#Lan Wangji thinks WWX’s core is fractured
silverflame2724 · 3 years
Mute!WWX. Lan Zhan and Jiang Chang meet Wei Ying the night he torments Wen Chao to death, but Wei Ying doesn’t speak. He nervously gets across to them that he cannot speak (he isn’t hurt, he assures them. But his voice has left him in the three months he’s been missing, what he has been through has silenced him). Lan Zhan never realised that a silent Wei Wuxian was never what he wanted. He would do anything to hear him again, to hear his laugh or taunts. But his love is silent, and any progress WWX makes is swiftly undone by the uncaring judgement of the cultivation world. Lan Zhan fears he will never hear his voice again, and vows to speak up on his behalf: as he has what Wei Ying does not. It is hard, but he will do it for Wei Ying. He will speak.
You’re making me cry with this prompt. (But I love it!!)
Sorry for taking so long! Enjoy!
Lan Wangji’s heart was in his throat as he took in Wei Ying’s approaching form. He looked…..haunted, exhausted, and terribly, terribly hot angry. But then he noticed something. For all that Wei Ying seemed to despise the sight of Wen Zhuliu and Wen Chao. He said nothing. Not even a dry laugh or word escaped his mouth.
That was the first thing Lan Wangji noticed was wrong.
Then, Wen Zhuliu went towards him, his core melting technique armed and ready and Lan Wangji crashed through the roof, ready to protect Wei Ying who didn’t seem all that keen on doing so himself. Because he didn’t dodge Wen Zhuliu’s attack. Why?
As Zidian wrapped around Wen Zhuliu’s neck, Lan Wangji relaxed, turning his attention to Wei Ying who didn’t look all that great. He was gaunt, thin and very pale. Resentful energy cloaked him like a mantle and Lan Wangji speed a fleeting thought to those rumors of Wei Ying being tossed into the Burial Mounds. But no one survives the Burial Mounds. There isn’t even there anything to eat—
There isn’t anything there to eat. Lan Wangji realized with a shock. Perhaps, Wei Ying was thrown into the Burial Mounds. It would explain why he’s cloaked in resentful energy and so so pale and starved.
No one survives the Burial Mounds. But what if someone could? There must have been some sort of price Wei Ying had to pay.
Lan Wangji observed Wei Ying’s reaction upon getting his sword and noticed the unmistakable grief passing through grey eyes. Why grief? What happened? And why does it look like Wei Ying has trouble holding his sword up?
His mind was fraying at the edges with worry.
When Jiang Wanyin tried to yell at Wei Wuxian for not responding, Lan Wangji’s first observation proved true. Wei Ying couldn’t speak.
When questioned about the rumors of him in the Mounds, there was a definite shake of his head, denying the claims, but neither Lan Wangji more Jiang Wanyin missed the slight tremble in Wei Wuxian’s frame.
“Wei Ying…..” He said shakily. “Wei Ying, are you well?”
Stupid, stupid me. Of course Wei Ying isn’t fine! Lan Wangji berated himself, acknowledging the unconvincing nod.
Wei Wuxian tilted his head in confusion at his silence.
“Wei Ying, why can’t you speak?” Something haunted passed through Wei Wuxian’s eyes and he rolled his shoulders in an unmistakable expression of ‘I don’t know’.
Neither Lan Wangji nor Jiang Wanyin bought it but both of them decided against pushing him.
Wen Chao groaned and Jiang Wanyin dismissed him, saying that the matter of the Wens in front of him were for the Jiang sect to handle. Lan Wangji noticed the cruelty and anger in his beloved’s eyes and nodded, walking away.
In another world, Wei Wuxian would have deflected from any visible wound - mental or physical - on his body.
In another world, Lan Wangji would have been successfully distracted from his observations and questioned Wei Wuxian on his cultivation.
In another world, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian would fight and the tentative bond that had formed during the Xuanwu fight would break.
This is not that world.
Lan Wangji returned to his room, intent on scouring through his mind for any tomes that might help with Wei Ying’s sudden muteness.
His brother came into his tent, asking how he had been and Lan Wangji conveyed his observations and worries about Wei Ying to his brother. Lan Xichen was silent before replying, “Perhaps it is trauma? I have read of many cases of cultivators becoming mute from their experiences and if the rumors about Wei-gongzi falling into the Miunds prove true…..well. Any cultivator would be sufficiently shocked to silence by that.”
“Mn.” Lan Wangji was angry. Angry at what Wei Ying’s had suffered and at himself.
“Wangji. Don’t blame yourself.”
