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a-cypress-tree-draws · 1 year ago
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So, we've been doing some interesting things In Skull & Shackles recently. Somewhere along the lines of trying to get Xaitherin's uncle back, we ran into an entire fortress (if one could call it that. More of a complex, really. It's the size of a small city.) full of Kytons (kinda like Cenobites) led by a minour deity known as Morrobahn, and they've...uh...messed everyone up a bit. In short, Kalypso has webbed digits and gills (not that she needed them), Eno's part machine, Dispatia is bleeding black from her eyes and is acting really weird after being exposed to the eldritch secrets of the universe or something similar, and Xaitherin's... well, dry socket where her eye should be aside, she's just kind of really fed up with everyone. There's something going on with her head to where she's now wildly distrusting and lashing out at nearly everyone. The Kytons keep telling her she's "special".
The good news is....
actually, I don't think there is any. It's honestly pretty horrible.
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thefreelanceangel · 7 months ago
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dailycharacteroption · 2 months ago
Plague Eater (Spiritualist Archetype)
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(art by Lyno3ghe on DeviantArt)
Few things are more tragic and traumatic than mass death. It’s the sort of thing that we evoke in our horror fiction as the cause of many surges of undead rising. Whole villages populated by the walking dead living out a mockery of their former lives until the living dare intrude upon them, or amalgamated spirits fused together into a howling knot of trauma.
However, not every tragedy like this need to beget more tragedies, and such is the case with today’s subject: the Plague Eater.
The land of Iobaria is nearly not a nation at all by most definitions, not anymore, that is. The nation is mostly abandoned after centuries of plagues and periods of regrowth, leaving ruins dotting the landscape where they haven’t been reclaimed by the forest.
With those disease come hordes of unquiet spirits that have banded together, but instead of becoming some manner of undead horror, these groups decided to instead bind with a survivor or perhaps a sympathetic soul, swearing to protect them not only from physical harm, but also the same sort of diseases they perished by.
In this way a plague eater is a spiritualist that has not one phantom, but many, though they still can only access one at a time, switching out for a different one each day if they so wish.
Followed by such a horde, these mystics may struggle with them, but there is no denying their versatility.
These spiritualists literally contain multitudes, and when they rest they can bring up one of these spirits to serves as their phantom, letting them bring new sets of emotions to the front. However, this does weaken their overall bond, making their phantoms slightly weaker than others. Additionally, the phantoms are more focused on protecting the spiritualist from disease than they are offering their insight. As such, no matter what spirit is currently in front, they always grant protection against disease while within the spiritualist, while also granting a bonus to a single skill that changes every time the plague eater changes the phantom.
At first, their protection against disease is only when within the head of their master, but later on, their manifested ectoplasmic form helps ward them while they are nearby.
Naturally, these mages also learn to fight against disease themselves, starting with a simple spell that suppresses the worst of symptoms and helps bolster recovery and the immune system.
However, they can also turn this power against foes to mark them with the painful outward signs of the plague that slew their spirits, though not actually infect them with the disease.
As they grow more powerful, they can magically cure diseases with a touch as well.
They also continue to gain the benefits of their phantom’s guidance and protection even once they manifest as well.
Eventually, they become completely immune to disease, allowing their manifested phantom to begin spreading this protection to others nearby.
Finally, powerful plague eaters can not only cure diseases, but pull the infection out of someone magically and inflict it on an enemy with a touch, should they be so cruel.
The protection this archetype grants against disease may be quite useful in some campaigns, but not so much in others. However, the ability to trade out your phantom’s focus from day to day with only one loss in the companion’s level can make for a very versatile spiritualist if you can predict the sort of foes you’ll be going up against each day. I recommend taking a few divination spells for exactly that reason, though the rest of your build is probably going to be more generalized in order to accommodate the differences in play style each emotional foci brings with it.
This archetype is interesting, because if I’m not mistaken, it is the only one that lets a spiritualist change their phantom’s emotional foci without story reasons of them being released and them getting a new one. With that in mind, I think there’s plenty of room to create homebrew variants of this archetype that replace the disease-related abilities with others, perhaps tied to some other cause of mass death, for example.
