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timothyslucy · 6 months ago
randomly thinking about the time shay and dawson got into that ambulance crash s1 and how gabby was calling shay "sweetie" when she went to check on her, and god dammit do i want for angela and lucy, it'd be so cute... in like the most painful way. 🥺💗
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fluentmoviequoter · 9 months ago
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!(NFL)football player!reader
Summary: Tim is skeptical about the first female NFL player. When he shares his opinion with you, he doesn't realize that you are the woman he's talking about.
Warnings: fluff, Tim gets embarrassed and apologizes a bunch, flirting
Word Count: 2.1k+ words
A/N: Bodyguard Tim👀 If this reads like Eric Winter talking about sports in He Said, Ella Dijo just remember that he's Tim Bradford. They're pretty much the same.
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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The history of the NFL has changed forever! The first female player has been drafted into the NFL, in the Los Angeles Rams’ 13th pick.
Since the moment your name was called at the NFL draft, your life has been turned upside down. Being the first female player in the league has resulted in unending news coverage, mixed praise and backlash, and unescapable attention. People know your name now, and as you prepare to change your life forever by putting on a Rams jersey, you can only hope that the skeptics are wrong about you and what you’ll do on the field.
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“Dinner tomorrow!” Lucy yells at Tim. “Be there!”
“I will,” he replies. “Unfortunately.”
“Be nice,” Angela chides.
“You can always back out and stay home to watch the game,” Nolan points out.
“If they’ll start showing the games again,” a nearby officer interjects. “Everything on ESPN has been about the chick that got drafted. Even during the games, she’s all the commentators can talk about.”
“There’s a girl in the NFL?” Lucy asks. “Finally!”
“Wait, who?” Tim inquires. “I stopped watching the draft before it was over, but how’d I miss that?”
“You must’ve been very busy,” the officer replies. “She’s everywhere, man. Football got ruined. They can’t leave anything sacred.”
Tim doesn’t add to the misogynistic view of his colleague but knows that he has some research to do. Football history has certainly changed, but Tim won’t decide on how he feels about a woman playing professionally until he learns more for himself.
“The Rams, man,” the officer laments.
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The moment Tim arrives home after his shift, he turns on ESPN. SportsCenter is on, and he’s unsurprised to see a woman’s name projected behind the men at the desk.
“No, John, what we’re failing to consider is her history,” Rocky Boiman points out. “Her college playing record is better than the twelve male drafts ahead of her.”
“The point remains that a historically male-dominant sport is supposed to be male-dominant,” John Anderson argues.
“If we take the gender out, the size difference, everything except how well these people play, she blends right in,” Tedy Bruschi states. “Regardless of whether or not she should play, she can play, and she does it very well.”
“I’ve been watching her in action since her senior year of high school,” Rocky adds. “If anybody has what it takes to be here, we’re looking at her.”
“Until she gets hit,” John comments. “There may not be regulations against female players, but statistically, she is more likely to be injured.”
“Then she would’ve been injured in college,” Tedy interrupts. “At the end of the day, this comes down to one of two things. Either you don’t think women should be in the NFL, for whatever reason, or you’re ignoring the facts and judging her prematurely. I will end with this, if you think this woman should quit before she starts, you’re going to be proved wrong.”
The SportsCenter logo appears on the screen before Sarah Barshop of the Rams and Matt Bowen, an analyst, begin reviewing your stats and playing history. You played in college, but your stature and your above average statistics alone don’t convince Tim. Not because you’re a woman, but because he’s seen better odds. He’ll never say that you don’t deserve a spot on the team, but he won’t believe that you can make a difference to the team until he sees it. If you can prove it at all.
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“They’re talking about you again,” your friend says.
You look up from your playbook diagram and smile. The men on SportsCenter have been talking about you every chance they get. It’s not just them, though, everyone with a pulse and an ounce of interest in football has an opinion of you.
“Still arguing about if I’ll get my collarbone snapped in the first game?” you guess. “Or have they moved on to female hormones?”
“Most of them are defending you. Your stats are all they seem to care about,” your friend explains. “Maybe you will have a fan base bigger than me and my cats.”
“But you’re all I need.”
“That and a Rams paycheck.”
You laugh and return your attention to the book before you. You’re entering a new world with a lot to prove, so you’re going to be ready for anything.
“Hey, we should go to dinner tomorrow night. We haven’t had time to celebrate with all of the interviews and everything.”
“That sounds great. Just don’t pick a sports bar.”
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Tim looks away from the football game to check his watch. He’s got half an hour until Angela, Wesley, Lucy, Nolan, Nyla, James, Wade, and Luna are supposed to be here for dinner. Although Tim doesn’t remember whose decision it was to meet for an “end of the hardest week this year” dinner, he agreed to come. When he arrived nearly an hour early because he had nothing better to do, he found a seat at the bar and got invested in a game.
The restaurant isn’t busy, but the bar is nearly at capacity. It seems that everyone who wasn’t arrested this past week is now here, watching football and listening to updates on you. Every chance the announcers and reporters get, they bring you up. Tim refuses to change his opinion until he sees you in action. Your highlight reel has become an hourly regular on ESPN, but you’ll have to get through training and into next season before any of it will truly matter.
“What do you think about it?” the bartender asks as he wipes the spot beside Tim.
“I think we won’t know until we see her play,” Tim answers. “If we see her play.”
“My boss is convinced she’ll lead them to the Super Bowl, but I don’t think it’ll be that straightforward.”
“It never is,” Tim agrees.
“I also think it’s a little strange they don’t show her face. She was at the draft, but everything since then has been her in her uniform or at least her helmet.”
Someone yells for the bartender, and he nods at Tim before he walks away. It is strange, but Tim assumes that they’re trying to maintain the public image of you as a football player, and not just a woman.
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As you enter the restaurant, you receive a text from your friend. Running late, so don’t have fun until I get there. You shake your head at the short message and ask the hostess for a seat at the bar while you wait. She points you toward the entrance, and you focus on finding a seat and avoiding any unnecessary spills as you navigate the crowded area.
“Excuse me?” you ask a man seated at the bar. “Can I sit here for just a few minutes?”
He turns toward you and nods, and your responding smile isn’t only gratitude. The man is incredibly attractive, you realize. As you sit on the stool beside him, you notice his attention is on the television screens over the bar. Several of them are broadcasting college football games, yet you see your name appear in the closed captions.
“Which game looks the best?” you ask him.
“Penn State and Missouri game isn’t bad,” he answers.
“Missouri’s better, I assume.”
“Aren’t they always?” he asks lightly.
Penn State’s coach calls a time out and you ask the bartender for a glass of water as the screen changes to the commentators. One of them mentions a play you made in college, and you roll your eyes. You don’t mind the attention, but they’re taking what should be about the players playing now and making it about you. The man beside you scoffs, and your smile grows.
“It never ends,” he mumbles under his breath, and he spins his bottle in one hand.
“Tired of hearing about her?” you ask.
“I mean, I don’t want to sound like every other man in this city, but, yeah, a little.”
“I get that. Skepticism isn’t a bad thing; you can have an opinion.”
“I’m just not sure I can have an opinion until she starts playing. Yeah, her college history was good, but she’s not in college anymore.”
“Right,” you agree.
“There’s a reason there hasn’t been a woman in a sport that intense. Injuries would be detrimental to her and the team,” he points out. “Not to mention the fact that we’ve only seen the good, every time someone tries to mention something she can’t do well, they get cut off with don’t judge her because she’s a woman.”
“Not that I don’t agree with the injury thing, but, I mean, women have been playing rugby for years and it’s just as intense.”
“Yeah, but that’s with other women. Seems like there’s just too much at stake for one girl to make history in the NFL. She hasn’t even proved anything yet other than the fact that women can be drafted.”
“And you don’t think she can prove more?” you ask. “Skeptical that she makes it through the next part?”
He lifts his glass and shrugs, which you take as a firm yes.
“I played football in high school,” he adds. “And I feel like I can see talent when it’s there. She has talent, I’m not arguing that, but I don’t see NFL-worthy talent yet.”
Someone says your name, and you turn. It’s a college-aged girl, and she smiles shyly as she asks for a picture. You immediately agree and slide out of your seat to hug her and take the picture.
As you pose with her, you notice that the man beside you is staring at his bottle with his lips pressed together. Maybe you should have introduced yourself the moment your name came up, but you wanted to hear the truth. And the fact that he didn’t just say no, she can’t do it gave you a boost of hope that you can. Skepticism is better than complete doubt.
“Sorry,” you tell him as you return to the stool beside him.
“No, I’m sorry,” he replies quickly. “I probably should have recognized you, but what I said- I mean, you’ve got talent, and I shouldn’t have said that you didn’t. I’m sorry.”
