#Latin Juke
soflying369 · 2 years
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majorbaby · 1 year
i was at a thing last night and there was a guest speaker who participated in the stonewall riots and he was explaining how mafia-run gay bars in the 60s had quotas for how many of x/y/z group could be there. 10 "A-gays" (white gay men with white collar jobs) at the main bar, 4 latin guys at the tables, 6 blue collar guys got the dance floor, and a handful of black queens got the juke box. "Like a gay noah's ark... ensuring we would live on and repopulate the earth"
he told this part with joy and humour: one night he was given the honour of being invited up to the juke box and he thought he was gonna impress everyone with his music taste but he picked peter, paul and mary's "leaving on a jet plane" while people were trying to vogue and got kicked out out for white nonsense lmao
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sunjaesol · 2 years
#6 for the kisses prompt makes me think of engagement juke 😭
6. Wild, breathless kisses brought on by a heartfelt gift (princess x guard au)
*~*~* Solaria, 1845 *~*~*
Princess Julianna Molina of Solaria has never left the island. She spent most of her time inside the gates of the castle though rarely found herself promenading in the city to visit lords, ladies, ambassadors, or the orphanage. But beyond were strange waters and unknown worlds.
Her father said the sea creatures and pirates didn't like princesses, but still: at night, she wondered what else was out there.
Her lady-in-waiting, Kayla, came from the mainland Los Dédalo. She rarely spoke of her time there. All she knew of Kayla was the tragic history of her deceased father, the Marquess Caro, which led her to live with the court of Molina.
"It's colder," she once uttered, untangling Julianna's curls, "and the woods extend for miles and miles. They use brown brick instead of pale stucco for their houses." A gentle, foreign smile lifted on her thin lips. "And there's a lot of dancing."
A week after Kayla's quiet words, her father beckoned her to his study for news. A new batch of guards would commence on their grounds, of which one would become her personal guard.
Julianna frowned. "I have my chaperones and Lady-In-Waiting. I don't need more protection, father."
King Raymond shook his head. "You are seventeen years of age. Soon, you'll start attending balls and getting called on by nobility. I won't have your reputation be ruined because I was lenient with your protection."
The words made him perk up. "Attending balls? On the mainland?"
"Yes." She gasped. "But do not get your hopes up. The mainland has nothing on Solaria, the monarchy you'll rule over one day." A rueful smile twisted on his mouth. "Though I'm sorry your mother isn't here to guide you."
Julie placed her hand on her necklace, on heirloom from her mother, and tilted her head to the ceiling. "She's here, though. Don't worry."
Ray placed a kiss on her forehead and told her to go. Her large purple skirt ruffled around her as she went.
Twelve guards descended onto the island by ship the next day. Guard Lukas Patterson was assigned to her. He had a strong built, a kind smile, and no issue speaking to her whenever she allowed it. At first, it unnerved her to find a guard standing outside her quarters at all times, but soon he became part of the routine. Wake up, get washed and dressed, and greeted Lukas as she went to break her fast.
She was walking around the garden with her Lady-In-Waiting Kayla and Viscountess Flynn, when she peeked over her shoulder at Lukas shadowing them a couple feet back. Before she realised what she was doing, a question sprung from her tongue.
"May I ask how old you are, Guard?"
His brows raised in surprise. From her periphery, she felt the confusion of her friends. "Eighteen, Princess," he replied.
"Isn't that young to be a guard?"
"We start training at thirteen."
A curious smile lifted on her lips. Thirteen? At thirteen, she was learning Latin, Italian and Greek, was called a genius on the pianoforte by her governess, and had her hair trimmed for the first time in her life. She couldn't imagine a life so different from hers.
The conversation should end there, but instead she continued, her interest piqued. "Is it hard? Training?" She nodded at the sword in its sheath draped around his hips.
"Julie," Flynn whispered, gently reaching for her elbow. "Perhaps we should walk another lap."
The words had a sheen of warning. It wasn't a request. Flynn was perhaps the only woman of nobility that didn't oblige to every of Julianna's whims. The princess nodded and turned away from the guard.
Her curiosity was often chastised as a child. Princesses didn't need to know things that didn't concern them. Professors taught her politics, history and geography, but the moment she begged for personal anecdotes or an odd detail, the books slammed shut. At least she had her pianoforte. Then, she could escape into her own imagination and create the most beautiful compositions.
Later that evening, she sat alone in the grande library, curled into a velvet couch while reading with candlelight. But she couldn't focus. Outside the mahogany doors, Lukas stood still, alert and waiting for her to make a move.
Would it be improper to invite him inside? Nothing would happen. Julie just wanted to talk, listen to his years of training.
And so, she did.
Tiptoeing to the door, she craned her neck around the corner and caught Lukas' eye. He straightened up. "Is everything okay, Princess?"
"Yes," she said. A hesitant pause. She never broke the rules. "Would you... like to come inside, Guard Lukas? I still want to hear the story about your training."
