#Kyohei Rikudoh
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voltageapps · 1 year ago
September 27 is the birthday of Kyohei Rikudoh from Scandal in the Spotlight 🎤
Happy birthday Kyohei!
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voltage-vixen · 2 years ago
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sittinginmylittlecorner · 2 years ago
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This is how it feels to escape the real world for a little while ❤️
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danniquila · 1 year ago
MC: I like how you guys just rawdog life like that
Kyohei: the hell do you even mean by that??
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cascadedkiwi · 1 year ago
REVANCE faints after a performance (SITS)
(A/N: Another one circa November 2021. Past me was on a roll.)
Word Count: approx. 1,474
The boys entered the dressing room still pumped from the high of performing.
"FIVE whole encores!" Nagito exclaimed as he dropped into a makeup chair by the mirror. "They would've never let us leave!"
Iori hummed. "These fans were intense, I'll give them that."
Kyohei grinned. "We live to serve."
Takashi groaned. "As much as I love the fans, and appreciate the demand, this one really took the cake. It was like a tour in one concert." He leaned back in the armchair, pulling his shirt away from his chest.
Kota grunted from his place sprawled on the couch. "Please. A full night's sleep before I'm demanded again, Kyohei."
Kyohei huffed. "Don't go getting weak on me now," he said in jest. "But Sasayama has the schedule. Our next group appointment is at three tomorrow. I don't know about your individual stuff. I have a few appearances and meetings in the morning."
Kiyuki held in her sigh as she walked in with her arms full of water bottles. While she admired their dedication and work ethic, these guys really never slowed down, even when they needed to. She was in no place to suggest a break, even more turned off from the idea at the thought of the tongue-lashing she would get from four of the five - only Nagi endeavoured to go easy on her. She initially moved to set the water on the center table but then followed her inkling to give them out instead, resting one on the floor or chair by the guys around the table before making her way over to Nagi and resting his on the empty makeup counter.
He smiled at her. "Thanks Kiyuki, you're awesome."
She returned the smile. "I have to confirm some wrap up things with Mr. Sasayama and the stage crew. I'll be back in a bit. You guys can get changed by the time."
Kota waved her off. "You don't gotta tell us what to do. This isn't our first concert."
Kiyuki made a face as she hurried towards the door. "Then you shouldn't be in the same clothes when I get back," she quipped as she disappeared behind the door.
Iori looked up from taking a sip from his plastic bottle. "She's been starting to get a mouth on her recently."
Kyohei smirked. "Better than when she was pattering behind us like a timid hamster."
Takashi slid back in his chair, beginning to unbutton his shirt with one hand. He let out an especially deep sigh, closing his eyes.
Nagito spoke up from where he had turned and rested his head on his arms on the makeup counter. "I feel you, Taka." He let his eyes close, too. "This one was a doozy."
Kota was curled on the couch, taking up only half the seating space, hat somewhere on the floor as one arm hung off the chair.
Iori caught himself just before the water bottle slipped from his loosening fingers. "Oh. Geez." He leaned forward to rest it safely on the ground, coming back up just enough to lean over on the arm of the couch. He let out a deep breath, giving in to the heaviness.
Kyohei leaned back at the other end of the sofa, hand draped over his eyes. Even he had to admit that this one had been a lot. Of course, it wasn't just this singular performance. They had been going nonstop for months as a group and in their individual careers. A day off had been unheard off. Heck, a full eight hours worth of sleep had been hard to come by. Moments of respite turned into attempts to snatch some shut-eye like these had become commonplace. It wasn't the healthiest, but they had schedules to maintain and goals to achieve. Sacrifices had to be made to continue this life they were so privileged to afford.
'But not at the cost of their health,' Kiyuki thought in concern as she made her back down the hall. These guys were all going straight back to the house as far as she was concerned. 'And directly into bed. All five of you.' She was stealing the keys to recording and dance studios if she had to. "Guys, Mr. Sasayama said the car's ready to leave when you are."
