#what a healing pod cant repair
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binart · 2 years ago
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rocinatexandria · 5 years ago
Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Novelisations
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I have many thoughts from reading through these the past few days and comparing them to the films mainly to see what was added and I loved many little touches and insights we get into the characters’ thoughts thats why novelisations are so great.
I’ll mainly be talking about Rey and Ben but I have to mention how much I loved in all three books how they gave paragraphs and even whole chapters to characters containing scenes that we didn’t get in the films like Leia, of which I was so grateful, Rose, BB-8, Lando and even Hux which hilariously provided us with their thoughts on everything going on. I specifically loved the perspective of General Pryde thinking Kylo looked ‘beautiful’ whilst killing on Mustafar and Hux not being able to disagree with how mesmerising he was.
Onto Rey and Ben who I already know I will alternate by calling him Kylo as well.
From TFA book, little things were added like the extension of their meeting on Takodana which I adored as Kylo knew there was something special about Rey from the moment he saw her which was confirmed later in the interrogation room. I loved getting his thoughts in that scene from him unshackling her at first (which was different from the film) to how shaken he was outside the room after she entered his mind.
Even earlier back on Takodana when Kylo first lands and is walking across the battlefield, Rey sees him and feels that she knows him, “She had seen this man before, in a daydream. In a nightmare”. Then after on the surface of Starkiller when Anakins lightsaber called to her and he said “It is you” as if he knew way more about her than he let on and how important she is to the story.
Onto TLJ novelisation, the main takeaway for me from this is how much the story pushed them together and their reluctance turned willingness to have each other in their presence. Like ah, I cannot forget little things like Kylo smiling as Rey arrived on the ship “The stormtroopers behind him stood ready, but he just smiled at the sight of Rey crammed into the pod’s tight confines.” Adorable. Hilarious. Plus just how snarky they are towards each other not only in this but in TROS too its almost a game where they attempt to speak civilly but almost cannot help but make sarcastic or taunting comments to each other.
I loved getting Rey’s thoughts on the force bond conversations because from the films, Kylo is pretty vocal about what he wants but Rey is pretty confused and that’s highlighted even more in the novelisations. Even revealing the initial depth of their bond from their first force bond phone call where Kylo was getting his face repaired and Rey thought “It was almost as if she felt something pulling at her own cheek, tracing a line up from her jaw.” which, combined with the rain transferring from her to his glove later on shows how deep the connection was at the beginning.
ALSO bits of key information like the fact that it mentioned how from that first moment Rey entered his mind in the interrogation room, his training had become hers and she knew many ways that he accessed his powers. Plus in the TROS book, how force healing/giving life is more taxing than it appeared in the films “Her breath came fast, her very bones ached with weariness, and unaccountably, her hand stung. Healing the vexis had felt so normal and natural and right. But it had cost her.” These are things that obviously cannot come across in the films unless there is narration.
Okay pause. I could go on and on about so many things in the novelisations but I will hit the tumblr word limit (Yes there is one) so I’m gonna re-focus and mention things that were so important to me.
Not wanting to kill each other. I mean it was obvious from the moment Kylo killed Snoke that killing Rey was not going to happen. In TROS, getting into their thoughts this gets murky for both of them where Kylo‘s rage causes him to believe running Rey over with his TIE will end his pain, and Rey being adamant that one of them must die in the fight on Kef Bir.
Nevertheless, they both come to the conclusion that they don’t want the other dead after the whole Rey jumping his TIE in Pasaana thing as with Rey, “She hoped he was dead. No, she didn’t. She hoped ... she didn’t know what she hoped.” and with Kylo, “[...] In his blind rage he had succumbed to the temptation, not pausing to consider that maybe she had a plan. With this realization came another certainty, even more gut wrenching: He was relieved he hadn’t killed her.”
From this comes another point. Rey is Ben’s light. I feel this comes hand in hand with the fact that he felt not convincing Rey to join his side was his ‘second-greatest failure’. But the realisation that even after Snoke called her his equal in the light, she turns out to actually be his light. The remaining light within him. “He finally understood. Han Solo was his past. But Rey was his light.” Perhaps this explains why he’s so determined to have her by his side as he thinks many times in the TROS book “But the ambition that cut into his being, was the thought of reigning side by side with her.”
Moving onto the effect they have on each other which turns me into a melting pot of trash. From, “It did something strange to her, to hear her name on his lips.” to “Kylo considered it a small price to pay to encounter Rey again, to provoke her into a rage, to say the word dyad and watch the truth of it wash over her lovely face.” AND “He hardly paid attention. He kept seeing her face, the way her lips had parted with surprise, the way her body canted toward him.” EXCUSE ME. How am I to survive? I dropped the book whilst reading that last line because whew.
Okay finally, onto the part which I find both happy and sad. Rey’s relief, no regrets and Rey’s grief. In both TLJ and TROS novelisations there are moments where Rey feels relief at feeling Ben with her. Firstly after leaving the dark mirror cave on Ahch-to “She had closed her eyes, opened them, and found Kylo Ren there- right next to where she sat on the stone bench. As if she could actually reach out and touch his hand, his face, his hair. At the sight of him she’d felt relief surge through her.” and again when facing Palpatine, “Something tingled at the base of his skull, a familiar awareness... Rey! She sensed him. She understood that he was Ben again. He caught a wave of relief from her, of joy.”
I mentioned earlier about how the reluctance to accept their force bond became a willingness and even wanting throughout their story and I love it so much. That their bond and the dyad in the end felt like coming home that it had been right all along. Then comes the horrible sadness and pain where half of it is ripped away. From Rey wanting to scream as Palpatine threw Ben down into the abyss but she could barely breathe, to her repeatedly reaching out in the force to find him. To Ben clutching Reys body to his chest not being able to believe that she was really gone after he had just found her.
But then “He knew exactly what Rey would do, in his place. It was the easiest decision he’d ever made.” It still breaks me. Destroys me. Especially because earlier when talking to Ghost!Luke, Rey said “I gave him some of my life. In that moment I would have given him all of it ... died if I had to.” and in exact fashion, “Ben Solo had no regrets as he collapsed to the ground”. He sacrificed his life for her thinking that giving Rey back to the galaxy was all he could do.
Then for Rey, she did mourn him. She mourned Ben Solo and the loss of the dyad. Half of her was missing and its beyond tragic. “A voice came to her through the Force, clear and strong. I will always be with you, Ben said. She smiled. Let the truth of it wash over her.” It may not be enough for some but it forced me to yet again put the book down and start crying. He is with her, always. I still believe in my unconfirmed canon that “That incredible oneness” is now officially one. That Rey and Ben are now one with their life forces joining. Even after, on Tattooine as she reminisces about surviving the Emperor, she reminds herself about Ben.
This post is ridiculously long, and it could have been longer but all I can say is that I love this story. Many aren’t fans of the sequel trilogy and many fans of the sequel trilogy hate the ending but I’m one of the few who love it all. Faults? Sure. Misses? You bet. Sadness? Guaranteed. But especially the introduction, manifestation and eventual power of Rey and Ben’s dyad is enough to keep me going.
If you read all of this post wow, thank you!
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angstalottle · 7 years ago
I Don’t Know
Part 1:
They never found out who did it or why.
They just know that one moment they were all celebrating a liberated planet and the next Lance was laying in the ground with an arrow sticking out the back of his neck.
While the others rushed him to the healing pods Keith simply stood there staring at the aliens surrounding him.
“Who did that?” He asked quietly his Bayard activating causing the aliens to gasp and take a step back “I ASKED WHO DID THAT!”
No one owned up and though as Shiro dragged Keith back to the castle the leader promised an investigation they never heard back from them.
Lance was unconscious when he was placed in the pod, from shock or blood loss they couldn’t be sure.
They only knew that it would be a week until Lance would be back.
A long week of silence and thick tension hanging over the team.
No one slept, Hunk tried to push others to eat but no one really did more than pick at a bowl of food goo pushed in front of them as they sat in the infirmary waiting.
The time passed slowly but finally, Lance fell out of the pod.
Usually when the healing is done whoever was in there would stumble out, occasionally trip over but never just flip to the ground like Lance did.
If Hunk hadn’t been standing close enough Lance would have cracked his head open on the hard floor.
Hunk tried to place Lance on his feet but once again he crumbled.
“Lance? Are you feeling ok?” Hunk asked worry clear in his voice.
Lance was pale, staring straight ahead with a look of absolute terror on his face.
“Lance?” Shiro tried. He placed a hand on his back and promptly pulled away his skin turning an ashen grey.
“T-there’s something wrong with his spine” Shiro with shaking hands he unzipped the back of the cryo-suit.
No one knew what to expect.
A solid rectangle stretching down Lance’s back from his head to his hips sticking out from beneath the tanned skin was not something they ever imagined to see.
“W-what is that?” Pidge asked her eyes wide in horror.
Coran and Allura exchanged a confused glance “it’s a spinal fuse, the pod has repaired the gaps in Lance’s spine so that he can return them to their proper form.” Coran explained as Hunk made a gagging noise.
