dykemd · 2 years
call me pastry bag the way i fill her pussy w cream
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katenotbishop · 2 months
what a weird cinematic universe
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mcpiejeff27 · 1 year
"I found a meme which said that 3AM dreams just hit different, and it can't be any truer for my case."
In my dream, I was watching Vanguard on the family room TV. I think it was post will+dress season two; when the Uniformers were at their peak. But during that episode, I saw an unfamiliar character.
Her name is "Fuka" as I remembered. She looked like Kumi from the G era, except her hair was longer and tied into a high ponytail. Her attire seemed off too; and by off, I mean she dressed like that one edgy Yu-Yu in the DSR version of Vairina Esperaridea (you know exactly which one).
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The picture above is my effort of interpreting what she looked like using picrew.
Her deck consisted of candy/dessert-themed cards (I swear, the only audible word I heard was "Jellybean"), so I'm guessing she used either a Pale Moon-centric Dark States deck or Lyrical Monasterio.
That's not even the weirdest part. That goes to the fact that she was beating Sophie Belle's ass; a clear image of Astroea zoomed-in in desperation as her mask breaks. Obviously, this seemed like utter nonsense since Raika will probably be the one to beat her ass (y'know, for redemption/revenge lol), but if I see a character even remotely like this one and plays an important role... then I don't know what to say.
So, yeah. I don't know what to take from this. I'll propably make a proper OC out of her and make her so-called "candy" archetype real somehow.
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xyliaxart · 1 year
I had a lovely dream last night. I was in a school gym doing like an obstacle course and they were throwing things at us that were supposed to be scary including a big bat and a little bat. and I caught the little bat and just kept it cause it was so cute it looked like this:
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it was so round and fit in my pocket. I gave it scritches under its little chin
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worminterface · 2 years
i have an oc story finally <3
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quinn-fucks-shit-up · 2 years
look, ik dreams are boring, and literally no one ever wants to hear about them, but this one was actually quite freaky and I think someone out there would like to hear it
so it was the ddlc style Pokémon game, where all your Pokémon were anime women, one of them, (blue hair slight build, flowing white robes, that one medic staff thing as a full staff) had moves that healed the whole party (and a couple stat buff moves), but also some heavy damage ones, so she was a pretty good character to end a fight off
the thing is, all of her moves involved her reading Bible quotes (don't fuckn ask me why my brain did this, I'm fully Jewish), and if you try to switch her out for any other 'pokemon' she freaks the fuck out and glitches
this is where the ddlc comes in, she doesn't go back to her 'pokeball' right away and she says something like "am I.... not good enough....?" black stuff starts obstructing her eyes, she appears upsidedown for a frame, fire can happen in the background in small fits and bursts.
the next move you have to use one of her moves, the recall button is smashed. all of her moves are also glitched, instead of names like 'Heal them' you have 'Kill them', or, 'Forgiveness' to 'Punishment', stuff like that
the moves now have a 50% chance of doing a 'cursed' version (100% on the first use, might drop down to 25% after and climb to 50% after each cursed use, I don't remember) that instead of, say, heal a specific party member, 'killed' another random party member and added all that members stats to the original members stats temporarily until the of character was 'revived'
all the while, she's getting creepier, after that first time you can recall her pretty easily, but now with the cursed moves, she's chanting some fucking thing in a demonic cypher, her robes are flickering black, she's crying blood, the whole shebang, that only gets worse with the more cursed spells you use
now, you can change the Bible quotes at first in the settings, you can enter whatever text you want into the game and have her say it, but this will increase the speed of her corruption, especially if you put in something uncouth, (this may also affect her anger level at the end of the game) and you can't change the cipher words at all
eventually, one of the cursed moves would kill a member (probably your most beloved, the one you use the most and/or the one you're trying to heal) permanently, no chance of revival
this would complete her corruption and you would be unable to use any other character at all, you wouldn't be able to remove her from the party, and all of her moves would become permanently cursed
her dialogue would be hinting more and more that she personally went into the games code to change this, and what a good job she did because now you and her could battle side by side forever, if you do go into the games code at this point, learning your lessons from ddlc and thinking there might be something interesting in there, you will find the cipher key to what shes been saying
if you'd been noting it down at this point, good for you, you now can translate what she's been saying, and what she's been saying is basically just computer commands and codes, completely, turns out she's been fucking with the game once first corruption, just in a cipher
you can beat the game with only her, but it is very hard, and npcs will notice get affect on you, making it hard to buy from shops, use transport etc. if she 'dies' game over, you'll have to start the battle again and all your other save files are locked until you beat her run
all this being said, you can beat the game without using her, and there are other characters with stories that aren't fucked at all, it's just that one that you have to be careful about
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ghost-bxrd · 2 months
Actor Au!
