#LMAO. anyway
bones-of-a-rabbit · 6 months
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I lovea him
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bignostalgias · 1 year
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this scene from the latest chapter of The Lights of Avalon by @alkalinefrog took me OUT
Excellent Fit Refs by @the-bubbles-tm
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redactedcrowart · 6 months
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happy belated morbnetsversary have something sad
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forged-in-stardust · 3 months
dyson can you do a backflip
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>>> ...Uhh... I tried a few times before... >>> ... >>> It was an... interesting experience. I'd rather not try it again. >>> ...Yeah.
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hurglewurm · 4 months
two nights ago: [vivid dream about having a panic attack, gasping and wheezing, heart pounding painfully, curled up on the kitchen floor shaking while my family has dinner in the other room]
last night: [vivid dream about apologizing to my friends that i'm depressed again, feeling weighted down by all of it, on the verge of collapsing because it's too heavy, darkness encroaching]
me irl: genuinely just chilling
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wutheringheightsfilm · 3 months
I love Moffat's Doctor Who it's the best version of Doctor Who for me but we have honestly just outgrown old white nepo showrunners overall (plus poor Moffat had just the longest run because they couldn't find a replacement when he wanted to leave like twice honestly god bless him, he was writing for Who on his mother's deathbed man has done enough). RTD coming back was a necessary evil and I am okay with that if it revives the show but the wilderness years writers need to GO AWAY. I'm rooting for Juno Dawson, Kate Herron or Sarah Dollard of writers that have been on the show before to take over. But like anyone but Rusty, Moffat and Chinballs. I can enjoy Moffat coming back for one-offs though. As much as I personally disagree with the 'he's only good at one off's' take because he's really really a good showrunner to me and also wrote two of my favorite shows, he's good when he's gotten some sleep and time to work.
I mean absolutely we have outgrown old white nepo showrunners overall, I completely agree and literally the only reason (other than having written a couple of episodes before) Moffat got the job was because his mother in law is/was very high up in the BBC and that sort of attitude really needs to go. BBC shows have suffered a LOT for being very insular, and I'm also rooting for Juno Dawson, Kate Herron, and/or Sarah Dollard! They've written really really good episodes so far and I want to see more of their work!!
I'm glad you like Moffat's showrunning... I don't, and most of his showrunning of Doctor Who is not my favorite (I really, really liked Peter Capaldi's seasons but not how he handled Clara completely, and sorry to the masses but Matt Smith's seasons are my least favorite), so I'm sorry anon lol. I'm glad you get joy out of it though!
If that other favorite show of yours happens to be Sherlock, I think you're very brave.
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jonismitchell · 2 months
if anyone wants to know how my morning is going i dreamed i saw gs across a busy street and ran to yell at him and he told me he had to do it and i told him he didn’t, which i said with such force i woke myself up
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mainfaggot · 1 year
Me talking about future plans related to my degree like i havent been seriously considering kmsing
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I'm having SO much fun with my new pen display digital art rules But I am so used to working on things that I Cannot See Very Well that I keep squinting/hunching/moving the tablet closer, forgetting that I can just.... zoom in lmao
Which is to say: once I can Remember That's Possible, digital art will be SO much more accessible than traditional ever was, but in the meantime, Holy Shit My Neck
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the farther along i get the more i realize that my introduction to chemistry being college-level thermodynamics at the age of 14 is kind of like those raptor chicks with the dad who was confused that they wouldn’t eat a mouse despite being smaller than said mouse
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lrndvs · 17 days
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compliments from girls go hard
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s0up1ta · 2 months
toxic yaoi or something idk i haven't watched gravity falls
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lokh · 4 months
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communication is key 💪
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crowkip · 12 days
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yeehaw, baby!
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cainternn · 1 month
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deadpool and wolverine thoughts
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chase-prairie · 1 year
Loving reminder from your land history auntie:
North American golf courses have had 50-100 years of arsenic and mercury based fungicide and herbicides applied to their soils.
Do not eat anything that has been grown on a golf course or downstream from a golf course. I know it sounds cool and radical, but you are too valuable to poison yourself with heavy metals.
Protect each other, turn your local golf course into a pollinator garden, not a sex forest or community garden.
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