#scandal in the spolight
cascadedkiwi · 1 year
REVANCE faints after a performance (SITS)
(A/N: Another one circa November 2021. Past me was on a roll.)
Word Count: approx. 1,474
The boys entered the dressing room still pumped from the high of performing.
"FIVE whole encores!" Nagito exclaimed as he dropped into a makeup chair by the mirror. "They would've never let us leave!"
Iori hummed. "These fans were intense, I'll give them that."
Kyohei grinned. "We live to serve."
Takashi groaned. "As much as I love the fans, and appreciate the demand, this one really took the cake. It was like a tour in one concert." He leaned back in the armchair, pulling his shirt away from his chest.
Kota grunted from his place sprawled on the couch. "Please. A full night's sleep before I'm demanded again, Kyohei."
Kyohei huffed. "Don't go getting weak on me now," he said in jest. "But Sasayama has the schedule. Our next group appointment is at three tomorrow. I don't know about your individual stuff. I have a few appearances and meetings in the morning."
Kiyuki held in her sigh as she walked in with her arms full of water bottles. While she admired their dedication and work ethic, these guys really never slowed down, even when they needed to. She was in no place to suggest a break, even more turned off from the idea at the thought of the tongue-lashing she would get from four of the five - only Nagi endeavoured to go easy on her. She initially moved to set the water on the center table but then followed her inkling to give them out instead, resting one on the floor or chair by the guys around the table before making her way over to Nagi and resting his on the empty makeup counter.
He smiled at her. "Thanks Kiyuki, you're awesome."
She returned the smile. "I have to confirm some wrap up things with Mr. Sasayama and the stage crew. I'll be back in a bit. You guys can get changed by the time."
Kota waved her off. "You don't gotta tell us what to do. This isn't our first concert."
Kiyuki made a face as she hurried towards the door. "Then you shouldn't be in the same clothes when I get back," she quipped as she disappeared behind the door.
Iori looked up from taking a sip from his plastic bottle. "She's been starting to get a mouth on her recently."
Kyohei smirked. "Better than when she was pattering behind us like a timid hamster."
Takashi slid back in his chair, beginning to unbutton his shirt with one hand. He let out an especially deep sigh, closing his eyes.
Nagito spoke up from where he had turned and rested his head on his arms on the makeup counter. "I feel you, Taka." He let his eyes close, too. "This one was a doozy."
Kota was curled on the couch, taking up only half the seating space, hat somewhere on the floor as one arm hung off the chair.
Iori caught himself just before the water bottle slipped from his loosening fingers. "Oh. Geez." He leaned forward to rest it safely on the ground, coming back up just enough to lean over on the arm of the couch. He let out a deep breath, giving in to the heaviness.
Kyohei leaned back at the other end of the sofa, hand draped over his eyes. Even he had to admit that this one had been a lot. Of course, it wasn't just this singular performance. They had been going nonstop for months as a group and in their individual careers. A day off had been unheard off. Heck, a full eight hours worth of sleep had been hard to come by. Moments of respite turned into attempts to snatch some shut-eye like these had become commonplace. It wasn't the healthiest, but they had schedules to maintain and goals to achieve. Sacrifices had to be made to continue this life they were so privileged to afford.
'But not at the cost of their health,' Kiyuki thought in concern as she made her back down the hall. These guys were all going straight back to the house as far as she was concerned. 'And directly into bed. All five of you.' She was stealing the keys to recording and dance studios if she had to. "Guys, Mr. Sasayama said the car's ready to leave when you are."
The sight and silence that greeted her announcement was not a first, but that didn't make it any less unnerving. All five members of REVANCE knocked out in various positions throughout the room, some water bottles untouched. Sleep was such a hot commodity for this hardworking group that it pained her to wake them whenever she found one of them this way, but this time she soothed herself with the knowledge that it was only to get them to their proper, more comfortable places of rest.
She walked up to the closest, Iori, and tapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, Dark Prince, get up. You'll sleep better in your own bed."
She turned to Takashi in the armchair, his shirt half buttoned. "You know it's a problem when you fall asleep mid-action." She shook his shoulder slightly. "C'mon Taka, time to go home."
She reached over the back of the other couch to tap their resident tsundere cat in a human body on the leg. "Wake up, we gotta go to the car."
