#Lars watches CR
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asoftepiloguemylove · 2 years ago
hello! your webweaves are beautiful. may i ask for a webweave about "even the moments that were boring, i wanna do it all again" tysm!
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Philip Pullman The Amber Spyglass / Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022) dir. Dan Kwan & Daniel Scheinert / Franz Kafka The Castle / James Joyce Exiles: A Play In Three Acts / Keaton St. James Rural Boys Watch the Apocalypse / Young Royals (2021-) cr. Lisa Ambjörn, Lars Beckung, Camilla Holter / Anaïs Nin A Literate Passion: Letters of Anaïs Nin & Henry Miller, 1932-1953 / Trista Mateer Honeybee
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larsisfrommars · 4 years ago
Rewatching Campaign Two: Curious Beginnings
Oh not even a “WE PlaY DuNgEoNs & DrAgOns!!” Yet.
Wow, I forgot how heavy Nott’s accent used to be and how light Caleb’s was. Headcanon he was still using a lot of Zemnian. Also everyone’s reaction to Jester’s voice is wonderful! Lol
Man the over and underhamming the accents is so weird! I am so ready to be violently reminded what a dick Beau was lmao
Awwwww Fjord has always had that lawful good streak in him even if it waited a bit mid-campaign, I love it. Laura having to train herself out of Vex’s greed lmao.
JESTER lmfao, she was SO rude! I love her good god, I find it so goddamn funny that Caleb ended up being sweet on her when the first thing she basically said to him was “my dude, you smell like ass. 😄💕” Beau clearly already has a crush Lmao. I forgot how early the whole “entire top table has a crush on Jester” thing started XD
Sam pretending to not know he knows Halfling, well played.
Caleb accidentally over sharing 😂😂😂 that is fucking wonderful, and low-key in character lol, nervous as hell lmao.
Every fan artist immediately deciding “a bit taller than the average lass” meant fMUCKING H U G E is so Good.
M O L L Y !!!!! Molly was so… himself lmao, if only they knew! Man. Immediately charming the shit out of Jester.
Listen I know how tarot works, but at the SAME time, THE FORGE (Fjorester? The Star Razor?!), snake in the future, could be Uka’toa or the fact that Molly/Lucien has a serpent tattoo. Yoooo tarot can be so cool lol. Jester does it even better though, because she did it at random and you didn’t have to bend ANYTHING about what cards she pulled to make it fit.
Ah yes, the birth of Beauyasha lmao “wow… she was awesome.” Lmao. Nott trying to chat Caleb up, Travis/Fjord’s immediate repulse at Frumpkin for being cat god XD. “I USE THAUMATURGY TO OPEN ALL THE WINDOWS” legendary! Low key forgot Beau was a cat person lmao.
“I’m sticking with this accent for the next two years” and then he didn’t. Lol
Caleb getting excited by books is so wholesome given the context of what we learn about him. 😊
Molly and that farmer, bruhhh go see a physician lol. Maaaan Yasha used to be grumpyyyyy lmao. Bo vs Beau! Lol Beau is so fucking awkward lmao I love her, reminds me of middle school lmfao. Ooof that little casual “hahaaaaaa my parents traumatized me” side comment, what a MOOD!
God I MISSED Molly and Beau’s sass fest SO MUCH!!! Holy moly! They were so funny “are you patronizing me Mollymauk?” “No I was hoping you’d patronize us!” I misssssss themmmmm
OH! Molly thought Jester was a follower of The Moonweaver with those cards and was trying to keep it on the down low!!! I JUST picked up on that!! WOW! :D
Early Beau is a fuckboi mode ACTIVATE, Yasha being coy tho lmao. Molly knows what Yasha’s hugs are like for sure.
Gustav’s talk of imagination is so interesting given how everything turns out. “Making one whole out of two bodies” or two souls from one body. The fire! The beasts of Xhorhas! These themes that carry through the whole campaign HOW!? EVEN?!!
Man this campaign could’ve been SO different if anyone died super early on! Lol Sam actively murderering Scanlan lmfao.
First ever POP POP! Woo! Lol Tal saying “shot” way back in early days like he’s still percy! Lol. First TRAVELER mention. First I Would Like To Rage!! My babies!
God the sass continues, I can’t believe how much I missed this dynamic.
BEAU gets the first HDYWTDT of the campaign! I forgot! Awesome!!
Even in a fantasy world the cops suck! Jester bamboozled that crownsguard lmaoooo
Wow lol leave it to this party to be like “it definitely wasn’t the frog demon it was the DWARVEN CHILD of course it was!!” Lmao. I love these idiots, so much.
Why did they let BEAU talk to the cop?! Whyyyyyyyyyy. Can’t wait for Fjord and Caleb to start really doing the Charisma checks. I love Beau, but she is not high Charisma.
FAKE NAMES HERE WE GO! Shirley, Temple, Caleb, Beau, Beau (Fjord), Mary, lmfao. Molly glaring daggers at the thought Yasha ratting out Toya was a neat touch. First Cerberus Assembly reference 😬
Yasha ghosts the partyyyyyyy for the first time ever! Lmao!
WOW these cops SUCK, “you need to show us you’re not guilty but your not allowed to leave the inn” w h a t?!
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trolloled · 7 years ago
==> Gerrel: Wheedle for sponsorship.
[08:51] -- autonomousMachinations [AM] began trolling mixologistMaverick [MM] at 20:51 --
[08:51] AM: G**d even!ng m!ster Nersc*.