The sight and silence that greeted her announcement was not a first, but that didn't make it any less unnerving. All five members of REVANCE knocked out in various positions throughout the room, some water bottles untouched. Sleep was such a hot commodity for this hardworking group that it pained her to wake them whenever she found one of them this way, but this time she soothed herself with the knowledge that it was only to get them to their proper, more comfortable places of rest.
She walked up to the closest, Iori, and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Dark Prince, get up. You'll sleep better in your own bed."
She turned to Takashi in the armchair, his shirt half buttoned. "You know it's a problem when you fall asleep mid-action." She shook his shoulder slightly. "C'mon Taka, time to go home."
She reached over the back of the other couch to tap their resident tsundere cat in a human body on the leg. "Wake up, we gotta go to the car."
She crossed the center table to get to Kyohei, reaching to shake his arm. She lifted it from his eyes, noting his slightly parted lips and the way it felt unnaturally heavy in her light grip. When she rested his arm back on his forehead, she jumped when it slid awkwardly across his face and hung there in what had to be an uncomfortable position. She gingerly moved it to rest on his lap instead, watching his face the whole time for any sign of him waking. "Kyohei… wake up, it's time to go."
Her brows furrowed as she noted the lack of response, raising when she looked up to see none of the others she'd troubled had even shifted. She made her way over to Nagito, the one she least feared putting genuine effort into rousing. She shook him by the shoulder a bit harder than the others, tapping him on the shoulder blade. "Time to wake up, Nagi. You can sleep in the car and even more when we get back to the house. Nagi?" She roughed up his hair a bit, tugging slightly. Nothing. She raised her voice. "Nagito, wake up!" He was the easiest to approach of the five, but, he was also the biggest - tallest, to be precise. Lean and all dancing muscle. She put both her arms into shaking him, remembering too late that the makeup chair was one that spun. "Oh shoot!"
The chair turned, taking Nagito's head and arms from the counter, his entire body crumpling out onto the floor.
Kiyuki was on the ground in an instant. "Holy crap, Nagi, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to push you that hard! Are you ok-" Then she noted that he was still out. Now she was scared. There was no way he had fallen that deeply asleep that quickly. She did her best and struggled to ease his limbs out, speaking to him all the while. "Nagito, can you hear me? I really need you to wake up now. Please?" Nothing, not even a twitch. And even more alarming, none of the other guys had stirred at all the ruckus.
Kiyuki felt panic rising in her. "MR. SASAYAMA!" She called as loudly as she could muster without shrieking. "I need help in here!" She stood as footsteps quickly approached the doorway. "The guys aren't waking up!"
Sasayama watched her in alarm.
"None of them are waking up! I came in here and found them like this - well, not Nagi, he actually fell but still isn't waking up!"
Sasayama was quick to call in professionals. The diagnosis was a relief and a concern - fainting from exhaustion.
Kiyuki frowned. "Sure their lives are hectic, it comes with the territory, but I always tell them to take care of themselves. Kyohei and Taka are really the worst - Taka especially when he's composing but… to have them all pass out at once…" Kiyuki looked up at the manager. "Mr. Sasayama they can't continue on like this."
"I agree." The man nodded gravely. "I'll see about adjusting their schedules for the next few days. Can I trust you to look after them at the house for tonight and tomorrow at least?"
She nodded. "Of course. I won't let them go anywhere. I'll melt all the door handles if I have to."
The manager laughed. "I leave them in your capable and protective hands. Godspeed."
"Thanks." Kiyuki smiled at him as he left them at the house. She knew she would need it once they came to.
"We're fine, quit worrying," Iori insisted from his place across the couch at home the next day.