She crossed the center table to get to Kyohei, reaching to shake his arm. She lifted it from his eyes, noting his slightly parted lips and the way it felt unnaturally heavy in her light grip. When she rested his arm back on his forehead, she jumped when it slid awkwardly across his face and hung there in what had to be an uncomfortable position. She gingerly moved it to rest on his lap instead, watching his face the whole time for any sign of him waking. "Kyohei… wake up, it's time to go."
Her brows furrowed as she noted the lack of response, raising when she looked up to see none of the others she'd troubled had even shifted. She made her way over to Nagito, the one she least feared putting genuine effort into rousing. She shook him by the shoulder a bit harder than the others, tapping him on the shoulder blade. "Time to wake up, Nagi. You can sleep in the car and even more when we get back to the house. Nagi?" She roughed up his hair a bit, tugging slightly. Nothing. She raised her voice. "Nagito, wake up!" He was the easiest to approach of the five, but, he was also the biggest - tallest, to be precise. Lean and all dancing muscle. She put both her arms into shaking him, remembering too late that the makeup chair was one that spun. "Oh shoot!"
The chair turned, taking Nagito's head and arms from the counter, his entire body crumpling out onto the floor.
Kiyuki was on the ground in an instant. "Holy crap, Nagi, I am so sorry, I didn't mean to push you that hard! Are you ok-" Then she noted that he was still out. Now she was scared. There was no way he had fallen that deeply asleep that quickly. She did her best and struggled to ease his limbs out, speaking to him all the while. "Nagito, can you hear me? I really need you to wake up now. Please?" Nothing, not even a twitch. And even more alarming, none of the other guys had stirred at all the ruckus.
Kiyuki felt panic rising in her. "MR. SASAYAMA!" She called as loudly as she could muster without shrieking. "I need help in here!" She stood as footsteps quickly approached the doorway. "The guys aren't waking up!"
Sasayama watched her in alarm.
"None of them are waking up! I came in here and found them like this - well, not Nagi, he actually fell but still isn't waking up!"
Sasayama was quick to call in professionals. The diagnosis was a relief and a concern - fainting from exhaustion.
Kiyuki frowned. "Sure their lives are hectic, it comes with the territory, but I always tell them to take care of themselves. Kyohei and Taka are really the worst - Taka especially when he's composing but… to have them all pass out at once…" Kiyuki looked up at the manager. "Mr. Sasayama they can't continue on like this."
"I agree." The man nodded gravely. "I'll see about adjusting their schedules for the next few days. Can I trust you to look after them at the house for tonight and tomorrow at least?"
She nodded. "Of course. I won't let them go anywhere. I'll melt all the door handles if I have to."
The manager laughed. "I leave them in your capable and protective hands. Godspeed."
"Thanks." Kiyuki smiled at him as he left them at the house. She knew she would need it once they came to.
"We're fine, quit worrying," Iori insisted from his place across the couch at home the next day.
Kiyuki was sitting small in the middle of the sofa, her hands clutching a mug of hot cocoa courtesy of Kyohei. "You don't get it," she spoke to the cup. "I know you are and I'm grateful but… that was so scary…" She curled even smaller. "Coming in to see you guys like that? You ALL passed out at the same time? My heart left my body when I realized you weren't just sleeping. The fact that Nagi didn't wake up when he fell out of the chair - sorry, again, by the way. I really didn't mean to do that."
Nagi sat down right next to her. "I told you already, you can stop apologizing for that. I didn't feel a thing and I didn't get hurt. Honestly, that second encore probably hurt my wrist more with that stunt with the mic."
"That no one told you to do," Kyohei pointed out.
"The fans loved it, though!"
Takashi sighed, shaking his head and turning his attention back to the girl sipping her drink as she watched the exchange. "Sorry for scaring you, Kiyuki."
She looked up as Nagito quickly nodded. "Yeah, we're really sorry. We'll take better care next time."
"From now on, you mean." Kyohei corrected.
Kiyuki nodded. "I would hope so." She rested the empty cup on the table, reaching for a coaster. " 'Next time' makes it sound like you'll just arrange not to all pass out at the same time. Or not let me see or something."
Kota looked up from where he had been parked on her other side, deep in a handheld video game. "None of us meant to do that. Shouldn't happen again."
