#Lauren’s vs Lee duel
riri-loves-cats · 5 months
GUYS so I was watching Hamilton the other day, and I noticed this really cool detail:
In Lauren’s duel with Lee, Burr is Lee’s second as we all know
and later, in Burr’s duel with Hamilton, The guy who was playing Lee is now playing William P Vanness (Burr’s 2nd)
I js thought that was a really cool detail
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dragoninahumancostume · 9 months
85 things I love in Hamilton:
When a line of a song repeats on another song but slightly different or the exact same in a slightly different context or the exact same with the same context ("Look around look around" by Eliza vs by Alex, "I'm helpless" in Helpless vs Non-stop vs Say no to this)
The way it sounds like Lin is spitting on the P's in "My time's uP, wise uP, eyes uP"
How everyone agrees that Lafayette let his hair loose after Yorktown and that if he put it on a ponytail again Hamilton would react the same way Doofenschmirtz does with Perry and his hat
Everyone seems to agree Laurens should go running to be with Angelica, Eliza and Maria when they sing "Me? I loved him"
Daveed Diggs
The historical inaccuracy making songs even better (example: "How the sausage gets made" sung in 1790's when sausages were brought in the 1800's. Philip dying before the election of 1800 and in July when he actually died in November of 1801. Burr being Charles' second.)
Being able to tell which song is which even when they start off the same (alexander hamilton, guns and ships and winter's ball) by slight differences
"Can we agree that duels are dumb and immature?" *sends a letter wanting to duel* "All he had to do was die. We ought give it a try." *kills Alex*
"I was chosen for the constitutional convention! :D"
Aaron's voice and expressions
"Wheeeee!" -Charles Lee
Animatics vs The actual musical (example: the king dancing in the animatic, him standing with a death stare in the musical)
Hamilton being happy he finally has friends
The dance in My Shot
Lafayette and Hercules dancing
Hercules showing off his pants
Lafayette flexing his muscles
John Laurens screaming passionately in the "shout it from the rooftops" part
Angelica's voice and expressions
John looking like he's checking Ham out
The difference between the musical and the studio recording, specifically the pauses that for me sound like they're trying to regain some breath to continue singing
Hercules as the flower girl
The foreshadowing (?) ("I may not live to see our glory" *dies*/ *doesn't count to ten in French* *dies because his opponent didn't count to ten*)
Peggy getting distracted by John in Schuyler Sisters
"my dog speaks more eloquently than thee"
"You don't have the votes ha-ha-ha"
Ham stopping his dance and fixing his jacket when Philip enters in Helpless
King George literally spitting in You'll be back
*Philip dies, Ham is mourning* "Can we get back to politics 🙄. Who you gon' vote for?"
When they're waiting for their turn on the song (Ham behind the king before Right Hand Man. John and Laf on the stairs behind Washington in "Your excellency, sir")
Washington's voice
The backup dancers they're literally so good
Ham: making a plan. Hercules: BRAH
Ham pushing Laf away so he could talk with Angelica
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gayemoji · 4 years
Hamilton & Laurens initiating a duel with Charles Lee in the name of George Washington
Tommy, Wilbur & Tubbo tormenting The Sidemen in the name of Philza Minecraft
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sunnystrikerz · 4 years
Just Finished Duty and Inclination * SPOILERS *
Oh my god.
The epilogue made me cry holy heck. I was dreading reading the ending cause I knew what was gonna happen and I was getting sad about it, but when I read the epilogue I just started crying. It's so sad that they never saw each other again because of Lauren's death and, even though it's been like 200 years later, I wish Laurens didn't die because of some little skirmish between the British and the Americans. We'll never know what would've happen if he lived now.
Any who, as I write this while crying bin the bathroom, lemme just say, this is my favorite book of all time. Nothing I have read in the past can ever be like this. I enjoyed everything about the characters, ones I knew because of the musical and ones I never knew existed. Just saying, and it's probably me, but I think Meade and Tench (sorry if I typed his name wrong I keep thinking "Tench" or "Trench") had something huehuehuehue-
Also, those scenes. I'm not gonna say what scenes they are, but this one thing will show anyone who has read the book (or at least half way done) will understand: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Like, dang. I thought there was some Alpha and Omega vibes going on in one of the scenes. You know what I'm talking about fellow readers.
Ok, the moments of cuteness between them and just Hamilton and Laurens worrying about each other also made me helpless. The moments I was really looking forward to when I finally got my hands on this book was the Laurens vs. Lee duel and Laurens capture and what Hamilton's reaction might've been.
Lemme just say,
It didn't disappoint.
