#Kylie is not Kyla
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kj-au · 7 months ago
Gone to the park to go swinging!
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Drawn by @raptorkyla
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raptorkyla · 8 months ago
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Kyla is a swimmer. Kylie doesn't like water
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kennys-parka-jacket · 9 months ago
I'm too lazy to find it, but when I was newer to the fandom I made a post about how the other guys' genderbent names were mostly consistent while kenny's was all over the place. I'd like to formally apologize cuz that wasn't accurate at all lol
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jadedazemations · 2 years ago
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Desperately trying to understand watercolours
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( Character belongs to @utahraptorkyla )
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yourdarlingness · 1 year ago
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✦ Our Life: Beginning & Always ~ themed NPT
╰ DAY 5 of @rumblepumm ' s event !
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NAMES ︙ cove . seashell . shoal . shoaliette . sholiene . ocean . oceanide . lake . river . riverine . aqua . aqua(mu)rette . aquamarine . coralle . coralette . creek . everett . evelyn . eve . teary . tearie . tweary . tearfall(e) . teardrop . poppy . popp(i)ette . poppeine . lee . lily . leslie / lesley . lynn . francine . jackie . ari . aria . arielle . claire . elizabeth . liz / lizzy / lizzie . lizette . elyssa . elysia . reagan . noe . lain . macy . baxter . bax . baxley . barley . oakley . alexander . oliver . ollie . spade . mono . vince . victor . vincent . vinny . chester . derek . darren . dylan . daryl . darcy . darlene . devon . jaime . jamie . james . jay . taylor . harper . ash(e) . paula . pamela . pauline . miranda . randy . marissa . margot . sage . faith . melissa . terry . alex . robin . radley . marshall . max . chase . jeremy . archie . jayden . jonathan . misery . miserine . miser(i)ette . kyra . kyla . kylie . kyrelle . kier . sydney . chantel(le) . eleanor . shiloh . scout . asher . willow . adam . scott . jude . jade
PRNS ︙ sea . wa / wave . sea / shell / seashell . sea / foam / seafoam . sea / bun / seabun . wae / water / waterfall . pud / puddle . su / surf . ae / aqua . tea / tear(y) . shy . cry . fi / fish . swi / swim . co / cor / coral . pop / poppy . li / lily . da / dance . ste / steps . rhy / rhythm . mo(e) / mono . wa / waltz . fe / fetch . fri / friends . mie / mis / misery . si / silly . lo / love . ado / adore . he(a) / heart . 💧 . 🌊 . 🐚 . 🦈 . 🦑 . 🦞 . ⛴️ . 🚢 . ⛵ . 🎹 . ♠️ . ♣️ . 🖤 . 🎧 . 🎵 . 🎶 . 🎼 . ⚽ . 🏈
TITLES ︙ the alluring mermaid/merman/merperson . the heart of the sea . the [x] / prn who was washed ashore . prns graceful/tidal wave . prn whose soul is pure . the [x] with a peaceful life . prn who surfs . the lady / maiden / [x] of the deep sea . the one who sets sail . the [x] in the sea of stars . prns aquatic adventure . the [x] in coral reefs . prn who swims with fishes/sharks/etc (any aquatic animals) . the [x] of the blue waves . the seashell collector . the master of waltz . the born dancer / prn who is a born dancer . the ballroom dancer . the divine dancer . the charming dancer . the Victorian-era emo man . the one of all smiles . prn who is monochromatic . prn who moves flawlessly . the dancer of arts . the one with conflicting feelings . the [x] whose story begins . prns prologue . prns beginnings . prns start of dreams . prns opening acts/chapter . the [x]'s new beginnings . prns new chapter . prns divine plot twist
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[x] — any nouns ; examples below
the angel who was washed ashore
the ghost whose story begins
the boy of the blue waves
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sorry that its long :3
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pupsmailbox · 3 months ago
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MASCULINE︰ kade. kaden. kaeden. kai. kaiden. kairo. kaison. kaleb. kalvin. kam. kamari. kamden. kameron. kameryn. kane. kannon. karl. karson. karter. kasen. kasey. kash. kashton. kason. kayden. kaysen. kayson. keanu. keaton. keegan. keith. kellan. kelley. kelly. kelsey. kelvin. ken. kendrick. kenith. kennedy. kenneth. kenny. kenrick. kent. kenton. kenyon. kenzo. kermit. kester. kev. kevan. kevin. kevyn. khalil. kian. kiaran. kieran. kieron. killian. king. kingsley. kingston. kip. kirby. kirk. kit. klaus. klay. klein. knox. koa. kobe. koby. koda. kodey. kody. koen. kohen. kolby. kole. kolton. konnor. korbin. korey. kory. krew. kris. kristopher. kurt. kurtis. kylan. kyle. kylen. kyler. kylo. kynaston. kyng. kyree. kyrie. kyro. kyson.