“But, if I had stayed at Lotus Pier, then maybe……” Maybe the remaining cultivators at the Cloud Recesses could have showed up at Louts Pier to take him back. Maybe they might have been able to save Lotus Pier from destruction. Maybe their added assistance could have prevented Wei Ying from suffering so much.
“Perhaps the both of you might have been in danger then.” Lan Xichen interrupted. “Wangji, there’s no use in thinking of what if’s. What matters now is that the both of you are alive. Maybe not quite safe, but alive nonetheless.”
“Mn.” Lan Wangji felt reassured by these words. It was no use in thinking of the past. Right now, Lan Wangji had to focus on the present and what he could do. “Brother, of those victims, did any have their voice returned to them?”
“Hmm, rarely. It took years and much reassurance by loved ones to slowly coax back their voice.”
“I see.” Lan Wangji frowned. “One more thing. Brother, Wei Ying’s cultivation, it….”
Here, his brother furrowed his eyebrows as well. “Wangji, based on what you have told me, I believe there may be something wrong with Wei-gongzi’s core. From what I have heard, he was captured by Wen Chao. If he didn’t dodge Wen Zhuliu’s core melting attack…..” He trailed off but Lan Wangji finished the picture himself.
He was captured by Wen Chao. And didn’t Wen Zhuliu often travel with him? Though…. “That wouldn’t explain why Wen Zhuliu still used his attack on Wei Ying.”
“Hmm. Good point. Perhaps then, it might be cruel, but Wei-gongzi’s core could be fractured? We all heard how much Wen Chao hated Wei-gongzi. I wouldn’t put it past him to try and torture him this way.”
Lan Wangji was horrified. Could it really be like that?
“Observe Wei-gongzi longer. If he doesn’t carry his sword, then, I would suspect this to be true.”
It had been weeks since then. Lan Wangji talked to Jiang Wanyin and heard that despite seeing his sister again, Wei Ying still did not speak. He cried, but no sound escaped him. Lan Wangji had hoped, that Jiang Yanli of all people could help coax some words out of him, considering how much Wei Ying loved her.
No matter. Xichen has said it would take years. But this is war. There’s not much time to focus on healing Wei Wuxian mentally. But Lan Wangji could try. He knows that there is something between him and Wei Ying. Something not quite friendship but not quite anything at all.
And lately, in Lan Wangji’s dreams, he fantasized about bringing back Wei Ying’s laugh and smile. It’s true what they say about not realizing how precious something is until you lose it. Lan Wangji always thought what it would be like to see a silent Wei Wuxian.
He hated it.
He wanted to hear Wei Ying laugh and smile and tease him again. He wanted to hear his voice, he exuberance, his brightness again. But the war and the Wens had taken that away. All that is left is a thin, traumatized boy with darkness at his fingertips and at his every beck and call.
And that was the other thing. Wei Ying’s use of demonic cultivation. While it really helped then all on the battlefield, outside, people gossiped about his power. They were jealous of it, frightened of it, greedy to obtain it and him for their own and all of this made Lan Wangji incredibly angry. Because could they not see? For all that Wei Ying was a force on the battlefield, use of his cultivation drained him both physically and mentally. Bruises collected under his eyes, he was unsteady after each battle. He was pale and still thin and always looked on the brink of collapse. And as much as Lan Wangji wanted to berate Wei Wuxian for continuing his use of the cultivation, he noticed no sign of his sword on him and that stopped him from saying anything. After all, if his and his brother’s theory of Wei Ying’s fractured core proved true, then bringing that kind of thing up would only hurt the relationship between them.
And these past few weeks, Lan Wangji hadn’t been idle. He had been working on communicating to Wei Ying and loved the results that came from it.
Though it was difficult, Wei Ying’s brilliant mind came to the rescue as he was able to come up with a talisman that projected his thoughts.
And lately…..lately, finally! Lan Wangji coaxed a smile out of Wei Ying. It had taken the course of two months, but through the Jiang siblings and Lan Wangji’s painstaking efforts, Wei Ying finally smiled. He still hadn’t said a word, but that was progress enough.
And yet……upon the worsening rumors surrounding Wei Ying, it disappeared all too soon. Wei Ying’s smile vanished and he seemed to curl in on himself, trying to withdraw from Lan Wangji and from his own siblings so as to not drag them down with him.
And Lan Wangji, for once, wished he was the type of person to speak his thoughts out loudly to all those who took Wei Ying’s smile away. He wanted to shout that he didn’t care. He wanted to exclaim that he would stand by Wei Ying’s side throughout it all.
