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jrueships · 1 year ago
diggs having to tell allen to 'be smart' 😭 oh the trials and the tribulations of having a himbo husband
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nalanzu · 2 years ago
Do you remember Weiss Kreuz?
Of course not. No one remembers this show. (This statement, like the show itself, is hyperbole.) For reasons inexplicable to everyone, myself included, I am revisiting it, looking at it now with the perspective of another 20 years of adult life plus a career in health care.
The pilot’s POV character is a one-off victim of the week, to whom we’re introduced as she banters with her boyfriend about being too devoted to her work (this is saved from toxicity only because the boyfriend is clearly teasing and because she clearly enjoys it). We are also introduced to a group of psychotic acrobatic assassins who do things like lick axes and get vital clues to fulfill their contract by looking at the front page of a newspaper. These villains have no skill.
We’re introduced to our heroes as if they’re celebrities, locally famous for being smoking hot and nothing else. (We’re going to have to refer to the promotional materials and the reactions of the crowed for the hotness, because the animation is, uh. It’s lacking.)
Omi, by the way, is smug AF as he tells a woman who has just lost her romantic partner to cheer up by way of a flower. What the actual fuck, Omi, that was remarkably insensitive. A van full of reporters fell on her boyfriend from on top of a bridge, and you want to tell her to just get over it??? (Knowing what I know about Omi, this is very on brand, but it does make him seem like a dick.)
I somehow forgot that their handler wears socks with her sandals, which is also extremely what the fuck and I don’t care how 1997 it was. I did, however, remember the basement rec room/assassin briefing center, which is exactly as batshit insane as the phrase florist assassins.
The story proceeds with the flimsiest of plot contrivances, in which the allegedly intelligent POV character, Michiru, proceeds with what would be a paper-thin investigative story (the people in the van must have died because they were on to a secret and we can figure out what it is! - this is Adam West Batman logic) except that it is being fed to her by one of the idiot villains.
Honestly, one hopes she would not be this naive if she weren’t blinded by grief, but given what I recall from the writing in the rest of the series, this is not the case. Part of how you can tell that much of this was written by men is that the woman agrees to go to a remote location with a man she has barely met with zero precautions, by the way.
What Michiru should find equally suspicious is that her local florists are all in this remote cabin, also with a stupidly flimsy excuse (Yohji is trying to explain to two women he’s dating that he’s not cheating on them and Michiru got the note by mistake).
Incidentally, it bothers me a lot that the remote mountain cabin is under a foot of snow but everyone in town was wearing short skirts and light clothing. Are there rental cabins on Mt. Fuji? Is that where they’re supposed to be? We’re just going to go with it and ignore inconvenient things like geography.
We’ve also been introduced to Ken (cheerful) and Aya (cranky). By the way. And then Weiss very obviously leaves Michiru and her buddy alone in the cabin, where Michiru manages to break into the encrypted disk she somehow had the presence of mind to squirrel away from the crime scene of a van falling off an overpass and crushing her boyfriend right in front of her eyes.
The villains reveal themselves. Michiru is terrified. Weiss dramatically shows up and murders them all to death in a slightly extended fight sequence showcasing their We Don’t Use Guns variety pack of weapons (sword, wire, wolverine claws, and darts). Michiru, having cruelly been used as bait, is left to wake up alone in a cabin full of corpses.
Yohji, by the way, at one point chastises the villains for making a girl cry. Buddy, YOU ARE USING HER AS BAIT. You’re not covering yourself with glory here.
The corpses are also strung up with Yohji’s wire and Omi’s darts are still stuck in at least once corpse. I’m in health care, not law enforcement, but the word evidence comes to mind. Repeatedly. And loudly.
On the up side, Michiru does have the disk with the damning information that the journalists were killed to get (something something energy council politician and illegal nuclear power, idk). So that’s pretty great. But Weiss not only used her as bait, they high-tailed it out of there and let her call them to tell them about the horrifying experience. I. What.
The level of detail paid to plot beyond Look At The Hot Assassins In Leather Clothes is, um. It’s minimal. Granted, this is the pilot, and the amount of exposition is limited, but Michiru is absolutely not reacting reasonably to anything other than being upset that her boyfriend is dead and the villain’s manipulation of her is so clumsy that it’s hard to believe it’s being played straight. I know this is not exactly aimed at a discerning or an adult audience, but damn. I don’t remember the writing being quite this bad.
Damn good voice acting, though.
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pizzaboat · 3 years ago
Help. I cheated on my geography test for Christmas and idk if I was found out or not. Spooky shit.
It's my first time cheating on something but I wanna atleast get a 50 or 60 on this test so my teacher will leave me alone.
But yeah that was spooky
I literally got asked if I had my phone out and I said no.
Same thing happend to my brother when he cheated on his last test. Fuck.
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justkurotingz · 5 years ago
shove you off a bridge (spencer reid x reader)
i saw a prompt somewhere that went along the lines of “i don’t know if i want to kiss you or shove you off a bridge” and then i found this gif and just 😌😌 it just goes together so well imo. i changed the geography a lil just go with me LMAO. love u all <333
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word count: 1.4K
you felt his eyes on you, but you willed yourself not to look up. he cheated on you. you told yourself, busying yourself with the paperwork from the case you had just solved. the bullpen was mainly empty, the only person there that mattered to you was spence.
your heart flipped at the thought of the nickname. before you could stop yourself, your mind teleported to the last weekend you spent together, waking up to spence making breakfast, a pillow fight ensuing after eggs and toast. shutting your eyes tightly, you closed the files in front of you, packing up without finishing them.
it wasn’t like it was urgent anyways, hotch could deal with it in the morning. “y/n... can we talk?” “no.” you answered curtly, forcing yourself to not look into his eyes. “you’ve been ghosting me for almost a week and a half. tell me what’s wrong. i can fix it.” he pleaded, voice breaking and it took all your strength not to run into his arms and comfort him.
“y/n please look at me.” you were a goner from the second he said your name, and hesitantly looked up. his eyes were teary and his lip was trembling. “please y/n. what did i do? i’ll fix it, i swear.” he was stuttering just like he did when he initially asked you out.
it pained you to admit that you missed him. you missed him more than you would let on. you missed his laugh, his jokes, his rambling, his easy smile when he’s with you. you missed waking up next to him in bed, being able to spend an entire day doing absolutely nothing because you were with him. you missed his hugs most of all. more than the kisses, his hugs were what got you. passionate and sweet, you’d melt into each other after hard days. it was how you both would relieve all your emotions and feelings from a case. after you hugged it out, it was like you were drugged, a feeling of instant euphoria replaced the negative thoughts.
blinking back tears, you switched off your computer and grabbed your purse. “i’m leaving.” “y/n.” he called, but you quickly headed for the elevator, pressing the button to close the door and glancing at your feet so you wouldn’t see the tears streaming down his face as the doors shut.
as you rode the elevator, you let out a huge sigh, fixing your hair absently. you really didn’t want to go back home to your empty apartment. ever since you started ghosting spence, you started to walk to work. you only lived half a mile away from the bau in the first place, and never got enough exercise, except from chasing unsubs. so you decided to walk in hopes of being healthier, those post break up glow up tiktoks inspiring you.
well, it wasn’t a breakup. more like a drift. you mused as you reached the bridge that led you straight home. there were barely any cars out, and it was a crescent moon. the stars sparkled in the sky, and you paused, peering over the bridge’s stone arcs.
your reflection shone in the water below you, illuminated by the dazzle of the night sky behind you. you relaxed, letting yourself de-stress by the water. nature was always one of your favorite things, especially bodies of water. something about expanses of water was calming to you. without water, nothing exists. it seems so mundane, just a tasteless colorless liquid, but life would be so different without water. you smiled to yourself, stepping back from the bridge to walk home.
“y/n.” your name halted you in your steps. you contemplated just brushing him off, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. “what do you want from me spence?” you were exhausted, but turned, staring spencer reid in the eyes. he stood maybe about 10 feet away from you, but somehow his voice was just a whisper.
“what did i do?” four words, he offered nothing else, and suddenly pure anger filled you. “what did you do? what did you do?” your voice rose and suddenly spence took a step forward.”y/n-” “don’t come closer. don’t you dare come closer!” you yelled, the emotions you pushed down inside you spilling out.
“y/n.” his voice was as soft as ever, just like his movements and his eyes. “what are you even doing here?” you ground out and he smiled. “i wanted to make sure you got home safe.” “of course.” you said bitterly and he took another cautious step forward, making you back up.
“y/n, i can’t figure out what i did.” “with an iq of 187 i find it hard to believe you can be this ignorant sometimes.” spence winced, and then dropped his hands. “tell me. please.” “DAMMIT SPENCE!” you exploded. “HOW COULD YOU JUST FORGET?!” you were crying now, the words becoming harder to spew.
“HOW COULD YOU JUST CHEAT ON ME LIKE THAT?” you sobbed, wrapping your hands around yourself. the pain of reliving the memory was tearing you apart but spence looked confused. “y/n what are you talking about?” “i can’t BELIEVE you right now. i SAW YOU with that... that girl!” you spat, tears choking you. you couldn't even breathe but you forced the words out.
“sh-she kissed you and you didn’t do anything! you.... you KISSED HER BACK!” you were falling apart entirely, and spence’s face contorted in a painful grimace. he didn’t know whether to give you space or to hold you tight but seeing you in this much pain hurt him. “y/n. oh baby, i’d never cheat on you. the girl? she’s strauss’s new assistant and i asked her to get me some files. i thanked her for bringing them to me and before i could do anything she kissed me. believe me, i would have pushed her off me right then and there, but i was in so much shock y/n. you probably left before you saw me step back. i told her i was flattered but i have a girlfriend. a girlfriend i love with my entire heart. she makes me feel like the luckiest man in the world when she hugs me, when she brings me coffee, when she even smiles at me. she puts up with me and my rambling and she is the most selfless and compassionate person i know. i love every part of her, from her laugh to her body to her style to her personality. she makes me feel human. y/n how could you ever think i could cheat on you?”
you couldn’t even speak, you were crying too hard, and spence’s heart flipped. you managed to look so adorable even when sobbing your heart out. “god, i’m so so sorry. i’m so sorry.” he rushed to you, holding you tight in his arms and you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, sobbing into him. “i missed you so much.” he whispered, crying himself, one hand in your hair and one around your waist. the feeling of spence’s arms around you was too much for you to take and you backed away.
“i don’t know whether i want to kiss you or shove you off this goddamn bridge.” you cried, sniffling as your nose ran and spence laughed, handing you a tissue which you took gratefully. “i love you so much. i love you so much.” you chanted, falling back into his arms and you stayed like that for a long time, holding each other as if you were the only people in the world.
“i really didn’t want to go back to my apartment alone.” you whispered, making spence chuckle. “let’s go home y/n. promise me you won’t jump to conclusions before talking to me again.” “i promise.” you squeezed his hand as you walked back to his car, so thankful to be sitting in a car again. “i know you couldn’t last long walking.” he teased making you roll your eyes. “chasing unsubs is my exercise.” “you’ve used that excuse for three years straight y/n, time for a new one.” you smiled, leaning against the car door and your heart flipped as you saw the picture of the two of you he kept on his dashboard. 
safe to say, you had the best night’s sleep that night since the breakup. somethings were just better with your boyfriend. as you woke up curled in spence’s arms, the smile he gave you melted your heart. “i missed waking up next to you.” you both whispered at the same time and your laugh made spence stop and watch you. “i love your laugh.” he whispered, kissing you and you knew, there was nowhere you’d rather be for the rest of your life.
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twodaysintojune · 5 years ago
After the Storm
Part Eleven of In The Beginning - Gabriel’s Origins Supernatural, Gabriel, Warnings-None.
@archangelgabriellives​ One Shot’s Masterlist, Long Stories Masterlist
Find me at AO3
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“I don’t care about them!”
A rogue wave crashed against the iceberg.
“They don’t care about me!”
A piece of the iceberg went down.
“I could even destroy all of this and no one would care!”
Gabriel screamed and sent out a wave of grace and power in frustration and broke the massive piece of ice apart. His breath was irregular and rough and he was still upset but that at least helped him diffuse a little. His shoulders slumped and somehow, at one point, his jagged breath turned into sobs.
He descended over another floating piece of ice and knelt upon the surface. The night was clear and the milky way filled the entire sky. The lack of strong winds made this a perfect night to look at the stars but all Gabriel could do was cry.
He cried and cried and cried, wondering where he had gone wrong and how he could not have seen it. He cried for hours, probably days, until his vessel felt just as bad and spent as a normal, tired, desperate human being could feel. 
He fell to his side and stayed lying in fetal position over the treacherously hard exposed layer of ice. He sighed and allowed himself to stop focusing on anything at all, letting the consciousness of all surrounding living beings clutter his own with all sorts of random thoughts proper of nature.
Hours passed and then some days, and then some months and then some years. A layer of crystalized water lifted from the ocean by the wind had already covered his figure but he still didn’t move. He didn’t have to in the end. Even when he could feel the cold seep through his pores, even when he could feel the stabbing air surrounding his makeshift tomb, he was not going to die. Nothing could kill him. He was an Archangel. 
He was a God. And his people might need him.
Gabriel sighed. A blessing of narwhals passed by hundreds of meters below him, below the thick layer of ice. Finally, Gabriel moved his body, cracking his blanket of ice and laid on his back to properly look at the firmament above. A fleeting wonder for his brothers went through his mind but he quickly waved it away and sat. He looked around, wondering what he could do now.
He didn't even consider going back to Heaven. He knew there was nothing there for him. And he knew there was nothing in Asgard either. He had to find a new place to go; a new place to call home and he wondered, Had I been Loki, the real Loki, where would I have gone?
“Might as well ask.” Gabriel decided and flapped his wings once.
He appeared hidden several metres behind him. He always did it that way since they never knew who could be watching and he immediately felt disoriented. He knew for a fact that he was standing on a hill where several sacrifices had been done in his name and yet, now, a church stood at the top. It wasn't called a church yet, but Gabriel clearly felt the pull of adoration towards the heavens; people praying inside. He paced slowly towards it until he was by Loki's side.
"What in the Nine Realms?"
Loki sighed. "Some are calling it the true religion. I'm calling it bullshit."
He turned his back and began to stride away.
"W… what are you doing then? Why are you walking away?"
“Because there’s no point in trying.”
“What do you mean there’s no point in trying? We could subject them! Fill them with fear!”
“And that is exactly the problem, my boy.” Loki turned to face Gabriel. “Their hearts have already been filled with fear, and this one is much more profound.”
“So what are you going to do now?”
“Go back to the woods, stay for my most loyal people. Away from this madness.”
“So you’re pretty much running away? Going in hiding among those who adore you? If you’re going to be there then what am I supposed to do!?”
Loki sighed, frustrated. “I don’t know Gabriel, figure it out! It’s been a long time since you stopped being a child! Besides, weren’t you the one who first ran away from home? You should already know what to do on your own.” 
Gabriel saw Loki walk away from the hill, eventually disappearing into the woods. He had not been able to think of anything to say back with the sudden lash he had received but it didn’t help his mood at all. A person pulled his sleeve to call his attention. A beggar.
“Sir, a coin, please.”
Gabriel saw the man, saw his life, saw his deeds and that his greed had been what had initially plunged him into economic misery. He was already paying for his sins and regretful. Gabriel granted him a couple of copper pieces worthy of three meals. The man beamed and teared a little.
“Thank you kind Sir! You’ll earn a place on the Heavens.”
The man’s face turned into fear when he saw Gabriel’s features turn dark and fierce.
“Do not speak to me about Heaven.”
Fuming, he flapped his wings and went away. Loki smiled proudly behind the first rows of trees and sighed, relieved that Gabriel would keep his promise and stay away from the affairs of his kind.
Tibet. The place had nothing to do with what Gabriel was used to, and that was exactly the reason he had decided to stay there. Barren rocks were struck by cold wind day and night. Vibrant and colorful streaks of fabric of the nomads coming and going. He didn’t remember when he arrived but he did clearly know that it had been some time since the politics about the place have changed. 
Like many other days, he was looking at the distance, sitting at the edge of the railing surrounding the building. The Dalai Lama came and joined his silent contemplation for a while. He finally spoke.
“I believe it is time that our honoured guest leaves the place.”
“Are you sacking me now, old hag?” 
Calling him “old hag” was a bit too much from Gabriel considering this Lama was around his twenties, but Gabriel knew best. He had seen the soul of his predecessor leave his body and run to dive into a recently conceived body thrice already. And he was definitely not up to seeing how on earth this particular soul was able to do that while the rest properly went up or down. Maybe the man had found out some sort of cheat code on his first life.
The Lama smirked, “I am not sacking you as much as you are sacking yourself.” He reclined himself against the railing to properly face Gabriel, who was looking at him confused. “I have seen you sitting here, in this very place, life after life. And you are looking for something but have not found it yet. It is not illumination, since you do not look into our teachings. This means that it is time for you to go away, back to the world.”
Gabriel’s eyes widened. The sharpness of this man’s mind always impressed him, even when it annoyed him a bit that he had been able to see so easily into him; particularly because he had not realized that he was, indeed, looking for something and he was pretty much stalling.
“Well then, where should I go?”
“I guess that answer depends on what you want to achieve.”
Gabriel sighed. He knew that the man was right. He was only there because he was running away from all his problems and all his indecisiveness and really, all he wanted to do was just live without a single preoccupation, but for some reason every time he had involved himself with other people things never turned out right.
Maybe the problem was in himself. Maybe that was the reason that he still felt like he was not at peace. Maybe the Lama was right and he should go out and see if he could find a way to be happy, because even when he was not having any problems here, he didn���t feel happy at all.
He clicked his tongue, “What the heck, maybe you’re right, old hag. See ya later. Well, probably not the you from right now.”
The Lama gave him a wide smile and saw him disappear. 
Gabriel had never placed a foot in Ireland before but he liked it. The evergreens reminded him of his past home at the fjords but it definitely was not the same geography, which was a nice change. Like always, the reason he had chosen the place was because of all the things he didn’t want rather than the ones he did. 
He didn’t want problems, he didn’t want to face any of his past peers, either Heavenly or Asgardian and he didn’t want to be alone. The closest place he could think about was Ireland. He had never seen nor met the Fae Folk and this time seemed just as good as any to finally get acquainted with the Queen. Fixing his clothes to be a little bit more presentable, he walked towards a fairy ring and purposefully crossed the threshold into the realm of the Fae. 
The Fae folk lived free and careless. They ruled themselves by their own hand and respected each other as equals. Their nature was such that they recognized each other as kindred spirits no matter how visibly different their shapes would be. With that in mind, landing there as a pagan god was as much a stealth mission as trying to serve oneself a bowl of cereal in the middle of the night at five years old while your parents are sleeping in their bed. That was to mean, impossible.
The moment he was on the other side, he felt hundreds of curious eyes peeking at him. A jackalope approached him and stood upright with importance.
“Greetings” Gabriel approached the jackalope. “I am here today requesting for a meeting with your Queen in order to introduce myself. My name is—”
“Loki” Said the jackalope with a singing voice, “We know of you. Of all the gods.” The jackalope jumped a couple of steps away and turned towards Gabriel. “Well, come around now!”
