#LIKE OKAY LISTEN what straight girl goes to aggressively spar with her friend to be all Lesbianism Bad?
crowfeathers · 9 months
maybe I haven’t been through enough homophobia but when baru sparred with that one girl who (during the fight) #Womansplained that lesbianism is a disease, and basically put baru in a lockdown, I.. 😳
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hatsukeii · 4 years
I have another songfic idea and despite the requests in my box I will do this first lmao if I don’t Imma forget tomorrow-
This blog is bnha starved, so let’s go with that:3
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Idfc//Soulmate AU! Bakugou x Reader
Word count: 2700+
Warnings: Swearing
Summary: In a world where the name of your soulmate’s quirk is tattooed on your arm when you turn 17, Bakugou got unlucky in the soulmate department.
Despite all his prayers and wishes for the words “Game Over” to appear on his arm, life just didn’t want to go his way.
What’s even worse, is those words ended up on shitty half n’ half’s arm. 
What a way to screw with Bakugou.
He watches as you step out of the school gates, Todoroki’s arm wrapped around your waist. Giving you a tiny wave, he rocks forward and backward, hoping for you to notice him. You glance towards his direction, pursing your lips, before ignoring him and making your way home with your boyfriend. The ash blond’s fake grin falters, shoving his hands down his pockets, head hanging low as he turns around and goes his own way.
He still remembers the moment he realised you weren’t his soulmate. The way his heart dropped when the words on his arm said “Zero Gravity”. His parents were ecstatic, cheering as they celebrated over how their baby boy was growing up, and how he would soon meet the love of his life. What they didn’t know, was that he had already found the one he loved, and it sure as hell wasn’t Uraraka, whose quirk was on his arm. Just that one revelation was enough to make his entire weekend shitty. He definitely did NOT want to be with Uraraka. She was way too bubbly and annoying. Plus, her quirk had a lame name. And she’s way too clingy for his liking. He tried his best to stay optimistic about the situation. Maybe he’ll eventually be able to change his fate if he defied it. Maybe if he was able to make you love him back, the names would change. He racked his brains, searched for answers on every website he could think of, asked on every forum he could find, but still, nothing. He was stuck with Uraraka, and there was nothing he could do but sulk and accept it. That night, he cried himself to sleep, knowing he was never going to get a chance with you. The only person he wanted was snatched away from him and just the thought of being able to win her over was ripped to shreds.
The following Monday back to school was no better. In fact, it was worse. He watched as you excitedly told him about your soulmate, the words “Half Hot Half Cold” imprinted on your skin as you explained how you got it the day before. You were beyond excited, knowing fully well who your soulmate was. The pretty boy of 1-A that all the girls were head over heels for. Thank god you couldn’t tell that the tiny grin plastered on his face and the playful cheering was fake. Those were all just poor attempts to mask all the despair and heartbreak he stored up in his chest. All Bakugou could possibly do was be happy for you. That’s what he should’ve done. However, no matter how hard he tried, it just never worked out. You were always there in the back of his head, lingering around in his mind like an annoying pest that he couldn’t get rid of. Thinking of you became a daily routine. He would stare at you longingly in class, text you every day after school, cry about you every night, and wake up puffy eyed. Waves of depression hit him every single time the sight of you having fun with Todoroki appeared in front of his eyes. He swore that if he heard another person talk about how cute you and Todoroki were together he would punch their face in. People backed away from him whenever he was close to the dual haired boy, not wanting to get on his nerves.