“It’s fine,” you interrupt with a laugh. “I needed someone to be honest to my face for once.”
“You’re getting plenty of direct negative opinions,” he points out. “And I’m sorry.”
“Now you’re apologizing for every other football fan. Seriously, it’s no problem, no hard feelings.”
“But I-“
“You’re a cop, right?” you interrupt, gesturing to the badge on his hip. He nods, and you answer, “Truth and justice is your thing. You made some good points, too. I’ll use ‘em in my training to prove all the other skeptics wrong.”
“Which I believe you can! Seriously, though, can I buy you a drink or something? Anything to make it up to you?”
“Make what up?” you question, smiling as you lay your hand over his forearm. “I forgive you if that’s what you need to hear, but you didn’t do anything worth apologizing for.”
You move your hand to offer a handshake and properly introduce yourself. He inhales deeply before he shakes your hand.
“I’m Tim Bradford,” he says.
“And you’re a cop, I play football,” you finish. “Now that we know each other, can I ask what you’re doing here alone?”
“Guy like me in a place like this?” he jokes. “I’m waiting to meet some friends from work.”
You nod and say, “I’m meeting a friend, too. A little celebration of sorts.”
“Can I ask a personal question?”
“Sure,” you agree.
“What made you get into football? Why it over any other sport?”
“Bear Bryant,” you answer seriously.
“Really?” Tim questions with his eyes narrowed.
“You’ll have to watch my ESPN special to find out. That or we could do this again another time, without the accidental meeting.”
“People are going to think you’re in this sport just to meet men,” Tim replies.
“Who says I’m not?” you tease. “But, seriously, you’re great, and I bet you could tell me how to win a Super Bowl.”
“You’re the football pro,” he points out. “I’m just a cop.”
You nod and look away, disappointed by his implied rejection. Suddenly, though, you remember what your agent told you.
“Well, if you don’t want to go on a date… I do need a bodyguard on my security team.”
Tim’s eyebrows raise as he turns in his seat to face you. “Are you serious?”
“I am.”
You look away when your friend calls your name, and you wave at her before you stand. Stalling at Tim’s side, you add, “Think about it. I’d love to flirt with a bodyguard.”
“I will,” Tim promises softly.
“Come find me if you decide tonight.”
You smile at Tim and grip his arm kindly in place of a farewell. Tim Bradford believes in you and is considering your offered position of bodyguard, so you know you can get a Super Bowl ring this year. No matter how skeptical everyone else is.
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rookieoneil · 1 month ago
Controversial rant 🧍🏽‍♀️
Spoilers (7x03) (not John Nolan friendly)
Nolan is fucking reckless. He’s doing exactly what Tim did last season. Going after someone for a personal agenda. He’s supposed to be a teacher, how is Celina expected to make it as a cop when her teacher A isn’t teaching, and B is constantly making the job personal (something Celina, Angela, and Lucy got in trouble for) I wish for ONCE they treat him like they treat everyone else.
This episode alone let’s look at this. Seth and Miles got in trouble for saving a civilian successfully (as they should) and Nolan- instead of saving a civilian (that’s protocol) he went after a suspect and made a deal with said suspect (who got away) because it was in HIS best interest.
The man ended up losing over two pints of blood! Which could have been a lot less than it could have been. Idk if he died (probably not) but still this is crazy.
Not the point. My point is he didn’t get in trouble at all.
I know the difference being they are rookies and John’s not but still. John is constantly getting away with shit that anyone else would have been prosecuted for.
Not to mention him talking to a suspect and jeopardizing the case of two teenagers who lost their lives because it benefited him. Like how is any of what he did allowed?!? How is able to continue a personal investigation with consequences??? Tim got “demoted” (fired?) from metro because of his personal investigation. How is this different? Because John let a dangerous guy get away, and almost let someone else die.
“He was doing it for his wife” idc. Let other people deal with this. Not him. He’s too close to this,
As a husband, he’s protective and good for him, as a cop he’s reckless and will get someone killed
Ughhh I just hate John Nolan with everything I am. Never make me like him.
Despite popular belief, I think that Rachel is here to get Chenford back together. I don’t think she’s here for alternative reasons.
Also I think that this friendship/ team work that they are creating will make their relationship in the future be 10x better. They need this time to reconnect let’s not get them back together for a good minute because they BOTH need to grow.
Baby girl is finally getting a friend again. I feel like Celina and she still have a strained relationship and having gotten to a close friendship YET. But Rachel being back is good for her. Look at that trauma dump she needed to let out.
I hope my sunshine girl starts gaining her sunshine back
James stf. I 100% agree with his stance cause those teens deserve justice. But that is not the time or place. I think he needs to learn how to leave his work at work. Wesley too.
I think Nyla needs to be more open to conversation and not just stopping James. They both need a lot of growth in communication as a COUPLE. Not communication just about work.
They need to create boundaries. Like please boundaries will save yallll
Wesley needs to fucking let it go. Angela is not gonna cheat, and now he’s letting it affect his home life. Like bro I hate to break it to you but in the world she works in, so many of those men think about Angela like that. Like it sucks and those men suck, BUT Angela went into that career knowing that. It sucks that women have to even acknowledging this part of a job. But it’s reality and if Welsey thinks this is the only man who has those thoughts then hes really showing his privilege as man.
He’s acting like this one man has flipped his world over. Like dude. 😐 the detective -idk his name- is an asshole. And he’s not the only one in that police station who has that thought about fellow female officers. If Wesley truly believed that the first one then he’s naive. You can say oh it’s probably because the detective works so close with Angela but like Angela was in patrol, she worked with plenty of men like that. Welsey has to know this.
I don’t like that they’re leaning into this idea that if Angela knows about how this detective feels about her then she’ll cheat. Like I know that they’re not actually saying that but they’re insinuating it and I don’t like that at all. Because she loves Wesley. She wouldn’t cheat on him so I’m like why are we even playing with this plot line. It felt like they picked this plot out of a hat and was like yeah this works because they didn’t know what to do with Wopez this season.
Being a woman in a man’s field is horrible and it sucks, and as a rich white man married to a Columbia & Mexican Woman you shouldn’t be delusional enough to believe she’s respected in the same way you are. You should know about what she’s most likely facing everyday. You should not get jealous over slimes men, and instead educate yourself 👏🏼 it should take you 7+ years to figure that out buddy (btw I love Wesley I just don’t like his plot this season).
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fightingwithtruelove · 3 months ago
can i make it better (with the lights turned off)
Pairing: Lucy Chen/Tim Bradford
Rating: G
Timeline: Post 4x01
Word count: 2,052
Everyone is so preoccupied with picking up the pieces of their own grief that the dark circles under her eyes and the vacant expression on her face go unnoticed. But Tim notices.
Read on AO3
The weeks following Jackson's death are a blur.
Tim knows grief manifests itself differently in everyone. They deal with it on the job all the time—situations when strong feelings have people do things they might not otherwise do. It lingers around long after the loss has been processed and it has a tendency of coloring everything a hue of gray. It comes in all shapes and forms, and Lucy's way of dealing with it perfectly encapsulates who she is as a person. 
They don't ride together anymore, so he's not able to really check in with her as often as he'd like. But true to herself, she puts a smile on her face and bakes lactation cookies for Angela, offers help with babysitting and checks in with everyone. She even brings baked goods to work, and despite the passion she seems to have for the pastime, she lacks actual talent in that department. Not that anyone has the heart to tell her. 
Her empathy makes her want to take care of her chosen family, but the fake smile never quite reaches her eyes, and he hates the fact that he knows her so well that he sees right through the facade she so carefully puts together. 
Everyone is so preoccupied with picking up the pieces of their own grief that the dark circles under her eyes and the vacant expression on her face go unnoticed.
But Tim notices.
And really, he probably should leave it alone as well. Lucy's his former rookie, and therefore no longer his responsibility. At least that's what he keeps telling himself, but the fact is that she snuck up on him, and now she's sort of, maybe, kind of, his friend. 
The hurt and the sadness are logical emotions. She lost one of her best friends, only a couple of months after being abducted and buried alive by a serial killer—a tough year by anyone's standards. But the fact that she looks like she hasn't slept in days, or that she looks so small in the huge hallway of the station like the tiniest wind could knock her over—it's the proof that she insists on being there for everyone, except herself.
"Chen, wait up."
He tries to catch up with her, but she either doesn't hear him or pretends not to and continues walking away.
"Lucy. Please." 
Continue reading on AO3.
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augustvandyne · 1 year ago
Lucy Chen x reader
Tim and Angela try to get them together by going to a dodgers game then flaking and the rest is just their “date” during / after the game
i love that timothy and angela are a part of this and that they are absolutely troublemakers/menaces in this honestly
dodgers game turned date
“Come on, it’ll be fun,” Angela tries to convince you.