Gabriel walked slightly behind the jackalope towards a hill that was no different than the other except for the fact that it was covered with white flowers. The jackalope stopped and turned around.
“She will come see you when the time is right.”
The jackalope ran towards a burrow and hid inside, leaving Gabriel alone. He looked around, waiting for something, anything, and when nothing seemed to come Gabriel sighed and sat on a flat rock that looked perfect just for that. A couple of minutes later, he heard a rustling behind. He turned around and met a Leprechaun, small enough that he couldn’t even reach his knee. The Fae stopped in his tracks.
“Oh darn the luck, I thought I had you.”
Gabriel snickered. “Hello my fellow...”
“O’Leary, you can call me O’Leary.” The tiny man shaped figure stretched his hand towards Gabriel who took it and gave it a shake.
“You know better than most to give away your name like that.”
“I know better than most that some rules only apply to humans and those of their nature.”
O’Leary grinned a wicked smile, teeth showing up in a serrated pattern that Gabriel would not normally put to this type of creature. He sat by Gabriel’s side.
“So, what does a God of Tricks and Mischief do in our realm?”
“I’m waiting for your Queen.”
“Did she say she’d come?”
“She will come in time.”
“It’s not usual for her to show up right away. You might have to wait a looooong time.”
“I am no human, I don’t have urgent business to attend.”
O’Leary hummed in approval. “I like you. I thought you’d be more of a conceited asshole.”
“What can I say, maybe it’s because I’m adopted.”
O’Leary cackled with that laughter that shakes the entire body, he then slapped Gabriel’s thigh.
“Say, don’t you wanna come with me and prank someone?”
O’Leary jumped and began to dash away, turning after a couple of metres to see if Gabriel was still behind him. Gabriel looked at him for a second and pondered if it was okay to leave. He thought of all the time he spent by Kali’s side, first trying to woo her, then trying to keep her and then all the time he spent in self retreat. It had been long since he’d last played a trick on someone, anyone. He stood up, eyes shining bright just like his smile and paced behind the little folk with a mischievous snicker.
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kusunogatari · 5 years ago
[ Portal Peril || Epilogue ] [ @abyssaldespair ] [ Uchiha Obito, Suigin Ryū, Kakashi, Nohara Rin ] [ Verse: White Hands of Healing ] [ Previous || Next ]
“Are you sure we’re going in the right direction?”
“See any other paths going up this gods-forsaken mountain?”
“You’d think, all things considered, they’d invest in a better road…”
“Well, you can make that suggestion when we get there. For now...all your complaining is doing is warming up the air. And it’s already plenty warm, Bakashi.”
“Would you both be quiet? This is enough of a hike without listening to you argue.”
There’s a grumble-filled pause, the only other sounds being the crunch of the path and the wind in the trees.
“...it really is pretty up here. But my gods, what a trek. Not one for the faint of heart.”
“...at least it’s not snowing?”
“True. Rocks and tree roots are bad enough, let alone under snow where you can’t see them. Hopefully we don’t have to pass the snow line to get where we’re going…”
“Didn’t sound like it.”
“...wait...I think this is it…!”
The group tenses, hurrying up the last of the incline. A dip between two peaks is just ahead, and as they crest it, they finally get a view into the valley below.
“Oh, wow…”
Crowned by snow-capped peaks, an emerald vale spans before them, running north to south. Great waterfalls form where the snow meets the warming air, tumbling down to all converge into a river that runs the valley’s spine.
But what makes the three of them brighten with hope is the span of buildings toward the southern tip of the vale.
“...it’s still here…”
“Well then what are we waiting for? C’mon!” Grinning widely, Rin jogs past, turning to look at her teammates tauntingly. “Last one there sets up camp!”
“Hey, w-wait!” Obito stumbles after her, Kakashi just sighing and bringing up the rear.
The path down zigs and zags to keep from getting too steep, eventually passing beneath a welcoming torī gate. Here the road widens and becomes a true street, cobbled and winding as it follows the river. Every so often, bridges bring them across to better follow the valley’s geography. A few outer buildings - belonging to farmers or fisherman, given their looks - are passed first before coming more into the village proper. People bustle about, giving the newcomers curious glances.
“So there’s a ryokan here?” Obito asks, turning in a slow circle as he walks.
“Yeah, apparently there’s quite a few hot springs, so it’s turned into a sort of...touristy place. But it also does wonders for your health, so people come for that, too. At least, that’s what Tsunade-sama said. She knew the previous clan head briefly, which is the only way I found our way here,” Rin explains.
“Hey, I already said thank you for that!”
“Just don’t want you to forget it.”
Stopping at a shop, the trio ask for directions, getting pointed further south. So they follow the road a bit longer before they see it.
Apparently it was once the clan manor, but the dwindling population (combined with the new business of the springs) led to it being converted into the ryokan it is now. All three pause to stare up at it. Looking every part a feudal era manor, its sweeping roofline and engawa all come together to make an impressive building any clan in Konoha would be fit to live in.
Eyes brought back down, he feels his heart leap up to his throat. Along the porch by the entrance, speaking to several members of the staff (or so he’ll guess, given their uniforms) is a woman, hands gesturing as she speaks. But what he notices first and foremost are the rolling waves of white hair that fall back to her tailbone over her kimono.
“...well? Are you gonna go say hi, or stand here like a training post?” Rin then teases.
“W-what am I supposed to say?”
“You mean you didn’t think of that before we got here?”
“Of course I did! But…?”
“We’re just a couple of travelers having a little...vacation,” Kakashi offers. “But that means we have to check in first, hm?”
“...right.” Squaring his shoulders, Obito takes a breath and then makes his way down the path to the ryokan entrance.
There’s a small pause to wait for her to finish, the staff giving swift bows before scattering.
“Um, ‘scuse me?” Rin offers, drawing the woman’s gaze. “This is the ryokan, right?”
Eyeing the trio curiously, Ryū seems to be taken aback for a moment. “...yes,” she then offers, a pleasant smile lifting her lips. “You must be new guests?”
“Yup! You, uh...do have some rooms, right?”
“Of course. Just inside you can reserve them, and relax after your journey. If you have need of anything, just ask any of the staff, or myself of course. I’m Suigin Ryū. You could call me the owner, though...the story’s a bit more complicated than that.” She brings up the cuff of a sleeve to catch a small laugh.
“Oh yeah? We’ll have to hear all about it! But first we’ll go get some rooms. C’mon, ‘kashi.” Rin gives a jerk of her head, clearly indicating to leave Obito behind.
Ryū watches them go before turning back to Obito. “So...your hitai-ate tell me you’re shinobi of Konoha…?”
“We don’t see many from that far south…”
“Oh? Huh...we actually found out about it from the sannin Tsunade!”
At the name, Ryū’s eyes widen. “...of the Senju…?”
“...I see. Yes, she’s been here before...many times. She was a friend of my mother’s before she passed. In all honesty, I’m surprised she hasn’t told more people about this place...but admittedly, we’re kept quite busy regardless.” Ryū then tucks her hands into her sleeves. “Well...I suppose if you enjoy your time here, perhaps you’ll do that in her stead!”
“Er...yeah! I’m sure we will.” He flashes a nervous smile.
...a silence then blooms.
Looking as though she means to speak, Ryū then pauses. “...I’m sorry, but…” She offers a brief laugh. “Clearly you’ve never been here, but...I have the oddest feeling that I’ve...seen you somewhere before. Have we...met?”
It’s then Obito’s turn to laugh. “...I guess you could say that. I’m Uchiha Obito. It’s...a bit of a long story.”
“...well, I do love stories. Perhaps we could sit and chat over tea?”
“...I’d like that.”
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     Okay, NOW it's over xD And anyone worried about poor other!Obito being alone needn't fear! Seems he's going to cheat just a little bit and use other-dimensionly knowledge to just, y'know...see if he can find a lil cutie up in the mountains ;3 Where will it go from there? Well, guess you'll have to use your imaginations!      But otherwise, that's gonna do it for this fic. I really should have finished it weeks ago, but life and other projects got in the way. And honestly other fics MIGHT have to be put on hold for a while, maybe until the end of the year, cuz uh...life's only getting busier. I'll elaborate more later, but for now: thank you so much for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this little fic!
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sanderssidesfanfiction · 6 years ago
We’ll Carry On - Chapter Sixty Three
We’ll Carry On Tag
General Content Warnings: Sympathetic Deceit Sanders, Substance Abuse, Abandonment, Minor Character Death, Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Dissociation, Bullying, Homophobia
April 23rd, 2021
“Yeah, Toby, life’s going great,” Remy said, picking imaginary lint off his pants with his free hand. “I never thought I’d be suited for domesticity, but it honestly just feels right.”
Toby laughed on the other end of the phone call. “Only you could accidentally pick up five kids and a husband, Remy,” he said. “The husband I saw coming ever since you told me your first crush was George in your Geography class, but the kids? No way, that completely blind-sided me.”
“Yeah,” Remy laughed. “You haven’t told our parents about it, right? I don’t want them barging into my life and trying to take it over, you know?”
“Don’t worry, Remy, I won’t tell a soul,” Toby assured. “They’d have to torture it out of me, and even then they wouldn’t get very far.”
Remy laughed. “I love you, Tobes. Talk soon?”
“You know it,” Toby said. “I’m really glad we started these regular phone calls again.”
“Me too,” Remy agreed. “Me too.”
May 16th, 2021
It was Remy’s worst fear coming to life. It was a Sunday morning, and she had elected to wear one of her white sundresses to go with her ever-present leather jacket. There had been a ring of the doorbell, and seeing as how Remy had been expecting Toby and Vanessa to visit at some point, just to say hi, she readily opened the door, a warm greeting on her tongue that died when she saw the two people who were actually on her doorstep. She swallowed. “Mom...Dad...what are you doing here?”
Her dad was looking her up and down while her mother sniffed, “Is that any way to greet your own parents, Remington?”
“It’s not that I’m not glad to see you, but...I didn’t know that you were coming over,” Remy said, stepping around the door and closing it behind her so that hopefully the boys wouldn’t get the brunt of her parents’ attacks.
“Remy...why are you wearing a dress?” her dad asked.
Remy flinched. “I...uh...I lost a bet,” she said, unable to tell her parents the truth about her being genderfluid.
“Toby called us the other day,” her mother said conversationally. “It took some pestering, but he told us that you and your...husband adopted.”
“Yeah,” Remy said. “We did.”
A silence stretched on between the three of them, one that made Remy more and more uneasy the longer it went on. “Well?” her mother asked.
“Well, what?” Remy replied.
“Well, can we see our grandchildren?” her mother pressed. “They may be...illegitimate but I’m sure they must have some redeeming quality or you wouldn’t have taken them in.”
Remy bristled. “Considering you just called my sons bastards, I’m not so sure I want you to see them.”
Her mother gasped and Remy flinched. Even after all this time, she was expecting to be used by saying yes, and abused for saying no. “How dare you?!” her mother shrieked. “I said nothing of the sort, and you shouldn’t use that type of language, Remington!”
Oh, grow up, Mother, I did without your help, why can’t you do it without mine?! Remy thought to herself. But she didn’t verbalize this, knowing it would only get her in more trouble.
When the silence stretched on further, Remy didn’t know what to do. She certainly wasn’t going to apologize, because that was what her mother had said. But her mother wouldn’t continue the conversation without an apology.
As soon as the silence, came, it was gone as the front door opened and Emile said, “Rem? What’s going...oh.”
“Yeah,” Remy said, turning to him. “They want to see our boys.”
“Oh, right, because that’s definitely happening,” Emile said, glowering at Remy’s parents. “After they hurt you bad enough that you needed literal years of therapy to train yourself out of their sort of behavior.”
She shifted on her feet as her mother’s glare intensified at Emile. She was hoping, praying that none of the boys would come to investigate...
And her prayers were denied. Roman came to the door and asked, “Dad, Ami, what’s going...on...” he gawked at Remy’s parents. “Who are they?”
“My parents,” Remy said.
“Oh.” A beat. Then, “Are we inviting them in, or...?”
Remy’s mother turned to her expectantly. “At least one man in this house has manners,” she sneered.
Cringing, Remy said, “Fine. You want to come in, go ahead. But I reserve the right to kick you out if you hurt any of my boys. And that includes Emile.”
Her mother glared at her and promptly walked past her into the house. Her dad gave her a look that she recognized as the, why can’t you keep your mouth shut? look. She turned and followed them in as they looked around. “It’s bigger than that old hovel you called your house last time, at least,” her mother scoffed.
“Yeah, well, with four brothers, we all kinda needed more space,” Roman offered. “But the townhouse was hardly a ‘hovel’ as you put it.”
“Four—?! Remington, did you seriously adopt five kids?!” her mother sputtered at her.
“Please stop calling me that,” Remy said. “It’s Remy. Has been for years. Using my full name is just...so unnecessary.”
“Five children?” her dad asked her, arching an eyebrow.
“They’re Emile’s. Biologically, I mean. He’s their biological father. We both adopted them, but...yeah. He’s the reason they’re around,” Remy said, scratching the back of her neck.
“And you stayed with him?!” her mother scoffed. “You stayed with an adulterer?”
“He didn’t cheat on me!” Remy exclaimed. “He donated to a sperm bank! All these kids were from there!”
Her mother scoffed, and Remy felt heat grow in her cheeks. Whether it was from anger or embarrassment, she had no idea. She was pretty sure she was going to have a very long talk with Toby after this, however. “However they came about, it was still out of wedlock. And therefore wrong.”
Roman turned to Remy, eyebrows arched in surprise. “Is she always like this?” he signed.
“Unfortunately yes,” Remy signed back.
Patton and Virgil were observing from the top of the stairs, and as of yet Remy’s mother hadn’t noticed them, but she knew that wouldn’t last long. And she knew she had to keep them from going out back, because Logan and Dee were roughhousing out there with Vanellope, and Logan was wearing gym shorts and a sports bra due to the exercise. And dignity aside, she was not going to allow her mother to misgender Logan.
“I see three children, where are the other two?” her dad asked.
Emile and Remy shared a look. Emile was clearly saying, We can’t let them see Logan and Dee.
Remy felt tears come to her eyes as she silently asked, Do we even have a choice?
We always have a choice, Emile reminded her with a downward tilt of his chin.
“Well?” her mother asked. “Your father asked you a question.”
Patton slowly crept down the stairs and timidly asked, “Weren’t they in the backyard?”
Remy facepalmed and Emile paled.
“I thought they were in the basement, Pat,” Virgil said, trying to distract Remy’s parents from the obvious.
Patton seemed to realize his mistake the second Remy’s mother turned to her. “Basement or backyard?” she snapped.
“I don’t have eyes on them every second of every day,” Remy weakly said. “The backyard is fenced in and the basement is free of dangerous objects. Either way, they’re safe and I don’t need to supervise them.”
Her mother scoffed. “You’re a terrible father, and so is your husband! If you think you can trust children not to hurt themselves one way or another if you leave them alone, you’re clearly delusional!”
Vanellope barked in the backyard and Dee squealed. Remy’s mother gave her a victorious grin, despite not doing anything to get the information of where Logan and Dee were. She strode to the backyard, Remy hot on her heels trying to distract her mother without physically dragging her away from the door. But it was no use. She walked out to the deck, surveying it with arms crossed.
Remy dashed out after her and pulled up short right behind her. “Remington, I thought you said you were hosting five boys,” she said stiffly.
Logan bared his teeth and Remy knew that the situation was going to go nuclear in half a second. “Ma’am, I don’t know who you are or why you’re at our house, but I can assure you, I am a man,” he snarled.
Remy’s mother scoffed. “Not with that chest you’re not! Do you even have any idea how deep in Hell you’ll end up?”
“Mother!” Remy exclaimed. “That is enough!”
Her mother turned on her and Remy took an involuntary step back. “That is no way to speak to your mother, Remington!”
Remy could feel the eyes of everyone on her. Her husband, her sons, her father, and her mother was glaring at her. And something inside of her just snapped. “No, maybe it’s not,” she said. “But considering they way you’ve treated me my entire life, I don’t consider you a mother.
“All my life, you’ve set this impossible standard for me to reach. And when I failed to reach it, you would ignore me or belittle me. You expect me to live up to Vanessa and Toby, well, news flash! I’m not them! They can be your perfect little children, doing whatever you want them to do when you tell them to do it, but I won’t! I will love whoever I want to love, I will raise the family I choose to raise, even if it was unexpected. It was the best thing to happen to me in my entire life, and I can see clearly now all the damage you did to me, because it reflects in what my kids have had to go through!”
Her breath was heaving in her chest as she continued. “Every time they flinch at a loud noise, or they mess up and expect myself and my husband to be mad at them, I realize that I did the same thing! And do you know why most of them left their mothers? Because their mothers were abusive! Can you believe that? The very same things you did to me that traumatized me are considered abuse!
“I made my own family without you in it. And yeah, I might not be related to them by blood, but I don’t have to be! All these kids came here because they were related to Emile by blood, but they stayed because we made sure they felt welcomed, that they felt heard, that they felt safe coming to myself and Emile were something to go wrong! I made my own family, and I’m proud to say that they’re mine! It doesn’t matter that two of them are transgender, it doesn’t matter that I have a husband instead of a wife! I’ve found out that I, myself, am transgender, so you don’t get to tell me that my son is not my son just because he was born into a body that didn’t match his brain! I know for a fact that your body does not dictate your gender!
“You’re racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, and so many more things that I don’t care to surround myself with! It took me years to unlearn everything you had convinced me was right. Even when I decided to go my own way and run my own coffee shop one day, I was still struggling because I knew that wasn’t your plan for me. But your plan for me doesn’t matter! It shouldn’t even exist! Because I’m the only one in control of my life, and I’m the only one who gets to decide what my plan is!”
Her mother was staring at her in shock, too stunned to come up with any sort of reply.
“I don’t know if you can read a room well enough to see this, but you’re no longer welcome here,” Remy snarled. “Leave.”
Her father jumped to life. “You can’t do that, Remy, we’re your family.”
“No, you’re not,” Emile said. “That’s what my wife just told you. Leave, or we’ll be calling the police to escort you off our property.”
“You won’t be missed,” Dee signed, grinning.
“What? What did he say?” Remy’s mother cried, voice shrill and angry.
“He said you won’t be missed, and I’m inclined to agree,” Remy said evenly. “Goodbye. Leave and don’t come back, ever. Don’t bug Vanessa or Toby about me, either. I still consider them my family, because they treated me with basic human decency. But you? You’re both dead to me.”
Her mother and father left as Emile pushed them through the house and out the front door, locking it behind him. As soon as they were gone, Remy started to shake. She got halfway through the house before her legs gave out and she collapsed to the ground, breath heaving in her chest and tears stinging her eyes. Her entire family surrounded her, right down to Vanellope, who was trying to lick away her tears. “It’s going to be okay, Rem,” Emile soothed. “I’m proud of you for standing up for yourself.”
Remy launched herself at Emile and crushed him in her hug. Emile hugged her back gently. “Is Ami going to be okay?” Patton asked, worry clear in his voice.
“She’ll be fine. She just needs a couple moments,” Emile reassured him.