His expression fell into an incredulous gawk, not at all like the cool gaze he usually sported. She withheld a giggle. Her guard was sort of cute. "Uh... I- I'm not sure if-"
"You won't get in trouble," she rushed. "I asked you, didn't I?"
Slowly, he nodded, lightly bowed his head, and entered the library. He sat down in the chair opposite of her, a little awkward, though seemingly in awe by the grandeur of the space and the buttery texture of the furniture. Her long hair was down and she wasn't wearing her gloves, but somehow, she didn't feel exposed.
"So, tell me about your training."
And so it began. Luke wasn't just her guard, but a confidante. He told her about his life before the Molina court. That he used to live in the uppermost province of Los Dédalo and joined the military to take care of his parents. That he made his best friends there, Reginald and Alexander, but that he called them Reggie and Alex, and they called him Luke.
Luke. It wasn't at all like the names people chose in Solaria. But she liked it. Short and sweet and it rolled off her tongue in a pleasant manner.
Meanwhile, balls had commenced across the islands and mainland. Julianna wore dresses dripping in gold and gemstones, her hair braided with pearls, silk gloves and glass, sunkissed skin. She was the vision of perfection; a wonderful dance partner, too.
Except much to her disappointment, she didn't match with any suitor. They called on her the days after a ball, of course, but none have her an easy feeling. There was no comfortable rapport.
All the while, Luke stood in the corners, the shadows, watching her.
One evening, Julie paced along the glass-stained windows of the sunroom in agitation, venting about the lack of ardent men on the dance floor. Luke listened while leaning against the wall, slight amusement on his face.
"I'll be frank: do you even like these balls?"
"I like the dancing," she conceded. "But nothing else. Not that my opinion matters." Julie sighed and plopped down in a rattan chair. "I know these are... quite luxurious problems, but it's still my life. And I want a love match, as silly as that might sound."
With a frown, he moved towards her. "It's not silly, Princess. I dream of a match like that, too."
That surprised her. If she was honest, she didn't think guards had dreams. Their lives were pre-determined, just like hers, unless they wanted to flee and be marked as a treasonous fool. "Really?"
The guard nodded, his eyes flitting from her to the lush gardens behind the glass. She wished to step closer, place her hand on his arm and ask what that fond look meant, but it was a risk too great to take. It was daylight still. A passing servant wouldn't be pleased seeing their easy relationship, and would no doubt gossip.
Pressing her hand in her side, she mustered a comment. "Do you want me to set you up with one of the kitchen maids?" she giggled. "Chef Gisela is a catch!"
Luke rolled his eyes. "No thank you, Princess."
"Please," she found herself saying, "call me Julie."
He paused. "J- are you sure?"
No, she wasn't sure. Her proposal screamed impropriety. Them talking in the sunroom like this, with him unguarded and smiling, shouldn't even happen in this realm of existence. But Julie never backtracked. With a raised chin, she uttered: "Yes"
Luke's green eyes shimmered in the golden light at her conviction. "Okay. Then Julie, please don't set me up with Chef Gisela." A smirk danced on his handsome face. "I don't really have a thing for redheads."
That night, she dreamt of Luke. Of that smile he sent her, of his eyes and kind voice, of his bold statement. What did it mean? She hadn't really thought about what she had a thing for. A man that connected with her on a soul-deep level, sure, but what else? Did she imagine a blonde or brunette by her side? Pale or dark skin? One with a culture similar to her own, or wildly different? She was woefully unprepared.
Tossing and turning, she came to the huffed conclusion that she had to speak to Luke further about 'having a thing'.
"You're not seriously asking me this!" he squeaked the next day. His hair was unkept, brown strands standing in all directions and curling at the nape of his neck. Something she should chastise, but it looked rather nice on him.
"I am," she stiffly replied. They were in the garden, away from the preening eyes of the court, and she busied herself picking flowers and placing them in a basket, in fear he'd see her plum blush and shy eyes if she faced him. "You don't have to indulge me, but I'd be grateful if you did."
He puffed. "It doesn't sound like I have a choice."
"You do." Julie straightened up and dared to lock eyes. Her hands folded together in front of her floral dress. "I'm asking this as a friend, Luke, not as a princess."
The guard sighed, looked over his shoulder to check they were indeed not being eavesdropped on, and uttered: "Okay... at these balls you attend, what catches your eye?"
"About people's countenance?"
"Well..." A zinnia twirled between her fingers, a pensive expression dancing on her face. "I like men that are taller than me."
"That's not hard," he jested. She stuck her tongue out.
She continued: "And... I like when they appear strong. And I suppose that I like darker features, like dark hair." As tangled as her thoughts were last night, as clear as day they were now. "Blonde looks so lifeless to me, for some reason."
Luke smirked. "Wasn't that Viscount Nick Dawson you spoke about a blonde?"
"But there you go!" With a bounce in his step, he closed the distance between them and plucked the flower from her grip. Surprised, she looked up at his looming figure, her breath catching in her throat when he gently tucked the flower in her updo. "Now you know what you like. What your 'thing' is."
Her head tilted. "What's your thing? If it's not redheads?"
