isolabellz · 3 months
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house husbands
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kanrix · 3 months
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every time i watch anything with him in it (admittingly, predominantly from the Dropout app), i am reminded that Lou Wilson is the most handsome man to have ever lived. like, objectively. he just is. i will hear no arguments for any other person to be ranked higher. Lou Wilson: whose face single-handedly shows humanity can go no higher in beauty. he is THE most attractive man in the world. argue with the wall lmao
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vilevampirez · 1 year
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[ID by @princess-of-purple-prose: Mairimashita! Iruma-kun fanart.
Colored art of Iruma wearing dresses. The left shows him wearing a purple dress with a glittery purple-to-pink skirt, doing a peace sign and looking flustered. The right shows him as Irumi, wearing a pink dress while winking and smiling widely. The center has small icons of his face for each version.
Uncolored line art of Irumi smiling and doing a rock hand.
A sketch of Iruma looking startled and blushing.
Irumi looking flustered.
Iruma with a big smile.
Iruma smiling happily, a heart floating next to him. End ID]
woe. mairuma art be upon ye
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demaparbat-hp · 1 month
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Zuko was a child when he met Agni. Then, the spirits started coming to him. Eyes hidden in the hallways, voices pleading for help, for recognition, for remembrance.
Zuko could see Agni. He could see the broken remains of a Great Spirit and the empty smiles of amnesiac ghosts.
And they could see him in return.
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ursiday · 1 year
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Sphynx dragon design from last year
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sollucets · 2 months
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wandee goodday, episode two
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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He's the biggest kid here. Large and In Charge.
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Elim Garak: fucking around vs finding out
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hoofpeet · 1 year
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perpetually suffering the tortures lately
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trashcreatyre · 5 months
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Get these gay people OFF my screen >:/
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spitblaze · 3 days
gnc and butch women (cis AND trans) and transmascs are punished for performing masculinity past certain thresholds of arbitrary attractiveness because people that cishet society categorizes or clocks as 'women' are not supposed to perform masculinity. hope this helps 👍
#spitblaze says things#this is the last thing im ever gonna fuckin say on the topic. im purging this stupidity from my brain once and for all with this post#there is an intersection of transphobia and misogyny here and idc what you wanna call it but to deny its existence is weird to me#transfems' hypervisibility means they have a lot of recognition but its absolutely not a privilege#transmascs' invisibility means they can stealth and fly under the radar easier which is better but not by a lot#and the assertion that nb people have to 'pick a side' so we can decide how to treat them is fucking ludicrous#there are absolutely differences in our treatment and our needs but a lot of it boils down to the same shit.#we are women when they want to deny us agency. we are men when they want to deny us support. this is true for everyone under the umbrella#and it's MEASURABLY worse when you're not white#anyway. im kinda over leftist groups who spend all their effort arguing about theory instead of doing anything in practice#so the next person who claims butch lesbians have 'masc privilege' or that transmascs dont actually face any sort of unique oppression#is getting smacked with a heavily vandalized copy of abigail schrier's Irreparable Damage#like again idgaf what you call it. you can just call it 'transphobia and misogyny' if you want im not a cop#ive just seen too many people who claim that it doesnt exist at all and im done with letting this take up brainspace#so im hanging up this sign and leaving. goodbye#i saw us go through the exact same shit with bisexuals and asexuals and gay men and frankly im not thrilled that its at my doorstep again#we go through a lot of the same shit but different populations do in fact need different kinds of support. thats it
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miutonium · 29 days
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Trying to court the maiden from the neighbouring farm please wish him luck 🤞🤞🤞
Alt version undercut lol
Also I am open for commissions :))
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I didnt draw the BG duh I just grab it from the wild west episode and try to color match everything heehee :3
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sarioh · 7 months
shoutout to you and all the other ethubs warriors who have been here with me in the trenches since 2021. we were right about everything ever since the beginning of time but in the worst possible ways and no one can ever take that away from us . amen
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heartorbit · 1 year
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girl... kill!!!!
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