#Lambo looks to Hayato who looks away
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dreamieparadise · 10 days ago
I’m not sure if you’ve ever said this but I see Momina as a crafter. She feels like the type to make gifts for her loved ones. Especially things like scarves or mittens for the kids. During Valentine’s Day she’s making cute little cards for everyone ❤️ don’t know why that came to mind but I see a creative and crafty soul in Momina
- Butter
BUTTER!! So happy to see you in my inbox! 🥹🩷🩷🩷 love you and hope things are a little easier for you! Good luck with your exams!
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And to answer: YES!! You are absolutely correct on that!! The lore is that Momina has always been the type to create homemade gifts for people [whether it's food, cards, jewellery] but it wasn't until she met Haru that she learned how to sew! And with that comes clothing for her loved ones! So yes she absolutely made scarves, mittens etc for people.
In fact there's this scene where because...Momina is very old woman-coded...she saw that Hayato's jeans were ripped at the knees and she sewed them for him! And, because she was thinking of him, she decided to patch it up using a skull and alien patch! She was super happy when she gave it to him only for him to be like:
"...that was the style..."
"Huh...???" Momina stares at the jeans, "...oh...wait, you don't like it...? I can choose other patches!"
"NO! I mean..!! The ripped jeans...! It's supposed to look like that!"
"...I don't understand...you...bought it ripped??"
Hayato suddenly feeling embarrassed, "I mean...yeah! That's the style! It's cool!!"
And so now, even though she doesn't get it, she slowly accepts that it's a 'style.' Also now whenever his clothes are torn she goes to him and is like, "Hey...is this aesthetic or can I...tol [stitch] it?" Hayato gets so embarrassed when that happens but still explains whether it is or isn't.
Anyway all that to say that Momina is very much a crafter!
Also I forgot to say it but Momina gives cards + chocolates to everyone every year...every year! She loves Valentine's Day because it's another holiday she can gift people things and show love for them!
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thehandworld · 5 months ago
AI-less Whumptober - Day 9 - Hypothermia @ailesswhumptober
Everything started with Kyoko wanting to learn how to ski, then Tsuna wanting to follow so she wouldn't be alone, and before anyone knew it, the whole family was going to a Snow Park, they even brought the Kokuyo gang and Hibari, why? No one understood how that happened.
But they were there, they rented the whole place, as there was a whole group of people, also because, in a place where Mukuro and Hibari were together, it could only happen one thing.
The day was really fun. They all learned how to ski, and some even tried snowboarding. While Gokudera was more versatile than the Storm he is, he really liked snowboarding. It was fun and brought more stability for him.
But a change of weather was enough to disrupt that nice and calm fun.
Gokudera with the Ski was going up the mountain, deciding to test his own skills by going down the highest difficulty. He was already able to go down the medium one, so now he was ready for the highest. What he didn't expect was the weather to change so suddenly, in the middle of his way down.
The wind got harsher and he couldn't see his way down, stumbling and falling out of the way, he hit a tree and then shaking he looked around, not able to see much as the snow was pilling up quicker. Even with the snow gear, he was feeling cold, so quickly getting up he started to walk, but without direction, as he couldn't see with all the snow.
His clothes were drenched, and he was already shivering not feeling his feet or hands right, his nose was also numb. Hayato needed to find someplace to hide and quickly. Yet because of the weather, all he could see was trees and snow, not knowing exactly where he was, he decided to stop walking. Even though walking would keep his body warm, that also means losing precious energy.
Sitting down close to a tree, he decided to hold his legs close to his body, and using his dying will flames he melted some of the snow around him, keeping him a little warm. That wasn't enough to stop the shivering or the effects of the cold, but it sure was enough to buy him some time.
Not knowing how long the snowstorm would take, he closed his eyes, remembering the fun they had today, while Hibari and Mukuro weren't actually fighting it was obvious to see their rivalry by them trying to win one against the other in who learns quicker, who could go down the higher difficult and so on.
The girls seem to have fun purely by learning a bit and then staying with Lambo and I-Pin, playing with the snow. The Kokuyo and the rest of the Family seem to have fun with the small bickering and competition of skiing.
Truly, it was a nice day, as the storm guardian yawned, and pulled his arms close to his body. The shiver was already part of his status, as he tried to ignore the best he could. He closed his eyes tiredly, he knew better as the hypothermia made him sleep and he should try to keep himself awake as much as possible.
But quite honestly, right now? Sleeping sounds so good. Keeping himself as curled as possible, he closed his eyes, maybe a few minutes wouldn't be bad right? Yeah... As he let himself fall asleep.
The storm was found only the next day, as he walked far away than what people expected. Because of the way his body recovered, it took a week before he recovered any type of conscience, making everyone worry and freak out.
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leftnotright · 2 years ago
“The Tri-Ni-Sette machine is failing. The world will die.” “We can’t do anything going forward. Going backwards, however, is another matter.” Ryohei had his mission: To go back. To before the most recent Arcobaleno Curse, to before the slaughter of the Simone. To before the Tri-Ni-Sette System finally gave out. Ryohei was used to loss, in the ring and in life. But this time, he promises, he’ll win. Reborn had his mission: Get in this man’s pants, or die trying. After all, Reborn was nothing if not an Icarus.
(Or: The ‘size matters’ fic)
Parings: Reborn/Sasagawa Ryohei Characters: Reborn (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Ten Years Later Sasagawa Ryouhei, Sasagawa Ryouhei, Vindice (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Arcobaleno (Katekyou Hitman Reborn!), Checker Face | Kawahira Tags: Time Travel Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Time Travel, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending, Ryouhei Time Travels
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
Sasagawa Ryohei knew he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. But even a fool could see the writing on the wall when it was so ugly…and so painfully familiar.
Ryohei always knew something was wrong with his relationship with Tsuna. His ‘Harmony’. He knew that it was…Fragile. Straining to keep its hold and bond them through sheer obedience and stubbornness. 
They had been told this was what they had, that this feeling was Harmony. They were told they were part of a whole, part of a Set. That their relationship, their bond, their Harmony was perfect and true. The strongest bond between Flames. 
They didn’t know any better. 
But Ryohei knew. 
Ryohei had always known something was wrong. His — instinct, drive, passion — Flame had been put in a sun-shaped box that was ten sizes too small. Too cramped, too awkward. It wasn’t his place. 
Tsuna, his little brother of ten long years, was not Ryohei’s Sky.
He should have realised sooner. After all, he’s experienced it before — this pain. 
Tsuna wasn’t Ryohei’s first Sky. Ryohei had realised that as soon as he felt that creeping, unsure, frantic nudging at his Flame years ago. He knew what it felt like to be embraced, to Harmonise. It felt like coming home.
And home, for so many years, had been Kyoko. His darling little sister, who always accepted people with open arms and such unyielding optimism. 
Kyoko, Hana, Ryohei. A little Set in themselves. The Kings and Queens of their playground. An indisputable trio. But they had grown. And then Ryohei kept growing. His Sun grew, larger and larger until he saw the way it begin to burn them. He saw their skin flush red, the sweat gathered on their napes. 
And he remembered the pain, the biting pain in his chest, as his first Harmony burnt itself out. Kyoko had cried for days and no one knew why, all Ryohei could do was stay away and let the blisters heal. 
Ryohei had nearly forgotten what it felt like. To be brought Home. Blissful ignorance was so close. And then Tsuna came, with a Sky so vast and welcoming that he thought-
He should have known better. 
But he was so glad he had been part of this Set. This rag-tag band of amazing idiots. They were all so fun and fantastic and so warm. 
“Please understand,” Talbot said gently, “This journey. There is no return. The past will swallow you.”
“This is a one-way trip,” Verde agreed, “Whoever goes, you’re not coming back.”
The stress in the room had been palpable. Who would go back? Who would be cut off from their Family and Set, forever? 
Ryohei watched his Family look at each other, murmuring and biting their lips. They were all so important. Ryohei couldn’t imagine this Set surviving without any of them — Tsuna, Takeshi Hayato, Kyoya, Mukuro, Chrome, Lambo. They were all so necessary. Irreplaceable. 
They were all so thoroughly tied into this Set, utterly perfect in their place. The Set was designed for them, down to the ember. A Set built upon the foundations of beliefs, needs and desires fulfilled. 
The Set wouldn’t survive with any of those Flames lost. But… Ryohei knew. 
Ryohei wasn’t their Sun — oh he wished he was — but he was still their big brother. And big brothers take the hit for the family. They make sure the youngers are happy and safe. Always.
“I’ll go,” Ryohei said again, making sure he was heard.
There was a long silence in the room. Then Mukuro stood from his seat, hands slamming down on the table with a bang.
“Absolutely not!” Mukuro shouted, a fierce look in his eyes. “Ryohei, you are not going.”
Voices piled on top of each other with a vengeance. A chair crashed against a wall, someone ducked a vase. The usual chaos of a Vongola Style Meeting. 
“Enough!” Talbot boomed.
Everyone ceased, teeth gritted and fists clenched. 
“Sasagawa, do you understand what you’re volunteering for?” Talbot asked him, ancient eyes boring into him from across the room.
Ryohei met them without a word. A quiet, tired acceptance, underlay with a damning drive. Ryohei was used to loss; and knowing what he did, he couldn’t wish it upon his Family. He knew the feeling of coming Home, of being welcomed with open arms — and then being forced to leave. 
Ryohei was used to loss. He was the big brother of his Family, he could take it again. One more time for his Family.
“Yeah,” Ryohei said, nodding his head. “I’ll go. Just tell me what to do.”
Among the Vongola’s many sprawling properties which speckled Europe, was the original church of the First Vongola Sun. It was small, with walls made of uneven stone and a roof made of sturdy wood and terracotta tile. The Vongola had been careful to preserve the sanctuary of Father Knuckles.
Ryohei was always thankful for that. 
He sat in one of only ten pews, eyes closed and breathing deeply. Sunlight streamed in from an open window and he soaked it up readily, letting the warmth relax him all over exactly as Colonello had taught him years ago. 
His meditative state of mind was interrupted, however, when the doors to the church were slammed open, two sets of boots clacking against the tile floor. Ryohei grimaced a bit, knowing who was coming down that aisle, and knowing exactly how pissed they were with him.
“Sasagawa Ryohei, what do you think you’re doing?” Mukuro hissed, kicking the pews until he had a clear area to stand in front of Ryohei. “Why the hell did you volunteer?”
“Ryohei,” Chrome frowned something severe, her hands clenched together in front of her in a show of careful control. “Please tell us why you think you should be the one to go back.”
Ryohei shifted in his seat, anxious energy rushing back now that he had been knocked out of his meditation half-baked. His thumb traced the edges of the Sun jewel on his Vongola Ring in a soothing, repetitive motion.
“Well,” he cleared his throat and sat back, smiling a bit, “Well, it sounded fun to the extreme, ya know? I’m going to the past! Even you haven’t gone to the past, Muku-bro!”
“You still don’t have permission to call me that,” Mukuro scowled before sitting himself down on the edge of the upturned pew. “Tell us honestly, you blundering muscle-head.”
Chrome came and sat beside Ryohei, and between the pews and these people, Ryohei was thoroughly cornered by fast encroaching Mist. It was comforting, despite how many would disagree.
Ryohei glanced between the two Mists. Over the ten years united under a Sky, these two had become his closest friends. 
Chrome reminded him so much of his sister, and Ryohei had watched with no little amount of pride as Chrome had truly come into herself as a woman of Vongola. The epitome of deadly grace, Chrome had become an idol for many young mafiosos. 
Mukuro was a monster, just like the rest of them. With Flames bright and vibrant, and a skill so perfected that even Arcobaleno fell to him. Ryohei had taken comfort that, with Mukuro at least, he didn’t need to hold back. Mukuro’s illusions could handle being crushed; again, and again. As many times as Ryohei needed to cool his blood.
Some people thought that Mukuro was taking advantage of Ryohei, tricking him into carrying out dastardly deeds and underhanded pranks. Some people thought that Chrome infantilised Ryohei, treated him more like the teenager he was rather than the man he had become. 
What they didn’t realise was that Ryohei dealt it back as good as he got. Mukuro wanted to cause havoc? Ryohei was always ready to see if he could bring down a building. Chrome wanted him to come be quiet with her? He’ll carry her until she’s chosen a good napping spot in the orchards.
Together, these two had become his closest friends. The most unlikely of matches. But they had been perfect for him — he just wished he was perfect for them. Even now, he could see the redness in Chrome's cheeks as she tried to cool herself down, her Set burning her from the inside out.
“You guys are too important to go,” Ryohei said finally, and Mukuro raised an eyebrow in response. “The Vongola needs you. You’re the Mists, they’ll need you for defence and to hide how bad this whole situation’s going to get before the timeline uh—”
“Recalibrates according to new variables,” Chrome supplied gently, “New choices making new things happen.”
“Yeah that,” Ryohei pointed at her and she gently pushed it away. “But Talbot said that it’d take time. Like a — a cosmic lag. So, ya know, in the meantime, they’ll need you.”
“And why can’t we just send that damned Cloud?” Mukuro pushed, “Not like that guy wants to hang around with us anyway.”
“CEDEF, Kyoya’s important,” Ryohei insisted, “And so is Hayato, and Takeshi, and Lambo — and of course, Tsuna can’t go back! They’re all so important to the extreme!” 
Chrome twisted in her seat, “Are you saying you’re not important, Ryohei?”