When the superstitious shogunate discovered the location of Biiyon Village, he sent his armies to slaughter the kitsune living there. The defenders fought valiantly, but could not stand before them, and only those that fled into the forest survived. Now, one of those survivors has grown into a beautiful young woman, and she plans to tear down the shogun, with the entire deceased population of her home at her side.
The party was investigating a ruin when they discover an auger velstrac fleeing as if the horrible ball of meat and iron’s life depended on it. Giving chase is a fierce-looking woman and a shadow of blurred shapes and faces. Whatever the explanation, not just anyone can make a velstrac flee.
The Dead City of Alklazzen was devastated by illness, overtaken so thoroughly that there wasn’t even time to make mass graves for the majority of the populace. Most rose again as walking dead or spirits, and many have devolved into monstrosity. However, there is a community of spirits that have bonded together, waiting for something to latch onto to regain purpose.
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pathfinderunlocked · 11 months ago
Gargantuan Linkserpent - CR11 Kyton
If you hear a chain rattling and feel the ground rumbling, it’s too late to run.
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Image generated on Artflow.ai.
I normally do my best to find an artist to showcase with each post.  For this one, though, I had an idea and couldn’t find any real artwork that was even remotely close, sorry.  It bothers me enough that I don’t think I’ll do it again.   It kind of makes sense, though, considering that the monster creates illusionary terrain that you could very easily flavor as looking like an AI-generated image.
This is a lower level version of a CR14 creature I made some time back, the Colossal Linkserpent. As the name implies, this weaker version is one size category smaller. If your adventure is a few levels lower, it might be more appropriate.
In the Shadow Plane, it’s perhaps fortunate at times that distances between location are fluid and long distance travel is somewhat dreamlike, because that leaves an infinite amount of space for the Gargantuan and Colossal Linkserpents to roam.  They never seem to reach settlements, but in the bleak and lifeless wilderness, Linkserpents hunt down travelers and torment them.  They are capable of causing a traveler’s journey in the Shadow Plane to stretch out endlessly by circling around them beneath the ground.
A relatively small number of these creatures are believed to exist - maybe a hundred or fewer in the world, although it’s impossible to tell for sure.  The animal-like intelligence of a Gargantuan Linkserpent is unusual among kytons, but this creature enjoys inflicting pain and torment just as much as the more intelligent kytons with humanoid appearances.
Unlike many kytons which wear the chains that were used to bind or torture them, a Garguantuan Linkserpent’s entire body except for its head is made of a great number of living metallic chains, which were given life and melded together by other kytons after being used to bind or torture other creatures. The difference between a Gargantuan Linkserpent and a Colossal Linkserpent is simply how many chains the kytons are able to gather when creating it.
Gargantuan Linkserpent - CR 11
Made of interwoven metallic chains stretching more than 30 feet long, this enormous serpent-like creature bursts from the ground with a rattling sound.
XP 12,800 LE Gargantuan outsider (evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful) Init +3 Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 1 mile; Perception +15 Aura stretch terrain (120 ft.)
AC 23, touch 9, flat-footed 20 (+3 Dex, +14 natural, -4 size) hp 138 (12d10+72); regeneration 5 (good weapons and spells, silver weapons) Fort +14, Ref +11, Will +8 DR 10/silver or good Immune cold SR 21
Speed 40 ft., burrow 40 ft. Melee bite +18 (3d6+15) Ranged molten steel spit +11 touch (4d8 fire plus hardened steel, 30 ft. range increment, see text) Space 30 ft.; Reach 30 ft. Special Attacks constrict (4d6+21), enwrap, unnerving gaze (30 ft.; DC 16)
Str 31, Dex 16, Con 22, Int 1, Wis 18, Cha 8 Base Atk +12; CMB +26; CMD 39 (cannot be tripped) Feats All-Consuming Swing, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Vital Strike Skills Climb +20, Perception +15 Languages None
Enwrap (Ex) As a standard action, a gargantuan linkserpent can coil its body around a creature at least two size categories smaller than itself, attempting to hold it in place.  This functions as a grapple combat maneuever, and provokes an attack of opportunity, except that if successful, the gargantuan linkserpent can maintain the grapple as a move action each round and can continue to make bite attacks.  A creature grappled in this way is moved into the center of the gargantuan linkserpent’s space, instead of adjacent to it as normal for a grapple.
