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ultyso · 8 months ago
Sudan updates as of 7/19/2024
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DVS welcomes the discussions of the UN Secretary- General's Envoy, Mr. Ramatane Lamamra, with the RSF delegation regarding opening humanitarian paths to deliver aid to Sudanese civilians. This step is appreciated, but it requires the participation of the SAF and the commitment of the parties to open the paths. It also calls on the UN to put pressure on the parties to end the war in Sudan.
الأمم المتحدة
United Nations
Office of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Sudan مكتب المبعوث الشخصي للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة الى السودان Statement of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-General for Sudan, Ramtane Lamamra, after the conclusion of the Geneva Proximity Talks 19 July 2024, Geneva
In Resolution 2724 (2024), the Security Council mandated me to use my good offices with the parties to the conflict in Sudan, complementing and coordinating regional peace efforts. Security Council Resolution 2736 (2024) reiterated the Council's concern over the situation in Sudan. It urged the parties to de-escalate in and around El Fasher, to allow and facilitate unfettered humanitarian access across the country and ensure the protection of civilians. It further called on the parties to the conflict to seek an immediate cessation of hostilities, leading to a sustainable resolution of the conflict, through dialogue.
Resolution 2736 (2024) also requested the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Sudanese authorities and regional stakeholders, to make further recommendations for the protection of civilians in Sudan, building on the existing mediation and good offices mechanisms.
To contribute to these recommendations, and building on my previous engagements with the parties, I addressed letters to General Abdel-Fattah al-Burhan, Chairperson of the Sovereign Council and Commander of the Sudanese Armed Forces, and General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, Commander of the Rapid Support Forces, inviting them to nominate senior delegations to discuss the following issues:
1) measures to be undertaken to ensure the distribution of humanitarian assistance to all the Sudanese population in need;
2) options to ensure the protection of civilians across Sudan.
I invited the delegations appointed by both parties to travel to Geneva, Switzerland, to participate in discussions in "proximity format", in which I would separately engage the delegation of each party, supported by a United Nations integrated technical team providing relevant expertise. These discussions took place from 11 to 19 July 2024. During this period, my team held a total of around 20 sessions with the parties' delegations, including technical and plenary meetings. We interacted with each of the delegations in the context of their respective mandates.
Throughout these engagements, the delegations expressed their positions on key issues of concern, in light of their responsibilities, allowing us to deepen our mutual understanding. We then explored avenues to address these issues to contribute to alleviating the suffering of the civilian population in Sudan. I am encouraged by the willingness of the parties to engage with me on these critical matters, as well as by the commitments made to respond to some specific requests we presented to them.
The humanitarian situation in Sudan remains catastrophic and is deteriorating every day. Urgent action is needed to ensure that humanitarian assistance safely reaches all those in need and to guarantee the protection of all civilians in Sudan. I count on the parties to promptly translate their willingness to engage with me into tangible progress on the ground. The United Nations will continue to make every effort to support the civilian population throughout the country.
The discussions held in Geneva are an encouraging initial step in a longer and complex process. Although unilateral commitments by the parties do not constitute agreements with the UN, I welcome the commitments announced today by one of the two parties to enhance humanitarian assistance and the protection of civilians. I intend to remain in close contact with the leadership of the two parties, to follow up on the implementation of commitments and to engage them on critical issues. I remain at their disposal for the desirable continuation of this process. I urge both parties to step up their engagement for peace for the sake of the Sudanese people and the future of the country.
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archivio-disattivato · 1 year ago
In brief
The Sudan Armed Forces yesterday carried out airstrikes in Nyala, South Darfur, allegedly with barrel bombs, killing and wounding several people.
Organizers of the recent Cairo humanitarian conference have released a report on the outcomes and recommendations of the conference.
Following the recent IGAD summit, representatives of East African countries, the European Union, and other stakeholders held a meeting in New York, organized by the German and French UN missions, to discuss building on the outcomes of the IGAD summit. Annette Weber, the EU Special Representative for the Horn of Africa, shared this image of the meeting, referring to the recent IGAD summit as “encouraging” and saying the New York meeting aimed to unify efforts for peace.
Similarly, the UN Secretary-General issued a statement welcoming “encouraging developments” at the recent IGAD summit. However, he said he was “gravely concerned by the unwillingness of the parties—so far—to cease hostilities.” The summit, held in Djibouti, marked the first public engagement of the secretary-general's new Sudan envoy, former Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra.