“That’s not very trusting, considering who it’s coming from,” You tease.
But it was true. Most times you were to have “fun” with your best friend here, it wasn’t very fun to you. But you had to admit that going to a Dodgers game, drinking beer, and making fun of people did sound kind of fun.
“Whatever,” Angela rolls her eyes. “Tim and Lucy will be there too. It’ll be fun. Friends from work.. do I need to mention Lucy again?”
Your cheeks are a slight shade of red.
Angela was the only one who knew about your crush on Lucy— correction, the only person you’d told about your crush. Everyone knew. Everyone except the woman in question.
Same with Tim and Lucy. She’d only told Tim, but everyone knew of her crush on you. Well, everyone but you, of course!
“No..” You press your lips together in a compressed smile.
“It’s settled,” Angela nods. “We’re going next week.”
“Okay,” You nod excitedly.
“Y/n,” Tim says as he tries to convince Lucy.
Lucy’s head peaks up from the table in the break room where she was spending her lunch break.
“W— what?” Lucy launched out of her seat to close the door of the break room.
“Y/n.. L/n?” Tim rests his hands on his belt. “We’re all going to hang out. Me, Angela, you, and Y/n.”
“What— when?” Lucy smiles joyfully.
“Okay, calm down,” Tim rolls his eyes as Lucy’s overexcitement. “We’re going to a Dodgers game sometime next week. I’ll let you know the exact day next week when me and Ange decide.”
“Okay,” Lucy smiles widely. “What— what should I wear?”
“A jersey should be fine,” Tim shakes his head with a bored expression.
“Wh— but I— I don’t even know if I own one!”
“You live in Los Angeles, and you don’t own a LA Dodgers jersey?” Tim looks disgusted. “Oh my.. I can spare you one. But it better come back completely unscathed. If you harm one of my precious jerseys, I will come for you. And it’ll look like an accident.”
“Oh..” Lucy pulls her chin back in surprise, her eyebrows raising. “Okay, then.”
“Just wait until Angela hears about this,” Tim shakes his head.
“Tim!” Lucy complains.
“What? It’s hilarious,” Tim shrugs. “Anyway, wear my jersey, but don’t tell Y/n it’s mine. She might get jealous. I’m pretty sure she already thinks you have a crush on me—“
“What! No! I like her—“
“Trust me, Lucy, I know. But she doesn’t know that. So we’ll have to make it obvious. So jersey, some jeans, wear your hair down, slightly curled— Y/n loves it. And some light makeup.”
“Hello? Who is speaking right now?” Lucy looks at Tim with an almost proud expression. “This is not the Tim Bradford I know.”
“Yeah, whatever,” Tim turns around, checking the time on his watch. “You have five more minutes on your break.”
Eventually the day came, and both you and Lucy were jumping for joy. Tim and Angela messaged the whole way there and angle their phones away from you and Lucy—even after you beg them to tell you what they were hiding.
You and Lucy both pull your cars in at the same time, and coincidentally, right beside each other.
You drive your own car, while Lucy drove Tim’s truck. Lucy thought it was weird but nonetheless she let it go because she was about to hangout with you!
The four of you walk towards the stadium entrance, Angela and Tim finding the concessions while you and Lucy found the seats.
Lucy and you are immediately drawn into conversation, definitely not making fun of the man and woman on their first date in front of you two—both you and Lucy agreeing you’d never go on a date here (little do you know)—when the messages from Angela and Tim come through.
Gotcha suckers! Have an amazing first date. We’re tired of listening to you guys complain. Talk when it’s over.
Lucy scoffs, an adorable smile taking over her features, “Those— those—“
“Suckers?” You finish for her.
“Yes!” Lucy sits back in her seat, shaking her head. A nervous feeling suddenly taking over her body. “I can’t believe this.”
You turn to look at Lucy, but her face is angled away from yours now, and her hat hides whatever look that may be plastered on her face.
“Luce,” You angle your body towards hers, trying to get her to face you fully as well.
“What do they mean first date?” Lucy cranes her head towards you. “You don’t like me, too.. do you?”
“Too,” Lucy nods.
“What do you mean too? Like you also have feelings for me?” You frown, not believing what you were hearing.
“Also? You have feelings for me?”
“Yes!” You all but jump out of your seat. “I have since..”
“We met?” Lucy is smiling widely now. “Because me too. Tim realized it on the first day before I even told him because I was too busy staring at you.”
“You were?” You ask, scratching the back of your neck anxiously.
“Yeah. I mean, what’s not to like about you? You’re an amazing cop and you’re gorgeous!”
Your smile curves into an upside down smile, a small blush taking over your cheeks. You dip your chin to your chest, trying to hide the new tint to your cheeks, but Lucy notices.
“Don’t be shy,” Lucy shakes her head.
“No, it’s just—“ You laugh. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for years.”
“So have I,” Lucy stares into your eyes, butterflies erupting around in her stomach.
“You know, I almost asked you out—“ You’re cut off by the announcement of the players and the national anthem.
You go and grab the two of you drinks after, feeling as though you’ve made things awkward, but you did just the opposite—you made Lucy fall even harder for you, if you could even believe that.
Lucy doesn’t really speak about what you were about to say until the game is over—although she wanted to ask what you were going to say so badly—when the two of you are walking back to your car.
“What were you saying back there?” Lucy frowned. “Before the game?”
At first you acted as if you had no clue what she was talking about, but you eventually gave in and said, "Oh, just— I was actually going to ask you to go out with me so many times I can’t even count on two hands anymore, really. I was going to ask you out after we became partners at the academy. When we graduated the academy, the day we moved to the LAPD as rookies, when you helped Tamara— god, I was gonna ask you to dance with me at Angela’s wedding and then— all those terrible things happened and neither of us were stable. We didn’t talk for months and that definitely hurt me. I don’t know if it hurt you, but I wanted to cry everyday. I almost kissed you on the spot the day that you finally talked to me again. Another time I almost kissed you was when we found you after— Caleb,” you spat his name. “kidnapped you. I all but revealed that I loved you right then and there—“
You’re cut off by Lucy’s lips smashing into your own, her soft hands caressing your cheeks as she bites your lip in a soft suction.
When she pulls away, your mouth is dropped open in shock at how amazing your first kiss was.
The woman in front of you smirks and grabs the keys out of your hand.
“Get in the car gorgeous, I’m hungry. Oo, maybe we can get some ice cream.”
You’re still in shock when you buckle yourself into the passenger seat of your car.
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isca-rambles · 7 months ago
6x06 aka why does this show hate joy and my emotional stability Smitty...really should've been fired by now, right? Look, I love a good comedic Smitty but...you know. Lucy messed up at the clown crime scene, even though she wasn't the first officer on site and wasn't responsible for securing the scene, and she got the pissed taken out of her. Do they just not even bother writing Smitty up anymore? Lucy, my love. Also her poster bed is gone :( I only just noticed. fic has me convinced that it's because of sexytimes, but i'll miss that gorgeous massive bed. i always wanted a four poster bed. Tamara baby no don't leave your mother. Lucy being so supportive when her entire life is falling apart. Honestly, Angela, no. You don't get to tell Lucy to sit back and do nothing and then go check on Tim yourself and then not tell Lucy afterwards. She was meant to be your friend too. I know Tim's your best friend but you can't just let Lucy spin out like this. Lucy has his back too but he won't let her be there. GAH. I'm so angry. I do get it, Angela has her priorities and Tim is above Lucy, but it still sucks.
