whitherliliesbloom · 3 years
beyond lulled waters
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[ ffxivwrite2021 ] ★ [ masterlist ] ★ [ prompt #27 - benthos ]
[ alphinaud/illya ] ★ [ 1,452 words ]  ★ [ nagi no asukara au ]
benthos- a community of organisms that live on, in, or near the bottom of a sea with marine or freshwater sedimentary environments
where the sea meets the land, a promise is made between a boy and a girl who come from radically different worlds
In hindsight, perhaps buying a sea salt popsicle for a sea dweller was a bad idea - Alphinaud realizes a little too late as he watches bright violet eyes narrow in confusion, pink lips glistening as she purses them after taking a small cursory lick of the popsicle.
“T-This.... tastes like air.” -or rather... seawater, as the popsicle name would suggest. It tastes familiar, perhaps a tad more sweet than the salty ocean waters she was so acclimatized to, but not what she’d associate with a dessert - at least not for someone like her. She doesn’t quite understand the peculiarity of the bright blue frozen treat in her hands, and she furrows her eyebrows in deep thought until the boy beside her bends down, offering her the delightfully pastel pink popsicle in his hand instead. 
“Try this one, perhaps you would like it better.”
With a cautious yet hopeful tilt of her head, the girl exchanges the blue popsicle for the pink and takes a careful lick, before her eyes widen in pleasant surprise, more enthusiastic swipes of her tongue following soon after.
“T-This one tastes wonderful!” her voice rings out like a bell chime with delight, sending Alphinaud’s heart into a flip-flop that has his lips curling into a smile by instinct.
“I’m glad you like it. It’s strawberry flavored.” The boy notes, taking a single glance down at the blue popsicle in his hand in thought before biting into it quickly. He tries not to let thought of the girl’s lips freeze his head over with a grimace and a scrunch of his face. 
She doesn’t seem to notice however, merely peering down at the already half-eaten dessert in her hand, clearly far more used to the chilling cold than he is. Even with the summer heat warming the waters far more than it would during the frigid winters, living beneath the surface meant sea dwellers had to adapt without many of the luxuries one would find the land dwellers enjoying.
Strawberries being one of them, Illya notes with a pleasant hum, biting off the last of the popsicle before throwing the stick into a bin by the side of the boardwalk. She’s far more used to kelp, urchins and all manners of salty seafoods that gets frankly old over time - and she decides that she enjoys strawberries and the other warm, hearty food of the land she’s tried throughout the day.
By the time the pair have reached the pier, the sun has already begun to set, lowering steadily towards the distant horizon where the warm twilight skies meet the sparkling surface of the lulled waters. There are only a handful of small boats docked by the pier, and the fishing vessel from earlier in the morning is nowhere to be found - much to the girl’s relief.
Though she had already expected this, knew full well that the day, like many other things, will end as it had begun - the sensation of melancholy still wells deep in her chest as she sits herself down on the side of the pier, allowing the push and pull of the waters beneath her feet to splash loudly just a few feet beneath her soles. 
Alphinaud sits himself down next to her, eyes transfixed upon the radiant sunset as he allows only the sounds of the tides and calling of the sea gulls retreating home to fill the silence. 
“I suppose.. you’ll have to go back now.” He parts his lips to speak first, but he doesn’t take his eyes off the rays of sunlight reflecting against the iridescent waters. “How are you going to return? Do you need a boat?” He hears Illya let out a small, quiet giggle beside him at his question, and heat rises up to burn his cheeks when he hears her answer.
“I could just swim back.” 
“Oh-” he responds, a hand raising up to rub the back of his neck. “That makes sense.”
Of course she would swim back home - and it’d be easy for her too, unlike he who could barely swim a lap around an Olympic sized pool without feeling like he’s on the verge of drowning. They could not be any more different - both in their personalities and their biological make up.
There’s a reason why the sea dwellers have hidden themselves away upon the seafloor for as long as they have - why the land dwellers are bound by law to not dive down beyond a certain depth to the corals where they are... and why there was a cruel, yet undeniably profitable black market for sea dwellers who have been illegally abducted. 
Alphinaud feared to imagine just what would have happened if those poachers truly did succeed in taking Illya away. It would also explain why the girl had been so frightened up until she calmed down enough to let her curiosity about the land get the better of her. The beach town he lived and grew up in was his home, but to Illya it was an entirely different, foreign world.
Despite being so close together, with only the waves and the sandy shores separating their worlds, sea and land were never meant to intermingle. Their worlds should never interact - they should never even have met.
But by chance of fate, they did. She drifted to him upon the back of the waves - and here where the water met the land, he allows his overwhelmingly selfish desires take over his own rationality, and the boy turns his head to look down at the girl beside him.
“If it’s not too much to ask...could we perhaps meet again?”
The girl takes a second to think, closing her eyes before turning her head up to look back at the boy. The rays of the sun are harsh against the backdrop of the skies and ocean, and yet they glow with a comforting hue against her pure white hair - like woven starlight that reflected upon still waters, now fluttering like scattered dandelions against the cool sea breeze. 
And in a sea of lavender and ocean blue corals that sparkled with the light of a gleaming pearl, he saw hope and optimism twinkle in her eyes, as the fair complexion of her cheeks are warmed by the kiss of the orange sunset. 
“Of course.” she answers, as if she already knew the answer before he’d even asked the question. “I’ll visit you where the waters meet the land again.”
“Then it’s a promise.” he grins with a dip of his head, if only to affirm his own wishes, one that the girl of the sea repeats with her own nod.
“A promise.” 
She doesn’t say goodbye, has no intention to as she gets up onto her feet. And with a light curtsy, she takes a step off the pier and dives into the tranquil cool waters.
Alphinaud watches as the spindrift of white hair descends deeper and deeper, intermingling with the seafoam until it disappears out of sight, and he calls down to the waters in a loud voice that echoed in tandem of the splashing tides.
“I’ll buy you another strawberry popsicle next time!” 
She can just barely hear his voice - distant and muffled by the sounds of the water as it fills her ears, her legs kicking effortlessly against the current as she swims, allowing her body to sink deeper and deeper towards the sea bed. 
Illya can see familiar, distant fluorescent lamp lights, rainbow coral reef and the white of the mossy cobblestone buildings as the overhead scenery of the underwater city came into view. A school of tropical fish of all colors circle just directly beneath as if in wait for her - as if to greet her home. The groan of a blue whale from miles away rumbles in her ear, signaling the befalling of the night as the light from the sun grows fainter and is overtaken by the bioluminescent glow of the sea stars that hung over the city. 
She takes a deep breath in, exhaling as a flurry of bubbles leave her nostrils and past her flowing silken hair. It smells familiar, it smells like home and has the faint taste of melted sea salt. This is where she belongs, this is where she was born.
And yet, when a translucent blue jellyfish swims past her head, tickling her cheeks lightly with its tendrils as it rises up further and further, the girl could not help but to turn her head to look back up towards the surface, where the land she thought was beyond her reach beckons her to return another day with a promise. 
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lanxyuu · 3 years
I was rewatching Sayu's confession from Nagi no Asukara Episode 24 (as one does), and it made me realize how much potential that Kaname and Sayu had as a ship... and how much I wish that they actually had a meaningful bond beforehand :'((
Like, their personalities work so well together! Sayu's straightforward nature combined with her sharpness lets see through Kaname's passive, reserved demeanour that he always puts up. And finally seeing somebody with the insight and bluntness to actually call him out, and notice, his internal cycle of self-pity and bitterness and dejection is like... nice, and something that I think Kaname needed—especially considering how with his relationships with every other character in the show, the focus is rarely on him.
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That "Stop acting like the tragic heroine!" and "Heroine? Not the hero?" exchange is one of my favourite moments from the confession honestly. Seeing Kaname's attitude and feelings finally being addressed? And through such a fun/witty but also direct remark? And his very in-character response of throwing in a joke about it, despite his feelings and situation? IT SHOWS BOTH OF THEIR CHARACTERS SO WELL AND IT'S SUCH AN CATHARTIC MOMENT AHHHHH
But it's not only that!! We've also seen that, despite her bluntness, Sayu's actually still pretty emotional. She's had quite strong emotional reactions throughout various points in the story (that fight with Miuna, seeing Kaname again for the first time, her outburst when they were discussing Manaka). Plus, she did act pretty shy and self-conscious around Kaname—overall showing that she does feel things strongly and gets influenced by her emotions.
So then with how calm, laidback, and levelheaded Kaname is, I can see him being the calm to mellow out and balance Sayu's intensity, the reassuring steadiness to her turbulence. This element is definitely similar to Kaname's dynamic with Chisaki, with him being the one to always comfort/console her—but with Sayu, she's still perceptive enough for this not to be just one-sided emotion dumping like it was with Chisaki and Kaname. And with her sharp tongue, she's still able to make responses back, which makes these types of interactions between the two of them more engaging and interesting to me.
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Like this! He takes in her feelings, provides his own comfort in response, and you can see how she's overwhelmed by emotions as Kaname says he'll start seeing her as a girl his age, but still she responds with the quip of "You're pretty condescending, aren't you?"
And I just LOVE this type of dynamic as opposed to just crying, or flat emotional responses, you know? :""))) Being able to joke and banter amidst the heavy emotions... it just adds such a nice dimension to their dynamic.
