#LGBQT rights are not about religion
freebooter4ever · 2 years
Not gonna lie finding out more about this whole pride night thing just ruined this whole game for me. I couldnt care less if they win anymore. The jerseys/donations seemed like flimsy gestures anyway and now we dont even get THAT? What. The. Fuck.
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wack-ashimself · 3 years
Young justice COMPLETELY missing the historical context of the ankh and the cross...
So the episode was SUPER pro religion (of course, doesn't matter which religion-kinda covers a lot of them; it's not judgy), but ignored TRUE historical facts. Like...the cross (and much of the bible) was stolen from other religious stories....<I'm sorry, but if you're going to cover real life religion, you can't sugarcoat a lifestyle for BILLIONS of people just cuz you want them all to feel comfy.>
Ankh (egptian)-Doctor fate.
Cross (christian)- dr fate's host believes in.
THE CROSS IS 100% BASED OFF THE ANKH (you can see it in the shape!) BUT THEY DON'T EVEN TOUCH THAT ISSUE! You'll talk depression, lgbqt, suicide, murder, state exploitation, but talking where religion actually comes from in REAL LIFE and why?
FUCK THAT; just believe it blindly. NO QUESTIONS!
(sounds about right for ANY average religion...)
I'm more likely to believe in magic than these stupid fucking religions that have been heavily edited over the centuries...(and I'm not being judgy-fuck ALL religions. if you can't find the meaning of life thru your own experiences, than you're experiencing it wrong...)
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lillywaters · 5 years
Days Gone- Zombie world all around us
Yes, there could be some spoilers so be alert and aware!  Also note a good chunk of this is about my life and what is going on and why I haven’t been posting much to my Youtube channel or twitch.
******If you just want game overview and feelings on it go down to the section near the bottom that says only about the game***
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I know I haven’t posted a lot here when I have finished some games, and even more so my streaming and uploads to at youtube have been few throughout the week.  I tend to be a girl who loves her zombie story type games as long as they have good mechanics   characters you can fall in love with and gathering with some crafting.  Days gone came into my life when I needed it the most, it was a game that allowed me to look at life and deal with feelings I have been dealing with when it comes to family.  Note: I will not be able to fit in every detail with what has been happening… too much shit has happened.
 Overall the world is beautiful, the story kept me going, heck even side quests I was willing to do. I wanted to try to do as much as I could in this game whenever I had time…five minutes free fuck it going into the game.  The main character Deacon may have been rough and tough when you first meet him but you soon come to find out that his journey is about love, and never giving up. Yes, at times he had to deal with grief and letting go but there was some kind of hope.
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Some people have private messaged me asking why did you not upload more game play after your first three hours?  Some of you who may not be part of our discord may have not known but I had a family crisis happen, heck it is still happening today.  Really it started many years ago well over 10 years by now when my brother married a woman.   You have to understand my brother and I used to be very close he was my best friend but something just felt odd about this coupling and my family’s world was tore apart like the zombie attacks we often see in days gone.
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The only good thing that came out of it was my niece, who I quickly got into anime and video games, after all what cool aunt would not do that right?  I would see my brother on and off throughout the years not as much as I used to but when we did get together it was a buddy relationship that you see between Deacon and Boozer.  Then one year the worst thing seemed to happen, the family found out that my brother’s wife was drinking or doing god knows what.  We found this out after the fact when she tried to take the stirring wheel from my brother he was driving and kill them both (Luckily my niece had stayed at my sisters that night).  She was place into suicide watch for 24 hours, and the family was told she would seek help.
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 It was at this point my brother who felt like he was out of control of his wife, re-entered religion (do not get me wrong when done correctly it can be a great support…in the case of my brother it was an extremists branch). Once this happened he had pulled away from the family even cutting family members out.  More shit happened over the years more than I could explain here and he became somewhat an estranged sibling but, deep down I had hope that one day he would wake up.  If he was a character from the game he would most likely be the crazy ass Colonel Garrett.
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We now fast forward to 2019….my phone rings right before a community play it was my sister.  She asks me if I am sitting down (Keep in mind I tend to be the one who doesn’t let her emotions get away from her so at this point I am just rolling my eyes).  My sister tries to keep it together as she tells me my niece was just air lifted to the hospital.  What she knows so far is that she had tried to kill herself by taking meds but they were unsure what and she was in a coma.  I had warn my family over the years to always pay attention to her and that something was going to happen but being the youngest every one brushed me off and now it happens.  I go the next day when she is finally awake and spend some time with her, it is at this point that I find out that she couldn’t take it anymore from her parents.   She had to be perfect, religion was forced down her throat she didn’t agree with, and this was her second time that she had tried to do this (no one knew about the first time).  
