#Kyoya having to deal with feelings
Goodnight Story #7
[Plaint Text: "Goodnight Story #7" Bigger and cursive /end pt]
Kyoya obviously had a bad day. Skull doesn't need to know what happened to know that much at least. As soon as Kyoya got home, he shucked off his jacket, threw his tonfa down the hallway and went into his bedroom with the biggest huff!
Skull almost instantly started on some fried rice, instinctively resorting to the comfort food Kyoya cooked for him that very first day they shared this space. It only takes half an hour and by the time Skull puts it all in a bowl, the anger that's been permeating the air has faded significantly.
Skull walks up to Kyoya's door and knocks lightly, waiting for permission, but no answer comes. Skull prods his flames into that room and-Yep. Kyoya is definitely in there. Curled up on his futon by the feel of his flame. He also waves one hand dismissively when Skull pokes him with his flames, disinterested but not angry at Skull at least.
Skull cracks the door open just a little. "Hey-? I made some fried rice... If you'd like a quick snack..."
Kyoya has his face buried in his pillow and he still doesn't reply, only hugging his pillow closer and grumbling faintly. Skull hesitates just a second longer, before Kyoya's flame nearly physically drags him into the room. Kyoya may be angry and upset, but his flame is gentle despite it all, curling into Skull's rugged edges gently. Almost like it's a whispering breeze, brushing a nice chill over the sore, torn ends of Skull's former bonds.
Skull easily shakes the sensations off and closes the door, approaching the futon slowly and taking a seat there. Kyoya still has his face buried in the pillow, very actively sulking. Skull makes sure his voice is gentle, even if he can't mask the confusion perfectly. "Do you wanna talk about what happened?"
Kyoya shakes his head immediately, still hiding in his pillow. His denial is... Understandable. And Skull doesn't need to know anything actually. He reaches out and carefully brushes a hand through Kyoya's hair, watching quietly when a shiver runs down Kyoya's spine.
Kyoya isn't crying, but it feels like that's just barely a fact right now. Whatever happened must've really upset him... Skull lowers his voice, tapping into his mostly unused parental powers to add gentle authority to his words. "Will you try the fried rice? Pretty please..."
Kyoya just hugs the pillow tighter, his next breath a bit shaky. He doesn't sound vulnerable, he just sounds emotionally sore. "You've never cooked for me before..."
Skull would love to hug Kyoya right now, but with how his baby bro is laying down, that would be a tad uncomfortable. Instead, he brushes his hand through that fluffy hair again, scratching the back of Kyoya's head for a second, before replying easily. "I've wanted to plenty of times. But I'm not going to do that when you want to use your kitchen yourself..."
Kyoya heaves a sigh, finally lowering the pillow just a bit, to give Skull an actual, adorable pout. His eyes are sparkling, so he is close to tears, but they aren't red-rimmed, so he hasn't been crying at least. Kyoya's voice still doesn't sound like they're anyhow safe from tears. "Cooking is... A declaration to me. If you don't love me, don't cook for me."
Skull raises an eyebrow, before sighing and placing the bowl of rice aside, scooping Kyoya up and pulling him upright a little. All just so Skull can gently hold those cheeks and swipe the pesky tears away from those pretty lashes. He's holding Kyoya's face because he needs him to actually pay attention. "Listen Kyo... Of course I love you. That was never up for debate..."
Kyoya pulls out of his hold a little. Not fully, just enough so he can bite his lower lip and avert his eyes. He sniffles faintly when his tears start to fall, before just dropping back into the pillow and hugging it close again. Now his voice is small. Not shy, just... Soft. "You have to tell me things like that, stupid herbivore..."
Skull sighs softly, not entirely understanding what's going on. But, once again, he doesn't need to know everything. Kyoya is crying and needs some comfort. So Skull brushes a hand through his hair again, just saying what crosses his mind next. "I never didn't love you, silly... I can promise that much, at least."
Kyoya whines, a bit like a wounded baby animal, before he abandons his pillow and slams his head into Skull's stomach full force. Skull nearly wheezes, but then Kyoya's arms wrap around his waist and... Well. This may be the first time Kyoya initiated a hug of his own accord. Skull pulls him closer and just holds him as best he can.
By the end of it all, Skull still has no idea what happened. But Kyoya stopped crying, ate some fried rice and now they're cuddling.
That's not a bad ending for a maybe bad day...
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morinuu · 4 months
I’m so happy to see your requests are open I absolutely love your writing!!
Kyoya x fem reader where they have an arranged marriage because it will help both there parents companies, and Kyoya and reader start to actually have feelings for one another, even though they weren’t sure about marrying the other at first?? Just thought it would be super cute!!
Hope your day/night is going well!!
hiii im so glad u like my work! :3 added a wee bit of angst turnt fluff cus why not. its not exactly what u asked for but i hope u like it anyway!
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❄|kyouya x reader where you're both forced to marry under your families' order. 1.7k words. this doesn't follow the canon for the events after the ouran graduation.
the noiret paced around his room in uneasiness. he knew one day his freedom would be cut short, he'd been waiting for that day, but he also had learnt to have the slightest, stupidest hope that his father's newfound respect for him had changed things.
he wonders, however, how he of all people could have been so naïve.
outside, the fairies of the winter had been drawing pretty little drawings of ice on the edges of his windows, as if to try and distract his racing mind from the events that would unfold the second he got out of his room. he was used to the noise of social events, the people chatter and the pressure of socialising, so this should be nothing for him, right?
he didn't understand this feeling. it wasn't that he necessarily hated an arrangement for marriage, life would go on whether or not it would happen.
looking at the fairies' drawings of comfort one last time, he took a deep breath and exited his room to leave for the wedding venue without a word.
the car ride was uncomfortable. his family had already arrived so they weren't there to talk his ear off and the bride would come some time after than he did as the tradition goes. he had time left to think and contemplate again and again.
he looked down at his tuxedo. the bride requested that if she wasn't able to marry of her own free will, that she at least get to have her dream wedding. not a bad deal, kyouya thought. their outfits had been in matching colours, and both were over-the-top decorated. he felt slightly embarrassed at the outfit, but it wasn't anything too extreme in comparison to what he wore in highschool. the only concern was that his whole family and many important people would be there, though he swallowed that as well, as he'd been doing the entire year of the wedding preparation.
he'd met his fiancée plenty of times in that year. the first time they met was at his university graduation. she was smiling brightly standing next to his sister who rushed to hug him and congratulate him. he remembers her bowing politely and introducing herself, before his father stepped in to explain the situation. he remembers the slight surprise on her face at the lack of comments about his sons' achievements.
the next time they met was at a museum. his sister had advised him to ask her on a date so they could get to know each other. she was intelligent, charismatic, and he couldn't deny her face was pleasant to look at. her interest in history was a plus - at least she had an interesting characteristic.
their second date was a dinner at a restaurant, only the best to serve the ootoris. she'd picked steak and juice - quickly explaining she doesn't drink at the slight raise of his eyebrow. he nodded and changed his own wine order to juice as well. 'you don't have to do that!' she rushed but he assured her he's just being considerate of his fiancée. he never forgot how to be a gentleman.
the fifth date she asked to meet at a commoners' shopping mall to show him around. kyouya wasn't surprised by this. he'd learnt early on from his investigation on potential wife that she'd been adopted into the l/n family due to some sort of an affair. despite it being well-known, the gossip around the situation wasn't very clear, so he decided to wait until she talked about it instead.
at some point down the road, the two had become something akin to friends, and although not very close, y/n claimed she was satisfied with the bond they'd created regardless of its strength.
nine months later, he now is at the altar, bouquet in hand, a performative smile for all the guests to admire - until a beautiful woman comes through with her arm linked to her father's.
the ceremony didn't last long, the after-party however? most guests had already left but the couples' friends continued to act like it was the last day of their lives. the bridesmaids' laughter and his friends' drunk dance moves tired kyouya, but he was having fun, so what's another night sleepless?
a tap in his shoulder by his wife.
"you okay? you seem tired. we can call it a night." she exclaimed into his ear through the music. he'd read enough women's blogs to understand what that meant.
even if he wasn't tired, she was, and that was a roundabout way of telling him. what sort of husband disobeys his wife?
the second they got to their new house, y/n rushed to the bed and flopped on it like a sack. she had no energy to get changed or move, instead asking kyouya 'if they could complete their duties the next day, nobody was rushing them anyway'. kyouya he helped her out of her dress and comatosed with her in peace.
the next morning, nobody bothered to wake the couple. soon they'd leave for their honeymoon anyway. everything happened way too quickly and kyouya didn't know how to handle it. the weeks passed, and he refused to communicate any issues to his wife that weren't work or family related. he felt conflicted, but he didn't know about what. the woman lying next to him was kind, beautiful, clever. what right did he have to complain?
i mean, what did it matter if he didn't feel any connection in bed? why would it matter if she had a disappointed look on her face whenever he had to cut their time short? would it make any difference if he had an heir later and ignored his parents' whines about it? it was a tough thing to do, but each time he failed to satisfy his wife, it felt like a stab in the chest wounding his male ego. so did it really matter that he was away for long periods of time? it was a marriage of convenience, after all, and she wasn't missing out on anything.
she claimed that whatever friendship they had felt like it was dissolving because he 'didn't make an effort'? him? when he's the one working hard to make sure his dad's company doesn't make the wrong decisions? what does she know when she sits at home all day getting princess treatment despite being illegitimate?
"you chose this, kyouya." what?
"you refuse to leave your father's shadow." that's not it.
"maybe if you stood up for yourself, half the issues you're complaining about would be gone!" you're wrong.
he doesn't have free will, he never did. since he was a kid his life had been dictated by those around him, and surely you under-
"you're nearing thirty, kyoya! i'm tired of your self-pity! do something! i'm sick of this!"
it felt like yesterday when he saw his wife in her wedding dress for the first time. back then, he didn't really understand the concept of forever.
yet it had already been seven years.
seven years of obedience. seven years of keeping his head down. seven years of neglecting his wife to dedicate his time to his work. seven years for him to realise he was serving the ootoris. he was never on an equal level.
the issue wasn't his father, it was him. and on his twenty-ninth birthday, a snowy day just like his wedding day, with the winter fairies for comfort, he announced to his old man his retirement from the company.
"i'm sorry, y/n. i'm sorry for everything. let's try again."
you took his hand and embraced him. you knew your husband was broken somewhere inside him. you'd known for years. you'd seen how his family treated him, how they took him for granted. but no matter what you did, how much you pressured him, he only let you see specific parts of himself, and you couldn't help but blame yourself.
you refused to leave his side, no matter how exhausting your marriage felt. you rarely went on dates anymore, he never made the move to touch you, it wasn't marriage, it felt like... a business transaction.
deep down, you knew that that's what it was. you'd considered divorce plenty of times but at the end of the day, even if not your lover, kyouya was your friend. the man whom you ate breakfast with and lied on the same bed with. the man you'd seen you at your worst and gave you strength, and you knew you had to support even if he refused to let go of what was familiar to him. even if he refused his own happiness.
the sobbing man in your arms reminded you of a younger version of him. years ago, on your third anniversary when he'd planned a trip to chongqing because he remembered you saying you always wanted to go. during your two week stay, he got wine tipsy at dinner and eventually drunk by nighttime, spilling feelings he'd kept to himself for years.
he'd kneeled in front of you, furiously crying in your lap as he held your legs tightly, begging you not to leave because he could feel himself changing and neglecting his personal life.
you'd carried him to bed and admired his face as he fell asleep, naïvely thinking that this was just a rough patch and he'd go back to putting effort in just like he did in chongqing.
but the years passed and he proved to you his fears were legitimate.
"sure, let's try again kyouya." you patted his back when he held you in even tighter. "but this time we're trying counselling, okay?" you giggled, trying to light up the mood.
he pulled back and gave a tiny smile when you wiped his cheek.
"whatever my wife says." he caressed your hair. "let's stay married, okay? i don't want to lose you."
he didn't say the three words, but that was okay. it didn't matter much. romance could wait, because you knew you loved him more than a woman in a cheesy romcom would. you loved his soul, and you wanted nothing more than to see him bloom.
"let's stay married, kyouya. happy birthday."
it was a new beginning for the both of you and you had nothing but time on the horizon.
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hyukakisses · 2 days
ohshc txt au but they’re all emo >:))
-emo ohshc au! (request)
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pairings: emo txt x reader
plot: random txt headcanons as separate ohshc characters from the anime/manga
warnings: !pervy mean soobin, cursing, smut & fluff, (characters are in college), jealous soobin, sweet reader, enemies to lovers troupe, size kink, use of pet names
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soobin as kyoya 𓆩♡𓆪:
-you two were definitely enemies to lovers; soobin often shooting you death glares whenever he found out he had the second highest grade to you, often shoulder bulging you each time he walked past you. not wanting to admit he thought you being smart was really attractive
-completely obsessed with his father’s approval and patriarchy. so when he found out you were raised by farmers he definitely poked fun at that
-soobin tried his absolute best to hate you but couldn’t; he liked that no matter how cold he was towards you, you were always in a happy mood each time you seen him. “soobin did you study for the exam today?” “you know you look so cute when you’re all moody!” “i really like your glasses matches with your hair!”
-after his many failed attempts of ignoring you, soobin finally just accepted your clingy nature and dealt with it. his harded glaze softening up when you’d bring him coffee knowing he was up studying for an exam, or comforting him when he was dealing with his insufferable father.
-doesn’t really like when you call him out for his soft spot for you; saying he has a reputation to uphold and you’d just huff playfully as you respect his wishes because he was still a good boyfriend even if he didn’t like your teasing
-always buying you the most expensive gifts, knowing you couldn’t get much of it growing up. enjoying the squeals and hugs in gratitude you’d give him
-had a thing for face-fucking you. fisting his cock so hard before finally giving in and letting his member slip into your mouth. soobin begins hissing in pleasure at the warmth as you quickly suck him off triggering his long awaited release
-soobin would sigh in relief once he climaxes but quickly regains his composure once you reach up by his tie and pull him into a needy kiss. pushing his glasses up as you giggle about how much you loved him ):
huening kai as mori 𓆩♡𓆪:
-huening kai definitely has a size kink; always comparing his hand size with yours loving the feeling of your much smaller hand against his as weird as that sounds. relishes in the fact that you’re no over than 5’6 meanwhile he was 6 foot
-would carry you around everywhere, bridal style or piggy back rides. reminding you that you’re a princess who shouldn’t have to let a finger even if it came to moving around
-never spoke unless it was necessary; the whole guy was a mystery. only speaking up when it was to remind you to eat or sleep, or to defend you against people who didn’t really like you ):
-hyuka would smile when you’d let him cup your face with his hands, loving the sight of his large hands swallowing your body
-wouldn’t let you do anything by yourself, carrying your books around campus and mouth feeding you as if you were a baby which was fine to him because you were his baby after all
-uses his strength against you when it came to sex. tossing you around like some type of rag doll; huening kai trapping you in place as he attacks you with kisses. swiftly discarding your clothes as he hurriedly ruts into you as if he was going to die if he didn’t fuck you soon ):
-even during sex your boyfriend wasn’t much of a talker, only letting out soft grunts of pleasure as he felt your pussy spasm around his length. your sweet whines pushing him further to his release, the feeling of his ropes emptying inside you triggering your climax. this action making huening kai smile weakly muttering a ‘i love you’ in your ears <3
yeonjun as tamaki 𓆩♡𓆪:
-very flirtatious from the get go, which surprised you to say the least you didn’t think anyone as attractive as him could possibly wanna date you. you were often questioning if that was some type of dare from yeonjun’s follow host members
-you fell for yeonjun very fast due to his charming nature; he was like a real life prince. your boyfriend often leaving love letters and roses in your locker you just didn’t understand how you got so lucky with dating him ):
-yeonjun’s impulsiveness was rather endearing to you as sick as that sounds, you also supported his delusions. “you’ll stay with me forever right y/n?” “i want five kids when we’re married do you think you can do that for me?”
