#Lambs and slaughters
sourtomatola · 2 months
The dark Sun's approach
Spin off for @sinclairmaxwellao3, based on their fic, "Lambs and slaughters" (the original fic is 18+, but what I wrote here isn't)
2300+ words (takes place before monty dies)
Eclipse laid reclined on his couch, pregnant with thought. In his top left half, a card was being juggled around his fingers. He stared at nothing in particular as the gently ‘fwipping’ sound of the card turning in his metal digits filled the room.
Ruin came in and hung up his coat. “Couldn’t find any signs of the dirty bugger in the club.” He reported. “Must have sent in a stand-in.” He swayed over and sat between Eclipse’s legs, taking one of his free lower hands in his own. “Have you come to a decision then?”
One final snap of the card sent it firmly in the Underboss’s fingertips as he let out a deep thoughtful sigh.
“This Pertenca piko always seems to know who needs him…” He grumbled as he looked over the card that shimmered black and gold. The words on the back read ‘Call, leave no message.’
“A cryptid in his own right.” Ruin chimed and delicately plucked the card from Eclipse’s hand. “Want me to make the call?”
“Get it over with.” Eclipse sighed.
Ruin began to hum as he followed the instructions on the card, calling and hanging up in all of 30 seconds. “Think it will take long?” He asked, looking up to the underboss.
“Theres few things Umbra is known for, but one thing he’s fairly well known for is efficiency.” Eclipse said as he played with Ruin’s hand in his.
“Then my reputation precedes me.”
The two spun around, guns instantly in their hands and aimed at the intruder in their room.
The Dark Sun model stood perfectly still as he stared at the two boredly. His optics shared the same sky blue color as Sunrise’s, but were instead surrounded by black, giving him an eerie and unsettling stare. If not for that, and the sharply cut black suit he wore, they might have mistaken him for their Sunrise. It was almost uncanny to see someone so similar. His rays were a duller color as well, but other than that, they were identical.
“Problem with Fazbear?” Umbra stated simply.
“Efficient and perceptive.” Ruin giggled as he stood up, allowing Eclipse to stand as well.
“I May live under a rock, but I don’t miss anything. I also am aware of Sunrise being in your care. I wish to see him.” Umbra said before quickly stepping out of the room.
To that, the underboss and hitman rushed after him. “Wha-hey!” Eclipse called angrily. “Ne kuraĝu tuŝi lin!!”
“I don’t intend to, I just need to see him before I can get to my work.” Umbra stated almost boredly.
A Squeak came form the hallway, catching Umbra’s attention. Sun stood, holding his hands to his chest in shock of the sight of another sun model in a fine suit. Umbra’s eyebrow twitched up, as if resisting to raise in surprise as well. They stared at one another for a moment before Umbra spoke. “Sunrise.” He gave a gently incline of his head in greeting.
“H-hi…” Sunny blinked at him. Eclipse and Ruin stood nearby, glaring at Umbra as they waited for him to make a move.
The dark sun Model walked around Sunrise, as if appraising him. “Hmm…nice dress.” He said simply. He then paused in front of Sunrise and looked him in the eyes. “Do you want Fazbear gone? Wiped form existence? To give him a free taxi ride to the river Styx?” He asked in a low menacing tone.
Sunny stood in confusion and glanced to the underboss who stood at the ready, fully expecting something to go wrong. He then looked back in to the black and blue optic’s of the other sun model.
“Yes.” He stated. “He’s…He’s done unspeakable things to me and the people I love. I don’t want to live in fear of him hurting us again.”
“Consider it done.” Umbra said and walked swiftly past him, heading straight to Eclipse, seeming to have the intention to plow right through the massive four-armed animatronic. “Have my payment ready right away.” He said before vanishing before he could run into the underboss.
Eclipse flinched from the shock of not getting bumped or shoved. He looked around, but Umbra had left no signs of even being there.
“Goodness, his magic might be greater than your fathers.” Ruin marveled. “Teleporting shouldn’t be possible here, save for the family.”