Kiyuki was sitting small in the middle of the sofa, her hands clutching a mug of hot cocoa courtesy of Kyohei. "You don't get it," she spoke to the cup. "I know you are and I'm grateful but… that was so scary…" She curled even smaller. "Coming in to see you guys like that? You ALL passed out at the same time? My heart left my body when I realized you weren't just sleeping. The fact that Nagi didn't wake up when he fell out of the chair - sorry, again, by the way. I really didn't mean to do that."
Nagi sat down right next to her. "I told you already, you can stop apologizing for that. I didn't feel a thing and I didn't get hurt. Honestly, that second encore probably hurt my wrist more with that stunt with the mic."
"That no one told you to do," Kyohei pointed out.
"The fans loved it, though!"
Takashi sighed, shaking his head and turning his attention back to the girl sipping her drink as she watched the exchange. "Sorry for scaring you, Kiyuki."
She looked up as Nagito quickly nodded. "Yeah, we're really sorry. We'll take better care next time."
"From now on, you mean." Kyohei corrected.
Kiyuki nodded. "I would hope so." She rested the empty cup on the table, reaching for a coaster. " 'Next time' makes it sound like you'll just arrange not to all pass out at the same time. Or not let me see or something."
Kota looked up from where he had been parked on her other side, deep in a handheld video game. "None of us meant to do that. Shouldn't happen again."
Kiyuki nodded. "Please do your best to ensure that… Not just for my sake but your own health, as well. I'm begging you. I want you guys around just as much as the fans. Dare I say even more so. Not just music sensation REVANCE but as individuals." She glanced around before looking down again, flushing a bit. "I want each of you: Nagi, Kota, Kyohei, Iori, and Taka, to be around for as long as possible, thriving and doing what makes you happy."
Nagito leaned over onto her, resting his head on hers. He giggled at her protest against his weight. "We'll do our best, promise."
"We don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon," Kyohei assured her with a smirk. "Trust us."
Iori offered his own brand of reassurance. "We're not so fragile, Kiyuki. You know better."
She nodded. "I do. And I do believe in you all. Doesn't mean I won't be extra fussy over you guys for the next while."
"Appreciate the warning," came Kota's voice as he put his game down. His head found its way into her lap and Kiyuki started scratching his hair under his hoodie as if given a command.
She smiled. "That's the only one you're getting. Just because I care."
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neerons · 6 months ago
As the cold weather is making itself more present, I'm reblogging these again for moral support 🥰
Self worth & love — Voltage men's supportive & positive quotes
Shunichiro Tachibana : “People shouldn't be subject to cost-benefit analyses.”
Jun Araki : “You keep doing what you do. The people whose opinions are worth a damn will recognize you for who you are.”
Eisuke Ichinomiya : “Remember. No one ever does anything perfectly the first time. It's about practicing over and over again, and slowly getting better. (...) No one's an expert overnight. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Hold your head high.”
Kazuomi Shido : “Let yourself be free. No one else matters.”
Kei Soejima : “I like that you like yourself. Feeling lost doesn’t have to change that. We all feel lost sometimes.”
Hyogo Kaga : “There are things that only you can do. (...) You still don't know your own worth, do you?”
Hideki Ishigami : “We always focus on our own flaws and overlook our strengths.”
Seiji Goto : “Don’t give up before you’ve even tried. Your worth doesn’t decrease just because someone doesn’t see it.”
Jin Namba : “You're fine just as you are. (...) No one compares to you. It's because of who you are that I want to be with you.”
Kyohei Rikudoh : “You're wonderful just as you are. No need to change.”
Taki Kozaki : “You're a very valuable woman. You're not to be underestimated. Don't ever forget that.”
Shun Randoh : “But a woman’s beauty starts within. You have to believe you’re the most beautiful girl in the world. Self-awareness is very important.”
Kiyohito Shirakami : “Only people aware of their inability to change mock people who are trying to improve themselves.”