Ryohei’s mouth clicked shut. He felt eyes on him, burning into his face, and he resisted the urge to bow his head and hide.
“Never said that,” he muttered, and heard Mukuro tsk in annoyance. 
“Good, cause you’re the only person here who I can tolerate for more than fifteen minutes.”
“What about Chrome?” Ryohei asked, despite already knowing the answer.
“Doesn’t count,” They answered.
Ryohei smiled when they did that. Chrome and Mukuro were perfect for each other. 
“It’s for the best if I go,” Ryohei said slowly, “We can’t leave this in just anyone’s hands. And the Tri-Ni-Sette… I’m going.”
Mukuro stood up sharply and all but gritted out, “It’s because we’re too small, isn’t it?”
Ryohei bit his tongue. 
Mukuro crossed his arms irritably. Chrome clasped her hands in her lap tighter.
“We,” Chrome glanced at Mukuro. “We don’t know what we’ll do without you.”
Ryohei stared at Chrome, her flushed cheeks and sweaty nape. It was mid-February, but she had already started to forgo jackets and stockings. He looked to Mukuro, who hid it well, but Ryohei could see his tie was looser than it used to be. And those gloves he used to love, had been finally cast aside. 
“You’ll be fine,” Ryohei smiled, throwing his arm over Chrome’s shoulder. “You’ve got Tsuna and you've got each other!” Ryohei looked at Mukuro and said again, “You’ll be okay. I’m sure of it.”
Mukuro gritted his teeth, before letting out a huge breath. He crossed the small space and sat on the other side of Ryohei, boxing him in comfortingly. 
“This is all because we’re too small to hold you,” Mukuro murmured, gazing upon the altar where Knuckles used to pray. “Our Harmony, it's too weak to keep you. It always has been.”
“I’m sorry,” Ryohei sighed, and took his arm off Chrome, trying to ignore how she took off her vest as well, covertly fanning herself. “I wish I wasn’t so… difficult for you all. I wish I was right for you. So much.”
“No,” they said at the same time, leaning into his space.
“You do not apologise for this,” Chrome scolded.
Mukuro gazed at Ryohei with a damning determination, a kind of surety Ryohei could only associate with a man who had lived life six times over. Wiser than any one man had a right to be.
“You weren’t too difficult. You were too great for us, Ryohei.”
Ryohei closed his eyes and clenched his hands together, bowing his head until they pressed to his brow. 
Mukuro stared at that Ring sitting just shy of Ryohei's forehead. The proof of his position as the Vongola's Sun, the proof of the ten years Ryohei fought alongside them.
"We won't take another Sun," Mukuro announced.
Ryohei flinched, something sour and something so sweet welling in his chest. They would never take another. Never replace him.
"Even if Tsuna brings in another Sun, someone he thinks is the perfect Guardian. We won't accept them. They can be Vongola's Guardian, but they won't be our Sun. Our Ryohei."
Chrome touched Ryohei's hands, the tips of her fingers grazing the starburst scars that dotted his knuckles. All hard-won scores of the times Ryohei had fought for his Family and family. 
"Our Sun, our Ryohei," she said with a smile.
“You have a week,” Verde said plainly to Ryohei, surrounded by bits of metal and computers flashing with crunching algorithms. “I’m recalibrating the Tri-Ni-Sette Machine to metabolise Earth Flames. Usually, this shouldn’t take too long but given the weight of the situation, we can’t risk any unforeseen malfunctions.”
Ryohei glanced at a screen off to the side, a progress bar slowly crawling, triangulating a direct trajectory to thirty years ago and then some. 
“I suggest you get your affairs in order.”
Ryohei fought the urge to wring his hands, the scent of Namimori air so familiar and cool. He followed a street lined with apartment buildings that reached high into the sky, taking the places of what was once little, family homes back in his youth.
Ryohei turned into an apartment like all the others and rode the elevator up to the sixth floor, knocking on the fourth door. 
Hana opened the door and frowned at Ryohei, her hand on her hip as she stared up at him. She looked worn and more than a little tired, hair unbrushed and clothes rumpled. 
“Hana!” Ryohei greeted and wrapped the woman in a tight hug.
“Oh — let me down you oaf!” She scolded sharply, her feet kicking as she pushed his face away from her.
Ryohei grinned but let her slip out of his hold. She grunted up at him as she smoothed out her already wrinkled t-shirt.
“I hope you brought those dragon fruits with you. Kyoko’s got some killer cravings right now.”
Ryohei laughed and showed the bag hanging from his hand. Dragon fruits and salad dressing — specifically the vinegary Caesar dressing kind. Hana nearly deflated in relief.
Kyoko looked up when Ryohei and Hana walked into the living room. She was cradled in a plush armchair by the window with her feet propped up and her hand resting on the swell of her belly. Kyoko reached out as Ryohei approached, her face utterly bright with joy.
“Salad dressing!” Kyoko cheered, taking the bag from Ryohei’s hands and peering inside.
“Hello to you too,” Ryohei pouted and sat himself down on a footstool beside Kyoko’s chair. “Slow down, Hana’s getting you a plate.”
“Don’t need it,” Kyoko muttered and bit into the fruit like an apple. “Skin’s healthy.” 
The woman then proceeded to take a swig of salad dressing and Ryohei had to look away. 
One would think that Kyoko would crave everything sweet and sugary at a time like this, but it seemed that the baby wasn’t as much of a sweet tooth. They had more of a taste for salt and vinegar, and often it led to Kyoko crying until her tongue allowed her to eat sweets again. 
“You’re looking about ready to pop,” Ryohei said, offering his sister a tissue which she ignored in favour of cracking open another fruit. “Do you have a due date yet?”
“A few more weeks, looking at late next month,” Hana answered for them, scooping up the skin scraps on her wife’s lap and putting the rest of the dragon fruits on a plate. “They’ve definitely got Sasagawa blood in them though, he’s been kicking poor Kyoko at all hours.”
“Maybe he’ll be a boxer like you!” Kyoko beamed, and like she remembered to be a gracious hostess, quickly offered Ryohei a salad dressing-soaked dragonfruit.
“No thank you,” Ryohei denied as softly as he could, he had set her off before when rejecting one of her offerings. In his defence, it had been ice cream and buffalo sauce. 
“Like I’d let that happen,” Hana scoffed and let herself flop down across the couch, wheezing with great fatigue. 
“Rough night?” Ryohei asked, tossing a pillow at Hana for her head.
“Hana’s been doing overtime to clear her calendar for the baby,” Kyoko hummed. “And she’s been doing my share of some of the chores.”
“Your feet and legs are double their normal size, woman. You are not walking around more than you need to,” Hana mumbled into her pillow. 
Kyoko smiled and cooed wordlessly at Hana, making happy little noises as she continued to gorge herself on her weird concoction. Hana glanced at Kyoko out of the corner of her eye and smiled back in a way she only showed to Kyoko.
Ryohei felt his chest grow warm at the quiet affection shared between his sister and sister-in-law. It was times like these, Ryohei was glad that Hana had left him to be with Kyoko. They were so happy now.
It had taken a while for Kyoko to accept Hana, she had always been a loyal little sister. But Ryohei was glad she had listened to him. 
They were good for each other, brought out the best of each other. And they loved each other, deeply and warmly. Kyoko was better for Hana, and Hana was best for Kyoko.
It had stung when Hana had told him she thought they should see other people, after all, he had been so sure she was ‘the one’. But his baby sister got to have her happy ever after, so in the end, it all ended well. Ryohei had come to terms with the fact that, maybe, love just wasn’t for him.
And he got a nephew out of it! So all well that ends well, he supposed.
Ryohei bit the inside of his cheek. He just wished he got to meet them, even just once. Got to see his sister holding her baby, got to spoil them utterly rotten…
“Speaking…Speaking of overtime,” Ryohei cleared his throat, and Kyoko looked over, all too attuned to her brother’s tones. Her brother, and ex-Sun. Kyoko was very good at reading Ryohei. “The Vongola… I’m going on a trip.”
“What kind of trip?” Kyoko asked carefully.
Ryohei smiled thinly, trying to pick out his words carefully. “A long one. Far away too.”
Hana had sat up at this point, her hands in her lap and her eyes sharp — but she remained quiet, letting her wife and Sky speak for both of them. 
“Are we allowed to contact you during your trip?” Kyoko asked. It wouldn’t be the first time Ryohei had to drop off the map for a while, gone incognito. He had a very forgettable face when he managed to keep a cap on his energy. 
“No,” Ryohei admitted, “No, I won’t be…able to talk to anyone.”
Kyoko frowned more and started to pet her belly absently, a kind of self-soothing habit she had formed in the recent months. 
“When will you come back?” 
Ryohei paused for a moment too long, staring past Kyoko and out the window behind her. Out at Namimori. 
He wondered if his nephew would attend Namimori Middle, if they’d walk the same paths he and Kyoko walked so many times. He wondered if they’d use the same classrooms — or if Kyoko’s prediction would come to be and they’d join the boxing club just like their uncle.
“Ryohei,” Kyoko pressed and he shifted his eyes over to her with a sheepish smile. “When are you coming home?”
“Not for a long time,” Ryohei said gently, and took Kyoko’s hand in his own when he saw that flash of panic in her expression. “This is a big job this time, Kyoko. Your big brother’s got a lot of work to do.”
“But you’re a big girl now, Kyoko,” he smiled, “You’ve got your life together! You’ve got your Bachelors, you’re married, and you’ve got an extreme baby on the way! You don’t need your big brother all up in your business, getting in the way.”
“You can’t go. I’m having a baby, I need you,” Kyoko said, gripping Ryohei’s hand with a vengeance. 
“You’ll be okay, you know that. You have Hana spoiling you, and Tsuna would bend the Vongola backwards to look after your every need. Mum and Dad are also just a call away — God knows Mum’s been ready for a grandchild, she’s just been scared it’d come from me!”
Hana snorted in the background. She had been a victim of the Sasagawa matriarch’s empty-nest syndrome twice now. The only difference was the first time around had been full of caution and warnings about the child being too much like its potential father. 
“But I need you,” Kyoko pleaded, looking at Ryohei and trying to see in his face why he was leaving.
Ryohei grinned, stomping down a sting in his chest, “You haven’t needed me for a long time, Kyoko.”
She had cried for days when their Harmony had broken, withering away like a dried sapling under the sun. Their youth had been on their side, however, and their wounds had healed without so much as a scar. She continued life with her usual bright smiles and unrelenting optimism.
Like she had never even had a Sun. But Ryohei remembered.
“I’m gonna miss welcoming them with you,” Ryohei continued, looking to Kyoko’s stomach. “But you’d probably just yell at me for yelling or crying on the baby.”
“We’re already expecting one screamer, we don’t need another,” Hana sniped from the couch and Ryohei let out a laugh.
“Why do you have to go?” Kyoko asked, still holding Ryohei’s hand in a death grip.
Ryohei looked at her little hand in his own, small and adorned in a shining wedding ring. 
“I’m just doing what I always do: I’m looking after my little siblings. My family will always come first. You, Hana, Tsuna, Chrome, Mukuro, and all the others. I’m going so that I can help you, as best I can.” Ryohei looked at her again and smiled reassuringly, pushing as much Sun and warmth into the air as he could. 
It didn’t do what he wanted it to. Kyoko wasn’t his Sky anymore. 
Her face turned a sickly shade of green and Hana quickly stood from the couch and pushed a cup of water into Kyoko’s hands, a small bucket under her arm just in case. Pregnancy was a finicky thing, and Flames had a history of making things just that little bit more complicated.
Ryohei smiled through it and pulled his Sun back to his chest, letting Hana’s Cloud dapple the space and sooth her Sky. 
“But you’re leaving,” Kyoko coughed, wiping her mouth.
Ryohei looked at his sister and then looked to her stomach, full of life and potential. A child ready to take on the whole world and outshine any of them. 
A dying world, slowly grinding to a halt. 
Ryohei wouldn’t let that happen. Ryohei was going to hand over this world to that little life, and he was going to make sure they had as much time in it as they wanted. To play, make mistakes, love, grow and live.
Ryohei would always put his family first. 
“Hey, Kyoko, Hana,” he began softly, and they both looked over. “Can you promise me that you’ll tell them about me? Extreme stories of their extreme uncle?”
Kyoko opened her mouth, but no sound came out. She wrung her hands in her dress, confusion and stress in her expression. 
“We will,” Hana announced, her hand tight on her wife’s shoulder. “We’ll tell them everything. The time you pissed your pants in Elementary, when you climbed a bathhouse chimney like a damned fool, when you chased everyone who you thought would put up a fight. No embarrassing detail spared, you big oaf.”
Ryohei smiled.
The Vongola Sun Quarters had always been rather modest in design. Embellishments and ornaments restrained to cornices and windows. When Ryohei had moved into the Sun Quarters, he had been told that Knuckles had been adamant about keeping the place humble and simple, and despite the many hands this room had been passed between, they had all respected its origins. 
Furniture and personal taste had come and gone, but the bones of the room remained the same. No one had dared to paint the walls, or commission craftsmen to refurbish the fixtures. The only true change to the room over the centuries had been the electrical lights and security.  
Ryohei was happy he could keep to the tradition. All his things were in boxes, ready to be dispersed to their next owners. The Vongola Sun Quarters were once again bare. 
On his bed, Ryohei’s one luggage sat still open. He was packing everything he thought he’d need or couldn’t part with, everything and anything that could fit in one bag. 
