#Kurt Angle Song
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#d_punkster#music#spotify#kwaitech#new release#south africa#holamjipa#bandcamp#ba nchebile#kurt angle song#kurt angle#technomusic#techno music#technolovers#techno
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Feeling inspired so if Heathers the Musical was filmed on a set.
Director: And, action!
Veronica: A future gas station attendant.
Kurt: ....
Kurt: ...You have a zit right there.
Veronica: That wasn't your line.
Kurt: I know, I forgot my line.
Director: WAIT keep that there. That is perfect!
Veronica and Kurt: What-
Heather: If I took a meat cleaver down the center of your skull, I'd have matching halves. That's very important.
Heather: Pfft-
Heather: Heather!
Heather: Sorry, sorry. I can't help it because now I am imagining you holding a meat cleaver trying to measure Veronica's angles.
Director: This is the 75th take.
Heather: Honey whatcha waiting for-
Heather: *push* SHUT UP HEATHER!
Heather: *falls*
Heather: Ow.
Heather: Oh crap wait-
Everyone: Holyyyy shiiiitttt
Veronica: Crap, wait I forgot my que, sorry.
Both: Pft-
Director: Damn it you two.
Ram: Why do you gotta be so weird all the time-
Martha: Says the guy who wears his underwear for half the musical.
Ram: Martha please stop, we need to get through this scene.
Heather: My d---'s bigger than John Lennon!
Kurt: Veronica, please take this seriously.
Veronica: Kinda hard to when you're singing about balls and well, you two are actually gentleman in real life.
Kurt and Ram: Big sword fight in her mouth~
Martha: How do you even fit two d!cks in one mouth?
Heather: Martha, you're not even in this scene.
JD: We can start and finish war- *drops gun* Oh shit.
Kurt, in a spiderman position on the fence: Hah you dropped your- *falls* AH
Veronica: Shouldn't you three be dead, why are you in this scene?
Heather: The director thought it would be funny for Kurt and Ram to attend their own funerals.
Miss Flemming: *reading the lyrics for Shine A Light* Do...Do I have to say this?
Director: Yeah.
Miss Flemming: "I faked it" Did you forget we casted my real husband for this-
Heather: Are you saying Westerburg is a bad place?!
Heather: No I- *starts laughing*
Heather: Heather, come on.
Heather: Sorry, it's kinda weird to see you be mean when you're the nicest person ever.
Heather: We need to get through this scene.
Heather: Okay, okay. Bully me, give me your best.
Heather: Oh my gosh Heather.
Martha: *practicing* I took that scab and put in a loc- Okay, I don't want to say that.
Director: You have too.
Martha: My character is supposed to be an innocent bean, not a creep.
Director: Because she's not a creep.
Martha: No one fucking puts a scab in a locket!
Veronica: This is it! I won't cry-
JD: But I would.
Veronica: Jason stop interrupting me while I sing this song is very hard to sing.
Veronica: How am I supposed to take this seriously when Heather's in a kimono and Kurt and Ram are in their underwear posing like 🧍🏻♀️
Veronica: I'm in the closet-
JD: Veronica, stop.
Veronica: I wish you'd come with me!
JD: I wish I had more TNT!
Both: *starts laughing*
Director: Damn it! Take 67!
JD: Our love is Gooooooddddd
Veronica: Say hi to God.
Heather³, backstage: Kaboom~
Director: CUT!
Everyone: Oh thank goodness.
Heather: That was a hard note to hold.
#veronica sawyer#heathers the musical#heathers the movie#chansaw#heather chandler#heather duke#heather mcnamara#dukesaw#mcnamawyer#poly!heathersxveronica#jason dean#martha dunnstock
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𝑴𝑼𝑵 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵𝑵𝑨𝑰𝑹𝑬 , a fun little dash game .
ALIAS / NAME: emery
BIRTHDAY / AGE: march 20 / 30
ZODIAC: pisces
HEIGHT: 5'5"
HOBBIES: reading, drawing, cycling, writing, dancing, cooking, gaming, skateboarding, photography, tabletop roleplaying, and trading card games.
FAVORITE COLOURS: can't go wrong with red and blue.
