#L&T Tiernan
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leifandthorn · 5 years ago
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Leif & Thorn Q&A #110-112
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tilthedayidice · 3 years ago
Name Palettes:
This is a list of names I've completed or are currently sitting in my ask box waiting for me to complete them! I've put them in alphabetical order so they're easier to find!
Please keep in mind that some names have both "masculine" and "feminine" versions and will have the same definitions.
Aarasha, Adastra, Adriana, Agni, Aisha, Alannah, Aleah, Alexandria, Alexis, Amanda, Amaris, Ambrose, Amelia, Angie, Annie, Ant, Apollo, Archer, Ari, Ariana, Ariel, Ashley, Aura, Avalon, Avery
Belinda, Bianca, Birgit, Bo, Breanna, Brittnay, Bryana
Caleb, Calliope, Calvin, Candy, Carakyn, Carly, Casanova, Cassandra, Cepheus, Chandler, Charolette, Claire, Cohen, Constance, Corynne,
Damien, Darby, Deanna, Dustin,
Edith, Ela, Elior, Elisabeth, Elliot, Elyan, Emily, Emrys, Espen, Evie
Finnigan, Fira, Flavia, Fletcher
Gaeylin, Gams, Gordon, Gracie, Griffin, Gwilym,
Hannah, Hex,
Icarus, Inga, Isaac, Isabel, Iska,
Jacquetta, Jackalope, Jade, Jana, Janus, Jasmine, Jasper,, Jeffery, Jordan, Julia, Justin,
Katarina, Katjia ,Kathryn, Katya, Kieran, Krista, Kymberly,
Lacey, Lane, Laura, Leander, Leo, Levi, Lew, Libby, Lilianna, Lilly, Liora, Logan, Luna, Lynn
Madelyn, Madison, Mallory, Marina, Maris, Marjolijm, Mars, Mercy, Mes, Micah, Mikaela, Miles, Mitchell, Molly, Morven
Nadia, Naosie, Neko, Nicola,
Peregrine, Pie, Puck,
Ray, Ratatoskr, Rebbeca, Reese, Rene, Rhys, Richard, Rio, Rose, Rowan, Ruben, Ryan,
Sabrina, Samantha, Saorise, Sarah, Seanus, Sean, Selen, Seph, Shiki, Sid, Sigrun, Silas, Siobhan, Soni, Spade, Steph, Sydney,
Tabith, Taylor, Tessa, Theo, Tiernan, Tim, Tine, Toby,
Valen, Valentine, Vene, Vexikos, Vinsar, Vitoria, Vivianne, Vos,
Wolfgang, Wyatt,
Zadkiel, Zephyr, Zoe,
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meetnategreen · 4 years ago
The More Accurate Headline Reads: 120 Retired Generals and Admirals Pledge Allegiance to a Failed Russian Asset and Swear Their Loyalty to Their One True Orange God.
Signed by: RADM Ernest B. Acklin, USCG, ret. MG Joseph T. Anderson, USMC, ret. RADM Philip Anselmo, USN, ret. MG Joseph Arbuckle, USA, ret. BG John Arick, USMC, ret. RADM Jon W. Bayless, Jr. USN, ret. RDML James Best, USN, ret. BG Charles Bishop, USAF, ret. BG William A. Bloomer, USMC, ret. BG Donald Bolduc, USA, ret. LTG William G. Boykin, USA, ret. MG Edward R. Bracken, USAF, ret. MG Patrick H. Brady, MOH, USA, ret. VADM Edward S. Briggs, USN, ret. LTG Richard “Tex’ Brown III USAF, ret. BG Frank Bruno, USAF, ret. VADM Toney M. Bucchi, USN, ret. RADM John T. Byrd, USN, ret. BG Jimmy Cash, USAF, ret. LTG Dennis D. Cavin, USA, ret. LTG James E. Chambers, USAF, ret. MG Carroll D. Childers, USA, ret. BG Clifton C. “Tip” Clark, USAF, ret. VADM Ed Clexton, USN, ret. MG Jay Closner, USAF, ret MG Tommy F. Crawford, USAF, ret. MG Robert E. Dempsey, USAF, ret. BG Phillip Drew, USAF, ret. MG Neil L. Eddins, USAF, ret. RADM Ernest Elliot, USN, ret. BG Jerome V. Foust, USA, ret. BG Jimmy E. Fowler, USA, ret. RADM J. Cameron Fraser, USN, ret. MG John T. Furlow, USA, ret. MG Timothy F. Ghormley, USMC, ret. MG Francis C. Gideon, USAF, ret. MG Lee V. Greer, USAF, ret. RDML Michael R. Groothousen, Sr., USN, ret. BG John Grueser, USAF, ret. MG Ken Hagemann, USAF, ret. BG Norman Ham, USAF, ret. VADM William Hancock, USN, ret. LTG Henry J. Hatch, USA, ret. BG James M. Hesson, USA, ret. MG Bill Hobgood, USA, ret. BG Stanislaus J. Hoey, USA, ret. MG Bob Hollingsworth, USMC, ret. MG Jerry D. Holmes, USAF, ret. MG Clinton V. Horn, USAF, ret. LTG Joseph E. Hurd, USAF, ret. VADM Paul Ilg, USN, ret. MG T. Irby, USA, ret. LTG Ronald Iverson, USAF, ret. RADM (L) Grady L. Jackson MG William K. James, USAF, ret. LTG James H. Johnson, Jr. USA, ret. ADM. Jerome L. Johnson, USN, ret. BG Charles Jones, USAF, ret. BG Robert R. Jordan, USA, ret. BG Jack H. Kotter, USA, ret. MG Anthony R. Kropp, USA, ret. RADM Chuck Kubic, USN, ret. BG Jerry L. Laws, USA, ret. BG Douglas E. Lee, USA, ret. MG Vernon B. Lewis, USA, ret. MG Thomas G. Lightner, USA, ret. MG James E. Livingston, USMC, ret. MOH MG John D. Logeman, USAF, ret. MG Jarvis Lynch, USMC, ret. LTG Fred McCorkle, USMC, ret. MG Don McGregor, USAF, ret. LTG Thomas McInerney, USAF, ret. RADM John H. McKinley, USN, ret. BG Michael P. McRaney, USAF, ret. BG Ronald S. Mangum, USA, ret. BG James M. Mead, USMC, ret. BG Joe Mensching, USAF, ret. RADM W. F. Merlin, USCG, ret. RADM (L) Mark Milliken, USN, ret. MG John F. Miller, USAF, ret. RADM Ralph M. Mitchell, Jr. USN, ret. MG Paul Mock, USA. ret. BG Daniel I. Montgomery, USA, ret., RADM John A. Moriarty, USN, ret., RADM David R. Morris, USN, ret. RADM Bill Newman, USN, ret. BG Joe Oder, USA, ret. MG O’Mara, USAF, ret. MG Joe S. Owens, USA, ret. VADM Jimmy Pappas, USN, ret. LTG Garry L. Parks, USMC, ret. RADM Russ Penniman, RADM, USN, ret. RADM Leonard F. Picotte, ret. VADM John Poindexter, USN, ret. RADM Ronald Polant, USCG, ret. MG Greg Power, USAF, ret. RDM Brian Prindle, USN, ret. RADM J.J. Quinn, USN, ret. LTG Clifford H. Rees, Jr. USAF, ret. RADM Norman T. Saunders, USCG, ret. MG Richard V. Secord, USAF, ret. RADM William R. Schmidt, USN, ret. LTG Hubert Smith, USA, ret. MG James N. Stewart, USAF, ret. RADM Thomas Stone, USN., ret. BG Joseph S. Stringham, USA, ret. MG Michael Sullivan, USMC, ret. RADM (U) Jeremy Taylor, USN, ret. LTG David Teal, USAF, ret. VADM Howard B. Thorsen, USCG, ret. RADM Robert P. Tiernan, USN, ret. LTG Garry Trexler, USAF, ret. BG James T. Turlington, M.D., USAF, ret. BG Richard J. Valente, USA ret. MG Paul Vallely, USA, ret. MG Russell L. Violett, USAF, ret. BG George H. Walker, Jr. USAR Corp of Engineers, ret. MG Kenneth Weir, USMCR, ret. BG William O. Welch, USAF, ret. MG John M. White, USAF, ret. MG Geoffrey P. Wiedeman, JR. USAF, ret. MG Richard O. Wightman, Jr., USA, ret. RADM Denny Wisely, USN, ret. LTG John Woodward, ret.