-behind his charming nature, yeonjun was very anxious about losing you. doing grand acts to make you feel loved and win your love over; you’d reassured him that his gestures weren’t really needed since you already loved him but still! he just wanted to make sure you’d never leave him :(
-yeonjun definitely had an oral fixation; constantly needing something in his mouth. if it wasn’t your pretty pussy it was ggum or candy
-“please? you don’t even have to do anything this time baby i just wanna make you feel good i just need a taste” the jet black haired boy pleaded with you giving teary eyes followed by forcing you down on his mattress. “j-junnie im still sore from yesterday” you’d let out a whine the sound only fueling yeonjun’s desire more. “that’s why you i said you don’t have to do anything baby! please just let me make you feel good please let me make it up to you” the emo boy grins when you sigh with a nod
-yeonjun loves eating you out through your panties for a second before he finally slips his greedy tongue into your wet folds, enjoying the sound of overstimulation you’d make when your boyfriend’s lips and tongue was rapidly lapping around your cunt
-definitely makes you cum quickly once he founds your cute cilt, smiling once he feels his lips soaked in your juices. “feel better now?” you’d weakly ask “yeah i do think you could keep laying there while i fuck you dumb now?” yeonjun gives you no time to reply before freeing himself from his suffocating sweatpants
taehyun as kaoru 𓆩♡𓆪:
-very mature and serious unless it came to you, often showering you in kisses and telling you that were just a baby who couldn’t do anything on your own
-definitely a lot of gym dates with him; and by gym dates i mean you just sitting on a bench as you watch taehyun perform his workout routine engaging in a few makeout sessions time to time
-around campus taehyun is kinda like your bodyguard; always at your aid whenever you need physical or emotional support like a good boyfriend would provide ):
-in class taehyun is always handsy with you, his big hands placed lightly on you thigh as his fingers dance closer to your clothed core making your head spin
-you whine to yourself once you feel your boyfriend’s digits slipping inside of you; taehyun’s black painted nails curling at places you couldn’t reach on your own. your climax near and your walls closing up tighter and tighter before taehyun pulls away making your eyes widen in shock
-taehyun loved edging you and you hated that about him. “if you’re good i’ll let you cum tonight okay baby? now pay attention” he points to the professor giving another boring lecture as you sigh in defeat
beomgyu as honey 𓆩♡𓆪:
-out of all the hosts, beomgyu was the sweetest. taking the time out of his day to bake your favorite treats and gives you head pats. “i really like the cherry pie you made me gyu” “can you make me brownies next time?” “more head rubs and head pats please!”
-definitely watches you do your daily skincare and makeup; asking if he could join you with his best puppy dog eyes which didn’t make fail to make you fall for everytime :(
-very sensitive; always crying and you give him head rubs as in attempt to comfort him
-always making you bake treats with him; stealing kisses and giving you nose rubs during the process
-prefers for you to sit on his face; he says he likes being on his back while still maintaining some type of control of you. gripping your hips as he directs you over his glistening lips
-beomgyu basically makes out with your soppy cunt; rocking your hips so much at a quick pace you could feel your cute clit bump against his nose
-doesn’t let you go at all, his chin dripping from your sweet nectar he swears he could live off your pussy for the rest of his life :( groaning deeply at how sweet you tasted. his thoughts screaming ‘how did i get so lucky?’
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a/n: im going to be real i havent watched this anime since middle school please forgive me
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thequietkid-moonie · 7 months
im, going batshit crazy... the fandoms that you have are so expanded and i love everything 😢😢😢 so ermm... indulging myself by requesting a kyouka from ouran with a cat like reader... :3
Cat like S/O
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[ HEADCANONS ] [ Ootori Kyoya ]
[ Ouran High School Host Club ]
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I understand you, i just love so much all those fandoms i can't just not write for them! Feel free to send more requests when I open them again!
Kyouka isn't exactly my favorite characters but I did my best! I hope you like it
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Kyoya isn't exactly someone who fall for someone easily, even getting to be his friends is rather difficult since he is more used to think about his life as a competition or measure things by their value and what he can get out of them, however its safe to say that your cat-like personality is something that have catched his attention from the start and he find it quite fascinating to some extent (not that he will admit it out loud to everyone)
Something that Kyoya finds amazing and is always happy to see is the way you always carry yourself around, you can be the most extrovertive and energetic person or even be more quiet and even shy and still your movements are graceful and elegant, its quite amusing to him seeing you walk with such elegance and being something so natural for you, he had asked you once how and why do you do it and you just say that is your natural way to walk, even if he found your answer weird he doesn't express it, besides it didn't take him much time to just love it
Something that Kyoya learn to love over time is how observant and smart you are, cats are natural hunters so you do have that instict too, being able to stay back and just watch carefully whatever had catched your attention, taking some careful steps forward until you find the perfect opportunity strike your attack, and even when you don't really kill whatever you consider your prey it kinda feels that way whenever that attack went towards him because he never liked feeling vulnerable or without the control (and you being so stealthy doesn't help at all), but over time (mainly when he finally trust you) he just learn to love that little quirk of your (and may or may not find some use for it)
Cats are really agile and fearless and that is something that will bother him a little bit, mainly if you show it by having a lot of energy, going around running and climbing like a child (but he does find quite fascinating your inmense hability to be still be graceful by it), it would bother him because he already had to deal with his friends at the host club and his partner also being kinda caotic will definetly finish with his patient, but if that agility is express by something less caotic he won't mind too much then
No matter how much time it pass, Kyoya will never stop complaining if you are too sleepy, cats normally have longs naps during the day, so if you do tent to take naps he will be bothered by it, and even so he tries to be there to watch over your sleep, making sure no one bothers you (but don't try to cuddle him or rest on his lap, he doesn't take it too well but sometimes he can't just say no to you)
Being affectionate with him doesn't work too well for him neither, he can handle being occasionally affectionate, and wouldn't mind hugging you or kissing you a few times (mainly when there is no one around or to tease you), but you clinging onto him and trying to be always with him will stress him quickly, he needs time to himself (what is already difficult for being in the host club) or just have time to relax, so he may argue or even get a little mad if you are too clingy
Kyoya doesn't make jokes about your cat-like personality, thats something that Tamaki and the twins will do but not him, he does sometimes compare you with a cat but doesn't joke much about it he has other things with which tease you anyways
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their-little-writer · 5 months
“Let us adore you” Ouran High School Host club x little!reader headcannons
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- Caretakers: kyoya, Mori, Haruhi  
- Flip: Tamaki, Hikaru,  
- Regressor: Kaoru, honey, and you ofc <3 
- Kyoya has a bedtime for every little one there and he always makes sure (or try's his best) to get them in bed at a reasonable time 
- You get so spoiled while your there- like you saw a toy you want? Done. You want snackies? No need to ask sweetheart. You want a tiny space house? Don't worry sweetheart just tell them how you want it and you will get it done.  
- Mori is the best one when its time for bedtime. He will make you a bottle and make sure you have your blanky and stuffie as he rocks you carefully to sleep  
- Tamaki is so big brother coded- like one time you were playing tag outside and you got hurt. He instantly went and picked you up and carried you to a near by chair and put you down while he helped clean up the boo boo 
- The best storyteller there is Hikaru. He makes sure he uses fun books that he can make sounds and funny voices with. He also loves to make up his own stories, he loves adding things like dragons and superheroes (if you like them).  
- Haruhi is the one who always makes sure you get some veggies and fruit in you. They always try to include some with every meal you have. If your feelin fussy that day she makes sure to ask if something is wrong and ask why you dont wanna eat them, also usually ends up making a deal to where if you eat all your food you can get a little treat after. 
- Honey is always up to play! He loves playing tag, building blocks, and tea party's with his stuffies. He makes sure to have stuff you like such as cookies and the tea you like.  
- Kaoru and you together are troublemakers- he loves to pull pranks on the other ones around him so you and him are usually in time out if you do proceed with them.  
- Mori carries a tiny bag with him that has bottles/sipps, a change of clothes, dips (if you need them), pacis, teethers, a stuffie, coloring books, and snacks! 
- Tamaki loves to carry you- it makes him feel like a good big brother sibby. He also gives you a lot of piggy back rides! 
- If kyoya has to work on some papers that day he will hold you in his lap as he dose, he probably puts on some calming music and gets you a drawing pad or some coloring pages to work on beside him. 
- Haruhi is the one who helps you get ready in the morning. She helps you brush your teeth, help you with your hair, helps you get dressed, etc!  
- Kyoya  and mori call you little one 
- Haruhi calls you darling 
- Tamaki calls you bug and cubbie 
- Hikaru calls you his prince/princess, and kiddo  
- And honey/ Kaoru call you sibby  
- Honey loves to take you to the pool, he wears little floaties and pretend to save you from big bad dragons. He grabs a floatie to carry you to safety with. 
- Kaoru he holds you if you get scared (big brother coded-). Are you scared of the lighting and thunder outside? He will give you his headphones to cut out the sound (yes im stealing the idea but its so cute qwq) Are you scared to get a shot at the doctor? Dont worry big brother Kaoru is there to hold your hand! Is the movie your watching to scary? He turns to movie down and holds you telling you  that he isn't gonna let anything happen to you. 
- When you regress around them, they absolutely adore it. They love being there for you and taking care of you. So little one just remembers if you get lost or need to get extra love that day, just stop by music room 3 and i can assure you that you will be taken care of in the way you need <3
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host-club-hq · 1 year
Indeed: Kyoya's Celebration!
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➼ pairing: kyoya ootori x reader
➼ summary: It’s a certain someone’s birthday who doesn’t seem to share the same desire to celebrate it as much as everyone else…
➼ word count: 6.6k
➼ what to expect: "What? Who doesn't celebrate their birthday?"
➼ warnings: alcohol, depictions of being sick, slight angst
➼ chapter navigation
➼ japan lowered the legal age of adulthood to 18 in 2022 so... i win? but let's pretend that the year in this fic DOESN'T MATTER IT'S TOTALLY NOT 2006 STILL-
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Kyoya groans, swatting at the offending sensation tickling his nose as he rolls over for what must be the sixth time now. His brain is fuzzy with sleep and he can hardly comprehend the weight straddling his lap as he turns over and buries his face into his pillow.
"Come on, you lump." You mutter from your position above him, poised over his lap as you continue to gently run your fingers over his face, in order to rouse him from sleep as pleasantly as possible. Though, that task proves to be insanely difficult. Your boyfriend's sleep-ridden body seems to be reluctant in giving into your shenanigans.
You cradle his cheeks in both of your hands and turn his head to face you from his position on his side, squishing his cheeks and pouting at his sleepy face.
"Did you stay up all night again or something? Come on." You whisper to yourself, resorting to shaking his shoulders slightly instead of gentle caresses, as those seem to produce little to no result.
Kyoya has a valid reason for sleeping so deeply all the time- his hypotension renders him incredibly fatigued. That seems to be the most prevalent symptom, at least. He's usually on top of his eating habits to prevent feeling faint.
You are, of course, no stranger to dealing with the repercussions of waking him by force, despite being warned by the entirety of the host club. The only difference is that you're not afraid. Kyoya is all bark and no bite when it comes to his snarky attitude upon awakening. And you've dealt with enough of his remarks to steel yourself against nearly everything he has to say to you.
"You. Have to. Get up. Anyway. So. Get. Up. Now." You punctuate each word with a shake of his shoulders. It is, indeed, a weekday. And that means Kyoya has to get up for school. His alarm should be going off at 7:30 AM so that he'll be ready to leave his house by 8:00 and arrive at school at about 8:15 before classes start at 8:30.
But it's currently 7:00 AM. And you didn't spend the night, though Kyoya offered to spend the night at your house if you wanted to be in your own home to prepare for school in the morning. He found it strange that you insisted you each spend the night in your respective homes, since you haven't spent a night together for perhaps two weeks.
But you had a reason for that. Today is very special, and you wanted to surprise Kyoya this morning. So you showed up at his estate unannounced. Of course, he's dead asleep every morning before his blaring alarm clock wakes him (he often snoozes once or twice before scrambling to get ready). Therefore, you're not surprised to find him dead to the world.
"Wake up!" You exclaim slightly louder than the gentle tone you'd previously been using.
Kyoya groans once more, cracking a single eye open to glance at his bedside alarm clock. His vision is blurred with sleep and by the fact that his glasses sit on his nightstand rather than the bridge of his nose, but he can faintly ready the time. It is... definitely not time for him to get out of bed yet... so why are you even trying to wake him in the first place?
Also, why are you here?
"God, what do you want? Can't a man have a moment's peace?" Kyoya grumbles irritably, reaching up slowly to cover his face with exasperation and a heavy sigh.
"You know what you signed up for." You pull his hands from his face, forcing him to look at you.
"Besides. I came to tell you..." You trail off with a giddy squeal, reaching to his nightstand for your prepared treat. You present it to him with a beaming grin.
"Happy birthday!" You cheer, thrusting the plate of neatly arranged fruit in his direction.
Kyoya's brain slowly catches up with your exclamation, sluggishly sitting up so he can peer down at your intricate presentation. A variation of fruits surround frosted writing on a plate: Happy 18th inside of a heart.
"I know it's traditional to bring a cake but you don't like cake, and you don't have to eat the frosting. I just needed something edible to write with." You're still grinning widely from ear to ear.
Kyoya blinks, "y/n, we've talked about this..." He sighs, rubbing sleep from one of his tired eyes.
Kyoya tries to ignore the way your smile falters slightly, "Well- I know you've expressed distaste for your birthday in the past, but this is the first time it's come around since we've been dating... so I thought I would do something small." You lower the plate of fruit slightly, shoulders sagging.
Kyoya reaches blindly for his glasses on the nightstand and slides them onto his face. He can't deny the gesture has his heart racing and his cheeks flushing, but...
He manages a small smile, leaning forward to peck your forehead. Your nose scrunches. Cute.
"Well, thank you." He munches on an apple slice cut into a star shape. Again; cute.
"And, I thought we could have a private little celebration after school today." You climb off of his lap so that he can sit at the edge of his bed.
"Really, y/n, today is just another day." Kyoya musters the most polite tone he can, dreading celebrating anything at all today.
"Just so I can give you your present." You pout when he throws you a pointed look (mostly about celebrating his birthday, but also about buying him something), "Please, Kyoya? You're 18. That's a big one." You plead.
Kyoya sighs once more, his pajama-clad chest heaving dramatically.
"Can you at least celebrate it because I want to? I want to celebrate you. You're an adult!" You jest, leaning to wrap your arms around his shoulders from behind as he cranes his neck to press his nose against your temple. Kyoya hums.
"How does it feel to be an adult, huh?" You untangle yourself from him so that he can stand. You're already dressed and ready to go in your uniform, but Kyoya still has a lot of preparing to do.
"Same as yesterday." Kyoya shrugs. He doesn't understand why you think he'd feel differently than he did when he was a day younger. But he supposes everyone is asked that on their birthday.
"Yeah? Well how does it feel to be an adult dating a minor?" You quirk a mischievous brow.
"... you know, maybe we don't have to celebrate after school-"
"No, I'm sorry! I take it back!"
~Kyoya's Celebration!~
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"It's ridiculous. I mean, the nerve of some people."
"Well, you can't really expect much better from them, y/n."
You roll your eyes as Kyoya reaches for the door handle to the club room.
"What exactly does that mean?" You huff.
"I mean, they're teenagers. They're going to gossip." Kyoya clarifies.
"Oh, just because you're so grown now doesn't mean you're far off." You tease, nudging his shoulder playfully.
"You know that's not what I meant-" Kyoya's sentence is interrupted as a burst of confetti surrounds both of you upon entering Music Room #3.
"What in the-"
"Happy birthday!"
Your heart drops as the hosts chorus together excitedly, throwing their arms in the air and blowing party horns noisily.
