#Latur news
rebel-bulletin · 1 year
मुलीच्या लग्नाची तारीख ठरवण्यासाठी जाताना अपघात, एकाच कुटुंबातील 4 जणांचा मृत्यू
लातूर : मुलीच्या लग्नाची तारीख ठरवण्यासाठी जाणाऱ्या कुटुंबाच्या गाडीचा अपघात झाला आहे. या अपघातामध्ये एकाच कुटुंबातील चार जणांचा मृत्यू झाला आहे. तर दोन जण गंभीर जखमी झाले आहेत. लातूरमध्ये ही दुर्दैवी घटना घडली. मिळालेल्या माहितीनुसार, भरधाव वेगात असलेली कार पलटी झाली, त्यामुळे हा अपघात झाला. निलंगा ते औराद महामार्गावर कारचा भीषण अपघात झाला. चालकाचा गाडीवरील ताबा सुटल्याने भरधाव वेगात असणारी कार…
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pawl3ss · 17 days
I came here to be a hater and hate on the minecraft movie trailer.
Get ready because this is probably the longest and the most autistic post ive made so far
I wont talk about the weird cgi and how unprofessional it looks but about how inaccurate the trailer is because it pisses me off and I have to be a nerd about it <3
ALSO IM NOT SURE IF TUMBLR WILL LET ME POST ALL OF THIS IN ONE POST so if it doesnt ill reblog with the rest <:3
first of all, those are NOT minecraft mountains.
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Yes such seeds exist and you can find smt like that super easily in the game but it does NOT look so blocky
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It should be a bit more smooth like here ⬆️
Next, what the fuck happened to the flowers.
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Alot of the plants, trees, etc look like a disrespectful rip off of minecraft
Talking about plants, the trees are a big wtf
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On the first pic you can see the log is SO THIN. LIKE THINNER THAN A TOOTHPICK. In the second you can see it is thicker, but because the block that fell out is so Itty bitty, you have to make the tree thinner.
The tree is as wide as the players, and when the block falls out its bigger than whatever the fuck this is. Yes I understand they have to carry the blocks and they can't make it too big, but you know what's a good solution? - make the blocks bigger when they fall out, but make them shrink when they get close/get put into a chest or inventory. SO EASY
Also I know you can find pink sheep naturally in the game, but oh come on.
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You want to show how sPeCiAl the characters are and that they're sOoOoOo special they found a pink sheep on their spawn but oh my God you could have just let it be a normal sheep.
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and why is the creeper so, fluffy. Creepers are NOT made out of fur they are made of what alot of minecraft players suspect rotten skin like zombies or a skin-alike material, but it is NOT fur.
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Also, *wrong buzzer sound* llamas don’t just spawn naturally. Unless theres a wandering trader (or however theyre called in english) they aren’t able to spawn just like that. They also usually have the carpet on their back.
EDIT: TURNS OUT THEY DO SPAWN NATURALLY IN MOUNTAIN BIOMES. still the Llama being here looks like they just put her there to try and "be funny" ykwim?
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I also wanted to also say, this one character I feel that they're gonna be the most stereotypical, annoying one out of the whole movie and my ears hurt just looking at them
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I wanted to say that the portal shouldn't be blue but like. Only the nether portal is purple, it's unknown how other portals look so... yeah
But still wtf is this cube??? What's the fuck are you holding young man???
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Also, talking about mobs, piglins dont look like that, they dont have red light in their eyes, they dont have those drum-things because THEY DONT EVEN EXIST IN MINECRAFT which i will get to latur. They aren’t able to build like that, they aren’t able to get wood for trapdoors and for the fences and iron for the chains. Also they do not even know how to craft, they probably domt even know what a crafting table is. And ghasts also aren’t able to be in the overworld. I understand that theyre invading the land ans taking over but still Like Cmon >:(
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I also wanted to say that this is not how nether looks but like. It does a bit, like where the piglins usually spawn ykwim? so ill give them that, the nether looks alr
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Anyway TALKING ABOUT THINGS THAT DONT EXIST IN MINECRAFT: whatever this is, it isnt craftable in minecraft, unless there are mods installed. But the „mods” excuse can be used for everything in this post. It was the first thing i saw that pissed me off so badly that i had to make this post because like JUST USE ALL THE STUFF THAT THE ORIGINAL FRANCHISE HAS TO OFFER! NORMAL BUCKETS WOULD PROBABLY WORK JUST FINE!
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Last but not least, if you think those two are the same character ive got some bad news for you buddy.
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At least dye his beard brown. At least get the colours right. Please.
I think i mentioned everything i wanted. Lets hope the movie will get fixed or will turn out to be at least a bit better.
Thank you for letting me get nerdy about it <3
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merokado · 3 months
[chronically online] profiles: Freaky Singles Looking For Love (18+)
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where do i even start, he's our love interest hello?!?!? everybody clap and cheer!!!
awake at ungodly hours yelling at his computer - he brings a certain antisocial shut-in vibe to the function but he really just prefers staying at home
but but! he of course still makes time for whatever side quests his friends want to bring him along for (he won't say it, but he loves them!)
this man is the definition of nonchalant. like,,, he never goes out of his way to make new friends or potential girlfriends
which sucks for a lot of people because he ignores any moves made at him
it's either 1. he is Not interested or 2. he just doesn't understand that someone's flirting with him
despite this, suna still looooves complaining about being single
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resident driver of the freaky singles
always texting while driving but somehow never gets into any and all accidents
bo is a cheery guy! everyone loves him!
also his favorite emoji is definitely “😁" LOL
if his texts don't have that emoji call the police because that is not Him texting
unexpectedly pulls out in-depth analyses of his friends every now and then, veeery much to their surprise
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he pretends to be all cool but he's really not!!
gym buddies with tsumu which is unfortunate for whoever's there when they are because they are always pulling some embarrassing shit
they're not harming anyone though, only themselves 😭 he's always tryna bring physics into the gym which annoys atsumu
and ohh you bet it's even worse when bo comes with them, they all collectively lose like 1 million aura when they're all together
he always tries to drag suna with him if he hasn't seen him in a while
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written on profiles: art students (and atsumu)
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onigiri miya is his whole life, it's his precious child
very busy man, is barely there for events and sends three messages MAX per week
didn't pursue college anymore because he wanted to focus on his store - but still very close with the rest of the freaky singles
he meets up with them like …. once a month … excluding tsumu of course, he always stops by the shop to buy onigiri
masterlist | previous | next
☆ mera's mail ! i did not proofread this at all. too busy re-watching challengers rn, i'll edit latur (also fixed formatting of the profiles)
taglist: open !