“Coran… humans can’t… we can’t fix our bones like that… Lance cant return his spine to normal on his own.” Pidge couldn’t tear her eyes away from the deformed back. This was so wrong.
Terror crept onto the expressions of the two Alteans.
Allura placed her hands in front of her mouth “but… no, the pods fixed him… b-because I programmed them to take into account human biology… I… I…”
“Can you set the pods to reverse this?” Shiro asked swallowing hard as he placed Lance on one of the nearby beds.
“I…” Coran started looking to Lance and shaking his head.
“You have to! You can’t just leave him paralysed! There has to be something anything?!” Keith yelled.
Coran once again shook his head whispering “I don’t know…”
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goldstonegolem64 · 6 years ago
Sorry for no chapters last week I was busy with school and work and merry Christmas everyone  Book1 hope returns Chapter22 Crystal venom By goldstonegolem64
Allura still tired after rejuvenating the balmera sat in a field of flowers with the Ai Version of her father in the memory chamber
“So how have you been my darling daughter?”Alfor asked
“ I've been thinking about altea or mother. it only feels like yesterday that I was walking with her though the gardens back home or how we would come to a field like this  an play. I truly miss those day.” Allura said sadly
“I know its hard right now. but remember a leader must do what is right even if it means make the ultimate sacrifice.” the old king said
“ I know” Allura said even sadder now thinking about how her sacrifice would a effect her new team but that time would hopefully never come. But if it did she hopped they all understood and forgave her .
Suddenly the door to the chamber opened and coran stepped in to the chamber
“ Princess you should be in bed resting.” Coran said with a stern look on his face
“Sorry Coran” She said as she was getting up almost falling over
Coran helped walk allura out of the chamber
“ See you later father” Allura said
As the Allura And Coran  left the room the holographic field faded out but before Alfor faded out he flickered them disappeared
in Allura room  
“Now princess please get some rest” Coran said leading allura to her bed 
“alright Alright I will get some rest Coran” She said as she was getting into her bed 
“ Good to hear .Now goodnight princess see you in the morning” Coran said as he was leaving the room.
“goodnight Coran”She said back as the lights in her room dimmed 
IN the Hanger of the green lion pidge and beau were studying the galra power crystal 
Pidge was studying the galra crystal that sendak had tried to use to power the castle of lions with Beauregard 
“So how do you think they made it purple?“ Beau asked
“I think it might just before a different belmare” pidge replied 
“maybe its magic“ Beau counter
Pidge was about to said magic didn’t exist but she has a bond with a flying giant green lion robot that combine with five other flying lion to make a giant fighting robot. A alien princess whose life force was connected to said lion  and  Martian who could turn in a ten foot lizard man with a talking dragon  . So she couldn’t write magic off the list of possibilities. “Maybe I don't know but it is a possibility “ pidge said
Over the speakers coran’s voice said” to pidge and Jay pleace make your way to the detainment room please 
Pidge�� was annoy that she was being interrupted. But she make her way to the detainment room
“  Hey are you coming along Beau?” she asked 
“I'm all ready there“ beau said. then he lift sentry he was inhabiting leaving it still as it’s visor color changed from the blue to green.  
pidge stared at the sentry for a few seconds wondering about how beau could jump from vessel to vessel so fast. she might have to ask him later about it. Then she left the room leaving the sentry to guard the now glowing ominous crystal    
A few minutes later everyone was in the detainment room expect for three
“Hey where is jay and fitz?” Hunk asked 
“ they stayed back to double checking the list of thing we took back on the balmera” Rolo said arms crossed
“ Now that we know Jay whereabouts. What are we doing here Coran?” Adam asked
“We're here to get information from sendak” coran said 
“ How are you going to do?”  Shay asked
“ I going to use the memory extractor system“Coran said 
“ So your going to probe Sendaks mind then”lance said 
“Yes but with Sendak being unconscious and unwilling to give us the information. It might not work”  coran said while hooking up the memory extractor.
 “yes but if it dose work we have information on the command structure of the empire military ” Nyma said
“ Ok what are we waiting for lets get to extracting that info” Beau said mimicking Jays voice
Thirty minutes later
“  So how long have we been waiting for ?” Lance asked
“  thirty minutes” Beau replied 
“Ok then I'm going to go train ” Keith said 
“ Can I tag along?” Rax asked
“ Alright anyone else want to join us?” Keith asked cracking a little smile
“ I’ll join you guys” Rolo said
“ Shiro look are little Keith is making friends” Adam said smiling 
“I’m so proud of him” Shiro said smiling as well
Keith turned an jokingly flipped both of them off as he was leaving. Then he came back into the room and said“Oh hey Lance want to train with us?” Keith asked hopping he says yes  
“ I will join you guys later on. I just want to relaxes for now”   Lance said
“Alright see you then Keith said as he was leaving the room again a little disappointed 
“ Alright then I'm going back to studying the crystal. Call me went the information is done being extracted .” Pidge said 
“I‘m going to the kitchen  "Hunk said 
“ I'll tag along” Shay said smiling
“ I most admit I cant wait around while there is repair to be done to the castle. Lance would you care to help me?” Coran asked 
“Alright” Lance said
“Well I'm going back to the hanger bay to rest for a bit” Nyma said as she left the room
“I’m going to check up on Jay and Fitz. I will be back soon  ” Adam said then kissed Shiro on the check
“We will keep you posted on any new development” Shiro said
in the Kitchen a few minutes later 
“ So how dose it feel to be the first balmeran to leave their home in over ten thousand years ?”Hunk asked 
“I’m happy that I'm going to see the universe Along with so other thing. But I'm sacred as well  “ Shay said
“if your sacred about the balmera getting invade again We will be there to stop it.So don't you worry about that I promise ” Hunk said trying to reassure her
“it’s not that I know you will up hold your promise “ She said 
“Then what is it then?” Hunk said
“yesterday I hear Allura, Coran, shiro, adam and Jay. Talking about training Me, Rax and the other to pilot the lions just in case any you were hurt or even worst kill in battle.”she said 
It took hunk a few seconds to process this information then he said “ I can’t promise you that wont get hurt or killed out there because were at war. But i can  Promise you that I will try my hardest to get back to you after ever mission” Hunk place his hand on top of hers hopping that what he said help reassure her.
Shay leaned her head onto his shoulder “ thank you for those kind word hunk” She said 
“I'm glad I could help” He replied 
the two enjoy their quiet moment together. Then the door to the kitchen opened The moment it opened Hunk and Shay split apart in embarrassment 
“Did I interrupt something?” Pidge asked
“No “ The two said both blushing profusely
“I definitely interrupted something sorry about that “ Pidge said as she walked to the food goo machine.She grabbed the hose that the came out of an pulled the trigger but nothing came out.”Hey hunk can you come over here for a second I think the machine busted”
“alright what seem to be the problem?” Hunk asked As he walked over to pidge 
“I pulled the trigger but nothing come out. It might just be a malfunction but i want a second opinion on the matter” pidge said handing over the hose
Hunk starred  for a few seconds looking for any bulges in the hose as well as running his hand over it just to double check. Then he checked the hole where the goo came out of just to see if it was clogged. But nothing was there 
“I don't see anything wrong  wi” Hunk was stop by a spray of food goo hitting him in the face.
The hose flow out of hunks hand and started firing at both of them in random intervolve and occasionally took a shoot at shay. The two paladins tried grabbing the out of control food goo hose.It took about three minutes for hunk and pidge to tie the food hose in a knot leaving the two of them covered in the green food goo as well as the room. The three of them looked around the room
"Alright all in favor of just leaving this mess for coran and the bots  to clean just walk out with” pidge said As she was walking out of the room
Hunk following behind pidge. Shay Quickly follow suit laughing about the scene she just witnessed  
In the sleeping chamber Lance and coran were cleaning the healing pods
“ok this things can being a person back from the brink of death which I’m thankful for but they can’t self clean”Lance said annoy by this
“It dose” Coran 
“ if it dose why are we using it?” Lance asked
“ Because cleaning it manually helps build character.it remind me of my younger years back when I was in the sub tech weaponry unit. my old drill Sargent used to make us cleaning cryo pod day and night” 
Lance listen half heartedly thinking about other thing. Entering the cryo pod lance started to clean the inside. but a few seconds after he entered the practical barrel closed behind him. Lance began to panic slamming his fist into the door. But coran was to busy reminiscing about his day in boot camp. Lance felt the cryo pod activating then he froze in place.the pod started to decent out of view of coran
“ And if you work hard enough you might just get some cleaning strips your self” Coran turned to see lance.But no one was there” Lance Lance where did you going”   Coran surged his shoulder “ Paladin”
in the training deck. 
“ Now throw a punch aimed for the stomach first. then when his guard is down hit then in the face and don’t give them room to breath keep on hitting them and throw in a few fake out punches” Rolo said
“ Fake out punches? “ Rax asked 
“ It’s when you start to punch some one with arm then hit them with the other. When they go to block the first punch” Rolo said
“ Alright what ever you says” Rax said 
Rax followed the steps that Rolo showed him on a the gladthat was on lowest setting see as Rax didn’t have any Experian fight at all .Keith was on the other end of the room finishing a fight with a gladiator bot cutting it down with two quick swing of his sword 
“Alright  engage the next level on this one “ Keith said to the training system 
The gladiator was dispensed ran at him. Swings it’s blade furiously at him.Keith could tell something was off after the first blow.
