#LGBTQ Support
jajheff · 2 months
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espiritogato · 3 months
See You There! 🏳️‍🌈
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calvinphil · 11 days
Urgent Appeal for LGBTQ Refugees
Dear friend
We are reaching out with a pressing need for your support. As LGBTQ refugees in Sudan, we face intense challenges every day, including threats to our safety and difficulties in meeting basic needs.
Survival in these conditions is incredibly tough, and our situation is often dire. We have set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds for essential needs like food, medical care, and safe shelter. We understand that asking for help can be difficult and embarrassing, but your support is critical for our survival.
Any donation—whether $5, $10, $20, or more—can make a profound difference in our lives. Every contribution helps us secure the basics and provides hope in a time of great need.
Thank you for your compassion and assistance.
Please visit our GoFundMe page to donate and support us. Your generosity can change our lives and offer us a glimmer of hope and security.
With gratitude,
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crafdream · 3 months
Embrace love in all its vibrant colors. You deserve to be loved no matter who you are. Please share this with anyone who needs it.
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dzgrizzle · 3 months
In 2005, Dolly Parton wrote a Grammy and Oscar nominated song, “Travelin’ Thru,” for the movie Transamerica. The movie is about a trans woman who goes on a road trip with her long-lost son. Dolly’s song “Travelin’ Thru” is literally about how Jesus loves everyone, including the characters in the movie. In her beautifully poetic lyrics, Dolly compares the spiritual journey of coming out and self-acceptance with being born again. She directly references the Bible as well as two earlier Gospel songs, “Wayfaring Stranger” and “I Am a Pilgrim.” Dolly said she wrote the song because of her status as an outsider and her belief that “It's all right to be who you are.”
My point is that, even before “Travelin’ Thru” 19 years ago, Dolly Parton has ALWAYS been an ally and a supporter of LGBTQ+ rights. There have ALWAYS been Dolly Parton drag queens, and Dolly has ALWAYS loved and supported them. She has ALWAYS had queer fans, and she has ALWAYS loved us (yes, US. I’ve been a fan of Dolly all my life). The fact that some homophobes are just now discovering that Dolly Parton is an LGBTQ+ ally tells me they have not been paying attention, and they aren’t really fans of Dolly Parton or they would already know how she stands.
If you want to know what true Christian spirituality looks like, here it is, in just under 4 minutes:
From 7 years ago:
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strangeclouddream · 1 month
how it feels being a queer minor when people talk about ‘protecting the children from the LGBT’
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starchilddante · 1 year
If labels don't matter, and you "can't change the facts" then why is it so hard for you to just let people be who they want to be and respect them?
You want to hurt them. You want to rub their face in the dirt while you prove how right you are. You want them to feel humiliated and helpless.
Don't you pretend you're anything good. Don't pretend like you care about people or children and making the world a better place. You are just an insecure child, looking for someone easy to hurt, someone you can make cry, just so you don't feel small.
If labels really don't matter to you, why do you have to go and try to tear down what makes people happy?
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wildfeather5002 · 6 months
An (un)friendly reminder that being religious doesn't mean you deserve special privileges.
No, I'm not talking about being able to have breaks at work for praying or having certain kinds of foods available for you. What I'm talking about here is your ''right'' to discriminate against others and deem others morally inferior for trivial reasons because of your religious beliefs.
You are not justified when you tell lgbtq people they're morally wrong / perverted / going to hell / whatever because your religion says that about lgbtq.
Same thing goes for literally any other group of people: for example, telling people of color they should apologize for being black / brown every single day or else they are going to hell is not justified, even if your religion says so.
Well, in a way you're allowed to voice your opinions, no matter how discriminatory or hateful they are, but then you better not have the nerve to complain about the backlash you get in response. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of consequences.
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bloogblogg · 9 months
Minecraft Pride Memorials!!
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Nonbinary Pride Memorial!
Dedicated to: Myself
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Pansexual Pride Memorial!
Dedicated to: Myself, and @punkculus
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Transgender Pride Memorial!
Dedicated to: My friend Tsuki, and my other friend, Sam.
(Also dedicated to @welldrawnfish and @kaylasartwork )
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Lesbian Pride Memorial!
Dedicated to: My friend Toast.
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Bisexual Pride Memorial!
Dedicated to: My friend Stella
Reblog this post with a picture of a pride flag that fits with these wool colors:
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my thoughts on the 1975 in malaysia + how to help!
