kikruui · 1 year
pspsps i love u too!! /p for your concern please take these mini pizza kittens <3
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i hope they found themselves a happy home!!
they look so tasty
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me ^^
they have a very happy home in my tummy<333333333333
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thepunkmuppet · 6 months
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YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!! YIPPEE!!!!!!
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oddthesungod · 5 months
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Finalized fully shaded commission for @maybetwice, an updated look for their D&D character I originally drew a lil while ago! ✨💖
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mostlykind · 2 months
omg not england actually playing well for once
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wwillywonka · 4 months
literally never not thinking about this. please release a studio recording of this version with the new lyrics... please.....
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dawnbreakerluna · 21 days
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   where people’s troubles mainly relied in wanderers; strange, otherworldly creatures as they are, aisla had become acquainted with the supernatural and keenly-sought entities for as long as she could remember. it was a gift, the very one that both burdened and protected her. it was recognized by the very same researchers who performed the protocore amalgamations made to her heart, but even the threat of a spiritual cloud didn’t stop their determination and greed.     now older, having graduated into the highest division among the hunters association, the fire in aisla has never left. because of her capabilities and incidents of the past that required her unusual expertise, the unicorns team has leaned into the understanding that among the wanderers that lurk about, there’s phenomena that cannot be explained through their thorough research over the years. while aisla doesn’t feel alone, given the few individuals she works with in the mpi unit, it’s certainly a lonely path she treads. there’s much to the universe that seeks her compassion all around, leaving the heaviness of the unknown to weigh down on her shoulders.
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Top 5 plants 🥰
omg thank you for this ask but i am about to expose myself for not being a plant girly so i am so sorry for that!! also these are in no particular order!!
1. roses
2. venus fly traps
3. ferns
4. crotons
5. marigolds
ask me my top five/top ten anything!!!
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ironladders · 5 months
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chaotictomtom · 8 months
you guys are so nice ive started startrek in less than 2 months and im greeted by the nicest tags on my art sniffles....... honestly so moved rn idk how to express how much that means to me <3333
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cpyclopse · 1 year
I started crocheting and I made some gay flowers for my gay books!
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Im about to rant about flowers and gay people so when youre done looking at my awsome flower book marks scroll if you dont wanna read like 4 paragraphs
So fun facts about these flowers in case you didn't already know!! As we all know some flowers mean different things (you can go deeper with floriography which is so neat) and they are just generally used in symbolism. We know lillies, specifically white ones, are used for funerals (at least in the west) and red Roses are for love we assign flowers and plants for roles often times by their looks, locations, and histories.
First we will talk about the Violet. So back in yee olden days in ancient Greece around 600-500 bce there was a poet named Sapho. She is important for a couple reasons 1) she was a woman and misogyny has been around since before Jesus (literally) ancient greece had some cool stuff and had some cool policies like that they (from what ive read) were pretty considerate of different religions even having some temples for immagrants for them to pray in but they also had stuff like slavery and generally hated women. And 2) she was the first ever documented woman who explicitly liked other women and wrote about it.
Sapho, being the pretty popular poet she was, made poems about her love of women and in one of them she talked about a beautiful woman wearing violets. That line is where we get the connection of violets to lesbians (and wlw people in general). People have refrenced her violets a lot in history some have also used diffrent purple flowers as well to show their love to other women.
Next we got the Pansy. This connection has been around for at least a little over a 100 years. Pansy has been used as an insult for queer men bc theyre delicate flowers and such and grrr flowers are feminine men are are big and strong hrumph. The term "pasny craze" was made in like the 20s bc queer people were really coming full swing well not really but more and more people knew of our existence and they weren't happy about it (shocker i know). To sum it up its more of a reclaiming something that was used against us there was even a bar named after the flower. To add on there is another flower used to represent gay men and this one was a bit more like flagging. This being the Carnation(my personal favorite flower) specifically the green one. The one and only *Oscar Wilde* wore one in his breast pocket which in turn trickled down to the every day gay mans consciousness.
Maybe we should think about flowers more i know i do. I cant grow a garden bc i dont like to go outside and bc the sun here is evil but someone should grow a gay garden for me. That would make you a real horticulture lad *ba dum tisk*
Bla bla bla rant info dumping all in all i crocheted gay flowers and put them in their respective gay books
- xoxo gossip girl
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muirmarie · 2 years
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Hey! If you're looking for an incredibly fun, incredibly well-edited, incredibly enjoyable podcast, might I suggest -
Lads on Tour: "a very chaotic, very queer, very fun D&D podcast about a bachelor party at the end of the world." (x)
It's set after a post-rapture apocalypse, it's SO funny, but it's also very soft??? It's just lads becoming friends!! And also the end of the world! And also D&D fights! And puzzles! And eels! And Dog, and cats, and BDSM spiders, and angels, and the hottest, sweetest himbo demon, and familial trauma, and also did I mention the end of the world, yes yes that, too, but more importantly: have you been to the Big Tesco????
The cast is fantastic, the eps are ~1.5 hours every 2 weeks (and there's no crosstalk/drawn-out gameplay that can slow poorly edited AP's down), the DM is SO good (I think some of my fave moments have been immediately following him saying "....sure, why not" to one of them lmao), and the characters are AMAZING, and I love them SO MUCH.
(I held off on listening to it at first because given the name I thought it was going to be very bro-y, and I absolutely could not have been more wrong, it is the opposite of bro-y.)