And side note, I really like Kaname's response—he's not making any promises to her besides respecting her as a girl his age. Which is fair! This type of response feels so rare in romance anime (not that I watch a lot), and is pretty realistic, in my opinion. A "maybe". Get you a couple from a romance/drama anime who can handle confessions by responding reasonably and NOT running away in tears
And overall, the few moments of heart-to-heart we saw between the two of them during her confession showed a glimpse of SUCH a nice relationship.
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Kaname: That big brother you admired is actually just a big kid.
Sayu: Don't go putting words in my mouth!
Like, there's just something about the... sheer sincerity of this, this mutual acknowledgement of the fact that they're both just kids (which is also a really nice touch/nod to the theme of their age difference, or lack of it now, after this and Kaname's response)... it makes me happy for them. This is probably the most open about his feelings that Kaname's been to anyone, the most he's shown the 14 year old boy inside that constant demeanour of maturity and composure he wears—that he was pushed to wear, living with Chisaki and Tsumugu, the literal adults that he had to find himself navigating alongside.
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So anyways, yeah. I think Sayu and Kaname as a pair are amazing for both their personalities as well as the connection they made in this moment. But this brings me to my second thought about this, which is how much I wish that they actually had a meaningful bond before this moment :(
Because the significance of Sayu's confession to Kaname is so great—it was the first time he realized that somebody did care about him after all. But then I think about the fact that Sayu has feelings for Kaname... because he pet her head when she was 9? Like, her feelings obviously stemmed from an infatuation as a kid, one that lacked any real substance. They barely had any important interactions afterwards for the rest of the first half of the show.
And then after skipping forward 5 years, the fact that Sayu feels the exact same way, and the fact that her 9-year-old infatuation remained so strong that it became a factor motivating her to work hard in school? It just... I don't know, these feelings just feel so... baseless to me. Which makes me so sad! Because personality-wise they're such a good pair!
But as much as I want to suspend my disbelief to wholeheartedly love this ship, compared to Hikari x Manaka who've been close friends their entire lives, or Chisaki x Tsumugu who found support in each other through the 5 lonely timeskip years... it's hard for me to completely believe in Sayu's feelings beyond this childhood infatuation, you know? She talks about how because of him, she was able to work hard, so he wouldn't see her as just a little kid" and that "because of him, she was able to keep going". And her line "You were right here in my heart the entire time!"—as beautiful as it was—the fact that it's spurred on by a 9-year-old crush... I just can't fully immerse myself in it. And even though a long-lasting childhood crush isn't completely unrealistic, for a fictional story that's comprised of deliberate writing decisions, having it happen like this is something that I feel is unfortunate and just feels so much less meaningful than every other relationship in the show. I'm just glad that Kaname's response was reasonable and compelling, given the circumstances and his relationship with her in the moment. But if their bond had any build-up or meaningful moments, that would've been so much nicer imo.
But regardless, Kaname and Sayu as a ship are my favourite in the show, and even without what I wanted, I'm still glad that her confession happened. If you're here, thank you for reading! This anime really be leaving me with unresolved feelings nearly a decade later :")
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nikkirecs · 2 years
and some non-short things bc i have no self control
Koe no Katachi - it made me cry
Cider no You ni Kotoba ga Wakiagaru - it’s cute and short
Summer Wars - it was fun
Doukyuusei - you mentioned it and it’s good
Umibe no Étranger - just gay angst rn i guess
1 cour/1 season
Baccano! - a lot is happening but i love the op
Godzilla: Singular Point - defs not for everyone bc it’s a lot of theoretical physics but the animation is just so fun to watch
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun - the manga made me cry
Kyoukai no Kanata - it’s not amazing but i like it and it’s pretty
Hataraku Maou-sama! - not fantastic but fun at the v least, watch it before s2 comes out this summer so that this being here isn’t a lie
Shadows House - this fucked me up but not in a trauma way
Uramichi Oniisan - too real
1 cour/2 seasons
Kekkai Sensen - i continue to be urban fantasy trash but this is honestly fantastic, especially the 1st season
Gin no Saji - again the creator of fma, nice sol
Akagami no Shirayuki-hime - i’m not like obsessed but it’s fun
K - honestly objectively it’s lesser bsd but i go hard for the characters. like i didn’t like it at first and ten spent 5 years thinking about it. really i just rec for the prequel movies
Otome Game no Hametsu Flag shika Nai Akuyaku Reijou ni Tensei shiteshimatta… - it’s so good
2 cour/1 season
Nagi no Asukara - this makes me so emo in the best ways
Ballroom e Youkoso - love a good sports, idk why it has romance as a genre though
Hyouka - it pretty
SHIROBAKO - a love letter to the anime industry, not incredible but i was charmed
Vinland Saga - i love vikings
2 cour/2 seasons
Arslan Senki (TV) - by the creator of fma. also the 2nd cour is only like 8 eps
Enen no Shouboutai - if you can get past the fanservice it’s a+
Magi: The labyrinth of magic - god when will it get a s3
3-gatsu no Lion - i haven’t seen s2 but s1 was fantastic and i normally hate dramatic sol
Ookiku Furikabutte - second season is 1 cour, just a nice baseball anime, clearly i’m pushing the sports
2 cour/4 seasons
Durarara!! - everything after s1 is only 1 cour but listen we know i love urban fantasy, arts not fantastic but i don’t think it’s bad enough to stop
long shit bc i have no self control
Soul Eater - what is a nikki rec list without soul eater
BLEACH - i mean you said you lean toward long stuff, stop after they beat the big bad the first time
Cross Game - love me a good romance sport
MONSTER - what a slow burn, i seriously didn’t know i liked it and then it was over and i was like “this is a masterpiece” 
Diamond no Ace - i binged 100 eps in a week
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jostenneil · 4 years
your top 5 anime couples?
ok so the funny thing is i wrote out my answer to this ask a few days ago and just as i was publishing it my internet decided to die so i lost the whole thing and got rly sad. but i’m back now and perhaps with some better answers so maybe this worked out to your benefit lol 
edward/winry (fullmetal alchemist) → this is pretty self explanatory but nonetheless, i adore the potential with these two. i think there’s a lot of subtleties to their relationship that aren’t touched upon enough in fandom, like how far their intimate understanding of each other goes, how their fears for each other manifest in the work that they do every day, etc etc. they’re a wonderful portrayal of the childhood friends to lovers trope just by way of the fact that they know each other down to a microscopic level. like i think it can’t be overstated enough just how amazing it is that a part of ed’s life is in winry’s hands and a part of her life is in his hands, and how that builds upon the foundations of their unbreakable trust in each other. i also love how their relationship is built on the fact that they’ve essentially been the heads of their households since they were kids. that burden and sense of responsibility they share in is so palpable and esp fun to explore in the post canon when they finally have time to focus on themselves and what they want to do with their work and their family in the long term, i love to think about it! 
tsumugu/chisaki (nagi no asukara) → there isn’t a lot i can write here without spoiling the events of the series itself, but to describe the basics of these two, it comes down to a sort of complicated love polygon that they’re caught in the middle of, and i love how it plays out here. chisaki has loved one of her childhood friends for her entire life, so when her feelings start to change and she develops them for tsumugu instead, she’s weighted with this intense sense of guilt that parallels to a traumatic event that occurs mid series. chisaki is someone who hates the idea of change and growing up and tsumugu as first her friend and then her potential love interest is someone who subtly tries to challenge that mindset and help her grow, all while caring very deeply for her. it’s a really nice case of push and pull, and what amplifies it even more are all of the sea associated metaphors that their relationship is entwined with. chisaki is like this tumultuous and unpredictable sea, while tsumugu is the boy in the boat who patiently weathers her storms. it’s magnificent (and on netflix)
junichi/yurika (kids on the slope) → the funniest thing to me about this manga is that unlike most ppl my greatest takeaway from it was the relationship between these two as opposed to the main focus between the homoerotic, catholically symbolized best friends (which is still impeccable), but i have my reasons! i like these two bc they depict what a mature relationship between two people, no matter how damaged, ought to look like. when they first meet, jun is charismatic, flirtatious, and daring, yurika haughty and alarmed but also intrigued. there’s a brief potential there for some magic, and then they don’t see each other again for several months. the next time they meet, all the previous facades have been shattered. he’s been disowned by his family and now lives alone, depressed and jaded by the world, and she’s growing increasingly frustrated with the impositions put upon her as a pretty girl from a rich family growing up in 60s japan. the conversations between them thereafter are very charged and challenging as they poke and prod at each other’s world views, but it’s ultimately a healthy banter that’s necessary for them to come to an understanding and move forward. jun fears hurting the people he loves and isolates himself as a result, and yurika pushes back at those walls and limited thinking bc they’ve been towering over her all her life. it’s just a beautiful exploration in balance esp since they’re a couple that has to make it on their own without their families’ support, so they need mutual understanding to survive 
marco/connie (gangsta.) → the relationship between these two is pretty complex. marco is originally a born and bred child mercenary, but at a point in time he begins to harbor some doubts about the work he does with his “friends”, and the turning point in his life becomes the death of connie’s parents at their hands. connie cries these angry, unforgiving tears and stares at him with so much hatred in that moment that it rocks him to his core, and a series of events leads to him abandoning the mercenary lifestyle and completely starting over in an effort to repay kindness to the people he’s only ever harmed. what’s interesting about these two is that connie rly holds him to this endeavor. she’s constantly skeptical of him and she doesn’t like him nor holds these great hopes for him to improve as a person. she makes no moves to help him initially when he’s mocked and jeered at for attempting to start fresh, and why should she? he ruined her life. but the interesting thing is that marco’s persistence when it comes to doing good and wholeheartedly repenting is something that begins to intrigue her, and slowly she starts to let him into her life. first as a delivery boy she greets at the door, then as maybe an acquaintance, then a friend, and somewhere along the way, a lover. it’s a really dark relationship (explored in more detail in gangsta. cursed) but i love how it’s explored and how they push each other to be better people 
taichi/arata (chihayafuru) → if you know anything of this fandom you know this is the unpopular choice, but nonetheless, my reread this past year enlightened me to it. i feel like these two really take rivals to lovers to the next level. their initial friendship as kids barely touches the surface of some of the insecurities each of them harbors, but as they grow up apart from each other there’s this simultaneous loathing and longing that manifests in each of them for the other that’s really amazing to watch unfold. there’s so many backhanded comments between them followed by bouts of remorse and self-hatred, there’s secret expressions of just how happy they feel when they’re able to play each other, the tension that exists between them as they fight not just for chihaya’s love but for the love of karuta is so so intense and devastating, and ultimately it’s a really well fleshed-out exploration between childhood friends vested with different life experiences that ultimately put them at odds with each other. the way their relationship has developed up until now in the manga is just crazy to see and i sometimes wonder if they’d be more popular had they been straight lmao 
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formashimataichi · 4 years
I think this added context makes things much easier. I apologize if I assumed things about your view yhat you didn't have and I get that it was a matter of emphasis for you not an exhaustive take on Taichi's arc.