Kiyuki nodded. "Please do your best to ensure that… Not just for my sake but your own health, as well. I'm begging you. I want you guys around just as much as the fans. Dare I say even more so. Not just music sensation REVANCE but as individuals." She glanced around before looking down again, flushing a bit. "I want each of you: Nagi, Kota, Kyohei, Iori, and Taka, to be around for as long as possible, thriving and doing what makes you happy."
Nagito leaned over onto her, resting his head on hers. He giggled at her protest against his weight. "We'll do our best, promise."
"We don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon," Kyohei assured her with a smirk. "Trust us."
Iori offered his own brand of reassurance. "We're not so fragile, Kiyuki. You know better."
She nodded. "I do. And I do believe in you all. Doesn't mean I won't be extra fussy over you guys for the next while."
"Appreciate the warning," came Kota's voice as he put his game down. His head found its way into her lap and Kiyuki started scratching his hair under his hoodie as if given a command.
She smiled. "That's the only one you're getting. Just because I care."
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toloveawarlord · 5 years
Request Information {Updated Suitor List}
Status: OPEN!
Otomes/Suitors I will write for:
Ikemen Revolution: All (including the new characters + Amon)
Ikemen Sengoku: All (Excluding the new JP suitors)
Ikemen Vampire: All Main Cast
Midnight Cinderella: Nico, Rayvis, Byron, Alyn
Several Shades of Sadism: All
Mystic Messenger: Saeran, 707, Jumin
Love, Lies and Heist: All
B-Project: Thrive, Kitakore, Moons, Killer King, Yashamura
Nightmare Harem: Mefy, Lucia, Levy, Noel
Idolish7: Trigger, Idolish7
Scandal in the Spotlight: All Revance boys
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder: Eisuke, Soryu, Ota, Baba, Luke
Topics I will write for:
Angst: I love making characters suffer, so bring on the dark stuff
Fluff: as romantic and sappy as you want it
NSFW: any kink, no bodily fluid not normally involved in smut.
Genderbend: Recently I’ve found that I love a good genderbend story. This can include MC or a suitor.
AU: Take this one with a grain of salt because if you’ve been around long enough, you know that I get carried with making multi-chapters. I’ll do any au that is sent so long as you give a specific scenario or prompt. (Example: Do NOT send: Fenrir, demon au. DO send: Fenrir, demon au “I’m not going to let you die here”) Don’t let my brain run wild with an au, I’m begging  you.
Ships: MC x Suitor, Suitor x Suitor, Suitor x MC x Suitor etc.
Triggering Material: I am open to a variety of triggering subjects,  but I do reserve the right to refuse any that I don’t feel comfortable with. Examples of subjects I will write: mentions of suicide, self-harm with the intent of them getting better, violence or torture, etc. I will explore the darker sides of the mind if asked.
Topics I will not write:
Oc’s (unless commissioned)
Anything sexually illegal (i.e. incest, rape)
I reserve the right to refuse any request, without giving an explanation.
Have an otome game that you wish had more content written? Send me an ask with the name and recommended routes and I’ll do my very best to play it! I’m always looking for new games to play ^_^
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plloo2013-headcanon · 7 years
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wr0temyway0ut · 3 years
Why Don't You Go Back Home (And Reclaim What Little Innocence You Have)
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Summary: Years before Alex and Willie find themselves as star-crossed lovers in a scandal-inducing battle of the bands, they're just two kids trying to find a family. Here's how Alex became a Molina, and how Willie learned he really doesn't want to be a Covington.
A prequel to The Spolight's Your Hiding Place smau
Link in the reblogs!
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thehammondlegacy · 3 years
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Countess of Larch Spotted in Willow City After Picking Up Her Daughter from School - Is She Divorcing Her Husband?
HRH Princess Isabella, Countess of Larch makes headlines again! After all the drama concerning her husband, HRH the Earl of Larch, cheating with one of her closest friends, the Countess remained away from the spolight for a few days. However, the drama is not over yet! Everyone in Willow Creek is wondering whether the couple will divorce or if they’ll give their marriage a second chance. The Palace hasn’t confirmed anything yet, so it looks like we’ll have to wait longer to know the answer. But the cheating scandal is not the only thing people are talking about. The appearance of the Princess seems to be worsening every day. A papparazzi waiting to take her picture said that Princess Isabella looked ‘too skinny’ and ‘paler than usual.’ Another pap around said that the Queen’s sister looked ‘as if she was sick or something’ and that ‘she didn’t want us to take a picture of her child.’