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Everyone these white men has betrayed their country and their oath to protect the US Constitution and our democracy.
Under military law, they should forfeit their rank, their tax payer paid pensions and/or prepare themselves for the firing squad.
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Ok reasons I kin Ben Hanscom:
Growing up, I was bullied for my weight and had a very small amount of friends (like literally three: Caitlin, Suzanne, and Brett. I miss those guys.)
POETRY. I love poetry.
Didnt realize how lonely I was til I made some true friends @gg-morgan-art @moeata.
Insecure about my writing so I stop before I can think too much on it or else I will end up not liking it.
In love with Beverly Marsh.
Have a weird scar (Mine is shaped like the division sign ➗)
Can’t hate my mom but i CAN hate myself.
Have a cool watch.
Friends with my teachers more than I should be (@mr. tiernan thanks for being the only person in 8th period that didn’t hate me)
Nostalgic, saves things for longer than I should.
Probably will have a glow-up but uh it may take a while whoops.
Is a fucking mess.
Listens to music that’s a l i t t l e embarrassing but there’s nothing wrong with it i’m just weird.
I like libraries and books. ESPECIALLY reading books in libraries.
Is gonna be the new kid this coming fall, but i feel like the new kid everywhere even if it’s just the grocery store. I am the new kid.
Pretty quiet I guess.
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transnames · 7 years ago
Some two-syllable neutral names
(One-syllable names)
You can also combine initials, e.g. AJ, although this does not work for all initials and it can be gendered masculine.
A: Aaren, Abbott, Adair, Addi, Adren, Aerie, Afon, Aiden, Aiken, Ainsley, Alder, Alex, Ali, Alix, Alpha, Altair, Alto, Alton, Alva, Amal, Amore, Andy, Angel, Angie, Anise, Arbor, Ari, Ariel, Arlen, Arley, Arrow, Arya, Asa, Asher, Ashlen, Ashley, Ashton, Aspen, Aster, Aston, Aubrey, Auburn, Auden, August, Aura, Austin, Avery, Avis, Aviv, Avon, Aya, Ayan, Aza, Aze, Azure
B: Bailey, Baldwin, Banner, Barrett, Basil, Bauer, Baylor, Benson, Bentley, Berkley, Berry, Beryl, Billie, Birdie, Blakely, Bobbie, Booker, Bradley, Brady, Brayden, Brennan, Brewer, Briar, Brighton, Brinsley, Bronte, Brooklyn, Bryant
C: Cadence, Caelum, Calder, Camden, Cameron, Camille, Campbell, Canyon, Carey, Carlyle, Carmen, Carol, Carter, Cartwright, Carson, Casey, Cedar, Chandler, Chandra, Channing, Charlie, Charlton, Chatham, Cheyenne, Citron, Clancy, Claudie, Clover, Cobalt, Coby, Cohen, Coleson, Collins, Colver, Comet, Condor, Connell, Connie, Cooper, Coral, Corbin, Corin, Corey, Corley, Cortney, Cricket, Cyan, Cypress, Cyrille
D: Dallas, Dana, Dani, Darby, Darcy, Darrell, Darren, Denver, Devon, Diamond, Diaz, Dillon, Douglas, Dustin, Dusty, Dylan
E: Eagle, Early, Easton, Ebon, Echo, Eddie, Eden, Efe, Eiffel, Eissa, Elli, Ellis, Ellwood, Ember, Emer, Emerald, Emlyn, Emmett, Emry, Emryn, Enfys, Ennis, Eren, Errel, Essence, Esme, Evan, Ever, Everett, Eyrie, Ezra
F: Fable, Falco, Falcon, Fallon, Farah, Fargo, Farley, Farrell, Faulkner, Feldspar, Fennel, Fifer, Finley, Finney, Fiore, Fischer, Fletcher, Floren, Florence, Forest, Francis, Frankie, Freedom, Friday, Fulton
G: Gabi, Galen, Galway, Gannet, Garden, Gardner, Garey, Garland, Garnet, Gavi, Germaine, Gerry, Glenwood, Golden, Grady, Granite, Guthrie
H: Hadley, Halcyon, Hallow, Halo, Happy, Harbor, Harley, Harlow, Harper, Hartley, Haven, Hawking, Hayden, Henley, Heron, Hollis, Honor, Hopper, Hudson, Hunter
I: Iman, Imory, Indi, Innis, Io, Ira, Isa, Isha, Islet, Iver, Ivor, Ivory, Ivy, Izzy
J: Jacinth, Jackie, Jaden, Jael, Jalen, Jamie, Janis, Jarrah, Jarrell, Jasper, Jensen, Jessie, Joey, Jody, Jonquil, Jordan, Journey, July, Juneau, Junior, Juno, Justice
K: Kali, Kameron, Karey, Karson, Kasey, Kato, Keaton, Keegan, Keelan, Keenan, Kelby, Kellan, Keller, Kelly, Kelsey, Kendall, Kenyon, Kenzie, Kerry, Kestrel, Kevyn, Kieran, Kingsley, Kirby, Klaudie, Koby, Kody, Korbin, Korin, Korey, Krishna, Kyler
L: Laker, Lakyle, Lander, Landry, Laney, Langley, Larkin, Larkspur, Lashawn, Laurel, Laurence, Leighton, Lennox, Leopard, Leslie, Lethe, Lexie, Lexis, Linden, Lindsay, Lindy, Linnet, Logan, London, Loren, Luca, Lucky, Lyric
M: Maddox, Magic, Major, Malloy, Manu, Marley, Marlow, Martell, Marty, Mattie, Maury, Maurice, Maxie, Maxwell, Meadow, Mercer, Merlyn, Merritt, Merry, Micah, Mika, Miller, Misha, Monday, Morgan, Murphy, Murray, Myers
N: Narcisse, Nasim, Navdeep, Navy, Neal, Neptune, Neo, Nicky, Nico, Nika, Nike, Nimbus, Noam, Noel, Nori, Norris, Nouvel, Nova
O: Oakley, Oberon, Ocean, Odell, Ollie, Olive, Onyx, Opal, Ori, Oriole, Orion, Orrin, Osborne, Owen, Ozzie
P: Paisley, Paris, Parker, Pasco, Patience, Patrice, Paxton, Penrose, Pepper, Peregrine, Perrin, Perry, Peyton, Phelan, Phoenix, Piper, Placid, Porter, Prairie, Presley, Prosper
Q: Qaisar, Quarry, Quasar, Quetzal, Quila, Quincy, Quentin, Quillan
R: Raleigh, Rainbow, Rainer, Randy, Raven, Redmond, Regal, Regan, Reggie, Reynold, Rhythm, Ricki, Ridley, Riley, Rio, Rishi, River, Robbie, Robin, Ronnie, Rory, Roscoe, Rowan, Royal, Rudy, Ryder, Ryen, Rylen
S: Sabah, Sadler, Saffron, Salem, Samar, Sandy, Satchel, Saturn, Sasha, Sawyer, Saylor, Season, Selby, Seren, Seven, Sevy, Shale, Shannon, Shelby, Shelly, Shiloh, Sidney, Silver, Sinclair, Skylar, Skylark, Skyler, Snowdrop, Snowy, Soren, Sorrel, Sparrow, Spencer, Spirit, Springer, Stanley, Starling, Sterling, Summer, Sunday, Sunny, Sunshine, Sunset, Sutton
T: Taffy, Tali, Talon, Tanner, Tarian, Taylor, Teagan, Teddy, Tempest, Temple, Terry, Thursday, Tibby, Tiernan, Tiger, Timber, Tobin, Toby, Topaz, Torrey, Tracy, Trenton, Tristen, Tucker, Turner, Tuesday, Tully, Tyler, Tyson