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atopearth · 6 months ago
Scandal in the Spotlight Part 1 - Kyohei Rikudoh Route (up to S3 Give Me Forever)
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I really like Scandal in the Spotlight!! I've only played like two stories though hahaha. I'm hoping the sequel stories are just as good so I'm excited~ Lmaoo when Kota called that creep a pig in a wig😂 Anyway, Kyohei is the first guy (which is usually the most popular one) but I've actually never played his story before! It's pretty funny because his looks are definitely my type! Lol when she accidentally sees him half-naked and she stares at him for so long, he's like why don't you take a picture😂😂 HAHAHAH OMG the heroine got a nosebleed😂😂😂 Now he thinks she's a pervert, that is hilarious but so embarrassing!!🤣 Honestly, I understand their desperation and stuff of needing a new lyricist after Ryo left, but I do remember thinking the guys are usually quite harsh with the heroine when it comes to writing lyrics. I mean, yeah they don't have a lot of time blah blah, but still.. Kyohei is an ass with how much he forces the heroine to write and says he'll destroy her screenwriting career if she runs away. Like yeah, he's probably doing it for "her sake" because she's giving up too easily, but really, his attitude and way of expressing it is veryyy unpleasant. I appreciate him for showing her how much people like the lyrics she wrote (that Ryo took) but yeah.
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Wow, I knew Kyohei was harsh on himself and resolved to be at the top for some reason, but I didn't think he felt guilty for causing his father's death when he was only 27 because his father saved him from drowning and basically died in his place. It's something his father wouldn't regret, but I can see why it would hurt Kyohei. His father was so loved by his fans and everyone around the world, so if he's not as big as him, it would feel like his father "wasted" his life saving him, when really, Kyohei being alive and happy would be enough for any parent who loves their child. I'm glad that Kyohei showed such care for the heroine and tried to relieve a bit of the pressure he gave her before by telling her that Revance's success or failure isn't her problem nor is it solely dependent on her. It's silly of the heroine to be so focused on thinking about the lyrics that she ended up fainting in the bath, but the good thing is that at least Kyohei can see how seriously she is taking it. I love how when Shinya found out her real role in Revance and asked her to write songs for him, and she looked at Kyohei, and Kyohei told the heroine to not look at him because this is her life and she should decide for herself. Yeah, honestly his attitude isn't the best, but he's straightforward and honest, and I like that about him. He tells her how much he wants and needs her to be their songwriter and he doesn't hide how he told her more about his dad because he doesn't want her to leave and I admire how honest he is about trying to get her to stay with his own methods.
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Honestly, Shinya liking the heroine is so random, but I guess he likes her more because she's interested in Kyohei more than for himself, since he seems obsessed with Kyohei lol. Considering how much experience Kyohei has and everything, I'm sure it's easier for him to deal with Shinya than it is to find a new song, so I definitely think the heroine is silly for giving up her lyrics in exchange for Shinya to keep her secret of being a ghostwriter etc, like lady, he's just going to keep doing this! Shinya is such a...weird guy lol. So creepy but just randomly redeems himself at the end? Naaah I don't think so lol, he's been such an ass. So I guess the romantic ending where the guys save Kyohei from making a scene is much better haha. Personally, I think the dramatic ending was better because it put more emphasis on the song, and I love how Kyohei showcased at the concert his ballad which was a reply to her love song. I just thought it was really sweet. But they do get some sexy time in the romantic ending so I guess you don't want to miss that out😂 Overall, I wasn't too impressed with Kyohei's main story since it definitely felt more like he was using her most of the time than he was in love with her, she was just like a bonus lol. Hopefully the sequels are better! I'm glad we got to see Kyohei's PoV because alot of the time I wasn't too sure how I felt about their relationship, and it felt like he cared but also didn't, so it was nice to see clarification that all along, he really did notice the heroine and care for her haha.
