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don't mess with Kyash 😤🥊
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What are some of your favourite books? (And if the answer is just all RA, beyond RA hfjhd)
Discworld!! Just the series as a whole. Absolutely masterful and changed the way I think in my teens
The Adventures of Robin Hood by Roger Lancelyn Green. I read it basically on a loop as a kid. I had it along with four other classic books that were published in a similar style and uh
yeah you can probably tell which one i read the most as a kid
3. To Shape a Dragon's Breath by Moniquill Blackgoose, absolute PEAK dragon fantasy about an indigenous girl who finds a dragon egg and goes to a coloniser-run dragon school so she can learn how to raise it
4. Temeraire by Naomi Novik, ALSO a very good dragon series that basically says "what if the people fighting the Napoleonic wars had dragons". It's as epic as it sounds
5. Babel by RF Kuang. SUPER cool magic system based on translation, really neat alternate history
6. The Bookeaters by Sunyi Dean. Fairly dark, but a cool concept about people who absorb knowledge by eating books
7. The Martian by Andy Weir. Really neat sci-fi about an astronaut stranded on Mars, trying to survive until he can be rescued when the next mission comes through
8. Once There Was by Kyash Monsef, about a girl who becomes a vet to mythical creatures. Had a fascinating through-line about grief and healing
hope that was a good enough list :D
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Xユーザーのあさひ隊長🍎🍊🍄さん: 「いま気づきました... TEMUってアプリで買い物したら、昨日カード不正利用されてた、、 Kyashの残高根こそぎ😭 コレどうしたら良いの?被害届? 誰か助けて... #TEMU #カード不正利用 https://t.co/o0xleiV2TN」 / X
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フィンテック企業の株式会社Kyashは6月7日、同社の一部決済取引に関する不具合への対処を発表した。 これは同社アプリサービス「Kyash」における過去の一部の前払式支払手段による決済取引について、前払式支払手段の返還(バリュー返還)を行うというもの。
Kyashの一部決済取引に関する不具合、退会済みの会員には振込で返金 | ScanNetSecurity
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2024-05-20 月
歩数:38 徒歩:0km エアロバイク:1時間 55km、1時間 60km 朝食:グラノーラ+低脂肪乳 昼食:ワカメうどん、チキンナゲット2個 夕食:グラノーラ+豆乳 間食:なし 体重:64.2kg 体脂肪率:22.4 内臓脂肪:9.5
293. ライブに行ってきた | Ossan.fm https://ossan.fm/episode/293
この半年間、幾多の【俺より強いヤツ】と邂逅し、また行動を共にしたことで、もはや早期隠者になりかけてたワイにもまだまだ無限の改善の余地があるやんけ!という嬉しい誤算に気がつくことができました。気のせいかもしれませんけど。 ようやく任務過多気味だったのが落ち着き始めたので、ちょっとずつ環境改善モードに切り替えています。iD、WAON、メルペイ、Kyashなどをスマートフォンから使えるようにしたので、憧れのスマホ決済ができるようになりました。※どうやって使うかはよく分かっていない。 個人間送金などには特に憧れているんですけど、今のところ人々と会う予定は無いので、実際に使う機会があるのかは不明なのでした。
体重は何かまた増えてたw 体脂肪率は落ちてたのでセーフということに。内臓脂肪も測れる体重計なので、今回から併せて記録してみることにしました。
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❋Ask my character Kyash. Ask questions, give items, etc. ❋
#undertale #ay #ask #Kyash #color
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Dear Future Self... May 1, 23
Wow okay. I can’t even think of where to begin with Jamaica. Literally what an amazing trip. So first night we get in, our cabby gave us a joint which was awesome. Had dinner and listened to some live music and dancing. We went a little hard being our first night and stayed out till 2am. The power went out in our room for half hour though so that sucked, but they had upgraded us when we arrived because someone else was in our original room so we got a really nice room. Second day was great, breakie and hung by the pool. Enjoyed drinks and chilled in the pool. Did some dance lessons, water arobics and a pool game which ended up with Olivia and I’s team winning. Some good lookin guys but mostly everyone was with someone. Had dinner at the pasta place I think which was ok, not the best and I think just walked around, enjoyed music etc. We took it easy as we booked an excursion the next day. Monday we went on a catamaran which was such a beautiful day, went snorkeling on the reef and then to dunns riverfalls which was literally incredible. 900km walk up a waterfall, it was so damn beautiful, I’m SO thankful that the people emailed me because I definitely want the photos & video to remember because I didn’t get anything and it was just breath taking. Then had a little party on the catamaran back to Margaritaville and drank and ate. It was such a great day. That evening we ate at Blue Moon which was pretty good, I think I had salmon? It was so good, there was live music outfront too so we listened and enjoyed. Walked the resort again. We literally did like 20-30k steps a day on top of the pool and dancing. Tuesday we did a beach day, spent the morning at the pool and beach for the afternoon, it was so gorgeous out. I can’t remember if it was this day that I was pointed out by Kyash to be the ESPN for the pool challenge, that was really funny. That evening we ate at the Steak House which turned out to be our favorite, it was so good. That night was the White Party which was so much fun, we drank a lot. Kyash was the DJ and was just so hype, idk how this guy had so much energy, he was amazing. That was the start of our little fun time together, I got him a drink or two and we danced. Went ended up at the disco that night also and smoked our