Clothes weren’t important, those could be bought again. What Ryohei packed were photos of everyone, carefully and painstakingly edited by Basil to ensure no Vongola alignments or dates were visible. Photos, keepsakes, first aid kit and underwear. 
Ryohei looked through his diaries, seeing all the notes he had made for himself over the years and deciding which ones to take. What he wanted to remember the most, what he wanted to make sure would never slip his mind. 
There was a soft knock at his door and Ryohei didn’t need to turn around to sense the presence of an aching Sky. 
Tsuna stepped into the room and chewed his inner cheek, desperately trying not to look in any one direction for too long. He had never seen the Sun Quarters so empty before. It was a gaping reminder that Ryohei had only hours left.
“Hey, Tsuna!” Ryohei greeted, turning around and leaning back on his desk. “What’s up?”
Tsuna closed the door behind him and walked deeper into the hollowed-out room. He looked tired, his clothes rumpled and his hair askew. It made Ryohei frown a bit, but Tsuna spoke first.
“I… We need to talk about some stuff,” Tsuna uttered slowly, coming to a stop just a few strides away from Ryohei. 
“Huh? Uh, sure, what stuff?”
Tsuna glanced at Ryohei's suitcase, full of photos and keepsakes. He gritted his teeth and closed his eyes, taking a moment to breathe and recentre himself.
“Are you sure about this?” He asked, flat and to the point. “Going to the past — Tabolt and Verde said you can't come back. Are you sure about this?”
Ryohei smiled at Tsuna and the way his hands were clenched at his sides. Tsuna was wound tight, nervous, anxious and confused. 
“Yeah, I'm sure. This is important, we can't give it to just anyone!” Ryohei assured, and Tsuna looked at him.
His face was flushed, his eyes were red. Tsuna crossed his arms over his chest and rocked back on his heels, shoulders hunched. 
“Are you sure about leaving us?” Tsuna asked, “Leaving our Harmony?”
Ryohei’s smile wavered, his hands clutched at the edge of his desk. 
“Yeah,” Ryohei said again, voice soft in the quiet room. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
Tsuna’s face pinched. Ryohei hadn’t even seen Tsuna make that kind of a face when he had been shot. 
“I’m sorry,” Tsuna uttered.
“Hey, come on, little bro,” Ryohei soothed and pushed off from his desk. He crossed the room and grasped Tsuna by his shoulders. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know.”
“But I could have been better,” Tsuna whispered, his voice hoarse. “I don’t know — maybe if I had tried harder, listened to Reborn more then—”
Ryohei smiled at Tsuna, at the Sky. 
Not His Sky, but a Sky nonetheless. A Sky that, hurt and scared, had let Ryohei in and given him a home for years. Had given him a Family, a place to belong. 
“You did everything you could,” Ryohei assured, and bent at the knees so he could see those eyes that had captured the Italian Mafia. “We’ve been together for an extreme ten years. Why would you apologise for that?”
Ten years under a Sky who did his best, who opened his arms — under duress or not — and that kept Ryohei close to his heart. A Sky who let Ryohei burn him for ten years. 
How could Ryohei ever resent Tsuna?
“It’ll hurt,” Tsuna murmured, “You’ll be gone.”
Ryohei nodded understandingly, and then said, “But it’ll hurt less than it does now.”
Tsuna flinched hard. He didn’t deny it. 
How could he? Tsuna couldn’t have known what was happening when he was young, fresh in chaos and Harmony. Tsuna had been so overwhelmed with his world all aflutter, there was no way he could have recognised where the fever was coming from. 
Their Harmony was weak, corroded. Tsuna understood that now.  
He wished he didn’t.
For all that talk  of ‘Neo-Primo’, of ‘Oath Flame’, of ‘Vastest Sky’, Tsuna couldn’t even keep his Sun and brother. 
Ryohei squeezed Tsuna’s shoulders and let go. Tsuna could still feel the brand of those hands, an uncomfortable heat that left him parched and needing the cover of his Cloud, the cool of his Rain. 
Tsuna raised his head and Ryohei’s smile was still there, warm and unyielding as ever. 
Their Harmony broke, and settled into ash.
Tsuna swallowed and Ryohei nodded slowly, because he knew. It didn’t hurt. It didn’t hurt anymore, and Tsuna could feel it. The relief had drenched his body, leaving him cool and refreshed, like stepping into shade.
It hurt that it barely hurt.
Ten years — a whole decade — of knowing and loving each other. Ten years of fighting side by side, of the weight of the mafia, the world and life shared on their shoulders. Ten years of trying so hard to be a good Sky, a good Sun, a perfect Harmony— 
Letting go was so easy.
It should have been painful. It should have hurt. It should have been like ripping out a part of their hearts, like prying the pieces of each other from their soul—
Like putting down a heavy burden. Finally lying down the boulder. Finally unlatching the chains.
Letting go was so easy.
Tsuna didn’t know when he started to cry. 
Ryohei didn’t know if it was out of grief.
“You are my little brother, whether you like it or not,” Ryohei said, not a quiver in his voice, not a catch in his throat. 
“Of course,” Tsuna agreed, and didn’t move to wipe his face when a tear tracked down his cheek. He sat in the misery, and tried not to identify where it came from. “Always, Ryohei. You’re family. Kyoko would kill me.”
Ryohei let out a laugh.
“That’s why I’m going, Tsuna,” he continued, and looked around at his room, stripped bare and packed up in boxes. “You, the guys, Kyoko, Hana, and the kids. You’re all my family. This machine thing is our last shot. I want to be there to make sure it happens.”
Tsuna blinked, trying to make another tear fall. His eyes had already dried up. 
“I understand,” Tsuna nodded, hands clasped in front of him. “Thank you, brother.”
Ryohei grinned and threw an arm around Tsuna’s shoulders, jostling the younger man and pat his chest, “No worries, lil bro! Why don’t you go find Hayato and Takeshi? You’re looking less than extreme, and those two always fix you right up.”
Tsuna turned his head and buried his face in Ryohei’s shoulder, pressing hard and sure like he was trying to impress the feeling into his memory. Then he pulled back and wiped at his face, red and flushed, and Ryohei took his arm off him.
“I’ll see you at dinner then,” Tsuna said, standing in Ryohei’s doorway.
He looked bright standing there. Already, the sweat had started to dry, and that red flush had gone pink and receded. Tsuna felt cool for the first time in ten years.
“See you at dinner,” Ryohei waved, and the door clicked shut.
Ryohei dropped his hand and stood alone in the Sun Quarters. Somewhere down the halls, he heard the sounds of crashing in the Mist Quarters. There was a haunting silence everywhere else.
Everyone had felt it. The Sun was gone. The heat had ended.
They were free now.
Ryohei looked at his diaries, still strewn open across his desk. He walked over and grabbed one from two years ago, opened to the page detailing Kyoko and Hana’s wedding — He tore the page out. Ryohei looked for when Lambo graduated from Elementary school. He tore that out too. A series of logs about odd napping spots Tsuna was seen in during crunch time. Takeshi’s twenty-third birthday. Hayato’s existential crisis. Kyoya’s animal adoption phase. Chrome frantically dodging marriage requests. Mukuro using his illusions to create a haunted house for the kids. 
Ryohei tore and tore, ripping pages out one after another. Then he took a pen, hearing the plastic crack under his too-tight grip and began scratching out all the names and dates. He couldn’t decide which book had the most memories, so he took it all. All of his most important memories stacked together in a disjointed, tattered and defaced pile. 
He dropped the pen and let it roll off somewhere, looking at the pages and how high they stacked. Years worth of life condensed into a pile of paper, frayed unevenly at the edges and full of spelling mistakes. 
Ryohei looked over to his luggage and pulled out one of his keepsakes: the bandages he had wrapped his fists with during the battle for the Rings. They were worn and speckled with bits of dried blood and sweat. 
He unravelled one of the wraps and tied the loose papers together into a bundle. It bent oddly in sections, the knot was askew and he was sure the pages were going to be curved into some weird shape within time — it was a ragged stack of memories.
Ryohei tossed it into his luggage and snapped everything shut.
Despite the fact that Verde had been hailed as the next coming of Da Vinci, he had never been particularly artistic with his machines. They tended to be brutalist in design, with sharp edges and geometric shapes. Function over fashion.
It left Ryohei wondering if he was seeing poetry where there was none, searching for light in the dark. 
The time machine was massive. With two swooping arms of wire and metal plating that arched into the air. It was like an enormous metallic laurel, wreathing the platform that would send Ryohei far away and far ago. That machine against the backdrop of Autumn in full golden swing, framed by the orange and yellow trees that rowed the walls of a quiet valley, only made it shine more. 
It looked magnificent. It looked terrifying. 
“I trust you have everything,” Talbot said as Ryohei approached the machine, his hand clutching the handle of his suitcase.
“Yes,” Ryohei nodded, “And I got those fake IDs.”
“The forged identification, yes, that will certainly make life easier,” Talbot agreed, thumbing the side of his bird’s head cane. “And, forgive me for asking again, but you understand what you are getting yourself into, yes?”
Ryohei smiled at the old man, “Yeah, I know. I’m looking after my family, right?” 
Talbot paused for a moment, regarding the response. Then he smiled with wrinkled lips and settled himself on the uneven ground. 
“Indeed,” Talbot murmured.
Grass crunched underfoot and Ryohei turned to meet the many gazes of the Vongola Family, all of them dressed in black suits like they were mourning a loss. For a moment, Ryohei wondered if Kyoko would come to see him off, but then remembered that the baby wouldn’t handle altitude sickness well.
Tsuna stepped forward from the group, dew clinging to the toes of his shoes and making them shine with the machine’s light. 
“Ryohei,” he began softly, then took a breath and spoke again, louder. “Where you’re going, to the past. You can’t take anything incriminating. Anything with a Vongola embellishment, I need you to return.”
Ryohei knew this was coming. He had at least hoped to keep Kangaryuu — but the emblazoned ‘VONGOLA’ that had been stamped across it said otherwise. Ryohei nodded and reached into his pocket, pulled out his Box Weapon and handed Kangaryuu over. 
Ryohei glanced at his Ring, golden yellow and always warm on his hand. He took it off before he could think twice and, like it burnt, dropped it into Tsuna’s awaiting hand.
It happened faster than Ryohei could realise. The Ring, always so bright and vivid, dulled without notice. Then a soft light shone from within, just like all those years ago when it had been unsealed—
A simple, grey metal band with a shield pendant sat in Tsuna’s palm. Locked and sealed. Just as it had been nearly a decade ago back when they had battled for them against the Varia.
“After all, you truly are Knuckle’s true successor,” Talbot said gently.
Ryohei stared at the cold, contained Ring, and he felt his heart soar. He was Knuckle’s true successor. Even if he wasn’t Tsuna’s, even if he wasn’t Vongola, Ryohei was still Knuckle’s.
He shouldn’t be happy. He really shouldn’t and he knew that. But as Ryohei stared at that tightly sealed Ring once more, he knew he would never be forgotten. That once he was gone, whoever came next, whatever Sun came to take his Quarters, his Box, his Family — They’d never truly replace him. They’d never have his Ring. 
Ryohei would never be forgotten. Knuckles would make sure of that.
Mukuro huffed from off to the side, a kind of snide, vindictive sneer to his expression. He was right, whatever Sun Tsuna brought home would never be his.
Ryohei shouldn’t be so happy.
“Calibrations are ready,” Verde called out.
“R-Right,” Tsuna snapped to attention, his eyes just as locked to the Ring as Ryohei’s. 
Verde loudly scoffed from his place wrapped in computers and gestured for Ryohei to hurry up. 
Ryohei swallowed his anxiety and walked the path between his family and all their allies, the machine aglow with a pale yellow light. The machine gave a soft clunk as he stepped up onto the pedestal, and Ryohei noticed how the air seemed charged, nearly vibrating as he inhaled it.
“Remember your mission Ryohei,” Hayato called out, his arms crossed irritably, visibly uncomfortable. “Find the Vindice, give them the info, get that machine built.”
“Right!” Ryohei shouted as the machine began to give a low, rumbling ‘whirr’.
“And remember what you promised me!” Mukuro reminded, the tone coming through gritted teeth.
“Of course!” He nodded, grinning through the nerves. “Of course, I won’t forget!”
“Ryohei!” Tsuna called out and Ryohei looked over. “Make sure that machine gets built! Please!”
Ryohei nodded, fists clenched at his sides. Then his family all bent at the waist, their Japanese heritage resurfacing with a vengeance as they all bowed their heads to their older brother and school-life ‘senpai’.
“Thank you very much!” They all said together.
Ryohei felt his eyes sting and his vision swim. He took a sharp breath.
“Take care of each other!” Ryohei ordered them and raised his arms in a large, boisterous wave.
The laurel’s metallic tips met high above his head, sparks flew-
Ryohei stood in a large field, with emerald trees and grass as far as the eye could see. His hands still raised to wave goodbye.
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queenharumiura · 1 year ago
I forgot that I wanted to do a lil omake so I’ll do it here. Based off: [x] @whiskeysmulti
“Hahi!?” A woman’s voice comes from the pink smog and a small cow child rushes into the smoke to cling onto the person at the center. “Haru! Are you okay?” Lambo didn’t intend for Haru to get hit with the 10 year bazooka but it just happened!