Thing where we might disagree though is I also did think that his arc kinda ended with the loss to Arata.
It obviously not entirely over as he still has his hung ups and moments of final closure.
But I think when it comes to the big issues it is. He got rejected and won't end up with Chihaya and failed to win against Arata and had a kind of reconciliation with him (which is probably not final final).
I don't mean to undersell the importance of those final moments when it comes to his arc, but point being that whatever happenes in the remaining chapters it wouldn't do anything to those who wanted things to go differently. That is either ending uo with Chihaya or winning against Arat or both.
Again, you might prefer the direction the manga went, but those who prefered different directions do have a point and can equally claim to a coherent and satisfying character arc like in the examples I gave in my last Ask.
Got a couple of Qs
1.Do you disagree with my last claim that the examples I gave in the last ask where Taichi either ends up with Chihaya or wins against Arata *can* be coherent and reasonable arcs for him even if you don't prefer them? (Also would like to hear why you would prefer the direction the manga went over my examples)
2. What do you expect the final moments of closure to be (since it won't alter the loss to Arata or rejection by Chihaya), and can you explore what that would mean to his character arc beyond the coping to loss thing( i mean when it comes to his relationship to chihaya and arata and what they mean to his self worth)
Oh, don’t apologize! Like I said, it’s hard sometimes for there to be clarity with a back and forth like this, and that’s completely understandable, haha. I didn’t comment on it in the last ask because my focus was elsewhere, but I’m really glad you brought those potential scenarios up, because they’re all both equally interesting, and I definitely think they could work as reasonable arc progressions with solid meaning entailed by them, too. I really love the premise of him having potentially won against Arata while still losing Chihaya, because it’s true that in the end she can’t be entirely won just because he becomes “great” at the sport. There’s a lot of value in the lesson learned from that, as well as the situation you presented vice versa. 
I think where my preference stems from is the fact that very few love triangles in mainstream shoujo (or josei) media allow for friendship to be so valued and prioritized as it is in Chihayafuru. Usually, the love interest who loses either disappears from the main character’s immediate vicinity to make room for the victorious love interest, or he’s given “pity winnings” by being paired up with someone else (who often harbored an unrequited crush on him for a while). I don’t think there’s anything wrong with stories like that; one of my favorite anime (Nagi no Asukara) executed such a story and I absolutely loved it. But I also appreciate that Chihayafuru offers a new perspective, especially since Chihaya and Taichi are such overwhelmingly important people to each other even outside of the romantic complications of their relationship. I really want for Taichi and Chihaya to be able to stay best friends even if she doesn’t romantically reciprocate, because they’re just that important to each other and still deeply care about supporting one another. I feel like either of them would be lost if they entirely let go of the other, because their friendship has spanned so many years and has meant so much to each of them in the long run. It’s rare to see a friendship between a boy and a girl with so much depth be valued for the fact that it’s a friendship and not necessarily a guarantee of romance just because they spent the most time together. Friendships can be really deep and meaningful relationships, too, and I think Chihayafuru is a series that especially emphasizes upon that. 
As for what I’m hoping for personally from his closure, I think ultimately I want to see two things: 1) that he decides to return to playing karuta, because he realizes he loves it, and he doesn’t want to stop trying just yet, and 2) that he realizes how much he matters to the people he loves, and his efforts and kindness do mean something and weren’t all for naught. I don’t think these resolutions may necessarily solve all of his relationship problems with Chihaya and Arata in the blink of an eye, but I do think they’d be significant steps forward for him and good indicators of that friendship between the three of them finally mending, especially since they’ll now all be together in Tokyo. There’s a lot that he has to talk with Chihaya about, obviously, because while they’re not as distanced from each other as they were at first, there’s still a part of the divide left that they have to completely bridge. I think it goes without saying that Chihaya is sorry to him for so many things, even if they aren’t entirely her fault, and vice versa as well, so I want them to be able to talk about it and cry about it with each other and inevitably remember that they value and care for each other so much. I don’t want them to have to enter college still distanced from each other when they clearly miss each other terribly. And with Arata, I hope we see Taichi reach out to him despite his prior beliefs that Arata has no use for his words; I think it’d tie into Taichi’s recognition of his self worth and importance to others, plus be a great way to reemphasize that Taichi is fundamentally a kind, caring person. We see that in his actions every day with so many different people, and we’ve even seen it with Arata (when he asked Kana to fix his hakama, and when he sent Arata a message of support before the Meijin match), but I feel like reaching out now to help uplift Arata out of that despair and loneliness he’s been drowning in would be a culmination of all the kindness Taichi has worked hard to express towards him while trying to overcome his insecurities about him. I guess that’s why the romantic conclusions of the story don’t necessarily matter to me as much, because I feel like before these three can even have a chance to broach that, there’s already so much that they have to resolve with each other as friends first. Chihaya has always, always wanted to be in a karuta world where both Taichi and Arata are at her side, and I hope that by the end the three of them can have that, just by way of playing together again as they move into adulthood. It may be wishful thinking, but I’m really hopeful that Suetsugu will recreate the scene where they entered the Shiranami Society for the first time and were hugged by Harada, but with them now as college students. It would be really sweet and a great way to call back to what Harada said about needing friends in order to continue (which I know I mentioned in the tags of one of the other asks, so I apologize for being redundant, lol). I know this woman is obsessed with her parallels and full-circle moments so I really hope she uses some in the end to call back to the initial flashback chapters! 
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The Sea
Fandom: Ikemen Revolution
Character: Zero
Prompt: Inspired by the anime Nagi no Asukara. Those who are familiar with this beautiful anime know what I’m talking about! 
#16 Lost and Found Prompt list A - Fluff @unappreciatedotomelove​
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All that breaths, all that moves has a name and a form. Though the form is not always obvious, not always as solid as we like it, though the name doesn’t come to us as easily, oftentimes forgotten to the world and lost to history, all in existence has a name and a form, waiting to be called upon.
He liked to think that was his name, or rather, had come to accept that it was his name, for he didn’t recall anything before the name. The man called Zero today didn’t remember the name he may have had before, or what he had been before, though he was sure that it wasn’t what he was today.
“[Name],” would be his response, calling for that name that he had come to adore so much. That name that had been picked so carefully to represent the you who brightened up his sky.
It was at night, when he was alone and only his breaths accompanied him within the silence. When the air felt foreign and unusual and so did the sheets of his bed. When the reflection of the moon seemed too bright and unfiltered. It was at night that he seemed to almost remember what he had been before, or what he had been part of, for he felt that he was only a small part of the original.
Zero would dream of the sea, deep blue and tempting. Though he didn’t dream of the waves, or the clashes, or how it moved and pulled and pushed by the gravity of the moon. He would dream of all that was inside. He dreamt of the time that the sea wasn’t the sea yet as it was today. He would dream of the time when the sea had a form as well, or an appearance rather, for it still had a form and never lost its form, but it did lose its face.
He would dream his longing for the sky, how he wondered why they were so familiar in colour, yet so far apart. He would wonder about what it was like to move around above the waters, to dance across the shores, to hold out your arms and feel the breeze rather than roll.
Though wishes are sometimes cruel longings with harsh consequences. In his dreams he remembered how he rolled down the streets, washed the paths clean and took back lives he didn’t mean to take. In his dreams he dreamt of the volatile storms that sometimes passed, shaking up his waves and drowning more. He dreamt how those above would blame him for the lives lost, and how he could only roar back that it wasn’t him, but that none understood him.
When they tossed humans, often young maidens, down his way he would remember once more how he had been misunderstood. Years of such cruelty, of misunderstandings, they had made his heart weary. And he would then dream of times where he didn’t have to exist, where he could be understood. He would wish to be the air in everyone's lungs instead of the waves that squeezed them out.