He told Wei Ying as such and watched as wonder colored silver eyes.
That night, he took up Wei Ying’s offer of his hellishly spicy food and was rewarded with a small, breathy giggle as his eyes teared up from the sheer amount of chilies that set his mouth on fire.
At the giggle, Lan Wangji’s eyes widened and he saw Wei Ying’s eyes shine mischievously, a remnant of the bright boy he thought he lost. Relief coated his heart despite the hellfire in his mouth and his lips lifted up into a smile.
Wei Ying’s breath hitched and a small blush bloomed across his cheeks. Lan Wangji wanted nothing more than to reach out and—
“Wei-gongzi! There you are, something has happened to your sister!”
The warm and somewhat intimate scene shattered as Wei Ying’s expression darkened. They followed the Jin disciple only to see Jiang Yanli crying and Jin Zixuan looking a little lost and perhaps a touch regretful.
The truth about the soup came out and Lan Wangji felt that Jin Zixuan deserved the punch Wei Ying flung at him.
“You damned peacock!” Wei Ying wrote in the air. “Never let me see you within a li of Shijie again!!”
It was the first time Lan Wangji had seen him so angry since Wei Ying killed Wen Chao. He didn’t know if it was wrong that he thought Wei Ying was really really sexy hot intimidating then.
Wei Ying created the Stygian Tiger Seal. And for all that it helped them, it weakened his love even more than his normal use of demonic cultivation. The first time he used it, he fainted as soon as he was off the battlefield, not waking up for two days. Despite this, everyone else only feared him, desired him, wanted to restrain him even more.
As the rumors got out of hand, Lan Wangji stopped the pretense of being able to hold himself back and glared at everyone in the vicinity, shutting them up.
Lan Wangji swore to get better at speaking. After all, he needed to tell the world to stop judging Wei Wuxian. Without him, the losses would have been a lot worse. So how dare these people slander him?
People should be grateful that Wei Wuxian is sacrificing his well-being in order to use demonic cultivation to aid them and yet, they think of him as a weapon that needs to be dealt with after the war.
His brother knew how much the rumors infuriate him and knew that Wei Ying was traumatized enough to not be able to speak. He had spoken to Chifeng-zun about it who had observed Wei Ying himself and doesn’t take kindly to the rumors. Though, Bie Mingjue said, he doesn’t approve of demonic cultivation. As long as Wei Wuxian stops it after the war, he would be fine with it.
Lan Wangji could only hope that Wei Ying wouldn’t need to use demonic cultivation. The matter of Wei Ying’s core is a secret that both he and his brother have kept to themselves.
On that topic, Lan Wangji is sure, more than ever, that Wei Ying’s core is compromised. He can barely feel the spiritual energy emanating from Wei Ying, after all. Wouldn’t a fractured core do that? Wangji just hoped that with all this use of demonic cultivation, that the state of his core wouldn’t worsen.
The war ended finally. But there was no time to rest as Jin Guangshan, who finally decided to show up, wanted to take Wei Ying under his wing under the pretense of “monitoring” him since the Jiang sect is recovering. Lan Wangji understood that this wasn’t the intention at all. No one had missed that the Jins are the sect that came out the least damaged. And now they’re trying to control Wei Ying? Anyone with a brain could see that it’s a poor attempt at gaining power.
Which is why Lan Wangji is shocked at how many people decidedly do not have a brain.
They fell for Jin Guangshan’s coated words so easily that Wangji wondered just how some of these people became sect leaders in the first place.
Jiang Wanyin is visibly unhappy with this. Lan Wangji knew how overprotective the other man had gotten over Wei Ying especially considering his lack of speech and hearing how another sect leader wants to take him away infuriated him.
Wei Ying tried to calm Jiang Wanyin down but without his gift of speech, it’s difficult. Wei Ying had ran out of talisman paper to be able to project his thoughts and hadn’t had time to replenish his stock so he’s reduced to gestures.
Jin Guangshan is smart enough to notice that and deflects to reinstating the engagement between Jiang Yanli and Jin Zixuan and Lan Wangji wanted to stare at that man in disbelief. Did he not hear Jin Zixuan insulting Jiang Yanli one too many times? Even if Jiang Yanli has a big heart, a person is bound to be hurt by that. Wei Ying is visibly mad and frantically gestures around, only calmed by Jiang Yanli, who points out their mourning sashes. They weren’t subtle.
(She gently refused the offer. After all that has happened between her and Jin Zixuan, she had begun to doubt her feelings for the other man. And with his sect trying to get their grubby hands on her A’ Xian, her feelings for Jin Zixuan mattered little.)