It wasn’t Lambo-san’s fault! Put the blame on someone else! Like--- ahodera! Yeah! You can just blame him! (Lambo’s go to scapegoat of choice)
“Hahi? This fluffy head… Lambo-chan?” Haru’s hand is waving away the smoke, quietly coughing the smoke out of her lungs. “Is Haru in the past?” The smoke clears and Haru is holding Lambo in her arms.
Looking around, she recognizes the location to be the Sawada household and she notices as a few familiar faces rush into the room.
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"Such familiar faces, hello everyone. It seems that Haru will be in your care for 5 minutes, was it?" She chuckles, as she pats the top of Lambo's head gently. "Were you getting yourself into trouble again, Lambo-chan? You should be careful. I'm sure my younger self is quite confused right about now." She's honestly concerned about what her younger self was looking at right now. She was in Hayato's office tidying some things up so... there were a few photos there that would raise some questions.
Surely Gokudera would have that covered. There was no way her younger-self didn't make a loud entrance. "Ehhhh? Haru! Your ring, did you get married?" The small child is staring at the ring on her finger and the woman quickly retracts her hand and she spins the ring around so the others in the room can only see the silver band of the ring and not any specific distinguishing details of the ring.
She didn't want the others in the room to see the ring and make any connections. Changing the past would alter the future and that was something that sounded scary.
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"Haru did get married, to someone who loves her very much. She's never been happier than when she married him."
"Who? Who is he? Lambo-san wants to know!" The child is shaking the woman with his excitement and Haru only giggles at his childish excitement. "She cant tell you that, it would be a spoiler." She looks at the others who were staring at her agape at the doorway of the room.
"Hm? Don't tell me, you thought I wasn't marriage material or something? That's rude to me, you know?" She puffs out a cheek in jest. No matter how old she is, she can still retain a bit of her playful nature, can't she?
Time should be up in a few- "It was good seeing everyone again. Bye everyone." The woman waves her hand and POOF!
"Ha-hahi... Shock-desu..." The young teen returned to her native timeline and she was in shock. Gokudera was really attractive for one, and she married someone that wasn't Tsuna-san??? What happened?
Universe-san? Answer Haru's questions!
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queenharumiura · 1 year ago
Haru notes how he managed to pick out who Tsuna was right off the bat, even though some people overlooked him because of his normal demeanor that made him seem like a pushover. He addressed Tsuna with a bit of politeness and the necessary amount of decorum, so Haru felt that she had done the right thing. She knew she could trust her gut instinct. It would be good to have a guardian or two nearby, which seemed to come in the form of Yamamoto and… ah, there’s Pino taking a nap in the corner as per usual. That’s enough.
Knowing that Hayato had come for business, she knew that it was time for her to lure Lambo away so that he wouldn’t be an absolute menace during the meeting. She didn’t see Reborn in the room… maybe he was also taking a nap in the other room? She sets the boxes of cake down and she finds him in one of the rooms and she lets him know that some ‘Hayato’ had come to talk to Tsuna, so it would be good for him to head over as well.
With Lambo making a fuss about not wanting to wait any longer for cake, Haru promptly gets to cutting him a slice of some of the cakes. She cuts some slices for I-pin as well. The next thing she does is to get some tea prepared as it was only courtesy for guests. She’d also have a plate of snacks to pair with the tea as well. Nana had a penchant for making sure all her guests were fed, and she’d long since given Haru the permission to make use of the kitchen to help feed the hungry boys for the days that she was out.
It just happened to work out that Haru enjoyed being helpful as well as useful. She was also responsible and sensible, so Nana didn’t have an issue with trusting Haru in the kitchen and not… ruin things afterwards. She couldn’t say the same for some of the boys, including her own son.
When everything is prepared, she knocks first before she walks into the room again with the tea and the snacks that she sets down for everyone to enjoy. She notices how Pino was now wide awake, but looking grumpy, glaring daggers at Hayato. ‘Reborn-chan woke him up for duty, and now he’s all grumpy.’ SIGH. She nudges the guy and mouths 'be nice' to him. It wasn't like Hayato intended any ill. "I'll be with Lambo-chan, but let me know if you need anything else."
He had studied just enough Japanese to survive while living over there and he hoped if worse came to worst, he'd be able to roughly translate based on what he knew. So when Haru reminded him to politely toss the cigarette before entering, he quickly finished it and did just that.
Deep down he felt a little bad for stretching the truth with this girl as she seemed to be willing enough to help him out, but he had been ordered to be as discreet as possible until he did get the meeting with the Vongola candidate over with. He almost scrunched up when he heard a tiny voice that reminded him of nails on a chalk board but had to play along. The fact he wasn't good with children could wait, he was nowhere near ready for kids anyway and wouldn't have to worry about them if he didn't get this wedding deal over with.
Marriages for reasons of alliance were often fickle and sometimes it didn't work out as the pair couldn't stand to even work together sometimes and if the girl his dad chose for him was her, Gokudera doubted they'd have a chance. He just prayed the girl would have her looks but not the same mouth.
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However when he glanced around the room, one guy caught his eye. A typical loser with brown hair and brown eyes. 'That kid must be Tsuna', he reasoned.
Bowing before the boy, he introduced himself. "Good evening, I'm Hayato Gokudera. I've come to speak with Tsuna on business."
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dearcat1 · 3 years ago
Part 1 of An Excercise in Patience
Reborn watches the proceedings in silence, his face shows nothing of the frustration coursing through him. Iemitsu is a moron, an idiot of the highest calibre; but Reborn had expected better from Timoteo. Omegas are social creatures; leaving two of them alone in a small town, cut off from the pack, there's no way it wouldn't leave scars. How Timoteo and Iemitsu had expected anything different is a mystery to Reborn. In Tsunayoshi's case, it means the omega doesn't even look at the alphas around him for help, he doesn't think it would be provided. Tsunayoshi believes, at least subconsciously, that alphas are unreliable.
Xanxus isn't the most approachable alpha but he's also a very smart one. It takes him until the Sun battle to notice there's something wrong with the image in front of him. Tsunayoshi is distressed, obviously and visibly. Enough so that Dino intervenes to help Xanxus's Sun but the omega still turns to Xanxus and asks for an explanation without so much as twitching towards his father, Reborn or any other alpha who is supposed to be on his side. Not even when the alphas themselves seem worried about him. Tsunayoshi doesn't mewl to ask for comfort, doesn't cuddle up to any of them. Nothing.
It takes the Lighting battle for Xanxus to act on it. Tsunayoshi is furious, fangs bared as he all but growls at the Cervello, even as he is attempting to stop Iemitsu. Xanxus takes that in, arches a brow and stands. It shuts up the Varia and the sudden change, in turn, draws Tsunayoshi's attention. Nobody moves, not until Xanxus snatches Lambo from Iemitsu and deposits him in Tsunayoshi's arms. It makes Tsunayoshi twitch but even when he offers his gratitude, he barely looks at Xanxus. Most of his attention is on checking the pup over.
"Let's talk this out." Iemitsu shifts when Xanxus gestures towards the tree line, guiding Tsunayoshi away from the group.
Tsunayoshi ignores it, of course, he has no reason to care for his father's distrust. He offers the pup over to Hayato and follows, fairly certain that he knows where this is going.
The Varia Commander stops once they're far enough away. "Who is your alpha?"
"I have none," Tsunayoshi shrugs. It's sweet, the worry. If it's real. Tsuna can't be bothered to overanalyze it.
"You're Vongola," Xanxus insists and Tsuna makes a face at him. He understands perfectly well what the alpha is asking, he doesn't need the clarification. "Who looks after you and your mother?"
"We look after each other." Tsuna doesn't bare his fangs but he does cross his arms over his chest. When Xanxus just stares, he adds: "We're fine." It's a little offensive that the alpha would think otherwise.
Xanxus blinks, reaching for Tsuna's nape. Tsuna ducks the attempt, uncomfortable with letting some unknown alpha try to settle him down. Xanxus stills but pulls his hand away. "Right," he takes a step back. "We're putting the battles on hold." It can be dealt with later. Whatever else baby Sawada is, he's also a Vongola omega and obviously neglected. Xanxus decides it's better to make sure baby Sawada is actually alright and healthy first, the problem is going to be to convince baby Sawada that 1) those are Xanxus's intentions and 2) baby Sawada should allow himself and his situation to be examined.
Judging by the uncompromising body language of the omega in front of him, Xanxus already knows it's going to be an uphill battle.
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randomkposts · 2 years ago
If there were a guardian swap AU, for Tsuna and Xanxus, I think it would make the most to me to swap their storm guardians. Their the same age, so there's no time inconsistencies. Three of Tsuna's guardians are local, Lambo wouldn't have even been born yet, and Mukuro... Well I suppose it could be playable with Xanxus and the Varia busting them out of the Labs, kinda, but Tsuna could never afford Mammon. Though maybe in that AU, Mammon was sent to train the heir.
Back to storm swap, Hayato is running away from home, and crosses paths with Squalo, rather then Shamal. Squalo's passion for the sword inspires something in him, and he goes off to go find his passion, and learn more about swords. He's at the Varia, for research purposes for a possible path he wants to pursue, when Squalo becomes head of the Varia, and becomes the second Sword Empire.
Gokudera joins on the spot. Squalo refuses to have a copycat, and insists Gokudera pursue his own path. Gokudera finds himself drawn to explosions, and decides his path is to get the most potential from bombs. Squalo makes sure the person who got him interested in that regrets it. But it's too late, the kid is experimenting. Xanxus likes the kids potential, and encourages him. Gokudera decides he will help Xanxus reach his dream to become Vologa Demecio, and declares he will be his right hand. Squalo disagrees. Xanxus thinks it's hilarious. But they both agree that they are going to help him reach his dream.
Squalo might be loud, (a skill in part developed by shouting at Goukurda over his bombs " (Voi!) Youuuu! What do you think your doing) , kind of arrogant, but he's also probably the sanest member of the varia officers, and has been head of the Varia since age 14, kind of, and Gokudera is a super supportive and passionate friend. I don't think Squalo would make a bad figure for Gokudera to look up to, They certainly both have passion, and passionately support Xanxus.
As for Bel, he turns up during the Mukuro arc, and decides while that is impressive, he could do better, and who better than the Prince to show him how. Tsuna's guardians are mostly all the type to go off and do their own things. Yamamoto is is surprisingly good at persuasion though
Just imagine, Gokudera refusing to trust adults trait connected Nonos betrayal to Xanxus, and his own father's lies.
Idk Eclipse, now I want Squalo and Hayato to be friends. And have a better childhood than he did, with his new assassin family.  Maybe Squalo finding out about his old home life, and showing up to shout at everyone involved. And maybe Lussuria, who had to counter the poison damage, and is just pissed.
Gokudera probably weighs less than Bel, because he has to pay his own rent in Namimori, and probably skips meals, and such, for work.
Gokudera, is probably, second to Mukuro in personal problems that are hardest to solve. Yamamoto, Hayato, and Tsuna being friends makes great sense, as Tsuna needs someone to believe in him, and listen to him, and Yamamoto needs that, and some therapy. Gokudera, is really supportive and passionate. If it wasn't just directed towards Tsuna in cannon, I imagine they would have attended every baseball game he had, and practice too.
Yamamoto is good at listening, but I think Gokudera was the first guardian, because Tsuna needed belief to accomplish things first
Hibari and Ryohei are more or less fine. Lambo needs attention. 
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our-happygirl500-fan · 3 years ago
Something I’ve always wondered about is why Reborn pushed Haru towards Tsuna’s family.
With everyone else in Tsuna’s family there’s a clear reason why Reborn pushed them towards Tsuna & the Vongola:
Kyoko: Tsuna was already interested in her at the start of the series so she was useful for Reborn to use to push Tsuna & his growth
Gokudera: Hayato was already part of the mafia & had connections to people Reborn had worked with e.g. Bianchi & Shamal plus Gokudera had been looking for a family to join for a while making him perfect to be Tsuna’s first subordinate
Yamamoto: Takeshi that whole natural born hitman thing going on with talent & skill that Reborn wouldn’t let go to waste which is why he was included in Tsuna’s family
Lambo: Lambo was already part of the Mafia but being from a weak family means the Bovino are falling over themselves to let one of their own be part of the Vongola, having Lambo join Tsuna’s family also means that Vongola would have an easier time getting any technological advancements the Bovino make without having to lower themselves to negotiating with a weak family, Lambo’s inclusion in Tsuna’s family is beneficial to the Vongola both in appearances & possible future resorces
Ryouhei: Sasagawa is constantly in a dying will mind set giving him a lot of potential when thinking about flames so its obvious that Reborn would want him for Tsuna’s family
Hibari: He’s a powerhouse of course Reborn would want him for Tsuna’s family.
Mukuro & Chrome: Tsuna formed a bond with Mukuro after their fight & both Mukuro & Chrome are incredibly talented mists, Reborn is wary of Mukuro but wants Chrome’s talents for Tsuna’s family
Bianchi, Futa & I-Pin: Were all part of the Mafia already, Reborn’s worked with Bianchi before & having her around would possibly push Gokudera’s own growth forwards making him more useful to Tsuna, Futa is a sought out Mafia asset & I-Pin could act as a companion to Lambo increasing Lambo’s own growth & progress as a guardian 
All these members of Tsuna’s family had logical reasons to be added to Tsuna’s family Tsuna either already had an interest in them, they were naturally talented or they were already connected to the Mafia so why did Reborn push Haru a seemingly ordinary girl into joining Tsuna’s family & the Mafia world?
