-rimmed eyes and a disheveled appearance. Without hesitation, he approached her, gently cupping her face with both hands.
"Khushi?" His voice tinged with panic, Arnav's eyes searched her body intensely for any sign of injury. "What happened? Are you okay?"
Khushi removed his hands from her body, causing Arnav to recoil in hurt and confusion.
"I want to go home."
"What?... Why? "
When Khushi didn't say anything, he gently took her hands and softly tugged at them. "Come on, let's talk, okay?"
"What's the purpose of talking if you're going to lie to me or hide things from me anyways?"
"What are you talking about? I've never lied to you."
"Okay, then tell me what happened between you and Ms. Kashyap?"
"Really, Khushi? You're thinking about Lavanya. Again? It's very late. Let's go to bed. We'll talk tomorrow."
"No," Khushi's tone halted his movement.
He sighed, "There was nothing between Lavanya and me. We were friends, and then we weren't anymore. She wanted to marry me, but I didn't. So, I rejected her."
"Tell me the truth, Arnav."
"Khushi..." his voice tinted with frustration.
"We were friends too and I wanted to marry you but you didn't. Was it like that?" she whispered.
"Have you gone mad? I wanted to marry you. Those situations weren't the same."
"Did you want to marry me because you can't sleep with me without marrying me, like you did with Ms. Kashyap? If there was no serious relationship, why is she so obsessed with you? Why is she so hell-bent on proving that I am nothing compared to her? Do you have any answers to that?"
"Did lavanya tell you that? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
"And what about your secret wife?"
"Secret wife? What the hell are you talking about? Listen, I don't know what she told you, Khushi. But you aren't thinking clearly right now. You need to calm down."
"NO!! You lied about sleeping with Ms.Kashyap. You hid your secret wife. If you had nothing to hide, then why didn't you warn me about anything before meeting Ms.Kashyap? And every time she meets me, she tries to make me feel so insecure. I don't know why she gets under my skin so easily."
She continued, almost hysterically, her emotions raw and overwhelming, "Did you lie because you wanted to see her behind my back? And at every party you attend, she's always there, isn't she? Why would she be at a work party that's unrelated to her profession if you're not giving her attention?.... How foolish of me !!! I've been tormenting myself, imagining what you two might be doing at those parties for days and there's a secret wife that I didn't even count on."
She saw his beautiful face contorted in pain, and her words dried in her throat. His pain shouldn't have mattered to her, but it did. She still loved him so much, against all reason. Minutes later, his features hardened, his jaw clenched and she witnessed his face morph into anger, concealing his hurt.
"Did you really just say that I go to those parties to fuck her?" His voice was dark as he whispered those words in a menacing low tone. Veins bulged on his forehead and his fists clenched dangerously. Khushi watched in silence as he stormed out the way he had come in, slamming the door behind him. This time, Khushi's tears came crashing down, shaking her small frame as she sank to the floor.
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@arshifiesta @featheredclover @phuljari
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
For funsies: build your family. Using characters from all the Tellywood shows you watched, pick your TV parents, TV grandparents, TV siblings, TV bro and sis-in-laws, TV husband, TV wife (because polygamy) and your TV enemy. And if I'm missing anyone, feel free to add.
Hi @saucewalalaal! 
As usual, you have the bestest and funnest questions! 😇😇😇 I had a lotttt of fun doing this one! 
Dad + Mom: Arnav and Khushi Singh Raizada; coz lol they’re an odd couple similar to my irl parents. Their personalities are kinda like my parents too; tiny woman full of spirit + tall stoic man of few words but killer snark. 