Where Batman and Co. are the most popular TV series and they’re currently filming Jason’s death.
Only Bruce goes so deep into acting he breaks down for real upon the part where he arrives at the warehouse and digs through the rubble for his child.
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numinous-scribe · 11 months
DpxDc Prompt
Danny, for whatever reason, has somehow wound up in a texting chain for the Injustice League. How this happened, or why the Injustice League even has a texting chain is beyond him. He didn't realize at first that it was the Injustice League messaging because it was usually a bunch of vague stuff and he just thought it was spam. Until he started connecting dots to dates, times, and locations of attacks related to the villainous league. So Danny starts taking notes and drops anonymous tips to the Justice League.
Only, the villains eventually catch on that they have a leak, and after finding a phone number that shouldn't be there, Danny receives a very direct message: The villains know about him, and they're coming.
If it was just him, he could manage. But the worst of the worst are coming for Amity Park and Danny is just one kid with more experience fighting ghosts than humans. It's time to drop his anonymity and ask the Justice League for help.
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teethkid67 · 7 months
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lunch break :P
bp!tubbo and tommy sharing some rations in pogtopia for @sixteenth-day-event prompt "kindness" :3 i think about bptubbo risking his stupid skin to feed his loser bestie&co often
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tigerr-cherry · 8 months
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gothgengargirl · 1 year
The Works
You came to the new salon mostly on a whim. It was a Sunday, so it’s not like you had anything special in mind for the next day. Just work. Boring, dreary, work. But you thought that feeling pretty might help the work week go a little more smoothly. Give your colleagues something else to talk about besides meetings and progress updates. You wanted to feel seen for once.
For such a nice place, it was a pleasant surprise that you were able to get a walk-in appointment. Fern’s Grove, it was called. Cute name. The ceilings were high, and the place felt remarkably open and airy for being just another building in a strip mall. A fountain bubbled away cheerfully, a variety of exotic plants growing alongside it. The air was even perfumed, floral and berry-like, but in a way you couldn’t quite place. And the woman at the counter, who set your bag in a drawer and got you settled into a astonishingly comfortable chair, was gorgeous. Everyone who worked here was gorgeous. If this was how they took care of themselves, you felt like you were in good hands.
Your cosmetologist came up to you just as you were getting settled. She was just as beautiful as everyone else, maybe more so, with her dramatic cat eye makeup, purple hair and generous curves. She handed you a laminated list of your options, and you could hear her whistling cheerfully in the background as she got her instruments together and you looked over your choices. Hair cut, hair color, hair extensions. Face wash, moisturizing treatments, full makeup. Permanent makeup? That sounded intriguing. Manicure, pedicure, they even offered waxing services (presumably those were in another room). And one thing at the bottom stuck out to you, drawing your attention like a light in the darkness.
The Works.
“I’ll take The Works, please,” you said, almost instinctively. You wanted to see what this place could do.
“Sure about that, doll?” Her voice was sweet like honey, with an edge of something in it. Condescension? Anticipation? Both?
“I’m sure.”
“Okay, then, The Works, coming right up. Lift your arms.”
You did so instinctively. You were always good at following directions. And you thought you knew what was going to happen. She would put an apron on you to protect your clothes, you would talk about what cut and color you wanted for the hair, maybe get your shoes off and your feet soaking for the pedicure.
That’s not what happened.
Cables descended from that high, airy ceiling, and wrapped themselves around your wrists. You tried, briefly, to pull away, but you were held in place. Like a puppet on her strings. Clamps emerged from the chair to do the same to your ankles. You were stuck.