joint, we met Jake whom we started to try to get Olivia set up with. We had a midnight snack at Route 66 which was a really funny night. Wednesday? we did another pool day and the lazy river which again was so funny and so much fun, the sunset was so beautiful that night wow. Got a lot of great photos, drank margaritas while we played Catan and listened to Raggae. I got up for the sunrise on thursday which was beautiful as usual, did some dance by the pool with our boy Kyash, we were trying to get tattoos so Kyash got my number and then started texting me and asked if we wanted to go smoke with him just off the beach so we did. It’s weird how I felt so chill around him. More dance lessons, we went for japanese grill that night which was good. Found our Jake that night for Olivia and smoked more, I was actually a little high most of this day funny enough but it was really good. Spent the evening being on the same wave length as Amber, it was hilarious. Olivia got super drunk, mom came out to party for sure so Amber and I kept leaving them to their alone time. We were trying not to cock block olivia but Kyash also wanted to spend time together but I was too nervous that night, plus that night was wild. We saw a crazy shooting star and an owl all before Jake stepped on Olivia’s toe and her nail came off so that sobered us up super quick. Friday we spent by the pool again, we won trivia this day, I got Kyash a drink again and he was whistlin at me from the bathrooms. It was cute, he definitely was around me most of the day. I had visited him off the beach again before he started his afternoon shift and then he hung around a lot that afternoon, did some more dance lessons but he had snuck out, poo guy’s vehicle broke down. He came back for his evening shift and we listened to music again. There was a silent disco that night which was super fun, Kyash and I went & sat together and just talked. It was really nice, very down to earth and genuine. Talked a lot about struggles and relationships and hard times in life but his positivity was so contagious and honestly so sexy. (of course his dancing was the hottest thing ever too) He really wanted me to meet him after work that night, which was our last night there. The girls were very sweet & we made a plan so I met up with him off the beach again at like 11:30pm. Weirdly was not nervous or scared. I really trusted him, which you could say was SUPER niave but meh, what happens in Jamaica stays in Jamaica right? It was an experience. We had really good conversation and exchanged a kiss or two perhaps but I’ll leave it at that. Don’t need to be sharing all my secrets now do I! Anyways, it was honestly probably the best trip I’ve been on. Olivia & Amber were amazing, we literally laughed so much and had the best time ever. I couldn’t have imagined it to be any better than it was (maybe other than getting my period cause that sucked again). Truly so happy, so blessed to have done that trip. We’re already talking about making it a yearly thing and going on more so I’m really happy. So many experiences and so many memories. Truly a trip I will never forget.
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【ブランディング】「Kyash Vision Deck」の制作プロセス
パーパス (=Kyashの社会的な存在意義) のみ新たに言語化
:arrow_right:中期経営計画を立てる際にVision Deckに沿っているか?を判断軸として検討されています。
https://cocoda.design/hikichi/p/p6e3913d6c3c5 https://note.com/hikichikouta
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※本日よりiOS・Androidアプリで段階的に適用されますが、iOSをご利用の場合はApp Storeで最新バージョン(7.5.0)にアップデートいただくことでもご利用が可能となります。
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Kyash Card発行
ワラウだと1,500円だけど、会員じゃ無い。 と思っていたらドットマネーで1,000マネーで出ていた。 カード発行後、Apple PayもしくはGoogle Payに登録すればOKと簡単。 どれだけ使うか分からないけど、ひとまず申し込んでみた。 カード発行費900円を相殺できるので。
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いつもお得にお買い物がしたい、メンヘラナマポおじさんです。 2%還元から始まったkyash もともとはクレジットカードと紐付けると、利用額の2%が還元されるプリペイドカードだったkyash。 それが1%還元、0.2%還元とどんどん還元率が減っていきました。 さらに酷いのが、利用すると紐付けたクレジットカードで即時チャージと支払いができていたのが、あらかじめチャージしておかなければ使えなくなったことです。 改悪ばかりで良くなることが一切ない、珍しいサービスです。 時々Twitterで宣伝広告を見ますが、そんなことにお金を使う余���があるのなら還元率を元に戻してほしいですね。 300円分のkyashバリュー(期限付き) サービスが改悪続きのkyashから、3日間の使用期限つきのポイントが付与されました。 過去に何度かいただいていますが、今回も300円分です。 何に使おうか頭…
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情報はこちらから https://atobaraiblack.com/entry/2021/08/21/233400
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Some new #transaction is nice but the traditional old cash is still Shogun in Japan. It's a long way to the encrypted cash society. #VISA #KYASH #prepaid #credit #card #finance #💳
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2021年2月10日のkyash改悪内容について もともと高還元率2%を誇るkyashユーザー数拡大とサービス維持の観点から売りて市場的バラマキを転換しつつありましたが、今回のはひどかった! さすがに今回の内容は一見するとkyashの最大の魅力が損なわれたように見えたので、いっそ別の高還元率カードへ乗り換えようかとも思ったのですが、ちょっとした使い方の工夫をするだけでかろうじて1%を死守できたので、その方法を紹介します。 その前にまず、今回の変更点をおさらいしていきます。 公式サイトによると下図のように変更するそうです。 2021年2月10日 kyash還元率および上限(公式サイトより引用) ついにクレジットカード自動入金を改悪へ kyashの強みであるkyash使用時のkyash自体のポイントと、引き落とし先のクレジットカードのポイントのいわゆる”ポイントの二重取り”に歯止…
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