* Spoiler free section below *
SO, if you love Laurens and Hamilton's relationship and the musical did not satisfy your needs of seeing more content, or you're just interested, give this book a read. It's freaking amazing, you'll get a weeks worth of non-stop content (it took me a week to finish it but it's so worth it), it gives you something to do during quarantine, and yea.
Author, if you see this, cause I know u have a Tumblr account, I just wanna thank you for making this book, I freaking appreciate you, and yea. Kudos to you :3
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theatreempress · 4 years
30 Things I noticed watching Hamilton 8 million times
1. In many scenes that do not involve the Schuyler sisters, they are on stage up above
2. When Daveed and Oak say “We fought with him” They are speaking as both of their characters. Since Lafayette and Hercules fought with him during the Revolutionary War and Jefferson and Maddison actually disagreed with him on many accounts. Also, the same with Anthony. Laurens died but not for Hamilton, but Phillip, his son, died fighting for his fathers honor.
3. When Hamilton, Laurens and Burr are singing “Hey, Hey” during the winters ball. Lafayette is running after an Ariana behind them
4. When Maddison says “Please” after Jefferson says “Can we get back to politics?”. Maddison is crying vs the soundtrack where it sounds like he’s pleading
5. When Burr starts singing Washington on your side, Jefferson is thrown off by Burr appearing out of nowhere. Even though it was common for Burr to randomly appear, Jefferson is the only character to acknowledge it.
6. During the cabinet battle, Maddison starts having a coughing fit, causing him to need to sit down. Jefferson actually walks over to check on him then Maddison gestures that he’s fine (Similar to when Jefferson realized he was crying)
7. When Jefferson makes his first appearance on stage, many of the ensemble members are pretending to be cleaning the floor. This is most likely them portraying Jeffersons slaves
8. The fourth wall is broken many times in Act II
9. Burr spends the majority of his time smiling on stage. Most likely cause of his motto “Talk less. Smile More”. He stops smiling after he loses the presidency
10. After Burr sings “Fools who run their mouths often wind up dead”, Laurens starts singing. Then Burr says “Like I said”
11. When Hamilton is recounting his life before Burr shoots him, the other cast members start doing choreography from earlier dance numbers such as “My Shot”
12. During Stay alive when Alexander, Laurens, Lafayette and Burr turn around to look at Charles Lee as he insults Washington, Burr is the only one standing with his legs extremely far apart with his hands on his hips.
13. During the 10 Duel Commandments, when the cast sings “Most disputes die and no one shoots” The cast wave their hands back and forth as a gesture for “Don’t shoot”
14. Also during the 10 Duel Commandments, Burr says “Can we agree that duels are dumb and immature?”. Only for Burr to suggest a Duel with Hamilton at the end of the play
15. In the Right Hand Man, Washington tells Burr “Close the door on the way out”. In the soundtrack version, Washington says it in a tone like he is just brushing Burr off, but in the film version, Washington says it in a disrespectful tone. As in, he doesn’t give a shit  what Burr has to say now that Hamilton is there. Also, Washington asks Burr “Who are you?”, but Washington is familiar on who Hamilton is, most likely cause Burr doesn’t do much while Hamilton “Was stealing British canons” and what not. Burr is always “Waiting for it”
16. While Lafayette is rapping Guns and Ships, Washington is also cheering Lafayette on along with the ensemble cast
17. Lafayette is actually present during Non-Stop
18. During Non-stop, when the cast is saying “What?” repeatedly, the cast up above (Including the Schuyler sisters and Lafayette) Are constantly leaning down on the rails, then eventually hang off of it. Many of the cast members just bow their heads down while Lafayette actually dangles half his body off of it.
19. Also during Non-Stop, when Hamilton is talking to Burr about defending the U.S constitution, Burr looks looks behind him and gestures “One moment”. Most likely to his wife
20. When Angelica says “I have found a wealthy husband” Alexander looks shocked and upset (asshole)
21. When Alexander walks up the stairs at the end of Non-Stop, Burr is standing at the bottom of the stairs (Still with his leg so fuckin wide open). Most likely indicating how Alexander is not throwing away an opportunity while Burr is still waiting.
22. Daveed and Lin have some of the strongest chemistry on stage. (It’s easy to tell that these two are friends)
23. In the soundtrack version of We Know. Jefferson says “My God” in a tone that makes him sound like he’s shocked/disappointed in Alexander. In the film version, Jefferson says it in a sarcastic tone.