@wave2love @suitstars @momozno @cle0we0 @wolffmaiden
@phoenix-eclipses @beatr2x @kenmacrumbs @riiceandsoup
@viscoolreal @ironicallyhetero @skazewrld @sunarins
@iwnnabeurss @sonicsolos @pookiebear16 @fairywriter-oracle
@i-am-trying-i-promise @dazqa @nbcvs
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lazyrants · 4 months
Remote Control (prod 121)
Original airdate: August 2, 2005
Story by Magnus Scheving
Written by Noah Zachary, Cole Louie, Magnus Scheving
Directed by Magnus Scheving, Raymond P. Le Gue
Executive producers - Magnus Scheving, Ragnheidur Melsted, Raymond P. Le Gue, Mark Read, Brown Johnson, Kay Wilson Stallings
Starring Magnus Scheving, Stefan Karl Steffanson, Julianna Rose Mauriello
Puppeteers - Ronald Binion, Gudmondor Thor Karason, Jodi Eichelberger, David Matthew Feldman, Julie Westwood, Sarah Burgess
There was a time in history where this was my favourite episode of the show. It was also my mother's. No, I totally wasn't agreeing with her just because she is my mom, hehehe!!!! There was ALSO a time where I made a crappy YTP of this episode, but we will get into that latur (or never!!).
So, anyways, the episode begins with, whaddya know, a recycled cold open. This is the fourth time in Season 1 I've seen this cold open. Frankly it's just getting annoying. It's not even worth noting.
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Stephanie runs into Milford's house telling him that she is gonna play football with her friends, and she is eating breakfast while Milford is talking about how he was so good at football, they called him Maddog Meanswell. Classic 'cooler-when-younger' trope in almost every show I've watched. Stephanie is drinking some orange juice (the new Badland Chugs??!!).
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Then she exits so fast we barely see her. To practice, she throws a ball around and is running, and Robbie is watching her in disgust. Sportacus is of course, cartwheeling around town and sees her, to his excitement.
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Just look at this dude. How can't you like him? So, Sportacus flippity flops over to her, and she asks if he can teach him to play football. And Robbie gasps and gags.. in a reused shot.. from the first ever episode they filmed of the show "Sports Day".. what is going on?
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This. Is. Not. What. They. Meant. By. Recycling. Reusing. Or. Reducing. So, Stephanie goes to get Ziggy and Pixel. They run over to him, and Pixel trips over his shoelaces. And Stephanie.. is annoyed. "Oh, you just fell flat on your face? Don't care, blue kangaroo wants to play sports with us." What a kind soul!
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Sportacus explains how to play and Pixel has to run for the touchdown. When they start the game, it's going well until Pixel trips AGAIN. So the ball flies and hits Robbie's spying thing and he falls over the railing. XD LOL ROFL!!!!
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So, it seems that in the span of .. however long that was, Pixel totally disappeared and went home.. and he suddenly has a shoe-tying gadget. The guy has a HOARD of electronic devices. He could've just searched up a video on how to tie them with your hands. This is 2004. (And YouTube was made in 2005, but you get my point..)
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Then he returns, telling them he had to go tie his shoes. They say he could have done that on the field, but he says he'd have to bring his Shoe Tier 6000. Dude, I don't think this is the 6000th shoe tier you've made.. So they all leave Sportacus (the jerks!) without telling him (the even bigger jerks) all alone. But I don't think he really cared.
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Meanwhile, Robbie is in his lair, demonstrating how much useless sports there are, basketball, baseball, football, and he cracks his posterior and arm bones in the process. Robbie wishes there was a way to control Sportacus. 4SHADOEEENGGUHHH!!
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Everyone is impressed by his gagdet until Stephanie speaks up and says that it'd be easier to just learn how to tie them. But it wouldn't. But, then again, you'd have to bring it everywhere if your shoes untied. So she has a point. Pixel says that he doesn't have to memorize it this way because he already has a machine that does it for him, then he brings up the RIDICULOUS, STUPID idea to make a machine that does everything for him.
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Stephanie doesn't like the idea, but the one time Lover Boy doesn't listen to Stephanie JUST has to be this one. So they perform Gizmo Guy, a new, updated down- I mean UPgrade from Easy Way, which was rejected by Nickelodeon because of the word 'thingy'.. sometimes.. I just don't even know. I think it'd have been cool if Easy Way was in 117 and Gizmo Guy stayed in this episode, like they did with 'No one's Lazy' & 'Take a Vacation'. By the end of the song, Pixel has finished crafting the one and only Remote Controller 6000.
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This time the Remote Controller 6000 can tie your shoes (oh, so solution, use the remote control because it's more lightweight!), untie your shoes, reverse, turn off all TVs, turn ON all TVs, freeze, do your homework, basically anything! Ziggy drops the lollipop on the floor, and Pixel rewinds it. They do the trick another time.. and Ziggy LICKS the lollipop the second time, because of the three second rule. MY GUY, THAT WAS NOT THREE SECONDS. Even Steph is disgusted.
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But she kinda looks like a vampire in the above screenshot for some reason. So, Stephanie decides to go tell Sportacus the news of Pixel's invention.. then runs away because the remote control is gonna do her homework. But Sportacus is doing some practice and warmups. So the gang are hanging out, and the remote control does Stephanie's homework in 4 seconds. HOMEWORK IN FOUR SECONDS WOULD BE HEAVENLY.
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For a while, Pixel is totally obsessed with his remote control, and he even plays football, baseball and basketball using it. But Stephanie and Ziggy get bored. In fact, Steph is so bored she starts checking her nails. You have to be the most bored person on the universe to do that unironically.
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So, they get mad at Pixel, and they go away to do something like a real game until Ziggy starts yapping. AND PIXEL TURNS HIS VOLUME DOWN. THAT IS SUCH A CRAPPY THING TO DO, REMOTE CONTROL OR NOT. So, then Stephanie tells him to put his volume up, but then we see Ziggy angry moment (!!!!!!!!!!) about how you can't do that to people.