“W-who was that?” Sunny asked. He still felt a chill from the gaze of those cyan and black optics.
“Don’t worry your pretty self, Sunny. That’s for Ruin and I to worry about.” Eclipses assured.
A Sun Model Animatronic sat at the bar of a club on the far side of town. A simple black spaghetti strap dress adorned his casing as he swirled the liquor in his glass. His make up was smudged with sadness, telling a familiar story to the bartender.
“Sunrise? Is that you?”
He hand holding the glass flinched and held the glass tighter before the animatronic looked back slowly. The tall muscular gator animatronic stood over him and closed in quickly.
“M-Monty?! W-what are you doing here??” Sun squeaked and leaned away from him.
“This is my favorite bar, cher.” Monty smirked and swiftly wrapped his arm around him, making him flinch. “My my, those wouldn’t be tear streaks in your eyeliner, would it?”
Sun quickly rubbed his eyes, as if trying to hide the evidence. “No! It’s none of your business anyways. I was just leaving!” He said and tried to slip off his stool, only to have been swept off before his feet could even hit the floor. Monty held him firmly and began to carry him out.
“Don’t be like that Cher! I know just how to cheer you up. The boss has missed you a lot you know, I’m sure he’d give you the warmest welcome back!” Monty chimed as he carried Sun virtically.
“I-I can’t, I…M-my brother is nearby, I need to go get him!” He said and tried to get out of Monty’s strong arms.
“Good, then he’ll just follow us.” Monty smirked and carried him out to his car, shoving the sun animatronic in.
The ride was tense as Sun stayed huddled as far away from the gator as possible. He was then dragged into the pizzaplex. Staffbots rushed out of the gator’s way as he stormed through the halls and past the lounges.
He pounded on the door of the don. “Hey boss! Got a little surprise for you!” He laughed as he dragged Sun in and threw him to the floor. Sun had been spun slightly in the force of his fall, causing his dress to flare out. He lay on the floor a second to gain his baring’s, realizing that the slit on his dress was now wide open, exposing his legs almost completely.
He heard a satisfied hum as he looked up to see Moonrise sitting on Freddy’s desk. Behind him, with a wicked grin, was the bear himself.
Sun’s optics were set wide and fearful as he stared up at the don who has done nothing but reap from disaster and pain.
“Sunny dear! How wonderful to see you again!” Fazbear smirked.
“Freddy…” Sun breathed.
“Brother.” Moonrise sneered and hopped off the desk to walk to him. He grabbed him by the arm and yanked him to his feet. “So sweet to see you again…” He ran a finger under Sun’s eyes, making him flinch. Moonrise rubbed the smeared make-up between his fingers. “Tragedy strike at the old celestial’s home?”
“I…M…moon…” Sun said softly. “Moon’s dead…T-the star went off and…The celestial’s kicked me out. Said I was too dangerous and I killed their best weapon’s designer…” He sniffled and rubbed his eyes again.
“Sound’s like you killed him to me. Good job.” Moonrise smirked.
Sun’s face hardened into a glare for but a second before breaking down into tears. Fazbear’s brow lowered curiously before reaching a hand to him. “Come here.” Sun stood firm until Moonrise shoved him around the desk and making him face Freddy, their knee’s practically touching.
Freddy grabbed Sun’s arms and yanked him onto his lap to get a better look at him. He studied the sun animatronic’s face, as if trying to look for flaws. The only thing broken on his face was his emotion. Pain and fear enveloped his features, but deep behind it was a fighting spirit.
Freddy let go of one of his arms and reached up to gently place a claw on his shoulder and delicately pull down one of Sun’s spaghetti straps. His claw was gently, threateningly so. Gently grazing Sun’s casing, as if to say how easy it would be to dig deeper and cause real damage. Sun’s hand shot up and grabbed Freddy’s hand in protest, but otherwise didn’t fight him off.