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With the cheating scandal hitting Willow Creek, it’s normal to see the Princess down for a while, but there have been rumors circulating the city stating that the Princess has been having problems to sleep, and that she has been using sleeping pills, maybe more than normal, to fight insomnia. The word ‘adiction’ has been used to refer to the situacion several times, but if the rumors are true, then the situation is worst than what we had imagined. Both the Princess and her daugter, HH Princess Eugenie, weren’t happy to see the paps waiting for them outiside a coffee place. The whole drama, is not only affecting Princess Isabella, but also her daughter, who has been followed around the city nonstop by paps whenever she leaves home to school with her nannies. Although, Princess Eugiene doesn’t live with her father and mother under the same roof, a source close to the royal family claims that the little Princess hasn’t spoke to her father ever since the cheating pictures were posted on the internet. Usually, Princess Eugenie would speak to her father, at least four time a week, but now it seem the Earl is no longer interested on speaking to his daugther, since he’s reportedly ‘not calling her anymore.’ So is this the end of the Earl and Countess marriage? Will Princess Isabella become the second woman in the royal family to end her marriage? As always, only time will tell! 
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creedslove · 4 years
I HATE how David’s fans put L*Ly on a pedestal and are suddenly so admirative of her... like you can like David without admiring his partner, do you know that ?? It all seems WAY too much and very hypocritical
And when (not if, WHEN😂) David and L*Ly break up, these fans are probably going to kiss his new girlfriend’s ass too...
The fact that he moved on so quickly from Alison never sat right with me tbh, I don’t know what you think about that !
I agree in some parts anon!
I mean, let me clarify something here, ever since I was a kid (10 or so) I have been CRAZY about Lily's songs and I love them until this day, and because of that, I've been curious about her as a person and decided to look into her story (and I admit I'm crazy to read her biography tbh but it hasn't been released in my country) but realized I loved her songs, but I can't stand her as a person...
I think it's natural his fans support their relationship and start liking her, but what makes me fed up is having to see them together ALL THE TIME
(edit: let me explain this better...
I absolutely LOVE Liev Schreiber, and if I follow a fan account, I wanna see him, things related to him, one or two posts about it, fine, but I don't wanna see Naomi Watts all the time, or whoever he is dating at the moment on every post, you see what I mean? And with some David accounts, I've seen more Lily than him! Like fine, you think their wedding pictures are cute, okay, share them, but god, they don't even work together, so there's absolutely no reason to promote her stuff all the time, they have different careers!!)
... and people calling her 'QUEEN' or saying she is a "role-model"
Seriously? She hasn't done anything extraordinary with her life except marrying a guy who is currently very famous and now enjoy the spolight all over again.
Some people say "oh but she was famous WAY before David" that's true, her first hit came out in 2006, and it became huge in England, maybe Europe and countries like mine (Brazil) other than that, people barely know her.
And she also stopped being relevant WAY BEFORE David got famous (I think her last hit was Not Fair or maybe 22 in 2009) and all her following records were flop to the point she was fired from her record company.
I don't like Lily, because she has done many bad things in the past, and she doesn't seem to regret it.
She simply walked out on her husband and left him with their two kids when they were just babies because she was 'bored' with the quiet life and wanted to tour.
She cheated on her first husband several times and didn't even bother hiding it and even worse: she published it in her book exposing them all, without any sign of respect.
She has given signs of being a pathological liar more than once, when she said she had been invited to play a role in GOT and her own brother said that wasn't true and a few months back, when she literally said the same thing about AHS even though "nobody had received any email, but she swears she remembers being invited to it"
She lies, she manipulates and cheats, what are the odds of that not happening to David as well? Only time will tell, but anon, don't trick yourself thinking David is just a victim in her vile hands, he is a grown ass man who's very aware of her personality and his PR team knows damn well how much she is disliked in her country for her personal scandals and political views.
This is why she went from a woman who barely saw her kids to a great 10/10 mom in less than a year once they realized they could play the perfect family for Instagram posts with David. I'm not saying doesn't love her kids or vice versa, but when she had them over, she always refused to show their faces in the pics and now you have a dad David spam every time they are together.