70 degrees? Look, 21 celsius is no joke. I don't know how y'all cope in anything above 16/60 tbh. Also, why would you think it's a good idea to have a bunch of inmates mixed in with a crowd of people constantly changing with multiple escape routes? And no perimeter guard? Angela just tell him to tell Lucy. Better yet, tell her yourself. It's her choice if she puts her career at risk. Gaaaaaaaaah. Stop taking things away from Lucy and that includes her choices. I can't even pay attention to the side plots, or the main plots. Though I do find it funny that Angela just disappeared from work to do this with Tim. Unless she was leaving shift when she ran into Lucy. But this lot do have a habit of disappearing when they should be working. Angela please recognise how in over his head Tim is. Please tell Lucy and the others. Would you be happy if Lucy helped Wesley with something like this and didn't tell you? Told you to just sit back and leave it alone? Yeah, didn't think so. Maybe if Ray hadn't shown up, Angela could've gotten some sense into Tim and gotten him to talk to Lucy. Maybe. Would it have killed you to tell this to Lucy, Tim? You think she wouldn't be willing to keep this to herself? You've seen the lengths she's gone to to protect the people she loves and cares about, even if she's had to work around the law to do so. I want to feel for Tim. I really do. And part of me does, but knowing how this ends up just destroying Lucy, I just can't. I can't. God I wish we'd been able to see Lucy kick Ray's ass. And I'm so glad nothing happened, because obviously I do not want Tamara and Lucy in any danger, but the fics where Ray does do something are just that hit of angsty goodness. But god, I'm so glad they're not canon because that would've destroyed everything with zero chance of rebuilding. Oh Lucy, her rage and terror and sheer frantic anger are so understandable. Tim, please. For the love of god, please. Let your wife help you. He's her fierce protector and he's so focused on keeping her safe from his past, he doesn't see how much he's hurting her. He can't and won't stop protecting her. He's physically unable. The terror and conviction in his voice when he says that to her. He's trying to protect her from his past, but he's still hurting her so much. That amazingly gorgeous and angsty fic where Angela tells Tim how he broke Lucy's heart, the one thing he was meant to protect? That. So much that. With the lies, the break-up, pretending it was all to keep her safe and make her life better. God Tim, you need to recognise how much pain you caused her. Please. I want a full ass apology and a full ass adult conversation in S7. Full. Oh, Percy West. God, we need more of him. We need him with Lucy as well. I've read some gorgeous fics where they have the best father/daughter relationship before and after Jackson's death. God Tim, I know it's killing him to lie to West and Grey. But this is not the right route to go down, Tim. Please. Honey. Honestly, all I can repeat is what Lucy says. Why are you doing this? This entire scene is killing me. It's so well done, it really is, but good god it hurts. The way she's waiting for him, pulls him into a hug. He knows what he's going to do and he lets himself get drawn into that hug because he knows it might be the last one. The way she cradles his head like he usually does to her. She sees him breaking and she tries to hold him and support him. It's killing her to see him break like this. And the look on her face as she realises what he's saying. Good god. These are two very talented actors. I wish I could dissect this scene better but honestly I'm just too upset. Her holding his hand. Clinging to his shirt. The forehead kiss. Her looking so utterly lost and destroyed as he leaves. Tim please. I mean, the man obviously needs help and he needs to work on his own shit, so the break-up isn't an awful idea. But the way he went about it is just the worst. He can't make decisions for Lucy if he loves and respects her. AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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Chenford + Ashley isn't right for you
Okay, so here it is. I don't know if this is what you imagined but this is what my brain came up with.
This takes place after 4x21, then it goes au from there on. My headcanon is that Lucy was already aware of her feelings for Tim by then. It was pretty clear to her after the fake proposal.
I'll be posting this on ao3 soon.
What you're looking for has been here the whole time
Tim was staying late at the station to finish the paperwork of a case he had today. He was driving solo today since Lucy was asked to help out with Angela’s case.
“So I hear you’re engaged now,” Angela greeted him at his desk.
“Where did you get that from?” Tim said, looking up from his desk with a stern glare on his face.
“You didn’t think Lucy would talk about the prank you pulled on her,” she raised an eyebrow and put a hand on her hip, “She didn’t seem to find it funny.”
“She should have seen it coming. She couldn’t stop asking me about my relationship with Ashley. She went too far. I wanted to get back at her,” he shrugged. He didn’t know what effect he had on Lucy when he pretended to propose to Ashley.
Angela raised both her eyebrows in surprise: “I thought you didn’t mind talking about private matters with Lucy while on shift.”
“Do I even want to know why you know all of this?” he said as he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair to get a better look at his friend.
“I’m a detective, I find out everything,” she said with a smirk on her face.
“You know what? I don’t want to discuss this anymore,” Tim said and looked back at his papers, “I have to finish this anyway.”
“Sure, I’ll leave you to it but this isn’t over,” Angela said while shaking her head. Getting him to open up was never easy.
She never truly understood the relationship between Tim and Lucy but she knew they were close. Maybe they’re even closer than she knew. But Lucy has been complaining about Tim’s prank all day and she suspected there was more to it than she was willing to tell.
The next day, Tim just walked out of roll call when he was approached by Aaron. He stopped to hear what he had to say.
“Sir, Lucy asked me if I could be your aide today,” Aaron said, taking a stance to show sergeant Bradford he was ready for duty.
“Why couldn’t she be my aide?” Tim frowned, caught off guard by the sudden news.
“She didn’t say. She seemed occupied with something though,” Aaron explained.
Tim shook his head and said: “I need to talk to officer Chen.”
“Does that mean I’m out?” Aaron wondered out loud, sounding disappointed he couldn’t prove himself.
“Just wait until I talked to Chen,” Tim answered sternly, distracted to find Lucy.
When he spotted her, he walked straight to her and yelled: “Chen! A word.”
Lucy sighed when she realized she didn’t get away in time to avoid Tim. She still couldn’t shake off the burning feeling she felt when she saw Tim on one knee in front of Ashley.
“Yes, Sergeant Bradford. How can I help you?” she asked nicely with a bored face. She didn’t want to reveal anything to him.
He sighed and just blurted out the question he’s been wanting to ask since his talk with Aaron: “Do you not want to be my gofer anymore?”
“What? Why do you ask?” she stammered, she didn’t expect his question.
“Because you sent Aaron as a replacement,” he said as a matter of fact. A questioning look on his face.
“Oh right, I just wanted to give Aaron a chance. I know he’s been wanting to prove himself to you,” she excused but Tim could tell it was just an excuse.
“He’ll have plenty of chances. You’re riding with me today,” he said in a no nonsense tone. 
Tim knew something was off with her, she’s been different since that prank he was hoping she would tell him what was going on if they rode together. She always opened up when they were alone in the shop together.
Lucy knew she couldn’t do anything but agree. She sighed and gave in.
“Fine, I’ll go get the gear,” she said in a defeated tone.
It made Tim worry even more. This shift was going to be an interesting one.
It was quiet during their shift, Lucy was unusually quiet as well and it made Tim feel uneasy. He’s used to her talking all the time. He kind of missed it.
His fingers tapped on the steering wheel, keeping himself from asking the one question that’s been bothering him since they sat down in the shop. He was hoping she’d tell him what’s bothering her on her own but she seemed determined to ignore him.
When lunch was still the same thing as the entire morning, he decided it was time to face the problem head on when he started up the shop again.
“Okay, that’s it. Spill it,” Tim finally said once they were in the privacy of the shop.
Lucy turned her head quickly in surprise and asked: “What do you mean?”
“First, you don’t want to ride with me anymore and then you don’t say a word once we do,” he threw a look at her to show her she can’t fool him.
“I mean, did I do something?” he asked, shuffling in his seat, not liking how vulnerable that sounded.
“It’s nothing,” she said as she looked away, not liking the subject.
He noticed her unease and he could see right through it. She didn’t want to talk about it but he hated the awkwardness between and he wanted to resolve it.
“Well, it’s clearly something if you try to avoid the subject like the plague,” he said in a flat tone.
“Fine? I’ll tell you what’s up,” Lucy turned around, anger clear in her voice, “I didn’t appreciate that prank you pulled with Ashley when you got down on one knee in front of her.”
“You’re mad about that?” he said, surprised, “It wasn’t a big deal. Besides, she doesn’t want to get married or have kids anyway so it didn’t mean anything.”
“She doesn’t?” she asked with raised eyebrows, she didn’t see that coming.
“She told me right before,” he said, a slight tinge of sadness can be heard in his voice.
She wanted to ask more questions about that but right at that moment, a call came in and they had to get back to work.
They didn’t have the chance to talk more about it for the rest of the shift.
After shift, Lucy was walking to the parking lot, ready to go home. It was a long day today.
When she opened the door, she came face to face with Tim. Their eyes crossed and he gave her a tentative smile.
“Hey,” he greeted her.
“Hey, all done with the paperwork?” she asked quietly.
“Not really, but I’ll get it all done tomorrow,” he dismissed. He couldn’t admit he wanted to catch Lucy to finish their conversation today.
“Alright,” she answered and looked around, “Listen, for what it’s worth, I’m sorry to hear Ashley doesn’t want to get married or have kids. I know you’ve always wanted to be a dad.”
“It’s fine, I’ve already accepted it isn’t the cards for me since Isabel and I got divorced,” he dismissed, trying hard not to show how much her saying that meant.
“Don’t say that. I’m sure there’s still a chance,” she said in a soft voice.
“I don’t think so. Ashley seems pretty adamant on not having kids,” he shrugged, acting like it’s no big deal.
“That’s because Ashley isn’t right for you,” she blurted out without thinking.
“What?” he said as he looked up from the ground, not expecting that.
“You just always seem to give in to whatever she wants even if you don’t like it. From what I heard, you never do what you want. She always makes the decisions,” she said and looked down. She wasn’t sure how he would react.
“We compromise, that’s what you do in relationships,” he answered and shrugged, not seeing the problem.