Because of this she was sent to a state hospital required by the state due to how many times she had tired to kill herself.  Luckily out of all this it was one near where I lived so I was able to go sit with her and talk to her.  It was the first time she was able to speak her mind and be herself.  I soon find out that she is part of the LGBQT community, something her parents did not know and for good reasons.  They were very anti-LGBQT but soon after they found out after hacking into her phone.   We had a month together to communicate openly and we both worried about when she was going home.  She is now home now but, things have only gotten worst.  She is a prisoner in her own home, her father my brother cutting off anyone from the outside world even her own aunts.  And what broke my heart was when she got in touch with me again. She was depressed hitting a low because even though she finally was able to say out loud yes I am part of the LGBQT community she was scared of being with the person she loved.  I asked her why and she said because she was always told it was wrong….and because of that she was wrong there was something wrong with her.  A parent should never ever make a child feel that their very being and feelings are wrong.
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 Then a couple days later, I had called my brother he did not pick up his cell.  Left a message asked him to call back.  Waited until he would get home called his cell was sent right to voice message three times, called him home was sent to the answering machine. Asked my sister the best way to get him to respond which was text….so I wrote out a text telling him there was a rated PG anime movie coming to theater for one night about a concert band (She is 17 so old enough to see it).  I told him where it was two adults will be with her, I will pay for her ticket drive her both ways and it is a month away.  It was clear he did not read the whole thing a quick cold response of “We are not ready to let her do ANYTHING”  followed by a “ I AM BUSY EATING AND WATCHING A MOVIE”.  It was clear I was in his way and he did not want to talk to me.  It was clear that he was cutting family off and locking his daughter away from the outside.  Then my phone buzzed again it was my niece she had gotten ahold of her cellphone that she is allowed to use now a days for only a hour a day..  “Was that you calling??”  Yeah, was trying to set up the movie for you… “I thought so… he kept hanging up on you… I asked him who it was and he wouldn’t tell me.”
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 It was right there that I realized, my brother who I was hoping made it out of that car that one night really did not make it out.  Whatever, got out of that car was just an empty shell a zombie who is just taking from anyone who he can and when it doesn’t get its way it brings down its own horde of zombies to kill off anything living.   That night I went back to playing my game, I realized that I had put hours into it without recording it.   I often will do this when I am dealing with stress or some form of trauma. It allows me to go to a world where the player has some kind of power, has some different story and is able to grow and become stronger.
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 This was the same case with Days gone.   We have a man who believed he would find the love of his life his wife.  No matter how many times people told him he kept fighting through the zombie hordes no matter how shitty it got.  Then I finally got near the ending and the first shock of it when it came to Boozer had me tearing up.  After I had calmed down I realized the reason why I got somewhat emotional during it wasn’t just because they had built a great bro for the main character it was allowing me to go through the grief process of losing my own brother.  Who he was- is gone and I have come to accept that and understand that.  And while I hope that at the very end we would see he would come back like Boozer the fact is he won’t he is just another empty shell like the thousands of zombies I killed throughout the game.  I am grateful for games with great stories and worlds…they allow me a place to adjust and take things in, they allow me a place to go one adventure and sometimes they allow a place for the player to accept things that have happened.
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    I hope you guys will stick around the channels I am starting to come back out of my shell of playing games alone again and I hope to ride with you all with the next story i dive into (haha see what I did there ride haha saa... ok bad pun)
    Only About the Game:
Over all I really did enjoy the game, it was a place I wanted to spend the few free hours I have between work and graduate college classes.  The story while some says just keeps the status que, I feel is not the case. If something like a zombie outbreak happens we would all have our own story.  Some may mirror each other but each one has some differences.  The main character may start off seeming only 1D in his personality BUT if you are paying attention to the little details, the little emotional ques from his face you would see there is a lot of heart, and you would see a character who struggles to deal with some of the choices he has to pick.  A prime example of this would be when he joined the military camp and one new member is a druggie.  In the camp it is very extremely religious under their leader who is very one sided. There would be no help for a druggie and the person would be cast as one of the undesirables.  Deacon over times builds a weird friendship with this person, and even states that he would be a good person to guard the doctor of the camp.   Shit hits the fan, the doctor gets killed and the druggie well takes the drugs.  It is at this point Deacon is told to go find the druggie and bring him back alive to be hung.  We get to the druggie before the other officers do, and in an emotional interactions between the two Deacon decides to do a more humane thing( instead of having him be made as an example before the hanging) and helps the guy OD before anyone is able to drag him back to the camp.  You could tell it killed a bit of Deacon’s soul to have to do this but he had enough heart to make sure someone did not have to suffer.