Remy sniffled and continued to hug Emile. She was completely exhausted, and scared out of her wits. But she knew that at least her family would be with her until she felt better.
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indigoire · 5 years ago
It Read-through Interlude and Chapter Four: “Ben Hanscom Takes a Fall”
Not a bad couple of chapters this go around. I might even be able to keep this short and concise. 
Warning for bullying, mild gore, and fatphobia.
The interlude is rather short and I breezed through it fairly quickly. It is the first chapter we’ve had thus far in first person point of view though. Have you ever opened up a fanfic, fully expecting something in third person, and you get launched into something written in first person point of view, and you’re immediately compelled to exit out of the work? Well, King pulled a fast one on me, and I suddenly felt that compulsion to click the little red x in the corner. But I can’t do that, who will break down all of the ways Stephen King sucks at writing if I do?
So the interlude is from Mike’s perspective, and the opening paragraph informs the reader that it’s taken from Mike’s notes, which were also written up into a potential novel, though in the form of a journal or diary. Mike had hoped to possibly publish his experiences, and had gotten quite a bit into the project it looked like. 
Mike details for us his fears that a “malefic echo” might be back, and his inner struggle not to call the Losers up right after Adrian Mellon is killed. He is very frightened by Adrian’s attack, and it leaves him shaken, but he holds out, waits for something else to happen, to show that it’s not just some wayward tramp or some freak accidents killing people. 
He mentions the Turtle speaking to him, launching him into his research of the town (and IT) in the year of 1980. He mentions Bill saying ���the Turtle can’t help us”. Even acknowledging the Turtle, Mike has doubts, wondering if it’s just his rabbity mind playing tricks on him. 
Still he holds off on making the calls, saying “if I have to make these calls, it may kill some of them,” and he lies awake at night wondering who among the six is the weakest. 
He speaks to an old librarian mentor, an Albert Carson, about what he should look into and who he should speak to in order to learn all about Derry. The old-timer gives him some good advice and Mike pursues his research with gusto, talking to people and pumping them for information, in addition to reading anything that might be useful. 
He even speaks to old Mr. Ripsom, who tells Mike that before their child Betty was murdered, his wife heard voices from the drain while she was doing dishes. The voices claimed “We are Legion” and Mrs. Ripsom had been so shocked she had refused to do the dishes for years. So Mr. Ripsom had fallen to the task, and some two years after his child had died he’d been doing dishes himself, and he’d heard something from the drain, after the water had been sucked down it. He heard Betty, laughing in the sewers, or possibly screaming, or probably both. 
He almost tells Mike more, but they’re at his gas station, and a customer arrives before he can reveal anything else. 
Albert Carson is once more consulted, once Mike has pumped the town for information. Mike dares to bring up that something is not quite right in Derry, and Albert almost brushes it off, but does agree. He mentions “the cycle”, the cycle of bad things that happen in Derry, and warns Mike to “Beware!”
Mike ends the interlude with “if anything else happens, I’ll make the calls” and prays that he doesn’t have to. 
We then move on to Ben. Now, let me preface this by saying that I love Ben dearly. He’s a sweet, respectful boy. He’s also boring as hell. He’s a very “aw, shucks” Leave it to Beaver sort of a kid, and it might just be the time period he resides in but his chapter is very, I don’t know, slice of life. If it wasn’t for the brutal bullying that goes on in his chapter I would be dead asleep from reading it. 
But. I do sort of relate to Ben. I was an, ahem, “big” kid growing up, and I had the same sort of worries and insecurities. I also sought refuge in reading and made friends with the teachers. So part of me goes out to the kid. 
Another part of me really resents King for how he writes Ben. Because part of it is masterfully done, the kid worrying about his shape and having body dysmorphia, and you feel for him. And part of it is written the way every thin person thinks a fat person acts. The kid gluts himself on candy while worrying about it. His mom feeds him too much, and Ben wonders if there’s a malicious reason why. The librarian thinks to herself that Ben’s digging his grave with a knife and fork. And listen, far be it from me to say that there aren’t some fat people who got that way just from indulging in leftovers and candy. But the idea that all fat kids got that way from being unable to stop eating is kind of stupid and rooted in fatphobia. 
But anyways. Ben is a smart, sweet kid, who has a secret crush on Beverly Marsh, and will never tell her out of fear she’ll be disgusted by him. He also has an enemy in Henry Bowers, who he refused to let copy off his test paper and thus earned his wrath. Henry was held back a year, and he’s almost held back again for flunking said test, but the teacher says he can just take remedial classes over the summer. Henry views this as worse than being held back. If he’d been held back he might have had his dad beat him once, but since his father will be losing Henry’s labor on the farm over the summer he’s probably in for multiple beatings. Thus Henry’s want to take his anger out on Ben, who he refers to as “Tits”. 
Ben has a fairly nice day for most of the chapter. He finds some glass bottles in a hedge, turns them in for money, and gets candy with said money. He goes to the library, he reads some books, and then he buys a postcard for three cents from the library (which is encouraging kids to find pen pals). He writes a poem to Beverly Marsh, styling it after a haiku, and thinks that she probably has a boy she has a crush on, and she’ll think of him and not Ben, and it’ll make her happy, and that’s enough for him. 
Ben is a really sweet boy, once again. 
Of course, once he leaves the library, Bowers and his cronies are on him in an instant, and they push Ben to the side of the canal, against a fence. Bowers springs a mock “test” on Ben, making him swear to always let Bower’s cheat off of him, and to make him remember to do so, takes out his knife and starts carving his name into Ben’s stomach. 
Ben, after Bowers carves the H of his name, makes a frantic escape by kicking off of Bowers and breaking through the fence, tumbling down the embankment, and messing up his leg on a tree, which breaks his fall. 
He then flees the pursuing bullies and runs across the Barrens, where Stuttering Bill and his friends, unbeknownst to Ben, are building a tiny dam. Ben hides close by to the them in a little hidey-hole, and avoids Bowers, who bullies Bill and his friends instead and destroys their “babydam” when they tell them they haven’t seen Ben. 
Ben has a little flashback, or rather a dream, to the past January, when he saw Pennywise near the Barrens, his balloons floating against the wind, and Pennywise spoke to him in a voice that he heard in his mind, “although it seems he heard it with his ears.” Pennywise offers him a balloon and then transforms into a mummy, The Mummy in fact, the titular one from the Universal movie. Ben gets scared off and runs home. 
When he wakes up from his little doze, he stumbles from his hidey-hole and onto the Losers. Bill asks if Ben can help, because Eddie is having an asthma attack and his aspirator is empty. 
“”I think he m-might be—” His face froze, turned red. He dug at the word, stuttering like a machine-gun. Spittle flew from his lips, and it took almost thirty seconds’ worth of “d-d-d-d” before Ben realized Denbrough was trying to say the other kid might be dying.”
And thus ends the chapter! 
There’s not much I can interject or say really. There’s a long section where King goes on about the geography of the town, that I somewhat know is essential to setting the town and getting us familiar with it so we know where the characters are and what their surroundings are like...but it just drones on for long enough that my eyes glazed over out of protest. Other than this and the rampant fatphobia, I don’t really hold anything against these chapters. Mike and Ben are sweet and polite boys and later, men, and I have a lot of fondness for them. I feel like maybe King was trying to hint at there being some mommy issues with Ben, and he implied something dark about Ben’s mom feeding him too much, but their relationship reads as that of a concerned mother doing her best to raise a boy alone. 
Anyways, sort of a mediocre place to leave off, but next chapter involves my favorite boy, Bill Denbrough, so we’ll save the salt for tomorrow. Bye for now! 
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crashdevlin · 7 years ago
Fate’s Fool: Part One
Summary: Reader is an Omega who spends most of her time alone in an effort to avoid Alphas. She only leaves her apartment one night a week to play pub trivia at her local bar. What happens when her friends talk two transient Alphas into joining their trivia team?
Pairing: Alpha Dean x Omega Reader
Warnings: A/B/O dynamics, smut.
Author’s Note: This is my first A/B/O fic. So, please be gentle.There will be two parts. Part two is gonna have the smut. The trivia rounds are legit Geeks Who Drink Trivia rounds that I have played and yes, it is awkward when your teammates think you’re vanilla and then you know all the answers to the Marquis de Sade round. Just sayin’.
You'd been going to Thursday night Geeks Who Drink Trivia at your local bar for almost two years. Your friends told you that you needed to get out of the house and suggested the game, which relied more heavily on pop culture knowledge than general knowledge. You'd started on Saturdays, but eventually you moved to Thursday's quiz specifically to avoid people. Most people out on a Thursday night weren't gonna bother with you. It's not that you were antisocial or agoraphobic, you simply preferred to stay home because more people meant a higher probability of meeting some knothead Alpha who thought it was his place in life to make you his and you didn't want or need that macho BS in your life.
You were always small, short and petite-framed, so you'd known you were going to be an Omega just like your mom, but you'd presented late. You were 24 when that first heat hit, so you'd already learned to live your life as a Beta. You weren't going to bow to your genetics just because that's what society said you should do. Against your mother's advice and insistence, you had your doctor put you on the strongest suppressants legal to America and you determined not to change a thing about your life.
Fate, of course, had other plans.
Your fiancé, a Beta who knew your likely presentation before he got down on one knee, couldn't take it when you finally did present. As he left you crying in the park where he'd proposed to you, he made it out like he was doing it for you. "You're always going to be craving something I could never give you. You need an Alpha, someone to give you what you need."
That was the same tactic your boss used when he fired you 'for your safety'. "Too many Alphas shop here. It wouldn't be safe for an unmated Omega. You can reapply once you've got an Alpha... if he lets you." The discrimination you suddenly started having to deal with on a day-to-day basis drove you home. You got a job as a freelance transcriptionist and started to spend all of your time in your apartment. You doubled down on your suppressants, burned all sorts of incense to keep any Omega scent occluded, and you became a hermit, existing only as an online presence.
That is, until your friend and former colleague, Wendy, wore you down about trivia. Your six-person team was originally four Betas, an Alpha and you. The Alpha was fine with you for several Saturdays in a row and you were getting comfortable around him, until he scented you as an Omega. That started a confrontation that the whole bar seemed to weigh in on, about what you were doing with your life as a 26 year old unmated.
You switched to Thursdays after that. Wendy and one of the other Betas switched days with you but the Alpha and the other two did not, so you were left with half a team and the solution your friends came up with was to 'pick up strays' in the bar to fill out the team.
Wendy and Alice tried to avoid picking up stray Alphas for the team, but sometimes they were so attracted to a man, they'd invite one to join you for the night. You'd always end up quiet and reserved, in the corner, barely contributing.
When you walked into the bar you claimed your table in the corner, with your back to the wall so no one could sneak up on you, and let your eyes scan the bar. Wendy and Alice were flanking two men, both tall and broad-shouldered. Alphas. Obvious Alphas. Huge, hot, you thought you might be able to smell them from across the bar and one or both of them smelled amazing.
You sighed and pulled a pill bottle out of your purse. Emergency suppressants of a dubious nature. Highly experimental, illegal in the States, carrying warnings like 'MAY CAUSING LOSS OF REPRODUCTING ORGAN'; you bought them online and prayed you wouldn't have to use them. Tonight, you were going to have to use them. If Alice and Wendy were going to be picking up those two strays, you were gonna need them. The men followed your teammates over to the table as you were swallowing the pill down dry.
"Y/n, this is Sam and his brother, Dean." Alice said, smiling down at you.
Normally, you'd give a tentative smile and wave from your corner but something about the way the brothers both smiled at you, it filled you with warmth instead of fear. You stood, taking Sam's hand and nodding. "Nice to meet you. I need to go get a beer. Anybody else?"
"I could go for another. Probably gonna need it to get through this ridiculous-" Dean started, but Sam scoffed as he took a seat next to Alice.
"You're gonna like it, Dean. It's pop culture trivia." Sam argued.
"Did she just-" Wendy was obviously as shocked as you were that you'd been so welcoming to the Alphas.
"What?" Sam asked.
"Well, she's just... usually a little more... uneasy around new people." Alice explained without explaining.
"Well, maybe she's just a good judge of character. I mean, these guys might be Alphas but look at 'em! They wouldn't hurt a fly." Wendy exclaimed.
You weren't sure about that assessment. You were obviously a poor judge of character or you wouldn't have an ex-fiancé. And those men... those Alphas who were sitting at your table as Wendy filled out the booklet with your team name, they were definitely dangerous, but they didn't feel like they were a danger to you.
Mark, the Beta behind the bar, smiled at you as you ordered yourself a fruity craft beer and ordered Dean a lager. "You good?" He asked, as he set the mugs down in front of you. You nodded. "They're cute. I mean, if I thought they batted my way, I'd-"
"I'm sure you would... and you never know 'til you try, Mark."
"Oh, come on. You know how straight guys are when they get hit on by another man... almost as violent as you are when you get hit on."
"Violent? I'm not violent. That would be most un-'mega-like." You smiled. Mark was good people. "I'll be back for more of these." You picked up the beers and headed back to the table. You set the lager down on the table in front of Dean and sat in your corner.
"So, what's the team name?" Sam asked.
"We change it every week. Keeps the Quizmaster on his toes. Last week, we were 'The Slaughterhouse Five', this week we're 'Pulp Friction'." You answered.
"I think my favorite was 'Take Off Your Pants and Jacket'." Wendy said, letting her eyes drop to Sam's lap.
Sam laughed, a bit uncomfortably, as Dean took a drink of his beer. "At least they got good beer here."
"Yeah, they do. I used to hate beer, 'til I started coming here." You said. Wendy, again, looked completely baffled that you were being social with the Alphas. "You're not into trivia?"
"Generally, I got more important things to do with my time, but we're at a lull and our motel is paid up for the night, so my brother thought trivia would be a good way to pass our time 'til we leave tomorrow."
"Well, it's a lot of fun. This is literally the only thing I do outside of my apartment, so it's fun enough to get a complete recluse to come out once a week." You said taking a drink of your own beer.
"I'm willing to give it a shot... and I'm glad that you left the house, sweetheart." He gave a quick wink that temporarily short-circuited your brain. You looked away and contemplated taking another one of your dangerous suppressant pills.
The Quizmaster started going down the rules. "Number one: No Cheating. Please put away your phones for the purposes of looking shit up. Facebook is fine. Number two: Six people to a team. If you have more than five other people with you, you are far too popular to be at Geeks Who Drink Trivia, break into two teams and reevaluate your life. Number three: No shouting out the answers. If you're right, you don't want the other teams to know, but you're probably wrong and you're definitely disrespectful, so keep your mouths shut. You will notice there is a jester in the corner of each page. You can circle that little dude once and that will double your points for that round so use it wisely... and away we go. Round One is called 'Recently In Stuff', it's our current events round."
The quiz moved by easily. You and your friends knew all the questions for the current events. Sam was really smart about history and geography questions, but you and Dean carried the team through round two: an audio round of songs about sex and subservience which included Britney Spears' Slave 4 U, Salt N Peppa's What A Man, The Velvet Underground's Venus In Furs, and Joan Jett's Fetish and made you blush like crazy no matter what you did to make it stop.
It dawned on you, as you got up to get another beer, that Fate was fucking with you again.
According to the tracking app on your phone, if you weren't on suppressants you'd be on the second day of a heat, two amazingly hot Alphas have been inserted into your life and the quiz is playing songs about sex and subservience because even the assholes at Geeks Who Drink corporate have to remind you that a 28 year old Omega is supposed to get on her hands and knees for an Alpha.
"You all right? You look a bit flushed." Mark asked, filling your glass back up. "That doesn't usually happen 'til your third beer."
"Fine. It's just... a little warm in here. Can you tap the thermostat for me?"
Mark gave you an uncertain look. "Honey, it's 70 degrees in here. You sure you're okay?"
You shook your head. "I don't know. I'm sure I'll be fine, though." You added at his worried look.
He handed the beer across the bar. "Hey. Take care of yourself."
"Always." You smiled at him, but you could tell that it was weak. You felt a bit terrible, if you were being honest with yourself. You were starting to get angry little cramps along your lower belly and your head was starting to pound. You were a little worried that it was a side effect of the suppressant; that you might be suffering from 'LOSS OF REPRODUCTING ORGAN'.
You sat in your corner with your beer as the Quizmaster read the standings. "In third, we have 'Suck it, Trebek'. In second, we have 'E=mcHammer', and in first place by just a few points, we have 'Pulp Friction'. Round six is titled '120 Days of Justine': a round about the Marquis de Sade."
You groaned. "Really? Really, Todd?!" You shouted across the bar at the Quizmaster.
"What?" Alice and Dean both asked.
Sam cleared his throat as you resolved not to explain your outburst, too focused on the stabbing pains going through you. "Marquis de Sade is where S&M gets its name from. He wrote some... provocative stuff."
"Understatement." You mumbled as you took a drink.
You knew every answer, quietly writing each into the booklet and avoiding looking at your friends. "How'd you know all that?" Dean asked as Alice took the answers up.
You groaned. His voice made your stomach hurt more. "There's this movie called 'Quills' with Geoffrey Rush as the Marquis. It was the first rated R movie I watched at 2am while my parents were asleep. It left a mark. God bless HBO." You were breathing heavily, and had to take a deep breath to slow your heart rate.
"Hey. Are you okay?" Wendy asked.
"No." You answered, honestly. "I think I'm sick."
"Yeah, you look like you've got a fever." Dean reached across the empty chair between you and pressed his hand to your cheek. A cramp tore through you as soon as your skin touched. Dean immediately pulled his hand away. "She's an Omega?"
Wendy rushed around the table, sitting in the empty chair between you and Dean. "You need some ibuprofen. You're burning up."
"I just need to go home. It's a bad reaction to those Brazilian suppressants, that's all." You moved to stand, but your legs were too weak. "It'll wear off." You assured her.
"Mark!" Wendy shouted at the bartender. "Call a cab for y/n!"
"She should go to a hospital." Sam suggested, seriously, as half of the bar turned to look at you.
"I really don't need all this fuss." You whispered, but you didn't actually mean it. The smell of the two Alphas had grown so overwhelming that you thought you might vomit and your mind was having a battle with your body because half of you wanted to get as far away from their scent as you could and the other half wanted to wrap it around you like a blanket.
"How long have you been on suppressants?" Dean asked, his voice tight.
"Since she presented." Alice answered for you, kneeling next to you. "Sweetie, what's happening?"
"She's in heat." Sam and Dean said, simultaneously.
"No. No, I've... I've been on suppressants for four years. I've only ever had one... My suppressants-"
"Don't work forever. Didn't anybody tell you that?" Dean growled, and it made you want to curl into a ball.
"We need to get her out of here." Sam demanded.
"Excuse me. You boys seem sweet and all, but she's in no condition to be around a couple Alphas she don't know. If you'll excuse me..." Mark leaned down and wrapped your arms around his neck. "Come on, honey. You've got an Uber on the way."
"And what if the Uber driver's an Alpha?" Alice asked.
"Someone should ride with her, make sure she gets home safe." Wendy said.
"Oh, fuck this." Dean growled, standing. He pointed to Mark, suddenly in 'Take Charge Alpha' mode. "You, get back behind the bar. You've got a job to do. You." He pointed to Wendy. "You're gonna come with me. We're taking y/n home."
