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iholli · 1 year ago
2024: the year the gays get remastered
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gunsatthaphan · 7 months ago
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ep1 // ep10
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pushing500 · 7 days ago
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Yay!! You're almost 100% organ-decay-free! Remember to say thank-you to Alistair next time you see him, alright?
You will also notice it says Tokori is "having a bath". That is all the man ever does, I swear. Also, I'm no expert, but I don't think it's a good idea to take a bath with surgical cuts that are SO FRESH you are literally still feeling the effects of the anaesthesia. Surely you're supposed to like... not submerge your heart/lung transplant stitches??
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Tokori thinks Mechi's hair is impractical for someone who works with machines so much (a valid and accurate opinion). Othello the Great Dane seems to like the new addition to the Jones family.
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"Having a bath", "having a bath", "having a bath" that's ALL HE EVER DOES!!!
Also, yay! Organ-decay-free!! We've bested The Void once again! You know what that means, don't you?
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Crackin' open a cold one (a body) with the boys
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Adios, Tokori's finger. Let's see if we can get Jones boy #4 (or #3, depending on if we're going "spawn order" or "order they joined the colony" 🤔)...
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psychlocke · 11 months ago
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falin and marcille are neither 👍/👎 nor ❤️ but a secret third thing 🎶
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sodapopcurtis-dx-asks · 2 days ago
How does Pony hatin’ Steve so much makya’ feel?
Sodapop pulls out the slip of paper from the jar, snorting once he finishes reading and flips it over to write his reply.
Man, is that stuff funny.
Those two butt heads so badly, you'd think they'd have dents where their foreheads press.
I mean, yeah, it sucks my brother hates my best friend, but, what can you do? Plus, I don't think either of them know I know, but I know they both care about each other even if they don't admit it.
He pulls out another slip of paper to continue writing.
Like, uh, for example, Steve makes sure Ponyboy always has somewhere comfy to sleep whenever he's napping. Because that boy falls asleep EVERYWHERE nowadays. And I mean EVERYWHERE.
Ponyboy, well, he's real stubborn, but he loves cheering for Steve during drag races. And he likes doin' stuff with him too. Which, as annoying as it is to have a kid following you around all the time, Ponyboy just likes to admire people.
(although I definitely think that boy could use some Personal Space lessons. Golly.)
I dunno, they're both pains in my ass when it comes to their issues with each other, but I could care less knowin' they actually DO care about each other.
Sorry about that ramblin'. Thanks for the question!
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fumifooms · 1 month ago
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Let's TALK about this drowning scene hello, specifically Chilchuck trying to save Marcille at the risk of his own life. The context is: This is after the demon leaves, when the dungeon collapses, the dungeon gets flooded by water and they go under, with no sense of where or how there could be an exit to this. 1: Since the dungeon is collapsing and reviving someone only works in dungeons, there is no guarantee that Marcille or anyone would be able to revive someone during or after this, NONE. 2: He is risking his life for her, he is STRAIGHT UP playing his life on this choice, action hits and shit gets more serious than it ever has, and he yet does it anyways. Perhaps it's the gravity of it that pushes him to make this choice, that this time if someone dies it's for real and he can't accept that, but either way his choice is made in a split second, he prefers the risk of dying trying to save her than the risk of living while she died. He is fighting for scraps of hope, seconds more of holding onto life. Which, 3: This situation is HOPELESS. In the end yes they end up being spat out the dungeon by some exit with the strenght of the flood, but there was no way to know this would happen, and like we see in the third panel Chilchuck and the others do lose consciousness. That's the hopelessness for "a way out of this", but even moreso, what is he hoping to accomplish? He's small and weak like he always reminded the party for fights, he CANNOT PULL HER UP TO SAFETY, HE CANNOT PULL HER AT ALL, WE SEE HIM STRUGGLE TO AND FAIL. HE CAN'T DO ANYTHING BUT HE STILL TRIES DESPITE THE RISK. You might also say- haha!! You might also say that this is a show of optimism from him!! You could say that after Marcille changed him, pushed him to have more hope in him, he now has the strenght and will to hope that this might do anything, that this might save her! A little similar to the situation with his wife actually, the point is that the chance is worth taking even if it might not turn out like hoped for- the point is that it's always worth trying and keeping hope to fight on, there is risk in being vulnerable and reaching out to his wife yes, there is risk, as with jobs, as with finances, as with anything- It's not that you'll never fail, but you have to not give up when you do- there's a risk but you can't just shut yourself off to the world and to relationships, you can't suddenly care about nothing! That's Chilchuck's arc! Do you prefer the risk of trying and failing or the risk of not trying and things being broken forever?