In class, Aizawa started noticing his lack of focus in class. For months, Bakugou had been in a constant state of daydream, staring at you in class as he thought of all the things you two could do if only you were his soulmate. He would spoil you so badly. Take you out on as many dates as he possibly could. Kiss your tears away when you were crying. Pillow fights every weekend. Cuddle you while the two of you watched movies on your bed. Eventually present you with a diamond ring in a tiny velvet box. All those possibilities, flushed right down the drain as he was constantly snapped back to reality by his homeroom teacher every single time, remembering that he was only a best friend to you, nothing more. He wasn’t doing as well in class, and his parents were worried. Since when did their straight A son start flunking English? Mitsuki was anxiety ridden, fearing for her son’s mental state, as she should. Bakugou would rather die than admit he was weak, but at times like these, a motherly hug would be nice. Mitsuki would let her son cry on her lap, instead of sulk on his bed all alone. He may not have told her anything about what was making him seemingly depressed, but all he wanted was some form of emotional support, even if it was from his old hag. Masaru would join in sometimes, giving Bakugou a few pats on the head or ruffling his hair. They didn’t know what had changed his son so drastically, however despite their worries for his academics, they knew that he was not okay, and that it was their job to help him, even if they were in the dark about the situation.
“Bakugou, you’re going home alone again? I thought Kirishima was gonna walk you back!” Mina jogs towards Bakugou, placing and hand on his shoulder and launching herself into the air with a jump. Usually, Bakugou would flick her hand off at the last moment, but instead of doing that, he remains stoic, completely ignoring everything around him. “Haaaah? Hello? Earth to Bakugou?” He rolls his eyes, trying not to blast the pinkette’s fingers off as she pokes his cheek, trying to get a reaction out of him as Kaminari and Sero approached the two.
The Bakusquad were quick to catch up on his issue. Kirishima was the first to point out the difference in his now quiet, negative attitude compared to his usually boisterous and aggressive personality. Being the top tier best friend he was, he tried his hardest to get something out of Bakugou. Anything. He soon informed the rest of the gang about it, much to the blond’s annoyance. Since then, they’ve been trying to get Bakugou out of his heartbroken state and back into the rat he usually is. Everyone was worried for him, fearing that this would affect his mental health. They were there for Bakugou since day one, hyping him up whenever he was about to make a move. Cheering him on when he finally asked you out. Encouraging him to continue fighting for you when he was feeling down. They always thought the two of you were meant to be, but they were mistaken, because obviously fate has a cruel way of messing with people. Out of everyone, Kirishima was the most concerned. He had watched his best friend put himself down time and time again, all because of you. He was always there to give him a punch to the back, reminding him that he still had a chance. He was there to listen when Bakugou wanted to vent his issues out. He was his number one wingman, setting the two of you up in secret as an attempt to help Bakugou get with you. When he eventually found out his soulmate was Uraraka, and that yours was Todoroki, he was shocked, to say the least. However he was also frightened. Scared. He was scared that Bakugou would go back to his cold self. He was scared that the friendship he had bonded with you would break. He was scared his best bro’s heart would be shattered. Despite his efforts to cheer him up, the blond was not improving. The fiery, determined flares in his crimson irises were gone, replaced by a dull, hopeless maroon. 
“Don’t be so down in the dumps about the whole soulmate thing Bakubro! Maybe you’ll eventually move on!” Oh, what a big mistake Kaminari just made. The icy glare sent his way is scary enough to kill, piercing through his skull and shaking every single nerve in his body up. “I don’t fucking care at all. Leave me the fuck alone.” This isn’t his usually grumpy attitude, where he’s just irritated. He’s being dead serious, his tone hinting that if they didn’t get away from him right this instant, they were going to get their asses kicked badly. “Guys, maybe we should just leave him alone for now.” The three teens backed away from their moody friend, waving him off before going their separate ways.