FAVORITE BOOKS: percy jackson & the olympians/heroes of olympus by rick riordan, the hunger games by suzanne collins, the night circus by erin morgenstern, the locked tomb series by tamsyn muir, the shades of magic trilogy by v.e. schwab, his dark materials by philip pullman, the raven cycle by maggie stiefvater, the grishaverse by leigh bardugo, discworld by terry pratchett, the dresden files by jim butcher, odd thomas by dean koontz, john dies at the end by jason pargin, a song of ice and fire by george r.r. martin, etc.
LAST SONG: half alive by still feel
LAST MOVIE: paranoid park
LAST SHOW: halfway through buffy the vampire slayer s3, finally got down to watching delicious in dungeon (dungeon meshi, if ya nasty), castlevania: nocturne s2, and finishing s1 of vox machina.
RECENT READ: come as you are (updated + annotated ver.) by michael azzerad because i've fallen down a grunge rabbit hole and kurt cobain breaks my heart. i'm also reading through the nineties by chuck klosterman.
FUN FACT: the only bone i've ever broken is my right second-to-last toe and i wasn't even aware that it was broken ... until it healed wrong and now bends at a weird angle.
tagged by: @heireign
tagging: @n1ghtbreeze
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just dropped in; PROLOGUE
Laying on the floor of the living room, the top of her head is settled against the top of Mark's. Like they're mirror images; her arms splayed out to the exact angle of his. The boombox is too close to their faces and in a minute their mother will come in from the kitchen and chide them for it, tell them how bad it is for their hearing. But for now, it's just Mark's crown against hers and the reverb of a slouched guitar sliding through the bridge of Heart-Shaped Box. The CD is secondhand and has a rough crackle behind the sound. In a month or so it will give out, finally, listened to over and over again by both its previous owner and the twins. Mark's breathy voice weaves through Kurt Cobain's and Nadia joins in without realizing: "Hey. Wait. I got a new complaint." Over and over again, on that chopper bringing her to whatever the fuck this new assignment is going to be, Nadia mouths that ending loop. Hey. Wait. I got a new complaint. Forever in debt to your priceless advice.
Mark had given it to her, on her twenty-fifth birthday. A joke gift because she had been on a string of missions that all dealt with anomalies in the form of priceless pieces of art. Nadia ended up loving the small, handheld microscope, joke though it was. Especially much later, when the transfer to Xi-13 meant endless stake-outs and recon drops in the middle of nowheres. Everything in nature was ten times cooler under the loupe: leaves, and insect nests, and patches of fungi. They took all her knives (which was a major fucking red flag but she was already in too deep to argue) and her sidearm, so Nadia reaches for the loupe from her pack. Doesn't look through it -- not much to fucking look at aside from metal and industrial storage -- just folds it out of the protective sheath and back, listening to the hinge click and the air slide over the glass.
Four blocks down and one over from Nadia's childhood house sat the Pine Grove Towship Park. There was a playground, a shade awning with picnic tables and a stretch of field that came up against a scrubbysuburban forest. Nothing you could really get lost in, but dense enough to make late night, summer games of Manhunt interesting. Adjacent to the drifting tall-grass was a baseball diamond (more often home to charity softball games between fire department and police force, or impromptu kickball matches as long as someone was able to lift one of the Franklin rubber balls from the school gym). It smelled like mud and grass and gravel and damp wood, from the chips that lined the ground under the play structures. Nadia had memories tied to every inch of that corner lot: smoking under the child-sized climbing wall as a teenager, swinging silently with Mark while the sun set further and further, running through the trees in pitch black and holding back laughter so she wouldn't tip off the other team. It doesn't really smell like the park when the copter finally touches down. And, when Nadia hauls the door open, it certainly doesn't look anything like a suburban, middle America public park. But something of that place, those memories, linger at the back of the mind. Maybe it's the feeling of darting through dark-touched trees to a stretch of underbrush, hoping the person hunting you couldn't hear you breathing. Whatever it is, Nadia shakes it off and steps onto frigid concrete.
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Shakey Sundays #26:

My buddy Greg has a screw loose. He opined in a recent email stream that he preferred Eddie Vedder's vocals to Kurt Cobain's. This was part of a longer Nerd Club level discussion involving my famous brother focused in on Jackson C. Frank's palpable merits alongside Sandy Denny's transcend ones, as discussed in yesterday's post.
Greg thinks Sandy is too operatic; like I said, he's all jam packed into a Costco sized bin of mixed nuts.