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So once they try to leave, Pixel.. freezes Ziggy solid like a popsicle (in his own words). What a little french fry hair boy. This just makes me mad, personally if I was ice cream hair boy I wouldn't take that kind of disrespect.. but they are too mad to talk to Pixel, but another problem has arised - Robbie heard it and saw it all.
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He has the idea to remote control Sportacus FOREVER!! Meanwhile, Pixel gets kinda bored and he throws away the remote control. Unfortunately, Robbie has been busting his butt off finding this thing, and it lands in a bin he's carrying after riding a skateboard on accident.
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REEMOOOTEEE CONTROOOOLLL!!! XD, Stefan was hilarious. RIP. So, anyways, he dances of happiness, and then Milford walks into town. Robbie makes the skateboard go forward and Milford steps onto it.
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Depending on what he crashes into, he could be injured seriously hard if Sportacus wasn't in town. So Robbie is a really devious man. But Sportacus is on the rescue and he gets him off by spinning the puppet around which looks funnier then it is. Sportacus stops the skateboard by doing an astonishing flip and landing on it.
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After Sportacus makes sure that Milford is okay, Robbie realizes that the problem is Sportacus, so Robbie freezes him mid frontflip. Genuinely surprised that he managed to do that.
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So, anyways, Milford is asking him if he's sleeping, and he whispers that he likes taking naps too. XD! But Robbie isn't amused and he freezes Milford too. So, Stephanie and Ziggy see the freeze victims and ask themselves why Pixel did it, then Robbie reveals he did it (villians always lie but not this softie..) and mutes them.. then he freezes them while Stephanie proves she could have a career as a poser for YouTube clickbaiting thumbnails.
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Meanwhile, Robbie decides to have a little fun with Sportacus. (This scene is exactly why my mum declares this her favourite episode.) He makes him run in fast forward, freezes him, makes him run backwards, and.. makes him do.. the cha cha cha. Cha cha, real sporty.
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Then he makes him do a spinning flip.. for fifteen seconds. Then he throws a ball at him and freezes him as he catches it in mid-air. Frozeacus. XD. Pixel walks in and tries to run to save them, but trips over his shoelaces, and he TIES THEM HIMSELF. AFTER ALL THAT COMMOTION. MY. GOD. So, Robbie calls for a truck to run Sportacus over, but he clicks the Wildlife Channel instead.
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XD. The truck is only like 2 seconds away from riding Sportacus over, but then Robbie fumbles it up. He tries pressing the fast forward button.. but he FACES IT AT HIMSELF. And he throws the control into the air, and Pixel catches it, playing Sportacus, when he shoulda been run over like 30 seconds ago..
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So Sportacus kicks the ball away, uses the digger of the truck as a launching pad, frontflips into the driver's seat and stops the truck. Then Pixel unfreezes everyone, and he says he found a better gadget, his own body. Then they perform Bing Bang. Pixel plays with Robbie, then he unfreezes him and he falls into his lair, flopping on the floor.
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He stands up and walks off camera then the episode ends.
It was kinda good, actually.
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brookstonalmanac · 7 days
Events 9.15 (before 1950)
994 – Major Fatimid victory over the Byzantine Empire at the Battle of the Orontes. 1440 – Gilles de Rais, one of the earliest known serial killers, is taken into custody upon an accusation brought against him by Jean de Malestroit, Bishop of Nantes. 1530 – Appearance of the miraculous portrait of Saint Dominic in Soriano in Soriano Calabro, Calabria, Italy; commemorated as a feast day by the Roman Catholic Church 1644–1912. 1556 – Departing from Vlissingen, ex-Holy Roman Emperor Charles V returns to Spain. 1762 – Seven Years' War: Battle of Signal Hill. 1776 – American Revolutionary War: British forces land at Kip's Bay during the New York Campaign. 1789 – The United States "Department of Foreign Affairs", established by law in July, is renamed the Department of State and given a variety of domestic duties. 1794 – French Revolutionary Wars: Arthur Wellesley (later Duke of Wellington) sees his first combat at the Battle of Boxtel during the Flanders Campaign. 1795 – Britain seizes the Dutch Cape Colony in southern Africa to prevent its use by the Batavian Republic. 1812 – The Grande Armée under Napoleon reaches the Kremlin in Moscow during the failed French invasion of Russia. 1812 – War of 1812: A second supply train sent to relieve Fort Harrison is ambushed in the Attack at the Narrows. 1813 – Followers of the Eight Trigram Sect loyal to Lin Qing attack the Forbidden City in a failed attempt to oust the Jiaqing Emperor of the Qing dynasty. 1816 – HMS Whiting runs aground on the Doom Bar. 1820 – Constitutionalist revolution in Lisbon, Portugal. 1821 – The Captaincy General of Guatemala declares independence from Spain. 1830 – The Liverpool to Manchester railway line opens; British MP William Huskisson becomes the first widely reported railway passenger fatality when he is struck and killed by the locomotive Rocket. 1835 – HMS Beagle, with Charles Darwin aboard, reaches the Galápagos Islands. The ship lands at Chatham or San Cristobal, the easternmost of the archipelago. 1862 – American Civil War: Confederate forces capture Harpers Ferry, Virginia. 1873 – Franco-Prussian War: The last Imperial German Army troops leave France upon completion of payment of indemnity. 1894 – First Sino-Japanese War: Japan defeats Qing dynasty China in the Battle of Pyongyang. 1915 – New Culture Movement: Chen Duxiu establishes the New Youth magazine in Shanghai. 1916 – World War I: Tanks are used for the first time in battle, at the Battle of the Somme. 1918 – World War I: Allied troops break through the Bulgarian defenses on the Macedonian front. 1935 – Nazi Germany adopts a new national flag bearing the swastika. 1940 – World War II: The climax of the Battle of Britain, when the Luftwaffe launches its largest and most concentrated attack of the entire campaign. 1942 – World War II: U.S. Navy aircraft carrier USS Wasp is sunk by Japanese torpedoes at Guadalcanal. 1944 – Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill meet in Quebec as part of the Octagon Conference to discuss strategy. 1944 – The Battle of Peleliu begins as the United States Marine Corps' 1st Marine Division and the United States Army's 81st Infantry Division hit White and Orange beaches under heavy fire from Japanese infantry and artillery. 1945 – A hurricane strikes southern Florida and the Bahamas, destroying 366 airplanes and 25 blimps at Naval Air Station Richmond. 1947 – Typhoon Kathleen hits the Kantō region, in Japan killing around 1,000-2,000 people. 1948 – The Indian Army captures the towns of Jalna, Latur, Mominabad, Surriapet and Narkatpalli as part of Operation Polo. 1948 – The F-86 Sabre sets the world aircraft speed record at 671 miles per hour (1,080 km/h).