She took a deep breath and said: “You’re the only one who makes any compromise.”
He was silent after this, he didn’t know what to say to that but the truth hit him hard. He never thought about his relationship like that.
“Tim, it just seems like you’re settling and you deserve more than that,” she gave him an encouraging smile.
He swallowed, hit by a warm, fuzzy feeling. Her words moved him in a way he never imagined he could.
“It’s not like there are many options left for me,” he admitted, revealing his thoughts that he kept hidden from everyone.
“Maybe you just haven’t looked good enough,” she said, having a hard time swallowing. She revealed way too much for her comfort.
“What are you saying?” he asked quietly, not trusting his voice.
Lucy sighed and prepared herself to tell him what she’s been thinking for a while now.
“I’m saying that you could have everything you want, you just need the right person,” Lucy looked into his eyes to show her sincerity.
“Who would that be?” Tim asked hoarsely. He found himself hoping she was talking about herself. 
All the feelings he pushed down without knowing came rushing back. The same feeling he had when he hugged her after Jackson’s death in his house resurfaced and he realized what it was now. It was love, he wanted nothing more than to pull her closer and kiss her until they could no longer breathe.
It was an overwhelming feeling but it was welcome. It felt surreal and if it was a dream, he never wanted to wake up.
She didn’t answer, she only looked into his eyes and he could read all her emotions in them. She wanted the same thing as him and he couldn’t stop himself, he took a step closer to her.
Her breathing became labored when their lips were hair’s breadth away from each other. Slowly, he leaned in.
She pulled back once she noticed the move. She shook her head and said: “We can’t,”
He only frowned in answer. He didn’t misread her intentions, did he?
“You’re still with Ashley and I’m still with Chris,” she explained once she saw his confusion.
“Right, we can’t do that to them,” he said as he looked away. Logic replacing the fog in his head.
“Why don’t we revisit this conversation after we talked to them?” she suggested, hope obvious in her eyes.
“That sounds great,” he said and couldn’t stop the smile forming on his lips.
Her breathing hitched, Tim never looked this handsome before. She loved his smile, she hoped it wouldn’t be the last one.
“So would you like to go to dinner sometime?” she said and smiled back at him.
“I would love to,” he said as his smile brightened. 
He couldn’t wait until that moment came but it was worth the wait.
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that-was-anticlimactic · 1 year ago
okay so awhile ago @zukkaoru and i made a nerdy prudes must die au for bsd and we kind of went off with it and the soundtrack is stuck in my head so look at who would be who (explanations under the cut):
kunikida - grace chasity
yosano - steph lauter
dazai - pete spankoffski
ranpo - richie lipschitz
poe - ruth fleming
chuuya - max jägerman
fukuchi - wiggly
bram - nibbly
sigma - blinky
fyodor - tinky
nikolai - pokey
gin - kyle
tachihara - jason
jouno - detective shapiro
tecchou - officer bailey
mori - mayor lauter
elise - miss tessburger
cheerleaders - higuchi (brenda), naomi (stacy), kajii (brooke)
kyouka - reese
jun’ichiro - joey's bbq monologue guy
atsushi - bbq jon/trevor
kenji - bbq angela
akutagawa - bbq mariah/caitlyn
mushitaro - corey dorris' cop (f-ing transcendent cop)
mark - dan reynolds
john - donna
hirotsu - miss mulberry
nathaniel - boy jerry
guy koyou tried running away with - mark chasity
koyou - karen chasity
margaret - bryce’s reporter
louisa - paul
lucy - emma
kunikida as grace bc he has all his ideals and he's just so... idk how to describe it in a way that doesn't sound mean bc i mean it so affectionately but he has the vibes of slowly losing his beans. also... just PICTURE him singing "dirty girl" YOOOOO and like if you ship kunichuu, then it's also kunikida freaking out bc he's thinking romantically about someone from the mafia. also he deserves to go wild <3
yosano as steph bc Vibes <333 dazai as pete (and this is not shipping yosano and dazai... they're just friends in this) bc he's smart and would 100% get all caught up in something like this also bc we're making chuuya max so like they're rivalry tehe. now i know you could argue that atsushi should be pete and akutagawa should be steph... but this stemmed from kunichuuzai, sooooo. dazai could also be steph, but we thought that yosano fit steph better than pete
ranpo as richie bc there was literally no good place for ranpo. he's too smart. but richie is also smart and it'd just be silly. maybe now ranpo can live (for a lil bit oops) the childhood he never had...
poe as ruth bc he would KILL "just for once" look me in the face and tell me i'm wrong
chuuya as max bc gravity powers and dead!max's powers are similar, chuuya has the anger issues to be max, plus he and kunikida would get to sing "dirty girl" together. i also feel like "literal monster" could be a song in reference to chuuya and i feel like (in a kind of self-deprecating way), chuuya would sing that about himself
we made the decay of angels the lords in black bc it FIT!!! fukuchi as wiggly bc leader, bram as nibby bc... vampire... mouth..., sigma as blinky bc they've got eyes on the casino and know everything about all the staff and customers and such, fyodor as tinky bc tinky is prolly the most sadistic one, and nikolai as pokey bc nikolai is most likely to cause a musical apocalypse
gin as kyle and tachihara as jason is just so silly~ and hirotsu as miss mulberry bc he's trying his best to wrangle a bunch of depressed teenagers all the time. higuchi, naomi, and kajii are the cheerleaders (we invented a third one specifically for kajii) bc we think they'd be good cheerleaders lol
jouno as shapiro bc VIBES and wants to uphold the law and tecchou as bailey would just be SO FUNNY and they would just annoy each other soooooo much! we made mushitaro corey dorris' cop bc it would be funny
mori as the mayor is great bc yosano is steph... and that's just depressing ya know? and then elise as tessburger for obvious reasons
we just thought mark and john would be a funny dan and donna tbh. margaret as bryce's reporter specifically so she can blame nathaniel hawthorne. nathaniel as boy jerry bc ViRgiNiTy RoCkS
jun'ichiro as joey's bbq guy bc let's be real... jun'ichiro is an AMAZING actor. kenji HAD to be in th ebbq monologues bc cows. then akutagawa is a theatre kid i know this he told me personally (or he would be if he wasn't in the mafia and had a family and went to school). atsushi is kind of there just so we can hear him say, "my barbecue" the way jon does lol
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deificgallant · 2 years ago
Tim @desiredinsight couldn’t believe how his marriage had fallen apart, how Isabel had chosen drugs over him. He remembered how she had left him in the middle of the night and never returned. It had been hard, he really had believed their marriage would last.
But of course he should of known better, the signs had been there for a while, he just had been so stupid to ignore them.
Things were better now though, he were doing better now. Had accepted the fact that his marriage is over, it also had made him see that him and Isabel never really were meant to be, never saw eye to eye on anything really.
It had helped having his best friend Angela and her husband Wesley and his sister Genny by his side.
Work wise things were going great too, he had been promoted to detective and today he was getting a new partner, a new detective from another station.
Making his way to his office, he froze when he saw a familiar face, Lucy Chen, his one night stand from years back, he never forgot about her. “Chen, what are you doing here?” He asked, but then saw her detective badge that were just like his and knew. “Your my new partner.” Tim points out, looking at her.
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saralayne · 2 years ago
What I Needed (It Will Always Be You) 🩵💜
Chapter 2: Out With It, Bradford
Tim FINALLY confesses his feelings to Lucy. How will she react?
All day Tim found himself over analyzing everything. He couldn’t keep a thought together. He was never a man who was indecisive. He rarely questioned things. However, this. Him and Lucy was throwing him into a tailspin. Knowing how he felt without a doubt. He didn’t know how she felt. He had an idea that these feelings would be reciprocated but there was a lot of risks that went along with them taking this next step. Would Lucy want to risk the complications with her career? Tim had already established himself professionally so the risks weren’t even on his radar. For Lucy, she was just progressing in her career. Was Tim worth it? Tim found himself spending the day questioning if he would even talk to her. NO, he had to. These feelings he has for Lucy were far to strong and real. He kept hearing his best friend in his ear. Tim knew he would only hold regret if he didn’t meet his feelings head on. Sure, there was a chance he could get his heart broken. A feeling he last had when his marriage to Isabel imploded. How he became a grumpy, shell of a man. The one person who pulled him out of the darkness was none other than Lucy. So, YES. The prospect of him having his heart crushed was worth it. She was worth it.
Tim had sent Lucy a casual text asking if she wanted to get some dinner at the food trucks. Somewhere that was comfortable and natural for both of them. This was routine for them. They would frequently get lunch or supper at the food trucks as friends. Lucy replied back “sure” as this was just normal for them. He had to just get through the day and not let his spiraling thoughts gets the best of him. Luckily, Metro had a few calls and kept him busy and distracted.