"N-no." You whimpered. "You can't-"
"Shut up." He demanded and you immediately closed your mouth. He wrenched your hands from Mark's neck and moved them to his own. He dropped a set of keys to the table in front of his brother and grabbed your keys from the front pocket of your purse. "Grab her stuff, Wendy. Sammy, let me know how well we do in Final Jeopardy."
Dean pulled you away from the table and out into the parking lot. The hot humidity hit you like a brick wall but you shivered in response to it. "Which one's hers?" Dean asked Wendy.
"Grey Ford Focus." She pointed down the lane and Dean made a beeline. "What are you gonna do?"
"We're gonna take her home. You're gonna strip her down and put her in an ice bath and I'm gonna leave."
"Really?!" Dean turned to Wendy after he'd secured your seat belt and closed the passenger door of your car. She wilted a little under his gaze. "I just thought- she's, you know, an Omega in heat..."
"Look, I would love to fix this for her, I really would, but even I can tell she doesn't want some stranger coming in and breeding her. You don't take suppressants for years and avoid leaving your apartment if you want an Alpha. Also, my brother and I are leaving tomorrow, so..."
You could barely keep your eyes open as Wendy gave directions from the back of your car. You were in too much pain. You didn't understand. Suppressants were not supposed to dramatically fail all at once like this. They were supposed to taper off, become less efficient. There's supposed to be some sort of warning before your insides betray you. "God, it hurts."
"It's okay, sweetheart." Dean reached over and ran his fingers through your hair, which was wet with sweat. "We're gonna get you cooled down. You're gonna be just fine."
"Hnnn.... hate it." You whined, grabbing his hand and pulling it in front of your face so you could scent his wrist. Dean smelled amazing, better than any Alpha you'd ever met. Most Alphas seemed to smell like bad BO and mud, but Dean... Dean smelled like pine trees and good steak and vanilla and... sex. Dean smelled like sex. Warmth pooled between your legs at the smell.
He jerked as your tongue snaked between your lips to lick at his pulse point. "Hey, do not lick me, woman."
"Well, can you lick me, then?" You asked. You weren't sure where that question came from, you weren't sure why you'd licked him. He did taste so good, though.
"Wendy, control your girl." Dean demanded, pulling his hand away from you, reluctantly.
"Hey. Sweetie... we're almost home." Wendy put her hand on your shoulder and you groaned. "It's just up here on the right. Park in space 57."
You clung to Dean as he pulled you out of your car. "Put your feet down. Come on. You gotta walk, y/n." You tried, but your legs didn't want to cooperate. He took a deep breath and picked you up. "All right, fine, but you keep your hands to yourself." You nodded and nuzzled into his chest. He smelled so fucking good.
"She's not usually like this. She usually distances herself from Alphas." Wendy explained, walking into the elevator and pressing 5.
"Yeah, figured. That's why I'm trying to distance myself." Dean grunted out and somewhere in the back of your heat-rattled brain you realized he was breathing very shallow breaths, only through his mouth. Trying not to smell you. "She's only ever had one heat. Doesn't know how to keep herself from making a huge mistake."
"No, I mean, she's always been kind anti-Alpha. She didn't think she should have to be someone's just because she presented how she did. She usually fights when Alphas find out what she is."
"Yeah, cause she's usually on suppressants and has a clear head. Not like now. She should avoid Alphas. We're assholes."
"I just think... maybe she's having this kind of reaction for a reason. Like maybe her body knows it's time or maybe you're her true-"
"Shut it! Truemates ain't a thing... and as for her body: are you a doctor or a biologist?" Dean growled as the elevator dinged and the door opened.
"No, but my parents weren't Beta, Dean, so I'm not as ignorant at some." Wendy followed Dean as he carried you toward your apartment door. "And they were truemates. As soon as Dad saw Mom, he knew he had to have her. She was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen and she smelled like every good smell he had ever loved. Mom said she could scent him across the food court. They were mated with twins on the way before my mom was 20."
"That doesn't sound like true love. That sounds like your dad was a fuckin' knothead and decided she was his and used the Truemates Myth to make it seem like it was out of his control."
"Whatever, Wendy. Open her door so I can drop her and get out of here." Dean said, shaking the keys at your friend.
"Don't go, Alpha." You whimpered, clutching his shirt and burying your face in the crook of his neck.
"Fuck." Dean breathed out. "No. Nope. Not doin' it. You're not thinkin' straight, y/n. You just need to go calm down, cool down and... wait for it to pass, sweetheart."
"Don't wanna. Want you, Dean. Want my Alpha." You started to kiss his neck. There weren't any thoughts in your head. You were just doing and saying exactly what your body told you to do and say.
"Bet you'd like that, huh? Pretty little Omega wants my knot?" He whispered as he walked through your door.
"Yes." You whispered into his neck.
"Yeah, you want that right now, but you'd hate yourself in the morning. I'd rather you hate me right now, sweetheart." Dean dropped you to your sofa and pried your hands off of his shirt. "Get her in a cold bath, take her to the hospital if her fever doesn't break, and text me with updates." Wendy nodded, expecting the Alpha to walk away, but he looked down at you, instead. "And she's gonna be dehydrated when she wakes up. Water and Gatorade, get her some protein bars if the suppressants don't kick back in. Grab her some pillows, make her comfortable, and turn the ceiling fan on."
Dean stared down at you for a few long seconds before taking two large steps backward toward the door. "Above all else, keep her safe. Comfortable and safe. Once she comes out the other side of this, she'll need that peace of mind."
You woke up the next morning, on your couch, with what felt like the worst hangover you'd ever had. Your head was pounding, your skin sticky from sweat and your stomach felt like the aftermath of crunches day at the gym... and you were more thirsty than you could ever remember being.
Luckily, Wendy thought of that, setting out a large glass of water on the coffee table for you. Your loud gulps woke her from her sleep on the recliner across the room. "Hey. How you feelin'?"
"Like I did several keg stands last night. Wh-how'd we get here?" The night was fuzzy. You remembered the bar, spontaneously going into heat, but everything after was vague.
"Dean drove us."
Heat flooded your body at the mention of the Alpha, followed by mortification as you remembered the rest of the night. "Oh, my god. I can't believe I threw myself at him like that." You cried, covering your face with your hands.
"He was completely understanding, y/n, and a total gentleman. Any other Alpha, you'd have been knotted, but Dean took you home, made sure you were safe."
"Oh, great. So, I embarrassed myself in front of one of the only good Alphas I've ever met. Great." You took another drink of water and started to look around. "Where's my phone? I need to call Dr. Whitaker."
"Don't worry. I called the Omega Whisperer as soon as I was sure I wasn't gonna have to call an ambulance. She'll be here in..." She looked at her watch. "About thirty minutes."
"Ugh. Don't call her that. Whitaker went to med school. She's a doctor."
"Well, you heard Bravo is after her for a TV show about her practice, right? That's probably what they'll call it."
You shook your head. "Whatever. Just as long as she can tell me why the fuck my suppressants just stopped working last night."
"Maybe because your truemate was sitting two feet away?"
"Oh, come on!"
"Look at what he did to take care of you! He doesn't know you, but he wouldn't let us put you in a cab. He drove us here, ran down a list of ways to make this better for you, then demanded I text him with updates. Y/n, he feels the connection, just like you. Even if you're both denying it."
You rolled your eyes. "Let's just wait to hear what the doctor has to say."
Dr. Whitaker, however, nodded when Wendy brought up her theory. "Makes sense."
"I'm sorry, what?" You exclaimed. "Don't tell me you believe this 'truemates' shit, Doc."
"If by 'truemates' you mean the one or two people of opposite presentation whose pheromones work with your own and amplify each other, then yes, but it's not soulmates... it's science."
"Well, hear that? It's science."
You ignored Wendy's teasing and leaned forward. "Wait, could this pheromone boost have negated my suppressants?"
"Oh, totally. Even if you hadn't been on day two of your cycle, you probably would have gone into heat last night, suppressants be damned. The shot I gave you should work to shorten this heat for you, take the edge off." Dr. Whitaker shook the bottle of Brazilian suppressants as she stood. "I'm confiscating these. Not because they had anything to do with last night, but because they are dangerous and if you want to lose your ability to ever have pups, I'd rather set up a hysterectomy and do it right."
You looked down at your lap. "Now, if you want my advice, y/n, and I'm sure you'll just ignore me because have for as long as you've been my patient... when you've got a chance, text that Alpha. He's yours, and he's good. He respected you in a way that's rare... especially for an Alpha who wouldn't have to deal with the consequences since he was leaving."
"He gave me his number so that I could update him on your condition." Wendy offered. "Which I should do." She continued, pulling out her phone.
"Get to know him. Maybe you'll surprise yourself." Doctor Whitaker said, tossing the pills in her bag and zipping it up. "And just a reminder, this hermit lifestyle ends once you've got an Alpha. Another reminder, you haven't had sex in four years."
"Thanks, Doc." You said, sarcastically.
"I have your best interest in mind, y/n."
"Yeah. I know."
Wendy insisted on giving you Dean's number, but you didn't use it. Dean and his brother didn't hide that they were transient. They said they spent weeks at a time on the road and when they were home, home was in Kansas. You'd seen The Wizard of Oz enough times to know that Kansas was no fun. You were certain you'd never see him again and once again determined nothing about your life was going to change.
If Fate had a face, you would punch it.
Part Two
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surveysonfleek · 7 years ago
What do you wish you had more knowledge about?
 honestly, everything. history, geography, politics, maths, literature, science. i wish i had more knowledge in general.
What are the things you’ve learned over the past year? stop waiting for things to come to me. i need to put in more effort.
Did the last person to hurt you ever apologize? yes.
Would you ever get someone’s name tattooed on you? nope.
Do you know your siblings’ middle names?
 haha of course i do.
What’s your biggest regret?
 not leaving the job i have now years ago. now i’m too comfortable.
Have you ever dated someone and regretted it? 
Do you have any deep secrets?
How many?
Do you think people know a lot about you? honestly just my immediate family, my boyfriend and friends.
Do you block out things that bother you? 
What was your childhood like? it was fun. my grandparents took care of me while my parents worked until i started going to school. i was the youngest grandkid until my sister was born so i was pretty spoilt.
Do you talk about your past painful experiences or do you keep them a secret?
 i won’t talk about it unless it’s brought up.
Use this space to say something to someone (you don’t have to say their name). 
 i miss you.
Do you think you should change some of your qualities?
 not really. obviously the more negative qualities, sure. but i’m not necessarily a bad person. i guess i need to be more patient.
What does your current Facebook status mean? i never change my status ever lol.
Anything you’re giving up on?
Have you cried this week at all?
 i don’t think so.
Are you alone right now?
Do you wish someone would call or text you right now?
 no. i’m going to sleep soon.
Do you enjoy late night phone conversations?
 i used to. i hardly talk on the phone anymore.
What would you say if someone asked you to get high right now?
 no thanks. i have work tomorrow.
Is anything really good happening to you tomorrow? nope haha.
Have you ever suspected anyone of cheating on you?
When was the last time you saw your sibling(s)? today.
How do you feel right now? tired.
Could you do a long distance relationship?
 no. especially with my boyfriend now, the longest we’ve been apart is three weeks. it’d be hard for a huge change like that to happen now since we’ve been together for over 8 years.
Have you spent money this week? If so, on what?
 yes. parking, petrol, food.
Do you like your body?
What’s the largest age difference between you & someone you’ve dated?
 less than a year.
What is something that upset you today?
Do you know what you have planned for tomorrow?
Are you happy at the moment? 
 i’m okay.
When was the last time you received a compliment? 
 idk lol.
How many people have texted you today? Did you reply to all of them? around five? i replied to all but one.
Have you ever gone camping?
Do you miss the way things used to be? in a way. but it’s time to grow up.
Miss anyone you shouldn’t? 
Who is it? Why? no.
When did you last cry and over what?
 i forgot.
What’s upset you most in the last week? 
 the dread of going to work tomorrow.
What is on your mind right now? 
 work lol.
Do you care what others think about you? 
 only if i care about them.
How do you feel about the weather today? it was hotttt. i hate the heat.
Are you happy with where you’re at in life?
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naturepointstheway · 7 years ago
Day 22/30 of BatB Lines Prompts: “Bring Back the Light?”
Okay, I cheated a little here and decided to just start using lines in songs too, to make life easier. Anyway, here’s the first ever attempt of mine at a ghost story, and in BatB no less. It’s over 3000 words, so that should make up a bit for any delays. And the ending is deliberately left hanging/ambiguous to let the reader decide on what happens next. 
@tinydooms - part of this was inspired by the discussion I had with you in the comments section of “Iron Band”. 
It is four in the morning and Cogsworth cannot sleep, having awoken from a rather nice dream to see it still very dark. He tosses and turns in his sheets desperately trying to get back to sleep, to drift off one way or another. He needs to get up before the dawn, and his sleep is very important.
Cogsworth tries, oh he tries, and he eventually just has to give up when sleep will not come. He pushes the blankets off himself as he reaches out with another hand, finds the pocketwatch on his side table, gleaming in the moonlight, checks the time.
So much for a night’s rest, he thinks, Maybe a read will do me well.
And so, with a lit candlestick in hand and a coat wrapped around his shoulders, he tiptoes out into the servants’ common area, so quiet at this time of morning. His candle light falls over the room, washing everything in an amber glow. The fireplace has dwindled down to a few faint orange coals. He sees what looks like someone crouched in a chair, but he knows it’s just cushions stacked up so. Come the dawn, he’d see a whole pile of ordinary cushions dumped on the one chair. He can see a couple doors ajar—Plumette’s and Lumiere’s—and he’s pretty certain they’re off elsewhere in the castle in an intimate embrace in some secret corner of their own.
The candle wavers in his hand, with his movement, as he ambles over to a bookcase—the servants had their own little sections on their bookcase. There was Chapeau’s area, his own area, Mrs Potts’, and even Lumiere and Plumette had their own (although all together, their collection came to a total of three.)
He runs his fingers over the dusty spines and the embossed writing, thumb tracing over the words as he trails his hand over his beloved tomes. History and geography and the like, all his favourite topics. What should he read to let him drift to sleep? Would the lone candle flame be enough light to see by? His eyes were not as they used to be.
Perhaps a walk will do me well instead.
Pulling his old coat tighter around his shoulders, the candlestick in one hand, he carefully makes his way out of the common area, taking care not to make a noise as he leaves. He is on the opposite side of the castle from the Master’s quarters, and surely he sleeps, but Cogsworth tries to muffle his footsteps nevertheless.
It’s the boy we’re worried about, he remembers, and his father even more so.
They had to leave him be, least they lose their jobs at the castle. If they so much as looked over at him, the father would know. He’d just know, as if he were omniscient. He wasn’t, but still safe not to do anything at all. Not even to pop their head into the boy’s room and check on his fever, for he had been laid low with one the last few days.
He’ll pull through, he always does, he’s strong of health.
Cogsworth stops short in the middle of the hallway, candle flame guttering, hairs on the back of his neck prickling. He shivers, and he looks over at the wall to check if a window is open. But this is a corridor with no windows to the outside world. Instead, it is lit by candles burning low, spilling weak, wildly flickering pools of light over walls and floor. He hears a drip of candle wax against the floor, the candle itself coughing out one more sputter and it is dead. His own candle still lives, even as wax is already trailing down like thick tears.
He looks around, he sees nothing out of the ordinary, except the one candle now gone out, wispy smoke still trailing up to the ceiling. He trains his eyes on it, the smoke nearly hypnotic in the way it snakes up to the dark ceiling.
Thinking nothing of it, he pulls his coat tighter, buttons up a bit more, lest he shiver again. His shadow pools and swirls and stretches around his feet as he strolls down the corridors, hoping a little walk would help him find slumber.
The early hours of morning makes Cogsworth’s steps echo, reverberate as though another pair of feet copied his pace. When he stops under a patch of shivering candlelight, his footsteps continue to echo behind him, like the past whispering the path he had trod in this small hour of night. He tugs his coat tighter around his shoulders, and hears another candle gasp in a sudden cold snap of air. Another candle blown out, grey smoke trailing into the dark.  And when he turns around, he finds he is not alone. For, much to his surprise, there stands the boy prince himself, still clad in his nightclothes.
“Good morning, Prince Adam,” Cogsworth greets him, “Shouldn’t you be in bed, resting?”
Blue eyes with pinprick pupils fix themselves on Cogsworth.
“I am.”
“You’re sleepwalking?”
“But you’re not in bed, Prince Adam.”
The boy is stock still, at the edge of the candlelight, in between pools of amber. “I’m in bed.”
Cogsworth sighs—he has no time for this. He resists the urge to step forward and grab the boy’s hand, to take him back to his room, where he ought to be resting from his fever. He, ordinarily, would have, but the boy had become so cold toward them he knew this would not be accepted.
“Come on, I’ll take you back to your room.”
The boy doesn’t move an inch. “I’m there.”
“It’s four in the morning, I have no time for this.”
“Don’t take me back.”
Is Cogsworth’s hearing going or does he hear a hitch of fear in the boy’s voice? But the boy’s expression remains as neutral as ever, his mouth barely twitching, unblinking eyes still not wavering from Cogsworth’s.
“I don’t want to come back.”
Cogsworth opens his mouth automatically to correct his grammar, but quickly thinks better of it.
“You don’t want to be tired in the morning—rest is very important.”
“Then why are you up?”
Cogsworth shrugs. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“I can’t either.”
Someone must have left a door open behind him, with all its windows flung wide open. Was it always this cold in the hallways? Maybe it was the time of night that did it. He wishes he had brought his thicker coat with him on his wanderings. Even with his admittedly very warm, woollen grey coat on, it feels like winter still digs into his bones, even in the mid-autumn.
“I can walk you to your room if—”
“I have no desire to come back.”
Cogsworth can’t quite put his finger on it, but there’s something about his words that unsettles him. He hates things that unsettle him, suggest the world is in some disorder. He wants order, he wants nice, neat, parcelled answers and concise explanations.
“Don’t take me back.”
The older man stares back at the boy, taking in his stiff posture, arms at sides, his eyes unblinking, and he wonders in the back of his mind if he ought to have had a shadow. Cogsworth’s shadow is flung over the wall next to him by the candlelight on the opposite wall, but the boy’s is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps Cogsworth is just imagining things, thinking the boy without a shadow—that was preposterous, the very idea of it threatened disorder in his world.
“I want to go,” the boy’s voice drops to a whisper, “Somewhere warm again.”
Cogsworth frowns at this. “Has no one tended the fireplace in your room?”
“No one.”
Cogsworth remembers the still-burning coals in the servants’ common room.
“Not even a burning coal?”
“Not one.”
He shivers again. Really, what fool had let the cold come creeping in here? He made a mental note to track down whoever it was in the morning, once he had a proper rest.
Besides, he could use a fire too.
“Hmph,” Cogsworth vigorously rubs his hands together, starts marching past the boy, gesturing for him to follow. “There’s a little warmth left in the servants’ common area. Ordinarily I wouldn’t allow it—”
“I want to see it again.”
Cogsworth stops in his tracks, turns around, stares at the boy in head-scratching befuddlement.