24. When Jefferson sings “Virginia my home sweet I wanna give you a kiss” He blows a kiss to an audience member who then screams
25. Jefferson’s mood during Cabinet Battle #1 begins to change once Alexander brings up slaves. After Alexander says “Yeah keep ranting we know whose really doing the planting”, Jefferson looks at an audience member and mouths “Damn”
26. In Cabinet Battle #2, Jefferson has a more serious less playful tone cause it deals with France.
27. During Cabinet Battle #2, Jefferson enters charging towards Alexander. He is then stopped by Washington
28. When Maddison says “France”quietly in Jefferson’s mic, Lin chuckles then catches himself. He also smiles when Jefferson says “And if you don’t know now you know Mr. President”
29. During We Know, Burr says “No one else was in the room where it happened. Probably feeling some sort of enjoyment in being part of something that is secretive with Jefferson, Maddison and Hamilton.
30. Daveed does a lot of genuine laughing due random things that happen on stage
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katarablossoms · 4 years
The reframing of Hamilton’s songs along the play - a thread:
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First act: we are all having fun
Second act: we are all gonna die
“My shot”
This is the main song of Hamilton and what defines his character, it means that he will aways take a chance to get things done, and will never “throw away his shot” to leave a legacy, the sentence is repeated in more 4 songs along the play. But the sentence is a pun because the last thing he does is throwing away his shot literally, and that causes his death.
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“Story of tonight”
The song is played for the first time when Hamilton meets his squad, they are at the bar singing and dreaming about the future, the most prominent character of this song is Jon Laurens, the lyrics “I may not live to seen our glory but I will gladly join the fight cause when our children tell our story they will tell the story of tonight” the first time the song plays they are dreaming, the second time they ajoking, the third time Laurens dies and he doesn’t live to see his glory.
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“Look around look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now”
This sentence is always repeated by Eliza, she is exited about things that happen, and that life couldn’t be better, and they had to enjoy everything life had to offer, but at the end of the play Eliza is the only character that outlives everyone, she sees everyone dying and is the only one alive to tell their story.
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This sentence is repeated by Eliza in different moments, the first time Eliza is inocente and romantic and is helplessly in love with Hamilton, she dreams about him and wants to get married, in this song he makes her a promise “as long as I’m alive I swear to god you will never fell helpless”, but he breaks this promise many times, the first time he accepts the job of being part of the government putting his legacy above her, the second time he cheats her exposed this humiliating not just Eliza but also maria Reynolds, his irresponsibility makes their son die in a duel that could have been avoided, he dies in the end leaving Eliza living for more 60 years and that’s when she makes her own narrative of her story.
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This song is sang by Angelica and we discover that she also loved Hamilton, but she couldn’t stay with him because she had a duty as the older daughter of Phillip Schuyler, but she helps Eliza to stay with him, she says “I know my sister like I know my own life you will never find anyone as trusting of as kind” when we first hear this I looks like she is talking about Hamilton but in the end the trusting and kind person is Eliza, deep she down knew that he would never be satisfied and neither would she. But his lack of satisfaction extends to every part of his life, and in the end he humiliates Eliza exposing his case with Maria and Angelica says “you will never be satisfied God I hope you’re satisfied” about fucking up his life and breaking eliza’s heart.
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“Ten duel commander”
There are 3 duels during the play, all of them affect Hamilton directly, the first is Jon Laurens that duel with Charles lee, and that makes Hamilton be fired, the second his son (played by the same Character as Laurens) dies, and the third one is Burr vs Ham and causes his death.
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“That would be enough”
This is similar with the meaning of satisfied, Eliza wants to live a simple life with her husband and their children, for her they being together will always be enough but for Hamilton nothing will never be enough, he does things, he writes like there is no time enough, and in the end he has to suffer a terrible loss to realize that Eliza is enough, but even so he decides to go to the duel against burr.
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“Who lives who dies who tells your story”
Is not about the story itself but how it is told
Who are the villains who is the hero? is the a real hero or villain? who gets the spotlight?who deserves the spotlight? Who will tell your story? How it will be told?
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heller-obama · 6 years
“Most disputes die and no one shoots”—The Ten Duel Commandments
And yet they forget
Philip Hamilton vs. George Eacker
Laurens vs. Charles Lee
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smoljamesmadison · 7 years
Peggy calls Lee “Charlie”, which he finds kind of embarrassing at first. He eventually starts to call her “Pegs”.
They’d have a daughter named Isabella, after Lee’s mother (because that’s what I named their kid in Tomodachi Life). 
Peggy doesn’t judge Lee for being a “coward”, because she didn’t want there to be a war either. Besides, she’s the badass in the relationship and will protect him if need be.
Lee’s crush was RIDICULOUSLY obvious when he first met Peggy. Like ‘Helpless’ levels.
After the Lee vs. Laurens duel, Peggy is very conflicted because her friends shot the guy she loves.
Lee basically sees Peggy as the sunshine in his life, even when everything else sucks.
Burr is the best man at their wedding. They even get Hamilton to calm down for a bit to attend as well.