Honestly, even though it was frustrating that the heroine couldn't communicate with Kyohei properly even when he knew something was up and asked her directly about it, I couldn't help but feel for her. She is dating a celebrity that so many people love and want, it's hard for her to not feel like she's "nothing" compared to him and feel lost about whether she can handle seeing him with other women in commercials etc. I'm so glad Kyohei acknowledged her feelings and reassured her that they're valid, that he loves her, that he thinks she's amazing (which she is considering how great her lyrics are lol) and that if he's amazing, then the woman who made him fall for her must be even more amazing haha. I'm so happy that Kyohei got through to her how much he loves and cherishes her. Omg Kyohei getting into the bathtub with the heroine, hugging her from behind and kissing her is so hot, I love it. I agree with Ryo that he really did something unforgivable as a songwriter, which was to steal the heroine's lyrics, but you can tell how desperate and broken he must be if he was driven to do that. It doesn't make it better, but seeing how sad, how jealous he is of the heroine's talent and how he doesn't know how to get out of his slump is just heartbreaking imo.
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It was sweet to see how confidently Kyohei answered that even if Ryo comes back, the heroine would still be their lyricist and that her songs are different from Ryo's and that her songs are just as important to Revance as Ryo's are. LMAO when the guys started playing the characters in the heroine's script. Legit died because of how corny the lines were but it was so funny seeing the guys act it out haha! On another note, it was really nice to see how strict Kyohei was in giving his opinion on the heroine's screenplay. He's harsh but direct and honest. Omg Kyohei enacting a wake up call for a show was so hot, I can see why the audience went crazy haha! So cool for the heroine that her script will be used for a play, that's definitely a great achievement! It honestly broke my heart when Kyohei said they should stop seeing each other, my first thought literally was, I don't want to break up! What is he saying! I know and recognise that it's difficult if he plans to expand into the international market while the heroine wants to stay here and focus on screenplays rather than lyrics but still! I am actually so glad Kyohei changed his mind and went back to apologise to the heroine and win her back. I loved how he used the audition to tell her that he wants them both to chase and achieve their dreams together and that he can't do it without her anymore. I think I especially loved the talk on the radio show when he said "even if it took longer to reach the end, I'd want to go with the person I love". Considering how long and how much Kyohei wants to achieve this dream of his, knowing that the heroine is important enough that he feels like delaying it to achieve it alongside her makes me happy. I really enjoyed the Sequel His PoV, I think it's always great to see how the Revance guys support each other, but it was also nice to see Kyohei struggle with his "selfishness" and his desires against what's best for the heroine.
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Did the story ever mention Kyohei having a sister because I'm shocked!! I didn't realise he had a mother either hahaha! Anyway, I love how he helped the heroine get acknowledgment for her hard work as a writer on stage after the play, that was very sweet. Surprisingly, Kyohei's teenage years are much more interesting than I thought! Like it's basically what I expected minus the fact I didn't realise he had a sister and mother haha but it's really nice to see how everything fell into place as he gathered up the courage and ambition to live up to his father and surpass him. At least they get along haha, it's nice that the heroine has been accepted too. It's also nice to see that the group once upon a time had another guy that ended up leaving for his respective reasons and then meet him again. I'm quite happy for the heroine that she's getting to pursue her dreams as a writer and focusing on that, just not sure about the new guys lol. It's sweet to see Kyohei supporting her and encouraging her by checking in on her. I loved it when the heroine and Kyohei didn't meet for a week and she was so happy to see him, and he was like why is she just staring longingly when she can leap into his arms like she wants hahahha. Honestly, with how exhausted she must be churning out stories for Fumito to read, she definitely should because I would definitely want to haha! Kyohei's encouragement is honestly the best, it makes me feel touched and motivated too. He's right, our goals aren't something flimsy, just because we haven't been acknowledged yet doesn't mean we're no good! Ritsuto really is the type of guy to be really nice once he acknowledges or likes someone lol. I like his straightforward attitude towards Revance's first LA performance and I enjoyed the heroine giving her honest opinion about them not being able to capture the audience here, which is very understandable imo. They're nervous, it's their first gig, they're not used to the country and they haven't grasped the feel of the audience here even if they've done their research, and honestly, Japan and LA is very different vibes.