Lan Wangji decided that he’s had enough at a Discussion Conference when Jin Guangshan brings up Wei Ying’s cultivation.
Chifeng-zun got ahead of him though, annoyed at the constant prodding of Wei Wuxian (who had indeed stopped using demonic cultivation after the war). He shouted at Jin Guangshan, only further incensed when Jin Guangyao tries to placate both sides by bringing up the Seal.
Lan Wangji, who had been spending time with Wei Ying in between rebuilding the Cloud Recesses, knew that Wei Ying had planned on destroying the Seal once the Jiang sect was in a good spot.
“You say this, but without Wei Ying’s use of the Seal, would we have so easily won?” Lan Wangji said, quietly, but firm.
The room went silent.
“Wei Ying sacrificed his health, his well-being to use the Seal and all you can think about is trying to control him?” Lan Wangji demanded.
Wei Wuxian stared at him, wide-eyed and mouthing his name but Lan Wangji was too busy fuming. The room burst into a frenzy of chatter as people were unsure of what to do. The general consensus was to monitor him as one would do a dangerous weapon but the moral thing to do would be to leave him alone.
Xichen put out a hand to calm him and Wangji reluctantly sat back down. “So, what would you suggest we do, Jin-zongzhu, to an already traumatized boy? It is widely known that he lost his voice because of the events that occurred in the war. And yet, you suggest taking him away from his family, from his home and put him in an unfamiliar place.”
Jin Guangshan smile goes stale while Jin Guangyao’s goes strained. “Well, Lan-zongzhu, he would be given adequate care here. He would want for nothing.”
“Nothing matters more to Wei Ying than family.” Lan Wangji stood up.
Lan Xichen nodded. “Wangji is right. Though I’m sure that the Lanling Jin sect is more than equipped with people who can help Wei-gongzi and make him comfort but it would be counterproductive nonetheless. The last thing Wei-gongzi needs to do is get separated from his family.”
And that was the end of that. The Discussion Conference ended swiftly and they were all quickly escorted out.
Things I should explain. Lan Wangji is an observant fellow. I headcanon that he did have suspicions that Wei Wuxian fell into the Burial Mounds but in canon, Wei Wuxian denied this so he put his suspicions to rest. Here, Wei Wuxian can’t speak. He can’t dodge the question as easily because he can’t use wordplay to deflect from the conversation. I’m sure Lan Xichen would receive Lan Wangji’s observations but in canon, Lan Wangji was too frazzled and heartbroken at his fight with Wei Wuxian to tell his brother of what Wei Wuxian’s general condition was like. For Lan Wangji’s observation of a possible fractured core, I did it this way to explain what Lan Wangji might have seen in canon. Because for sure, Lan Wangji sensed that something was off because I’m sure a cultivator can sense the spiritual energy emanating from another but Wei Wuxian has only a little since his meridians are still intact. They must contain a little bit of spiritual energy which is why Lan Wangji thinks that Wei Wuxian only has a fractured core. Of course, a healer would say something different but I’m sure Wei Wuxian avoided healers like the plague unless absolutely necessary.
I’m sorry this took so long! Being in a summer camp that restricts technology was not exactly conducive to writing. Hope you enjoyed it!
Btw, my asks are still locked because I want to finish the rest of the prompts people have given me.
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gusu-emilu · 3 years
miscellaneous MDZS/CQL fic recs (AO3)
broken into sections: Character Study (-esque), Wangxian, Jiang Cheng ships, Yi City (or Yi City-adjacent), Humor/Crack, and Other
Character Study (-esque)
Wei Wuxian
my eyes got used to the darkness by @curiosity-killed (M, Sunshot Campaign era, 4.4k): The funny thing, the thing that makes his lips curl in a grin and his hands shake with laughter, is that all these cultivators with their lofty principles and noble ambitions can’t even notice the ghost among them. Sure, they shiver at his presence and flinch from his cold hands, but not one of them puts it together. Lan Wangji chases him with healing music and Nie Mingjue frowns solemnly at his dancing corpses—and he laughs and laughs and laughs because they just don’t get it. Emilu's commentary: CW for mild body horror.
Jiang Cheng
in our respective ways by @veliseraptor (T, Sunshot Campaign era, 5.7k): Jiang Cheng has his golden core back. But he seems to have lost Wei Wuxian.