U: Ulfie, Ulli, Ulri, Ulysse, Umber, Umbra, Upton, Urban, Uri, Ursa, Usher, Uta
V: Valen, Vega, Verdi, Vernon, Verrill, Vesper, Vivi, Vivien, Volta, Voltaire
W: Walker, Wallace, Waylan, Webster, Wednesday, Weston, Whimsy, Whitley, Whitney, Wilder, Willow, Wilson, Windsor, Windy, Winslow, Winter, Wisdom, Wolfram, Woody, Wylie
X: Xander, Xavie
Y: Yael, Yaven, Yannick, Yarrow, Yven
Z: Zailey, Zaki, Zander, Zandy, Zavi, Zelig, Zeno, Zephyr, Zero, Zevi, Zion,  Zohar, Zola, Zorey, Zuri
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recycledcactus · 3 years ago
:0 thanks for the tag
r. rose tint my world - rocky horror picture show cast
e. everybody’s free (to wear sunscreen) - baz luhrmann
c. cigarette daydreams - cage the elephant
y. your new boyfriend - wilbur soot
c. concrete - lovejoy
l. la vie en rose - edith piaf
e. exeunt - the oh hellos
d. deliver us - the prince of egypt cast
c. city skyline - ruairi tiernan
a. alrighty aphrodite - peach pit
c. canción sin miedo - vivir quintana & mon laferte
t. teenage dirtbag - wheatus
u. uptown girl - billy joel
s. sh-boom - the chords
@strawberiitea @quackszie @dogin8 @quinn-queer @lyraissleepy @theluvr @avrerrotheroach​ @radioduo​ @geoguessbur​ @comfymoth​ @phantom-clock​ @lilyminer​ @skilatilu​ @qvackjack​ 
Rules: Spell out your url with songs and then tag as many people as there are letters in your url
was tagged by @ollieofthebeholder
e . every other freckle - alt j
n. nights like these - pigeon pit
t. the cult of dionysus - the orion experience
i. i deserve to bleed - sushi soucy
s. spark - amber run
u. underworld blues - the mechanisms
n. necromancing dancing - bear ghost
d. damage - fit for rivals
e. each must die someday - perly i lotry
c. chaotic gender neutral - murder person for hire
i. in the dark times - vant
s. smoke - daughter
i. it gets better - bears in trees
v. voodoo - get scared
e. evergreen - bears in trees
i hate tagging ppl so if you see your name/want to do it : lark, titli, jack, birdie, magpie, avie, crow, lav and any and all buds, also anyone named sam
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bannedbythechantry-blog · 8 years ago
Just a Dance
She heard the music first. It was faint, but it was a tune Effie was so familiar with. It had been a long time since she’d listened to it. A smile crept across her face as she remembered the feeling of spinning around with her young cousin. There had been so much laughter then. So much happiness. Now? Well, now was different. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel some of that familiar joy creep back into her. “Why don’t we head in for a drink, my treat!” Thora said, grinning from ear to ear. The dwarf had received a bonus from their last job and was feeling particularly generous.. The rest of the group nodded. They were all tired from the work they just completed and all felt they deserved a moment of peace. As they entered the pub, named something dreary like “the Black Basin” or some such thing (Effie hadn’t been paying much attention), the music grew louder. Effie’s heart swelled. She knew this song! It was the one she remembered, and the sight of the locals dancing, laughing, twirling, instantly captivated her. In that moment she forgot about all the sadness that had happened. She forgot she was a mage, accompanied by templars. She forgot her family despised her. She forgot that her friends rejected her. All she knew was that she wanted to dance. And so she did. Effie remembered that the smaller of the two recruits was from Ferelden like she was, so it could be assumed he would know the song. She needed a dance partner after all. With that thought in mind she grabbed the templar recruit by the hand and pulled him to the dance floor, all misgivings leaving her head. They reached the circle of dancers, who immediately made room for the young pair. As they joined in the dance it became clear that Tiernan was not nearly so familiar with the steps as she was. Effie happily began leading the recruit though the moves. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Arlan, the second recruit in the group, offer a hand to Thora who blushed but accepted with a smile. Behind them stood Iris, the sweet little Dalish elf with the biggest smile Effie had ever seen. She was clapping along to the music, grinning at the two couples her eyes wide as saucers. The music shifted slightly, pulling the couples together. Effie’s breath caught in her throat. Tiernan is close, so close. Close enough she could smell him. A mix of leather from the armour he was always wearing, with a hint of sweet manliness and apples. Her cheeks flushed. She knew she shouldn’t be thinking about these things. She knew how these things end.. But Tiernan was so sweet. He was in the order, but there was a kindness to him. Something you didn’t often see in a recruit. She breathed in and closed her eyes. No, it might not be wise, but Maker, it felt so nice. Just being a girl again. “YOU THREE. WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING” Effie’s eyes flew open and her heart stopped. That voice, the tone, she knew it. Even if she’d never heard it before the weight it carried struck her to her core. Her eyes darted to where it had come from, and there he stood; in glistening armour. A helm with wings on his head, stood a Knight Commander. Her body went cold, numb. Her mind immediately going back to the circle. The sweet summer day when the last of her happy moments came to an end. And it happened again. She’d let herself forget and now the others would be punished. She knew what she was. A disease. An infection. Corrupting anyone she met. Mages were not to have happiness. Any that she found would only be stolen from another. She could not make that mistake again. She would not let these two recruits, now standing in front of her, lose themselves because of her weakness. ~~~ Tiernan didn’t dance. That wasn’t to say that he hadn’t danced. He’d danced as an infant when there was music in the square. He’d danced as a boy when he’d heard the strains of some distant bard seep out of the tavern, when all the children in the market had gathered to learn on one endless summer evening. Before his father had cuffed him across the ear. ‘If you have time to waste on tarting about, you have time to come and help your brothers in the shop.’ He hadn’t felt that desire since. When adolescence made him awkward in his skin. His limbs felt too long, like they didn’t fit right on his frame. Music didn’t sound the same either. He had the absent notion that he might have danced with Nessa if she’d wanted to. But theirs was a romance of stillness and quiet places. Hiding away from the world, not spinning through it. It hadn’t been the music that had set his heart dancing again. It hadn’t been the affirmation of surviving his first abomination, nor the joys of Southmere. He would have been happy to hide then too, to watch his new companions revel in secrecy. But the way she took his hand without hesitation, her carefree smile, the sudden light in her eyes. It had been as if she hadn’t born years of weight on her shoulders. As if she’d never even been born a mage, or as if she didn’t care. And in that moment, Tiernan didn’t care either. She wasn’t wild, or out of control, she wasn’t dangerous. It struck him how young she was, how young they both were. If things had been different maybe they could have danced like this in any other market square in Ferelden? He’d not touched a woman in so long, he could feel the tingle spread through his fingers where she’d held him. She was smiling at him, even as he realised he couldn’t recall half the steps. He lost time as she took his wrist, her other hand firm and insistent on his waist. The young Templar couldn’t focus on where his feet were going, he could barely focus on the music. They were so close together. He was grateful for the bath at the very least. And for the life in her eyes. She was so bright, so lovely, so real. She couldn’t be a danger, he couldn’t be her jailor just as long as they kept dancing... ~~~ It didn’t matter now. Whatever he might have been feeling before... whatever fleeting glimpse of normalcy had occurred in that musty, sweat-perfumed tavern was gone in one singular terrible bellow- “WHAT IS HAPPENING IN HERE??” - He had been so happy a few seconds ago… Or he thought he had. It was hard to tell sometimes. - It had started with a song… A faintly familiar melody gently wafting over a busy market that smelled sweetly of the nearby food stalls- fresh fruit, bread of varying types and quality and… oh...dog. Everywhere in Ferelden smelled like dog, as he tried not to mention too much in front of Tiernan. The mage, Effie… smiled, and whether she had noticed it or not her head started to bob along with the notes in a way he found annoyingly endearing. He didn’t have long to dwell on this thought before his reverie was cut short by Thora’s exclamation that it was time for a drink. Yes. Yes he could certainly do with one of those. The promise that the dwarf would treat them all however, would need to be fulfilled at a later date. Almost immediately upon crossing the threshold into the sweltering den he knew exactly what was going to happen before at least three of his companions. His eyes met the enthusiastic throng of musicians, attempting their best rendition of a tune Arlan thought he knew at first but, what were these lyrics? All wrong. The Ferelden version seemed much livelier than the one back home. A gaggle of dancers in various states of inebriation were stepping to and fro and swirling around on the dance floor and- he caught it: the exact moment that the mage’s eyes lit up and her mouth opened wide in a huge and unguarded grin- -No… surely not. It happened. Before Arlan could even utter the slightest syllable of protest she had grabbed Tiernan’s hand and dragged him into the fray. His dark eyes met that of his friend’s for the tiniest fragment of a second, just enough to register the utter panic filling the other recruit from head to toe, before the gentle green eyes snapped away from his own to look at her, the woman who had just placed her hand on his waist to lead him in a dance. Oh. Arlan laughed, it was hard not to. Tiernan had turned a rather incredible shade of scarlet right to the tips of his ears as he was whirled around the floor by the young lady, who had clearly benefitted from many hours of dancing lessons in her early years (Many more hours than T, evidently.) This... hurt? Somehow. Arlan turned his gaze from the pair- one of whom was starting to relax into the dance, becoming more confident with every step- and motioned his companions to a spot where they could get a better vantage point. Iris’ was drinking it all in, wide-eyed. Wider than usual even, as she looked open-mouthed at all that was happening, Maker bless her sweet little face. Thora muttered something about the music being different to dwarven song... despite this he couldn’t help but notice the atmosphere of the bustling crowd had gotten to her, and her eyes held the faintest sparkle as the three clapped along to the beat. Arlan’s brow furrowed slightly as he recalled a flash of memory of the last tavern they had frequented together… watching the mage from across the room plant a fleeting kiss on the dwarf’s cheek, a second before Thora had beckoned the two recruits to rescue her. They had spoken about their first kisses that night. Was it possible, that she had never danced with anyone either? Another look at the dancers steeled his resolve. He saw his Tiernan being twirled by the hand of a giggling Effie, and he let out a holler of encouragement that encompassed the joy he felt that he could witness his dear friend smile like that after what they had faced recently, but none of the nagging, keening pain he swallowed simultaneously that... it couldn’t be him. Don’t be stupid. … Bugger it. “Would you