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Now for the gameplay, sometimes and this MAY be because I was playing on it with first gen PS4 would have some lag burst while I was on the bike and a horde was chasing me like no tomorrow.  These burst would last 2-5 seconds but you had to hope to god you did not hit a tree or car or it was game over when that happened.  When it comes to crafting the game gives me the feels of Last of us. You gather some items and you craft, heck even the quick crafting window felt just like The Last of Us.   The only issue I had with the menu would be one your health hits the shitter and it says push the D pad…if you do not hold it down it doesn’t heal and often times I found it quicker to open up the main window and heal.  The only other issue is sometimes I felt it would jump to a different item so instead of me throwing my damn cocktail it would throw a pipe bomb at the nest which did not kill off the nest but would still trigger the zombies.
I will most likely upload this to my PS4 Pro when that comes (this week) to see if the lagging issue happens on that system.  The quest line, the main quest line was fun and getting the extras just added to the story. Take your time see the world try to do everything and you will easily be able to get a lot out of this game.  The DLC at this time from what I know is just adding extra modes you can do- it is free but I feel like they could do more. How about a new storyline about rebuilding even if it’s just doing the basic fetch quests in the game (some of us PVErs love building).  We will see if they do anything more when it comes to future DLC.  
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 The other thing if you liked Joel from the Last of us you will like the main character in this game…and OMG the puppy make sure to find those toys!  The other thing that seemed to be the only bug I had other than the lag mentioned above, I think for a total of two quests the area would not load. I would have to log out of the game and reboot it up to get the area to load.  Once again could have been a game bug or maybe my old girl of a PS4 is having a harder time with late gen games.        
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still-an-innocentt · 6 years
taylor had the whole rep tour to take this stand....why didn't she?
taylor has been voicing her opinions on issues to us through speeches and things she does throughout this entire tour…..we have known where she stands on these issues she is just now letting the rest of the world know too. she has given numerous speeches about LGBQT rights, mental health, civil rights, and even sexual assault. she gave a beautiful tribute to aretha franklin in her hometown and even honors a queer black woman on screen every night during her performance of dress. she has shown how much she supports her fans no matter what race gender sexuality religion they are and will support them no matter what. she has given us so much proof on to where her values lie and what she stands up for she is just now putting it into writing for everyone else. 
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thechasefiles · 3 years
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A local human rights organisation is calling for a sharp shift away from centuries of religious principles and dogma characteristic of colonialism as the country prepares to transition from a constitutional monarchy to a parliamentary republic. Among a list of bold suggestions from Humanists Barbados is the removal of all references to God in the local law books, the elimination of ‘blasphemy’ as an offence, and the scrapping of all forms of prayer in public schools. President of the non-governmental organisation (NGO), Maachelle Farley disclosed that the Republican Status Transition Advisory Committee has also been informed of the organisation’s desire to see capital punishment and corporal punishment forbidden, and a full slate of Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) rights recognised. “Barbados has a secular Government and is home to diverse religious and non-religious populations. So using the term ‘God’ is divisive as it begs the question as to which religion is being referred to,” Farley told Barbados TODAY. Moments after hosting a webinar entitled Freedom of Thought in our Republic and Beyond: No Monarch, No Massa, No God, the activist explained that references to the ‘primacy of God’ as cited in the Constitution fail to recognise that belief in God is a matter of voluntary individual choice and ought not to be imposed. She added that the offence of blasphemy, though hardly enforced, is a fetter on citizens’ right to freedom of expression. Among the most controversial suggestion is the longstanding tradition of saying prayers in public schools. “It is certainly appropriate in the context of the family home, but when you have children from all walks of life, from different religions, from different families, who believe different things, how can you then expect a child who doesn’t pray at home to clasp their hands and pray to a God that they don’t know anything about,” Farley contended. Read the rest of the article in the comment section below 👇🏾 #thechasefiles #numberonebloginbarbados #crediblenews #credibleupdates #onestopshop #athiests #godbsscience #whereisthechurch #noprayer #nogod #humanistbarbados #nogod #LGBQT #THEAGENDA https://www.instagram.com/p/CWaVNg_BmhbvuETK3Qi9kaSv4gNCRkIGdCYVws0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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arcticxdungeon · 7 years
What's so wrong with caring about others?