Molten Steel Spit (Ex) As a standard action, a gargantuan linkserpent can spit a glob of molten steel.  This is a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 30 feet which deals 4d8 fire damage.  A target struck by this attack is entangled, and its weight increases by 120 lbs.  Both the entangled condition and the additional weight last until the target removes the steel, which immediately hardens around the target.
A flying target struck by this attack must succeed on a DC 25 Fly check or immediately plummet, and takes an additional -10 penalty on Fly checks on top of any penalty it takes from the added weight.
The hardened steel has 10 hardness and 30 hit points, and can be removed by dealing enough slashing, piercing, bludgeoning, acid, fire, or force damage to break it apart or melt it.  Acid or fire attacks against the hardened steel also damage the entangled creature.
Stretch Terrain (Su) As a free action, while in an area of natural terrain on the Shadow Plane, a gargantuan linkserpent can cause creatures within 120 feet to be unable to escape a 120 foot radius around the gargantuan linkserpent.  Creatures and objects which attempt to move further than this distance away seem to be moving, but their distance from the gargantuan linkserpent never increases to further than 120 feet.  Even teleportation effects are unable to move further than this distance, although plane shifting works normally.
A gargantuan linkserpent must be able to take a free action each round to maintain this aura.  The aura ends at the end of the gargantuan linkserpent’s turn if it is helpless or otherwise unable to act.
Unnerving Gaze (Ex) A creature that succumbs to an gargantuan linkserpent’s unnerving gaze has all of its movement speeds reduced to 0 for 1 round as it imagines being strangled in the coiled chains of the linkserpent’s body.  This gaze effect has a range of 30 feet and is negated by a DC 16 Will save.  The save DC is Charisma-based.
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ghoulcaclulator64 · 1 year ago
CW: blood, lacerations, and flaying
did this redesign of shinigami as a velstrac! tried putting in some syo/jack energy deliberately with a bit of a scissors themiung and it came together pretty scarily if i do say so myself. first time ive really fucked around with any amount of blood or gore tho
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milk-crafting · 2 years ago
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He's intimately aware of pain and its intricacies. He saw the same pain in her he saw in himself, and she hadn't planned on being vulnerable enough to let anyone see it.
reference used
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desertdruidcrafts · 1 year ago
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My party is in the Shadowfell in my home game, so you all get a variety of creatures and residents of the plane of shadows. Including Zon-Kuthon and some kytons, a baku, death's heads, and more creepy monsters for gothic horror and spooky fun.
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thecreaturecodex · 2 years ago
Do you have any homebrew lore for Raetorgash you'd like to share? Among demagogues she's one of my favorites, but like all demagogues besides Inkariax and Sugroz, her canon lore is a scarce few paragraphs.
No. I have so many projects I'm working on that I'm starting to lose track. Raetorgash was a pull based on her blurb in Book of the Damned, not on any pre-existing plans for her. I do want to cover her and all of the demigods in the Xammux at some point, but that's a low priority and a longer term concept. Maybe within the next year
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aeris-blue · 1 year ago
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My take on a Pathfinder Kyton Libitinarii he is horrible and I love/hate him
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belabras · 4 months ago
Starfinder - Hellraiser and Velstracs
This week we a rundown of the Starfinder equivalent to the Cenobites from Hellraiser. Open the box, we have such sights to show you!
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thefreelanceangel · 4 months ago
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dailycharacteroption · 1 year ago
Deity Drop 5: Aroggus
With today’s entry, this week’s special continues to be about the lawful evil side, but unlike yesterday this one does not seem to be any reference to any real-world mythology as far as I can tell.
Today, we are looking at our first velstrac demagogue, in fact, today’s subject is in fact the first of the demagogues, and is also the first velstrac period!
Originally called Kyton Demagogues before Paizo renamed kytons to velstracs for legal reasons and retconned kyton to a misnomer meaning “grand master”, demagogues are powerful demigods among their kind, truly worthy of the title of “kyton”
Aroggus, along with all velstracs that came after, were originally from Hell, but left it when Asmodeus and his devils colonized the plane, immigrating to the Plane of Shadow where they could hone their pursuit of blood-drenched perfection in relative peace.