”Ok computer turn down the difficulty”  Keith said.
But the training system don’t respond.
“ Hey’ guy you having trouble with your gladiator?” Keith asked
“ Yes” Rax said after being knocked to the ground by the gladiator
 “What is going on Keith?” rolo asked before landing a heavy kick to the gladiator bot in the side sending it back a few feet back
“ No clue” Keith said 
Keith kept on the defensive blocking most blows. but the last swing knocked his  Bayard out of his hands. then the gladiator landed a powerful kick to Keith's chest. Keith hit the ground hard an rolled a few feet. The gladiator swung at the downed paladin. But Keith managed to get out of the way of the attack and straight to his Bayard. and book it out of the room followed by the gladiator.
“Where is he going?” Rax asked 
“No idea . now let’s focuses on the problem in front of us ” Rolo said ready himself for the gladiator’s attack 
“Alright then” Rax said 
in the detainment room
Shiro and beau were just watching the memory extractor unaware of the chaos out side. they both tried asking question to the sleeping sendark. But with no results and no memories extracted  This was starting to anger Shiro causing him to walk up the pod and punched it 
“Come on your a broken soldier you can’t hold out for ever” Shiro yelled
then moment Shiro yelled a weird purple glow appeared in a tank near by  
“ I have no clue how that worked but I will contact the others ” Beau said to Shiro
”So you can hear my” Shiro said looking at the tank that held the memory not paying attention to beau 
outside of the hanger bay
“So what is the deal with Fitz anyway. Why is a kid on a warship ” Nyma asked 
“One the castle of lions isn’t a warship it’s a castle ship there is a different  . an two Jay kinda adopted him into his family I don't why jay did it even though Allura and Coran  told him to leave Fitz with shay’s family because he would be safer there then here  . But he countered with (your letting four teenagers to pilot giant robot lions in a fight against a ten thousand year old empire that can make monster. You have no place to speak when it comes to child safety) Adam said
“ Wow And she still let him bring Fitz along “ Nyma said 
“ Yeah I don’t know how he manage that one” Adam said as he opened the door to the hanger
When the door opened to reveal the aftermath of a shoot out. six sentries were on the floor. blaster burns on the walls shell casing on the ground and some blood on the floor.
“ What happened in here ?” Adam asked
“I don’t know but where Fitz and Jay” Nyma asked scary but what she was seeing
“ I’m here” a weak voices said behind a set of crates 
The two ran over to the crates to find Jay slumped against the wall bleeding from bullet wounds in his right thigh,the gut ,his should was smoking from a plasma burn and his prostatic arm was sparking and moving on its only
“Can you take me to the med bay please?”  Jay asked 
the two dragged their bleeding friend to the Prometheus’s med bay. them placed him on one of the bed has serval med bot roll out to remove the bullets ,to apply burn cream to his shoulder as well as set up a blood bag and a morphine drip 
“ Now where’s Fitz?” Adam asked
“He’s sleeping in his room. I locked his door the moment the sentries turned on me.” Jay said  still weak 
“What caused them to turn on you” Nyma asked worried 
“ No clue. One moment I'm doing inventory the next I'm being surrounded and shoot at . think some one is hacking into the castle you two should worn the other about this  ” Jay said
“What about you?”  Adam asked
“ I’ll be fine I still have my Bayard and the Prometheus will go into lock down when you leave “ Jay said 
“Alright we will be back” Nyma said
“Do go anywhere” Adam said
“ I will be waiting for your return” Jay said lying there on the bed
in Allura’s room. the princess was resting with the mice until a voice started to whisper to her  
“Allura my dear daughter” the voice said
“Father your here” Allura said 
“ Yes it’s me now come with me I have some thing to show you” Alfor said 
back in the cryo pod room
coran was finishing up the second to last. but the moment he reached to the last pod. he found lance frozen.
“So what happened to you lance?” asked Coran while helping the shivering out of the pod
“ I was just cleaning the inside of the cryo pod. the next thing in know the door closes and  I'm being frozen ” Lance said
“ I guess the cryo pods are malfunctioning” Coran said
“ Or maybe the castle is haunted” lance said 
“ Well the castle is made of supernatural advent  technology that can’t be explained but sciences alone so you may be right about it being haunted “ coran said 
A few minutes pass as the two talked about what had just happened until coran had to leave to handle other thing. leave lance alone. Lance sat in the cryo room not wanting to leave the room until the cryo pod he was trapped in suddenly started to descending on it own. lance ran out of the room screaming.  after that lance nervously scurried thought the halls of castle. getting spooked by the reprogramed sentries that were roaming the hall. lance continued  to walk alone thought the dark halls and saw a figure that flickered in and out of view.
“Coran is that you ?” Lance asked confused 
The figure disappeared then coran voice was heard in the distances yelling           “Lance Help I'm  trapped in the airlock come quickly” 
Lance ran to the air lock to help coran out. But when he got there coran wasn’t there I was just an empty room. lance walked a little closer to the airlock just to double check. he had stepped pass the door way and that moment the air lock opened and the door behind him closed. Lance grabbed on to the wall holding on for dear life. 
Keith and the rouge gladiator were fighting thought the hall. Keith was using the massive  halls and his agility to keep a good space between them. But that all change when they turned the corner. Gladiator slammed into Keith  knocking him next to the an airlock door. As Keith was getting to his feet he heard a voices from behind him. turning his head he saw lance holding onto the hall dear life. But be fore he could do anything to save lance the gladiator swung it’ s blade at him so He met it with his blade knocking the gladiator into the door way . then he slammed the ejected button for the airlock open the door. Gladiator flow out into space. Keith then reached into the airlock trying to grab lance 
“Grab my hand” Keith yelled 
 Lance extended his own hand fighting the now stronger pull of space just to survive. He started to feel cold his eyes were burn and he was getting weaker every passing second it terrified him . But he need to  push past the pain,the weakness and the fear he had to survive he need to return home and tell his family about everything he was going to do and see. so with the last of his strength he  pushed forward using the wall to launch himself towards Keith’s hand and grabbed it. the moment Keith felt lance’s hand on his he pulled lance in back into the ship and slam the airlock door shut 
The two lied on the ground catching the breath. Keith turned his to look at lance and saw him on his side shiver intently.
“lance are you alright?” Keith asked concerned 
“lance turned to face Keith his eyes red tears, running and before Keith could do anything lance’s arm wrapped around him an pulled him into a hug. keith felt the coldness of lance and on instinct just hugged lance back
  “thank you thank you so much for saving me Keith. I was scared that no one was coming to save me”lance said through heavy breaths  
“your welcome lance I just did what I had to do. Your my teammate” Keith said but in the back of his mind he thought about how this was the second time he almost lost lance a second time in under a week . Jay was right he need to tell lance how he feels so
a few seconds later several pair of feet could be heard running toward there location. Keith broke the hug by getting up and put lance behind him readying his Bayard  to protect lance no matter what. then to his surprised it was Rolo Rax and coran   
“ thank god it’s guys” lance said still lying on the floor 
“ What happened to you Lance?” Coran asked concerned  
“ He nearly was suck out into space. and Me, Rolo and Rax were attacked by the gladiator training bots. something is up with the castle ” Keith said while helping lance to his feet 
“He’s right the damn thing did a number on me  “ Rolo said holding  his bruised side and sporting a black eye 
“ Yes it did do a number on us” Rax said follow rolo lead. He had a split lip and few burses on his hand and for arms 
“Wait why was lance in the airlock?” Coran asked scared by this information 
“ I heard you voice coming for the airlock calling for help. so I came to help you”  lance said with a faint smile.
Coran starred at lance for a few seconds. he was remind of Blaytz for a moment and how lance coran of him in all of his actions. the blue lion made the right choice by picking lance
“ Ok we should get the other before any thing else happens” Keith said walking toward the green lions hanger to check up on pidge  
“ right” everyone follow after Keith 
in the memory chamber Allura was again sitting in a field of altea flowers talking to her father again 
“ Allura do you wish to go back to Altae?” Alfor asked 
“ Yes I would love to but it’s gone” Allura said sadly 
“No it not and I can prove it. Here take this Altea flower from my hand “ Alfor said his voice slightly distorted handing her the flower
Allura grabbed the flower from her father hand. She felt it’s weight and she could smell it. She was didn’t know if this was a dream or real by she didn’t care “ let’s go home father “ Allura said with a smile 
In the green lion hanger bay hunk shay and pidge were flowing around in room . Shay was just laughing and enjoy this new experience 
“aw look at her go no care in the world right now” Hunk said look at shay having the time of her life while holding onto Pidge
“Hunk focus on me right now and know your girlfriend”  pidge said 
“She not my girlfriend” hunk said blushing 
“ What’s a girlfriend?” Shay asked flowing by 
“ I will tell you later. But right now hunk you need to kick me” pidge said 
“ What no your my friend and I do hurt friends” hunk said concerned
“ no I need you to kick me towards the door” pidge said 
“ oh ok” he replied 
Pidge placed her feet on to hunk’s feet. then he launched her toward the door controls. she had a smile on her face as she flew  to the control room. But her smile turned to a grimes when she released her trajectory was off by a few feet to the side.
