cooler-ian · 1 year
Gonna draw a dramatic piece of Lucifer in his demon form looking up to the sky, a bright beam of light shooting down on him with the caption "beyond tears"
At some point, stay tuned :]
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I'm back, bitches.
Downloaded the original game for the first time in over two years, and this bitch is in Lucifucker mode- get wrecked about it.
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(I will always love this stupid screenshot)
This is a poor financial decision for me, but when coping is something I already can't do, then like, why tf not, right? Who needs stability when I have equally unstable demon men to fix?
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kuroo-hitsuji · 1 year
I keep thinking about how Lucifer wears a thick vest and leaves it purposely unbuttoned at the bottom to hide his Slutty Little Waist tm
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nostalgic-muffins · 7 days
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what about lucifer's contact name...
a single mom who works two jobs who loves her kids and never stops she has the heart of a fighter im a survivorrrr
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aydien677 · 21 days
Incorrect Quotes #2
Mc: “Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh”
Satan: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh”
Lucifer: “What are you doing?”
Mc: “Letting out our internal screaming.”
Satan: *screams harder at Lucifer*
Lucifer: *sigh* “of course that’s what this is.”
Mc: *snorts* “Ahhhh”
Mc: *smacks a block of cheese on the counter at Purgatory Hall* “Cheese.”
Luke: “Huh?!”
Solomon having been old enough to know what Vine is: *wheeze*
Simeon: *stands there confused* “What?”
Mc: “Lucifer!”
Lucifer: “yes Mc?”
Mc: “Luciii!”
Lucifer: “Is there something you need Mc?”
Mc: “No, I just want to say your name in as many different and weird ways as possible Luci-Goosey”
Lucifer: “…”
Mc: “Lucifucker, sushifer, LuciFUR, Lucifella, LuLu, LuLuBirb,”
Lucifer: “Mc… why?”
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lvlcurrent · 1 year
I bet you're secretly a Lucifucker :/
You think he's cute? you wanna fuk his bussy? push him down the stairs? snap his neck??? A walking tragedy is all you'll amount to, both of you
lets all ignore the supervillain monologue and look at this instead
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mc gets lucifer to buy all their drinks =w=) extortion moments
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midnightsunnyday · 2 years
So, once again, here I am at 2 AM with another hot take, this time on Lucifer.
If you really look at it, from the very beginning of the story, Lucifer isn't that horrible to us. You might think this is my Lucifucker bias kicking in, but for the first few chapters of the story, Lucifer is somewhat amicable to us being there. Authoritative, autocratic, patronizing, kinda scary, and well, prideful (duh), but otherwise...tolerable and leaves us to our own devices, for the most part.
The only time he begins to show hostility is when he starts to suspect us of having ulterior motives for making pacts with his brothers and getting too involved in his family's business. The two times where he does attack us may seem unwarranted to the player, but narratively, makes sense in regards to Lucifer's characterization.
So yes, it's time to get ready for...
Me analyzing the two times Lucifer tried to kill the ever loving shit out of us because I'm a simp, but also one who can read (somewhat):
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So, let's look at Lesson 6 or the first time Lucifer tries to murder bomb us. We, the reader, know that Luke, despite his feelings towards demons, wouldn't intentionally do anything to harm the brothers and obviously, had no idea what he was holding was a grimoire. He was a lost kid who unfortunately, stumbled across something he shouldn't have touched.
Yet from Lucifer's perspective, he sees an angel (beings who he's shown to hold bias against...for obvious reasons) trying to "steal" the very book that if in the wrong hands, could put his entire family in danger, along with the human who's protecting him (who he's shown to be already skeptical of), and his own brother, who hid the angel in their very home and allowed him the opportunity to do so.
Right now, he's not looking at the situation like we are because we already have that information. We know why Luke is in the underground tomb. We know why Beelzebub tried to hide him. But for Lucifer, all he sees is the enemy invading his home. This is the first time we see Lucifer enraged past the point of reason, so much so that if not for Diavolo, he would've killed MC.
Remember the beginning title of Lesson 6: There Are Some Wounds Time Can't Heal. Lucifer's reaction may not have been logical to us, yet considering what we learned about the secret room, about the brothers being former angels and fighting in the Celestial War and Lilith's death from Beelzebub two chapters earlier, it was logical to Lucifer and Lucifer alone. It doesn't excuse him from doing it, but it's an important part of his characterization and purposely done to show how these events still affect him.
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The same is true with Lesson 12. Lucifer tries to straight up dead us again, yet only after learning that we disobeyed his warnings about going up into the attic and conversed with Belphegor. Add that with him finally beginning to trust us (even developing small hints of a crush, flirting with us more than once) and the rather heartwarming bonding moment before it and Lucifer's trust is completely broken. Considering we learn later on why Belphegor was locked in the attic and what really happened to Lilith, Lucifer's reaction is not surprising. Not great, but not surprising.
It's then you begin to understand the basis of Lucifer's rage. Before making his vow to Diavolo, Lucifer states that whether demon or angel, he will always stay true to his convictions. Right then and there, we see what truly matters to Lucifer. His love for Lilith, his family. Even if it means sacrificing his pride and serving Diavolo. Even if it means becoming the bad guy to his brothers. He did, especially with the lack of options, what was necessary to save his sister. In turn, said decision also saved his brothers.
And so we see that the only two times where Lucifer is ready to attack is due to the perceived threat against his family, going so far as to risk Diavolo's goals of uniting the three realms not once, but twice, something that he surely knows the consequences for.