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FEMININE︰ kacey. kacie. kadence. kae. kaelea. kaelee. kaelyn. kaety. kaia. kaila. kailani. kailee. kailey. kailyn. kaitlin. kaitlyn. kaitlynn. kalani. kaleigh. kaley. kali. kalia. kalie. kaliyah. kalla. kallee. kallie. kalyn. kalysta. kam. kameron. kamila. kamille. kamiyah. kamryn. kandace. kandi. kara. karaugh. karen. karena. karina. karissa. karla. karlee. karlene. karly. karol. karolyn. karrie. karsyn. karyn. kasandra. kasey. kassandra. kassia. kassidy. kassie. kassy. kat. kataleya. katalina. kate. katee. katelin. katelyn. katelynn. katey. katharine. katharyn. katherina. katherine. katheryn. katheryne. kathi. kathie. kathleen. kathlyn. kathryn. kathy. katie. katlyn. katrina. katriona. katy. kay. kaya. kaycee. kayden. kaydence. kaye. kayla. kaylan. kaylani. kayleah. kaylee. kayleen. kayleigh. kaylen. kayley. kaylie. kaylin. kayly. kaylyn. kaylynn. keanna. keara. keeleigh. keeley. keely. kehlani. keighley. keila. keilani. keira. keitha. kelcey. kelda. kelia. kelleigh. kelley. kelli. kellie. kelly. kelsea. kelsey. kelsi. kelsie. kemari. kendal. kendall. kendra. kenna. kennedi. kennedy. kensley. kenya. kenzie. kerena. keri. kerri. kerrie. kerry. kestrel. kevyn. keyla. khaleesi. khloe. kiana. kianna. kiara. kiarra. kiera. kierra. kiersten. kiki. kiley. kilie. kim. kimber. kimberlee. kimberleigh. kimberley. kimberly. kimberlyn. kimbra. kimmie. kimmy. kinley. kinsey. kinslee. kinsleigh. kinsley. kira. kirby. kirrily. kirsten. kit. kitty. kizzie. kizzy. kolleen. kora. kori. korrine. kortney. kourtney. kris. krista. kristal. kristeen. kristen. kristi. kristia. kristie. kristin. kristina. kristine. kristy. krystal. krystelle. krysten. krystina. krystine. krystle. kyla. kylee. kyleigh. kylie. kym. kyra. kyrie. kyrsten.
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NEUTRAL︰ kacey. kade. kadence. kaelin. kahlo. kai. kaiser. kal. kalani. kale. kaleidoscope. kalvin. kamari. kamdyn. kameron. kami. kamryn. kane. kapri. kari. karsen. karson. karsten. karsyn. karter. kartier. kase. kasey. kash. kashmir. kasper. kass. kassidy. kat. kayce. kaycee. kaydence. kaylin. keagan. kearney. keary. keaton. keegan. keelan. keifer. kel. kelby. kell. kellan. kellen. kelley. kellsie. kellson. kelly. kelsey. kelton. kendall. kenley. kennedy. kenneth. kent. kenzie. kerry. kestrel. kevin. khai. khalil. khari. khaza. kick. kiel. kieran. killian. kim. kimberly. king. kingsley. kingston. kinsey. kip. kipling. kirby. kirin. kit. kitkat. kitt. kitty. klaus. knives. knowledge. knowlton. knox. koa. koah. kobe. kobi. koda. kodi. kody. kohen. kolby. konstantin. konstantine. kooper. kopin. korbyn. kori. kory. kris. kristen. kristian. kristoff. kryptonite. kurt. kyan. kyle. kylian. kylin. kylo. kymani. kyo. kyree. kyrie. kyro.