“But why? It’s just a little common area. Nothing of any importance.”
“Take me there, but not there.”
“Not your room.” Cogsworth swings back to face the direction of the servants’ quarters. “Follow me, but keep it quiet.”
The servants’ sitting area is as eerily quiet as before, Lumiere’s and Plumette’s doors still standing ajar. His single candle splutters in the chill, but stays lit. Cogsworth waves his hand out at the couches.
“Take a seat. There’s blankets behind that sofa. It’s cold.”
“I’m not cold.”
Cogsworth stares, rubbing his arms vigorously, feeling goosebumps scratching against the fabric of his nightclothes.
“You’re not cold? I’m frozen!”
Shaking his head, the man shuffles over to reignite the fire, only to find the coals black and cold.
“Looks like the cold’s snuffed out the last coal,” Cogsworth remarks, “So much for that.”
He turns around again, expecting to find the boy wrapped in blankets on the couch. Instead, Adam is at the bookcase, perusing the available tomes on its shelves.
“Good idea,” Cogsworth approves, going over behind a sofa to grab a blanket, “Books can help you fall asleep.”
The boy doesn’t acknowledge Cogsworth, as if he never heard him, or just chose to ignore him. With how aloof he had been to the servants for at least the last couple years, the man wasn’t surprised in the least.
“Well, if you need a candle,” Cogsworth raises his candle up a little, “You can have mine. I’ll go back to my warm bed and you read what you like until you’re ready to sleep.”
But before he can amble off, blanket in arms, Plumette and Lumiere’s voices drift down the hallway into the open door. Cogsworth bites back a sigh—they would wake everyone in the castle with all that laughing and declarations of love. He glances at Adam—he still peruses the bookcase, as though he never noticed anything happening behind him.
“Keep it down!” Cogsworth tells the couple as they come sailing in, “You’ll wake everyone!”
The couple stops short, stumbling to a halt in the doorway, their laughter and smiles cut short. Their eyes stare from Cogsworth, to the bookcase, then back to the elder again. Plumette’s hand loosens on Lumiere’s, while the latter stands stock still, his face becoming several shades paler.
“What’s wrong now?” Cogsworth demands, “And where were you?”
It’s Plumette who manages to speak after several seconds of silence.
“We were checking on the prince a minute ago. We just wanted to see if he was still alright.”
Cogsworth, despite himself, can’t help but feel warmed by Plumette’s concern for the prince even if he had grown cold toward them. It wasn’t that they’d stopped caring about him; they just had to pretend they didn’t, for the sake of their careers.
“He was asleep, Cogsworth, and here he is, still, in the same moment!”
“Perhaps you had check ten minutes ago? Five?”
“No, we came straight here,” Plumette insists, still looking shaken, “How can he be here too?”
“I—I don’t know,” Cogsworth admits, and stares back at the prince, and realises for the first time he can see books through him.
“Sacre bleu, it’s freezing in here.”
Then it clicks. It clicks so hard in Cogsworth’s brain that the man lets his blanket fall back to the floor, the same hand now gripping the back of the sofa. His candle flutters with his movement.
“It can’t be. I’ve never believed in such nonsense.”
His missing shadow. His pinprick pupils despite the darkness. His wide, unblinking eyes like glass. His stiff posture. His strange grammar when he had told him “he didn’t want to go back”. The absolute frigidity of the room and the hall.
Cogsworth swallows, hard. He has never seen Lumiere look so pale before, his hand white as he clutches on to Plumette’s for his life. Plumette, in contrast, looks, while shocked, a good bit calmer than her beloved. Much as Lumiere annoys him, often on an hour to hour basis, Cogsworth is concerned for the man’s state.
“Plumette, get Lumiere to a sofa for God’s sake, before he passes out on us.”
“Cogsworth, I never pass out.” Lumiere protests, but it is weak, uncommitted.
“Just get to a sofa,” Cogsworth turns now to the prince—the ghost of the prince—and sees he has turned around to watch in silence as they all took seats on one sofa, Lumiere in between himself and Plumette.  “You’re not real, are you?”
The prince turns, sharp, to them. “I’m not coming back again.”
“What?” Lumiere and Plumette say at the same time.
“I want to go see her.”
Cogsworth leans over to murmur to Lumiere and Plumette a quick commentary.
“He has told me as such before.”
“Before?” Lumiere echoes. His eyes will not stray from the prince.
“I met him in the hall a few minutes before.”
“And yet we’d seen him in his bed—“ Plumette gasps, a hand flies to her mouth, slowly turning her head to stare at Lumiere. “Oh, Lumiere, what if—”
“No. No, it can’t be—”
“So now you would mourn my passing.”
“What?” Plumette’s voice shakes, she clings on tighter to Lumiere’s arm, “What do you mean?”
The ghost’s hands tighten into fists. Is it Cogsworth’s imagination, or does the cold suddenly seem less frigid now?
“You stopped caring.”
“Never? You abandoned me.” He doesn’t sound so much angry to Cogsworth as…deeply and bitterly disappointed.
“We didn’t—” Plumette begins, but is interrupted again.
“You did.”
Cogsworth clears his throat, “We—we didn’t want to risk our careers at the castle—”
“So I’m less important than a servant’s job.”
“No!” Cogsworth can feel Lumiere’s and Plumette’s eyes on him as he tries to scramble for a better way to put it. “Don’t be preposterous—you are important.”
“But not enough.”
“It’s not.”
“Your father—” Lumiere begins, but is interrupted.
“The castle is a huge place. He isn’t all-knowing.”
“We had to follow rules.” Cogsworth explains.
Plumette sighs, shrugs helplessly. “What else could we have done?”
“A smile. A word. A note passed on surreptitiously. I thought love was stronger than fear. That’s what mother always said.”
“We’re just servants.” Plumette whispers.
“I know better now. Fear is stronger than love.”
Lumiere looks alarmed at this. “No, prince, it isn’t.”
“Then why did you abandon me to my father if not out of love?”
Cogsworth can feel it again in his head, that same explanation, our careers are at stake. We need a living. He cannot, will not, bring himself to say it again. He tries to scramble for another explanation, something that would convince the prince—he doesn’t want him to die—and his brain refuses to come up with anything else.
“I’d trusted in you. Mother had trusted you.”
“You can still trust us to be here,” Plumette says, “We’re not leaving the castle.”
“The castle. But you had no compunctions about leaving me to my father’s will.”
“We most certainly did not,” Cogsworth protests, starting to stand up, but Lumiere pulls him back down, “We were against your father from the start.”
“How do I know this?”
“We—we did not agree to his method of…discipline.” Cogsworth hates, hates, hates the sound of a hand slapping a boy’s face.
“Yet you said nothing to assure me you were still there.”
“We cannot go against a ruler,” Plumette says, “We cannot make him change his ways.”
“I know. And yet no assurance out of his sight or hearing? I heard silence.”
“Silence doesn’t mean we like what he’s doing,” Lumiere says.
“How would I have known? Silence never speaks well.”
“Sometimes it was safer to be silent,” Plumette tries to explain, “Especially in his presence.”
“He had schedules, he was sometimes out of the province, and yet. Silence. Nothing. As if I never existed.”
“He could have known sooner or later.”
“So all it took was my father to take rulership to show your true loyalties.”
“We are loyal out of necess—”
“See!” the ghost points at Cogsworth, “Out of necessity were you loyal to me. And you used my trust!”
“At least you have the strength to say the truth, Cogsworth—”
“I wasn’t fini—”
“It was out of necessity, you said so yourself!”
“He means to your father, my prince,” Lumiere assuages, “We—”
“I reached out to you when I needed help.”
“Your father ordered us not to—”
“Not to help. You were very willing.”
“We weren’t—”
The ghost offers a harsh laugh, grating. “From day one, you bowed under my father’s commands. Why?”
“We had to.” Cogsworth pleads their case.
“Even out of sight and out of mind?” He turns now to address Lumiere. “You and Plumette bend the rules all the time, and yet have to be caught breaking them.”
“This is different.” Plumette says.
“So it’s different for me?”
“You are the prince.”
“A prince shouldn’t be alone. And yet he is in a castle of people. You see why I cannot return?”
“Cannot return?” Lumiere repeats, “But you must!”
“I want to go where I know I will be loved.”
All the air seems to go out of Lumiere—Cogsworth is sure this is the first time he’s ever seen him so deflated, like a man who just learned of the loss of a dearly beloved family member. He didn’t find it so far-fetched, knowing Lumiere had seen the prince like a younger brother who trailed him everywhere once upon a time. The brother Lumiere had always wished he’d had, for he had only ever had sisters.
“But…my prince, you are loved.”
"We can do better, I’m sure of it,” Plumette adds, eyes and voice pleading, “Undo what’s done, and bring back the light.”
“Suit the action to the word, the word to the action,” the ghost smiles, but it is empty, devoid of any feeling. “Goodnight, sweet prince.”
And, in less than the blink of an eye, the ghost disappears, leaving nothing but an empty room, as though he had never been there at all. The flame on the candle on the table flutters, sputters, and goes out, smoke curling to the moonlight-soaked ceiling.
“No…” Lumiere whispers in the dark.
Cogsworth is about to put a hand on his shoulder, offering some form of consolance, when the man leaps to his feet, surprising himself and Plumette.
“Lumiere?” Cogsworth and Plumette enquire at the same time.
They stare as the man runs out of the door, and both instinctively know where he is headed.
“Should we go after him?” Cogsworth wonders.
Plumette is already heading for the door on fleet feet.
Lumiere doesn’t care how fast he’s going as he runs down the candlelit hallways and servants’ corridors. His lungs cry out for air as he hares toward the west wing, his thoughts scrambling to keep up with the rest of him. He swipes at his eyes with a hand, impatiently, even though he knows it would barely make a difference to how much he can see in the light of candles and the moon outside. He feels like it takes forever to get to the west wing, to find the boy prince, to see if he still lived. At one point, he stops to try and ease deeper breaths into his lungs, and it takes him a second to realise he was in the perfect spot where the moon and a candlelight threw twin shadows of him over the floor. He looks away, trying not to think of how he had always affectionately called the boy his “second shadow” when he’d been four or five or so.
Finally, he reaches the closed door to the west wing, and, with a great effort, he pulls the door open, blinking against the bright candlelight inside, peering around, heart in throat. He looks around for a candle, and grabs the nearest available one before he approaches the prince’s bed. The prince is no longer on his side, but on his back. He can’t tell if he breathes, even as he tiptoes closer to the prince’s bed. When he is close enough, he holds the candle up higher, more forward, so it catches Adam’s features. The candle flutters as Lumiere’s hand tightens upon it on seeing that the prince’s startling blue eyes are open, staring up at the ceiling. The servant forces himself to breathe, to speak.
“My prince?”
16 notes · View notes
finewineb · 7 years ago
THE FUTURE IS BRIGHT: a *super* unoriginal ‘best films of 2017′ list
In life, we’re constantly asked what we learnt from things. It’s one way of measuring a completely immeasurable experience. Most films are built on this- ’character arcs’- how do they change and grow? What do they learn? (That’s not a negative thing, just the mechanics of this stick out when it’s done badly). With that in mind, I asked myself, from everything I watched this year, what did I learn?
THE BEST 12 ‘FILMS’ of 2017:
The first thing I learnt- films and TV series have become indistinguishable. It didn’t happen solely this year, but 2017 is definitely the ‘flag in the road’ point. Films are increasingly designed so they can be watched on a small screen with headphones, and most TV should really be watched on a big screen with proper speakers. And TV is sort of the wrong word. Netflix isn’t TV. I don’t know what it is. Just Long Form Storytelling perhaps? It’s certainly becoming less and less episodic. More and more feel like 10 hour films split into 10 parts so you can digest it better. So, this list is really the best 12 *things* of 2017.
The second thing I learnt- how you watch something is almost as important as what you’re watching. What headspace you were in, what time of day it was, if the room was totally dark, if someone a few rows in front of you was talking through the movie, if you’d seen the previous instalments in the series, hell- even if you’d seen the trailer. It all adds to how you think about the film. So, on the list, I’ve included where I saw it.
12. THE DISASTER ARTIST (directed by James Franco)
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True story about the making of Tommy Wiseau’s The Room, the best worst film ever made.
I cried like I haven’t cried in years watching this. I don’t know what it was. Just something about the last act hit me so hard I couldn’t contain myself. And when you’re trying to contain yourself BECAUSE THIS IS NOT A SAD FILM AND YOU SHOULD NOT BE CRYING EVERYONE ELSE AROUND YOU IS LAUGHING PLEASE STOP CRYING it’s really hard to stop. It’s a story of ambition, heart and following your dreams no matter what.
Green screen! Lovely green screeeeen! Purely on an aesthetic level, whenever they’re shooting against that unmistakable, vibrant colour I just loved it.
You know when films do that thing and show pictures of the real people the film’s about before the credits so you can go ‘wow this film’s so accurate and got that detail right’?? This does a version of that, and it’s the only one that’s ever mattered/will ever matter.
The real Tommy Wiseau also has my favourite film related tweet of 2017:
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Seen at BFI Southbank.
11. ORANGE IS THE NEW BLACK SEASON 5 (created by Jenji Kohan)
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The lives of the women at Litchfield Penitentiary, a minimum-security prison in upstate New York. (the annimalllsss the animalllls, TRAP TRAP TRAP till the cage is fulllll...)
This show is about everything the opening titles suggest- women, decisions and time. What’s striking about OITNB is the characters never serve the plot. Plot *is* character. It’s there to serve them. It gives us a framework to waste time with these characters, because ‘all they’ve got is time’.
Season 5 is brave in terms of content and form. There are thousands of people more qualified to speak about the content, so I’ll leave it to them. Form wise: Orange is the New Black is Netflix’s most watched show, and probably it’s major tentpole along with Stranger Things. It has a well-oiled structure. Each season takes place over a few weeks, each episode focusses us in on one character, complete with flashbacks that inform us how they ended up in prison. Season 5 tears that to shreds, setting it basically in real time over 3 days. When it works, it *really* works. There’s no looking away. You feel the grind of what they’re going through. It sometimes leaves them too much time to pad out and we get some boring side plots- but on ambition alone I loved it.
It’s the perfect continuation and accumulation of previous seasons in many ways. The characters you know and love are in extraordinary circumstances. It brings out sides to their personalities that you never knew were there, but fit perfectly. Where all the characters are situated within the prison after the inciting incident is the best use of character geography *as* character I’ve ever seen. Tonally the series has gradually been getting nastier and nastier for a while, but there’s a scene towards the end of this season which is so nasty and so long and REFUSES to cut away even though you desperately, desperately want them too. It’s raw. It hurts. It’s a scene the show has always been heading for tonally and building towards dramatically. 
Season 5 slots in just under 4 for me in terms of ranking them all- but it’s still damn good. One things for certain, 5 changed everything for OITNB. The game is different. 
Oh, and Nicky’s the MVP. 
10. BAD GENIUS (directed by Nattawut Poonpiriya)
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Thai Heist-Thriller. A genius high school student makes money after developing elaborate methods to help other students cheat.
WHAT A FUCKING RIDE!! The most fun I’ve had in a cinema all year. More stakes in this than most ‘end of the world’ superhero movies. Genuinely unpredictable.
The filmmaking is so good it makes you forget plausibility is sometimes being pushed. Amazing set-pieces. Expertly choreographed. Form and content perfectly married. This is the best way to tell this story, like a Michael Mann thriller, a Steven Soderbergh Oceans-style heist.
Every character is so rich and textured in their own way. So fully realised. You’ve met them all at some point in your life. It’s whimsical, but painful and genuinely emotional when it needs to be. Never pulls it’s punches.
2 years time, there will almost certainly be an American remake… and it’ll suck so hard. It’s rooted in Thailand, the socio-economic situation of people, the time zones, the pressure to succeed, and honestly- just hearing it in Thai. 
SEE THIS FILM. SEE THIS FILM. SEE THIS FILM. SEE THIS FILM. If you take anything from reading any of this, SEE THIS FILM.
Seen at Vue Leicester Square.
9. NATHAN FOR YOU: FINDING FRANCES (directed by Nathan Fielder)
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The feature-length finale of Nathan For You’s 4th season. It’s a show that’s difficult to describe without saying ‘trust me’.... but honestly, *trust me*. Nathan Fielder graduated from business school with ‘really good grades’. He offers outlandish solutions to solve problems for struggling small businesses. In Finding Frances, Fielder uses all the resources of his successful show to help an old Bill Gates impressionist track down his high school sweetheart. Trust me.
Nathan Fielder has accidentally and totally on purpose made one of the best documentaries of the last 10 years.
It’s funny how we remember things. Reality and fiction are blurred. Truth is irrelevant. What does real mean? Does it even matter if we remember it how we want to?
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A mother takes desperate steps to pressure local law enforcement to find her daughter’s killer.
Perfectly woven and layered characters. I fucking hate the phrase ‘the character arc’, but if I were teaching a class in it- I’d show this film.
A film about relationships, and every relationship between every character or creature or inanimate object is perfect.
McDonagh loves theatrical sensibilities. Nobody does grand, rich set-pieces quite like him… makes highly stylised situations feel real in the world he sets up.
I could have watched hours more of these characters interacting.
Seen at Embankment Garden Cinema.
7. BLADE RUNNER 2049 (directed by Denis Villeneuve)
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Neo-noir, sci-fi sequel to Ridley Scott’s 1981 classic.
I’m not a fan of the original Blade Runner. I appreciate it! It’s beautiful! and groundbreaking! but I just find it so heartless and cold. I just can’t connect to it. The best sci-fis are amazing stories with really fun furniture (the gadgets, tech etc.) The original is too much furniture for me. In other words, I had no reason to like this one IP wise. 2049 takes everything that could have been interesting from the original and expands on that. The furniture is just that- furniture. An amazing setting that enriches and serves the story. Everything is there to tell the story. I left the cinema feeling I’d experienced something the way that everyone talks about experiencing the first one.
The most expensive art film ever made. I literally cannot believe this exists. I cannot believe they gave Villeneuve £185MILLION to make a 3-hour long, philosophical film that has no blockbuster tropes: no loveable rogue hero; no ‘off-beat’ quippy humour to keep you interested; no CGI extravaganza 3rd act; NO.FUCKING.SKYBEAM with floating garbage spinning around it that threatens to destroy the world and the heroes have to stop it before everyone in the world dies; no setting up 5 other already planned sequels in the franchise so nothing important happens in this one. It’s a rare type of blockbuster in 2017- one that trusts it’s audience is intelligent.
Denis Villeneuve really is the most exciting director working today. This is just further proof. Arrival (2016) still my favourite of his, but I’m almost more in awe of him for this. Taking such a well-loved franchise and doing something new with it in a way that still feels respectful of what’s come before. It’s his film.
The only use of Hollywood’s new trend of digitally recreating actors (ala Peter Cushing in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story) that will ever matter. THIS is how you do it well.