When one of the sacrificed maidens took on your form the dream would turn into a nightmare. As it often did, if it couldn’t be called such already, then surely this did it. For the sight of your figure in the water, cut off and thrown away by your own kind, given to him who had only wished to be part of your world. It ached and it hurt and the tears he shed, he knew, was the reason why the sea is salty today.
And with every fiber of his being he would wish for you to return to the shore. Pushing and pulling, forcing his tides and commanding his waves. All that he was, all that he is, he felt himself work and cursed the lack of hands, the missing of fingers, the absence of a solid form even if he had one in theory.
The realisation that even despite being the sea itself he could stand so powerless to the forces of nature. The knowledge that despite his rule that it was nothing worth if he couldn’t actually command. It was a realisation that split his heart, and so along his whole being rendered apart.
That was always when he would wake, still bleary eyed and half-conscious of his own thoughts, drifting between slumber and clarity. It was then that he was Zero once more, the man part of the Red Army, the failed experiment from the magic tower, the one who didn’t remember much but the name he was given.
But he remembered why the sea was salty. He would remember the heartbreak of the sea when it still had a form, an appearance, a visage to speak of. What he would remember the most was the maiden he had saved, the one he wanted to protect the most, much like how he felt for you. He would remember how he had succeeded at the cost of his own, how he bled the salt that could be found in the sea today. He would remember how he, himself, had only been a scale of the whole, not even part of the hands that created the waves, but merely the shoulder on which it all rested.
Zero would remember how he couldn’t feel the warmth, or even the skin of the one he had saved but had loved all the same. Just like the rest of his form had done and had vowed to do before dispersing itself into many flakes, scattering around in the waters that had once been his home.
And then, as he finally felt his body move again, as he would go through his routine and pass the mirror. It was then that Zero would remember again that he was no longer the sea longing for the sky. No longer the waves that crashed and weaved, no longer the ripples of water blamed and misunderstood.
“Good morning, Zero!”
Upon your greeting the soldier would remember another fact. One so much more precious than any other.
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blarhiv · 4 years
What are some of your favorite animes? (Not kdrama) and dramas?
Waah,favorite anime! I love almost everythig haha, but here are some of animes that are dear to my heart  (not in a specific order):
- Gunslinger girl
So melancholic and tragic work.This story will not leave you indifferent and will leave a deep mark on the soul that will not pass over the years.
- Onihei This is one of my favorite anime. Edo era.Samurai era. Different stories in every episode,like notes from daily of one person from this era, but every episode is full of real emotions,its own morality. Daily life, detective component, social drama, the concept of honor and duty, surrender, justice and simple human kindness. We are all beautiful beings born out of a dream. In this cycle of life. Onihei is truly masterpiece.
-Ikoku Meiro no Croisee 
Story about little Japanese girl in France,19th century.There are definitely special charm and atmosphere. Very-very kind and sad work. Absolutely amazing music. My heart still hurts because mangaka didn’t finish this work.
- Gundam:Tekketsu no Orphans A lot of tears and struggles, your heart will broke into million pieces. But it's worth it. ( I still can't with story of Shino and Yamagi).
- Gintama This is unique thing.Jokes,laugh, tears,happiness,sadness,SOUL. Must watch.
-Acca 13-ku Kansatsu-ka Unique and original anime of its kind. An excellent combination of style, good music, coziness, unusual characters and political intrigue.
-One Piece
There was never a day that I regretted wathing this anime,and it will never come. Huge universe,exciting adventure,hert-throbbing stories.
- Hellsing OVA TV series is classic, but original plot in OVAs is everythyng.
- Kino no tabi(2017) Incredible atmosphere of travels, really cool main heroine, nice picture and music. Every country that our heroine is visiting maintains its own foundations, but if look a little deeper... it all applies to our life. Every city reflects humans sides in society. We are shown a different temperament of people, actions and their consequences, the important role ,I suppose, was played by the names at the end of each city or episode, it can be said as a highlight on the cake that “sums up” this part. This anime is deeper that you might think. I really want to watch original ver, but don’t have time for now..
-Natsume Yuujinchou
Soft,sad,warm,kind. My dear classic. OSTs from Natsume are one of my favourite.. They always take me to other dimenisions.
- Genroku Rakigo Shinjuu
Drama of life of people. Strong work.
- Dantalian no Shoka
Entourage, this era/century/, little bit of mystic, magical music, unobtrusive detective. Love it. So pity that there is no continuation.
- Grisaia no Kajitsu (and other seasons/ovas)
After 10-12 episodes I was empty. This is not just another harem.
-Yuuri on Ice!
Wah.. It was a crazy love. Literally. I even skippen lectire once to come home and watch live broadcast to watch new episode. [my house is two hours from uni lol]
Words are superflous here^^
-Full Metal Panic
-Banana Fish
It’s so sad story :( Main characters reminded me of jikook because of their strong bond. Souls bond. It’s very strong and unshakable. Understanding without
-Boku no hero academia
-Richard Housekichou
Adorable!!!!!!!! Unusual theme, the strongest bond of the main heroes. WE NEED NEW SEASON BECAUSE EVENTS FROM NOVEL!!!! WE NEED TO SEE IT!!! AND EYES OF FUJOSHI WILL NEVER FOOL YOU! Khm. Opening is so good <3
- Kami sama no inai Nichiyoubi
-Sekai ichi Hatsukoi
Oh... this is my first yaoi anime.. At first I really couldn’t watch it, but at the end of first season...hahaah no one could stop me from walking by this path!
1st season was legindary.
- Sakurako san no Ashimoto ni Shitai ga Umatteiru
- Zankyou no Terror
-Black Lagoon
-Shingeki no Kyojin
No long time ago I returned to this anime and wacthed 3rd season that I dropped. And I’m very glad that I did it. I don’t care what others say, but this is a masterpiece.
-Angel beats
-Howl no ugoku shiro
My the most favorite movie forever and ever. Watched it countless times.
-Kimetsu no Yaiba
-Code Geass
-Yakusoku no Neverland
-Ookami to Koushinryou
-Bungou Stray Dogs
Weeell, interesting characters,plot,atmosphere, PERFECT JAZZ MUSIC,a little philosophy,beauticul picture... You will enjoy this story!
- Mob Psycho 100 Sometimes it may seem boring, but 2nd season hit me so hard. Very touching. Especially 8 episode!! ттттт
- Nurarihyon no Mago
-Nagi no Asukara
-Great Pretender
I feel like I need to stop because it seems I can continue this list forever lol
About dramas... I watch all BL. It would be very correct answer skjsksjksksks Literally... so I don’t have super recommendations here.. series “HIStory’ is good, but I hate History MODC, ending of this story. Where your eyes linger, I could love 2gether the series, but it was  ridiculous..everything that happened after ep8-9. TharnType, Love by Chance, Dairy Tootsies, WryRu,Water Boyy, The boy next door[MY LOVEEEE],Because of you,  The shipper[lol I really love this drama despite it seems like creators take us for clowns. btw im very very routing for WayKim ending. PLZ] etc etc etc...
Thank you if you read this madness till the end <3 love <3
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iristial · 6 years
Do you like any other fandom? Like Marvel for example?
‘Other fandom’ is a really broad term there, but I’ll assume that the fandom I ‘usually’ like is tokusatsu since I post about that 90% of the time
This ended up going into my fandom history so here it is under the cut
Anime and manga are my real first love; particularly Pokemon, which began in 2005(?) with the Pokemon Movie 4 about Celebi. My preference for Japanese dubbed, English subbed material in anime also began because of the Black and White anime season as Dawn was my favourite character. I started reading manga in 2010-2012 with a Gold, Silver and Crystal volume from the Pokemon Adventures series (it was the one where Crystal debuts). Pokemon in general is that one series I can’t seem to break away from.
I spent quite some time reading and watching things in the shonen genre, though I haven’t taken a look at popular works like Naruto and One Piece. It’s been things like Bakugan, Beyblade, Megaman NT Warrior, Rumiko Takahashi’s works (I recently watched her Mermaid Saga anime) and others. But since I’m a complete sap for shipping, I went into shoujo works as well. CLAMP was the beginning point for that - we used to have a English dubbed video tape with around three of the Cardcaptor Sakura anima episodes. I was very obsessed with CLAMP in 2013-2014; I often borrowed CLAMP manga to copy the art into my sketchbooks and drew in a similar style. After that it was Hibi Chouchou and Nagi no Asukara; the latter of which induced a rage fest in me even four years after the series ended.
Other manga and anime I’ve liked include Hirunaka no Ryuusei, Soul Eater, Noragami, Princess Jellyfish…there are more than this tbh but I can’t recall everything
I began watching tokusatsu again in 2012, as I’d spend Saturdays watching Magiranger and squealing over Hikaru/Urara. Tokusatsu is a fandom I flutuated in tbh. In 2014 I discovered Kamen Rider Wizard and probably Kamen Rider W, in 2016 I saw some episodes of Kamen Rider Drive and late 2017 some episodes of Kamen Rider Ex-Aid. I can’t remember what my Super Sentai love was like…I think after Magiranger it was Shinkenger, then Goseiger, Gokaiger, Go-Busters and Kyoryuger
2015 marked the beginning of me paying more attention to Korean media. Up until then I thought Hong Gil Dong was my favourite drama and that SNSD had twenty members. But then I got into SHINee, some other K-Pop groups and dramas. I was infatuated with the images idols presented to the point where I even wrote fan fiction for them. I also got into a string of K-Dramas such as Who Are You: School 2015, Boys Over Flowers, the Reply series, To the Beautiful You, Chicago Typewriter, Shopping King Louis, etc. It was radically different from Disney live-actions, of course, but I loved it and it was like that for the next year or so
2015 was also the year I first got into Star VS the Forces of Evil, though as of recent I’ve been “meh” about it because season three…anyway, other Western animation I’ve seen are mostly children’s programs (that’s what they all say) like Jane and the Dragon, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Steven Universe and others
I will always be a fan of Disney and Dreamworks movies. Period.