( @sinnamon-smols and @omegasmileyface also wanted to see these :D )
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marisfanfictionblog · 7 years
Safe & Sound
Summary: After being shot in his duel with John Laurens, Charles is easily startled by loud noises, especially those resembling a gunshot. Luckily, his wife is there to comfort him.
Fandom: Hamilton
Relationship(s): Charles Lee/Peggy Schuyler
Character(s): Peggy Schuyler, Charles Lee
Word Count: 573
Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic Attacks, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Laurens vs Lee Duel, Canon Era, but not canon compliant, Rare Pairings, Pregnant Peggy Schuyler, Peggy is a good wife and Charles loves her so much, The dialogue is not realistic at all because I have no idea how to write like that oops, Short & Sweet.
Notes: I've been getting MANY Leegy headcanons in my ask on my Hamilton blog, and some of them have inspired me to write fics! This story is based on this headcanon, sent to me by @charmingduelist. 
It was a quiet evening, and Peggy was feeling almost ready for bed. The birth of her and Charles’ first child was nearing, and her back pained her constantly. However, she was unbelievably excited to finally see her child, and she knew Charles was too. Peggy started thinking about the day when they would finally meet their son or daughter, until she was ripped from her daydreams by a loud noise.
Peggy didn’t know what the sound was, but it was loud and sudden and sure to startle Charles. Since being shot in his duel with John Laurens – where he gained the scar on his side that he always tried to conceal from Peggy – Charles had become very easily startled by loud noises, and noises resembling gunshots sent him into a full-on panic attack.
And that was how Peggy found him now – in a heap on the floor, hyperventilating, with tears pouring down his face. She approached her husband cautiously, not wanting to startle him and make everything worse.
She kneeled down next to Charles, waiting for him to calm down a little before she spoke to him. While she was waiting, Peggy tried her best not to cry. In these situations, she had promised herself that she would be strong for Charles, no matter how difficult it was. Though she wasn’t present at the duel, Peggy came close to losing Charles that day, and it terrified her to no end.
It felt like an eternity waiting for Charles to calm down, but Peggy was patient.
“Are you alright, Charlie?” Peggy asked, her voice barely higher than a whisper.
Charles nodded slowly, though he was still shaking quite a lot. He didn’t look into his wife’s eyes, instead fixing his gaze on the floor. “I… I’m sorry…” he mumbled.
“You have nothing to be sorry for…”
“Of course I do!” Charles raised his voice, but a moment later Peggy could tell that he was ashamed for doing so. His next words came out a lot quieter. “You’re stuck with a pathetic coward for a husband. How would I ever be able to protect you like I should? I sob like a child at every loud noise…”
“Charlie…” Peggy said calmly, slowly moving to place her hand on her husband’s cheek. “You’re not a coward, no matter what anyone says. You’re so strong. After the duel, everyone said you wouldn’t recover from your wounds, but you did, and you survived being captured by the British. You’re a brave man, and I’m proud to call you my husband.”
Charles finally looked at her, tears still welling in his dark brown eyes. Peggy always did everything she could to make him feel better. He didn’t know how she put up with him. “And I’m lucky to have you as my wife.”
“And our child will be lucky to call you its father.” Peggy took Charles’ hand and placed it on her stomach. Seeing him smile again filled her with so much joy that she could hardly contain it. "Now, we're both very tired, and we should go to bed."
Charles nodded, slowly standing up from his place on the floor.
"Uh, Charlie, would you be able to help me up?" Peggy looked up at him, pouting, and seeming a little embarrassed that she couldn't stand herself up.
With some trouble, Charles helped his very heavily pregnant wife stand up, and the two made their way to bed.
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townhulls · 7 years
Hamilton Sense8 AU
Literally EVERYONE in a cluster together.
Washington shows up immediately after the duel with Lee because he was there, in spirit; Laurens and Hamilton were switching out the entire time, but Angelica was the one who actually pulled the trigger. G.Wash pulls Laurens’ body to his tent to maintain appearances, but he’s really yelling at Angelica, switching between Ham, Laurens, and his own body in fits of rage. Laurens and Ham watch in fear from outside their bodies, refusing to get in the middle of it (Angelica SO BETRAYED). In the backs of their heads Lee is just screaming incoherently.
The two Georges can’t really talk, visit, or share for fear of giving away their strategies, but they have tension-filled passive-aggressive psychic tea parties every week.
Hercules’ intelligence missions include him holing up somewhere safe and just hanging around King George for days on end until someone says something useful.
King George takes over Seabury’s body to sing his own praises.
Hamilton cheated with Maria with Eliza’s blessing; she was just angry once he came out with it, because he wrote self-insert fanfiction and it didn’t involve HER! Laurens is dead by this point, but his psycelium ghost is yelling at Alex the whole time (“the friend who’s tell me not to do it is in the ground” “I’m RIGHT HERE!!!”) - threatens to go to Eliza, Alex placates him by writing fanfiction of him and Laurens. Eliza gets SUPER MAD at them both when the whole thing comes out.
