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246bce · 3 days ago
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Leverage Rewatch 2024 2025: 2x1 The Beantown Bailout Job
pspspspspspspspspspsps part2
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morganbritton132 · 3 days ago
My Leverage Headcanon based on nothing is that when Eliot says that he cured his claustrophobia by locking himself in the wood shed behind his house that he’s mostly telling the truth.
The part he leaves out is that he wasn’t his decision.
He didn’t always know how to defend himself and maybe he was a little too naive to think that the older kids in the neighborhood were his friends, but they locked him in there and no one could find him.
His parents got the whole neighborhood out looking for him before he was found.
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keyblack · 2 days ago
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"I will not hesitate to end your pitiful life here and now, Quan Chi! Divulge your secrets or thunder take you!"
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aniseandspearmint · 5 hours ago
Hey now, he didn't do that for petty reasons! That was for important Stall the Enemy reasons!
Can you imagine being THIS petty???
Request by @gendermybeloved
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jourke-rourke · 2 days ago
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Leverage (2008) // S02xE01 // "The Beantown Bailout Job"
i like this exchange because depending on how you reverse that statement, you end up with three possible interpretations, each funnier than the last and all equally true:
solving poor people's problems
creating rich people's problems
solving problem rich people
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lindseymcdonaldseyelashes · 19 hours ago
Leverage rewrite, but the only difference is that anytime Nate's not drinking, his withdrawal summons a hallucination of Sterling to torment him (while often giving him useful clues to complete the job)
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thisisvoided · 1 day ago
favourite things about The Lonely Hearts Job:
eliot going ham and kicking ass the second he realizes something is up
the three hand grab thingy
eliot also immediately being the most uncomfortable and closed off person the moment the dude starts crying lol
hardison and eliot being so obviously averse to being there on the stage, i love them <333
the bet is also amazing
on that note, the scene later on when hardison brings the steak bet up again and eliot is all "deals off" and "bro code" until he finally gives in and just promises to make hardison steak himself
eliots smile immediately after he repeats "bone in, well done"
that entire scene of the two of them, actually
"Do you want me to teach you about the wines again?" - eliot, followed by hardisons avoidance before going "Yes, i need you to teach me about the wines again, yes..."
and then obviously the scene in the restaurant where eliot is talking him through what to say about the wine, and then proceeds to test and send back the food to get salted. eliot my beautiful chef of a man ily sm <333
the scene where hardison spills the wine on the guy which then leads to eliot beating the guys ass
"hey man can you play something romantic, something to kind of mix it up a little?" - eliot, giving a guy in the park a twenty to help out nate with his date
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krakenartificer · 20 hours ago
Image ID: reply from layer-vegetol reading "chess"
The defeated and bloodied king was chained to kneel in front of his enemy and he says weakly: "Is my wife still alive?" His enemy nodded. "You fools," he said smirking, and the king starts laughing as the sounds of explosions getting closer shake the room.
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thought-42 · 3 days ago
The Collins/Ford guide to escaping incarceration: stroll out of the prison politely as if you are leaving a business meeting; experience approximately 5 seconds of obligatory concern that your escape was perhaps not entirely ethical; decide you do not actually give enough fucks about that to address it any further; immediately return to exactly what you were doing prior to going to jail; ...profit?
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spdraws · 19 hours ago
Eliot knows how to dance ballet.
It's canon Eliot was a football player in highschool. Football players sometimes take ballet to improve athletic performance. He's pretty rusty since he hasn't danced in years, but he knows what a good ballet performance looks like.
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And in the third gif, anytime Hardison looks around, Elliot freezes like, "Nope. No fighting going on here. Carry on negotiating, babe."
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Leverage (2008) // eliot fighting for his life in the background
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morganbritton132 · 3 days ago
Leverage/911 crossover where Eliot is undercover with the 118 and every single member of A Shift has come up to him like:
“Anyone ever tell you that you sound just like this one country singer? I wonder what happened to that guy.”
“You look exactly like this baseball player from this local team I saw once in Boston…it’s really uncanny, actually.”
“Years ago, I was watching new coverage about this election on this island and there was this reporter…”
Meanwhile, Bobby vaguely thinks that Eliot looks like a wanted fugitive poster he saw once when he was visiting Athena at work. He dismisses the thought because this guy is obviously a firefighter, and a damn good one at that.
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ageofthegeekdotcon · 17 hours ago
Coming out of my hiatus to say that I have gotten this egg on my recommended over 14 times and every single one of those times, it has not failed to look like Nathan Ford
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annwayne · 19 hours ago
I love how no one group is labeled as Forever Good or Forever Bad in Leverage.
The Mob? Can break your legs or perfectly amicable to your request.
Police? Can be upstanding individuals working for justice or self-motivated crooks.
CEO's? The largest and most Big Bad of the show? Not even they are blanket evil-at least four I can think of off the top of my head were redeemed or shown to be fully emotional, caring individuals. (The Lonely Hearts opening hits me hard every time.)
While the characters might make judgments based off a group that people belong to, the writing shows us over and over again that it's the actions of an individual you should judge, not the organization they belong to.
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wholockedandwolfedout · 3 days ago
this mad me legit lol
Eliot Spencer: I work alone
Also Eliot Spencer:
Meet my Scottish buddy, Donnie. He'll do an Indian accent for our con, no questions asked.
Meet General Flores. I tried to kill him once, and then saved his life twice after that.
Meet Shelley. We used to assassinate terrorists together.
Meet my mentor, Toby. He taught me how to cook.
Meet Vance. We were in the service together doing covert government ops.
Meet Paul. He saved my life when we were in the military, and you already saw me almost cry when I thought he was dead.
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