“No No No No No No “ She said as she slammed into the wall then the floor 
 “ You ok?” hunk asked
“no” she replied just flowing away from the door. 
She flowed there mad here plan had fail. then Rover flew toward from his charger 
“Rover” she said happy that her little bubby was here to help “ ok rover I need you to open the door “
Rover beeped to confirm that he understood the order. Then he flew to the door control
“ no wait pidge Me and Shay are still very high up he”  hunk said to later . rover opened the door returning gravity to the room sending the trio slamming they into the ground. Hunk was the first to get up from the ground and walk to shay 
“ Are you alright?’ HE asked as he helped her up 
“ I'm fine a little sore from the fall are you alright “ Shay asked
“ yeah I'm good. hey pidge you ok” Hunk asked concern for his fallen teammate 
Pidge through her hand into the air and gave a thumbs up. Then the sound off foot step could be heard approaching the room 
“ hey quit sleeping on the job Pidge something is up with the castle”   lance said walking in to the room.
in the detainment room 
“ What was your first rank in zarkon’s army. Dose Zarkon have any weaknesses. what is the best way to destroy then command center. if you were going to attack Zarkon how would do it?” Shira asked the unconscious Sendak.
“ Shiro I'm not getting a signal to anyone one else on the ship and I can’t jump to any of my other bodies and six of them are offline. So I'm going to fine out what is going on out there Be right back” Beauregard said leaving the room
“ alright” Shiro said “ Now where were we “
“ If I were going to attack Zarkon how would I do it “ Sendak said from behind Shiro 
Shiro turned round and swung his arm to cut into the some how freed Sendak. only to swing at a empty space. Shiro only saw serval sentries who were standing guarded of the detainment room just standing there looking at him kinda confused    Shiro then turn back around to see sendak still in his pod.
“ am I hearing thing” Shiro said to himself just looking around the room just to make sure Beau wasn’t just messing with him then turning back to sendak’s pod
“ No your not hearing thing” Sendak said now from around the room 
“ How are you doing this?” Shiro asked 
“ that dose matter right now. What matter is why would you want to destroy the empire that fixed you,you broken soldier “ sendak said 
“ I'm not a broken”  Shiro said
“You were broken by us and reform by us  just look at your arm.Then look back at all you’ve do an how many people did you killed to survive. Think how the other would think of you if they knew the truth about you. How would Adam reacted to all the blood on your hand . Sendak said
“ Shut up ” Shiro yelled 
‘No You listen you are nothing more then a monster who hide behind a mask of a hero and nothing you do will ever change “
“I'm not listening” Shiro said trying to block out Sendek's voice 
“How can a monster ever be a paladin of Voltron. How can a monster ever have friends care about it and how could a monster like you ever find some one to  love you” The trapped man said 
“ Enough” Shiro yelled smashing his fist into the pod leaving a huge crack in the pod.Shiro was breathing heavily and just starred at sendak for a few second only to see sendak’s eyes open and his head move forward but suddenly sendak was gone along with the pod. Shiro turned his head to see Adam standing by eject button with his hand on it
“Are you alright Shiro?’  Adam asked
Shiro Stared at Adam a few second the just hugged him” no I'm not all right. But I will tell you more later. We need to find the other right ” Shiro said
“ Yeah let’s go love” Adam said
In the Bridge of the castle of lions Allura was piloting it with alfor next to her toward a imploding star 
“It’s there Father Altae is still there” She said still stuck in her dream like state  
“ Yes my dear daughter were almost home  just a few more minutes.” the Ai said it’s voice distorted and flickering more and more 
Running to the bridge the know reanointed group ran to the bridge 
“ Coran , beau  what has been happened ?” Shiro asked 
The galra crystal has corrupted the Alfor Ai “ Coran said 
And it’s Marked everyone except for Coran  as problems that could possible hurt Allura. So it tried to Either to Trap ,scare or just flat out kill us to keep her  safe.’ Beau said 
“ So that why the food goo machine started firing on us” Shay said 
“Or how it first trapped me and when that didn’t work it tried to send me out the air lock” lance said 
“ or how it used the sentries to kill Jay off do to him be a berserker ” Adam said 
“ or the gladiator bot to get rid of Keith , Rax and I” rolo said 
the group was at the bridge and saw Allura stand at the controls pilot flying straight toward a star Everyone then Ran to her only to be stopped by the holographic face of king alfor yelling “ Get away from my daughter”  then a Barrier formed around Allura and king Alfor 
“WE need to get her out of there now” Shiro said 
“I'm trying” beau said a he was using one of the console to being down the barrier along with Adam and Coran 
Lance stood there with everyone else  just starring at the star slowly growing more and more” this is it. this is how I die on a alien space ship light year way from home” 
“Lance don’t give up hope we can still save this” Shiro said slamming his prostatic arm into the barrier over and over again
  But the scents of hopelessness filled the room. Rax and Shay held onto each other 
“Sorry I got you into this Brother”  Shay said crying 
“It’s alright It’s alright little sister “  HE said just holding on to her 
Rolo Nyma And Beezer were saying their goodbye thing this was it  
“ It’s been an honor flying with you two” Rolo said 
“oh shut up you guy are my best friends and I saw no other way this could end”  Nyma said huge Rolo 
Beezer just beeped happily 
Keith thinking this was his last chance So he walked up to lance and grabbed his jacket “Hey Keith what are you doin” lance said before being pulled into a long deep kiss. they only pulled apart when they need to breath
“What was that ?” lance said face bright red 
“ that was me confessing to you ok” Keith said also blush the same shade of red as the red lion 
“Oh that make scenes “ lance said 
“Hey don’t count me out” pidge yelled walking up to lance 
“ Wait what” lance said before pidge followed Keith’s lead and kissed lance then they broke a part
“if we had more time I would have like to go on a date but that’s not going to happen now” pidge said sadly 
“Yeah I really wish we did” Keith said
Lance face still bright red ran at the barrier and punched and kicked at it yell”  Allura turn this ship around I have dates to go on”
in the Barrier Allura just stared at altea slowly getting closer. but she started to get distracted by a voice calling her name that snapped her out of her dream like state
“Allura  Allura “ the voice said 
“Father” Allura turned to see her father. but he was next to her” what is going on here”
“ it’s time for you to let me go” Alfor said
“ But were almost home” She said pointing towards Altea 
“ No we are not look again my dear daughter”  He said
Allura turned to see a imploding star where Altea once was. She stopped the ship before it could get any closer to the star. Everyone outside of the barrier felt the ship stop and saw the barrier around Allura turn black to block everyone’s view of Allura sending them all in to panic   
” What is going on here Father please tell me” She asked now confessed and scared about what she almost did to everyone 
“ It looks like my Ai has started to degrade from the Galra crystal and it tried to kill your friends and you as well as fulfill your wish to return home by any means” The king said 
“ He did what now” she yelled
I doesn't matter right now. what matters now is that most let me go” He said
“But your all I have left of home” She cried 
“ no I'm not you still have coran and there is the altea colony on Mar and before you say I'm the only family you have left. Again you still have coran the new paladin and everyone else on this ship to call your family” He said slowly flickering away.
“ But what will I do with out you here to guild me” She said
“You don’t need me anymore you have already become the leader I always know you could be my dear daughter” 
but I don’t want you to go” Allura said starting to cry 
“Allura Remember what I told you”
 “ I know A leader most make sacrifices. She said 
“ Good Now it’s time for me to go”
Allura watched as memories of he pasted flash past her. Hundreds of them some from her childhood her teen years memories of her and the first paladins. Then at the end of memory lane a newer memory popped up of her and the other at Shiro and Adam’s wedding on the balmera and how happy they all were that day. She smiled that this picture. Then she turned to her father and hugged him 
“ Goodbye father I love” She said now crying even more now
“ Goodbye my dear daughter” Alfor said hugging her back as he finally flicker off of existents for the last time  
As the barrier fell  Everyone ran to her to make sure she was alright .
