bedforddanes75 · 2 months
if i see one more person say shit like "i cant believe people listen to rap when this exists" then play the cranberries i am genuinely going to Die
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Alastor x Reader Chapter 3
Whiskey Cake and Beignets
TW: Death, Racism, Misogyny, Murder, Violence, Sexual Themes, Domestic Violence, Abuse, AFAB Reader Chapter 2 | Chapter 4
Edited by @willowaudreykeyes
Set in the 1920s, the reader is a young intern at the new hit broadcasting studio in New Orleans. She originally came from a small town in Texas, so she has a thick southern drawl and a personality that drips like honey. She left home due to her more liberal views compared to her family. Because of this, she seeks out the first job that would take a female: an assistant to the new hit voice in New Orleans.
Alastor is put off by the overly sweet southern girl, expecting that when she is alone with him, her distaste for his skin color will come out. However, it never does. As they have wacky mishaps, murder, and love, they intertwine their fates in life and especially in death.
Waking up at four am was not your ideal thought of a good time; however, working and paying back your dues was far more important than the comfort of your bed. With a defeated sigh, you climbed out of bed and looked at the still-dark sky. Whoever wants to listen to the radio this early must be insane—strolling to the bathroom and getting ready for the day you put on your makeup and fix up your hair. You made breakfast while your hair sat in its rollers and picked out your outfit. You chose a scarlet dress that would compliment Alastor only because you were his assistant, and you wanted to feel cohesive, even if he was going to be a prick about it. Once you had finished your morning routine, you went to the bathroom one last time to finish your hair and do a once over. Hopefully today, you aren’t haunted by the scared little girl or broken teenager like yesterday.
However, when you looked in the mirror, you almost screamed in fright, as you could have sworn you had seen a shadow behind you that wasn’t your own. It must have just been a trick of the lights or your tired eyes messing with you because when you blinked, it was just you and your shadow standing there. Shaking your head and exiting the bathroom, you made your way over to the front door. Sliding on the shoes you discarded last night and grabbing your purse, you went to the radio building just after locking your door.
New Orleans had a beautiful morning chill; the water was not yet hot from the sun’s beating rays, and the sky was dotted with stars. It was early enough that the drunks and other exciting characters would be hiding away, but it was still late enough that even the sun hadn’t graced you with its presence. As you walked, you felt something warm on your thigh again. Sticking your hand in your pocket, the pendent the older woman gave you lay there. You stalled, shocked and confused; you didn’t remember grabbing the pendent, hell till this very moment, you had forgotten it existed, so how? How did it end up in your pocket again, and why is it warm? The more you stood and thought about the possibilities, the more you noticed that the once cool silver metal began to turn warmer black. Assuming this was its way of warning, you shoved it back in your pocket and continued your trek to the studio. 
Standing outside, you recheck your wristwatch; it was fifteen past, and no soul was there. You had tried to open the door, but it wouldn’t budge. You were beginning to get a bad feeling about all of this. What if Alastor kept his word, and you should be afraid of him? Shaking your head at the ludicrous idea, you waited a little longer. Leaning on the wall by the door, you closed your eyes, listening to the sounds of the street and winds. It was calming, almost tranquil; something so sweet yet sinister in the air like a battle between good and evil ragged here alone in New Orleans and nowhere else. Well, maybe this battle was elsewhere, but it felt different, personal even here. 
You were startled out of your trance by heel clicks. Opening your eyes, you saw Valarie walking down the street with Richard right next to her. You offered the two a soft smile and gentle wave as you stood straight again. When Valarie could fully see you, her eyes lit up like Christmas as she spoke, “Oh goodness, you are here! We were taking bets on if Al had scared you off yet! Oh, this is so exciting. I have always wanted another woman to work with, and Tony is one of the most progressive men allowing women workers, even if he sounds like an ass.” 
You snorted at her comment and smiled wider, watching her fight the door open with her keys. She discussed how she needed to ensure you got a key today before you left. Looking around the office, there was something scenic about how lonely it looked when all the bodies weren’t running around. You saw Richard start setting up the back radio booth, and Valarie began handing you paperwork to fill out. 
“You know my Daddy is hosting a soiree tonight, I bet he wouldn’t mind if I invited a few more people. You should come! We can make it your first real event here in Nawlins’!” You smiled and accepted her kind invitation. What was the worst that could happen? Once all was said and done, you had successfully signed up for this ride at the Bayou’s Best Radio station. It was sitting at 6 am. You looked at Valarie, confused, as no one else had shown up yet. As you pieced this together. However, a sharp chill ran up your spine while your thigh warmed once more where the pendant sat. As you looked around, panicked, the front door opened.
Turning to look with Valarie, you saw Alastor standing there. He looked more put together than ever, so he must slowly become more relaxed throughout the day. He wore a well-tailored pinstripe crimson suit, a brown suit vest, and a white button below it. His brown slacks fit him nicely, and the brown loafers topped it off. Looking back at him, he had his hair slicked back; you noted he looked more attractive when his hair was curly and messy. However, this wasn’t a bad look. However, he looked forced, almost misplaced, like he was trying to fit in too hard. You got that impression more from Richard than anything; after his outfit yesterday, you were positive he was trying to imitate Alastor. 
As Alastor walked through the room, he completely ignored you, heading straight for the room that Richard was setting up. You figured he would do anything to make you uncomfortable, and that did not exclude being a toddler. You stood and followed him; Richard kept the door open for you, though it was clear Alastor had tried to slam it in your face. Taking a seat where Richard instructed you, he went over the basics of the studio room. “Every morning, I will get here bright and early with Val; I will set up Alastor’s room ‘cause he is particular. Hopefully, soon you can pick it up and set it up for him,” You nodded along when a cold, displeased voice cut in.
“Not likely that she will be competent enough.” You huffed, glaring at Alastor. He was standing in the room with you two, reading over his script for the day. You looked back at Richard, who was caught off guard by Alastors hostility. He turned back to you, choked out a laugh, and continued.
“Anyway, Y/N, as I was saying, I will set this up for now, making your job much easier. Besides getting Alastor food and drink and keeping up with his schedule, you must handle the main broadcast and recording times.” He smiled warmly and pointed at Valarie’s scribbled paper for you. “See, here at 7 am will be the morning broadcast; you will press this green-painted switch to start the live feed. Alastor will talk and do his morning routine, and then at 8 am, or when Alastor finishes, you will flip it again, ending the live feed. Alastor, over there on his side of the desk, will control the music and sounds. You just choose when it is live.” You looked bewildered by this type of technology. You honestly had no idea how radios worked till well now.
Looking up at Richard, you spoke softly, “So how do we get the music and stuff? Al talks in here, but I thought there was supposed to be a band that played music for us?” You felt sheepish when Richard laughed at you softly. However, he was kind and diligent in his explanation. Alastor’s switches would signal the crew in another room that it was time for music, allowing them to signal the playing. Some songs were even played on phonographs next to a microphone. The switch you controlled was purely for the show’s live and ‘dead’ feature. 
He then explained to you how the next switch that was your priority worked. The one that was painted red would be flipped for recording. Between the morning and lunch broadcast, Alastor would record his night special, and between lunch and the end of the day, Alastor recorded his late-night special. You thought it was odd how, after about four or five, you would hear Alastor all over the radios but see him out on the street. It was because they had a group of interns that would stay from closing till one in the morning to play the phonograph recordings you all made earlier in the day, then wipe them and get them ready for today.
It was nearly seven when Richard finished his pep talk and explanations; once he was done, he started walking to the door. He turned, looked at Alastor, and whispered something in his ear before giving you a fair smile and closing the door behind him as he left. You and Alastor are now in this room; the tension is thick and could be cut with a knife. You reviewed the schedule again, preparing for the first onslaught of radio hosting. Once you were done and looked up, Alastor was staring right at you; there were only five minutes till everything began.
“Do not mess this up, or I really will make your life a living hell; I worked hard to end up here no matter what anyone tells you,” Alastor said with venom and ferocity. You would think you had already messed up big time. Nodding gently, you noted how close it was to starting. Counting down the seconds, then signaling Alastor, you flipped the ‘live’ switch.
“Good Morning, Nawlins. It is a pleasure to be back with you. I hope you don’t miss my voice too much. Our Dear Radio Host is back this morning to give you the sweet news and good tunes. Up on the docket today, we will discuss the segregation acts being looked at by our mayor today and look into those of rich history in our hearts. Nawlins’ sit back, relax, and enjoy a coffee before you start your workday with me. Listen to our live band as we welcome you this fine morning.” You were in awe at how Alastor spoke; he was so different. Hearing him in person and not through a radio was fascinating, too. He flipped his switches, and the band began playing, you assume, from the other room.
Richard explained that there was a pully-like system where the switches would set off some sign that would ring bells in the other room, signifying it was time to play the music. The time of day depended on whether the music was phonographed or live. You continued sitting there and watching Alastor talk for an hour before even joining in singing more music. As he spoke about the live band and gave them credits, he motioned for you to end the ‘live’ feed. Flipping your switch, it was quiet in your room once more.  No words had to be said at this moment. You were in awe of him and his performance while he harbored only strong disdain for you. 
Like clockwork, Alastor stood shedding his jacket and loosening his tie; your theory that he got more relaxed throughout the day proved true. Wordlessly, he went to the primary office. You stood to follow, wanting to exclaim that he was supposed to ask you if he needed anything. However, as you popped your head out, he was long gone. You sighed and threw your arms in the air, making sure the schedule was still being followed. Anger consumed you at the fact Alastor was choosing to be such a prick; what was his deal, his game? Did he expect you to be some princess, lay down, and take this treatment? You grew up with an entitled father. There was no way he was scaring you or making you quit. 
Tony popped his head in to see you mumbling, “Hey kid, keep that up, and it's the looney bin for you. I just wanted to check in and see how Al was doing; he can be a handful.” You shrugged and sighed.
“It is fine. I understand the basics; however, mister I’m independent up and left without me, so I have no idea what he is doing. He probably wants to royally fuck me over; shit, sorry, damn it. Look, I didn’t mean,” Tony was laughing his head off. Not only did you expect him to be mad that you swore at work you also heavily expected him to be furious as you were a woman swearing so freely.
“Kid, I grow to like choosing you more and more as the hours pass. You have grit, and that is needed in today’s turning edge. Al is just outside smoking; he does so after every live broadcast, and when work is over, when you girls head home, we men hit the gentlemen's club. It’s his way of winding down.” You nodded at Tony’s words. You were happy Tony wasn’t mad at you for losing Alastor already. Looking around, you dropped into your seat and held your head up with your elbows propped up on the table.
“Tony, if Alastor has to hide his identity so much, why did you even give him this job in the first place? Seems more like a hassle for you all, including him, than it is worth.” Tony sighed and nodded, walking into the room and taking where Alastor once sat. He crossed his legs and thought before he spoke.
“Y/N, it is complicated; I can’t go into great detail as it is not my place. However, Alastor’s father was murdered; his father was also my best friend. As a child, Al dreamed of being a star; as he got older and radio became more popular, he morphed that dream into a radio host. I started this business when Nawlins needed a new voice and face. At first, it would be my son Richard; however, he isn’t one for the spotlight, and our sales did horribly. As a favor, I let Alastor host a late-night show. He had to speak properly and act white, though. He was such a big hit that I offered him more positions as time passed. Now, he is the voice of our whole operation. Yes, I have three other goons in there doing the same thing, but my money comes from the ambiguity of Alastor. Most people assume he is white; however, some have speculated he is mixed. I won't let anyone know, though, as protection for him, us, and even you, kid.” You listened intently. That was a lot to take in, but how this all came to be made more sense.
Alastor’s father was murdered, and if Rika was right, it only happened a few years ago. The wounds must still be fresh from his father’s absence. You remembered your father once talking about how men filling their father’s shoes was the most challenging thing for any man to accomplish. Could that be why Al was so hostile? Because he was filling those shoes too soon. You went to speak to Tony again as Alastor walked in. He gently kicked Tony’s chair and smiled at him before looking at you and rolling his eyes.
“Why are you here? I wouldn’t say I like it when you mess up my equipment. Last time, it took Richard a day to alter your mistakes.” Alastor sounded so different talking to everyone else; there was still that bitter edge, but not what he used against you. What made you so different? You watched the interaction as the two men talked and spoke to one another. Once Tony was done and left, closing the door. It was a dim silence in the once cheery room. Sighing, you got the recording section set up and looked at Alastor. On your countdown, you flipped the switch, and the recording began.
Sitting in that room for all those hours made you realize a few things. One Alastor was a hard worker and took his job seriously. Two Alastor was pragmatic and full of so much life, yet it almost seemed fake. Three Alastor on the radio was a polished version of Alastor in his day to day life it seemed. By the time the final recording was over and all the equipment was being moved around for the next crew, Alastor had unbuttoned his vest, undid the top two buttons of his shirt, and his sleeves were rolled up. His hair was wispy and curly, and his face was framed well. If he weren’t such an asshole, you would swoon right then and there. However, you knew the real Alastor underneath the facade. 
Standing from your chair, you made your way to the door, head low; the pay here was good, so you would deal with Alastors snide remarks if it meant living. As you tried to bypass said man, your arm was grabbed from behind you. Turning to yank your arm away, you were met with Alastor holding your wrist gently. He looked at you with something akin to curiosity in his framed eyes. You pulled your arm away, remembering you were still in the middle of your work office, and fixed yourself.
“Yes, Alastor, what is it? Did I do something wrong again?” He just stared at you; as you two looked at one another, the last few stragglers of the day had exited the office. Tony, Richard, and Valarie are waiting by the door outside for you and Al to join. The silence was almost deafening as he observed your face and features. Did you look bad or smell bad? What was happening to make this even possible? He put some much-desired space between you two and cleared his throat gently.
“I apologize. I just saw something.” He stood at his full height, his suit jacket in his hand hanging over his shoulder. “I wanted to say you are peculiar. Tony has hired many interns to help me, all leaving within a day if not less of working with me. Saying I scare them, gave them the chills. Follow them. Yet you seem not to have those complaints. Why?”
You looked at him incredulously; what an odd thing to remotely say to someone. Looking back at the waiting group, then at Alastor, you shook your head. “Alastor, I am not afraid of you. Yes, you are careless and harmful with your words, but after the life I have lived, no man's harsh words will scare me. I do not judge people based on religion, race, or standings. I judge people based on the person who presents to me face to face. With that said, Alastor, I am not afraid of you or by you. I can hold my own. If you will excuse me, Valarie would like to take me to a formal event tonight while I believe you have a gentlemen’s club to attend.” You briskly walked away from him, the heat radiating from your dress pocket once again. 
Once outside, the pendent calmed, and you and Valarie said your goodbyes to the boys. Walking arm in arm, you stopped at your apartment real quick. Touching up your makeup and changing your dress to something more appropriate for a night on the town, you listened to Valarie’s ideas about decorating your new apartment. While she was speaking, a knock was heard at your door. Leaving the bathroom, you and Valarie opened it to find Rika waiting there. 
“Oh, Y/N, I am so sorry. I didn’t know you had company; I was checking in on you.” She looked behind you, seeing Valarie, her eyes going wide. Valarie smiled and waved at Rika, and motioned her to come in.
“Come in, come in—the more, the merrier! We are going to an event hosted by my dad tonight! Any friend of Y/N’s is a friend of mine; please join us!” Valarie was bubbly, and it was clear Rika was shocked or overwhelmed. Excusing yourselves, you dragged Rika to the bathroom while Valarie continued with her decorating scheme.
“What is wrong with you, Rika? Why the bug eyes at Val?” You questioned her quietly while you put on the last touches of makeup.
“You do know who that is. She is the richest girl from the richest family in Nawlins,’ and you just so happen to be her friend?” Rika seemed impressed and honestly star-struck. You laughed gently and leaned on the counter.
“Yes, Rika, I am aware of Valarie's lifestyle. She is a good friend, though she works at the Radio Studio with me.” A long, dramatic pause and a considerable smile pulled on Rika’s lips at your words. She started slapping your arm and screaming.
“You are telling me you, Y/N, work at Bayou’s Best Radio with Valarie and Alastor?” You nodded along with her words and jumped for joy. You laughed and pulled her in for a hug. Valarie came around the corner and smiled with you two. Joining in, all of you crowded around the small mirror, picking out clothes, make-up, and hair for this event.
As you three walked to the society event on the other side of town, Valarie explained everything about her home and family. “Yes, Daddy is running for mayor again this year; he is livid about that segregation bill, and Momma isn’t a fan of it either. Our staff in the mansion are of all races; all are paid equally and fairly treated; if one person steps out of line towards any of our other race workers, Daddy has them removed immediately. If only other places had the same ideas here in Nawlins’. Daddy’s biggest competition is that rat Matthews, who is all for the segregation clauses.” You frowned at that. To think someone as progressive and kind as Valarie’s family was even remotely competing with someone like Matthews was horrible. You sighed and shook your head.
“It is still far better than where I come from; my father was a mean old man who hated me even talking to people of another race or religion. His word was as good as gold in our tiny town, and I watched many friends I made get sent to other towns for safety or mobbed. I hope never to see that happen here in New Orleans.” The two girls frown and then laugh at your pronunciation. You had been working on your southern accent, ingrained in you for years. Rolling your eyes, you smile at the girls and reach the large mansion. 
Once inside, you were blinded by the sparkles and golden glow. Valarie lived in this? Walking in slowly was like a fairytale. Why would Valarie ever work at the radio station? You knew she was intelligent and witty, for sure. But this was life. Rika, Valarie and you made your way to the drink table. Three dapper-dressed gentlemen walked up to you as you stood there: Tony, Richard, and Alastor.
“I thought you guys said you couldn’t come! That the gentlemen's club was more important!” Valarie was so excited and bright about the boys taking her invite. You were under the impression this was a female soiree, yet here you were in the middle of a grand party with your whole crew of coworkers and of course Alastor there before you. 
“Oh, you know we were going to dip out; however, Alastor convinced dear pops to drag us along. Seeing as your father supports our business and all,” Richard looked so much better in blue; it was apparent his mother dressed him for this occasion, and he matched with Valarie a lot better, too. That is when you felt it Rikas elbow in your side. 
“You and him match. When would you tell me that you two were a thing already?” You looked at Rika confused, but she was right when you turned back to Alastor you were in awe. You two wore dark green outfits, something you never expected to see on Alastor. He seemed more of the red type, yet he was wearing your color, which you seemed to always gravitate toward. Shaking your head, you pushed Rika gently.
“As if! It was merely a coincidence that we match, I haven’t even told you half the torture that man has put me through,” even at your statements, Rika just wiggled her eyebrows at you, making you smile and laugh. Looking back at Alastor, you could have sworn you saw a genuine smile flashing across his poker face. You looked up at him, confused, as some lively swing music began to play. You watched Tony bow and ask Rika for a dance with a smile on her face; watching Tony not be a jerk about race was sweet; he cared about keeping Alastor and his son's dreams alive. Richard took Valerie’s hand, pulling her into the crowd to dance. You smiled and clapped your hands, watching; the only dances you knew were line dances and slow waltz from when your mom put you in cotillion balls. However, a hand landed on the small part of your back from the one and only Alastor.
“This doesn’t mean anything, but if you are to survive here with our kind of people, you will need to learn to eat a little spice and dance to a good swing,” He looked down at you with a cunning smile. You began shaking your head in protest, but it was too late. He slowly pulled you out to the middle of the room and showed you how to dance. Caving in and following his lead, you soon found this to be no different than what you learned in classes, just a little faster and messier. You laughed and held on, letting Alastor swing you around. 
As the song ended, everyone cheered and moved to the side while getting food and drink. Valarie and Richard caught up to you and Al as you approached Tony and Rika. “Miss Y/N, your friend here sure is something; she can dance like no tomorrow,” the group laughed and conversed quietly. You sighed, content when you felt the chill up your spine, turning quickly. No one was there, just a wall, then your pocket heated up again. Looking down at your leg, you pulled Rika aside, not noticing the lingering eyes on you. 
Once you were far away, you looked around and held Rika firmly on her shoulders. “I need to show you something, and I need you not to think I am crazy.” Rika tilted her head at you, laughing softly, when she realized how serious you were. She nodded, and you pulled out the pendant from your pocket. Rika gasped, shoving it back in your pocket and pulling you to an empty hallway where no one was. She pulled the pendent back out and examined it; the warm black metal slowly returned to silver. Rika looked at the item, then at you.
“Where did it come from? I need you to be honest with me, Y/N.” You looked at her worriedly. In as few sentences as possible, you explained the disappearing lady and the chill and heat. Rika just nodded and looked at the engravings before placing it around your neck. You looked at her awkwardly, going to take it off, but the necklace shifted into a dainty silver chain with a green emerald in the center. 
“What is- huh? I mean that just- huh,” Rika shushed you and tried to calm you down. Once you were no longer panicking, she looked you dead in the eyes. 
“Y/N, you have a spirit protecting you, which one it is I can not say right now; voodoo is dangerous for people to get mixed up in; you must be one with it. You are positive that you didn’t do anything, that this spirit told you something was after you and you didn’t dabble at all?” You nodded, frightened. Swallowing thickly, she paced back and forth; she sighed and looked you over.
“Wear it and don’t take it off; it won’t burn you, just whatever is attacking you. The reason you could feel that cold chill was because you were only half using the damn thing. You are in danger. My fiance will know more. I will get back to you soon on what is going on. Just please be safe and stick close to people.” You sighed and hugged Rika. 
You were terrified but glad you chose the right person to go to. Pulling away, you heard the party roar, and you two snuck back in. Eyes from a shadow followed you, though unable to get close any longer. Down the hall, Alastor stood, the shadow now playing around him. He sucked in his teeth, watching you dance and sing with your friends. You were a threat to his operation and his goals. He needed to work alone to cleanse the world of this sin.
You were far too pure and good to be a part of any of that; he had hoped Richard would take a liking to you; sadly, Valarie and his secret relationship came to his attention. Then he hopped to scare you off, yet that damn Papa Legba must have sent the spirit to guide you. You were protected now, and he was stuck with you in his immediate bubble. You were a thorn in his side; you may not be like all the other racist pigs, but you had something hidden in you. No one is that pure and lives this long.
* * *
Taglist: @pan-to-the-head @wendds @satansdaughter123 @mook14 @xalygatorx @psychesetra @dumbslvt101thebasics @n0tmentallystable @speedycoffeedelight @fokrilove
Thank you for reading <3
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dendrobiumorchid · 11 months
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬
✦ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬 : a demon is tasked to live in the mortal realm for a whole year amongst humans under the order of hades. when meddling demons mess with her documents before ascension to the human realm, she is forced to attend university, where she meets a semi-popular group of boys who take an odd liking to her.
✦ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : ot7!enhypen x fem!oc
✦ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : non-idol!au, university!au, demon!au
✦ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 : major death, mentions of torture, blood, mentions of bad parents, inaccurate depictions of god, (lmk if there's anything i missed)
✦ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 2.9k words
✦ 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 : appearance of nct members (mark & yuta)
zero | one
She wished she was never born. At least to her current parents, the ones who inflicted this pain on her. While they weren’t physically causing her this pain, their actions were the reason why there was an agonising burn in her back and her chest. 
The rope was rough against her skin, the weight of her body and gravity against the rope dug into her neck and cut off the air going to her lungs and brain. She could not even make noises as they had cut off her tongue.
Blood pooled in her mouth, dripping down her chin and to the floor. If she gasped, the blood would rush down her throat and drown her. It was cruel of the men who put her through this. She had been hanging for a few minutes already, yet she was still not dead yet. 
Why must they put her through this torture? She was just heading home from the market after buying something her mother needed when a group of men abducted her from the streets. They had whipped her, poked her with hot metal, beaten her within an inch of her life, and carved her tongue out, while they jeered and mocked her cries of pain. All because of her parents’ actions. 
She was exhausted. She didn’t know how long she had been abducted for she was in and out of consciousness from the pain. If she had to guess however, it had been two days at least if not more. She wondered what atrocities she had committed to go through this torment. 
Finally, black spots were covering her vision and she could feel the asphyxiation do its harm. She smiled at the relief she would finally gain. Hopefully, the Heavens would have mercy on her in the next life. 
“Wake up.”
Her eyes fluttered open at the voice. Why wasn’t she dead? She couldn’t feel the agony anymore. Her back was not burning and she could feel her tongue in her mouth, intact and whole. She whipped her head around, glancing at her surroundings of perfect blue skies and white fluffy clouds beneath her body. 
“You’ve finally awakened.”
The voice spoke once more, its voice booming yet whispering simultaneously. The voice was neither man nor woman, high nor low. It was ambiguous, and yet it left a warmth in her. However, she was still left questioning her current existence. Was she saved? Had someone found her body before she succumbed to her injuries? 
Her mind spiralled and her breathing picked up and the unanswered questions invading her mind, until the voice spoke again. 
“Do not panic. I’ll answer your questions one-by-one.” 
She listened to the voice, taking a few deep breaths before calming her mind. Letting out a cough, she brushed her hand through her hair before taking another deep breath. 
“Calm now?” 
She nodded her head and a chair materialised out of nowhere next to her. She jumped back at the chair, whipping her head around as she tried to wrap her mind around at its sudden existence. 
“Take a seat, and I’ll answer any questions you have.” 
She gulped, sitting herself down on the chair while glancing around. She tucked her hands under her legs and asked her first few questions. 
“Where am I? And who are you?” 
“You’re in the heavens, and I’m the ruler of it.” 
She blanched at the voice’s answer. Anxiety and disbelief soaring into the heavens— fitting in her current predicament. Despite her ill-timed joke, she did not laugh, but instead felt as if someone threw a stone at her head. 
“Yes, you unfortunately passed away due to the injuries and asphyxiation. Now, your soul is in heaven and ready to work for me.”
“Work for you?”
What did they mean by work for them? Was she to turn into an angel and work for God?
Her head whipped up at their reply. Could God read her mind? Had she asked her question aloud?
“Yes, I can read your mind and you didn’t say your questions out loud.” 
Her mind deteriorated instantly. For God to constantly be in her mind made her uncomfortable. Her only sanctuary was now accessible to others, and without her consent as well. Nonetheless, she gave up on the subject, God being able to access her mind shouldn't have shocked her that much. 
“Are my…parents saddened by my death?” 
God stayed silent at her question and she lowered her head in bitter understandment. Of course her parents would not be saddened by her death, they were the reasons she had passed away after all. 
“What did you mean by ‘work for you’?”
God didn’t seem to mind the sudden topic switch, instead they seemed relieved by it. 
“You’re going to become an angel, and help the mortals with their issues. Like, granting their prayers and whatnot, with my permission obviously.” 
Being an angel didn’t seem that bad, maybe she’d like it. 
“That’s great! You’ll start right now!”
Suddenly, her chair disappeared while a pair of wings and a halo materialised rapidly. She let out a sound of utter confusion and astonishment. 
God let out a chuckle, before the clouds parted to reveal a glowing light. 
“Apologies, but your mind is still too mortal to comprehend my physical form, so I had to transform myself into a light to protect your mind from imploding on itself.”
The knowledge God imparted only caused her to nod her head dumbly.
“Now, let’s start your first mission. There’s a child who wishes to grow taller; you are to sprinkle this dust on their body when they’re asleep.” 
God placed a pouch of what she guessed was mystical dust before the clouds beneath her feet parted. She let out a shriek, falling from the heavens and down to earth rapidly. 
“Use your wings.” 
God reminded, and she quickly urged her newly-acquired wings to flutter, just so she wouldn’t become a grotesque puddle on the dirt. Thankfully, they listened, and now she was slowly fluttering down to a house where she assumed the child was sleeping in. 
She phased through the roof of the house and ended up in the child’s bedroom. Ignoring the odd feeling of being in a child’s bedroom secretly while everyone was asleep, she took a handful of the mystical dust and sprinkled it on top of the child, granting their wish. 
Finished with her ‘mission’, she flew back to the heavens where God awaited her, still in their incorporeal form.
“Great! You’ve finished your first mission with no difficulties! Now, you just have to meet a quota of one prayer per day!” 
She thought that God was weirdly ecstatic about the prospect of her granting prayers, maybe they were tired of answering many prayers everyday since the dawn of civilisation. Well, it shouldn’t be that hard. 
“Anyway, you’re free to roam around and intermingle with the other angels until your next mission tomorrow.”
A golden gate that she hadn’t noticed before opened at God’s words. Past the gates were other angels flying about, chatting and laughing with each other. It truly looked like what every depiction of the Heavens were. 
She made her way to the gate, only to pause at the opening and gaze at the seemingly organised chaos inside. Taking a deep breath, she took a few steps pass the gate before relaxing when she didn’t light on fire. 
Maybe she could get used to this life. 
“By the way, your daily quota increases every few months until it reaches 100 prayers per day! Have a nice time!” 
She whipped her head back to stare at the gate in horror as it slammed shut, God’s words running through her mind. 100 prayers per day? That was impossible! God, kill her now.
‘No can do, dear Peony.’
God’s voice echoed teasingly in her mind, but she didn’t pay much attention to it. Instead, her attention was directed to what they had called her. 
‘You were wearing a beizi with a peony embroidered onto it. So, I thought it would be fitting for it to be your angel name.’
God’s explanation was sound, yet it left a bitter feeling in her mouth. She hadn’t liked the beizi her mother forced her to wear, and to be tortured in it didn’t help, but she wouldn’t dare mention it to God, not when they seemed proud of it. Just like a maidservant in the royal palace, she wouldn’t dare go against the words of those in power. 
She sighed but joined the other angels, easily mingling with the friendlier angels of the bunch, although they were all nice. 
That was over 600 years ago. Now it was the 17th century and she was still a prayer-granting-angel. She had gained another six pairs of wings a few centuries ago, indicating her rank of being a high-ranged angel. Everyday she grants wishes of mortals who worry over small issues like love and everyday endeavours. She couldn’t help but be jealous of the mortals at times; she wanted to worry about whether the boy she likes would reciprocate her feelings as well. 
Regardless, she sucked it up and tried her best to ignore the prickling sensation in her heart every time she granted their prayers, until one fateful day. 
“Dear God, please let Kim Seokhwa return my feelings.” 
It was a standard prayer, the girl had prayed for the reciprocation of her feelings so she made her way to the house of the boy. 
When she phased through the roof of his house however, it was dead silent. She couldn’t hear anything except for the sounds of hushed crying. Phasing through the walls of his roof, she found Seokhwa in his bathroom, curled up in the tub while tears streamed down his face. 
He was nearly stark naked save for his underwear, however she didn’t pay much regard to it. Her attention was instead focused on the cuts and bruises that littered his skin. Some were old and fading while others looked to be fresh from a few hours ago. 
She was horrified. Why was he beaten and bruised? Was he getting abused? 
“Dear God, why does she keep treating me like this? What did I do to gain her anger? I wish she would stop. I wish Jung Taeha would just get what she deserves!” 
His cries to God rang in her mind. The pouch of mystical dust in her hand felt heavy as she realised what she could do. Her eyes flitted from the pouch to the curled up boy and she threw away any and every inhibition in her mind. 
While she felt bad for not granting the girl’s prayer, this was more important. She muttered a tiny ‘sorry’ that went unheard by the boy and entered his mind. She felt bad for invading his privacy but she needed to know who this Jung Taeha was. However the mental image of the girl in question made her blood boil. 
She immediately zipped her way to the culprit’s house, the pouch of dust clenched tightly in her fist. She phased through the wall, where the figure of Jung Taeha,the girl whose prayer she had nearly granted, was sleeping in her bed. 
There was no hesitation when she poured the mystical dust over the cruel girl’s body. In fact, there was a sadistic satisfaction when the mystical dust started burning Taeha’s skin. Taeha launched herself upright, screaming at the indescribable pain that she was undergoing. 
Taeha ran to the bathroom and blasted the shower, trying her best to relieve the burning sensation but to no avail. She continued to scream while her parents banged on her door, demanding why she was screaming like bloody murder. 
All the while, she watched as Taeha’s flesh melted off her bone and the girl crumpled into a ball of melted flesh and exposed bone, basking in the righteous fate the girl had faced and returned to the boy’s room. 
Seokhwa was sleeping soundly in his bed, unaware of the atrocity she had committed. She snapped her fingers, and another pouch of mystical dust materialised in her hands. She grabbed a pinch of the dust and sprinkled it over his body, chanting a healing prayer in her mind as she did so. 
Once she was satisfied with her work, she phased through his roof one last time and flew back to the Heavens. Yet, when she reached the fluffy white clouds, they would not part for her, even when she forced them to. 
“Peony, do you understand what you have done?!” 
God’s voice bellowed out, anger lacing each word with venom. She didn’t understand what was wrong, she had brought justice to an innocent. 
“That boy’s prayer was not supposed to be granted! The girl had not deserved the harm you inflicted on her!” 
“How did she not deserve the fate I bestowed upon her? She is fortunate that the boy’s wish was only for comeuppance and not her life!”
Thunderstruck all around her, some nearly hitting her as she stared defiantly at the Heavens. God merely growled at her words, attempting to soothe the anger boiling inside of them. 
“It is not your task to decide the girl’s fate.”
“Yet you are incapable of delivering justice!”
Her insult cut off God’s words, destroying all restraint in the being. 
“How dare you insult me! I created you! I gave you life! I turned you into an angel!”
“You only turned me into an angel to do your bidding! Granting prayer after prayer for several centuries! I only became an angel because you handed me an ill-fated life!”
Her words only spurred more anger in God, who was unable to deny her statement. Lightning struck closer to her and she knew that it was only a matter of time before God lost their temper and struck her directly. 
“Fine, if your mortal life is what you believed to be ill-fated, I will show you something worse!” 
Lightning finally struck. She let out an anguished scream at the ineffable pain as she felt a scorching burn in her wings before they halted completely, causing her to fall from the skies. From the corner of her teary eyes, she could spot four of her wings incinerated into ashes, dirtying her remaining wings. 
An excruciating pain exploded in her head as her halo broke in two, before stabbing itself into her forehead and mended with her skull. Blood leaked from her halo-turned-horns, dripping into her eyes and leaving a stinging sensation. 
She plummeted from the Heavens, past the mortal realm, and into the scorching depths of the Underworld. Her body collided with the dirt of the damned and her bleary eyes peered at the Heavens. 
“For committing a deadly sin, Huang Yangyao will now serve as a demon for the rest of her existence, unable to repent and return as an angel in the Heavens.”
God’s words were declared for all the angels and demons to hear, ultimately sealing her fate as a demon in the Underworld. 
Whimpers fell from her throat as the aftershocks of the transition ached her tender limbs. She could barely register the words of the demons surrounding as they crowded her being. 
“Move! Don’t—deals—back—work!”
The muffled words quietened and she could feel a pair of hands on her delicate body, lightly shaking her. 
“Are you alright?” 
She could barely nod her head in response and she heard the demon tsk before calling out to someone. 
“Hyung! Can you give her something? She’s still reeling!” 
Feet shuffling and clothes ruffling could be heard as the demon that held her continued to lightly shake her, as if to make sure she stayed conscious. There was a pause before she felt something cold pressed to her lips, and liquid dribbled into her mouth. 