According to velstrac lore, Aroggus was born from the depraved thoughts of mortals long before Asmodeus ever set foot in Hell, and when the gods realized his power, they bound him in chains and left him to rot. Eventually he tore free, but was bound again. The next time he broke free, he accepted his chains as part of himself, making them his own, unable to be bound by them again. He then created his lesser kin from the very flesh of Hell itself, and when the Asura Rana Geryon betrayed his own kin for Asmodeus, Aroggus took his kin with him into the shadows rather than be subjugated by the ruler of devils (with a little help from Doloras, one of the Queens of Night). There in the shadows, he shed his physical form to become one with the abbey fortress he built.
All of these events taught Aroggus lessons which have become central to the worldview of all velstracs, that pain is a reward, willpower makes one strong, and that perfection must be forced upon those that lack the understanding to chase it willingly. You can probably see how they became the sadistic monsters they are today.
Aroggus long ago shed his physical form to become one with his realm, the Abbey of Nevers. However, he can inhabit a suit of armor as a shadowy mass when he needs to leave for whatever reason, wielding his mighty warhammer that he took with him in the exodus from Hell.
The Abbey of Nevers itself was a shadowy parody of a temple with an ever-shifting interior that Aroggus created to hide his people from devilkind. While most velstracs have left now that they no longer fear devils, some remain, as does Aroggus, having transcended his material form to become the Abbey itself, always being a safe place that the velstracs can return to. There, he broods and plans his revenge against Asmodeus, Geryon, and all devilkind.
With his focus on revenge, the Abbey Maker attracts faithful that are consumed with thoughts of revenge to the point of being willing to use any tactic no matter how depraved. He offers protection to those seeking such revenge, giving them time to plan and plot until they are ready to enact their vengeance. As such, the only long-term cults of Aroggus are composed of member whose revenge has no clear defined goal or is targeted against entire demographics.
As the first velstrac, Aroggus hates Asmodeus and Geryon in particular, though her perhaps may have mixed feelings towards Doloras. Meanwhile, he likely holds disdain towards more chaotic gods, and malicious indifference towards goodly gods.
Futhermore, as the first of his kind, the Abbey Maker can command the loyalty of nearly every velstrac, and at least expect the other demagogues to hear him out when he requires something of them.
Naturally, Aroggus holds sway over the Evil, Law, Protection, and Trickery domains, with the Deception, Defense, Fear, and Tyranny subdomains, all reflecting his role as the father and protector of the velstracs and the cunning planner and ruler of his domain.
Aroggus hasn’t been focused on in Second Edition, so sadly his domains aren’t detailed in that system. More time is required.
As a lesser power, his obedience only grants minor powers. In this case, the devotee must list every person that ever wronged them until the page is full and then consume the page. In return, they gain resistance to magic that compels behavior. Additionally, they gain a handful of spells, namely magic to hide themselves from magical detection, trap foes in magical force, or even imprison a target within the earth.
Aroggus has been mentioned in Starfinder, as his teachings are heavily detailed as part of the Signal of Screams AP. In that era, he acts much as he always has, though his followers benefit from all sorts of technology in their plots to enact revenges reflecting the thousand fantasized revenges that Aroggus indulges in.
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justarandomnobody · 8 months ago
I've no shame to say it: my last character is a shackleborn tiefling (tiefling with kyton/velstrac ancestors), follower of Calistria, goddess of lust and vengeance, because I wanted to play kind of a discount Cenobite 👉🏻👈🏻
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We have such sights to show you. HELLRAISER (2022)
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pathfinderunlocked · 1 year ago
Conflagellant - CR6 Kyton
Nothing sounds as beautiful as the sizzling of a person's searing flesh.
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Artwork by warmtail on Adobe Stock.
Most kytons are creatures at home in the cold lifelessness of the Shadow Plane, but conflagellants seek the beautiful pain that all kytons desire in the flame.