Whenever anyone tried to make an effort to understand his frustration, the only answer they would receive was a forced out “I don’t fucking care.” That was the only thing Bakugou would tell people, including you. Oh how oblivious he was, thinking no one saw through the facade he was putting up. If he had to admit he was a weak bitch that cried over some stupid crush, he would kill everyone in the room and then himself if that’s the last thing he does. No way in hell is he letting his strong, tough, intimidating image down. Time after time, he would tell people he didn’t give a fuck about you. That you were just another extra in his life. Just another stepping stone to his inevitable victory. The time you overheard him telling Kirishima you were just another obstacle in the way of his success made your heart shatter into a million pieces. You slowly started to let him go, not wanting to let yourself get hurt anymore by his words. Everyone acted like they fell for his white lies, as if they were dumb enough to not hear the audible hint of pain in his usually shameless voice. He really did all this, just to convince himself to move on from these useless feelings that ate him up from the inside. His usually unfriendly self became extra hostile, shutting out everyone that tried to help him. He was increasingly aggressive with each passing day, letting out all the pent up anger and bitterness onto his classmates. At that point, Midoriya was so scared that he requested for a seat change from Aizawa. Almost nobody dared approach him. Some even begged for him to be excluded from sparring and training, although it was unsuccessful. It was guaranteed, without question, that whoever was going against him was going to be beaten to a pulp, bloodied and battered, burn marks everywhere on their bodies. In some instances, All Might had to step in, and even he suffered a few nasty blasts from the ash blond. Even you were getting irritated by his irrational actions, occasionally calling him out for it, much to his dismay. This was the last thing he wanted. For you to slowly break away all the bonds you two made. For you to take another person’s side, without even thinking about how he felt.
Walking out from his quick shower, he sat on his bed, grabbing his phone and going through your chat again, as if the ‘seen’ at the bottom of the wall of good morning and goodnight texts will magically disappear and replace itself with your replies. Groaning, he throws his phone onto the wall, letting it fall back onto his mattress as he shoves his face into his hands.
Since the time you heard him call you an obstacle, you started to let go of the friendship you had made with the fiery teen. He held a special place in your heart. He was your first, and best friend. You two shared everything during those late night talks you had through FaceTime. If you had to choose between Todoroki or Bakugou, you would save the latter first. The moment you realised Todoroki was your soulmate, you were ecstatic. Your fat crush on the aloof boy was a known thing around 1-A, and the fact that you were lucky enough to get him as your soulmate made all the girls jealous. However, things took a turn when Bakugou started to go back to his cold self. He stopped calling you after school. He stopped walking you home. He stopped trying to keep a conversation with you, only replying with the driest responses he could muster up. You didn’t know what was up with him, but it was annoying you. The one time you were looking to confront him, you overheard his conversation with Kirishima. “She’s just an obstacle.” “A stepping stone to my victory.” “I don’t fucking care about her.” It was as if everything you have done to befriend him was for nothing. He only thought of you as some extra. Nothing more. You were pissed, definitely. He was acting cold, ignoring you, all because he never cared. You made up your mind, and sent him one last text.
“If you didn’t care about me then we should’ve never became friends.”
And with that, the friendship that you two put so close to heart was erased from your life, never to be seen again as you left his side and joined with Todoroki.
This is the last straw for Bakugou. He yells into his hands. Nobody’s home, and even if somebody were in the house, he doesn’t care. He screams until his lungs give out, his voice reducing to a raspy groan after ten whole minutes of screaming. He was mad at himself. He was mad at his fate. Why did it have to take away the best thing that happened to him? Why did you have to land in the hands of Todoroki? Just the thought of it fills him with anger, sparks emitting from his palms as his sight is clouded by red. Scrambling onto his bed, he sends punch after punch towards his pillow, activating his quirk and letting the fabric burn as he continues the assault on the pillow, feathers now flying all around him as he screams, tasting his own tears. He doesn’t care about his pillow being completely demolished. He has extras at home anyways. Throwing the now tattered pillow onto the floor, he grabs a new one and shoves his head into it, sniffling into the cool material. “Why do I feel like this? How can one person ruin everything for me? Why is this happening? What kind of God does this to people? Why do I care anyways?” His eyes widen as he realises what he just confessed to himself. “No. I don’t care. I don’t fucking care at all. I don’t care. Not a shitty single fucking bit.” His heart aches when he says that, as if it’s mocking him for trying too hard to convince himself to believe something that was completely untrue. The ash blond thrashes wildly on his bed out of frustration, kicking his sheets away and muffling his strained screams into the clean pillow. “Stop, stop, stop, stop, STOP! WHY? CAN’T YOU JUST GET OUT OF MY HEAD FOR A FUCKING DAY? JUST A FUCKING SECOND? PLEASE?” Pulling his sleeve up, he stares at the words “Zero Gravity” in disgust. Bringing his free hand up, he activates his quirk, sending a scorching burn to the words as he hisses in pain, flinching a little bit. The soul mark is now a shade of pink, but the words are still clear as day. He knows he screwed up bad with you, but what could he do about it? You’re happily dating your soulmate, and all ties between you two have been cut off. All his texts have been left on seen. You have stopped talking to him. With that, Bakugou knew what he had to eventually come to terms to.