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Reborn takes note of Haru because he & Tsuna pass her house basically every day but the thing is from the first face to face meeting Reborn pushes the idea of Haru being a romantic interest to Tsuna
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The moment Haru falls for Tsuna, Reborn smirks, that was the end goal to have Haru interested in Tsuna but the thing is why, does Reborn merely want Tsuna to get more used to girls liking him/ having girls around him?
And the thing is Reborn isn’t the only person who has shown an interest in Haru!
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Checkerface has also shown an interest in Haru! We known that Checkerface doesn’t have any family so he’s clearly lying about being ‘the realtor’s son’ & the old lady is said to work alone so most likely the old lady that Haru was friends with was another one of Checkerface’s forms using mist flames which means that Haru casually used to hang around Checkerface & Checkerface even offered her a place to stay if she ever ‘ran away from home’.
Why was Checkerface interested in Haru? Why was he expecting her to run away from home?
Haru a seemingly normal girl drew the attention of both Reborn & Checkerface & we never found out why
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hopeswriting · 4 years ago
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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
EVENT: Flufftober 2020
PROMPT: Tucking in Tag
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting​
Vongola holds a second Inheritance Ceremony for Tsuna and his Guardians. Of course they’re all required to attend in the after party.
PAIRING: Chrome & Hibari
WORDS: 1236
For the most powerful alliance of mafia famiglie in the world, they sure have time to waste. The old Carnivore passed on his title to Tsunayoshi already, so Hibari has to wonder what the purpose of this after-party is.
His fellow Guardians scattered around the luxurious room, blending in the party unlike him, but he isn’t fooled.
Takeshi and Mukuro keep being engaged in conversations by the others famiglie, and forced to play nice with them. Or so it looks like.
Hibari hovered around them earlier and heard them answer the subtle insults sent their way by subtle insults of their own, then doubling down on them until they were left alone.
The little animal kept to the buffet after being treated like the child he is by a woman one-too many times, Ryohei never straying too far away from him.
And Hibari did think Ryohei wouldn’t have so eagerly partake in the party, but there he is, witness of his shameless betrayal.
Tsunayoshi does look like he’s having a terrible night. The baby keeps pushing him to make small talk with the bigger names attending the party, and he still has to grow out fully of his shy, jittery, and insecure demeanor.
In the meantime he’s being looked down upon, and talked down upon. Hibari can tell from the way they stand around him, the way they look at him.
Hayato would have blow up each of their faces long ago if it wasn’t for Tsunayoshi.
No need for him to worry though, Hibari will bite these fools to death later.
Kusakabe puts himself between him and whoever was making his way over him. Hibari scowls harder, and tries to disappear through the wall.
Kusakabe doesn’t put himself between him and Tsunayoshi, and Tsunayoshi gives him a jealous look while walking by him.
He puts his hands on his hips. “And why don’t I have a competent bodyguard like Kusakabe?”
“What do you think we are?”
“Useless, that’s what. Did you even talk to anyone yet?” Hibari glares, and Tsunayoshi pouts. “Yeah, I thought so.” He slumps against the wall next to him, and sighs loudly. “Well, you’re all useless except for Hayato of course. Bless his soul.”
Hibari huffs. “You won’t even let him speak out.”
“Maybe, but trust me his flames talk for him just fine.” He snickers. “Also it’s the four times he received an important message he absolutely had to show me. In private of course.”
“And you threw him to the wolves in thanks.”
Hayato smiles up at some Donna who apparently never heard of personal space, and it wouldn’t surprise Hibari if he slips a mini dynamite in her bag before he manages to get rid of her.
Tsunayoshi elbows him in the side. “Don’t say it like that, it’s just teamwork alright? And I had to talk to you. Listen, can you find Chrome and check on her for me? I—”
“Chrome doesn’t need to be checked on.” Hibari rolls his eyes. “Just leave her be.”
“I know that, it’s not like that. Do you have to make every instance of me worrying about you belittling?”
“You don’t worry half as much about the rest of us.”
Tsunayoshi throws his hands up in the air. “I wish I could! You know, instead of worrying about literally everyone else in a five miles radius around you?”
Hibari smirks proudly, and Tsunayoshi rolls his eyes. A particularly high-pitched and fake laugh draws their attention to Mukuro and the woman he’s currently entertaining.
Tsunayoshi smiles. “Isn’t it nice he stuck with us for so long already?”
“How suspicious.”
“I know. Do you think he’ll start the mass Mist flames-induced hallucinations soon? Or maybe he’s messing with the food or something?” He sighs. “I wish he would.”
Tsunayoshi sighs again, long and dreamy. He keeps the façade for a whole second before dissolving into a fit of giggles, sharing a knowing look with Hibari.
Hibari huffs a laugh, then chuckles silently, his shoulders shaking.
“I could just bite them all to death.”
“I wish I could let you. Ah, gotta go save Hayato before he commits a murder. Just go check on Chrome quickly, okay? Please? I leave it to you, Kyoya!”
Hibari watches him scurry off, and parts from the wall with a sigh. He walks around the room looking for Mist flames affected area, utterly ignoring any and all who try to catch his attention.
He finds Chrome on the balcony, sat against the wall. There’re subtle Mist flames around her, that don’t appear to make her blend in the surrounding more than stopping whoever is looking at her to register her presence.
Hibari smirks. She would have tricked him if he wasn’t so familiar with her flames.
He leans against the wall. “What are you doing? You’re better than that. Just stare them down hard enough until they take the hint.”
Chrome smiles. “Reborn-kun explicitly said we had to play nice. When you can’t engage with the enemy, you have to make sure not to cross path with them. It’s 101 battles strategies, Kyoya-kun.”
“Then leave. Make yourself a Mist double. One for me too.”
She shakes her head. “Don’t tempt me. Did Mukuro-kun make one?” she adds after a beat.
“Surprisingly no.”
“It’s surprising you’re still here too, you know,” she teases, and he rolls his eyes. Chrome stretches out her legs in front of her, smooths her skirt. She sighs. “I’m not good at this.”
Hibari scoffs. “You fit right in then.”
“Not true,” Chrome says, grinning nonetheless. “It must be even harder for Mukuro-kun, but he’s talking with all these people so easily. I thought it’d be better if I stayed aside instead of ending up making all of you look bad.”
“Like we care, or are any better. Don’t be stupid.” He offers his hand, and Chrome hesitates for only a second. “Hayato will blow up something soon. Or a someone if we’re lucky. You don’t want to miss that.”
Chrome laughs. “No, I don’t think I want to. Thank you, Kyoya-kun.”
She smiles warmly at him, and he shrugs, averting his eyes.
“Let’s go.”
Chrome takes the lead, a joyful skip in her steps. Hibari snorts.
She whips around, the way she suddenly feels self-conscious written all over her face.
“Did you just laugh at me?”
“You did! Kyoya-kun it’s so mean, what is it?” She spins on herself, twisting her head to see above her shoulders. “Is it my hair? Is it my clothes?”
Chrome makes a mirror out of her flames, and Hibari holds back another chuckle at the way she flails in front of it.
“You’re fine, hold still.”
He swats her hands away from her hair, and slides them above her shoulder. He tucks in the tag of her jacket.
Chrome inhales sharply, turns to him red-faced, her hands covering the back of her neck.
“You let me walk around with my tag out this whole time? Oh my god, you guys! I’m not going back in there.”
“Don’t be stupid, it’s tucked in now, isn’t it?” Hibari takes her hand and drags her inside, Chrome putting up a halfhearted fight. “Tsunayoshi asked for you.”
Chrome complains to him the whole night, and Hibari has Mukuro hiding the tag of her skirt with his flames instead of bringing it to her attention.
Girls are so unreasonable sometimes.
This is after the second Inheritance Ceremony. I headcanon it happens after they all finished high school.
They’re on a first name basis because let’s be honest, KHR is just one big found family trope with a side of supernatural colorful flames, and there’s no point if they don’t actually grow close to each other.
Hibari is also on a first name basis, but only when talking to them and them only, and also with the people who are in their immediate closest circle.
Otherwise he uses his animal vocabulary of his, and also when he’s annoyed with them. (He can’t let people know he feels after all, god forbid.)
Only Lambo is always called little animal (and Tsuna actually felt proud when he went from little animal to omnivore lol), and he doesn’t mind at all because he takes it as the endearing nickname it is.
Reborn is, what, five or six years old here? But Hibari still calls him baby, and he finds it incredibly funny how he can always tell how incredibly annoying it is for Reborn. He keeps it up for a couple of years more lol.
Hibari didn’t leave the after party yet (nor Mukuro), because Reborn said they needed to stay around for at least two hours, but he actually never said they needed to talk with anyone.
Hibari manages to not talk to anyone until he could leave.
(But then he actually doesn’t leave, because Tsuna obviously can’t leave the party held for him until there’s no more guests, and he sticks out with him along with the other Guardians.)
And the party goes quite well, all things considered. Tsuna is really proud of them.
Yamamoto and Mukuro make themselves enemies of everyone who dared to talk bad of Tsuna or the rest of them with smiles, and a sweet/cheerful voice, and not-so-subtle-turning-to-threats insults the longer the party went on.
(And I headcanon it’s something that would happen because yeah Tsuna was trained by the World’s Greatest Hitman and literally saved the whole universe among other things, but he was still a civilian literally only a couple of years ago, and almost all of his Guardians were civilians too, so I think they’d actually be that much full of themselves to look down upon him/them.)
Ryohei plays it oblivious because he knows he’s not subtle enough to not escalate things if he were to confront them. But you better believe he remembers their names and their face, and, well, you know, will take the opportunity for sweet revenge when it will present itself.
And Hibari feels betrayed he blends in that well because he’s the one who is supposed to be out-of-place in moments like this with him, in his own way.
(When Hibari is not enough—withdrawn and cold and silent—, Ryohei is too much—too extreme, takes too much place, too friendly.)
But if Ryohei has to hear them talk bad about Tsuna, he sure as hell can make sure it won’t be because of him, so he makes sure to be in his best behavior.
Lambo sticks around the buffet to cheer himself up first (and yeah he tried to flirt with the women lol), but then he picks up on Yamamoto’s and Mukuro’s flames, and at their signal starts messing up the food of those particular people.
Ryohei distracts them to give him the opportunities, and makes sure he doesn’t get caught. Then Chrome joins them and it becomes much more easy, and more... inventive too.
(A lot of them are bed-ridden the next couple of days.)
Gokudera doesn’t actually blow up anything, or anyone. It’s too flashy, and he became more subtle with the years. And who needs dynamite when your flame’s attribute is disintegration?
Do you know the humiliation of losing your pants in public, or having a piece of cloth torn in a way that expose you? Or having food all over your clothes and face because the plate literally exploded in your hands?
Yeah, them too.
(I said he became more subtle, I didn’t say anything about becoming more mature azerfgthjkl.)
Hibari just enjoys the spectacle from aside (alongside Reborn), and puts a target on random people's back just because he can lol.
And like I said, Tsuna is really proud of them.
(And if later people have the nerve to come complain to him, he goes full on No-Good, oblivious, what-the-hell-do-you-expect-me-to-do Tsuna on them, all the while cackling on the inside.)
I feel like Hibari would be the big brother of the group. A very enabling big brother, who absolutely will be right by your side helping you to cause maximum damage (and who does plenty of damages on his own), but a big brother nonetheless.
Ryohei is the actual, reliable, reasonable-ish (emphasis on the ish) big brother.
Mukuro could be a big brother too, but does he care to? He really doesn’t. He’s actually right there besides Lambo in how willing he is to listen to his every whim lol.
Yamamoto, Gokudera and Chrome are the middle siblings.
And Tsuna is, of course, you would have guessed it, the mother of the group. Unless, of course, he can’t take any more of this mafia bullshit and lets them go loose to their heart content.
(The paperwork is absolutely worth it.)
Thank you for reading! Any and all review are appreciated ^^.
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vannahfanfics · 5 years ago
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Category: Mild Romantic Fluff
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Characters: Tsunayoshi Sawada, Kyoko Sasagawa
Hello, everyone! Here is my story for Day 3 of Katekyo Hitman Reborn! RarePair Week, for the Prompt “Hilarious or Shocking Reveals”!
Tsunayoshi Sawada had shed tears many times in his young (and unfortunately harrowing) life. He honestly never dreamed he would be blinking away tears while staring admiringly at the rolled-up diploma in his hands. His quivering fingers bent the thin paper when they curled tightly around it. He sunk his front teeth into his bottom lip, but his mind was numb to the dull pain of the action. With a sudden squeal of delight, he crushed the paper in his fist and threw his hands in the air.
“I did it! I graduated high school!” he crowed triumphantly. He puffed out his chest and put his curled fists on his hips to close his eyes and inhale haughtily. “I am not No-Good Tsuna anymore!”
“Yes, you are.” Tsunayoshi deflated like a popped balloon to cast a sordid glare at his home tutor. Reborn had grown significantly in the last several years since the Arcoboleno curse had dissipated, now standing at Tsunayoshi’s waist. The man trapped in a child’s body still dressed way too sharp for his apparent age, donning a neat, pressed suit and his magic chameleon disguised as a hat. He sipped matter-of-factly at his coffee and smirked teasingly at Tsuna. “That paper in your hand doesn’t change the fact that you still have a long way to go- and it was my teachings that earned you that diploma, anyway.”