A few hour later Allura was back in her room sitting on her bed Looking at old photos of home. then she heard a knocking on the door
“ Come”  She said
the door opened to reveal Jay hold a pot in his hands  “ Hey princess I heard what happened to you from beau. So I brought you a Altean flower .see as my dad owns a flower shop back home I have all of different plants from altea on bored my ship  and now I'm rambling. So here you go”   Jay said handing her the pot “ It will take a few weeks for it to full grow but it’s truly worth the wait” 
“ Thank you Jay.” She said taking the pot from his hands
“ I should get back to the med bay before beau finds out I left it see you later Allura” jay said running back to his hanger bay
Allura look at the pot and smiled. then see saw a note on it. She opened it and read get well soon signed by everyone. She smile at the note and thought  Her father was right they are her family her weird and loveable new family and she would do anything to protect it 
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tangyss · 7 years ago
so im super new to the voltron fandom and i have so many questions??? whos jeremy and why does everyone in the klance fandom love him? why are some people losing hope over klance while some people say theres been a confirmed endgame? why would people ship keith and shiro if theyre siblings? and are there any iconic klance fics/youtube vids i need to read/watch because theyre a 'staple' in the fandom? thank you💞💕💜💞💘
oh hey welcome to this hell!!!!
jeremy shada is lance’s voice actor!!! he’s a lovely guy who loves lance (probably more than us) and we all love him because every single chance he gets he alludes to klance being canon ajisejgsidjsi he’s the most chaotic person ever
ahh so im not sure how far u’ve gotten in the series (spoilers for s6) but there’s an episode where keith spends two years on the back of whale bc time passes weirdly, while for everyone else it’s like. a month for something. a lot of people were worried about this being used as a way to “age keith up” so that lance ends up being a lot younger than keith, but we discovered that the oldest keith could be is 20 and lance 18. so it’s chill. also, there was a lot of a//urance moments in this season, which made a lot of people believe that they’re the endgame.
here’s the klible, the bible of klance (i recommend reading this on laptop bc it’s REALLY big and will lag ur phone)
because they’re fucking nasty and ignore the fact that the show basially said that sh adopted k ://
OH BOY THERE’S SO MUCH!! i put the most iconic ones undercut for u to get u started, but send me another ask if u want more lmao
what a healing pod cant repair by remember_me
The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be.
Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn't be coming for a very long time.
just static by jessadilla
--Static-----iro, Hunk, Kei---, nybody? I’m-----static----I’m sorry guys. This is all my----static--cc-----I found my coordinates. They’re---stttcc--guys. I hear something-----scccc--end transmission-
Alone on a hostile planet, transmissions aren't getting through. How did it come to this?
26 kisses by insominiacarrest
Lance lets slip a habit from his past and home or-A silly fluff drabble that turned into a space opera about boys falling in love; space plague, alien planets, and being stranded, Keith and Lance try to make it home
crossroads by manamune
When Keith crashed his Lion into a Galra warship in order to stop it from destroying a solar system, and more importantly, his friends, he was fully prepared to die for it.
What he didn’t prepare for was to wake up in an alternate universe where he and Lance were dating.
call me, beep me by orphan_account
(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose?(00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake?(00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it?(00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy...(00:33) Cause, you know, her threes could very easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones?(00:45) What(00:46) The(00:46) Fuck???(00:47) Oh good, you are awake!
where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
nightmares by trashness
Lance's nightmares are getting out of control. It's effecting his and the team's performance, but he's at a loss for how to fix this.
Apparently sleeping next to a warm body helps.
(there’s a lot more but there’s are some of the most well known ones!)
youtube: (quick fyi, i dont usually go on youtube cause there’s a lot of Bad Stuff on there but here are some cool ones!)
be my sidekick? (animatic)
bobs burgers in voltron
a documentary following the modern gay space teen
deny the bi (a documentary of a bi in denial)
also i recommend watching fictionalcrystals - she does lots of theory videos and they’re really interesting
35 notes · View notes
Thinking With His Heart [Karamel Fanfiction]
I started writing this fic a couple weeks ago, and I promised myself that I would post it before the new year, so I'm pretty proud of myself for actually meeting that goal lol. Warning, angst ahead cuz I just can't help myself. Tagging everyone who shared their interest in the teaser (this is a lot of people I'm sorry): @emarasmoak @theleticiathings-blog @facepalming-since-chernobyl @ms-jane-darcy @whovianlunatic @busysciencegeek @jedelmanss @lostin-the-desert @cant-forget-karamel @notsomildmanerred @imtiredof-waiting
Thank you for your enthusiasm.
SUMMARY: "Mon El thought he knew what fear felt like... But in that moment, as he walked into the DEO med bay, he realized that he was wrong. Mon El had never really, truly felt fear until the moment he saw Kara on the table, fighting for her life while Alex tried desperately to save her."
[Picks up from the end of 3x09 and includes speculation for 3x10, told from Mon El's POV]
WORD COUNT: 3,263 words
NOTE: So my thoughts have been spinning since the midseason finale, and since the trailer for 3x10. Not only did we get our first peek of the Legion rings on the members, and our first glimpse of Brainiac 5, the end of the trailer seemed to have Kara in one of the stasis tanks on the Legion ship! This fic is pure speculation on what may happen for Kara to end up there. This fic also follows the theories that the marriage is fake and that the Legion's objective is to save Kara from Reign. With that said, enjoy!
Now available on AO3!
[Feedback is welcome. Hate will be blocked. Thank you!]
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Mon El thought he knew what fear felt like.
His life had been marked by that emotion. He felt it first when his planet died, and he was shoved into that little pod and shot out into the vastness of space. Then, when he landed on a strange planet, not knowing anyone, and finding out that he was the sole survivor of Daxam. His encounter with Parasite, being captured by CADMUS, getting shot, almost dying from Medusa. Gaining the courage to kiss Kara for the first time, and then having to admit his feelings to her, and then falling in love with her. Finding out his parents weren't really dead, losing Kara, traveling to another Earth to save her from Music Meister's spell. Almost going back to Daxam, getting locked up by his parents, the Daxamite invasion. Each moment had been scarier than the last, and none of it was more terrifying than almost dying when the lead was released into the atmosphere, and having to leave Kara again.
When he crashed into the 31st century, he was met with an almost calm acceptance. The feeling of crashing onto a strange planet was somehow familiar. His life was constantly filled with new beginnings, with pain, with fear. He knew the feelings well.
But in that moment, as he walked into the DEO med bay, Mon El realized that he was wrong. Mon El had never really, truly felt fear until the moment he saw Kara on the table, fighting for her life while Alex tried desperately to save her.
He felt panic rise up in his chest, and he was sure that his heart would collapse under the weight of it. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Kara, and he knew that the image of her would be burned into his retinas for a long time.
Her skin was paler than usual, and it had a thin layer of sweat. She had blood dripping down the side of her head and into her hair, staining her locks a dark, rusty color. She had tubes all over her, monitoring her vitals, and she even had one sticking out of her mouth.
Mon El had to remind himself to breathe. It wasn't right. She looked so helpless, so vulnerable, so human.
He couldn't even hear himself think over the sounds of the machines. They were beeping over and over again, reminding him and everyone else that something was very, very wrong.
His frantic thoughts were interrupted by a weird feeling in his mind. It felt almost as if someone was caressing his thoughts, turning them from shouts to whispers.
Imra. She was using her powers on him, trying her best to soothe his fear and calm him down. This was one of the reasons he had recruited her for this mission in the first place. Not only was she dedicated to the cause, but her unique power served as a safety net for whenever he strayed from the objective. She was there to give his mind a gentle nudge and make sure he stayed focused on the task at hand.
"She'll be okay," Imra told him aloud, squeezing his hand slightly as she spoke, while continuing to soothe his thoughts as best as she could. His eyes flickered down to hers briefly. He could tell that she wasn't worried. In the back of his mind, he knew that there really was no reason to be. They had seen this all play out in the history books, and Imra was right. Kara was going to be okay.
But it didn't matter. No amount of mind control could take away his worry for the woman he loved.
He was taken away from his thoughts by Alex's voice. "Stay with me, Kara," she muttered to her sister, her voice shaking slightly as she spoke. Her terror was evident in her eyes as she looked at her. "Stay with me."
As she spoke, one of the machines started beeping again, indicating that what Alex and the other medics were doing wasn't working. All he could do was watch in silent shock.
This wasn't right. She wasn't supposed to die. She can't die.
"We need to get her under a yellow sun lamp," one of the medics told Alex, but the agent was already shaking her head.
"No..." Alex replied, not taking her eyes off of Kara as she spoke. "We need to stabilize her before we can do that. The sun lamps will only help her if she's stable. Otherwise they won't heal her fast enough and..." She trailed off her words, not having the strength to finish her sentence.
He could tell that Alex was starting to lose her patience, seeming to get more frustrated with each beep of the machines.
He knew that the other medics were speaking, but he couldn't hear them over his own thoughts. They played in his head like a mantra.
No, no, no, no, no...
"This should be working," Alex exclaimed. He could hear her unshed tears in her voice, and her frustration was evident.
Mon El was no doctor, but the look on Alex's face scared him. It was one full of uncertainty, of fear, of worry. It told him that she didn't know what else she could do to save Kara's life.
It was Alex's look that shocked him into action. Suddenly, an idea popped into his mind, and before he even had a chance to think about it, he voiced it aloud.
"Put her in cryosleep."
The room fell silent with his words; the only sound was the noise of the machines. Alex didn't look up from her work, but the expression on her face showed him that she was open to suggestions at this point. From the corner of his eye, he saw Imra snap her head towards him, but he ignored her.
"What are you talking about?" J'onn asked. He had been standing next to Mon El in silence, watching Alex with worry evident on his face. Now, he looked at Mon El with skepticism.