“Drink that, it should help with the pain.” 
A different voice sounded out this time. It was calmer than the other demon—more authoritative, making her less panicked. She obeyed the voice, swallowing the drink that flowed into her mouth until she felt her aches disappear and bones mend back together. 
The drink was pulled away from her and she felt something damp wipe across her face, ridding her from most of the blood that caked her face. She cracked open her eyes, registering the reds and browns of the Underworld before focusing on the demons that surrounded her. 
“You alright now?” 
She nodded her head and the demon closest to her pulled her up into a sitting position. 
“Welcome to the Underworld. I’m Mark and he’s Yuta.” 
She bowed her head towards them before standing up from the ground, stumbling slightly at the shift of weight on her back. She muttered out a ‘sorry’ to the both of them before stretching out her wings, feeling ache in her back. 
She craned her head back to see two pairs of black wings instead of four pairs of white wings, and a pang of sadness and despair in her heart. She reached up to her forehead to feel the two halves of her halo embedded in her skull. 
She sighed, but disregarded her sadness. She folded back her wings and combed her fingers through her hair. 
“Hello, my name is Huang Yangyao. I will be in your care.”
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gwenbrightly · 9 months
(Re) Building the Future Chapter 4
Her entire body hurts, but at the same time she's floating. Weightless. Everything feels so far away. So muted. Her mouth feels cottony and there's a nasty aftertaste of rotten lavender mixed with lemon, along with a slight metallic tang. She feels like puking. Is this what dying feels like?
Dying. Cassie has never really thought that much about death before. Not even when her mom died. Though that was probably because she was too little to really understand things, back then.
But holy heck. The pain is intense. She hurts in places she didn't even know existed. On a pain scale of paper cut to mauled by a bear, she's giving this experience a solid 12/10.
If Cassie is dying, this is probably a good time to regret not leaving a note for anyone to find. Her dad won't know where to look for her. He'll be so worried when he gets back from his trip. So heartbroken when she never comes home. There'll be no more hugs. No more cheesy horror movie nights where they pick apart the horrible special effects and cringy writing. No more Cassie.
Oh, well. At least when she's done dying the pain will stop. Hopefully. Her… Her… Those human spaghetti thingies that allow you to feel pain? … Oh, right. Nerves. That's what they're called. Her nerves are on fire.
She longingly waits to be swept into the sweet oblivion of death, but her body seems to be taking its sweet time with that whole thing. After what feels like hours of agonized waiting, Cassie slowly cracks open one eye, then the other, blinking back tears from the painful blurriness of doing so. Maybe she's already dead and she needs to see heaven in order to accept reality? But no. Unless heaven looks like the inside of the Pizzaplex's Daycare, Cassie hasn't died (yet). Not that being in the daycare makes a lot of sense when the last thing she remembers is falling deep, deep below the sinkhole in Roxy Raceway. So maybe she's hallucinating to make herself feel better about being on the edge of death. Or something.
"Oh, good. I think she's waking up," Cassie hears a voice say. There's more, but she can't quite focus on any of it. Everything is still so foggy. She squints up at the source of the voice, trying to identify it. Milky white eyes come into focus. Cassie screams as everything goes black again.
"Get away from me, you monster!"
"Vanessaaaa!" Gregory calls, banging loudly on her bedroom door. Cassie has disappeared into the sinkhole and he and Freddy could really use some backup. When Vanessa doesn't immediately reply, he rattles it again and threatens to find his lockpicking kit.
"We've been over this before," an indignant Vanessa finally calls from the other side of the door, "You don't disturb me during Me Time and I don't judge your ability to turn video games into a contact sport or question your choices when you impersonate famous Metubers online."
"I knowwww, but this is an emergency!" Gregory insists, choosing to ignore the comments about his semi-legal internet habits.
"The last time you said that, you and Freddy had nearly succeeded in setting fire to our microwave," Vanessa points out. She sounds tired. Her latest therapy session must have been draining.
"We just wanted to see how many grapes we could explode at once," Gregory mumbles,"but forget about that for now. This is a way bigger emergency than that!"
Vanessa finally cracks her door open. She makes that 'I don't believe a word you're saying' face she's gotten so good at lately. The one with only one eyebrow raised - how does she do that, anyway?
"Uh huh," she says in a tone that matches her facial expression perfectly. How can he get her to listen?
Deciding there's no time to lose arguing with her, Gregory grabs Vanessa's arms and starts to drag her down the hallway as he frantically tries to explain the last few hours of Cassie getting herself into a buttload of trouble.
"Gregory, what the heck?" Vanessa starts to protest, but Gregory keeps bulldozing through his story.
"I… um… Might have hacked into the Pizzaplex's security program awhile back… And today while me and Freddy were playing Fazcraft, I got an alert. And when we checked the feed, somebody - a friend of mine - had gotten into the Pizzaplex and someone who sounded like me - butwasn'tmeIswear!"
"Okay, you need to slow down and breath. I can barely understand you," Vanessa cuts in, worried now. She plants her feet to prevent Gregory from dragging her any further. He tugs on her to no avail. Vanessa isn't going anywhere.
Gregory reluctantly gasps in a fresh breath of air.
"My friend is at the Pizzaplex and somebody talked her into deactivating the security nodes," he says more clearly, "Got it?"
Vanessa nods.
"Whoever it was - maybe that… Thing below the pizza? Which would be really bad if it was that." Gregory and Vanessa share a knowing look, "Got her to deactivate all the security nodes and now she's down under the sinkhole! Freddy and I tried to stop her but we couldn't and now she's all alone down there and we have to help her NOW!"
Vanessa says something that would normally prompt Gregory to demand she added a significant amount of money to their swear jar. He, however, decides that the situation will probably call for a great deal of swearing before all is said and done. Who is he to stand in the way of progress?
“So, uh,” Vanessa begins after a moment of awkward silence, “Now that I've had a chance to process all of… that… Have you ever wanted to hack into Freddy's restricted files?”
“Have I ever,” Gregory replies, stepping into the living room where Freddy is staring hopelessly at the monitor. “But how is that gonna help Cassie? It's not like hacking Freddy will turn him into some epic ninja bot or anything.”
Vanessa draws up a chair next to Gregory and Freddy.
“All of the animatronics are programmed with maps of all areas within the pizzplex grounds, from the VIP areas to the parking lot. Including the restricted ones, the ones no one is supposed to know about.”
“Why don't I have any knowledge of this?” Freddy questions. Vanessa looks uncomfortable for a moment.
“Let's just say the map program for these areas is only triggered once you hit a certain point. It's designed to make you forget the exact details once you've returned to the main pizzplex. For… Security purposes.”
“I… See.”
“Erm. Anyway, I was thinking we could use the maps to find your friend and get her out of there before something bad happens,” Vanessa explains.
“Okay if we poke around in your head a bit?” Gregory asks Freddy. Using the maps seems like their best shot. If they can get through to Cassie, that is.
“I suppose so. Just be careful not to cross too many wires or send me into cowboy mode again,” the bear relents. It's not like he has a choice, really. But he does so hate it when people mess with his programming.
“Freddy! Now is so not the time!” Gregory isn't proud of some of the places his curiosity has taken him. Vanessa clears her throat, interrupting their rabbit trail of distraction before it can continue.
“Focus, you two. Now, once we get access to Freddy's maps, we'll need a way to contact Cassie. Any ideas?”
The trio is silent for a time. Hacking deactivated bots didn't seem to be working earlier. There are no intercoms in the sinkhole. Only…
“Wait! I got it,”Gregory jumps up, “Cassie had one of those Fazbear Entertainment walkie talkies with her. I think I still have one in my room. We just need to find the right frequency!”
“You go get that while I get Freddy hooked up,” Vanessa instructs. With the speed at which he takes off, she is suddenly reminded why it was so difficult to catch Gregory at the pizzplex.
It doesn't take Gregory long to dig through the box of ‘spy equipment’ located at the back of his closet. He retrieves the walkie talkie and whacks it a few times to ensure that the (finicky) batteries are jammed in all the way. Satisfied with his work, he returns to the others. The first channel they try manages to get a response from the twins a few houses down, who are playing capture the flag. The second channel somehow connects them with all the police car radios within a 50 mile radius? Fazbear Entertainment probably needs to do something about that. Not that they care enough to do so. It would be a fascinating development for Gregory if there weren't more pressing matters. (He'll have to revisit this later).
The third channel is static. So much static. They're about to move on to channel number 4 when someone on the other end asks, “Gregory? Is that really you? I mean REALLY you?”
Cassie. She's not dead! (yet)
No one is surprised by her question. She's clearly had a run in with It. Gregory does his best to explain while the others jump into action. They move quickly, overriding the programming that usually blocks Freddy's maps as Cassie races through tunnel after tunnel. Vanessa and Freddy relay as many details as they can to Gregory, who practically shouts into the walkie talkie. Occasionally, they can hear It running in the distance, trying to catch up to Cassie. Thunk! Crash!
“Go right! Go right!”
“OK. Tell her there should be an elevator just up ahead,” Vanessa finally announces after what feels like hours of navigation.
“Almost there!” Gregory tells Cassie. She's so close to being safe. So close. They hear the elevator doors grind open and the sound of Cassie stepping inside.
“We did it!” Gregory screams, relieved. He hugs Freddie (who doesn't seem to mind) and Vanessa (who is more than a little surprised). Figuring Cassie probably needs a little more context for whatever horrors she's just experienced, Gregory begins to tell her what little he knows about It. But then… He hears another voice on the walkie talkie. A voice that sounds exactly like him. And a sinking feeling fills his very soul. It has something truly awful planned for Cassie. Gregory just knows it.
It's in this moment that Gregory truly learns what it means to be powerless. Never in his life has he been so totally unable to do anything to affect his circumstances. There's always an option. Running away, biting someone, simply using Google. Even when he himself was at the Pizzaplex, there was always something he could do to save himself. But this time… No matter what he does… No matter how many buttons he mashes trying to take charge of the elevator's controls… There is nothing he can do to stop the elevator's plummet into parts unknown as he listens to Cassie's screams.
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kyrodo · 5 months
I had a pretty good general idea of the kind of music you enjoyed when I made some of my playlists, mostly things in general orbit at least without directly using bands you listen to. And avoiding death metal. The custom music I had for Rebel Galaxy Outlaw were things that adopted a bit of your tastes while still being distinctly mine, some of Red's music, and things I liked the sound of.
But as showing you up Stopped being the priority of my music, I either stopped listening to anything or I listened to things I considered safe or distinctly not representative of you. Softer music, adofai songs, gaming and anime or relaxing lofis. Things that no longer exhibit strength, or intense emotion. Seeking out the safest place away from trauma as I could conceivably get. The safest places socially. Only with certain things did I realize my own comfort mattered more than your opinions.
But it is convenient because from an objective perspective, all the things you don't represent are more tasteful anyway. Gentler to process emotionally. Whether it's horror, emo stuff, death metal, whatever. Every last thing that represents you is just another reason to find something softer. And that in itself is its own poetic form of revenge. Every last way I avoid you is a win. Every last way I avoid you makes me stronger, more comfortable, more secure, more confident, and happier. And I am so deeply in love with the sheer irony of it all.
Discomfort, anger, fear, confusion, deception you so conveniently represent things that are disturbing and unhappy. And I am more than happy to live without those things. It would be accurate to say I found better friends, it would be accurate to say I found better love and people that are more socially responsible than you on every possible level. And it lines up so perfectly that I can't help but savor that irony.
Every last happy experience I have today is revenge. Every last cordial social exchange, every last friend I make is the bane of your entire existence. A poetic betrayal of every expectation you laid out for me. And Choskey is the last 💅 in the coffin. All the potential you never saw in me, here it is. The best way for me to grow has always been away from you. It is gut wrenching realizing how much happier I am without you there to poke fun every last thing that happens in my life.
My world has no place for people that are morally and sensibly absent. In the kindest way possible, go fuck yourself.
Who knew enemies could be positive influences too. So long as you keep them in the rear view mirror.
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severeballoonknot · 6 months
The Easter bunny
“Daddy, who’s the Easter bunny and what is his connection to the Abrahamic religion system?”
Ronald, the husband, the father, the warrior, gazed down gently at little Michael, his youngest son. His deep voice that overwhelmed the boys ears with hope and wonder spoke. “Let me tell you a story, son. Do you remember the story of the manger? Of our lord Jesus Christ?” Michael nodded excitedly. He had always loved that story. “Well, there’s something I’ve never told you before about that story. A detail I left out. But today, my boy, you’re finally old enough to learn about Mary’s second son. You see, after Jesus was killed, Mary decided it was best for her youngest to run away and to take up a new identity. He lived for a very long time and changed a lot of lives. Lives like yours, Michael. Thankfully he stayed hidden for centuries before he was tragically cut short by an evil man named Pleurisy. Pleurisy was jealous of the man and his strengths. His godlike ability to pull light from the sky and control it as if a part of his own hand made him feel powerless, and when a man feels powerless he can do horrible things. This man was a very large public figure, so his death was covered up as to not cause country-wide outrage.” The other 4 of the sliver fox’s children had gathered around his feet in a circle, listening intently and staring up at him in awe of the story. Ronald had always had such a way of painting pictures with his words. The sights he spoke into existence as simply as tying a knot seemed the gather in towards his towering form and softly floated and buzzed around the seven heads in the room. “well, the man died long after his family and had no one to guide him to heaven to be amongst the others of God’s children. So, he lay waiting in his casket for that very special day that his older brother would rise to join him in the afterlife, and one day, that day came. On easter morning, the man had leapt into the stars, leaving his body and his life behind. Now, children. The Easter bunny. Which one wanted to hear about him? You? The adopted one, right?” Michael spoke again with visible tears on his face “I’m adopted?” They stared at each other for a moment “ Yeah… Anyway, a rabbit priest, a priestly rabbit came hopping along a few years later with quite an intent for disruption. He dug a burrow into the thick mound of dirt he had claimed as his own only to meet something hard. ‘Metal? Cement?’ He thought. Wood. The rabbit has dug so far down that he had reached the man’s casket. And being a curious rabbit, he climbed inside to see if the man had been a practicing Christian. No cross was found around the neck of the picked clean bone he found there. The rabbit was disappointed. It was getting cold out and so he climbed inside of the forms ribcage, hoping he wouldn’t mind the company. The days turned into nights until the rabbit had realized it had become Easter yet again. As the skeleton began to move on its own it pulled the animal out from inside it by the ear and asked it what it had been doing in there. The rabbit assured him that he meant no harm and that he was just very cold. They made a deal that since the man couldn’t come down to earth all year, that the rabbit could keep his remains safe and dedicate his life to spreading his message. They both agreed and they shook on it. It was a beautiful spring day when the rabbit decided to bring the skeleton outside and disguised it inside costume of himself. He egged people houses and he told people to ‘suck it!!’ And all was well in America. And that man, oh how he smiles down upon all of you kids, I just know it.” “Really? How would you know?” Ronald Reagan glanced up at his husband Benjamin Franklin Christ and tucked a strand of his long, silver hair behind his ear. Their smiles two halves of the same ring. “Oh, I know.”
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mykingdommusic · 1 year
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DESCENT INTO MAELSTROM is what I already considered an innovative band because with their sound they are able to create something new expanding the limits of extreme music. Twisted and complex rhythm, savage riffing and gratifyingly dark ambience are united so that their Dodecaphonic Metal will enchant many. The new album “Dei Consentes” will be out in a few days on April 5th anticipated by the single “Mater” and it is for sure the most direct and powerful that the band has ever created. We have talked with Andrea Bignardi guitar and voice of this incredible band.
1. Give us a short presentation of DESCENT INTO MAELSTROM and let us know more about the choice of this moniker.
The name Descent Into Maelstrom comes from the Edgar Allan Poe short story of the same name. In the band's first album we made many references to its literature very often and therefore gave the initial imprinting, even if these themes were gradually abandoned
2. DESCENT INTO MAELSTROM represent a confirmation in the Italian extreme Metal scene. With this album you've reached the goal of the third full-length. How could you present this new album to the public and how different it is from the previous ones?
I think this is the climax of our production, it's the most complete work in both complexity and heaviness that we ever write. I think it's different from the previous one because we did a lot of experimentation with the two EPs Gehenna and Nocturnal Transfiguration, in which we found a lot of new ideas and gained experience. All this lead to Dei Consentes.
3. Your music is very intricate and played in a magnificent way, thanks also to great musicians. How music does DESCENT INTO MAELSTROM differ from the actual scene where everything seems to go toward a more simple direction?
Well, as always we wanted to write music in a way that the content, the topic if you let me, drives the musical choices. So we never think about a new song with the approach “I'm going to write a death metal song”, but we find the right element (for us, of course) that it's useful to the mood of the song, or the album. Then we introduced more and more dodecaphonic music, which creates that tension that you might listen to in our recent works.
4. You call your music as Dodecaphonic Metal. Would you explain me better this concept?
The dodecaphonic music was invented by Arnold Schoenberg in the first years of the 20th century, it uses all the twelve chromatic notes as the scale of the song (I'm really, really simplifying). The scales become “series” because, in theory, all the notes should be repeated only once, when the series is playing. There is some mathematics behind it and I (as a programmer and basically a geek) created a small program to calculate the series and all its permutations, on which we create chord progressions, lite motifs, and so on. I know, it sounds difficult, and it is. We did a lot of study to achieve this.
5. The sound of DESCENT INTO MAELSTROM can be represented like a bridge between the old school of DEATH and PESTILENCE, the fury of BEHEMOTH without forgetting the Progressive elements of OPETH and EDGE OF SANITY. In which way these bands have been part of your musical pantheon?
We always tried to finetune the balance of these influences, mostly Death, Behemoth, and Opeth of the band that you listed. The reality is that we are completely different musicians and with different tastes, so I guess all these influences came as the interpretation that any of us gives to them.
6. "Dei Consentes" is the title of your debut album. I know there is an interesting concept behind it, can you describe it in a few words?
We tried to imagine what if the ancient roman gods were existing in modern society. We did this to create a parallelism between the failures and the flaws of today's society and them.
7. Behind DESCENT INTO MAELSTROM: - 5 favorite bands:Death, Behemoth, Opeth, Cynic and Septic Flesh - 5 essentials albums: The Sound of Perseverance (Death), Evangelion (Behemoth), Blackwater Park (Opeth), Titan (Septic Flesh) - 3 essentials movies: One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, The Lord of the Rings, Blade Runner       - the song you wish you had written: Crystal Mountain (Death)
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lilaceas · 2 years
white hair
the flowerbud be still down avenue killers & shoots unseen turn in to pretty sunflowers as a wildness is proved by the sun every have heard what kills more than a warm showers did the talkers long rollercoaster girl girl girl girl girl girl girl down the path fifteen losen to the soul were talking & the talk wasn't winged clue of mysery of the beginning & to moutains of cocaine never been addicted darker than the colorless dick of old men, dark to come from a womb under the faith of red roofs of hungry mouths & sinned to hell out not in mama's house perceive no one is angry & feel nothing after all so many similar judge then uttering tongues hides in alice's holes any where fucking in wonderland made of silk & not grass or illusions & lies if we suffer we do this together so sick too mental i'm on hydroponic mint & perceive acts they do limited when change came dressed as quality come from the roofs & good & bad & all mouths for nothing i wish i could be born dead & happy i know angelic way to translate hate the hints about the rebelious little less young men & women but i do not talk i fly & saw moments of devil itself murdering as innocent the jailhouse of souls suicides of the beginning or the end.
there be never kiss of malt liquor drunken snow fallen any more needles & love an actress that only works to buy doses of parfums drinking to it as britney spears lip injections inception made me a dollar i'd trade to sex & every one sees than there is now nor any more beer & youth & soda if been on gold era listening to women or age in streets than there is now talking about when they runned up colder than corpses fighting for their life then a daughter will never be like her mother any more perfection could be reluctante so come over & sleep with me than there is now, morning i'd been on meth seen any other lie when clouds turn your eyes blind fallen for luxury & two pills that make me marry any other guy to be lost & found inside of a battle of my heart betwen middle ones from off 'till bones cremated without gas at my favourite babydoll burden that shut my mind i tought that his legs are warm too skinned pieces of me becomes unseen & ballerina magical lemon receives proof any metal gun in its dipped honey turn.
always a knit of identity if textiles doesn't needs colours so i rob & always as a pornstar distinction & always a easier of life.
to elaborate there no avail, learn & magicity unlearn feel that it is so hard to turn on sickest of 'em all sure musicians does my ex boys drug that's why i'm anemic since a child never tastes so candylike as the most sweetness teenage years been certain sure plumb in the uprights & nasal well entretied he still braced in the moonbeams & where's the moon party high howing the best & red roses full filled garden & reach the cars & when i died till you felt my beard, & reach till you didn't simplistic held my feet, nail polish & lily arose & spread shit all around me the peace & never exists inside those taxi knowledge that pass judgment that stays nectarine tangerine softly all the argument of the gardening how many pay & god know cross at church that the promise of my own & yours i'd buy lipgloss that money isn't mine anyway i'd been on ballerina shoes & a big pretty tiara of crystals & diamonds i'll never put on my finger ballerina's fingers driving dividing it from the western worst nightmare villains aged vixens knowing stars one by one the perfect fitness & now she's supermodel gun & white equanimity city of angels & death & violence of things while they discuss silent & dad denyied like me or love me then of fucking after make me fluffy i'm just as black kittens never sleeps go bathe on jasmine & mirror it & admire myself that's worst for a stratch television young girl welcome is children teddybears every one dies alone built to nursing cakes attribute of birthday of any daddy hearty otty an inch heels a particle of me inch is vile, & love none shall be less pearls familiar than the nest satisfied—see listen to my weak voice i'm a grow up nor alady in shame & loving bed-fellow sleeps diary at my side through the night, & peachy withdraws he peep the day with treading any cunts stuff for salad leaving me the town buy me a theatrical basket covered with blood shall we postpone my acceptation of undrape!
you are not guilty to me just dumb ass shit nor stale nor discarded on your face full of blood contamined with saturation sugar free see through superstition the witches broadcloth & gingham laughing whether or no do you miss old school have you ever been on new mexico am around santa fé dwelling most important stuff than tenacious & so emotionally distorted words i'd never say acquisitive & tireless & its bullshit never killed the floor & cannot be asleep you talk to fast for me i kiss with tongue & shaken away.
darker will be seen lazy bitch & her derealization & screamed at my fun its jokes & marriage after parties since honeymoon is over that they gazing smoke after smoke.
& down the road.
more bouquets of.
flowers have you seen.
forthwith cipher & next.
models generatiom show me.
to a cent america's burn exactly the.
value ofmyself exactly the value of two; victimized extra chic viciously & which is ahead should i act superior?
0 notes
haru-natsuka · 2 years
Kikufuku (Gojo Satoru x Female Reader)
Genre: Angst
When Gojo was too focused on his kikufuku...
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(As per usual, the photo is not mine. It belongs to its rightful owner. Do support the original artist for their splendid artworks.)
Where is she? Where?!
He ran across a few stores for the past couple of hours and yet the sight of her never cross his vision. The unpredictable, miserable situation made him snatch his blindfold, leaving his pair of sapphire eyes open in public. It would be alright as long as he did not use his power, for her, he could do anything.
He knew there would be a payment as jujutsu sorcerers to be against the higher-ups. They had the power to make your life in agony if things simply would not go their way. Everything occurred due to his selfishness in saving that pink teenage boy. He prepared to lose his life as long as it did not involve her. She was an innocent human being. Maybe it was his fault, the sin of proposing to her during this moment when everything was just too hectic for a wish for a peaceful life.
"I never want, ever desire or imagine to really live my life like a human way. I thought I'm prepared to die during one of the battles between curses in some missions. I know I'm the strongest but there is still doubt in my life to lose everything-"
Satoru inhaled a deep breath in hope to soothe his thumping heart and proceed with his confession. Her eyes never left from examining his face and the eyes that stared into his with love made him more than certain of his decision in wanting to make her his, be called as his and be claimed by him only. He really had lost his cool right now.
"-Meeting you make me realise of want to stay alive. I'm realising my worth to exist in this world. Not only protecting other humans but I now want nothing more than stay by your side. Supporting you and making you rely on this extraordinary man. So-"
Y/N was eager to listen to his confession. She seemed to know where this would lead but she was giving his precious time. There was nothing to be rushed about when she in truth was carving every word in her mind. It was not a normal occurrence to see the strongest man as what he claim stuttered for his dear life and it made her happy. Being with the strongest would lead her life to near death but she knew her Satoru would protect her. What was the danger in trying to face life than not doing anything right?
She tried to make Satoru resume the talk when she saw he pinched the bridge of his nose. His face turned red and redder as time went by.
"You know what I'm trying to do..." He stated as the matter of fact.
"I do?"
"You are trying to make me confess do you!" She just chuckled at the statement before nodding her head vigorously, a sign she admit her misbehaving.
"I want to live together with you. Grow old, have kids. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Would you, Y/N accept me?"
He would blame himself for the rest of his life if anything bad happen to you. You were his light, his eternity. You mean so much to him and he let you go. He should clench tightly on your hand but he let it go just for his favourite delicacies.
You were not here, not by his side just for a couple of minutes, he lost sight of you. Barely any tears ever collected in his eyes neither formed in the corner of his eyes and yet for you, he realise he was not a perfect human being anymore like how everyone claimed to be. What was the use of being strong but could not protect your loved one?
In the last corner of the path, he smelt you, your so strong perfume. So sweet yet delicate just the same as you.
"Doesn't you feel the scent too strong?"
"If it means you will always notice me then so be it."
He knew you were there, around the dark corner but your smell was mixed with another substance, almost like metal and chopper. Unpleasant, very very unpleasant.
He approached into the dark alley and what a relief for you to be there, weakly and barely holding yourself awake. Upon the sound of his footsteps, you lifted your head and saw his white, silvery hair that you loved to play with. Mess it every time he had done his hair. He was frowning and yet you smile, the smile he adore so much
"What happen to you?"
"It's alright Satoru. You are here, finally... I'm waiting for you..."
"I'm sorry, sorry for being late."
He inspected your well-being attentively with his eyes and you tried to hide the wound on your stomach more, pressed it more and frighten at how wet it was. You did not dare to even peak and knew what happen down there. No need. Satoru was here too and you felt very safe again, just like you normally did. Your husband would take care of you. Could you close your eyes now?
"Darling? No, don't go. Stay awake for a while alright."
He cupped your cheeks lightly, avoiding being labelled as a force to you. You were badly injured with how much blood gushed from your stomach. How pale your skin and lips were turning blue. You once told him you wanted to practice Jujutsu more but he did not want to see you go on any other dangerous mission but he was wrong.
He should let you, so you could practice using your curses more and heal yourself with a reverse curse. The kikufuku he brought for tonight's dinner had already crashed on the side, being forgotten as you were his top priority for now and forever.
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normal-horoscopes · 4 years
The Whispering Signs II:
Aries: The fragility of minds and machines. A house of cards built in fleeting impulse and braided cord. Meditations on unraveling by something that only looks like you, only pretending to have fingers.
Taurus: The angel in geostationary orbit. It tells you of places beyond the sky. Magnet heels stuck to the satellites where they nest. “Nothing hurts here.“ They say, “Flesh boils in the void, but I feel nothing.“
Gemini: Replace every part of you that aches. Guilt and loss repaired with  pneumatic actuators. Refurbished, reinforced, your death drive train is electrical, but there is always something to rot.
Cancer: If you could think, you would think “Is this it?“ The idea that something could be better at being you than you could is a bitter pill to swallow if you were still the one swallowing pills. Are you thinking your thoughts? Or the other way around?
Leo: The burden of proof has been riveted to your skeleton. A walking counterexample for a hollow point, but your skin can resist small arms fire so in the long run you’re the winner here.
Virgo: Spring comes again and finally you can breathe. Stamens and anthers raising their voices to the sky the light feels so much warmer, the rain so much gentler. Consider it a return to your roots.
Libra: It will never be enough. Pressed flush against the edges of a body playing a chemistry setlist, desperate to strut and fret its hour upon the stage. A candle with an endless wick, thy story slow.
Scorpio: The ghost in the machine has been bottled and quarantined at 21.5 degrees celcius to keep it from metabolizing. Cast your gaze in double floating point and look away. It should all be perfect now. It should all be just perfect.
Ophiuchus: The optometrist says they’re going to have to surgically remove your third eye. The living fractals in your smartphone say to take your meds. You’re not sure who to listen to so you decide to flip a coin.
Sagittarius: God isn’t dead, he just exists as mictocondrial DNA in the biology of the larger god that ate him. God is the powerhouse of the...well, you're not entirely sure at the moment but you’re sure you can figure it out soon.
Capricorn: A cold frontal lobe hits a pocket of warm regards and for a flash you exist as brainstorm pounded into sentience on the surface of the anvil cirrus. You rake the world with lightning and hope you hit Ludwig Boltzmann.
Aquarius: You kept the bees up to date on the latest gossip and when the apocalypse came they repaid you in full. Every sunday at three you meet with the queen for tea, you provide your own honey of course.
Pisces: And where exactly does it all come from? If the mind is not a muscle how does it get tired? What well does it drink from? If you made it out of metal, would it last longer? Would it be more beautiful?
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zodiakuroo · 4 years
Cupid’s Bullet
Dabi comes home with a very special Valentine’s Day surprise for you.
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Pairing: Dabi x Fem!Reader
Contains: dubcon/noncon, mentions of death, unhealthy relationship, gun play, fear play, forced orgasms, squirting, mindbreak, angst (if you squint?), quirk usage, one slap but it’s a hard one :3, overstimulation, creampie
Word count: 5.3k
Notes: pls this title is so cringe but it's like bullet instead of arrow cause... ya know but anyways happy valentine’s day from scumbag boyfie!dabi
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Dating a villain meant that your relationship was unconventional to say the least. For one, public dates were out of the question, unless you wanted it to end in destruction of public property and some scorched heroes. You also always had to have some kind of flimsy excuse for your family and friends when they asked to meet your elusive boyfriend. In addition, you had to accept the fact that he would have to disappear sometimes for weeks on end to do his boss’ bidding.
There was also the small matter of arson, murder and theft and a multitude of other crimes that you’d prefer not to know about. And while you weren’t necessarily okay with a lot of what Dabi did, you loved him. You loved him so much that turning a blind eye was so easy it made you question your own morality. He didn’t scare you either. Not in the slightest, because you knew in his own special way, he loved you too.
In fact it ran much deeper than that. On his worst days, Dabi could set the world ablaze until nothing was left because in the end he didn’t care about anyone or anything, not even himself. Until he met you, he says. He tells you that in you, he’s found something to tether him to this existence.
Ok so maybe he didn’t use those words exactly, but he doesn’t have to. You know that’s what he means when he spoils you with expensive, stolen clothes and jewellery, when he offers to burn alive any person who makes you even the tiniest bit upset and when he comes home to you bloodied and beaten, trusting you to take care of him.
In summary, your relationship forced you to give up on having any “normal couple” experiences.  That included, celebrating anniversaries and silly holidays like Valentine’s Day so you never bothered to keep track of them. It could hardly be considered a sacrifice when you compared those things to what you actually got from your relationship.
Dabi had been gone for close to a month now and you didn’t expect him back anytime soon, not knowing where he was or what he was doing. In fact the very last thing you expected was for him to creep into your bedroom in the middle of night and rouse you from your peaceful sleep with a soft kiss on your temple.
You don’t jump out of bed in a panic, like any sane person would. Instead you let out a satisfied hum, surrounded by the scent of burnt flesh, ash and menthol, feeling warmth bloom in your chest. It should be unpleasant but its Dabi’s scent and you’ve missed it. You’ve missed him. You pick your phone up from your night stand, squinting your eyes at the bright light that makes them sting.
Sunday 14 February, 2:43am
“Welcome home.” You mumble groggily, trying your best to fight off your tired body urging you to go back to sleep.
Instead of replying, he greets you by pressing his mouth to yours. You let out a quiet gasp, startled by the sudden display of affection. His lips are chapped but that doesn’t matter, your tongue darts out to moisten them before your lips lock into a gentle kiss.
You reach up, weaving your hands through his dark hair in an attempt to draw him closer but he retreats, opting instead to turn on the bedside lamp but keeping his other hand behind his back. “Sit up doll. Got a surprise for ya.”
Any thoughts of sleep were long forgotten as soon as his lips met yours but now he’s really piqued your interest. You push yourself up against the headboard and sit cross-legged. You look up at Dabi expectantly. Your boyfriend is smiling wide, skin pulled so taut you think one of his staples might give out. He reveals to you what he has hidden behind his back. A square black box, wrapped in a cobalt satin ribbon.
It’s so cliché you can’t help but let out a small snort. “What is it?”
“It’s a gift. You know… for Valentine’s Day?” He says as though it should be obvious to you.
Your heart swells at the gesture. It really was a surprise. Not in a bad way, you just knew he wasn’t your average boyfriend and that was okay. You didn’t want him to be.
“Well now I feel awful. I didn’t get you anything.” You pout as he props the box onto your lap.
“’S like a toy… so it’s technically for you but kinda for both of us.” It’s unusual to see Dabi this excited. The way he’s bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes filled with mirth makes you all the more curious.
“Like a sex toy?” A giggle escapes you as you undo the bow.
“Are we playing fuckin’ 20 questions? Just open it.” He presses you.
You huff at his impatience but you don’t comment, not wanting to wait any longer either. You remove the lid of the box only to find something wildly unexpected.
A revolver?
You look up at your boyfriend with confusion etched on your face but his gleeful grin doesn’t falter. You’ve never seen a sex toy like this so you pick up the article to test its weight. It’s definitely the real deal.
“Dabi, this isn’t a toy.” You state matter-of-factly.
He merely rolls his eyes and says “Doll, when you can incinerate someone with a flick of your wrist, that little thing is definitely considered a toy?”
“O-okay? What do you want to do with it?” You ask, placing offending object onto your nightstand, not really wanting to hold on to it anymore, the metallic smell making you feel queasy.
“Ever heard of Russian Roulette?” Dabi, picks up the abandoned item, looking down at it with pride.
“What?” You furrow your eyebrows as nervousness starts to creep into your system and you instinctively move to back away from him but Dabi is quick to pull you back.
“It’s real easy doll. No need to look so scared.” He crawls on top of you, caging you in with his limbs. “6 chambers. 1 bullet. All you have to do is be a good girl for me. If not, I pull the trigger and we see what happens.”
The look on his face is positively demented. Azure eyes wide and bright, patchwork face contorted into a a sinister smile, white teeth and silver staples gleaming in the dim light.
“Baby,” you hope the pet name will placate him. It usually does. “I don’t know about thi-“
You let out a shriek as your body jolts in fear but you’re unable to move with his weight pressing on top of you.
“You see now doll?” He clicks his tongue behind his teeth. “You’ve gone and wasted a shot.”
