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somethingswrongwithowen ¡ 2 months ago
Me staring at my sister as she tells me my family is throwing a party despite my objections
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misteria247 ¡ 2 months ago
I have a confession to make.....
*inhales gently*
I may uh....ship.....Pomni and Jax........as well as Ragatha and Jax.......and Ragatha and Pomni.......and Pomni, Ragatha, and Jax-
*is immediately gunned down*
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junespriince ¡ 5 days ago
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leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone,leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, leave me alone, LEAVE ME ALONNNNEEEE-
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evvwenthome ¡ 1 month ago
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izzasecretredacted ¡ 2 years ago
can we please just let people be offended. that 'snowflake' who had the gall to point out that a comment mightve touched on a toxic narrative about a group they belong to is facing problems that could possibly be literally impossible for you to understand, problems that happened specifically because of that narrative.
honestly, you dont even have to do what they say, just block each other and move on. what ever you do, just move on to less pathetic hill to die on then 'i wasnt talking about you leave me alonnnneeee' instead of making a big spectacle out of it
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merwynpersonalhub ¡ 4 months ago
idk what to tag this..
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very young around like..skid and pump age and verrryyy just. confused. i can see her getting dropped off and no one batting a eye GVBHJGFV WHY THE FUCK IS SHE GETTING DROPPED OFF HERE IDK
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davidjohnlemahieu ¡ 3 years ago
POV: you couldn’t get it up with your girlfriend so you created an online service where people could order boner meds and now you’re gonna tell everyone about it when they’re just trying to watch a fucking baseball game
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pilmyeol ¡ 4 years ago
IM SORRY BUT. i cant help laughing at the hidekane sewer stuff
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i-have-no-soul ¡ 4 years ago
I dun even know who jschallt or however is but I love this saga of you being called a kinnie solely because your profile pic matches the situation perfectly
honey i swear to god if you start calling me a schlatt kinnie too-
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hylasregilla ¡ 2 years ago
It's back again fucking hell
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dirtycomputers ¡ 5 years ago
I hate snapchat....
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littleblackclaws ¡ 2 years ago
I hate that I still miss him
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julystruck ¡ 2 years ago
hello bestie there is a very small typo in your pinned where you refer to vedika as. manny
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cicadaland ¡ 3 years ago
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halloween-ki11s ¡ 4 years ago
Abby was having a remarkably shitty day.
Plans to go vacationing during semester break? cancelled. And why had that vacation been cancelled? Why it was all thanks to the wonderful Canadian snow of course. A storm had rolled in during the night and had pelted enough snow to practically barricade Abby in the house. All the doors were a no go and the windows were all frozen shut. The news made it crystal clear that there was no going anywhere even if the snow wasn’t enough to do that already. She was practically seething.
Not only was she frozen inside, but she was also utterly alone. The rest of the girls had already left days before to travel home to their own families. It was Abby’s own bad luck that she was only able to get a bus ticket for today’s date. So much for that.
She spent all morning barricading the windows and every crack she could find with blankets, sheets, and some old shirts that she hoped her sisters wouldn’t miss too much. With all that said and done, Abby collapsed into the living room couch with an, “oof.” And let her eyes slide closed, allowing sleep to take her.
That is, until the phone rang.
‘No, not him again.’ Abby thought to herself.
With a huff, she forced her tired limbs to lift her from the couch and up toward the phone. A sigh escaped her lips as she picked it up. As soon as her ear met the receiver, she could hear pig grunts along with moans and other such lovely noises.
“What do you want?” Her tone was irritated, but not outright hostile.
There were several more seconds of grunting before the man on the other end finally spoke something coherent.
“Want you to suck my f-f-fat juicy cock.”
Not beating around the bush today, was he? He must be pretty excited to be stuttering like that, too.
“Hey buddy, unless you can do something to warm me up, I’m not interested. It’s been a shitty day and I’d like to get a moment of peace.” Abby absentmindedly twirled the cord around her finger as she set her back against the wall. Despite the man’s words it was all so casual, routine.
Silence fell on the other end, but not for long. It never lasted with The Moaner.
“Billy can make it better. Billy can make you warm. Going to lick that pretty p-p-pink pussy and make you warm all over. Would you like that, pretty piggy? Like my tongue in your wet, warm cunt?”
Ever the charmer, and yet...Abby had heard plenty of these phone calls along with her sisters, and as much as she’d gotten used to this ‘Billy’ and his filthy tongue, she couldn’t deny that his words still had an effect on her. Of course, she’d never actually admit that to him, especially not during a call.
“Tempting offer, but I was thinking more like cuddles or hot cocoa. Now if you’ll ex-“
“Pretty piggy’s all alonnnneeee. Needs naughty, dirty Billy to come and make her moaaaannnn~”
Abby’s words died in her throat at the singsong.
How did he know she was alone? Surely he was a neighbor or something that had seen the girls leave earlier...right? Yeah, of course. Just some peeping Tom like she and the others always suspected. That’s all this was. And yet, why was it so hard to try and convince herself of that?
On the other end of the line, Billy’s pig noises now turned into nervous chittering. He was working himself up to something, and if Abby had the presence of mind at the moment, she would have heard the thumps coming from the floorboards just above her. Billy stayed on the phone long enough for Abby to come back to her senses. She tried to keep her voice even and firm, but she couldn’t suppress the hint of fear.
“How did you know?” It’s the only thing she can manage to get out.
There’s a long, uncomfortable pause that stretches into what feels like minutes. An occasional shuddering breath comes from the other end as Abby’s mind continues to reel. In the back of her mind, it occurs to her that among The Moaner’s many noises, there had also been the chattering of teeth. He was freezing.