A momentary wave of panic was replaced by a curious fear, as you could feel something seeping from your new restraints. Soaking into the skin of your wrists and ankles. It felt GOOD. Like you were being polished from the inside, like all of the tension in your body was replaced with pleasure. And as you sank back briefly, She placed something over your head. A visor. You tried to close your eyes, but the flashing colors shone through your eyelids, and you opened them out of curiosity. And once they were open, you never wanted to close them again.
At first the messages were simply soothing. Telling you to relax, to sink, to accept all of the new feelings in your body. And there were new feelings. You couldn’t see anything but the swirling colors, couldn’t hear anything but the whispered suggestions from that set of headphones that must have come on just after the visor. But you felt good. Hands nimbly massaged your scalp. The waves of whatever it was from your restraints spread all the way through your arms and legs, making them feel limp and loose and silky smooth and perfectly plastic.
Perfect. Plastic. Puppet.
Pretty. Programmed. Plaything.
This was what the suggestions in your head were saying now. And you kind of liked the sound of it. On some level, you knew that you had work in the morning. You were a Busy Woman With Important Things To Do. But you always hated it. There was another way now? And at least for this afternoon, you could enjoy being a
Time passed. You couldn’t tell how long. Minutes? Hours? Days? Time felt less and less meaningful, paying attention to the sensations running through your body. It was almost like an orgasm, but orgasms came and went much faster than this. This was a slow build, leading to a great flowing tide of ecstasy. You didn’t want it to stop. You never wanted to stop being a programmed plastic puppet.
But then, as suddenly as it started, it ended. The visor and the headphones were pulled off. The restraints at your arms and legs snapped open, your arms dropping into your lap. Your hands moved automatically, one of them grasping a breast, the other rubbing at your crotch shamelessly.
As your eyes focused again, you were amazed with what you saw in the mirror. She… you… was different. Your clothes didn’t fit the same way—blouse swollen and buttons open, skirt disheveled and riding up over thicker thighs. Your mouth was hanging open, lips larger than they were before, and your tongue was hanging out. It was pierced! A blue gemstone sitting in your pretty pink mouth, its color matching your new long nails, your thick eye shadow. Your gleaming metallic hair. And the place on your neck that didn’t even look like flesh anymore. It was seemingly embedded in your skin, blue circuits tracing out from a thick black band.
A Collar.
You didn’t even look human anymore, did you? You looked like…
A Doll.
“What do you think, hun?” said the voice behind you. The voice you now instinctively knew as Owner.
“I don’t think. I just obey.” Automatic.
“Good girl. Stop touching yourself.”
You did, immediately. Arms limp at your sides. Awaiting further instructions.
“What are you?”
“I’m just a doll. An empty-headed plaything.”
“Excellent! And what do you want me to do next?”
“Please…” these words felt like they were escaping from your soul. They were your soul. All you had left was this one thought.
“Please play with me”.
You saw Owner’s luscious mouth open into a wide toothy grin as you said that, watching her and you in the mirror. And then you didn’t think anything else. Not for a long while. Dolls don’t think, they just obey.
Good Doll.
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ronanlynchbf · 5 months
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justaz · 3 months
like i’ve said time and time again, i haven’t watched bbc merlin in years but i was just wondering when the first time merlin called arthur by his name to his face and im scrolling thru the transcripts on the fandom wiki (supposedly it was s1ep4 btw) and im skimming the script for all these episodes and getting angrier and angrier. gaius was wrong for all that. morgana deserved so much better. edwin muirden was valid as hell (for targeting uther AND gaius. yeah. i said it.). also kilgharrah ate with that one lil line “then turn a blind eye. that is, after all, your talent” okay lizard brain pop offff.
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temeyes · 11 months
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weirdly, i dreamt of Ghost earlier. he made himself a Tocino Sandwich and he literally said this to me in the dream.
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demetera-kaziaik · 6 months
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Just Married ❤️
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salchichas-art · 7 months
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charisk au where frisk is a royal guard that gets assigned as chara’s personal knight and they fall in love !!! because why not :3
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