Tim had finished his paper work. Lucy had got stuck in a call at end of shift where she would be running behind. She had sent Tim a text saying she would be delayed probably 30 minutes and for him to order them dinner. Of course, Tim has known for a long time what her favourite veggie order was. She would meet him there as soon as she could. As Tim was leaving the station, running into none other than his best friend. Angela knew all of Tim’s moods. After years of friendship and being LA’s finest detective, she could gage how he was feeling. She noticed he was restless, almost nervous. His body language was screaming ‘awkward’. “Bradford, you alright? asking Angela. “Yeah, I’m fine” replying Tim. “You should tell your face that? What’s going on? You should know by now you can’t get anything past me. Spill it” ordering Angela. “Ugh. Fine. I’m meeting Lucy for dinner and I’m overanalyzing everything. What if she doesn’t feel the same? Am I destroying her career? Am I worth all of this? She could do so much better than a 40 year old grump” rambling Tim. “OK. Stop. Tim. I can guarantee she does feel the same. We have all seen how she looks at you. Always throwing heart eyes your way. You are not destroying anything, there is many options to work around the work dynamic. YOU ARE WORTH IT. You deserve happiness more than anyone I know. You have paid your dues with darkness, you deserve to have your happy ending. Lastly, are you kidding me? You haven’t been that grumpy old man in a long ass time. As soon as that brown eyed ball of sunshine walked into your life. You have changed. You might not see it, but all of us do. And it’s all because of her. Stop thinking and just tell her how you feel” Angela giving her best friend a supportive hug and whispering “Now, go get your girl. You have waited long enough”
It was a beautiful evening. Tim ordered them dinner and sat down. ‘Here we go’ he thought. A few minutes later, she appeared walking up the walkway. Dressed very casual. Leggings and a flower, flowy shirt. None the less, she had never looked more gorgeous to Tim. She was going to be the death of him in all the best ways. Lucy had a mega watt smile as she approached the table. He could just stare at that smile for the rest of his life. Tim instantly became more nervous than he had ever felt.
“Hey you”
“Hi. Luce. Umm. Thank you for coming. Umm how are you?”
“Ok out with Bradford. Why are you acting weird?
“Please just sit. I got your favourite”
“Thank you. Looks delicious. I am so hungry. You seem like you need to get something off your chest”
“You know me so well” muttering Tim
“Too well” replying Lucy
“OK. I need to get this out so please for once can you just listen. No talking”
“No promises” laughing Lucy
“Luce. Please”
“Ok. Ok. Promise. You have the floor Bradford”
“Alright. So ever since we have returned from the op in Vegas I haven’t been the same. Things changed for me. Ashley and I broke up. Which was inevitable, my heart wasn’t in the relationship. There is a reason for that. I think this has been happening longer than I have wanted to admit but definitely after the op. Luce. I have feelings for you. Actually, I’m pretty sure I’m in love with you. I know this comes with a lot of complications especially professionally. I never want to lose your friendship. Because you have literally changed my whole world. But I can’t keep these feelings in anymore. I know this is a risk with so many factors, affecting us both. I care about your career immensely and would never want you to risk anything. I will gladly change my direction as I have already established myself in the LAPD. The one thing that is missing from my life is happiness. You, Lucy Chen make me happy”
“Can I talk now? asking Lucy
“Yes. Your turn”
“Your an idiot, Tim. I have loved your dumb ass for so long. Why do you think I ended things with Chris?”
“Ok. But. What about the ‘basic biology’ comment in Vegas?”
“I was scared. You were still with Ashley. After those practice kisses. It destroyed me. I broke up with Chris after the kiss in my apartment. Whether, we were ever gonna have a chance. I couldn’t be with a man when my heart belonged to someone else. There was no indication that you would ever feel that way about me. So, I protected my heart”
“Luce. I’m so sorry. I should have ended things with Ashley long ago. Honestly, I should have never been with her in the first place. She was truthfully a distraction which I feel terrible about. I couldn’t go on any longer keeping my feelings in. You’re right, I am an idiot”
Tim grasped her hand with his. Interlocking fingers.
“Tim. We can figure out the work situation. We deserve this chance that has been a long time coming”
“I agree. Luce, I’m all in. I need you to know that. I want it all. Dates, waking up next to each other, cuddling. Everything”
“Me too”
“Before we take the next step, physically. I think you should take me on a real date”
“Nothing would make me happier”
Tim walked Lucy to her car. Holding her hand along the way. He gave her a sweet, soft kiss as he said goodnight. He didn’t want to. He just wanted to hold her all night long but they had waited so long. That could wait until after a real date.
“Is Friday too soon for our date?”
“Friday. Sounds perfect” swiftly answering Lucy.
As Lucy drove away. Tim sitting in his truck. He was so thrilled he finally took the risk he has wanted for so long. Lucy was it for him. The fact she feels the same meant that happy ending felt right in his grasp. Smiling as he drove home. This was it for him. He couldn’t wait for them to embark on this new journey. Together.
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timothyslucy · 8 months ago
on a scale of 1-10, how fucked up is it that i want lucy to get stabbed by oscar to parallel the time wesley was stabbed by oscar????
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fluentmoviequoter · 3 months ago
For Goodness Bakes
hot cocoa bar celebration🧤❄️🎄
requested here!
Pairing: platonic Tim Bradford x fem!reader
Summary: Tim needs to bake cookies for a Christmas party, and you're happy to help.
Warnings/Word Count: 1.4k+ words of fluff
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Tim isn’t sure how Angela roped him into attending her Christmas party or why he offered to bring something for everyone. Next time he sees her, he’ll accuse her of trapping him or using something against him, even though he knows she’ll smile and ask what gifts he brought. Tim sighs and leans back on his couch when he's reminded about the gifts. His fellow officers are hard to get gifts for, he’s decided. The only helpful result he got from looking online was a recommendation to make something both because it’s heartfelt and it keeps costs down.
Tim scrolls through an article on the best things to make friends for Christmas and rolls his eyes as he passes what seems like the hundredth different cookie recipe. When he sees a cookie assortment idea, however, he stops. Tim doesn’t know what everyone likes, so baking different recipes and flavors seems like a good idea. Then, he remembers that he does not enjoy baking and doesn't think he could bake such a large quantity without assistance.
Tim taps his phone against his hand and considers calling Lucy for help. Before he can dial her number, his phone buzzes with an incoming text.
If Kojo needs any dog treats for Christmas, let me know. I made too many :)
Shaking his head, Tim stands and calls Kojo. After he clips the leash to his harness, Tim exits his house and walks toward yours. He should have remembered earlier that you love baking and enjoy spending time with Tim – even if he doesn’t understand why. Kojo bounces excitedly on your front step as Tim knocks, and when you open the door with a smile, Tim knows he made the right choice.
“Hi, Kojo!” you greet happily. “And Kojo’s walker.”
“Still funny,” Tim deadpans. “We’re not here for treats.”
You cover Kojo’s ears and look at Tim in faux disgust.
“Not just treats,” he corrects.
With that, you stand and invite them inside. Several baking sheets lined with silicone rest on your counter, and you pull a treat off the one closest to you. After ensuring it has cooled enough, you toss it to Kojo and smile as he catches it.
“What can I help you with?” you inquire.
“Baking,” Tim answers as he rolls Kojo's leash and sets it on one of your stools. “If you have time.”
Pressing a hand to your heart, you wipe an imaginary tear from your cheek and say, “I’ve been waiting for this moment.”
“Are the dramatics required for cookie making or just something you like to add for flourish?” Tim jokes.
“Cookies? Ooh, okay, what are we making and why?”
You move into your kitchen and wash your hands before offering Tim an apron.
“Right now?” he asks. “I didn’t mean to rush you.”
“When do you need them?”
“Tomorrow night for a Christmas party.”
“Then now is the perfect time. So, what flavors?”
Tim pulls his phone from his pocket and shows you the article he has open. You nod at the list of flavors and then purse your lips.
“I think we can do better,” you decide. You pull a pen from your drawer and tear a sheet of paper from the magnetic pad on your fridge. “So, chocolate chip, gingerbread, sugar cookies, those are Christmas classics. But for the rest, we can do better than snickerdoodles or shortbread.”
“Thank you for helping,” Tim interjects.
“Of course. And remember that I’m helping, we have to do this together.”
Tim hides his growing smile as he agrees, “Absolutely.”
“Who are these for? Cops?” you inquire.
Tim nods and says, “Angela, Lucy, Nolan, their families.”
You tap the pen against your chin, then say, “I have a caramel cookie recipe I think Lucy would like. Any idea about what flavors they like?”
Tim shrugs, and you roll your eyes playfully.