Dabi climbs off of you and you’re left lying there with your heart hammering violently in your chest, body trembling, still reeling from the shock of what just happened. Reeling from the shock of what is happening
“You gonna listen now? Gonna be good?” Dabi prompts, rolling the gun around in his hand.
All you can do is nod as your eyes being to water. The uneasy feeling in your stomach only grows worse as your mind races with the possible things Dabi has in store for you.
“Good. Now strip.” He command and like a good girl, you obey.
Your arms feel like they’re made of lead, moving rigidly to take off your shirt (one of Dabi’s old ones). You can’t stop the tears from falling as you pull down your panties, fat droplets roll down your cheeks, desperately trying to swallow the sounds of your sobbing.
This can’t be happening. It’s Dabi. He wouldn’t hurt you. He promised you that.
“Oh cut the fuckin’ waterworks.” He snaps. “As long as you listen, you’ll be fine.”
You try to calm yourself with deep breaths, not wanting to irritate him any further.
When you turn to face him, he’s leaning back on his haunches, one hand resting on his thigh, the other lazily gripping the revolver. “Fair warning, I’m more of a ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ kinda guy. But you know that already.” He thumbs the cylinder, making it spin. “Now, touch yourself for me.”
Breathing is difficult. No matter how much you try, it’s like you can’t get enough air into your lungs. Thinking only of gun in your boyfriend’s hand, you still you bring your own hand between your legs, but you can’t concentrate, what with the dread taking over your body making it tough to have any control of your body. Your movements are stiff and apparently not up to Dabi’s standards.
He only scoffs before-
You scream again, body nearly flying off the bed before you curl yourself up into a ball. The fright is enough to stop your heart. For a second you believe it has.
“Doll,” Dabi’s gruff voice brings you back to earth, reminding you that you’re very much alive and whether or not you stay that way is entirely up to him. “You’re ruining my surprise. Got it ‘specially for you and now you’re being a brat.” He quirks an eyebrow at you, almost like a challenge.
“So-sorry.-“ your voice breaks. “I’ll be good.”
You’re still struggling to comprehend how any of this is real. You thought you knew him. You thought he loved you. And here he is, treating your life like it’s a game. You can’t help but think that this is your own fault. You thought you were above everyone else, the exception to your boyfriend’s villain behaviour.
“Yeah?” His voice drops to a whisper. “Then show me.” He challenges you. Dabi slips off his t-shirt and moves between your legs to get a better view, pressing on your knees to split them apart.
Self-preservation kicks in. There is one way out of this alive and that’s doing what he says. You spread yourself even wider, showing him all of you. Your hands, glide over your smooth thighs, kneading the pudgy flesh as you get closer and closer your sex, teasing yourself the way he would.  Your fingers find your clit and just a little pressure makes your eyes melt shut. Probably for best anyway. It makes it easier to imagine anything but this. You drag those fingers through your delicate folds, letting out breathy sighs as heat begins to bloom between your thighs.
You pretend, its Dabi’s touch. In your mind’s eye you see the two of you, limbs tangled with Dabi on top, resting his forehead against yours. It’s one of those nights where he wants to go slow. So slow that the sensation of his cock dragging in and out of is you bordering on torturous. It’s one of those nights where he wants to lay his head on your chest, mouthing at your breasts, laving your nipples with his wet tongue while you tell him, in that sensual voice  that you love him, that he’s perfect, that he’s yours.  Because it’s one of those nights, where everything feels like too much for him and the only person that he really has on his side is you.
It’s not long before you’re leaking. Somewhere, deep in the back of your mind, there’s a voice chastising you for being so easy for him… even now. There’s almost no resistance as two of your fingers, press into your entrance. Your fingers are no match for Dabi’s, they never hit all those deep, hidden spots  that make you see stars but still, you start to move them slowly, brushing your thumb over your clit every so often.
“Look at me.” You feel his breath waft over your pussy.
Eyelids fluttering open and you meet his gaze. It stuns you a little and your hands come to a standstill. He is handsome, breathtakingly so, even though he thinks you’re lying whenever you when you tell him that. The way he stares at you, with love and adoration in his eyes, it’s almost like the fantasy you were just imagining. Almost like the fantasy you’ve been living in this whole time. It’s enough to make you forget the situation you’re in. Then the muzzle of the gun is pressed to your clit, snapping you back to reality fast enough to give you whiplash.
“Fucking slut.” He growls and smacks your hand away from your pussy.
You jerk as he starts to move it the gun circles over your sensitive nub and then dipping down to your tight slit to gather up your juices.
“All those fuckin’ tears but look how wet you are.” He says more to himself than you as he admires the way your slick leaves a sheen on the barrel. With his eyes trained directly on yours, his perfectly pink tongue pokes out to lick it clean, groaning at the taste.
The next thing you know his arms are wrapped around your legs, guiding them over his broad shoulders. He kisses you on your mons before his tongue begins greedily lapping at your hole. “Tastes so good doll.” He mutters with his nose pressed against your clit. He slips the wet muscle inside of you making you whine.  You reflexively grab onto his black hair, tugging on the stands and he lets out a groan of approval. He moves up to your clit, circling it with his tongue before suckling on it. While he brushes just the tip of a finger over your cunt, making it clench around nothing while you desperately buck your hips, in an attempt to have it inside you.
The way he’s eating you out is almost romantic?
Or it would be, if it weren’t for the metal digging into your flesh.
“Doll,” He places a sloppy kiss on your clit, lighting dragging his teeth over the hood. “Want you to squirt for me.”
A lump forms in your throat. You can count on one hand the amount of times that has happened. You’re not sure of the odds that you’d be able to right now and it’s not a gamble you’re willing to take. “Dabi, I don’t think I can….”
You thrash, screaming so loud it makes your throat burn.
Dabi still holds you open, keeping you in place. “I wasn’t asking.” He makes sure to maintain eye contact as he drops a fat glob of spit right on to your clit before diving face first into your cunt once again.
He pushes 2 of his long, lithe fingers into your tight entrance. It’s unexpected and you wince. He drags his right hand (the one holding the gun) up your torso, resting the muzzle underneath your breast, right over your racing heart. A reminder of what’s at stake. He envelopes your sensitive clit with his lips, moving his fingers in tandem with the suction. You’re consumed by desire as Dabi brings you so close to the edge.
“Dee-Deeper please.” Your pant out.
He smiles against your mound before complying with your request. “Right here?” His fingers press against that squishy patch deep inside you and your eyes roll back.
“Nnnggg yeah.” You’re barely able to mewl out. You dig your heels into his back and grind against his face, chasing your high. Dabi keeps hitting that spot with astonishing precision but you hold off for as long as you can, letting the pleasurable sensation build until the pressure in your core becomes unbearable. When it finally snaps because you can’t hold it anymore, your eyes squeeze shut, hands flying to his biceps and you dig your nails into the sinewy muscle. You gush around his fingers and all over his face. Dabi doesn’t move though, flicking your clit with his tongue repeatedly until you’re trembling and whimpering, pushing him away from your pussy. He finally relents, a pop echoing around the room as he lets go of you.
He gives you a predatory look, scared face and chest wet with the remnants of your orgasm. “You made such a mess baby but I’m glad you’re finally having fun.” He’s just as out of breath as you are but far more composed.
Your head is still fuzzy and limbs are still twitching but your boyfriend doesn’t let you recover. “C’mon, doll. My turn.” He begins to undo his belt, silver buckle clinking as he rushes to drag it through the loops of his jeans
You pull yourself on to all fours, now eye level with his crotch. He pulls down his pants and boxers in one go, his erection almost hitting you in the face.
“You’ve been lucky so far.” He taps the bulbous head of his cock on your lips, smearing your lips with the pre that dribbles out of it. “But I wouldn’t test it if I were you. Open.”
Your mouth is already watering at the sight of him. So long, thick and veiny. It’s disgusting actually, this Pavlovian response. He fucks you deeper, stretches you wider and makes you feel better than anyone ever had. You wonder briefly, if anyone ever could fuck you as good as Dabi.
You stick out your tongue and he slides himself between your lips, groaning as he pushes into your mouth, slowly, inch by inch. He fills your mouth completely and you shut your eyes, savouring the salty taste of him but you feel the muzzle press against your temple and making them shoot open. “Atta girl. Lemme see those pretty eyes.” He grunts as he plunges into your throat. You bob your head up and down his shaft, the hand at the back of your head setting a brutal pace. The room is filled with the sounds of you gagging and his hefty sac smacking against your chin.
“So good to me baby.” He tilts his head back, losing himself in the pleasure. The wet heat of your mouth surrounding him while your saliva leaks out, dripping down his balls. Dabi is big and heavy, stretching you so wide and making you jaw ache from the weight of him. You’re already lightheaded from the lack of air, no matter how much you try breathing through your nose. You don’t dare to complain though.
He pulls out of your mouth slowly, stretching a string of saliva from the head of his dick to your tongue that’s hanging out of your mouth. You pant like a bitch attempting to catch your breath. He doesn’t give you much time before he’s in your throat again, back to fucking your face.
“I love you so much. You love me?” He sounds so sweet, totally blissed out.
He stops thrusting and tilts your head up to look at him, blinking tear-clumped lashes. You try utter a ‘Yes, I love you.’ but with his shaft gagging you, it comes out all garbled. The muscles in your throat convulse around the deep intrusion. “You’d do anything for me right?” He asks, jabbing the muzzle even harder into your temple, finger resting lightly on the trigger. You nod, watching Dabi lose his composure bit by bit. “Yeah. That’s why you’re my girl.” He pushes himself even deeper inside you, making you finally take all of him, until your nose meets his pubic hair and holding you there. “Fuck.”
“Hmmhhhhngggh” You squeal around him but you can’t pull off because of the grip he has on your scalp. When he lets you go you’re choking and coughing up a lewd mixture of spit and pre-cum.
“Wh- Why” You blubber, voice hoarse. You don’t understand. You were doing exactly what he asked. You were being good.
“Sorry baby. Felt so good, my finger slipped.” He doesn’t even try to hide his mischievous smirk. The fucker is definitely not sorry.
You want to beg him to stop this ridiculous game because you see now there’s no way you can win because Dabi doesn’t play fair.
He doesn’t give you the chance though, already shuffling off his bottoms all the way and propping himself up against the headboard. “C’mon pretty baby.” He tugs on your ankle.  Wanna see you bounce on my dick.”
You clumsily position yourself atop his lap quickly, before you can even think about it. You know he doesn’t need a reason to pull that trigger but still, you don’t want to give him one.
He grinds his tip along your heat, piercings dragging across your clit over and over again. It’s something he does whenever you have sex, to rile you up. And just like all those other times, it’s working. Circumstances be damned. “Needa feel this hot little pussy. Give it to me doll.” He murmurs against the shell of your ear.
You nod as you lift yourself off of him to hover your dripping wet hole over his hard dick. You slowly squat down on onto him, the fat head stretching you out, burning with every inch you take. You mewl, making futile attempts to blink away tears. You get halfway before you have to stop, resting your hands on his shoulders trying to gain leverage. You’re outright crying now, wet droplets landing on Dabi’s chest.
“’S matter doll.”
I’m terrified. You yell in your head but stay silent, choosing to focus on relaxing your ever-tightening hole in order to take more of him.
“Oh, I know.” He coos, voice dripping with condescension. “’S too big for your tiny cunny.” He leans forward to kiss away the salty tears. “But you can take it. I know you can.” He cups your jaw, stroking your cheek with a calloused thumb. “You can do it for me”
You start to move slowly up and down, using gravity to force more of his monstrous cock inside you with shallow movements. You really are trying your best but that’s apparently not good enough for Dabi and he lets you know that by pressing the barrel of the gun into your stomach. You freeze, horrified, more tears start falling from your eyes. You open your mouth to beg him to just give you a little time. You’re trying.
“Quit being a baby and just take it.” He says before you even get the chance.
“I’m trying Dabi, please just-“
He cuts off your plea.  He’s not interested in your excuses.
The rotation of the cylinder sends vibrations through your abdomen. Amidst the shock, you release your grip on his shoulders and impale yourself on his shaft by mistake. The combination of the searing stretch and the blunt head of his cock kissing your cervix is so overwhelming that you collapse forward, head falling on to your boyfriend’s chest. You feel the rumbles of his chuckles while he’s quite literally splitting you open.
“See? Knew you could. Just needed a little scare. Isn’t that right.” He rubs your back as if to comfort you. He lets out a low whistle. “But looks like you’re all out of chances doll. Now bounce.” He gives you a spank with an inhumanly warm hand, making you squeal and leaving your cheek tender.  
Your hands find purchase on his shoulders again. Dabi’s sapphire eyes are practically glowing, daring you to be stupid enough to defy him one more time.
You pull off almost entirely, keeping just his tip inside of you, before spearing his shaft into you again.
“Good girl.” When he praises you with that raspy voice makes you keen and desperate for more of it.
His hand snakes its way up your torso to cup one of your breasts. Your back arches, pushing into his scorching hot touch, forgetting momentarily about his other hand and what he’s holding in it.  He gropes your chest, tweaks and twists at your nipples, leaving red, inflamed hand prints in his wake. You’re practically delirious with pleasure, babbling out incoherent streams of his name along with “yes” and “more”.  All the while, he murmurs praises about how good you are and how much he loves you. It’s confusing and you can’t process any of it.
“Who owns this perfect pussy?”
“Dabi. Fuck. Dabi.” Your tongue lolls out of your mouth in the most obscene way, drooling down your chin. Your plush walls pulse around him as he hits that sensitive spot every time you sink down on him.
“That’s right it’s all fuckin mine. My pretty baby.” Dabi’s eyes are focus on where your two bodies are connected watching the translucent ring of your cream appear and disappear as you ride him.
“Preeeettyyy.” You slur and he laughs at how fucked out you are, brain completely jumbled between the fear, the pain and the bliss all combined into ecstasy.
“Doll.” He groans. “I feel ya squeezin’ me. You gonna cum?”
He’s right. You nod as you feel that coil tightening again, threatening to snap at any second. The man finally starts putting in work, pounding into you every time you pull off of him. Dabi abandons the gun in favour of playing with your clit, rubbing quick sloppy circles. “Yeah? Gonna cream and gush around me? Want you to baby.” He buries his head in the crook of your neck, sucking, biting and licking while he assaults your sopping wet pussy. “C’mon doll, please.”
With that you orgasm. He grabs your hips pulling you flush against his thighs, fucking you through your orgasm, rolling his hips up into you until your high finally subsides.
He doesn’t let you catch your breath before he’s got the revolver pressed hard underneath your chin. “Now make me cum.” You almost collapse but the harsh grip he has on your hair suspends you upright.
Your mind is so foggy and Dabi gives you a small smile, appreciating the perplexed look in your droopy eyes. But he’s not done with you yet.
“Hey.” You’re ripped from your daze, when he slaps you across the face, sending your head swinging to the side. “Don’t pass out on me now.”  
“So-sorry! ‘M sorry!” You grovel as you slam your tired body down on his dick once again, trying to ignore the throbbing on your cheek, the ringing in your ears, and the ache in your battered cunt.  You’re so sensitive from your last orgasm but you don’t have a choice and you don’t dare deny him anything. Your thighs are quaking and burning with every movement but your boyfriend is unimpressed.
“You can do better than that doll.” He lets out a bitter laugh, enjoying every second of tormenting you. “It’s like you want your brains splattered on the ceiling.”
You start crying again, shaking your head frantically. In the time that you’ve been with Dabi, you’ve learned certain tricks, you know he likes it, but in this panic/lust induced frenzy, you can’t remember any of them. Instead, you bounce, mindlessly on him while your gummy walls clench tighter around him every time he nudges at your a-spot. Your legs are going numb from all the effort and you plop down, limp onto his lap, taking him to the hilt.
Dabi tsks at you, reminding you that you can’t rest just yet. You swivel your hips, grinding your pelvis against his while he’s buried deep in your wet heat. You pray to whatever deity is listening that he’s getting close, you’re not sure how much more you can take.
“If I don’t bust in the next 5 seconds.” His hand finds your clit again, you grind across his fingers has you rock against him. “Bang!” He emphasises the word by bringing a heated palm down on your ass.
A choked sob bubbles at the back of your throat, making him snicker
Hands pressed to his chest, you ride him like a woman possessed, the last bits of adrenaline kicking in. Your sloppy cunt squelches every time you drive yourself down on his cock just motivating you to fuck him harder.
“Five.” He grits out.
“Dabi, please!” But you’re met with icy, apathetic eyes staring back at you, feeling the terror that the rest of the city does when they so much as hear his name.
“Four.” He rubs your already raw clit, faster and you can feel another orgasm building, much quicker than your last two.
Your body feels so heavy but you can’t stop moving, not unless you want him to- “Please cum!” You beg. “Need your cum.”
He starts to fuck up into you again with unforgiving force.
“Wh-Why?!” is all you can manage as your mind starts to fog up again, the need to come becoming all the more urgent.
“Two.” He ignores your question, transfixed on your tits bounce in his face. You’re getting close to your third orgasm of the night and it seems Dabi is determined to get you there.
You still can’t believe this is real. You never thought that Dabi would treat you like this. You were supposed to be special.
Or at least that’s what he told you.
Moreover, you can’t believe how your own body is betraying you. You can’t believe you’re actually going to cum. Again.
You cry out his name one last time, unsure if it’s out of fear or pleasure. You dig your nails into his arms again, in a feeble attempt to ground yourself as you cum around him. The orgasm that rips through you makes it difficult for you to be sure of anything.
What you are sure of is the fact that there was no bang or bullet.
Just one last CLICK (practically drowned out by your screaming) and the sensation of Dabi’s hot cum flooding your womb. He has a bruising grip on your hips, gun now discarded, and he ruts up into to making sure to stuff your cunt absolutely full of him. He begins to laugh as he softens inside you.
Your head is still spinning but once you’re able to push yourself off of him, you can finally make sense of what just happened.
He was fucking with you.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” You yell, using weak and quivering arms to throw pillows at him while you cry so hard it makes you dry heave.
Your asshole of a boyfriend starts cackling, clutching his abdomen as if he just pulled the world’s funniest prank while your heart is beating so hard and fast you think it might break through your ribcage.
“You should have seen your face. You were so fuckin’ scared.”
You become nauseous, feeling bile rising in your throat as you come to a sickening realisation.
This is not your Dabi. This is the Dabi that the rest of the world gets to see.
Evil, sadistic, merciless. This is the real Dabi.
You attempt to scramble off of the bed to get away from him, feeling overwhelmed by the humiliation. But Dabi grabs your wrist and yanks you into his chest, wrapping you up in his arms. A gesture you used to treasure but now it just made your skin crawl. “C’mon Doll you didn’t think I was being serious did you?”
You writhe in his hold, hitting against his hard, toned chest with pathetic fists. “Don’t be such a crybaby. It was just a joke.” He strokes your hair oh so tenderly. But you won’t fall for that again. Dabi is a villain through and through. You know that now.  
It’s no use fighting him off though, all the fight in you is used up. You don’t know what else to do. So you do the easy thing: nuzzle your head into his chest, tremors rocking your body as you hiccup, while he holds you. That way you can pretend that you feel safe with him, just like you used to.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, doll. I love you.”
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wolferine · 3 years
Unforgivable - Part 2
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Summary: When the reader loses their temper, it causes them to commit an act they can never take back...
Warnings: Violence, blood, torture, death
Word count: 2372
Part 1
Tags: @yeetus-thyself @phoenixofash @lilclownx @yeeterthekeeper @alessiapn @diaryoflife
AN: Please read to the end before you come after me. :)
Everything is a blur. The last thing you remember is cradling Natasha in your lap and seeing the pain of betrayal in her eyes. You did this to her. You couldn’t control your anger and now she had a bullet—shot out of your gun—in her back. You hurt her and there was no way you could ever forgive yourself for that. 
You finally let Tony get close enough to take care of her, because you realized you don’t deserve her anymore. 
You run away from the Avengers Tower, your leg slowing you down, but you don’t care. Each step feels like a knife rubbing against your bone, but even that’s not enough to distract you from the pain in your chest. It feels like someone has torn you open, ripped your heart out of your ribcage, and thrown it into a bonfire.
But you have no one to blame than yourself.
Tears stream down your face as you stumble through the streets, eventually finding some privacy in a nearby forest. Your sobs echo through the trees as you crawl hand over hand, your uniform shredding open on bushes and branches. The trickle of a creek calls to you and you dunk your bloody hands in the freezing water, desperate to wash yourself of your failures.
You can’t believe what you’ve done.
The scene of Natasha falling to the floor plays over and over in your head and you would pay anything to unsee it. You curl into a ball, wiping your nose on your knees. You deserve all the pain and misery for your actions. You’re so caught up in your head, thinking about all the ways you can punish yourself, that you don’t notice the group of men sneaking up on you from behind.
“Over there! Over there!” 
“By the creek, see?”
“Wait—that’s an Avenger?”
“Looks like someone had a bad day.”
“Hey, Y/N.”
At the sound of your name, you finally lift your head, only for the butt of a shotgun to slam into your face. Your nose breaks and blood fills your mouth. You turn away, not even interested in protecting yourself. If they killed you, you would thank them.
“Aw, come on. At least give us a reaction,” someone says.
The shotgun butt smashes against the back of your head and you wouldn’t be surprised if it cracked your skull. Someone kicks your leg where you were shot, and you bite your lip to hold back a scream.
“Well, this is anti-climactic.”
“Hey, if it makes our job easier, I’m not gonna complain.”
“I still think Hammer’s weird for wanting Y/N over the other Avengers.”
“Given the circumstances, he couldn’t really be picky—”
“Stop standing around and get to it!” someone yells. 
The men surround you, punching and kicking every inch of you. The bulletproof vest of your uniform does little to lessen the impact of their blows. You feel bruises forming along your ribs and your rattling teeth bite your lips bloody. It doesn’t take long for you to black out and the peace is blissful.
Sometime later—you have no idea how long—you jolt awake, finding yourself strapped to a metal chair in the middle of a dark, concrete room. A man in glasses and a gray suit with white gloves stands in front of you. 
“Hello, I’m Justin Hammer,” he says, offering a hand, then withdrawing when he realizes your arms are tied to the chair. “Sorry, force of habit.”
You stare at him. Your tongue pokes around the inside of your mouth and you notice some teeth are missing. There is a painful crick in your neck every time you try moving your head and every breath you take feels like a razor blade scraping the inside of your lungs.
“You’ve probably never heard of me, but I’m very familiar with you and your work with the Avengers. But the reason I have you here today is to talk about this man.” Hammer pulls out a folded photograph from his pocket and shows it to you.
It’s Tony Stark, but you have no desire to even think of that man anymore.
“Your best friend, right?” Hammer teases and you curl your lip at him. “What’s wrong? He’s the one who got you a spot on the team, isn’t he?” You look away from him. “I heard what he did to your girl,” he continues. “That must’ve felt like the betrayal of the century.”
“What?” you ask, confused as to what he’s referring to.
“I heard about what happened at the Avengers Tower. So tragic.” Hammer crumples Tony’s photograph and drops it on the floor. “Romanoff didn’t deserve that.”
“W-What are you talking about? Is she okay?” Your bottom lip quivers in fear.
Hammer kneels in front of you. “She’s dead, Y/N.”
“No, no…” You feel like he’s punched you right through the chest. “T-That’s not possible.”
“I’m sorry. I know she meant a lot to you.” Hammer stands again.
“How do you even know what happened at the Tower?” Given its security, there was no way news like that reached the public. At least not the truth of it. Maybe Hammer was just trying to mess with you.
Hammer motions behind him and a blonde woman steps forward from the shadows. Her face jolts your memory, but you don’t remember exactly where from.
“Recognize her?” Hammer asks. “She actually works for me, but she’s been pretending to be a SHIELD agent for some time now. She was right outside the door when your little spat with Stark went down.” Your mind flashes back to when you returned from the mission with Natasha. On your way to the private Avengers’ quarters, you remember passing the same blonde woman right outside the door.
“She heard everything that happened inside,” Hammer says as the blonde woman retreats into the darkness again.
“N-Natasha’s…She’s…She’s not dead,” you stammer.
Hammer shakes his head. “She went into surgery after Stark shot her, but due to the placement of the bullet, there were some complications and she coded on the table. They couldn’t revive her. That part was all over the news.”
You feel so sick you want to vomit. “I…I killed her?”
“No. You didn’t kill her. Tony Stark killed her.”
You start gasping for air, only worsening the pain in your chest. “No—But—He—I’m the one who pulled the trigger—”
“But you weren’t aiming for her. You were aiming for Stark, and he’s the one who deflected the bullet into her,” Hammer says. “He’s also the one who sent you two on that mission to begin with, wasn’t he? The reason you lost your cool and pulled your gun out? Think, Y/N. All of this is Stark’s fault.”
But the sadness of thinking you’ve killed Natasha is too overwhelming. You can’t focus on anything but your own guilt. You will burn in hell for this and you won’t even mind.
“Listen to me, Y/N!” Hammer snaps, striking you across the face. His rings cut into your cheek and blood fills your mouth. “I hate Stark just as much as you do. He’s been my business rival for years and I need someone to help me take him down. Who better than you, a former friend of his, who knows how to hit him where it hurts?”
You start crying at the thought of having to exist in a world without Natasha Romanoff.
Hammer tries getting your attention by slapping you again, but you’re unresponsive. You’re too lost in your grief to process anything he’s saying, and eventually he gives up, promising to come back another time to reveal his master plan to you.
It takes an entire month before he can even communicate with you. Your depression is all-consuming and their threats on your life have no effect. They’re startled to learn you actually enjoy the torture because you believe you deserve it after what you did to Natasha. But Hammer is relentless and finally figures out how to manipulate you into his bidding.
Six months after your capture and the accident, you finally crack. Your agony and pain turns into pure rage and hatred for Tony Stark. You can’t bring Natasha back, but you can get revenge on the man who took her life. After training with Hammer’s technology, which is almost as advanced as Tony’s, you’re deemed ready to be let out in the real world. Hammer personally asks for your help to kill Tony Stark, and it’s an offer you accept gladly.
Three months after the accident…
Natasha wakes up and looks to her right, disappointed to see the bed still empty. She’s tricked herself into believing that one day you’ll show up, ready to pick up the pieces and continue where you left off. But nothing has been the same since you left.
She sits up and turns the lights on. She scoots to the edge of the bed and carefully lifts her body into the wheelchair parked there.
The bullet had struck her lumbar spine, shattering her L1 vertebrae and paralyzing her from the waist down. Tony requested help from the best doctors he knew, but even the greatest modern advancements couldn’t repair her spine. He had personally designed her wheelchair, and she knows she should be grateful to still be alive, but she’s never felt so helpless and alone. 
After the accident, you ran off and no one could locate you. Secretly, she held onto the hope you would return one day, but she knows your guilt and shame are keeping you away. She wants to tell you that it wasn’t your fault and that she doesn’t hate you, but you’re not even giving her that chance.
Tony made the public announcement that Black Widow had retired from the Avengers. No one knew she had been paralyzed, nor that you had unofficially resigned from the team. Without you, without Black Widow, Natasha didn’t know who she was anymore.
She leaves her bedroom and goes into the kitchen. Tony arranged most of the food and dishes down to her new height but she feels like she’ll never adjust to not being able to stand anymore. She locates a bowl and a box of cereal and rolls over to the table. She chokes down dry Cheerios and pours her second bowlful when Tony walks in.
“Thank God you’re finally up,” he says. “When you’re done, I have something to show you.”
“Y/N?” She perks up.
Natasha knows Tony blames himself just as much as she does for her accident, but it wasn’t his fault either. She wrestled between anger and guilt, sometimes blaming you, sometimes blaming him. But in the end, it’s easier to blame herself. She should have stopped you the moment you took out your gun, regardless of whether or not you pushed her. But she got so caught up in the moment she froze, and now she was paralyzed and you were gone.
“Just come down to my workshop, okay?” Tony disappears again.
With nothing better to do, Natasha takes the elevator down to Tony’s workshop. She doesn’t visit often, but when she does, she’s always impressed by his latest inventions and gadgets. She rolls down the aisle of old Iron Man suits displayed in glass cases, admiring the subtle differences in each one.
“Where are you, Tony?” she calls.
“Over here!” He waves her down from the other end. “I’ve been working on this for a while, and I know it’s a little premature, but I couldn’t help myself.” Tony stands next to another Iron Man suit, but it doesn’t quite look like it will fit him.
The suit is curved to fit a woman, black and red instead of Tony’s iconic red and gold. Natasha sees a red hourglass emblazoned on the belt buckle.
“What…What is this, Tony?” she asks, tears in her eyes.
“It’s an Iron Widow suit,” he says. “Or, whatever you want to call it. You’ll have to get in and test it out for yourself, but it’ll allow you to walk again and…be an Avenger again.”
Natasha wishes she could throw herself into his arms, but pulls him down to her level instead. “Thank you,” she whispers, wiping her face. She never thought she would be able to serve as an Avenger again, but she’ll take the opportunity if it means taking her mind off recent events.
“Ready to try it out?” Tony presses a button on the side of the suit and the suit opens up, bending into a crouched position so Natasha can get in it like a chair.
 She smiles for the first time since the accident.
 “I am.”
Six months after the accident…
Natasha is in the gym, lifting dumbbells on a bench when Tony walks in. Although she now has a legitimate excuse for skipping leg day for the rest of her life, she now has to make sure her upper body is twice as strong to make up for it.
“Look who decided to slide through my DMs this morning,” Tony says, shoving his phone in her face.
Midnight. Central Park Carousel. Come alone.
The text was from you.
“Oh, my God,” Natasha says, setting the weights down. You haven’t even texted her since the accident, and she’s a little hurt you didn’t reach out to her first. “What’s this about?”
“I have no idea.” Tony shrugs. “I know it says for me to go alone, but since it’s from Y/N, I wanted to ask if you wanted to tag along.”
“Of course.” In a way, Natasha feels like the text is really meant for her. Central Park was where you had asked her to be your girlfriend. That couldn’t be a coincidence.
“I’ll need you to be on your A-game. We have no idea what Y/N’s been up to these past six months. I don’t know if you’re gonna like what we find,” Tony says.
Natasha has spent countless nights wondering where you’ve been and what you’re doing. Now she has the chance to find out. “It’s going to be okay, Tony,” she says.
He shakes his head. “Just so you know, I’m praying more for you than me right now.”
Click here for Part 3!
AN: I never went to medical school, so forgive my medical inaccuracies.
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1025cherrystreet · 4 years
y/n attends a funeral and feels hopeless after losing her best friend until she meets her late bsf's cousin Harry.
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a/n: this is for @harrystylescherry​ Playlist Fic Challenge!!! this is inspired by the song Funeral by Phoebe Bridgers. i used the name Phoebe in the story but i wasn't picturing Phoebe Bridgers when I was writing that character, i just liked the name and decided to go with it! but, y'all can picture her however y'all like lol. i went from loving this story to hating it, but i hope y'all like it! any feedback is appreciated!! <3
**despite it being surrounded by depressing matters, it's actually a cute and fluffy story lol! just wanted to point that out because i, myself, kinda avoid reading sad stories
warnings: a LOT of talk about death and dying and funerals, mentions depression/depressive episode?, mentions drugs and alcohol, swearing. i'm ceo of rushing the ending, soz <3 (also, gave up on proofreading lmao)
word count: 8k+ (this is the longest piece i've ever written lol)
Y/N has this dream. Where she's screaming underwater while her friends are waving at her from the shore. She's desperately calling for them, hoping and waiting for them to help, but, seemingly, her friends can't hear... and can't help. Submerged beneath the thrashing waters, her wails fall silent; her familiars deaf to her pleads. The more she struggles to get to the surface for air, the deeper she sinks. Her friends just waving at her as she drifts to the bottom. Every time she jolts awake from these dreams in a sweat stained bed and sticky clothes, she decides to brush it off. Not wanting to think about the problems she needs to face or what she needs to work on. Always concluding that she doesn't need anyone to tell her what it means or overanalyze her life through misplaced visions. Deciding to not believe assumptions made from vague, painful pictures.
As the familiar sinking feeling in her chest starts yet again, Y/N snaps her eyes up at the casket as the sound of her best friend's mother releasing a heart wrenching sob catches her focus.
The contrast of the white roses that lay on top of Phoebe's mahogany stained casket almost glow in the evening light, seeming like a mock to such a somber evening. The way the living looks so effervescent and bright, casting shadows on the less fortunate. The dead never celebrated in such light but rather mourned in dim grief and sadness.
Y/N doesn't like funerals, and not just because her best friend of 10 years is the recipient of this one. She's never cared for them. Believing they're just an excuse to get over the one they are to be honoring, they carry a stigma that everyone in attendance has to cry or you're seen as heartless, while the people who were never close to the deceased are presumed fake for showing emotion. Y/N thinks they're a big joke... with a cruel, cruel punchline.
The sound of despondent music playing and cries ring throughout the cemetery as Phoebe's casket is lowered six feet into the ground. The unchecked emotions start to boil inside of Y/N. Anger boiling deep inside of her quickly reaching its point, anger that stems from betrayal, that stems from hurt, that stems from...loss. She quietly scoffs, shaking her head with a stone cold look, before quickly getting up and walking away from the ceremony as her late friend's uncle, Bill, wraps up his poor excuse of a eulogy.
Phoebe wouldn't have wanted this. She wouldn't have wanted people to cry over her casket, stuck laying in a padded box while people who don't even know the real her, speak of her existence like they were the best of friends. They weren't. She was. Y/N was her best friend. These people don't... didn't know her like Y/N does. It's all bullshit.
In Y/N's quick pace away from the tent around the damp open ground, she spots a bigger gravestone with a stone bench built into it and takes a seat.
She inhales deeply, taking a moment to herself to look up at the sky. The clouds that overcast part of the blue sky drifting farther away from the graveyard as the sun starts making its way to set. She breathes in, the delightful scent of honeysuckle and dewy grass filling her nose before it's tainted by fumes of petrol from the road just on the other side of the cemetery gates behind her. It's so unfair; why of all people did Phoebe have to-
"It's all a joke," A deep accent says to her left.
She almost jumps out of her seat when she turns to the man who took the empty spot next to her. Jesus Christ, where the fuck did he come from? she thinks to herself. He had brown curly hair and green eyes (well, thinking green from what she can gather staring at the side of his face), wearing a black suit with a black button up shirt underneath. Rings clad his fingers and the sunset gleam shines off his cross necklace. She stares wide-eyed at him for a few moments before shaking her head to get out of her daze.
"Huh?" She says when she realizes he had spoken before.
"It's all a big joke," He repeats himself, the British accent more noticeable this time around. His head faced towards the funeral, having not spared a glance at her once this whole time.
She settles back into her seat, shifting her gaze to match his with the group of mourning people in the distance.
"Yeah." Y/N sighs in agreement.
The two of them sit in silence for a moment before Y/N decides to speak. Thinking to herself that if anyone would listen to her thoughts, a man who's also ditching the shitty eulogy would be her best bet.
"They all talk about her as if she was God." She chuckles humorlessly.
He scoffs with a small smirk, "Far from it."