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And then the water miracurously spits them out of the crumbling dungeon. He gets up and he runs to marcille fearing she's hurt but no, they're saved, she's fine, they're all alive and out of danger. It worked out. Having hope was right.
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(This is an excerpt. Read the full character & arc analysis here!)
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armytism · 8 months ago
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let's take hyper potions together
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badlydrawnjegbert · 1 year ago
opinions on weezer
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[EB]: . . .
[EB]: oh hey on that note, did you catch this?
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[EB]: hope this answered your question anon! :B
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daltonsnightmare · 2 months ago
MacGyver (2016) s4e08 - Father + Son + Father + Matriarch | Cold Open
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nenoname · 2 months ago
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the experience of reading stan twins fics and being constantly haunted by a name
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months ago
the nghy sendoff scene is super cute!!
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from hiyori’s confident smile and “just you wait! i’ll definitely report back with good news (about the track meet)!” and nagisa’s “yeah, i’m looking forward to it.”, showing his support and faith in her running abilities…
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to their promise to keep in contact…
just… the contrast between nagisa’s slightly lonely look as he tells her “…keep in touch, ‘kay?” and hiyori’s bright smile as she agrees with a “yup! see ya!”…
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and it seems like hiyori’s going to leave just like that, but t h e n
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…she abruptly turns around to give nagisa an especially adorable angelic smile and wave and!!!!!!!!!
nghy are just so precious guys… they deserve all the happiness in the world…
live laugh love nghy!!!
#they’re just sosososososososososooooooooooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!#look at how far these two have come since their farewell scene in heroika!!!!!!!#never getting over how funny it is that nagisa’s just there in his wearable merch while seeing a fashionably dressed hiyori off#but well. hoodie x hoodie couple amirite?#though hiyori is getting better dressed as of late… nagisa had better step up his wardrobe game before he wears ft4 merch to his wedding#my hot take is that ​kimikawaii mv should’ve been 10 minutes long#we need to see more of hiyori in fashionable outfits and nagisa being just there in hoodies and ft4 wearable merch#we haven’t even gotten to see him in that lame ft4 bucket hat yet#but. well. that too is part of nagisa’s charm#i do think it’s adorable that she’s grown more confident in wearing cute clothes though#especially since she’s wearing them around nagisa: the guy who made her grow wary of wearing cute clothes (like she wanted to) as kids#it really shows that acknowledging your mistakes instead of brushing them off/denying them/minimising the impact/harm they have caused#does wonders for the recovery of the one who was wronged… i love that for nghy. truly.#guys who acknowledge their mistakes and grow from them are just�� sweet in their own way. y’know?#…but i digress!!!!!!!!! in any case live laugh love nghy!!!!!#(​aaaaa i s w e a r i could talk about kimikawaii for hours on end… they’re just so cute………)#i wonder what their next song together would be thoughhhhh… i hope they get a duet next!!!!!!#the dude from gamushara
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kutiee · 5 months ago
Hello... I live 😭🙏🏼
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havingagayoldtimeoverhere · 7 months ago
Has anyone seen that anxiety x fear song on tiktok and thought about that on point in the song when fear suddenly begins to sound way too much like Vic Fuentes? No? Just me? (Skip to 0:36, trust me, it's worth it)
Credits: benjixscarlett_ on tiktok
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moeblob · 2 years ago
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I love him he is ...... so good.
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gagayhem · 1 year ago
i wish the songs from make happy were on spotify
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mumms-the-word · 10 months ago
watching the mummy again because the bg3 fandom made me do it (no they didn’t but it was a good excuse to watch it again) and listen I love rick o’connell but ardeth bay is the hottest man in that movie and I will die on this hill
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