“Wait for me. Wait for Billy, pretty little Abby.” The line went dead.
Abby slammed the phone back on the receiver, and as she did so, she finally heard it; the shuffling, thumping of footsteps in the attic. That was all she needed to put two and two together.
He’d been here the whole time, living in the attic.
“Fuck!” She mumbled to herself, immediately turning on her heel looking for somewhere to hide. There was always the kitchen table, but that’d be too obvious. Maybe run to her room? No, that was up the stairs toward him. There’d be no way she could reach her door in the time it took him to climb down the ladder. She was running out of time and options, having realized she hadn’t taken a step in the moments since hanging up, and he was getting closer.
Abby took a long, anxious breath, stealing her nerves to the best of her ability as she closed her eyes. She listened for the footfalls racing down the stairs. Abby counted to herself one, two, three as he got closer and closer. Finally forcing her eyes open, she saw him standing there, arms slightly outstretched towards her at the bottom stair step, his features partially silhouetted in the darkness of the living room.
It was him; the infamous Moaner.
Both of them stood there frozen in place, not daring to make a move. Abby took in his features, noting his considerable height and long, spindly limbs. He looked about one hundred pounds soaking wet. He wore a green turtleneck around his thin frame, his fair fluffy and all over the place. What kept her in place though were his dilated, wild eyes that took in every inch of her form just as she was doing to him. There was unmistakable surprise in his eyes, like he didn’t quite believe that she had actually waited by the phone for him. He slowly retracted his arms back to his sides, twitching all the while.
“P-p-pretty Abby.” He said in that all too familiar voice.
Abby swallowed thickly, considering her next words very carefully as the stare down continued.
“I take it you’re Billy then?”
He shook his head sheepishly, taking a few baby steps forward as he brought his arms back up to twiddle with his fingers. He was violently shivering. For all his bluster on the phone, being surprised in such a way left the man deflated. If it weren’t for the shock of it all, Abby might even find it endearing. Still, this could go south fast if she wasn’t careful and she was painfully aware of that.
Abby carefully took a few steps forward as Billy had done which garnered no reaction from him. So far so good. As Abby got closer, she cautiously reached one of her hands out to take one of his. The Moaner recoiled from the offer as if she had a snake in her hand and took a step back.
“Hey shhhh. It’s okay. You just...you look like you’re freezing. It must be awful up in the attic right now. I’m surprised you don’t have hypothermia for God’s sake! So let’s just both calm down and I’ll help you, okay?”
This was the man making obscene phone calls to her and her sisters and living in their attic like a creep, and yet here Abby was making an offer of help. She couldn’t help it, though. Looking at him now, freezing and shaking and likely haven’t had a good meal in a long time, she couldn’t help but feel sorry for him. Surely if his only crime was making weird phone calls, he couldn’t be that bad...right? She was desperately trying to rationalize all of this to herself and she was ever so grateful that she was home alone so she didn’t have to try to explain this.
It looked like Billy was going through a similar dilemma as well. His wild eyes darted from Abby’s hand to her face and back again. Whether he thought this was some sort of trick or not, Abby couldn’t tell, but Billy, ever so slowly and through incoherent mumbling, reached one of his hands out and slipped it into Abby’s.
She immediately flinched when she felt just how cold his fingers felt. She had meant it as a joke earlier, but now she really wasn’t sure how he hadn’t succumbed to the elements up there.
“Abby so nice, so warm…” She heard him say between more of his ramblings.
The wild look had died in his eyes to something more calm. He just continued to stare at their intertwined hands with the most adoration she’d seen from a person. Despite the extremely strange circumstances, she had to admit there was something oddly adorable about this stranger from the attic. Maybe he was-
And then he tried to guide her hand to his crotch.
“Hey! No!”
The once quiet Billy now lit up with a wide smile and snickered at her reaction, still trying to get her to grab his cock.
Abby lightly slapped his shoulder and let out another “No!” Which earned a low growl from Billy.
“Billy wants to make you warm all over with his fat, juicy fucking c-“
Abby pressed a finger to his lips to silence him only for Billy to almost immediately start sucking on it with a contented hum. Abby made a disgusted face, but didn’t take her finger out of his mouth.
“You’re freezing! Come on, at least get under the covers on the couch! Now’s not the time to fuck.”
Billy only shook his head dramatically like a giant child, the smile not fading from his mouth as he continued to suck on Abby’s finger. He grew bolder, taking a shivering hand and groping at one of her sides. Abby let out an involuntary squeak at the sensation as the smugness practically radiated off Billy.
No, she had to shut this shit down now. She freed the finger from his mouth with a long string of drool following it and grasped the hand roaming all over her side. With her now free hand, she slapped her head and sighed.
“Listen...I’ll give you a handy later if you just cuddle under the blankets so you don’t die. Deal?”
That seems to placate him given the second she finished her sentence, Billy wraps both his arms around her waist, earning a surprised yelp from Abby, and hauling both of them over to the couch. He quickly covers both of them in the pile of blankets Abby had assembled earlier and rested his chin on her head once cocooned. He continued to have both of his arms wrapped around her middle, still slightly trembling but becoming steadier as the warmth he so desperately needed set in.
“Good Abby. Good girl.” He practically purred.
As Abby settled into his grasp and allowed herself to get comfortable, she struggled to understand how she’d gotten here. However, sleep began to take hold of her, the added warmth from Billy being exactly what she needed as much as she might hate to admit it. Her eyes slipping shut for the second time that day, there was only one thought on her mind:
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
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aptronyms ¡ 5 years ago
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