Although fire heals a conflagellant, it still feels as much pain from the fire as any other creature. It just likes the pain. It would even be accurate to say that the pain is what makes it what it is - adding to its pain makes it burn brighter and faster, as represented by the fire healing.
Note that a creature which has both lethal and nonlethal damage heals both types of damage whenever it receives healing. This is relevant for how a conflagellant's Kyton Cut ability interacts with its regeneration and other healing abilities. It heals 3 both lethal damage and 3 nonlethal damage each round from regeneration, and heals both types of damage similarly with its other healing abilities, so it has minimal reason to avoid hurting itself with every melee attack.
I included a description of the uncommon feat Fire God's Blessing in its stat block.
Conflagellant CR 6
A human-shaped pyre stands, engulfed in a blazing inferno. What looks like the silhouette of a screaming person wrapped in spiked fiery chains, its flesh burning away into embers, can be seen within the flames.
XP 2,400 LE Medium outsider (evil, extraplanar, kyton, lawful) Init +3 Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge) hp 52 (8d10+8); regeneration 3 (good weapons and spells, silver weapons) Fort +7, Ref +9, Will +3 DR 5/silver or good Defensive Abilities fire healing Immune fire, catch on fire Weaknesses vulnerable to cold, water repelled
Speed 20 ft. Melee spiked chain +12/+7 (2d4+1 plus burn) Space 5 ft; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks burn (1d4, DC 15), erupt in flame, kyton cut, unnerving gaze
Spell-like Abilities (CL 8th; concentration +10)     1/day—curse of burning sleep (DC 16)
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 12, Int 9, Wis 12, Cha 14 Base Atk +8; CMB +9; CMD 23 Feats Dodge, Fire God's Blessing, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (spiked chain) Skills Acrobatics +12, Craft (blacksmithing) +9, Escape Artist +12, Intimidate +13, Linguistics +3, Perception +12, Stealth -9; Racial Bonuses -10 Stealth Languages Common, Ignan, Infernal SQ bonfire Gear chain coat, spiked chain
Bonfire (Ex) A conflagellant constantly sheds light as a torch, shedding normal light in a 20-foot radius and increasing the light level by one step for an additional 20 feet beyond that area.
Erupt in Flame (Su) As a standard action, a conflagellant can create a burst of scorching flames centered on itself with a 20 ft. radius. The conflagellant is healed for 1d8 hit points, and all other creatures and objects within the radius take 3d8 points of fire damage and catch on fire. A DC 16 Reflex save halves the damage. The save DC is Charisma-based.
After using this ability, a conflagellant cannot use it again during the next 1d2+2 rounds.
Fire God's Blessing (Su) A conflagellant qualifies for the Fire God's Blessing feat without meeting its prerequisites.
When in combat, if a conflagellant deals fire damage to an enemy, it heals 1 hit point. It can only benefit from this healing once per round. Attacks that cause a target to catch on fire heal the conflagellant each round the target takes fire damage.
Fire Healing (Ex) Any attack that deals fire damage heals a conflagellant 1 point of damage for every 3 points of fire damage the attack would otherwise deal.
A conflagellant cannot be set on fire (at least, not any more than it already is) and thus cannot gain additional healing from being set on fire.
Kyton Cut (Ex) A conflagellant can choose to take 1d6 nonlethal damage before making an attack with a spiked chain. This damage cannot be avoided or reduced in any way. If the attack hits, its target takes an additional 1d6 points of nonlethal damage and a –4 penalty on concentration checks for 1 round. The penalty is a pain effect.
Unnerving Gaze (Su) A conflagellant can cause a creature that can see it within 30 ft. to become terrified of fire, psychosomatically making it feel the pain of burning flames whenever they are nearby. A target affected by this gaze must make a DC 16 Will save. On a failure, for the next hour, the target loses any fire immunity, fire resistance, and other protections against fire.
Additionally, any time another creature within 20 ft. of an affected target takes fire damage, the affected target must make another DC 16 Will save or take 25% as much damage as the other creature. The damage the target takes from this effect is untyped damage. This does not apply to area effects that already include the target.
This is a mind-affecting fear pain gaze effect. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Water Repelled (Ex) A conflagellant cannot enter water or any other nonflammable liquid. A body of water is an impassible barrier unless the conflagellant can step or jump over it.