[08:51] MM: Ah, right. Yau. Yau need anather delivery ar $amething? [08:52] AM: N*, n*, ! just have a...part!cular pr*p*sal t* g!ve y*u. [08:52] AM: The k!nd that pr*v!des a chance t* !ncrease y*ur pr*f!t marg!ns. [08:52] MM: ...Alright, yau knaw my weak $pat. Ga an. [08:52] AM: ! have an ass*c!ate wh* w!shes t* be...well, fam*us. H*wever, he needs the pr*per event t* get h!s face *ut there. [08:53] AM: ! tr!ed t* suggest s*meth!ng small t* start, but he's very c*nf!dent !n h!mself and !ns!sted *n a much larger fest!val. [08:53] MM: Get ta the part where I give a damn. [08:53] AM: R!ght, my ap*l*g!es. As ! was say!ng, the event he wants !s large. T** large f*r h!m t* pr*duce *n h!s *wn, and !'m a redbl**d s* ! cann*t ass!st h!m. [08:53] AM: H*wever, y*u c*mmand larger than average funds due t* y*ur adm!rable bus!ness ventures. [08:53] AM: ! was g*!ng t* suggest that, perhaps, y*u'd be !nterested !n sp*ns*r!ng the event...? [08:54] MM: Are yau drunker than I u$ually am? [08:54] MM: I ain't gat any intere$t in dumping maney an $ame idiat I dan't knaw! And haw wauld that even get me any maney anyhaw? [08:55] AM: ! understand y*ur m!sg!v!ngs. Th!nk *f !t as a chance t* !ncrease brand rec*gn!t!*n *f y*ur l!ne. Brand!ng !s a p*werful t**l, espec!ally dur!ng a h*t sp*rt!ng event where many spectat*rs w!ll be qu!te th!rsty. [08:55] AM: !f y*u catch my !ntended d!rect!*n. [08:56] MM: Yau mean hawk my baaze ta $ucker$ wha are tired aut ju$t watching $ame ather idiat break hi$ arm during...what, exactly? [08:56] AM: Well, he called !t s!m!lar t*...Altern!an N!nja Warr!*r? [08:56] AM: Apparently there !s an *bstacle c*urse. [08:57] MM: Yeah, I knaw what that i$. Buncha maran$ running araund breaking all their bane$ and dying by the dazen$ $a peaple will call them caal. [08:57] MM: I dan't remember hearin af anyane gettin $pan$ared in that thaugh. [08:57] AM: Well, yes, because the sh*w just surv!ves *n advert!sements and t!ckets ! assume. [08:57] AM: But *ur event w!ll be an amateur take *n !t, s* !nd!v!duals w!ll need sp*ns*rs t* help c*ver the c*st. [08:58] MM: And what, exactly, will I be praviding? [08:58] AM: M*ney f*r c*urse c*nstruct!*n, pr*bably h!r!ng a small team *f hand-p!cked tr*lls t* put th!s t*gether. Pr!nt!ng c*sts f*r the t!ckets as well, but that w!ll eas!ly be re!mbursed thr*ugh sales. *h yes, and flyers t* advert!se. [08:59] MM: And haw much will all thi$ $hit ca$t? [08:59] AM: ...! can fax y*u my budget est!mate. [08:59] MM: What the fuck i$ a fax? [08:59] AM: !t's a system f*r send!ng d*cuments t* an*ther pers*n. [08:59] MM: Ju$t email it yau idiat. [09:00] AM: Very well, ! just f!gured y*u'd prefer my s!gnature *f authent!c!ty s* y*u kn*w ! am n*t, as the new tr*lls say, 'pull!ng y*ur leg.' [09:00] MM: Whatever. [09:01] MM: Alright, thi$ i$ $tupid. What the hell i$ thi$, fag machine$, $tage lighting? [09:01] MM: It'$ an ab$tacle caur$e nat a primma danna $tage play! [09:01] AM: !t's what M!ster Ranp*e requested. [09:01] MM: "Mi$ter Ranpae" can ki$$ the fatte$t part af my a$$. [09:01] MM: Na, I'll $end YAU my awn budget af $hit I'll actually pay far, and YAU $tretch it aut ta make $en$e. [09:02] MM: I'm nat blawin a fat wad an $ame guy wha $wear$ he wan't break hi$ leg twa $ecand$ in. [09:02] MM: Will there at lea$t be ather campetitar$ ta eat time up? [09:02] AM: Yes, *f c*urse. !'ll be select!ng pe*ple wh* may seem c*mpetent but w!ll ult!mately fa!l. [09:02] AM: That way the cr*wd w!ll get the!r bl**dlust up and be th!rst!er. [09:03] MM: Gaad idea, I might actually turn a prafit naw. [09:03] AM: As y*u say, M!ster Nersc*. Sh*uld ! c*nst!tute th!s as an agreement, then? [09:03] MM: Canditianal. Yau $et up the cheape$t deal$ yau can get and I'll $ee abaut getting $ame maney aver ta yau. [09:03] MM: And redblaad? Thi$ better pay aff. [09:04] AM: ! understand. Thank y*u, M!ster Nersc*. [09:04] -- autonomousMachinations [AM] gave up trolling mixologistMaverick [MM] at 21:04 --
0 notes
blaze8403 · 5 years ago
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Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins is feeling professional with professor Doctor  Dai Gensui  Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins Jr. · ALL PRO RAVENDOVE Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins was RavenDove - yin yin / yang RavenDove - yin yin / yang - COLD NUMB AND (LOVIEY DOVIEY) CALCULATED SPELL IT D or L Dove or Love maybe L or D Lover or Dover pythagorean numerology ABC123 Kauffman-Hawkins-Hawk or Hopk -H__kins aw or op and Hopkins signed Booper or just Boop not Book BUT LOKI OR BOOPER SAN with Blaze Pascal. with Terry Lee Hawkins ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigam HAWKINS HOKINSU/HOKINZU — feeling professional with Terry Lee Hawkins Jr.
Terry Lee Kauffman Hawkins Terry Lee Hawkins JR ( male ) Peros Dragonus Kami Aisuru ikigami shinigam
0 notes
taakitz · 8 years ago
can i get some fucking uhhhhh explanations as to why i love my favorite characters????