Time and time again. Whether it is on the news. Whether it is an interaction at work. Whether it is family. Whether it is friends. No matter where I run into people. There is a lot of fear, a lot of selfishness and a lot of judgment.
So I ask any who read this....
What is wrong with caring about others?
What is wrong with wanting the people in your country to have access to good healthcare? What is wrong with wanting to bring down poverty levels? What is wrong with wanting everyone by birth to have equal rights? Man, Woman, trans, lesbian, gay, bi, queer, white, black, latino, indian, asian or whatever else. If you are Christian you were taught to be kind, to respect and not judge others. Why are those in the LGBQT community being excluded from that? We are all human.
What is wrong with wanting to give more youths access to education opportunities to help our society and economy flourish? To help lower poverty levels and give more people a better chance for a better future?
Why is gun control considered to be anti-gun as in no guns at all rather than just stricter laws on guns? Because (big shocker)....Guns kill people. They also can protect too. However, these laws are not meant to trample over that.
What is wrong with wanting to not have your family torn apart out of fear for something you all will probably never do, just because of racism? To not want be accused of being a terrorist just because of your religion or nationality? I mean...Who cares if other families are torn apart by new laws so long as your own family is safe right?
What is wrong with wanting cops to be held accountable for their mistakes just like every day citizens are? For men to be held accountable for the hate crimes committed against women?
Why can't we work towards a nation where everyone has equal rights and is equally held accountable for the crimes that they commit? Where money and power does not triumph over justice?
Think deep down. How would you feel if you were ill and could not access healthcare? If you were never able to pay for school? If you were hated, feared, or looked down upon. Because of the color of your skin, for being heterosexual, for being Christian, for being a man, for being born in this country but living in another? For being more likely to be put in prison or shot than your friend because of your skin color?
How are there so many people who just don't care? Why do we let ourselves be ruled by fear just because others are different?
I'll never understand it. Just what it is that is so wrong or such a chore about caring for and being kind to other people. In the end we are all human. Only human.
"United we stand. Divided we fall."
Just had to rant because I am tired of all of the prejudice and selfishness out there.
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rafat · 4 years
The Challenges In Building An Inclusive Organization Even As A Minority Founder
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I’ve created two companies that have employed a couple hundred people during the past 15 years. Much through that time, I’ve shared thoughts and lessons on that journey here and in my other essays. Today, I’d like to share a few more because I believe all founders and CEOs in America have an important opportunity and responsibility in this moment. The reckoning is real, even for minority founders and their well-intentioned teams.
What is that collision — and tension — between being a minority and being a founder? Exactly two decades since I came here as an immigrant to America, I have been thinking through these existential questions. Today, we finally are having a larger conversation around diversity and inclusion in our society and workplaces, including ours.
Everyone on the leadership team at my current company is thinking deeply right now about our responsibilities around diversity and inclusion. We’re prompted by the larger conversation America is having, and feedback we got from our team on a lot of work still left to be done to improve the way our company shepherds both diversity and inclusion. Like many companies, we should constantly be aware of unconscious bias and structural racism at our organization and in our industry.
We’re throwing ourselves into this. Even as we are in survival mode as a business during this pandemic, we’re moving quickly to define areas for improvement, assembling cross-company teams to identify options and recommend immediate and long-term courses of action, and we’ve set out a schedule to get our initial improvements in place as rapidly as possible. We’re treating this work as seriously as we treat our service to readers and customers. And it’s being done alongside other business improvements prompted by sweeping changes to the sectors we exist in.
Here are the challenges we’ve faced, mistakes made, and lessons learned so far:
We overreached on our promises to the team. In hindsight we were naive about what it took to shape a culture. I believed the intensity and quality of our work were all that mattered, and I believed that our culture would organically spring from that. I realize now there’s no way a small and mostly bootstrapped company, with no real systems in place in early days, can keep everyone happy or intentionally create its intended culture without help.
I started this company after a two-year journey that took me to 15 countries. I saw first hand the fault lines and inequities of the world; experienced world events as a minority; and then threw myself into self-education and expression around it. When I returned to the U.S., I first found my voice on social media, my personal blog, and by writing and speaking about diversity and inclusion through media outlets. I pursued the topic at times to the point of exhaustion — after 9/11, the Othering of Muslims happened in America in large and small ways, and a chance run-in with Glenn Beck in late 2011 went viral when I confronted him about being a racist bigot tearing away at the fabric of our country.