He cares. He cares too much. 
All the times he’s said “I don’t fucking care” were just pathetic attempts to forget about the cruel truth, even just for a moment.
You’re never going to go back to him.
Todoroki is your boyfriend.
And he was just another classmate to you.
Idfc- Blackbear
Lyrics to said song
A whole lotta brainstorming because oh my god my angsts are becoming more and more predictable and repetitive and I hate it ahahhaha
@ewfilthymundane @izzyphantomgamer @artsamber @sunshines-and-tatertots @tiger1719 @inlwlevi @burnt-tomato @just-another-bored-writer @macaronnv @random-fandomlover @kaylacinderella @justachillgirl @for-ests @bokutokoutarou @trashcanweeb @itmekisuu @poppirocks @xonfusedsoul @shoutsukii @estherwritess @talks-a-lot-of-stuff @fullmetalfangirl21​ @mariechan123​ @agentvicinity​ @sakusasgarbage​ @tiredgr3mlin​ @letshaikyuu​ @emsvegetables​
Have fun reading this love ya sorry for not writing anything in days and uh I’m gonna go to sleep now because I have school and I need at least 5 hours:D
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itshaejinju · 7 years
I don't know if you take asks like this... if not: no worries! Who would the bros get along with from the Dragon Age universe? Who would they dislike?
Okay preface: Since the Dragon Age verse has a lot of characters and I’m just going with FF15 (and not that whole verse!) I’m going to choose Dragon Age Inquisition. I’m going to add my normal extras to this, I hope that is just fine~. Also a mix of GIFs and written stuff. 
So that means: Inquisitor (we will use one of mine!) Cassandra, Solas, Varric, Iron Bull, Sera, Dorian, Blackwall, Cole, Josephine, Cullen, Leliana, and Vivian. 
| The Inquisitor I’m using is a Elven Mage who happens to be a human sympathizer she will side with the mages and always be really polite and understanding to humans when they say something rude about Elves. She views that they cannot be smarter enough to understand the way of the Elven so you must be nice to them. |
Tagging: @stephicness @stunninglyignis @themissimmortal @blindbae @cupnoodle-queen @zacklover24 @mistressoli @neko-otaku13 @insomniacapples @cactwerk @murkmouth-garbagemancer @suzunesays @rubyphilomela @chocobropuffs @xnoctits @mandakatt
Noctis: His best friend of the group would be: Cassandra. Noctis is going to identify with Cassandra’s feeling of burden of her family lineage. Also her dedication to her job as Right Hand to the Divine (formerly) will be interesting to him. Plus she’s super good at using her sword and shield he will definitely like to battle with her! Her fondness towards her brother will make Noctis think of Gladiolus and his feelings towards his sister. 
The one he would dislike: I don’t see him liking Blackwall that much, the man did lie about his status and profession. Sure he had merit for it but he should have just come out with it and I just don’t see Noctis agreeing with that. I think he would tolerate Blackwall if he had to put up with him. Any stories Blackwall had of the Wardens Noctis wouldn’t be able to believe since well how true could it be this man has been telling straight up lies since the start? 