(also i didn’t mention thsi in the original post but i tried to keep it One Character Per Piece Of Media otherwise thb and the entire character cast of cr would be on there afdjgsnsbsmd just an important thing to note)
10. hiro hamada (big hero 6) not much of an explanation here! he just was a huge comfort character for me a few years ago. he’s #relatable i think. love that boy 
9. jesse mccree (overwatch) i Almost put lucio here ngl, i Love the friendly music boy, but… mccree is just cool. he’s cool. he just appeals to me. he’s awesome and also a little hilarious in concept, like, he’s a sci fi cowboy voiced 
by matt mercer, what’s not to like????? idk! no solid explanation here. he and lucio and bastion are all my absolute fave ovw characters, idk what to tell y'all.
8. lars barriga (steven universe) he’s (in my onion) a trans boy. he’s pink. he’s good. good boy. i like him lots, i can relate to him i think! a very great boy. 
7. ruby rose (rwby) RUBY ROSE IS SUCH A COMFORT CHARACTER FOR ME like!!!!!! she’s been one for such a long time! she’s got a dead mom? i’ve got a dead mom? we both have a rose motif kinda thing going on??? same hat?? she’s peppy and i love her outlook on shit and i admire her as a character (even though she’s KINDA POORLY WRITTEN IN CANON COUGHS but i adore her nonetheless) and also? dave??? you know. You Jnow. also also, as weird as it is, mercury is my second fave rwby character just for the record here. like, i briefly considered making my name mercury lmao afhdfskfhsjms he’s a dick love him 
6. forrest (fire emblem: fates) FORREST IS SO GREAT i clung to him Right Away when i found out he was a feminine presenting boy like me afdhdgjs i love him i love him i love him!!!!!!!! he’s great, he’s amazing, and not to project or anything, but he is Totally a very feminine trans boy like i am. love him!!!! 
5. wylan van eck (six of crows) wylan is another character that i fuckin latched onto right away, like???? character from a privileged background with a dead mom????????? lmao me as fuck. when i found out he had no chapters in the first book i was like ?!?!?!?!!! i just. adore him. he’s good. he’s so good 
4. goodra (pokemon) purple goo who tries really hard to become a dragon….. AND THEN THEY DO BECOME A DRAGON AAAAAAAAAA i love goodra sm 
3. kravitz (the adventure zone) id have put taako but that’s Too Obvious. kravitz is handsome and i trust him immensely and he’s a Big Nerd, and honestly i hope that when death comes for me that it’s kravitz, actually. tres horny boys and johann are also Absolutely some of my fave characters tho 
2. hiccup (how to train your dragon) I USED TO WATCH HTTYD DAILY like, for a solid Month i did, it was Such a big interest of mine and ive related to hiccup for so darn long he’s. he’s like me! he’s a lot like me and i love him and i wanna be like him when i’m older, and by that i Absolutely Do Mean that i want to train dragons when i’m an adult, no one can fucking stop me from doing so. he’s just. he’s such a great character in all aspects. he’s. hes really really good, i relate to him a lot, i lov him 
1. percival de rolo (critical role) percy is. well. i named myself after him! need i say more? he’s had such incredible development throughout CR and he’s also got such a great aesthetic goin on if we’re being honest. he’s. he’s incredible and clever and i strive to be as clever and handsome as he is!! what a great character. wooo boy i love him, i love Every character in CR but i love Him a lot and it’s unexplainable why but he’s a big comfort character 4 me. Love Him.
like half of this is just “i Love Them because they are Good” and gosh if that doesn’t describe me to a T i don’t know what does
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majdiawadallah · 6 years ago
Title: بلد عايشة ع نكشة: طاسة الضمان (2)! بثينة حمدان { "ns": "yt", "el": "detailpage", "cpn": "VcY1pQ6OIXJKgI2T", "docid": "dD1ock6F1VE", "ver": 2, "referrer": "https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dD1ock6F1VE&feature=youtu.be", "cmt": "49.977", "plid": "AAV7vh-lcn5-uYui", "ei": "3OT-W9_RFtmigQegyYlQ", "fmt": "243", "fs": "0", "rt": "52.845", "of": "XdH0fOf7wKyp71TCiFje_Q", "euri": "", "lact": 2, "cl": "222955709", "mos": 0, "state": "8", "vm": "CAEQABgE", "volume": 100, "c": "MWEB", "cver": "2.20181127", "cplayer": "UNIPLAYER", "cbrand": "samsung", "cbr": "Chrome Mobile Facebook Webview", "cbrver": "70.0.3538.110", "cmodel": "sm-g965f", "cos": "Android", "cosver": "8.0.0", "cplatform": "MOBILE", "hl": "en_US", "cr": "US", "len": "222.601", "fexp": "23710476,23718632,23721698,23721898,23744176,23748400,23751767,23752869,23753820,23755830,23755886,23755898,23758598,23760559,23762650,23763106,23764069,23768564,23769829,23771857,23772104,23773554,23773808,23774007,23777159,23777159,23777541,23777947,23778993,23779090,23779327,23780215,9425077,9449243,9485000", "feature": "youtu.be", "afmt": "251", "conn": "3", "vct": "49.977", "vd": "222.601", "vpl": "0.000-49.977,", "vbu": "0.000-122.786,", "vpa": "0", "vsk": "0", "ven": "0", "vpr": "1", "vrs": "4", "vns": "2", "vec": "null", "vvol": "1", "totalVideoFrames": 1497, "droppedVideoFrames": 3, "lct": "49.909", "lsk": false, "lmf": false, "lbw": "1054761.569", "lhd": "0.216", "lst": "168.913", "laa": "itag=251,seg=12,range=1654711-1793335,time=120.0-130.0,off=0,len=138625,end=1", "lva": "itag=243,seg=22,range=2539547-2706229,time=117.3-122.8,off=0,len=166683,end=1", "lar": "itag=251,seg=13,range=1793336-1930378,time=130.0-140.0,off=0,len=137043,end=1", "lvr": "itag=243,seg=22,range=2539547-2706229,time=117.3-122.8,off=0,len=166683,end=1", "lvh": "r2---sn-i5q5g5-1qhl", "lab": "0.000-130.001,", "lvb": "0.000-122.786,", "ismb": 3120000, "relative_loudness": "0.211", "optimal_format": "360p", "user_qual": "auto", "debug_videoId": "dD1ock6F1VE", "0sz": false, "op": "", "yof": false, "dis": "", "gpu": "Mali-G72", "cgr": true, "debug_playbackQuality": "medium", "debug_date": "Wed Nov 28 2018 20:57:20 GMT+0200 (Israel Standard Time)" }
0 notes
its-27272727 · 8 years ago
اسهل طريقة يابانية للتخلص من الكرش والحصول على بطن مسطح بسرعة
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larsisfrommars · 4 years ago
Campaign 2 Rewatch: Disparate Pieces
Wow the fucking puppet head chaos shit holy shit that was funny and dark! First instance of Matt Being Salty about Keen Mind of the campaign Hooraaaaaaaay.