Cabinet battles are WILD. Ham vs Jeffs is really Ham, getting on-the-spot eloquency help from half the cluster, vs Jeffs with the other half.
Jefferson feeling so betrayed whenever Madison sides with Ham
Lafayette being betrayed and downright PISSED about Cabinet Battle #2.
Peggy’s psycelium ghost is just SO DONE with everyone and spends most of her time bothering her sisters and cooing over her little nieces and nephews.
In the final duel, Hamilton is just being Hamilton but Burr know’s he’s going to aim for the sky, so he’s planning to throw his shot as well. King George is having none of this, and, in a final show of power, takes over Burr’s body. The rest of the cluster appears to Alex and tells him to just SHOOT BURR IT’S OKAY (even Burr is insisting upon this), but Alex is like, “No, I won’t, it’s fine,” and everyone’s just a little pissed at him.
His psycelium ghost hangs around to annoy Jefferson and offer speech writing advice until the end of their days.
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ao3feed-hamilton · 7 years
by victorfrankenwhale
After being shot in his duel with John Laurens, Charles is easily startled by loud noises, especially those resembling a gunshot. Luckily, his wife is there to comfort him.
Words: 573, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The General... and Peggy!
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Charles Lee, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler
Relationships: Charles Lee/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler
Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic Attacks, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Laurens vs Lee Duel, Canon Era, but not canon compliant, Rare Pairings, Pregnant Peggy Schuyler, Peggy is a good wife and Charles loves her so much, The dialogue is not realistic at all because I have no idea how to write like that oops, Short & Sweet
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://ift.tt/2tguu3g
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alexander hamilton: yEs I AM. THE stAR™ ft. many people, all of whom ALEXandER HamiLTON has wronged in one way or Another
aaron burr, sir: you’re a burr, sir ORPHANS HAHAHAHA WE’RE ORPHANS pssst let’s destroy the government
my shot: pants look hot- low-key gay- i imagINE DEATH SO MUCH IT FEELS MORE LIKE A MEMORY- aaron burr demonstrates douche power
the story of tonight: revolution but quiEt
the schuyler sisters: FEMINISM WERK COMMON SENSE (ft. peggy bein’ a quiet snoopin’ bitch) angeLICAAAA ELLiiiiIIIiizA andPEGGY
farmer refuted: hamilton picks a fight with a lil’ bitch ft. aaron burr demonstrating douche powers
you’ll be back: king george iii is a little bitch
right hand man: ‘i have credentials’ ‘I HAVE THREE FRIENDS AND CAN RAP THERES SOLDIERS A LOT OF SOLDIERS AND ALL OF THEM WANNA KILL US AND I HAVE THREE FRIENDS BUT I SAID THAT ALREADY SO PICK ME (plus that lil’ bitch aaron burr is bald) (ft aaron burr demonstration douche powers)
a winters ball: pervy aaron burr + disgusted angelica is a+ (lAAAaaaaaAAAAAAaaaaaAAAAdies)
satisfied: salt and a lot of it (ft totherevOLution)
the story of tonight (reprise): gay founding fathers(cough cough lauren’s + ham cough)drunken french man AARON BURR WHAT YOU DOIN (ft ham with the bad/good advice)
wait for it: oh so THATS what burrs doing
stay alive: fuck you charles lee and fuck you gwash except a little less
ten duel commandments: anxiety™ an lots of counting (ft aaron burr demonstration douche powers)
meet me inside: gwash stops ham the force of nature. (also ham fucks up™)
that would be enough: ELIZA IS BACK BUT P R E G N A N T HAM WTF CAN YOU N O T P L E A S E
guns and ships: laFAYETTE rapping at the speed of sound
history has its eyes on you: gwash has feelings + a song dedicated to himself
yorktown(the world turned upside down): trump can learn from this lmao and FRREEEEDDDOOOOOMMMMM (drinkingsongtheyresinging)
what comes next: king george iii gets his ass handed to him on a plate
non-stop: hamilton does nOT SToP satisffiedTHAT WOULD BE ENOUGH history has its E- WHY DO YOU ASSUME YOURE THE SMARTE- FeDeRaLiSt PaPeRs th OTHER FIFtY-OooOOonnNNNNneeeEEEE HOW DO YOU wOULD THAT be SatiSFIed? (ft aaron burr demonstration douche powers)
what’d i miss: jefferson stops getting high with hot french girls and actually does some america™ shit
cabinet battle #1: been a few days and HaMiLtOn aNd JeFfErSoN haTE EACH OthEr (ILL SHOW YOU WHERE MYshoE FITS)
take a break: UN DEUX TROUS QUATRE CCIIIINQQQQQ*maternal beatboxing*‘our kid is pretty great…. doesn’t mean i wanna spend time with u tho lmao #YOLO’ (spoiler; he takes no bReAks(nnnoooonnnn-STOP)
the room where it happens: five minutes and nineteen seconds about government and burr wanting to do shit(he still doesn’t do shit)
cabinet battle #2: ….france
washington on your side: the fuck? where did jefferson learn to rap? and wtf are ThEY DOING?!