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: New people? He’s gotta remember names and deal with them and STAY AWAKE. 
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Prompto: His best friend of the group would be: Sera. Sera is pretty much the sunshine child of that game. DOUBLE the SUNSHINE POWER! The two of them could be goofy together, I totally see ridiculous selfies together Sera teaching Prompto how to use a bow and arrow and throwing daggers. He would listen to her stories about the breeches and laugh his ass off wanting to hear more about Red Jenny. 
The one he would dislike: Solas I see Prompto put off by his passive aggressive behavior and attitude. Solas and his sarcasm would sometimes fly right over Prompto’s head and he wouldn’t be too fond of knowing the others are laughing and he’s not because he doesn’t quite get it. (not saying Prompto is stupid it’s just not his type of humor to enjoy!) I think he would be one of the first to pick up on that there is something off about Solas, he seems to know just too much and that is just odd. 
Initial reactions upon seeing the group: Prompto loves meeting new people despite his insecurities. It’s always nice to see new people learn about new things and hell they might want to learn about Chocobos too!
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Gladiolus: His best friend of the group would be: The Iron Bull. Imagine the two of these goofs sparring together? (*insert thirsty girl gif*) Gladiolus in “rugged attire” and well Bull doesn’t own a shirt really so the two of them sparring would be epic. Broadsword and the battle axe kinda curious who would win specially when Bull has the Reaver specialty. The two of them would go out drinking and tell wan stories about previous battles. And damn Gladiolus would love to fight a dragon with Bull. (Pretty sure the two of them could take down a Arch Demon) 
The one he would dislike: Leliana oddly enough. It’s because she’s a Spymaster, she’s holding back things all the times because it’s her job. She’s secretive and that means Gladiolus cannot be 100% in the know to protect Noctis. It’s not like he hates her it’s just he doesn’t trust her. 
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: Gladiolus is going to be wary it’s a big group of some rather intimidating people. He’s not going to let anyone suspicious near Noctis, his personal thoughts are not going to matter until he’s sure that they aren’t a threat. *cough*Solas*cough* 
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Ignis: His best friend of the group would be: Josephine. Her sense of control and order to everything will be heaven sent to Ignis. Look at all she does for the Inquisition with just a clipboard, a few choice words and a good knowledge of The Game. He will see this as a opportunity to learn more and also bond with someone who knows the stress he goes through as Noctis’ Advisor. 
The one he would dislike: Varric I really think Varric would be too much for him to take even in a small dose. Ignis will treat Varric the same way Cassandra treats the dwarf with apprehension. He might warm up to Varric after a few years but it wouldn’t be a great thing as he wouldn’t agree with Varric’s less than reputable methods of doing things. 
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: He’s going to be totally judging all of the people in the room Ignis is going to be slightly amused by it all. 
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Cor: His best friend of the group would be: Blackwall. Where as Noctis doesn’t like Blackwall I think Cor would like him. I believe he would be rather impressed with the way he took up the Warden’s Oath without being sworn in just believing in the ways of the original Blackwall. His stoic nature and subtle dry humor would be something that Cor would appreciate. 
The one he would dislike: Sera - she is just too out there. She hardly makes sense at any time, from her speech pattern and general sense of thinking would be too much for the Marshal. He would understand her sense of justice but the rest of her would make him apprehensive. Cor wouldn’t know what to expect of her and he likes to be able to calculate things to a t. 
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: He’s a bit shocked, amused and thinking, “What the hell is this group doing here?” 
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Ravus: His best friend of the group would be: Cullen. They shared similar positions and have had quite a bit of trauma in their life they would bond quickly. (well as quick as Ravus could actually bond with people) Cullen training the troops would be a perfect opportunity for Ravus to learn more and impart wisdom to Cullen. They would definitely admire each other’s armor. 