Another wave of silence crashes over them, before Y/N breaks it once again.
"She would've hated this," She whispers, "People she barely even knows crying over her like they had any significance in her life. She probably only talked to five people here. She didn't even like her uncle." She laughs, referencing the man who gave the half-assed eulogy about how Phoebe being such an innocent, bright young girl.
"They're grieving her loss instead of celebrating her life, it's all fucked," He clears his throat before continuing, "Funerals are for the living."
"I hate funerals..." She says in reply.
Glancing at the boy beside her when she hears him digging through his jacket pocket, pulling out a flask.  He takes a sip, and another, before gesturing it to her. Not overthinking it too much, she takes the cool metal bottle and takes a big gulp. Tasting the burn of vodka in her throat and mint from what she supposes is the mysterious strangers mouth.
Handing the flask back she says, "She would've wanted a party. Something where everyone was having fun in her honor, not some substandard funeral full of random people and careless words."
This time he's the one who chuckles humorlessly, "Yeah, she would've wanted everyone t'take shots and dress up in fancy clothes n' wreak havoc on this fucking town,"
Y/N smiles at this because Phoebe really would. Phoebe was the type of person who everyone wanted to be friends with, but also who everyone was scared of. She was mysterious and intimidating (a bit like the man next to her, Y/N thinks). Phoebe was a master at persuasion and could get almost anyone to go on crazy fucking adventures with her. One of Y/N's favorite memories with Phoebe was when they dressed up in wedding dresses they had gotten from a second-hand store and walked down the street yelling random things at strangers, taking turns drinking tequila from a metal water bottle.
"She really was something else, huh?" Y/N says a bit somberly, reminiscing on her late best friend.
"Definitely, a know-it-all," He laughs, bringing the flask up to his mouth.
"Oh, of course, she always thought she was right." She smirks.
"I mean, most of the time she was." He shrugs.  
"Yeah, how did she always know everything?" The two of you laugh, taking turns drinking from the flask.
He shakes his head in disbelief, silence settling over the pair again.
"How did you know her?" He asks, still staring at the gathering of people in the distance.
"...She was my best friend," Y/N responds quietly, still staring out at the sunset.
He hums in return, "You?" She asks as she hands the flask over.
"Her cousin." His rough voice speaks out.
"You're Harry?" She says, less as a question and more in disbelief. Phoebe always mentioned her cousin Harry from England, always telling Y/N of stories they had together getting into reckless shit.
She turns her head to look at him just as he does, "And you're Y/N."
He offers a soft, knowing smile, both having heard countless stories of one another from Phoebe. He leans back and extends his arm on the top of the bench behind her, feeling the warmth of his body radiate off of him.
"I wonder what she'd say to me now. Sitting on a random gravestone in our hometown, drinking out of her cousin's flask, ditching what's supposed to be her remembrance." Y/N says, leaning back on the bench too.
"She would've said, 'quit y'crying, it's a sign of the times' and then would drag your arse t'the nearest pub." He laughs.
She joins in on the soft laughter, shaking her head because she knows that's exactly what she would've said. Phoebe was such a joy to be around, her presence unmatched.
"You know, she always talked about wanting to leave a legacy behind. Most of the time, I just laughed at her, thinking it was just another bizarre thing to come out of her mouth. But, she was always saying she wanted to be remembered as some enigma when she dies..." Y/N recalls the many memories of her and Phoebe staying up til 4am talking. Chills suddenly covering her body, not only from the cool Winter air but because of how Phoebe had talked about her death and now she's actually...dead.
She turns her head to look at Harry and he has a bittersweet smile on his face.
"I think she's accomplished that quite well, hasn't she?" He replies.
"How?" She questions softly with furrowed brows.
"Well, f'starters, her funeral is full of people who never even knew her, or frankly even cared about her, while two emotionless people just got up and stormed away from it t'drink vodka out of a flask on some random person's gravestone." He laughs before tacking on, "Trust me, the people over there are wondering who the hell she was and who she knew, right about now."
She turns her head from the (quite pretty, she thinks) boy to her left, looking at the wake, only to be met with a few people staring back at them.
"Well, I'll be damned," She scoffs. "Of course, the bitch did it." A smile bright on her face, probably the only real grin she's pulled since Phoebe's passing. Her best friends wishes coming true makes her heart warm just a tad, a relief to how cold losing her best friend made it.
"Always able t'make her life seem like an episode of Pretty Little Liars." He says shaking his head with a knowing smirk.
This comment makes Y/N laugh quite loudly, drawing a few — what she could only think were glares — back at her. Wiping a stray tear from her face that fell due to her laughing. The sweet sound coming from her lips only tacking on Harry to join her.
"Oh my god, she practically lived in an indie movie, always the role of the mysterious main character!" She chuckled out, creases forming at the corners of her eyes that Harry has taken a liking to.
As both of their laughter slowly dies out, another silence comes over them; only this time it's almost deafening. It's like the weight of the matter finally settled in.
Harry lets out a deep sigh, staring out at the never ending field of stone. Flowers accompany very few of the many graves; some wilted, some looking fresh, some long gone by now. Name placards littering the ground, all of these lost and forgotten people just decomposing underneath them. People coming and going to visit, only to be forgotten as time goes by, memories fading from their loved ones' mind. He wonders if he could ever forget Phoebe. No, I could never, he thinks to himself. He could never forget the only person that ever truly believed in him and embraced him for being himself.
Deciding he doesn't want to give anymore thought to the painful insight that one day he might forget Phoebe, he asks Y/N something instead.
"Y'wanna get out of here? M'starvin'."
The quiet girl next to him looks his way, his green eyes meeting her's that shine in the last few minutes of orange sunlight. Her eyes are so pretty, he tries to mentally shake that thought out of his head. He can't be hitting on his late cousin's best friend at her funeral, for fuck's sake.
Y/N only nods in response, gathering her bag and phone before standing from the bench. Harry towers over her when he gets up and the observation of how tall her his makes Y/N feel all giddy inside for some reason. Placing the flask back in his suit jacket pocket, he leads the way to a small restaurant nearby. She walks beside him the whole way there, the two of them just quietly observing everything around them.
The crisp, cool air passes through, goosebumps creeping up their arms as they sit in the outside seating of a small restaurant. Comfortable silence wraps them up and spits them out as their minds explore all the vast depths of their troubled minds, giving them time for their treacherous thoughts to eat at their sanity bit by bit.
"Phoebe told me once," Y/N cleared her throat, trying to get rid of the scratchy feeling from not using it. Harry's green eyes moved to her from his observance of the lonely street they're next to as she spoke softly. "She told me the only time she truly felt alive was when she made decisions that were reckless and spontaneous. She said living her life precariously was the only reason for her happiness, claiming that the perfect life is just an illusion. That dreaming of labor should not be the goal, but instead becoming your authentic self and living with no regrets..."
Harry stays quiet, reflection in his eyes as he stares at her from across the table, chewing the food in his mouth. Y/N plays around with the food on her plate with her fork and waits for his acknowledgment (although, she doesn't even know if he would say or do anything -- she doesn't know why she decided to tell him that)
"I mean, she's right, righ'? I never understood when people would ask what your 'dream job' is from a young age. No one's dream is t'work everyday 'til they die. They have to, t'make a living and survive, but what's the point in living if you aren't enjoyin' it. But, if y'workin' all the time, how do you make the time to really live?" He says, furrowing his brows as he talks.
Y/N takes in his words. The moonlight and street lamps casting a soft glow on his face, his carved features looking even more beautiful at night.
"Yeah... I guess, I guess I just envy how she viewed life, ya know?" She states, looking at the cars drive by as she tries to explain how she feels. "Always saying things to make you rethink your existence and purpose..." She looks back at Harry and whispers, "...She talked about life so much like she knew she was going to die."
"Well, we're all gonna die eventually." Harry rests his arms on the table with a quiet sigh, his features passive, but his mind is thinking of how he just wants to hug her and tell her everything is going to be alright.
"Yeah, but she just...she talked about it like she knew all the answers. She knew exactly what to say, when to say it. Sometimes, I feel like she was telling everyone around her how to live in complete happiness because she knew she didn't have much of her own, despite convincing everyone she was carefree and unbothered." Y/N shrugs and watches as they fall into a short silence.
"...I miss her." Harry breathes out after a moment, reaching his hand across the table to hold hers. Her skin is soft against his as he rubs his thumb against her hand in an attempt to comfort both of them.
Her eyes soaking in his softened expression, her cherry tinted lips whispering, "Me too."
They eat the rest of their dinner in silence, the only sounds reverberating from the road with the occasional car or pedestrian. Harry pays for the food, but not without many protests from Y/N.
As the two walk side by side down the street, back to the cemetery to pick up their cars, Y/N suddenly falls anxious. She doesn't want to be alone tonight, scared of being alone with her thoughts when she goes back to stay in her childhood home. Her parents, still living in the house they lived in since her youth, had to drive up to another town for a few nights to stay with her cousins because they planned to go there before the news broke about Phoebe. Leaving Y/N alone in the empty house since there wasn't room for her at her cousins.
The black cemetery gates coming into view, eeriness and gloom becoming more apparent when the sun is down, Y/N and Harry can see their two cars sitting idly on the side of the road. Y/N fidgets with her fingers as they grow close to departure.
"D-do you, maybe, wanna hang out for a little while longer?" She turns to face him, looking up at him nervously. "I just don't want to be alone right now." She rushes out when he doesn't respond.
"Yeah, I didn't really want t'go home alone right now either." He offers a sliver of a smile before unlocking his car, grabbing two brown paper bags that look to hold bottles, and gesturing his head, "C'mon, we'll pick up my car later. Let's go celebrate Pheebz, yeah?" He grins.
She smiles at him, unlocking her own car and waiting for him to get in, putting on a playlist full of Phoebe's favorite songs. She drives through her hometown, memories stirring up of her and her best friend smoking weed in the park the summer before graduation and jumping in the lake naked in the middle of winter. The two end up at her house sitting in her abandoned driveway, both unbuckling but neither making the move to get out of the parked car, the engine still running as they sit listening to the melodies playing from the speaker.
Harry suddenly pulls out two bottles from the brown paper bags at his feet, one of vodka and the other tequila.
"Pick y'poison." He says with a smirk.
She picks the vodka and Harry mutters, "Good choice, tequila is more m'speed."
"Weren't you drinking vodka at the funeral?" She laughs, unscrewing the cap.
"Yeah, figured I'd drink Phoebe's favorite since it was her party." He chuckles.
"To Phoebe." Y/N says, sorrow lacing her voice as she turns in her seat to face Harry.
"To living your life precariously." He says before the two of them take a big gulp of the sharp liquid, starting what will only be the beginning of a long night.
Light shines through the white curtains, the room glowing bright in the soft, yellow sunlight. The white comforter tangled up in bodies as birds chirp in the morning tranquility. Y/N's eyes flutter open, immediately feeling sweaty and clammy. The headache that sets in reminds her of the amount of alcohol she consumed last night. Waking up in her childhood bed after blacking out in the backseat of her car the night before doing very little for her sanity.
As she lays in bed, groggy, she needs to pee. She moves to get up and walk to the bathroom connected to her room, only to freeze when an arm wraps around her and pulls her closer. Warm breathes pant at the back of her neck, unintelligible murmurs coming from the person behind her. Her eyes widen, realizing Harry is the one she is snuggling with in the early morning (afternoon?) light. Despite needing to pee really badly, she finds herself only melting into his touch. She can't remember the last time someone held her like this, can't remember the last time she felt this content. In fact, she thinks the last time she cuddled with someone was with Phoebe when she slept over in her room at their apartment... Well, just Y/N's apartment now.
Y/N and Phoebe would have movie nights in Y/N's room and in the midst of the fun, they would grow tired. Phoebe would never want to leave the comfort of Y/N's warm bed, so she always asked, sleepover?, with a wide grin. To which Y/N never refused and the two would put on The Notebook and fall asleep spooning one another. The first time it happened, when they were children having sleepovers, she tensed a bit; thinking it weird for her friend to cuddle her because no one had ever done that. But, as the years went by and their friendship grew stronger, knowing that despite both of them being bisexual it wasn't an act of intimacy, but one of platonic comfort.
So, Y/N figured (in her touch deprived mind) that this was just an act of friendly, platonic intimacy...nothing else. After coming to that conclusion, she let herself relax into his touch, his warm embrace nodding her off to sleep once again.
What wakes her up the second time is the sound of a gravelly voice groaning. The arm around her waist squeezes tightly before the body it's attached to tenses up. Harry tries to take in the position they're in -- his arm snuggling her close to his bare chest and legs intertwined with hers -- but his hangover headache clouds his mind too much to think about it. Only registering that he's never felt this comfortable with someone before, never felt someone so warm and cozy. He's cuddled lots of girls (and guys), has spent many mornings waking up in someones hold or holding someone in his, but they've never been as addicting as her. Never being so relaxing, so soft. He's about to just say, fuck it, and fall back asleep as to spend as much time with her in his clutch, but Y/N had stirred awake from his groaning and she really has to pee!
She slowly turns in his arms, their legs shifting apart, and is met with probably the cutest sight she's ever seen. His eyes are glassy and the green of his irises shine in the soft light. His lips pink and his face holding a hesitant look, like he thinks she might yell at him for accidentally ending up in his arms throughout the night, but she can also sense the underlying feeling of content reading on his face. The way his eyes soften when they meet hers and the way his hand involuntarily squeezes at her side. The serene feeling almost tangible as her childhood room becomes their own little world. All the responsibilities and pain of the outside fall ceased at the door decorated with heights of a growing Y/N.
"G'morning," His gravelly voice going straight to her heart, melting it at the beautiful sound.
"Good morning," She says in a raspy whisper, her throat dry from the alcohol and singing at the top of her lungs the night before.
She takes the quiet moment to look at his body, her gaze drifting from tattoo to tattoo, not realizing how many he has. She knew he had some from the ones on his hands yesterday, but she didn't know he had so many. His long sleeve button up had covered the view of the ones adorning his arms, but she looks at them now in awe, thinking how pretty they are.
She's about to tell him how much she likes the butterfly tattoo on his chest, when her bladder has other plans.
"I'm sorry, but I really have to pee," She bashfully smiles as she looks at him.
"Oh, m'sorry. Probably should've told ya' I'm a cuddler." He gives a small smile with embarrassment soaking his words, thinking he's made her uncomfortable.
"No need to apologize," Her eyes light up at his out of character shyness, "I am too, I just really have to go to the bathroom." The harmonious sound of her giggles soothing every worry in Harry's body.
He playfully sighs, "Fine, I guess I'll let y'go piss."
A smirk pulls at his lips as she rolls her eyes and gets up, but he can see the corners of her lips turn up.
She goes to the bathroom, doing her business and washing her hands. She takes the time to brush her teeth and wash her face, cringing when she looks in the mirror. She feels gross that she looked like this when Harry woke up with the resemblance of an angel.
When she's finished, she walks out back into her room, excited to get back into the warm bed (and hopefully cuddle with Harry some more, but she would never admit that out loud), but she's met with abandoned sheets and panic consumes her. Did he leave? Did I make him uncomfortable by waking up in his arms? He was the one to cuddle me and he joked about it! But maybe he was just trying to be nice so he could escape? Her mind starts to race a mile a minute of anxious thoughts before they're all suddenly wiped away at the smell of coffee wafting in from the open doorway.
She throws on a sweatshirt and socks and makes her way down the stairs of the familiar, yet foreign after spending so long away from home, house. Her sock clad feet pad on the hardwood floors as she walks into the kitchen, spotting Harry silently staring at a spot on the wall with a cup of coffee in his hand (he's using the same pink and green mug with a little ceramic pig sitting on the top of the handle that Phoebe would use every time she'd sleepover in high school).
She walks in quietly, coming up behind him and grabbing a cup of coffee for herself, noticing the two pain killers next to the pot (which made her heart swell if she's honest). He had heard her coming down the stairs, but despite her presence his focus is still on the spot on the wall. Taking a sip of her pick-me-up and swallowing the pills, she takes up space next to Harry, following his eyes that stare intently at a picture frame hanging up and her eyes immediately soften.
"That was freshman year," Y/N spoke delicately, staring at the picture herself, "We had both been asked to prom by these senior guys. I was ecstatic because no one had ever shown any liking to me, but Phoebe had played it cool, of course." Harry lets out a quiet breathy laugh because of course Phoebe didn't care.
"We spent weeks planning out how prom night would be. Imagining how the senior parties would be like and if the boys would kiss us by the end of the night or not. She came over at 9am the morning of the dance and we spent all day getting ready and laughing with each other. She had even done my makeup all pretty and I helped her get into her dress. I remember I laughed when she decided she was going to wear converse under her dress, and she almost convinced me to do it too because she said 'you're not gonna be the one laughing when we're at all the after parties and your feet are killing you'." A genuine smile forms on Y/N's face as she reminisces on the cherished moment.
"But, two hours before the dance, our dates cancelled on us and told us they were going with these senior girls." Harry scoffs bitterly, understanding how cruel teenage boys are.
"I remember I was so upset because the one time I thought someone actually liked me or thought I was pretty enough to go to prom with, had just made me a second choice..." She recalls to Harry, who is now looking at the side of her face as she looks at the picture of Phoebe carrying Y/N on her back, piggy-back style, in long prom dresses, dirty white converse peaking out from under both girls' dresses.
"So, she grabbed me by the arms and looked me in the eyes and said 'Y/N L/N, we are deserving of the love we wish for. No senior boys are going to make us doubt that. We are not little freshmen girls who can be seen as cheap thrills and easy hookups. We are women, who demand respect and complete infatuation.' Then she took the tickets that the boys had pre-purchased for us, took my hand, and dragged me to that dance. We had been each other's date and made prom our bitch. She even got us into a party afterward...And we had one hell of a night."
She smiles fondly at the sweet memory. Harry's eyes flutter between the picture and the beautiful girl next to him. How could she ever think of herself as a second choice?, is all he can wonder to himself.
Letting his gaze fall to the picture one last time, he mumbles, "Well, those boys missed out on the best thing t'ever happen t'them."
He doesn't catch Y/N's blush that creeps up on her cheeks as he turns around, taking a sip from his little pig mug.
She shakes her head as to get out of the crushing haze she falls into, turning and walking to the countertop, leaning against it as Harry stands in front of her on the other side.
"Thank you. F'letting me stay the night, last night." He speaks up.
Y/N notices how he's still lacking a shirt, making her mouth dry up just a little at the sight of how fit he is. The tattoos stretching across his tan skin so perfectly, the black ink creating such a beautiful contrast on his body. He catches onto the not-so-subtle gawking and smirks.
"Uh, yeah. It's really no problem. There's no way I'd have let you drive home intoxicated and it was the least I could do after I made you practically spend the day with me." She blushes.
"Y'didn't make me," He shakes his head gently with a smile.
Y/N doesn't know to feel about how her cheeks heat up at his remark, shyly looking away as the teasing gleam in his eyes might make her combust.
"O-okay. Good to know." She squeaks out, the action only fueling Harry's ego and playful mood.
"I should go get m'car from the cemetery before it gets towed," He says almost disappointedly, like he doesn't want to leave yet. If she's being honest, she doesn't want him to leave yet either.
"Yeah, that wouldn't be good. I'll give you a ride." She says, shaking off the saddened feeling of his departure.
"Oh, you don't have t'do tha'." He shakes his head but Y/N quickly shoots him down.
"Nonsense, I'll take you. It's no big deal."
He smiles at her objection, nodding, and going upstairs to grab the rest of his clothes, feeling uncomfortable in his dress pants from the funeral that he had put back on when he got up this morning, not wanting to make Y/N feel weird by staying in only his boxers.
Vodka Lover: hey... are you up?
She chews on the skin around her thumb, a nervous habit that Phoebe had always teased her about, as she sends the text to Harry (having exchanged numbers when she had dropped him off at his car at the cemetery). Phoebe had always said, 'You're not gonna have any thumb left to chew, babes, if you keep at it'. To which Y/N just rolled her eyes, but in the deafening silence of 4am, she wishes she cherished those moments with her best friend more. Wishing she didn't take for granted in those little encounters of Phoebe's care and concern with her well-being. Y/N would give anything to be able to spend one more minute with her.
Butterfly Boy: yeah, everything okay?
Vodka Lover: um, can i call you?
Suddenly, breaking the bitter quiet with a ringtone, her phone she holds in her palm lights up with Harry's contact. A tear falls from her face onto the screen and she has to wipe it away before she presses accept.
"Y/N?" Harry's deep voice rings out, laced in worry, from the other line.
She chokes out a sob, not being able to hold it back anymore. The floodgate of her emotions she has been trying to keep at bay suddenly burst. Salty tears fall onto the blue fluffy blanket from her senior year she's wrapped up in.
"Hey, hey, s'everythin' okay? What's wrong?" Harry says, more alert now that he hears her in such a fragile and frantic state.
Y/N just cries harder, desperately trying to catch her breath, she feels like she's suffocating.
"Hey, love, just breathe. Just breathe, Y/N." He tries to coax her down in a soothing voice.
A raggedy breath is heard on Harry's side, making the worry dissipate just a little now that he knows she's breathing. Harry sits up in his bed, calling out to Y/N, repeatedly telling her to just keep breathing. He can't get to what's wrong if she hyperventilates.
He was laying restless in his bed when she had texted, lost in thoughts of life and replaying memories with his cousin. Trying to grasp everything she's ever told him before, hoping that by watching the moments he spent with her like a film reel in his mind would help him not forget them.
"Love, can y'tell me what's got you so upset? Please," He asks softly when she calms down enough where her breathing is regular and not sporadic inhales gasping for air.
"I-I-I miss her," She cries out into the phone, the thought of embarrassing herself by breaking down to Harry not on her mind; the only thought she has is how empty she feels.
"I know, I know, love. I miss her, too," He sighs out sadly, wishing he could take away her pain, hating the way her voice quivers with every word. "Do you want t'talk about it?"
She wipes the tears that sting her eyes and cascade down her face with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. The one she wore when Harry slept over, smelling a little like him still from the car ride to his car that day, three days ago.
They had been texting each other and talking every day since then, usually about light topics like asking how their day's were or what they were doing. However, tonight (or early morning), everything felt like it was crashing down on her. Y/N's strong front she had put up since the funeral for Phoebe's family finally collapsed, and she's found herself stuck under the rubble. She was trying so hard to keep it in because she shouldn't be feeling sorry for herself when someone's kid is dead.
She had bored herself to tears, not knowing what to do. The only thing that seemed right was to call Harry.
"Talk to me, babe." He begs her, running a hand through his disheveled curls.
"I-" She sniffles, "I feel like I'm fucking drowning,"
He hates how defeated her voice sounds and he wishes he could just be there to hug her and tell her everything's going to be okay, eventually.
"It-it feels like my whole life is in ruins. Harry, I miss her." Her face scrunches up again as she starts to sob, "Sh-She was my best friend, I d-did everything with her. How am I s-supposed to do this without her? How am I supposed t-to live without her?"
"Oh, darling. I know, but you will..and you can." He frowns, racking his brain for the right thing to tell her, "You got t'live so you can experience all those ways of life she always talked about. Y'haven't experienced all those feelings Pheebz would mention when she would live her life precariously. Don't y'want to know how she felt when she would talk of such a beautiful life she lived, yeah?"
He hears a hiccup and a quiet, albeit breathy, yeah, from the other side of the call.
"You are so strong, Y/N. I don't know how y'made it this far without breaking down..." He tells her whole-heartedly.
"D-don't know how you haven't either," She gets out, realizing how selfish she's probably being, bothering Harry with her grief when he has his own to deal with.
"Honestly," He breathes out through a somber smile, "The only reason I haven't is because I have you, love."
Y/N's heart swells tenfold, she thinks. She didn't realize Harry needed her just as much as she needed him.
"...I'm sorry for calling you, I know it's late." She says through sniffles when she notices the time.
"There's no reason to apologize. It's okay, love. It's okay to hurt or be angry or upset. No one expects you to be perfect all the time." He pauses, listening to her breathing.
"Ya know, one day, it won't hurt this much. One day, you'll be able t'look back at this moment and it won't break y'heart as much as it does now. You're just in the thick of it right now, pretty girl. But, the light's coming soon, I promise." He continues and Y/N feels her heart beat faster at the pet name.
"You promise?" Her voice barely above a whisper and Harry thinks his heart just broke at the sound.
"Promise." He says, wiping the stray tears rolling down his cheeks, "Phoebe wouldn't want y'to be this upset. She would want you to keep living your life and find out the ways to how she was so in love with it. If not for yourself, love, then for her...F'me."
She nods, despite knowing he can't see. Silence falls over the pair, only the sound of bated breaths assuring the other one is there.
"One summer," He speaks up, "One summer, my family had come t'visit them, partly because of the lake near her house. It was after we had moved t'the States from Cheshire, and Phoebe and I would go walk to the little pond near the park,"
"The one near Hope?" She asks quietly if they had gone to the park she had always played at as a little girl.
"Mhm. We would walk there in the blistering sun and when we got there she tried to convince me how fairies were real." He said in a calm voice.
He hears an airy puff of breath escape her mouth, which he takes as a small giggle -- making him want to continue his story as it's helping her cheer up, and because he'd probably do anything to hear her that sound from her.
"Yeah, fairies. She told me that they live at the pond and t'see them, I would have to find a pretty flower and then jump in the water with it in only m'underwear." He breathes out a laugh.
Y/N gasps, trying to keep quiet but fails when she lets out a loud laugh.
"Oh my, did you do it?" She asks bewildered, laying down so her head rests against the pillow.
"So, I told Phoebe 'no way', yeah? But, then she said she can't just tell me about them and not follow through with seeing them. Convinced me that it would bring bad luck." He scoffs, remembering the memory vividly.
"Bad luck, indeed." She giggles and it brings the dimple out on Harry's face.
"Yeah, so of course, me being like 8 or sum', I stripped down to m'pants in the middle of the day and jumped in the water." He smiles when he hears her laughing, even if it's at his expense. "Y'laughing, but I think I got ringworm after tha'!"
"I can't believe she got you to do that! I wish I'd been there." Y/N says, out of breath from laughing.
"Scarred me of ponds for the rest of m'life." He chuckles and a pause takes them both over as they settle back down. 
"...Thank you, H." She whispers into the phone, adoration taking up all her features.
“For being you, for being here. Just...Thank you.” She sighs. 
They get lost in recalling stories of their loved one for the rest of the night, repainting her memories in gold. They laugh with each other until all the pain seems to disappear. The weight, of what felt like the world, lifting off of both their shoulders. Finally being able to breathe after days of endless battles of trying to stay strong for Phoebe's sake.
Days pass since the lonely 4am phone call and Y/N and Harry are still talking everyday.
She finds out he lives in her city, only a few blocks from her apartment she shared with Phoebe! She didn't believe him when he first told her, but he said he was always busy with college whenever Phoebe tried to meet up. Y/N's not going to lie, her heart picked up when she found out he'd be so close to her, wondering if he'd want to hang out with her when they leave her hometown.
Almost everyday of the last few days they have visiting, they've spent at Y/N's empty childhood home. Harry asking her to explain pictures and what she was like in high school, whenever he gets the chance. In turn, she's been picking his mind on what Holmes Chapel was like and how his family was growing up. She found out that he lived with his sister, Gemma, and his mom, Anne. They talked about everything, from their favorite things to every pet they've ever had (Y/N, particularly, falling in love with the pictures of his cat, Evie).
Just as the last few days have been spent, they are spending Y/N's last day in her hometown together before she goes back. Harry told her he had to stay a couple more nights with his family before he could leave, assuring her he would've gone back with her if he could've. That comment made her blush and she had to pray the butterflies growing in her tummy to relax.
That's another thing. Y/N had stopped lying to herself and denying the ache in her chest that would form when she was away from Harry, growing very fond of him since their first encounter at the headstone bench.
Harry, also, couldn't deny any longer the way his heart would flutter at every little thing she did. Just wondering to himself how everything about her was just so pretty. He loved the way her eyes would light up every time she saw him and how he would catch her checking him out whenever he took off his shirt.
He especially loved the way she let him sleepover a few times and how they would end up cuddling into the late hours of the morning. Both parties not minding one bit, the comfort and warmth actually preferred than sending Harry home to sleep in his own bed.
"Bet I can reach that branch right there," Harry shouts with a gleeful tone, a bit out of breath as he tries to stretch his legs far enough so his shoe brushes against the leaf on the end of the tree branch.
The two of them decided to go to Hope park, where they both held fond childhood memories at. They settled at the swingset, calm swaying in the seats quickly turning into a competition of who could swing the highest. Harry won of course, his legs being much longer than hers giving him the advantage. Playful giggles and sweet conversations of things occurring in that moment help distract them from both Phoebe and the fact that Y/N is leaving.
Y/N is distracting herself from worrying about if Harry will reach out to her when they get back to the city, if he even wants to talk to her again after this weekend or if this was all just out of politeness.
Harry, on the other hand, is distracting himself from wondering if she fancies him. He wonders if the cuddles and small touches meant as much to her as they did him, if after this weekend she would want to hang out again or if she was just being nice because he knows what she's going through.
"Bet I can reach it before you!" She giggles as her hair whips around in the wind she's created. Pumping her legs back and forth, desperately trying to get higher so she can beat Harry in her made up competition.
"Now, love, not everything has to be a competition," He huffs, really reaching out this time, "But, I wanna win, if we're playing a game, I wanna win." He grins, the cute dimple that Y/N has fallen for making an appearance on his face.
The two try their hardest to be the first ones to touch the tree branch hanging not too far from their swinging feet at their highest point. Harry, however, attempts a little too hard and flies off the swing when he lifted up his leg to make the two inch gap he was short of.
Tumbling to the woodchip covered ground, he ends up laying on his back. Groans spill out of his mouth and Y/N's eyes go wide with concern. She slows herself down just enough to safely jump off the swingset, rushing to Harry's side.
"Oh my god, are you okay?" She asks worriedly, trying to hold back the laugh that's trying to bust out. Crouching down to him, she runs her hand over his arm that's grabbing his leg.
He rubs his knee with a pained smile, "Yeah, just peachy, pet."
"Is anything hurting? Bruised?" She questions with a loving smile.
"Just my ego," He chuckles, looking up at her and admiring her caring nature.
She can't hold it in anymore, she laughs loudly at his comment, her carefree happiness making Harry's ears perk up and his heart warm.
"Yeah, love, just laugh at the crippled man." He jokes, smiling up at her happy face, wishing it could stay that way forever.
She lets out another laugh at his comment, delicately grabbing his arm to help him up, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It wasn't funny," She attempts to calm herself but fails, "Okay, it was a little bit funny!"
Giggles fall out of her mouth as Harry brushes off the mulch from his jeans, "See how much you're laughing when I push you out of the swing."
"I'm soo scared." She mocks fear.
"Oh, just wait, pet. You'll never be safe on another swing set again." He playfully grabs her sides to tickle her, but her fighting his tries just ends up bringing her closer in his hold.
Their laughs quickly die out when they realize he's holding her in his clutch, his hands at her waist, hers around his neck. Harry stares into her eyes as she stares back into his. The empty park is serene, no other noises besides the chirping of birds and the sounds of other animals sprawling about. The sweet moment causes Y/N's breath to hitch and her palms to sweat. They've only been this close when cuddling, she's never been this close to his face before. His features glow in the sunlight, his green irises complimenting the bounce of his skin and dark eyelashes. Her skin is soft and warm against his, and he just wants to lean in and-
Y/N's eyes flutter close as Harry's face comes closer, his lips meet hers in a gentle caress. With the sweet kiss, he takes note of how soft her lips are, how warm and fuzzy her intimate touch is making his head. While one hand is squeezing at her side, the other is brought up to cradle her face and she leans into his touch. Harry sucks on her bottom lip before peeling away so they can catch their breath.
Y/N lets out a whine at the loss of contact, her bottom lip jutting out as he pulls away.
"What are y'pouting for, pet? W-was that not okay? Should I not have done tha'?" The blood almost drains from his face at the pouty look on her beautiful face.
She shakes her head at him, "No, I liked it. I want more," She pants, pulling him by the collar of his shirt to bring him back to her lips.
He chuckles at her cute antics (and in relief of not fucking up his shot with her). He smiles against her lips as he melts back into her, her hand around his neck reaching up to tangle in his curly hair. He groans when her nimble fingers pull tenderly at the curls at the base of his neck, causing him to squeeze her side gently.
She breathlessly kissed him, slotting her lips between his and immediately opening her mouth in acceptance when he brushes his tongue against her bottom lip in a silent ask to take it further. As the kiss deepens, the need for air increases. They naturally separate, Harry sucking her bottom lip as he goes until it pops back.
Taking in her reddened swollen lips and her pretty flushed face, he presses one last chaste kiss on her lips, and one to her cheek and her nose.
A big, genuine grin adorns Y/N's face as she stares up at the man in front of her.
"Thank you f'letting me do tha'." He says with a gravelly voice.
"I've been thinking about you doing that since the first night you stayed at my house." She tells him bashfully.
"Me too, love. And it was better than I ever expected," He says whole-heartedly, leaning in to press one more quick kiss to her lips again.
"So, does this mean we're gonna hang out when we both go back home? Because I really want to do that again." Her glassy eyes blink at him with hope awaiting his answer.
He smiles and shakes his head, bewildered at how she could ever think that he could just ghost her after that, "I think Phoebe would come back just to slap me upside the head if I ever kissed her best friend and just never saw her again."
She chuckles at his comment, shyly looking down to her hand on his chest when he doesn't say anything else.
"Of course, I want to hang out when we get back. I want to take y'out on a real date, if you'd let me."  He looks at her all starry eyed, squeezing her waist.
"I think Phoebe would come back and slap me upside the head if I ever kissed her cousin and just never saw him again," This time he's the one that laughs.
"I'd love that very much, Harry." She beams up at him.
Going back home couldn't come sooner to the both of them.
ahhh i hope y’all liked that, i’d love feedback :) i’m thinking of making a series out of it, but only if that’s something y’all would like! so, pls let me know if you enjoyed it or if i should make a part 2 ?? 
anyways, stay safe and much love <3
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Pairing: Neighbour!Bucky x reader
Warnings: Mentions of knife, blood, cursing, murder, mention of cannibalism, dark!Bucky(?), major character death, slight smut, fluff.
Summary: Bucky set his eyes on his sweet and cute neighbour who had suffered from a loss recently, determined to make her his.
Word count: 4.3k
a/n: This is my entry for @ambrosiase hotel indigo writing challenge. It’s my first ever writing challenge, and I had a lot of fun writing this! Honestly, I'm really grateful for this challenge because it motivates me to finish this wip that has been sitting in the draft for too long. Thank you for this lovely challenge mae ♡♡
Not beta’d, all mistakes are my own. If you see any mistakes, do let me know!
Room ⥤ Modern muse
Room service ⥤ neighbour + criminal
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“Oh that poor thing.”
Bucky whipped his head in the direction of the voice. It was Mrs. Lockwood, his neighbour on the right.