You make a hasty slicing motion near your neck, shaking your head subtly as Kyoya rolls his eyes at the banner displayed above the hosts' heads. Tamaki's party horn deflates slightly at your panicked gesture.
You'd forgotten to inform the club that celebrating Kyoya's birthday was canceled. That's an important detail you conveniently forgot about during your school day. You rest your forehead in your palm, disappointed in yourself.
You laugh nervously, drawing Kyoya's attention to you, "... surprise?" You shrug weakly. He returns your meek display with an unamused glance, blinking twice.
"Guys, I'm sorry. I forgot to tell you, we're not doing this anymore." You stride over to yank a set of balloons from the air and hide them behind your back.
"Oh, right." The twins deflate, shoulders slumping.
"What? What do you mean?" Haruhi inquires curiously, a party hat strapped to her head.
"I thought this year would be different but I was sadly mistaken." You tease.
"Kyo-chan doesn't really like to celebrate his birthday." Honey informs, munching on a slice of cake despite the lack of cause.
"What? Who doesn't celebrate their birthday?" Haruhi quirks a brow in confusion.
"Me." Kyoya takes a seat at a nearby table, pulling out his laptop promptly.
"Just this once, Kyoya? Please?" Tamaki peers over Kyoya's table with a pouty lip and wide eyes.
"No." Kyoya is unamused, not missing a beat on his keyboard.
You roll your eyes, "What would you rather do, Kyoya? Watch Tamaki throw an extravagant party with the guest list a mile long and watch the club's budget go up in flames? Or we could come over to my place and we'll have a small, free celebration?"
You do have a point. If Kyoya refuses, Tamaki will go through with his party plans whether he wants it or not. He sends a glower your way.
"Fine. But it better be small."
You and the rest of the club beam, "Don't worry it! It will be!" You assure.
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Though Kyoya would have prefered a much smaller ordeal that only includes you and him, he allows the rest of the club to join you. They all seem much too eager to celebrate his birthday, anyway. And once Tamaki sets his mind to something, it's difficult to stop his endeavors.
It's not long after you arrive home with Kyoya that more vehicles park themselves in your driveway and the Host Club files out of them. You've dismissed your small gathering of help for the day, so that you won't be bothered.
"Do you guys want music?" You fiddle with your speaker, hooking it up to your phone and scrolling through music choices while you await a response.
"Let the birthday boy pick!" Tamaki claps Kyoya on shoulder, who shrugs indifferently.
"I don't mind. You can pick." He says.
"Oh, please don't let y/n-Senpai pick the music." Hikaru huffs.
"Yeah, it's always weird." Kaoru agrees with a slight giggle.
You roll your eyes, "Rude. Fine. I'll put it on a generic station." At that, music starts to flow through the speakers in a lo-fi fashion. Not too loud, but perfect background music.
You almost snicker at their stiff postures, "Here, I know what will loosen everyone up."
The hosts follow you with their eyes as you disappear down the hallway toward your kitchen. A few minutes and sounds of glass clinking later, you bring back a tray full of glasses, liquor, beer, and drink garnishes.
You're oblivious to the hosts' bewildered looks as you set the tray down on the coffee table near the sofa, sighing.
"... what?" You glance around.
"Japan's drinking age is 20, y/n." Kyoya informs at your confusion.
You blink, "Oh, that's right." You laugh at yourself.
"I've been drinking since I was 16 in Europe... well, truthfully, like... 14. I don't mind if we drink here." You jest, reaching for a shallow glass and a bottle.
"You drink?" Kaoru tilts his head, absently reaching for a bottle of soju on the tray, inspecting it curiously.
"Not excessively by any means. I've been to a few parties, my father has liquor around the house." You shrug, pouring yourself a shallow glass of wine.
"I can mix a few things if anyone wants to try something. I'd rather you drink in the house." You giggle as Kaoru takes a tentative sip from his bottle. He shrugs.
"There's no pressure, of course. I do have sodas and other things to drink." You propose.
The hosts murmur amongst themselves. Hikaru and Kaoru seem to be a bit familiar with soju, sipping from identical bottles.
"Want a recommendation?" You peer over Kyoya's shoulder as he twists the wine bottles to peek at their labels.
"Sure, if you have one." Kyoya turns to you with full confidence.
"Here. I think you'll like this one." You pluck a bottle from the wine selection and pour him a sip or so in a new glass, swirling it gently before handing it to him. Kyoya sips thoughtfully, raising his brows.
"It's good." At his confirmation, you pour him a shallow amount to start.
That reminds you, "Oh, before we get started, I'll bring out some snacks so we're not starving." The music fills up the silence as you move back into the kitchen to bring out and prepared snacks you can find.
As you rummage through the fridge, you feel a tug to your skirt. You yelp and turn to face Honey.
"y/n-chan, do you have anything sweet I can drink? I don't like the wine..." He pouts, a frown etched upon his lips.
"Oh, um... I should..." You hum, pushing through bottles in your refrigerator and pulling out a bottle with fruit on the label.
"I think this is sweet... I've never actually had it before..." You briefly catch the title before handing it off to Honey: Strawberry Soju.
"Thanks!" Honey chirps, twisting off the cap and skipping back into the living room.
You didn't get the chance to check the alcohol content... but you're sure it's fine.
Reentering the living room with snacks and leftovers, you find the hosts experimenting with the tray on the coffee table. Honey insists with Mori that his soju isn't going to affect him too much. Mori has barely taken a sip of his beer, nursing it slowly. Hikaru and Kaoru take turns seeing who can chug the most sake in one round (neither of them get very far).
Tamaki approaches you with a wistful sigh, "y/n, these drinks just aren't classy enough for a gentleman like me! I need something sophisticated, mature, something that would look good in my hand!" Tamaki demonstrates, perching on the sofa with an empty glass.
"Maybe something like whiskey!" He suggests.
You scoff, "Oh, no. No whiskey for you. I can... make you a mimosa." You offer, cracking open a bottle of champagne and a serving of orange juice.
"Oh, that sounds delightful!" Tamaki exclaims as you hand him a full glass (mostly orange juice). You're slightly eager to see how he handles his alcohol.
Haruhi has settled for a grape ramune soda, observing as her friends start to process the alcohol in their systems. You pour yourself a shallow glass of wine, approaching her.
"Not drinking, hm?" You slump down onto the sofa beside her, sipping quietly and awaiting her reply.
She smiles, "No, it's not for me. I've seen what it does to your brain." She quickly retracts, "Oh, not that you guys are gonna have brain damage... I'd just rather not." She chuckles nervously.
You smile fondly, "No, I get what you mean. I drink in moderation, but I agree, it's not the best thing in the world for you." You chuckle. Haruhi all but blushes.
"I can already tell someone isn't handling the alcohol well." You direct Haruhi's attention to Tamaki, who's bragging to Hikaru and Kaoru that he's a much more sophisticated drinker than they are (even though his drink contains a far smaller amount of alcohol than their sojus).
"Who's surprised?" Haruhi laughs, sipping on her soda.
"You and I are going to be the sober ones in the morning with no hangover and plenty of funny stories to tell." You jest, clinking your glass with her bottle.
"You got that right." Haruhi nods.
"And who knows... maybe Tamaki will get wasted and you'll have to see to it that he gets home." You tease, nudging her.
"As if I want that job..." Haruhi groans, but you don't miss the red that prickles the apples of her cheeks.
"Ah, come on. Look at him." Your statement draws both of your attention back to the blundering blonde, who's now in a full-blown argument with two uninterested gingers.
"You have to admit, when he's not being a complete idiot, he's very sweet." You lower your voice slightly, as Tamaki is constantly listening for his name.
"I guess you have a point." Haruhi murmurs, more to herself as she watches Tamaki make a fool of himself. You decide to leave Haruhi to her thoughts, bidding her a brief farewell before moving to pick a host to bless with your company.
Sighing, you plop yourself down next to Mori as he lounges with one arm thrown over the back of the sofa, the other with the very same beer you keep seeing from him.
"How're you over here?" You ask breathily. Mori firsts notices the faint flush upon your cheeks as you glance up at him questioningly. He blinks before moving his eyes to Honey, who perches himself in Haruhi arms with a bubbly, dazed smile. Haruhi nods along to whatever he's blabbering on about.
"Just keeping an eye on Mitsukuni." Mori replies shortly.
"I meant to tell him that strawberry soju could have an adverse affect to someone who's never had it... but I guess I never got that far." You purse your lips. You watch as Honey throws his arms into the air to embellish what he's saying, nearly flinging himself backward as Haruhi rushes to catch him.
"You feeling okay?" Mori inquires, turning his attention to you fully. He even leans forward a bit to get a better look at you.
"Huh? Oh, I'm fine. I should really not drink so quickly." You grimace, setting your glass of wine down on the coffee table.
Your breath hitches in your throat as Mori reaches over and places the back of his hand against your forehead. He hums.
"You're a little warm. Take it easy. Eat something." He reaches for a snack on the tray upon the coffee table, offering it to you.
You take it gratefully, watching as Mori resumes his casual position with his arm thrown over the sofa behind you, comfortably.
"Thanks..." You munch quietly, "You gonna make sure Honey-Senpai gets home okay?"
"Yeah." He nods.
"Good. Can I get you anything?" You rise from the sofa slowly.
"I'm okay. Thanks." Mori replies, rewarding you with a small smile.
You nod, departing to find your boyfriend.
After taste testing a few bottles, Kyoya seems to have settled on a favorable wine, sipping it slowly as he observes the idiotic trio as well.
"Are you enjoying yourself yet?" You settle close to him, thigh pressed to his as you lean toward him. He shrugs.
"I wouldn't say I'm having fun, but I don't want to go home yet."
You blink, rolling your eyes, "Want to play a game or something? We could liven things up a little." You suggest.
"What did you have in mind?" Kyoya's interest is slightly piqued.
You rummage through a drawer in the coffee table, pulling out a colorful pack of game cards, "We could play Uno. My friends in Europe would get insanely worked up over this game. I bet we could get some favorable reactions out of Tamaki and the twins. Maybe even Honey." You suggest with a mischievous glint in your eye.
This is how Kyoya knows you are the one for him. Stirring the pot indirectly- yeah, you're his girl.
"I've heard of this game. Never actually played it." He leans forward to read the tiny instructions on the back, one hand holding his glass and the other settling on your knee to steady himself. You don't think twice about it.
But it catches someone's eye, and they think far too many times about it. Tamaki has sought refuge in Haruhi's reluctant arms, already a little tipsy and easy to bring to tears. Hikaru doesn't like the way Kyoya lingers on your leg, it sits low in his stomach and simmers. He doesn't shy away from glaring daggers at Kyoya's hand, and it doesn't go unnoticed by his second half.
"What's wrong?" Kaoru nudges him, eyes swimming in slight concern.
It breaks Hikaru out of his glowering daze, and he tears his gaze from their pair of you with a haughty huff, "Nothing." He grumbles. Kaoru blinks.
"The rules are very unclear." Kyoya nearly grimaces, leaning back onto the sofa, but his hand remains where it is.
"The rules are whatever you can convince the group the rules are." You put a playful finger to your lips and stand up, waving the box of cards over your head.
"Anyone up for a game of Uno?" You settle in the middle of the floor on your lush carpet, opening the box and dumping out the cards into your hand. Kyoya soon joins you, crossing his legs. You deal him seven cards.
"How do you play?" Honey plops down, nearly toppling over as he sits Usa-chan on his lap. Mori settles calmly next to him, and you notice he's still nursing the same beer, but it's half empty now.
"It's kind of easy. Here." You deal them each seven cards.
"I'll flip over a card from this stack." You begin, halving the deck and placing it in the center of your makeshift circle, gaining Haruhi and Tamaki.
Hikaru and Kaoru hang back a bit; you ignore the way Hikaru's gaze is boring into you with slight distain. Kaoru nudges him, saying something to him, but it falls on deaf ears.
"And I'll flip over the top card. Whatever number is on that top card, the person who's turn it is needs to play a card with the same number, color, or a 'pick a color' card." You deal Haruhi and Tamaki their cards. You finally meet Hikaru's gaze.
"Care to join us?" You gesture to the circle with your cards. Honey snatches his up excitedly, smiling at his hand (though it doesn't matter).
Kaoru scoffs at his brother's behavior, departing from his side to join the circle giddily. You hand him seven cards, which he shuffles through curiously. Hikaru rolls his eyes, sitting beside him cautiously. As you hand him his share of cards, he says nothing to you; doesn't acknowledge you.
"The first person with only one card left has to say 'Uno!' If you don't say Uno and you have one card, someone else can say it for you, and that means you have to draw two cards."
"That's not a rule." Hikaru spits.
"I'm making it a rule. Like it or not, that's how we're playing. I've always played like this." You smirk.
"How do you win?" Mori interjects, drawing attention from Hikaru, who fumes in his spot.
"First person to rid themselves of all of their cards wins." You clarify, finally dealing yourself a hand of cards, smiling as you have nearly all of the colors. Everyone continues to absently sip their beverages or munch on their snacks.
"I'll start, and we'll go to my left." You flip over the first card on the deck in the middle, it's a yellow six. You have a green six, so you put it down.
"Wait, y/n-chan. I have a green plus two. Can I use that?" Honey is next, peering at you over his cards with wide, innocent eyes.
"Absolutely. That means Mori-Senpai has to draw two and we skip his turn." You snicker, watching as Mori compliantly draws two cards and organizes them in his hand.
"Sorry, Takashi!" Honey giggles. Mori smiles fondly.
Kaoru is next, slapping down a green eight. Hikaru grumbles to himself, wordlessly placing a red eight over Kaoru's.
Tamaki pouts, "What if I don't have the same color or number?" He whines. That earns a proud smirk from Hikaru.
"Well, you just draw a card, skip your turn, and hope you have a card to play next time." You shrug. Tamaki whines, drawing a card. Haruhi gently stacks a red four onto the desk in the middle. Kyoya follows with a red six.
"Now, you can stack cards that make the person to your left draw two, or four, but only if it's the same amount and the same color. It has to meet both rules." You demonstrate by places two red plus twos on the deck.
"That means Honey-Senpai has to draw four in total." You smirk.
"y/n-chan!" He whines, despite drawing four cards from the deck. You snicker to yourself, shrugging.
Over a few rounds, the card game has got the twins and Tamaki into heated arguments, Mori's ended up with nearly an entire deck of cards in his hands, and Kyoya has won... three times in a row.
"Uno." Kyoya says a fourth time.
"How the hell do you have Uno again?" You slam down your cards in frustration.
"Just luck, I guess." He suppresses a proud smirk.
You grumble, picking a card from the deck because you seem to only be drawing yellow cards this round.
Not to mention, Honey is nearly wasted beside you, on his third strawberry soju. He seems to have a fit of the giggles. Mori tries helplessly to get him to sit still and pay attention. He's not really playing anymore, just throwing random cards onto the deck that don't match. You've all ruled him out already.
Tamaki bursts into tears as Hikaru stacks four plus four cards onto the deck, which means Tamaki has to draw 16 cards. He wails his sorrows on Haruhi's shoulder, sniffling pathetically. Another player unofficially out of the game. You remind yourself not to make Tamaki any more mimosas.
Kyoya throws down his last card smugly. You huff, throwing your own cards on the ground, "Okay, let's play a different game." You start to gather the Uno cards to put away.
"Oh! Oh! I know! Truth or dare!" Honey exclaims, raising his hand like he would in a classroom setting.
Kaoru snickers, "More like truth or drink." He sips his soju.
"Not a bad idea. Truth, dare, or drink. ALthough, I don't think Tamaki or Honey-Senpai should play." In the last few seconds of your statement, Honey has slumped against Mori as if he were a sturdy tree, already in a deep sleep. Mori looks to you and nods in agreement.
Although Tamaki is wide awake, he looks as though a shot or two might take him out for the count. He doesn't protest.