like to learn to dance?” he heard himself ask, looking down at Thora, who blushed prettily at him. It didn’t take her long to decide. “YES!” She reached up to grab both his hands and he led her into the mass of cavorting revellers. Teach her? He was sure that later he would laugh about how quickly it was evident that she was far more of a natural at this than he. Arlan watched her small body move to a beat that was all her own (neither of them were having much luck following the tempo of the tune playing... it had changed to one he had never heard before, just his luck) he admired the curves of her and the fire in her fierce eyes. Struck too by the way the exertion had loosened the braid in her hair so that a few strands fell pleasingly into her face; where she kept trying to smooth it away with the hand that wasn’t holding his. He was stirred. This was fun, he hadn’t even glanced at Tiernan for at least 10 seconds now. As he did raise his head to look, his entire world halted for just a moment as he startled to see his companion looking back. He appeared to be smiling fondly at Arlan and Thora. There was such tender emotion in that gaze that Arlan found it hard to take his next breath… Maker, he couldn’t handle it, that dear face, flushed with the effort of the dance and breathing heavily. The face next to it was grinning in his direction too, and Arlan almost forgot that she was a mage at all as he pondered how pretty they looked together. He felt a pull on his arm and there was Thora again. She was watching him looking at Tiernan and giving him that amused yet exasperated look she liked to wear. Oh yes, he wasn’t being attentive enough... Arlan greatly enjoyed that smirk she was giving him, but he would soon make her expression something even better... With a slight growl he pulled her close to him and spun around faster, eliciting a squeal somewhere between surprise and delight from the beaming Thora. - And then the voice barked out. The glint of that unmistakeable armor in the doorway confirmed Arlan’s worst fears. Andraste help us.
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thoughtfulcupcakesublime · 6 years ago
Several faculty members were recognized at Prince William County Public Schools’ (PWCS) Annual Outstanding Educators event.
It was held at Colgan High School in Manassas on February 25, according to a release.
“While only one teacher and one principal will represent our School Division in “The Washington Post” awards program, the School Board members and the administrative leadership team believe that all nominees are deserving of the awards and that their achievements should be celebrated,” Superintendent Steve Walts told attendees.
The school system honored 30 teachers and 10 principals who have been nominated for Teacher of the Year and Principal of the Year.
Twenty-six educators who have been named National Board Certified Teachers (NBCT) were acknowledged, as well.
These are the individuals who were honored, according to releases from PWCS:
Teacher of the Year Nominees
Simon Bhagwandeen, Potomac Senior High
Leslie Browngold, Gravely Elementary School
Marianne Burns, Patriot High School
Garrett Carlson, Colgan High School
Pamela Clute, Potomac Senior High
Jennifer Diehl, Buckland Mills Elementary School
Gail Drake, Battlefield High School
Julie Faith, Stonewall Jackson High School
Lauren Fenner, Swans Creek Elementary School
Amanda Grant, Ashland Elementary School
Amy Hardt, Buckland Mills Elementary School
Elizabeth Hoffmann, The Nokesville School
Carl Hood, Alvey Elementary School
Kristin Keskel, Ashland Elementary School
Jennifer Kimble, Graham Park Middle School
Kathy Lamont, Antietam Elementary School
Pamela Lansberry, King Elementary School
Christy Lazer, Bull Run Middle School
Elizabeth McKeown, Pennington Traditional School
Ashley Meyer, T. Clay Wood Elementary School
Melissa Morgan, Chris Yung Elementary School
Jeanie Noel, Freedom High School
Norman Pattarozzi, Osbourn Park High School
Emily Ramirez, Brentsville District High School
Rebecca Schelling, Antietam Elementary School
Brian Shepard, Battlefield High School
David Shuler, Battlefield High School
John Spaulding, Independence Nontraditional School
Jennifer Tallman, Lake Ridge Middle School
Crystal Watt, Ashland Elementary School
Principal of the Year Nominees
Neil Beech, Osbourn Park High School
Mary Jane Boynton, Parkside Middle School
Hamish Brewer, Fred Lynn Middle School
Kathryn Forgas, Coles Elementary School
Latiesa Green, Potomac View Elementary School
Sheila Huckestein, Saunders Middle School
Richard Nichols, Stonewall Jackson High School
Jennifer Perilla, Tyler Elementary School
Amy Schott, Rockledge Elementary School
Aerica Williams, River Oaks Elementary School
National Board Certified Teachers:
Amber Tiernan, Patriot High School
Amanda Proch, Gifted Education
Amy Ivory, Colgan High School
Christina Sherman, Marumsco Hills Elementary School
Julie Faith, Stonewall Jackson High School
Carolyn Ciminelli, Old Bridge Elementary School
Leah Krucelyak, Beville Middle School
Ashley Marland, Covington-Harper Elementary School
Andrea Wilkey, Featherstone Elementary School
Allan Weberg, Potomac High School
Todd Hayes, Hylton High School
Chris Proch, Woodbridge High School
Melonie Yielding, Ellis Elementary School
Timothy L. Wilson, Mary F. Williams Elementary School
Shannon Speights, Dumfries Elementary School
Amy Wise, Rippon Middle School
Jennifer Roberts, Piney Branch Elementary School
Susan Bowden, West Gate Elementary School
Melissa Callaghan, Cedar Point Elementary School
Krista Oldenburg, Benton Middle School
Connie Schumacher, Stonewall Middle School
Kathleen Hugh, Woodbridge High School
Stephanie Ryan, Coles Elementary School
Donna Morgan, Professional Development
Ashley Abraham, Brentsville District High School
Kristen Augsburger, Battlefield High School
The post County educators honored at Colgan High School appeared first on What's Up Prince William.