The one he would dislike: (pretty much everyone else) Sera, he wouldn’t care for her out of there thinking very much like Cor. He would find her too loud too abrasive and just too quirky. It would frustrate him beyond all measure making him just not trustworthy of her her brand of justice has no real rules or regulations that doesn’t set well with Ravus. 
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: He’s wary, sizing them all up and wondering who is the biggest threat. Giving each one a low key glare from Hell. (he’s a wary tsundere baby okay?!)
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Nyx: His best friend of the group would be: Varric. He would love to dish out stories and drink with Varric. They would have such tales to tell each other that Varric would have to write a story about Nyx. Pretty sure they would also pair well in battle like I see Legolas/Gimili banter and fighting going on with them. (Like Varric and Bull) 
The one he would dislike: I don’t think he would like Vivian all too much her uptight ways would be a bit off putting to Nyx. Her “noble brow” attitude would aggravate him a lot and her thoughts about Mages would make him think of Crowe a lot and how she would be treated amongst the Chantry and that doesn’t set well with him.  
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: This dude is psyched to meet knew people and hell to they look interested that giant shirtless dude has HORNS! 
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Ardyn: His best friend of the group would be: Solas. Evil knows evil they say. Ardyn would know there is something up with Solas and would want to learn out about the Rift and the Veil from Solas. (While slyly learning his ulterior motives) Ardyn wouldn’t part with much actual information about the use of magic in EOS but he would want Solas to part with all that he knows and would probably use some of his talents to make the Elf speak. 
The one he would dislike: Leliana the Spymaster would be on Ardyn instantly knowing there is something wrong with that trash-man and would be constantly investigating him and sizing him up. She would be a thorn in his side for sure. 
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: Ardyn is going to be excited for it more havoc to bring upon the newcomers, his first thoughts are going who to torture? (it’s okay Ardyn you can torture me)
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Cindy: Her best friend of the group would be: Varric. She is going to love his personality like just to death, ya’ll. She will spill some drinks with him and listen to all his stories not even caring if they are true or not. A good yarn is a good yarn after all! She will probably crack a joke or two about his height and he will crack a joke about her tits. 
The one she dislikes: Solas he’s a drag. He has a opinion about everything and has a sarcastic comment for all her colloquialisms. She feels like a inferior person in comparison to him after he berates her for something she doesn’t like it very much. (Please Solas leave her alone) 
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: She is excited what things do they know about cars and such? Oh wait they don’t know anything? OH boy does she have stories to tell about air ships, cars and the finer wonders of decals. 
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Aranea: Her best friend of the group would be: Iron Bull. They would have such witty battles back and forth. Remember the banter with Bull and Cassandra about the modest armor? Yeah he would telling her that her tits would be gone. And Bull’s banter about picking up Cassandra or Varric (he says it to both!) and tossing them into battle like a boulder Aranea would definitely go for that! They will drink together, who can out drink the other shouting “Ataashi!”
The one she would dislike: Cole and I think that is because she doesn’t understand what he is and because of that she can’t quite trust him or handle him. She would not trust Cole in his ways of being able to just disappear into nothingness it would be something the Dragoon couldn’t foresee and she wants to foresee everything. 
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: New people are just not want Aranea wants to deal with, her sass will not be able to be held back. Aranea will want to toss some shade around the second she can. 
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Lunafreya: Her best friend of the group would be Cole. As Oracle I think she would identify a lot with Cole. Sensing his abilities and admiring his sense of compassion. She would try to compare him to Gentiana most likely and would like to talk to him about his past even though he doesn’t remember much.
The one she would dislike: I don’t think she would like Vivian all too much I think she would find her personality too stiff and high brow for her likings too much like the royal of the Nifelheim army. I think she would also feel that Vivian would also want people of her lineage to be kept in a Circle that Oracles couldn’t be trusted with their powers. 
Initial reaction upon seeing the group: Lunafreya will be so excited to meet knew people, she will want to learn about Chant of Light and Andraste. She will be rather sympathetic to the plight of the mages. 
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(Like this? How about a cup of coffee?) Requests are still open until 6/25!  