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nickyysharmi · 2 months
Abhay Bhutada’s Innovative Approach to Achieving Greatness
Abhay Bhutada is a name that stands out in the world of finance and entrepreneurship. Known for his innovative approach and strategic acumen, Abhay has carved a niche for himself. His story is one of dedication, vision, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. With a net worth of 500 crores and his pivotal role as the director of the Abhay Bhutada Foundation, his journey offers valuable insights into achieving remarkable success.
Early Life and Educational Background
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Abhay Bhutada was born in Latur, Maharashtra, a small town that instilled in him the values of hard work and perseverance. He graduated in Commerce from Symbiosis International University in 2005 and became a Chartered Accountant in 2009. These formative years laid the groundwork for his future endeavors, equipping him with the knowledge and skills necessary for the competitive world of finance.
Also Read: The Importance of CSR in Healthcare and Education
Initial Career and Entrepreneurial Ventures
Abhay began his professional journey in 2010 as an SME Finance Professional with the Bank of India. This role provided him with firsthand experience in the financial sector, allowing him to understand the intricacies of lending and financial management. However, Abhay's entrepreneurial spirit soon led him to explore new horizons.
In 2016, Abhay founded TAB Capital Limited, a digital-lending NBFC focused on retail loans, including MSME and consumer lending. This venture was a testament to his innovative mindset. By leveraging technology, he created a platform that made lending more accessible and efficient. The success of TAB Capital Limited highlighted Abhay’s ability to identify market gaps and develop solutions that cater to evolving consumer needs.
The Rise to Prominence
The year 2019 marked a significant milestone in Abhay’s career. Co-founding and joining a prominent finance company as Managing Director and CEO, he developed a digital-focused approach to lending. Under his leadership, the company reported profits in its first year of operations and received an external credit rating of “AA+” by CARE Ratings Limited. This achievement underscored Abhay’s strategic vision and his knack for driving growth through innovation.
In 2021, Abhay spearheaded the acquisition of a three-decade-old financial services conglomerate. Successfully integrating the acquisition and transition process with his digital-first approach, he demonstrated his ability to lead complex transformations. His leadership was instrumental in the company receiving an external credit rating of ‘AAA’ by CRISIL Ratings Limited and CARE Ratings Limited.
Also Read: Abhay Bhutada’s Influence on Corporate Social Responsibility Trends in India
Leadership and Vision
Abhay Bhutada's leadership style is characterized by his focus on team and leadership development. He understands that a strong organizational culture and robust systems are critical to building a profitable franchise with good asset quality. His approach has always been to foster an environment where innovation thrives, and employees are empowered to contribute to the company's success.
Given his leadership, execution skills, and business acumen, Abhay was elevated to a group level in 2024. He now manages strategy, investment, and finance for the Cyrus Poonawalla Group, while continuing as the Non-Executive Director on the Board of a significant finance company. This role allows him to influence the broader strategic direction of the group, leveraging his expertise to drive growth and innovation across different verticals.
Abhay Bhutada Foundation
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Beyond his professional achievements, Abhay is also committed to giving back to society. He is the director of the Abhay Bhutada Foundation, a not-for-profit organization incorporated on July 28, 2023. The foundation is classified as a non-government company and is registered at the Registrar of Companies, ROC Pune. With an authorized share capital of Rs. 10,000,000 and a paid-up capital of Rs. 10,000,000, the foundation aims to make a significant impact in areas such as healthcare and education.
The foundation's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and financial statements are yet to be submitted, as it is a relatively new entity. However, the commitment to social responsibility is evident in its active status and the involvement of directors Sujit Sitaram Thite and Narayan Ishwar Jarange. The foundation's registered address is Flat No. 2, 50/2/5 Laxmikeshav Apartment, Pune City, Maharashtra.
Also Read: Impact of Sequential Financial Improvements on Investor Confidence
Personal Philosophy and Lifestyle
Abhay Bhutada’s success is not just limited to his professional life. He believes in mindfulness in the workplace and practices gardening, yoga, and regular exercise. This balanced approach to life ensures that he remains grounded and focused, even amidst the pressures of managing large organizations.
Abhay’s philosophy is simple yet profound: every day is a new opportunity, every failure is a stepping-stone, and every milestone is a chance to introspect and improve. This mindset has been crucial in his journey, helping him navigate challenges and seize opportunities.
Recognition and Accolades
Abhay’s contributions to the industry have not gone unnoticed. He has earned numerous accolades, including the “Young Entrepreneur of India 2017,” “Promising Entrepreneur of India 2019,” and “40 under 40 Most Influential Leader for 2020-21.” These recognitions are a testament to his impact on the financial sector and his role as a visionary leader.
Abhay Bhutada’s journey is a remarkable example of how innovation, dedication, and strategic vision can lead to exceptional success. From his early days in Latur to his current role as a leader in the financial sector, Abhay has consistently demonstrated his ability to drive growth and make a positive impact. His story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and finance professionals, showcasing the power of innovation and the importance of giving back to society.
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charcha-equity · 2 months
Abhay Bhutada Foundation: Innovating Community Health in India
The Abhay Bhutada Foundation (ABF), founded by Abhay Bhutada, stands ready to significantly impact community health in India. With a strong foundation in finance and a commitment to using technology for good, Bhutada aims to revolutionize community health with innovative and sustainable solutions.
Abhay Bhutada: A Visionary in Leadership
Abhay Bhutada, the Founder and Chairman of the Abhay Bhutada Foundation, also serves as the Non-Executive Director on the Board of Poonawalla Fincorp Limited (PFL). Born and raised in Latur, Maharashtra, Bhutada graduated in Commerce from Symbiosis International University in 2005 and became a Chartered Accountant in 2009. His career began in 2010 as an SME Finance Professional with the Bank of India, quickly demonstrating his entrepreneurial talents and leadership abilities.