2017 was a cooler period since I focused on getting good grades (right now I’m out of my depth) and was a little tired of how K-Pop’s general consensus was becoming BTS at the time
For some reason Western comics don’t stick to me? I’ve never been particularly interested, sans moments when I’m going “phase crazy” (I get obsessed with something for a week to a month). Maybe Marvel just doesn’t work out for me, but that’s fine
So this concludes the really long answer I shouldn’t have given, but I felt like there was a lot I could work with for the rather broad question XD
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dr3aming-of-stars · 7 years
I was tagged by @mikia87 Thanks for the tag! :D
Rules: Answer the questions you’re given. At the end, write 11 of your own, and tag people
1. What is your favorite video game?
Hmmm, hard decision because I have so many games that I love! Dragon Age is my go to game when I think of one? But I also love Final Fantasy and Fire Emblem!
2. What kind of music do you like?
I like a variety of different genres? Kind of? I really like pop, rock, and when those two are combined into pop-rock! And alternative rock!
3. What is your favorite movie?
I loved the movie Warm Bodies, Mirror Mirror, and because I’m biased, I love Kingsglaive and have seen it about 7-8 times and counting.
4. If you could be a fictional character, which one would you choose?
Hmmm, another toughie? Maybe Levy McGarden because I love her solid script magic, and also because I could become a Fairy Tail wizard! And not because I could be with Gajeel, whaaat?
5. What is your favorite color?
Purple! One of my beloved OCs happens to have purple hair! <3
6. What is the first video game you played?
Freddie Fish and Pajama Sam were my jam as a kid!
7. What is your favorite book?
Immortal Instruments, even though I haven’t finished the series yet, I love it!!
8. Big question: Moogle or chocobo? Why? 😉
As much as I love those fluffy little chocobos, I have to say Moogles! I really want a giant plushie of a Moogle one day!!
9. Who is your favorite artist (any kind : art, music, dance, acting…)?
I’ll go with music? I’m not sure if many people know of this band, but I absolutely love the band Against The Current! I’ve listened to their songs on repeat so many times, that I’ve lost count xD
10. What is your favorite anime/cartoon?
Nagi no Asukara!! I can’t describe in enough words how much I absolutely love this anime! Even if it’s a short anime of 24 episodes, it’s absolutely beautiful with the art, characters, music, story, it’s honestly just so amazing! If you have the time to watch it, please give it a chance! <3 The quote on my blog and header gif are both from it! c:
11. If you had to sacrifice one of your 5 senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch). Which one would you choose?
NO JOKE ME AND A FRIEND WERE TALKING ABOUT THIS EARLIER, because we created a soulmate universe with newly developed OCs, and that the only way they could become soulmates fully is if they gave up one of their five senses!
Anywayysss, I probably would give up my sense of smell? As long as I can still taste things, I’m all good!
Now for my own questions? I’m terrible at coming up with questions, but I’ll try!
Favorite fictional character?
Favorite think to eat/drink?
If you had the power to bring anything that you wanted into our reality that was from a fictional universe, what would that be? (Could be anything!)
What is your favorite past time?
What is your favorite season?
Favorite song(s)?
Favorite system to play video games on?
(I hope you don’t mind, but I’m gonna reuse this question because it was great!) Big question: Moogle or chocobo? Why?
Do you have a collection of anything? If so, what is it?
What is your dream vacation?
I’ll tag: @the-wallflower-artist @sky-writes-daydreams @shikasaii
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petaldancing · 7 years
twitter drabbles
wrote some drabbles in response to prompts on twitter! you’ll find:
ann/shiho, haru+yusuke (p5) houtarou/chitanda, houtarou+mayaka (hyouka) tsumugu/chisaki (nagi no asukara) lucina+chrom (fe:a) pearl/platina (pokespe)
Ann/Shiho, “crepes”
Shiho’s in town and they find themselves at their usual haunt, a small and cosy crepe café located in a quiet corner of Harujuku. The place is almost always empty, not just because of its location, but because of the not-so-friendly staff here. Ann had stopped wanting to come here ages ago, and yet, she finds herself breaking the rule when she’s with Shiho. She wonders if Shiho feels the same way, wonders why she hasn’t complained about the service or the artificial sweetness of the cream and the canned peaches. It must appear on her face, because Shiho laughs—a soft hum that makes Ann’s skin bristle—before whispering, “Some things never change, huh?”
She might be talking about the bad crepes. All Ann could think about was that this was their secret hideout, back before Akira transferred to Shujin, before she dared to dream that she could change her fate. A lot of things had changed since then. The one thing that hadn’t was how tightly Shiho held her hand whenever they sat in this very booth.  
Haru+Yusuke, “painting”
“… What’s the real reason behind your invitation, Haru-san?” Yusuke asked the moment he set up his canvas and poured out the paint. Beside him, Haru sat diligently in front of a bare canvas of her own.
“Well, I’ve always wanted to learn how to paint,” she says, her lips curved into a small smile. “Please let me know if this is too much of a bother, Yusuke-kun,” she added quickly, her hair bouncing as she leaned forward.
Haru wasn’t telling the truth, that much was clear. To not be able to discern her true motive was somewhat disconcerting, and yet, Yusuke knew that whatever it was, it was not an ill intent. Her house was large, easily thrice the size of Madarame’s abode, and yet, he felt much less alone here than when he lived with his ex-master. Haru seemed to have that effect on whoever she met. And so, he chose the paints deliberately—warm hues, like the plants she cared for, and soft colours, to match her gentle words. Haru had never seriously painted before, and Yusuke didn’t want to go too far and say that she had talent, but he could tell that she was careful with every stroke she left on the canvas, as if it were another one of her flower beds.
When all was said and done, Haru did not allow him to leave just yet. “Hold on, Yusuke-kun! As thanks for your teaching, shall we have dinner together?”
Yusuke’s empty stomach didn’t allow him any opportunity for polite refusal. He found himself seated at the longest dining table he’d ever seen, with a dizzying array of food laid out. His fingers were still stained with paint, but so were Haru’s, and so they ate without needing to scrub away at their hands.
“I really enjoyed myself painting, Yusuke-kun. Perhaps we should make this a regular affair, no?” Haru proposed as they wait for dessert to be served.
“A regular affair?” Yusuke repeated, and then realised why Haru asked him for lessons in the first place.
“Yes! Between friends!” Haru said with a soft laugh and a resolute nod.
“Friends…” Yusuke repeated once again. Ah. It had been a simple reason all along.
“Yes, alright. Thank you.”
Houtarou/Chitanda, “conflict”
 If there was anything more distant than the sun and the moon, it would be Houtarou and conflict. This is why he lets Ibara taunt him, batting her barbs aside like flies in summer. This is why he tells Satoshi ‘maybe next time’ whenever he gets an invite to the arcade. But then, in comes Chitanda, toppling his perfected balancing act over and over again like it’s nothing more than a tower of jenga blocks. She pulls him close, her cheeks flushed, an insatiable curiosity burning in her eyes. Houtarou squints as he considers his option before realising that he’s screwed either way. Should he risk conflicting with his mantra, or with Chitanda Eru? Before he can make a choice, Chitanda tugs him along, makes him traipse up and down hallways and stairwells, leads him to and from scattered puzzles, buys him a drink, lends him notes for homework, pushes her bike next to him until they part at the intersection and waves, her hair tossed in the wind and her hand ready to catch his soft goodbye.
Houtarou wonders, faintly, if perhaps the best way for him to avoid conflict from now on would be to change his mantra.
… Nah.  
Houtarou+Mayaka, “tipping points”
The door to the geography prep room opens with a loud bang. Houtarou doesn’t need to look up from his book to know that it’s Ibara, and that she’s in a bad mood. She’s the only one out of the four of them whose loud emotions bleed into even louder actions, a trait that Houtarou doesn’t think he’ll ever understand. He only ever feels a quiet prick of sadness when he finds the corners of his paperbacks bent, or an ant bite’s worth of irritation when his pen runs out of ink. Anger is tiring.
Ibara throws her bag onto the table, nearly knocking over his cactus companion. When she pulls a chair out, she deliberately lets it screech against the floor. Houtarou winces. He lifts his eyes up from his book, careful not to look at Ibara’s expression. He keeps his gaze low so all he can see are her shaking fists.  
Being in love is probably exhausting.  
“Look me in the eyes, slug.”
Houtarou feels a shiver run down his spine as he straightens his shoulders and meets Ibara’s demand. When had he become so obedient to her? Actually, strike that, don’t answer that question.
Her eyes aren’t red or puffy, which frighten him more than it should.
“You’re going to be my witness.”
“… Don’t I get a choice here?” Houtarou tries his luck.
Well, at least he tried.
He places his book aside, tenting in on the table before leaning back to regard Ibara properly. “What did Satoshi do this time?”