“Huh?” He didn’t mean to voice out his confusion, but his brain was somewhat short-circuited, barely able to function when his sight was filled with you, and you only.
“That sweet girl over there,” Mrs. Lockwood was referring to you, his sweet neighbour to the left he was staring at, before the old lady came interrupting.
He had been staring for 5, 10 minutes maybe? He swore he wasn’t a pervert, you were just a sight for sore eyes, the healer of the wounds in his soul.
“What about y/n?” He asked, curious to listen to what his neighbour would say about the other neighbour. Also, he was fairly new to the neighbourhood, having just moved in last month, he ought to catch up with the gossip.
“Her boyfriend went missing a few months back, poor girl was devastated. Police suspected it was murder, even suspected y/n!” The old lady shook her head, casting pitying glances at the oblivious girl in the sundress, bathing under the sun with a book in her hand. “She’s such a sweet girl, how could they have suspected her?”
Bucky glanced at you, heart racing when you caught him looking. You shyly waved at him, a small smile plastered on your face hiding the underlying sadness of the loss of your loved one. His hand felt clammy when he raised one of them to wave back, his usual flirty self vanished whenever you were involved in the equation.
“Boy, you are in love aren’t ya,” Mrs. Lockwood teased, “I say go for it. Our lovely y/n definitely needs some lovin’ after what she’d been through and young man, I think you are the right person.” Her eyes crinkled as she patted Bucky encouragingly on the shoulder, like a loving mother cheering up her son.
Bucky, who was usually composed, blushed furiously. That big brain of his still hadn’t regained its functions thus he found himself unable to stop Mrs. Lockwood when she hollered at you.
Clearly immersed in your book, you jumped a little when you heard your name being called.
“Y/n, this young man would love to take you out on a date, what d’ya say?” His eyes widened at the accusation, though it was true that he wanted to date you, he just needed time to gather the guts to ask you out.
He saw you put down your book, walking towards him and Mrs. Lockwood. You were a front yard away from him, shielding the harsh sunlight from your eyes with your hands while leaning onto the fence.
“I’d love to,” you had to speak louder, and Bucky loved your voice as he only heard it only a handful of times now, often you were shy and quiet when you saw him.
“U-uhm, how about Saturday then,” He stuttered like a teenage boy who first received a love letter, suddenly forgetting how to speak, speech lost in the sea of disbelief and excitement, and affection.
You said nothing, only nodding and smiling at him, flashing those pearly whites.
“Great. 6pm. I’ll pick you up,”
“See you soon, James.” He watched as you walked away, a teasing smile on your face before you disappeared into the door. Gosh how he loved the way his name sounded on your lips, and he’d give anything to hear it again, and again.
Saturday came too soon, Bucky was not prepared at all. Well, he had done the reservations for the restaurant he’d planned to bring you to tonight, ironed out the creases and wiped off the non-existent dust on the dress shirt he would be wearing, so why was he nervous?
5:50 pm.
Call him old-fashioned or whatever, he’d prefer early to late and would love to escort you to his car. He stood in front of your porch, palm sweating and if his metal arm could secrete sweats, he was pretty sure it would end up like its counterpart.
You opened the door as soon as he rapped his knuckles on the wooden door, seeming eagerly waiting for him as he was for you.
He took in your outfit, the moderately revealing dress he liked, the one he saw you undress from, through his window countless times.
If it was possible to fall into a deeper love, he would.
The date couldn’t possibly be better than he imagined, it was perfect. Everything was great; the atmosphere of the restaurant, the quality of the food, and most importantly, you.
You were shy at first but opened up fairly quickly, telling him stories about you, and vice versa. You sympathized with him when he told you how he got the metal arm, your fingers grazing the delicate and intricate loops and lines on the metal surface.
His fingers were woven into yours halfway into the dinner, the cool metal fingers of his absently caressing your knuckles as you shared the story about your family, who disappeared mysteriously, then your ex-boyfriend, who went missing 5 months ago, like your family.
It was hard, talking about missing loved ones. Bucky could tell, by the way your hand unconsciously tightened, the lingering sadness in your eyes as you mentioned how happy you were before him. The way your tears were brimming in your eyes, threatening to glide down your face, it wrenched his heart, seeing how broken you were. He would try to pick up every broken piece of you in a heartbeat, mending them back together, fixing you until you were happy again if you would let him in.
He was kind of glad your ex-boyfriend was out of the picture, though it was a selfish thing to say. He desperately wanted to claim you, wanted to be your last and only boyfriend.
He’d been going on dates with you for a few months now. You were perfect, almost too perfect if he would say. You were practically his dream girl, so kind and generous. So sweet and loving. Pretty much everybody in this neighbourhood would agree with him and he sometimes wondered if he really deserved you. A beauty mingling with a beast. No one would ever want to see that, after all, even the beast turned into a handsome prince at the end of the fairytale.
Bucky wondered, if you found out what he did every night after you were asleep or what he took from your closet when you were away, would you still want him? If you found out the beast within him, would you still love him the same?
His thoughts were occupied and it wasn’t until the sharp pain in his fingers that he snapped out of his trance.
“Fuck!” You heard him cursing and went to him, gasping when you saw the streams of blood flowing from the deep cut from two of his fingers.
Hastily reaching out for the clean cloth from one of the drawers, you placed it over the wound, applying pressure on them.
The red quickly seeped through the pristine white cloth, two colours clashing as the red engulfed the white.
Bucky noticed you wincing at the red, gulping at the sight, head slightly turned away. It was obvious you were uncomfortable at the sight of blood, so he took the cloth himself and nudged you to wash the faint hint of blood on your palms.
“Sorry, now you might have to do this alone,” Bucky gestured at the ingredients on the counter, “and sorry for the cloth, blood stains are quite hard to get rid off.”
“Don’t you worry, a little hydrogen peroxide and the cloth will be as good as new,” Bucky let you tend to his wounds and pushed him towards the living room where he would sit at the couch for the next hour while you were busy at the kitchen preparing dinner.
While he was in the living room, he took in the interior of your house. He never got to take a close look, as he always had to sneak in when it was dark. The beige colour walls, cream coloured furnitures, books arranged perfectly on the floating shelves. The pictures and art hung on the clean walls, not one of them is crooked. The square coffee table with only the remote and a display plant on it, and when he shifted himself to sit at the center of the couch, did he realize the coffee table was lined up perfectly in the middle of the TV and the couch.
Bucky’s eyebrows raised, he didn’t depict you as a meticulous person. No wait, whenever he went out with you, you’d arrange the plates to sit between the utensils perfectly. When you get boba, the straws must precisely be in the center of the cup, and if you missed it, your eyebrows would furrow in annoyance subconsciously.
His eyes wandered over to your figure in the kitchen and was not surprised to find you wiping and hanging the cutting board on the ceramic wall, adjusting it with your fingers so it wouldn’t be crooked while waiting for the stew to simmer.
You caught him looking at you and threw a smile at him in which he reciprocated, then continued to let his eyes wander through your living room. This could easily be an IKEA showroom, he thought.
Another week went by, Bucky found himself more and more in love with you, if that was possible in the first place as if he didn’t already dedicate all the space in his heart for you.
You were both in the kitchen again. This time however, he was busy mixing the sugar, flour, and cocoa powder mixture, with you snuggling behind him, arms circling his waist as you watched him do the magic.
He felt sorry for not helping last time so he was making up to you by baking some brownies.
As you both were cleaning up, brownies baking in the oven, Bucky turned to you.
“Hey, I never asked, but what do you do for a living?” He questioned nonchalantly while wiping the huge plastic bowl.
The wet spatula fell from your grip, dropping into the sink of water, droplets of soapy liquid flecked on your shirt.
“O-oh, i’m an artist!” You let out a laugh to conceal your flustered state, “Aspiring artist to be exact.”
“An artist,” he hummed, as if chewing onto the meaning of the word, “could you show me your works?”
Your head whipped towards his direction, mouth parted in surprise. Nobody has ever appreciated your dream. Your family, your friends, your ex-boyfriends, all of them claimed that being an artist would lead you to being unsuccessful, and you deemed to prove them wrong.
“Yes, yes, of course,” you were overjoyed. Abandoning the half-washed utensils, you clasped your hand around his wrist and dragged him to follow you towards the second floor, into a room hidden behind another beige coloured door, where you kept all your works.
Rows of headless mannequins clothed in white dresses painted with red blossoms appeared before him as you pushed open the door.
He was utterly mesmerized. He trailed his gaze across the display, a smile painted his lips as he deduced that every piece of them was unique. No two dresses had the same pattern.
Some had plain red blossoms splattered on it, some had dark red waves littering on the bottom hem; some with brush strokes of red. There was also a different tone of red, bright and dark or somewhat in between.
“Wow, this is just … amazing!” He found himself at a loss for words, “are those blood?”
“Yes, they are.”
“I thought you don’t like blood?” Bucky teased.
“These are animal blood. I’m fine with it as long as it’s not coming out from a human,” you retorted.
He chuckled. Once again admiring the intricate patterns of your works, marvelling at how talented and perfect you were. His heart sank at the thought of the question he frequently found himself asking, how can someone so perfect like you end up with someone less than perfect like him.
You apparently noticed his changed demeanor as you inched yourself closer to pull him into an embrace, placing your chin on his chest, eyes searching for his sad blue ones.
“Are you okay?” He hugged you tighter, sighing.
“I’m fine. I just … I think you’re perfect and you’re everything I've ever wanted. But I'm not sure if I'm perfect enough for you.”
“Oh James, you’re more than enough. I assure you, you’re everything I’ve ever wanted too.”
Bucky felt like his heart was filled to the brim with adoration, butterflies erupted from his stomach. Your assurance was everything to him, keeping his wandering soul anchored and he was grateful for it, grateful for your existence. The more the reason to cage you by his side so you couldn’t ever leave him.
His lips were on yours the next second, his grip on your waist tightened as you deepened the kiss, tongue finding his; busy hands sliding from his stomach to his shoulder.
Both of you were drowning in this ecstasy, unwilling to part away from each other’s touch.
The loud ding of the oven startled the both of you. Momentarily parting from each other, you stared at him with a heated glance. His eyes were hooded, filled with lust, desire.
“Fuck the brownies,” you whispered, molding your soft lips on him once again, the hunger for each other far greater than the stupid brownies, “need you now.”
Bucky didn’t need to be told twice, large hands cupping your bottom as you hopped and hooked your legs behind him, arms instinctively went to his shoulders for support.
He brought the both of you to your room, the one he was all too familiar with, the one with the same cream coloured theme which could definitely pass as another IKEA showroom judging by how perfect the layout was.
The only odd thing that stood out in this far too perfect room was the trail of scratch marks extending from the door frame to the wall outside of the room.
The deep scratch marks were somehow etched deep in his brain, he couldn’t let it go. It felt as if there was a dot of blank ink on a piece of white paper, and even though there was more white than black, you’d only be fixated on the dot of black.
He would ask you about the haunting marks on the wall and your fingers that were tracing patterns on his skin would falter, you’d give him the warm smile he loved while brushing it off saying it was the huge Dobermann your aunt owned which did that.
Even when he was balls deep in you, the vivid image of the scratch marks were there in his head, though you were quick to draw back his attention with a grind on his hips, both of your bodies covered with sheen of perspiration. Strands of your hair sticking to your body, but you pay no care to them as you rocked your hips, chanting his name over and over again like a mantra, like a prayer.
His eyes were on your fucked out state, his grip on you like steel. The cool surface of his metal arm contrasted with your hot flushed body as you chase your high like a traveller chasing the oasis in a desert, desperate for a quench of thirst.
Even when he was chasing the same high, vision blinding with bliss, the marks were still there and this time they were accompanied by the white dresses painted with red, and red only.
Bucky was always a doubtful person. Doubting every single decision he’d ever made. Doubting himself, doubting others. But there was one thing he was certain of, there was something less than innocent lurking underneath your skin. Of course, he was still head over heels for you but he was pretty adamant to find out the sinister in you, hoping it would answer his questions, mainly the recurring image of a certain mark.
Bucky was a lot of things, dumbass , dork, clumsy(per sam), but he was not stupid. Hell, he was far from stupid. Those scratch marks, definitely not the Dobermann.
You were a perfectionist, you couldn’t possibly leave the mark there and acted like nothing happened in the first place. He’d imagine if it was the dog, you’d probably have someone fix the dent the same day, unwilling to allow even a speck of blemish in your flawless house.
Bucky was a lot of things, and being a dumbass was definitely one of them as he was showing up on your porch in the evening unannounced.
He’d considered sneaking in like he used to do but he knew, he saw that you were still in the house. He couldn’t and wouldn’t jeopardize your relationship with him knowing he’d get caught.
He knocked on your door, hearing footsteps paddling, rushing to him.
As you opened the door, your eyes widened at the sight of an awkward Bucky. Although you were quick to throw him an unalarming smile, he still caught the nervousness in you.
There was something off with you. The disheveled hair, thin layer of sweat adorning the crown of your head, unknown wet liquid staining your shirt.
He caught a whiff of the strong smell of chemicals wafting through the door, it smelled a lot like bleach.
“I’m sorry,” he scratched at the back of his neck, “is this not a good time?”
“It’s fine, come on in.”
The smell of bleach invaded his nose the moment he stepped into your house, flooding and overwhelming his senses causing him to wince.
“Were you deep cleaning?”
“Yeah, I accidentally spilled some of the animal blood this morning. Had to use hell lots of hydrogen peroxide to get rid of them. Sorry for the smell.”
“No no, it’s okay. Let me just open the windows and door, okay?” He was getting a little light-headed now, desperately needing some fresh air. “Doll, you need to ventilate every time you use bleach, it’s harmful for your health to inhale all these fumes.”
You blushed at the term of endearment, yet wanting to blame him for not calling you that earlier.
He went over to open the windows, sighing contentedly at the waves of fresh air hitting his face as the wind blew in.
He felt your arms snaking around him, head leaning against his broad back.
“I love you, James. Wouldn’t know what to do without you.”
“I love you too.” He turned around and hugged you, his chin propped on your head, not knowing you had a solemn expression on your face.
He’d spent the evening with you, watching TV on the couch with you in his lap. It was so mundane yet he’d never got bored of this, wanting to do this with you for the rest of his life.
Outside the window, the orange and yellow sky faded into darkness.
“Let’s order take out, how about Thai food?”
“I’ll cook,” you kissed him on the lips and got up from his lap before he could reply anything.
“Ok, you need help?” He heard a faint ‘no, it’s fine’ coming out of the kitchen followed by the clanking of pots and utensils.
His neck stretched to peek at your figure in the kitchen, too busy chopping up ingredients to notice he was no longer at the living room.
He made his way down the basement, where the pungent smell of the bleach was still lingering.
The wood creaked as he stepped on the stairs, announcing his arrival to the darkness surrounding the basement. The soft glow of light illuminated the large space, a wall of tins stacking on each other revealed to him. A few easels of different sizes were propped on the wall with several grey aprons hanging beside them.
He walked closer to examine the insane amount of tins. A small label that said Pig blood was stickered on the body of the white tin.
His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. Do people really sell animal blood in metal tins, wouldn’t they go bad?
There were loads of questions in Bucky’s head, questions with answers only you could provide.
He noticed a chest freezer sitting in the corner of the basement and his legs brought him to it before he came to realize. The whole basement was so quiet he could hear the soft ringing in his ears, the racing of his heartbeat amplified as his hand inched towards the lid.
There was nothing in the freezer, to his surprise.
The empty freezer stared back at him, as if mocking his fruitless attempt. He was relieved, or disappointed, he couldn’t tell the difference and there was no point in distinguishing them now since you had nothing to hide. He wasn’t even sure what he was expecting to find in the freezer.
“Babe?” You stood behind him with an apron on, a knife in your hand, a second after he closed the door to the basement.
He leaned against the door frame, hand went to his head, eyes squeezed shut as he pretended he was having a headache.
“Felt dizzy all of a sudden, I was just making my way to the bathroom.”
“Oh, okay. I was just about to tell you dinner's almost ready,” a tooth-rotting smile was plastered on your face.
“I’ll be there in a minute,” he watched as you walked away, letting out the breath he’d been holding. His palm was clammy, heart beating rapidly.
“I love you,” You placed your hand on his arm, eyes meeting his.
“I know, doll. I love you too.”
This was seconds before dinner.
“James, I love you.” You whispered, watching him giving you a grin before he stuffed the meatball into his mouth.
“Wow, I'm so loved today. It’s the secon- no, third time you’ve said ‘I love you’ to me today.” He grinned, heart bursting with love. “You know I love you too.”
This was mid-dinner.
“I love you so much, James.”
Bucky was getting suspicious of you. Were you hiding something, perhaps cheating on him? For there were no reasons for you to keep telling him you loved him even though he knew how much you loved him and vice versa.
“I love you,” you kissed his knuckles, “this might be the last time I get to say I love you, James.”
His eyebrows furrowed at your statement, mouth parting to question what you meant. Before he could voice out something, the world faded into nothingness.
A thin film of blurriness clouded his eyes when he opened them, Bucky had this feeling like he was drowning in a swamp and his whole body was bound.
Blinking furiously, he regained his vision. You were sitting on a chair leaning forwards while looking at him endearingly, your elbows propped on your knees, palms supporting your chin.
“Hello, my love,” you were smiling oh so sweetly. The same smile that got him mesmerized and head over heels, except this time he didn’t feel the warm fuzzy feeling exploding in his chest, this time it was the goosebumps crawling on his arms and the chill creeping up his spine.
Now everything made sense, every single of his questions was answered.
You looked down at his body, the one that was once full of life, full of love. You watched as his glassy blue eyes etched with fear quickly reduced into this grey lifeless orbs, still pretty but lacking the element of a beautiful soul.
You weep for him, mourn for him. Mourning the short duration of love shared between the both of you. Mourning for yourself, for falling too hard. Mourning for him who kept you always in his heart.
To be honest, you were a little hesitant to end his life, he was better than the last one. He was perfect, warm, kind, loving, gentle, but not perfect enough. He simply did not reach your expectations, and you, could not bear imperfections, even the slightest. The answer to his downfall was pretty easy, he was too close to the ugly truth. And despite you knowing his love for you outweighs his doubt and fear in you, you simply couldn’t risk it.
Your love for perfection exceeds your love for him.
The melodious music of your ringtone echoed in the ample space of the basement, you brought up your phone to your ears as you answered the call.
“Mrs. Lockwood? Yes. Of course. I did. No no no, I’ll do it for you this time. He would definitely taste delicious I assure you.”
Time to get to work, you sighed as you stood there with a white dress splattered with blood. How artistic, you thought.
You always loved this part of the process, you’d wear the whitest piece of dress you own whenever you work with your projects.
You loved how the blood peppered your clothes, forming blossoms of dark red flowers on the fabric.
You kept every single piece of them, because no two are the same. Every one of them tells a story, of men and women who loved you and who you loved, of those who were once a body with a soul.
Wiping away the tears rolling down your cheeks, you gave Bucky one last loving look and the blade of your butcher knife came in contact with his once pink but now pale skin as you hummed, the sound bouncing off the walls of the basement, forming echoes.
A few blocks away, a baby cried, body covered in mucus. The tiny infant cried, each time louder than the previous, wailing his lungs out, as if mourning. For one soul born, another reaped.
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I Don't Wanna Be a Memory
“Well, I’m not just your boss!”, Steve hears himself say, “I’m not just your boss. I’m also an omega. And I want you to tell me what to do. Your voice is like it’s permanently in alpha command, and I want you to fucking command me! Because I’m not just your boss. I’m not just an omega. I’m your fucking omega! And I can’t stand you saying my name like you’re seconds away from telling me to get down on my knees because you never do!
And it isn’t your fault! It’s not! You don’t want me anymore, and that’s fine, but my omega hasn’t forgotten, and my heart won’t forgive you for not loving me anymore. So stop. Stop saying my name like you still want me. Because every time you do, I feel like you’ve come back to me, but you haven’t- you won’t! And it’s killing me, Buck.”
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/33385405
Rating: Explicit
Ship: James 'Bucky' Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional tags: A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha bucky!, Omega Steve!
Bucky’s voice is the single most dangerous weapon he possesses.
Not the guns, or the knives, or even the years of government-issued muscle memory in hand-to-hand combat could compare the carnage that rubbles and quakes the earth when he says Steve's name.
“Stevie,” Low and silky. Full of authority-full of alpha. But still understanding the difference in rank despite the apparent superiority in designation. Never challenging or speaking down, but fuck did it make Steve want to sink to his knees and watch Bucky fall apart due to his mouth for a change.
Okay, maybe not the entire earth, but Steve’s world sure feels like it’s been turned on its axis.
The worst part of it all is Bucky has no idea. No clue. No motivation! He simply exists and speaks like that with no intention of letting his voice get all severe and appetizing for the purpose of getting Steve’s omega excited for Bucky's alpha.
It’s especially distracting during missions.
Steve’s heart races, his conscious thought nowhere to be found as he conjures up impossible scenarios involving his reformed assassin best friend and naked cuddling.
The second they boarded the Quinjet, Steve had torn the earpiece away as if it had burned him.
Can you imagine leading a team or keeping them safe when every so often your second in command asks for your position, voice rough as he asks Steve for orders?!
Can anyone really blame him for getting lost in the phantom sensations of Bucky saying his name like a secret no one else deserves to know?
He didn’t think so.
That being said, all the control he can muster in order to actually complete a mission evaporates into the wind the moment the dance between life and death comes to a close; every suppressed, shameless fantasy unleashed and unforgiving as they consume his every thought.
Steve is abruptly pulled from his most recent daydream when a cool metal hand taps the back of his wrist twice, “You with us, Steve? I’ve been calling your name for a minute now.”
Quickly, Steve straightens his back and squares his shoulders, meeting stormy grey eyes.
“Sorry, Buck. Had a lot on my mind.”, He says with more confidence than he actually has.
It’s not really a lie. He does have a lot on his mind, all the ways he can find himself face down, ass up on the other man’s bed. Drooling and crying and breathing in Buckys scent with every breath he takes.
Of course, he can’t very well say that, can he?
He was lucky the S.H.I.E.L.D issued, super soldier approved suppressants made him nearly null. He can’t fathom the level of embarrassment that would claim him if Buck- or the whole damn plane for that matter- could scent the desperation, horny inside of him.
Bucky shifts closer, grey eyes softening the tiniest bit with concern, “Is everything alright?”
“Yes, of course, “ He lies, “Just thinking about battle techniques is all. Scouts honor!” Steve makes an odd, incorrect gesture as a mock salute.
Bucky allows a small huff of air Steve recognizes as his poor imitation of a chuckle. There’s a moment of fuzzy pride that nearly causes Steve to purr; happy he brought a smile to the alpha’s face before his stomach drops clear down to his toes as murmured laughter rumbles too close to a growl in Buckys chest.
“My memory may be shit, Stevie, but I know for damn sure you weren’t no boy scout.”
Aaaand there it is.
Steves omega stirs and preens before the captain shoves them back down. Resenting the butterflies crying out in his belly and the urge to beg Bucky to just say his name over and over and over…
“Steve?”, This time, the concern isn’t quite as subtle, “Are you sure you’re alright, pal?” Bucky takes a step closer towards the blonde, drawing out skittish blue eyes, lowering his voice in case anyone was listening.
Again, the omega clears his throat and squares his shoulders.
“Did you want to tell me something, Sargent?”
Bucky opens his mouth, defiance dancing on his tastebuds before something makes him snap it shut, offering a curt nod, “Yes, Captain.” His voice strained, everything he wants to say lodged in his throat.
“I just wanted to let you know that we should be landing in less than 15 minutes.”
Like before, Bucky opens his mouth to say something but thinks better of it. Choosing instead to take a seat beside his captain, slipping his arms through the provided harness. He gives Steve a pointed look, “We should probably buckle up.”
For a moment, Steve is taken back to the war. When his body was just beginning to react to the serum and the increased suppressants. (The government had taken every percussion necessary to ensure the public wouldn’t know Captain America was an omega.)
After Steve became ‘big’ and outranked Bucky in the military, the brunette never did anything but follow him into the fire. Loyal and boundless. Never questioning his strategies or actions unless it put him in direct danger. That didn’t mean he could keep himself from telling Steve what to do. He just found different ways to do it.
Suggesting tasks, like putting on seatbelts, for instance. Strapping extra weapons to his ankles before handing one to Steve and forcing it into his hands even when the blonde would roll his eyes, whispering his disapproval so only he would hear.
Never raising his voice or permitting his tone to deepen or his scent to take on that spicy, electric feel that never failed to make Steve bare his neck. Never stepping out of line. Never disrespecting or demeaning Steves title. Always in charge anyway.
Bucky doesn’t utter a single command or request, but Steve buckles up anyhow. Drinking in the small, hardly there smile that Bucky offers to the air in front of him, not even meeting Steve’s gaze. And the omega hates the happiness, the relief he feels at satisfying Bucky.
Hates that Bucky doesn’t even have to tell him what to do for him to obey. Hates that he has to obey, even though Bucky doesn’t need him to anymore.
He doesn’t need him anymore...
Bucky still hasn’t said a word when they land, but it’s not like Steve gave him much of an opportunity.
Things have been strained between them since Steve began pulling away. Avoiding Bucky’s calls and limiting their time together.
It was just easier that way. Miserable and lonely, but easier.
The moment the Quinjet is stationary, the supersoldier is up on his feet and stomping down the runway, leaving the Avengers and Bucky behind him.
He needs to breathe.
He can’t breathe!
If he didn’t know any better, he would say he was having an asthma attack. It feels like an asthma attack.
Steve’s eyes sting with unshed tears, taking large gulps of air into his lungs, and it burns!
He arrives at his door by the grace of God, not remembering entering the tower or if he passed anyone on his way.
“Jarvis. Door.” He gasps. Actual fear starting to seep into his bones.
“Yes, Captain Rogers,” The AI responds, the oversized steel doors swinging open.
Distantly, Steve hears the door shut behind him and feels himself settle against a wall. He pushes his back against the surface and tries to even out his breathing. Revisiting everything he can remember about how to resolve an asthma attack.
After several attempts, he stumbles into a somewhat consistent breathing pattern, his chest heaving at a slower rate.
In through the nose. Out through the mouth. In through the nose. Out through the mouth. In through the nose…
It’s not working!
Steve’s heartbeat only hammers against his chest and neck quicker, his breathing sharply turning back into hyperventilation.
It’s then that he realizes he isn’t having an asthma attack at all. He’s having a panic attack.
Fuck, Fuck, Fuck.
In through the nose. Out through the mouth. InthroughthenoseOutthroughthemouth.
Why isn’t this working!?
The blonde clenches his eyes shut, a sob fighting its way past trembling lips. He feels so alone. So unwanted, Unwarranted.
He thinks back to the 40s- back to him and Bucky. After the serum, during the war. Hidden behind the cover of night and an abandoned building at the far end of Base. The first time since the change, his heart felt like it would crawl its way up Steves throat and swan dive right off his tongue.
Struggling to ease the fogginess in his mind, Steve remembers strong arms wrapped around his waist. Cool metal poking his nose as he bumped Bucky’s dog tags with each of his movements, scenting warm flesh.
Bucky’s voice is rumbling demands, his voice leaving no room for argument while every word was also laced with patience and love. Scent projecting love, understanding, I’m here, you’re safe.
“In through your nose. Out through your mouth. In through your nose. Out through your mouth.”
He repeats the mantra until Steve’s Omega obeyed his alpha, sucking in lung fulls of oxygen and releasing it in time with Buckys orders.
The memory of bombs and gunshots lost behind the sound of Bucky’s voice.
In through your nose. Out through your mouth. In through your nose. Out through your mouth.
He conjures up the memory of Buckys voice, coated in alpha command, urging him to breathe evenly. Fingers digging into Steve’s flushed skin, grounding him.
His alpha always knows what he needs...
Steve misses him.
Misses more than just the raw irrefutable attraction that got them into more trouble than it should have growing up. But he misses the rest of him too.
Misses the smirks and the long nights dreaming of what the future would bring. He misses Bucky’s laugh. God, he can hardly remember what it sounds like now.
Steve misses the way he would kiss. Gently. Chaste. Rough. Long. Kiss him in private and kiss him places that weren’t safe. On the stoop in front of their apartment, before the sun would come up and wandering eyes could catch them. Or alone in their bedroom, lips starting on his eyelids, across purple bruises, then down to his chest. Swallowing the omega’s moans and grinning into his mouth before settling beside him and chuckling deep into his ear, the last thing Steve would hear before sleep would overcome him. He misses the way Bucky would say his name like a prayer, wrap his lips around every letter like a caress, eyes sparkling with their love.
He misses knowing he’ll never be alone.
His heart thunders in his ears, chest feeling seconds away from crumbling in on itself as he thinks maybe it was easier when he believed the alpha was dead. Before he found out Bucky was alive, he mourned the man who loved him. Now, he grieves the love he’s lost. The alpha- his alpha-standing beside him without an ounce of affection or desire in his eyes.
Bucky wasn’t mourning the loss of Steve because he didn’t want Steve. Not anymore.
He clearly remembered enough. He may remember it all. However, knowing didn’t mean he had any intention of returning to what they had.
But even if every memory was gone, if the omega mattered at all, Bucky would remember him- his soul! If Steve himself were robbed of his past and they were just meeting again for the first time, he knew his soul would remember Buckys. Would want to know him all over, not needing to understand why!
The tears are falling before Steve has the chance to notice. A jagged whine barreling past his lips. All the weight of devastation and loneliness finally falling onto his shoulders.
Bucky had met him again. But he didn’t need him the same. Didn’t know his Omega; he didn’t want his heart.
Steve slumps further against the wall, blonde hair drenched in sweat, hands clawing at his chest, trying fruitlessly to manage his racing heart.
Closing his eyes, the omega summons an image of Bucky smiling reassuringly, soothing him as he tells him what to do.
In through your nose. Out through your mouth. In through your nose. Out through your mouth.
Okay… okay. That’s better.
“It hurts to think of you,” The omega confesses to no one, the tears running past his chin onto his suit. But I need you, “And I can’t breathe without you.”
“In through your nose. Out through your mouth. In through your nose. Out through your mouth. I’ve got you, Stevie. In and out. That’s it. In through your nose. Out through your mouth.”
Steve allows himself to sink deeper into his fantasy, swearing he could actually feel Bucky's hands running down his back and through his hair.
“I’ve got you, Stevie.”
It’s the last thing Steve hears before he passes out.
Steve is warm.
Steve’s bed has always been too soft, even after Sam suggested a firmer mattress. While helpful, he still couldn’t manage anything better than a fitful half-sleep most nights. He knew why, but in an effort to avoid further misery, he chooses not to dwell too much on that matter.
Aside from the too-soft mattress and the alpha missing from his bed, the omega was never warm enough. He shivered and reached out for body heat too far from his reach. But…
Steve is warm...
For a moment, he swears arms are around him.
And for a moment, he doesn’t care who they belong to. Because he isn’t shivering, for once. Isn’t suffering through another cold sweat, and the omega constantly pacing within him is actually settled. He hasn’t been this comfortable since the previous century, so whoever the hell is beside him can very well stay where they are, as long as he can keep this feeling.
It’s with another breath, he feels consciousness slowly creep up on him.
He almost laughs at the thought of being comfortable in anyone else’s arms. Of course, Bucky should have been his first thought, but honestly, at this point, Bucky willingly in his bed was a cruel dream.
Bucky must be using the same blockers Steve does. His Omega can’t scent him even this close, but who else’s arms fit so perfectly around him?
It’s the closest they’ve been at all since rescuing Bucky from Hydra, and Steve hated it as much as he loved it.
He wants to go back to sleep. Wants to bask in the warmth Bucky offers and pretend they’re back in their tiny apartment in Brooklyn. Struggling to make ends meet and unplagued by the horrors of war. Hidden from the world behind wilting wallpaper, sharing sweet kisses and bruising grips.
But this isn’t 1939. Bucky doesn’t share his bed...or his affections.
He would give anything to go back. He’d give anything to have his alpha again.
“I didn’t know you still had panic attacks.”, of course, Bucky noticed he wasn’t asleep anymore.
Steve feels him shift away, the arm around his waist, already feather-light, hardly there.
The omega within him whines, not wanting him to pull away. No, he wants him to climb on top of him. To drop all of his weight onto Steve’s hopeless body, make him stay in place. Unable to move until Bucky tells him he can...
Steve clenches his eyes tightly, suppressing his every unrelenting instinct from manifesting into something that will only push Bucky further away. And he needs him. Steve needs him, even if it is killing him.
“Yeah, well, there’s a lot you don’t know about, Buck.”, the omega remarks, his back still firmly pressed to Bucky’s chest.
Bucky may be ready to move, but Steve certainly isn’t. It’s not like the Alpha will say anything. Steve is far from perfect, despite whatever bullshit the news wants to feed the public. Steve is flawed and can be as selfish as anyone else. There are times where he permits his gaze to linger longer than it should, hands lazily pulling back when they should’ve never left his side, to begin with, or say Buckys name in the dead of night, surrounded by nothing but darkness and the sticky evidence of his spent weaknesses.
In private or in front of the alpha, Steve has toed the line of what is appropriate between friends and behavior shared between lovers.
Bucky has never reacted to any of it. Robotic and perfect all at once. His responses are exactly what they’re supposed to be, feeling false all the same.
Never contesting. Never reacting. As if Steve doesn’t ache for him.
It’s then that the confusion begins to twist at the recess of the omega’s mind.
“Why are you in my bed, Buck?” And how can I keep you here?
There’s a beat of silence, Bucky’s breath even beside Steve’s ear. It almost feels rehearsed, as if Bucky is concentrating on his breathing. Steve shakes the thought away before he can fool himself for the millionth time something is there that has proven again and again to be long ago dead.
“I was worried about you,” Bucky eventually admits, the arm just barely resting on Steve’s hip returning to its previous pressure, fingers hot and electrifying as they accidentally meet bare flesh peeking beneath Steve’s sleep shirt.
Sleep shirt?
“Did you change my clothes?” Steve says without thinking, saying anything to stop himself from moaning. He can’t remember the last time Buckys hands were this close to his body without explosions and frantic shouts playing in the background.
He turns his neck enough to meet Bucky’s clouded grey gaze.
A gasp falls from his lips instinctively, his own eyes widening on their own accord, taking in the receding blood red only just beginning to fade from the alpha’s eyes.
Just like that, Bucky is removing his arm entirely, releasing the Omega and taking all of that delicious warmth with him.
Bucky stays on the bed, though. His back resting against the headboard.
Steve just narrowly stops himself from shouting, ‘No! Stay, please!’, his heart pounding in his ears and his hands burning with the desire to reach out and drag the other man in.
Instead, he swallows his cries and urges his weary muscles into a sitting position, facing away from the former assassin.
While Steve was changed into something more comfortable than his uniform, the omega notices Bucky remains in his clunky tactical gear, down to his boots.
He had no intention of staying, Rogers. Take deep breaths, and give him an out.
He just needs to go.