Gender politics (we’re gunna’ go there, SPOILERS AHEAD and I know my opinion doesn’t really matter or count for anything on this just thought it’d be silly not to bring it up, feel free to disagree, v. interested to hear what everyone thinks about this!!) Lots has been written about the treatment of female characters in 2049. Most apt example I can think of to explain how I feel- Taxi Driver (1976), there’s a cafe scene in which the camera lingers on some black characters for uncomfortably long in a kind of parading manner, a ‘look at how terrible these guys are’ manner... it’s very understandable why one could interpret the film itself as racist. I’d argue the film is completely aware of what it’s doing- it’s putting us in Travis Bickle’s eyes, who is a racist character. I mean, we’re literally in his head the whole thing, hearing what he’s thinking and seeing what he’s seeing... I guess what I’m saying is- ‘it’s a decision.’ It’s not an offhand random shot where the filmmaker’s own gaze comes through, it’s a skilfully planned decision to make us question and think about something, in Taxi Driver’s case- what kind of man Bickle is. The treatment of women in 2049 *IS* a decision. It’s not Villeneuve lazily commodifying women, it’s him saying a world where women are only a commodity is a fucking bleak one. It’s a world where real women have been rendered obsolete because the height of success in our society (the CEO of a large corporation), an egoistical white guy with a god-complex manufactures life so women aren’t necessary for continuing the human race, and creates holographic partners for everyday men so they’re emotionally fulfilled without having to engage with actual women. And it’s so horrible. I mean, is anybody happy in this film? Is the picture of the future this film paints bright? It’s a film about how the arrogance of men will destroy everything. And on a base story level, it’s literally about guy who thinks everything is about him... but it turns out to be about a woman. Perhaps it’s lazy for the film to make the decision ‘it’s a patriarchal world so all the women are prostitutes and are treated badly so we’re just gunna’ do that’, but I dunno’... I think there’s more going on. I think Villeneuve is too good for that. I mean his last film was literally about a genius female linguist being the saviour of the world and how a mother’s love is the most precious thing. Would he really do such a U-turn and make a film where the female characters are just objects to be gazed at? I mean- maybe?? If any other aspect of the film felt like it was the studio meddling with Villenueve’s vision I’d buy that... but it’s just SO his film. And I think he’s clever enough to know who the primary audience of this film is- geeky 20 year-old guys. He draws them in with the surface (and all too familiar) images of the female characters, and then turns all of that on it’s head. Just my opinion. Obviously I can never be completely impartial- very happy to be converted the other way. 
Seen at Picturehouse Central.
6. CALL ME BY YOUR NAME (directed by Luca Guadagnino)
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Somewhere in Northern Italy, Summer 1983, Elio’s life changes.
Sun-drenched Europe, the smell of warmth and twirling cigarette smoke, deep blue sky- pure, breakfast with a glass of apricot juice and an espresso, the sound of bike spokes spinning lazily.
I wish I could live with these people.
The rawest and best final shot in the last 10 years.
Seen at Odeon Leicester Square.
5. THE BIG SICK (directed by Michael Showalter)
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A Pakistani-born standup comedian/Uber driver and a grad student strike up an unlikely relationship.
MAGIC. The perfect retort to use when someone says ‘all rom-coms suck’. A genuine slab of gold that’s as funny as it is heartfelt. And it’s just SO the kind of thing I like.
I’m unbelievably bored of films and just art in general that’s terrified of being sincere in fear of being labelled sappy or over-sentimental. The Big Sick says ‘fuck you’ to that school of thought and goes for it. 
Comedy, romance and drama are effortlessly blended- sometimes all in the same scene. And it never feels off-kilter, mainly due to the amazing performances. Kumail Nanjiani, Zoe Kazan, Ray Romano, Holly Hunter and the rest of the cast always play the truth of the scene- not the humour, the romance or the drama, just the TRUTH of the moment.
The perfect antidote to the year 2017 in general.
Seen at Aldeburgh Cinema.
4. YOU WERE NEVER REALLY HERE (directed by Lynne Ramsay)
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Gulf War veteran Joe rescues children from trafficking rings.
This is a horror. And more terrifying than any jump scare, this whole film is populated by ghosts.
Deeply troubled, deeply disturbed. Beautiful. Precise. Scatter-brained. Focused. A violin strung too tightly, then played by a madman. How can something so stripped down and raw feel so symphonic and wholesome?
There are things in this that will play on loop in my head for the rest of my life. Images and sounds so seared into my brain they find me at the strangest of moments in a day, and I’m always left thinking about them for the rest of that day. It’s clever like that. Joe can never escape what he’s seen. 
Francis Ford Coppola famously told press at the 1979 Cannes premiere of Apocalypse Now - ‘My film is not about Vietnam. It is Vietnam.’
You Were Never Really Here is not about PTSD... it is PTSD.
Seen at Odeon Leicester Square.
3. LOGAN (directed by James Mangold)
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Wolverine’s last outing.
I’m not a huge fan of superhero films. Most are fun. Most are also lazy. Few will survive the test of time. Those that will use all the tricks in their genre box and do something interesting with them, transcend- Rami’s Spiderman 2 (2004), Bird’s The Incredibles (2004), Nolan’s The Dark Knight (2008)... and Mangold’s Logan. 
So aged. So weary. Everyone is tired. Tired of running, tired of fighting, tired of living. Like three sharp metal claws jaggedly tearing through flesh, nothing is polished about this. Bloodshot eyes, skin like leather. He feels so much regret. Like most real heroes, he mourns those he couldn’t save rather than celebrates those he did. And it’s eaten him up inside for the hundreds of years he’s lived.
Here I go talking about furniture again... but every piece of furniture (superpowers etc.) is there to serve the story (and here the characters are story). Like so many blockbusters and superhero movies fail to do, this film is about something other than the furniture... e.g. how do you tell a story about dementia that gives someone who hasn’t experienced a family member suffering from it *that* feeling of sadness, loss, embarrassment, empathy and frustration? You give it to Charles Xavier (played by Patrick Stewart), a character you’re use to seeing as the leader, who always has a clever plan up his sleeve and has the ability to control other’s minds. You give it to him, and you force everyone watch the person they respected the most have to be lifted into bed while screaming about fast-food. It’s heartbreaking. Complex. It’s actually about something other than how in superhero world teamwork saves the day. Every ‘plot point’ and moment tells us something about these characters, even to a fault sometimes. SUBTLE: Logan pulling them jammed claws the way an old boy down the pub with arthritis feels his fingers. UNSUBTLE BUT STILL INTERESTING: making Logan fight the only thing he’s truly scared of- literally the version of himself that blindly obeys orders.
Everyone is SO fucking real. Just *watch* the way Daphne Keen eats that bowl of cereal.
Would highly recommend watching the ‘Noir’ Black & White version. 
mild spoilers: It also features the best single edit of the year, from Laura stabbing the shit out of some dude to a flurry of scattered drum beats in the score... then that piercing animalistic roar rips through and all is silent... she spins.... from this:
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CUT to this:
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An empty forest, the roar echoes out... a low bass note tolls like a funeral. Something is coming. Help is on the way, but it’s an untamed, ruthless, violent help. He’s near...
No one single cut has ever given me chills like that before.
Seen at Odeon Leicester Square & Picturehouse Central (Noir version)
2. TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN (directed by David Lynch)
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Agent Cooper’s odyssey back to the small town of Twin Peaks. The original series of Twin Peaks that aired in the early 90s is often cited as creating ‘prestige’ television as we know it today- your Game of Thrones’, HBO high-quality, Netflix and so on... 25 years later, David Lynch and Mark Frost have returned to kill it. 
Earth-shattering. Groundbreaking. An 18-hour film (split into 16 parts) so layered, so complex i’m not even sure where to begin... and most of what I have to say has probably been written by someone else much more eloquently. 
For the first 9 hours, I found The Return mostly frustrating. I love the original series so, so much (and the prequel film Fire Walk With Me is one of my favourite films of all time). When I hit hour 10, it was like all the clouds in my head suddenly cleared. I ‘got’ it. What I thought I wanted was all my favourite characters back again talking about cherry pie and coffee with that soft romantic filter. Lynch and Frost (the creators) knew I wanted that. They also knew I didn’t *really* want that... because, the original series will always exist. They knew nothing would disappoint more than a soft reboot. The Return is it’s own thing- within the universe of Twin Peaks, and... within the actual universe. Seriously, how can you categorise this? It jumps from screwball slapstick comedy to silent black and white existentialist horror to 10 minute live band performances... what is the point of even trying to categorise it?
On some of the individual parts: Part 3 is a low-fi, surrealist, near silent masterpiece. Part 8 is... ‘Pure Heroin Lynch’ and has already changed TV forever. Part 11 is the most satisfying instalment, fulfilling storylines from the original series in a measured and poignant way. Part 17 is the conclusion we wanted, sort of... Part 18 is the start of a new mystery, and one of the most haunting things I’ve ever seen.
Twin Peaks will change you life.
Seen on Laptop.
1. THE FLORIDA PROJECT (directed by Sean Baker)
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In the shadow of Disney World, 6 year-old Moonee and her friends spend the summer playing around the Motels they live in, while her mother Halley struggles to find a new job.
Pastel bright colours. Every person has survived a storm. Explore the wasteland of failed corporate America. Become a child again. The endless spinning of helicopter blades, a constant reminder of what they can’t do- escape. 
Doesn’t ask you to like the characters. Doesn’t need to. Moonee has seen too much. Halley’s anger at herself and her life bubbles underneath every word and action, but she just doesn’t know how to fix it.
It is *SO* achingly beautiful it hurts. I find it hard to even watch the trailer without crying.
For the problems that face Moonee, honorary queen of The Magic Castle Motel, and the impending darkness that’s sure to come, she has the most powerful gift of all- finding hope where there is none. 
‘See, I took you on a safari.’ 
Seen at Odeon Leicester Square & ICA.
DISCLAIMER- things that are not out yet in the UK/I shamefully haven’t yet seen and would likely be on my list too: Lady Bird (further DISCLAIMER i would actually kill somebody to see this) A Ghost Story Raw Phantom Thread War for the Planet of The Apes Coco American Vandal Mindhunter
The third thing I learnt this year- it’s impossible to talk about a specific scene in a film without spoiling it. So... SPOILERS.
The Stairway Fight - ATOMIC BLONDE (directed by David Leitch)
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If someone could tell me what the fuck was going on in Atomic Blonde that’d be great but until then I’ll just marvel at how amazing the fight sequences are. Charlize Theron again puts herself at the centre of the progression of American action cinema following her iconic performance in Mad Max: Fury Road (2015). From the first time we see her, lying in an expensive bath healing her wounds and soothing her bruises, we know at some point we’re going to see how she got them. CUE: The 15 minute stairway fight sequence, made to look like a single continuous shot. Leitch and Chad Stahelski (his frequent collaborator and director of the also brilliant John Wick: Chapter 2) are determined to show general audiences what good action scenes look like. This 15-min beauty harkens back to the almost dance like hospital shootout in Hard Boiled (1992), with the rawness and determination of a Children of Men (2006) tracking shot. Charlize Theron (as MI6 agent Lorraine Broughton) fights her way through swarms of henchmen over several floors of an abandoned block of flats, all the while trying to protect Eddie Marsan (who wouldn’t want to protect Eddie Marsan??) Every punch, kick and throw HURTS. By the end, she and the final henchman are so exhausted there’s a sense they might just call the whole thing off- but something pushes them on. Oh, and there’s a 5 minute car chase all part of the same shot to end. Also features the BEST LINE OF 2017. In retort to the final henchman strangling her desperately whispering ‘Take this, bitch!’, she turns the tables, stabs him up hard, then before delivering the final knockdown, pushes her nose to his and asks- ‘Am I your bitch now?’ She doesn’t wait for a reply.
The Eyeless Woman - TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN (directed by David Lynch)
Lynch’s best nightmare.
Train Hysterics - LAST FLAG FLYING (directed by Richard Linklater)
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2003. A Vietnam veteran recruits his two oldest buddies, who he served with, to accompany him on a journey no one should ever have to take. 
I liked this movie a lot- just missed out on the top 12 list. The standout scene happens little over half way through, the characters sitting in a storage carriage of a train talking about losing their virginities. It’s the best ‘characters uncontrollably laughing’ scene since The Intouchables (2011). 
The Snowball epilogue - STRANGER THINGS 2 (directed by The Duffer Brothers)
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Stranger Things season 2 was super mixed for me. I enjoyed it a lot. Kind of. 
The first series is a perfect little story, with a perfect beginning, middle and end. I god damn *love* it’s characters so, so much. The plot was simple remixed 80s nostalgia beats, but really just a vehicle for you to get to know Mike and Eleven and Nancy etc. Think about how much each and every scene was practically designed to reveal more about who they were. It was so beautiful. Season 2 however had wayyyyy too much plot which was obsessed with itself and how cool it was and as a result left characters with nothing to do. In other words, in Season 1 all the characters had something to do because the plot came from them, in season 2 characters were given plot roles... like, explain to me what Mike did all season before he saw Eleven again at the v end of episode 8?? What did Jonathan’s storyline tell us about him we didn’t already know? Sure, they don’t have to set up who they are all over again, but the best sequels never take for granted we love the characters- they give us new reasons to love them. 
It’s clear to see whose storylines had natural progressions from season 1 and they knew where they were going, and those they had to think of something because Netflix desperately wanted another season quickly. The only original characters season 2 really worked for were Steve and Will. ‘Steve The Babysitter’ was the perfect progression for his character- him voluntarily discarding his Alpha-Jock status, seeing it was all bullshit, now his caring side comes out. Fuck, think how much you disliked Steve all of Season 1 compared to how much you love and deeply want him to be ok at the end of season 2. THAT’s good writing. His storyline was perfect for his character, it kept giving us new reasons to love him. And Will. Holy shit. His descent into Reagan-level possession was the most engaging part of season 2. Basically all of the story came from him. And Noah Schnapp is so damn good. I think simplicity is the key. His story was unpredictable till the last moments, when you realise it was inevitable. It has a clear premise, unlike most of season 2. 
In the first, there were very clear overarching premises from the start- Will Byers is missing, Eleven has escaped from the Lab, the Demogorgon is on the loose. Simple premises that allow our characters to manoeuvre around... Season 2 doesn’t really have one other than Will is clearly still connected to the Upside Down... the Mind Flayer doesn’t really start as a concept till the penultimate episode... Hopper and Eleven living together maybbe?? but we’re not really given enough time with them. Everyone else is left with nothing to do, or something that doesn’t really serve their character... UNTIL THE LAST 15 MINUTES.
The Snowball epilogue was like coming to the surface after swimming laps underwater- I sort of enjoyed the laps but I’d rather just be able to breath. All the self-indulgent 80s nostalgia *plot* is done, and all the characters have interesting things to do!! Steve giving Dustin tips dropping him off, and then that longing look he gives towards the hall. Dustin realising ‘I don’t look like Steve Harrington’ after being rejected by every girl at the ball and dejectedly crying... and in comes Nancy to save the day!! Genuinely one of the most beautiful moments in anything all year (notice how we learn more about Nancy’s true nature in this one moment that anything else she really did all season??) Jonathan nearby keeping an eye on Will and being his helpful self taking the Ball pictures. Lucas ignoring what the rest of the group think about Max and asking her to dance. Will actually going to the ball, acting as normal as he can and dancing with someone!! Joyce and Hopper nervously wait outside and reminiscently share a smoke as they did in their highschool days- contemplating on how they probably won’t ever feel like they aren’t worried about their kids... and finally Mike and Eleven just having a bit of happiness for once- actually going to the Snowball together, a beautiful conclusion after speaking about it at the end of Season 1.
As each moment passed in this glorious sequence, I loved the characters more and more. They aren’t doing anything supernatural or life threatening, but the stakes feel SO much higher than they had all season. It’s real. They aren’t shackled with ‘advancing the plot’, they can just be themselves. And I loved it.
Time’s Arrow, Episode 11, BoJack Horseman Season 4 (created by Raphael Bob-Waksberg)
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BoJack Horseman has been the most visually beautiful cartoon for a while now, it’s breathtaking season 3 silent underwater adventure Fish out of Water helped to gain it much appreciated wide applause. Time’s Arrow is a different beast. Genuinely horrifying. A mind cracked into a thousand pieces and glued back together into something resembling crazy paving. The animation is disturbing. Really disturbing. The nightmarish images running through the failing mind of an old woman with dementia. Images of her regrets, the neglect and abuse at the hands of her parents. Memories burn and melt away like plastic in a fire. The faceless humans and constant scribble over Henrietta’s face haunts me. Beyond the obvious sinister imagery, it means something. A puzzle with too many missing pieces to really make out what the picture actually is. And we’ll never really know.
It’s not the first thing that pops into mind when you think of ‘cinematography’, but Time’s Arrow is the best visual storytelling since... the previous season of BoJack Horseman.
Cate Blanchett as various in MANIFESTO (directed by Julian Rosefeldt)
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Originally a critically acclaimed multi-screen video installation in which Cate Blanchett plays 13 different characters, ranging from a school teacher to a homeless man, performing artist’s manifestos in 13 different scenarios. Part of the financing deal was Rosefeldt had to cut a 90 minute, linear version of the piece for a cinematic setting.
NO one could have pulled this off like she did. She’s running on adrenaline and pure bravery. She makes interesting choices at every twist and turn. How does looking at her never get tiresome? Every jump from character to character feels genuine. She blew my mind- I knew I was looking at the same person over and over again, but I also *knew* I was looking at 13 different people. 
A masterclass.
Kyle MacLachlan as various in TWIN PEAKS: THE RETURN (directed by David Lynch)
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2017 is the year of staggering ‘multi-character’ performances. Kyle MacLachlan’s involvement in the new season of Twin Peaks was basically the only thing anyone knew about it going in. And he is the heart of this season in so many ways. Returning to a character 25 years later must be a daunting prospect, but MacLachlan shows no fear. Not only does he play the pragmatic, joyful Agent Cooper we all know and love, he plays his steely, pure evil doppelganger Mr C, child-like amnesiac Dougie Jones and in the final episode... someone quite special. And he makes it look so damn easy. He is the fabric that holds together The Return.
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2017 has been a bad year for Hollywood. Ultimately though, it will be looked back on as the turning point. THINGS CHANGE NOW. The old guard is running from their past scared. And they should be scared. Uma Thurman is coming to murder them all. There is no room left for the Harvey Weinstein’s, the rotting core of top-down abuse has been exposed. Brett Ratner can fuck off with his swaggering playboy image and terrible movies. 
What is truly uplifting is who is going to replace them. A new generation of pure, true artists that this year has shone a spotlight on.