You arrange a few shot glasses and fill them to the brim from the bottle of sake. The participants consist of you, Kyoya, Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi, and Mori. You isolate a shot glass and pour strawberry ramune into it, earning a grateful smile from Haruhi.
"Alright! Who's going first?" You prompt.
"I'll go. Kyoya-Senpai." Kyoya perks up at Haruhi's call.
"What do you write in your black notebook?"
Kyoya blinks; the group eagerly, anxiously awaits his response.
But it never comes. Kyoya reaches for a shot glass in the middle and slams it down, grimacing.
"Concerning." You grumble.
"Me next!" Kaoru exclaims. He turns to Mori.
"Mori-Senpai, I dare you to kiss y/n-Senpai." He giggles boyishly. Hikaru scowls at him.
"Kaoru." You sigh in a scolding tone.
Your irritation quickly morphs to shock when Mori tentatively leans over and pecks your cheek. It's brief, but your cheeks turn a deep shade of red and you touch your cheek in slight awe. Everyone looks from you to Mori.
Mori shrugs, "You never specified." He almost smirks.
Kyoya nearly smiles at your reaction. Your flustered eyes are trained on the floor.
More thought provoking questions are asked and ridiculous dares are given. And since everyone has caught on that Kyoya will not do anything they dare him to do, he's downed at least four shots by now. His cheeks are flushed and you notice his hooded eyes.
You've run out of interesting questions, but your turn comes around again, "Okay, um... Hikaru, do you... I don't know, have a crush on anyone?" You ask nonchalantly. You feel no shame in pulling a stereotypical question out of your ass for lack of a better one.
"What are you? 10?" Hikaru scoffs.
"Well? Are you gonna answer?" Haruhi prods, quirking a brow.
Hikaru says nothing. He rolls his eyes and reaches for a shot, swallowing it thickly with a frown. It even surprises Kaoru.
Suddenly, Tamaki leaps into the conversation, bright-eyed and eager, "Really?! You have to tell us!" He insists.
Hikaru crosses his arms, "No, I don't. I drank." He argues defiantly.
"Come on! You can't just drink and expect us not to ask!" Tamaki pries pleadingly.
They continue to bicker uselessly, resulting in you turning your attention elsewhere. It lands on Kyoya's less than amused expression, despite his pink cheeks and hazy expression. But you've noticed he sits a little less stiffly against the foot of the sofa, ankles crossed casually and sleeves rolled to his elbows. He must be getting hot.
You scoot back toward him, joining him in a separate conversation as this game seems nearly over. He welcomes your proximity easily, adjusting himself on the floor to accommodate you. Once again, his hand finds a spot on your leg to rest as you sit beside him.
"Are you having any fun?" You inquire hopefully, leaning into his side. You plan on taking full advantage of what seems to be 'loose Kyoya,' who rests his hand somewhere on your body when you're close to him, and loses a bit of control of his tongue. In other words: he'll tell you a lot more than you ask for.
"I suppose. Feeling the effects of the shots a bit. Should have just done the dares, they weren't all that bad." He continues to observe the idiotic trio as they bicker.
You can't quite tell how drunk he is, but you know it's a little more than tipsy. You stopped drinking long ago, feeling a bit too dizzy for your taste. Then again, you never liked being dizzy at all.
"I know it wasn't your idea of a birthday, but I hope it was alright. I can't believe you don't celebrate your birthday." You sigh, fidgeting with your sleeve absently.
"Not like it was any choice of mine. We didn't celebrate birthdays in my family. In fact, we still don't. They're not an accomplishment, so what is there to celebrate?" Kyoya shrugs, taking a sip of his wine despite earlier expressing his distaste for how the shots of liquor were affecting him.
You blink, lips parted in mute shock at his little confession. And he said it so casually too, you might have mistaken it for small talk.
"Of course your birthday is something to celebrate, Kyoya. It's a celebration of life, a milestone for being alive!" You turn your full attention to him, looping your arm with his and resting your hand on his upper arm.
Kyoya slightly turns down toward you, tilting his head.
"I honestly think more people should just celebrate getting through the week, which is hard enough. And you don't need to make it harder by putting all of these pressures on yourself to live up to something you already deserve." You know that his aloofness to certain aspects of life stems deeper than not celebrating his birthday.
Kyoya can't distinguish the buzz of alcohol in his system from the pulsing of his heart at your words. He feels overstimulated, but not necessarily in a horrible way.
"If your family won't celebrate you, I will. We will. And who could be a better family than..." You trail off, watching as Mori tucks Honey under a blanket in one of your armchairs, and as Tamaki throttles Hikaru while Haruhi tries her best to calm him down.
"... a bunch of morons." You finish sheepishly. Kyoya laughs at that, and it's the brightest smile you've seen from him in far too long.
"Just know that I love you and I'm happy you've made it to 18." You peck Kyoya gently on the cheek.
As you pull back, Kyoya doesn't let you get very far. He uses his free hand to cup your cheek and pull you back in for a tender kiss, his lips locking with yours and stealing your breath.
He draws back and pecks your forehead, murmuring into your hairline, "I love you, too. Thank you."
You smile giddily, resting your head on his shoulder with a beaming grin.
As your mind slowly catches up with your surroundings, you notice the twins are missing. You blink, "Where are Hikaru and Kaoru?" You ask aloud to no one in particular.
"Dunno. Oh, there's one of them." Kyoya points to Kaoru wandering into the room from a hallway leading to your closest bathroom.
"Kaoru? Are you alright? Where's Hikaru?" You sit up a bit straighter.
"That's actually what I was coming back for. I think he's had too much to drink, he's currently sick in your bathroom." Kaoru smiles sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.
"Oh, no." You frown sympathetically.
"Yeah, I got this funny picture, though." Kaoru flashes you his cellphone. In the selfie, he's standing over Hikaru with a smile and a peace sign, while Hikaru is glaring at him over his shoulder, slumped over the toilet, looking disgruntled.
"Boys." You groan, getting up.
"Do you have anything like Tylenol?" Kaoru asks, shoving his cellphone back into his pocket.
"I should. Let me head to my bathroom and I'll meet you in there."
"Thanks. I also wanted to... apologize for him." Kaoru sighs.
"Oh? What for?" You have an idea, but you figure you'll ask anyway.
Kaoru shoves his hands in his pockets, "Well, he's been pretty short with you all night. I don't know what's up with him, but something seems to have set him off."
"You don't know?" You find it surprising that Kaoru has no idea what's going on with his other half.
"Okay, I have ideas, but I'm not completely sure. I'll ask him another time. When he's sober." Kaoru grins.
"Good idea. I'll be back in a bit."
You approach the bathroom the twins occupy with a cold pack, tylenol, and a glass of water to wash it down with.
"Doing alright in there?" You call out before entering.
"Yeah, Senpai-"
"I'm fine. You don't need to come in." Hikaru grumbles. But you can hear him dry heaving after his statement.
"I'm just here to help." You gently push open the door. Hikaru is sat limply near the toilet and Kaoru's soothing his hand over his back.
You set the Tylenol and the water on the counter.
"If you're feeling hot, use this." You hand Hikaru the cold pack. He begrudgingly takes it from you, slapping over the back of his neck. You can nearly see the relief his body exudes.
"Thanks, y/n-Senpai." Kaoru smiles sweetly. Hikaru grumbles something similar.
"If you two need anything, I'll be nearby." You wave slightly, shutting the door behind you as you leave.
Kaoru turns to his brother, "What's gotten into you?"
"Soju." Hikaru groans.
"You know that's not what I meant." Kaoru pouts.
"Yeah. I know." Hikaru sighs.
"You know you can tell me about anything." Kaoru assures.
Hikaru huffs, "Look, I don't really know either, okay? Can we wait until the drinks wear off?" He pleads.
"Fine." Kaoru acquieces, patting his back as Hikaru dry heaves into the toilet again.
 ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡        ♡
"You two get home safely, alright?"
Mori has placed Honey over his shoulder, whose cheeks is squished against Mori's strong shoulder, Usa-chan tucked under his arm.
"We will. Thanks for having us." Mori pats your head. He turns to Kyoya at your side.
"Happy birthday." And with that, he's parting from your front door, down the steps and to his driver parked and waiting for them.
"Thank you, Senpai." Kyoya calls after him.
"Come on, Senpai..."
You turn to find Haruhi dragging Tamaki along. You want to laugh, but you manage to control yourself.
"He offered me a ride home anyway..." Haruhi groans as Tamaki clings to her once again. You can't help but notice the way her cheeks prickle with a slight red.
"I'm sure he'll be fine. He's got his driver. Be careful, Haruhi." You snicker, helping her move along with Tamaki's useless weight hanging off her.
"Thanks, Senpai. See you next week."
Surprisingly enough, she does manage to get Tamaki off her long enough to shove him into his car, climbing in carefully after him. You smile fondly.
"Maybe that'll be the start of something new." Kyoya suggests.
"Doubt it, knowing them." You sigh. Kyoya shrugs.
"We're heading out, guys." The last two left are the twins. Kaoru wraps an arm around Hikaru's waist to steady him slightly. Though the bout of sickness has given him a bit more clarity.
"You sure you're okay?" Your voice drips with concern.
"He's fine. For now at least. Thanks for your help, and we had a great time." Kaoru assures.
"Alright. Feel better, Hikaru." You smile hopefully. Hikaru does manage to spare you a glance, but with an expression you can't read. He groans.
At last it's just you can Kyoya left in your eerily quiet home. The door shuts gently after you've made sure to watch the twins get into their car. You worry about Hikaru, not only for his condition but for his behavior. You're sure he and Kaoru will work through whatever's going on.
"You feel like going home? I don't mind hosting you." You glance up at Kyoya, watching him fight his heavy eyelids to stay focused on the conversation.
"It's Friday. I don't mind staying." Kyoya blinks tiredly.
"Poor baby. Before you pass out, I have something for you." You promptly take him by the hand, leading him along to your room.
"Oh?" He hums, curiously following you along.
Upon arrival, Kyoya spots it immediately. A neatly arranged basket sitting atop your vanity, filled to the brim and wrapped in a bow.
"I couldn't decide between... several things... so I didn't." You take the basket into your arms, shuffling through the items briefly.
"Just some things I thought you might need or enjoy..."
Inside are things like a new bottle of his favorite cologne, packets of spicy noodles, as anything spicy appeals to him, a new wristwatch, a packet of fountain pens, a few assorted cat toys for Noel, and a few graph notepads for budgeting.
All at once, Kyoya is enlightened as to why most people celebrate birthdays. It's not a matter of accomplishment or achievements that are worth celebrating, but rather showing the people in your life that you care about them. That you love them and that their existence matters. That you love them enough to set aside a whole day to shower them in affection and gifts.
Kyoya's heart swells at the gesture, his breath catching in his throat as your wide eyes perceive his reaction carefully.
"Do you like it?" Your timid voice pierces his thoughts and brings him back to reality, back to you.
Kyoya wordlessly takes the basket into his own hands, setting it back down on the vanity where it was before. Just as your heart starts to drop, it flutters back to life as Kyoya swoops down and places a firm kiss to your lips, his arms encircling your waist tightly.
"Mm! I'll take that as a yes, then." You giggle, your nose scrunching as he pecks your cheek.
"Yes, indeed."
🎵I run and run a thousand miles, and I am barely breathing. Only the fuel of a passionate heart keeps this body strong and moving forward.
Could it be I found a place to rest? How far until I’m OK?
Trees of the town reveal the time has come once again to shift our shade and colors. 🎵
🎵The world always changes around us but weakness will always remain;
Through all the pain, believe in who we are right here and now! 🎵
🎵Raise one hand to the sky; raise them both lift them high!!
And you’ll cut through the darkness make it go!
The time to start is now! And I can show you how.
Start with me, and the world will be even bigger than ever before. 🎵
♡Next time, on Indeed...♡
Hikaru has a hard time facing his feelings, but he doesn't have to do it alone.
♡We'll see you then!! ♡
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want to read more? here's my ouran masterlist 🌹
and here's my bts blog💜
want me to write something you want to see? request something💌
have any questions? talk to my characters!🙏🏻
Adieu~ 🌹🌹🌹
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therand0mwriter · 9 months
FRIENDS-They All Know
OHSHC x Female!reader
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*3rd Person POV*
"Hello? I'm here to drop off the desserts!" (Y/N) called out as she entered music room 3, the room the Ouran high school host club uses. Kyoya stepped away from his laptop and made his way to the girl, "You're right on time." (Y/N) smiled at the ravenette, "Kyoya!"
Kyoya's heart skipped a beat and he fondly smiled at the girl. "Can you hold open the door for me as I bring in the carts?" She asked. "Of course," He said, doing as he was asked. (Y/N) pushed in a cart full of cakes and cupcakes, then Aiko came into view, also pushing a cart. "Ah, miss Takai, I didn't expect to see you. How are you doing?" Kyoya kindly asked the girl, putting on his host face. The bubbly girl giggled and smiled, "(Y/N) needed help bringing the carts and Murasaki couldn't miss her fencing club, so I'm here! Just for a moment though." Aiko explained.
She then looked around the room as (Y/N) brought in the 3rd cart, "Where is Honey-senpai?" Kyoya quickly put the pieces together about her crush on Honey, "Everyone is getting changed for our theme today." "Ooo, what are you guys wearing?" Aiko excitedly leaned towards Kyoya, said male sweat dropping at her close proximity. "Kimonos," He replied, thankful that the girl pulled away as she squealed in excitement.
"Alright, Aiko. I got the rest of the carts in." (Y/N) came up to the two. "What?! Already? I'm sorry, I got distracted thinking about how cute Honey-senpai is while wearing a kimono!" Aiko had hearts in her eyes as she daydreamed. (Y/N) fondly chuckled at the girl, "Daydream about him on your way back to class." "Okay! See you tomorrow, (Y/N)!" Aiko waved as she left.
Kyoya made his way over to the carts (Y/N) aligned and took in the desserts, "Everything looks amazing, as always." (Y/N) gently rolled her eyes whilst a small smile was on her lips, "You always say that." "Because it's true." Kyoya retorted. "I hope we're not causing you too much trouble with our orders." He added. "Oh no no," (Y/N) waved her hands in front of her, "You guys have helped me! Since you're ordering from us our club isn't getting shut down! Though I did hear through the grapevine that isn't the main reason why my club is staying... it's because two fellow students of high stature demanded that we stay. And I have a feeling those two students were you and Suoh."
"Are you asking or telling?" Was Kyoya's response. The sly smile on his face told her everything. She mischievously smiled, letting out a: "Hm." In response before heading to the door to leave. She opened the door and turned to Kyoya, "Same time tomorrow?"
"Same time tomorrow."
*Time Skip*
The end of the day finally arrived and Kyoya was tired. Dealing with Renge took a lot out of him. He wondered if (Y/N) was still at the school, wanting to see her.
Are you still at school? If so, where?
I just got to the entrance
Wait for me
The girl did just that, taking a seat on the school steps and soaking in the evening sun. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath as a cool breeze blew by her, making petals of nearby trees and flowers dance around her.
Kyoya exited the school and paused. In front of him was... art. That was the first word that came to his head when he saw her: art. The way she absorbed the light and the light absorbed her was breathtaking. The way the petals danced around her entire being was enchanting.
Kyoya felt a small smile grow on his lips, happy that he was the only one to see (Y/N) like this. He approached her, "You're stunning. You know that, right?" (Y/N) slightly jolted at his sudden presence. She turned to see the dark-haired boy and smiled, "I could say the same thing about you." The sun lightly dusting Kyoya's side, his now soft looking eyes, and gentle smile would make anyone stop and do a double take.
(Y/N) stood to meet Kyoya, "What did you want to talk about?" Kyoya sighed, remembering today's earlier events, "Apparently the host club might have a manager by tomorrow." (Y/N)'s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, "What do you mean?" Kyoya gestured for them to start walking as he started to explain, "Renge Houshakuji, the only daughter of an Ootori family client, flew in from Paris to become a student of Ouran."
