cordiallyfuturedwight · 3 months
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happy yoongi after jin chose 'seesaw' as his favorite performance (cr. 0613data)
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btsjk-biased · 4 months
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Lovely prince ♡
[ video source cr. namuspromised ]
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jimimn · 2 years
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dorks 😆 (cr. namuspromised)
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kth1 · 2 years
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i’m afraid we have a code red... for @xjoonchildx
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waitingforhobi · 1 year
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Hoseok weekly ↳ 1/78
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namchyoon · 2 years
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cuties 😭
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waitineedaname · 1 day
downside of writing a cumplane au in a modern setting: i can't rely on the bullshit handwavey worldbuilding of svsss
upside of writing a cumplane au in a modern setting: im learning so much about drag in china
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kanmom51 · 2 years
LY SY Final Seoul
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Just me bunching together a few cute moments from the reaction video.
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Legs up...
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So so soft
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And even softer
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tomsmusictaste · 2 years
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Pop-Punk Bands + Lying On The Floor
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aricastmblr · 7 months
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jmjk tu eres yo yo soy tu
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trickostars · 1 year
I don't care how many psa posts you make im never gonna see the man who body slammed a 15 year old several times and called him a "mistake" and "anomaly" unnecessarily, as a hero and antagonist and not just a straight up villain
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marengogo · 2 years
Well Well Well … - 2 : Let’s Watch A Clip!
Forgive Me - by Chloe x Halle  [Ungodly Hour]
[Music is a very big part of my life and I’m MOSTLY INCAPABLE of writing without music, so I just thought I'd share what I am listening to while writing this]
Hello Everyone! How’s life been treating you? If it’s been good, I’m hella happy for you! If it’s been shit, I’m up there with you 😬 but hey, we probably used to it, so we’ll be fine (#trust). Now, let’s take a little look at what’s been going on in ARMYworld as of recent (and no, I’ll not address enlistment here, but yes, I will in another post). So, it would appear that pics and videos from「LOVE YOURSELF, SPEAK YOURSELF: The Final」started dropping yesterday and guuurl/boooi/Eeenby… There’s been a little bit of drama aye?!
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Mainly between the usual shakespearean factions (... just another way for me to say: DRAMATIC AF GROUPS, aka some group of shippers), which was brought about by one particular clip involving none other than our dearest JK: Surprise, sur-fucking-prise! I swear, the boy can’t take a single step in the general direction of nowhere coz, the second he does, some will measure the distance between his right foot and left and equate it to the distance between either JM or Tae’s right and left foot just to conclude that: [INSERT MOST RECENT CONSPIRACY]. 
Alas, Jeon Jungkook is a powerful Conspiracy Magnet, it's a sad truth. Now, whether or not he actually had an unknowing and unfortunate hand in this predicament, is a post for another time. What we want to do now is to take a look at the clip that caused so much SCANDAL! And take it from there, shall we?:
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Now, before we proceed I’ll need you all to maybe not listen to the song that I am listening to right now, if it is not calming to you. Find a song that keeps you mellow and serene, and ready to observe facts in an educated and unbiased way. When you are all ready, we shall begin, alright?
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So to spice things up a little, let’s refer to TKKers as Capulets and JKKers as Montagues, just to keep it in the Shakespearean vibe. As you might and/or might not know, I really hate generalising but, based on experience, the majority of Capulets can’t be reasoned with, like, it’s some crazy-ass-shit up in that neck of the woods, and granted there’s definitely some Montagues that are just as crazy, but the ratio is 9725:1. 
Moving on, following are the families narratives, following the clip in question:
CAPULATES: “Everything Jikook does is scripted”.
MONTAGUES: “Staff knows Jungkook, so where is the lie?”.
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For those that may not know, this whole thing escalated hella quick. I was at work, trying to work, while dealing with a personal situation of my own, after which I quickly looked at my timeline and HolyMolyGuacamole. I thought JK couldn’t create a post more controversial than the “Happy Birthday Bro” one but, Bro!, was I wrong! 
Mind you, as per usual the involved Capulates came ready for senseless war, hence Montagues had the right to defend themselves from the dumbest of accusations, but what all of this seemed to cause was a very clear divide of two truths which could both be valid, but my people, we all know that the truth is and always will be one. In this case, the one truth is that JK managed to, unwillingly, put himself on the spot. Yeah ...
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And before I continue, I must, and I will, preface that JK does, without a doubt, not only highly respects (amongst many other things) JM but loves Serendipity, immensely as proven by the following:
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(☝🏾 looks like the same tweet, from the beginning of this post, but its not ☝🏾)
Now, try to recall a situation where something happened and regardless of whether the information you are receiving is true or not, you just want to know how this something came to be. If you are like me, and you just need to know, trusting that there is no way in hell your words will be misconstrued, you will ask whatever question. But then, at times, this funny thing happen where, once you’ve spoken you realise that is not just about your curiosity, it’s about everything else related to it, but it’s too late, you’ve spoken up, your words are out in the world and you are on the fucking spot. And many may not know or realise this but, being put on the spot is a flight or fight response.