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vampire-matcha · 10 months ago
God Simone would be a whole different beast
I need a mean lesbian to step on me
Y’all hear something? Anyway, where was i
Oh yes, the 6’4 brick shithouse of a woman. I fully believe she has her nips pierced and maybe a christina piercing? (I hc that male ghost’s dick pierced, and this kinda fits. Maybe it has a little skull charm too)
This is for both Price and ghost, but top tier strap game, but in different ways.
Joanna is so deep and rough, but also slow, it’s meant to reach the deepest parts of you while she’s taunting you lovingly and condescendingly
“Too rough baby? Can’t think can ya honey? S’alright, pretty birds like you don’t need to think”
Simone is at a punishing pace with her fingers bullying the poor clit, while simultaneously praising and degrading you
“Sweet little slut can’t handle me? C’mon lovie, you can take it like the sweet little slag I know ya are”
She would make you call her daddy. I don’t make the rules here 🤷🏻‍♀️
Should we add Stud Kyla (I like Kyla more than kylie) “Gaz” Garrick and Futch Jeannie “Soap” Mactavish to this 👀
Ugh I can't stop thinking of playing with Simone's Christina with my tongue, she'd be so rough too, pushing my head down into her cunt 😵‍💫
I think Joanna would have a classic military bun, but Simone would have a buzz cut under her mask. Also she was def a part of the Itty bitty titty committee before she bulked up, now she's got rock solid pecs.
Oh my god, imagine having to take their straps back to back, it'd be unbearable (in the best way) fuckin whiplash from their different demeanors and paces, have your head fuckin spinning. If Simone is Daddy then is Joanna Mummy? Or is she still just Captain? Hmmm...
Imagine Simonne getting us matching nipple rings 😍 like her way of staking her claim.
God I wanna rub pussies with Kylaaaaaaaaa I know hers would be sooooooo pretty and wet 😫😫😫 making out and sharing a vibe I'm talking ✂️⚡️🪄 and I think she'd gel her pretty curls into a braid. At least in American military, one or two braids is allowed, idk about British hair regs. However, Mohawks are not allowed in either sooooooo
And Jeannie 🤩🤩🤩 she'd still have her hawk, that's the Soap Canon even through every mulitverse. Maybe a little longer, a little shaggier, but still a hawk.
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mistyfarm · 2 years ago
My wishlist & ideas for a hypothetical Rune Factory 2 Special:
- Option to choose between a male or female protagonist in first generation. FEMC’s name can be something lame like Kylie or Kyla or Kira idk LMAO
- All the rivals will therefore become bachelors! Yayyy the barrett girls will finally win
- The non-chosen protagonist will show up in the game as an NPC (think, like, pokemon.) They will stay at the Eagle Inn, their gimmick being some sort of mysterious, wandering vagrant who gives the player the ability to change their name (Basically a combination of Lukas and Ivan from RF1, and Mistress Trupin from RF4.) They are non-marriageable but, if befriended, the player can get a few hints about their past.
- ALTERNATIVELY: They could be the bartender of a hypothetical bar in town? Multiple characters in game are referred to as drinking buddies and there’s a whole event (the flower festival) that’s seen as an opportunity for people to get drunk, so it honestly kind of confused me there was no bar in Alvarna. I know these are E10+ games but honestly if RF1 had a bar there’s no reason RF2 can’t have one as well lol. It could be like the bar in stardew valley too! have everyone gather there on friday nights for easy gift-giving access, it’s perfect
- Additionally, if Kyle is the non-chosen protagonist, he will marry a bachelorette if her intended husband is already married to the player.
