#Las Campanas
daddyskinkyelf · 2 years
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Modern Powder Room - Powder Room Huge minimalist powder room photo
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spacewonder19 · 9 months
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Full Observatory Moon over Atacama, Chile ©
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sugar-yes-please · 2 months
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La campana de cristal - Sylvia Plath
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abatelunare · 24 days
Preoccuparsi è dannoso come aver paura; serve solo a far le cose più difficili (Ernest Hemingway, Per chi suona la campana).
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rocketqueen48 · 7 months
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Weezer and Keanu….
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gelatinatremolante · 11 months
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Lasciato andare via novembre e iniziato dicembre con la speranza che porti tante belle colazioni, tante belle merende e tante belle lucine per non pensare all'angoscia che spesso e volentieri accompagna questo mese anche se è molto più bello degli altri.
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Bell from Hell (La campana del infierno, 1973)
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Biblioteca de Catalunya:
Les al·legories de sant Jordi eren habituals en la premsa de finals del s. XIX, com és el cas d'aquestes tres il·lustracions a la Campana de Gràcia.
19 d'abril de 1930: un sant Jordi que talla una cadena
24 d'abril de 1881: un sant Jordi que mata un drac que simbolitza el lliure canvi
25 d'abril de 1875: un sant Jordi que mata un drac sota el lema "Sant Jordi mata l'aranya"
The allegories of Saint George were common in the newspapers of the late 19th century [in Catalonia], like in the case of three illustrations that were published in la Campana de Gràcia.
April 19th, 1930: a Saint George cutting a chain [with the text “this year’s Saint George”]
April 24th, 1881: a Saint George killing a dragon that symbolizes the free market [in defence of protectionism]
April 25th, 1875: a Saint George killing a dragon with the motto “Saint George kills the spider/dragon”.
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juantinarchive · 2 days
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"...me sentí terriblemente inadecuada.
El problema era que yo siempre había sido inadecuada, simplemente no había pensado en ello."
La campana de cristal / Sylvia Plath
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sublecturas · 10 months
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“Por quién doblan las campanas”, de Ernest Hemingway en la Línea B
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Bell Tower, Bruges, BELGIUM
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latinotiktok · 2 years
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proustian-dream · 11 months
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Joseph Cornell, Untitled (Bell Jar Object), ca. 1939.
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abatelunare · 7 days
Per essere bigotti bisogna essere assolutamente certi che si ha ragione, e non c'è niente come la continenza che dia quella sicurezza e quel senso d'infallibilità. La continenza è il nemico dell'eresia (Ernest Hemingway, Per chi suona la campana).
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rienziera · 6 days
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No existe el olvido
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