Molly and Toya making me fucking cryyyyyy againnnn. Poor Toya oh my goddddd wow this is NOT okay, that’s just fuuuuuuucked oh noooooooo.
Molly is like “yes! You SHOULD feel bad” Tal really was like “Mom said it’s MY turn to be the party’s moral compass!” And then he WAS, with BOTH characters! “Yes everyone likes you, it’s very irritating” lol, Molly had crushes on Fjord AND Caleb and you can NOT change my mind.
“We like to be unsung heroes” “underground activists” WHYYYYY how are they right?! How the frick did they set the tone so quickly?! Awwww Nott “I’m very ugly for a halfling” GUYS, Sam played us like a goddamn fiddle what the fuck??? Oof Caleb too… dropping trauma hints allllll over the place.
“Sorry for choking you with my stick” god how far my Beau has come lmaoooooo. Poor Molly already being exhausted by these idiots, love it he’s like “I’m two fockin years old and I’m still wiser than the lot of you!”
Goddd I forgot when Caleb was way too nervous and unhappy to really apply his charisma Stat, that whole “I killed a man no I will not explain why even tho I’m trying to explain why because I have like 0 fuckin confidence” lmao. Level 2! (Oh my god I get why it’s not working! Vax is peeking through Caleb! Caleb is trying to be intimidating the way Vax is and it’s… not working lmao.
WAIT A MINUTE ARCHIVIST ZEENOTH?! HOLD THE FUCK UP!? Did he just not recognize Beau or did he just wanna watch her suffer? My bet was it was the later because he is a ✨prick✨. OH! He does notice her! B i t c h
Oooooh first Felderwin mention, also maaaaaan fuck Goblin racism (which Nott participated in for a long ass time to be fair). I hate Zeenoth but thank god he’s here otherwise these punks would probably still be in jail. OH SHIT DAIRON’S HERE! She didn’t say anything but still!
Yasha’s back! Tell a friend! I still don’t know what Gustav’s shady debt thing was I hope we find out in the campaign wrap up!
Now this is the REAL beginning! Hell yeah! My babies! They have NO idea what’s to come! Also Fjord making Yasha laugh 😊 wowww Molly “the days that you’re gonna have are the days that you’re gonna have.” It’s actually amazing to me how fitting so many of Molly’s lines were in the full context of the show.
Ooooh was that the first, “Sam helps Laura hide that she’s pregnant” move after everyone leaves the table for Beau’s thing?? Weird!
People I am 1000% okay with watching Beau treat like shit: Archivist Zeenoth that bitch. Also immediate crush on Dairon is a MOOD! Also super weird to watch Zeenoth compliment Beau knowing full well what he did to her. “Not everyone does what they do in this world for coin” EXCEPT U DID YOU FUCKING BITACH! HAHA!! Get him Dairon! Fuck Zeenoth! I loooooove you so MUCH Dairon! I love you SO MUCH!! Let’s get MARRIED?! Lmao
It is so WEIRD seeing how distrespectdul Beau was to Dairon initially! Oh shit! I understand why she didn’t trust them at the beginning maaaaan. Dairon is such a cool teacher! Aaand I didn’t realize just how early Beau/Marisha reveals the physical abuse thing! Maaaan this combat is making me FEEL THINGS! Beau baby you’ve come SO far! I love youuuuuu!!
God in hindsight it feels… so fucking GOOD to watch Zeenoth get the shit beaten out of him because he fucking deserves it. Get him! Get him Beau! Get that fuckin extract aspects and stunning strike! The world needs assholes! Fuck yeah!!! “Maybe one day you’ll find the corruption inside our own” and THEN SHE DID! O M F G
Fjord being like a proud older brother when he sees Beau looks beat to shit like “woah dude?! You good!? Bet you did something badass” guys, I love them and I’m going to miss Marisha and Travis sitting next to each other. Molly being wary of the Soul is good and On Brand but also not quite the right call lmao.
Nott and Caleb are always so goddamn precious I love them. God first successful charisma check Caleb makes this whole session is one about books lmao. Time for Caleb to take a baaaath! Huzzah! Oh my god, Nott, I am so glad you never changed but nothing will EVER be as feral as Nott in the bathhouse in this episode “I dump out the cucumber water and eat all the cucumbers” MOOD!
God, healing potions and drugs lmao. Little did they know this shit would help them defeat a baby faced monstrosity 100+ later 😂😂😂 blackmail! Drugs that ultimately only Beau will use! (Unless I think maybeFjord took some at one point I don’t remember?) Hooray!