You Know I've Fallen, but I Know How High by villainais (M, Post-WWX's death, 2.7k): Jiang Cheng loses both of his siblings in Nightless City. Minutes apart. He trudges home to Yunmeng with one body, holds a private funeral with a single coffin, and allows himself to wear his mourning robes for ten days—permits himself not a single day more. He is still too young and inexperienced, an unfledged boy to the cultivation world, and he is rebuilding Lotus Pier on his own. He will not gift the other sect leaders the satisfaction of seeing him vulnerable. Propriety be damned. Hanguang-jun emerges from his seclusion wearing white. He does not stop.
Nie Huaisang
it deepens like a coastal shelf by @wolffyluna (M, Post-WWX's death, 21.6k): When Nie Huaisang meets Mo Xuanyu, he realises two things quickly. One, this kid is so doomed. Two, this kid would be a great unwitting spy in his plans to bring down Jin Guangyao. It would be so easy to get into Mo Xuanyu's confidences, and so easy to get him to tell him anything he needs. ...only thing is, that wouldn't be very good for Mo Xuanyu's life expectancy. But he'll do it anyway, if it helps him avenge his brother. A fic about man handing on misery to man, the parallels and cycles in the relationships between Jin Guangyao and Nie Huaisang and Mo Xuanyu, and the lengths these characters will go to meet their goals and if there are lines they won't cross.
Lan Xichen
an old man in dried mouths by @tenacious-minds (T, Post-Canon, 3.3k): Xichen thinks. The tea had always stained the crockery red. Emilu's commentary: Lan Xichen and Jin Ling talk about Jin Guangyao.
can you be a quiet man? by @basket-of-loquats (Unrated, Post-Canon, 70.7k+) But something inside him snapped at Guanyin Temple-- and Lan Wangji watched it happen, saw the exact moment that Lan Xichen went from broken to shattered, when he buried his sword into Jin Guangyao’s chest, when his sworn brother stared up at him with wide eyes, blood dripping from his mouth, when he pulled himself closer and closer and closer-- When he whispered "Why don’t you die with me?", and Lan Xichen hadn’t argued. Emilu's commentary: Lan Xichen / therapy with a side of Wangxian.
Wen Ning
breathless (but i'll pretend to breathe for you) by swordsainted (T, Burial Mounds Settlement era, 4.1k): Wei Wuxian is silent for a long minute, and then he looks at Wen Ning, something raw and open and hurting behind his eyes. “I’m sorry,” he says again, softer this time, and Wen Ning shakes his head, still smiling. “You’ve protected everyone. How could I hate you for that?”
Mo Xuanyu
stand at the pit's mouth by @eldritch-elrics (M, MXY's death, 9.3k): The dreams and regrets of a man on the edge of oblivion. Emilu's commentary: Surrealist/absurdist screenplay.
I would wait for a thousand years by bleuett (T, Immortality Post-Canon, 10.4k): During the worst of winter, a traveler comes to stay at Lan Wangji's inn. He wears a red ribbon in his hair. “Do you see the rabbit?” Wei Ying asks and points at the moon. “That’s the moon rabbit, he helps make Chang’e more immortality elixir. He keeps Chang’e company.” “I do not wish the rabbit for company,” Lan Wangji says tightly. “You are the one I want by my side.” “And I’m here, Lan Zhan. If you go to the moon, I’ll follow you, I’ll always be here now.” Emilu's commentary: Lan Wangji meets Wei Wuxian centuries later and does not remember the past. There is also an excellent podfic by @forgotten-envies
Look Not With The Eyes by Spodumene (G, Post-Canon, 28.1k): Wei Wuxian returns from his travels to join Lan Wangji on a routine night hunt, but when things take an unexpected turn, Wei Wuxian will have to fight for what he's really looking for. Emilu's commentary: Case fic.
All In A Good Time by bigboobedcanuck (E, Post-Canon, 8k): Lan Zhan is struck by a curse that brings him intense physical pain unless he's being touched. He is stoic and tries to hide his suffering. Wei Wuxian is worried and protective. Perhaps they will finally admit their feelings?
Across a Lake of Glass by Zizzani (E, Figure Skating AU, 92.2k+): Each year, Gusu Skating Club runs a camp for only the most elite athletes of each region. This year brings a new skater from the Yunmeng Club who wears skates lined with red and a smile made for war. He skates like a demon. Figure skating au featuring lots of healthy rivalry, pre and post-competition bonding, and an inexplicable fall from grace through the eyes of the media.