Finally I decided to create a company that would forever improve travel, one of the world’s largest business sectors. It would be a global media business, and the team at its heart would look like the changing and diverse world of the travelers criss-crossing the globe — even though the travel industry itself was not at all reflective of that… and still isn’t. We would be a refuge among the decimated media businesses that surrounded us. Our hiring motto in every job posting said: “Our goal for our team and culture is to reflect the diversity of the globe of travelers.”
Investors had other ideas — we could not raise venture money beyond seed stage, despite hundreds of pitches. Among other reasons, it was clear there was a subtext of overt and covert inequities at work — especially ageism against older founders (I had turned 40) and white male founder privilege(one investor told me “jokingly” he could invest only if I was the “right religion”).
Nevertheless, we promised potential team members:
Joining Skift will be a transformational move for your career. You will do the best work you have ever done while you are at Skift. You will be the happiest you have ever been at work while at Skift. You will be set for life, your success beyond Skift means everything to us.
I believed our good intentions on this would carry the day. After all, I was a minority putting everything into this as transparently as possible. I was out there, very online, with beliefs about every injustice and progressive movement in the world — from the Arab Spring onwards — and that would create a progressive company. Because everyone else would see it that way too, right? Wrong.
In hindsight this was very naive and by overreaching on the promises, we were setting ourselves up for failure.
We didn’t put enough resources against our diversity goals.Diversity requires putting extra effort into the normal hiring process — and with no recruiting help, we weren’t able to access enough candidates to achieve true diversity. We didn’t have enough time to do it ourselves while also building other aspects of the company, and our personal professional networks weren’t diverse enough.
We’ve succeeded in stretches. At one point, and for almost two years, no one voluntarily left the company. We became obsessed with keeping that going, learning later that holding on to an impossible ideal was a growing-up folly, too. We succeeded in becoming a female majority company three years ago. But we have a lot more work to do — we’ve hired Asian, Indian, Black, Hispanic and LGBQT+ people as well as people across the age spectrum, but it hasn’t been enough — and I’ve shared those challenges along the way, internally and externally.
We didn’t transition our operations from a start-up to a more mature, early-stage company soon enough. Although we were well-intentioned, we were not well-equipped to achieve all of our ambitious goals. Two examples stand out:
We should have brought on professional recruiting and HR sooner.Other startup founders and investors I talked to along the way said to hire our first full-time recruiting and HR professionals once we crossed 50 employees. That advice may be relevant for well-funded startups that hired 50 people in their first year or two, but for a boutique, thinly-capitalized, and seemingly always overstretched company, those 50 people took seven years.
If you are a founder and have never worked with a business coach in your journey, get one as soon as your company grows beyond the start-up stage. What brings you success at the beginning may not get you to the next phase of your business or culture. This transition from early-stage full-hands-on, push-and-probe-to-get-the-best-results-from-people founder to a more mature, systems-in-place style happens with every founder, and every founder hopes they will avoid the pain that comes with it. Few do.
I started working with a coach two years ago and I still have a lot of learning to do. The founder in me intersected with my own life as an immigrant in America, the very-true cliche about having to hustle twice as hard to get the same results, resulting in a demanding work environment. I originally saw a very direct working style as a proxy to transparency. The coaching helped me realize that at a certain point, my personal intensity and company power dynamics overpowered any good intentions.
Diversity isn’t enough. Leading a successful company means creating real and consistent inclusion. As a Brown Muslim in America for the past 20 years, I’d experienced much of my personal and professional life through a lens of exclusion, but the real lesson we had to learn was inclusion. We became so focused on building a diverse team that we didn’t focus on the even harder part — creating a supportive culture once this diverse group was inside the company. From retaining employees with different needs to being cognizant of and celebrating differences; from creating safe spaces for people with different frames of reference to mentoring and finding ways to support professional and personal growth paths in the ways larger companies with greater resources can.
We have been well intentioned but not well equipped to carry out the intentions, intentionally. We finally brought on a very experienced HR leader last year. We could not be doing this important work without her.
There will be more insights and learnings — and probably mistakes — as this work continues. When we learn more things that could be helpful to other founders and CEOs, I’ll continue to share them here.
This is a critical and existential time for our company in so many ways. The travel industry was hit hard by the pandemic. We lost 80 percent of our revenues in March and April, and May and June have only slightly better with somewhat more clarity on business outlook ahead. We had to scramble to cut every non-employee cost we could.
We are surviving because of the sacrifices of our amazing team — including furloughs and pay cuts starting at 10 percent (I took a 100% pay cut and my leadership team has taken pay cuts of up to 50%). We have given up our New York and London offices and are going fully remote as a company — a decision that saved many jobs. Unfortunately, we still had to reduce our team size by one-third last month.