I like my women divine (see Denny, Sandy, Ronstadt, Linda and wife, mine) and my men pedestrian (that's me, in all things). And so I prefer warped but playable records and I prefer Neil Young when he's altered on stage.
And that brings us to Tuscaloosa, Shakey's alternative to Time Fades Away, which came out 5 or so years ago. I picked up my first vinyl copy this weekend while on holybobs for the very Dollar Bin price of just $14.99 because, you guessed it, "LP2 Warped - Plays Fine" was scrawled beside the price tag.
I've had plenty of chances to buy a pristine copy for $30-$40 any day of the week in the past few years but I never even considered it. After all, I've always had the album ready to rock on my trusty Steve-Jobs-was-still-alive-and-grumpy era IPod, and so I held out for an ugly cousin copy instead of every minty record out there.
Why own something normal and new when you could own something compromised and helpless? Well, there's the whole I'm-a-cheapskate angle, sure; I do like my gin generic.
But there's another reason in my back pocket, a reason which is hopefully more interesting. You see, my warped copy of Tuscaloosa was so sad in its bin; it longed for companionship; it longed to spin on the turntable of life. But just like me in every elementary school sports side picking process, it just kept getting passed on by.
David Berman understood this whole gesture and explained it better in song than I ever could here in print. Like poor old Dave, I can't stand handsome grandsons; give me the fat ones, the bald and the goateed.
Eddie Vedder? Yuck. The guy sounds like he once took a singing lesson; plus he looks like the grown up version of every fifth grader who sighed and said, "well, I guess you're on our team; but don't get in the way" when all the side picking was done.
Give me poor old Kurt's tortured pain and voice cracks every day of the week.
And give me Tuscaloosa! Neil is hammered and stumbling throughout, searching for vaguely familiar notes and just barely holding it together.
Just check out After the Gold Rush. Neil dedicates the song to the groundlings in the cheap seats, blows more than a few of the opening chords and then announces that "Drummond's drumming" instead of "drummers drumming". His bass player on the tour was named Tim Drummond so the confusion is reasonable; no, never mind that: his confusion is awesome!
The song's whole performance is wrecked and staggering. Between the second and third verses it sounds like Neil loses the thread altogether. I love this take as much as I love my sad new vinyl copy. Warped: that's what I like.
But perhaps the least slick and most loveable part of the whole show is Neil's attempt at building a musical intro for the band. Take a listen:
They never do get the tempo right... But, like Neil's famous handwriting, perfect has no place on Planet Shakey.
Young was famously disgusted with this whole band and tour. He fired the Chewbacca of all drummers, Kenny Buttrey, soon after this show and replaced him with a guy from The Turtles. He then did his best to write off the whole experience by refusing for a long time to reissue Time Fades Away.
I feel for him. But at the same time, I really don't care: I'm too busy sitting on my rented ocean view porch and grooving to Tuscaloosa.
What's the best part of my view, you ask? Check out all the stunted trees and the uncut wild grasses that are blocking the postcard perfect view...

I'm in a Shakey house and on a Shakey vacation. And it's perfect.
#neil young#shakey sundays#silver jews#Kenny buttrey#Youtube#chewbacca#Eddie Vedder: average#my buddy Greg: nuts#kurt cobain
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So I’m not wrong am I? This American made theme song sounds just like Kurt Angle’s theme but chopped and mixed?
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Fantasy Pro Wrestling Booking

FWE: Instant Classic
Theme Song: I Wanna Rock by Twisted Sister
Iron Shiek vs Justin Credible. Camel clutch time for Credible. Shieky baby wins!!!
Booker T vs Kofi Kingston. Booker pinned Kofi.
Undertaker and Kane vs Road Warriors. Hawk pinned Kane.
Shane Douglas vs HHH. HHH won after Pedigree.
Big Show vs Andre the Giant. Double countout.
Hardy Boyz vs Rockers. Jeff pinned Jannetty after Twist of Fate.
Lita vs Becky Lynch. Lynch won after Man Slam.
Matt Riddle vs Chris Jericho. Jericho won with Walls of Jericho.
Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle. 2 out of 3 falls. 1 fall each. 30 minute time limit draw.
John Cena vs Curt Hennig. Cena wins with STFU.