- Not really sure how rival heart events would function in RF2’s system but fuck it, any candidate with a rival will have heart events with said rival. For the drama
- We don’t need to lock EVERYTHING behind the second gen wall. At least let us forge weapons or brew medicine in the first gen. Maybe have these be something that the player can unlock if they befriend tanya or natalie? I always make kyle befriend those two so maybe I’m biased LOL
- Alternatively: give the gen 1 player access to a small kitchen, at the very least. Herman is nearly impossible to befriend in the first generation because all of his gifts are cooked dishes and it sucks because if you are ME (insane) you try to befriend everyone in every single playthrough
- Updated gen 2 portraits for most, if not all, of the cast. It’s understandable if older characters like Byron or Gordon look relatively unchanged after the timeskip, but the younger characters should have updated portraits! I think it would be cute if Dorothy’s portrait changed to show her eyes since she’s now a confident nurse, or if Mana and Barrett dressed differently after becoming teachers, or if Roy and Cammy had visibly grown into their awkward teen years. There’s possibilities!!
- Have more characters acknowledge your child as their relative if you marry a member of their family. It’s very cute that Max acknowledges this but I want all characters to express it because its very fun for character building
- I think it should be harder for your child to access the dungeons in the 2nd gen. every character is like “dont go into the dungeons!!!” and then you can just turn around and walk in. i want aaron and aria to do some solid snake shit to get into these dungeons. i need to see cardboard boxes. sunglasses and trenchcoats. perhaps even false identities. lets get silly with it (i fully acknowledge this would be a terrible design decision) (i dont care)
- remove the marriage events from the second generation, they feel so arbitrary compared to gen 1! The themes of second gen are family ties and the solidarity the kids build with each other, so i think friendship and story events should be prioritized instead
- Bring social services to Alvarna because honestly your child is so neglected by both of their parents its tragic (this is a joke) (kind of)
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cultstatus · 8 months ago
the number of Kylies and Kylas I've gotten when I tell people my name is Kyle is insane actually. what's crazy is I've seen cis women with the name Kyle before it's super uncommon but it's not unheard of. I spent my entire life having my birthname butchered and being called "Sierra" when that is NOT my name and so when I changed it to one of the most common names in America I THOUGHT I WOULD FINALLY BE FREE
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collectivelibrary-archived · 8 months ago
Can we be a lil specific and ask for Scottish n Irish names please 👉🏼👈🏼
Doesn't matter what usage gender-wise just go full fire with what you can find
Of course! The sites we use to find names actually have a nationality / origin filter so this is quite easy for us! Gonna separate them by nationality just because they're two separate lists and it's easier for us that way. /lh
Masc ; Camden, Lennox, Berkley, Duncan, Craig, Bram, Connell, Stennis, Cairn, Iain, Collin, Donald, Malcom,
Neu ; Bryce, Karson / Carson, Monroe, McKay, Ross, Bowie, Blaire, Makenzie, Edin, Leslie, Campbell, Greer, Lorne
Femme ; Bonne, Allie, Mackendra, Isla, Elsie, Maisie, Lila, Elspet
Masc ; Connor, Brayden / Braeden, Finn, Killian, Donovan, Declan, Ronan, Kieran, Finnegan
Neu ; Kennedy, Teagan, Sean, Shane, Brennan, Emmet, Finley, Brady, Murphy, Dillon, Barry, Peyton, Rowan, Kyla, Sloan / Sloane, MacKenna, Rory, Cassidy,
Femme ; Maeve, Kiera, Nola, Bria, Orla, Kylie, Keira, Kayleigh, Aileen, Saoirse, Mora, Aisling
Hope these help! If not, feel free to send in another ask or DM @fireflycollective
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youngfcs · 2 years ago
Oii Cib, beleza? me ajuda aqui com fcs: quero 3 filhos da Taylor S com o Harry S. Um rapaz entre 18-20 anos loiro, uma adolescente entre 13-15 e um menininho com menos de 10.
