klance-fic-central · 7 years
Could you recommend some of your favorite completed fics?
Here are my top three favorite completed Klance fics. All of them appear on my top 10 fic list as numbers 1, 2, & 3, but here they are for your convenience.  
1) Lion’s Chain | By: Luna_Vulpes | Completed | 256,028 words | Teen & Up Audiences 
Keith is returning from deployment overseas, officially released from duty in the military. However, his first stop back in the states isn’t the place he expected to be - the funeral of his military partner Miguel McClain. There he meets Lance, the younger brother of the fallen soldier, along with the other grieving members of the McClain family. Unsure of the next steps in his life and unable to separate his military and civilian life, Keith looks to the one place he can even consider home - the family Miguel loved and left behind.Using group therapy, meeting new people, and becoming closer with the McClain family, Keith tries to put his life back together and live past the tragedy of losing his best friend. In turn, he grows a bond with Lance and realizes that maybe Miguel was right along - the two seemed made for each other.
This is the number one fic in my top 10 list of Klance fics. Its a story that tackles difficult issues with Military veterans and losing someone close. Its a very well written story and I love it so much, if you haven’t read it I HIGHLY recommend you read it. 
2) Let Me Catch My Breath | By: Smiles4Voltron | Completed | 228,919 words | Mature 
So, Lance has to fight five champions of an alien race to save Keith- wouldn’t sound too hard if he wasn’t blind from an injury at that very moment. Oh, and did he mention that if he doesn’t defeat the five then Keith is given to them like some prize? Some delicious little prize that they will most likely do whatever they please with?
Left to fend for themselves, blinded and injured, two unlikely Paladins must work together to survive. Tensions get high with horrid creatures, a determined assassinator, and their growing attraction to the other.
So, both a frustrating tension and sexual one, huh? Or could you consider those the same thing?
This was one of my first Klance stories and it’s a fic that holds a special place in my heart and it’s easily one of my favorite stories. The plot is set in the cannon universe and its just a very ANGSTY piece. Don’t let this writers username fool you. They have a lot of angst in their stories. 
3) Follow My Lead | By: klancekorner | Completed | 114,261 words | Mature
Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all. aka a Friends w/ Benefits AU that nobody asked for where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don’t expect it to matter until it totally does.Keith POV and Lance POV
Its one of those smut with plot stories that pull of that dynamic really well, which is a very hard thing to do. Its a good read if you’re into that kind of stuff. 
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otherffp · 7 years
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I swear all i did was color. @smiles4voltron did the line art and drew the pic. I just colored. Thats it. Arlo(left) is not mine. Kanda(right) Is my boy.
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katmiscellanious · 7 years
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So, I finished let me catch my breathe by @smiles4voltron I can't believe it's over. It has been such a ride of my emotions and now it's over ;^; I've never related to a meme more than this one.
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yinhai17 · 7 years
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me after reading Let Me Catch My Breath update. Chapter 27, Equivalents be like: ⬆ @smiles4voltron I'm deceased, love your work. I'm gonna go die again real quick now, thanks.
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klance-fic-central · 7 years
My Top 10 Favorite Klance Fics
So, I promised this a week ago for hitting 200 followers, then thanksgiving hit and while I was at home I have gained almost 200 more followers. Welcome to all of you new beautiful people and I apologize for the delay on this and answering asks. I’m working on the asks that I have and I’m going to post them after I finish finals. So, if someone wants to ask for recommendations, do it now and I’ll answer them all in two weeks.
This list will be in reverse order so my favorite fic is on the bottom. All of these works are amazing and if you haven't seen one, I HIGHLY recommend you read them. A lot of them have been recommended on here before, but this list will contain works that are in progress because I love them so much. Well anyway, here’s my top 10 favorite klance fics. 
10) From Across the Platform | By: foxsmouler | Ongoing | 107,008 words | Mature 
On one seemingly normal day, on his commute to work, Keith notices a rather eccentric-looking guy across the way on the opposite platform, they make awkward eye-contact and suddenly everything in Keith's life changes. Keith doesn't like change.