The two students arrived at Kyoya's car and the chauffeur opened the door for them, greeting them individually, "Good evening Mr. Ootori. Ms. (L/N), it's good to see you again." (Y/N) smiled, "Mr. Amaya, it's been too long! I hope your family is doing well." The older man brightly smiled, "They're doing amazing! My son just won his first championship in baseball! I know it's only middle school, but still! I swear, he'll become a pro-athlete one day!" (Y/N) softly clapped, "Wow! That's still amazing either way! Congratulations!"
Mr. Amaya leaned in with a grin and whispered, "And guess what?" (Y/N) also leaned in and whispered back, "What?" Amaya stood up straight and tall, practically glowing, "Me and my wife are expecting!" Both (Y/N)'s and Kyoya's eyes went wide, "What?! No way! On my gosh! That's amazing! I'm so happy for you two!" She leaned in and gave Amaya a hug, "Do you know if it's a boy or a girl yet?" They pulled away and Amaya shook his head, "Not yet, but when we find out, I'll let you know! Between you and me, I'm hoping it's a girl!"
"Amaya," Kyoya called out. "Why haven't you told me this yet?" Amaya rubbed the back of his head nervously, "I just never found the right time, Mr. Ootori. You always seem so busy, I didn't want to distract you." "I'm sorry I seem like you can't tell me things. Please, from now on, don't refrain from telling me about your achievements." Kyoya said, soft smile on his face. Amaya beamed, "Will do, Mr. Ootori!"
Kyoya gestured for (Y/N) to enter the car and she did, Kyoya following after her. Mr. Amaya closed the car door and entered the driver's seat, turning on the vehicle and driving away. "Where was I?" Kyoya questions. "Renge Houshakuji." (Y/N) responded. "Ah, that's right." Kyoya pushed up his glasses and continued explaining, "Towards the end of the club, Renge arrived and pretty much declared her love for me." (Y/N) raised an eyebrow in interest, "Oh really? What did she say?" 
"She assumed we're engaged." Kyoya said, slightly grimacing at the memory. (Y/N) chuckled, "Congratulations?" The ravenette male glared at the girl next to him. (Y/N) openly laughed at his response, "Alright, all jokes aside, why does she believe you're engaged?" Kyoya pinched the bridge of his nose, "She thinks I'm exactly like this character from an otome game she plays. She's apparently obsessed with him."
"Well, it definitely sounds like you had an interesting day." (Y/N) commented, an amused look on her face. "Tell me about it... But a part of me curious to see where things go." Kyoya said, ending with a thoughtful hum and his hand on his chin. "We're here, Miss (L/N)." Amaya suddenly calls, putting the limo in park. Kyoya got out first and held the door open for the girl. "Let me know how things go tomorrow, I'm invested now." (Y/N) said with a giggle. Kyoya fondly smiled at the girl, "Of course, anything for you." 
(Y/N) leaned down to the door opening and waved at Amaya, "Goodbye, Mr. Amaya! I hope your wife has an easy birth!" Amaya gave a large grin, "Thank you, Miss! I appreciate it! Take care!" (Y/N) leaned back up and looked towards Kyoya, "Thank you for taking me home, I'll see you tomorrow?" The young male nodded, "I'll see you tomorrow, (Y/N)." Before said girl turned to leave, she paused, staring at Kyoya. He gave her a questioning look, and she gave him a large grin, slightly jumping to give him a hug. They stumbled at first, the hug catching Kyoya by surprise before he was able to stable them. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, her face buried in his shoulder. His arms were wrapped around her waist, and eventually, he buried his face into her hair.
After a good five second squeeze from (Y/N), she pulled away, the faintest trail of blush on her cheeks. She smiled once more, "Bye, Kyoya." She then turned and left, leaving a faint smell of vanilla and chocolate in her wake. Kyoya stood in place for a moment, trying to engrave everything he could about the moment he just had with his dream girl onto his mind. When he was ready, he re-entered the limo. As Amaya was pulling away from the (L/N) residence, he looked into his rearview mirror and saw an absolutely lovesick boy. Kyoya's eyes were half lidded and had a far away look, his cheeks and ears were a bright red. "Ah... he reminds me of when I met my wife.' Amaya wistfully thought.
The driver then cleared his throat, gaining Kyoya's attention, "Miss (L/N) is a lovely girl, huh?" Kyoya hummed and looked out the window, "Yes... she is." He placed his hand over his mouth in a nonchalant manner, but hiding underneath was a loving smile.
*Time Skip, Next Day*
We'll be outside in the main courtyard today. There's a giant camera crew so we'll be hard to miss.
Got it👍we'll be there soon!
(Y/N), Aiko, and Murasaki arrived at the courtyard with silver carts containing drinks, and homemade sandwiches and desserts. "(Y/N)-senpai! Over here!" Hikaru and Kaoru called simultaneously. The girl smiled and gestured to the twins, "Come on girls, this way." Aiko and Murasaki followed their president to the Hitachiian twins, still pushing their carts.
When the three girls made it to Hikaru and Kaoru, they noticed that the boys were in basketball uniforms. "What's with all this?" (Y/N) questioned, referring to the camera crew and the boys new look. "Oh, this?" The twins started. "This is all our new managers doing," Hikaru started. "She thinks we need a movie about our 'new roles'." Kaoru finished. "We're basketball players 'enslaved enslaved in or own world', Honey-senpai is a 'baby faced thug', Mori-senpai is his 'childhood friend that's a flunkie', Haruhi is an 'honor student that's constantly being bullied', and Tamaki-senpai is the 'schools idol that has an inferiority complex'. I believe her exact words were: 'the lonely prince'." Hikaru and Kaoru explained together, their tone showing that they weren't that amused.
"Honey-senpai!? A thug?! I don't know whether to be excited or sad!" Aiko shouted in a mix of distress and excitement. "What about Kyoya?" Murasaki spoke up. The twins shrugged, "She said he's perfect just the way he is." (Y/N) chuckled, "Well here, we brought snacks. And make sure to stay hydrated." She then handed the twins each a water bottle. Hikaru and Kaoru smirked, "Oh (Y/N), you're so sweet to us, can't we take you home with us?" (Y/N) smiled at the two and simply stated, "No." The twins pouted, "Oh, boo. You're no fun." The girl raised an eyebrow at the two boys, "Then why are you friends with me?"
Hikaru and Kaoru opened their mouths to give a teasing comeback but was interrupted by Aiko, "I'm so sorry but me and Murasaki have to get to go now." Murasaki nodded, "I have to get to my fencing club." "And I have to get to my art club!" Aiko added. (Y/N) nodded in understanding, "Get there safely. And thank you for taking the time to help me transport the carts." Aiko gave a large smile, hooking her arm with Murasaki's, "We will! Tell Honey-senpai and Kyoya-senpai that we said hi and we're sorry we couldn't properly greet them!" The two girls waved goodbye, disappearing around the corner.
Hikaru and Kaoru gave (Y/N) a questioning look, "I thought they were in the baking club with you?" The girl nodded, "They are, but they're in other clubs too. They won't admit it, but I know they joined the baking club as an afterthought." She sent a very small sad, but also grateful, smile towards the place she last saw her club mates. Hikaru and Kaoru looked to each other out of the corner of their eyes and instantly knew what the other was thinking. In sync, they each took ahold of one of (Y/N)'s hands, gaining her attention again. "Worst case scenario," Hikaru started. "And they leave your club," Kaoru continued. "We'll quit the host club and join yours." The twins finished together, bringing (Y/N)'s hands up to their cheeks.
(Y/N)'s eyes went wide at the twins sudden offer, but then she fondly smiled at the two. She flipped her hands so she was now cupping their cheeks, "Oh, my kohais..." She started, her tone as fond as her smile. The way she was looking at Hikaru and Kaoru was driving them insane, making them eager to hear the rest of her words. "I can't have you do that, I would feel too guilty." The twins frowned and opened their mouths to protest but was cut off by their senpai. "But," (Y/N) started. "If you ever have any free time, you are still more than welcomed to come and join me." The twins gave a loving smile to the girl in front of them, nuzzling their faces into her hands and simultaneously responded, "We know."
Just then, a shout and loud clanging rang out, making the three jump in surprise. "What was that?" (Y/N) rhetorically asked, looking around along with the twins. At the same time, the three of them saw Tamaki run to a corner of the school. None of them could hear what Tamaki said, but when they saw his look of concern turn into one of anger, they knew something was wrong. Tamaki then ran and disappeared around the corner. "Suoh!"(Y/N) called out as the twins jumped from their seats. "Come on!" Hikaru and Kaoru shouted, running to where they last saw the blonde male, (Y/N) following suit.
The three teens peeked around the corner to see Tamaki cupping Haruhi's cheeks, concern written on his face, "Haruhi, are you in any pain?" Haruhi was rubbing his eye when he responded, "Yeah." Haruhi then pulled his hand away from his face to show something on his index finger, "It's my contact." Tamaki jolted in surprise, "Your... contact?" "Yeah," Haruhi nonchalantly started. "I guess it must have slipped out." Tamaki started laughing once he realized Haruhi was uninjured, "I see how it is! You're able to cry without using eye drops! So you're a full-fledged host now!"
(Y/N), Hikaru, and Kaoru all let out a quiet sigh of relief that nothing too bad happened. "You... you..." A female voice then gained everyone's attention. (Y/N) turned to see a girl with ivory skin, wide brown eyes, long golden brown hair, and a dark pink bow sitting atop of her head. "Please tell me you got that, cameraman!" The girl shouted, pointing at four male adults with film equipment sitting behind her. 'Ah, that must be Renge Houshakuji.' (Y/N) thought to herself. "Yes, boss!" One of the adults shouted back at Renge. "Other than Haruhi's contact falling out, that was an ideal final scene! All it needs now is a moving narration by my sweet Kyoya!" Immediately after Renge finished her spiel,  loud sound of glass breaking rang out throughout he area. 
Almost everyone jumped in surprise, looking to see what the cause of the sound was. Kyoya stood next to the, now broken, camera with a  rock in his hand. "No! What'd you do to my camera?!" The cameraman screamed in distress. Renge had a look of shock and meekly asked Kyoya, "What? Is something wrong?"
"I'm terribly sorry but I cannot allow there to be any record of a club member engaging in violence. I think you've caused enough trouble around here, Renge. Please stop being such a pest." Despite his, somewhat, kind words, Kyoya's tone was deadly serious. "'A pest'?" Renge repeated, tears immediately falling down her cheeks. "But you're supposed to pat me on the head and tell me not to worry! You're supposed to be kind and affectionate, Kyoya!" Renge sobbed. "Why are you acting so differently now?! Tell me why!"
"Because that's not the real Kyoya." Tamaki's sudden words caused Renge to pause her crying. She turned to Tamaki, a confused look on her face. She then fell to her knees and continued crying. Haruhi stepped towards the sobbing girl, "Does it really matter?" Renge looked up to the brunette as he squatted down to her level, "Who cares if Kyoya is a little different than you expected him to be? Take a good look at the person inside and get to know him little-by-little. It's a lot more fun that way." Haruhi ended with a smile. Renge stared at him, taking in his words and calming down.
"Wow... it feels like I'm watching a drama." (Y/N) whispered to the twins, them nodding in agreement. The three of them pulled back from the corner. "I'm glad no one was hurt. Well, physically at least." (Y/N) said, slightly sweat-dropping at the memory of Renge getting her heart broken. "(Y/N)-chan!" A sweet voice suddenly called out. Said girl and the twins turn and see Honey and Mori making their way towards them. "I didn't know you were here! It's so good to see you again!" Honey cheered, jumping into (Y/N)'s arms for a hug. (Y/N) laughed, hugging him back, "It's good to see you too, Honey-senpai!" When Honey separated himself from the girl, Mori came up and caressed (Y/N)'s hair in a greeting. She largely smiled at her tall upperclassman, "It's good to see you also, Mori-senpai!" The male smiled at his underclassman with fondness.
From the sidelines, Hikaru and Kaoru did not like how friendly Honey and Mori were being with their senpai. "Hey... how do you three know each other?" Hikaru and Kaoru asked, slightly on edge. The twins senpai's turned their attention to them. "Oh, we met last year, around the time I was starting up my baking club." (Y/N) stated while a smile grew on her face at he memory. Honey joyously laughed, "Yup! We've been friends ever since!" Mori nodded in agreement. The twins were not happy that Mori and Honey knew (Y/N) longer than they have, they thought they had her all to themselves.
"(Y/N), you're still here." A new voice suddenly said, gaining the five teens attention. Kyoya had just come around the corner and was surprised to see (Y/N) along with most of his club members. As he walked up to the group, she happily called out to him, "Kyoya!" Kyoya noticed how the four males surrounding her tensed up at her sudden greeting towards him. Kyoya was happy with how she called out for him, but the male was mostly feeling dread. "I'm happy to see you, but what are you still doing here? I thought you would have left as soon as you dropped off the food." Kyoya questioned, watching the other four males out of the corner of his eyes. "Well when I dropped off the carts, me and Hikaru and Kaoru started chatting. Then we heard the commotion with Houshakuji, Suoh, and Fujioka. Afterwards, Honey-senpai and Mori-senpai came and greeted me. And now were here." (Y/N) smiled and shrugged.
Hikaru and Kaoru growled under their breaths before they shouted, "Oh great! How do you two know each other?" (Y/N) gave raised her eyebrow at the twins, confused at their sudden sour tone, "We met last year in class, right after I started my club." Honey and Mori lightly frowned when they realized that their favorite kohai wasn't close with just them, but with other members of their club. Hikaru and Kaoru gritted their teeth in irritation, "Why has everyone known you longer than us?!" Honey then piped up, "Wait, Hikaru, Kaoru, are you friends with (Y/N) too?" Kyoya and the twins didn't miss how Honey didn't call Hikaru and Kaoru: 'Hika-chan and Kao-chan'. "Of course we're friends with her! We've been friends since last year! She's our senpai!" The twins shouted, getting frustrated at the thought of sharing their favorite person with others.
The twins rising emotions started to affect everyone. Honey shouted with a stutter, "Y-Yeah, w-well she's mine and Takashi's kohai!" (Y/N) turned her confused look from the twins to her senpais, "H-Huh?" She then did a double take when Kyoya also stepped forward with a glare, "She's my equal, we share classes together, unlike you four." (Y/N)'s head was spinning. 'W-What's going on?!' She worriedly thought, panic surging through her.
"Will you all calm down?!" The six teens turn to see Tamaki and Haruhi, Tamaki's hands on his hips and Haruhi's arms crossed. Tamaki was the first one to call out, Haruhi then adding on, "Yeah, (L/N)-senpai doesn't belong to any of you! Can't you see that all your arguing is making her uncomfortable?!" The five boys paused and looked to (Y/N), and sure enough, her face was contorted into one of pure disconcertment. Instantly, the five males felt remorseful at how their arguing affected their favorite girl.
Honey was the first to speak up, tears brimming his eyes, "I'm sorry, (Y/N)-chan." Mori grunted in agreement, "I'm sorry." Hikaru and Kaoru nodded, "We're sorry, (Y/N)-senpai." Kyoya clenched his fists, upset with himself, "I apologize, (Y/N)." The girl took in the five teens expressions. She could clearly see and feel the guilt emanating from them. (Y/N) sighed then smiled, "I can't be upset with you all. I forgive you." The five hosts started to smile in relief but paused when the girl raised her index finger, "But! Under one condition: please, don't fight again."
The five males all made eye contact and realized something: they all have romantic feelings for the same girl, and they all want her to be happy. So, in the end, the five of them made a mental agreement: let's get along, for her sake. The five teens nodded and smiled at the girl. 
One thing they all secretly thought to themselves, though, was: 'Just because I have to get along with everyone else, doesn't mean I can't try to win her over, now that I have competition'.