via What's Up Prince William
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years ago
Pro14: Connacht secure bonus point in 31-14 win over Southern Kings
Pro14: Connacht secure bonus point in 31-14 win over Southern Kings
Pro14: Connacht secure bonus point in 31-14 win over Southern Kings
Paul Boyle secured Connacht’s bonus-point in the second half
Pro14: Southern Kings v Connacht Southern Kings: (7) 14 Tries: Banda, Dukisa Cons: Banda 2 Connacht: (24) 31 Tries: Kelleher, penalty try, Healy, Boyle Cons: Carty 2, Horwitz Pens: Carty
Connacht leapfrogged Cardiff and Ospreys in Pro14 Conference A following an impressive bonus-point win over Southern Kings in Port Elizabeth.
Masixole Banda and Cian Kelleher traded early scores before the visitors took control through a penalty try and Matt Healy’s effort.
Paul Boyle’s second half try secured the extra point after Ntabeni Dukisa had narrowed the deficit.
The Kings sit seventh in Conference B with just one win.
The victory is a welcome win on the road for Connacht who had before the game won only one away fixture this season.
The province were boosted by the return of their record try scorer Matt Healy, who slotted into to an exciting back three with Kelleher and Tiernan O’Halloran.
The wing’s try with the clock in the red at the end of the first half places the western province firmly in the ascendancy and put a bonus-point in clear view.
Before that, Kelleher finished well in the corner from the influential Jack Carty’s accurate cross-field kick.
Visitors dominate scrum battle
Connacht were able to set up camp in Kings territory as they put real pressure on the hosts at the scrum.
Lupumlo Mguca was eventually sent to sin-bin after referee George Clancy, who has already issued several warnings, judged that the Kings prop was responsible for pulling down the scrum.
The pressure at the set-piece continued to tell as Clancy awarded a penalty try on the next scrum allowing Connacht to regain the lead after Banda had found a gap in the Connacht defence to level the scores.
Boyle extended the lead after the break following good work from Caolin Blade and although the Kings did respond through replacement Dukisa, they were able to comfortably see out the win.
Southern Kings: M Banda; M Makase, H Klaasen, B Klaasen, Y Penxe; M du Toit, S Ungerer; L Mguca, A van Rooyen, N Oosthuizen, S Greeff, JC Astle (capt), CJ Velleman, J van Vuuren, R Lerm.
Replacements: T Balekile, A Tshakweni, L Pupuma, A van Schalkwyk, M Burger, G Masimla, N Dukisa, T Kruger.
Connacht: T O’Halloran; C Kelleher, K Godwin, T Farrell, M Healy; J Carty, C Blade; D Buckley, S Delahunt, C Carey; U Dillane, J Cannon, S O’Brien, C Fainga’a, J Butler (capt).
Replacements: T McCartney, P McCabe, D Robertson-McCoy, G Thornbury, P Boyle, J Mitchell, D Horwitz, D Leader.
BBC Sport – Rugby Union ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/rugby-union/14034/
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leifandthorn · 7 years ago
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trendingnewsb · 8 years ago
Keith Earls leads Ireland past USA but fly-half Carbery is injury worry
Irish team fielding three Lions proves too strong for inexperienced Eagles on hot evening in front of crowd of more than 22,000
An injury to fly-half Joey Carbery, who had two kicks charged down for tries, interrupted a win for Ireland in a Test that showed the gap that still exists between rugbys haves and have-nots.
In truth, the USA have more than they once did: John Mitchells Eagles were well drilled and well lead by two overseas pros: Sale fly-half AJ MacGinty and New Zealander Tony Lamborn on the openside flank. Still, a lack of time together and semi-pros in key positions fed into familiar problems: a scrum that struggled, a defensive line that ran ragged a little too soon. Joe Schmidts Ireland, with two Lions starting and another on the bench, made holes and ran through them all game.
Joey just sprained his ankle a bit, said Schmidt. We thought it pertinent to get him off. We dont know what the story is yet. It hasnt swelled too much but it was a bit tender. Well see how it settles and get a scan either here or once we arrive in Tokyo.
John Mitchell, a former All Blacks head coach, will leave the Eagles at the end of their summer series, which continues against Georgia next week and in a two-legged World Cup qualifier with Canada.
We were outclassed today, he said. Were disappointed, defensively we had some issues with our setting which cost us. Mitchell also said he didnt expect his first-choice scrum to lose inches, which contributed to Ireland finding the front 50 very easy.
In any event, Ireland had much more strength, even though they were without 11 British and Irish Lions, currently touring New Zealand. For one thing they had Keith Earls, the Munster wing who toured South Africa with the 2009 Lions. Whatever the New Jersey equivalent of the screaming ab-dabs might be, the Americans got them when Earls was carrying the ball. His team-mates noticed and he carried it often: on his wing, off it, on the end of kicks into space.
Two minutes in his marker, Martin Iosefo, rushed up, allowing space for Tiernan OHalloran to break a tackle and put Earls clear for a 35m run to the line. Then, when Carbery made a half-gap of his own, Earls was straight through it to send a long, flat-ish-cum-forward pass out for the other wing, Jacob Stockdale, to score. Carberry converted for 12-0 on 15 minutes. Three minutes late a missed MacGinty clearance saw OHalloran run the ball back, a tackler slip off and Kieran Marmion put Earls in at the corner with ease.
Earlsy usually wants to get the ball all the time, Schmidt said, but I think after the first 20 minutes he didnt want it anymore, hed run it enough.