“Nothing,” she starts to say, “and that’s what pisses me off!” She hammers her heel onto the floor to make a statement, her shoulders shaking and her voice cracking. He’s never seen her get so worked up, not since that fateful Valentine’s Day, and he wonders what she needs a witness for. She would only need a witness if she was going to declare something that needed a second party to back up. Something she couldn’t take back. His finger taps against the table and he shifts uncomfortably in his seat. Before Ibara can say her piece, he decides that he’ll expend just this bit of energy.
“What are you going to do then?” he sits up and asks, wondering if that is enough.
Ibara pauses, her entire tirade washed away for just an instant. She always had a habit of focusing on others instead of considering herself. Houtarou wonders how she can live like that, and doesn’t know if he means that as a compliment or a shame.
She tightens her jaw, her eyes shining with emotions that are too strong, too much, too different from anything Houtarou can ever feel. And yet, it’s because of this that he can’t look away, not just yet.
“… Something,” Ibara finally says. She brings her hands up to slap her cheeks. Hard.
Then, she turns back to Houtarou, her lip quivering with hesitation. “Thanks, Oreki,” she sputters out, shifting her eyes away sheepishly. She gathers her things and leaves the room just as quickly as she came in, but closing the door softly this time.
Houtarou collapses over the table. He hopes that whatever he just did was the right thing to do, and that Satoshi will forgive him in time to come. Being in love is an exhausting thing, after all.
But, that’s why Ibara’s probably the only one who can see it through.
Tsumugu/Chisaki, “symmetry”
After the world turns cold and white, Chisaki shivers, not because of the ice, but because of the frightening realisation that she’s alone. She folds into herself, wishes she could hibernate here, on land, and that if her skin dries and shatters into shards, it is enough of an apology for having left everyone behind.
The light in the room turns on. She closes her eyes tighter, trying to savour whatever darkness she can. She doesn’t budge, not even when she feels a hand—coarse from weaving and pulling at fishing nets—on her shoulder. Instead of forcing her to sit up, Tsumugu bends to match her, and Chisaki doesn’t need to open her eyes to feel that he’s aligned himself next to her in perfect symmetry.
Tsumugu doesn’t say anything. He gives her her silence, just like how he’s given her a roof over her head and three square meals a day and warm saltwater to bathe with. Chisaki can’t fool herself into thinking she’s alone anymore, but Tsumugu lets her do even that.
She wonders how kindness can be so soft and yet so sharp.  
Lucina+Chrom, “teaching/learning”
There were many things her father never had the chance to teach her—how to ride a wyvern, how best to sheathe her sword, how to swallow fear like a bitter pill. Lucina let herself be childish for just this moment, allowed herself to wish she could unlearn her swordplay so that she could feel what it was like to have her father's hand over hers, showing her the way. Instead, she finds herself parrying his blade and knocking him off his feet on the training grounds. She wonders if this is what growing up means.
But, when she feels the warmth of her father's hand as she hoists him onto his feet, when she catches the words “Teach me” wreathed with a wry grin, she wonders if perhaps she hasn’t grown up much at all.  
Pearl/Platina, “home/cooking”
“You were just checking the cookbook, weren’t you?”
“No I wasn’t,” Missy replies curtly. She even pushes the book she’d been peering at just a second ago further away to make her point.
Pearl has known her for so long—he’s battled against her, stood beside her during contests, stayed awake under trees and stars for her, and even saved the world with her—and yet, some things about Missy still elude him. He doesn’t think he’ll ever understand her fully. Perhaps that’s why he’ll always stick around.
“Y’know, I can show you how to cook if you want,” he offers, scratching the back of his head. It would certainly be a nice change of pace. He’s feeling restless waiting for Dia to return from the store with snacks to get them through the night. They had to practice for a Double Act routine that was going to happen at Hearthome city—and though Dia was perfectly at peace with how their act was going to go, Pearl knew that he was going to lose sleep over his nerves alone.
Missy’s face lights up at his suggestion, but she very quickly brings her wide smile under control. Just barely. “Yes, I suppose that sounds acceptable. I’ve always wanted to learn how to cook,” she says, clearing her throat to hide the excitement in her voice. The fact that she’d left the cookbook out on the coffee table had been an obvious enough hint to Pearl, but he chooses not to tease her this time.
“Well, why haven’t you ever learned? You got a whole line of chefs who could very easily teach you.”
She pauses a moment, her cheeks flushing. “I’ve never had anyone I wanted to cook for before,” she says, in a hushed whisper. Then, she stands up and heads for the manor’s kitchen, not giving Pearl a chance to catch her expression.
He sighs to himself, but gets up from the sofa and follows her anyway.
“Dia and I love riceballs!” he says with a laugh.  
find me blabbing more on twitter! (also petaldancing) 
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saetorimedia · 5 years
Sometimes it’s good to rewatch anime you’ve watched in the past, Nagi no Asukara is one of them. With an interesting story and aesthetic pleasing environments it’s no surprise that this anime is still in people’s head. Want to refresh your memory or do you want to watch a new anime? Please look no further!
Basic information Aired: Fall 2013/Winter 2014 Episodes: 26 Studio: P.A. Works (famous for Angel Beats, Another and Charlotte) MAL rating: 8.21 Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Story Before getting into the real story there is a prologue in Nagi no Asukara you need to know. Long, long ago, all humans lived beneath the sea instead of on land. They lived together in harmony, were happy and created their own culture. However, some people were interested in the surface and started investigating it. After some time they preferred the surface and abandoned living underwater permanently. As a consequence, they were stripped of their god-given protection called “Ena” which allowed them to breathe underwater so they couldn’t return. This was a warning for people living underwater, this way the Sea God want to prevent the extinction of his kind. Now there was a split between humans living underwater and on the surface. Over time, this split between the denizens of the sea and of the surface widened. Contact between the two still exists although this contact isn’t that positive anymore.
Nagi no Asukara follows the story of Hikari Sakishima and Manaka Mukaido, along with their childhood friends Chisaki Hiradaira and Kaname Isaki. They are underwater people but are forced to attend a school on the surface because there aren’t many children left underwater. Hikari refuses to wear the new school uniform so the group decided to keep wearing their beautiful blue/white uniform. The moment they enter the surface they meet Tsumugu Kihara, a fellow student and fisherman who loves the sea and doesn’t seem so bad. Bullied in their new class because of the deep-seated hatred and discrimination between the people of sea and people of the surface their schooltime doesn’t look promising. But Hikari and his friends’ lives are about to change as they have to deal with this hatred, storms inside their personal lives (a.k.a. love/friendship problems), as well as a curse coming closer which is bad news for everyone.
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Heaven for aesthetic One of the most memorable things about this anime is the setting, the underwater world is like a dream coming true, it makes you wonder why people left and why it isn’t real in our world. The surface is also beautifully made and you keep staring in the eyes of the underwater people. Not only visually Nagi no Asukara gets you, musically it makes it even better. The music is beautiful and fits perfectly at the right moment, with happy music at the beginning and slowly turning darker/sad once the story gets interesting.
When you hear water you might think of a way to relax, to slow down and this is the case with this anime. It takes a few episodes to find out what’s really happening and just like the water it can be fast too. The story is really good so please don’t give up after a few episodes and keep watching. It also might take a while before you like the characters, especially Hikari can be very annoying but at the end everyone has changed so much in a good way, even Hikari. Their complicated relationships can be annoying too so if you don’t like all these love/friendship problem you have to think twice before watching.
Saetori score: 8/10
With an interesting story and aesthetic pleasing environments it's no surprise that this anime is still in people's head. Please look no further, Léonie reviewed the anime Nagi no Asukara! #anime #review #japan Sometimes it's good to rewatch anime you've watched in the past, Nagi no Asukara is one of them.
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nikkirecs · 3 years
i’m gonna be honest you rated shitcom a 6 so i’m not sure what your rating scale is.
also i’m not sure how updated your watchlist is so sorry if i rec things you’ve seen
Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - i’m p sure i’ve reced this for everyone so i’ve run out of things to say.  it’s good.
Hagane no Renkinjutsushi: Fullmetal Alchemist - it’s already on your ptw but it’s fantastic so i’m gonna say it again.
Hunter x Hunter (2011) - if you’re not opposed to stupidly long things it’s worth it.
Kekkai Sensen - i need to watch s2 i confess.  it’s a fun urban fantasy.
Koe no Katachi - if you ever feel like crying.
Ouran Koukou Host Club - i’m surprised you haven’t seen.  it’s a classic for a reason.
Soul Eater - it’s my brand.  some “fanservice” but still good
Akatsuki no Yona - it’s popular for a reason.  
Arslan Senki - by the creator of fma.  i love it lots.
Bleach - probably the actual reason i love anime like i do.  the ending kinda sucks tbh.
Dr. STONE: STONE WARS - you seemed to like s1 so watch s2.
Enen no Shouboutai - a lot of fanservice but otherwise v enjoyable.
Gin no Saji - honestly i just think this is underrated.
Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic - good shounen
Monster - good mystery
Nagi no Asukara - it makes me feel
SK∞ - just a good time
3-gatsu no Lion - not a good time but v good
Akame ga Kill! - manga’s better but still not bad
Ansatsu Kyoushitsu 2 - you liked s1 and s2 is fantastic
Ao no Exorcist - suffers from an anime original ending that is completely ignored in s2.  still good
Ballroom e Youkoso - it’s a good time
Diamond no Ace - it’s a great time
Modao Zushi - idk how you feel about non-japanese anime but it’s good
Ookiku Furikabutte - it’s on your ptw and i love it
Saiki Kusuo no Ψ-nan - i laughed ‘til i cried
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blarhiv · 5 years
Hi blar, do you know some new good animes ? I stopped watching them cuz I didn't find good ones especially these new ones are just focused in ecchi somehow they make me cringe, now I'm just reading manga (one piece, attack on titan, Detective conan, akatsuki no yona...)