Aww Nott giving Yasha the flowers befire she even knowing what that means for her and mostly out of fear. Maaaaan this is making me FEEL things aaaaaaagh! The PRESSED FLOWER BOOK! GUYSSSS. Yay mail fraud!
Awww I love that convo to between Caleb and Fjord. Fjord automatically protective of their most skittish party members, strategically to keep them from running off but also cuz he cares. Caleb being cautiously trusting and their low key agreement to herd this group of cats together. I love shit like soooo much!
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larsisfrommars · 4 years ago
Campaign 2 Rewatch: The Open Road
GASP the before times when Laura didn’t know what a Kenku was! Amazing. Awww Fjord doing the Big Brother Thing first thing this session, and Jester giving out pastries with the ✨maaaagic of pantomime✨complete with lint sprinkles!
The juggling! Sorry Jester eating swords is Fjord’s job! “I’m very flexible” Molly flirting with everyone 24/7 is something I dearly, dearly missed! “Have you ever made (Frumpkin) a turtle?” Ohhhh Jester, you have NO idea. Also for all of Jester’s talk about unicorns I’m kinda shocked we never actually got to see one in-game! Huh.
“Stealing is wrong but could you get away with it?” Molly I love you so much! Fjord is just curious about EVERYONE’s expertise huh? I know it’s cuz Travis/Fjord is tryna figure out the whole tactical thing but alsoooo it’s kinda cool how that interest resurfaces when he break things off with Uka’toa as a student rather than as a leader.
Gods, Jester and Nott’s instant friendship is the cutest shit in the WORLD. “Did you say I’m the most irritable?” Beau said, irratably 😂. God, Caleb being so incredibly happy that Nott cast a spell makes me think about how Caleb wanted to be a teacher and gets to be and now I am soooo happy for himmm 😭😭😭
Fjord’s first dream?! Already??!! Ohhhh shit! Fjord’s real voice (man I’ve been missing it sooooo much!) he’s so ready to fork himself over for power, he has no clue what he’s getting into ohhhhh man poor babyyyyy! CLUELESS my dude! Poor thing. Quick! Write those words down before you fjorget!
Everyone VERY curious and concerned, Molly and Beau being ON that sword and sea correlation. Fjord being all defensive and not wanting anybody to worry about or question him cuz he doesn’t know the answers. Disclosing just enough to satisfy his companions. Early group dynamics are SO interesting!
“I hadn’t considered that… terrifying thought, but thanks I’ll add that to the fucking list” my dude, no you won’t, you’re gonna go out to sea repeatedly and be actively shocked whenever your ex-god does shit to you! I love you but everyone knows that’s just a lie 🤣
Ooooh the Nein are about to be born! This is the one with the Gnolls I almost forgot!! Liam’s ACTING when the fire happens! DUDE! Time to save a town from some Gnolls!!! YESSSSS!!!!! LOVE THIS COMBAT! Go be heroes! Yes!!! I wish there was a frothing at the mouth emoji! It’s the enby Crownsguard (Bryn??) I missed them! OMG THIS MAAAAP! The flask is here! (I think? I’m listening to the podcast rn) Ahh!
FJORD is the LEADER, always has been! I stand by that fact, that energy NEVER goes away and this session is the day it was born! Love that sense of tactical command and charisma Travis brought to the table with Fjord! Absofuckinlutely!
First Tasha’s Hideous Laughter of the campaign! Matt is wayyy to good at hyena sounds! Amazing. Do y’all think Nott was super determined to go after the Gnolls as they run away because of Felderwin goblin siege flashbacks? And Molly probably just did cuz good but naive.
Nott and Molly KO from a longbow shot from the Gnoll Chieftan at 2:52:48 & 2:53:35 and are resuscitated at 2:54:37-2:55:39 by Jester with two Cure Wounds spells.
Bryce! The only good cop in all of Wildemount! Love to see it! Good gods I love Molly, he’s such a perfect balance of sweet and absolutely onwry, love him.
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larsisfrommars · 4 years ago
Campaign 2 Rewatch: The Howling Mines
Lol, Fjord keeping Molly on his bullshit to see if he can get him to give up the ruse.
Gods, the early awkward Fjord and Jester flirting is absolutely fantastic.
First small space cuddle pile of the campaign y’all! You’re gonna get used to and enjoy it for some tragic reasons later but we don’t gotta worry about that yet!!
Oof lol that poor (former) innkeeper, I love that Jester has no idea how ridiculous she sounds 60% of the time “I’ll write to my mom to give you money” 😂
Oh SHIT Nott rolling persuasion instead of deception for that “I was a victim of a horrible attack too” thing, daaaaamn.
I’m sorry the Starosta sounds like Pavel Chekov from Star Trek 🤣🤣🤣
The struggle to Ynogu is real, how do y’all pronounce it? I say Yee-no-goo.
Ohhhh my god I LOVE the Broadbarn shopkeep guy. I love watching the ENTIRE cast loses it with every new hysterical shopkeep voice, first this guy, then Pumat, then Zorth, then the Emporium Goliath lady. Love it!
God, Molly and Fjord being the party moral compasses is the WEIRDEST thing.
Man, I don’t miss Nott being an alcoholic, but I DO miss drunk Nott 😂. Man that weird Gnollskin cultist dude is creepy af
Yes!!! Finally! COM👏🏻BAT 👏🏻COM👏🏻BAT 👏🏻COM👏🏻BAT👏🏻! Yes!!! Ball bearings, the beginning of Beau’s prop based chaos shenanigans!! So stoked for when she gets fireworks! YES DEFLECT MISSILES COOL MONK SHIT COOL MONK SHIT!!
Jester coming in terrifyingly, adorably clutch with the spiritual lollipop and toll the dead! The birth of a wonderful aesthetic! Kickass armor of Agathys! Mollymauk peacocking in front of Fjord by eviscerating the Gnolls in front of him we love it! The funny bone kick flinch attack is ducking hysterical!