A.K.A a story about how Keith reluctantly learns to have faith in mankind again.
This fic is almost entirely fluff and its the greatest when you just want something sweet instead of angst. Its a modern fic and is worth the read when you need a pick me up. A lot of the later chapters, I feel, can be read as one shots. So, if you find that you want to stop reading its easy to do. 
9) Dear Keith | By: Redjay27 | Completed | 71,995 words | Teen & Up Audiences
Keith receives a mysterious note in the mail. There's nothing written on the envelope but his name. When he reads it he learns of some guy named Lance who is writing to Keith to tell him the story of how he messed everything up. Lance is distraught after he is left all alone after his big screw up. To ease the pain, he writes a letter to a made up person...or so he thought. Keith was just a name he picked randomly but when mysterious drawings start appearing in his dorm room, depicting scenes that he's written about, he starts to think Keith might not be just a figment of his imagination.
I love this fic, but had one problem with it. I wasn't a big fan of the epilogue, like at all. If you read everything, but the epilogue its a fantastic piece, but because of the epilogue that's why it’s a little lower on this list. Don’t get me wrong, I love it, just didn't like that epilogue. 
8) Web of Sins | By: charlotteXOyates | Ongoing | 70,791 words | Explicit 
Stripper!Lance AU: Keith is a hardworking college student who is devoted to spending all of his time studying to become a pediatrician; so it sounds ridiculous to him when Shiro and Matt suggest he's working TOO hard. After a bit of peer pressuring, they finally convince Keith to check out a gay strip club called "The Web of Sins" in order to relieve his stress.
At first he goes just to make them happy, but upon meeting a seductive young man who just so happens to be the club's most popular stripper named Lance, he begins to get drawn into the Web. Only, Keith has no idea what sort of demons lie hidden in the twilight that is Lance's past...and he has no idea how closely they follow.
Your mistakes create a web of sins around you, and once you're too caught in it...you can never escape.
...not on your own, that is.
WARNING: This fic starts out relatively light-hearted and cute, but if you didn't look at the tags(you should ALWAYS look at the tags), let me warn you now that stuff will get significantly darker, eventually. I promise that none of the dark stuff is ever glorified; this is not a kinky story. This is a story of two boys trying to overcome the dark past, together.
So, this is an ongoing fic not a lot of people know about and its so flipping good. The first part just finished up, but this fic has so much potential and I just know that the author is gonna do an amazing job with this. It’s one of those really good smut with plot stories that are actually insanely good.
| By:
| Completed | 55,526 words | Explicit Keith has been at a loss for a while now. His job is terrible, his passion for photography has waned, and his pseudo brother has moved to some little town and keeps insisting he visit.
Fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff with a little tiny bit of angst. 
6) There’s Trust in These Wings | By: zeerogue | Ongoing | 134,258 words | Explicit 
For generations the Ice Masters of Altea and the Fire Masters of Ko-gane had been warring over the lands that divided them until a new enemy in the west rose to power. Uncertain of their chances fighting two wars at once, a treaty is made to end the battle between Masters and have them join as allies. And what better way to become allies than through marriage. Keith trusts Prince Shiro's choice in marrying the Altean heir, and if anything was to go wrong, he has sworn to protect the third Ko prince, but the Alteans seem to be more dangerous in diplomacy than they ever were on the battlefield. Luckily, Princess Allura has a protector of her own who might be the only ally Keith has in his new home. Even if he is insufferable.
This is such an amazing story. It’s ongoing, but its 100% worth reading as it’s released. 
5) A Cradle of Flesh and Bone | By: bffimagine | Completed | 70,773 words | Mature
He was born with a misshapen, malformed heart. They tried to fix it, but the complications left him with the kinds of scars that meant he wasn't expected to survive until his thirtieth birthday. He's still got dreams--one day, he would be a doctor--but someone has to give up their heart for him to make it. Sure, he was sick, but he wasn't down and he certainly wasn't out for the count.