The future is Brooklynn Prince and Bria Vinaite, stars of The Florida Project. The future is Timothée Chalamet, whose central performance in Call Me By Your Name is the realist, rawest thing ever. The future is Saoirse Ronan, the next Meryl Streep. The future is Daniel Kaluuya, who has finally gained world-wide recognition for his stunning leading performance in Get Out. The future is Finn Wolfhard, Millie Bobby Brown and all of the kids from Stranger Things, who masterfully manage the horrific pressures of being thrust into the tabloid spotlight at the same age most of us just want to cry in our rooms. The future is Sophia Lillis and the rest of the Loser’s Club from IT (a film with the most oppressively terrible sound design ever yet they still manage to make it fun and watchable.) The future is Daphne Keen, the best on-screen cereal-eater who almost steals the film from Hugh Jackman in Logan. The future is Lucas Hedges, someone with rare human fingerprint over every word he speaks in Three Billboards and last year in Manchester By The Sea. The future is Donald Glover, the most creative, multi-talented young artist alive. The future is Caleb Landry Jones, who’s had maybe the most impressive year, with standout supporting roles in The Florida Project, Twin Peaks: The Return, Get Out and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri. The future is Tessa Thompson, the best thing about Thor: Ragnarok.  The future is Michael B. Jordan, Chadwick Boseman, Lupita Nyong'o, all the team behind the upcoming Black Panther film, helmed by Ryan Coogler. The future is Barry Jenkins, director of best picture winner Moonlight. The future is Daisy Ridley, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Adam Driver and Kelly Marie Tran, the new faces of the most popular franchise ever. The future is Alice Lowe, a force to be reckoned with. Writing, directing and starring in a feature film is difficult enough. She did all of that while heavily pregnant. Oh, and it was her debut feature. It’s called Prevenge and it rocks. The future is Ava Duvernay, a beacon of hope- cannot wait for A Wrinkle in Time, which drops early next year. The future is Sean Baker, the most empathetic filmmaker working today. The future is Patty Jenkins and Gal Godot who have revolutionised the superhero film and inspired a generation of little girls with Wonder Woman.  The future is Kumail Nanjiani and Zoe Kazan, who I’ll follow in whatever they do after The Big Sick. The Future is Jordan Peele, the most exciting new director. The future is GRETA GERWIG, mumblecore queen turned saviour of cinema.
So, what did I learn this year? Well, Agent Dale Cooper is certainly one of the best characters of all time. But most of all: amongst the darkness of everything that’s happened within the film industry in 2017... there’s hope.
The future is bright.
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heroesmusings · 5 years ago
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FULL NAME: Elise Opal Burke 
MEANING: Oath of God
NICKNAME: Doll, Lee, Lisey
MEANING: Bucky calls her Doll and the others are just shortened versions of her name
AGE APPEARANCE: Appears 30, is actually 111 (Don’t bring it up)
BIRTHDAY: May 5th, 1917
SPECIES: Enhanced Human
GENDER: Cis female
THEME SONG(S): I Did Something Bad by Taylor Swift, I’ll Follow You by Shinedown, Woman Like Me by Little Mix, Not with Haste by Mumford and Sons
HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: A little longer than shoulder length, most of the time wavy. She pulls it back for missions but the rest of the time its down
EYES COLOR: One blue eye and one green eye
EYESIGHT: 20/200 One eye is worse because it’s closer related to a snake. Though she has yet to tell anyone she literally can’t see out of one eye
HEIGHT: 5″10′
WEIGHT: 165 lbs
OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: For missions she wears Other!Cap’s uniform that was fitted. When she has time off it’s alway Steve or Bucky’s clothing
ABNORMALITIES: Two different colored eyes. 
DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): When on a mission she has a metal arm. She’s got stretch marks all over her hips and thighs and breasts, bullet hole wounds and knife wounds. She has Bucky and Steve’s initials and army numbers tattooed on her hips and later a ring tattooed on her left hand
SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Elise is very put together for missions and leaving the house but at home she’s usually cozied up without makeup 
FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Before the war, Elise seemed gentle and soft but after Hydra she’s become a bit unapproachable and distant 
BODY TYPE/BUILD: Muscular band fairly lean
DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Constantly looks annoyed and like she knows better than you (she does) 
POSTURE: Fairly straight posture, has changed since taking on the arm and the shield 
PIERCINGS: one on each ear, nipple piercings .
DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Elise’s voice is gentle, a little on the deeper side for a woman but will make sure she’s heard despite how sweet her voice sounds
MOM: Rachel Burke
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: She doesn’t know her mother, she left right after Elise was born
DAD: Paul Burke
HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: She doesn’t remember much of him before he went to prison. Her grandfather doesn’t like to speak about him 
OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: Grandfather (Oliver Burke) 
PAST LOVER(S): Unknown
CURRENT LOVER: Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes
REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: She’s polite but doesn’t do more than a shake of hand and small talk 
ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: …….if they aren’t the avengers then she doesn’t work well with them. She’s used to being the boss and it’s hard to change that.
HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Sociable to a degree, again all polite conversation if she doesn’t know them.. But if with friends then very social 
FRIENDS: Tony Stark, Natasha Romanoff, Other!Peter Parker, the rest of the avengers team
PETS: Basil, a giant anaconda
LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: Anyone who thinks they can boss her around, anyone who is unaccepting of her sexual orientation
PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Protective, unable to say no
FAVORITE PEOPLE: Steve, Bucky, Tony, Nat and Peter
LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Anyone related to Hydra
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: ? Distant, Polite, Sarcastic 
..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Excitable, Loyal, Protective
FAVORITE FOOD: Waffles, Pop Crackers (Funyuns), M&Ms
LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Anything too strong on the sweet or spicy spectrum 
LEAST FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: That fucking electronic shit 
HOBBIES: Reading, sun bathing, bothering Tony 
USUAL MOOD: A good mood most of the time 
DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Drinks socially, smokes every now and again because she’s from the 40s OKAY 
DARK VERSION OF SELF: Unforgiving, cutthroat, skull splitting 
LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: Gentle, healing, loving 
HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Elise is only really serious on missions, other than that she’s very joking 
SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: Talking about Hydra, Talking about her old universe, anyone targeting Steve or Bucky 
OPINION ON SWEARING: ……...she grew up in the 40s war time with Bucky and Steve -- it ain’t a pretty mouth
DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: cautious holy fuck 
MUSIC TYPE: Anything with a little swing, the “oldies” 
MOVIE TYPE: Documentaries just because she's trying to catch up on this universe
BOOK TYPE: ANYTHING SHE CAN GET HER HANDS ON, she loves reading!! Anything and everything 
GAME TYPE: Card games! Basil helps her cheat 
COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: If the room isn’t warm she’s LEAVING 
SLEEPING PATTERN: For a LONG time Elise barely slept but now that she’s back with Steve and Bucky she sleeps well again, curled up next to Steve until he leaves to work out then she’s snuggled up with Bucky 
CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: It’s the 40s in her, but she likes a pretty clean house.
DESIRED PET: MORE SNAKES MORE SNAKES, but also likes cats and dogs
HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Reading and annoying Steve and Bucky
BIGGEST SECRET: Her fucked up eyesight is her biggest secret at this point and her fear of waking up alone, everything else is really out in the open 
WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: Elise would say it's a snake but it’s a wolf -- faithful to her pack until her last breath
FEARS: Steve and Bucky dying again but also the rest of the avengers 
COMFORTS: Anytime Bucky and Steve just hold her, sunbathing in one of the boy’s sweaters, the sound of her boys’ voices
SAD: Elise is a private sad person, she bottles it up until it comes crashing through the flood gates, until she can’t stay anymore and she can no longer breath or hold herself together, it’s a violent sadness 
HAPPY: Elise jokes a lot, she loves teasing and messing around with people, she can’t stop smiling or laughing.. She feels warm and content 
ANGRY: VIOLENT, SHe tends to get violent, it can be with words or with fists (She’d NEVER HIT THE BOYS OR HER FRIENDS) 
AFRAID: Elise gets angry when she’s afraid, she gets frantic, her mind goes right back to the moment she lost it all, her lungs feel like they’re full of smoke and the world feels slow and heavy
LOVE SOMEONE: She loves them wholeheartedly, she wants to hold him, kiss them, make them smile and laugh and show them how good they are and how important they are to this world .
HATE SOMEONE: Elise ignores or makes sure they know she doesn’t like them 
WANT SOMETHING: …………...well…. She’s much more of a piner than anything 
CONFUSED: She usually brushes it off, chalks it up to just not knowing 
DANGER: She looks to where Steve and Bucky are, if they’re the ones in danger she’s making sure they end up safe.. And if they aren’t she addresses the danger with CAUTION and A PLAN 
SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Elise would turn them down straight up sorry 
PROPOSAL TO MARRY: It would be a confusing thing.. I’m sure proposed in bed by one of the boys, laughing as they do because they can’t get married.. But it would turn into something she’d want even metaphorically 
DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Considering it’s already happened once, Elise couldn’t handle much more. It’d ruin her. 
DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Elise gives it to Bucky or Tony to figure out 
INJURY: If she’s hurt it isn’t really that big of a deal. Someone else? FUCKING MOTHER HEN MODE, She was a nurse she’ll fucking fix it 
SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: Elise would wanna squish or kiss 
LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: She’d find someone to annoy with all her time off 
LANGUAGES: English, German,, ASL.
SCHOOLING LEVEL: Nursing School 
FAVORITE SUBJECT (S): Anatomy and English 
EXPERTISE: Combat, Communication and Control of Snakes, Manipulation, Enhanced Senses, Seduction 
PUZZLES: They aren’t they interesting to her 
CHEMISTRY: In the science field a little bit because of her new body chemistry but for humans, she’s got an eye for it.
MATH: Elise didn’t care much for math 
ENGLISH: SHE LOVED ENGLISH, she adored writing
GEOGRAPHY: After Hydra she’s an expect at geography 
POLITICS/LAW: Being from the 40s and seeing things first hand, Elise has a VERY strong political view 
ECONOMY/ACCOUNTING: Again the 40s a very strong view of the economy 
COOKING: Elise knows a lot about cookies because woman in the 40s but is working on making things modern and able for her to eat
SEWING: Again VERY good at it because of her past, both clothing and medical 
MECHANICS: yeah that’s a no 
MYTHOLOGY: none really
DRAMATICS(ACTING,SINGING): She’s a good manipulator but GOD SHE CAN’T CARRY A TUNE, only sings to make her boys laugh 
HOW GOOD ARE THEY AT PLANNING AHEAD: Elise is a planner, she can’t help it. She’s far too aware of time passing and the danger her boys get into not to be a planner 
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: YES Y E S. Elise is constantly working her boys up 
HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): Elise likes to play coy at times to be flirty but usually she likes to be pretty open about what she wants 
GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Lady in streets, a freak in the sheets oKAY 
GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Elise and her idiot boys are the very definition of GO SLOW 
TYPE OF KISSER: Elise likes it slow and deep, she likes to take her time, build it up before it explodes 
DO THEY WANT KIDS: ..at first no then yes
DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: She wishes they could 
MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: Elise likes to think MOST of the time she makes good choices 
HOW ARE THEY IN BED: Well consindering she knew these boys before they knew her, she’s fucking MINDBLOWING 
GET JEALOUS EASY: Yes but she can’t help it she’s just.. Scared 
FAVORITE POSITION: Elise likes either being in the middle or on top. Her favorite is when she’s riding one of the boys and then they other is fucking whoever is on bottom… she also likes it from both ends :)
WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: a warm sunday afternoon, they’d take turns dancing to steve’s favorite record and there’s nothing looming over their shoulders.. It’s just them having a cute picnic in their living room
OPINION ON SEX: Elise really likes sex honestly, she likes the intamcy with her boys.. Something she thought she lost. 
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uglygothic-blog · 7 years ago
About Me TEN FACTS ► Name ➔ Annaliese ► Birth place ➔  North England ► Hair color ➔ Black ► Age ➔ 24 ► Eye Color ➔ Blue ► Birthday ➔ March 19th ► Gender ➔ Female ► Lefty or Righty ➔ Right ► Single or taken? ➔  In a relationship ► Happy? ➔ Not sad, just about to go to bed and on my PC, so content probably.
TEN THINGS ABOUT YOUR LOVE LIFE ► Are you in love ➔ Yes ► Do you believe in love at first sight ➔ No, not really ► Who ended your last relationship ➔ Not me ► Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ I think I have and I do not feel bad ► Are you afraid of commitments ➔ Yes ► Have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ Yep. I love cuddling. ► Have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ Yes. ► Have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ I don't think so. ► Do you usually spend Valentine’s Day alone? ➔ Not the last few years, but it's not a big deal so its no different than any other day. ► Short or long-term relationships? ➔ Whichever makes you happy
TEN CHOICES ► Love or lust ➔ Love ► Lemonade or iced tea ➔ Lemonade but must be diet. ► Cats or Dogs ➔ Dogs always ► A few best friends or many regular friends ➔ No friends ► Television or internet ➔ Internet. Television annoys me as I have little choice. ► Pepsi or Coke ➔ Pepsi Max is heaven ► Wild night out or romantic night in ➔ Neither ► Day or night ➔ Whichever involves sleeping ► Text or Call ➔ Text. I hate talking on the phone. ► Make-up or au naturel? ➔ Make-up always too.
TEN HAVE YOU EVER ► Been caught sneaking out? ➔ No. Never had to I don't think. ► Fallen down/up the stairs? ➔ Yep ► Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ I don't think so ► Prank called a store? ➔ Nah ► Skipped school? ➔ No. Skipped way too much college though, and then uni. ► Wanted to disappear? ➔ Not really ► Spent all your money? ➔ Regularly ► Met a celebrity? ➔ No one huge, but a few bands. ► Been really ill? ➔ Yeah, been in hospital for some quite bad things ► Gotten high? ➔ Yeah
TEN PREFERENCES ► Smile or eyes ➔ Smile, it makes me smile ► Light or dark hair ➔ Darkkkkk ► Shorter or taller ➔ Taller, I'm way too small ► Intelligence or attraction ➔ Intelligence ► Hook-up or relationship ➔ I suppose it would depend who the person was. I wouldn't like a hook up with anyone though. ► Funny and poor or rich and serious ➔ Funny and poor, as I'm poor so I can't expect richness to just come at me. ► Mac or PC? ➔ PC. Never had much experience with Mac computers though. ► Chapstick or lipstick? ➔ Lipsticks, the darker the better. ► City or country? ➔ City ► Driving or walking? ➔ Walking is one of my favourite activities.
LASTS ► Last phone call? ➔ Mummy ► Last song you listened to? ➔  I Feel For You - Chaka Khan ► Last thing you ate? ➔ 0% fat blueberry and elderberry yogurt, yum yum yum. ► Last thing you drank? ➔  Water ► Last place you were? ➔ With my nana and my great auntie, then home, then the shop, then here. ► Last kiss? ➔ A kiss on the cheek from my boyfriend as I was wearing lots of shiny wet lipstick so it wouldn't be fair to him to wear it too. ► Last picture taken? ➔ A picture of a painting I did. ► Last outfit? ➔ A black little dress, fishnet tights, knee high socks, platform boots, hooded jacket, leather jacket over it and some leather fingerless gloves as it's very cold now. ► Last purchase? ➔ Pack of ciggies. ► Last argument/fight? ➔ Can't remember, I hate fights.
1. Have you ever had someone pick you up off the ground & carried you? Yeah, my brother always picks me or my mum up and throws us on the sofa as we're both short and apparently easy to throw away the living room.
2. Are you a flirty person? Nah
3. Do you like coffee? How about tea? Neither to both. Warm drinks aren't that nice to me.
4. Where exactly was your first kiss? Stolen from me in a dark room at a house party. But really I was so desperate and embarressed that I'd never kissed anyone at that time, I was happy that it was over.
5. The last store you went to was…? Heron Frozen Foods haha.
6. A name you hate with a passion? I don't think I have one.
7. Do you have a friend named Alex? No
8. The last person you held hands with? I like to hold hands when I fall asleep when I'm cold so it was Mike.
9. How about the last movie you saw? Sight Seers, I think that is what it was called..
10. Did you like it? Yep, was quite dark but funny.
11. What is your favorite type of water (ex. arrowhead)? They're all the same really
12. Have you ever been to Warped Tour? Nope
13. Do you know anyone who wears fur? Maybe
14. When was the last time you were on myspace.com? A few days ago to look at ancient photos from when I was 16.
15. How often do you cuss? Every other sentence, swear words feel nice to say.
16. Have you ever cussed out a teacher? Nope, I liked all my teachers.
17. Do you know how many kids are at your school? I haven't been to school in 9 years, and I don't remember, maybe 700?
18. What did you think of the movie Juno? I really like it
19. When was the last time you had butterflies? Not sure, probably when I was worried about something.
20. How often do you eat meat? I'm a vegetarian so unless its accidental than never.
21. What grade did you meet your best friend in? I don't have one.
22. Would rather be loved or love someone? Be loved
23. Last time you cleaned your room? I swept my kitchen about an hour ago.
24. Have you ever gotten clothes from the kids section of Target when you were over the age of 10? My leather jacket is a childrens age 11-12 haha
25. Are you more of a science/math person or english/history person? Or how about science/history or something like that? I'm an art/history/geography/religious studies/english, I really didn't enjoy science or maths.
26. What is your biggest fear? My family being hurt or dying.
27. Have you ever been cheated om in a relationship? Yep and it was much more horrible than i imagined.
28. Your favorite children’s book you ever read? I liked Roald Dahl books, like Matilda or The Witches or George's Marvellous Medicine. I liked Enid Blyton books too. I loved big hardback children's encyclopedias too, or the Guiness Book of World Records.
29. When you were little, would you have rather watched Cartoon Network or Disney Channel? Neither, I liked Nickelodeon more.
30. Do you shave your arms? Nope
31. Since using the internet regularly, have you started to read less than you used to? I use the internet more but I do like to make time when I love a book I'm reading.
32. Are you a big fan of the Harry Potter series? Not a huge fan, I loved the books. I'm not really fussed by the films.
33. How often would say you pulled all-nighters, if you ever do? Never, I love sleep too much.
34. Do you wear make-up on a daily basis? Yep but only if I leave the house
35. Has a friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend ever had a problem with you for any reason? I don't think so
36. How old were you when you learned to drive? I can't drive :(
37. How many times a day do you find yourself cracking your joints, if at all?  Not purposely, but my ankles always click but it feels nice to do it before bed.
38. Do you find yourself feeling lazier when the weather is warm? I don't think it makes much difference
39. Is there a particular sport you follow on a regular basis? Not really
40. Are you a fan of the TV show Friends? Yep! All episodes can be watched any time!
41. How old do you think is too old to sleep with a stuffed animal? There is no such age
42. If AC wasn’t an option, would you rather sleep with a fan on or with the windows open? Window open, less electricity but it might give you bad hay fever.
43. Do you find it hard to fall asleep when you know you have to be up earlier than normal? Nah
44. Do you style your hair in the same way every day, or do you prefer to switch it up? I sometimes crimp it or might put it in a ponytail, but mostly just down and straight. I don't know much about hair and it's not thick enough for fancy styles, but oh well :)
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purplesurveys · 8 years ago
Took a survey back in 2013, re-answering it, then going to compare my answers between those four years. Let’s go.
Is there an ex you think about everyday? No. Now: Technically I kinda do. I had an ex, but we’ve since gotten back together and I think of her all the time now. Look at 15 year old me saying no, aww.
Who is the last person that you said I love you to, besides family members? Punk. Hahahaha. Now: Gabie, saying goodnight last night.
Are you mad at anyone right now? In a way. Now: Nope. It’s 5:29 AM, it’s too early to be mad about something right now.
Is there one thing all of your ex’s had in common? …Hey, you know what’s amazing?!! I don’t have exes, so stop with these questions!!! Now: HAAAAAH getting snappy there, self, aren’t we? Then again my answer is still none, so.