For now, as we create our next phase, we will continue to improve our business, and we have committed ourselves to creating a better company — to listen, to learn, and to act — and we will continue to reshape our culture for meaningful and lasting change.
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youarenolcdy-blog · 7 years
since its pride month how does rhett feel about lgbt identities, both in his main verse and theoretical modern
ok im actually really glad you asked this.
aside from the sexualities and such, there is also the elephant in the room of ethnicities and race for him. More often than not, I take what I use from the 1939 film, so he was aware that the “Cause” of the South was completely doomed and had more respect for the slaves that were in the house. So for this fact, in the “main”/Civil War verse, of course there will be the cultural implications involved. Still, he will treat POC as fellow human beings as they should be. He didn’t give a damn about making a stir before so this is no different.
In a similar vein is the LGBQT identities. Rhett is a very ‘ do your own thing ’ kind of guy; if it doesn’t hurt anyone, why should it bother him? This applies to nearly all of his verses. He may be more leery of it in the main/CW verse, but especially in the later verses, he doesn’t see it as a huge deal. He isn’t religious so that holds no importance to him. He calls himself a sinner constantly and also enjoys carnal lust and sees no ties to be made in matrimony as well as sex. So because of these differences he has with the church and religion, he sees no problem with people living how they should. Of course in the CW verse they’d be considered “queer” and outsiders, those that do right by him he does right by them.
So in other words, he’s very live your life how you want and take no wooden nickels. Be kind, but do not be weak, and the cliche idea of treating those how you want to be treated; he has become a professional at mirroring people’s attitudes.
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giftofshewbread · 4 years
 By Daymond Duck   Published on: July 12, 2020
While preparing a message for an upcoming event, I decided to look back at things I have written about world government.
I have written too much to mention in this article, but I want to recall some of it because it has relevance for today and the upcoming election.
These things will help readers understand what is going on, and why some believe we are almost there.
One, concerning world government, Daniel said, “The fourth beast (the Antichrist’s government; the coming New World Order) shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces” (Dan. 7:23).
Two, concerning world government, John said, “And it was given unto him (the Antichrist) to make war with the saints (those that become believers during the Tribulation Period), and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Rev. 13:7).
So, the Antichrist will rule over all nations, and people should be aware that many globalists are working hard to turn the UN into a world government by 2030.
Three, Winston Churchill said, “The purpose of the New World Order is to bring the world into a world government.”
This famous politician (not a preacher) said, “New World Order” means world government, and it is important to understand that the Bible teaches that it will be headed by the Antichrist, and he will be a Satan worshipper (Rev. 13:4-6).
Four, in 1990, Pres. George H. W. Bush (Bush Senior) said, “Out of these troubled times (out of the Persian Gulf War), our fifth objective—a new world order—can emerge.”
Know that world government is an objective of the U.S., and the “Deep State” has been working to bring it in for years.
Five, know that the establishment of a world government is in the UN Charter.
Six, in 1997, Pres. Bill Clinton said, “What I am trying to do (to build a global system) is to promote a process of reorganization of the world.”
Seven, on May 14, 2008, Barack Obama was running for president of the U.S.; and Michelle said, “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”
On July 24, 2008, U.S. presidential candidate Obama supported a “globalized world,” and he said, “The burdens of global citizenship bind us together.”
On Oct. 30, 2008, candidate Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”
On Oct. 24, 2014, Mr. Obama had become president, and he issued a Proclamation urging all 50 governors in the U.S. and all officials under the U.S. flag to observe “UN Day” with “appropriate ceremonies and activities.”
He released a joint statement with the UN Sec. Gen. at that time, Ban Ki-moon, that said global government should be further empowered.
Eight, on Sept. 25, 2015, the UN was presented with a document called “Transforming our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”
Supporters called this document a “New Universal Agenda.”
This word “Universal” comes from the preamble of the document, and it means this document covers the entire earth and more.
Some experts said the document calls for a one-world government, a one-world religion, and a one-world economic system to be established by 2030.
Delegates from 193 nations unanimously approved it and applauded the decision.
Nine, two days later, on Sept. 27, 2015, Pres. Obama assured the UN of America’s commitment to the “Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” goals.
He called the UN document “one of the smartest investments we can make in our own future.”
The next day, he addressed the UN and said, “Global integration (the merging of nations) is an agenda that transcends the narrowly defined interests of nation-states.”
He was saying merging nations into groups such as the U.S., Canada, and Mexico (USMCA) is more important than their national sovereignty.