Gee MATT that was fucking scream that WOW unsettling time!!! Oh good! GASP KHARY IS GONNA BE THERE NEXT TIME I LOVE SHAKASTE I AM SOOOOO EXCITED!
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larsisfrommars · 4 years ago
Campaign 2 Rewatch: The Midnight Chase
Fantastic start! Jester has no spells lmao! Gooooood… ROLL INITIATIVE 🤩
Yo, I know I made a post about this already buuuut I love Fjord & Caleb’s dynamic just saying, LETS PUNCH SOME ZOMBIES!!! Travis being a Hamilfan brings me so much joy. Guess what Laura! The Cantata Pansophical has you covered in regards to your characters being n Hamilton lol!
Dayuuuuum Molly that was badass! If only we could’ve seen you at higher levels hot damn! Tear em up Sam! Tear em up! God I miss Fury of The Small! Sacred Flame! Hell yeah! “Frumpikin, frumpy, lumpy come here!” I love you Jester lmao. Nobody’s used to Fjord’s cowboy accent yet lmao. Man Marisha is so competent with Beau now it’s weird watching her figuring it out.
Is this one of the first (and maybe only?) time Frumpkin is actually on the battlefield? 🤔 lol “I knew that would come back to bite you in the anus!” Oh wow this is before the snitch got stole.
Molly KOs (first KO of the campaign!) @ 31:14 by a zombie (high key it’s actually wild to me he was the first to drop considering everything that happens later??? So many c i n e m a t i c p a r a l e l l s) having failed one death save, Molly comes back around at 43:18 by natural forces with a Spare The Dying assist from Jester!
“I AM THE CLERIC?!” Jester is fuckinh iconic. “I am a very wise person 😊” *lifts entire guard body* lmao. Fjord being in awe of everyone’s magic continues to be adorable! I love Caleb’s little shrug when Nott asks if they’re going with the group lmao. “Horses are the new door”? oh gawd M9 wait until you hear about CHAIRS 😂
OH MY GOD Nott is such a doting mother lmao, oh you want those books? Here! 10 gold! And Caleb is just like 🤩😍 they’re so effing cute good lord. “Ohhhhh… I am so happy” *swoops Nott up in his arms with joy over books* YOUR HONOR I LOVE HIMMM
Fucking echo vibes of vex and Vax from that book interaction awwww. Liam having to break character cuz his friends are ridiculous like “please god I need to actually read this.” 🤣 Ohhhh god here come the Fjord is a Seaman jokes. I’m glad those don’t stay forever 😂🙄
God I forgot what a massive deal mustering spell components used to be, so much drama over turning Frumpkin into a bird 😂. God here we go with the harassing Caleb while he’s tuned out for Frumpkin recon. Poor dude is just tired lol. They’ll grow on you Caleb I promise! Awwwww Jester braiding Caleb’s hairrrrr
Fjord being Impressed by Magic part #103837364648, “oh man! I’ve been concentrating on skinky doodles all day!” JESTER I LOVE YOU SO GODDAMN MUCH. “Do you have positions at the circus for these two?” Love you too Caleb <3
“BECAUSE IM WEIRD!” I miss Molly and Beau so goddamn much so so so much. The more I watch them the more I’m like “wow no wonder Molly had such a massive impact on her.” Like, woah.
I love watching Fjord flex his deception/persuasion/intimidation the way Travis expresses it is so damn GOOD. That old man ploy is fantastic, love it. “Ugh this sprained ankle is affecting my wisdom” please 😂 “dungeons and dragons is about punishment” asdfghklgllgjhjjlkl
The birth of Narrative Telephone! Lol “something about being deflowered.” God the witch hut thing lmao “I’ve god rules for this shit in a book!” 😈 kinda weird considering the Hag they encounter later :) it’s so weird how the dots don’t stop connecting!
Yikes! Time for Beau to start punching children! Hooray? Such a GRAND departure from Keyleth (/j). Hoooo boy big fight big fight big fiiiiiight!! Marisha is allowed to be a little salty, as a treat, lmao. WOO! First Hexblade’s curse! Yeehaw!
Goddamn I love how scary vicious Nott becomes when her boy is in danger! Get it Nott! “I got a spell save DC y’all!” Love it! 😂
Caleb KOs at 3:16:32 by an imp, two successful death saves, one failed, and is resuscitated at 3:40:13 with a nat 20 medicine check from Nott as she gives him mouth to mouth. Goblin mama saves her garbage Wizard son heck yeah!
FJORD gets the SECOND (big) HDYWTDT of the campaign!
Only to have an imp KO Fjord at 3:30:16 one failed death save, and is resucitated at 3:39:53 thanks to a cure wounds from Jester. I loved the simultaneous “Fjord!” from Molly & Jester. Them Tieflings loves their half-orc hyperfixation. Come to think of it, they’re the ones rescuing him in the troll fight too!
Poor Caleb and Fjord only knowing confusion and suffering when they’re brought back lmao. Hooray nobody died!
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larsisfrommars · 4 years ago
Rewatching Campaign 2: A Show of Scrutiny!
First wE plAy dUngEonS N dRAgoOns!
“Boo! Yay! Booeayayyyyy??” Sam’s ads never cease to amaze. 😂 Old school theme song gives me CR1 nostalgia ☺️
“I would like to make a counter offer!” GOD I missed Molly so goddamn much, I hope Tal gets to play him a few more times. Caleb sticking his neck out for Molly 🥺 he warms up slowly to the group but man, when he does, it’s in acts more than words. (I can’t believe people used to think Caleb was a Vax copycat! They’re SO different! Vax would’ve probably just have tried to do what Yasha did and then popped back up to do a jailbreak.) Sidenote: I still love Caleb’s voice, but I kinda miss when his accent was lighter.