The first US try produced a roar from a crowd above 22,000. The Newcastle Falcons lock Nick Civetta scored it, charging down a clearance from Carbery. MacGinty converted for 17-7. In prompt response, Carbery kicked a penalty to the corner and the Irish pack mauled the hooker Niall Scannell over from a throw to big Devin Toner. So go the pros.
Lamborn then made a half-break but couldnt complete the pass. From the scrum, which Ireland pressured to keep the tired No8 David Tameilau bound and busy, came the try of the game. Marmion scooted blind and released Earls once again, and though 70 metres later the full-back Ben Cima got him, and well, Earls popped a pass out of a tumble-dryer of arms and legs for Marmion to score. Carberry increased the lead to 29-7. So it stayed to the half.
The first try of the second period took only three minutes, No8 Jack Conan touching down from a five-metre scrum drive. Carberry converted. And then there was a second charge-down of the Irish No10, this time by the Cork-born flanker John Quill. Carbery, Schmidt said with a grin, will learn from the experience.
The US then had their best spell of the game, and the roar for what mightve been a third home try shook the stands for a few seconds or so. Alas, replacement prop Paddy Ryan Irish-born, employed in the Premiership with Newcastle threw forward a long pass after a fine break from the wing Mike Teo. Iosefos finish was in vain.
Ryan Matyas did get over on 54 minutes for the Eagles third, this time patient phase play opening a half-gap. Perhaps stung, a little, Ireland brought on the Munster wing Simon Zebo, a Lion in Australia four years ago. Although the US scrambling defense was good, another Earls break put the substitute lock James Ryan over and replacement scrum-half Luke McGrath also scored as legs tired. The final try came from a high kick to Stockdales wing, where the undersized Teo was predictably outjumped. Zebo collected the loose ball to score.
On a hot, sapping evening, both teams earned their applause. After five minutes of the game, though, the same fans offered standing ovation in honor of Robert Paylor, a lock from the University of California, Berkeley who suffered a catastrophic injury in the Varsity Cup final against Arkansas State last month. Paylor is now in rehab; a GoFundMe campaign aims to raise $1m to aid his recovery.
USA: B Cima; M Teo, R Matyas, M Brache (W Magie, 22-35; B Campbell, 65), M Iosefo (S Davies, 50); AJ MacGinty, N Augspurger (capt); B Tarr (J Taufetee, 40), P Malcolm (J Hilterbrand, 40), C Baumann (P Ryan, 46), N Brakeley, N Civetta (M Jensen, 46), J Quill, T Lamborn, D Tameilau (A Durutalo, 40).
Tries Civetta, Quill, Matyas. Cons MacGinty 2.
Ireland: T OHalloran; K Earls, G Ringrose, L Marshall (R Scannell, 40) J Stockdale; J Carbery (S Zebo, 50), K Marmion (L McGrath, 61); C Healy (D Kilcoyne, 50), N Scannell (D Heffernan, 50), J Ryan (A Porter, 50), Q Roux (J Ryan, 61), D Toner, R Ruddock (capt), J van der Flier, J Conan.
Tries Earls 2, Stockdale, Scannell, Marmion, Conan, James Ryan, McGrath, Zebo. Cons Carbery 3, R Scannel 2 Pens DG
Ref: Luke Pearce (England) Att: 22,370.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2spK8wR
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2spPYyE via Viral News HQ
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leifandthorn · 7 years ago
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If Thorn took Leif home so they could wash each other's backs.
(They do have loofahs in Sønheim, but not in the Embassy servants' quarters.)
11 notes · View notes
leifandthorn · 7 years ago
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Leif & Thorn Q&A #37-39
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leifandthorn · 4 years ago
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Leif & Thorn Q&A #140-142
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ultrasfcb-blog · 6 years ago
Professional14: Connacht safe bonus level in 31-14 win over Southern Kings
Professional14: Connacht safe bonus level in 31-14 win over Southern Kings
Professional14: Connacht safe bonus level in 31-14 win over Southern Kings
Paul Boyle secured Connacht’s bonus-point within the second half
Professional14: Southern Kings v Connacht Southern Kings: (7) 14 Tries: Banda, Dukisa Cons: Banda 2 Connacht: (24) 31 Tries: Kelleher, penalty attempt, Healy, Boyle Cons: Carty 2, Horwitz Pens: Carty
Connacht leapfrogged Cardiff and Ospreys in Professional14 Convention A following a formidable bonus-point win over Southern Kings in Port Elizabeth.
Masixole Banda and Cian Kelleher traded early scores earlier than the guests took management by a penalty attempt to Matt Healy’s effort.
Paul Boyle’s second half attempt secured the additional level after Ntabeni Dukisa had narrowed the deficit.
The Kings sit seventh in Convention B with only one win.
The victory is a welcome win on the highway for Connacht who had earlier than the sport gained just one away fixture this season.
The province had been boosted by the return of their document attempt scorer Matt Healy, who slotted into to an thrilling again three with Kelleher and Tiernan O’Halloran.
The wing’s attempt with the clock within the purple on the finish of the primary half locations the western province firmly within the ascendancy and put a bonus-point in clear view.
Earlier than that, Kelleher completed effectively within the nook from the influential Jack Carty’s correct cross-field kick.
Guests dominate scrum battle
Connacht had been capable of arrange camp in Kings territory as they put actual stress on the hosts on the scrum.
Lupumlo Mguca was ultimately despatched to sin-bin after referee George Clancy, who has already issued a number of warnings, judged that the Kings prop was chargeable for knocking down the scrum.
The stress on the set-piece continued to inform as Clancy awarded a penalty attempt on the subsequent scrum permitting Connacht to regain the lead after Banda had discovered a spot within the Connacht defence to degree the scores.
Boyle prolonged the lead after the break following good work from Caolin Blade and though the Kings did reply by alternative Dukisa, they had been capable of comfortably see out the win.
Southern Kings: M Banda; M Makase, H Klaasen, B Klaasen, Y Penxe; M du Toit, S Ungerer; L Mguca, A van Rooyen, N Oosthuizen, S Greeff, JC Astle (capt), CJ Velleman, J van Vuuren, R Lerm.
Replacements: T Balekile, A Tshakweni, L Pupuma, A van Schalkwyk, M Burger, G Masimla, N Dukisa, T Kruger.