Also their wedding, as I said it before. They tried to make it seem as something fun, simple and made it last minute and seriously? Did people really fall for that? They can't hide the details LMAO
You can eat all the burgers in the world for your reception, but your 3k dress and your idk how much k wedding ring are there to prove you had things planned in real advance.
I also think it's odd he jumped from Alison to her to quickly, and I really hope he didn't cheat on Alison, but we all know how men usually are, so even if it's not the case, David's always done that, he grows bored quickly with his relationships and so does Lily, so I guess the reason why it's lasting so much so far it's because A) he is a real celebrity now (and he will continue being for quite a while, with Black Widow and ST coming up) and if he is on the media, she will stick around, because in less than a month being married, she's got more interaction, followers, contacts etc than she had done in a LONG time, and believe, she will get a album contract really soon just because she is his wife.
and B) they have a long distance relationship and they don't need to put up with their crap for too long, they only have the honeymoon phase and then they hop on a plane and go back home
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kierap-world · 5 years
Divine Command Theory and How it Relates to the film “Spotlight”
Hey my fellow readers, I’m back with another post! Today, I’m going to be talking about Divine Command Theory and how I believe it ties into the film “Spotlight” 
Now what is the Divine Command Theory? 
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It is the belief that morality comes from God or a divine being. A great example of this is christianity. Many christians believe that morality comes from the ten commandments.
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To summarize this, many christians believe that they should love and honor their neighbors, they shouldn’t murder, be respectful, and do not cheat when you are married. Many people honor these commandments because they come from God and because they believe He is the creator of all things. 
However, Plato disagrees with all of this and has came up with his own questioning of the Divine Command Theory. It is called the “Euthyphro Problem” 
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To sum it up, this problem or “dilemma” means that God states that this deed is right because He’s good. This would be the 1st horn. On the flip side, the second horn would mean that God states that this deed is right because God believes in doing that or has a desire for us to follow it.
According to Plato, he thought the both of these horns had their own pros and cons. Although, God is good, Plato wondered what made him good and what makes him moral. And on the other end, if God only says these things because he just wants others to follow it, who put those ideas in his head?
Many people have argued about which horn is right and which horn is wrong. As a christian myself, I do have my own beliefs and I think it’s perfectly fine for those to disagree as long as everyone respects each other’s perspective.
Therefore, which horn seems more align with their belief is up to the person who decides what’s best for them and I think that’s a great way to approach it.
Now let’s move on to the film “Spotlight”
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Spolight is a biological drama that talks about child sexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. The film takes place in 1976 and it first centers around the Catholic priest John Geoghan for child molestation. However, throughout the span of the film, the boston globe discover over 87 abusive priests and they eventually ended up printed the story right after 9/11. 
Throughout the film, I was surprised to see how the church kept covering up these scandals and even one of the reporters named Robinson had never followed up on the abuse scandals when he was given the information back in 1993. 
So I did more research and it turns out these cases unfortunately do happen often. According to a grand jury report, “the men of God who were responsible for them not only did nothing, they hid it all. For decades.” 
How does this happen though?
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 According to Tia Ghose, “priestly celibacy allows priests time and energy to focus completely on their flock and to emulate Jesus”
Therefore, priests aren’t allowed to marry and they are committed to a whole life of devotion, obedience, and to follow Jesus Christ. The fact that some priests are doing these immoral acts to children is appalling and doesn’t follow the rules of Catholicism. The fact that the church covers it up is also terrible and goes against God’s teachings. 
However, I think this happens a lot because a lot of people feel obligated and pressured to follow God’s rules and there’s where the divine command theory comes in. But that’s not an excuse and what happened to these poor children isn’t okay.
As I previously stated, I think it’s fair for someone to choose their beliefs based on what aligns with their own thoughts and values and they should not to feel pressured to go against it. For example, if you don’t believe in God, you can choose to be atheist and if you believe in a higher power, you can choose to be a christian. No one should feel pressured into choosing what they believe in. (No one should pressure religious people to go against their beliefs and no one should pressure non-religious people to go against their beliefs unless they have decided on this fact.)
Furthermore, I think these priests should not become actual priests if they are engaging in someone that’s immoral and that goes against not only their religion but legal laws as well. It’s terrible that some churches allow this when it goes against everything they have believed in. These needs to stop immediately and there should be legal action taken! Churches also should get priests who are fully devoted to God’s words and will not go against it. 