He smiled. She wondered if someone ever told him he had a perfect smile; the perfect ratio of lips and teeth and scrunch of the eyes. But then he dismissed her with a slight bow. "What I like is not important."
"It is! You said you wished for a love match!"
He took a step back. "We both know I'll be protecting Solaria until my retirement, whether as your guard, or at sea."
Right. His position as her guard wouldn't be forever. After she married, or went on her honeymoon, or the military needed reinforcements, or after her inauguration as queen — somewhere in that timeline, he would be gone. And no one would speak of him, as though a ghost, as guards weren't meant to be friends with.
Julie looked down, hoping to hide her sorrowful expression. "Right. You're right."
The following days were devoid of Luke. She didn't feel like talking to him. She never had to anticipate losing a friend before, and didn't know how to deal with it. And so, she spent her free time playing the pianoforte.
Her father noticed her mournful demeanour. "Don't fret, my Dahlia, more suitors will call on you when we host a ball."
Her fingers paused on the keys, a sharp sound piercing the quiet. A ball? The last one was a couple weeks ago, given the several engagements between nobility that had popped up left and right. Julie hadn't been there to celebrate, obviously, isolated on her island.
She frowned. "We're hosting one?"
He laughed. "Of course! And you'll be the diamond." His finger laid beneath her chin, his eyes boring into hers. "No one will compare to you."
"I don't think that matters, dad," she whispered, losing all decorum as hope sunk to her feet. "It's been months since the first ball, no one is interested. I'm not interested. I think I'll have to try again next season."
"At eighteen?" he stammered. "Your mother married me at sixteen."
"Lady Wilson married at twenty-one," she argued.
Father sighed. "Yes, and now she's across the world in a land with the coldest climate, away from her family. That is not a life I wish for you."
His voice was resolute. Don't fight, it meant. Without another word, she returned to the pianoforte, though her hands shook with frustration.
The night of the ball, Julie was a mess of nerves. The maids fluttered around her in the quarters, helping her into her purple gown and adding crystals in her hair. If her father's conviction she'd find a match at their ball, than he no doubt would chat up the mamas and papas with charming eligible sons. Didn't matter if Julie found them uninteresting. It was time for her to choose. To act like the princess she has trained for her entire life.
Kayla fanned her flushed face, concerned, to which Julie mustered a weak smile. "I'm just excited," she lied. "So excited."
The first dance had begun by the time Julie and Kayla padded down the luxe hallways to the ballroom. The double doors were closed, music and chatter and warm light bleeding through. God, she didn't want to go. She really didn't want to go.
"You can already go inside," she heard herself say.
Kayla appeared surprised. "Excuse me?"
"Enjoy yourself," she encouraged. "I just need a second to- to collect myself."
Her Lady-In-Waiting hesitated for a beat, eyeing the ballroom that lured her closer, before she sighed and nodded. "All right. If you're not inside in five minutes, I'll come and get you."
Finally, Kayla left. The servants opened the doors for her and she entered the ball. As they shut, with only servants that chatted amongst themselves, Julie had her privacy to take a breath.
Julie gasped. Twirling around, she found Luke standing in a dark alcove. Flitting her gaze to the servants, she ensured they paid no attention and picked up her skirt, rushing towards him.
He looked distinguished: a crisp white shirt and his gear polished for the party. Her heart skipped a beat when her eyes raked from his clothes to his imploring gaze. They hadn't spoken in weeks, but it felt like days, and yet, she had missed him.
Her conversation with Luke shot to the forefront of her mind. Her 'thing': that was what she should look for. A tall, strong man, with brown hair... and handsome features... and a sense of humour... and-
Oh. Her racing thoughts came to a standstill. Oh.
"You've asked me what my thing is," he whispered.
Julie blinked. That was why he called her? Glad the shadows hid her disappointment, she sought her voice. "I... yes."
"I just wanted to say that..." He took a deep breath. "It's girls with brown hair in pretty dresses."
Oh. "Luke..."
"I wanted to give you this." From his pocket, he revealed a strip of elegant white lace. At the ends, dried zinnias were sown on. Dainty and unassuming, but a fortune for a man like Luke. Tears welled in her eyes. Luke seemed flustered. "It's— I mean, I figured you could wear it as a bracelet, but—"
"I love it," she exhaled, "thank you. I—"
Surging up, she grabbed his cheeks and pressed a hard kiss on his mouth. He was frozen. Fear overtook her senses and she stepped back, about to exclaim okay, bye! when his hand gripped her wrist, mumbling a breathless wait and pulled her back in his chest. His lips locked back on hers. Relieved, her hands fluttered from his arms to his neck, settling there. His own touch rose up her back and stopped when his thumb grazed the skin of her shoulder blade.
Oh, no. Kayla.
Julie took a step back and found Luke chasing her, but she pushed him back into the dark. The servants would have his head if they saw.
"I need to go," she whispered in a flurry of excitement and nerves and elation. Her heart hammered in her throat. "I... I'll find you at the end of the ball."