Anooooonniieeeeee!! Hi!! Finally someone asked about anime!! Omg I'm litereally crying! You even watch One Piece! тттт THIS ANIME IS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE OF THE BEST IN THE WORLD AND YOU KNOW WHY 😭😭😭😭
You ask about new anime.. but hmm... Can I just write my favorite? Maybe you didn't watch something... Hope you will like it!!!( writing order doesn't depend on rating).
1) Gintama.
This is unique thing.Jokes,laugh, tears,happiness,sadness,SOUL. Must watch.
2)Acca 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
Unique and original anime of its kind. Amazing atmosphere and music. An excellent combination of style, coziness, unusual characters and political intrigue.
"Na, Kogami, kimi wa kono ato boku no kawari ga mitskerareru no ka?" Ahhh... 1st season is something else.Good cyberpunk universe.
4)Gundam:Tekketsu no Orphans
A lot of tears and struggles, your heart will broke into million pieces. But it's worth it. ( I still can't with story of Shino and Yamagi)
5)Yuuri On Ice!
I think you watched it. But aaaaahhhh!!!! I couldn't help but mention my lovely Ice cuties aaaaaaa ( ok. im ok)
6)Sangatsu no Lion
A lot of philosophy. If you like to watch about self-digging and about life, then it's for you.
7)Boku no Hero Academia
Amazing shonen!! Must watch!
One of the favorite sport anime. In good traditions of genre. But there are really a lot of exciting moments.
9)Yakusoku no Neverland.
New anime! Strongly recommend this anime! Wonderful plot,characters,universe,idea. Can't wait 2nd season!
10)Mob Psycho 100
Sometimes it may seem boring, but 2nd season hit me so hard. Very touching. Especially 8 episode!! ттттт
11)Bungou Stray Dogs.
Weeell, interesting characters,plot,atmosphere, PERFECT JAZZ MUSIC,a little philosophy,beauticul picture... You will enjoy this story!
12)Hellsing OVA
TV series is classic, but original plot in OVAs is everythyng.Ohhh and last scene!!! Emotions,setting, entourage, music!!!
15) Angel beats
With regards to these two anime, I think comments are superfluous here.
16)Kino no tabi(2017)
Incredible atmosphere of travels, really cool main heroine, nice picture and music. Every country that our heroine visiting maintains its own foundations, but if look a little deeper... it all applies to our life. Every city reflects humans sides in society. We are shown a different temperament of people, actions and their consequences, the important role I suppose was played by the names at the end of each city or episode, it can be said as a highlight on the cake that “sums up” this part.
This anime is deeper that you might think.
17) Doukyusei
True art.
18) Natsume Yuujinchou
Warm, touching, soulful story with a unique atmosphere. I always want to cry while watching this anime. And the soundtracks are something magical that always turns my soul inside out.
I will not say a lot..juts think that everyone must watch it.
19) Genroku Rakigo Shinjuu
Oh... difficult to describe all feelings that caused this anime.
It’s like you read old Japanese novel. Tragic of of human in Showa era... Art of Japanese and life path that closely intertwined. Instead of saying a lot of words it’s better to watch by yourself. Definitely this anime has place in the list of masterpieces.
20) Banana Fish
Recent anime filmed by old school manga.
It’s so sad story :( Main characters reminded me of jikook because of their strong bond. Souls bond. It’s very strong and unshakable. Understanding without words,one soul for both.
Yes,it’s so tragic story.
21) Ikoku Meiro no Croisee
I can’t express all of my love for this anime. This is a little piece of warmth, fragility, innocence, tenderness, kindness, sadness, true love. This anime touches your soul: in some moments, your soul just spreads out from the warmth that is born in your soul, and in some moments your soul simply breaks into a thousand fragments.
Please,watch this anime if you didn’t watch it.
( so sad that there is no continuation 😭)
22) Zankyou no Terror
23) Boku dake ga inai Machi
Not a masterpiece, but I think it’s good enough.
24) Dantalian no Shoka
Magical anime!! Love it so much!! ( why such anime don’t get continuation 😭)
25) Grisaia no Kajitsu (and all connected series in this universe).
Yes, maybe it was filmed based on ero game.. and fist episodes weren’t such interesting ( at least for me)... but then... when started last arc of first season... I was speechless. In fact,it’s hard in emotional regard anime :(
26) Onihei
This is one of my favorite anime.
Edo era.Samurai era. Different stories in every episode,like notes from diary of one person from this era, but every episode is full of real emotions,its own morality. Daily life, detective component, social drama, the concept of honor and duty, surrender, justice and simple human kindness. We are all beautiful beings born out of a dream. In this cycle of life. Onihei is truly masterpiece.
You will not remain indifferent watching this sad and sooo touching story 😭
28) Kekkai Sensen
Stylish anime. Interesting to watch.
29) Toradora
Ohh this anime is special for me. I watched it a lot of times... Maybe you will not find here something burning, but Toradora has adorable sides....
30) Kami sama no inai Nichiyoubi
31) Sakurako san no Ashimoto ni Shitai ga Umatteiru
32) Nagi no Asukara
33) Nurarihyon no Mago
Nice anime in shonen genre^^
34) Higashi no Eden
Honestly, I almost don’t remember anything!! Haha because watched REALLY a long long time ago. But I remember that this anime is nice :D
35) Tales of Zestiria
It’s worth to watch ... even only because of absolutely precious relationship of Mikleo and Sorey 🥺🥺🥺 these two... these two 😭😭😭
36) Violet Evergarden
Beautiful and very painful story, high class animation and picture, pleasant music. Long way of becoming a human.
38)Nabari no Ou
39) Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi
Omggggg this is very important series for me hihi. From this story started my... fujoshi way 😂😂
..... I can continue this list indefinitely......
Well, I will not write about classic that I think you guys watched( Kuroshitsuji, Guren Lagann,Reborn, Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist etc etc etc)... and harems and other anime.... I also will not write ahahahahaha
In this season I watch:
-Vinland saga
-One piece of course
- Danmachi ( Yup, I adore all anime ahahah isekai’s and harems TOO 😂😂😂)
I will be glad to discuss about anime again!! And continue this list too 😁😁😁😁😁❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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undonesam · 8 years
Tagged by this gorgeous @firequeensrules​ thank you, beautiful
1. favorite anime? there is one.. forever my favorite.. and will never not be. Slam Dunk! 
2. your worst anime? hmm there is one that came to my mind first... “Mirai Nikki” god this anime is so weird..full of sick character. still don’t get it how this anime was so popular? i was deceived. and there is ugly anime “Nagi no Asukara” wow i sure hated myself for watching this garbage teen story till the end.
3. do you read the manga that goes along with the anime you watch? not everytime? usually i continue reading the manga of “+100 eps anime” i watch..such as Slam Dunk, DGM, Gintama and i’m thinking to continue reading mp100, noragami, diamond no ace but i’m too lazy.  
4. most favorite genres?   hmm..i was a big fan of sport but they turned my favorite genre into gay-mess. i love Parody not comedy, Slice of life, Fantasy and Drama. my new favorite genre nowdays is Seinen. 
5. least favorite genres?  Ecchi, Shojo and Romance 
6. favorite character? Kanda yuu, Zura, Chris Yuu, Sakuragi Hanamichi and lately i’ve been wandering around and i just adopted two more! the giant crybaby Amon and protect-him-at-all-cost Kaneki Ken  
7. least favorite character? Yukki from Mirai Nikki 
8. qualities you like in a character? Character that i live their growth. for better or worse, to be good or evil.. doesn’t matter. but if i witness their development, sympathize with them its enough. a character who grows and overcoming their fears or breaks bad and rebels..a character you can’t justify their actions for good or bad because they are human being.. they are ugly, greedy, bloody, murderous but they are also bitter, ambitious, hurt and they want to protect someone! just a growing character. such as Yi Bang won, Rick Grimes and Kaneki Ken *sobs* 
9. short or long anime? i prefer long. but i end up watching short anime most of the time.
10. anime or manga? anime because i’m visual person but looking at the effort the studios making to destroy the original work, i’m slowly turning into Manga person 
11. how do you choose the anime you watch? mostly if someone i trust recommended it to me but also i pick some of the anime if i search deep enough about their progress and such, i sometimes try it and see myself.
12. skip or listen to intros/outros? never skip it!  
13. how do you cope if your friends or family don’t like you watching anime? well i don’t care, they know about it and some of them judge but meh...i watch works from all the world and they judge about it too? so...i keep watch whatever i like..
14. do you stop an anime midway if you don’t like it? sometimes yes, but mostly i give it a chance till the very end
it was fun you should do it if you have time @narutonada @star-vault @ichaichalivinglegacy @coolthingtrash @rudesheep
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remnantoforario · 8 years
Questions 2, 8, 20, 23, 26, 30, 32, 39
2. Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
I have so many ships that this is sort of hard, but I’ll try to narrow it down.