That’s when the Don’s eyes narrowed darkly and he grabbed Sun’s arms harshly again. “My Sunrise would never behave in such a way to me, or risk getting hurt. Who are you?” He snarled.
The room went still as Monty stared in confusion. This…WAS Sun though, wasn’t it? Sun models were rarer, and how many of them would not only know Monty by name, but also wear a dress like Sunrise would?
Moonrise narrowed his eyes as well and snaped out his gun, aiming it at the Beautiful sun model.
Sun sat still, staring at Freddy before glancing at Moonrise. “Careful now Moonrise, wouldn’t want to hit your boss, would you?” He said evenly, his tone lower and darker and the scalar’s of his optic’s suddenly faded to black.
Freddy’s eyes shot open before he shoved the animatronic off his lap. Umbra miraculously landed on his feet and stood tall, his posture immaculate and the strap still hanging off his shoulder. “Didn’t I play the part well enough? Surely Sunrise doesn’t just, LET you do such things to him?” He questioned as he grabbed the skirt of his dress and lifted it a bit, swaying it whimsically. “Though I will say, this isn’t too bad. I like how it flows.”
The click of the hammer being pulled back on Moonrise’s gun didn’t go unnoticed, but Umbra ignored it. “Don asked a question. Who are you?” The moon model snarled.
Umbra lifted his skirt slightly to do a mock curtsy. “Oh pardon me, dear don, how could I not introduce myself in such circumstances.” HE said almost sarcastically. “Most call me Dark sun, but I go by Umbra.”
A small choke from Monty came from begin them. “Whispered death??”
“Kill him!” Freddy barked.
Just as Moonrise took his shot, Umbra flipped his skirt up as he ducked, hiding him from the hitman. His hand stayed in a firm flat position as he thrust it up, aiming for the seams on Moonrise’s torso. With the force and angle of his hand, his claws easily slid under the seams and granted access to Moonrise’s battery. As soon as Umbra’s hand touched it, he grasped it in his hand and shattered it, causing Moonrise to go limp, almost dead.
Monty was rushing for his own gun but at the sight of such fast action, he hesitated. As he did, the Moon animatronic’s body was hurled at him, throwing him off more. With another flare of black fabric, Umbra was now behind him, doing a similar action that he did to Moonrise, slipping his hand under the seams of their plating and crushing their batteries. He knew it was a temporary fix. But when it was many against one, it was what was needed to neutralize threats to make them all easy to finish off later. It’s what it took to take out animatronic’s.
Freddy shot at them, not seeming to care if he hit Monty. Which Umbra made sure he did just to finish the job that was Monty.
Umbra peeked from behind the gator. “Thanks for the help killing Monty, Superstar.” He said in an unenthused voice.
“Umbra…I thought you didn’t play favorites.”  Freddy glared. “I tried to contract you last year and never heard back from you. Yet here you are, against me.”
“Yeah well, Lets just say I don’t take unsolicited calls. The fact you tried to hunt me down, PERSONALLY offended me. I just want to be left alone.” He said before lifting Monty’s corpse enough to cover him completely. Then, the lifeless body dropped, proving to no longer being a hiding spot.
Freddy turned quickly but was swiftly shoves to the ground, landing hard on his back. Umbra was now standing on his arms, keeping him down and unable to struggle. Umbra glanced at the wall of Freddy’s collection. He stared for just a second before looking back down at the bear.
“I like your eye collection. Maybe I’ll start my own.” He said before raising his hands, that dripped with Moonrise and Monty’s blood.
Eclipse entered his office in Totality, ready to start the day. He paused at the sight of a sun Model in a black dress, facing away from him as they sat on his desk. “Sunny?” He asked curiously.
Umbra turned, showing his black optics. Eclipse narrowed his eyes before they widened in shock as Umbra held up a box. “Proof of service.” He said simply as he pushed the box closer. “Call it the witches broomstick.”