The blonde is good at pretending. Well, most days anyway, he can fake a smile when the world is falling apart; he can pretend to be happy. But what he can’t seem to do anymore is pretend that he isn’t painfully in love with the man currently sitting on his bed, not a single reminisce of what they once were hanging between them.
He can’t manage a smile or a whisper of optimism when everything good has been taken from him. He knows what’s expected of him, but there are days when the sorrow is crippling, and he feels weaker than he ever did as that little guy from Brooklyn.
Clearly, no more talking is going to happen. And Steve isn’t emotionally stable enough right now to act as if he doesn’t want the alpha to bathe him in his scent, forcing the lingering panic, unwell, lonely away.
He moves to stand when,
The order is sharp and certainly unintentional.
The shiver that races down Steve’s spine is violent, and his body locks up, ready to obey.
Turning his neck again, Steve catches the profile of the alphas annoyingly handsome face. His eyes are closed, brow pinched in concentration.
Steve stands slowly, hands shaking. It’s sickening how dreadfully good that single word made him feel. Floaty and sated. His blood, always raging, rushing, and crying out, settles within him, preparing to be taken care of.
The logical part of him reminds the omega they’ve been here before. Bucky will do something so woefully familiar, he dilutes himself into thinking he’s still wanted.
It’s never the case.
Steve keeps the hope from his tone when he challenges, “Excuse me?” Waiting for another command with bated breath.
“You should probably rest, Cap,” Bucky folds his arms across his broad chest, still ignoring Steve’s previous question as well as his gaze.
Forcing a smirk that makes him want to throw up, Steve teases, “Are you avoiding my question, Sargent?”
“Steve,” Bucky objects, voice chastizing.
Something uneasy burrows into Steve’s stomach, his body rejecting the discontent emanating off Bucky's skin.
He shrugs away the urge to whine, instead offering an ingenuine chuckle, “Jeez, I’m fine. Why so serious, Buck?”
Bucky stands, eyes hard, glaring right into Steve’s soul. The blonde sucks in a harsh breath, his fingers tingling and breath shallow.
Bucky’s eyes are red.
“Why so serious? “ The alpha growls, not moving from his spot beside Steve’s bed. The distance separating them not making sense in contrast to the intimate edge heavy in the air. It would be comical if not for the current sparking the negative space.
“We’re just gonna pretend like I didn’t find you seconds from passing out less than an hour ago? Is that something casual, am I supposed to just ignore it?”
Steve’s plastic smile fades, a tired expression painting his sharp features, “Yes. That’s exactly what you’re supposed to do.” He sighs, scrubbing his face in frustration, “Ignore it. Like you ignore everything else, Bucky...Just go.”
“What’s tha ‘posed to mean?”
“It means I’m sorry you had to see that, but you don’t have to worry about it.”
“See what? You being irresponsible?”
The thin scrap of patience the omega has evaporates; actually, it burns the fuck up, raging as loud as Steve’s fury, “Irresponsible!?”
The anger shoots through Steve like a wildfire, his temperature rising and his hands balling into fists. If the Alpha didn’t know any better, he’d think Steve was going to punch him.
Even so, he doesn’t back down. Instead, he takes a single step towards the blonde, body tight and rigid. Voice booming when he sneers, “Yes, goddamn it! Irresponsible.”
“Fuck you, Bucky!” Steve shouts, “Who the hell are you to lecture me on being irresponsible?”
“I’m your… I’m your second in command, and if you were struggling with PTSD, you should have told me something! Instead of me following you to your rooms and basically threatening Jarvis into letting me in. You were pale, Steve. Snow White ain’t got shit on how you looked- you were nearly blue! And I’m sorry for stepping in. We can blame it on your biology, but you finally managed to relax when my alpha came forward. It’s irresponsible to let yourself get to that point when you could have come to me- or, or anyone in the avengers for help.”
“You’re sorry,” Steve scoffs, “ You’re sorry you had to help me.”
“That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”
“Oh, but it’s what you said, isn’t it?” The Omega is nearly in hysterics. Half sad laughs, the only thing keeping him from crying.
Buckys voice is now soaked in concern, the anger lost behind wisps of worried seeping from his concealed scent. Which serves only to break Steve further.
“Stevie.” Bucky repeats, wondering if Steve was spiraling into another panic attack.
He is only two steps away from him in a second, twitching, never touching but always close.
Steve feels another shock rack his entire body. His name falling from Bucky’s lips so effortlessly. The authority he holds swallowing every syllable. The sheer force of it nearly brings the omega to his knees.
Steve's heart pounds against his chest, like his heart is trying to escape. Running both hands across his face, then over tufts of blonde hair, his hands meeting behind his neck craned up towards the sky. Praying to anyone up there with mercy that Bucky will just leave. He keeps his arms where they arm before he can do something stupid like reach out.
“Bucky, why are you so concerned about it?” Steve’s eyes are still trained to the ceiling.
Steve knows he’s playing with fire. Playing with his own emotions, but sometimes he can swear he lives for it.
Bucky hesitates, watching Steve with careful eyes. “Because…You are our Captain and my best friend. If you need help, I am going to help you.”
The finality in his tone almost sounds like an alpha command, but his words contradict any sense of attraction or desire.
Another huff, gaze and arms dropping, “I’ll be fine once you leave.” Steve counters, harsher than he intended.
But fuck if he cares. Bucky doesn’t want him. He deserves to be a little angry. If he can’t grieve him, he can at least have this!
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nothing!” He snaps, “Just leave, James.”
“James? Oh, I’m James now?”
Steve could care less if he’s hurt his feelings. He’s had enough. His heart hurts, and his head aches. He is done playing this ‘I’m okay with everything’ game.
He is not okay with this, Dammit!
His heart is broken. Shattered. Irreplaceable. And he’s just supposed to be okay with that? He’s supposed to be Bucky’s friend and make jokes and smile when he is dying inside? Crying for his alpha- for stability when he feels like his whole world has been rocked?
Well, he’s had enough. He’s behaved for 2 years. He’s done!
Clenching blue eyes shut, Steve feels every carefully constructed wall of deception crumple at their feet.
“I don’t have time for this. Just leave so that I can breathe! I can’t breathe with you here!”
“Please,” the omega whimpers, all the fight leaving his body, long pale fingers running through sleep tousled hair, pulling at the roots, “Just stop.”
“Stop what? I can’t stop doing something if I don’t know what it is I’m doing!”
It’s Bucky’s turn to be panicked. In two strides, he’s in front of Steve, feeling the alarm creep up his chest, a flash of something sharpening eerie grey.
“Steve! Answer m-” Bucky lifts his hands as if to reach out for the other man but catches himself before metal could find flesh, “Will you tell me what I am doing wrong?”
Steve wants to cry and scream and rip that stupid mental arm out of its socket just so he can slap Bucky with it.
“Stop!” He repeats desperately, “Just stop! Stop saying my name! Stop talking to me like-like…”
“Like what!?”
Taking a calming breath, Steve forces himself to meet the alpha’s eyes, “Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to give you orders and never receive a protest in return?”
There’s a beat of silence accompanied by a blank expression. Steves heart shouting in his chest.
Steve continues, “Telling you what to do and how to do it. At least before you would fight me, yell at me. Make it easier to breathe.”
“Steve, what the fuck are you talkin’ about? You’re my boss. I’m s’posed ta take orders from ya.” Steve just about weeps when the Brooklyn accent begins to peek through, just as it usually does when Bucky is confused.
“Well, I’m not just your boss!”, Steve hears himself say, “I’m not just your boss. I’m also an omega. And I want you to tell me what to do. Your voice is like it’s permanently in alpha command, and I want you to fucking command me! Because I’m not just your boss. I’m not just an omega. I’m your fucking omega! And I can’t stand you saying my name like your seconds away from telling me to get down on my knees because you never do! And it isn’t your fault! It’s not! You don’t want me anymore, and that’s fine, but my omega hasn’t forgotten, and my heart won’t forgive you for not loving me anymore. So stop. Stop saying my name like you still want me. Because every time you do, for precisely one second, I feel like you’ve come back to me, but you haven’t- you won’t! And it’s killing me, Buck.”
Steve’s eyes are misted with tears, his chest heaving and skin flushed with embarrassment and shame, “Please… Just don’t say my name, or I’m just gonna break.”
The words pour from his lips, and he wants to disappear. He wishes the ground would just swallow him whole and save him from Bucky’s response.
Steve trembles beneath stormy grey, choosing instead to watch the ground. His omega whining and clawing at the back of his mind.
“I can’t do this anymore, Bucky.” He murmurs, waiting for the outrage or worse; the indifference-the clunk of footsteps walking away from the mess he’s made. The life they had. The man he no longer loves.
Steve hasn’t found his eyes again. Won’t move his head. He doesn’t care how submissive it makes him look because he’s spent most of his life searching for steel grey eyes in crowds and across rooms. Seeking them out in the dark, the only beacon of light he would see most days. And now… Now those eyes that kept him so safe when the world was crumbling around them made him feel like winter on a summer day, cold and alone, only seconds from melting into nothing.
He’s not sure how much time passes without a word between them. He waits another moment before surrendering a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding, shaking his head and turning to leave.
He didn’t know where he was going, but he couldn’t stay here.
Like lightning, Bucky’s right hand snaps forward, catching the omega’s wrist before he can make it far, and just like electricity, a jolt of fire scorches where their skin meets.
As one would an old friend, Steve invites the sensation to consume him, feeling every nerve respond to Bucky, it’s like he was brought back to life, and he wants nothing more than to cry because he knows it won’t last. He knows as soon as the alpha lets go, he’ll return to reality as only half a man. Something-someone always missing from him.
“Steve.”, his breath hitches, and his hands shake. A whisper of a scent he’s all but forgotten seeps into the room, but it’s gone before Steve can determine if it’s only a memory.
Steve’s name rolls off of Bucky’s tongue too easily. Too pretty. Too dark. Too much!
Hadn’t he been clear enough the first fucking time? How else exactly was he supposed to phrase it; ‘Don’t say my name, or I’ll break from how horny it makes me?’
“Steve,” The alpha repeats.
Steve feels another pang of electricity shoot to his fingertips, itching with the need to just touch, “Bucky, I think you should leave.”
He doesn’t want him to. But when was the last time Steve got what he wanted.
“Now,” He adds after another second passes. Bucky's feet were firmly placed on the ground, not a single muscle prepared to even twitch.
The room is blanketed in heavy silence before, “No.”
Steve feels as if the wind has been knocked out of him. His lips part in surprise, brow furrowed as his heart begins to pick up the pace.
“Excuse me?”
“I hate that I can’t scent you,” The alpha announces, talking slow, calculated steps forward, eradicating any space brave enough to separate them,
“I hate that I can’t tell where you are during missions.” Suddenly Bucky’s grip loosens, yet it doesn’t move far. He runs his hand up Steve’s forearm, fingertips dragging across perfect porcelain skin, not stopping until the palm of his flesh hand rests on Steve’s neck.
“I picture what it would feel like to sink my teeth into your neck and keep you there, with my fangs in your flesh, drawing blood from your skin and moans from your lips. I dream of you whimpering, “ He whispers harshly, eyes trained to Steve’s neck.
The omega’s eyes flutter closed, lips trembling around the alpha’s name, “Bucky,”
Ignoring the blonde, the other man continues, not quite done yet, “I defend those thoughts by saying to myself, it’s all so that I can feel you. So I can feel where you are when we’re in the field. So I won’t worry as much, won’t get distracted. But I know it’s just half of it. I know I want to tell you to take those damn blockers off. To wash it away, or let me lick it away with my tongue-whichever came first.”
“I hate that I want to fall asleep with you curled above my chest because you’ll be warmer that way. And for whatever reason, I remember you always being cold before bed. I want to demand you buckle up and wear extra layers. I want you to fight me a little. I want you to tell me to shut up but get all soft when I give you a hard look. Like, you are now, with my chest touching yours, hands at your neck and waist. Your heart stuttering against me. I want you to tease me because you want me to get annoyed so that I tell you to shut your mouth and put it to good use. I hate that I want to do all these things, but I can’t. Because you don’t want me to...”
Blue pop open, held hostage by grey. Bucky is everywhere. His face is so close Steve can feel every breath the alpha takes fan over his eyelashes. His eyes tracking over the curve of pink lips and soft skin. Left arm curled around Steve’s waist, metal grip unmoving. His other hand still firmly placed over his scent gland, Bucky’s long fingers spread over the column of flesh, thumb running back and forth along the length of it, causing goosebumps to follow his trail of fire.
Steve moans at the sensation, baring his neck so Bucky has the access he would need. His legs nearly giving out beneath him, but the arm at his waist won’t let him fall.
“Are you telling me that you want me to?” Bucky presses. His voice is sharp and promising. The hand around Steve’s neck, a light pressure the omega finds himself pushing into.
“Steve! Look at me. Look at me, omega.”
The blonde hadn’t noticed his eyes fluttering shut again, the sensation of being held, of having so much alpha- his alpha right there in front of him. Soaking him in his scent. Not a true claim or even a scent mark, but this is more than he ever thought he would ever get again.
Bucky’s words have barely registered for the omega; he lost the ability to comprehend English the instant Buckys hands found his body. But he reacts to the order, all the same, seeing the steely, beautiful grey (beginning to tint red again) he has known since he was a boy.
Slowly, so slowly, Steve begins to piece together the things Bucky has confessed, his eyes once more welling with tears.
Patiently, Bucky waits for the understanding to reflect in sapphire eyes, speaking only when he knows the omega can now retain information.
“Are you telling me you want me to touch you, Stevie?” Bucky murmurs, staring at Steve’s bottom lip.
“Yes,” He breathes, just barely audible without an ounce of hesitation.
The next thing Steve knew, Bucky had him against a wall. His nose buried in his neck and his hands rounding his ass, using his shoulders to pin Steve to the wall and lift his legs until the omega joined the program and wrapped his legs around Bucky’s waist. Bucky’s hardening cock pushing into his hip.
“Oh shit, Buck!”
“ I have to say your name,” Bucky growls, grinding into his omega.
“As much as I can, even if it doesn’t work in the conversation, because it’s the closest I can get you in my mouth. It tastes like heaven, and memories I can’t decipher are real or just fantasy they- Oh, fuck baby. Yeah, Stevie- They don’t compare to this- Keep moving, just like that, babydoll.”
Steve ruts against Buckys friction, his eyes closed tightly, whatever was left of their blockers bleeding out, replacing the neutral aroma in the room with their combined scents, desperation, and slick.
“God, Bucky. I missed you so much. I’ve been so alone.”
Buckys mouth finds Steve’s trembling lips, nothing subtle or slow about his movements. The alpha’s tongue swallows the moans tumbling past Steve’s lips. Hands gripping his waist tighter.
The sun bursts behind their eyes. Blood rushing and hearts bumping to twice their regular speed. For different people, people who aren’t Steve and Bucky, a first kiss after so long should probably be slow and tentative, something soft and building. But they aren’t different people. They are too broken and too powerful and undeniably deserving people who have had nothing to count on besides one another their entire conscious lives. To entertain even a second of not indulging in hard, fast, desperate supersedes unthinkable and settles somewhere over cruel.
“Never again, Stevie. I ain’t leaving you alone” another thrust, “Ever, “ another bruising kiss, “Again.”
Bucky’s cock strains against his uniform, desperate for Steve’s hole. Steve is a withering whimpering mess, drunk on Buckys scent and high on all the delicious friction causing his weeping cunt to flutter, uncomfortably empty.
After several more minutes of making out, Bucky moves them back to the bed, lying Steve out on the mattress. He only has a fraction of a second to admire the work of art that is Steve Rogers sprawled out and waiting to be fucked when Steve’s hands are at his neck, pulling him back in.
His lips move against the alpha’s sloppily, sucking on his bottom lip until the ex-assassin growls impatiently, searching for his mate’s tongue. His mate…
His mate. Steve thinks he may cry as the sheer relief almost painfully washes over him. All of the uncertainty and shame of being unwanted melts away, and all that surrounds him is the vibrating want, mine, love, love, love from the man above him, trailing scorching hot kisses down his neck.
“I wanna be ‘side you, baby. Please, Steve. Let me, ugh, please, babydoll. Can I-”
“Yes!” steve interrupts, “Yes, Alpha, you never have to ask! I’ll do whatever you ask, oh just touch me, Bucky, alpha, my alpha, touch me-”
“Shh, “ Bucky chuckles, stopping the omega’s rambling. He runs his flesh hand through disheveled blonde hair, dragging his nails through Steve’s scalp and marveling at the hiss the omega releases, “I’ve got you, Stevie. All I needed was a lil consent, then all bets are off, aren’t they? ‘Cause you’re mine now, aren’t you, baby?”
“Always have been, jerk. I never stopped.”
“Good. Now, stop touching me.”
With a whimper, Steve can’t stop his hands from frantically clawing every inch of Bucky he can access.
“Now, babydoll, don’t you wanna be good for me?”
Still clutching one hand around Bucky's thick, muscular biceps, the other pulling at the strands of dark brown hair helplessly, “I can be good,” the omega babbles, “I’ll be good, Alpha. So good, I can be good, so so good. Please-”
“ Then listen to what I am telling you. I won’t repeat myself again, Steve. It’s my turn now. I wanna get my mouth on you, and I can’t do that if you keep pullin’ me back up to kiss. So stop touching.”
The moan that stutters past Steve’s lips would be embarrassing if not for how fucking fantastic it feels for Bucky’s alpha command to slam into him. Paralyzing him in place. Hands falling unceremoniously at his sides.
Crystal blues brimming with tears, he feels safe for the first time since coming out of the ice- he feels familiar. Not somewhere foreign with no understanding of anything besides, fight this, kill that. This is different. This is them. This is intimacy- their intimacy.
There’s trust swimming within the negative spaces Bucky extends, and he knows, to his core, he can let go. Steve surrenders all his false smiles and exhausting positivity. This is home. Bucky is home. He doesn’t have to put up a front because his alpha has it handled.
Steve isn’t Captain America or some beacon of hope. He’s just Steve, Stevie. Bucky's Omega.
He’s unsure how much time passes or where it went, to begin with, but his body sinks deeper into his mattress, feeling entirely boneless.
“You okay, baby?” Bucky’s husky voice breaks through the fog, “I lost you for a second there.”
Steve feels himself come back, callused hands running through damp blonde hair.
“Mmm,” he hums.
“You spaced a little, Stevie. You’re so beautiful when you get all soft for me. But you’re back now, aren’t you? Look at you. So perfect. Pretty, perfect omega-mine. Kept your hands at your side the whole time too. Such a good boy. You’re gonna keep your hands right where they are, Stevie. Don’t you move a fucking inch. I’m going to lick you open now, babydoll. And you’re gonna come on my tongue as many times as I want you to. Because I’ve gone 70 years without you, and I’m goddamned starved” Bucky’s voice goes from soft praise to near feral growls. His voice sending nothing but jolts of electricity down Steve’s spine, another wave of slick slipping down his thighs.
Before the ‘please’ has the opportunity to touch Steve's mouth, Bucky's hot, slick tongue finds his pulse point, just mere inches from his mating gland.
“I want this off!”, The ex-assassin grunts, in one swift move yanking the crisp white shirt from Steve's chest.
Bucky backs up to lean on his knees, eyes tracking over pinkening skin. Steve’s own gaze glides over now exposed skin. Steve tries to finger out when he removed his clothes but falls short.
After so long without Buckys tenderly harsh commands, falling into space came a little easier than he would have thought. Overwhelmed by the unanticipated satisfaction.
“Open your eyes.”
When had Steve closed his eyes again?
“There you are, dolly. Keep those pretty eyes on me, okay? Always on me, baby.”
Rough, mouthwateringly calloused hands find the waistband of Steve’s pants and yank down in one fluid motion.
The blonde hisses for a moment at the sudden cold air biting his skin, but it only lasts a moment before he’s screaming.
“Fuck!” Steve throws his head back in favor of making sounds even a prostitute would blush at.
One moment Bucky’s on his knees, eyes predatory and sinful, calculating all the things he could do to the man shivering beneath his gaze, the next finds him throat deep, swallowing down Steve’s sweet omega cock, slurping up his precum and getting high off the scent of slick so close to his nose.
Steve can’t breathe.
God! It’s too much. It’s so good. It’s too good!
Steve can feel the familiar pull of an orgasm tugging inside of him. The corners of his closed vision whitening out around the black, lacking the energy to even feel embarrassed by how quickly he’s reached his pinnacle.
Pulling off agonizingly slow, Bucky lets his tongue harshly lick along Steve’s little shaft and twirl over his tip, remembering- fucking remembering! All the sounds and glazed looks elicited from the man below him in the past.
Grey eyes flick up hungrily, ravenous for a look into perfect crystal eyes; he can remember the glazed debauched expression that could devour Steve’s pupils, but it’s not enough!
He wants the real thing.
He wants something tangible and alive in his hands he can never again confuse with desire. Something he’s sure happened, a gift Steve is willingly offering instead of a snarled half-memory he can’t allow himself to believe.
“I-ugh! I’m gonna-“Steve stutters, toes curling and knees bending, framing Bucky's face between his thighs. His hands twitch beside him, but he doesn’t dare move them.
It should have been a cry of ecstasy.
Should have been the Yellow River Flood; relentless and relieving. No survivors.
Instead, Steve is left with his chest heaving violently. Gasping for air just as he did when he was small.
The omega hears Bucky tutting before he manages to pry his eyes open. Immediately recognizing his mistake before the words fall from cum slick lips.
“Oh, baby. You were doing so good.”
“Nno! Buck, please!”
“Shhh, What did I say, dolly?” Bucky replaces his mouth with one strong hand, lazily jerking at Steve’s straining cock.
He’s smirking when Steve hisses beneath him and hums in approval when his hands stay at his sides.
“F-Faster! Please, Buck! Goddamn it, stop teasing’ me.”
“What did I say, Stevie?” Bucky repeats sharply. His movements slowing further.
Steve’s omega cries.
“You wanna cum, baby doll? “
“Then what do you have to do?“
Steve’s mind has gone to mush. He thrusts his hips up, chasing after Bucky's friction. Hands struggling against the bedsheets.
“Still, omega!”
Bucky's voice is rough as sandpaper, sounding as on edge as Steve feels. A firm metal hand presses into the omega’s hip holding him in place.
“Be good, Stevie.” The alpha asserts firmly, scent growing muskier with every heavenly noise gasped and groaned from Steve’s sinful lips.
“If you wanna cum, what is it you have to do?”
Bucky rubs a metal thumb soothingly over a sinfully sharp hip bone before trailing his fingers over Steve’s quivering thigh.
Grey eyes nearly roll into the back of his head, “Fuck, baby, you’re so soft. C’mon, don’t you want me to touch you?”
“Yes! Please, fuckin touch me, you jerk!”
Chuckling darkly to himself, Bucky watches Steve with bated breath, and all at once, he feels like his mind had never left. Like an addict, he was never over his addiction; he just forgot how good it was. And like the degenerate addict he apparently was, he sucks in deep breaths, sucking in as much of Steve’s aroused scent that his lungs can handle.
All it took was one hit of Steve- his omega- and he had fallen into himself, more of who he was than any memory had offered.
Steve is his clarity and his habit. The one thing that will always bring him back because Steve is home.
And he’s gonna make him feel good. He’s gonna make up for all he put his omega through, and he’s gonna enjoy every second of it.
Every moan, every shiver, every cry. He’s gonna hold him and bruise him because Steve is his, and that’s how the omega likes it. Bucky’s omega. Bucky's Sweetheart. Bucky’s mate.
The ex-assassin lets his fingers trail lower, his other hand still just barely moving over Steve’s pulsing cock.
The first touch of cool metal meeting Steve’s hole causes the blonde to nearly jump off the bed.
Steve thinks he’s gonna die.
He feels every cell in his body vibrating with a hot, hopeless sensation. Slick pours out of him the second Bucky’s teasing, perfect, godforsaken pinky circles Steve’s core. His lungs and eyes are burning, nearly out of breath, and only capable of volunteering a broken sob when that fucking pinky just barely pushes in.
“Please,” he whispers jaggedly.
He’ll be good for bucky. He’ll keep his hands at his side. He’ll do what he says even without the command, the fogginess of his brain settling deep enough that any request will register as a command anyway.
That’s just how Steve is wired.
Designed to submit to Buck’s direction.
He knows what Bucky wants, but to physically pry his eyes open at that moment was easier said than done. He struggled to determine whether or not he’s trying to starve off a quickly approaching orgasm or trying to chase one.
Whatever the answer, Bucky doesn’t let him reach it.
The alpha’s dark, whiskey voice sounds as wrecked as Steve feels.
“What. Do. I. Want?” Bucky growls impatiently. Another wave of slick dribbles from the omega wetting the sheets beneath them.
Think, steve! Give alpha what he wants! You can be good. I can be good…. What does he want again?
“My…ugh! M-My eyes.”
Finally, fucking finally, Bucky pushes a finger into Steve’s hole. Fast and absolutely delicious.
Just when he thought Bucky would stop playing games, he realizes the ringing in his ears is replaced by the alpha tutting above him.
“Very close, baby, but not quite.”, Buckys finger starts to draw out slowly; what little fullness Steve has is threatened, and the distressed mewl Steve makes in protest causes the alpha to chuckle darkly.
“P-pretty! Keep my pretty eyes on you! Only on you!” his eyes snap open frenzied, finding a swirl of grey and red zeroed in on him.
In a millisecond, Steve has two metal fingers thrusting into his hole. His back arches on the mattress, fingers nearly numb as they grip the sheets tighter, but his eyes don’t close again.
“That’s right, baby. Only on me.”
“Oh! Yes!”
“Fuck! You’re so tight, Stevie.”, Bucky groans, lowering himself as to mouth along Steve’s jaw, nipping his skin between tentative licks.
“Pl-Ease! Oh, yes... Please, Buck.”
“Please what, Stevie? Use your words.”
Steve’s mind is a simple stream of 3 thoughts, Touch me. Fuck me. Love me!; all of which he can only vocalize as, “Oh please, please. Bucky!”
Working a third finger along with the other two, Bucky hisses with Steve at the stretch his hole gives.
So fucking tight, the alpha thinks to himself, I don’t know how I’ll survive it, but I’m gonna fuck this omega so gooood.
“Words, Steve. Or I’ll start thinking you don’t want me t’touch ya at’all. Huh, maybe I should stop...”
“No! God, Buck, don’t stop, don’t ever stop!”
“Then tell me what you want. What a’you begging for, Doll?” Bucky trails the tips of his fingers over Steve’s ribs, rounding at his back, “is it my fingers? Sliding through all your slick? Or is it my mouth?”
Bucky chuckles,” That’s not really an answer, Stevie.” His voice gets darker each time he says the omegas name like he knows. Actually, the bastard does know! He knows exactly what he’s doing.
The prospect of teasing seems to pull him just the tiniest bit to the side of coherent, a snarky remark falling from his lips as easily as the desperate pleas had moments before.
“You havin’ fun, Buck?” Steve pants, “Seems like you’re having a little too much fun.”
“Aw no, baby. I’m having the exact right amount of fun. Aren’t we?”
“ ‘We’ are a lotta peop-le!! Oh shit!” pushing his fingers in deeper, Bucky just brushes against Steve’s prostate. A sinister and smug smile curling his lips upward.
“Words, Stevie. Tell me what you want. And I’ll give it to you, omegamine. Just tell me.”
Steve’s chest flushes more as the words tingle on his tongue. Bucky's nearly feral tone betrays his suave and calm demeanor.
He’s just as desperate to be buried deep in Steve’s hole as Steve is to have him there.
Bucky’s fingers push more firmly against Steve’s prostate, and the omega nearly sees stars.
“Sing for me” Almost like an echo, Steve hears Buckys words like gospel.
It’s a command he’s most familiar with. He knows just what ‘ song’ Bucky wants ….
“Daddy!” Steve hisses around a fourth finger. The words punching out of him before he could stop them.
“ I wondered if that was just fantasy,” the alpha mumbles. Eyes darkening a rich crimson. An ever-present growl rumbling in his chest.
Bucky leans over, letting his fingers get even deeper, dragging against Steve’s special spot with every new thrust. With red eyes and diminishing control, the alpha drinks in every pant and whine that drips past kiss-bruised lips and bouncing off the walls of Steve’s room.
Bucky drops his nose into Steve’s scent gland, swiping his tongue over the swelling tissue for a better taste.
“You smell so fucking good, baby. Like mate.”
“Buck…” Steve gasps, feeling overwhelmed. Any moans he could possibly wish to suppress are yanked from his chest with every move the alpha makes. Sounds too rowdy even for porn echoing in his small dark room.
Bucky can’t get enough of it, stuttering an accidental thrust into Steve’s hip when the omega whines in a delightfully sweet way, the scent of slick and alluring sounds steve makes nearly choking him.
Fuck, I hope Tony has these rooms soundproofed. Steve uses his last brain cell to think.
Bucky's metal fingers continue to work him open, preparing him for his big alpha cock fast and rough and exactly how he likes it, but his other hand still moves sluggishly over Steve’s, slowly purpling prick. Tightening and stopping entirely every so often as to starve off Steve’s orgasm.
“Bucky, please!”
Fuck, Bucky thinks, I hope everybody can hear him, fuckin; hear us,
The blonde knows all he has to do is tell Bucky ‘Fuck me’ maybe add on ‘Daddy’ to further wreck him like it did back in the days if he even still likes that. But as much as Steve likes Bucky telling him what to do, he loves to defy him into aggression, twice as much.
“Say it again,” Bucky mumbles against the omegas scent gland, unable to move a millimeter.
The laugh that tumbles past Steve’s lips is quickly swallowed by Buckys tongue shoved down his throat. Pearly white teeth pulling back only to stress a bite on his bottom lip, not stopping until a faint taste of metal joins the deliriously delicious taste of Buckys omega.
“Again, omega. Say it again.”
With another brush against his prostate, Stev’s vision begins to blur, but he won’t close his eyes, no matter how much he wants them to,
Steve is a debauched disaster. A puddle of liquid fire and Bucky wanted to fucking burn.
“You know that’s not what I want to hear, babydoll. But I’m feeling generous, so let’s make a deal, yeah? You say what I want, and I’ll tell my precious boy how good he is. How good you feel around my fingers swallowin’ my fingers so fuckin’ good. And I’ll say your name as much as you want. That’s what you were beggin’ for, wasn’t it?” Bucky rambles, fingers pumping quicker into Steve, hand starving off the omegas dick, tugging over the length with dangerous precision.
“You want me to say your name, dontcha dolly? Tell you you’re being good. Everything Daddy needs. My good, beautiful Stevie.”
Buckys cock presses into the mattress, the slightest friction sending magic to tingle over his skin. His knot calls out for Steve’s sopping wet pussy, fluttering around his fingers. The sensation alone is a mutual torture all on its own.
It would be so fucking easy to slide home into Steve’s awaiting heat. So fucking easy!
Not yet, he reminds himself.
No, he wants something first, and he’s gonna get it.
Outside of the bedroom, the thought of ever using his alpha tone with Steve is unthinkable. There isn’t a scenario out there that could justify taking away his omegas free will.
But here-like this. Sweaty and drooling and filthy, reeking of mate and sex, the tone combines with his voice as if that’s the only way there is to speak.
“Say it again, Steve. Now!”
“Daddy! Daddy, fuck me! Please,pleasepleaseplease”
Gently, the alpha removed his fingers. Steve’s mouth opens to cry, but before he can focus too much on the dreadful emptiness, Bucly is buried to the hilt in Steve’s ass.
“Ah!” Steve shouts, throwing his head back and moving his hands to grip at Bucky’s shoulders for the first time since being told not to move them an inch.
He quickly realizes his mistake, and in a fearful attempt to keep Bucky inside of him, confident he wouldn’t survive another moment of his teasing, his alpha’s voice rumbles past the panic.
“Touch me. Wherever you want, Stevie.”
The sigh of relief is an afterthought, long nimble finger trail over both metal and flesh shoulders, a satisfying wave pushing into the realm of too damn good. Being allowed to touch after being denied was always such an experience. Reverse touch starved. Bucky has the go-ahead to do with him as he wishes. Meanwhile, every instinct within the omega seeks Bucky out. His skin, his mouth, his scent. He wants to feel his alpha under his fingers as much as he wants to bounce on Buckys, but he can’t. He has to lay there and fight against the urge to suck hickeys onto every surface of skin he can find.
Pulling on stands of dark chestnut-colored hair, Steve tries to adjust to the girth inside of him.
“Move.”, the omega whispers harshly after a few moments.
Bucky doesn’t need much prompting; he knows Steve can take it, and more than that, any remaining sting that prepping might have missed, Steve fucking aches for.
“As you wish.”
It’s like a dam break. A flood, unforgiving, and exactly what they each fuckin need!
Bucky's shallow, calculated thrusts soon quicken, taking on a brutal pace.
He slams his cock home and grinds deep before pulling nearly entirely out and slamming back in. Again and again and again. Returning quicker every time he finds himself back inside Steve’s velvet-soft heat.
Words are lost on the omega, choosing to indulge rather on feral groans and guttural whines, meeting every thrust and dragging sharp nails across Bucky's shoulders.
It’s all so much. Like a storm, heavy and pounding in their ears. And it all makes so much sense.
They’re a natural disaster. Bucky kisses like a hurricane, all lips, tongue, and teeth. Steve moves and squeezes his walls around Bucky's cock, no rhyme or reason to his actions, just passion, just I have to have this.
Kisses pouring down upon kisses like rain, soaking them in love, and Steve nearly cries.
He never thought he’d have this again.
The ex-assassin is a bit more vocal.
He can feel his release creeping up, desire warm and urgent low in his belly. But cumming before Steve is absolutely not an option. Half the fun was watching the poster child for purity throw his head back in ecstasy, beggin for ruin with Buckys name on his lips. And he’d be damned if he's gonna miss it in the cloud of his own pleasure.
“D-Deeper!” Steve whimpers, pulling Bucky closer by the nape of his neck.
The hand that had been knotted in Steve’s own hair follows suit of the palm firmly placed over one sharp hip bone.
Gripping him with enough pressure to bruise, Bucky bends over Steve’s lithe build and takes hold of one muscular thigh, nearly folding the blonde in half as he settles Steve’s leg over his flesh shoulder.
“Fuck!” Steve cries, Bucky's cock sliding that much deeper, hitting his prostate with nearly every thrust.
Bucky groans at the new position, one large hand kneading and pulling at Steve's ass, tugging him back with the snap of his hips. His other hand runs over the omegas sweaty, slick body, sliding a finger over a single hard nipple before securing his fingers around Steve’s neck. Palm pushing into his scent gland.
It is a little more than light pressure, but it gives its desired effect; Steve’s eyes go from unfocused and glassy to piercing. More black than blue, pupils blown, but Bucky still catches the glint of gold mingling about, exactly what he’d been waiting for.
There you are, omegamine, he thinks.
“Ugh, yes, fuck! You like that, don’t you. Like me pushing you down. Like me pounding into your sweet pussy. But it’s not really yours is it, baby?”
“Answer me. Who’s pussy is this, Steve?”