Spells and other effects with the water descriptor deal 1d6 points of damage plus an additional 1d6 per spell level to the conflagellant (or just 1d6 points of damage for a non-spell effect).
Holy water counts as a water effect when used against a conflagellant, dealing an extra 2d6 damage. Note that, as Bless Water is a good spell, holy water also ends the conflagellant's regeneration for 1 round.
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cannibalisticskittles · 1 year ago
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first of all, amity is determined to make a lasting friend out of helsik. yes, yes, she consorts with devils, but so does amity's dad! it's not always awful. people have certainly done worse things for gold. and at helsik's prices, anyone who pays to be sent to the hells and suffers for it can't say they didn't know what they were walking into, and it's not going to affect the average baldurian.
plus, when asked to retrieve an object from a devil, she asked for something that would make her shopkeeping run more smoothly -- a woman after amity's own heart. how can she not be drawn to a fellow merchant, and one so practical as that?
the second thing is, amity truly cannot believe how many people take raphael so serious. a cambion?? has such vaulted status?? a cambion who didn't even manage to score a single promotion in more than a thousand years??? you'd think he would have worked his way up to at least a kyton, if not a greater devil like a horned devil, for all his ego. totally unfounded delusions of grandeur for a mere cambion. how strange.
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monstersdownthepath · 5 months ago
Homebrew Horror: Caligine, the Sweltering Saint
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(Art by @fishfacedterror!)
The twisted, self-described "Saint of Spices and Suffering" known as Caligine has numerous other titles with varying levels of detail and alliteration, is one of the youngest and most obscure of the shadowy demigods known as the Velstrac Demagogues. As such, his cult is quite small, but it grows every day as it draws in eccentric spice aficionados, brave gourmands, and all manner of uncommon men with tastes and habits bordering (or surpassing) the inhumane. Whether they wish to experience entirely new forms of suffering or simply test their tolerance, the "Trials of St. Caligine" call to all kinds.
Because Caligine prefers to experiment on the willing rather than the unwilling (if only because the willing are more likely to appreciate the molecular gastronomy at play), he is among the most peaceful of all the Demagogues in relation to his interactions with mortal life, going so far as to place his personal workshop just a three days' walk from Shadow Absalom and encourage patronage and trade with its citizens for exotic ingredients he would otherwise not have access to... but do not confuse 'peaceful' with 'harmless,' and do not believe 'prefers' means 'will only.' Anyone who disrupts his experiments is very likely to become a part of them, and the internal excruciations he delights in causing are a far different torture the common flesh-flaying and bone-breaking of most velstrac, a fact on its own which draws fiends from all over to experience them, fiends which have FAR fewer qualms disappearing Caligine's clientele for their own hideous projects.
While most of the fatalities he causes are the results of his gastric atrocities, Caligine relishes the occasional combat, both to make use of the runoff of his many experiments (it's still good for something) and to relieve the tedium that comes with waiting for endless vats of ingredients to boil down into something worthwhile. Despite his primary occupation as both a chef and a chemist, he is a terrifying and resilient combatant regardless of the range one fights him at, either hacking his foes apart with his enchanted cleaver and breaking their bones with his wretched tongue up close, or hurling truly impressive amounts of caustic explosives at more distant foes.
Despite his ferocity in battle, the Saint is willing to live up to his title in his own bizarre ways. An offering of especially rare or exotic ingredients or powerful, unique potions and poisons may see him pausing his assault long enough for one to reason with him. He may even bargain with those he was just trying to kill to get his hands on something he's never seen before (a challenge in and of itself!), and honors all promises he makes to the best of his abilities with very little litigious twisting, something which may change as he ages. He has been known to even provide healing to victims he's butchered or slain, though his prices for doing so always include submitting to his gastronomic experiments, something which has made many a victim wish they had stayed dead.