Be aware that the USMCA went into effect on July 1, 2020, and globalists believe it is more important than the sovereignty of the U.S.
I believe ten global trading blocs will form. Shortly after that, each one will elect a leader (the Ten Kings), and then the Antichrist will appear.
Ten, Pres. Obama’s vice president was Joe Biden, and he called for the establishment of the New World Order (world government) on several occasions.
On April 5, 2013, Mr. Biden spoke at the Export-Import Bank Conference in Washington, DC where he said, “The affirmative task we have now is to actually create a new world order.”
Mr. Biden was saying it is now America’s job to create a literal world government.
Suppose he gets elected, and he or whoever replaces him follows through with this.
Eleven, on May 28, 2014, Vice-Pres. Joe Biden told the U.S. Air Force Academy graduating class, “I believe we and mainly you have an incredible opportunity to lead in shaping a new world order for the 21st century.”
Mr. Biden said the 2014 Air Force Academy graduating class could help shape a world government (Biden supports the surrender of U.S. sovereignty to a world government; this explains why the globalists hate Trump. He opposes it.).
Twelve, on Jan. 21-24, 2015, a group called the World Economic Forum (WEF) met in Davos, Switzerland.
These globalists agreed to speed up the development of regions of nations all over the world.
Speeding up the development of regions of nations will speed up the surrender of their national sovereignty. (There is reason to believe it has been speeded up.)
Thirteen, here is some information about the UN Sustainable Development goals for 2030 that people need to pay attention to because Mr. Biden is running for president of the U.S., and he has spoken out in support of the UN goals. Mr. Biden is running for president of the U.S. Mr. Biden is running for president of the U.S.
For one thing, the document’s preamble says, “All countries and stakeholders, acting in a collaborative partnership, WILL (not may—WILL) implement this plan.”
By 2030, the UN WILL be transformed into a body that can require all nations to obey the UN. (The Constitution of the U.S. will be irrelevant, and global law will prevail.)
Unless God intervenes, in less than 10 years, the UN WILL become a satanic one-world government, and the U.S. will be required to obey the laws of the UN.
One government official said not a single human being will be allowed to escape this next great leap forward (this includes everyone in the U.S., but he is overlooking the Rapture).
One reporter said the world’s children will now be indoctrinated with the idea that we are all “global citizens” (people will be citizens of a borderless world, not citizens of the U.S., Mexico, Canada, etc.).
For another thing: in 2015, then UN Sec. Gen. Ban Ki-moon called the UN Sustainable Development goals the “start of a new era.” (A New Era has started, and America will not return to what was considered normal a year ago.)
Fourteen, on Jan. 1, 2016, it was reported that the UN Sustainable Development goals for 2030 had gone into effect and that everyone should expect all nations to make a strong push to bring them to pass.
Trump was elected president in Nov. 2016, and he called for making America great again (MAGA. This opposes the UN Sustainable Development Goals, and it has created a big problem for the globalists, Deep State, etc.).
Fifteen, on Mar. 10, 2016, it was reported that the UN had released a Master Plan called, “Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.”
According to the report, every government is now required to promote wealth redistribution; government control of all production, a reduction in the consumption of goods and services, the consumption of less meat and frozen or convenience foods, the use of fewer and smaller vehicles and appliances, the use of less air-conditioning at home and at work, and the use of smaller houses and apartments.
Governments must take control of all education systems to ensure that children are “agents of change” that support world government; governments must indoctrinate everyone to accept a new set of attitudes, values and beliefs to promote a new culture of peace and non-violence (the global Ethic or world religion); and governments will provide universal healthcare, mental health services, sexual and reproductive services to everyone on earth.
Understand that this is not what the UN wants to accomplish in the next 50-75 years; this is what the UN wants to accomplish before 2030, and you need to ask yourself if these are the things you want our next president to support.
As far as this writer is concerned, there is ample proof that America is the victim of an organized effort to weaken the U.S. and bring in the New World Order.
Mrs. Clinton was supposed to complete Pres. Obama’s goal of fundamentally transforming the U.S. and empowering the UN, but God put Trump in office; and “Make America Great Again” clashes with Obama’s goal.
Satan’s Deep State is behind it, and they are desperate to get Trump out of office because four more years of Trump will interfere with the UN’s goal of world government by 2030.
People need to pay careful attention to these goals because Biden is clearly on record for supporting Obama’s goal to fundamentally change America, and for his desire to create and lead in the shaping of the NWO (Google the quotes).