“Y-yours, Daddy. I’m yours.”
“Mine.” The alpha growls, yet another wave of slick passing Steve’s thighs. “My omega. My good boy. Listened so good, doll.”
“Fuck, Buck. Alpha, my alpha. I missed you, I missed you so fuking much. I missed your big alpha cock. So good to me. I wanna be good, Daddy. Tell me how to be good.”
“You wanna be good?”
“You’re already so good for me. Perfect omega. Pretty, perfect thing.”
“I can be-ugh yes!! I can...nnnn….be better.” The omega stutters between kisses, “Wanna be the best boy.”
“Please, Alpha. Knot me!”
“Okay, baby. Listen closely, hmm?”
“Keep still.” In two mostly smooth movements, Bucky is lying on his back, Steve’s lean frame now straddling the alpha, lifting him by the waist; Bucky sinks Steve further on his cock.
“Ride me.”
As if without his permission, Steve’s moving above the bigger man.
Thick thighs feel even wider between Steve’s slightly smaller ones. Bucky’s hands come to Steve’s waist, helping him grind down harder, deeper.
Steve can’t keep his gaze from trailing down to where they’re connected. His hole swallowing 6 to 7 inches of monster alpha cock, and he could just cry for how hot it is to see them connected like this.
I wanna be locked to you. I want your knot!
“Eyes, Stevie!” Bucky snarls with another hash snap of his hips, impaling Steve further and hitting his prostate. The omega falls over, making sure to lock blue with grey.
Abandoning their vice grip on the alphas thighs, Steve steadies himself with one hand over his lover's heart, fingertips brushing the mating gland by his neck as the other grips the headboard above the bed, wood splintering under every shock of pleasure jolting through Steve in response to each of Bucky's strident thrusts.
“Oh, oh! D-Daddy. I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum!”
“Now that I’ve got you back, we won’t be leaving this room for much, Stevie. I want you on your knees sucking my big alpha cock. Licking up the evidence of what you do to me. I’ll hold you by your neck and force-feed it to you just like you like it.”
“Yeah, baby, say my name. You’re beautiful. Angelic. A work of. Fucking. Art.” He punctuates his words with a sharp jerking of Steve’s body above him. Pulling his center as close as he can get him, knot swelling mercilessly and snagging on Steve’s rim.
Steve feels pleasure like he’s never felt before. Words slurred and hardly coherent,
“‘Wan’ yur k’nnot!”
He sounds drunk.
Bucky loves it!
“Not until you cum, baby doll. You first, then Daddy. Good boys get their rewards, and this is-” using Steve as a ragdoll, Bucky manhandles him into circular motions, twisting and penetrating the omegas sweet spot with wild precision.
One hand (Steve couldn’t even tell you which, mind too fuzzy and too loaded with his quickly approaching orgasm) presses into the omegas gorgeous tits before sweeping down to tug on Steve’s crying cock, pre-cum dribbling from its bright red head.
Steve cums with a shout, back arching and eyes struggling to stay open, finally shut. His vision whites out with pleasure, but he can’t bring himself to remember anything outside of this bliss. No world lived outside of these walls. Just him, his alpha, and all the pleasure Bucky brings him.
“Ohhh, Allphaa,”
“Yours. Yes! Oh, you feel- God so fucking tight, Stevie. Look ‘atchyou. Milking my cock, pussy squeezing my knot, beggin for it. Daddy’s gonna give it to you.”
“Gimme,” he whispers weakly.
He doesn’t feel Bucky flip him over or the hands pushing both his legs over Bucky’s shoulders, but the moment Bucky starts pumping in and out again, his body jolts awake, and all Steve wants is to make his alpha cum.
“Daddy’s gonna cum right inside your tight, perfect pussy. Yeah, Stevie. ugh!”
“Wan’ be...hmm.”, he tries to form words, but they die on his tongue, not coming down fast enough to entertain even a murmur of conversation.
Another 30 seconds passing before he has enough brain cells to return his gaze to stormy grey.
As always, Bucky’s eyes are already on him.
“That's all you got, Daddy?” The blonde snarks between pants, another orgasm building in his belly, toes curling, and his half-soft prick smushed and pulsating against Bucky's abs.
Bucky laughs around a moan, pulling Steve into another kiss before giving one, two, three more thrusts, shouting out a string of praise as his knot pops inside of his omega.
Steve’s heavy punched out sigh joins the shuddered fluttering of his hole, another wave of release escaping him.
The room fills with pants and sloppy kisses. Each man nosing along their scent glands, finding where a bond mark would go and lapping over it lovingly.
In the 40s, hiding their love was a matter of survival, and a surrender of their need to properly mate. They didn’t have to hide here. They could love each other and bite each other someday. Unified in the one way they spent most of their lives thinking they’d never have.
They Lie there, tied together even after Bucky’s knot goes down. Thoughts of taking that step-marking each other, on the tip of both of their tongues.
They lie there, bathing in the calm after the storm.
Sometime afterward:
After another round and many minutes of lazily making out, the pair rest beside each other, touching the other man wherever he could reach, tracing nonsense patterns into heated flesh and feeling happier than either had in 70 years.
“What were you sayin’, y’know before we… Y’know”, Steve blushes as if he wasn’t just face down ass up drooling over Tony’s Egyptian cotton sheets.
“Before you started crying for my knot, and I fucked you 6 ways from Sunday?”
“You’re a fucking jerk!”
“Nah, I’m just fucking a jerk.”, The alpha smiles, joy like nothing he’s been able to remember trips over his heart.
“I’m serious, Buck. Before we...did it”
A sharp smack falls onto Buckys bare chest, “Fine! Before you came like a geyser up my ass-”
“Steve!” Bucky barks a laugh, loving the pink blush dusting over Steve’s cheeks despite the faux aggravation he was attempting to express.
“Will ya quit interrupting me? You fucking alphas are so rude!”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry, Stevie. What were you saying?” Bucky concedes, the shit-eating grin doing nothing for the butterflies swarming the omega’s insides.
“You were saying that you couldn’t decipher real from what’s fake?”
Sighing, Bucky cards his fingers through Steve’s hair, not stopping, when the omega turns onto his stomach, exposing his back and facing the brunette. Bucky smiles down at the omega letting his hand slide down to his spine, tracing the smooth pale skin with the tip of his finger.
It’s freeing, liberating even, to let his hands and eyes roam wherever they want. After so many years of separation, then being reunited only to build unnecessary obstacles designed for the sole purpose of self-sabotaging, somehow they’ve found themselves again in the other man’s arms.
Bucky bends down to press a gentle kiss on Steve’s shoulder, loving the way the omega shivers beneath his lips.
I could just eat him alive…
“Buuuuck,” Steve shakes his head, smiling at the alpha underneath long lashes.
“Sorry, baby, you just look so sexy.”
“Oh, do I? Maybe it has a little to do with all the naked skin?”
Smiling goofily, Bucky allows his voice to get al sweet, “C’mere, smartass.”
Bucky pulls a yelping Steve into his lap, effectively laying the slender omega over his broad alpha chest.
The feeling is exhilarating. Bucky feels his stomach swoop and heart skip a beat, feeling more accomplished in this solitary moment entangled with Steve than in months of SHIELD work.
Steve grins despite himself. Settling against Bucky's chest, folding his hands in front of him and resting his chin onto his knuckles. Suddenly thrilled by the position.
He can stare into Bucky's eyes forever, and he has a sneaking suspicion the alpha won’t protest.
Cold metal fingers trail down Steve’s spine, eliciting a gentle quiver from the blonde man, shamelessly beaming beneath the attention.
“I remember how scared I would get in the winter.”
Steve’s brow furrowed in confusion, lying his head down onto his forearms and urging the larger man with his eyes to continue.
“I love that I can make you shiver now. But I think it would’ve just about wrecked me with worry back then.”
Bucky's flesh hand curls across Steve’s exposed waist, letting his heat seal into his fingers. His eyes close in relief. Like he’s remembered something… or rather; reminded himself of something.
“ I remember the worry best. The sleepless nights and evenings spent bent over pews, praying no one could hear your name falling from my lips because then they’d know… Know how much I wanted you. Wanted you to live. Wanted you to love me. Wanted you to be my omega. I remember going to work at the docks and feeling the bike rise in my throat as we talked about chasing tail when all that I fucking wanted was to make it through my shift and run my way home to you.”
Steve smiles fondly at Bucky. His head remains rested in the crook of his right elbow but reaches forward with his left to trail patterns on Bucky’s scent gland. Trailing back from his neck to his cheek, he will never understand how helpful he is just by existing.
“ I remember wanting you. I know there has never been a moment in which I existed, and I didn’t love you, even under hydra. Even when they told me- made me go after you. They had to wipe me twice before I stopped fighting… I should’ve kept fighting.”
“Buck-“ Steve’s tone is soft and reprimanding in the way only Steve Rogers could manage, but it’s not enough. The tears build behind grey and crimson. Shame burning him from the inside.
Bucky shakes his head, trying to shake away Steve’s tender touch.
Leaning forward, Steve ignores the alphas dismissal, warm petal-soft lips find Buckys, and he presses his weight deeper into his alpha.
“I’m here. With you. You stopped, Buck. You never, not for a second, stopped fighting! That wasn’t you.” Steve’s tone was loving and firm in the way only Steve Rogers could ever manage- or could ever feel for Bucky Barnes.
Bucky's eyes find crystal blue, and for a moment, he’s thrust back into his mind, his heart thrashing and growling, crying Not him! Not Steve. Stop! God damn it! You’re hurting him! We can’t hurt him!
For a moment, Steve’s sweet pink cheeks are bruised and bleeding, split by Russian metal and the free will Bucky was robbed of.
“Bucky!” Steve whispers harshly, just on the edge of frantic, “ C’mon, alpha. Don’t leave me alone again.”
“I’m here.”, Bucky chokes out, “ I’m here, baby. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
They hold each other for, neither of them speaking. Foreheads pressed together between grabby hands pushing firmly against heated flesh.
A reminder…
I’m alive. You’re okay. We’re together.
“ I remember those things; that panic of possibly losing you, very easily,” Bucky continues, “ And then… it started as flashes. Split seconds. But god, did I chase after them. It would be something minimal at first. You lying down on the bed or smiling at me over a sketchbook. But then they changed, and your head was thrown back, and the things you were drawing were us-naked. And I started hating myself because my fucking crush on you was filtering in on my memories of you, and it wasn’t fair. It felt real, but I knew it wasn’t or-“
“But they are real, Buck. We’ve always been us. This way! Laws be damned! We loved each other, and no one was gonna tell us we couldn’t have that!”
“It didn’t matter, though,” Bucky adds.
Steve shoots up off his chest, kneeling on the mattress, and as naked as the day he was born. More hurt than he thought he could ever be in his alphas arms, “ Of course it did. How could you say that? Wha-”
Bucky sits up quickly, reaching out, but Steve swiftly evades him, feeling colder than Brooklyn in February.
“No! How could you say that? It matters! We matter. You matter. I fucking matter, Bucky! I lost you. You died! You fell off that train, and my alpha died!” he cries,
“I flew that plane into the ocean not because Captain America’s nobility prevails, I did it because l was grieving and life wasn’t worth living without you.”
“No! Shut. Up.” Steve growls, but it sounds more like a whine.
“I died too, Buck. And woke up to a life I didn’t want either. Not just like you. I know what you went through was unthinkably cruel. But living without you was a prison sentence. And I had no choice but to wear red, white, and blue in place of orange and serve out my life miserably and without you. And that mattered.”
“I know, Stevie, I know. I’m sorry, that’s not what I meant, baby.”
“Then how else did you mean it?”
“There were things that I saw or remembered-whatever! But neither matter because fantasy is something that can never happen, and if it’s a memory, it will never happen again.”
Steve can feel his heart breaking in his chest. Angry and more than a little offended, he can practically feel the anguish emanating from his alpha’s skin.
“Because you wouldn’t want the blood-soaked into my hands to touch you. To touch your pretty perfect body, so I say your name, and I can’t stop because my alpha is always just before feral, and you are the only thing keeping Me on the side of sane. I know you matter. You’re the only thing on this entire fucked up bullshit infested planet that matters!”
“But the thought of losing you based on things I simply wanted and not what you needed from me? It didn’t matter- nothing mattered beyond you. I thought you wanted Bucky Barnes, the closeted best friend. I couldn’t trust myself to believe you wanted me in the 40s, and I couldn’t hope that if you had, you’d want me still.”
“You’re an idiot,” Steve sighs, eyes misting, but he lets himself be drawn in by strong, vulnerable arms.
“...I think I understand what you mean, though.”
“I wanted to say I miss you ao many times. But then I just...couldn’t. I thought it wouldn’t change anything, so I just kept pretending I didn’t. But then there are days when I wake up, and the fact that it’s without you won’t let me pretend anymore.”
“Now, who’s the idiot?” Bucky chuckles, brushing strands of hair from those hypnotizing blue eyes.
Bucky lets the Sympathy, understanding pool from his scent and settle over Steve like a warm blanket.
Smiling, Steve takes the comfort from his alpha in stride, “Of course, I talk like an idiot, Buck. How else are you ‘posed to understand me?”
Huffing a quick laugh, the ex-assassin feels all the love for this omega shine in a smile, “You’re such a fuckin’ punk, y’know that little omega?”
“ I’m your fuckin’ Punk, and besides, I’m not so little anymore.”
Whatever faithless semblance of decency they had left swiftly deteriorates as Bucky fully settles Steve into his lap, lying back into the cushions and pulling the duvet over them both.
He presses a soft kiss on Steve’s forehead and whispers with as much meaning he can muster, “You’re perfect, omegamine. Fuckin’ perfect! Perfect for me, you hear?”
Steve releases a joyful giggle,” I hear. Are we going to sleep, Alpha?”
Snuggling deeper into the alpha’s chest, Steve feels content for the first time in what feels like forever, loving how perfectly he still fits in Bucky's arms, even all beefed up by the serum. Not a single gap between them.
“You comfortable, sweetheart?” Bucky asks happily. Certainly hearing and feeling Steve’s pleased purring.
“ I’m warm,” The omega mumbles, exhaustion barreling into him.
“Good. Sleep, Stevie. We'll talk more in the morning.”
Steve doesn’t respond, just nuzzles into his alpha more until his nose is close enough to the source of the brunette’s scent, humming satisfaction as he sniffs pleasantly.
“I never thought I’d get to have this. That you’d be in my arms like this. I thought I’d spend the rest of my life just pining after you-loving you. I love you, omegamine. I love you so much.”
Steve replies in soft snores, but Bucky doesn’t care. He presses a kiss to the top of ruffled blonde hair and falls asleep with a smile on his face.
He doesn't mind that Steve fell asleep because nothing else matters besides his blue-eyed beauty. Not when he has this. Not when Steve is soft and asleep and warm. He has the rest of his life to tell his omega he loves him.
One thing is for sure.
Bucky will never stop saying Steve’s name.
131 notes · View notes
gyuluster · 4 years
the prince and the jackal | {f}
collab oneshot | fantasy! au | 11.8k words
“Because the prince of the earth can make you fall not only for nature, but the boy who rules over it.”
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s u m m a r y : in the Kingdom of Terrae, you, a metalbender, believe in the deforestation to modernise the land. As a member of the Lumberjackals, you thrive on cutting down trees and stealing resources until you get caught by the Crown Prince, Choi Beomgyu, a lover and embodiment of the nature you wish to destroy. However, instead of imprisoning you for your crimes, Beomgyu decides to show you the beauty and wonders of nature, leaving you to doubt your beliefs, your identity, and your very feelings for the certain boy determined to change you for the better.
w a r n i n g s : prince! beomgyu, woodcutter! metalbender! reader, reader hates wildlife and all things nature, beomgyu is sunshine and flowers and everything good, shit ton of wildlife and fantasy stuff, bts kim line are part of the lumberjackals so are evil in this story i am so sorry y’all, beomgyu has a pet squirrel called jisung yes han jisung, kind of enemies to lovers not really but im pretending it is
p l a y l i s t : fairy of shampoo by txt | colours of the wind by judy kuhn | willow by taylor swift
a u t h o r ‘ s  n o t e : yes i am back from the dead to bring this fic hello!! this is a collab with @soobmint​ @juunnies​ @bffsoobin​ @honeyju​ pls do read their parts too they’re so sexc <3 do lemme know what you all think and thank you for reading!!
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“And this prayer I make,               Knowing that Nature never did betray The heart that loved her.”  — William Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey, 1798.
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You ignored the complaints of your comrades, trekking deeper into the forest. 
The sun was nearly drowned out by the towering shade of the surrounding trees, and there remained a constant buzz of the animals, either scurrying away or chirping in the skies. The cut up logs strapped on your back was a huge burden, and slowed your steps as you trudged onto the muddied pathways, staining your boots.
“_____, how much longer until we go to the markets?” one of the men asked, exhaustion clear in his voice. 
“Just a few more logs, Tae,” one of the woodcutters, Seokjin, answered, casting a side-ways glance at you. 
“But we’ve already got so many!” the former whined, pointing to the goods over their shoulders. “We can make decent money today!”
Unsheathing your sword, you cut away at the vines in your path, masking your sight ahead. It must be here somewhere, you thought, eyes darting sharply to every flower and bush. It has to be.
“Haven’t you fools understood already?” a snarl resonated from the group. Your horse trotted past you as Namjoon, sat on top, brought out his machete, brutally slicing the branches of the towering trees. “The wood we’ve got won’t last us all year!”
His eyes blazed with a certain greed as he looked over you all. “We must find the Tree of Life,” he declared, strolling past you, cutting down the path. “One strip of its bark could bring us a fortune.”
You listened to his statements with raised brows, following in his steps. In truth, none of you had ever seen the Tree of Life. No one in the kingdom had for centuries — it had become something of a myth, a legend passed down from every earthbender to child of its origins, and its significance. You didn’t know the great specifics, but the whole group knew that if they were to obtain even a twig from the great tree, it could grant them millions worth of gold. 
And that was something the Lumberjackals desired more than the wellbeing of an omnipotent tree.
Soon, the search progressed, your group cutting down a few Ebonies for its useful properties, but there was no heavenly legend welcoming you in all its finery. The sun was descending on the horizon, and although Spring was present, you were situated in the part of the forest where the gusts of the Ice Kingdom blew consistently in your direction. The cold was about to descend, and you were far from your home in the Metallum villages. 
Taehyung, the youngest of the Kim brothers, held onto a nearby oak, all strength leaving him. “I don’t know about you, but I am not travelling any further.” He glared daggers at Namjoon, who showed no signs of stopping. “I’m setting camp here, and you can do nothing to stop me.”
Seokjin joined his youngest sibling, collapsing on the patch of grass beside the gathering of flowers as he shrugged off his work of the logs. “I vote a little rest, even if Joon does not understand its meaning.”
The said-man let out a scoff at those words. “You both are just bloody lazy!” He turned to you, eyes pinning you where you stood. “You’ll keep searching with me, right?”
You agreed, but when you saw the fatigue in your leader’s gaze you grabbed the reins from his horse, stepping beside him. “You need sleep, Joon,” you said, concern in your eyes. “I’ll do another search. You three stay here.”
Namjoon held your stare for a moment before swiping his leg over the back of the horse, jumping off. He handed you the reins fully. “Come back after dawn. Us three will take over from you.”
You had a right mind to challenge the amount of time he was making you explore, but you kept your mouth shut, heaving onto the animal. Dumping your logs of wood upon the ground, you dipped your head in farewell to the Kim brothers. “I will see you in the morning, boys.”
Taehyung waving excitedly as he set up camp, Seokjin going straight to bed upon his blankets, and Namjoon’s stare cold yet understanding, you cracked the reins as the horse began to gallop away from the oaklands, and deeper into the forest.
The moon barely lit the way as you delved deeper into the trees, the sounds of nature turning sinister as the owls began to hauntingly hoot, and the wildcats began to purr. You kept your sword close, in your hand as the other steadied your horse. 
You let out a hard sigh as you commenced your searching. Sometimes, only when you were alone, you wished that Namjoon would snap out of his delusions. There was no Tree of Life, no invaluable source of fortune which would challenge the earthbenders and start their industrialisation. In truth, you only wished for a life more than just cutting down wood, but your leader’s promises could be much too enticing. 
Perhaps he was right. Maybe with the metalisation of Regna Terrae the metalbenders would be able to progress. It was not like the Kingdom cared for the likes of you, nor the nature which brought you to existence.
Stupid, damned forest. What good had it ever done you?
Suddenly, you heard the harsh snapping of the twigs which wasn’t from your horse. In an instant you halted, pulling the reins as your eyes darted to every corner of the dark forest. 
You furrowed your brows.
The forest cannot be trusted. Even its silences were sinister and misleading.
Slowly, you got off your horse, tying the reins to a nearby tree. “Keep still, Aurum,” you whispered. “I’ll be right back.”
Patting the mane, you turned and followed in the direction of where the sound was heard, every step quiet and cautious. There was little light, you having to rely on your ears alone, and the hands which touched trunk from trunk. In moments like these, you wished you possessed a more useful power than mere metal manipulation — firebending would have been nice, but you supposed that luck had never been in your favour.
Seething, you held onto your sword tighter, sending a little rush of power from your fingers as it sharpened the steel. No one tailing you would survive in your hands.
You then heard a little sigh, and whipped your head to the direction. Gritting your teeth, you rushed to the place of the origins, anger rising. Swiping away the branches in your path, your boots were the only sound among the quiet hush of the forest, along with the slicing of your weapon. Whoever was toying with you will not leave your wrath.
Swiping away the plants, you finally found an opening of grass among the trees. Squinting, your anger surged to find a distant figure standing before you, all masked in shadows from the lack of light within your surroundings. It stood statue-still, matching your deathly quietness. 
But the figure did not seem like it offered death. Nor anything so dangerous as you promised.
“Come out!” you shouted, taking a step forward. “I know you were following me!”
No response. 
“Scared, are you?!” Another hesitant step. “As you should be!”
Still, only silence answered, and the soft crunch of the leaves underneath your boots. You took a deep breath, shining your sword from the moonlight. A scoff emitted from you, nerves disappearing. This should be easy. 
With an aggravated roar, swinging your weapon, you thundered towards the figure. 
You rushed into the moonlight pooling onto the grass, eyes intent with damage as you willed iron-like power from your veins, and into your hands, swirling around the fuller of your sword until it reached its tip, ready to burst onto the figure.
It was then the shadows moved. 
A flick of his hand. A soft glow within the darkness. 
And all of nature followed suit.
You were taken aback as the thousands of vines circulating the surrounding trees unwrapped themselves from their trunks, and snapped towards you in thundering speed. You had no time to take in their stems swirling around your feet, cutting off your run towards this certain figure. A gasp escaping, you were pulled back by the impact, and let out a further scream as you began to fall flat on your face. Then, even more shock reverberated through you as your feet were pulled upwards, shooting your body up until you were suspended from a tree branch, your one foot wrapped tightly in the vines.
Your world all upside down, you shook your head vigorously, feeling the strain of your one leg under complete control of the tree. The thrum of powerful magic of nature resonated through your body, ceasing you from moving your free leg and kicking any potential passerbys. 
Craning your head backwards, you saw with horror that your sword was clattered upon the ground, too far away to reach from the air. Straining your hand towards the grass, you willed your magnetic force, trying to lure your weapon into your hand.
The sword would have ended up in your grasp if another surge of the same natural magic did not break its path, sending it back on the earth.
Enraged, you looked out to the dark, sight distorted. “Gods, just come out already!” you screamed, swinging slightly by your sheer force. “Stop hiding in the damned shadows!”
There was a flutter of little animals coming out from the shadows. “Ha!” you spat, reaching for the dark. “Only sending a few creatures to scare me? You’re going to have to work harder than that!”
When there was another round of silence, you laughed harshly to yourself. “That’s what I thought.”
This time, however, you were not greeted by their usual, quiet answer.
More vines slithered down your frame, pushing your hands together. You gritted your teeth as the gnarly weeds tightened around your wrists, stopping yourself from using your hands.
Glaring daggers at the darkness ahead, you spat at the ground. “Show yourself!” you roared.
Your threats were answered.
Responded in an unimaginable way as the figure stepped into the moonlight.
You could not suppress your reaction.
The most enchanting boy you had ever seen revealed himself from the shadows. You could clearly see him from the light, the soft, child-like features amplified by his undoubted beauty — his mahogany locks curled around his face, cascading over his forehead. His gentle eyes promised great amusement, more so when they landed upon you, a ghost of a smile lingering on his lips. He was adorned in a fine green gown, few assortments strapped on his belt as leather boots, etched in ink, covered his feet. A crown of flowers and leaves settled in his curls, emitting its own, fantastical glow among the darkness.
The smile curved wider at your widened eyes. “Why so speechless now, my lady?” 
By all the gods. Even his voice sounded like the sweetest honey in all the hives. 
“I have come before you, now,” he continued, deeply amused by your bewilderment. “I have stopped hiding in those damned shadows, as you said.
“Where is your anger?”
Well, that seemed to bring your rage all back.
“It’s still here, you bastard!” you hissed, struggling in the rope-like vines as you tried to swipe your hand across his face. He merely took a step back, completely out of your range.
“Even without a weapon you are a force to be reckoned with,” the mysterious boy voiced out, raising his fingers as magic sparked from the tips. Instantly the vines encircled your arms, pinning them to your sides as the weeds wrapped around you completely. You were like a human-sized caterpillar, cocooned in vines except you would not turn into a butterfly and rush away into the forest. 
This nuisance before you would make sure of that.
A satisfied hum escaped him. “There we go,” he said. “Now you won’t be of any danger.”
“Who even are you?” you demanded, glaring daggers at the sight before you. Terrible shame that the sight was something you wouldn’t mind witnessing for the rest of your life. Even if it was upside down. 
A hint of surprise exposed upon his features. “Oh, this is amusing, indeed.”
He took a step towards you, you catching the faint scent of...flowers and trees and fruit and honey. You couldn’t really figure out a perfect essence — if nature had a scent, then this boy embodied it. “I am surprised you know not of me when you wish to destroy what I own.”
You raised a brow, at eye level with him, despite the loopy image. 
Then, the gears in your head turned, and you were struck hard with the realisation.
When you wish to destroy what I own.
“Oh gods,” you slipped out.
The boy smiled.
No, not just the boy.
The Prince of Regna Terrae — the heir to the Earth Kingdom. 
Choi Beomgyu.
Maybe this explained his otherworldly beauty. Crown princes of the earth kingdoms were known to be blessed by nature, so adorned the finest features known to man. Standing before you now, you cursed yourself for not seeing it before.
And cursed yourself again for cursing at him. Multiple times.
Beomgyu saw your eyes moving a mile a second and spluttered out a soft laugh, raising a finger so you focused on him. “I am glad you have figured out my identity. Now we both know what we are.”
His next words did not possess much hilarity. “I, a prince, and you, a Lumberjackal.”
The declaration had you gulping. There’s no escaping this.
He was not wrong in the slightest — you were a part of the Lumberjackals — a group dedicated to industrialising the Earth Kingdom, and giving it a head start from the other kingdoms who did not possess the natural resources that this land contained. You prided on deforestation, the cutting of wood and, even to a certain extent, the consumption of animals. Although you never participated in the last activity out of pure shame, you knew the Kim brothers certainly did, and enjoyed it to great extent. 
“Do you deny it?”
You tried to look away, but his gaze was a little too intense. Even if it was reversed. “I do not.”
“And what do you have to say for yourself?” he got out, and you could hear the pain in his voice. Could you even blame him? You destroyed what he held so dear.
Still. You were a metalbender. The desire for modernisation is in your very blood.
“I do what I must do, your Highness,” you grit out, struggling in your weedy cocoon. “It is the only way we survive. 
“And I will not stop.”
The boy’s eyes widened a fraction, in pure disbelief. He could not comprehend this — how could one be so against the idea of nature? How could anyone be so resolute in the decimation of what they survived on?
Prince Beomgyu cocked his head, pursing his lips. 
How could one hate a deity he considered so beautiful?
He said so himself. 
You blinked. 
The boy continued. “How can you hate nature?”
His question took you by surprise — you did not really know the answer yourself. 
It was not like you despised the earth in all its natural form. Sure, it brought you the air you breathed, the food you ate, and the water you drank. But what else had nature given you?
You soured upon seeing the Prince’s face. You did not possess the powers other Terrae citizens were gifted with. Your branch of magic was hard, unforgiving. Simply a practicality, only useful for finding resources and making weapons.
Where were your subservient vines? Where was your natural greatness?
With this in mind, you mustered up the most brutal expression you could offer to the boy before you. 
“Because nature was not kind to the likes of me. So I shall not be kind to it either.”
This time, the Prince’s eyes widened even further, afraid they would pop right out of their sockets. 
Once again, his mind was in a twist — how had his dearest accomplice, his most cherished friend, been unforgiving to his subjects? He would never consider himself sheltered, but this was something quite unheard of in his kingdom.
“I know you do not believe me, but this is the only explanation I can offer.” You paused, accepting your fate. “Untie me already so you can send me to prison.”
You felt something swirl beneath the boy’s brown eyes, irises sparkling with wonderment. His voice was soft, if not lost within his own thoughts.
“I believe you, jackal,” he said. With a final step towards you, he left little distance between the two of you, eyes at level with yours as you hung from the tree. “But I cannot be satisfied with it.”
Another blink, taken aback by his declaration. “Well...well, what am I supposed to do about it?”
Shocking you further, he curled a little smile upon his lips. “Well,” he started, and as the smile began to widen further, he knew just what to do.
No, he was certainly not satisfied with her accepted hatred.
“We can start by changing that.”
It was your turn for your pupils to dilate. Gods above. This boy seems one chop away from a stump.
“What do you mean?” you demanded, but the boy was already turning on his heel, looking to the surroundings. He fell to his knees, feeling the ground beneath him with his hands. “Your Highness, what are you doing?!”
He did not deem to answer your question, only counter it with his own. “Do you have a horse nearby?”
You looked at him, surprised he figured it out by merely touching the grass. “Yes, but…”
It seemed that he did not need to hear any more, as he brought a hand out, fingers stretching. A tendril of green power burst from his palm, snaking through the dark air beyond your peripheral vision. The Prince was focused on his conjury, and you wondered what in Terrae he was trying to do.
Then, you heard a distant neighing, and found Aurum following the green trail of his magic, eyes glowing slightly.  
You tried to escape the tight cage of the vines. “Gods, what are you doing with my horse?!” you exclaimed. “She hates strangers!”
The magic disappeared, along with the glow in her eyes. You could tell she was confused at her surroundings, about to raise her hind legs at the boy who spelled her. “She’ll kill you!” you warned, bracing yourself to witness the death of a prince.
It was then Beomgyu stepped towards the horse, gaze sparkling with kindness. 
His hand touched Aurum’s face.
With no small amount of shock, you watched as the boy whispered to your horse, stroking her muzzle. You had never seen her be so friendly to any human she’s made contact with — by Terrae, she even deigned to show attitude to you, who had fed and groomed her since she was a mere pony. How was she sweetening up to someone she had just seen?
Maybe she’s still under a spell, you thought with malice, but then a more honest thought came to mind, and it only made you angrier. 
Or perhaps animals can be just as enchanted with him as humans can.
“What are you talking to her for?” you interrupted them, letting out an aggravated groan as the cocoon engulfed you tighter. “You’re sharing words with her as if she’d spread them!”
Beomgyu slid his eyes upward to you. “I was just asking Aurum if she’d like to have an apple.”
“No, I’ll give her one myself—” you tried to say, but then stopped short. “Wait. How do you know her name?”
He looked at you as if you had asked the most ridiculous question. “Because she just told me.”
You stopped struggling in the cocoon. “What did you just say? Aurum told you?”
Hands never ceasing his comforting upon the horse, he raised a quizzical brow. “Pardon me, jackal, but do you mean to tell me that you...you cannot talk to animals?”
Maybe you were not wrong to think the heir of the Earth Kingdom absolutely crazy. 
He gestured to the world around you both. “Can you not sense each and every creature nearby? Can you not hear their heartbeats, in sync to their purrs and murmurs?
“Can you not hear the very trees breathe around you?”
You did not know what to say. Perhaps you did not understand his words, what he really meant by a tree breathing. Was that even possible? You thought it unimaginable. 
So you offered him the only thing that remained in your mind.
“I have never felt these things.”
The hand upon Aurum’s nuzzle paused, unable to accept the statement which you offered him. 
His suspicions were confirmed. Your hatred of nature and all the beings which it birthed had rid you of your powers.
He had seen this before — lost souls who had done grave wrongdoings to the earth, and as a consequence, their very instincts were snatched, right down to the basics. There was no shortage of Lumberjackals in the palace dungeons, and upon closer inspection, he saw that these woodcutters felt no connection to their surroundings. It broke his heart seeing the lack of attachment, the lack of desire for exploration and yearning for their powers, but he knew it could not be helped. 
Whoever crosses nature would not be forgiven.
Still, when he inspected the confused, tired gaze of yours, searching him for any suspected lunacy, he just knew that he could not toss you in another old cell. This plan he had in mind could not occur through rotting in one place for the rest of your life. 
“Worry not then, jackal.” He raised his hand, magic blooming from his palm. “I am going to change that.”
Whispering to your horse, he listened for a soft neigh before heaving atop her back, hissing at the reins and other controls tying her down. You watched with slight fear. “W-wait a minute,” you started, trying to squeeze out of the vines, but with no luck. “You’re not going to just leave me here, are you?”
Patting Aurum’s mane, he voiced out calmly, “I wish with my whole heart, but then my plan will not work.” 
You pursed your lips, watching his eyes sparkle with mischief. “If you were not a prince, I would have cursed you.” 
With a flick of his hand, a rush of magic travelled to your cocoon; you felt yourself turning on your front, hovering you upright as the power gravitated you back on the ground, loosening the vines. 
“Not like that has stopped you before,” he merely countered as he observed you shrug off weeds in slight humiliation. “Now get on. We have somewhere to be.”
He waited a moment, sighing when you would not oblige. “Is something the matter?”
You wanted to say yes — gods, you wanted to scream at him to get off Aurum, leave you alone and let you cut trees in peace, but of course, that would be an impossible route to take. You still had no inkling of why the Prince of your kingdom was having mercy on you, and you would be quite the fool to exploit it foolishly.
With gritted teeth, you kept your complaints behind your tongue as you brought your foot on the stirrup, heaving upwards as you brought your leg to the other side, settling upon the horse. “Now,” Beomgyu began, looking over his shoulder. “There is no need to be shy. You may put your hands around me as the horse goes fast—”
“I shall be completely fine, thank you,” you interrupted him, brows furrowed. What was this prince even doing? You wondered whether he was a fraud. With that power you witnessed, though, you highly doubted it.
And his features. There is no way a commoner could possess such enchanting beauty.
Flustered, you soured even further. 
“Are you ready, jackal?”
You grunted out a yes, which was enough for the boy to command Aurum to start.