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The Music Man: Former WWE Composer Jim Johnston
From 1985 to 2017 Jim Johnston was the musical director and composer for WWE in Stamford CT. He composed and produced the iconic themes for stars Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Steve Austin and The Undertaker and many others. Today we look at his iconic work.
Brian Damage If you’ve been a longtime fan of the WWF/WWE, chances are you have cheered and booed countless superstars after hearing their entrance music blaring throughout an arena. For over 30 years, Jim Johnston was the mastermind behind some of the greatest theme songs in WWE history. From Shawn Michaels, to Kurt Angle, to the Undertaker and many more…Johnston created well over 10,000…
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Ring of Horror: ECW Zombie

He rose from the dead. Consumed flesh. Preached to the masses. No, he's not Jesus. He's Timothy R. Calkins Jr, aka Tim Arson, aka The ECW Zombie, a gimmick now immortalized in the Wrestling Bollocks Hall of Fame. Though Calkins didn't begin his career undead. He got his start in 2001, trained by total legend Johnny Rodz. Under the ring name Tim Arson, he made his in-ring debut on a USA Pro Wrestling show against—some dude called Stormin' Norman, who may or may not exist.
For the next several years, Arson predominantly stayed with USA Pro Wrestling, occasionally branching out to work other East Coast Indies. Then, in 2005, Arson would travel to America's Step-sibling, Puerto Rico, to compete in the World Wrestling Council's Bruiser Brody Memorial Cup Tour. And that's a touchy subject right there. Not Arson taking part in the Brody Cup. But the fact that the cup existed at all. Bruiser Brody was an icon. A legit scary wild man who you believed could and would go into business for himself whenever the mood so happened to strike. He was a massive draw in the Terrorty days, particularly in Puerto Rico, where he worked for WWC. Which is where he was murdered. Stabbed to death in the showers by living scumbag José González (Invader 01). A crime González was never charged with, a crime many believe involved, on some level, other living scumbags, WWC owners Carlos Colón Sr. and Victor Jovica. The idea of holding a Memorial tour for a man you more than likely had killed is disgraceful, disgusting, and downright despicable.
Though it shouldn't be held against Tim Arson for competing in it. He wouldn't win the cup. But he'd stick around the Free Associated State of Puerto Rico for a while. Having a considerable run throughout the first half of 2006. Along with Rico Suave (Not the song), Arson won the WWC Tag Team Titles from TNA Originals, America's Most Wanted (Wildcat Chris Harris and The Tennessee Cowboy James Storm). June 12th, nine days after winning the WWC tag belts, Tim Arson went head-to-head with Matt Striker on WWE Heat. He lost. But Tim Arson wasn't about to let a little old loss keep him down. Instead, he was going to die and return from the grave the very next night.
Tuesday the 13th, the world premiere episode of the all-new WWECW on Sic-Fi. Because when you think wrestling, you think the Sci-Fi channel. It's been said the Network wanted content that would appeal to their audience—Meaning horror/sci-fi gimmicks and angles—Asking for names like The Undertaker and Kane. Of course, Vince McMahon wasn't going to give away big money names to a third-rate brand airing on the same station that once aired Stan Lee's Who Wants to Be a Superhero? That is unless those names were Kurt Angle and Big Show. So, with no Undertaker, no Kane, no Boogeyman (not yet, anyway,) the WWE needed to find some other genre-inspired grapplers if they wanted to appease their new Sci-fi overlords.
Reports from the time claimed WWE's initial plans were to feature The Sandman (the wrestler, not the Neil Gaiman comic book character. That would've been really freaking weird. Probably not any "weirder than Robocop helping out Sting at WCW's Capital Combat. Though in 2006, Gaiman's creation didn't have the notoriety it does now since the Netflix series. But of course, ECW Wrestler Raven did wear a Neil Gaiman Sandman shirt back in the original ECW, so there's that.) in a segment with a little green man (Not Hornswoggle), a Martian, presumably from Mars. The Sandman would've caned the ever-loving fluff out of the visitor before drinking beer…? Probably. That was pretty much The Sandman's shtick in WWECW. Entrance. Beat up some cartoon with a cane. Drink beer. This Martian whooping never occurred. Allegedly Sci-Fic channel didn't like the prospect of an Alien (which they saw as their bread and butter) getting its extraterrestrial ass kicked on one of their shows. So the Martian was out. And the Tim Arson was in.