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rhnuzlocke · 7 years
Episode 22
Scene 13:
[Ren comes back in to find Steven and Zinnia sitting on opposite ends of the couch talking. Zinnia is leaning back with her feet up and Steven has one foot up with his head cocked and resting on this hand. Ren pauses near the doorway to listen in for a minute.]
Zinnia: So she says: “but you’ve been dating me for six months and you had two other girlfriends before me” and I’m like: “that still doesn’t make me a lesbian. I’m bi”. She looked at me like I’d grown a pair of antlers so I start rolling out the definition for her like we hadn’t had this conversation three times already and she says: [aggressive finger quotes] “I think it’s time you stopped pretending to be confused”.
Steven: Yep. I’ve been there.
Zinnia: Haven’t we all? It’s ridiculous not to mention so condescending. How much effort does it take to just respect other people’s identities?
Steven: Too much apparently.
Zinnia: And of course after that she “felt like she couldn’t trust me” because I might “turn straight again” and acted like I was cheating on her every time I found I guy appealing, which is insane.
Steven: Yeah, Wallace pulled that on me too.
Zinnia: Really? But he’s always Mr. Inclusion at Sootopolis Pride.
Steven: This is back in undergrad and there was some other stuff going on with him that played into it. Maybe I should have seen it coming, but it blindsided me too at the time. He actually apologized later. He’s gotten a lot better and we’re still friends.
Zinnia: It’s nice when people can change.
Ren: [stepping into the room] Are you two discussing biphobia in the LGBT community?
Zinnia: Yep!
Ren: [sitting down in the middle of the couch between them] I don’t know what I expected.
Steven: We’re getting to know each other as instructed.
Ren: Well, don’t let me stop you.
Steven: Alright. While we’re on this particular subject, how did you come out to your family, Zinnia?
Zinnia: I just brought a girl home and introduced her as my girlfriend. I figured they probably wouldn’t really care since I had already come home pregnant before. [taking a sip of her drink] I was right.
[Ren nods but Steven’s eyes are almost bugging out of his head. Zinnia’s eyes narrow.]
Zinnia: No follow-up questions.
Ren: Well, how about you, Steven?
Zinnia: Oh yes, how did you come out to stuffy old Mr. Stone? That must be a fun one.
Steven: It was very much like the rest of my adolescence: just one in a series of failed rebellions. My father is a quietly progressive person, but I wasn’t at all sure where the boundary was at the time. So I, being a dyed-in-the-wool drama queen, decided to more or less come out in front of a whole ball full of Kalosè nobles and businessmen.
Zinnia: Oh ho ho!
Steven: I was sixteen and my father took me to Kalos for a business trip and the main event was this ball thrown at the royal palace. I studied dance and got a tutor to get my Kalosè up to snuff in preparation. Then at the ball I danced with all of the young noblewomen and basically charmed everyone, as my father and I had discussed, until I got interested in this guy. We danced and flirted right in front of my father and everyone else and later made out in a dark corner because we were sixteen.
Zinnia: And how did that work out for you?
Steven: Dad was kinda upset, but mostly because he thought he’d forced me to do something I didn’t want to, which wasn’t the case at all. I love attention. So I had to explain that I was bi, not gay, but after that it was fine. And Technologie Agreste is the most lucrative foreign partner Devon has ever had.
Zinnia: Damn! That is some quality hobagging.
Steven: What can I say, I’m good at what I do.
Zinnia: More like good at who you do, ayyyyyy!
[They all laugh and Steven and Zinnia share a glance across the couch.]
Zinnia: And how about you, spitfire?
Ren: Me?
Zinnia: Sure. Wouldn’t want to leave you out. But obviously you don’t have to tell us if you don’t want to.
[Ren looks at their expectant faces.]
Ren: Oh, well, my parents always made it clear it would be fine with them no matter who I brought home.
Steven: That would have been helpful.