Tai/Sora (Digimon)
This is probably the first ship I ever had as a kid before I even knew what shipping was. It had gotten so heavy that I was legit upset when Sora ended up with Matt about half way through the second season. (Yes I know that apparently in the original Japanese Sora and Matt were always supposed to be together but the dub made a strong case for Tai/Sora that I stuck with them.)
Natsu/Erza (Fairy Tail)
Obviously anyone that follows me knows that I’ve been on the Natza ship for years. It opened a lot of doors for me in terms of shipping in a sense that I learned I could interpret certain things the author may or may not have intended in order to create my own feelings on a ship. It really had a big impact on me.
NaruHina (Naruto)
One of the longest ships I had. When I first started reading Naruto I didn’t ship anyone. That’s not what I read the series for (plus I barely knew what shipping was at the time), but when I saw Hinata almost sacrifice her spot in the chunin exams for Naruto I thought to myself “They’d be pretty cute together”. eventually this blossomed into shipping them full on. 
All the little moments they had were great to me: Hinata giving him the medicine after he beat Kiba, Naruto cheering her on when she fought Neji, Naruto vowing to beat Neji after what he did to Hinata, Hinata giving Naruto encouragement before the fight with Neji, and the love confession when she fought Pein. I literally fell out of my seat when that happened, I thought it was such a great moment. But the older I got and the longer the series went on the more I realized I was falling out of love with the ship.
When it became canon at the end of the series I was happy…for about five minutes. It was then I realized that the ship I liked for so long and wanted to be canon wasn’t really earned. All the little moments they had (while still nice) were so far and between that they barely equaled to the two getting into a meaningful relationship. It just felt hollow.
The Last movie didn’t really help either since it rushed pretty much everything to get them together. I think NaruHina was the first time i ever experienced disappointment with a ship becoming canon.
Honorable Mention: IchiHime (Bleach)
It was the first ship I wrote a fic for.
8. Have you ever shipped yourself with a character?
I think everyone has at one point or another. For me, Xenovia from High School DxD
20. Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping.
There are a few actually. I’ll just list some: Natsu/Levy (Fairy Tail), Hikari/Chisaki (Nagi No Asukara), Diane/Meliodas (Seven Deadly Sins), Yato/Bishamonten (Noragami), Yato/Kofuku (Noragami), & Akihito/Mitsuki (Beyond The Boundary)
23. Which of your ships deserve better writing?
A LOT! I already mentioned NaruHina. Though for the rest it’s kind of hard since more of my ships are either “crack” or “non-canon” ships.
26. Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to?
Somewhat. I realize now that it’s kind of rare for me to ship the supposed “main pairings” of certain shows. I usually go out of my way to ship people with little interactions, but overall I feel have good chemistry.
Childhood friend is usually one of those tropes that hits me more often than not, but I’m also partial to the badass girl meets good guy type of romances (one example I can think of is Rock/Revy from Black Lagoon)
30. Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships.
FMA, Psycho-Pass, Dragon Ball, DanMachi, RWBY
32. Share five must-read fics.
Love and Dragonstones by Adrian Celsius
Of Wyverns and Men by Komina12345
Undefined by daniiphantom
Letters for Cordy by drunkdragon
7 Years and Counting by Maximillian Havisham (Shameless plug)
39. Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself?
I don’t believe there is.
Send me a number!
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jungblue · 8 years
do u watch anime?? i really want some recs bc i just got into it recently??
bro i fucking love anime… ah this is going to be very long lmao. i’m sure you just wanted a simple list, but i need to go into detail on my love for each rec lol - please forgive me ;;;
sports! okay for those that don’t know, i’m sports anime trash and the biggest advocate for the genre lol, and i always say even if you think it won’t be your thing honestly just try one of them out bc i remember back in the day (lol) when i saw a preview for kuroko and was like wtf who makes an anime about basketball?? sounded lame af, but i decided to watch an ep just to see… which turned into me watching 50 (i’m not exaggerating) episodes in 2 days. it was a life changing experience lmao. so yes, everyone please love sports anime and feel your heart bleed w passion lol. but anyways my favs are, diamond no ace, for the love of god pls watch dna, it’s underrated among international fans, but imo - which in this case is the right opinion lmao - it is the greatest sports anime to ever. ever. fucking everrrrrr my people. so yes pls watch it, and if you do come talk to me about it  bc i could literally do a 30 page analysis on why it’s so amazing not just as a sports anime but as an anime in general (sorry this anime is just perfect to me). next is kuroko, ahhh the sports anime that sent me into a downward spiral of searching for every sports anime in existence lol. it’s so hype, and sure it can be seen at dbz the sports anime but bro it’s fucking awesome lol. yowamushi pedal, omg i have the fondest memories of screaming at my tv at the top of my lungs watching these guys cycle lmao. so goddamn intense - CADENCE!!!!!!! ahaa you’ll get it if you watch lol. one outs is like death note the sports anime lol. okay maybe not that intense but definitely super psychological, so yeah sports and psychological combined???? fucking amazing!! haikyu!! i really like haikyu bc it’s right in between the line of diamond no ace’s realism and kuroko’s absolute unrealistic fuckery. so it’s really fun and entertaining in that way! - jfc i’m a sports anime dumpster lmao
romance! again i’m trash for a good romance anime, or even a cliche romance anime. i just love watching people fall in love okay??? /sobs/ as for my recs, of course no list of romance recs is complete without nana. nana is just so… idek how to describe it. but honestly i wouldn’t suggest watching it until you’ve watched a bunch of other romance animes bc then you will appreciate it sooooo much more, when compared to like the usual everyday high school shoujos that come out (which i love, but nowhere near as much as nana). but as for those cutesy shoujos that i’d rec before watching nana, some of them are ao haru ride (i love tsundere boys okay? sue me). say i love you, which is so different from ahr bc the main guy is the opposite of a tsundere he’s just so eager to be the w mei, anddddd he just so happens to be voiced by takahiro sakurai who voices my ult anime crush miyuki kazuya from diamond no ace, so yeah def a plus lol. next rec is bokura ga ita - bokura ga fucking ita!!!!!!! sorry i get emo af when i think about this show. it had me drowning in my own tears, and so then i went and read the manga and cried even harder. it’s just… it’s just amazing and i honestly wish that they’d remake the anime and give it better quality but even as it is i cried so much bc the relationship portrayed in it is just very realistic. like they fight over legit shit and it has some adult ass themes in it. so yes, definitely rec this, it’s probably my second favorite romance anime after nana! the anime golden time is also amazing and it takes place in college and it’s just really lovely!
action / adventure! i’m always up for a good action anime w awesome characters and animation, and the show that fits that perfectly and is my ALL TIME fav anime is………….. FATE/ZERO!!! okay another anime i could do a 50 page fucking analysis on why it’s the greatest anime ever, but i’ll keep it short here lol. it’s very adult, not much comedy at all tbh, it’s just straight up plot, characters, motivations, and the best goddamn animation you’ve seen in an anime series (that is objective my friends, objective lol). pls watch it subbed though so you can have archer as your problematic fav like me lmao. also one of my fav animes ever magi! magi is sooooo good. i always want people to watch magi bc it’s everything an anime should be. usually when people think of anime they thing of these long-running animes w 400+ eps w filler arcs for days, but magi is none of that. it’s seasons have a sure story line, w each episode holding a purpose to advance that specified arc, and it’s just so fun. next is samurai champloo! omg i love this anime so much. it’s so fun, and i’m not one to like episodic series, i prefer animes w a long-running plot, but this show is just so funny and the setting and soundtrack are killer! last one for this category is gurren lagann. guys if you haven’t seen this you’re doing yourselves a disservice. it’s so over the top crazy… but it just works? like every time you think there’s no way they can top this, they do and it’s one of the most entertaining shows i’ve ever watched 
sci-fi / fantasy / supernatural! okay last category i promise lol. psycho pass!!! honestly psycho pass is one of my fav shows ever simply bc i loved the universe so much, and i thought that it was so incredibly interesting . it’s definitely a show i use to get people into anime who think anime is just kiddy cartoons, bc it’s got cool action, good characters, but it’s not the most serious anime ever, in comparison to something like fate/zero. next steins ; gate! this anime is great, fan-fucking-tastic, and it’s time travel done right, and the ending omg the ending is so satisfying. the full circle and perfection of it is amazing and you definitely should watch if u haven’t already! next after that is durarara / baccano! okay so i honestly have no idea what category to put these shows under bc they’re so unexplainable to people lol. like i have no idea how to describe these shows to people other then, they’re fucking awesome just watch and you’ll get it after you’re done lol. next isssss nagi no asukara! omg this show. i’m crying just thinking about it. the only word i can use to describe this show is atmospheric. is just makes you feel like you’re in this world with them and i cried buckets at the middle mark guys, BUCKETS :”) 
misc. okay these shows i didn’t know what to put them under so i’m just going to quickly mention them. zankyou no terror. this show seems to be very polarizing for the anime community. people either love it or hate it, i’m definitely in the camp of thinking it’s amazing. there are most certainly flaws but i can overlook it bc when i watched it for the first time it just made me feel something, like this sense of absolute misery (lmao yes it’s depressing af but a great show imo!), like i’d never be happy again bc the ending just got me that much. also the anime beck! it’s an anime about music and something about it is very… raw? idk how to explain it, it just feels very natural, and it’s a very boyish version of nana, so if you like nana i think you’ll also like beck!
jesus christ what have i done?????? idk how this got so long but i hope you find something you like in this messy list of my feels and emotions lmao
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