“If we do chocolate chip, sugar cookies, gingerbread, caramel, hot chocolate-“
“Hot chocolate?”
“Yeah, it’s a chocolate cookie with a fudgy ganache mixed in, and we can top it with marshmallow drizzle.”
“These are Christmas presents, not an entry to the Great British Bake Off,” Tim points out.
“I knew you liked that show,” you accuse, pointing at him. “Besides, it’s Christmas and you like these people whether you’re willing to admit it or not. So, we make a few relatively simple cookie recipes and make their year with a Tim Bradford handmade present.”
Tim pulls the apron over his head and sighs. “Tell me what to do.”
While Tim gathers the ingredients, you clean up from your last round of baking. After the silicone liners have been switched and everything has been thoroughly washed, you return to Tim’s side and find your favorite gingerbread recipe.
“We’ll start with these and the sugar cookies because the dough needs to chill before baking,” you explain. “Then while the others are baking and these are cooling, we can work on the other stuff.”
Tim skims the recipe as you speak and says, “Looks simple enough.”
“That’s what I hoped to hear. You get started on this then and I’ll work on sugar cookies?” you suggest. Tim nods, and you add, “Would I be pressing my luck if I turned on Christmas music?”
“Go for it,” Tim murmurs as he begins measuring ingredients for the first step.
“If I knew baking distracted you, I would’ve asked for help sooner,” you murmur as you press play on your favorite playlist.
Several minutes later, Tim switches the mixer off and asks, “Does this look smooth and creamy?”
You walk to his side and peek into the bowl. “Beat it for another thirty seconds or so.”
Tim turns the switch, and the paddle begins beating the butter again, and you stand by his side and watch. When he looks to you for confirmation that it's done, you frown.
“You got something right here,” you explain, wiping your finger across his cheek.
Tim feels the sugar roll off of your skin and onto his. Pressing his lips together, he watches you struggle not to smile.
“Why did I ask you for help?” Tim grumbles.
“Because you need my expertise. And I’m such great company, right, Kojo?”
Kojo huffs, and you offer Tim a towel before you return to your sugar cookie dough. Tim didn’t specify if he wanted to frost these, but you think just the cookies will be enough for now. His work friends will be shocked to get such a thoughtful gift, you think, and you’re grateful to be part of Tim’s life and to get to help him with something like this.
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While you wait for the last tray of cookies to finish baking, you toss a ball for Kojo and laugh when he tries to tackle you to bring it back.
“Thank you again,” Tim says as he dries his hands. “I couldn’t have done this without you.”
“They’re going to love the treats,” you reply. “It was really sweet of you.”
“Maybe you can teach me how to make you a cake before your birthday,” Tim muses.
“Maybe,” you agree carefully. “Or maybe you can just order one so we can both get a break.”
The oven timer beeps, and Tim removes the chocolate chip cookies and sets them on a trivet to cool. He walks to your side to take the ball from Kojo before bouncing it.
“I found a recipe that I think Lucy would love,” you tell Tim. “You should make it for her birthday. It’s a copycat recipe for the 33-layer cake from Club 33, but the filling between each layer is a different classic Disney movie theme.”
“Yeah, I’ll get right on that,” Tim says. “What makes you think I could do that?”
“If you’re chicken, just say so.”
“I’m not chicken!” Tim defends. “I can make it, I just-“ He stops when he sees the smile on your face. “I don’t know why I’m friends with you.”
“My stunning personality and incredible baking skills. Plus, I spoil Kojo.”
“And dinner,” Tim complains.
“I told you not to eat so much of the dough,” you remind him. “I can order a pizza, and we can start constructing these treat boxes I have that look like gingerbread houses.”
You disappear into the kitchen, and Kojo looks up at Tim with his ears perked.
“You did hear the part about thirty-three layers, right? I’m a beginner, pal.”
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after-nine-at-the-oasis · 10 months ago
Glad to be back :D
Seems like a you problem bestie <3
Nah she was wild for that though xD correct about the Hell thing but
This music is wild for these y'all xD
Ope Charlie?
Guys still not over that ending o.o
OPE going right there with it o.o good thing it was the last scene in the previously as well xdd
Aww Tim :((
Hi Tim :DD!
Hi Gray :))!!
Hmm yeah true
Oop hello sir
Hmm he's gonna keep showing up not just once or twice like he'll be in this episode yk?
Yeeah carefullll
Ahh okay cool
Yes good have a rep <3
Nope phew
Yeeahh I would
Oop o.o
Poor guy :(((
OOGH love when the intro's like that :D
AYY Celina's here now 🥰🥰
Hi Celina :D
Hi Lucy 🥰
Hi Nolan :D!!
Lol real
Aw honey <3
Girl xd chill a little bit
You sound like a magazine honey
Aww xd
Hi Angela 🥰!!
Hi Wesley 🥰🥰!!
My boy <333
Oof yeah D:
Yeah it was nice of you to let her know :((
Yeeeahh saying it like that makes it sound even worse 😭
Aww oh yeah makes sense :((
Yeah he did xd
Uhh ohhhh
Girl you better have scruples about this o.o
Hmm nah she's chill
Nahh she'll find out it's Angela and be like nahhh hold up 😌
Lol real though, the "it's a me problem" thing xD
Hmm suspicious
Ope o.o
Is it though xd brings up issues
Ah and that it's wrong lol
Didn't know you care xD I mean kinda guessed
Ahh okay okay o.o
Yeahh you do have stuff going on
Bc you did kill him xD
Just acting chill or does she not know?
Hmmm seems like just a cover like they know they're being manipulated
Hi Nyla :DD
Yeahh she's just shady xd
Lol yeah the victim one
Hmm yeah makes sense
Wouldn't risk killing some rando lol xD
But I think y'all can do it :)
Timmm :(
Well at least he's not worse
OPE no that o.o
Yeahh maybe we don't want him doing that o.o
He's friends with his union rep he ain't leaving him
I mean maybe physically but yk xd
Be careful Timmm 😬🥺
Hmm blackmail then?
Ah crap what leap xd
Bad fake reason for a leap lol
Oop O.O
Nahhh 😑
Oh crap right that 😬 he did need an emergency session-
Ohh that
Don't really remember it xdd
Liar 😑
NOOPE NAHH don't do it 😑😤
Goirl (him) chill 😑
Sir??? You don't outrank him I'm pretty sure sldgjdks
Yes as he should 😤😤
Sir get over yourself 🙄
Ik he's doing it on purpose but my gosh xd
0 notes
Sooooooo... someone mentioned wanting a drabble of sorts about chenford + finding out the other was in danger in 5x11, so I thought I'd give it a go
“Hey, I heard over the radio you had to call backup units to your domestic, are you okay?” Tim asks as he finds her standing in the break room.
She doesn’t turn around, so he tries one more time, “Lucy?”
“Before you say anything, just remember that I can and I did take care of myself, so don’t freak out” she says.
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
She finally turns to face him and he sees it— her lip is busted open and she has rogue strands of hair in her face.
“He attacked you?!” He can’t help it. He knows that her small warning was meant to prevent him from reacting this way, but he can’t help it. His blood pressure rises and he can feel equal measures of fear and anger move through him like an electric shock.
“What did I just say, Tim?” The look she gives him reads as slightly annoyed, yet fondly knowing. She does know him too well, after all— which is why she decides that maybe she should leave out the part of also having a gun pointed at her.
He reaches for her face, instinctually wanting to brush away the hair from her face before stopping himself just inches away. Tim retreats a step back and looking out he glass to the bullpen before clearing his throat, “you’re going to need some ice and more ointment for your lip.”
“Yeah, not my first busted lip, believe it or not,” she says with a light chuckle.
“I know. But things are… different. You’re riding alone now and I’ve always worried about you, even when we were riding together, you know that.”
“I know,” she says softly.
“If anything happened to you Lucy—”
“I know, Tim. Same.”
He continues, “I guess before, when we rode together, I felt like I could be there in that moment if you needed me.”
“You can still be here for me, you know?”
Tim ponders this for a few moments. His face turns from worry and concern to something more… mischievous? “True… I can actually be the person to help fix you up now. I’ve got a very well-stocked first aid kit at my place.”
Lucy breaks into a wide smile before remembering her injury and lets out a hiss and then a resigned sigh. “Yeah? You think you can do better than the EMTs on the scene?” she teases.
Tim smirks, “Well, I—“
“Oh! Lucy, I’m glad I caught you before you left. I heard about what happened, are you okay?” Angela asks as she comes through the door and makes her way to the vending machines.
“Yeah, just some cuts and bruises, I’m fine.” Lucy replies as she eyes Tim pointedly.
“I know, but it must have been unsettling to have the victim turn on you and point a gun in your face when you came to help her,” Angela says, inserting coins into machine.