Luke smiled. "Not if I find you first."
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kiss prompts (closed!)
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allthingsfook · 1 year
hi! if you're still doing ships i would love one! (but if not no worries lol)
im 5'2 and im a ginger. i have brown eyes and i have both my ears triple pierced and i have my nose pierced as well. my favorite past time is hiking. i love being outside and my friends make fun of me because i usually hike barefoot lol. i love listening to music and if im close friends with someone i will be making them a list of songs that make me think of them and sending it to them. i like just about any genre of music and i love discovering new songs and sharing my music with people. i also LOVE to dance. im terrible at it, but it's fun lol. my love language is definitely physical touch - but i usually try not to do it too much unless im really comfortable around someone. i also love to make crafts (crochet and wire jewelry) and i usually make all of my holiday gifts for my friends. im in school to study the classics (greek and latin language and civilization) and ill be working in archeology when im done. im also a martial arts instructor. ive also been told hundreds of times that i have camp councilor/theater kid energy lol. i think i just like to talk and i definitely talk with my hands a lot.
hope this is enough 🫶
Hello lovely!!! I ship you with….
Your whole blurb screams Josh!!!!!! I’ve never been more sure about a ship!!!
Josh would swoon over your style. Outside of his stage outfits, his style has grown to be pretty basic 😬 It looks like he’s getting a little more edgy with the Starcatcher tour coming up, ex: the earrings and cuffs. I see him sneaking into your jewelry box to find just the right earrings for the day.
If josh had more leisure time, I know he’d exist in nature. I think he has such a profound love and connection to it. If there is one person on the earth that wouldn’t judge you for anything, let alone walking barefoot, it would be Josh. If anything, he’d join you.
Josh also seems like someone that curates little music lists for special people. I feel like he prefers to do things like that instead of bought gifts because it’s more sentimental. I definitely think one of Josh’s love languages is gift giving. I don’t exactly know how Josh would adjust with someone who doesn’t identify with physical touch. So that’s great you are okay with that. On a normal day, Josh would be so lovey-dovey with you, but imagine the nights he gets drinking 🤭 He’d have his hands all over you!!
Guess what? Josh is a goofy dancer too! I can see the both of you closing down the bar, blearing the juke box until the bartender cuts you off, and the two of you spinning around the room. Your cheeks would hurt from smiling/laughing so much.
Josh would be one to model the crafts you make. If you made him a necklace or bracelet, he’d never take it off. The most special part of that would be when he’s touring, your see the videos and photos of him still wearing them on stage.
For your collage, I’m definitely going to include photos that give off camp counselor vibes 😆
Let me know what you think!!!
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glittertrail · 2 years
If you had to create a soundtrack for the show that's your life, what songs would be in it? Like what plays when something funny happens, when something dramatic happens etc. Is it inspired by my recent dive back into telenovelas? Quite possibly.
lmao do I get my latin card revoked if i admit i don't really care for telenovelas? you reminded me of the OST i love to write to bc the music was so perfect for each mood in the story that if i just loop the one i need for the right mood
under the cut for those not interested in my musical insanity lol
for something suspenseful (eli watch los simuladores it's great)
for something funny/zanny
for something magical
for something lighthearted
for something sad
for something heartfelt
I've reached the limit of audio links i can share but for nostalgia: viajera del rio and oriente es de otro color. Usually interpreted by male voices, my mom's version is my actual favorite but ofc that is not online lol
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olko71 · 2 years
New Post has been published on All about business online
New Post has been published on http://yaroreviews.info/2023/02/nissan-warns-costs-must-fall-to-make-new-electric-cars-in-uk
Nissan warns costs must fall to make new electric cars in UK
Getty Images
By Simon Jack, Annabelle Liang and Peter Hoskins
BBC News
A senior boss at Nissan has warned the “economics have to work” for the company to make new electric models of its Juke and Qashqai cars in the UK.
Ashwani Gupta, chief operating officer at the firm, told the BBC the UK faced a challenge to remain competitive with other car-making countries.
He said manufacturing costs in the UK were higher than others due to higher energy bills and overall inflation.
Nissan employs more than 6,000 people at its Sunderland manufacturing plant.
Mr Gupta warned having lower production costs was key to keeping the UK competitive. He added other tools to keep the UK attractive to car-makers were ongoing government support in the transition to electric vehicles, as well as robust supply chains.
Nissan has already committed to producing the successor to its Leaf electric car at its factory in Sunderland, but Mr Gupta said that when it came to allocating production of new Juke and Qashqai models between its 44 global plants, the company “needed to have the economics to justify it”.
The decision of where to build the new Juke and Qashqai does not have to made for a couple of years yet as the next models of those big Sunderland-made sellers are not due until 2027-28, and decisions are usually made two or three years in advance.
Car makers often press governments to provide more support. Nissan recently secured about £100m in public money towards a £1bn investment in expanding a Chinese-owned battery plant located right next to its Sunderland plant.
But the map of global car manufacturing is being reshaped and the US is offering tens of billions in subsidies to car makers who move production and supply chains there. The EU is also expected to respond with carrots of its own.