Jiang Cheng Ships
display my heart for you to see by @souridealist (M, Post-Canon Wen Qing Lives AU, 5.5k): Jiang Cheng has his own secrets. Some of them are part of the unburied past; some of them are about how long it's been since anyone has touched him.
while I'm in this body by @souridealist (E, Post-Lotus Pier Massacre, 3.9k): For just a few minutes, alone in her office, Wen Qing allows her self-control to slip enough to cry. It's just her luck that that's when Jiang Cheng comes looking for her. Emilu's commentary: Femdom.
it may be that it doesn't matter by @wildehacked (T, Post-Canon, 6.6k) “Are you crying?” Jiang Wanyin asks him, and Wen Ning frowns. Pats his cheek with one hand. “No.” Emilu's commentary: Holy Grail of Chengning.
Whatever It Is by morau (E, Post-Canon, 20.5k): It starts, as with a lot of things, with a very poorly thought out prank, courtesy of Wei Wuxian. Emilu's commentary: A LOT of sex and even more emotions lol
won't run away (we're here to stay) by @qi-ling (T, Post-Canon, 3.5k): "Please don't feel any pressure to accept this, and you can take as much time as you need to think about it." It's a set of robes, in shades of deep purple, complete with leather bracers. Cut in a different style than that of the disciples or household staff, closer to the understated robes Wen Ning typically wears. He reaches out to feel the fabric. His deadened nerves can't sense delicate textures well, but even he can tell it's of a quality on par to Wanyin's own wardrobe. This is startling enough coming from Jiang Wanyin, but then Wen Ning notices the belt. In particular, the silver bell in the shape of a lotus affixed to it. Only recognized members of the Jiang sect may wear the clarity bell. Or, Jiang Cheng has an invitation for Wen Ning.
By Proxy by @veliseraptor (E, Post-WWX's death, 12k): Jiang Cheng and Lan Wangji, looking for comfort in all the wrong places. Emilu's commentary: Hate sex that made me cry
Yi City (or Yi City-adjacent)
Heaven Has A Road But No One Walks It by @silvysartfulness (M, Post-Yi City arc Canon Divergence, 123k+): One of the most complex spells of demonic cultivation the world has seen is brought to fruition, and Xiao Xingchen draws his first shaking breaths in over seven years. This, it turns out, is only the start of his problems. Emilu's commentary: Pretty sure everyone already knows about Silvy's happy songxuexiao road trip fic but it has to be here.
Xue Yang & Lan Xichen
Hours On Empty series by @lady-of-the-lotus (M to E, Post-Canon, 57.8k+): AU where Wei Wuxian never came to Yi City and Xue Yang is still running around post-canon disguised as Xiao Xingchen. "Fractured Ice" - Xue Yang whisks a nihilistic Lan Xichen off on a murder roadtrip to raise Xiao Xingchen and Meng Yao from the grave. Because that will solve all of their problems, right? "Control" - "Fractured Ice" retold from Xue Yang's pov. "A Thousand Miles In Its Light" - Alternate ending to "Fractured Ice" and "Control"
Songxiao with Xuexiao Flashbacks
Nothing Beside Remains by @eldritch-elrics (T, Post-Yi City arc Canon Divergence, 21.9k): And Xiao Xingchen is dressed in dark clothing that is not his, and his sight is all of a sudden sharp in a way that it has never been before, and Xue Yang is not here. “He wouldn’t,” he breathes. “No, he wouldn’t do that. He’s too—” “He’s too what?” Wei Wuxian steps a foot closer, face hard-set. “Too cruel? Or too kind?” Or: Xue Yang uses the Sacrifice Summon on Xiao Xingchen. Xiao Xingchen lives with the consequences.
The Hangover: A pre-wedding Dramedy series by natcat5 (M, Modern AU, 51.6k): It is not a bachelor party. That was made clear on all the invitations. It is a congratulatory get together for Jin Zixuan, attended by his family, the family of the bride, and the young masters of the other two families in their circle. The gathering is not to go later than midnight, everyone must drink in moderation, and no one is allowed to be hungover tomorrow. Wei Wuxian had promised Yanli, three fingers in the air. Jiang Cheng had rolled his eyes, but promised as well. Saturday morning, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng wake up alone in a hotel room, missing shoes, phones, and almost all their memories of what in the world happened last night. Also missing: Wei Wuxian, brother of the bride, Lan Wangji, esteemed guest, Lan Xichen, esteemed guest, Jin Zixun, cousin of the groom, Jin Guangyao, brother and best-man, Jin Zixuan, THE GROOM, who is due at his bride-to-be's house in six hours. That's plenty of time to find everyone...right?
Jiang Cheng Loves Jar Jar Bombad Mui by @lady-of-the-lotus (G, Post-Canon, 1.7k) Jar Jar Binks washes up on the shores of Lotus Pier. Can he win the lonely Jiang Cheng's proud heart? Neb neb answer is yesa. Emilu's commentary: There's also a podfic by @aowyn. Yes, with a Jar Jar voice.