Just as Tim’s eyes widen in shock and his jaw drops in outrage, Angela continues with her back still turned to them, “Then again, at least you weren’t actually shot at today.”
“You guys were shot at today?!” Lucy tilts her head and narrows her eyes at Tim.
Tim finally interjects, “It wasn’t a big deal… Angela and I didn’t actually get injured or anything. Angela and I are fine.”
“Good. I’m glad you’re- I mean, you and Angela are fine,” Lucy says with a huff and a small smile. It's clear to her that this is a conversation they should continue, but perhaps not in the break room with Angela just feet away. “Anyway… I should get going, I told a friend I’d meet up with them tonight.”
Angela finally turns from the vending machine, bag of chips in hand, and eyes them both. “Hmmmm… that sounds nice. How about you Timothy? What are you doing tonight?”
Tim shrugs, “Nothing.”
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theflyindutchwoman · 2 years ago
Can we talk a bit about how different the show now feels from the first 3 seasons. It's one of the main complaints I've seen around lately, which I fully get. But the thing is, that is the point. The show IS different from back then. When The Rookie started, the story was following 3 Rookies + their 3 Training Officers in patrol. We have passed that. By now, two of the original rookies have graduated to fully fledged Patrol Officer, one didn't survive and none of the original TOs are in patrol anymore. The premise of the show has changed, so the storytelling has to adapt to this new dynamic.
And to me that's the major challenge faced by the writers today : the expansion of the world within the show. And that's also part of the reason why they are cramming so many storylines in one episode.
In season 1-2, they usually had three different storylines, one for each duo, but still keep the story relatively cohesive under the lesson of the day (Plain Clothes Day, the Roundup, CIs…) and a closing scene with the rookies most of the time. And from there, we had supporting characters at work (Grey, Anderson) and at home (the different love interests, son, friends, etc).
In Season 3, the problem started when Angela became a detective. There's a reason many procedural shows hate promoting their characters : it rocks your entire world. In this case, they had to decide how to integrate Angela with the other plots. Alyssa's pregnancy gave them an opportunity : it was easy to write it in the show, considering the proposal from season 2. And from there, the writers gave her an arc : La Fiera, with motherhood being a bonding element. From episode 03, she was used primarily for this or for personal matters (pregnancy/wedding). But outside of these two arcs, they never really managed to properly integrate her to the rest of the storylines… To the point where she's not even present in one episode.
So once season 4 rolled out, that same issue got exacerbated because this time, with the rookies' graduation, it was the whole structure of the show that was being reset. We suddenly had : . Tim + Lucy . Nyla + Aaron . Nolan . Angela If they kept the original one storyline/pairing they had going on, that meant potentially 4 storylines within an episode (+ whatever personal plots)… Not good. They also couldn't just pair up Angela with Nolan for the whole season since their job was of a different nature. So they had to get creative. Angela would work with a different pairing every other episode and they gave her the Elijah plotline, an extension of La Fiera. They also couldn't leave Nolan alone so Bailey became his unofficial partner on the job when he couldn't be paired with someone else. Even though she never should have been able to, since she's not a cop and there were some massive conflict of interests (the serial arsonist case, her ex-husband). Adding to that, we started spending more times at home with the characters. Wesley and Bailey became de facto part of the main cast. It's all fine but it also means less screentime for the plots. Or for some characters. Like Aaron for instance, who was supposed to be the link to the show's original story aka the rookies, but wasn't even made part of the main cast/characters.
And with season 5, the world got expanded even more. For the first part, we had : . Tim + Aaron . Lucy . Nolan + Celina . Angela + Nyla Thankfully for the writers, since they were gearing up towards Chenford, Lucy could be paired up with Tim/Aaron. And when the story needed Tim/Lucy together, it was easy to include Aaron with the detectives. So they were able to maintain a better balance than in season 4. But now, they have patrol + detectives + metro to contend with. And the occasional Feds showing up. And they have to find a way to make it natural for these different elements to interact on the daily basis. And make sure that nobody in the main cast gets left behind for too long. That means cases with bigger impact (you don't call the Feds or Metro for a simple ticket violation). And that means more plots inside each episode.
Like I said, that's the challenge now for the writers. Which, actually reminds me that this criticism is not new : it was always a complaint that there were too many storylines within each episode and the pace was too fast. Right from the start. It's just that now, with all this expansion, their former structure of having so many plots within an episode makes it more chaotic. We no longer have just 6 main characters. We no longer have just Rookies/TOs dynamics. We're not even just in patrol any longer. It was always an ensemble show… But this ensemble got bigger, both in terms of cast and world building.
The obvious solution would be to extend some plotlines in two/three episodes (like with Day of Death or the Stanton arc) to let them breathe a bit more. But networks tend to be against that for procedurals, unless it is for finales. We could also focus mainly on one part of the cast in one episode, then switch to the others in the next episode... People might not like that though. It's a tough call to make. Call that may not even be up to the showrunners/writers. Because let's not forget that networks love to meddle too.
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isca-rambles · 7 months ago
6x04 Aaron experiencing the trauma of his assault. Me experiencing the trauma of getting closer to *that* episode. Help. Blair. No. You're a bad person and you should feel bad. Oh god I forgot it was this episode. More people letting Lucy down. Her hiding her hands in her cardi. My poor baby. God I love Aaron and Tim's relationship. Why are you doing this to uuuuusssss. Celina, your favourite TO will be Lucy, you just haven't experienced her wonderful guidance properly yet. God Aaron has the most expressive face. He's a really wonderful actor. I hope he goes far in his career outside of The Rookie. I know he does a lot of voice acting, but he's a brilliant live actor as well. Nolan, yes, that is 100% on you. Harper, Lopez. Really? Really?! I'm disappointed and mad. Yes, it's Lucy's job but be a little nicer about it. She's meant to be your friend. You know she's hurting. Come on. Hanging up on her as well? Harper, I expected better of you, honestly. Surely that'd be a suitable 'punishment' for Celina and Nolan to guard the vomit? I can't even enjoy Tim and Aaron being adorable. I'm just mad and disappointed in Harper and Lopez. Okay, I can enjoy it a little bit. Tim really is a great TO. I loved him in Metro and I'm not 100% sure he's going back to being a TO in S7, he might just be back to being a LAPD sergeant, but he's a good teacher. Look, I love Celina getting recognition but I don't know why they're getting such big attention for stumbling onto this. Grey, go recognise Lucy's work right now. Yes, I'm bitter. Anyway, are there any fics with Tim pampering Lucy after they leave the station? Just a nice cute fluff fic of them going for dinner, having little cuddles and some sexytimes, just relaxing and being cute and him making her feel better? I've seen some good comfort fics for after the shooting, but I'm not sure I've seen any for mid-episode. Aaron, my poor angel. Blair, you back the fuck off. I know you're a good therapist but seriously fuck off. I am full of anger today and I want to protect my babies. God Lucy is so badass. I know she took risks here she shouldn't have, I know she wanted to prove herself, but she was fucking badass. She tried to protect the patient and she protected Bailey and the other paramedic. She didn't let a suspect escape. Lucy fucking Chen, fist of justice. Nyla and Angela are senior officers here, they could have said no. Yes, she is a smart girl. She better get that recognition in S7 I swear to god. Oh my love. My poor poor Lucy. Poor Opal as well, honestly. Yes, Bailey. You give Lucy the respect she deserves. The only fucking one. You're up like 20 places on my good list now, girl. God it hurts that no-one could ever give her a glance. A sympathetic look. Nolan didn't even offer to go see her as her union rep? Oh but Tim. Tim speeding to be with her. Didn't even get changed out of uniform. Also Wesley?! Come on. And Grey, I know you gave him a look and told her she could go home and did the tiniest of sympathetic smiles, but not even a pat on the shoulder. Or a 'are you okay?' after she's been cleared? Gah. It just. Compared to whenever anyone else goes through this, they all just seem so happy to leave her alone. Anyone else they'd have snuck in or given them a sympathetic look or sad smile. Something comforting. Nyla and Angela were involved so they can't until she's been cleared, but why aren't they at the hospital too waiting to hear what happens? To give her support? Show her some respect? At least Aaron asks after her but still. Thank god for Tim. They haven't even let her clean the blood off her face! I was so mad I forgot to talk about the comfort Chenford scene. Which was gorgeous. The music and angles were really lovely. The concern in his face when he races in, when he gets to her, touches her hair. Her voice is so small and broken. She's shaking and anxious and can't stop fidgeting. "We'll deal with it". "Let's go home". And the hug. The forehead kiss. Cradling her. Rocking her. Her hand against his heart and his against her head. I can't.
Lucy is not okay, and it's not just about the shooting, and no-one outside of Tim can see that and it bothers me.
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