The comments from Mr Gupta come as Nissan and Renault unveiled the details of a major shake-up of their often strained 24-year-old alliance, after months of negotiations between the motor industry giants.
In a joint statement, the two firms said they had “rebalanced” their relationship by agreeing that Renault would cut its stake in Nissan.
Under the deal, Nissan will take a stake in Renault’s flagship electric car unit Ampere.
The companies also said that they will work together on electronics and battery technology, as well as making savings from joint projects in Europe, India and Latin America.
The agreement will see Renault cutting its stake in Japan’s Nissan from more than 43% to 15%, the same size as Nissan’s stake in its French counterpart.
The companies also said that Nissan will take a stake of up to 15% in Renault’s new electric vehicle venture, Ampere.
Christopher Richter from investment group CLSA said the changes were necessary to keep the two-decade partnership alive.
“It’s a last ditch attempt to save an alliance where the two partners don’t get along very well,” he told the BBC.
“Hopefully, by equalising their status in the alliance, they can put some of the rancour behind them, and find a limited number of activities where they can cooperate and add value to each other,” Mr Richter added.
The move comes at a time of huge change for the motor industry as it transitions to electric vehicles and adopts new technology.
“We all know that auto firms will be amalgamated into five or six globally, especially due to the big changes occurring in AI technology,” Seijiro Takeshita from the University of Shizuoka in Japan told the BBC.
“In that context, Nissan and Renault need to find a good partner, and that’s what they are, at least nominally. They cannot and do not have the luxury of going alone in this battle,” he added.
Soviet-era car brand revived at ex-Renault plant
Ex-Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn says he wants a trial
The alliance was formed in 1999 when Renault rescued Nissan from the brink of bankruptcy.
In 2016, they were joined by Mitsubishi, after Nissan took a major stake in the struggling Japanese firm.
The alliance was rocked in November 2018 when Nissan boss Carlos Ghosn was arrested over allegations that he had understated his annual salary and misused company funds. Mr Ghosn denied the charges.
At the time, Mr Ghosn was the chairman of the Japanese carmaker. He was also chairman of France’s Renault and the boss of a three-way alliance between both carmakers and Mitsubishi.
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nwdsc · 2 years
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(▶︎ Profondo Rosa | ayluから)
Profondo Rosa by aylu
アルゼンチン Big or profound sensations from small gestures which are carefully arranged. Using a mixture of sacred and profane, or classical and prosaic sound sources, knitted into intricate, fleet-footed compositions that virtually spring into the ear. Profondo Rosa is composer Ailin Grad’s first vinyl album following years embedded and loved in the Argentinian experimental music scene, with past treats on labels Krut, Sun Ark, Orange Milk Records and her own label Abyss, devoted to ‘connecting Latin Juke with the world’. There’s a playfulness at the heart of Profondo Rosa that’s immediately charming, with a sense of scale and spatialisation in the sounds being toyed with, exploring the strange pleasures and satisfaction in her approach to delightful and fresh feeling sound design. Aylu is known to be as likely to deploy the sound of a finger click, a fizzy drink being cracked open, or a fly buzzing past the ear, as she is drawn to sampling gorgeous strings or instrumentation. Her debut album for Mana constantly builds territories that tug at your heartstrings and then have you grinning five seconds later. This versatility and acceleration has often resulted in her music being compared to footwork, alongside collaboration with other producers experimenting in that sphere; in 2017 she and Foodman put together a dizzying hour of sounds for NTS. Her miniaturisation of rhythm and ringtone-like sample size could also bring to mind SND circa their warmer softer glitch Tenderlove phase, or perhaps the approach that Teenage Engineering take to designing tools for music making. Each are deriving pleasure from small and satisfying shapes, as well as advocating an object-oriented philosophy and minimalisation in their work that sidesteps a draining of colour. Sound is fun, and in Profondo Rosa it sounds like Aylu has that at the forefront of her mind. Her hyperreal sound and its link to the languages of electroacoustic or computer music are clear, but she outmanoeuvres many of the overly-academic and formless examples of those genres. Profondo Rosa’s skeletal assembly of objects becomes tunes in an elegant, almost understated way; tactile elements quickly combine and roll into deeper and persuasively emotional places. These compositions give off an air of being very free, very experimental, despite being meticulously artful and studied arrangements on precise and nimble coordinates. クレジット2022年10月4日リリース Artwork by Roberta Di Paolo Typography by Gustavo Eandi Vinyl mastered and lacquer cut by Kassian Troyer @ Dubplates and Mastering, Berlin. 2022 Mana
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supercalime · 3 years
I can not believe they did this… after everything the fantoms did, keeping this fandom alive for so long. This was a punch in the gut and a stab in the back…
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sunsetcurbed · 4 years
avatar julie born to earthbending master ray molina and firebender rose molina who has to take down caleb who has invented a new form of bending called soul bending to form an army to become ruler
he comes to power in the years following her mom’s death and she really doesn’t want to follow her destiny because like... her duty as an avatar is to the people (and the innocent souls caleb is stealing) but isn’t her duty as a daughter to mourn? 