one last time: o shit gwash is going and hamilton is fucked (ft. gwash has feelings 2.0)
i know him: king george iii aka lil’ bitch met adams and he was tiny (if you know what i mean)
the adams administration: faT MOTHER FUCKSTICK
we know: hahahaha we got him- wait what the sHIT- WHHHHHHAAAA *jefferson dips*
hurricane: illustrating how good ham is and two minutes and twenty four seconds of 'they let you go??? what the fUck do you think you’re dOiNg?!’
the reynolds pamphlet: neva’ gon’ be president now! ham misjudgment on angelica’s presence. 'you ever see somebody ruin they own life? hispoorwife’ burn happening ¾ the way through and T E A R S (ft aaron burr demonstration douche powers)
burn: eliza stand up for herself but nobody sees + cheering when she makes him sleep in his office for four years
stay alive (reprise): sad french counting + hamilton grows feelings + eliza is both pissed and sad
it’s quiet uptown: eliza somehow trusts ham again + angelica is there + long moments of wondering how the other hamliza children are doing
the election of 1800: burr vs jefferson & everyone loves burr but somehow jefferson wins by a landslide (ft. more of 'it’s quiet uptown) also you can FEEEELL the forced smiles (ft aaron burr demonstration douche powers)
your obedient servant: WIAT W H A T T H E F U C K ARE YOU TWO DOING NO S T O P T H A T (ft aaron burr demonstration douche powers)
best of wives and best of women: he only appreciates his wife bc he might die
the world was wide enough: shit shit shit shit he’s dying AHHHB WTF WHATTHEFUCK WHAT THE FUCK W H A T T H E F U C K *crying*
who lives, who dies, who tells your story: eliza lives for a very long time and misses her husband and then angelica dies and eliza is almost alone but how does she survive and continue. 'i establish the first private orphanage in new york city’ 'SHE TELLS MY STOOORRRRRRRYYYYYY’
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yeskraim · 5 years
UFC 247 live stream: how to watch Jones vs Reyes from anywhere tonight
(Image credit: ESPN)
Two undefeated light heavyweight greats, a feared women’s flyweight champion and a heavyweight winner under threat of losing his belt – a UFC 247 live stream is looking like one that should not be missed. 
UFC 247 – where and when?
UFC 247 will be kicking off tonight at the Toyota Center in Houston, Texas.
If you purely want to see the main card, the time to tune in is 10pm ET, 7pm PT and 3am GMT. For the prelims, you’ll need to tune in at around 8pm ET, 5pm PT and for those in the UK 1am GMT.
ESPN+ is your place to watch in the US, you can find out more about US streaming and other country options below.
Obviously, the stand out fight here is the main event Jon Jones vs Dominick Reyes. Many are labelling this as a done fight, with the odds on Jones taking the win almost certain before the match begins.
While that seems like an unfair observation against Reyes, an undefeated fighter who KO’ed ex-champion Chris Weidman back in 2019, he is against a man with a slightly unbelievable UFC history.
Tune in to watch UFC 247 online and you’ll likely hear repeated commentary on Jones and his expected win. Currently sitting at a 25-1 record (his only loss being disqualification), Jones is the #1 pound-for-pound fighter in the UFC and holds multiple records in his weight class for the most title defences, most wins and longest winning streak.
While odds are not exactly in Reyes’s favour, if he pulls off this win it will go down in history as one of the best MMA fights in history – more than enough reason to catch a UFC 247 live stream.
Need more reasons? Valentina Shevchenko. The women’s flyweight champion is powering her way through her division, quickly running out of worthy fighters and much like Reyes, Valentina’s competitor Katlyn Chookagian will be very hard pressed to pull out a win.
Ready to catch all of the action? Scroll down to find out everything you need to know about watching a UFC 247 live stream no matter where in the world you are.
Live stream UFC 247 from outside your country
If you’re a big UFC fan trying to catch any of the action of the UFC 247 but aren’t in the country to watch as it happens then you will likely find the coverage is geo-blocked. You can try using a VPN to change your IP address to a country where the fights are airing and watch this main card just as if you were back at home.