“Ahhh, Reborn, you’re just as ruthless as ever,” Tsunayoshi grumped and pouted at the diploma. I don’t care what Reborn says! This is an accomplishment, and I’m gonna treat it like one!
“Tsuna, Tsuna!” Takeshi called as he came trotting up, beaming as always, with his father watching with a pleased smile from a distance. “My old man says he’ll treat us to sushi tonight. Everyone is invited!”
“I want sushi! I want sushi!” Lambo sprang out from the bushes where he had been presumably playing in the dirt looking for worms, as evidenced by the smears of soil he left on Tsuna’s uniform pants as he pawed at them. Tsunayoshi recoiled with a whine, looking dejectedly at the streaks of brown disfiguring his pants. Lambo skipped over to Takeshi and began running circles around him, bleating about sushi. The afroed boy had undergone a similar growth spurt, only slightly shorter than Reborn, but he had not acquired much in the way of maturity. Takeshi laughed good-naturedly and patted Lambo on the head affectionately. Nothing ever dampens Yamamoto’s spirits, Tsunayoshi thought warmly.
“Hey, little brat, you’re so loud,” Hayato griped as he strolled up with his hands in his pockets, and his diploma tucked in a back one. Scowling, he pushed on the back of Lambo’s head with the sole of his shoe. Though it couldn’t have hurt much, Lambo still took great offense. The little boy plopped down on his behind and began to bawl, screaming about how mean Hayato was to him. “Shut up, you baby! I didn’t hurt you!”
“Gokudera! Stop tormenting my dear sweet Lambo!” Tsunayoshi narrowed his eyes at the familiar but very out-of-place voice. Haru came running into the schoolyard to scoop Lambo up and press him into her bosom. Lambo cooed and snuggled into her breasts, clearly with lascivious intent, but Haru nuzzled his fuzzy head endearingly.
“What are you even doing here?!” the bomb expert griped. She shot him a seditious pout and a stony glare.
“I came to see Tsuna graduate, of course! Our school just finished, so I rushed over here. And what do I find? Gokudera is as much a villain as always!”
“Oh, can it, stalker!”
“I am not a stalker! I am a lady in love!”
Tsunayoshi abandoned the duo to their quibbling and pushed himself onto his tip-toes, head craned back to scan the many craniums of the students mingling in the courtyard. He did not find who he was looking for, but close enough. He could hear Ryohei screaming about the usual nonsense from a mile away. Wherever Ryohei is, Kyoko must be! he thought and pushed into the crowd.
Tsunayoshi was still small compared to his peers, so squeezing through the many chattering students was a chore. He followed Ryohei’s crowing and howling laughter towards the center of the mass of people. With a grunt, he pushed through two very stocky football players before stumbling out into a circle of green grass. Tsking, he smoothed out the creases in his shirt and pants and fixed his fluffy bangs, then inhaled deeply and straightened his back. He fingered the box-shaped lump in his front pocket nervously, eyeing the beautiful young girl chatting amiably with her overzealous boxer brother.
All right, Tsuna! It’s now or never!
“Kill him! Kill the Vongola Tenth!”
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me!” Tsunayoshi screeched in anger and tore at his orangey-caramel hair in frustration. As machine-gun fire ripped across the yard, the new graduates erupted into confused screams and scattered like marbles. Thankfully, whoever was attacking only meant to entice the Vongola family into retaliating, so the fire harmlessly rained down into the grass and concrete. Ryohei shoved Kyoko behind him and threw up his fists, while Tsunayoshi begrudgingly trotted over to stand beside him.
“What cowards! Show your faces and fight like a man!” Ryohei yowled and shook his bandage-wrapped fists.
“Can they not?” Tsunayoshi replied with a groan. “Can they just go home?” The yard had thinned in a matter of seconds; all the crowd had spilled out into the streets and run for cover, leaving just the mafia family behind. Takeshi had drawn his katana and Hayato his bombs. Kyoya (who had been lounging around the school though he had graduated before them) was standing across the yard with his tonfa, frowning. Chrome, brandishing her trident, scampered up with Haru clinging to the hem of her shirt. Lambo was sitting in a puddle of his tears, and Reborn was nonchalantly sipping the last dregs of his coffee.
“Reborn! Do you have any idea who these thugs are?” The Vongola Tenth asked his tutor. Reborn pretended not to hear him. “You little-! Gaaaaaah, let’s just get this over with,” Tsunayoshi huffed and activated his Dying Will Flame, alighting his forehead with the orange glow and materializing his gloves on his hands. “Come out!”
“Yeah, so I can blow you all to Hell!” Hayato sneered. Dozens of armed men in black suits appeared on the rooftops, with a man in a mink overcoat at their head.
“My name is- Hey, what the fu-?” Tsunayoshi didn’t give the mafia leader a chance to introduce himself, instead opting to blast his way up to the roof and drop-kick him in the face. As their leader slid across the tiled roof with an imprint of Tsunayoshi’s shoe across his forehead, the underlings could only gawk at Tsunayoshi’s malice and prowess. Tsunayoshi, his expression blank, flexed his fingers.
“One day. Can’t I have one day without some goons crashing in and threatening my life and the lives of my friends? Seriously, did it have to be graduation day?” Tsunayoshi griped as he advanced on the man, who was now crawling away on his hands and knees blubbering. The men around Tsunayoshi howled angrily and trained their weapons on him, but before any of them could fire a single shot, his Guardians jumped into the fray. Within seconds, the attackers’ formation crumbled into chaos. Tsunayoshi ignored the mania to stride over to the leader.
“Have mercy!” the leader pleaded as he pressed back against the roof’s wall, shaking like a leaf and staring fearfully at Tsunayoshi. Using Leon in the form of a mini-helicopter, Reborn perched himself atop the fence and tutted at the poor excuse of a man.
“How shameful. Did you really think you could take on the Vongola Tenth with such a small force and such little resolve? This is an insult.”
Tsunayoshi smothered his Dying Will flame and pouted up at his tutor.
“Rebornnnnn, please don’t tell me this was some kind of training exercise or scheme…”
“Of course not. Even I am kind enough to allow you to enjoy your graduation day.”
“Y-you asshole! How dare you patronize me!” the mafia boss screamed and lunged at Tsunayoshi. A knife glinted in the sunlight, shooting towards Tsunayoshi’s throat, but his hyper-intuition made dodging it an easy task. The young Vongola Tenth side-stepped the attack, leaving the manic man stumbling across the roof. Takeshi dispatched him with a neck-chop to his pressure point, and he crumpled like a doll.
“That was no fun. I wanted a challenge,” the swordsman whined and sheathed his katana.
“I would rather not have to deal with stuff like this at all! One day! Just one! That’s all I want!” Tsunayoshi argued. Takeshi just laughed animatedly, like he always did, squinting his eyes happily. When he stopped, he glanced down at the ground with a confused grunt.
“Oh? Tsuna, what’s that?”
Tsunayoshi knew exactly was Takeshi was referring to and released a high-pitched screech, but before he could retrieve the precious object, Lambo scampered over and swiped it.
“No! Lambo! Give it back!” he wailed and chased the afroed, horned child across the roof. Lambo screamed elatedly, pleased with the chase, and opened the box as he ran in circles with Tsunayoshi in hot pursuit.
“A ring! It’s a ring!” Everyone froze, including the girls, who had just mounted the steps.
“Ahhhhhh! Tsuna is finally going to make Haru his mafia wife!” Haru trilled and clasped her hands beside her cheek. Clenching his teeth, Tsunayoshi shot her an incredulous look before lunging for Lambo, who had stopped running in his bewilderment of everyone’s reactions. He yelped as Tsunayoshi snatched the ring box and hid it behind his back.
“Lambo’s lying! It’s not a ring!”
“Uh, yeah it is, Sawada,” Kyoya blinked disinterestedly. Tsunayoshi growled at him, infuriated that he was no help to his cause; it was just par for the course, because since when did Kyoya care about anything but his naps and the middle school?
“Who’s it for? Who’s it for, Tsuna?” Ryohei grinned and bolted over to shake him. Tsunayoshi released startled gasps as his brain rattled in his skull along with all his other bones under the boxer’s relentless jarring.
“Gah! Ah! For the love of-! Kyoko! It’s for Kyoko!” he choked out. Ryohei ceased shaking him to gawk stupidly at him. Tsunayoshi went pink from the base of his neck to the top of his forehead. He shouldered away from his Sun Guardian, fidgeting with the box incessantly. Kyoko gawked wide-eyed at him from across the roof, mouth agape. Ugh! I had wanted to do this in private, but since when does anything in my life go as planned? he lamented. He cleared his throat before striding over to the girl, trying to seem dignified. It was a meaningless effort, because his knees buckled as soon as he reached her. “K-kyoko,” he stammered, then swallowed thickly, hating how quivery his voice was. He tried again, opening the box as he did so to reveal a silver band with a tiny pink opal in the center.
“K-Kyoko, this isn’t how I wanted this to go, but…. I’ve loved you for a long time. You were the motivation to get me through the hardest parts of my life. This is a promise ring,” he explained with a glance down at the jewelry. “M-my life is really dangerous now, with the mafia and all, and because of that, I’ve put your life in danger far too many times… B-but, with this ring, I promise to protect you, always, a-a-and love you w-with everything I h-h-have…” His voice grew high-pitched and trembly at the end, making his blush redden to a tomato color. With shaking lips and shaking hands, he extended the ring to her. “P-please be my girlfriend, Kyoko!”
“Nice delivery,” Hayato muttered sarcastically, which made him hunch his shoulders up to his ears. He heard Hayato yelp as his sister slapped him upside the head. Still, he kept his eyes firmly locked on Kyoko’s face, watching as she studied the ring curiously. His breath halted as she reached out with slim fingers to pull the ring from the box and admire it in the sunlight. The little pink opal sparkled beautifully, but not nearly as wonderfully as her eyes, Tsunayoshi thought. His heart somersaulted in his ribcage as she smiled broadly and slipped the ring onto her right ring finger.
“I accept.”
“Yes!” Tsunayoshi howled and threw his hands in the air triumphantly. “Kyoko said she’ll go out with me! This is the best day of my life!”
“Sawada!” Tsunayoshi cringed and hid behind Kyoko as Ryohei barked his name. He hunched down to peer above Kyoko’s tiny shoulder, watching fearfully as her elder brother stomped across the roof to cross his arms and glowered down at him.
“R-ryohei, I can explain…”
“No. I’ve heard enough,” he grunted with a stern expression. Tsunayoshi whined and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing himself for one of the boxer’s devastating punches. Instead, he felt a hand ruffling his fluffy hair. He cracked an eye open to see Ryohei grinning and even crying a little. “This is so exciting! I know you will take care of my sweet little sister.”
“I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself, big brother. You’re the one who needs taking care of, getting beat up all the time!”
“Heyyy, Kyoko, that was so mean…”
“So are Tsuna and Kyoko getting married?” Lambo asked Chrome while sucking on his index finger.
“No, no, they are just dating,” the illusionist responded. “I think…”
“Hey! This is just one more thing to celebrate over sushi!” Takeshi laughed good-naturedly.
“I’m leaving,” Kyoya snorted and whirled on his heel to begin striding for the stairs. He bristled when Takeshi clapped a hand on his shoulder and turned him around.
“Come on, Hibari, don’t be such a stick in the mud! Surely you like sushi? My father makes the best.” Kyoya glowered before clicking his tongue thoughtfully.
“Do you have tuna sashimi?”
“Of course.”
“Fine. But I’m going for the sashimi, not because we’re friends.”
“Sure, sure.”
Tsunayoshi watched fondly as his friends rejoiced on the rooftop, smiling alighting their faces like beacons as always. As Ryohei scampered over to throw his arms around a laughing Takeshi’s shoulders, Kyoko looked at him with a sweet smile, making Tsunayoshi’s heart stop in his chest.
“You’ll keep your promise, won’t you, Tsuna?” He blinked, then smiled lovingly at the girl he had adored for the longest time.
“Of course, Kyoko. I’ll protect you with my life. I swear it.” His eyes snapped wide open when she leaned in to press a small kiss to his cheek, leaving bright pink heat in her wake.
“Good- but don’t be in a hurry to throw your life away. I’d miss you so much, Tsuna.” Smiling charmingly, she skipped over to Haru and Chrome, wherein they cooed over the pretty pink-gemmed ring. Tsunayoshi slowly raised a hand to his cheek, a smile slowly spreading over his face.
“I’m proud of you, Tsuna,” Reborn remarked and patted the back of his thigh. “I never thought you’d do it, really.”  
“It’s all thanks to you, Reborn. You gave me courage.”
“No,” the mafioso retorted with a sly smirk. “You always had the courage. I just taught you how to find it.” Tsunayoshi nodded in agreement.
“Yeah. You sure did, Reborn.”
Enjoy this oneshot? Feel free to peruse my Table of Contents!
Tag List: @khrrarepairweek​, @deliathedork​
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thehandworld · 5 months ago
AI-less Whumptober - Day 30 - Poison @ailesswhumptober
Boring... The Storm looked at the gala, important people drinking, chatting, and eating, there were some of the Guardians already also engaging in some talk. Ryohei was there talking about his next boxing competition, and then there was Yamamoto, who had some women and men gaping about why he stopped being a professional baseball player.
He could see Lambo with some teens, having fun drinking or participating in a competition. He couldn't understand exactly what that was, as Gokudera sighs and looks. Chrome was also there, more shy but still talking with some other girls, all of them had some mission to complete there.