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airbendertendou · 8 months
synopsis : ballet had been a far along dream you’d never indulge in, never have the time to perfect. he brings that dream a little closer to you, day by day.
cw : reader wears heels , character unnamed , gender neutral reader
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if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
intertwined hands swing as you walk, eyes dancing from each store window you pass. he squeezes your fingers once, just to let you know he’s still there — to let you know he loves you. you oooh at a pearl necklace, eyes twinkling as much as the jewels do. he smiles, but turns his face to hide it from you.
a bit later, a hot beverage is in your hand as you sip on it contently. he’d finished his already — always too quick to enjoy the smaller things in life — his hand still being warmed by your own.
he pauses in front of a bench, “sit down for a second.”
you stop blowing on your drink, quirking up your eyebrows, “why?”
“just do it,” he rolls his eyes. he disconnects your hands to nudge you onto the bench. when you look up at him, he softens. “i got you something, is all.”
“a surprise?” you’re intrigued ; interest piqued ; but still suspicious. your eyes narrow. “…why?”
he doesn’t answer, simply laying his hand over your eyes. he mumbles, “keep them closed.”
you do as he says, sipping on your drink as you feel your right foot being lifted. the cold air brushes against your socked feet as you wiggle your toes in discomfort. a new shoe is placed on — tight and fresh out of the box. you frown why did he get me shoes i don’t need?
“i know the show last week was nice,” he begins to speak. you can feel his breath brush against your knees as he laces the left shoe. “but, you wanted something more. something personal ; closer.”
he lets out a huff, adjusting the shoes only he could see. he taps your knees lightly, signaling you could open your eyes. “this was the next best thing.”
they’re ballet slippers, that’s your first thought. pointe shoes you’d never trained in ; would never have the chance to dance in. they’re laced up your calf, tied into a perfect bow. when you turn your foot, you realize they’re heels — shoes you’d been wearing all your life.
your lower lip wobbles as tears cloud your eyes. you can barely look at him, “[character name]…”
his cheeks are flushed, the tip of his ears turning rosy as he keeps his gaze away from your own. “don’t make it a big deal, or anything.”
you leap up at once — only after steadying your cooling drink — wrapping your arms around his neck clumsily. you sniffle into his ear, “you didn’t have to do this.”
he stays kneeled down, arms slowly and softly wrapping around your waist. “i wanted to.”
chifuyu, kisaki, inupi, tsukishima, kageyama, kyotani, kuroo, sakusa, kyoya, hikaru, lucifer, satan, simeon
idk where this came from but those miu miu shoes stay on my mind so <3 this was written w felix graham de vanily in mind but have no idea what account to post miraculous stuff on so !!
airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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cophene · 8 months
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14 || * • ° when a guest's eye wanders
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pairing : ohshc x gn reader summary : perhaps no one at ouran is more qualified to deal with a broken heart than the host club. with a student’s heartbreak painfully obvious to everyone but themself, the host club takes it upon themselves to remedy that. all against that student’s better judgement. notes : multi-chapter fic, sfw, doesn’t follow canon plot word count : 2.2k+
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“Thank you so much, Haruhi. You always know exactly what to say to make me feel better.”
“Of course, it was no problem at all, really.” Haruhi tilted her head and smiled. “Thank you for coming today. If anything else comes up with your friend, please let me know and I’d be happy to help however I can.”
The girl blushed and smiled to herself. She drifted out of the music room with the rest of the departing guests, all of them similarly dreamy-looking.
Haruhi ran a hand through her hair, sighing. She plucked a stray tart from one of the nearby tables and headed over to where all of the other hosts were clustered. She knew without anyone saying anything that something was up. Tamaki was peeking over an armchair with literal binoculars over his eyes, the twins peeking discreetly over his shoulder while Honey and Mori craned their necks from behind.
“What’s going on?” Haruhi tiredly.
“Haruhi! You’re finally done. Come sit next to me, quickly.”
Haruhi put the rest of the tart into her mouth and crouched next to Tamaki. Why all of the hosts were crouched behind the armchair like they were bracing for an explosion was beyond her.
“Tell me what you see,” Tamaki said, passing over the binoculars to her. Haruhi took them and peered through.
“Nothing out of the ordinary.”
“Nothing out of the ordinary, she says!” Tamaki scoffed. “Look closer.”
Haruhi frowned. “It’s just Y/N finishing up with their guest.”
“Yes, but who is the guest?” the twins whispered pointedly.
“It’s just Iwaizumi Mayako. I’ve had appointments with her a few times. She’s always perfectly nice.”
“You know, for an honours scholarship student, you can be incredibly dim-witted,” Hikaru muttered.
“Hikaru, you know it’s not polite to comment on Haruhi’s social upbringing,” Kyoya said, and Haruhi’s eye twitched. He had appeared out of nowhere, and unlike everyone else, he wasn’t crouching or whispering.
“Kyoya, keep it down!” Tamaki hissed. “Y/N will hear you!”
“They’re not going to hear anything. They’ve been engaged with Mayako-san this entire time and neither one of them have looked up since they began talking.”
“Is that a bad thing?” Haruhi asked. “Y/N’s being a good host, just like you guys wanted.”
“Yes, but not with Maya-chan,” Honey blubbered.
“I’m still missing something here.”
“What you’re missing is that the Iwaizumi family is heavily involved in politics,” Kyoya said. “They have been a fixture of the Tokyo city council for decades and regularly bring up policies and allocate funding to improve life in the city.”
“Okay . . .” 
“Maya-chan is also a great student and an amazing singer,” Honey said anxiously.
“Alright . . .”
“She was ranked one of the top ten prettiest students by the Newspaper Club,” Kaoru said.
“For two years in a row,” Hikaru added.
“I still don’t see what the problem here is,” Haruhi said flatly. “Am I supposed to be worried?”
“Yes, of course you are!” Tamaki exclaimed. “Mayako is extremely talented, beautiful and charming! She is in direct competition with the Host Club! Just think about what could happen if she ends up healing Y/N’s broken heart before us!”
“That wouldn’t be a good thing?”
“Your lack of pride in the Host Club is appalling,” Tamaki scolded. “We said we would heal Y/N’s heart and that is what we shall do. We cannot let anyone usurp us!” He pushed Haruhi out from behind the armchair barricade. “Go get your guest back. She cannot be allowed to spend another minute with Y/N!”
“She’s already leaving,” Mori said, and indeed, Mayako was getting up from her seat and walking with Y/N to the door. She said something that made Y/N laugh, a cute, self-conscious chuckle that none of the hosts had ever heard before. Y/N waved goodbye to Mayako, lingering for a bit at the door.
“We need to carry out damage control,” Tamaki said gravely. “Immediately.” 
The words meant nothing to Haruhi but they apparently made perfect sense to the rest of the hosts. Like actors receiving a stage cue, they all spread out and took up various poses around the music room.
Tamaki glided over to Y/N and leaned against the doorframe so that they would have no choice but to look up at him as they closed the door.
“How was your first day as a host?” he asked, his voice as smooth as butter.
Y/N blinked at him. To Haruhi’s surprise, they then looked down at the ground as though flustered.
“It went pretty well, I guess.”
“Is that so? I’m glad to hear it. I hope none of the guests caused you too much trouble.” Tamaki tilted his head so his hair fell artfully into his eyes. “You would tell me if there was anything I could help you with, wouldn’t you?”
“Sure. That’s nice of you to offer.”
Tamaki smiled at Y/N the way you smiled at something adorable. “I would do anything for you. I hope you know that.”
“Uh, thanks?”
As Y/N was still parsing out Tamaki’s words, Kyoya appeared and led them gently by the elbow toward a nearby table.
“I thought I’d let you know that you did a wonderful job today,” Kyoya said, a thread of amazement lining his words. “I’ve never seen so many appointments reserved in advance for a host. You have everyone wrapped around your little finger.”
“Oh, I don’t think that’s--”
“No need to humble yourself. There’s nothing wrong with acknowledging your talents.” Kyoya indulgently poured out a steaming cup of tea for Y/N as they sat down. “Anyone would be honoured to sing your praises. Myself among them.”
Suspicion filtered through Haruhi’s mind. What was going on here? This was excessive, even for the Host Club.
“How do you do it?” Kaoru wondered out loud. As though it were natural to do so, he leaned over Y/N’s armchair, draping his arms over them. “You have almost everyone falling for you.”
“It’s like you have some sort of irresistible charm,” Hikaru said, perching on the arm of the chair. His fingers traced the line of Y/N’s jaw. “Some kind of gravity that draws in everyone close to you.”
“You were so busy that I didn’t have a chance to share some cake with you,” Honey said, lifting up a plate with a single, perfect slice of cake. The plaintive quality in his voice could have made anyone’s heart twinge. “I thought you would always have time to have cake with me. Do you not care about me, Y/N?”
“One can’t help wanting to be around you,” Mori said, his words so low as to be almost inaudible. “Your absence is all the darker for having known your smile.”
“What is going on?” Haruhi said, bewildered. Renge’s voice in her ear made her jolt in surprise.
“When a guest’s eye wanders, it is the responsibility of the Host Club to draw it back.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?” 
“Do you remember that time you were kidnapped by those fiends from Lobelia?”
Haruhi blinked. “ . . . You mean the White Lily League?”
“Mhm. Never had the Host Club been threatened in such a manner before. Of course the Host Club had to retaliate to win you back. This is just like that. The Host Club cannot stand idly by while a temptress seduces Y/N from our midst.”
“I’ve heard a lot of ridiculous things in the Host Club, but this makes the list,” Haruhi said. She gestured vaguely at the hosts still crowded around Y/N. “You know this is just going to scare Y/N off, right? As in, even more than they already have been.”
“Ye of little faith,” Renge said, shaking her head. “Just watch and learn.”
Haruhi reluctantly watched. And was given the pleasure of witnessing the loudest guffaw ever produced by a human being.
“What are you guys doing?” Y/N asked, barely able to speak over their laughter. They got up from their armchair, brushing Kaoru and Hikaru off and stepping away from Tamaki’s lingering fingers. “Is this some kind of secret maneuver I haven’t learned yet?”
Renge’s jaw was on the floor. “It didn’t work?” she whispered, horrified.
“Why are you surprised?” Haruhi murmured.
“You had me going, I’m not going to lie.” Y/N grinned broadly at everyone, no hint of the sappy, adoring admiration the hosts had been trying to cajole anywhere on their face. They pointed at Kyoya. “That’s the nicest you’ve ever been to me, and you two,” they gestured at the twins, “never say things like that unless it’s backhanded.”
“You know us too well,” the twins said together, begrudgingly amused.
“They felt threatened by Mayako so they just wanted to make sure you remembered how charming they were,” Haruhi said, coming up next to Y/N.
“That is not what we were doing,” Tamaki huffed indignantly. “We were just . . .”
Y/N looked expectantly at him. He had a few more false starts before he gave up.
“That might have been partly what we were doing.”
“You guys are ridiculous,” Y/N said. They laughed again. “I don’t know how you come up with this stuff. You sure you don’t want to partner up with the Drama Club?” They snapped their fingers at Mori. “What was that back there? I’ve never heard such feeling in your voice, Mori. Nearly gave me shivers.”
Mori glanced off to the side, the barest of blushes on his face. 
“You were spending quite a bit of time with Mayako-san,” Kyoya said. “In the future, it would be preferred if you adhered to the time allotments allowed for each guest.”
“Yeah, that was my bad. I just lost track of time. I didn’t expect to get carried away like that.”
“Did you really like Maya-chan that much?” Honey asked, squeezing Usa-chan to his chest.
Y/N hesitated for a beat. “I like her fine. We just had a lot of fun talking, that’s all.”
Haruhi could attest to that. Mayako was one of the guests she liked the best and she always couldn’t help feeling disappointed when their appointments drew to a close. Mayako was aware of her own charm but didn’t abuse it. She was almost self-deprecating about it sometimes.
Renge narrowed her eyes. “Is that so . . .?” 
“Yes, that is exactly so. It’s not like I’m going to fall in love with Mayako.”
Everyone blinked at Y/N. They scowled. “I”m not. She’s not even my type.” 
“Not your type?” the twins echoed teasingly. “What would your type be then?”
 Y/N grabbed their book bag from one of the tables off to the side and slipped out of the music room. “If we’re done here I’m going to get going. See everyone tomorrow.”
Haruhi was about to call it a day too when Renge said, “Gentlemen, it would appear an unexpected difficulty has arisen.”
Haruhi groaned internally. Not again.
“Indeed.” Tamaki laced his fingers together and pressed his hands against his mouth. “Healing Y/N’s broken heart is becoming more difficult than we anticipated.”
“Y/N is not going to fall in love with Mayako,” Haruhi said. “You guys are worrying over nothing.”
“Nothing might happen on Y/N’s end, but Mayako is a different story altogether,” Kyoya murmured.
“What, do you think Mayako is going to develop feelings for Y/N? Isn’t that to be expected? You guys have over half the student body in love with you . . .” Haruhi trailed off. Her brain was offering up bits and bobs of information, and now she was starting to string them together.
“This is different,” Honey said. His eyebrows were drawn together. “Mayako really likes Y/N, doesn’t she? She has for a while.”
Now Haruhi was starting to remember. The mention of a crush had surfaced a few times during her conversations with Mayako. The other girl had been dismissive, saying they only had one class together and the other person had always been too busy to notice. Haruhi had encouraged her to speak her feelings if that was what she wanted. To at least let the other person know and see if they could give things a try. Mayako had resolved to reach out over the break, but something had come up and Mayako hadn’t had the chance.
If Mayako’s crush had been in Malta, that would certainly count as something “coming up”.
“I mean, this doesn’t have to be a bad thing,” Haruhi said. “What if Mayako and Y/N really hit it off? The Host Club could be Mayako’s wingmen or something.”
“Y/N might end up unintentionally hurting Mayako,” Mori said. “Mayako doesn’t know about Nishio Keiji. And Y/N might end up mistaking Mayako’s advances for normal guest interactions. Y/N will continue to treat Mayako like a guest, and should she confess her feelings, Y/N might hurt her by brushing her off.”
“That’s . . . very pessimistic,” said Haruhi.
“But it’ll happen,” the twins said, as though Mori had stated an indisputable law of the universe.
“And how do you two know that?”
The twins looked at each other. They both shrugged.
“Things could end up worse than they started.” Tamaki’s violet eyes were pensive. “We need to make sure both Mayako and Y/N leave with their feelings intact.”
Haruhi frowned. “I still think there’s the possibility that nothing will happen. Y/N can’t be that clueless. If they don’t like Mayako they can just say so.”
“Y/N can be very clueless,” Honey said with a rueful smile. “Especially now when they’re still in a fog about Nishio Keiji.”
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randoms-fandoms · 1 year
Hey can I request a kyoya x reader fic with him comforting her though a bad mental health day please if you don’t want to it’s completely fine 
Yep! This is a great idea <3
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Warnings: negative self talk, general sadness (but of course Kyoya is there to help you feel better)
Relationships: established Kyoya x reader
Bad days were by no means unfamiliar to you. The fatigue, the hopelessness… it was hard to deal with. But over time you had built a good support system, who were there for you every time you were struggling. Your boyfriend, Kyoya, was especially good. He got to know every side of you, even the sad and scared parts. He knew how to help you.
That didn’t mean it wasn’t scary to ask for help. I want to be with Kyoya but I don’t want to annoy him… you had woken up hours ago after a poor sleep and already felt bad, and hadn’t gotten out of bed since.
Staring at your phone screen, feeling your heart hurt with anxiety, you wondered if you should call him.
Just thinking about speaking, knowing your voice would be shaky and thick with emotion, flooded you with shame.
Instead, you texted him. It was only a few seconds before he replied.
Can I come over?
Of course, love.
That was around noon. It took some time to gather the courage to get out of bed, put your shoes on, and get into your car. You didn’t have the energy to find an outfit to change into, but that didn’t matter. Kyoya wouldn’t mind.