The horse, against your expectation, began galloping much faster, and with a yelp you were nearly sent flying out of the seat. Your hands, on instinct, wrapped around Beomgyu’s waist, and when you realised what you had done you cursed yourself for obliging him. 
You could almost hear his grin. “I told you!” he exclaimed over the noise of hooves clattering against the rocky mud. 
If only you could slap the heirs of kingdoms. “Just take me where you have in mind!” you barked back. “I need to be back to Metallum at dawn.”
“That will be just enough!” 
The horse swept past more trees, animals scurrying from your path as the moon lit the dim forest path. You held onto the prince for dear life, refusing to acknowledge the hard surface beneath his silk, his ethereal warmth radiating onto you. 
“Hey, jackal?”
A sigh. “Yes?” 
“Your horse’s name.” A pause. “Aurum.”
You looked to the trees whooshing past your vision. “What of it?”
Beomgyu whispered for the animal to slow down, scanning his surroundings for his destination. “’Gold’. A very ingenious name.” 
He glanced at your irritated face, and smiled. “My mare is called Argenti.”
Your mouth parted at the little revelation.
Argenti. Silver.
Before you could say more on the matter, the boy stopped the horse, cooing at her and praising her for helping him. Swinging his leg over, he jumped off the horse gracefully. He fixed his flower crown before turning to face you, falling rather awkwardly on the grass. 
A small laugh escaping him, you daggered him with your gaze as you stepped beside him, a hand on Aurum. Your stare lingered as he took a circle turn of the surroundings, moon almost winking at him as it journeyed in the blanket of night. After a while, Beomgyu pointed to the tree nearby you, stepping past you to palm its trunk. “Here we go.”
Fingers stretching, magic spluttered as it swirled into the thick expanse of the leaves, nearly covering the sky with their excess. The matter squeezed through, and brought out the hidden vines, tumbling down till they reached the roots. Grabbing onto the plants, the prince turned his head towards you, an offer in his eyes. 
You hated how you understood exactly what he meant. “I am not going up with you,” you retorted. 
“It’s my arms or the dungeon.”
Gulping, you swallowed down your irritation for him. Taking a step towards him, you maintained a safe distance as you made sure he was aware of your distaste. “Just get us up already.” Damn the gods for making him so aggravatingly beautiful, you thought shamelessly as you looked at him. “Your Highness.”
Perhaps he knew, for the little smile was back, wrapping his arm around your waist, and pulling you close. “That’s more like it,” he murmured out before willing his magic into motion. 
Your breathing hitched as you were pulled rapidly upward by the vines, breaking through the surface of the leaves. You closed your eyes, feeling the scraping of the branches against your clothes until you felt yourself still, listening only to the deep breaths of the prince beside you. His hand was still snaked at your side.
“Open your eyes, jackal.”
Somehow, on instinct, you obliged. 
And widened them further.
You were in another world entirely — the branches expanded beyond your vision, intertwining with the others from different trees, so intricately interlinked beneath your feet that they created a floor. Upon this branching surface there was a little room, decorated with every unusual object that one could identify. Beside the bed, interwoven by these branches, you saw an abundance of flowers and leaves, an lamp of glowing fireflies resting in the corner, and a thousand other items which needed further explanation.
Judging by the awe on your face, the boy answered you, heading to the small cabinet where everything was placed. “A collection of gadgets,” he began, using his magic to separate every object. “That I’ve bought or been gifted since my princedom.” He took out a few unrecognisable things and strolled to the wardrobe, made from the same intertwining branches, and opened the doors, rummaging through.
“What are you even looking for?” you asked, but were dutifully ignored as he kept searching. You admired the intricate scenery, the plush excess of leaves beneath your shoes, shielding you and the prince nearby.
You heard him let out a satisfied ah! as he closed the doors shut. He walked over to you, showing you the rather odd object — it was an unusually large ice cube, miniscule snowflakes etched onto its every side as it orbited slowly in Beomgyu’s hand.
Your curious gaze upon the gadget had him into explanation. “A present from the Ice Prince,” he said, admiring the cold gift in his palms. “It provides an infinite water supply, so is incredibly useful for long journeys.”
“Taehyun, is he not called?” You shivered at the thought. “I am shocked to think he is capable of such small kindnesses.”
Beomgyu slid his eyes to yours. “Taehyun is not the man that his subjects have painted him to be.” His irises swirled in an indecipherable emotion. “Sometimes, one cannot judge the character of another simply based on rumour alone. Only with having conversation can one truly have an honest opinion.”
A small part of you wondered if he truly meant that for Taehyun, or to you, another villain in the Earth Kingdom’s millennia-old tale. Whatever it may be, you looked away, wondering when you’d be able to leave the prince’s presence. 
“Right,” you heard him say, pocketing the other unknown object in his breast pocket of his gown. “Let us go on ground once more.”
The boy was about to tug on the vines again when he was interrupted by a most unusual sound. 
Well, not unusual, considering you were situated in a tree house, but the noise was so shrill you instantly looked down to its origin.
Before you was a little squirrel, cheeks puffed as its little hands perched on its sides. Its soft tail moved rapidly behind its body, indicating irritation. 
Its small, black eyes were fixated upon the boy beside you. Letting out yet another squeak, you saw Beomgyu sigh out in exasperation, as if he had just remembered an important matter.
“Oh gods, I do apologise!” He exclaimed, falling to his knees as he held his free hand out, the other holding the hovering ice cube still. “I’m afraid I cannot feed you now, but would you be able to wait?”
The squirrel let out another squeak, and this time the prince flinched. You gawked at the scene — so not only can he command the trees, but he could talk to animals?
What can this boy not do?
“Ji, I am sorry!” Fishing out an acorn from his breast pocket, he offered it before him. “I have one, if it helps! I promise to feed you properly after I am done with a certain task.”
Even so, the animal seemed much unimpressed. It then turned its little head to you, and you could have sworn that its eyes judged your very soul. 
It squeaked some more, and this time Beomgyu widened his eyes, cheeks flushing. “By Mother Nature, no!” He bellowed out, panicked eyes fleeting towards you. “No, I just met her today.”
“Are you talking about me?” You asked, raising a brow. The squirrel then made another sound, one you could not decipher but, judging from the boy’s reaction, could definitely take a wild guess. “By gods, is this creature mocking me?”
You were rewarded with further squeaking, but was instantly silenced by Beomgyu. “Ji, no! I cannot have you being sarcastic tonight. Save your grievances for tomorrow morning!”
And as the prince scooped the squirrel in his hand, he walked over to the bed, settling it on the sheets. “Stay here. I will be back.”
There was sure to be complaints, but the boy kept sending looks of apology as he stepped back to the edge of the exit, tugging on the vines. “Deeply sorry for Jisung’s behaviour,” he said, swirling the cube slowly. “He is grumpier tonight as I have not fed him this evening.”
“A pet squirrel, huh?” You interrogated, looking down to the grass below. “And one you can talk to? Is that how you could communicate with Aurum?”
Nodding, the prince held his arm out. “Are we ready?”
You hurrying my shook your head. “Not again!” You crossed your arms. “I’ll slide down myself. Without your help.”
Shrugging, the boy held on tighter to the vine. “Your wish, jackal,” he said, and jumped down. Perking up, you squatted down to see him descend smoothly down the tree, landing perfectly on the grass. 
Grabbing onto the plant, you looked back to the grumpy pet, stuffing the acorn in his mouth. 
He then stuck his tongue out, and you gasped at the audacity. “Rude!” You shouted, but we’re only answered with shrill squeaking. Ignoring the creature, you took the vine by both hands, and followed suit.
Your descent was much less graceful, landing instead on your backside. You were met with the huffed laughter of the prince, and you forced down the urge to beat him with his stupid flower crown. Or perhaps tie these vines around his neck and strangle him.
No, that would only result in him using his silly magic. Awful, attractive bastard.
“What are we doing now, Highness?” You wondered out loud, rubbing your sore backside. “Do tell me there is some use of your rather odd ice cube.”
Beomgyu, after strolling further into the woods, slowed himself for you to catch up. “There is some use, unfortunately for you.” He waved you over, stepping past the wild bushes in his path. “Follow me, jackal!” he called out to you. 
Grudgingly, you did as he asked, hugging yourself from the cold breeze of the midnight, wondering where in Terrae he was trying to take you. The trees towered over you like intimidating strangers — if the prince spoke true, then you wouldtuly be unwelcome. 
You were surrounded by this coercion until the forest opened up to an open grassland, encircled by the nature which looked down at you. Beomgyu turned to you, bringing out a few seeds from his trouser pockets and standing right in the middle of the circle. 
“There you are,” he said as you stepped beside him. He glanced at the moon, measuring the amount of time he had left. 
“What are you going to do?” you asked him, still clueless regarding the whole situation. Why has he not sent you to the dungeons already?
His eyes travelled to your face. With a half-soft scoff, he held out his hand, the seeds now in perfect view. “It is not what I’m going to do,” he began. “It is what you are going to do.”
The confusion grew within you. “What do you mean?” you tried to clarify. “What am I to do with these seeds?”
Beomgyu’s eyes promised answers. “Bring out your hand, jackal.”
You did as you were told, holding out your hand as he put the seeds in your palm, fingers barely brushing against your skin. He then descended, knees upon the grass as he patted to the space beside you. “Come, sit.”
Pursing your lips in thought, you knelt before the grass, seeds in your enclosed fist as your gaze never strayed from the boy. “Your Highness—”
Magic oozing from his fingers interrupted your demand, slipping into the earth. Slowly, but surely, a small hole was separated by the green matter, dirt being shovelled to create a dip in the grassland. 
Once he ceased his conjuring, he jerked his head towards the new opening. “Place the seeds in the hole,” he instructed. “Gently now! Treat them with the utmost care.”
Grumbling in response, you leaned forward as you gingerly put each seed at the corners of the muddy dip, noticing a small spark with each placement of the grain. It was a bizarre feeling, but assumed it normal in the ways of gardening as you inserted the dirt over them, covering them fully.
You peered at the prince then, who brought out the large ice cube. Turning it rapidly, treacle of water dripped down to the ground, moistening the earth and feeding the seeds of its necessities. Putting the gadget back in his storage belt, he then returned his hand upon the damp mound, closing his eyes in a fixated peace. More magic swirled from his hands, but this time it encircled not only the place where you had placed the seeds, but you, all of you, engulfing you in its otherworldly warmth. 
“Your Highness?” You whispered out, but he was murmuring, murmuring words you could not comprehend, words which felt like you were not meant to hear. His curls were being lifted slightly with the tendrils of his power, but he stayed rooted to his spot, carrying on with what you feared was a grotesque ritual. 
You, too, became still when you felt fingers curl around your hand. 
On instinct you looked at him, eyes widening — you should have expected his hand to radiate some form of heat, considering this boy had such an unusual glow about him, but this…
Despite the soft chaos around the two of you, the touch was oddly comforting. 
His hand, dragging you out of your thoughts, led yours to the place you sowed the little grains of life, and spread apart your fingers till they covered nearly the entire, dug up earth. More matter escaped from his fingers, shooting further warmth upon the back of your hand, and travelling up to your heart. 
“Close your eyes, jackal,” you heard him chant from his cocoon of magic. “I need you to see from within.”
“See what?!” You beseeched, but his fingers held onto you a little tighter, and, as if he commanded your very body, had your eyelids descend shut, cornering you into the chambers of your mind.
See from within.
What could you see?
Darkness. Eternal darkness, and rusted iron, spilled mercury, and all the grim faces of the people who wanted to decimate the very place you knelt in.
I cannot see! You screamed in your mind, because in the whirlwind of his power you felt alone, trapped in your own mind, trying to join in on a ritual which would cursed the likes of you.
But in reality, you were not alone.
No, not when you felt something foreign in your body.
You swore you stopped breathing. 
Your fingers felt squeezed by another, but was ignored because you could see a whole other heartbeat which was not your own.
A familiar voice entered your mind.
“Do you see it?”
The prince’s voice; the soft, almost desperate inquiry, which you could not help but answer. 
“Yes...yes, by Terrae, I do see it.”
And perhaps he said some more, but you were not listening to his words. His speech seemed a little insignificant to the little heartbeat — it was as faint as the scent of departure, delicate as a snowflake, and as real as yourself, the prince, and the neverending forest.
When you tried to lift your hand, Beomgyu’s fingers halted you still. You could not believe that you did not mind it. “Whose...whose is it, your Highness?”
You were positive that he did not hear you with the lack of volume you let slide from your tongue. However, he answered your question, almost feeling the joy radiating from his response.
“The seeds.” 
Shocked, you opened your eyes, and found the Prince of Earth staring at you with an elevated joy. He gestured to observe your creation, and when your eyes fell upon the sliver of a stem which broke through the earth, between the spaces of your fingers, you wondered whether this was all a dream.
You could not help the curse which escaped you. The boy beside you spluttered into laughter, and you turned to see his face radiating with elation. The heartbeat, the one which you thought was under your control, proved you wrong as it skipped its beat along to his laughs.
“Wh-what are you laughing at?” You demanded, but you were unable to execute it with the anger you wish you held for him. He offered you a honeypot of smiles.
“You’ve brought life to the forest, sweet jackal.”
The little plant shivered in response, along with your own hairs at the back of your neck, which stood at his announcement. Its faint heartbeat grew louder, as well as your own in your ears.
“Do you feel it now?” he whispered, leaning ever so close as he looked to the forest around you. “Do you feel the trees breathing in your presence?” 
Unfortunately, although you could sense your plant’s essence, the heartbeats of every tree in the forest were still unheard. You shook your head no, but that did not wipe the grin off his face.
“We have time,” he reassured you. “Just know that Mother Nature has hope for you still.”
He took your hand, putting another upon the back as he brought you a different kind of warmth. “I have hope for you.”
You parted your mouth, unaccustomed to the contact, the kindness...to all that he represented. 
His eyes locked with yours, and although he had spared you the wrath of his palace dungeons, you feared whether you could escape the imprisonment of his gaze. 
There was no doubt in your mind as you let yourself be arrested into his stare — the Prince of the Earth was not going to haunt just a single night.
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Of course, that was not the last time you saw him — you had become something of a personal project to him, a sin which must be reversed. Almost every night after the fateful encounter, you snuck out from the fences of the Metallum villages, barely evading the suspicious eyes of the Kim brothers, and met with him under his treehouse.
You did not know why you endeavoured so ardently in seeing him. It was not like he had become any less irritable with his amused grins and unmatched power, but there was something about him which you could not fend off. 
In a way, he made you believe you were worth more than simple woodcutting, selling oaks in the market, the empty promises of revenge against the Natural Kingdom. 
Somehow, he made you realise that, maybe, you truly were deserving of a more memorable path.
These very thoughts accompanied you as the sun began to set, pulling your hood over your head as you swept past the familiar trees, reining in the urge to greet every woodland creature which scurried past you. The past few weeks, after many misunderstood arguments with the Prince’s pet squirrel, you learned the slight quirks which the animal possessed, his every movement and what it would signify. You had Beomgyu to thank once again, but each time you wished to do so, he would say the same, hair-rising reassurance.
“Fret not, sweet jackal. It is a pleasure to show you the wonders of nature.”
Sweet jackal. The endearment made you so flustered, and that aggravated you to the greatest extent. You had already shared your name with the boy, but he insisted on calling you this name, as if the two of you had already established an intimacy from decades before. 
The very thought had your actual heartbeat racing.
You made sure to completely dismiss this foolery as you found the special opening of the grassland in sight, the glowing figure waving you over. A small smile involuntarily curled at your lips, hurrying closer till you fully saw Prince Beomgyu’s face clearly in the setting sun.
“You have arrived much earlier this evening,” he said in a way of greeting, fixing his flower crown as his squirrel played with the petals. “I would not say I’m displeased.”
On your part, you certainly were not either — he bore more finery than usual, his normal green gown threaded with gold swirls at the hems, small vines tied around his ears as natural jewellery. His hair was sprinkled with petals, a trait Jisung adored as he settled in the nest of his locks. His hands, too, were intertwined with dark vines, swirls wrapped around his fingers like extended rings. 
By the gods, he truly was an exquisite being. 
He noticed your silence, raising a groomed brow. “Is something the matter?” he asked, but when he saw your eyes dart to anywhere but his own, he immediately understood. You just managed to catch a satisfied quirk of his lips before he turned his attention to your plant. 
Following his trail, you brightened up to see your creation in full bloom — bright red poppies, stark against the pool of grass, stood as they swayed to the evening breeze. You knelt down to observe them closer, and felt a peculiar sense of pride at sensing their clear heartbeat harmonising with yours.
“They’re my favourite flower,” the boy said behind you. “I have always adored how they stand out amongst all the others.”
Watching the poppies almost dance in the cool air, you stood upwards once again. “Then why do you not wear them?” you asked out of curiosity.
“Because my parents do not like me wearing them.” He gestured to the flower crown, at risk of being torn up by Jisung. “They say the colour is too harsh.”
He clicked his tongue in irritation. “At least they could have spared me on my birthday.”
You were about to comment on his parents when those words escaped his mouth. Your own mouth parted in surprise. “Your birthday is today?”
The prince mocked being stabbed in the chest, nearly sending the squirrel to the trees. Taking Jisung from his hair, he propped him on his shoulder. “You have truly wounded me, ____!” he whined. “All this time together, and you had no inkling?”
Although he was only jesting, it only embarrassed you further. “I truly am sorry, your Highness!” you apologised, clasping your hands together. “If I had known, I would have made you a present.”
“Oh?” He took a step towards you. His eyes danced in mirth. “And what would you have made me?”
That seemed to rob you of your speech. “Well, um…” you trailed off, searching your now useless mind of any decent idea for a gift, but he waved off your fluster, chuckling.
“It is no problem, dear jackal,” he said, looking at the red flowers once more. “Seeing your poppies in full growth is a gift to me anyway.”
You wished he had not said that; glancing at them now, you could only hear his fascination within the petals. 
There he was again — staining your every entity of his remnants. How much more till he stains your very soul?
Jisung’s irritated squeak brought you back to the forest. You tried not to murder the damned creature as you muttered out, “Thank you, Your Highness.”
Beomgyu groaned out. “I shan’t have you calling me that hideous title all the time.” He put a hand to his chest. “Have we not reached first name basis?”
Despite your surprise, you offered him a scoff. “Jackal is not my first name,” you jeered. “And please. You’re the prince of our land. Anyone who catches me being informal with you will surely have my head.”
“I would never let them,” he merely said. “Not before I show you one last part of the forest.”
You quirked a quizzical brow. “I think you’ve shown me half your kingdom by now.”
“But this is...quite different.” 
The boy stepped closer to you, reaching out his hand. You found yourself warming up as he enveloped it with yours, a gesture so small yet so triggering to your nerves. 
“Follow me, ____.”
With the tug of his fingers, you were led out of the grasslands and back into the jungles of Regna Terrae, catching familiar sights of ancient mahoganies and birches, different variations of trees all grouped together.
As the moon began to ascend, your anxiety increased. His hand worked wonders for your skin, but at the back of your mind, you could not shake off the image of the Kim brothers wondering where you had gone so long.
Especially Namjoon. Seokjin and Taehyung may have been much simpler in the brain, but the leader of the trio bore his suspicions of your whereabouts. He always knew you were never enthusiastic of your occupation as a Lumberjackal, so your sudden interest to roam the woodlands for hours into the night certainly had his ears perking. Of course, you always made sure to know that you were going without being followed, but in the end, the three brothers were quite unpredictable. 
You just hoped that whatever the prince had to show you, it would be seen quick enough to leave.
The density of the forest began to increase, and you soon began to doubt whether you had been to this part of the Kingdom before. It was then Beomgyu’s hands flowed with magic, and completely changed the scenery. The ancient trees, trunks as wide and thick as horses began to move apart to make way for him and you, the squirrel holding onto his shoulder tightly as it too squeaked in surprise. Your own eyes widened as each element of nature bent to his will, creating an easier path for his boots to step onto.
It was clearly a sight for admiration. These few weeks you had begun to realise the power of the earth, and how rich and true its roots lay. You felt the faint hum of their essences as you rushed past them, hand still clasped with his, and you dipped your head in thanks to the trees, hoping that one day you would hear them sing welcomes to you.
Slowing down, the group was barred by the curtain of thick vines, hiding you from the world behind. “I have never seen this before,” you wondered out loud, but when Beomgyu let go of your hand, and stepped forward, hands stretched out, your curiosity reigned further.
Jisung quickly scurried from his shoulder, ending up on the muddied path as he watched with black eyes of the phenomenon about to occur. You made to make fun of the squirrel when the prince let out an aggravated moan, hurling your head to his direction.
His heavenly voice chanted in a millennia old language, huge power emitting from his finger tips and swirling to the tumbling vines of the entrance. You could see the sweat beading down his forehead at the sheer effort it took, but he stayed rooted, sending surges of green matter to the cold nature.
Slowly, the curtain began to withdraw. Blinding light cut through, and when the boy let out a roar, pushing the whole family of vines apart you hid your head from the white bursting through. 
There was a deathly silence for a singular moment. 
You heard his ragged breathing, lasting for ten seconds before it turned into relieved, panted chuckling. 
Bringing your hand away from your face, you looked to see beyond the curtain. 
Your very breath was snatched from your lungs. 
Before you was the most enchanting deity of nature you had ever seen in your existence — it was a glowing white tree, trunk as wide as the two of you twice over, etched with milky-coloured wrinkles that contained sparkles of ancient magic. The leaves, much like finely cut diamonds, protruded from every branch which stretched towards every corner the eye could see. The diamonds were infinite, shining from the gentle light of the moon.
Even though you had never seen it before, you knew exactly what it was. 
“The Tree of Life.”
Your gaze dared to break away to see the prince for a second, whose own breathing seemed to have halted. Sensing your stare, he looked back at you, his face half glowing from the deity’s light.
“I...I thought it did not—” you tried to say, but of course you could not when it was right there before you, as if it had been waiting to be found all its life.
“Exist?” He took a step forward. “Every myth is borne from truth after all.”
Indeed it was — you had learned of the Tree of Life when you were a mere girl, listening to fairy tales before being told to sleep. This Tree could not be seen by the common man, and legend foretold that there lived an otherworldly creature inside its trunk. Evidently, no one could prove this theory, but its mystery had what inspired so many people, metal and earthbenders alike, to find it, for opposing reasons.
You knew why Namjoon wanted to find it — for the amount of gold a singular leaf could bring him. Now, having accused him of believing in fantasies, you almost felt ashamed for having ridiculed his searches. 
You perked up at the Prince’s voice. 
“You must get a closer look.”
Picking up the pace of your feet, you fell into step beside him as the two of you started towards the legend come to life. The closer you approached the more enchanting it looked — the leaves glistened further, as if greeting you with their shine. 
Jisung scurried between you both, his little head never straying from the Tree. It let out an awed squeak, and Beomgyu hummed in agreement. 
“Have you ever seen anything like it?” 
You shook your head, transfixed. “Never,” you responded, feeling the very earth shift beneath your feet.
If nothing else convinced you of the power of nature, then the existence of this deity certainly did.
You stepped past the boy, the grass hushed beneath your feet as you stretched out your hand. When your fingers touched the milky bark your breath shuddered out of you. It was simply unreal. The touch was surprisingly soft, so unlike the normal trees, and with each crack of the bark there was ancient writing inscripted within. With further shock you felt a very distant heartbeat as the fingers ran along the words, faint yet powerful.
By the gods. 
“Where have you been hiding all this time?” you whispered to the Tree, tracing the aged trunk. “Your Highness, is everything about the legend true?”
There was no response — you figured he was still star-struck, and you continued to admire the most beautiful force you had ever seen.
It was not until you heard Jisung’s shrill squeak that you turned around.
You felt your soul leave your body.
Because there he was, the one man you dreaded to see. The one man who held Beomgyu’s unconscious body in his hands as he dropped him upon the grass. You noticed the little dart on the side of his neck, and all the blood in your body was drained. 
Kim Namjoon.
His answering smirk was more a flash of teeth. “Do you believe me now, ____?” 
You backed up against the Tree, eyes darting to the prince. “What did you do to him?” you asked instead, voice void of any emotion.
“That does not matter,” he dismissed. “But of course, it would matter to you now that you’ve attached yourself to him.”
He took a step forward, his ebony machete glinting in the light of the phenomenon behind you. “Stand aside, girl. It is time to make our fortunes.”
On instinct, you stretched a hand out. “I cannot.”
The man was taken aback by your hesitance. “Whatever the gods do you mean?”
Gulping, you tried to steel your will, inhaling slowly. “I cannot let you do it, Namjoon.” Your eyes glanced at the still prince before glaring at the perpetrator. “You won’t get a single branch of the Tree.”
A harsh laugh escaped him, taking a step forward. “Oh, and you’re going to stop me?”
You brought out your own sword — the one which you promised to use on Beomgyu — and raised it toward him. “Do not come any further,” you warned. 
It seemed the man was not not going to compromise.
Not when he swung his machete, well on his way to hack you to pieces. 
You quickly brought your weapon upon you to deflect his aim, sending him forward, and away from the Tree.
He can try and hurt the Tree of Life.
Easily gaining step, Namjoon mustered his power, ebony sharpening from his fingers as he clashed against you, lightening-fast strikes of his machete having you strained. You never doubted the bastard’s swordsmanship — he was skilled enough to be a general in the King’s royal army.
A shame he chose his fighting for a darker purpose. 
You tried to slice the free space of his abdomen, but the man was sharp, quickly dodging as he swerved to the side, another clash of weapons ringing around the forest. 
“You cannot beat me, ____!” He roared, one hit after the other, sending you further back. 
Taking every hit, you stumbled, gaining your step yet staggering once again with his sword. After all, you could not outsmart the master; he was the man who taught you to fight.
Even so, you refused to give up. “I can die trying!” You seethed as he brought his strength down. His weapon, screeching against your own, slowly descended, closer and closer to your neck. 
A harsh groan escaping, you mustered all your strength into sending his machete aside, barely a spare second in your name before you whirled to your left, missing the power blow.
“All this for a bloody tree!” He screeched, thundering towards you. “We would have been rich, you fool!”
Another mighty hit, and you were sent back, averting his strikes with your sword. Because you were so exhausted, your magic would not burst from your hands, adding more power to your weapon. It was your melee strength, nearly all gone, and your nimble feet.
“What is all this for?!” He demanded, slicing at your cloak, cutting through the fabric of your trousers. The clash of weapons continued, faster and faster. “What is worth more than all the riches of the Kingdom?!”
Amidst the brawl, your eyes slipped to the figure before you. Distant, yet instantly recognisable with his eyes closed, and mouth parted, flower crown scattered around his head. Jisung, too, laid injured beside him, watching your fight with fear in his little eyes. 
What is all this for?
You only had one person in mind.
But that was not enough.
No, not when that sliver of a second gave Namjoon enough time to strike you, sending his machete straight into your stomach. 
A shuddered gasp escaped you as the machete entered through — a burst of pain shot through your entire body, echoing the fatality of your situation. Tears stung your eyes as you dropped your sword, looking at your opponent in the eyes.
The Leader of the Lumberjackals showed no mercy as he yanked out his weapon. 
A moan rushed past your lips as you fell to your knees, gripping your blood-gushing stomach. Namjoon gazed down at you with no remorse at all. “Perhaps he was not enough,” he said, cold as metal.
He stepped past you, focusing on the glistening Tree of Life, its white treasures still exalted in the moonlight. Your body, completely spent, could not hold you upright, falling straight into the grass. Straining, you cried out as you stretched your hand out in vain efforts to stop him, but it was simply no use.
You had been defeated.
And now, after witnessing the most perfect element of nature you had ever seen, you were to watch it be decimated.
This is how it ended. You, fumbling for your last breath, your prince nearby and probably dead.
Namjoon raked his eyes over the Tree, grinning wildly. “Oh, you are going to make me the richest man in the Kingdom,” he declared, raising his machete till it hovered just before the bottom of the trunk.
He elevated his voice so you could hear. “Enjoy watching me destroy what you sacrificed yourself for!”
Closing your eyes, you were about to let oblivion take over. 
You awaited the sound of his weapon against the bark.
What you heard was something completely different. 
An explosion filled your ears as white light, even more blinding than the one before, had you squeezing your eyes further shut. You made out the screams of your once leader as it was drowned out by the eruption, and you tried to see what had so suddenly occurred, only to be greeted with more brazen lights. 
What...what was going on?
When the deafening noise quietened, you picked up on the soft crunch of grass, edging closer and closer to you. A compelling force was felt against your dying soul, and you wondered if the Reaper had finally come to take you.
When you felt air-light hands on your abdomen, you did not expect death to be so warm.
Slowly, dragging open your eyes, you prepared yourself to be taken to the afterlife. 
What you saw instead was something else entirely.
Something which made even the Tree of Life as a mediocre enchantment.
Looking over you was not human — not with the glowing, shimmering skin, sparkles and shine radiating off its golden, liquid body. Her eyes were white with the same light you had seen twice this evening, fluid locks of hair flowing all around her. Her lips offered a radiant smile, already bringing some life back into you, and her whole body, although similar to yours, was free of attire, exuding the light of a star. 
Perhaps you truly were dead. 
The being, however, proved you wrong with her words.
“Brave human,” she began, and her velvet voice had you clutching your stomach. “I saw what you did to defend me.”
You tried to open your mouth to tell her that you defended the Tree, but then your eyes dilated at the revelation. 
The legend foretold that there lived an otherworldly creature inside its trunk.
But this...this god-like creature was not just a mere girl.
“You sacrificed yourself for my Tree,” she stated, voice echoing across the woodlands. “For my forest, my every creation, despite being an enemy of mine in the past.
“You deserve a token of my gratitude.”
Her voice nearly put you to sleep with the way it lulled in the midnight air. You wondered in your tired mind what she could offer you now that you were breathing your last breath.
Then, you felt her hands upon your stomach.
A loud groan escaped your lips as the torn flesh began to stitch on its own accord, courtesy of the magic which poured from the sublime being. Your whole body worked to heal you, reversing the damage done by your once leader, whose whereabouts you had no inkling of. 
The pain, which once tore at every nerve within you, began to fade away, and you opened your eyes further after gaining the strength, fully taking in the earthly spirit which had restored you. 
You parted your mouth, voice parched as you rasped out, “I...Beomgyu…”
A heavenly smile curled at her lips. “The prince is fine, soldier. It would take more than a dart to eliminate the heir of the Earth.”
A relieved breath left your lips. You then looked to the being, putting your hands above hers. “I am not who I was,” you whispered.
Mother Nature smiled down at you, and you knew then and there that perhaps the world is not so cruel after all.
“I know, brave human.”
The luminous creature ascended to her feet, letting go of your hands. She dipped her head in acknowledgment, and turned on her heel. Struggling to your side, you watched as the otherworldly figure stepped up to the Tree of Life, looking at you one last time.
Raising a hand to her chin, she blew some magic towards your way, bathing you in sparkles. With a final beam, she slipped into the tree, enlivening the whole structure till it stood straight once again.
You truly could not believe what you saw.
Feeling the glimmer dancing on your skin, however, you knew this was not a figment of your imagination.
Mother Nature saved you from death.
Truly, utterly, ethereal. 
Your thoughts were interrupted when you heard soft coughing nearby, and you heaved upward at the sound, your strength all present.
Upon your feet, you rushed to where he lay, stumbling from the hurrying as you fell to your knees, hands clinging onto his face. Jisung, his injuries healed from the celestial visit, scurried upon his owner’s chest, waiting for him to awaken.
“Beomgyu?” You murmured out, fingers stroking the soft planes of his cheeks. “Beomgyu, damn you, open your eyes!”
Tilting his face till it faced you, you watched as the prince’s eyes fluttered open, tired and wide and absolutely beautiful.
A trembling breath gasped out of you. “What…” he grated out, rubbing his eyes with his knuckles. “What just...happened?”
You willed the tears in as you caressed his face. “The legend was true.”
His confused gaze had you continuing. “Beomgyu, I saw the celestial creature when I was dying, and she saved me. It was true, Beomgyu, she healed me with her hands and—”
Your rambling ceased when the boy brought his fingers to your face. Warmth flooded your cheeks, and not because of how hot his hands were.
His smile could have easily beaten Mother Nature’s. 
“You called me Beomgyu.”
He did not let you respond as he brought your face down to his, tilting it slightly as he pressed his lips against yours, enveloping you in a sweet kiss. 
His mouth was warm, just like him, soft and plush, rendering you helpless over him. Your shock was quite prevalent, but you let the affection take over as you kissed him back, hands carding in his curls. He moved against your lips as his fingers stroked down to your jaw, savouring every feathered touch.
When he broke away, his breathing was ragged, cheeks flushed. He saw your own dishevelled gaze and chuckled to himself. 
“I think this might be the best birthday present I have ever received.”
The Prince of Regna Terrae laughed some more when you refused to meet his eyes.
You were about to counter him when you heard another, completely new voice. 
“You both could have done that without me being here.”
Your stare dove to his chest, to the direction of the sound.
Jisung the squirrel glared at you with the entire irritation of the Kingdom. “Oh what? So now you can hear me?!”
A yelp resounded from you. “How are you talking?!” You screeched. “You’re a bloody animal!”
“Oh, thank you so very much for stating the blatantly obvious!” He drawled, and you could not comprehend the sarcasm that just came from a bloody woodland creature.
You peered at Beomgyu, who was just as surprised as you were, despite his entertained features. “____,” he started, sitting up straighter. “Does this mean—”
Getting to your feet, you looked around the forest, the Tree of Life standing proudly. 
It was then you sensed the heartbeat.
Not just your own, or the poppies — but of the entirety of the Kingdom.
Faraway, yet still present, it thumped against your chest like an echo of your own heart, a harmonisation of all the trees, bushes, flowers and animals. It was almost enchanting how it slowly thudded within you, and with such welcome. 
Like greeting a friend you had not seen for a long time. 
When you caught the Prince’s gaze, his entire face lit up. 
Before you could say anymore, you were swept into the boy’s arms, engulfing you with a hug of eternal warmth. His voice rang along your soul as he declared to the whole word.
“Nature has accepted you, ____!”
You heard the clicked tongue of Jisung beneath you, and Beomgyu brought you at arm’s length before sticking out his tongue at his pet. 
He looked to you once more, and saw the very emotions you dared not let yourself believe in.
“I knew you were capable of change, sweet jackal.”
The tears, this time, refused to be held back any longer. 
The boy melted as he swept away each tumbling drop with his fingers, clutching your face. 
As you leaned in this time, kissing him breathlessly, you tasted the smile which flourished upon his lips, drinking in your every essence. 
You wondered, thinking away as your heart beat faster, whether this was still a dream, a vision which would end the moment you woke up, back in the cold village you once called your home. 
When you felt the presence of the celestial being again, looking down from the branches of the Tree of Life, you knew that this was no delusion.
Pulling away, you turned Beomgyu to the glistening, living structure, both of you catching sight of her.
Mother Nature smiled at her heirs.
The both of you knew it in your hearts, simultaneously beating. 
The heirs of Regna Terrae would not let her down. 
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