All in all, believe in what you believe, don’t force your believe on others, and stick to what you believe is best! Do not break the law, don’t hurt children, and be a good person!
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ask-revance · 8 years
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“How are all our fans? I hope you’ve all enjoyed spending our birthday with us. I quite enjoyed our night together… You’re more bold than I realised” *winks at you*
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yuikishirohana · 9 years
Missing You
Pairing: Kyohei x MC
Synopsis: In the sequel, Kyohei and the MC broke up for the interest of their own career, but later got back together. What if they never did? What if both of them became successful, but never kept in contact? A year had passed since that plot-changing events and here are the results in an alternate ending.
Spoiler Alert!!!
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 4 weeks a month and 12 months a year.
A year had passed since you last saw Kyohei, but that day was still clear in your memory as if it had just happened yesterday.
~ ♪ ~
“Kyohei…Why aren’t you singing…?”
You stood in the intersection of Shibuya and stared up at the screen in shock. Kyohei was on, his gaze fixated on the camera as music played on in the background. Music that was supposed to accompany his voice, but never had a chance to.
Something was up. As the producers switched the live broadcast with the pre-filmed version, you took out your phone. Worry surged through your body and fingers flew over the keyboard, frantically typing out a message to the popular idol.
I saw your live performance. Are you feeling alright? Don’t push yourself too hard. I’ll always be a fan. One day when I’m a better writer, I hope I can write you another song.
There. Just as you were about to send the message, you paused. Your finger hovered over the send button as you second-guessed yourself. Was it really worth it? When the two of you had broke up, you both agreed that this was for the better. Sending this message would only bring unnecessary pain for the both of you and with that thought in your mind, your finger changed gears and pushed another button.
Message deleted.
~ ♪ ~
Months had passed since that day, but the memory kept playing in your head over and over again. Desperate to bury it, you immersed yourself into screenwriting, never giving yourself a chance to take a break. Alas, the hard work had paid off, and you were slowly but surely becoming more well-known by the minute.
Kyohei, on the other hand, was quite successful in America. They had arrived overseas with a bang, and are now slowly climbing up the charts one by one. It was probably for the better that you two broke up, because if not you both wouldn’t have made it this far.
Arriving home, you walked towards your bedroom, plopping down on the bed as you reached for a photo frame on the bedside table. Today happened to be a slow day, so you were able to get home earlier than usual. Naturally, since you had nothing to do, your mind to wander there.
You flipped the frame over, exposing the precious photo that was so carefully kept. A smiling Kyohei stared back up at you, but only sorrow and desire surged through your body. After all, it was just a photo, not the real person himself.
You just missed him so, so much.
Hope you enjoyed it! Errrr...I might make a second chapter depending on how this goes? 
~ Yuiki
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ask-revance · 8 years
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“I’ve just had sudden inspiration to create an amazing outfit! Come up to my room later and I’ll show you my special skill, measuring your size without using a measuring tape. 😉”
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ask-revance · 8 years
Once upon a concert - Kyohei
Is anyone else as excited as I am for Sir Kyo’s new substory story? 🤗😍😘 - Admin Tiffany
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ask-revance · 8 years
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"I see my sexiness has already got you flustered voltagefan-ficwriter19. But don't worry, tonight I'll let you take a close look for as long as you wish." *tilts your chin up and looks in your eyes* "Just don't pass out before the good part begins" *smirks his sexy grin*
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ask-revance · 8 years
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"You have been busy voltagefan-ficwriter19, and that flustered reaction is kind of cute. As a reward let's take princess for a ride on our next day off."
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ask-revance · 8 years
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"Don't worry voltagefan-ficwriter19, your lyrics brought colour into my world so I don't see a problem! But if you're worried let's write them together."
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ask-revance · 8 years
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"What's with that nervous reaction?" *laughs and pokes you on the head* "You don't have to be nervous around me voltagefan-ficwriter19 although I do find that side of you cute! I accept your gaming challenge! Sit down and join me, maybe we can watch a Joe Watabe movie afterwards?"
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ask-revance · 8 years
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"Huh?! Yer wasted yer time with these idiots? Ginger and I coulda spent time with ya. It woulda been a lot more fun. Voltagefan-ficwriter19 lets cook together after we've fed Ginger ya?"
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