They all had something to accomplish there, but in all honesty, Gokudera's was to make sure that Tsuna would be safe and that nothing wrong happened to him, as he stayed at his side. Looking at the brunette talking with some Don's he looked around some more. Finding Hibari on the second floor watching from there, far away from everyone.
Then there was Mukuro, it took a little more to find the Male Mist, but he was on the opposite side of Hibari, also looking from the second floor. It made sense as the two didn't like much to socialize, and he turned back his eyes to Tsuna and to his drink.
Hey Tenth, let me taste it before you drink.
Tsuna frowned but nodded, handing the drink to Gokudera, who took a sip, instantly he let go of the glass and took a step back. Block everyone from leaving... He presses a button in the communicator as he grasps his chest tightly, Tsuna instantly going to his side holding him up. "NII-SAN! COME HERE!"
Gokudera leans against the wall as he shakes his head, it was good his resistance to poison was high, but, was it enough? There was a sound of jump, and then he felt the sun flames over his chest. As Gokudera gasps and coughs blood, whimpering as he feels the pain spread across his body. Stop... Please...
Falling harder in his knee. "Someone! Call Shamal! Hey, Nii-san can you carry him to the side room?" Ryohei gently grabs him up, and then walks to the side room, done for the guardians to properly rest and without worrying about noise. Done that the Sun frowned as he tried to use the Sun flames again, only for Hayato to yell in pain.
"I can't use the sunflames... He ends up worsening." Ryohei says as he leaves the room so Gokudera can rest. "I'm gonna grab Shamal." With that the boxer left, running to go grab Shamal who luckily was closer.
A dizzy head, and a wish to throw up, but nothing really comes out, as he lays down on the couch, feeling his body burn, as well felt like every blood vein in his body is exploding. Gokudera got up, just to fall again, they needed... they needed...
"You need to keep resting." He looked when he felt the rain flames calming his body and so moving to lay him down. "Shamal will be here soon, so deep breaths. Tsuna is looking to figure out where the poison came from and who is to blame. Hibari and Mukuro are both helping, while Chrome-chan and Lambo are making sure that the doors are closed. So you can rest."
The storm nods at that, coughing more blood, as he closes his eyes. Tired...
"Yeah, I know... Rest. I will stay close to you to protect you."
Gokudera nods again as he lets himself fall asleep. It was lucky that he was the one to have the poison, as his high resistance to poison from years of his sister's poison food, helped him survive that one.
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naminomm · 5 years ago
Tsuna X Reader - Just a girlfriend?
“Oh come on, stop it! You are heavy!!” You whined as your brown haired boyfriend leaned down on you. He just walked into the room after another meeting and like always he goes straight to you and bothers you in some sort of way. You were in the middle of reading a book when suddenly he came out of no where and decided to lean down on you with all his weight, burying his face in your neck. You huffed, knowing very well he has more work, and as long as he procrastinating, you wont eat dinner together. “Go finish your work… And then I will make dinner for the both of us.” You said as he huffed back at you, blowing slightly on your neck and making you giggle. He kissed your cheek and went back upstairs to his office where you saw his right hand, Gonkudera Hayato, with his green tired eyes standing there waiting for him.
You knew how hard it is for them, all this work and meetings, so much paperwork and worries.  Most of the time,Tsuna is afraid you might get hurt while there is an unknown mafia coming in for a meeting, so he would ask someone who isn’t in the meeting to stay with you. Most of the times, it was the raven hair hitman, as they were very close since the beginning of Tsuna’s way to a mafia boss. “Hey.” You heard a voice calling you. You were just thinking about his and here he is. Reborn. “I’m coming Reborn.” You said to the hitman closing your book and getting up from your seat.
The both of you walked around the Vongola mansion. Outside you saw your boyfriend’s left hand, Yamamato Takeshi, standing under a tree talking on the phone. You guessed he was talking to his girlfriend, as he just returned from a mission of 2 weeks. You also saw the mist guardians, Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro, as Chrome gave you a faint smile while Mukuro was lying on her knees, complaining about Fran and what happened in their training. You didn’t see Lambo around, but whenever he has free time he would go out with other friends, he is a teenager after all. Not seeing Hibari didn’t surprised you as well. Usually he is also in the meetings, or alone in his office and paper works, or in his school. There are rumors around the mansion that he has a girlfriend, but no one bothered him about that. Seeing everyone made you sighed. Saying you are jealous of the people who work with Tsuna is stupid, you are lucky they give you permission to even stay so close next to all the action, as it is dangerous. Dating a mafia boss wasn’t an easy thing but you loved him. You were scared most of the times that he would get killed in a mission or even a meeting. You were also scared of all the females you see in the parties and the balls. Balls has a fond memory for you, as he asked you to be his girlfriend at a ball but they made you feel self conscious and make worried he will leave you or betray you. Silly thought no? Considering who is Tsuna and how kind he is. But at the end of the day, he didn’t belong to you. You were just his girlfriend and to some people that’s a “replaceable” state. 
“Hey, you are overthinking again, aren’t you?” Said Reborn.  You shared with Reborn a lot of your thoughts and worries, all these walks you do together made you become close friends. He knows you very well, and you are glad he never told your boyfriend about your insecurities, even if Tsuna found them out anyway. “Don’t worry.” Reborn said giving you a calming smile. You smiled back at him as you also slightly sighed.   “Yeah, you are right.”
You and Reborn walked for almost two hours, talking about everything and nothing, he even told you some more stories of Tsuna’s youth to bring up your mood.
When you finally went back home, Reborn opened the door for you, letting you see how the living room was full of candles and flowers leading to the dinning room, where you see a table set for two and a wonderful dinner. Next to the table, was none other than your boyfriend, holding a wonderful bouquet of roses. His messy brown hair, his brown cheerful eyes lit up as he saw you come in, his gentle smile and the way he looks at you like you are the most beautiful girl, even when wearing jeans and a t-shirt, made all your worries go away. You didn’t even noticed Reborn closing the door behind you as you walked to Tsuna with a smile on your face. You places the flowers aside, he pulled your chair for you to sit down.  You giggled at his gentleman gestures before sitting down and noticing how on the plate in front of you there is a small box.  You looked over to Tsuna who gestured you to open it. Upon opening the box you see a ring inside, but not just any ring, diamond ring, an engagement ring. Not to big, not to small, just perfect size, not too much of attention grabber, not to unnoticeable. Just the perfect ring you always dreamed of. You looked at your boyfriend, seeing him now on one knee.   Tears filled your eyes as you could also see a slight panic in him from seeing you about to cry. He still took your hand and asked “Will you be my wife?” 
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twilightfragments · 5 years ago
Denial Can Be a Two-Sided Thing
Title: Denial Can Be a Two-Sided Thing
Author: OfSnakesandCentaurs
Rating: T
Event: @khrrarepairweek
Prompt: Sun Day (Isekai AU/Shocking, Hilarious Reveals)
Summary: The journey to realize one’s feelings is never an easy one, and you might find yourself being the last person to find out.
Tags/Warnings: Cursing
For two very, very smart people, Haru and Hayato weren’t that great in being inconspicuous.
They liked to claim otherwise, but they’re both people who wore their emotions on their sleeves, and weren’t the subtlest when it came to their actions. 
And it was even more funny when it turned out they were the last people to find out about their feelings for each other.
I. Yamamoto
Yamamoto likes to think that he’s pretty close to the hot-headed Storm Guardian. 
That didn’t mean they always get along, but he had become surprisingly adept at reading what’s in the silver-haired Italian’s mind, even when he was still very much dense about other things.
As a result, he had his first suspicion when Gokudera nearly blew up a guy for making inappropriate comments about Haru.
They were hanging out with the girls and the kids, simply walking down Namimori and enjoying the day. Gokudera had grumbled a bit when he was dragged along, but he didn’t seem to mind that much.
For a while, Yamamoto had thought that nothing would happen.
And then some guy just had to go and ruin it. 
“Looking good, babes. Especially you, Ms. Ponytail.” A guy walking the opposite direction cat-called, winking in Haru’s direction. The girls visibly flinched, and although they tried to smile, Yamamoto could tell that they were uncomfortable as they scooted closer to each other.
Yamamoto clenched his fist, and was about to say something to bring the mood up when he heard Gokudera clicked his tongue beside him. 
“Excuse me, Juudaime, but I just remembered I have something to take care of.”
“Huh? Oh, ok, Gokudera-san. See you later.”
Gokudera smiled brightly at Tsuna, but somehow Yamamoto could tell that there was something hiding behind that smile. Something just waiting to explode. So as the silver-haired Italian walked off, Yamamoto couldn’t help but worry.
“Sorry Tsuna, I just remembered I have something to do to.” 
He ran to catch up with Gokudera, whose face was becoming darker and darker with fury as he headed in the direction of the guy.
“Ma, ma, Gokudera, calm down.” He waved his hands around, but Gokudera didn’t notice him at all and began to get some of his dynamites out. “Come on, let’s not do anything drastic here-WAIT WHERE ARE YOU PUTTING THOSE?!”
II. Bianchi
Bianchi knows love more than anyone, so she could safely say that she was the first person to notice the signs. Sure, they argue more than what was necessary, but if you ask her opinion she would say that there’s undeniably some kind of tension there.
That thought only solidified when she saw Haru taking care of her dear brother.
“Thank you for doing this, Haru.”
“No problem, Bianchi-san. I was in the neighborhood anyways.” The brunette smiled as wiped some of the sweat off Hayato’s face.
It all started when Hayato came to the Sawada’s house looking for Tsuna, put he was met with Bianchi instead. And to no one’s surprise, he fainted the moment he saw her face. Normally, she would stay and take care of him, but she was due to go on an errand with Mama.
Luckily, Haru was nearby (probably also looking for Tsuna) and she was roped into looking after Hayato. She didn’t object, which was surprising to Bianchi. Not to say there wasn’t some initial objections, but she agreed faster than Bianchi thought.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright?” Bianchi asked. “My brother can be a handful.”
“Don’t worry, Bianchi-san. I can handle things here.”
The pink-haired girl nodded and walked towards the door. She trusted Haru, after all, she was a good girl. As Bianchi neared the exit, she couldn’t help but glance back one more time, and saw Haru smiling down at Hayato while moving some stray hairs from his face.
Yup, there was definitely something there.
Now to get them together.
III. Kyoko
Kyoko never gave the idea of Gokudera and Haru possibly liking each other any thought. After all, from what she could tell, they absolutely cannot stand each other. And yet, something happened that made her question it.
They had just been at La Namimorine, and was on their way home. Kyoko was laughing and talking, but quickly stopped when she noticed that the brunette wasn’t by her side.
She swivelled her head to see Haru’s eyes glued onto a shop window. Cocking her head to one side in confusion, she walked over to see what Haru was looking at.
“A leather jacket?” Kyoko asked. “Why are you looking at that, Haru-chan?”
“Hahi!” Haru jolted. “Kyoko-chan! Sorry, did I get distracted?”
“It’s ok. Were you thinking about buying that?”
“Haru doesn’t know. It’s not for Haru.”
“Oh? Who’re you planning to buy that for?”
The brunette turned away abruptly, her cheeks flaring a crimson shade. She mumbled something that Kyoko couldn’t make out.
“Ano, what did you say Haru-chan?”
“Gokudera-san.” She quietly muttered, but it was enough for her to be able to hear it. Kyoko blinked in surprise.
“Hehh? Is that so? I didn’t expect that.”
“D-don’t get Haru wrong! It’s for his birthday!” Haru waved her hands around frantically.
“Really? Is his birthday coming up? I never knew.”
“Bianchi told Haru. Haru still doesn’t know if she should get him anything, he’s so rude to her.” Haru harrumphs, but then her voice softened. “But then again, Gokudera-san did give Haru that sketchbook she wanted on her birthday.”
Kyoko watched Haru, a smile appearing on her face. She remembered that sketchbook, the brunette had fawned over it for days. 
“Maybe you should, it certainly fits that bad boy look he has going on.”
“But Haru doesn’t even know his size!” She exclaimed. She gave the jacket one more look before turning away. “You know what? Maybe not, maybe Haru will find something else. Let’s go home Kyoko-chan.” Haru walked ahead of Kyoko.
The brown-haired girl gazed at the jacket and smiled wider before catching up with Haru.
IV. Reborn
Reborn would like to call bull on every single person who claimed that they saw the signs first because he was undoubtedly and unquestionable the first person to know about it. Hell, he even knew about it before they began to act even remotely civilized towards each other.
It was the usual chaotic day at the Sawada household. Lambo annoying Gokudera as the silver-haired Storm Guardian chased after the five-year-old. Haru was also joining the chase, shouting for Gokudera to “stop bullying Lambo.” 
When it inevitably ended with Lambo crying, Haru scooped him up and began reprimanding Gokudera, which quickly turned into a full-blown argument. Now, for any normal human they would see it for what it is. An argument. 
But Reborn saw more than that. He saw the hint of a smile tugging at the corner of Gokudera’s lips. He saw Haru’s eyebrows scrunching up in anger, but also saw the tiniest blush on her cheeks. And most importantly, he saw their eyes, the way they looked at each other.
Cautious, maybe some annoyance, but there was curiosity and some interest.
Ah, they were being so obvious.
“What are you smiling about Reborn?”
“None of your business, Tsuna.”
“Heh, that’s creepy.”