Either Paul Heyman or Tommy Dreamer pitched the idea of The Zombie. They might not been able to use extraterrestrial visitors, but they still had to use genre characters and gimmicks. No one was opposed to a zombie having its dead ass kicked, so The Zombie was a go. Arson was backstage that night for this very reason. Not to be The Zombie, but to be there if needed. He was an extra. Sometimes, they get to be security and get beat up by the Real wrestlers. And sometimes, they get to be fans and get beat up by the Real wrestlers. And sometimes… Mostly, they're there in case the Real wrestlers need to beat up some non-wrestler types. They may work a dark match or get jobbed out on TV, but mostly, they're there to get beat up. And when The Sandman needed someone to beat up, someone suggested Tim Arson.
Arson was put into tattered and torn clothes, his pockets were stuffed with dirt, and his face was caked in cheap makeup. Tim Arson, one-half of the (at the time) reigning WWC Tag Team champions, was no more. Now, there was only The Zombie. Lumbering to the ring before a confused and embarrassed crowd, The Zombie not only got into the ring. He got on the mic. The Zombie got on the mic and cut a zombie promo. He groaned, and he moaned into the mic, never speaking a single word. The crowd was as dead as The Zombie was meant to be. They could not care less about what they were seeing. All it was was confirmation that ECW was never coming back. They had checked out. Even Not Metallica's Enter Sandman hitting and the beer-swigging, cane-swinging Sandman making his way through them could get the crowd back.
Tim Arson took his less-than-thirty-second beating like a champ. Then, it was back to Puerto Rico to defend his tag titles four days later. A successful defense. Before the year was out, Arson and tag partner Rico Suave would drop the belts to Chris Joela and Huracan Castillo. Win them back from Joela and Huracan. Then, lose them again to, you guessed it, Chris Joel and Huracan Castillo. The remainder of Arson's time in Puerto Rico would be as a singles competitor. He'd continue to work in Puerto Rico, doing shows for IWA Puerto Rico, before the call of the American Independent Wrestling scene grew too loud to ignore. But they weren't calling for Tim Arson. They were calling The Zombie.
Working both gimmicks, Arson would take bookings as himself and The Zombie for a few years until giving up on himself. Not in that he stopped believing in himself and got all sad and mopey. He just stopped taking bookings as Tim Arson and started working as The Zombie full-time. Until 2014, The Zombie was a regular at shows promoted by Victory Pro Wrestling" and National Wrestling Superstars. Sadly, Timothy Calkins died in January 2015, putting an abrupt end to his career and life at just 38. Tim Arson was a solid worker and, in another era, would have had a place on the undercard in any territory. As The Zombie, he was a joke, but not all jokes are bad. He took this literal dead-on-arrival gimmick and gave it life—Carving out a nice little niche for himself in the already very niche world of wrestling. And if The Zombie were with us today, Tony Khan would've snatched him right up. Try and deny you wouldn't hand over hard-earned cash to see the All Elite Zombie. It'd be a helluva lot better than anything else AEW's done.
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Joyful reunion
Pairing: Booker T x Fem reader
Description: You reunite with Booker T after Sting picks him to be his tag team partner and to TNA
The anticipation in the locker rooms of finding out who would be the new wrestler added to the TNA roster had everyone on the edge of their seats as everyone waited. You let out a yell of joy when you hear a familiar sentence before a new theme song after that played jumping around the room knowing that one of your old and most dear friends would be in TNA watching the match with intent rooting for your friend and sting quickly running down the ramp to stop Kurt Angle's wife Karen from keeping the ref distracted any longer even slapping her in the face when she shoved you and threw you in the ring being crushed by Nash who apologized for the action as booker saw red "Motherfucker you done fucked up now" crawling and being helped up by sting before promptly giving karen the ass whooping off a lifetime until you walk backstage to be checked by medical while the match continued feeling upset when sting and booker walk backstage defeated but booker immediately smiles seeing you pulling you into a tight hug being careful of your sore bruised body from being crushed and thrown around earlier both of you over the moon about finally being back around each other again. The two of you spent the next few weeks hanging out and more wonderful memories were made between the two of you along with the memories already made over the years before being switched over to ECW from WWE then to TNA not being able to keep in touch with booker due to training and matches almost nonstop both of you barely getting breaks and days off but the two of you make up for the lost time growing the bond leading to one day when you and booker met up for lunch "I know this is completely out of the blue but do you want to try and see where a new direction takes us?" you smile agreeing and things slowly blossomed from a wonderful friendship to a passionate romance leading to an engagement and wedding three years later.