Eclipse narrowed his eye sat Umbra as he watched the sun animatronic hop off the desk and wave his hand across himself. His attired changed back to his sharply trimmed suit and his face clean of make-up. He watched Eclipse stare at him before he motioned to the box. “Well?”
Eclipse opened the box and stared back at the vibrant blue eyes that sat on soft velvet to keep them from clattering together. Under the eyes, were several photos of Freddy’s office after Umbra had completed his task.
He closed the box and stepped around to his desk and held out a briefcase to Umbra. “Accepted. Thank you.”
“Thank you for keeping this short and simple.” Umbra said and took the case. “Feel free to leave me alone.” Was all he said before he vanished once again.
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quirkyfries · 3 months
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I do not own this character!
I know, I know— This is based off of the author’s mention that Ruin’s personal favorite weapon being a flamethrower that he’s affectionately named “Spit Fire.” This has also been a journey in self discovery! I have never drawn fire like this before, but it’s surprisingly fun. Ruin is also having fun. :)
I have more doodles on the way, but I’ll have to wait for the next chapter to post the one I’m working on next xP. In the meantime, I’ll work on references for myself. Time to figure out what to put Roxy in/j
This character belongs to @sinclairmaxwellao3 ‘s SAMS Mafia AU! Please check out her work at https://archiveofourown.org/works/54344629?view_full_work=true
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dream-sleeper227 · 3 months
Some art from the most recent chapter of Lambs and Slaughters by @sinclairmaxwellao3 on ao3!
(The chapter was so freaking good keep up the good work)
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(I literally don’t know how to draw clothes so sorry if the dress isn’t accurate😅)
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sinclairmaxwellao3 · 3 months
Lambs and Slaughters Mafia AU Quotes Out Of Context #doesanyoneevenrememberbecauseidont It was a very delightful posterior, if he did say so himself, and he had plenty of firsthand experience! “What are you thinking about so quietly?” “Your delightful arse and how much I enjoy it.”
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sunxeclipsesimp · 3 months
I was reading Lambs And Slaughters by @sinclairmaxwellao3 and was thinking, if Bloodmoon got sun a ton of red dresses, surely they got him a red poodle skirt!
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
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the fox god.
a comic about a trickster.
creative notes:
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all my other comics
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BATTLE ROYALE バトル・ロワイアル (2000) dir. Kinji Fukasaku
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aychama · 5 months
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Butcher Lamb.
Necromantic Axe
Timelapse ;
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novasteri · 4 months
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when u do a quite unsavory joke about the Lamb's bebé (probably something about lamb chops lmao)
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twitchingproboscis · 4 months
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sw4nfire · 9 months
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pro gamer gets hard carried
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quirkyfries · 3 months
I wonder if L&S Ruin is the type to secretly name his weapon(s) /j
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dream-sleeper227 · 3 months
Some fanart of @sinclairmaxwellao3s Lambs and Slaughters on ao3!
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I literally slapped some shapes on there and really hoped it resembled something bc I don’t know how to draw clothes or sparks 😂 I have aphantasia and can’t visualize anything in my head😭
Reference photo used found on Pinterest and created by mellon_soup
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sinclairmaxwellao3 · 4 months
Thin yellow shoulders began to shake with soundless tears. 
For a moment…Eclipse wondered under what circumstances Sun had learned to keep his cries silent. Under what threat had he learned that no one would answer his tears and would, instead, punish him for them? 
It made him feel hollow and cold on the inside.
It made him think of Lunar.
With a venting that released his building exacerbation, Eclipse sighed and wrapped his arms around the sobbing bot. He felt like a heel now. 
‘Bonega laboro, vi azeno. Excellent job, you ass. You made the sweetest person left on the face of the planet sob in public.’ He thought bitterly.
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artificialhaunts · 9 months
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Don't Forget...
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 1 month
DAVE: i think the world would be a happier place if we were all permanently stoned 
ROSE: The Lottery by Shirley Jackson.
DAVE: hold on i have to read something real quick
DAVE: dude
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