God there was still SO much (more) Marisha Hate when this campaign started, I remember loving Beau right off the bat, and I totally get why Beau/Marisha did what she did in this episode. She’s still a rebellious teenager at heart and she’s trying to interrogate people and (sometimes needlessly) bucking against authority. People would dogpile on her for little mistakes literally everyone else makes. It’s amazing how people in this fandom make such a Huge Deal out of shit like that, and how little it ends up Actually Mattering. Exhausting.
Fjord being CHARMING 😍 I love him. OH NO the stupid little sister thing lmfao JESTER NOOOOO everyone is so stupid and I love them. Caleb being afraid to join the group and Nott trying to convince them, he was so scared, all the time. Then after all is said and done, Veth is the one who needs to stay and Caleb is the one that wants to keep everyone together??? The CINEMATICS sure do PARALLELS.
God I forgot what an absolute nervous wreck Nott used to be! Wowwwww “YES HELLO THANK GOD FRENDS” Sam jeezus kraist. Nott loves trinkets, Fjord doesn’t like ale, such grand departures from their former characters 😂
It’s interesting which things everyone is choosing to lie or not lie about, Beau is low key the most honest about her past which is odd! MORE THAUMATURGY!✨This minor feat of body horror was brought to you by The Traveler✨
I love how enamored Fjord used to be with other people’s magic and things. He’s still sticking to that “look at me I’m all cool and badass and southern and mysterious” but the dork we know is in there peaks out where magic is concerned.
I find it interesting that Tal and Travis had such a fantastic energy this campaign, a vibe that stuck between them through both of Tal’s characters (both Molly and Cad) that Percy and Grog never had. The conversations they have, even when they’re bullshitting each other have an Energy. I love it, Fjord had some super interesting and in depth relationships with everyone, including Molly. It’s one of the reasons Fjord was my favorite character from this campaign. Makes me wish Travis remembered more of his conversations w/ Molly for the BBEG fight.
Awww, Beau’s low key abandonment issues regarding Fjord and Hester going out in disguise on their own, she really is just a lonely and angry teen deep down. Thinking about Beau in drag for her disguise: I AM G A Y Y Y Y Y. The sibling dynamic Fjord and Beau have really started off early huh?? Hell yeah. Fjord being Beau’s acting coach lmfao.
Aww Jester and Nott’s friendship is already budding, Jester has always been so disarmingly nutty and kind. No wonder top table all grew crushes off her. Lmao “yes mommy!(??)” everyone in this group is somehow EVEN MORE awkward than they are later, it’s amazing.
Awww Caleb and the barkeep was cute, setting the tone early for the proliferation of smut throughout the series. Maaaaan, Molly’s conversation with the solitaire dude was INTERESTING, I 👏🏻 missed 👏🏻 Molly 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 It’s so weird how Uka’toa was a huge deal and the first thing Jester, Fjord and Beau fought together was a water snake, #thecinematicssuredoparallel
Wow, even early Fjord is doing the delegation thing while they investigate! Sticking to people’s strengths, encouraging those that have unique advantages. THIS! This Right Here is why I consider Fjord the “leader” of the Mighty Nein!
(Picking up after a few days) We’re alone? Great! Let’s go book shopping!! 💕💕💕 this shopkeep is absolutely adorable lmao. Rewatching clips of Vax and MAN he and Caleb are SOOOO different! Even if rn they kinda sound the same lol.
The platinum flask?! So soon??? Wow! I didn’t realize she got it SO early in the campaign?! Yoooooo?! What if the hooded figures Nott saw were Tombtakers?! Or Tharazidun cult members?! GUYS w h a t IF?!
God I forgot how chaotic the “plays” and dynamic duo madness Nott and Caleb had lmao. LEVEL 2! 🤣 Jester what the fuck lmao?! “Not in the Ustaloch!” God I love these idiots. CANON ENBY MOLLY! New gender just dropped, ✨Fabulous✨
Fucking FJORD using his real voice as a fake voice wjat the fuck?! It’s so weird coming back to this and knowing what he actually sounds like what the fuck?!? Followed by an AMAZING Grog slip up! 😂
God Molly’s “accent” sometimes man, sometimes I think it’s not as bad as everyone says and other times it’s just 😬 oh, Tal, buddy… no.
I see both Fjord and Jester resort to panic fjlirting when they think they’re in trouble lmfao. “We suck at this” LEVEL 2! Sit down cross legged to not look threatening?! Jessie, w h a a a-???
God, Matt I love you so much. You are so talented and can play so many different characters BUT you can NOT play kids. You roleplay Luc (4) and Toya (12) exactly the same way lmfao.
Awwww Toya and Molly 😭 so wholesome, even if Molly wasn’t around, it would’ve been cool to see the M9 interact with the circus more.
POOR ORNA LMFAO these idiots are so great. The Knot sisters are only here for the drama, everything is so fucking stupid and chaotic ohhhh my god I love these idiots. Sam accidentally called himself a GNOME lmao?!
Also Molly short circuiting when he finds out the literal devil toad reads as fucking fiendish with the detect good and evil spell lmao. Ohhhhhhh shit lmao I’m so glad they FINALLY figured it out. This has been such a clusterfuck. DARK SHADOWS RANDO PERSON AM I FORGETTING SOMETHING?! Was that Kaori?! Oh… it was. Oh. Lol.
“They uh… zombies!” Love Caleb 😂 good gods what a cliffhanger. Can’t wait for next episode’s combat!
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larsisfrommars · 3 years ago
C3E2 Reactions
Matt dressed as Laura reminds me of Chris Fleming. BUT why are Laura and Robbie still super hot dressed as other people still?! Also Sam is really fit and I didn’t know because he never wears tank tops like this one?? Hello????
Oof! Right into the combat! This fight is fucking BRUTAL! Esteros isn’t fucking around! Oh my god Dorian is down ALREADY?! Orym is fuckicking kicking ass!! And Ashton goading Esteros is amazing.