Before Mon El could respond, he felt Imra in his brain, harshly tugging at his mind. This went against their entire plan, but he didn't care. Kara's life was more important, and he couldn't just stand there and do nothing. He focused all his energy on ignoring the pull in his mind before he spoke.
"The stasis tanks on our ship. If you put her in cryosleep, the ship will repair the damage to her body and stabilize her. It should work as long as you can get her there."
Mon El made eye contact with Winn as he spoke. Terror was plastered on his face, and he ran his hands through his hair, trying to calm himself down. He was too scared to speak, but Mon El didn't miss the small glimmer of hope that appeared in Winn's eyes, mixing with his panic and worry. He could tell that Winn was on board with the idea.
J'onn thought about it for a moment before directing his attention to the agent. "Alex. Your call."
She chewed on her lip, weighing her options as she looked down at her sister. One look at the machine, however, and her mind was made up. "Okay." She whispered.
Mon El was about to turn around and leave the medbay when he felt Imra in his head, stopping him dead in his tracks. She had a vice grip on his mind, holding him in place.
"Mon El," she hissed, just quiet enough so only he could hear.
He looked over at her, pleading with his eyes. He knew that she disagreed with helping Kara right now, but surely she wouldn't stop him, right?
Please, Imra, he pleaded in his mind, hoping that she would listen to him. He knew there was no mistaking the desperation in his thoughts. Please.
As Mon El thought the words, he saw her eyes soften, and he knew she had caved. She let go of his mind with a sigh. Once he had regained control of himself, he snapped into action.
"Let's go," he ordered, turning around and leaving the medbay, the squeaking of Kara's stretcher echoing behind him.
Mon El stood silently in front of one of the stasis tanks on the ship; the one that he had just helped Alex, Winn and J'onn put Kara into. His arms were crossed in front of his chest, but even that couldn't prevent them from shaking.
There she was— her eyes closed, her skin pale and her hair floating around her head in a golden halo. She had a white band secured to her forehead to help them to track her vitals while she healed. Kara. His Kara.
He couldn't take his eyes off of her. He had to be there for her when she woke up, and he worried that he would miss that moment if he looked away.
That's why Mon El was surprised when someone came up to him, grabbing his left bicep and spinning him around to face them. Once his eyes settled and he registered the face, he let out a sigh. He knew this was coming.
He had a lot of explaining to do; that much was for sure. He was supposed to be the leader of the Legion. He wasn't supposed to be the one messing up their mission.
He was about to try to fumble his way through an apology when she interrupted him.
"What the hell, Mon El?"
He almost wanted to chuckle at her words. He had missed this Imra in recent days. Now that Alex, Winn and J'onn were immersed in their own conversations, Imra could finally drop the "sweet and docile wife" act. He had to admire her commitment to the job, because the Imra he knew was anything but docile.
It was only now that they were alone that he saw the Imra that he had known in the 31st century. She was fierce and she was determined and she was empathetic and she was passionate.
And she was pissed at him.
Her eyes were ablaze with anger, and in that moment, Mon El was thankful that she didn't have heat vision.
"Imra, I'm sorry," he started, his voice sounding exasperated already. He knew this conversation was coming, but that doesn't mean he was ready for it.
Imra just scoffed at him before continuing. "You should be sorry." She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You're putting everything we've worked for at risk."
"I know," he muttered.
"We've been planning this for months... for years! You've been planning it!" She threw her arms up over her head. pacing back and forth as he talked. She stopped moving and dropped her arms to her side. "I... I just don't get it, Mon El. Explain it to me. Please."
Mon El opened his mouth, ready to answer, but nothing came out. He didn't know how to explain his reasons to her, because truthfully, the answer was quite simple. He did it because it was Kara, and he couldn't stand to see her like that. He had to do something.
She sighed when he said nothing. "We're lucky that we didn't mess anything up when she found you on the ship, and we're already trying to do this job while we have men still asleep. We've analyzed every point of this, and found the exact point to interfere where we have the greatest chance for success. History says that Supergirl fights the first battle with Reign, and yes, she gets injured but she lives. I just don't get why you would interfere now..."
"We've already interfered!" Mon El interrupted, unable to hold back anymore. She looked at him with a shocked look on her face, but stayed silent, so he continued. "Every day we're at the DEO we're interfering. And we've already messed things up. Kara was supposed to get injured, not beaten within an inch of her life. I couldn't let her die."
"She wouldn't have died." Imra retorted. "You know we would have known immediately if anything had changed that much."
He ignored her words, not wanting to admit to himself that they were true. "We already changed things. She was off her game in her fight with Reign because of us."
"You don't know that," Imra stated, starting to sound frustrated with him. "We didn't know how injured she got in the first fight. All we knew was that she survived."
Mon El stayed quiet. Imra was right, but that didn't mean he had to be okay with that.
Imra's eyes softened, and her voice was quieter when she continued. "Why can't you just admit it was a personal decision? That you did it because you were worried about her?"
Mon El was about to say something before he stopped. He wasn't expecting that question. He wondered briefly if she had read his mind. She had a habit of doing it unconsciously, but he shook the thought away, still trying to find an answer to her question.
She smirked a little, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "You know, you're lucky I'm the one that woke up. I've been in your mind. I've seen firsthand how much you care about her, and I understand. If it was Brainiac who woke up, he'd be trying you for treason right now."
Mon El wanted to chuckle, but he felt a sickening feeling sink into the pit of his stomach, because Imra was exactly right. Brainiac had an unparalleled intelligence, but it made him see things as black and white, with no area for gray. As a leader, that was what he should have been doing, but he had let his fear guide his decision instead.
He couldn't admit it was a personal decision. This wasn't the time for him to be thinking with his heart. If he was letting his emotions guide him, then he shouldn't be leading them on this mission.
But Mon El couldn't think of anything worse than sitting back and leaving Kara's fate in someone else's hands.
Instead, Mon El clamped down hard on his thoughts before speaking. "I had to make sure there was a Kara to save in the future. If I hadn't saved her now, the entire mission could have been ruined by her dying early. I intervened because I thought it was right."
The look Imra gave him let him know that she didn't believe him, but she didn't question it. "I'm going to go," she told him instead, and he didn't miss the weariness in her voice. "I'm going to make sure nothing changed too much from this."
He nodded, not trusting himself to speak. He feared that if he spoke, he would spill all the words that he was trying to hold back. He knew that Imra knew how he was feeling anyway, even if he didn't want her to.
Before she turned to walk away, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "We're going to save her, Mon El. I know it. This isn't your burden to bear alone."
Yes it is, he thought before he could stop himself, and he knew that Imra had heard him by the look of pity she gave him. She looked like she was going to say something else, but then thought against it.
Imra started to walk away, but Mon El called out to her before she could. "Hey Imra," he started, and she turned back around, looking a bit surprised. "You could have stopped me back in the medbay, but you didn't. Why not?"
Her face was unreadable, her eyes hardening as she responded. "I may not agree with you, but that doesn't mean I would stop you. I'm not that kind of person."
Mon El couldn't help but think that he had insulted her with his question. As a telepath, many people expected her to be cold-hearted and manipulative, and he knew that she struggled with that perception. However, he knew that she was anything but. If anything, her power made her more empathetic, and her response made perfect sense to him. Despite not agreeing with his choice, and knowing that he could be endangering their objective with it, Imra still wouldn't use her power to forcefully take his free will away. She would only control him if he asked because that was the type of person she was, and even then, it had been a struggle to convince her to control him when he was around Kara.
She turned on her heel and walked away without another word, and even though Mon El knew that he should probably stop her to apologize, he let her go. He thought it would be better to let her have her space first.
And even if he had wanted to, he couldn't bring himself to move. He wanted to stay by Kara's side until she woke up. She needed to wake up.
"Hey, Kara," he muttered. He relished in the feeling of being able to talk to her freely, without all the baggage surrounding them right now. He knew that all of the tension between them was his fault; it was because of all of the lies he was telling in the name of saving her life. Even though he knew he was doing it for the right reasons, he still couldn't stop his stomach from churning with each lie he told.
Her pain. Her heartache. Her sadness. It was all because of him.
"I know you can't hear me," he continued, walking closer and pressing his hand against the glass of the tank. He wished that he was able to grab her hand, to touch her, to look into her eyes, but he couldn't. Instead, he pressed his head against the glass as well, squeezing his eyes shut. "But I need you to wake up. I need you."
He felt tears coming, and he tried his best to hold them back. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself before continuing.
"And when you wake up, I'm going to be here for you, even though you hate me right now. And I promise, I will do everything I can to protect you. To save you. And, once it's all said and done, if you can find it in your heart to forgive me, I will love you again, with everything that I have."
He felt a tear escape him, silently sliding down his cheek. He wiped it away quickly, cursing himself for not being strong. "So please," he said, his voice hoarse from the tears left unshed and all of the things that he wanted to say but couldn't. "Just wake up."
He sighed, backing away slowly from the stasis tank, fixing his eyes onto her face once again. Imra was right. He wasn't thinking clearly. He couldn't think clearly when it came to Kara.