Bhutada, a former Managing Director of Poonawalla Fincorp, has received numerous accolades, including "Young Entrepreneur of India 2017," "Promising Entrepreneur of India 2019," and "40 under 40 Most Influential Leader for 2020-21." His dedication to corporate social responsibility, particularly in healthcare and education, laid the groundwork for ABF.
Also Read: Next Steps for Poonawalla Fincorp After Abhay Bhutada’s Shift to Non-Executive Director
The Abhay Bhutada Foundation: Mission and Vision
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Incorporated on July 28, 2023, the Abhay Bhutada Foundation is a private not-for-profit organization based in Pune, Maharashtra. Its mission is to improve community health outcomes by addressing healthcare needs in underserved populations. With an authorized and paid-up capital of Rs 1.00 crore, ABF is positioned to fund and implement significant health initiatives.
Directors Narayan Jarange and Sujit Thite collaborate with Bhutada to ensure ABF's objectives are achieved. The foundation is classified under Business Activity Class/Subclass Code 88, emphasizing its focus on health and social work activities.
Also Read: Abhay Bhutada Foundation: A Commitment to Social Welfare
Technology in Health
Abhay Bhutada's vision of enhancing financial services through technology extends to his work with the Abhay Bhutada Foundation. ABF aims to make healthcare more accessible and efficient by leveraging digital tools and innovative solutions, particularly in rural and remote areas where healthcare infrastructure is lacking.
A key initiative of ABF is the development of telemedicine services, connecting patients with healthcare providers and reducing the need for travel. The foundation also plans to implement health information systems for better patient data tracking and health outcome monitoring.
Community Health Programs
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The Abhay Bhutada Foundation is dedicated to addressing various health issues affecting communities across India. Key initiatives include:
Preventive Healthcare Programs: ABF organizes health camps, vaccination drives, and awareness campaigns on hygiene and nutrition to reduce chronic disease incidence.
Maternal and Child Health: ABF prioritizes the health of mothers and children, providing prenatal and postnatal care, along with educational programs for expecting and new mothers.
Mental Health Support: Recognizing mental well-being's importance, ABF offers mental health services, including counseling and support groups.
Health Infrastructure Development: ABF invests in building and upgrading healthcare facilities in underserved areas, including setting up clinics, providing medical equipment, and training healthcare workers.
Also Read: Abhay Bhutada Foundation and Its Mission for Social Change
The Future of Community Health
Under Abhay Bhutada's leadership, the Abhay Bhutada Foundation is poised to play a pivotal role in transforming community health in India. By combining innovative technology with a compassionate approach, ABF aims to create sustainable health solutions benefiting millions.
As Bhutada assumes a strategic role at the Cyrus Poonawalla Group, his commitment to improving healthcare through the foundation remains steadfast. His involvement in industry forums such as CII, ASSOCHAM, FICCI, and FIDC amplifies his dedication to driving positive change in healthcare.
The Abhay Bhutada Foundation represents a beacon of hope for communities in need of better healthcare. With Abhay Bhutada's visionary leadership and a dedicated team, ABF is well-prepared to address community health challenges and pave the way for a healthier future. By leveraging technology and focusing on preventive care, maternal and child health, mental health support, and infrastructure development, the foundation is set to make a lasting impact on countless individuals' well-being across India.
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agarwaldomestic · 2 months
ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur, 8262850046.
ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur offer Top Quality Packing Moving, Car carrier, Bike transport, Local shifting, IBA approved Service – 8262850044.
At ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur, we provide specialized world-class quality movers services from Latur to all over India. Our services extend around the globe. ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur offer comprehensive moving solutions at very affordable prices within the city or across India. Our services include household goods relocation, office goods shifting, car/bike transportation, packing, loading, escort service, unloading, unpacking, assembly and disassembly of electrical items, storage/warehousing of household and commercial goods, office and industrial goods, wooden crates, and IBA approved transport service. Feel free to call us anytime, and we will reach you immediately to ensure your items are transported quickly with world-class quality at local prices. Our drivers are well-versed in every road across India.
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ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur:
Fully Specialized Service
Full Responsibility for all Goods
On-Time Delivery
Guaranteed Safety
Economical Pricing
Top Quality Packing Material
Service 24x7 Hours
ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur relocation experts are dedicated to providing top-quality relocation solutions for all types of supplies. Our company takes full responsibility for all services provided by us. Our staff is skilled, responsible, and well-versed in packing, loading, unloading, and unpacking at both origin and destination. The ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur team possesses extensive knowledge of packing and moving. Our commitment to our work ensures we deliver the best service, enhancing our reputation in the packing and moving industry. We are known for our dedication to serving our best. You can avail of our services with just one call, specifying your current location and destination. The rest is on us. We will offer you the best package. Call us now to book your shifting needs. ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur are the best moving solution in the town. Our drivers are fully aware of every road and traffic detail, ensuring your products are delivered promptly within the town.
We aim to transport your goods safely to your new location. ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur employ skilled loading and unloading staff who handle your belongings with care. Our team includes trained packers and movers who ensure your goods are packed and transported safely and quickly. Every day, many people move in and out of Latur, and during such times, they need the safest and most reliable ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur.
ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur have an expert team with in-depth knowledge of packaging and moving. We offer our clients the best and most reliable services within the stipulated time. Our dedication to our work helps us provide the best services and enhance our name in the packing and moving industry. We take it as our goal to transport your goods safely to your new place. ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur have skilled loading and unloading staff who handle your items with care. Our team comprises trained packers and movers who ensure your goods are packed and transported safely and swiftly. Many people move in and out of Latur daily, and during such times, they need the safest and most reliable ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur.
We are determined to serve our best and are known for our reliability. You can avail of our services with just one call, specifying your current location and destination. The rest is on us. We will offer you the best package. Call us now to book your shifting needs. We are the best moving solution in the town. Our drivers are fully aware of every road and traffic detail, ensuring your products are delivered promptly within the town. ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur provide 100% safe and fast services. We offer the best quality transportation and well-mannered chauffeurs to make moving your goods easier and safer. The door-to-door delivery of your consignment will be on time every time. Our dedication to our work helps us provide the best services and enhance our name in the packing and moving industry. ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur ensure 100% safe and fast transportation from Latur to all over India.
Contact us:- ADHR Packers and Movers in Latur.
Mobile:- 8262850010. 8262850044. 8262850046.
Packing. Loading. Transportation. Unloading. Unpacking. Local Moving Packing. Office Relocation. Warehousing Services.