but then she meets three boys crashing in her garage who are on the run because they heard about caleb and he’s looking for powerful benders and surprise: they’re powerful benders. they all met at a gifted academy when they were younger and luke reconnected with reggie when he ran away from home and they went to find alex when they heard about caleb. 
so julie is inspired by them and bends for the first time since her mom died the next morning, and even creates a flame-- her mother’s element. she asks the boys to teach her their elements-- luke first because she needs to learn fire, then air, then water. 
flynn, a nonbender, finds places for them to practice since julie still isn’t sixteen and therefore hasn’t been revealed to the world as the avatar. she tracks caleb’s moves and researches everything she can on soulbending even though it turns out to be a dead end because like... there’s spiritbending that was developed centuries ago during avatar korra’s time, but no one has ever heard of soulbending
and so they begin and luke realizes how much of a powerhouse julie is and he’s not sure why he’s surprised-- she’s the fucking avatar?? but it’s still incredible to witness and he’s amazed by her and he’s in awe 
and while julie is learning firebending and eventually airbending, alex is out and gets flattened by some guy on an airscooter. which like. great. cool. he spills his entire flask of hip water due to this and airscooter starts calling him hippie which is annoying but like, he lets him get away with it because he’s cute and funny and really nice apart from the whole running him over thing 
they have fun together and willie takes him flying and they scream in the sky until they get bugs in their mouth and alex feels tension release in his shoulders. willie talks to him about his life and alex feels tension release in his forehead. willie makes him laugh and alex feels tension release in his chest. 
but then-- after a few months alex lets it slip that he’s powerful and on the run from the bender named caleb but he’s helping the avatar so they can hopefully defeat him and 
“we never should have met.” 
“wow. that hurts.” 
and alex doesn’t see him again for days. weeks. months. 
julie masters firebending, shakily masters airbending-- her opposite element--, and then when she gets a decent grasp on waterbending, luke, reggie, and alex meet a man downtown who bumps into them and apologizes by shaking their hands. he introduces himself as caleb and they all have a delayed moment of realization. well, fuck. 
they don’t think anything has happened until they get back to julie a few hours later and feel a jolt. it’s just the first of many. julie starts to truly, truly panic and flynn jumps into double research mode, but it’s fruitless. it’s not until willie pops up that anything starts to make sense. 
“i’ve been with caleb since i was twelve. i was among the first. he wanted power and i was a powerful kid and he wanted me as an asset he could shape. that means i’ve grown up with him and i’ve got some inside information.” 
he manipulates souls until they match his, but souls don’t match consciousness. so he can manipulate a person’s essence to do as he wishes, but not their thinking. there’s a disconnect between soul and spirit and mind. so they learn that the soul is the driver, the spirit is the entity, and the mind is the being. and caleb has control of the driving force. caleb has control of hundreds of drivers, if not thousands of drivers. 
the jolts are the soul being twisted unnaturally, going against how it should be. caleb put the process in motion by bending the top of the soul, and the rest follows. it takes a few months for the process to be complete. 
caleb is a waterbender, a soulbending is a substyle of waterbending. which... julie has not mastered yet. and with the guys getting these jolts, she... doesn’t have a lot of time. 
so they double down and alex fights through the jolts and julie puts all of her focus into waterbending. 
the issue still remains though that... even once she masters waterbending, she doesn’t have a clue how to soulbend, or reverse caleb’s soulbending, or it it’s possible, or how to defeat him. 
(she goes into the spirit world and aang shows her energy bending so she figures out how to stop him, but no one, and she means no one, in the hundreds, thousands, of her past incarnations know about soulbending.) 
the jolts get worse and worse until the boys are all but saying their good byes because they feel the pull-- caleb had already pulled them once to get them to join his uprising against a small city in the firenation. they stand in the same place they first met almost two years ago, all of them crying because they don’t know what to do-- and luke tells julie that no fire burns as bright as the one that their group has. julie hugs him and thinks “don’t go, don’t leave me, stay, i love you, i need you” 
she visualizes something orange in her mind, tainted by something purple, and the purple feels wrong, so she bends the purple out, and luke sags into her arms, letting out a long breath. she’s not sure how she knows, but she knows she did it. immediately, she turns to alex and reggie and does the same. 
which like. that’s great but now they don’t know how to find caleb. 
another month passes before willie comes looking for them again and julie immediately frees him again and his reaction is so much more severe than the guys because his soul was twisted for so much longer but with it restored to normal he’s able to lead them to caleb. only thing is, there’s also an army who is forced to obey caleb and like. fuck. 
but! julie’s the avatar! and she’s in danger! so she goes into the avatar state and is able to remove caleb’s “stamp” on everyone’s souls at once and caleb is like oh fuck and then she energybends his bending away and!!!!! yay!! 
also juke and willex bc how could you not 
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sienarramirez · 4 years
on the topic of julie and the phantoms, i want there to be a new character who is also latin american-but speaks spanish with her parents sometimes. i want it to be a new neighbor situation. the new character is gonna walk into the studio being like “hi i’m _____. your dad told me to come hang out with you. he didn’t tell me people were over tho.” and the only other people there are alex, luke, and reggie. this moment keeps playing in my head where her girlfriend comes and surprises her at the studio which prompts alex telling willie how he feels. the new character doesn’t specifically tell anyone they’re dating but from the way they are together alex can tell. he doesn’t know how julie is with lgbtq+ so the panic attack still stands.