Virtual Private Networks are also handy if you’re concerned about streaming safely on the web, thanks to the encryption they use to hide your details. And the best won’t log your personal information, either. We’ve tested hundreds of VPNs and can recommend ExpressVPN as the very best VPN in the world.
That’s because ExpressVPN (which also comes with a 30 day money back guarantee) has proved itself as giving super fast connections, watertight security and is just really, really easy to download and use. You can watch on many devices at once including Smart TVs, Fire TV Stick, PC, Mac, iPhone, Android phone, iPads, tablets etc, too.
Plus, if you sign up to a year of ExpressVPN, you’ll get 3 months extra FREE and a rather tasty 49% off the usual monthly rate.
How to watch UFC 247 online in the US exclusively on ESPN
For any seasoned UFC viewers in the US, you’ll likely know that ESPN+ has the exclusive rights to aaaaall of the UFC fights since last year. That means its your one place to watch UFC 247.
Your options for watching the event depend on whether or not you have already dived in and bought a subscription to ESPN+. If you have, then the obvious way to go is with a UFC Bundle, costing you $84.98. While that might sound like a lot, that is not just getting you the UFC 247 PPV, but you’ll get a year-long subscription to ESPN+ (that would normally cost $50 alone). 
On top of being able to stream tonight’s event. A subscription to ESPN+ also opens up access to over 20 exclusive live UFC Fight Nights, alongside original content including Dana White’s Contender Series, UFC Destined, and Ariel & The Bad Guy, plus classic fights, replays, and there’s also the perk of fewer adverts.
Those who have previously subscribed to ESPN+ will have to take a slightly different route. This will mean buying the PPV out right at a cost of $64.99.
You can tune in to watch all of the action including preliminary fights on Saturday, February 8 at 8pm ET / 5pm PT.
And don’t worry if you want to grab the pay-per-view but are going to be outside the US when it’s on. Just scroll down the page a little to discover how to use a VPN to watch a UFC 247 live stream from abroad.
Live stream UFC 247 in the UK 
BT Sport has the exclusive broadcast rights to UFC in the UK and Ireland. However, the good news for subscribers is that unlike some past UFC events, the card won’t be PPV, with all the action being shown at no extra cost on BT Sport 2.
As usual, the main card will start quite late/early in the UK at 3am so make sure you prepare accordingly. If that is a bit too late for you, don’t worry as BT Sport also offers a spoiler-free replay page which will allow you to watch the full UFC 247 card at your convenience. Want to watch all the MMA action again? Well you can as the network will replay the full event on BT Sport 2 beginning at 10pm on Sunday night.
For those who don’t mind losing sleep to catch all the action at UFC 247, BT Sport will also show a live stream of the other fights on its BT Sport app and on its website. And don’t forget that you can now get BT Sport without a massive commitment, thanks to the £25 Monthly Pass.
If you’re a BT Sport subscriber but find yourself outside the UK and want to tune in, it’s easy to do with a handy tool – simply grab a VPN and follow the instructions above to live stream the action.  
Catch a UFC 247 stream in Australia 
For anyone over in Australia, the place to head for your UFC 247 live stream is Main Event. You’ll have to fork out $54.95 to grab the PPV here but that gains you access to the entire event.
Coverage in Australia will begin on Sunday, February 9 at 2pm AEDT then will be replaying at 8pm and then every 6 hours from 6am, just in case you miss it on the night. 
Stream UFC 247: Jones vs Reyes in New Zealand
Fans based in New Zealand can catch this major MMA brawl over on Sky Arena. Similar to most other streaming platforms, you will have to pay for the PPV, costing $39.95.
The main card will kick off at 4pm but if you want to catch all of the action, early prelims start at 12.30pm. You can catch this main event at 4pm on the Sunday. However, Sky Arena does not include the prelims.
If you want to watch the entire event, you have two options. Either, you get a UFC Fight Pass. Or, you download a VPN and try and watch UFC 247 online from another countries streaming service.
UFC 247 card: Who is fighting tonight?
Main Card: Jon Jones V Dominick Reyes (Light Heavyweight)
Velntina Shevchenko V Katlyn Chookagian ( Women’s Flyweight)
Juan Adams V Justin Tafa (Heavyweight)
Mirsad Bektic V Dan Ige (Featherweight)
Derrick Lewis V Ilir Latifi (Heavyweight)
Prelims: Trevin Giles V Antonio Arroyo (middleweight)
Alex Morono V Kalinn Williams (Welterweight)
Lauren Murphy V Andrea Lee (Women’s Flyweight)
Early Prelims: Miles Johns V Mario Mautista (Bantamweight)
Dominigo Pilarte V Journey Newson (bantamweight)
Andre Ewell V Jonathan Martinez (Bantamweight)
UFC 247 FAQ: all the info you need
What’s so exciting about UFC 247?