God I’m trying really hard not to jump on a ship right away but MAN so much Southern Gothic fuel happening rn!!
Oh and Dorian and Orym being cute FUCK man I’m such a loser lmao. The natural one alcohol throw from Bell asdfghhl 😂
Robbie and Travis being terrified of Laudna together might be my new favorite thing omg
Every time Laudna and Imogen talk about each other I’m more convinced they’re wives. The chemistry is off the charts. Seriously.
Y’all I fucking love Orym’s VOICE, he kind of reminds me of Yeza. It’s super endearing I love it. 10/10 Liam
I’m also really liking Esteros, he really reminds me of Earthbreaker Groon.
FIRST WHISPERS!!!!! Hell yeah!
Oooooo getting Bertrand Bell lore for us goodgoodgoodgoodgooooooood!
This is starting out so DIFFERENT from the other campaigns, feels very like, old school avengers-y, love it.
Why did Dorian ask about the ivory folks doing assassinations? 👀 THAT sounds like a backstory crumb (Robbie PLEASE stay I need to know what the fuck Dorian’s deal is please please please please please!)
“You can suck on my hair if you want 😉” UMM okay is it just me or is it like, Ashton and Fearne are like, REALLY weird and thirsty for each other already. First the earrings and the compliments and now this?? What the fuck is going on? Chaos duo incoming ohhhhh god.
I wonder if this gang are gonna be as hard drinkers/pub crawlers as Vox Machina were, they kinda didn’t do that as much with the M9, I guess we’ll see!
LAUDNA AND IMOGEN ARE SO MARRIED SHUT UP!! 😍 Laudna is just the biggest sweetheart I’m losing my mind.
Fresh Cut Grass is gonna make me cry again oh my gawd. Which apparently FCG doesn’t have, a god??? What’s up with that? 👀
PATTE DE ROLO?! LAUDNA IS A DE ROLO CONFIRMED?? No, lol, still an interesting connection! Wow we just referring to Vox Machina left and right I’m loving it!
Orym can Druidcraft omg!!! This group is much friendlier and forthcoming than the Mighty Nein it’s, dare I say it, refreshing?! I mean I fucking love Mighty Nein but I actually kinda love that this group has a bit less to hide and less immediate character conflicts. Feels good! Different! Nice and different at the same time, loving the chemistry in what’s happening.
I’m in fucking LOVE with Pâté he makes me so fucking happy. Marisha is absolutely unhinged as this character and I’m madly in love with her.
Ashton saying democracy is great is such a hilarious spit in the face of Percy and I love it, 10/10.
I thought that Orym and FCG were getting called upon before they’re both the shortest but they have the highest passive perception 😂. Also Ashton gushing over the hidden weapons is so awesome and adorable lol.
“Does the hammer talk too?” “👀You’ll find out! 😃” I LOVE HER I LOVE HER I LOVER HERRRRR!!!! Dayummm Imogen that was a really smooth and believable lie. Nice!
Man these guys seem to gel A Lot better than M9 or VM (as in during Origins) did at the very start, this is absolutely fascinating! I can’t wait to see it get complicated! It definitely feels like Ashton, Laudna, Imogen and especially Dorian are holding out on some stuff and I can’t WAIT to see how things play out! I’m not really sus of Bertrand much anymore, but I am a little more convinced he may be a temporary guide character. I still really hope Robbie stays for as long as possible tho.
What in the everloving FUCK was that ASMR bit Sam?!?? Hello?!
Man Imogen’s telepathy is SUPER useful! If a little unsettling. Ohhhh man FCG has Detect Thoughts that’s pretty cool!
The very quiet “Mike Wazowski” that got muttered after Gorudal finished talking and Robbie and Travis cracking up was AMAZING 😂 “Making my way” will never die lol! No matter how dire.
OO GOGGLES OF OBJECT READING? What other weird little upgrades does FCG have?? Also BRUUMSTONE TRACKING?? Also why can Ashton cast Pass Without a Trace?! What is happening???
Oh my god Dorian scooping up Laudna is my new favorite thing and also “is that a dead rat or are you just happy to see me? ” I CANT BELIEVE NO ONE SAID THAT! Sam you’ve failed me!!! Also not to thirst on main but I fucking WISH I was Laudna rn.
Laudna is the most feral fucking woman, I thought NOTT was bad but this is something else entirely I can’t even put into words how much I love it!
God I am so happy Laura and Liam are next to eachother the siblings are next to each other and the shenanigans have ALREADY begun, amazing.
This group may be friendlier with eachother than anticipated but they are certainly way, way more unhinged as a baseline. That’s amazing! Love that shit.
OH GOD THIS IS FUCKING NANCY ALL OVER AGAIN! Too many distractions!! 😂 Fearne whyyyyyyyy.
They actually did really good recon this episode?! I think this time last campaign Beau got re-arrested?? Lmao, I’m impressed!
Yasha 🤝 Fearne: being absolutely overjoyed and completely mystified by telepathy and Mesage spells 😂
Ooooh I can’t WAIT for this plan they’re making right now to go absolutely horribly wrong. Love it!
Aww people being sweet about Imogen’s overstimulation that is magical but is super relatable being neurodivergent 🥺
Ashton reminding me of Molly again “only steal from grumpy people.” “Never take copper, silver if they’re an asshole, gold regardless.”
Ooooh more Dorym fuel (listen I love Dorian too but also 👀, especially if Robbie’s long term!)
Oh my god everyone needs to do that creepy whispery Uka’toa-esque thing with Laudna’s messages from here on out that’s AMAZING!! Also Aw Dorian worrying about Orym 🥺
Oh man they’re about to wrap shit up?! ALREADY???? UGH way to leave us in suspense!! Oh no! Amazing!
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