RSF, through its media team, issued a statement yesterday reiterating its “unwavering commitment” to participate in a proposed one-on-one summit between General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan and the RSF Commander, General Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo, facilitated by IGAD. The statement came in the context of rumors that RSF would send its deputy commander to the meeting instead. RSF said these were false rumors spread by its enemies.
In West Darfur, humanitarian organizations carried out a cross-border operation from Chad to deliver health and nutrition supplies to Kulbus and Jabal Moon localities to cover the needs of around 50,000 people, according to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.
Health organizations continue to grapple with outbreaks of measles, cholera, and dengue fever. Health services are non-existent in some areas affected by conflict. OCHA noted, “Attacks on health services and looting of supplies in transit as well as warehouses present a major challenge for continuity of operations.”
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europahoynews · 5 days ago
Guerra de Sudán: cualquier acuerdo de paz debe respetar la soberanía nacional, dice un enviado de la ONU
En una entrevista exclusiva con Uno noServicio de Árabe de WS En Nueva York, Ramtane Lamamra enfatizó que la solución debe ser política, pidiendo depender de la sabiduría y la capacidad de lidiar con las causas fundamentales que condujeron al conflicto brutal. Afirmó que el pueblo sudanés es soberano y tiene la última palabra en su futuro. Una situación deteriorada La guerra entre las fuerzas…
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zerihcom · 2 months ago
Sudan Krizi: “Cidde Platformuna Alternatif Yok”
1 minute Birleşmiş Milletler (BM) Sudan Özel Temsilcisi Ramtane Lamamra, Sudan’da gerçekleştirdiği temaslarla ülkedeki krize çözüm arayışlarını sürdürürken, Suudi Arabistan Dışişleri Bakan Yardımcısı Velid el-Hureyci de Sudan’a sürpriz bir ziyaret gerçekleştirdi. Sudan’da 2023 Nisan ayında patlak veren iç savaş, Ordu Komutanı Abdülfettah el-Burhan ve Hızlı Destek Kuvvetleri (HDK) Komutanı…
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robotpoetry · 3 months ago
She Ceasd Printer Willm Pesina
Mind Appall Little Girl Sardella
Mary And Seek Their Own Smiles Benn
Earth From Her Seat Nor Chien
The Verdant Grass The Little Earle
Found All The Laps Of Truth Kerl
Broke Utter A Pretty Lamamra
And Therefore Did Weep Kvasnicka
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theroyalcorrespondent · 5 months ago
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco Attends the 19th Edition of the Mediterranean Games.
On the early evening of June 29, 2022, His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco arrived in Oran, Alergia for a two-day visit to attend the 19th Edition of the Mediterranean Games. Upon his arrival at the Ahmed Ben Bella International Airport in Oran, the sovereign prince was warmly welcomed by the Algerian Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad, Mr. Ramtane Lamamra, who…
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lejournaldupeintre · 2 years ago
Algeria, China sign two plans to strengthen comprehensive strategic partnership
Minister of Foreign Affairs and National Community Abroad Ramtane Lamamra and Chairman of the National Development and Reform Commission in China He Lifeng signed, by videoconference, the executive plan for the joint implementation of the Belt and Road Initiative and of the three-year cooperation plan in key fields 2022-2024, between Algeria and China. This signing comes within the framework of…
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astratv · 3 years ago
Η Λιβύη στο επίκεντρο των συνομιλιών Νίκου Δένδια - Ramtane Lamamra
Η Λιβύη στο επίκεντρο των συνομιλιών Νίκου Δένδια – Ramtane Lamamra
Οι τελευταίες εξελίξεις στη Λιβύη τέθηκαν επί τάπητος στη συνάντηση που είχε ο υπουργός Εξωτερικών Νίκος Δένδιας με τον Αλγερινό ομόλογό του Ramtane Lamamra στο περιθώριο της 76ης Γενικής Συνέλευσης του ΟΗΕ. Σύμφωνα με διπλωματικές πηγές, ο κ. Δένδιας επανέλαβε την πάγια ελληνική θέση, την οποία συμμερίζεται η συντριπτική πλειοψηφία της Διεθνούς Κοινότητας, για την πλήρη αποχώρηση όλων των ξένων…
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arifnews · 4 years ago
Algerije verbreekt diplomatieke banden met Marokko
De Algerijnse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Ramdane Lamamra, heeft bekendgemaakt dat Algerije besloten heeft de diplomatieke betrekkingen met het Allawitische koninkrijk te verbreken, met ingang van vandaag, dinsdag 24 augustus. De minister van Buitenlandse Zaken onthulde vandaag in persconferentie dat Algerije weigert zich te onderwerpen aan onaanvaardbaar gedrag en acties die het sterk…
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azulspears · 6 years ago
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Explosión de colores, alegría y pasión #BuenMartes #TuesdayMorning #MehmetAkifErsoy #TertemizdirMansurYavaş #KalankTeaser #Web30 #FelizMartes #Russ #Taiwo #SergioDenis #Lamamra #Bouteflika #ATAV #ReDespiertos #TheGoodDoctor https://www.instagram.com/p/Bu5wht6AwYF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mafc3luu8an6