Nie Huaisang & Wen Ning
By Name by nirejseki (G, Post-Canon, 1.3k): After the traumatic events in the now-collapsed temple, Wen Ning lingered behind and unexpectedly saw Nie Huaisang, the undisputed victor of an all-around terrible evening, sitting on the steps of the temple, looking exhausted and miserable, as if he’d won nothing at all. Wen Ning found himself drifting over to him.
Jiang Yanli & Nie Mingjue
utility by magicites (G, Arranged Marriage AU, 2.3k): Jiang Yanli and Nie Mingjue's wedding is a political one — a gesture of unity between their Sects. A way for her parents to finally get some use out of the plain-faced sham of a cultivator they call a daughter. “Jiang-guniang,” Nie Mingjue says, and the formality in such a setting as intimate as their wedding chambers startles her, “I don’t wish to bed you. Or any other woman, for that matter. It isn’t fair for you to live alone because of my own preferences.” She rests her hand on his arm, cool relief flooding her body like water on a summer afternoon. “If it helps, I don’t feel desire for men,” she whispers.
Jin Guangyao / Nie Huaisang
Pulling Strings by @eldritch-elrics (E, Post-WWX's death, 5k): Nie Huaisang, quite drunk, turns up at Jin Guangyao’s door one night with an unexpected request. Emilu's commentary: Nie Huaisang knows Jin Guangyao killed Nie Mingjue. This interaction is more symbolic than anything else...
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wangxianficrecs · 5 years
❤️Begotten by ecorie
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by ecorie
G, 37k, wangxian, background xiyao
Summary:  “He’s mine.” He echoed what had once been teasingly said in jest, and added, “This is my son.”
Against all odds and without a choice, Lan Zhan brings A-Yuan back to Cloud Recesses. Xichen keeps his brother’s secrets, and shields the child when Lan Zhan could not.
My comments:  Warning: This is gonna put you through the wringer. Just so you know. All the anguish and helplessness and abiding love and... it's delicious in how much it'll hurt. I say this only 5 chapters in, and it's unfinished, so who knows. Well, we all know, which is to say, we have to wait for 13 years before wwx returns, and it's gonna be hard sailing for Lan Wangji until then. POV shifts between lwj and Lan Xichen (who only wants to help his brother, because as he points out to Lan Qiren, he's only sect leader until tides change or something catastrophic happens, but he will ALWAYS be brother to lwj) and Lan Sizhui, once he's older.
Lan Zhan returns with Wen Yuan and hands him over to his brother to protect before he heads off to his discipline whipping. Of course, that doesn't go so well, and it's months before he regains consciousness, even. But he only has a short time with A-Yuan before he's in seclusion, and meanwhile Xichen tries to keep all his balls in the air and not collapse under the strain.
Story covers the 13-year interval, and now my heart hurts and I've been crying, but it's all very tasty, so....
Also, I'm super curious about Lan Sizhui's unusual cultivation and what he'll be able to do with resentful energy!
Excerpt:  And that pain, it must’ve bled through the hollowness of his gaze, because Xichen let out a sigh, morose and resigned. The older Lan took a step towards the younger, arms open and ready with acceptance.
“Give him to me.”
Lan Zhan blinked, a little caught off guard. His grip on A-Yuan tightened, and he could not stop himself from pulling away. The ‘no’ was on the tip of his tongue before his brother’s pleading expression gave him pause.
“As he is your son, then I am his uncle. Brother, surely you would not think me so low as being capable of allowing any harm to come to my own nephew.”
Xichen was calm, determined. Thank the gods, because Lan Zhan needed that now more than anything. Slowly, he relented, passing the feverish child over to Xichen. “A-Yuan is ill. He needs medicine urgently.”
Given the severity of the boy's condition, Xichen would not normally trouble with the legalities right then, were he not certain that the disciplinary measures waiting for his brother would incapacitate him without mercy. If the boy was to be inaugurated into the clan, certain procedures and due processes were necessary, and certain facts - like name and parentage - would need to be charted for the records.
It hurts to think it, but this would be the last of Lan Zhan's conscious moments for a long time to come. Xichen had born some vain hope that the lashes could somehow be avoided, or at the very least lessened, but he realized now that he must face the inevitable, bravely too, for a small innocent life- and the last piece of Wangji's fractured heart he suspected - had been entrusted to him. The punishment was not only inescapable, but had become necessary to provide for an opportunity - a distraction - so that Xichen may quietly and inconspicuously induct the child into the ranks.