Two title fights – one in the light heavyweight division, one the women’s flyweight – both featuring four fascinating fighters. Just the two headline fights alone makes the UFC 247 a worthy watch, add in all of the top-notch line ups below and its one not to miss. 
Those who love a heavyweight dual for the ages will be here for Jones and Reyes, anyone keen to watch dominance in the flyweight division can’t miss Valentina and Chookagian and then both of those fights will be followed by a wealth of talent.
Who are Jon Jones and Dominick Reyes?
If you have even the faintest interest in UFC you will have heard of Jon Jones. The pound-for-pound #1 fighter is a living legend and every fighter to go up against him is looking to dethrone him.
Known for his lethal elbows, devastating blows to the chest and overwhelming stature, he’s a brick wall you’ll struggle to break through. However, if someone is going to step up and beat him, it will be Reyes.
One of the best up and coming MMA fighters, Reyes is currently undefeated and quickly racking up wins. He’s become known for his lightning fast kicks and massive knockouts, if he manages to catch Jones off his guard, it could be the fight of the decade, if not a life time.
Who is the favorite to win the Jones vs Reyes fight?
 Jon Jones is looking like the favorite to win by every bookie out there and a pretty large majority of fans. Realistically, Reyes would have to pull out a bit of a miracle if Jones’ history is anything to go by.
What are the other highlights from UFC 247?
While the title fight is obviously going to be the most exciting part for most fans of the sport, there are a few other matches to get amped about. 
Valentina Shevchenko has been dominating the women’s flyweight division and many fans expect the same fate in her duel with Chookagian as Jon Jones with Reyes – a dominating win.
Valentina is a punishing fighter likely to dominate the entire match and if we’re honest, unlikely to be beaten. Only Chookagian, her number 1 contender, stands a chance.
When did Jones and Reyes last step into the ring?
Jon Jones last entered the Octagon back in July, 2019. He beat out Thiago Santos in a round 5 decision. As for Reyes, he won two fights back in 2019, one in October and one in March. Most noticeably, Reyes took on popular fighter Chris Weidman winning by a first round knockout. 
What does a UFC fan receive with their ESPN+ subscription?
Quite a lot as it happens – a subscription to ESPN+ opens up access to over 20 exclusive live UFC Fight Nights, alongside original content including Dana White’s Contender Series, UFC Destined, and Ariel & The Bad Guy, plus classic fights, replays, and there’s also the perk of fewer adverts. 
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The post UFC 247 live stream: how to watch Jones vs Reyes from anywhere tonight appeared first on Gadgets To Make Life Easier.
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ao3feed-hamilton · 7 years
by victorfrankenwhale
After being shot in his duel with John Laurens, Charles is easily startled by loud noises, especially those resembling a gunshot. Luckily, his wife is there to comfort him.
Words: 573, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The General... and Peggy!
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Charles Lee, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler
Relationships: Charles Lee/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler
Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic Attacks, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Laurens vs Lee Duel, Canon Era, but not canon compliant, Rare Pairings, Pregnant Peggy Schuyler, Peggy is a good wife and Charles loves her so much, The dialogue is not realistic at all because I have no idea how to write like that oops, Short & Sweet
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://ift.tt/2tguu3g
1 note · View note
ao3feed-hamilton · 7 years
by victorfrankenwhale
After being shot in his duel with John Laurens, Charles is easily startled by loud noises, especially those resembling a gunshot. Luckily, his wife is there to comfort him.
Words: 573, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The General... and Peggy!
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Charles Lee, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler
Relationships: Charles Lee/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler
Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic Attacks, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Laurens vs Lee Duel, Canon Era, but not canon compliant, Rare Pairings, Pregnant Peggy Schuyler, Peggy is a good wife and Charles loves her so much, The dialogue is not realistic at all because I have no idea how to write like that oops, Short & Sweet
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://ift.tt/2tguu3g
1 note · View note
ao3feed-hamilton · 7 years
by victorfrankenwhale
After being shot in his duel with John Laurens, Charles is easily startled by loud noises, especially those resembling a gunshot. Luckily, his wife is there to comfort him.
Words: 573, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of The General... and Peggy!
Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Charles Lee, Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler
Relationships: Charles Lee/Margaret "Peggy" Schuyler
Additional Tags: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Panic Attacks, Hurt/Comfort, Post-Laurens vs Lee Duel, Canon Era, but not canon compliant, Rare Pairings, Pregnant Peggy Schuyler, Peggy is a good wife and Charles loves her so much, The dialogue is not realistic at all because I have no idea how to write like that oops, Short & Sweet
from AO3 works tagged 'Hamilton - Miranda' http://ift.tt/2tguu3g
0 notes