At least, not yet.
Keith Kogane was the star of Altea University's medical school. He was destined to be the greatest surgeon of his generation, and probably for generations to come.
Well, until he dropped out, anyway.
All I can say is, keep tissues next to you as you read this, you’ll need them. 
4) Hearts Dont Break Around Here | By: klancekorner | Ongoing | 51,714 words | Mature
Keith chuckles softly at Lance’s faded face in the old photo. He was still a little chubby, couldn’t be more than eleven years old, but nevertheless had his arms slung over the shoulders of two pretty, giggling girls. The smug grin on his face is dazzling. Keith wonders how Lance, to this day, manages to make it look so believable.
Or, Lance and Keith have been best friends since first grade. Lance’s brain is always on overdrive and Keith’s blunt, realistic ass can never keep up. They both come to realize that sometimes you can learn a lot about loving yourself by loving someone else.
LET ME TELL YOU, you have to read this. If there is one fic that I would tell you to seriously read, its this one or Lion’s Chain. That’s all I’m gonna say, go read it and you’ll see why it’s this high on this list. You will not be disappointed. 
3) Follow My Lead | By: klancekorner | Completed | 114,261 words | Mature
Becoming “hook-up buddies” with Lance Sanchez was just supposed to be a small, insignificant fraction of Keith’s life. But of course, things don’t work out that way at all.
aka a Friends w/ Benefits AU that nobody asked for where Lance wears sleeveless hoodies, plays basketball in abandoned parking lots, and follows his dreams, and Keith comes from a high class, reputable family who never let him have any dreams of his own. They go home with each other and don't expect it to matter until it totally does.
Keith POV and Lance POV
This fic, my lord, I have sinned. This is easily the greatest smut with plot fic out there and at this point I’m sure many of you have read this. Honestly, I almost put it in the number two spot, but I didn’t only because I read Let Me Catch My Breath first, that is literally the only reason. It’s a modern AU with rich boy Keith and aspiring Basketball player Lance. God the heartbreak is real. Klancekorner you are the goddess of fanfiction in my eyes, keep it up. <3
2) Let Me Catch My Breath | By: Smiles4Voltron | Completed | 228,919 Words | Mature
So, Lance has to fight five champions of an alien race to save Keith- wouldn't sound too hard if he wasn't blind from an injury at that very moment. Oh, and did he mention that if he doesn't defeat the five then Keith is given to them like some prize? Some delicious little prize that they will most likely do whatever they please with?
Left to fend for themselves, blinded and injured, two unlikely Paladins must work together to survive. Tensions get high with horrid creatures, a determined assassinator, and their growing attraction to the other. So, both a frustrating tension and sexual one, huh? Or could you consider those the same thing?
So, this was one of my first Klance stories. I joined the fandom in like February this year and this was one of the first fics I read. Obviously it holds a special place in my heart, but it’s a beautiful piece. Its a crash landing scenario on an alien planet gone wrong in my opinion and its great. 
1) Lion’s Chain | By: Luna_Vulpes | Ongoing | 241,680 words | Teen & Up Audiences
Keith is returning from deployment overseas, officially released from duty in the military. However, his first stop back in the states isn’t the place he expected to be - the funeral of his military partner Miguel McClain. There he meets Lance, the younger brother of the fallen soldier, along with the other grieving members of the McClain family. Unsure of the next steps in his life and unable to separate his military and civilian life, Keith looks to the one place he can even consider home - the family Miguel loved and left behind.
Using group therapy, meeting new people, and becoming closer with the McClain family, Keith tries to put his life back together and live past the tragedy of losing his best friend. In turn, he grows a bond with Lance and realizes that maybe Miguel was right along - the two seemed made for each other.
