#LOL omg
reynolds-jackman · 13 days
um... WOW. ok..
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sushijenni · 7 months
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yesterday's solar eclipse, what an event 🤭
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thepinkdolly-ah · 2 years
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oleredacted · 2 months
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How I went from seshin it at pride to the gym 2 hours later is beyond me but I will be BACK on your screens tomorrow night don’t you worry
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freaky-flawless · 4 months
Damn. Could really go for another doll leak. Been a while.
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x-cheyanide-x · 6 months
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My most colourful shelf 🖤
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moonliiteallniite · 3 months
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Coming up on two years in progress of the doll collection! First pic is from around the time g3 came out, like right as the ghoul spirit pack went on sale for the holidays.
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orangelovesyoumore · 15 days
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they are plotting his demise
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theoverboardgaygirl · 8 months
so true.
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maoluxury · 1 year
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September 1st, 1989
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And yes, Cappuccino could not be missing JSKSJSKSKKS
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dolly-birdi · 6 months
Any doll brand that tries to appeal to the christian soccer moms that call their dolls "demonic sluts" or "child hookers" are missing the point so badly. Changing the dolls faces, clothes, or bodies won't improve their opinion on these dolls, because those were never the issues to begin with. These are just the kind of people that take issue with virtually any depiction of the female form because it makes them uncomfortable. Even the amount of skin showing isn't the problem. (I've seen westerners call licca-chan "pedo bait" before. No dolls are safe lmao)
If it was about modesty, realistic body image, positive role models, etc then they would also take issue with male action figures that are marketed to boys as well (they're built like fridges, wear skintight bodysuits, and are made to play in fight scenes). But they don't. I've never seen anyone call action figures "roided up gigolos" or "slutty barbarians." Only the toys designed to look like girls/women are called sexually derogatory names and slurs. How curious.
There IS an important conversation to be had about over sexualization of toys aimed at little girls, but this is not what this is about. These people pearl-clutching over dolls in strapless dresses, skirts, or crop tops aren't doing it because they are concerned about the mental health or innocence of young girls. Tbh I think it's more of a projection of internalized misogyny from these women, and just plain old misogyny from men.
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sushijenni · 7 months
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brotato.. potato.. it's all the same >:)
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misfitdollies · 2 months
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Wanna go to the punk rock show? Yeah! 🩷🎶
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ziekmakend · 4 months
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I’ve been adapting patterns by dezalyx meant for Barbie model muses to fit my lol omg girlies, and I’m loving the first results (in process)!
Check out their website here!
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ickadori · 9 months
Speaking of "new world" I am absolutely SICK(complimentary) thinking about Getou comforting reader, who's going mad with grief, even though he's the one that Did It like "^_^"
“It’s been days now. Do you really plan on moping around until the day you join them?”
Warm fingers walk up the side of your arm, goosebumps raising on the skin in their wake, and you turn your head to meet Getou’s gaze, hoping that the hatred you feel for him is being effectively conveyed.
“Oh,” he smiles at the sight, eyes narrowing as he does, and he snags ahold of your chin. “That’s a new look.” If your hands weren’t constrained by the snake-like curse wound around your wrists (a precaution he had taken after the many times you had attempted to claw at his face, and even your own in your most grief-stricken moments) you’d smack his hand away. “Not what I’d like, but better than you looking as if someone’s just killed your paren—well, I guess I did, huh.” The laugh that leaves him is carefree, his smile even more so, and anger heats your skin as your teeth grate together.
“I’m just teasing - don’t take it to heart.” The grip on your jaw turns comforting, or rather it would have felt that way had he been anyone else. “I actually do feel sorry for you. You can’t see the vision that I see, so you also can’t see why this was a good thing.”
Killing your parents… a good thing…
“I hate you.” You croak, a barrage of tears suddenly springing forth.
“You and many others share that same sentiment.”
“I hate you.” You can barely get the words out past the lump that settled in your throat, but you do. They lack the anger and hatred and disgust that you feel for him, and that makes you cry harder. “I ha—hate you!” His hand, which had been cradling the side of your face this entire time, moves to grip the back of your neck, and you don’t have the strength to resist as he brings your head down to rest against his chest.
You’re surprised to hear a heart beating inside.
“How does the saying go?” He ponders for a moment, your muffled cries acting as a background noise. “There’s a thin line between love and hate…and I have all the time in the world to wait for that line to eventually blur.”
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thecodakkiii · 5 months
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also thought i’d show off my doll collection since i’ll probably be posting about them a lot :)
feel free to ask abt specific ones
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