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cavenewstimes · 25 days ago
New laser-based artificial neuron processes enormous data sets at high speed
Scientists have developed an ultrafast artificial neuron that could support high-speed computing and artificial intelligence tasks like pattern recognition. (Image credit: Chaoran Huang, Chinese University of Hong Kong) Scientists have developed a new kind of laser-based artificial neuron that mimics a biological nerve cell. This artificial neuron could boost high-speed computing and artificial…
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pull2larrd · 3 months ago
Imaging camera system, RF-modulated light sources Range gated imagers
VL6180X Series 3 V Proximity and Ambient Light Sensing (ALS) Module - LGA-12
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kausparty · 1 year ago
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drew this after watching the fnaf movie and promptly forgot about it till just now
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sylphee · 1 year ago
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Happy New Year, @sarahthewhat!! Here's the boys hanging out at the arcade c:
(part of the @mutantmayhemgiftexchange! this was a lot of fun!!)
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glazedcroissant · 9 months ago
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Marx attack!
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efverse · 10 months ago
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efverse claydol??
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synthaphone · 1 year ago
oldass neopet art appreciation post
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akemiiya · 5 months ago
It's a fact that monsters express themselves through their bullet patterns. But Flowey's bullets are extremely basic. Nondescript. Nothing about them stands out, almost like he doesn't want anyone to know anything about him
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bobosbillionsknives · 7 months ago
(not shipping content)
It's one of my biggest headcanons ever that Vash does NOOOT like his birthday dude I just can't believe it...Knives however. Biggest birthday enjoyer ever. He is the special birthday boy. 🤗🤗🤗
Knives usually leaves Vash alone but Vash KNOWS Knives is going to make an effort to show up on their birthday and it stresses him out so bad. Especially if the July incident was on their birthday...that would leave horrible memories for him. 😭 Not to mention how painful remembering his first birthday with Rem would be. Plus Knives would act so bitchy about it like wooow dont even want to see your own brother on your birthday wow. I get it I'm just the worst ever ..🥀 Vash would be so over it.
I feel so strongly that Vash is the introvert while Knives is the extrovert. Knives self isolates out of fear and disgust of humans but he secretly thrives while talking to others. Especially if they have strong opinions he can argue against (definitely a debate bro). If Knives had a normal childhood he would've loved big crowds, he has absolutely no social awareness or shame . Or filter. He'd talk to anyone who'd listen. Knives drives himself absolutely insane with his own isolation. All he really wants is social connection, something he's convinced himself is impossible with humans. That's why he's so fixated on getting Vash to stay, he feels Vash is the only person he can actually talk to. Vash on the other hand, would do anything for 5 minutes alone. He is constantly pushing away Milly, Meryl, and even Wolfwood. He cannot let anyone know him beyond his silly guy persona. He especially doesn't like being celebrated (doesn't think he deserves it. 😂😂😂) He is constantly trying to skip out on the parties towns people throw for him, leaving without saying goodbye. (He does like getting drunk tho...makes talking easier) He'd never EVER share his birthday with anyone. Especially not Wolfwood or the girls. Knives however, would tell EVERYONE !!! (like how the entire Gung Ho Gun knew Knives had a brother, but Meryl had no idea Vash did. I think Knives loves talking about himself and his tragic past, painting himself as the forever victim to absolutely anyone who'd listen. To Vashes absolute horror 😭.) Vash is constantly drained from forcing himself to perform socially. He loves people and talking to them but he just needs like. 8 hours of alone time to properly function. That's why he gets so bitchy with everyone sometimes lol. She just needs a naaaaap omg 🤦‍♂️. But he feels guilty for being snippy and tired so he'll force himself to be social anyway. Which makes it worse. Love hiiim !!!! 😍 Either way they're both hurting themselves when they behave like this.
Knives is definitely the yapper while Vash just listens. I feel like Vash would appreciate not having that pressure to constantly respond. Even if Knives can be overbearing, I do think they enjoy each other's company. When they aren't... trying to murder each other. Nobody knows him like Knives does, it would almost be relieving not having to pretend to be happy all the time. He can perfectly morally justify being as mean to Knives as he wants to be !! And he wouldn't admit it, but he does enjoy listening to Knives complain about nothing. He thinks it's funny. Knives is just happy to be with someone he's deemed worthy of his time. He views Vash as his equal, someone he actually trusts to confide in. They are the opposite and also the same in every way life is so beautiful I love these guys.
It would also just be such a cute subversion of audience expectation if Knives, the self proclaimed people hater, was a people person. I think that's sooo interesting and makes so much sense with the context of his desperation for the approval of humans when he was a child. I think kid Knives would've tried to argue that celebrating something everyone goes through is pointless, but would love all the attention anyway. Even be a bit resentful that it was Vashes birthday too if he didn't seem to appreciate the attention as much. As he got older hed mellow out and warm up to the idea of having a birthday and sharing it. Mostly as an excuse to talk to Vash and make everything about himself again. Lol. Plus I think he likes organizing parties. His dream is to have that sweet 16 fantasy the humans in the old world used to have. He actually wants to be normal is the thing. They both do.
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radrado · 7 months ago
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blujaydoodles · 7 months ago
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I can't remember whether I ever posted this guy? Drex 'Pooka' Berenockt is Melliwyk's homunculus servant, because she may already have two familiars and the tiny servant and unseen servant spells but none of those things have hands and an intelligence higher than 2. he has wings modeled after an earwig's origami'd into a back panel and he curls down into a sphere when he's deactivated. he is also A Leetol Guy and I love him 😌
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dogflowerz · 9 months ago
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do yall fuck with the hutch kandi
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luthorao3 · 29 days ago
i’m in the mood to read/write the most self indulgent sci-fi swarla au. underworld as a ship, part of a greater human flotilla, carla at its helm. lisa with her own tiny cruiser, which she spends more nights in than she does back at her apartment on the greater populated ship (too many memories). perfect mental image in my head of betsy tearing up and customising her fleet-issued standard citizen uniform so that her belly’s showing. plot? unrealised, just let me enjoy the aesthetic. 🥹
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rarepears · 2 years ago
Colorblind Jedi vs recognizing red lightsabers
Red-green is the most common colorblindness in humans... and males are far more likely to be colorblind...
How would this change Star Wars and Jedi's ability to recognize Jedi from Sith if most of their human male Jedis are red-green colorblind?
What kind of chaos could this stoke?
(Imagine an overconfident Palpatine showing off his red lightsaber to a colorblind Anakin except turns out that lightsaber is also a euphemism for dick, so naturally the Jedi Order is now under the impression that the Chancellor tried to sexually assault the teenage pawadan because SURELY the Chancellor doesn't have a lightsaber! That would mean he's a Very Shady Fellow. Like a Sith!)
[More in #red-green colorblind Jedi would have Issues recognizing Sith based on their laser swords... au]
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coconut530 · 4 months ago
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Bump in the Night & Nevertober Day 20: Skeletal Remains & Belltower
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mostlikelyshutup · 7 months ago
my presidential campaign: nsbu cast goes to play laser tag 2024
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