One good thing had come from his conversation with Imra. He had realized that this wasn't going to work. They wouldn't be able to complete the Legion's mission in their current state, with only him and Imra awake. He was too close to Kara, despite his better judgment. And Imra, she was too good of a person to keep him in line. He needed someone calloused, someone with a one track mind, someone who wouldn't be afraid to keep him in line, even though he was their leader.
He needed to wake another Legion member, and he knew just the one.
[NOTE: Imra may seem to be a bit ooc from what we've seen on the show, but that was done on purpose. I think Imra is playing the wife role right now, and I'm hoping to see her drop the act and show Imra, the soldier, a bit more in the future.Despite that, I do think she actually is a good person at heart, and I do like her character a lot (and she was fun to write.)]
[Feedback is welcome. Hate will be blocked. Thank you!]
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ts-janus-rp-blog · 3 years ago
Roman swallowed thickly when Virgil looked over to him, "It...depends on how serious of an injury she has... The pods...can mainly heal broken bones and muscles... Like it did for Remus... And if you have the missing limb it can mend it back together...like it did for your fingers. But...if something is so damaged beyond repair...to the point that there's no way it could be healed, or even if it is healed there's no guarantee it'll work... Not even the pods can fix that. Your eyes were a gamble. If her ears are even more damaged then your eyes were... There may be no way the pods can fix it... I'm sure you read that in the manual..."
Logan used his tail to help Virgil remove the items, which definitely came in handy for the muzzle and handcuffs, that needed a key to unlock. Even so though he glanced over to roman sadly and didn't say anything in response.
Emile squeaked while they were removing everything. All around her mouth was crusted and still bleeding from the muzzle. And it was starting to bruise. That looks painful... But when the blindfold was removed she opened her eyes, and then hiccuped when she saw Virgil. She lunged forward and hugged him, and started crying on his shoulder. "C-Cant... Can't... Can't...hear... Can't hear... I... What... What happened? It hurts... Ow... Is... I..." Her voice was barely above a whisper, and she seems to have a hard time talking without hearing herself.
"It appears my minions played around with her for a little bit." The vampire laughed, "they've done plenty of experiments on wolves before. And... I suppose they must've dug the hook deep into her ears... And hit some sort of special muscle in there. Whoops! Boys... Did you really damaged her ears?"
"Yes, we did, ma'am!" A man stepped out from the limo, he had a wide beaming grin and...was completely naked. Well, guess vampires just likes to hang it all out.
"We wanted to have a little fun on the road! And since you told us that we couldn't kill her or make her bleed to death. We got creative~" Another man beamed from the other side. "We removed her eardrums all together with a large hook! And then we ate it! We were going for her vocal cords next when you called us, ma'am!"
🐺🔒-Part 16-🔒🐺
TW: Misgendering. Rape. Swearing. Blood (mention). Injury (mention). GRAPHIC - Read at your own risk.
↣P1-P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15↢
"Oh~ Spicy spicy little one!" The vampire giggled but she did stepped back, probably cause she liked seeing Virgil upset but not too upset...for whatever reason. But then she laughed and pointed up to Logan who was checking up on Janus and Patton. "You mean him?" She chuckled some more, "Don't you see that little one beside the alpha? I took him down in an instant, you don't think I can take your precious little mate down too?" She chuckled once more, "You are quite something. Maybe I got the wrong person to bring back to the kingdom... Maybe I should've brought you!"
Remus gulped thickly and he looked towards roman. "There's...no way to save someone once they've been taken by the vampires... Once they enter the kingdom... They're goners... No one has ever escaped out of there alive... Once you go in there there's no coming back-"
"Well save her," Roman suddenly stated, ignoring what Remus was saying completely. "You want her back? Then we'll get her back." He took in a breath and looked up to the vampire. "Take me to your kingdom instead. Surely you lot would love to have a taste of alpha meat. Am I right?"
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xnighten · 8 years ago
Hi, do you have any good klance fanfics you could recommend??
I haven’t been reading many klance fics bc I’ve been reading a lot of yoi fics rip  but the ones I’ve read are: - What a Healing Pod Cant Repair- Sweet Quiznak- You’re so Sweet; Will you be Mine?- Nightmares- On Thin Ice- Of Florists and Tennis Shoes- My Youth is Yours- Crossroads- Camp Lake Altea - Dirty Laundry - Watercast- Call Me Beep Me
If you guys have any recs feel free to reply to the post so others can see it as well!
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thespace-dragon · 8 years ago
Can you rec your favorite Voltron fics?
you got it!! (though im slowly running out of things to rec, so ill just keep this to like 5-7 fics)
This House Unfinished by boyghosts
Summary: “Concept,” Lance said, his voice heavy and gutted with the ache of it; he caught Keith’s gaze and smiled wide, for show. “The war’s over. We’re back home. All the things we love in one place.”Lance keeps losing the things he's built. Then there's Keith.WC: 30776General Notes: just, i still cant get over this fic. its just so good, its long and the development it has is amazing. beautifully written. just fmu 10/10
Just Static by Jessadilla/wobblyarms
Summary: --Static-----iro, Hunk, Kei---, nybody? I’m-----static----I’m sorry guys. This is all my----static--cc-----I found my coordinates. They’re---stttcc--guys. I hear something-----scccc--end transmission-Alone on a hostile planet, transmissions aren't getting through. How did it come to this?WC: 84141 (16/16)General Notes: ive rec’d this before and ill rec it again. seriosuly just read it. you really cant go wrong with it and i just love it so much. made me cry. that good. 100/10
What a Healing Pod Can’t Repair by Remember_Me
Summary: The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be.--Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn't be coming for a very long time. WC: 55773 (12/12)General Notes: so this fic holds a special place in my heart because its THE fic that got me into this vld hell that im in. and the artwork is absolutely amazing. 20/10
Shut Up and Dance With Me by wittyy_name
Summary: Lance and his friends have been regulars at the Altea Dance Studio for years. Not just for classes, but to hang out, practice, and spend time with good people who love dancing. Every year, they audition to be one of the few representing Altea at the regional dance competition. Lance always auditions solo, but this year he misses out on auditions and blows his chance to participate. And so does his self-proclaimed rival, Keith.Luckily, Shiro comes up with a brilliant plan: convince Lance and Keith to audition as a duo.With a little convincing, and a lot of effort, these two might just be able to pull it off and go to regionals... or they might crash and burn.WC:118875 (8/?)General Notes: this one just keeps going and going and going, and it keeps giving too, like omg. my face hurts like almost every time i finish and update and i love it too bits. it successfully pulled me deeper into the fandom. 100/10
On Thin Ice by Minadora
Summary: Once upon a time, two Canadian nerds decided to start a figure skating au about their two space sons and their wonderful misfit friends. Ten pages of headcanons later we finally put electronic pen to electronic paper and created this monstrosity.This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets forcibly enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater.Enjoy the ride because it's only just started.WC: 149983 (9/?)General Notes: Like if i wasnt already deep into this fandom, this sealed the deal. like holy hell, Mina does a wonderful job with this fic and its so fucking long like holy- and just i love it so much. I cant express how much i love this fic. 100/10
Watercast by Fishwrites
Summary: Shiro has been a Galra prisoner for over a year; with his flight feathers clipped and unable to fly. Desperate to escape, he jumps overboard while being transported to the capitol on a Galran ship. Lance is a merman who saves him from drowning. Keith thinks Shiro is about to become mermaid dinner. Hunk just wants Lance to stop going to the surface all the time, dammit!(AU where Avians (winged folk), Galra, humans and merfolk cohabit earth. Shiro and Keith are avian soldiers, Lance is the youngest son of a Queen, Hunk is also a merman and Pidge is still looking for her family.)WC: 61956 (7/?)General Notes: Im just so in love with this universe, its amazing. the character interactions are great, and i really love how Fish has incorporated cultural differences into their universe. its amazing. 11/10
Smile For The Stars by maIikcutie
Summary: Though he's been dealt many bad cards, Lance isn't sure he can handle this one: winding up stranded, a million lightyears away from home, with only Keith to keep him company.The universe is cruel.WC: 72921 (9/9)General Notes: this is a tear jerker. like if i need some good angst, this is one of the ones i come back to. just, heed the warnings, cuz it sneaks up on you. 10/10
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binart · 8 years ago
Blue Paladin's Journey sounds better than Bullshit Plot Justification imo lol
you buffoon, you rube, you complete toad. Never speak to me again.
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pooka-spirit · 8 years ago
hey! do you have any good klance fic recs?
YOU BET I DO! Credit to their respected authors btw:
there are 3 staples that almost every klance fan has read:
On thin Ice:
and of course, Dirty Laundry
there are also some really cute ones that i loved reading:
Call Me, Beep me:
99 cent dreams:
Operation Time Out:
Homesick at space camp:
Talk It Out (pretty new):
What a healing pod cant repair (be warned this one fucking murdered me):
and the entire warmth series tho some have some nsfw (i tend to skip passed those parts tho).
i’m not the best person to ask for nsfw recs tho bc i tend to avoid that kind of stuff so if someone wants to add any of those im sure you’d find them helpful!