Saint Caligine CR 27
Lawful Evil Large Outsider (Evil, Extraplanar, Kyton, Lawful)
Init: +14; Senses: Darkvision 60ft, Keen Scent, See in Darkness; Perception +29
------ Defense ------
AC 44, touch 24, flat-footed 29 (+14 Dex, +1 dodge, +20 natural, -1 size)
HP 740 (34d10+544) Regeneration 30 (Deific and Mythic)
Fort +35 Ref +24 Will +24
Defensive abilities Mithridatism; DR 20/Epic, good, and silver; Immune Charm and compulsion effects, cold, fear effects, petrification, sleep; Resist Acid 30, Electricity 20, Fire 30; SR 38
------ Offense ------
Speed 40ft, climb 40ft
Melee Cleaver of Caligine +45/+40/+35/+30 (1d8+12 plus 1d6 Acid and 1d6 Fire/19-20/x3), claw +38 (1d8+5), tongue +41 (2d6+9 plus 1d10 Acid or Fire plus grab), OR two claws +41 (1d8+9), tongue +41 (2d6+9 plus 1d10 Acid or Fire plus grab)
Ranged Bomb +48/+43/+38/+33 (10d6+8 Acid or Fire)
Space 10ft; Reach 10ft (15ft with tongue)
Special Attacks Coated Tongue, constrict (2d6+14 plus 1d10 Acid or Fire), Ring of Telekinesis (DC 22/CMB +41), Unnerving Gaze (60ft, DC 34)
Infusions Prepared (CL 20; Concentration +28)
1st- Abjuring Step x2, Anticipate Peril x2, Expeditious Retreat, Long Arm, Shield 2nd- Barkskin, Blur x2, Touch Injection, Twisted Innards, Vomit Swarm x2 3rd- Fly, Haste, Heroism, Nauseating Trail x2 (DC 21), Toxic Blood (DC 21), Thorn Body 4th- Arcane Eye, Detonate x2 (DC 21), Fire Shield, Greater Invisibility x2, Spell Immunity 5th- Delayed Consumption x3, Grand Destiny, Overland Flight, Resurgent Transformation 6th-Caging Bomb Admixture, Heal x2, Mislead x2 (DC 24), Walk Through Space
Spell-like Abilities (CL 34; Concentration +41)
Constant--Discern Lies, Freedom of Movement, True Seeing At-will--Dispel Magic, Plane Shift (self and willing targets only), Teleport (self and willing targets only) 7/day--Acidic Spray (DC 22), Beguiling Gift (DC 18), Contagious Flame (DC 24), Tongues 5/day--Caustic Eruption (DC 24), Overwhelming Poison, Wall of Fire (DC 21) 3/day--Quickened Fireball (DC 24), Incendiary Cloud (DC 25) Transmute Blood to Acid (DC 26)
------ Statistics ------
Str 28 Dex 38 Con 42 Int 27 Wis 20 Cha 25 Base Atk: +34; CMB +44; CMD 68
Feats Brew Potion, Cleave, Close-Quarters Thrower (Bombs), Craft Magic Arms and Armor, Craft Wondrous Item, Dodge, Improved Critical (Handaxe), Great Cleave, Multiattack, Point-Black Shot, Precise Shot, Power Attack, Rapid Shot, Splash Weapon Mastery, Throw Anything, Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus (Bombs)
Skills Acrobatics +24, Appraise +38, Bluff +15, Climb +22, Craft (Alchemy) +55, Diplomacy +22, Disable Device +24, Escape Artist +24, Knowledge (Arcana) +38, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +38, Knowledge (Engineering) +28, Knowledge (Geography) +25, Knowledge (Local) +23, Knowledge (Nature) +45, Knowledge (the Planes) +31, Perception +29, Profession (Chef) +54, Sense Motive +28, Sleight of Hand +24, Spellcraft +45, Survival +25, Use Magic Device +37 Racial Modifiers: +12 to Craft (Alchemy) and Profession (Chef) checks.
Languages Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Ignan, Infernal, Shadowtongue; telepathy 100 ft.