Website:- https://aggarwaldomesticpackersandmovers.com
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shivshaktimachtech · 4 months
Automatic Bottle Capper Machine Manufacturer In India
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Shiv Shakti Machtech is based in Ahmedabad and specializes in the Automatic Bottle Capper Machine Manufacturer In India. An automatic bottle capper machine is a sophisticated piece of equipment designed to streamline the process of sealing bottles with caps or lids in industrial settings. Feature: Simple GMP Model: Adheres to Good Manufacturing Practice standards for regulatory compliance. Fast and Easy Changeover: Allows quick transitions between container sizes, minimizing downtime. Stainless Steel Contact Parts: Durable stainless steel components ensure longevity and hygiene. Single Motor Operation: Streamlined functionality with one motor for conveyor, star wheel, and turret. Variable Frequency Drive: Enables precise machine speed control for optimized production. Clutch System: Prevents bottle breakage with a rotary star wheel equipped clutch system. Digital Bottle Counter: Accurately counts production output for efficient inventory management. Optional Cap Feeder: Provides flexibility to replace the bowl system for an additional cost. Easy Cleaning: Hopper and accessories dismantle easily for thorough cleaning. Stainless Steel Finish: Hygienic and long-lasting machine body finished in stainless steel. Shiv Shakti Machtech is Automatic Bottle Capper Machine Manufacturer In India Including Kathwada, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India and supplier in Vadodara, Vatva, Changodar, Gota, Naroda, Nikol, Mehsana, Palanpur, Deesa, Patan, Vapi, Surendranagar, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Junagadh, Rajkot, Amreli, Mahuva, Surat, Navsari, Valsad, Daman, Silvassa, Porbandar, Mumbai,  Vasai, Andheri, Dadar, Maharashtra, Aurangabad, Kolhapur, Nasik, Pune, Rajasthan, Jaipur, Udaipur, Kota, Bharatpur, Panoli, Ankleshwar, Bharuch, Ajmer, Delhi, Noida, Baddi, Solan, Himachal Pradesh, HP, Una, Jammu Kashmir, Haryana, Hisar, Gurgaon, Gurugram, Kanpur,  Madhya Pradesh, Indore, Bhopal, Ratlam, Jabalpur, Satna, New Delhi, Kolkata, West Bengal, Assam, Guwahati, Dibrugarh, Silchar, Asansol, Siliguri, Durgapur, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, Cuttack, Brahmapur, Puri, Goa, Amaravati, Andhra Pradesh, Visakhapatna, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Anantapur, Rajamahendravaram, Alappuzha, Kottayam, Kannur, Malappuram, Bharatpur, Jodhpur, Bikaner, Alwar, Bhilwara, Nagpur, Amravati, Solapur, Akola, Bhiwandi, Ahmednagar, Achalpur, Dhule, Latur, Chandrapur, Parbhani, Panvel, Yavatmal, Satara, Malegaon, Navi Mumbai, Thane, Wardha, Vasai-Virar, Gondia, Hinganghat, Barshi, Ulhasnagar, Nandurbar, Bhusawal, Pimpri-Chinchwad, Sangli Miraj Kupwad, Kalyan, Satara, Yamuna Nagar, Chhachhrauli. Read the full article
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rebel-bulletin · 2 years
शिवराज पाटील चाकूरकरांच्या भावाची आत्महत्या; चाकूरकरांच्या घरातच स्वतःवर झाडली गोळी
लातूर : काँग्रेसचे ज्येष्ठ नेते तथा देशाचे माजी गृहमंत्री शिवराज पाटील चाकूरकर यांचे चुलत बंधू चंद्रशेखर पाटील यांनी आत्महत्या केली आहे. त्यांनी रविवारी सकाळी 9 च्या सुमारास लातूर येथील शिवराज पाटलांच्या देवघर या निवासस्थानी स्वतःवर गोळी झाडून आत्महत्या केली. त्यांनी हे टोकाचे पाऊल का उचलले? हे अद्याप स्पष्ट झाले नाही. पण या घटनेमुळे लातूरमध्ये मोठी खळबळ माजली आहे. वृद्धापकाळाशी संबंधित आजारामुळे…
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petnews2day · 5 months
Expanding outreach, PM Modi to address 4 rallies in Maharashtra
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/news/general-news/expanding-outreach-pm-modi-to-address-4-rallies-in-maharashtra/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social
Expanding outreach, PM Modi to address 4 rallies in Maharashtra
Mumbai News Live Updates: Prime Minister Narendra Modi is expanding the NDA’s outreach in Maharashtra, holding four rallies across the state today. He will be in Madha, Osmanabad and Latur before flying over to Telangana.Read More What else is happening across the state? As the nomination process for the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha […]
See full article at https://petnews2day.com/news/general-news/expanding-outreach-pm-modi-to-address-4-rallies-in-maharashtra/?utm_source=TR&utm_medium=Tumblr+%230&utm_campaign=social #OtherNews
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janedyson4thyear · 5 months
Millner, Jacqueline, and Catriona Moore. Contemporary Art and Feminism.
Conclusion pg 238
The seemingly simple question—how can feminism translate into a socialmovement today?—is a wake-up call for feminists working in the academy and theartworld to keep reaching beyond these contexts to re-develop a grass roots politicsof alliance. An interesting recent turn is feminist artists extending their practice intothe formal sphere of political institutions, seeking and securing seats in local legis-latures by campaigning on their expertiseasartists, highlighting how artists haveparticular insights into community issues and the capacity for creative solutions.
feminist art as an activistpolitics of alliance, with three main strategic emphases, namely, decolonisation; re-imagining the art/life divide, and problematising‘equality’politics.
Ethnicity won’t join a white feminist agenda. It will transform it. It willbecome the central agenda of feminism, as rightly it should, because we arethe majority...the groundwork laid by white feminists of the 1970s, that bodyof knowledge, will be a resource, but we will have to redefine it according to238Conclusion
the experience of women of colour...I can’t relate to the universality of allwomen. We make these bridges tentatively, we don’t make assumptions, webuild a relationship slowly...It’s a long struggle, a long time buildingbridges
In reconsidering the historical disjunct between the studio and the street,
feminism dovetails with, and draws upon, centuries of de-colonial cultural resis-
tance by linking the artworld to other social spaces through a porous art practice
Artists registered excessive (including failed or under-performing) gendered sub-jectivities and sexual proclivities that complicated the representational demand to bemiddle class, white, straight and good looking. White feminists also learnt from FirstNations’perspectives that proposed a decolonising non-essentialism as a starting pointfor resistant acts of sovereignty, rather than investigating the politics of media/high artrepresentation as a (postmodern) end in itself. Feminist artists broadened their sightsbeyond the circularity of representational politics, towards a politics of acts rather thanof identities.