That remark earned Tsuna a smack.
V. Hayato/Haru
Hayato didn’t know how he was roped into walking the damn woman home. It was Reborn who requested, almost demanding, it and even Juudaime had agreed, saying that it was dangerous for a girl to walk alone at night.
He could agree with that, he might not be able to stand her, but that didn’t mean he wanted something to happen to her. And the walk had been silent so far, something he was grateful for, as he could still hear her loud voice ringing in his ears.
“Ano Gokudera-san?”
“What?” He said gruffly. Haru frowned, but astonishingly she didn’t blew up.
“Haru heard that your birthday was coming up.”
“Ha? Who told you that?”
“Bianchi-san did.”
Hayato furrowed his eyebrows, unsure of what she wanted. “So?”
“Are you doing anything?”
“Probably not,” he snorted. “It’s just another day to me.”
“Hahi! How could you say that? A person’s birthday is important! It’s the day you’re born!”
“So what? It’s not like I’ve had many good memories of my birthday.”
That put a damp mood on the conversation as Haru’s eyes widened. She saw that he was trying to act nonchalant, but the sight of his eyes looking downcast told her otherwise. But she didn’t know what to say, so she kept silent.
They kept on walking, the awkward silence descending on them like a curtain. Hayato bristled, the silence affecting him more than he realized. 
“Why did you want to know anyways?” He couldn’t take it anymore and asked.
Haru snapped her head up. “Huh? Oh, Haru just want to know when she should bring the present.”
“You got me something? Geez woman, you shouldn’t have.”
“Why not? Gokudera-san gave Haru that sketchbook on her birthday, it was only fair for Haru to give something back.”
“Oh...right...that.” Hayato cursed his face for becoming red against his will for some unknown reason. “Did you like it?”
“Yes, Haru did! Haru has been inspired lately, and the sketchbook is very useful!”
“That’s good.” He couldn’t stop the grin from appearing when seeing her acting so upbeat. “Listen, if you want, maybe we can do something tomorrow. N-not just the two of us, of course!” He frantically said when he saw the flabbergasted look she gave him. “With everyone! I don’t know, just something small.”
“That’s perfect!” She smiled. “Maybe Bianchi-san can make you a cake!” She didn’t notice the way his face blanched and become deathly green.
“Yeah yeah,” he grumbled, but the grin was still there. “Just don’t give me something weird, stupid woman.”
“Hahi! It’s not weird!! And Haru’s name is Haru, not woman!”
As usual, they began arguing after that, but now more aware of that strange, inexplicable feeling blooming inside their heart.
Well, it was a start, at least.
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cielofics · 5 years ago
(Old) ICMSAR Omake II
WARNING(S): OCC's, Parent!bashing, depressing!thoughts, suicidal!tendencies,
NOTES: "Japanese" "Italian" Thinking 'Tsuna's eye speak' [Written Text] -Ghost speak-
DISCLAIMER: I do not own Katekyo Hitman Reborn. Amano Akira does.
On a bright, sunny morning; when the trees are whistling, birds are chirping, one can certainly say that it is a very peaceful morning for the citizens of Namimori.
-Or not.
Now why would anybody, so early in the morning, be shouting such threats to our dear favorite sadistic hitman tutor?
For that my dear readers, we need to go back in time
Usually, the Sawada household is known to be the noisiest house ever in Namimori due to the exotic people living there together. Gunshots, yelling, bombs, grenade could be seen flying all over the house and no matter the time, any of those could be heard. So why is that it's deadly silent now?
Maybe it could be because Sawada Ienari is away for a soccer match or maybe because the Sawada Nana is taking for a friend who fell ill and will be staying with her? Maybe it's because Fuuta, and I-pin and Bianchi are currently staying at Nebesa for who knows what reason?
But that makes no sense since there are other exotic members still present in the household. Sawada Tsunayoshi with his demon-in-disguise partner, Reborn, the ever faithful and loyal puppy, Gokudera Hayato, the oblivious to the core baseball player, Yamamoto Takeshi, the snotty and the loudest/youngest member, Lambo Bovino, the pineapple family, Rokudo Mukuro and Chrome Dokuro and lastly the skylark, Hibari Kyoya.
Why is it that Gokudera is not having a one-sided fight with Yamamoto? Why is Lambo not trying to kill Reborn? Why are Mukuro and Kyoya not fighting? Why is Chrome fidgeting more? Why is Reborn not trying to do anything sadistic?
Why is Sawada Tsunayoshi emitting such a dangerous KI?
Maybe that seems to be the reason why everyone is silent. Maybe the strong bloodlust emitting from the usually kind and cheerful brunet is the cause to everyone's unusual behavior.
Reborn, who is forever going to deny of even being a teensy tiny bit of scared from the brunet, decided to break the silence.
"Tsuna... is something wrong?" asked Reborn albeit hesitantly. Considering how Tsuna was mercilessly cutting the vegetables as though they were human heads was plainly... terrifying. What's more, you could definitely hear words that the brunet is muttering like murder, maid dress, grenades, reptiles, wild animals etc.  
Tsuna stopped cutting vegetables and Reborn swore that he saw an imaginary light bulb appear on the brunet's head.
"Ne Reborn..." asked Tsuna. Everyone straightened further; not liking how sickeningly sweet the brunet's voice sounded.  
"Do you want to help me murd- I mean tort- I mean tutor, Ienari?"
He definitely was about to say "murder" and "torture," wasn't he?!
Silence prevailed again. Most probably to let the sentence sink in.
Once it did, all hell broke loose.
Gokudera, Chrome and Yamamoto froze. Lambo spit out the drink he was drinking that landed on Gokudera's face yet he did not do a thing. Mukuro and Kyoya widened their eyes. Reborn looked at Tsuna with a weird glint in his eyes.
Everybody thought of one thing. Is he finally going to take revenge?
"Sure... but why" Reborn asked tilting his fedora upwards to meet his partner's eyes, which, by the way, were cold as ice.
"Stress Relieving." That one word was enough to bring chills within the rest.
Tsuna started chuckling evilly and everyone else could only pray to God to never be subjugated to Tsuna's punishment when he wants to 'relieve stress.'
'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' The Next Day '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'
XXX.....[3 A.M].....XXX
2 demons entered a certain blonde's room, who was blissfully unaware of his impending doom. The two demons glanced at each other and one took out a rope while the other a duct tape. It was then, you could clearly see the smirk on their faces as they proceeded towards the blonde.
This will be fun...
XXX.....[6 A.M].....XXX
Ring¬ Ring¬
The alarm sounded and the sleepy and unaware blonde tried his best to shut the dame alarm while failing miserably. Once he got tired, he opened his eyes to find where he kept his alarm when he noticed that he wasn't on his soft, comfy bed but rather at a really hard and rocky surface... while hanging upside down.
Completely woken up, he loked around and noticed him hanging off a cliff thats 100ft tall! Trying to move around, he finally took notice of something that would definitely put him to shame....
"WAH! WHY AM I WEARING A MAID'S COSTUME?!" he yelled, trying his best to think it's his imagination.
Now that did not seem friendly. He was afraid of what he would see... hesitantly he craned his necks towards the bottom and...
Reborn could only think of one person that could be capable of doing this and so he screamed at the top of his lungs, "REBORN, I"LL KILL YOU!!"
-And that my friends brings us back to the present.
"Ciaossu!" Reborn's voice resounded from the top of the cliff
"Can't you see you are hanging on a cliff?" Reborn's condescending voice came.
"Just because..."
A bullet grazed past Ienari's cheek. "Shut up, this is training punishment. Good luck on survival."
Without letting Ienari say anything, Reborn disappeared. He hung there for a while when he heard something being cut. When he noticed, his eyes bulged out.
He yelled, while keeping his eyes at the contraption slowly cutting the rope he's being hung with.
While Ienari was shouting and yelling and begging for help, Tsuna and Reborn could be seen observing from the distance while drinking their favorite coffees. Others who with them could only pity the victim.... now did they?
Reborn decided that yes, Tsuna was fun being around with, especially if they had to torture Ienari. But I wonder who taught him to be this sadistic? After all, how is it possible for a kind, innocent and shy brunet to be able to complete this?
He saw how Ienari was running around like a headless chicken in a torn up maid dress with supposedly extinct species of animals following after him. He could also see Tsunayoshi filming this entire thing from various angles. Let's not even mention the fact that Ienari just so happens to be running with people glancing at him and taking pictures while whispering some embarrassing things for Ienari, if the blush on Ienari's face isn't proof enough, Reborn doesn't knows what else can be.
Reborn can also say that Tsuna is pretty strong by himself. If carrying pepper sprays, tasers knockout darts in his watch (where did he get that?), darts filled with poison and sedatives (again, where does he gets all these stuff from?) combined with other weapons in his bottomless pocket... Tsuna's a waking arsenal. Hell, he managed to keep a gun in there! Not to mention, he's somehow using all those weapons he has to make Ienari's life more miserable...
"Tsuna, where did you get all of these... killing gadgets from?"
Tsuna merely smiled innocently in response. That smile would be convincing if he wasn't holding a poison filled darts and aiming it for his brother...
"2 technicians in Nebesa created these upon my request," Reborn cursed those stupid technicians for that. "They even created a robots army to ward off any mafias or stupid beings."
Reborn didn't ask for more. Nebesa was strong, Reborn decided. He just didn't how strong. He returned his attention to Ienari who was screaming his lungs out as the extinct wild species of animals were coming closer to him.
Reborn looked as a Jaguar came to Tsuna and dipped its head in submission.
"Aki! There you are!" Tsuna said pleased, handing the camera to Reborn to continue taking the movie.
"You keep a Jaguar as a pet?"
"Not just a Jaguar but also an Owl named "Kyo" which is used for keeping a look out for enemies and a medium size black bird named "Shi" that I use for replying etc, you've already met Shi remember? When we started the playtime activity of ours? I also have a lion named "NaTsu," if you're wondering."
"...What do you use the Jaguar and lion for?"
"Scaring enemies. They're quite useful. And they have a name!"
Reborn merely nodded and decided to ignore the Jaguar that was purring. He didn't even know they could purred. He directed his attention to his student who was now being cornered by the animals.
"Tsuna, make sure to give me a copy of the film later onwards," Reborn said mischievously.
It was then that Reborn noticed a red blinking light coming from Tsunayoshi's touch screen phone (where did he even get that from?). Reborn blinked twice before clarifying,
"Is the film by any chance being..."
Tsuna's smirked widened, "Live filming. Broadcasted around the whole world."
"You're really sadistic aren't you?" Reborn asked pleased.
Tsuna spared a glance at Reborn before smiling evilly, "Wait till you hear how Nebesa was formed..."
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ohmykhr · 6 years ago
How the vongola act around their crush headcanon?
Hello, thanks for asking and I’m sorry this took a while!
Sawada Tsunayoshi
He is full on heart eyes. One part of him wants to savor the moment and pay attention to his crush but one part of him is unable to focus on anything else than how cute his crush looks. He would try to act cool but ends up looking like a fool instead.
Gokudera Hayato
A flustered mess. Constant battle with him trying to be honest about his feelings and him being unable to put his feelings into words. He would act caring and protective towards his crush, showing his affections through the most subtle actions such as volunteering to walk them home. If he feels hopeless, he might go ask Shamal for advice which leads to Gokudera saying cheesy pick up lines to his crush and embarrassing himself.
Yamamoto Takeshi
It’s difficult to tell when Yamamoto is simply being friendly and when he is interested in someone. He would show his feelings by offering his help to his crush constantly as well as wanting to hang out with them a lot. Then again, Yamamoto is naturally helpful and likes to be around his friends, so who knows what he is feeling. 
Chrome Dokuro
Lots of blushing. She will try to be more talkative around her crush just to engage in a conversation with them. Chrome is someone who pays a lot of attention to details, so the most simple things her crush does would leave her smiling for the rest of the day. She seems to be the happiest around her crush, because she would be constantly smiling.
Hibari Kyoya
He would be confused about his own feelings and might end up pushing his crush away because he thinks it’s easier than to deal with his feelings. When he is around his crush, he would try to keep his cool and not show how he is feeling yet he would find himself wanting to be around them all the time.
Rokudo Mukuro
He would playfully tease his crush as well as flat out flirt with them - especially if he gets a good reaction out of them by doing so. He would lurk around his crush quite often, being a nuisance because he simply wants to spend time with them without making it too obvious that he is into them.
Sasagawa Ryohei
Not much about him would change, though he might be more touchy with his crush than he is with other people. That’s all on the outside though, on the inside he is constantly screaming whenever he is around his crush, not sure how to act. Ryohei would also overthink every single one of his moves and the way he speaks.
Lambo (TYL)
He would try to casually be touchy with them such as putting his hand around their shoulder. Lambo would also try to show off his good points and try to make them see that he would be perfect for them, which to some might come off as him being a show off.
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k0saji · 5 years ago
Chapters: 2/2 Fandom: Katekyou Hitman Reborn! Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Sawada Tsunayoshi & Vongola Tenth Generation Guardians Characters: Vongola Tenth Generation, Gokudera Hayato, Hibari Kyouya, Yamamoto Takeshi, Lambo Bovino, Rokudou Mukuro, Chrome Dokuro, Sawada Tsunayoshi Summary:
Happiness is based on a just discrimination of what is necessary, what is neither necessary nor destructive, and what is destructive. - The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas Ursula K. Le Guin  
In which truths are realized and a choice is made.
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