Siblings: Shivaay Singh Oberoi (coz Shivaay’s the best brother in the fucking world, over anything else), Prem Juneja, Gauri Kumari Sssarma, Bhoomi Virani. I’d like to see anyone mess with me with these 4 having my back! 💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽💪🏽😈😈😈😈
Grandparents: Lol, Tulsi and Mihir Virani. Let’s throw Baa in there too as a GREAT GREAT GRANDMA! 🙃🙃🙃
The Cool Aunts: Prerna Bajaj, Parvati Aggarwal 😊😊😊
The Not-So-Cool Aunt: Manorama Maami. 😆😆😆
The Long Suffering Uncle who always gives me money when he sees me: Karan Virani 😌😌😌
First celebrity crush: Angad Khanna
First fuckboy boyfriend who’s hot af but I dump him coz I deserve better: Abhay Singh Oberoi 👅👅👅💦💦💦
Second fuckboy boyfriend who I fell for coz I don’t learn from my mistakes: Shravan Malhotra 😫😫😫
Husband: Omkara Singh Oberoi (the old, sensible, pre-DBO one, not this new idiot.) 😘😘😘
Wife: Ugh how to choooooooooose???? Waise hi I’m committing polygamy, so can’t I have more than one wife? I want Anika, Mallika Kabeer ChoudharyAND Svetlana!!!!!!! 😍😍😍👰🏽👰🏽👰🏽
Siblings-in-law: Rudra Singh Oberoi (because everyone deserves a devar like him), Pushkar Malhotra (EDKV), and Najma Ahmed Khan. 👦🏽👦🏽👧🏽 
Y’know what, imma throw Ragini and Samar in there too, coz they’re an interesting combo who’ll add some cray-cray hilarious draaama, and much-needed calming sanity to my life respectively. 😂😂😂
BFF: Zoya Farooqi. 👯🏽👯🏽👯🏽
Other friends: Atul Joshi (DMG), Ayaan Ahmed Khan, Nupur Bhushan (MJHT), Lavanya Kashyap. I like them wholesome, hilarious, and suuuuuuuper filmy. 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Business Partners: Tia Kapoor. We have a holistic, artsy-fartsy bookstore-cum-cafe, where she comes and does aura cleansings every Tuesday and Thursday. ✨✨✨🔮🔮🔮💄💄💄
Akash Singh Raizada handles the finances of this place. 
Enemy: The one, the only, KOMOLIKAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! 😎😎😎 
Ably aided by right-hand man Shyam Manohar Jha (Daiyya Ho!!!!!!!) 🦂🦂🦂 
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Relationship - Arnav & Lavanya
Tumblr media
Their breakup
Was Arnav ever attracted to La?
How does Lavanya realizes that what Arnav feels for Khushi is not just mere liking, but love?
Arnav & La’s relationship, cheating and evolution of liking someone
What would’ve happened if Arnav-La lived together in a separate flat?
The Lavanya Kashyap Track & If Arnav Cheated her with Khushi
Arnav & Lavanya - An Imbalanced Relationship
Did Arnav & Lavanya sleep with each other post moving into Shantivan?
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myloveforstuff · 7 years
10 female character tag
I was tagged by the sweetest Amirah @laadgovernorjalebis
Rules: Tag 10 favourite female characters from 10 fandoms and tag 10 followers
1. IPKKND (show) - Omg I actually love almost all the female characters in this damn show but ofc, Khushi Kumari Gupta Singh Raizada takes the crown (followed by Lavanya Kashyap and Laxmiji)
2. Harry Potter (book/movie series) - Hermione Granger 
3. F.R.I.E.N.D.S (show) - Monica Geller
4. Shararat (show) - Sushma Khushwant Mehra (Nani)
5. Jane the Virgin (show) - Jane Gloriana Villanueva (followed by Alba Villanueva)
6. Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham (movie) - Poo. Hands down.
7. Quantico (show) - Alex Parrish
8. Hum Tum (movie) - Rhea Prakash
9. Grey’s Anatomy (show) - Meredith Grey
10. Rangrasiya (show) - Parvati Rudra Pratap Ranawat
Yayyy ok I tag @aztrokid @randippy @puranijeans @ilovefusion @myluckyerror @rangdeenis @legit-pooja @hungry-introvert @ishqpezornahi @hugsandpromisesx @acroakingbird
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