"A-Yuan; is that his name?"
Name? Ah yes, name. Lan Zhan nodded. "Yes. A-Yuan…Lan Yuan."
family drama, family feels, brotherly feels, angst, FEELS, lan wangji is a good dad, lan xichen is a good uncle, 13 years, 33 lashes, hurt lan wangji, hurt/comfort, discipline whip, emotional hurt/comfort, adoption, abusive Lan Sect, grief/mourning, loneliness, isolation, character study, protective lan wangji, protective lan xichen, parent-child relationship, lan sizhui, growing up, special core, dual core, demonic cultivation, favorite
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madtomedgar · 4 years
Aaaand possibly Gusu Trio (r63 NHS & WWX) OR squad if you feel like Meng-Yao-goes-to-summer-camp
Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels Looking back at the years gone by like so many summer fields In sixty-five I was seventeen and running up one-o-one I don't know where I'm running now, I'm just running on
Running on - running on empty Running on - running blind Running on - running into the sun But I'm running behind
Gotta do what you can just to keep your love alive Trying not to confuse it with what you do to survive In sixty-nine I was twenty-one and I called the road my own I don't know when that road turned onto the road I'm on
Looking out at the road rushing under my wheels I don't know how to tell you all just how crazy this life feels I look around for the friends that I used to turn to to pull me through Looking into their eyes I see them running too
It was so rare anymore that Jiang Cheng got a full night of uninterrupted sleep. If he wasn’t being kept up or woken early by the needs of the war, he was tormented by dreams and memories of Lotus Pier burning, of seeing his parents’ bodies splayed out and bloody on the floor of Sword’s Hall, of being captured, of Wen Zhuliu’s burning, crushing force against his core, of the weak helplessness and Wen Chao’s tortures that followed. He couldn’t remember not being exhausted. He’d thought finding Wei Wuxian would have made it better, would have taken some worry from him, but she was different now, wrong, and she only made it worse.
Being back in the Unclean Realm, with both sisters and Nie Huaisang, felt like a twisted reflection of their time together in Gusu, like his reflection in water when someone splashed a hand through it, fractured and distorted. Nie Huaisang, at least, was still mostly her old self, but even she had bags under her eyes and worry written into the hinges of her jaw. 
This night, Nie Huaisang had found him wandering the halls of the Unclean Realm and invited him to come play a game of Go in her rooms. He’d shaken his head and scoffed. He didn’t like that game, and she knew it, and her brother would probably break his legs if he found him there. But Huaisang had huffed and snapped her fan and whined, and then gotten a conspiratorial spark of mischief in her eyes and said she had peanuts, and had looked so much like his school friend dragging him out past curfew to drink and play horse in the cold pond that he’d relented against his better judgement.
It turned out that while Nie Huaisang did have peanuts, she did not have a Go board. They sat on her roof and tossed peanut shells into the courtyard instead, seeing who could hit the stone beast below most consistently. Five points for a hit between the eyes, three for the top of its head, only one for the back. Any pretense of keeping score was quickly abandoned amidst bickering over what actually counted as a hit, and whether the neck of the beast was its head or its back, whether the mouth was between the eyes or its head. 
Halfway through the peanuts, Nie Huaisang started fidgeting with a shell and looking down at her lap. Jiang Cheng ate his peanuts in silence. He should probably ask what was wrong, but what wasn’t wrong, now? And why ruin a good time bringing up what they’d have to get right back to in a few hours? He didn’t need to ask, because Nie Huaisang spoke up on her own. “Is Wei-jie mad at me?”
The yawning absence beside them that should be Wei Wuxian, cracking jokes and throwing peanut shells and pouring liquor down her face. Jiang Cheng took his time answering. He didn’t think Wei Wuxian was angry at Nie Huaisang. At least, not at Nie Huaisang in particular. No more than she seemed to be mad at the world and daring it to give her an excuse since he and Lan Wangji had found her. Finally he shook his head. “No. But she’s...” What? Mad at everything? Wrong, somehow? Different now? Cold where she used to be warm? Darkness where she had been sunshine? Empty? “she’s being arrogant, ever since she killed Wen Chao. As if she was the only person who’d taken down one of Wen Ruohan’s sons.”
Huaisang smiled, and Jiang Cheng ignored the way it didn’t reach her eyes, ignored the hollowness in her amused tone when she said “oh, Wei-jie,” and laughed, ignored the way this whole night felt distorted and fractured, and threw another shell at the stone beast.
“Five points for me!”
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