Now, as you stood on the large, fancy front porch of your boyfriend’s home, you were feeling sick to your stomach. What if his parents open the door? I can’t let them see me like this… you worried, thinking about how undignified you probably looked— face red from crying in the car on the way there, hair unbrushed, mismatched pajamas— no way.
Sitting down on the step, tears brimming in your eyes once more, you combed through your hair with shaking hands.
I’m outside
I’ll come get you.
You put your phone in your pocket and wiped the tears from your eyes, waiting nervously. After a minute you heard somebody fumbling to unlock the heavy brass deadbolt, so you stood up and turned to meet him.
Kyoya opened the door too quickly, bumping it into himself. His expression was worried, but melted into relief when he saw that you were okay.
Stepping outside in his house slippers, he wrapped you in his arms. You closed your exhausted eyes and hugged him back, tightly. It’s okay now.
The hug was immensely comforting— you felt the pain in your heart soothed for a moment. You sighed, but it was shaky and too quick— you still felt fragile, like you could break into heaving sobs if you tried to speak.
Minutes passed. You hadn’t realized how cold you were until Kyoya warmed you up. He always did run hot— in the summer it made holding hands and cuddling uncomfortable, but now you couldn’t find it in yourself to care.
Kyoya patted your back gently and you pulled back to look up at him.
“Would you like to come inside?”
Feeling a little overwhelmed, you just nodded and followed as he led you up the stairs to his room. He closed to door after you.
You sat down on the soft purple couch and picked up a throw pillow to hold on your lap. Having something to hug made you feel better.
Kyoya sat beside you. Close enough for you to feel him, close enough that you wouldn’t forget he was there for you.
“How are you feeling?” Kyoya asked in a quiet, gentle voice.
A tear slipped down your face. Your lips trembled, so you took a deep breath and brought a hand up to wipe away the tears, which wouldn’t stop falling.
“…Not good.” You replied, voice thick with emotion. You tried to force a laugh, to lighten the mood, but the sound got caught in your throat and turned into a sob. Then another. Finally breaking down, you covered your face, trying to stay quiet. I hate the way I look when I cry.
“Hey, it’s okay, you can cry if you need to.” Kyoya gently placed a hand on your arm, guiding your hands away from your face. “You’ll feel better if you get it out.” He said, sincerely looking you in the eye.
Squeezing Kyoya’s slender hand, you inhaled shakily, and let yourself keep crying.
Kyoya leaned into you. He adjusted positions so that he could wrap one arm around you.
You didn’t know how long you cried. By the time it slowed into tearful, uneven breaths and a pounding headache, you felt some of the foreboding pressure release.
Your eyes stung from tears. The muscles in your neck hurt from crying so hard. You felt sleepy, and your head hurt so bad, but Kyoya had pulled you into a comfortable hug. Your back against his chest, his head resting on yours, his arms wrapped around you.
His heartbeat thumping steadily against your shoulder blade, in of tune with your own deafeningly loud heartbeat, resounding throughout your skull.
“Would you like to lie down?” Kyoya asked, whispering. You nodded.
Standing up slowly, you felt like you were waking up from a nightmare. You still felt raw and sad and deeply lonely, but the dread was gone. You cross the room to sit on Kyoya’s bed, feeling a little awkward.
You watched as Kyoya bent down to get a bottle of water out of his mini fridge.
“Have you eaten?” He asked as he handed it to you.
“Not yet.” You replied, absentmindedly pressing the cold water against your wrist. It was a trick Kyoya had taught you in the past to help calm yourself down. You weren’t certain if there was any science behind it, but it was refreshing regardless.
Not wanting to leave you alone, Kyoya pulled out his phone and texted a message, presumably to one of his family’s chefs, to bring a meal up to his room.
“Alright.“ he said to himself, leaving his phone on the bedside table. He rummaged in the drawer for a packet of tissues and handed them to you.
After wiping your face and drinking half of the water bottle, you sighed and got comfortable on the large bed. You closed your eyes, and listened as there was a knock, Kyoya went to his bedroom door and exchanged some polite words with the maid who delivered the platter, and finally your boyfriend walked across the room to settle down next to you.
“Toast, fruit salad, a little cake, some tea… how’s that sound?”
You rolled over, resting your head on your arm, and saw him sat on the bed next to you, spreading the butter and jam on your toast. “Thanks.”
“Anything you need, love.” He said, smiling softly.
You ate slowly. It was a comfortable silence. Once you were full, you smiled tiredly, eyes falling closed again.
Kyoya snuggled closer to you. You felt the question coming. “Did something happen?” He asked.
Contentment now tinged with guilt, you shook your head. “Just a bad day. Sorry to bother you over nothing.” You said.
Kyoya propped himself up on his elbows to look down at you seriously. “I’m glad you came over. I’m glad I can help you at times like these. This—“ he gestured to you lying on his bed. “Doesn’t bother me.”
You swallowed the lump in your throat, not wanting to cry again. “But… it’s not fun, looking after me…” you argued.
Kyoya wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer. “I’m not with you to have fun.” He pressed a kiss to the side of your head. “I’m with you because I love you.” He said simply.
You nodded, not trusting your voice. A tear slipped down your temple, into your hair. You stared at the ceiling.
“Wanna talk about it?” Kyoya asked in a whisper.
“About what?” Also a whisper.
“What you’re feeling.” Kyoya took off his glasses and set them on the beside table so he could snuggle closer into the crook of your neck.
You had a lot on your mind, admittedly. “Do you think I’m ugly?”
“Nope.” Kyoya answered without hesitation. He was serious, too, not at all invalidating your fears.
“Are you sure? I didn’t even put on makeup.”
Kyoya sat up and leaned over to look down at you. At first he feigned a serious inspection of your every feature, but he broke into giggles after bumping noses with you. “Sorry.” He said with a quick kiss. “I think you look absolutely lovely.”
You smiled, amused. “Okay… and I guess I’m not bothering you…” Kyoya nodded, laying back down. “But I hate making you sad.” You knew it could be emotionally taxing to love someone who struggled with their mental health.
Kyoya was thoughtful for a moment. “I do feel sad when you’re upset,” he started. “But that’s okay. I love being with you.”
You turned your head to look at Kyoya. He was smiling, lost in thought. Thinking about you.
“Aren’t I annoying?” You asked, carefully watching his expression. “You’re so smart, and I’m not.”
Kyoya shook his head. “Of course not. And besides, I admire your creativity and caring personality far more than any letter grade you could achieve.”
“But why?”
“I love you.” Kyoya shrugged. “I don’t know… I’m not good with words.” He said, blushing a little. “I like how you always give me a hug before you leave. I like when you tell me about the stuff you like. I think it’s nice how you wait for me when I have to tie my shoe, and everyone else walks ahead, and I… I love so much of you.”
“You really do?”
“I really do.“ Kyoya nodded.
You were lost for words. “Huh.” Your mind was simmering down from the negativity, now thinking about what Kyoya had said. He likes me that much?
“So, uh— wanna stay for dinner?” He asked with a shy, but genuine smile.
A/N: I hope you enjoy this ❤️sorry it’s kind of short! Anyway this was nice to write, I’ve never written anything focused on Kyoya before :0 have a nice day!
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honeysunai · 11 days
Hostess| Kyoya Ootori x reader
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Part ten - Under the Mistletoe
Pairing : Kyoya Ootori x reader
General rating : Fluff, enemies to love vibes
Word count : 3k
Author's note : I will be keeping the old aesthetic for this story, sorry for people who like the new aesthetic of my newer one shots. Also, clearly, this was meant to be a Christmas special, but we are in September and I kind of wanted to wait until December, but I've been holding off for months, so here it is and I do hope you enjoy this part. As always, have an amazing day and stay hydrated!
Summary: As only heir to your family you are bound to an arrange marriage with the third son of the powerful house Ootori. His cold behavior is only a mask for you to uncover when you stumble into music room number three. 
You jolted awake like you’ve done for the past ten days. Your mind was racing and your heart was pounding. You couldn’t stop thinking about Kyoya and what he did so shamelessly to you. The memory of Kyoya's shameless actions consumed you, a relentless loop that replayed with vivid intensity. He had acted without a shred of hesitation, unburdened by remorse, leaving an indelible mark on your consciousness and your body. Your thighs clenched together and your face turns red at the thought of Kyoya back between your legs. 
It was short and passionate, he kissed you more afterwards and refused to give in to your pleasure to return the favor to him. To your displeasure, he refused and reminded you that this “deal” between you is only physical and he didn’t need you that night. The day after he had put back the wall he put between you and barely spoke to you and you did the same by ignoring him for all the next ten days.  No matter how hard you try to get him off your mind and ignore him, the second you close your eyes you can only think about him and what you wish he would do to you. 
All that daydreaming is costing you some A’s on your papers and you won’t settle for less!
This wasn’t you! You were so confused as to why you dreamt so much about him! You used to despise him and his shitty attitude and now you were sexually dreaming of him… Get a grip! You couldn’t lose to him either, you said you won’t fall in love with him, he’s just a high school crush… A crush… You couldn’t possibly have a crush on Kyoya Ootori? He’s a stupid teenager and you are so much more than a teenager that has a crush. You’re independent, you’re talented, intelligent and pretty. 
You went to your mirror to get ready and pointed at your reflection with a twisted expression. “You have to despise him again.” You grunt. “You don’t love him, you lust after him which is not better, but it’s temporary.” 
Under the chilling water, you braced yourself for the day ahead, feeling the exhaustion seep from your bones. It was shaping up to be another one of those rough days. After the shower, you reluctantly checked your agenda, and there it was, like a punch to the gut – an exam last period. Groaning, you realized the day wasn't going to cut you any slack. With a sigh, you steeled yourself for the challenge, hoping you'd find the energy to tackle it when the time came.
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You’ve managed to survive two periods before Kyoya dragged you into an empty music room, his lips glued to yours. His gentle hands cupped your cheeks, tilting your head upward to part your perfect lips so his tongue can meet yours. 
As your lips meet in a deliberate, unhurried rhythm, time seems to pause, allowing every tender sensation to unfurl. The warmth of Kyoya’s breath mingles with yours, creating an electric current that courses through your body. The gentle exploration of lips and tongues is a language of desire, each movement deliberate and sensuous. Every touch is deliberate, sensuous, and in those stolen moments, it's like you're wrapped up in this emotional symphony. The world outside just kind of disappears, and all that's left is this mix of vulnerability and desire hanging in the air. It's intense, like you're caught up in something so much bigger than just a kiss.
You broke the kiss first and his eyes searched yours with this lust that glimmered in them. 
You whisper while looking up at him.  “I can’t keep doing this.” 
He huffs. “What do you mean?”
“We only kiss when you want it, not when I want to.” You tell him. “I try to do it at school and you kind of… do not reciprocate until you want me.”
“Because it’s fun to see you turn red. If you want my attention you’ll have to try harder y/n.” He smiles softly, seeing you didn’t find it funny he continued. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way.” That was the least you’d expect from him. You were quite shocked in all honesty. 
“I want to make a new rule to our arrangement. We can’t kiss or anything until the end of the winter exams.”
“That’s a whole month, you sure you want to risk it?”
She huffs. “Risk what?”
“Miss me.” He smirks. “Miss my touch.” He whispers leaning closer to your ear. “Miss my tongue.” You push him away.
“I’ll be fine. I’m not that desperate.” You roll your eyes at him.
“You're willing to go to great lengths to prove a point; I respect that," he chuckles. "But don't come running back when you start feeling those butterflies right here." He licks his lips as his hand trails down your lower belly. "And find yourself needing me to deal with it."
All that gentleness and kindness was now gone. “Don’t flatter yourself.” 
“Aw.” He clutched at his heart with a playful smile. “Fine. I agree to your terms, we’ll wait after the final exams. We wouldn’t want your grades to be worse than they already are.”
“They are not THAT bad.” You roll your eyes again. “Besides, it’s only a slip up and you know it.”
“It's because you can’t stop thinking about me, is it?”
“You wish.” You bark back before leaving the classroom to go study on your break.
That damn idiot.
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The first snow finally arrived and you were so happy, it was the middle of december and you were ecstatic. You and the Club decided to take your little club activities outside on a beautiful day like that. It wasn’t too cold, nor too hot, just the perfect temperature for you to be able to roam around the campus without freezing to death. You were walking with Haruhi and Renge arms intertwined together laughing at Renge’s behavior towards something Asahi said earlier that day. She was red with anger and told you how stupid that boy was and blah blah blah… You and Haruhi couldn’t help but roll your eyes and her poor attempt to conceal her attraction to that guy. 
Around you, the girls were gawking at the three of you hanging out together, seeing how fond you are for one of another made their heart melt. You realized a few months ago how easy it is to make them fall for false charm… or just being yourself. 
You can see on the ground two shadows behind you and you smirk to yourself as you duck an incoming snowball. 
“How did you know?” Hikaru gasps. 
You smirk. “You can’t outwin a snowball fighter champion.”
“Is there such a thing?” Haruhi asks, not entirely convinced and she was right to do so. It was a shit title you just had invented to make the twins busy up in their mind for you to catch the heavy snow, form it into a ball and throw it at Kaoru’s face. 
“You–!” He gasps as you duck to get another one in which you failed to hit the boy another time with the snowball and it was too late… he tackled you to the ground. You yelp as his heavy weight carried you to the ground, but never crushed you as he was holding himself up. You can hear soft giggles and gasp from some of your guests at this incident.
“I’m so sorry.” He whispers with wide eyes and flushed cheeks. You chuckle at this embarrassing situation. Suddenly, someone shadowed the both of you. A strong hand gripped Kaoru’s collar and yanked him with ease off of you. The very same hand helped you stand up on your feet. You look up to see Kyoya’s harsh gaze on the twin. 
“Tackling a defenseless girl is not very nice is it not, Kaoru?”
“I wasn’t defenseless.” You mumbled under your breath. The boys were all confused as to why he was defending you openly in front of everyone. He rolled his eyes at your comment.
“It was all in good fun.” He replies winking at you and that owed him a snowball to the face by none other than Kyoya who had a shiteating grin glued on his face. “It’s on four eyes!” Kaoru yells picking up snow and throwing it directly at him and yet, it hits you. Kyoya used you as his personal meat shield. 
“Using a defenseless girl as a meat shield is not very nice is it not, Kyoya?” You barked at him and before another snowball hit you, he grabbed your arms and made you duck with him. 
“Less talking, more fighting.” He adds and you both grabbed a bunch of snow throwing it at the twins, which hit Tamaki and his guests further behind and you giggled at his blushed angry face. 
“Don’t forget about us!” Honey yells as he, Mori and Haruhi join the battle.
It was free for all, everyone was at each other's throats, there were no rules. Dirty tricks, playing safe, anything was on the table. Kaoru was mostly running away from Kyoya as he was chasing him and you running away from Hikaru and Honey as they swore you were their enemy. You were covered from head to toe with snow, you grew cold, but you wouldn’t admit defeat… Never would you admit defeat.
Kyoya was about to throw one at you, with the biggest smirk on his face. Before he could even throw it, Tamaki and Mori used a large empty flower pot filled with snow and dumped it on your opponent. You could keep your giggles in as his ego took a punch. Your laugh was loud and ugly at best, but it sounded melodious to Kyoya as he had made you laugh, a true one.
The bell finally rang and it was all over. “I guess that makes these two the winners of this fight.” You say between two giggles. Kyoya and Hikaru both wrapped one arm over each shoulder and dragged you inside with the rest of the group following you.
Tamaki, Kyoya, Honey, Mori and you were all sitting in the same class and the teacher could tell you were all playing outside by the way you were disheveled and face flushed from the cold. A smile was glued on your face as you felt Kyoya gazing at the back of your messy hair.