So yeah, I write all that to say that you can dislike Lucifer all you want. You can argue about how he punishes his brothers, especially Mammon. You can argue how he's a stubborn ass with the emotional communication skills of a sun-dried turd. You can argue that he's too subservient to Diavolo, to the point where he takes for granted his brothers wishes or feelings (arguments in which I do have opposing opinions on, but to do so will make this post longer than it needs to be).
Yet to call him evil is to ignore so many pieces of his characterization that shows otherwise. How vulnerable he can be, how affectionate, how silly, how he truly loves his brothers and will go out of his way for them, etc.
But to call him good isn't quite right either since well...he has no qulams about killing people, threatening them, attacking his siblings in a rage induced tantrum, lying, locking people in attics...
He's the well-intentioned extremist. The lawful evil. The noble demon. A rabid dog who snaps and barks at the slightest threat but pet him once and tell him he's a good boy and he'll melt in your hand.
Like, I know this shit is long, and I could go even further, but for now I'm going to defend the fact that Lucifer is just...he's a good character, ok? A good, complicated, mess of a character.
And I absolutely love him for it.
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following the theme of ik, after being nightbrought, accidentally making inside jokes from the present and completely bewildering the past brothers:
one time, while satan and belphie were scheming against lucifer again, ik was asked for input and responded only with "lucifuck haha". this became their favourite thing to say to each other whenever lucifer did something annoying
then, having been nightbrought and being VERY tired of past!lucifer being an absolute bitch to her, ik mutters "lucifuck you" to herself as she walks away from a conversation. lucifer overhears this and is stunned into silence for the rest of the day
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lucithekingofhell · 1 month
"Ugh...if it isn't the short king himself. How's my damn first ex-bitch doing, and are you still ruling down in fucking Hell, Lucifucks? 😈🤣" -Adam
"first off all if I piss you off so much why even talk to me? Secondly don't call her a fucking bitch, motherfucker. And thirdly, yes I do still rule hell. It's literally in the name. And why the fuck are you call me /Lucifucks/?
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supreme-burrito · 1 year
And it is right here where you can feel the stick being pulled out of his ass
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I knew I related to Lucifer the most
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But when he said this
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It punched me in the gut. Sure the way the line is presented makes him sound like an angsty teen, but no- I personally relate to what is going through Lucifer’s head right now.
This man has major, MAJOR trust issues with a capital T. He can’t trust anyone with his secrets, his true self, and thus has slowly closed his heart off to the entire world. In turn, it caused him to just start making assumptions without confrontation because he was afraid and anxious of his expectations not being met (his expectation that his brothers would want to go back to the Celestial Realm and not accept Satan as their brother) and was all but dead set on taking the option of ‘meeting the needs of the many’.
It may come off as Pride, but it isn’t. This is Emotional Damage.
If people don’t realize what the hell is going on in your head, then people will perceive your intentions as the former and fucking hate your ass for it. Someone in this position, unless they have the ability to listen to what other people have to say and are capable of taking feedback well, will continue to act this way until an intervention happens because they will think everything is alright with how they’re acting and the decisions they are making, without even realizing the damage they are doing to the people around them.
I know this from personal experience. I have been in Lucifer’s position multiple times in my past.
We (MC) knew this wasn’t true due to the Banshee Incident from a couple of chapters ago.
The literal slap in the face to see the truth of what his brothers actually wanted to do, to meet his expectations, made him realize that perhaps he could have a little more faith when it came to serious issues such as these.
And right at the end of the previous section after all the brothers leave, MC tells Lucifer that it’s okay to cry. Let me tell you, yeah after the interventions I’ve had, I’ve bawled my eyes out.
As time goes on, he might shove that stick up his ass again, but he will probably do it with more attention to detail.
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Accepting the truth and admitting that you were in the wrong is a hard pill to swallow. I’ve swallowed this damn pill multiple times. It fucking hurts but I would rather do it than isolate myself from the entire world for being an arrogant jackass.
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And most of the time people do not want to swallow that pill. This is when the emotional damage turns into an actual sin. It’s why the world is why it is today because of people such as these who think that their way of thinking is the only right way and everyone else is wrong.
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Needless to say the end results were very satisfying.
I’m also kind of glad the non-Lucifuckers got a third option to give Lucifer the cold shoulder after the events of Chapter 12 and you can also completely avoid interacting with Mammon as well.
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themosthatedbeingg · 1 month
"...hey lucifuck! Where's the wash your sister sauce!!"
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mamieszwashere · 2 years
attention lucifuckers- y'all better ready for this shit-
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also me rn,
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Post Lesson 15 intimacy ranking ttiiiimmeee
12- Lucifer
10- Asmodeus
9- Diavolo
8- Mammon
7- Barbatos
6- Solomon
5- Leviathan, Simeon
4- Satan
3- Belphegor, Luke
2- Beelzebub
Huh..... Didn't think they'd get this spread out. Probably the fault of using them to varying degrees in jobs. Also thought it would take me longer to get through this point, but honestly this last event helped a lot in expanding devil trees.
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leviathans-tail · 2 years
Types of Obey Me stans (bros version)
Lucifer stans: Lucifuckers, Lucifans
Mammon stans: Mammorons
Levi stans: Leviastans
Asmo stans: Asmohoes
Beel stans: Beelzebitches
Belphie stans: Belphewhores
And then there’s Satan stans… : Satanists
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adbearsary · 1 year
oblivionmobile -> adbearsary
@lucifucker - obey me! shall we date?
@1863st - omniscient reader's viewpoint
@amatuscuriae - tears of themis
@dixinduanzao - genshin impact, star rail
@shuangxjiang - mxtx and 2ha
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denpa-dere · 11 months
entering my lucifucker era
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