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9-wing-1 · 5 years
Mo Horizons - Tu Fiesta Personal (TM Juke Remix)
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dunceparty · 6 years
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Saturday, June 2, 2018 at The Atlantic in Gainesville, FL https://www.facebook.com/events/1511276792316749/
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Everyone’s language of love was foreign to me, and as for sex talk, it was downright esperanto in Pig Latin. I misread signals. Juked when I should have jived. And forget the whole ‘just off the boat’, I missed the whole boat, missed the whole wharf, and the entire harbour, the entire fucking ocean.
I was hopeless. Clueless. Finished too quickly, and learned from my failures too slowly. And as far as being a partner slash lover slash sexgod in the sack, I set new records in disappointment. If memory serves, I think one ex may have even made me a framed cross-stitch celebrating epic anticlimax in bed. Pun intended. Another wrote my name and number under ‘for a short and utterly forgettable time call’ in every gas station bathroom in town.
I had resided myself to the humble fact that perhaps I just wasn’t cut out to destroy pussy and be that guy who gets that 2 am ‘you up?’ text. But then, just as a golfer realizing they’re actually a lefty or some other example in which a person realizes why they haven’t been successful and changes something to fix the problem, I found God. I’m kidding. I found you. More than that, I found your patience, your empathy, your sock drawer over flowing with toys and things I still can’t find even with Google.
Anyhow, you took your time with me. Took my embarrassment and shame and molded them into confidence. I’d love to say that today I am that Rocco-like porn star of boinking but truthfully, it’s more akin to I can last longer than a commercial break while we watch Dateline, my copy of Kama Sutra is pretty dogeared, and the new cross-stitch reads ‘My stubbled chin is the best seat in the house’.
I’m eternally grateful for you; I was a lost language and you spoke it fluently.
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frankiefellinlove · 3 years
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Photos by Micheal Putland, though I’m not sure of the last two pics!
Bruce & The E Street Band perform on stage with Southside Johnny & The Asbury Jukes.
“Promoter John Scher welcomed everyone to the theatre with the greeting of “It’s New Year’s in New Jersey.” Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes were the New Year’s Eve headliners at the Capitol. Riding high on the success of their first two records, the band was moving from the clubs to the small theater, and this night was their biggest show to date. The Jukes were joined this evening by their founding member, producer and song contributor, Miami (he wasn’t called “Little” yet) Steve van Zandt on guitar and backing vocals. His special presence added the extra treat of him doing the Sam and Dave thing with Johnny on duets of “Broken Down Piece of Man” and “You Don’t Know Like I Know.
The Juke’s set was on the money, and of course, whenever they played there was always the possibility of a Springsteen appearance. While it didn’t always happen, this night it did and in spades! Of all of the concerts I have been to, this certainly was the biggest musical surprise I have ever witnessed.
Another Asbury Park band, The Shakes opened the night, and The Jukes timed their set to start around 11:15pm. After a few songs, it was the midnight hour and surprise, surprise, a “loose” Bruce joined them in singing the Juke’s trademark show-stopper, Sam Cooke’s “Having a Party” right after the Miami Horns played the requisite “Auld Lang Syne.” Rockabilly singer, Robert Gordon, who was currently being embraced by the punk community, also joined in on the fun during “Stagger Lee” as did a steady flow of E Street Band members throughout the show.
Bruce stayed on for the rest of the set singing a little, but mostly just playing some added guitar. But, he really started letting go when he and Johnny set out to end the night trading vocals on an exhilarating version of Jackie Wilson’s “Higher and Higher.” The audience then started to head out the doors into the cold New Jersey night. I myself was in the lobby when I heard things starting up again. Bruce wanted to play some more, and everyone quickly rushed back inside to their seats.
Bruce and the E Street Band had not played together for over 9 months, and the Boss was just itching to perform. “I’m drunk and silly as a fool” said the man before kicking things off with covers of “Little Latin Lupe Lu” and “You Can’t Sit Down” during which he and the entire E Street Band were joined by several Jukes.
WNEW-FM was broadcasting the show live on the radio. Station DJ and Springsteen friend, Richard Neer was producing and MC-ing the event on the air and thought he’d just keep the tape rolling for a loose Bruce and the boys. But, Bruce was looking to just have some fun, and probably would rather not see a bootleg recording of this last-minute sloppy reunion. He gave word to kill the broadcast after the first two numbers, and it was then time for he and his band to get down to some serious business.