Connacht: T O’Halloran; C Kelleher, Okay Godwin, T Farrell, M Healy; J Carty, C Blade; D Buckley, S Delahunt, C Carey; U Dillane, J Cannon, S O’Brien, C Fainga’a, J Butler (capt).
Replacements: T McCartney, P McCabe, D Robertson-McCoy, G Thornbury, P Boyle, J Mitchell, D Horwitz, D Chief.
BBC Sport – Rugby Union ultras_FC_Barcelona
ultras FC Barcelona - https://ultrasfcb.com/rugby-union/14034/
0 notes
trendingnewsb · 8 years ago
Keith Earls leads Ireland past USA but fly-half Carbery is injury worry
Irish team fielding three Lions proves too strong for inexperienced Eagles on hot evening in front of crowd of more than 22,000
An injury to fly-half Joey Carbery, who had two kicks charged down for tries, interrupted a win for Ireland in a Test that showed the gap that still exists between rugbys haves and have-nots.
In truth, the USA have more than they once did: John Mitchells Eagles were well drilled and well lead by two overseas pros: Sale fly-half AJ MacGinty and New Zealander Tony Lamborn on the openside flank. Still, a lack of time together and semi-pros in key positions fed into familiar problems: a scrum that struggled, a defensive line that ran ragged a little too soon. Joe Schmidts Ireland, with two Lions starting and another on the bench, made holes and ran through them all game.
Joey just sprained his ankle a bit, said Schmidt. We thought it pertinent to get him off. We dont know what the story is yet. It hasnt swelled too much but it was a bit tender. Well see how it settles and get a scan either here or once we arrive in Tokyo.
John Mitchell, a former All Blacks head coach, will leave the Eagles at the end of their summer series, which continues against Georgia next week and in a two-legged World Cup qualifier with Canada.
We were outclassed today, he said. Were disappointed, defensively we had some issues with our setting which cost us. Mitchell also said he didnt expect his first-choice scrum to lose inches, which contributed to Ireland finding the front 50 very easy.
In any event, Ireland had much more strength, even though they were without 11 British and Irish Lions, currently touring New Zealand. For one thing they had Keith Earls, the Munster wing who toured South Africa with the 2009 Lions. Whatever the New Jersey equivalent of the screaming ab-dabs might be, the Americans got them when Earls was carrying the ball. His team-mates noticed and he carried it often: on his wing, off it, on the end of kicks into space.
Two minutes in his marker, Martin Iosefo, rushed up, allowing space for Tiernan OHalloran to break a tackle and put Earls clear for a 35m run to the line. Then, when Carbery made a half-gap of his own, Earls was straight through it to send a long, flat-ish-cum-forward pass out for the other wing, Jacob Stockdale, to score. Carberry converted for 12-0 on 15 minutes. Three minutes late a missed MacGinty clearance saw OHalloran run the ball back, a tackler slip off and Kieran Marmion put Earls in at the corner with ease.
Earlsy usually wants to get the ball all the time, Schmidt said, but I think after the first 20 minutes he didnt want it anymore, hed run it enough.
The first US try produced a roar from a crowd above 22,000. The Newcastle Falcons lock Nick Civetta scored it, charging down a clearance from Carbery. MacGinty converted for 17-7. In prompt response, Carbery kicked a penalty to the corner and the Irish pack mauled the hooker Niall Scannell over from a throw to big Devin Toner. So go the pros.
Lamborn then made a half-break but couldnt complete the pass. From the scrum, which Ireland pressured to keep the tired No8 David Tameilau bound and busy, came the try of the game. Marmion scooted blind and released Earls once again, and though 70 metres later the full-back Ben Cima got him, and well, Earls popped a pass out of a tumble-dryer of arms and legs for Marmion to score. Carberry increased the lead to 29-7. So it stayed to the half.
The first try of the second period took only three minutes, No8 Jack Conan touching down from a five-metre scrum drive. Carberry converted. And then there was a second charge-down of the Irish No10, this time by the Cork-born flanker John Quill. Carbery, Schmidt said with a grin, will learn from the experience.
The US then had their best spell of the game, and the roar for what mightve been a third home try shook the stands for a few seconds or so. Alas, replacement prop Paddy Ryan Irish-born, employed in the Premiership with Newcastle threw forward a long pass after a fine break from the wing Mike Teo. Iosefos finish was in vain.
Ryan Matyas did get over on 54 minutes for the Eagles third, this time patient phase play opening a half-gap. Perhaps stung, a little, Ireland brought on the Munster wing Simon Zebo, a Lion in Australia four years ago. Although the US scrambling defense was good, another Earls break put the substitute lock James Ryan over and replacement scrum-half Luke McGrath also scored as legs tired. The final try came from a high kick to Stockdales wing, where the undersized Teo was predictably outjumped. Zebo collected the loose ball to score.
On a hot, sapping evening, both teams earned their applause. After five minutes of the game, though, the same fans offered standing ovation in honor of Robert Paylor, a lock from the University of California, Berkeley who suffered a catastrophic injury in the Varsity Cup final against Arkansas State last month. Paylor is now in rehab; a GoFundMe campaign aims to raise $1m to aid his recovery.
USA: B Cima; M Teo, R Matyas, M Brache (W Magie, 22-35; B Campbell, 65), M Iosefo (S Davies, 50); AJ MacGinty, N Augspurger (capt); B Tarr (J Taufetee, 40), P Malcolm (J Hilterbrand, 40), C Baumann (P Ryan, 46), N Brakeley, N Civetta (M Jensen, 46), J Quill, T Lamborn, D Tameilau (A Durutalo, 40).
Tries Civetta, Quill, Matyas. Cons MacGinty 2.
Ireland: T OHalloran; K Earls, G Ringrose, L Marshall (R Scannell, 40) J Stockdale; J Carbery (S Zebo, 50), K Marmion (L McGrath, 61); C Healy (D Kilcoyne, 50), N Scannell (D Heffernan, 50), J Ryan (A Porter, 50), Q Roux (J Ryan, 61), D Toner, R Ruddock (capt), J van der Flier, J Conan.
Tries Earls 2, Stockdale, Scannell, Marmion, Conan, James Ryan, McGrath, Zebo. Cons Carbery 3, R Scannel 2 Pens DG
Ref: Luke Pearce (England) Att: 22,370.
Read more: http://ift.tt/2spK8wR
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2spPYyE via Viral News HQ
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