Ren: My mom asks me “how things are going” every now and then, but nothing’s really come up so… yeah.
Zinnia: Cool. So Steven, Ren was telling me she learned some ancient training methods from Kaspa. Did you get in on any of those practices?
Steven: I didn’t have the privilege, no.
Zinnia: Too bad. Hey spitfire, wanna spar?
Ren: Right now?
Zinnia: Why not? There’s plenty of room.
Ren: Okay.
[Aster gets up and hops down off the couch, taking one of the pillows with her to use as a bed. Ren and Zinnia go around the back of the couch while Steven slumps down on it.]
Steven: Please don’t break anything.
Ren & Zinnia: Yessir!
[Steven sucks down the rest of the drink while they grapple in the background. There is a thump as Ren goes down and Steven pokes his head over the back of the couch to check on her. Ren is sitting on the floor but seems fine.]
Ren: [complaining] She fights dirty.
Zinnia: [hauling her up] You’ve gotta fight to win, spitfire.
[Steven slides back down and has only just gotten comfortable when there is a much louder thump. Steven jumps up but finds Zinnia flat on her back with Ren hovering over her. Steven sighs in relief.]
Ren: I’m sorry! Are you okay?
Zinnia: Better than okay. [waggling her eyebrows] You can throw me around any time you want, spitfire.
Ren: Oh sweet Celebi.
[Ren comes back around the couch, flushing a deep red, and Steven barely has time to move his legs as she flops back down. Zinnia comes back too, chuckling softly.]
Zinnia: Sorry about that.
Ren: It’s fine. We can go another round later. I just have to calm down. [to Steven] You see what I mean about her?
Steven: [nodding] I do.
Zinnia: [resting her head on her hand and grinning slyly] So you do talk about me.
Steven: [grinning also] When she’s not busy telling me off for flirting.
Ren: [blushing even redder] Not helping!
Steven: Sorry, Ren.
Ren: [muttering darkly] I told you both that you’d get along.
[Ren and Zinnia finish their drinks and have another round of grappling behind the sofa, after which Ren informs Steven and Zinnia that they both play an instrument to get the conversation started again. Zinnia hops up to get her bag and materializes her violin out of her vapor box. Steven get out his viola and it doesn’t take very long for them to find a piece they can play together. Ren smiles and her eyes drift closed as she listens from the couch. Outside many of the pokemon stop what they are doing to listen. When Ren opens her eyes again, she sees Steven and Zinnia grinning at each other as they play. Ren applauds them when they are done and they both take a bow. Zinnia gives Steven a friendly cuff on the shoulder before putting her instrument away and getting out the bottle of bourbon. Steven goes to the kitchen to get supplies and then back to his liquor cabinet to make himself a mint julep. Zinnia has her bourbon neat. Ren tries it and pulls a face so Steven takes hers to make another julep. All three wind up back on the couch. Ren leans back against Steven and Zinnia gradually drift closer until Ren’s legs are in her lap. The three talk and laugh until they eventually get tired and some of the pokemon wander in to sleep. They take turns washing up and putting there sleepwear on. Zinnia has a good laugh about Steven’s pajamas like Ren did the night before. Steven and Ren insist Zinnia take the bed and she agrees until she sees how big it is and offers to share. The other two firmly refuse and get some bedding out of the hall closet for themselves. Steven offers to sleep on the floor but Ren shoves him onto the couch and puts her pillow on the other end. The sofa is a good bit longer and wider than average, but still not large enough for two, so they both curl up on either end. Neither of them stays curled up tightly for very long and Ren falls asleep with her feet touching Steven’s. Steven waits until he is sure she is asleep and gets up. He gets some more cushions to arrange next to the couch on the floor and lays down there. Taraki comes in as he is settling down and gives Ren a nudge. She strokes him for a bit before he goes to curl up nearby. She notices Steven on the floor below her and narrows her eyes before reaching out and taking his hand. They smile at each other and fall asleep holding hands.]
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