It is almost spooky weird how sometimes words suddenly seem to change in meaning from how you thought them in your brain after you’ve uttered them [typed them]. Funny ain’t it? Had the meaning of his words not changed, JK (like anyone else) would have stayed silent, waiting for the member of staff to answer his question, as he sat firmly by his own words. But that was definitely not the case. And I’m not sure of the meaning that his sentence morphed into, but JK didn’t stay quiet waiting for a reply from their staff member. No. In fact, he laughed over her words and started poking JM, who actually brought up his finger to do their usual “I am you, you are me” but JK didn’t notice, and he wasn’t going to because I don’t think that was his intent to begin with. His poking, like the laughing, all felt like a reaction to divert attention from what he’d just asked.
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Now we can sit here and argue on whether or not it was wrong for the member of staff to have filled in the blanks for JK, homegurl was most likely just doing her job and trying to speed up the process by choosing an answer she believed to be 100% likely. Had she envisioned  JK’s reaction, do you think she would have proceeded with it? She most likely even panicked, perceiving JK’s reaction as a misjudgment and let him know right-away that he could change it.
“It’s all about the delivery!” These are the words I was told by my brother, who's been trying to act as a peacemaker between my mother and I. If I controlled the manner in which I say what I want to say or even at times just refrain from saying certain things, I might bring forth less damage with my mom 😬(but that was very TMI so yeah let's not dwell too much on that…). But the truth is, once again, in my head they all sounded like things I have the right to say, but once they are out, it's like, … damn. And, in my opinion, it’s like JK also felt the same.
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JK’s favourite song might have been Euphoria, which is not a stretch, we all know that homeboi loves that song in particular. But regardless of why he decided to still go ahead with Serendipity, he obviously made it known that he was going to, if not Jimin would not have been literally all up in his face asking him “which one did you like the best?”
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What actually is the point in all of this is how he decided to reveal said selection. JM was all in his face? JK could have replied by singing and staying in his place. But no. He counter-attacked Jimin’s face-up and got closer himself, and you’ll notice JM taking steps back as JK keeps moving forward, while they maintain eye-contact. I mean …
Hence, If I were the person who had to write the scenario/script for this part of the concert, hoping for the best outcome, ideally, with a band like BTS, you’d have all members naturally interact with each other. Having JK just choose his own song wouldn’t have served for much interaction with anyone, so I’m guessing homegurl stopped and thought “who does he usually interact with? What song does he usually sing?” and she got her answer. And hey! I might be wrong, so please let me know another song by any of the other members of BTS which JK sang, and mimicked as often as Serendiptiy; … I’ll be waiting.
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Always respectfully yours,
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kookjinnies · 2 years
*bangs pots and pans* JINKOOKERS WAKE UP
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gurorori · 1 year
introject hours tbh.
it ok 2 b attached 2 yr source.. it don necessarily make the connection 'unhealthy' or 'anti-recovery', regardless if ya knew of da introjection immediately or later on. it ok 2 b comforted by yr source. it ok 2 have any specific feelings, positive or negative or neutral, ab yr source.
i think a lotta different ppl have different polarised preconceived notions of wat an introject (n i aint jus talkin ab fictional ones here btw) shud b like & how we shud behave 2 b considered a Correct kind. well. fuck dat
it is a unique experience 4 everyone & we get 2 decide our relationship with our source on our own actually.
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kth1 · 2 years
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i am always and completely ruined by him
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honeybubblebeeeeee · 2 months
Adding onto Sylus’ desperate need to be near you at all times. He’s clingy.
You groaned as strong hands scooped you up out of your bed, disturbing your sleep. Curling towards the warmth, soft footsteps carried you away.
You forced your eyes open to meet the red ones that glanced down at you. “Sylus?”
Sylus kissed your forehead and held you tighter as he brought you into his office. “I wanted some company.” He sat down on his deep red plush couch, laying you in his lap and pulling a blanket over you.
You groaned and reluctantly laid in the position he was putting you in. “I’m tired Sy.” Sylus chuckled. “Then sleep. I’m not stopping you.”
Scoffing at his sarcasm, you looked up at him from where you laid in his lap. He happily started to run his long fingers through your hair. “You stole me from my bed.”
Sylus tsked at you. “I did not steal you from your bed. I stole you from my bed.” A ghost of a smirk crossed his face.
He patted your cheek before placing his glasses on his nose and picking up a book. “You brought me here so you could read?”
He sighed and put down the book on the end table next to him. Swiftly he adjusted both of your positions so that he was lying across the couch with you draped along him, resting on his chest. He reached behind him, grabbed his book and continued to read.
You groaned and rolled your eyes at him but got comfortable nonetheless. “At least read it to me won’t you?”
Sylus’ deep laughter vibrated you. “Of course, Kitten. Listen close.” He didn’t care that he’d likely be up for hours and end up falling asleep when it was time for you to wake. As long as you were near him, it’s all he needed.
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