Across these diverse spaces, we noted how
feminist pedagogy has always been provisional, just as concepts of feminist aes-
thetics have never settled
Renewed attention to the materiality of feminist arts and crafting from the 1990salso helped to sideline the linguistic models that underpinned psychoanalytic ana-lyses of gender and sexual identities. Material practices could directly link to gen-erative and generous acts of non-essentialised common cause and care.
We argued that feminism contributes new artistic perspectives on art and envir-onment by confronting the lingering and gendered view within Western thoughtof nature as feminine and/or racially other.
These challenges have further transformedthe anthropocentric terms whereby Western landscape traditions read the land toexpress self-realisation through divine or proprietorial connection, to help build aneducative, ecological ethics.We noted how feminist participatory actions often have a community base devel-oped through listening to other voices and opening up overlooked spaces of cultural agency
The idea that personal life has political implications (and vice versa) lies at the heartof feminism and of this book. Consciousness raising methods derived fromWomen’s Liberation, such as supportive group reflection on the political implica-tions of women’s personal experience, found their way into feminist aesthetics asan interrogative tool and a means to assert, diffuse and multiply agency. It’s time toacknowledge how feminism introduced this expandedfield of the everyday, thedomestic and the collective into the artworld
it has now become an aestheticnorm in global exhibitions of contemporary art, with artists creating‘diurnal’pro-jects responding to local problems, working with local art co-ops, unexpected sites,
walks and mapping to engage memory and place
This book has tried to under-stand the varied ways that‘the personal is political’has shifted both the way we doart and the way we do politics. This slogan is still relevant today, in promptingintersectional reflection on how experiences of gender are also articulated by race,class, sexuality, disability, religion and geography
the traditional political creed of‘human solidarity’.
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shrutim12 · 6 months
Abhay Bhutada's Strategic Leap: A New Era At Cyrus Poonawalla Group
In the world of corporate ascendancy, few narratives sparkle with as much brilliance as that of Abhay Bhutada's journey. His recent elevation within the Cyrus Poonawalla Group stands as a testament to his exceptional leadership and strategic prowess. Let's delve into the remarkable trajectory of this visionary leader and explore the significance of his new role.
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The Rise Of Abhay Bhutada
Under the dynamic stewardship of Abhay Bhutada, Poonawalla Fincorp has witnessed a meteoric rise in the past three years. With a focus on growth, asset quality, and technological innovation, Bhutada has steered the company towards unprecedented success. From achieving a CRISIL AAA rating to expanding the product portfolio, Poonawalla Fincorp's journey under Abhay's leadership has been nothing short of remarkable.
Also Read: Abhay Bhutada Shares Insights on Poonawalla Fincorp’s Long-Term Objectives
A Profile In Leadership
Abhay Bhutada's professional journey is marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence. Armed with a Chartered Accountancy degree and a passion for leveraging technology in finance, he embarked on a path that would redefine the landscape of non-banking financial services in India. His tenure at various organizations, including TAB Capital Limited and Poonawalla Finance Private Limited, attests to his acumen and vision.
From Latur To The Boardroom
Hailing from Latur, Maharashtra, Abhay Bhutada's ascent to the upper echelons of corporate leadership is a testament to his grit and determination. A commerce graduate from Symbiosis International University, he quickly rose through the ranks, earning accolades and awards along the way. His entrepreneurial spirit led him to found TAB Capital Limited, where he pioneered digital lending solutions for MSMEs and consumers.
Also Read: From Abhay Bhutada to Nirmal Jain — India’s Top Chartered Accountants
Driving Innovation At Poonawalla Fincorp
As Managing Director of Poonawalla Fincorp Limited, Abhay Bhutada has championed a culture of innovation and customer-centricity. His emphasis on digitalization, risk management, and corporate governance has positioned the company as a frontrunner in the NBFC sector. Under his leadership, Poonawalla Fincorp achieved a CRISIL AAA rating and emerged as a symbol of reliability and trustworthiness in the financial landscape.
Embracing New Horizons
Abhay Bhutada's appointment to a strategic role at the Cyrus Poonawalla Group marks a new chapter in his illustrious career. Adar Poonawalla, chairman of Poonawalla Fincorp has entrusted with him overseeing strategy, investment, and finance. He is poised to make significant contributions to the group's growth trajectory. His elevation underscores the value of leadership and execution skills in navigating complex business landscapes.
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Beyond his professional achievements, Abhay Bhutada is a proponent of mindfulness and holistic well-being. He finds solace in activities like gardening, yoga, and regular exercise, emphasizing the importance of balance in both personal and professional life. Recognized as the "Young Entrepreneur of India 2017" and the "40 under 40 Most Influential Leader for 2020-21," Abhay continues to inspire with his dedication and resilience.
Also Read: Abhay Bhutada Elevated By Cyrus Poonawalla Group
In the annals of corporate leadership, Abhay Bhutada's story shines brightly as a beacon of inspiration. His journey from humble beginnings to the pinnacle of success serves as a testament to the power of vision, perseverance, and innovation. As he embarks on this new chapter with the Cyrus Poonawalla Group, one thing remains certain: Abhay Bhutada's ascent is a testament to the transformative potential of exemplary leadership.
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nickyysharmi · 2 months
Abhay Bhutada’s Innovative Approach to Achieving Greatness
Abhay Bhutada is a name that stands out in the world of finance and entrepreneurship. Known for his innovative approach and strategic acumen, Abhay has carved a niche for himself. His story is one of dedication, vision, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. With a net worth of 500 crores and his pivotal role as the director of the Abhay Bhutada Foundation, his journey offers valuable insights into achieving remarkable success.
Early Life and Educational Background
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Abhay Bhutada was born in Latur, Maharashtra, a small town that instilled in him the values of hard work and perseverance. He graduated in Commerce from Symbiosis International University in 2005 and became a Chartered Accountant in 2009. These formative years laid the groundwork for his future endeavors, equipping him with the knowledge and skills necessary for the competitive world of finance.