Know that the Rapture will take place before the Antichrist appears, but these things indicate that if Biden (or someone of the Deep State’s choice) becomes president, that person will bring in the NWO, and that would be a strong indication that the Rapture is close.
For your information, one of the Sustainable Development goals is population control (a global right to abortion, LGBQT rights, etc.).
Biden said if he is elected, one of his first executive orders will be to re-fund Planned Parenthood and do anything he can to be as pro-abortion as he possibly can be. (He is supporting the UN agenda which requires the weakening of the U.S.)
Having said this, here are five recent events that seem significant:
One, on June 19, 2020, the World Economic Forum (WEF) announced that it will hold its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in Jan. 2021 and the theme will be the “Great Reset.”
The “Great Reset” means changing every aspect of society by redistributing the world’s wealth, enacting a global tax, supporting world government, and more.
On that same day, former U.S. VP, Al Gore, went on TV to call for a “Reset” of the global economy to support “climate change.”
He said air pollution caused by burning fossil fuels heightens the death rates of the Coronavirus.
Expect what the WEF agrees to at that Jan. 2021 meeting to be pushed on the world shortly thereafter.
Mr. Biden has already come out in favor of tax increases in the U.S., and if he is elected, he will be at the president’s desk when the request to fund the New World Order goes around the world.
Two, on June 25, 2020, the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Charter, UN Sec.-Gen. Guterres said, “The world needs an overarching level of multilateral governance that can sideline problematic ‘national interests.’” (In my words, he was saying, “The world needs groups of nations, not one person, with the power to set aside the desires of individual nations.”)
Guterres said there is a need to “reimagine the way nations cooperate.”
Guterres added, “We need a networked multilateralism, bringing together the U.N. system, regional organizations, international financial institutions and others.” (Know that I believe the Bible teaches that 10 regional groups of nations will rise and be headed by the 10 leaders or 10 kings before the Antichrist rises.)
Three, on June 26, 2020, it was reported that Facebook will start blocking and removing everything that criticizes the globalist agenda.
They immediately placed a “hate speech” warning label on a Republican pro-Trump video campaign ad.
The video shows true events, but Facebook gave in to people that want to silence the events.
The next day, it was reported that Republicans and conservatives (Sean Hannity, Jim Jordan, Kayleigh McEnany, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and others) are flocking to a new app called @parler_app
Four, on June 29, 2020, NYC Mayor de Blasio announced plans to cut $1 billion from NYC’s police budget.
Some of the leftists complained that defund the police means defund, not cut.
Many local police departments won’t submit to globalist control, so the globalists want all local police departments disarmed, dismantled or placed under the federal government to weaken the resistance to their global policies.
In years past, some globalists have suggested that U.S. troops be sent out of the U.S., and troops from other countries be brought into the U.S. to deal with U.S. citizens that might want to resist the surrender of America.
Citizens need to elect politicians that won’t go along with these control tactics.
God may use the next U.S. presidential election to impact how soon the New World Order will take over, but regardless of who wins, events are now moving with unprecedented speed, and we are almost there.
Five, in my article that was posted last week, I reported that Atty. Gen. Barr said that some of the individuals and groups that have been involved in the violence in the U.S. may be supported by foreign entities.
A friend sent me an article this week that says the U.S. has caught Communist China supplying weapons to Antifa and Black Lives Matter.
I am not making any of these things up, and if these things are true, there are no words to convey how serious all of this is in light of Bible prophecy.
The NWO could drag on for a while, or something could happen that causes it to come together almost overnight.
Many think things are happening fast now, but they will happen faster in the future.
Every church member needs to be sure they are really saved, and every person that hasn’t accepted Jesus as their Saviour needs to sincerely do that immediately.
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akria23 · 8 years
No need to get defensive, i was just curious, there's nothing wrong being left or righr. Sorry i offended you.
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You didn’t ask me what my Political party was. You asked about one specifically (the [far] right) - a fucking offensive one. Lets make this clear...when todays society say  Right - far right / alt right we know what the fuck is being said. Its not a ‘polite...good thing’ so you can miss me with that I didn’t mean to be offensive shit...you meant all the offense. You chose the worst day to bring this BS to my inbox - I was being nice by giving you them side eyes and leaving it at that. And yet here you are...telling me how I should feel. I don’t believe you..and I find the timing of your ‘question’ to be rather interesting. So if you’re so curious - my blog is open for the public, I have reblogged plenty of post that presents exactly what my views are on politics, on tradition, on religion and several issues we (America)/I (as an individual) face including racism, sexism, rape culture, & LGBQT...help yoself. 
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