Obrigada desde já<3
Olá, anon! Tudo sim e por aí? Espero que sim! Vou dar algumas opções sim :) claro que tenho que avisar para não utilizar nenhum fc menor de idade em nenhuma cena imprópria, tá? espero que goste, vou dar algumas opções com as características dela, e outras com as dele!
Rudy Pankow (17-24)
Charlie Gillespie (16-24)
Hero Fiennes Tiffin (17-25)
Michael Provost (16-25)
Kyla Matthews (13-18)
Hope Fleury (14-19)
Kylie Rogers (13-19)
Kennedi Clements (12-16)
Milo Parker [ele já está com 20 anos agora, mas fez papéis quando bem criança]
Benjamin Evan Ainsworth (09-14)
Charlie Shotwell [ele já está com 16 anos agora, mas fez papéis quando bem criança]
Jackson Robert Scott (08-14)
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kj-au · 11 months ago
An older height reference with the characters!
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Made by: @jadedazemations
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raptorkyla · 7 months ago
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Birthday time
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kylaqueenyass · 2 years ago
Once Kim left Kyla told Justin she was gonna go see Kylie and would be back. Before hoping in the car she text her sister telling her to meet her at their spot in 10 minutes. After a 10 minute drive Kyla arrived at the spot. "I can't believe this thing is still here." She said as she enter the tree house they built as kids at a random park.
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neos127 · 2 years ago
ky key kyla kylar kylama kylobster keyla kylie jenner kylalalala
liz lizard lizabeth liz yourself lizinsanedeluluwhoneedstobelockedupbcallsheevertalksaboutisjisungandsunwoo☺️
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resurrectedtimelord · 3 years ago
Happy International Women’s Day! Quick shoutout to :
Julie, Barbara, Audrey, Lindsay, Tracey, Alexis, Allison, Meghan, Chloe, Michelle, Barbara, Lulu, Phillipa, Roxanne, Lindsay, Jae, Maria, Lea, Megan, Claire, Siri, Madi, Kelly, Talia, Dani, Kyla, Blair, Sue, Kelly, Betsy, Susan, Misty, Katy, Lupita, Dana, Kathleen, Angie, Bethany, Amy, Jennifer, Denise, Julianne, Jennifer, Jacqueline, Lexy, Renita, Ruzanna, Gabrielle, Lizi, Elizabeth, Claire, Alex, Naisha, Kate, Shirley, Eliana, Jordan, Sabrina, Christine, Lexi, Levi, Leslie, Paris, Sophie, Emily, Samantha, Chloe, Lindsey, Barbara, Poliana, Arianna, Heather, Kaelyn, Nicole, Ceci, Somaya, Jennifer, Justine, Audrey, Mackenzie, Emily, Anika, Alecia, Ari, Gjess, Veronica, Ivy, Kylie, Aurora, Camille, Alice, Zoe, Camilla, Olivia, Lily, Katie, Olivia, Rachael, Rebecca, Molly, Stella, Sarah, Gill, Niki, Paula, Rachel, Vivian, Makayla, Gabrielle, Danielle, Lexi, Emily, Jenny, Libby, Hailey, Ri, Casey, Grace, Laila, Liberty, Renée, Gabby, Bianca, Giada, Michelle, Isabelle, Priyanka, Lena, Laquasha, RJ, Chloe, Zinia, Sophie, April, Asia, Donna, Gawencia, Brianna, Sadie, Tess, Sal, Lauren, Mirai, Maia, Taylor, Grace, Brenna, Lizzie, Allie, Alexandra, Devyn, Echo, Tara, Tessa, Ella
And to every other girl and woman who has had or will have a positive impact on my life. I love you all 💕💕💕
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