What’s a compliment you receive often? A lot of people say that I’m a good writer and I would be an excellent journalist one day. And I appreciate every compliment like that. It’s what I aim for in the first place. Now: ^ I still get that on a regular basis, but nowadays I don’t even want to become a journalist anymore. Tastes change.
Have you ever had a friend that got a bf/gf,and then completely ignored you? She didn’t get a boyfriend, just a new set of friends; and yeah, she did start kind of ignoring me, which really sucks considering that I’ve been friends with her for almost a decade now, then all of a sudden we pass by each other in corridors without even saying hi to each other. Now: Yeah I remember that brief period between me and Angela. That really sucked, and was the reason why I was mostly alone in freshman year. But to answer this question, no it still hasn’t happened. Angela’s gotten a boyfriend through the months, but Hans and I are very close; he runs to me when he needs advice concerning Angela.
What summer was the best of your entire lifetime? I don’t really know, all my summers suck since I’m always stuck at home. Now: I’ve never been able to have a good summer - all of them have a dark period attached to them, where my depression worsens and I stay locked in my room.
Would you ever go back to any of your past relationships? - Now: I already have. It was a huge risk, but one I enjoy today.
Who was the last person to comfort you when you were upset or crying? Sari and Sophia. Now: ^ HAHAHA this survey was answered during intramurals season I bet. I would never even associate with Sophia, but we were teammates in table tennis and she probably comforted me when I lost one of my games. Shudders thinking about it. Anyway the last person was Gab.
What would you name a baby girl if you had one? I’m too young to think of that! However I really admire the name Lorraine, and as an homage to AJ Lee, I also got my eyes on the name Jeanette. Now: Still too young to think of that, but my picks have changed. Nowadays I’m looking at the names Olivia and Arden, buuut Jeanette is still promising.
Do you want to get married? Meh. Now: Welp, I do now.
What does your last recieved text say? - Now: i’m charging my phone on the other side of the room, so I don’t know. The last I remember getting said, “I love you.”
If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be? Singapore. Now: Ugh, same. Singapore is always a good idea. But I just want to stay where I am for the time being...my family’s preparing to leave for Vigan at 6 in the freaking morning and they are being so hectic right now. I just want to stay here first and chill for a sec, but since it’s a 10-hour road trip they wanna go as early as possible to avoid the traffic greeting us when we get back to Manila.
Do you prefer to text or talk on the phone? I like texting, but this is kind of a problem since I don’t own a phone haha. Now: Texting is easier. Plus it’s never my choice to talk to anyone on the phone unless it’s with Gab.
Whats the worst thing you have ever said to anyone? …Hm. I’m not sure. I’m usually not myself when I’m mad/hurt, so I might’ve said some pretty mean stuff without realizing it. Now: I don’t know. I think mean things all the time, but I never immortalize them into words.
What was your favorite walt disney movie as a child? Dumbo. Even though I run out of tissues every time. Now: ^ I didn’t even...watch that movie... as a kid? What made my 15 year old ass answer that lol. My favorite was and is actually Toy Story.
What will your last words be when you die? It’s too early to ask this, don’t you think? Now: Welp I just want to be able to say I love you to the people who have deserved it, no more profound messages or important revelation before I go.
What was the worst day of your life? I don’t know. There’s been a lot of bad days. Now: There have been many days. I don’t want to go back to them since I’m not particularly suicidal right now.
Do you know anyone that’s gotten an abortion before? No. Now: Not that I know of.
Do you think you could forgive someone for cheating on you? No. If he’s already showed his lack of loyalty, rest assured he’s going to do it again in the future. Now: Look at me being straight before, with that ‘he.’ I’ve always said I would always hold it against them, but with Gabie coming around I’ve slowly learned to forgive. So ultimately I don’t really know, and I won’t know how I would react until it has happened to me. 
Who is the last person you argued with? Some kid from school named Lyka. Now: My mom.
Have you ever been arrested? I have never been in trouble with the law. Now: ^ Pretty much.
Who was the last person your gave your number to? - Now: A group mate in geography class who needed to ask for it.
Why do you hate your ex? - Now: Yep, same answer.
Do you still talk to the first person you kissed? - Now: Yeah, she’s still the last person I kissed.
Do you have a picture of you kissing someone? - Now: It’s from a photobooth, but yes. We’ve never had other people take kissing pictures of us because why the heck?
Are you hard to please? Kind of…? Now: I dunno what I was on back then but I’m very easy to please nowadays. I guess it’s because I’ve been more depressed since and am desperate to look for ways to be happy.
Have you ever gotten back with an ex? No. Now: Sure have. 15 year old me would be shook at all these crazy answers.
Who was the last person to comment one of your pictures? I don’t post pictures much–oh, wait, I think it was Shoks. Now: LOL Shoks, god this survey is disgustingly old. I haven’t been on social media for the past three weeks, so I’ve gotten no comments on anything at all.
What does the 3rd text message in your inbox say? No phone. Now: The third to the last one I got was Gabie complaining how her mom snores so loud lol. Like she didn’t get that from her.
Why did your last relationship end? - Now: She was being complicated. She didn’t have her priorities lined up properly and I ended up being thrown out of the picture completely.
Have you learned from your past mistakes? Yes. Now: For the most part, yes. Sometimes my mental condition makes me repeat where I go wrong, though; such as in uncalled for behavior and comments.
Who’s the last guy you hugged? One of my cousins, I think. But that was a super long time ago. Now: Probably Hans. He’s the only guy I’ve hung out with for the past few weeks or so.
Who’s the last girl you hugged? I would say the entire high school, but I didn’t participate in the group hug last Wednesday haha. Hmm. I think it was Gabie. Now: LOL still Gabie.
Do you tend to go for older or younger when looking for someone to date? I’m more into older guys. Just ask my sister HAHAHA she knows the age gaps between myself and the people I have crushes on! Now: Ugh stop talking so much about men, self; you had no idea what was coming for you :(( Realistically though my preference has always been people my age. I tend to feel uncomfortable when I’m around older and younger people.
Do you remember the first time you kissed the last person you kissed? No because it’s never happened??? Now: Yes. I was shaking and shivering and nervous on my bed.
Would you ever use anyone for money? Of course not. Now: No. Who asks this in a survey lol?
Have you ever been used? I probably have, but I don’t know what for.. Probably because I’m too nice.. Whatever. <- LOL this is so me. Now: ^ Still holds true. I mean it’s probably happened already, but like they said I probably never even noticed it.
When do you want to get married? I’ll know it when I’m ready. Now: ^ That pretty much wraps it up.
Who was the last person to make you cry? Ate Megan because I love her so much huhuhuhuhuhuhu Now: My mom, because she was being mean to me again.
Have you ever not been able to get someone out of your head? AJPUNK Now: I miss AJPunk. Nowadays, no one, really; other than my girlfriend who is an obvious choice there hasn’t been anybody else.
Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? CM Punk? Jk, heheh. Now: Nope.
Do you have more guy or girl friends? Girl. I only have two guy friends. Now: Definitely more girl friends.
Have you ever cheated on anyone? I haven’t, and I never will. Cheating is such a dick move and I’ll never forgive myself if I do cheat. Now: ^ And that was such a dick thing to say by a 15 year old. No I haven’t, and for the most part it is not okay, unless there’s like a very specific situation that makes it the least bit acceptable.
Have you ever cried over an ex? - Now: Yes.
Do you believe that the last person that you kissed cares for you? - Now: Of course.
Do you have any kids or want any in the future? I want one kid. Now: Stillllll want one kid.
Do you think your pretty? My pretty what? Now: High school me was a fucking smartass.
What did you dress up as last Halloween? I dressed up as GM!AJ. Now: I wasn’t able to celebrate Halloween last year since I was quite caught up with the workload of the first semester. Plus if I remember correctly, I also had a bout of depression at that time. Nothing seemed exciting to me then. 
What hair color do you prefer on the opposite sex? Brown, or black. Now: I don’t have a preference for the opposite sex.
What about eye color? Hazel. Now: LOL I only said hazel because Punk’s eyes are that shade. What is wrong with me?!?!?!?!???!
Is there anyone in your life who you won’t ever want to lose? My best friend. Now: My best friends.
Are you evil? Maybe? Now: ^ Thanks for scaring people off with that one. No I’m not.
Do you judge people when you first meet them? A lot of people are guilty of this, I’m pretty sure. Now: I do, but I shrug it off the second I start thinking of judgments.
Have you ever got caught cheating on a test? No. Now: Nope. I only ever did it one time, and I still hate myself for doing so.
How old do people tell you that you look? 15-16. Now: They never really tell me anything to my face, but I know I look considerably younger than what I’m supposed to be.
Relationship between you and the last person you texted? - Now: In a relationship.
Will your next kiss be a mistake? - Now: No.
Have you ever worn an oxygen mask? Nope. Now: Nope. I mean I hope I’m never in a situation where I have to, because that means it’s bad.
What would make your life perfect? World peace. Also, just to be a little selfish, when I meet AJ and Punk. Now: If sleep wasn’t so difficult to achieve.
What song do you want to be played at your funeral? Too soon to ask this. Now: The first song that came to mind was Landslide by Fleetwood Mac, but I dunno.
How many swear words are in the song you’re listening to? None. Paramore doesn’t really make use of swear words in their songs. Now: I’m not listening to music right now.
What color was the last swimsuit you wore? Black. Now: I don’t remember anymore, it’s been three weeks.
Who did you like this time last year? Punk hihihi jk Now: ^ P a t h e t i c lol. My girlfriend.
Have you ever kissed anyone of the same sex and if so who? Nope. Now: Since answering this survey four years ago, yes I have. I’ve mentioned her too many a time at this point.
What color do you dye your hair? I don’t dye it since my school doesn’t allow it. Once I graduate I’ll probably dye it green. Now: Yeah I still haven’t dyed my hair ever.
Did anything annoy you today? It’s only 7:13 AM. Let’s see. Now: A little. My phone’s battery acted up early this morning and despite being plugged in and charging, it remained 1% for like an hour. Bugged me to near death and I felt restless until I saw it finally increase. But for the rest of the day, no not really.
Has anyone ever said they loved you and not meant it? I don’t know. Maybe. Now: Probably in the past.
Do you still care about the person you first kissed? - Now: Yes.
Is trust an issue you have? It’s a problem, but it’s not very serious. Now: I don’t know what I was talking about there, because I’ve always been very trusting with people. It’s earning my trust back that is difficult.
Have any of your family members been to jail? No. Now: Not that I know of.
Are you wearing any rings right now? Nope. Now: No, I don’t wear any rings.
Who did you last tell to ‘shut up’? My sister, as a joke, of course. Now: Maybe Gab when she woke me up from my nap a while ago but idk.
Who took a picture with you last? Ate Megan, Maica, AJ and Ate Abby. Now: Aww those were the participants in the table tennis tournament I played in when I was either a freshie or a sophie, I don’t remember. The last people now was my family.
Would you ever get a tattoo of a boyfriend/girlfriends name? Maybe. Maybe not. I’m not sure yet. Now: I’d rather get something significant that’s like a shoutout to them. Like a film reel/X-Files/San Junipero tattoo because she likes those, but never her name.
Is there any drama in your life right now? Honestly? There is, kind of. Now: No. I wouldn’t call my illness drama.
Are you close to your mother? No. Now: No.
Are you one of those girls who already have baby names picked out? No. Now: No not picked out as in those are the very names I’ll stick with, order included; but I just have some favorites singled out already. Then again they may still change through time, so I’m never entirely sure about them.
Do you know someone who’s a stripper? Nope. Now: No I don’t.
Do you think guys with long hair are attractive? Only those who can pull it off. Now: I don’t really find guys attractive.
Who’s the last person you heard swear? Brendon Urie haha. Now: Ferris Bueller.
Are any of your siblings taller than you? My younger sister is a little taller than me. Now: YES THEY ARE BOTH TALLER THAN ME NOW WHY.
Who’s the last person that you smiled at? My…dog. Now: Possibly my dad.
Do you think anyone hates you? Oh, right now, especially with the drama going on? I definitely think so. Now: ^ Holy shit I remember that, and boy do I not want to remember that lmao. No, not nowadays.
Can you open up to others easily? Huh, I guess. Now: Yes. For the most part, it’s the kind of thing like as long as you ask me directly about me and my life, then I will answer you as openly as I can. I’ve never really had any serious reservations about that.
Is anyone angry with you at the moment? Pretty sure. Now: I’m sure there isn’t.
Do you believe in giving second chances? Depends on how big or serious the mistake was. Now: I don’t give out second chances unless the person happens to mean a great deal to me.
Who did you last talk to on AIM? LOLAIM. Now: ^ Same.
Have you ever scared someone so badly that they cried? Yes. Now: Yeah. I used to scare my brother when he was very young.
When was the last time you wore high heels? Last August. Now: This past Friday actually. I was playing around in my closet and found old stilettos that I used to regularly wear, so I tried them on just because. I reeeeally miss wearing high heels.
When was the last time you were extremely upset? Just last Monday. Now: Saturday.
Is there someone that you want to hurt right now? Not really. Now: No.
Have you graduated high school yet? No. I’m graduating in two years. Now: Yeah, I graduated March last year.
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compunctionjunction · 8 years ago
11 facts about me
i was tagged by @1of1prism​ to post 11 facts abt me!!! thank you <3 
(sophie i literally copy and paste ur old posts into my new posts so I’m probably gonna copy some of ur facts whoops) 
1. hi my name is marina ((but that’s in my basic blog description so i’m gonna pull a sophie and give u 2 facts in one thing even though it’s CHEATING)) and I am...... a millennial sjw ...............smh millenials..............,,,,,,,,,,,, 
2. I’m at uni and i study social justice stuff and also geography (migration...immigration.....urban planning....) and I’m pretty good at writing essays but i procrastinate like nobody’s business lol (yikes!!!) and i like to read (which i guess is good cause i probably have 200 pages a week!! not including when i have to read (a) whole book(s) ie english!)
3. I’m not like a masterchef but I can do a recipe i’ve never done before and generally have it turn out pretty good which is apparently impressive to some? i like baking with friends as a fun thing to do but I’m also really controlling in the kitchen so it’s probably not that fun after all LOL
4. I’m allergic to almost everything lol. including:
dogs, cats, any furry animal that exists
birds and feathers
dust, mould, etc
trees and grass, 
some random medicine i dont know the name of (i didnt know this until like last year cause i went to emerg but ya thats a thing it apparently gives me a rash)
5. i’m an anxious bean but like under really like......inconsistent (?) circumstances? or more like uh....non-.......whats the word like when it doesn’t match what your brain thinks something it would be (WHATEVER) anyway like yesterday I almost cried cause i didn’t understand a card game but one time when i was a kid my little bro had a seizure and my parents had to rush him to the hospital and we had to call my grandma to come over, and like my sister was all !!!!!!??? boo hoo hoo and i was all like “gimme the phone i’ll do it”. like sometimes i keep a very cool head in situations you wouldn’t think i would and sometimes im a mess in a situation u’d think i wouldn’t be u know what i’m trying to say
6. I really like music but i’m not like that Musical Person friend. Like I listen to a lot of music of a bunch of different genres and time periods and in elementary/high school I played the trumpet (i also did piano and euphonium but like if u gave me one of those now I wouldn’t be able to do much with it whereas if u gave me a trumpet.....man). I really like acoustic songs, and songs with violins and saxophones in it, HARMONIES, songs where people’s voices go really “raw” sounding, songs where people’s voices have that like “radio voice” filter, songs that start off kinda soft and then BUILD!!!!!, and songs that have a bunch of different parts all doing their own thing but then they all come together for this multilayered goodness!!!!!. If anyone other than John or Sophie is reading this (bless your soul if so) and if u have song recs for me, like, lay them on me i always need new music
7. I don’t get a lot of mainstream references but I have a weird um...pool of reference material that I can pull from?? like i’m not like That Guy who’s like rly obnoxious always talking abt those obscure movies but my parents are both like from drama stuff and like movies/shows and are also huge nerds so i’ve seen like a wide array of genre-d stuff. plus i took a film course so i’m basically an expert. did you know that plot and story are two different things? Story is whe---
8. My family’s kinda complicated. (wow i sound like an emo blog in 2006 but i just didnt want to start another long rambley sentence so here we are) My mom’s side is italian and my dad’s side is british so my italian relatives weren’t too happy abt that (i just learned this the other day but apparently at their wedding my moms uncle [who’s a dick] was saying something inappropriate to my dad, who was like “uhhhh...” and then her other uncle was like ‘ay! tony! leave the asshole alone!’ LOL) and then the british side is full of drama and alcoholics lol. and then the communication in my like... regular fam is a bit bad lol ((also i have like......30+ cousins, (20ish regular and a shit ton distant but less that i actually know) and yet we keep in contact with each other so what a weird ironic twist that is eh))
9. I can like kind of swim but I also like can’t swim cause I don’t float even though everyones like “ya u do!! people float” i just sink down lol. tho i’m kind of practicing a bit every summer at my friend’s house. i also like to pretend that it’s because of childhood trauma cause i had swimming lessons on two (2) different occasions  and they were both awful
when i was like 6 , and i refused to put my face in the water so my instructor was like “Right!” and shoved my head under lol!
when i was like 10 and i was embarrassed enough being like an older kid learning like... level 1 swimming right before these like 5 year olds who were doing the same thing (also in retrospect my instructors were only like 16 im pretty sure, like they seemed rly old to 10 year old me but they were really young lol) and the same thing happened as the other one except with diving lol. like i didn’t want to jump off the deep end and sometimes i would do it myself but at least once this girl pushed me in (basically every time either way they had to pull me up from the bottom which was kinda useless like if ur gonna teach me to dive whats the point if u dont teach me to come up from a dive right?? right)
10. I’m kinda quiet and shy but when I have the chance and am comfortable i go on HUGE rants and also go off on like 12 different tangents while trying to tell a story. like you could probably figure out this about me by reading this post but i just wanna let you know this isn’t a one-off thing just because it’s a Fact Post like i do this in real life and the way i talk is probably just as broken up and confusing as how i type!!! ahhaah
11. I used to be a hater but now I’m like actively trying to not be a hater cause hating on stuff for no reason is boring and liking stuff is fun (tho it’s harder in person cause i’m really sarcastic and pessimistic and i literally can’t stop complaining about things). Some things I stopped hating on recently:
Aesthetic things that are like “basic”/”simple” (i have an aesthetic blog now! who knew!) like pictures of like......curtains?? i used to be like “wow thats dumb” but man textures and also the weird mood that’s connected with your aesthetic it’s so calming
K-pop LOL :) 
Honestly?? memes. 
Boys apparently??? I dunno how true that is but @1of1prism​ knows me better than I know myself most of the time (but i still dont give 2 shits abt boys)
fanning over stuff in general tbh like.... enjoy things
people in a judgemental sense (im working on it....)
Intrigued by this post? Interested in my life? Check out my /tagged/about! Follow me on tumblr for more quality content! 
(Jesus i’m done this legitimately took an hour)
i tag @purewhiteflames​ as well and i also tag @nuliflyer​ just to ruin ur “i’ve only been tagged once” so ha ha 
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