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kirstythejetblackgoldfish · 3 years ago
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Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal al-Mikdad receiving Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra today, 25 July 2022
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afriupdatenews · 4 years ago
Algeria Cuts Diplomatic Ties With ‘Hostile’ Morocco
Algeria Cuts Diplomatic Ties With ‘Hostile’ Morocco
Algeria’s Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra holds a press conference in the capital Algiers, on August 24, 2021. RYAD KRAMDI / AFP.  Algeria’s Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra said Tuesday that his country has severed diplomatic relations with Morocco due to “hostile actions”, following months of resurgent tensions between the North African rivals. The countries have long accused one another of…
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europahoynews · 2 months ago
Conflicto en Sudán: "No puede haber una solución militar a esta guerra"
Ramtane Lamamra, enviado personal del Secretario General de las Naciones Unidas para Sudán, viajó recientemente a Sudán, donde se reunió con altas figuras del Gobierno, incluido el general Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, presidente del Consejo Soberano de Transición de Sudán y el comandante en jefe del Fuerzas Armadas Sudanesas. El Enviado también viajó a Etiopía, donde se entrevistó con una delegación…
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zvaigzdelasas · 3 years ago
Algeria's reserves of natural gas have raised its importance as European countries race for alternatives to Russian supplies. [...]
One article at Reuters says Europe depends on Algeria for a third of its natural gas. [...] 
"Western countries [are] in a race against time to secure alternative supplies of Russian gas, as Algeria appears as an appropriate solution thanks to its huge gas reserves and its presence near Europe,” the Al-Ain article says, explaining that supplying Europe could help the country's financial situation – but “In turn, it could negatively affect the growing relations between Algeria and Russia.” [...]
The US is also interested in Algeria and is apparently in discussions with companies operating there [...]
Meanwhile, European countries have also been looking to Azerbaijan and other countries for supplies.
Algeria also has other foreign policy problems. “In late October, Algeria closed a major pipeline that transports gas to Spain through Morocco, after the escalation of the dispute between the two Arab neighbors over relations between Morocco and Israel and the Western Sahara crisis,” the report says.  [...]
Algeria's official stance is hatred toward Israel. Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra denounced the African Union's decision to grant the Jewish state an observer status as a "double mistake,” according to recent reports. [...]
In addition extremist groups continue to destabilize the Sahel. Reports say that Algeria has walked away from a deal to buy Russian warplanes.  
Meanwhile, there are concerns that Russia has sent military contractors to Mali and other countries in the region. Moscow also plays a role in Libya and the Central African Republic, according to reports. Two days ago, Russia said it has nothing to do with military contractors working in Mali, President Vladimir Putin said while visiting French President Emmanuel Macron. The two leaders recently met again. Mali has slammed France in recent days, expelling the French ambassador and accusing Paris of trying to divide the country. [...]
This also matters because of Morocco. [...] Israel’s defense minister was in Morocco in November.
But in Washington, some US officials and politicians are still unhappy over the Trump administration's recognition of Western Sahara as part of Morocco. “We look like hypocrites now. We oppose Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and refuse to recognize their control of Crimea, but we support Morocco’s invasion and control over Western Sahara,” said US Senator Chris Murphy in December 2020
10 Feb 22
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jordanianroyals · 2 years ago
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4 December 2022: King Abdullah II, as part of his state visit to Algeria, visited the Martyrs' Memorial and the National Museum of Moudjahid located at a hilltop in El Hamma overlooking the Bay of Algiers.
He laid a wreath at the memorial and recited verses from the holy Quran in memory of Algerian martyrs. (Source: Petra)
During the visit to the National Museum of Moudjahid, His Majesty toured a photo exhibition, held to mark the King’s state visit, and was briefed on exhibits documenting Jordan’s support for the Algerian revolution. Touring El Hamma, His Majesty was briefed by Algerian Foreign Minister Ramtane Lamamra—the King’s escort of honour—on the old city, the port, and the surrounding areas.
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older-is-better · 4 years ago
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Ramtane Lamamra.
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