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#d_punkster#music#kwaitech#new release#south africa#holamjipa#youtube#ba nchebile#kurt angle song#kurt angle#SoundCloud
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ok I’ve been maladaptive daydreaming this concept but there is no angle from which starfuckers Inc isn’t funny. if it’s from the angle of courtney love jilting him it doesn’t make sense and is actively horribly misogynistic and discredits her natural talent & pre-established success by pretending she’s a droopy-eyed groupie who slept with him for fame which is blatantly untrue bc they slept together after kurt passed away and their relationship + the immediate release of live through this propelled courtney into stardom. so literally trent would be lying about her to make her look bad when anybody could literally fact check bc it’s 1999 and we have the internet (to a degree) and i assume it’s easier than ever, atp in history, to learn basic information abt people. BUT if you view it entirely from the angle of his relationship with Manson, which contextually makes so much more sense, it is the funniest move of any fucking performer literally ever. like it’s already such an incel-core song with incredibly weak criticisms and jabs towards a “girl” that Trent is clearly very attracted to/wants the attention of really badly but if you just reflect on how this girl almost has to be this one fucking guy from ohio (IF you take the song entirely literally) it’s just like can you get a real fucking job. like get a real job. she literally put her phone on silent and went to bed bro
#aberdeen spoken word#literally fantasizing about your apprentice sucking your cock im going to kill you what the fuck#stop writing incredibly public songs abt that & then releasing them.#you’ve done this many times.
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you have been accepted! welcome to kings haven, diana kurt! make sure to follow the after acceptance steps and send your blog to the main within 24 hours. we can’t wait to see just what secrets you are hiding.
♕ ( n/a / twenty-eight / cisfemale / she/her ) — did you see DIANA KURT wandering around the island today? they kind of look like BARBARA PALVIN from certain angles? i heard around town that the INTERIOR DESIGNER is RELIABLE, and HARDWORKING, but also PICKY, and OVERLY INDEPENDENT. people say that they remind them of WATCHING THE SUNRISE WITH A WARM CUP OF COFFEE, FREQUENT SHOPPING TRIPS FOR HOME DECOR, and A BOX FULL OF DARK CHOCOLATE MACAROONS, and BENEATH YOUR BEAUTIFUL by LABRINTH is definitely their theme song. they seem like a nice enough person, but we all know how hard it is to keep a pristine reputation in a small town. ( kelsey / 25+ / cst / she/her )
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do any of y’all go on those YouTube binges where you watch old wwe stuff in like 240p quality but it’s okay bc it reminds you of your childhood and the good old days? me rn
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been in a writing slump for the last lil bit, i currently have seven (yes, SEVEN) almost completed WIPs in my google docs, all varying characters and scenarios, a few that are requests and others that aren't. i'm gonna pop little descriptions and excerpts from each WIP below, if you guys want to please reply and cast your vote for which one you wanna see first i'll finish the one with the most votes and post it on friday! <3
untitled - kurt kunkle x fem!reader
decription: there basically isn't one, kurt is readers spree driver and she wants to fuck him real bad lmao
“W-want you, Kurt,” You stutter, unable to hold back your tears when he tugs your hair harder. The song changes, though your ears hardly register it. From this angle you can see the streetlights out the windows, painfully aware now of how open and public this is, how if the cops came you’d both be fucked. It doesn’t help how much you’re enjoying this.
Kurt groans when you finally give him what he wants, the reply he needed, all the anger on his face changing to bliss, “Tell my fans how good my cock is,” He’s smirking at you, grinning wider when your eyes pop open in realization. You tilt your head further back, finally aware that he’s been filming this on Live the entire time, just muting the noise of his notifications so you knew no better.
me, myself and why - modern day!eddie munson x fem!reader
description: eddie and reader are in a situationship that continues on no matter how much reader claims to want out. based on me, myself and why by alana springsteen.