Also Read: The Importance of CSR in Healthcare and Education
Initial Career and Entrepreneurial Ventures
Abhay began his professional journey in 2010 as an SME Finance Professional with the Bank of India. This role provided him with firsthand experience in the financial sector, allowing him to understand the intricacies of lending and financial management. However, Abhay's entrepreneurial spirit soon led him to explore new horizons.
In 2016, Abhay founded TAB Capital Limited, a digital-lending NBFC focused on retail loans, including MSME and consumer lending. This venture was a testament to his innovative mindset. By leveraging technology, he created a platform that made lending more accessible and efficient. The success of TAB Capital Limited highlighted Abhay’s ability to identify market gaps and develop solutions that cater to evolving consumer needs.
The Rise to Prominence
The year 2019 marked a significant milestone in Abhay’s career. Co-founding and joining a prominent finance company as Managing Director and CEO, he developed a digital-focused approach to lending. Under his leadership, the company reported profits in its first year of operations and received an external credit rating of “AA+” by CARE Ratings Limited. This achievement underscored Abhay’s strategic vision and his knack for driving growth through innovation.
In 2021, Abhay spearheaded the acquisition of a three-decade-old financial services conglomerate. Successfully integrating the acquisition and transition process with his digital-first approach, he demonstrated his ability to lead complex transformations. His leadership was instrumental in the company receiving an external credit rating of ‘AAA’ by CRISIL Ratings Limited and CARE Ratings Limited.
Also Read: Abhay Bhutada’s Influence on Corporate Social Responsibility Trends in India
Leadership and Vision
Abhay Bhutada's leadership style is characterized by his focus on team and leadership development. He understands that a strong organizational culture and robust systems are critical to building a profitable franchise with good asset quality. His approach has always been to foster an environment where innovation thrives, and employees are empowered to contribute to the company's success.
Given his leadership, execution skills, and business acumen, Abhay was elevated to a group level in 2024. He now manages strategy, investment, and finance for the Cyrus Poonawalla Group, while continuing as the Non-Executive Director on the Board of a significant finance company. This role allows him to influence the broader strategic direction of the group, leveraging his expertise to drive growth and innovation across different verticals.
Abhay Bhutada Foundation
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Beyond his professional achievements, Abhay is also committed to giving back to society. He is the director of the Abhay Bhutada Foundation, a not-for-profit organization incorporated on July 28, 2023. The foundation is classified as a non-government company and is registered at the Registrar of Companies, ROC Pune. With an authorized share capital of Rs. 10,000,000 and a paid-up capital of Rs. 10,000,000, the foundation aims to make a significant impact in areas such as healthcare and education.
The foundation's Annual General Meeting (AGM) and financial statements are yet to be submitted, as it is a relatively new entity. However, the commitment to social responsibility is evident in its active status and the involvement of directors Sujit Sitaram Thite and Narayan Ishwar Jarange. The foundation's registered address is Flat No. 2, 50/2/5 Laxmikeshav Apartment, Pune City, Maharashtra.
Also Read: Impact of Sequential Financial Improvements on Investor Confidence
Personal Philosophy and Lifestyle
Abhay Bhutada’s success is not just limited to his professional life. He believes in mindfulness in the workplace and practices gardening, yoga, and regular exercise. This balanced approach to life ensures that he remains grounded and focused, even amidst the pressures of managing large organizations.
Abhay’s philosophy is simple yet profound: every day is a new opportunity, every failure is a stepping-stone, and every milestone is a chance to introspect and improve. This mindset has been crucial in his journey, helping him navigate challenges and seize opportunities.
Recognition and Accolades
Abhay’s contributions to the industry have not gone unnoticed. He has earned numerous accolades, including the “Young Entrepreneur of India 2017,” “Promising Entrepreneur of India 2019,” and “40 under 40 Most Influential Leader for 2020-21.” These recognitions are a testament to his impact on the financial sector and his role as a visionary leader.
Abhay Bhutada’s journey is a remarkable example of how innovation, dedication, and strategic vision can lead to exceptional success. From his early days in Latur to his current role as a leader in the financial sector, Abhay has consistently demonstrated his ability to drive growth and make a positive impact. His story serves as an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and finance professionals, showcasing the power of innovation and the importance of giving back to society.
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sayani78544544 · 8 months
The wholesale TUR prices experienced an upward shift of 5 percent in one month.
Wholesale prices of tur dal have risen 5% in the past one month despite new crops percolating and continued imports from Myanmar owing to reduced acreage coupled with production falling for second successive year thereby putting pressure on supply, potentates noted after convening.
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The freight on board prices of tur/arhar which had peaked at ₹200 per kg in Indian rupee terms, during the month of December showed a decline between five to ten percent as control measures for pricing were initiated through opening import window with yellow peas to price controlling mechanism by government monitoring stock limit issue and subsidised Bharat chana.
On the other hand, this also brought about major decrease in prices of entire raw unprocessed variety of tur beans during a period when harvesting kharif crop was just initiated and that farmers refused to sell their harvests and cut short supply penetration toward customers according to industry specialists. With the prices falling to their lowest levels there were indications that tur was in short supply, thus far farmers started waiting for rebound of its price,” said Latur based dal miller Nitin Kalantry. The tur prices, that have slowed down in the middle of August when it slipped as low as to ₹85/kg from its high-flying figure at around Rs.120 pe kg also appears again on an upward trending path now.(How To Promote Clean Diet With Cement Inc Biodegradable Solutions)
The industry body Indian Pulses and Grains Association (IPGA) notes that tur prices have increased for four consecutive weeks as import purchases steadily rev up owing to heightened purchase of the wholecurs by dal millers aimed at processing into dals.
India has been fulfilling its domestic needs of tur dal stocks using imports both from Myanmar and African countries since the super cyclone disaster. It is becoming so more complex that the supplies from Africa are experiencing a siege blockade by their local government while those of Myanmar which have also lower than expected, this too has echoed among industry insiders.
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skn-wtl-78 · 8 months
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Navigating the Roads with Convenience and Comfort
In the fast-paced world we live in, convenience is key. With aimcabbooking.com, your travel experience is about to be revolutionized. This innovative cab booking platform is designed to simplify your journeys, offering a range of services that ensure you reach your destination with ease and comfort.
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