Found wherever you get your podcasts, but also:
spotify | apple | RSS Feed | twitter | insta | their website
Also did I mention how many eel facts you'll learn?? This is a pro-eel podcast.
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thepunkmuppet · 1 year
season 6. the djinn finds marwa. he turns her back into marwa. marwa comes back. marwa kills nandor. the end
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oddthesungod · 1 year
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a badge for my harengon, Arlot, since I'll be playing as him soon! <3
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thebleedingeffect · 1 year
skyward sword link for th blorbo bingo?
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I'm gonna be 100% honest, when I first started skyward sword, I didn't get the sksw Link propaganda. But after playing the game completely through and massively enjoying the story? Sksw Link is so fucking GOOD I could talk so so much about him and just how fucking funny and amazing he is. Truly one of the Link's of all time he's very very cute and endearing to me <333
Also he wins points for being one of the few Link's we see who gets visibly pissed on screen, him and tp Link shaking hands and kissing or whatever
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SO uh
I usally go to game8.co! It has reviews of updates weapons, and characters! Just type in the character you want and itll give you info about it!
hope it help
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*clickclickclickclickclick* (the sound of me rapidly typing in the website name)
time to start farming lotuses for Layla!!!! :D
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cheridraws · 2 years
the world you've built so far sounds fascinating! sounds like a killer fantasy novel! and the bit with Phil being responsible for Lasair being around yet Patrick feels the need to sacrifice himself in the process of defeating Lasair- that's some juicy conflict right there waiting to happen. also i would like to know more about Lasair and that design!
Eeee thank you anon!!
And yes yes!! Lasair’s plan could not have happened without the help from both the boys,,, so the conflict that happens between them stemming from both their guilts is 👌👌👌 so so yummy. They’re both equally responsible for this mess!! Phil knows he’s responsible for the release of it into this world, but chooses to blame Patrick because if he acknowledges his own crime, then that makes him partially-responsible for Patrick’s insistence on sacrifice,,, they’re both so fucked up I love them <3
And LASAIR,,, my beloved
So, for some context: Lasair is what is referred to as a Spirit in their world, which is a being created out of a massive event in history. The life spirit was created by creation, the death spirit was created by the first death (a little songbird, hence its title the Songbird), and et cetera. Lasair happened to be formed out of a human-started fire that burned down the entirety of an island (the world is basically a bunch of islands connected via ports and ships. Lasair was created by the destruction of one of the bigger ones)
Due to this, Lasair is basically a living flame. It was corrupted by the hatred that caused its fire, though, so it views the world as a place of corruption, fear, hatred, et cetera and wants to purify it. Uh. Purify as in destroy all of it. Oops. The issue is that the other spirits kinda hate this idea, and managed to lock it up via ritual with the help of some humans (one of which happens to be granted immortality as a gift,,, and is helpful to the plot later on,,, and makes me want to cry)
Phil just happens to uh. release Lasair several centuries later not knowing what it was. in his defense tho it did trick him….. Like, if god came out of the sky and said he was going to give me college money as long as i helped him out, I’d probably do it too
ANYWAYS, Lasair’s power is limited, so it knows it needs the help of humans to achieve what it wants; it’s not nearly as strong as the other spirits (it’s fairly new), and it’s flame can only reach so far. It needs to make other humans do it’s work (which is also proving it’s point abt humanity. That they’re irredeemable and prone to destroying themselves. But also like,, Las is purposely surrounding itself w the worst of humanity and helping feed its already traumatized and broken followers this idea that humans are terrible and don’t deserve life, worsening their own issues, so them and It are only ever seeing the worst,,, and not the beauty,,, sobs)(also also Patrick being apart of this cycle of hatred and eventually ESCAPING. And then slowly looking into the world around him and realizing it can be beautiful. URGH). Anyways, to get humans, Las figures that it needs to *appear* human in order to gain their trust and loyalty
You know how how you can burn sand into glass? That’s essentially what it does. It wears faces of glass/porcelain that it can mold very quickly, and the same with limbs and it’s body. When it wants to change, it lets these pieces shatter, then reconstructs it’s features, like glass blowing,,,, it’s kind of hard to explain, haha. Spirits aren’t supposed to appear human, though, hence the oddness of Lasair’s attempt. Its facial expressions are caused by the glass reheating and shifting, and its mouth never moves due to the effort that would take, so it just opens it to signal its speaking,,, that sort of thing.
This faux skin is also very warm to the touch since underneath it there is literal fire. Also, it never has managed to form hair; it just lets flames take the shape of that. Since creating large amounts of this glass-like body is difficult to maintain, it usually only forms a face and arm, then lets its cloak hide the rest
(This is also to show why Pat, whose own hair is the color of Lasair’s flames, shaves his head immediately upon leaving and covers up the rest with a hat. He’s ashamed of sharing that color with it).
Lasair is an interesting concept to me though,,, its worldview and Pat’s attempt to change that view in the end. The way it takes broken ppl and convinces them that the world is nothing but suffering, so why save it… and then how willingly Pat went along with this mess, even being the one to help Lasair create this empire, before escaping that mess and learning how to love life again,,, OUGH it makes me so so unwell!!! I rlly need to draw Lasair at some point…
Anyways, thanks for the ask anon!! <33 I love getting to talk abt my lads haha
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