It was understandable for Kyohei to feel jealous of Ritsuto in terms of being close to the heroine and as an established celebrity in this country. Especially considering how nice he is to the heroine and how much he helps her when that's what Kyohei used to do for her, but the best thing is that Kyohei didn't hide how bummed he was about it and actually told her. Ritsuto was definitely too much when he did what he did, that was really terrible considering they're not exactly on bad terms and he's trying to steal the heroine from Kyohei when he's down. Anyway, I loved how the answer they both reached was to stay true to themselves when it comes to their work and their life. I think it would have been better if we had a better grasp that the heroine was writing stories that's not her style as well but it's okay, the story focused on Revance and their struggles in adapting to a different country. It was nice to see Kyohei realise that regardless of what country it is, the people watch their performances wherever they are in the world so they'll love who they are and not what they expect them to be. Overall, I wasn't sure how to think of it when I first started but I actually really loved S2 with the heroine and Kyohei separated but in the same country working hard towards their individual goals with their individual struggles. Even though their work was different and they had different aims, they both found it difficult to adapt in a different country catering to the people around them rather than being true to themselves and what they love and want to show to people. Of course, not everyone gets to be like our main characters and get to stay true themselves and still be loved, but at least for this story we can relish in that, and that makes me happy for them. Seeing things from Kyohei's perspective really displays well how dejected he was all this time. Not only was he hit with rejection after rejection but with a lacking fanbase and no clear direction on how he wants the band to be, coupled with Ritsuto being amazing and popular, it's hard to stay cheerful and positive. I'm so glad Kyohei took the heroine out to Las Vegas and spent some quality time together whilst getting to watch a performance there and be inspired. I really feel like Fumito needs to let the heroine have time to experience things outside instead of just holing up at home writing lol.
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Honestly, I find the heroine's decision to go back to Japan kind of weird? She has such a great opportunity to learn from Fumito aiming to improve her screenwriting, and he tells her what she needs improvement on and gives her opportunities etc and she wants to go back to Japan when she hasn't really learnt that much at all?? People would be dying for this opportunity! Like I understand that she feels like she's relying on others but when you first start out, having someone experienced look over your work and help you improve it is a dream come true. Like it's probably because Kyohei and them are going to go back so she needs an excuse to go back too but seriouslyyyy. It was so sweet how supportive all the guys were when the heroine was down from all the rejections, and it made me so happy for her that they tell her that at least one of them has to be free to hear her out whether it be happy news or good news, she's so lucky haha! It was so great to have Kyohei properly acknowledge the heroine as Revance's lyricist in their comeback concert, it made me so smile so much! Hearing Kyohei say he wants to write the lyrics for the song himself made me so happy for him, he really wants to surpass his father in everything he could do and do it even better. I like how even when the heroine is imagining Kyohei proposing to her, he's still as arrogant (in a cool way) as ever 🤣 I wonder if Kyohei feels like he's limiting the heroine and doesn't want her to be fixated on being Revance's lyricist when she can do so much more if she's not exclusive, and yeah being a lyricist and scriptwriter for her movie would be great and appealing, but more important than that is what the heroine wants to do. She didn't work so hard all this time to do stuff she doesn't want to do just because it gives her more fame or something, otherwise she could have stayed in LA. I'm kinda glad that she was able to feel things when Shinya played the song for her, it is her work after all and if she wants to do it, she should, otherwise she'll regret it. And I'm glad Kyohei knew that and that's why he wanted to push her, I think it was really cute when he called her Little Miss Rival haha, but I'm happy that the heroine finally truly feels like she's stepping into the world. I find it very silly that Shinya made a move that jeopardised the drama and didn't do anything about it and didn't get reprimanded or anything lol, but I admit that seeing Kyohei do that press conference with her really showed how much he cares for the heroine. I don't know how I ended up on the dramatic love ending lmao but I loved it especially when Kyohei used the heroine's rejected lyrics (that sounded too much like a proposal to Kyohei) to make a song and sing it to her at the concert, it was so touching! It also made me really happy that Kyohei achieved his dream and the heroine's song was a success. I loved Kyo's PoV because it was so wonderful to watch over him, Taka and Ryo band together to create the song that will surpass his father, and to see him play it for his mother to hear, that was really beautiful.