(help links at bottom, reblog please)
seeing lots of people mad at queer malaysians for being mad at matty. they have every right to be mad at him, because yes we think what he did was moving and i honestly believe it was, but the repercussions of what they did will likely effect queer malaysian people negatively. the malaysian gov are using the 1975 as a scapegoat for, in turn, making it even harder to exist as a queer person in malaysia.
if they’re speaking out and saying it isn’t going to effect them as positive as our western view believes it will, it’s important we accept that and research how we can truly help the queer community over there.
however, matty and ross’ actions have been seen worldwide and i’m seeing a lot of people coming forward and saying they weren’t aware malaysian government was as bad as it is for queer people. this is important.
what the boys did has sparked a worldwide discussion and shone a light for how dangerous it truly is for queer malaysian people. the kiss itself may not help the situation over there (which i don’t think it was intended to do), but it will guide more people into discovering the inhumane laws for our community in malaysia, and ultimately, guide us over in our respective countries to helping the queer people in south east asia.
here’s how we can help the queer community over in malaysia:
(all found on the1975 reddit forum so credit to 505cherry on reddit, but i wanted to post the separate links for ease)
https://pluho.org/donate/ (mental health support)
https://justiceforsisters.wordpress.com/about/ (support for trans malaysian women)
^ (provides support for queer people and allies, inc. queer voices, stories and views)
choose express speed --> for delivery method put bank deposit --> choose Maybank --> then put the account details from above --> put PERTUBUHAN JARINGAN KEBAJIKAN in the first name box, and KOMUNITI in the last one
credit to Alternative-Map-181 on reddit for those instructions
https://linktr.ee/ptfmalaysia (provides HIV/AIDS education, prevention, care and support programmes)
^ (support group for queer, gay and bi youth, creating a safe space with guidance)
https://legaldignity.org/donation/ (promotes fair and equal access to justice for all lgbtq+ people)
important: i take no credit for finding any of these links, i saw it being shared from the 1975 reddit on twitter but i haven’t seen any information on tumblr so i wanted to spread it further! thank you so much to the reddit user (505cherry) who shared these organisations with us.
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vistunecryptling · 2 months
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Commissioning me gives me the ability to move to a part of the country that is safe for LGBTQ folk where I can live my life peacefully. As a U.S. citizen I'm hoping to do this within a matter of a couple of months and before the presidency when trans rights are likely to take a turn for the worse. If you can't commission me sending my account/art to those who can would be greatly appreciated, along with any notes at all for that matter.
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espiritogato · 4 months
Yay! Westport, Massachusetts finally has its own Pride Festival coming to town. Please show your support by liking the page. Hope to see you at the event. 🏳️‍🌈
Westport Pride Fest 2024
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notenderlaith · 1 year
I need some help for Trans people:
Sorry to bring any negativity or controversy to this site, but I have been getting ads on YT for this movie called "Gender Transformation" and its hate speech. I live in a place that is very not safe for trans people. I can't risk this making head way. It hasn't seemed to take off just yet, but I don't wanna give it the chance. Please mass report these accounts and do everything you can to keep this from hurting more people. Its dangerous, very very dangerous. Please stop this.
There is nothing wrong with detransitioning, but that is not what this film is saying. It's saying that children are being forced to be trans and that it will destroy everyone's family. So few people detransition, even less of them want to detransition because they don't identify with the trans identity, the last thing that people who detransition need is being weaponized against their community. Detransitioned people are not weapons to be used against Trans people. This is dangerous to both parties. Transphobes need to take their stupidity to a place where they face the consequences of their actions and not the innocent people who are just living as they are.
I don't want this to be tied to me or my account. But it needs to be said. I wont post about it again.
Here is the YT of the channel that made it (EPOCH ORIGIONAL)
Here is their twitter:
Here is the website:
Do what you can, I'm passing this up to the next person who can fight for me. Keep this from gaining the power to hurt or even kill more trans kids. Though be it, indirectly. Thank you. Have a nice day.
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faramirsonofgondor · 7 months
The lgbtq+ community should really form their own island sanctuary like Magneto did. Like just a place where all of us can live in peace. I know it’s never gonna happen but it’s still a nice thought.
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angelic-petty · 1 day
maybe it’s a selfish request but i’ve spent most of my time as a 26 year old looking for writing jobs that just never fell through and there’s nothing i want more than to be able to enjoy my birthday stress free and able to afford to eat and live comfortably
boost if you see, only donate if you can
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strangeclouddream · 25 days
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