The surprise 45-minutes of Springsteen continued with “Backstreets,” “Born to Run” and came to a close with a cover of Gary U.S. Bonds’ “Quarter to Three.” “Backstreets” was a long extended version that included its first ever wrap with the lyrical improvisation that would eventually become the song “Drive All Night.” Maybe the E Streeters were a little sloppy, but this still was the best time I have ever had at 2am in the morning in Passaic.”
—Barry Kok
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“Dans les campagnes françaises, on ne danse plus la gigue ou la sardane les jours de fête. Le juke-box et le flipper ont colonisé les derniers refuges de la culture populaire. Dans un collège allemand, un garçon de dix-huit ans achève de crever d'overdose, recroquevillé au fond d'une pissotière. Dans la banlieue de Lille, trente Maliens vivent entassés dans une cave. A Bangkok ou a Honolulu, vous pouvez, pour cinq dollars, vous envoyer une fillette de quinze ans. “Ce n'est pas de la prostitution puisque toute la population le pratique”, précise une brochure touristique américaine. Dans le banlieue de Mexico, une firme américaine de production de skate board licencie une centaine d'ouvrières. Houston estime qu'il est plus rentable de s'installer à Bogota…
Tel est le visage hideux de la civilisation qui, avec une logique implacable, s'impose à tous les continents, arasant les cultures sous un même mode de vie planétaire et digérant les contestations socio-politiques des peuples qui lui sont soumis dans les mêmes habitudes de mœurs (standard habits). A quoi sert, en effet, de crier US go home si on porte des jeans ? Pour Konrad Lorenz, cette civilisation a trouvé pire que l'asservissement ou l'oppression : elle a inventé la “domestication physiologique”. Et plus efficacement que le marxisme soviétique, elle réalise une expérience sociale de fin de l'histoire. Avec pour objectif d'assurer partout le triomphe du type bourgeois, au terme d'une dynamique homogénéisante et d'un processus d'involution culturelle.
Cette civilisation dans laquelle les peuples d'Asie, d'Afrique, d'Europe et d'Amérique latine sont aujourd'hui englués, il nous faut bien la désigner par son nom : c'est la civilisation occidentale.“
Guillaume Faye
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myhauntedsalem · 3 years
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Ghosts at Bobby Mackey
Bryan (often a headless figure), Walling and Jackson reportedly have been seen on numerous occasions at Bobby Mackey’s over the years, along with other spirits whose lives were entangled with the building in some way. In fact, several people have died unnatural deaths inside the building, which was alleged to be the site of several murders at the casino. During the 1950s, it became the Latin Quarter, another popular nightclub whose owners were arrested several times on gambling charges.
Later, the building became yet another rough-and-tumble nightclub, The Hard Rock Cafe (no relation to the restaurant chain), which was closed in 1978 by police request after several fatal shootings on the premises. Bobby Mackey purchased the building in 1978 and opened his Music World shortly thereafter.
One of the most frequently seen spirits is a young girl named Johana, a cabaret dancer during the club’s casino days, who reportedly poisoned herself and her mobster father inside the building after he murdered her boyfriend, club singer Robert Randall. Other spirits who have appeared at the club regularly are Johana and gangster Albert “Red” Masterson.
According to sworn affidavits, other witnesses and local legend, paranormal activity in the club is often preceded by the strong smell of rose perfume. The juke box at Bobby Mackey’s also has come on suddenly and played old tunes from the 1930s and 1940s – songs that were not loaded into the juke box! “The Anniversary Waltz” is a particular favorite, heard numerous times by many people.
Chairs have moved inexplicably, rooms have gone cold and people have heard their names called, only to turn around and have no one there in the club.
Perhaps the most bizarre aspect of the Bobby Mackey’s saga are the claims by several people that they have had spirits enter their bodies while in the club. Some of the sworn affidavits claim they felt cold chills run through their bodies, while others claimed to have taken on different personalities and even facial features while inside.
The most celebrated case of possession at Bobby Mackey’s is Carl Lawson, who lived upstairs above the nightclub as a caretaker for the club. Lawson, one of the main subjects of Hensley’s book, claims to have been attacked by several of the resident spirits and actually possessed by some of them as well, including Alonzo Walling. A supposedly successful exorcism of Lawson and the entire building took place at Bobby Mackey’s on August 8, 1991. It was performed by the Reverend Glenn Coe and witnessed by Hensley, who also recorded it all on videotape.
For a time, it appeared that the exorcism was successful, but in recent years, strange occurrences have begun once again at the old building. Bobby Mackey, who has refused to believe the paranormal activity was true from the beginning, nevertheless made plans to tear down the building and construct a new club on adjacent property after viewing the videotape of the Carl Lawson exorcism. However, a piece of the ceiling fell on him one day when he was discussing the demolition, and the adjacent property he purchased for the new club was rendered useless by the sudden appearance of a fissure about six inches wide and 60 feet deep that runs from the old slaughterhouse well to the middle of the adjacent property.
Mackey has never built the new club, and he continues to operate at his original club where he regularly performs a special song he wrote, “The Ballad of Johana.”
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