You sit up in the bed that you’d wound up in at least three times a week for the last four months, and you curse yourself for being so stupid. You try not to let the pain overtake your features, try not to let him see that it’s bothering you — the rejection, and how your ‘relationship’ will be over just like that, because you were stupid with your own emotions.
“I don’t know what I was thinking,” You stutter, leaning over to the side to retrieve your clothes, a quiet little chuckle escaping your lips, and you know you look crazy, all wide eyed and trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to escape, “I probably wasn’t thinking at all, post orgasm haze and whatever.”
but i do - steve harrington x plus size fem!reader
description: our fave lil steve takes an interest in a plus size girl who's typically confident, though her confidence falters when they finally have sex.
So, when he approached you and asked you out, you really had to stop yourself from laughing directly in his face. Had he really gone through every single conventionally attractive woman in Hawkins? This had to have been some kind of joke. You knew his type — tiny, petite, usually brunette but nowadays he didn’t seem picky about hair colour. You were the furthest thing from what he went for.
You weren’t ugly, and you didn’t see yourself as ugly, either. But, you carried weight in your hips, your belly, your arms, your thighs. To most, that would make you ugly by default. You were told so, too, by a lot of people. Years of relentless nasty remarks had you struggling to come to terms with your body, but once adulthood took over you found yourself caring less and less, in turn surrounding yourself with people who loved you for you.
untitled - steddie x fem!reader
description: reader and eddie are fwb's, steve has a crush on reader. cue car shenanigans.
“Don’t turn around, but—“ You don’t even get the sentence out before Eddie’s whipping his head around like an idiot, facing exactly where Steve is standing, frozen like a deer caught in the headlights, a dark flush spreading on his cheeks before he’s turning away. He couldn’t have disappeared through the door to the break room any faster if he’d tried.
“What the hell was that, Munson? I fucking said not to turn around,” You hiss through gritted teeth, leaning forward to smack Eddie’s bare arm with your sundae spoon. Eddie feigns a little hurt noise in the back of his throat, rubbing at the red patch of skin where you’d spanked him with the silverware.
untitled - eddie x fem!reader x oc fem!character
description: an established lesbian couple live in the trailer next to eddie's. they catch him watching them, and decide to play into his fantasies.
Eddie Munson is a lot of things, but he’s not a creep. Or, at least, that’s what he tells himself as he fists tightly at his cock with his ringed fingers, mouth hung open in a silent moan as he watches you throw your head back, back arching deliciously and giving him a perfect view of your pouty lips, the curve of your tits, the hand wound tightly in Michelle’s permed hair.
He’d watched the whole scene unfold as Michelle backed you up against the sink with a hand wrapped around the back of your neck, tapping your thigh to signal you to jump up onto the counter. Her head disappeared under your short skirt not long after, and the moans followed quickly.
untitled - steddie x fem!reader
description: bootriding and blowjobs. that's it. that's the fic.
“If you’re so desperate to get off, get on the floor and do it your fucking self,” Eddie snips, shoving you off of his lap until you’re dropping to the floor on your knees in shock. This seems to rouse Steve out of his own little bubble, and he looks down at you with large, bloodshot eyes. From this angle, you know your tits are spilling out from the neck of your little tank top, in Steve’s eyeline for him to gawk at — he takes the bait, eyeing up the supple flesh, shuffling in his seat uncomfortably.
“Go on then,” Eddie’s voice is dark, a tone he only ever uses when he’s annoyed at you — it’s pathetic how your pussy quivers when his words ring through your ears, because you’re in for it, he’s not going to make this easy on you, “Show Steve what a little slut you are.”
untitled - steddie x fem!reader
description: established couple eddie and reader decide they want to have fun with their new neighbour, older!steve.
“It’s okay, Steve — can I call you Steve?” Eddie asks, this shit eating grin on his face as he perches on his knees behind you, and Steve nods in return, “She’s just eager, she wants to please you. I’ll help guide her, from the straining in your pants I’d say she’s gonna need it.”
Steve whimpers, eyes going wide as they fly to watch you moving your fingers deftly to pop the button on his jeans. Eddie’s hands roam up your shirt, groping at the soft pudge of your belly, making you shiver - his own erection is as clear as day, as it digs into the small of your back.
#eddie munson smut#steve harrington smut#eddie munson x reader#steve harrington x reader#steddie x reader#WIP HELL#i'm begging for help y'all
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