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You kept ignoring Kyoya for the next month, burying yourself in books at school, at home, and even in your dreams. The grind of studying became a monotonous escape, but it couldn't shake the nagging feeling that something was off. You couldn't shake the fact that you were shutting out Kyoya completely. The silence between you two weighed heavy on your mind, and even as you immersed yourself in equations and facts, it felt like you were losing something more than just time. The sacrifice of connection for academic gains started to seem like a questionable trade-off. You missed him? No. You’re not that desperate that you miss Kyoya. 
Tomorrow was your last exam before the Christmas break and you were thinking how excited you were to be done with it. You were in bed with your phone in your hands and texted Kyoya, but he was faster than you.  
Good luck tomorrow, goblin shark.
You crack a smile and respond quickly.
I changed my mind… You’re a sunfish. Good luck, Kyoya.
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The final bell rang and she could cry tears of joy. You were done with your exams and could finally relax. You took your time to pick up your stuff as you reminisced about the last month and a half and how hard you’ve worked on your studies and how hard it was to actually ignore Kyoya. 
At first it was easy, he became this cold wall of ice as he was before you started school here and slowly it became harder when you two had to meet for a monthly dinner with both families. That night you sat side by side at dinner and his hand was on you the entire time. His slender fingers tracing circles on your thigh, his hand trailing up under your skirt just for you to want, no, need more. After that dinner, you came home like an absolute mess. You were angry at him and yet you only wanted him closer. When you came back to school, you avoided him like the plague no matter how close you two were sitting in class. 
After finally finishing packing your bag, your cheeks still warm from the lingering memories of dinner, you stepped out of the classroom. There was one last thing you needed from the music room before heading home.
The hallways were empty as you entered the music room, moving toward the secret trunk where you kept some of the eccentric costumes Tamaki always insisted you wear. You were so absorbed in whatever was on your phone that you didn’t even notice someone approaching—until you felt a hand pull you swiftly into the empty dressing room. You were about to yell at whoever dragged you, but were cut off by familiar lips crashing into yours. The soft groan that escaped his mouth made her knees grow weak. 
“The exams are over.” He whispers between kisses. “I’ve been patient, but I need this, I need you. Please let me have this.” Was he begging? You dropped your bag and lightly pushed him to the wall behind him, the mirror directly on both of them. 
You had the upper hand whether he liked it or not. And you were going to take advantage of it.
“We will do this my way.“ your fingers graze over his clothed erection — his hips buck up into your touch, “Or we won’t be doing anything at all,” he hisses, as a giggle escapes your lips. “What will it be?” You’re dragging the fabric down his hips, freeing his cock, your eyes nearly hypnotized by the slight of it, thick beads of precum dripping from the slit, before your gaze finds his again, softening.
“Your way.” He breathes and you drop to your knees, your fingers find their way around the base of his cock, drawing a ragged gasp from his lips, before you lean down and flick your tongue against his leaking tip.
Your tongue drags a thick stripe up his cock, before beginning to trace along one of his veins, your fingers slipping up to use his pre to rub up and down his length. Your thumb teases his slit, and a hiss leaves his lips, a smirk against his dick. 
“Fuck…” He looks down at you, then back at the mirror, eyes half shut. You take a peek at the mirror and he would be your undoing, he looked like a mess. You've never seen him like this and it was so satisfying knowing that he was the one who came crawling.
He groans, when his tip brushes against your throat, his fingers finding your scalp to try and ease you off,  “Y/n–” He groans before he’s cumming down your throat, hot release painting your mouth. As soon as you were done, releasing him from your mouth he leaned down to kiss you again. It was needy, messy, but it was something you dreamt of no matter how pissed at him you were before.
He holds your jaw gently. "Don't do this to us, ever again." Us... She couldn't do this ever again, because she did miss his touch as much as he did and she was so close to give up may times, but her pride put her in place. She didn't have the proper words to answer him, so her lips found his once more.
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— 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐬𝐬
✧ @gay-noble @vanicogh @hopeless-romanticnamed-s @idktbhloley @p1nkliquor @hellokittykuroo @batboob @kisskissshutmydoor @lemonrolls @hoku-killer @sunukissed @jessiegerl @lunalily19 @i7zha @asrainterstellar @arimoony24 @simp-lythebest @fan-g0rl​ @randobeetlehouse​​ @glomp-me @yeeyeebabe @maackiimoo @kaelysian @noendingtolove @luminaaz @thewendyslogo @eri0-0 @arielbillyboy16 @aangsupremacy​ @yuriklol​ @lillunna @lostsomewhereinthegarden @chocorenchin  @sukcama @bratb1tch @topmeyelena
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butchweeb · 1 year
Revisiting Ouran and dammit Haruhi should have ended up with Kyoya! Like I love her relationship with Tamaki, but she and Kyoya compliment each other so well and challenge each other. Haruhi already knows how to deal with Tamaki, he has the feeling of family, but Kyoya is new and different. Not to mention, she challenges Kyoya's prejudices while also making him comfortable and safe. I will die on this hill.
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mossiestpiglet · 7 months
“And then there’s Kaoru and Kyoya. One of them is also unaware of his feelings.”
I adore how vaguely Honey says this because this is also why these are two of my three favorite characters. Doylian explanation: it’s to avoid saying specifically which one it is and then being committed to dealing with how that’s going to affect the plot. But on a Watsonian level it also works so well because Kaoru and Kyoya have the shared narrative trait of viewing Haruhi through another character’s interest in her, and this could both cause either of them to not realize their own feelings and for it to be harder for Honey to perceive them too.
Just like his interest in the club and its other members comes from his interest in Tamaki, Kyoya believes he only is interested in Haruhi in so much as she serves the club and Tamaki is enjoying having her around. He is blindsided every time their relationship develops at all because to him, they aren’t supposed to have a relationship. She’s supposed to be there for the other club members (especially Tamaki) to enjoy and him to make a profit off of, not to make him think new things about life. If he has feelings for her the same way Tamaki and Hikaru do he would be unaware of them because he is so attached to this idea of himself as detached that he himself can’t see the truth.
Kaoru on the other hand started his relationship with Haruhi in the same position and on the same page as Hikaru, but their personality differences shifted things over time. Because Kaoru thinks things through just a teensy bit more and is slightly more perceptive, he ends up more cognizant of their behavior. That thinking leads him to look at and focus on Hikaru, while Hikaru is too busy just doing stuff to think such meta things. So Kaoru then notices Hikaru’s feelings and this shifts his relationship to Haruhi because Hikaru will always take precedence for him. Even though he has his own direct relationship to her, he also has one through Hikaru and that would form a barrier in his mind to ever trying to think about whether he also had those same kinds of feelings.
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Tamaki was elated. He couldn't believe it. Finally, finally, finally...
He had a crush!
"Kyooooyaaaa!" he sang, prancing into the other boy's room. "It happened! It actually happened! Someone has a cru-ush!"
"Wonder that."
"It's me!"
"Is it now."
"Come onnnn," said Tamaki, flopping on Kyoya's immaculate bed.
"Aren't you even going to ask me who it is?"
"It's Haruhi!"
"No surprise there."
"But Kyoya! How can you not be more excited? You know how long I've been waiting for this, how I-"
"Feel like a fraud because you haven't fallen in love yet. Big deal, Tamaki. There are more important things than love. Like money."
He didn't pay attention.
"She's just so cuuuute, and so smart, and she told me I was the most memorable person she'd ever met!"
"It was meant as an insult."
"Perish the thought! But now we can fall in love and get married and have dozens of children and a cottage out in the countryside!"
"Sounds great."
"I hope this is real," Tamaki mumbled, suddenly somber. "I just want to be someone's cute little husband... it's all I've ever wanted."
"And you'll get what you deserve, Tamaki. I'm sure of it."
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akehoshimystar · 1 month
Kiho's Personal Story
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Roka: To this wonderful night... Cheers!!
Kiho: Cheers.
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Roka: Mika!
Takeru: Sure, sure.
Roka: Fufu... Fufufu.
Kiho: Oh.
Roka: Zzzzz…..
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Takeru & Kiho: ……..
After saying a toast for countless times, Roka slumped against the counter with a smile on his face. I looked at him for a few seconds. I caught sight of Mika behind the counter, and we both laughed and said, “Good work”.
Takeru: As always, the way he fell asleep is just like a baby. He was noisy until the very end.
Kiho: I thought he’d ask for another round of fortune telling. He ran out of energy now.
Takeru: Seems like he played putter golf with Shinobu and others on the rooftop during the day. He must have been pretty tired from the start.
Kiho: The rooftop here?
Takeru: Yeah. He bought a toy set from somewhere, and was playing in the office at first, but Ai-chan kicked him out.
Kiho: Must have been tough for Ai.
I took the glass, which is now filled with nothing but ice, from Roka’s hand and handed it to Mika.
Takeru: Thanks. What about you, Kiho?
Kiho: I don’t mind if we call it a day now…... But let’s see…. Can I have just one more drink?
Takeru: Of course. I’m about to start cleaning up now, but don't worry about me. Just take your time and drink.
Mika gracefully poured me some Ginjo and began closing up the bar as previously declared. As I watched him while enjoying my last drink of the day… I heard a muffled voice next to me.
Roka: ...I’ve come up with a great idea...
Kiho: What is it?
Roka: Nagashi somen for Christmas.
Kiho: We already did that last year. Water got all over the floor and Urara scolded us like we have just killed someone. We learned it hard way, didn’t we?
Roka: Fufu... Nghnnnn...
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Takeru: Seriously, you’re way too sociable. Why bother replying when he’s already in his dreamworld?
Kiho: To my surprise, he can remember things when I ask him later. Maybe his brain is still up and awake.
Takeru: Even if that's the case, when I see you two together, I still feel strange.
Kiho: What’s strange about it?
Takeru: Who would have thought that you two would become such good friends for this long?
I gulped down the chilled sake in my mouth. And laughed lightly at what Mika said while he was polishing the sink.
Kiho: Mika, didn’t you say the same thing in the past?
Takeru: Oh, really? Well, I've been thinking about it for quite some time now.
I do understand why Roka is attached to Kiho, but Kiho also accepted him and that's why we’re where we are now.
I can’t guess at all what would lead you guys to this point.
Kiho: Accept him? I don't mean to act like I was playing hard-to-get.
Takeru: I think it's difficult for you not to act that way when that’s what you are. Well, not that I care.
Back then… Kyoya, Sei, Shizuka, Mao... Not sure if I should say this, but didn’t Kiho like hanging out with that kind of people?
Kiho: Interesting conclusion you’ve reached there. Well, if I were to sit next to someone on a long trip, I'd prefer someone among that list.
Takeru: I know right. In fact, I've never seen Kiho close the distance with someone crazy like Roka. That's why I find it very strange.
Even if he was one-sidedly attached to you and you found him annoying, you could have dealt with him however you wanted, but you didn't.
Kiho: Dealing with him?
Takeru: Smiling while giving him a cold shoulder. You're good at that, aren’t you?
Kiho: Oh. Now you’re slandering me.
Takeru: Who said I did? I don't think you have to worry about it, though.
Kiho: Haha.
I see... So that's how Mika sees us.
Then, I could say the same. The fact that Roka got attached to me is certainly strange.
Takeru: Maybe it’s not rocket science at all. Perhaps, it’s simply admiration.
Because Kiho has a lot of things that Roka doesn't have and wants.
Kiho: ...I'd be honored if that's the case.
Takeru: It's like crying for the moon. I think it's more or less a feeling that arises when people interact with each other.
Well, it's not every day that you find someone as dynamic as Roka. “A calm, intelligent leader who is respected by everyone”
Kiho: Haha. I feel bad for Roka, but I can't imagine that at all.
Takeru: I kind of agree. However, if I have such a dynamic idiot close by….
I might be able to think it's silly to worry about such trivial things like having high expectations or wishing for things that will never come true.
Kiho: …….
He makes me think that everyone can want what they want, step forward, reach out and grab it. I think anyone with self-strict personality would feel comfortable around Roka. There's a level of force and carefree attitude that allows you to surrender yourself to him.
Takeru: Unexpectedly, he can save the day.
Looking at Mika, who suddenly stopped and looked at Roka with gentle eyes, I thought to myself he is also one of the people Roka has "forgiven".
Kiho: (Crying for the moon, huh?)
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Kiho: ......It hurts.
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Takeru: Huh?
Kiho: Ah... Sorry. I’m just talking nonsense. My head just hurt for a moment.
Takeru: Oh no, are you okay? You still have that migraine after all.
Kiho: No, I probably just drank too much and got a little carried away today.
Thanks for the drink. I'll take Roka home.
Takeru: Just sit down for a bit. I'll call Shinobu now.
Today he went to the dormitory to clean Shizuka's house. After that, he would be drinking with Soyogu and others, but I think they should start talking about leaving now.
If he comes over here and I tell him he can take a taxi home with Roka, he’ll be happy to come and pick him up for sure.
Kiho: He’s drunk as a skunk and a bit of a pain right now, are you sure?
Takeru: That kid is probably drunk too. Here! Drink this and wait.
Kiho: Thank you.
After quickly handing me a glass of water, Mika went down to the staff room.
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Kiho: (.…I ended up making him worried. I should have made a different excuse.)
(I can't think straight at all. I'm really a little drunk tonight.)
Roka: …….
Kiho: ……
I stared at the back of Roka’s head, motionless and as quiet as a dead body. I vaguely thought that it's been a long time seeing that his hair has gotten this long. I couldn’t really remember how short his hair was when we first met.
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Roka: Hey, Misumi. I'm thinking of growing my hair out too, is that okay?
Why? There's only one reason. I want to be cool like you!
Not just as a host. As a human being, too.
Kiho: (.….Idiot.)
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He has had something special from the beginning, but only he himself doesn’t know its value. Without realizing it, he chased after someone else, harboring unnecessary admiration. He's stupidly pure, he tries his best, and he loves people. There’s just no way anyone can hate him. He's the kind of person who is destined to be loved.
Kiho: It's not that I didn't reject him. I just couldn't, Mika.
I murmured the words I hadn't said earlier to the empty counter. I could see it from the moment we first met. If I had negative feelings about “this”, it would be the end. So I accepted him, and I won't reject him even in the future. If no one can see your true feelings, it's the same as not being there.
Kiho: (That's why….. You'll probably never know for the rest of your life.)
I reached out for the card I'd put aside in the corner. And flipped it over and saw what’s on it. I couldn't help but let out a dry laugh, which made Roka flinched. I find a tip of his hair swaying like a tail annoying for some reason, so I chuckled.
Kiho: Get up. Time to head home, Roka.
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…….If I hate you, I’ll be swept away for sure.
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WHY are there not more love potion fics for Ouran. Why. There's literally a black magic club in the school in canon shhhh I don't care whether canon thinks there is actual magic or not the point is there COULD be and with that cast???? And LOVE POTION dynamics???? There are so many different routes you could go with that literally why aren't y'all writing them I have found ONE.
For Tamakyo alone there are so many routes! Literally here are some off the top of my head
Angst fic bc Tamaki gets love potioned and is all over Kyoya and Kyoya doesn't know how to deal with it bc when it's all over they're back to the way they always were (could very easily get do a metaphor thing and basically get an episode of Ouran out of it)
Fake out angst fic with the same premise but the love potion wasn't real and everyone (including Tamaki) just thought it was but when it's over they go back to the way things always were until it comes out that the love potion wasn't real and Tamaki's like "wait a fucking second"
Crack fic where Kyoya gets love potioned and it doesn't change anything about his behavior bc his feelings are already so strong and Tamaki's like "wtf" (not bc he wanted his best friend to be drugged bc that would be horrifying but bc honest to god his first thought would be 'i am supposed to be fawned over rn why is he not in love with me' he would be so offended tell me I'm wrong)
Something absolutely horrifying because love potions are not consent dude (but also rape for the sake of rape is not cute if you're gonna take that route make it emotionally intelligent please and thank you and WARNING LABELS USE WARNING LABELS DUBCON NONCON WHATEVER IT IS) bc let's be honest if a love potion made someone forceful that would fucking rock the foundation of their friendship and hoo boy would there be fallout
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