miollon · 4 years
Flowers For Algernon
So this is random I just want to write about one of my favorite books; “Flowers For Algernon” by Daniel Keyes. Why is it one of my favorites? Well it made me cry, and I felt as though is some ways I could relate to Charlie. Plus it’s one of the only books that I was really into, which can be rare for me. I really liked being in the mind of someone else. Charlie’s transformation through out the book made me feel mixed emotions. I liked the fact he was able to understand more about life, but it was also heartbreaking to see him understand emotions of other and himself. The end of the book broke me, and I just wanted to read more about Charlie. Even if it were to break me more. The book had lots of interesting points about being smart, relationships, and emotions. One day I want to get a dog to name Algernon, even though it was a mouse. Definitely a 10/10 book which I think everyone should be able to read. 
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miollon · 4 years
Unlike Flo Rida’s song Low I am not shawty in apple bottom jeans, and I am feeling low rather than... well you know the song. I feel low, I don’t have much energy. I couldn’t get out of bed and I haven’t been as into things I enjoy. I tried to play some games like Minecraft, but I couldn’t get into it. I wanted to break down for no reason. It’s weird I have nothing to be sad about, yet here I am in bed unable to understand my emotions. 
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miollon · 4 years
So there’s been this squirrel in my backyard. It lives in the tree behind my house and it makes my day to wake up to see this squirrel running across the fence to where ever it is going. I always wonder where it goes, and sometimes wish I could go with it. Then by the afternoon the squirrel runs back to the tree, it stops and looks at my house sometimes at my window. I wave to it and it scampers off. My dog hates it, he barks and scares it off. Though sometimes the squirrel flicks it’s tail and mocks my dog. Sassy little thing. I haven’t decided on a name yet, though I plan to get a little feeder for it. 
At my dad’s house when I was 10 we had a squirrel friend. I named him Benny and we gave him corn and nuts. He loved us and would come up to the door sometimes though he’d run away when we opened it. One time my dad had some bread, we were sitting outside. Benny came up and we threw him some bread. 
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miollon · 4 years
Ugh College
So I’m trying to apply for a room at college, but the website of course is having issues. Gotta love my luck.
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miollon · 4 years
How the heck do you use this site
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