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Overall, I am smitten with Kyohei. I actually love him and the heroine so much because it was so beautiful to watch them grow together. They both had dreams of creating hits in the industry whether it be for recognition or to surpass his father and I loved how step by step, they both encouraged each other, supported each other and loved each other despite all the setbacks and issues coming at them trying to break their determination. They wouldn't have been able to do it alone, but you could really see how by having each other, even if they were physically apart, just knowing that they respectively were working hard towards their dreams made them both never want to give up and do their best and I think watching over them do that was so touching and sweet. It also helps that Kyohei is charming, exudes confidence but not arrogant and is very loving. You can really feel how much he cherishes the heroine, how much he needs her just as much she needs him and how they really are equals by the end. I really enjoyed their story and their love and I'm not sure who else can top them!
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saltnshiraishi · 1 year ago
yume ship list bc im bored
bolded are most favored ships
kit x saeran choi
kit x dante falzone
kit x nicola francesca
dante x kit & kit x nicola (poly - but the cousins aren't with each other)
kit x scorpio
kit x ichthys
kit x dui
kit x teorus
teorus x ichthys x dui x kit (poly - yes the gods are involved with each other)
kit x sam / aomaris
kit x kageyuki shiraishi
kit x aiji yanagi
kit x takeru sasazuka
kit x kota igarashi
kit x kyohei rikudoh
kota x kit x kyo (poly, unsure of this dynamic tbh)
kit x tyril
additional ships from games i dont play as often / havent finished:
kit x mammon (om)
kit x leviathan (om)
kit x jung hi
kit x red
kit x ignis
kit x misyr
kit x shin
kit x mirai
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fuyuko-miyuki · 2 years ago
Am I seeing things or....?
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rikumorimachisgirl · 2 years ago
I'm down for that, baby! 😘😍
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kgirl703 · 3 years ago
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Is it just me or does anyone else think that these two could be brothers? In my opinion, this would be a sweet head cannon. I can just imagine Kyohei being really overprotective over Ayato. Let me know what y’all think.
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voltageapps · 1 year ago
LEADING MAN AWARDS 2023: Prelim finalists are out!
There are 30 men who won the preliminaries and they will fight again in the final battle. Stay tuned for more info!
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Finalists and the votes:
Eisuke Ichinomiya
Togo Daimon
Kazuomi Shido
Takaomi Tsugaru
Ayato Hidaka
Kunihiko Aikawa
Kunihiro Kasai
Hikari Fudo
Shu Hasunuma
Kei Soejima
Hideki Ishigami
Kyohei Rikudoh
Minoru Tsujimoto
Yamato Kougami
Masashi Himuro
Ivan Chernenkov
Mitsunari Baba
Ota Kisaki
Kiyohito Shirakami
Sentaro Kyogoku
Soji Okita
Eiji Takao
Taro Akuchi
Motoharu Kotani
Daichi Katsuragi
Ayumu Shinonome
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jess-21990 · 2 years ago
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That GOD wouldn't have come out of my mouth before I was slapped for talkin like that!
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Bite me.....BITE ME!? and Kyohei DIDN'T smack him square up across the face for that!?
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sittinginmylittlecorner · 2 years ago
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My girl 😩🫠
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rikumorimachisgirl · 2 years ago
Awww so cute!!!
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They all looks so cute in episode 0 🥰
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iluvsexyvoltageguys · 3 years ago
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Happy birthday messages from voltage 🎂🎉❤️ (voltage please add Iori to vip room 💙)
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