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chenfordsbee · 4 days ago
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“Cap, can you help me, please ? Eddie’s got my phone. Eddie, come here.”
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sophsun1 · 6 months ago
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9-1-1 – 6.02: Crash and Learn
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sparkles-rule-4eva · 11 months ago
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Idk why but this was so funny and cute 😂 Tails is just happily working on the doohickey (with his tongue sticking out 🥹) and Sonic is just bored out of his mind
And Tails, the baby brother, this 4 or 5-year-old child, says with such parental energy, "Do you wanna go take a nap"
The dynamic never gets old 😂💙💛
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likeiknoworsmthin · 18 days ago
HC I'm thinking, Jay learn to imitate Dick almost to perfection. Except for a few moments when he definitely lost his cool (which the entire population of Gotham agrees was much less scary than when Dick lost his temper) he has it right to the t.
But the thing is that they're fundamentally opposite on their motives:
Dick puts all his anger and pain in to be THE Robin, and then he convinces himself that he is the light that Gorham needs and forces himself into that role.
Being Dick Grayson It's secondary to him, being Bruce's ward is also secondary, the identity that matters is being Robin. He needed Robin, the same way Bruce needs Batman. And they understand each other for that, but also they fought for that, because taking Robin away was like saying he doesn't matter.
So, if Superman and/or WW even help Bruce to babysit for whatever reason, they'll FEAR for the moment a rogue arises because Robin will inevitably join them into the fight. Every activity has to be scheduled at the second and NEVER let him out of sight because something could happen.
But, to be honest, they fear even more if the rouges don't show because that demonic child may as well go seek one by himself. Take care of this chaos embodiment should count as an X-Sport and after each time his respect for Bruce grows a little more because they have super strength and are EXHAUSTED.
Meanwhile Jason, After a necessary period of weariness, Jason was happy to be able to go to school, and learn, and have daily meals, and food, and a dad, and a grandpa, (and a Brother, sometimes), and ALL those books to read and to be able to help people and become the light of Gotham.
He was happy as Robin, but he was more happy to be Jason Wayne. To have a family that somehow cared about him. For him being Jason was first, being Robin was a special extra added to being part of the family. And he LOVES IT.
So having Robin take away from him was like saying that he's no longer part of the family.
But, if Clark and/or Diana ever help Bruce to babysit; they love it. They can take him to their jobs to help (Can read or help Clark to find references and can enjoy the museum asking questions) ¡And he'll stay!!, and yeah, he'll probably try to help to evacuate the buildings around and things like that, but not necessarily as Robin and not necessarily will try to join the fight.
Sometimes he even just hides and watches the fight from a secure distance. Like 70% less heart attacks, 10/10 would recommend.
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liloslittlethings · 2 months ago
lilo racing each other like the children they are
(wwa detriot 8/16/14)
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tobinsonny · 6 months ago
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ikram1909 · 1 year ago
Félix nutmegged Lamine and everyone just lost their minds 😭😭
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carlaloveslfc · 26 days ago
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jula483 · 2 months ago
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happy boys 🥺
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submissiveness · 1 year ago
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pedripics · 1 year ago
Behind the scenes of Ferran and Pedri trying to record an IG story
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alexturntable · 10 months ago
ScuderiaFerrari Letting the boys loose with some RC racers.. What could possibly go wrong? 😂
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so-many-sainz · 1 year ago
This season Oscar is so close to be invited to join the fernando's boys club with carlos max and lando. Like c'mon bestie join us under his wing, you are invited to our little gatherings before the race, don't be shy 🥺😩🥺😩🥺 it's cute.
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garbage--account · 1 year ago
Random Reddit post 'cause i'm a lawyer and get to pick who to defend at court among those guys :
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Let's procede by elimination, shall we !
If i'm defending an asshole, i want at least to get paid very well, you know what i mean ? Since i wanna buy a mansion, with maids and butler and jacuzzi, and go to a life-long vacation under the sun of paradise, i don't pick Wyles. He's just some second-hand man, depending on his employer (the real villain btw) to have a salary, i can safely say he is much less richer than the others.
Irina is a big no-no : the woman is violent with her son AND staff, and has those contraptions multiplying the power of the hits (poor Shinjou who ended up in the wall 😨). I don't wanna risk my physical integrity on a job, Thank you !
I think i'll pass for Zoolan Rice and Ray Dark : those guys can ruin my life, AND they'll do it ! Especially Ray, bro's so much hatred filled omg. I don't endorse slavery, war and human experiments. (Murder neither but heh if i'm a lawyer i prolly had to defend some common murderers before).
The winner is the Ares guy 🎉🎉🎉 (i forgot his name) I know his company is kinda a whole human experiment on children, but it's harder to prove it than with Alius or Zoolan Rice, since he managed to pass it as next level education by a respected company ... He also got outsmarted by some teenager, he is more likely to hire me as his lawyer even if i don't have a diploma. He also got rekt by a first year of middleschool, i know i can take him on a fight if he ever got out of control.
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honkmesilly · 2 years ago
When discussing vampires with other freaks & weirdos I do my best to not mention Cult Classic “The Lost Boys”
Because it is never a “oh cool” moment it turns into a 7 hour seminar from the other person and all I can think about is “yOuRE eAtinG mAgGoTs MiChaEL” and it’s just a greasy 100 year old blonde teenager and his lil boyfriends harassing people on the boardwalk for fun.
Imagine being immortal and over a hundred years old and being able to pull off mind tricks & fly and you just terrorize the local vendors and get bested by MIDDLE SCHOOLERS.
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nyxypoo · 8 months ago
where are these boys parents and teachers
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