SQ Alchemist Abilities, Crucible
------ Ecology ------ Environment any (Plane of Shadow) Organization Solitary (unique) Treasure Triple (Cleaver of Caligine (a +3 Flaming Burst and Corrosive Burst Handaxe), Ring of Telekinesis, Saint's Spice Bag (a Handy Haversack with three times the normal storage capacity), 1d8+4 random potions levels 1 to 3, 1d3 potions levels 4 to 6)
Combat: On any given day, Caligine always has 1d4+3 generically useful spells ready via Delayed Consumption, such as Death Ward, Haste, Cure Critical Wounds, Protection From Energy, and always at least one instance of Greater Invisibility, invoking them the instant they're needed. Caligine begins most fights with Greater Invisibility, then using the granted breathing room to tailor himself to his enemy's apparent might with whatever combination of extracts he feels will give him an advantage. His first order of business in any fight is restraining the hardiest-looking opponent with his tongue to suppress any resistances they may have before striking them with his more debilitating spell-likes such as Transmute Blood to Acid. As a pain fanatic, he doesn't care if he catches himself in the area of his own spells or if he grapples a creature that harms him to touch. He will use any poisons he has access to as early and often as possible, on both his enemies and himself. If his opponents prove particularly vulnerable to poison, he will often teleport away just long enough to craft some especially debilitating ones, bless them with Overwhelming Poison, and teleport back to continue. He utilizes his bombs primarily against foes who keep out of his reach, but will gladly use them against much closer enemies if they group together.
Morale: The Sweltering Saint rarely fights to the death. If brought to below 50 health, he will often concede to his foes' might and congratulate them on an excellent battle, especially if his enemies used Acid or Fire damage or poisons on him. He will attempt to placate/reward them with an offering of powerful potions and, perhaps, more alchemical items at his disposal. If his enemies reject his surrender, he will teleport or shift away, or simply flee with Expeditious Retreat. If he cannot, only then does he fight to the death.
------ Special Abilities ------
Alchemist Abilities (Ex): Caligine has several abilities similar to those from the Alchemist class:
He can can prepare and use extracts as if he were a 20th level Alchemist with the Infusion Discovery. He knows all Alchemist formulae; the above list is his most common selection if he anticipates hostility.
He has the Bomb ability of a 20th level Alchemist with the Fast Bombs Discovery, capable of swiftly hurling caustic chemicals which deal either Fire or Acid damage (Reflex DC 28 dodges the splash damage). He adds his Intelligence modifier to his bomb damage, as well as damage done with other alchemical splash weapons. His bombs have a range increment of 40ft, and he can create 42 bombs each day.
He can create items with incredible swiftness, crafting any alchemical item or poison in a single full-round action and most potions (see Crucible, below) in just 1 hour, provided he succeeds the Craft (Alchemy) check and has access to the materials to do so (he is always assumed to have the materials on-hand so long as he has his gear).
He can apply a poison or oil to a weapon as an immediate action. This includes his own natural weapons, which exposes him to any poison he uses, but see Mithridatism below.
Coated Tongue (Ex): Caligine's tongue is frighteningly dexterous, uncannily strong, and is coated with countless chemicals with deleterious effects on anything touching it. It is always a primary natural attack, and he can grapple and constrict a creature with his tongue without gaining the grappled condition himself. A creature grappled by his tongue has any Fire or Acid Resistance and/or Immunity they possess suppressed while they're grappled, and for 1d4+1 rounds after the grapple ends.
Crucible (Su): Caligine's mastery of chemistry allows him to perform feats that many consider impossible: He can have multiple Delayed Consumption effects in place at the same time. In addition, he can craft potions of spells up to 6th level instead of 3rd. However, a 4th level potion takes one day to create, a 5th level spell takes two days, and a 6th level spell takes three.
Mithridatism (Ex): Caligine is not immune to poisons, but most poisons have an effect on his physiology that is far outside the norm. Whenever he would take ability score damage or drain from a poison, instead he gains a +2 alchemical bonus to his attack and damage rolls, as well as ability checks and skill checks for 1 round. He gains this bonus for each different poison affecting him, and the bonuses stack. In addition, Caligine recovers from ability score damage at a rate of 1 per minute, and ability score drain at a rate of 1 per hour.
Unnerving Gaze (Ex): Any creature that succumbs to Caligine's unnerving gaze becomes suicidally convinced that they can survive his trials, taking a -10 penalty to the next saving throw they make against one of his spell-like abilities or a -10 penalty to their AC against the next alchemical bomb attack he makes against them.
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