This is my favorite fic for many reasons. The writing is beautiful, but the best part about it is the journey. The emotions this fic will make you feel and just the journey this author takes these characters on is a fantastic one. This is one of those fics I see update and I drop everything I’m doing. It’s worth the wait for each new chapter and god I just love it so much. 
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otherffp · 7 years
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More Kanda! He’s so pretty and I love it!!!! He’s gonna slay at the ball, guys! Arlo gonna droollllll~
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klance-fic-central · 7 years
Daily Klance Fic Recommendation 10/8
Let Me Catch My Breath | By: Smiles4Voltron | Completed | 228,919 Words | Mature
So, Lance has to fight five champions of an alien race to save Keith- wouldn't sound too hard if he wasn't blind from an injury at that very moment. Oh, and did he mention that if he doesn't defeat the five then Keith is given to them like some prize? Some delicious little prize that they will most likely do whatever they please with?
Left to fend for themselves, blinded and injured, two unlikely Paladins must work together to survive. Tensions get high with horrid creatures, a determined assassinator, and their growing attraction to the other. So, both a frustrating tension and sexual one, huh? Or could you consider those the same thing?
This is by far one of my favorite fanfictions out there. If you’re a fan of angst this is defiantly a fic you will love. All of the explicit scenes were taken out and put into a separate “story”. 
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otherffp · 7 years
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@smiles4voltron I finished it at the sacrifice of my hand, but he looks hot so it was all worth it in the end! Lance is gonna be drooling the second he sees him. Also my hand writing sucks.
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otherffp · 7 years
Second LMCMB filler chap summary
Lance: *walks into the room in a very pretty dress*
Keith: Keith.exe has stopped working due to hotness overload
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otherffp · 7 years
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Y’all. I did it. From left to right, it goes Ian, Lazari, and Gezabel. Gez is the ultimate wing man. Lazari and Ian are in love and you can’t tell me otherwise. And yes they’re all doctors. Hehe~ Hospital Romcom
Love you Abby 
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otherffp · 7 years
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HI GUYS GEUSS WHOS TUMBLR CRASHED???? mine. Im crying. @smiles4voltron
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smiles4voltron · 6 years
I just wanna say I feel so strangely proud of your redraws. Just...you've improved so much!! I've been a fan of LMCMB and all your other stories and seeing your progress with colors, anatomy, and lineart is so amazing to see! I've always been a silent reader, simply leaving my kudos and likes and recently ive actuallg been leaving lengthy comments because its great to see your progression. You're doing great sweetie!!
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Oh my gosh, thank you so much! You don’t know how much this means to me!!!! I’m always so nervous to post a picture, but it really inspires me to hear that I am making improvements and getting better and better with each drawing!
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smiles4voltron · 7 years
reading LMCMB for like the thirtieth time... wondering if Lance having Keith's knife (and belt) will come up in suffocation, or Keith's plush Red Lion. These little gifts they each have of one another just... is so soft and I'm crying again
Don’t you worry, those little gifts are coming up!! Really soon actually~
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BUT THANK YOU! I’m so glad those things made you happy! 
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smiles4voltron · 7 years
LMCMB video!!!!
My gosh guys!!!
This amazing creator on YouTube posted a video for Let me catch my breath! I was so stunned and honored!
A big shout out to Galifreyan Girl Productions!!!
You were so amazing! It was such a journey looking back at my old art and seeing how far I’ve come when I first start lmcmb!
I urge you all to go take a look if you have the time!!
Link here!
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smiles4voltron · 7 years
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First up for my “LMCMB” redraw~
otherffp asked for this one!!!! 
Man has time flown by. I felt like I drew that yesterday!! XD Before I even had a tablet, when I had to do everything colored pencil!
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smiles4voltron · 7 years
Hi! I recently read your fic LMCMB, and I was planning on reading Suffocation but for some reason I can't remember if Lance is still blind. So, my question is, is he?
He is not still blind, no :) But he does still have the scar from the injury he received :D
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