This is actually pretty fun!
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cowgiirl · 7 years ago
The google translate fic where Lance said "sorry, its hard to switch back sometimes"
Everyone taking sides on either shiro or lance dying in s2
Every klance playlist having "Colors" by Halsey and/or that one Troy Sivan (him? For him?)
"Oppa gangnam style" - Keith
Everybody stanning Keith's "knife obsession"
Greasy keith
The Unofficial guidebook provoking 3 things:
(a) age discourse (again) bc the book said Keith was 18 so sha//ies JUMPED (aka "klance is pedophilia bc keith is an adult and lance isnt uwu" despite there still being a less than one year age difference, them both being teenagers, and the book being unofficial, but i digress)
(b) "keith likes hippos!! thats so cute uwu" vs "keith is dumb as SHIT for thinking a hippo can fit in a crytopod"
(c) the book not saying where keith is from, just saying hes "half galra" which drove everyone batshit
The 8 month hiatus between s5 and s6 where like. At least a quarter of the fandom dropped
Chartron :3 (rip fallen soldier ✊😔)
The rise and fall of shlav
"Shatt" (just the name, but the rise and fall of that too)
"How many titties does slav have"
Im just gonna type dirty laundry again bc. That was such a big part of the early days geez
Call me, beep me
On thin ice
What a healing pod cant repair
Nothings quite as sweet
a list of memories you never really asked for
Dirty Laundry memes everywhere (which was really confusing if you, like me, have never read the fic) 
“Lance is going to die and have his quintessence stored in Blue” theory
Every single Klance playlist featuring the song “Haven’t Had Enough” 
Shipping discourse that led to someone calling up their lawyer or something
Tumblr user sinningpaladin pretending to be an intern from Dreamworks 
Lactose intolerant keith 
who the fuck is kevin / kevin kogun 
Pidge but she sounds like gremlin pidge from 80s voltron 
Keith/Lance suggestion blogs 
also his dad, samuel “pea” holt 
Keith? cryptid hunter or cryptid himself? both??
Valentine’s poems but klance 
Spideypool klance 
Klance jokes based on the words “cradle” or “bond” bc the bonding moment was the only klance content we had back then 
Gifsets of Shrek/Lance + Barry the Bee/Keith + Shiro/Lightning Mcqueen (x)
Post-season-2 when someone made a post about how she!th has never been more alive which subsequently lead to the longest thread of people adding on the single quote “shiro you’re like a brother to me” 
Swiss roll shiro
Pining keith playlist 
KERMIT pining Keith / kermullet 
Thace is Keith’s dad 
“Voltron characters as ________” (it’s usually something weird like shoes or dogs) 
“shiro breasted boobily”
Paladins’ fashion discourse (objectively, they all suck) 
Keith eggcourse
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goldstonegolem64 · 6 years ago
Book 1 Hope Returns Chapter14 And were off  By goldstonegolem64
Jay walked into the hanger to see the robeast arm was missing
“hey Val where is the robeast arm” Jay asked
“I ate it ”She replied
Jay stood there confused has the hamster in his head started to run to help him process this information” what but more importantly how” he asked again
“I scanned it then compressed it into data”
“so we has a new  weapon or do we have a new ability also what the hell are you capable of exactly”he Said with a look of complete confusion on his face
“we have a new weapon and a ability. The extent of my power are the same as the lion the stronger the bond I have with you the stronger we become.I'm also base off the black lions design so I can do the same thing it dose which is teleporting as well as the basic of the other lions  like breath fire or ice turn invisible and armor up also if I wanted to I could form the head of Voltron  if I wanted to but I don't because my purpose is to destroy Voltron not to form it the only thing I can do that the lions can’t is to copy any weapon I scan and I can counter any energy based attacks that I see coming ether absorbing it giving use a power boost of firing it back a the enemy with twice the power”  She said with her head held high proud at the fact she was build to beat the legendry defender if she need to.
“you can also stop time if I remember right” Jay said through their bond as he was changing clothes
“I cant stop time I just fly so fast that it looks like time stops its that same ability and the counter that take the most power to use so don't do it until are bond is stronger or your in your berserker state. She said 
“Alright  just in case of emergency  we will use those power ok no matter the consequences aright. getting on to the first question what can are new weapon ability do ”Jay said 
“it is the same as the original weapon but we can turn it into a shield and ram in to things with no damage to us or we can use it like a canon and fire the ball and it will exploded on contacted with whatever we fire it at”She replied
“that's pretty neat we are going to test that out on the warship at the balmera ”he said
Jay had just taken off the jump suit noticed that it was just his under armor that just changed from silver to white as well as the slash from Hexus was no longer on the suit that was nice.he changed in to pair of jeans a muscle t and tried out the new energy chain to switch to his new arm which was a mixed success. disconnected his normal arm but it didn't connected to the new galra tech arm he made with help from Allura as well as all the connecters for his other three prosthetics.picking up the normal one and placing it in the closet next to his heavy lifting arm and the weird three finger brawler arm he had bought but never found a use. Then attached the new arm its was made to look like a normal hand but with the clawed fingers the same is orange and black color scheme was going to change later but that would have to wait after he tested out the connection of the chain. So he launched it and grad the tv remote off the night stand the arm responded to his commands flawlessly who ever made this was a master of the their crafted to bad jay was go at copy peoples work and making it better. then he test  the attack mode of the arm out he turned on it turned a bright purple then he slammed it into a sentry and cut it in half. the final test was if it could feel anything jay know it was hopeless but he tried anyway. to his surprise and to is delight he felt the touch of his normal hand on top of the prosthetic. he felt the burn scars all the way up his right arm for the first time in fourteen years. it was so weird to have feeling in his left hand again. in his happiest he ran to the other forget to put on shirt over his muscle and a pair of shoe running though the castle bear foot he made his way to the kitchen hoping the other were there. As he enter he hearing Keith and lance having  another argument
“we had a bonding moment I cradled you in my arms”Keith said a little angry
“nope Don't remember didn't happen“ lance said back trying to hide a blush 
Jay laugh has the two boys who were clearly into each other were just dancing around their feeling. then he yelled at the top of his lung “check this quiznacking shit out”As he launch his new arm to grad a cinnamon bun off the table only to lose connection to his arm send it crashing into the table and sending it straight at lance.
it was slapped out of the way by Keith when he saw it was out of control. Glared at Jay with death in his eye. The same look came from pidge as well. But for everyone else expect for Adam and Allura had a look of terror on their face. Jay was confused but then he remember that he had just meet the group yesterday and forgot to tell them he had a fake for arm. walking over to the other end of the table to meet with the rest of the group
“sorry for almost hitting lance and sorry for not telling you guys about my prosthetic “Jay said pick it up off the floor 
“Yeah be careful next time you decide to throw your arm at people” lance said
“ sorry man I was really exited to show off the new arm that I forgot that there is a limited range on the energy chain. thank you again Allura for helping me make this thing” 
“Your welcome “ she said with a smile 
“So what happened to your arm anyway jay I'm just curies”  Shiro asked 
“car crash when I was ten crushed my forearm  and also caused  the burns up my right arm” Showing off the massive mark.
“Was anyone else in the car with you “ Hunk asked
“My mom "Jay said 
“What happened to her” Keith asked 
“She didn't make” jay Said sadly
“sorry for bring it up” Keith said
“Its alright it was going to come up soon or later” Jay said
“Alright with that out of the way and everything repaired we should be ready for lifted off at any moment” beauregard said
“yes we should get going” Allura said
“Hey Before that I have some thing to tell you guy something” Pidge said
Everyone turned to look at pidge and waited for them to Say what they were going to say
“I cant man up I mean I can because it just a expiration But that not the point. I’m a girl” She said starring at everyone's faces 
“We all know that we were just wait till you were ready to tell us other wise” Adam said with a smile on his face
“ I was going to ask you what do you prefer to be called when we were at the crash site but after the fight I just forgot to ask” Jay said
“How did everyone know expect me” Lance said confused
“Your a air head lance "Keith said
Before lance could retort Jay said to him” hey after we lifted off can you meet me in the med bay of the Prometheus just so the med bot could do a complete scan just in case the healing pod missed something” 
“Alright” lance said a little confused but maybe jay was just double checking everyone way alright before the mission.
As the group made there way to the bridge a feeling a excitement was in the air. The team enter the bridged and watched Allura take control of the castle and fired up the engines. the castle shook under them as it raise from the ground and it to the air. They watch as the castles raise pasted the cloud and broke the planet atmosphere. Their destiny start now on their to save  the balmera. unaware what they were about to do would set in to motion a event that will shack the universe itself 
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babsaros · 9 years ago
Lance throwing out his junk made me rlly sad like fuk u too blue let the boy have something happy
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spring-queen · 9 years ago
hey if you like crying and pain read this fic: http://archiveofourown.org/works/7422406/chapters/16858711?view_adult=true
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pleatedskort · 9 years ago
i actually cried at the ending of what a healing pod cant repair that was so good im crying still please read it
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