#Kuroko no Basket fanfiction
itsallanimeandgames · 5 months
Suppression (2)
Alpha Hanamiya Makoto x Omega Y/N
Omegaverse  |  Angst  |  Drama  |  Romance
Warnings: Language, Violence, Mature/Suggestive Content
Hanamiya Makoto discovers you aren’t an alpha.
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Hanamiya didn’t bother with introductions, instead, he showed you around the club room and then the gymnasium. The guys were scattered around, some were warming up while others rested on the benches. One was even lying on the bench with a mask over his eyes in full slumber.
Your entrance brought them to a standstill, but Hanamiya paid them no attention.
“There’s a teacher in charge of overseeing us, but he never comes around. We just fill out the form weekly to notify our use of the gym and expenses when necessary for games or training camps.”
Everything seemed simple enough, but you wondered who exactly was Hanamiya Makoto? He was obviously someone influential if the school had allowed him to coach the team himself. It was similar to the deal you had been offered the other day.
“Like I mentioned before, you don’t have to know about basketball but I’ll teach you when necessary.”
You nodded.
“Any questions?”
"Do I have to decide now?” You looked around while adjusting your bag over your shoulder. It seemed the team was smaller than usual which made it ideal, but you weren’t too sure this was a good idea. Masquerading as an alpha could be easier if you kept other alphas close and your intuition was telling you Hanamiya was just that.
"Yes, unless you want to waste your time teaching opportunistic idiots to play a sport they aren’t remotely interested in and therefore will forever remain mediocre at best.”
That’s when you realized he had overheard your conversation. He knew exactly what you had been thinking too. You sighed, “I don’t want that...”
“Then welcome to the team.” With these words, Hanamiya called the others over.
You were only slightly intimidated by the group of guys that nearly towered over you with their height. Had this been back in middle school you would think nothing of them.
“So, we got a manager after all…” Yamazaki teased Hanamiya for doing something he had previously opposed. He would have gone on to further his point if it weren’t for Furuhashi jabbing his elbow into his gut to stop him from pissing off Hanamiya.
“A cute one too,” Hara seized his bubble blowing to smile at you. He appreciated your choice to opt out of wearing any stockings or knee-high socks. Like this, your legs were perfectly on display.
Although his eyes weren’t visible you caught his line of sight lowering more than needed to meet your eyes. But guys like him who openly flirted with such nonchalance were best ignored so you did nothing but greet them all.
“Hello, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you.” Your family name was always omitted from your greetings to discourage being associated with them. Unfortunately, most already knew you thanks to your brother’s slip of the tongue just before your high school entrance. He had revealed the school you would be attending in an interview when he was asked about you. 
“Seto and Hara are both in our class,” Hanamiya pointed out in hopes of keeping introductions short. “Furuhashi and Yamazaki, are the other two.”
“Hello,” you repeated your greeting to the two you had never seen before.
Hanamiya handed you the clipboard he had been holding. The first paper on top was a club form that stated you would be entering the basketball team as manager.  “Fill it out and take it to the administrative office.”
It was nearly complete, except for your name and signature. Presumably by Hanamiya himself.
“You can go home for today.”
And just like that, a whirlwind decision changed the course of your desired school life.
After several days of practice, you managed to learn their names and positions. It was unintentional but you somehow managed to learn a lot about the game just by watching. The rest were tidbits of information Hanamiya threw at you.
For the most part, you helped with the paperwork, equipment maintenance, and taking notes on the practices.
As it turned out Kirisaki Daiichi was a school known for its basketball team. It was a strong competitor in the region and the country. Despite not being an all-alpha high school it seemed to always recruit an all-alpha team. This year it was no different.
It also explained why you had been chosen as manager.
Soon you were spending so much time around them that others misjudged your relationship.
One particularly annoying misjudgment was made by those interested in the alphas. Among them was a socially adept girl named Yua who, unbeknownst to you, had a past with Hanamiya.
As an omega, she knew her boundaries and hid her animosity to keep her image of superiority over the rest of the first-year omegas.
That is until a few months later.
You had finally fallen into a comfortable routine.
Official games were due to start soon which meant you were finally going to see them in action. Before that Hanamiya had you set up a few practice games. This required you to spend more time together.
Hanamiya was getting tired of having to wait until after or between classes to talk to you so he decided to make some changes.
You came into class to find your seat at the front of the class occupied by someone else. Just as you were about to confront her, she beat you to it.
“You think you’re better than us and look down on us...” The girl was so upset she voiced the narrative she had chosen to push now that you somehow managed to take her spot. “I don’t know what you did to Hanamiya-san you-” She bit her tongue remembering what he had told her.
You looked up and over to the back where a single empty seat was left in front of the previously mentioned dark-haired individual. A smirk blatantly adorned his face as he awaited you.
To stop the scene from escalating further you quietly accepted the seat change for now. Multiple pairs of eyes followed your every move as you sat down.
Your new seat was now in front of Hanamiya while Seto slept comfortably to his left and Hara sat in front of Seto. They all sat together in the far corner where they often did as they liked with little to no consequence. 
As soon as you settled into the seat you turned around to question Hanamiya. 
“Is there a reason for this sudden seat change?”
“We just wanted our manager to feel closer to the team,” Hara commented after popping his bubblegum a few times.
"It’s more convenient this way.”
“I see...”  You turned back around indifferent to where you sat. 
A sentiment Yua did not share.
From then on you found yourself merging into their group. It seemed easier to go along with them than contest their behavior. For the most part, they never bothered you although Hara did annoy you from time to time with his sexual comments or when they collectively got around to recounting their sexual exploits.
That’s when you would tune out and go off on your own or look for the golf enthusiast who was slowly inching her way into your life.
All in all, it seemed everything was going well in your school life.
By the time you realized what kind of guys they were, it was too late to turn back. Your name had become synonymous with the team.
After attending their first official game you were left stunned by their methods.
Outside the gymnasium, you stood off to the side watching Hara’s victim getting loaded into the back of an ambulance. The guy seemed much better now that they had administered some first aid, but you still recalled the way his groans of pain echoed through the gymnasium as he curled up on the shiny floors.
The other school’s staff held back from voicing their complaints when they saw you. It was yet another instance of your name precedes you. Instead, they silently filled out the paperwork required in times like these and handed you a copy.
The other players were a different story. They openly directed their pointed looks towards you. A few muttered their discontent out of earshot.
You bid them a safe trip back as you always did back when you were playing tennis. It was good sportsmanship overall, but you did it recalling the lessons your mother ingrained in you about her ideal image for you of a gracious winner.
Once they were all gone you heard someone approaching you. “What did you think of your first official game as our manager?”
You looked over your shoulder to see Hanamiya. He handed you your bag in exchange for the clipboard in your hands.
He glanced at the paperwork momentarily. His actual goal was to examine your reaction, a reaction that he had guessed yet awaited your response. It was pleasant to see everything turn out the way he had predicted. With you as their manager, they could get away with much more.
Truthfully you didn’t condone cheating or violence. 
“An elbow to the ribs...” you trailed off recalling how the other team immediately called out the foul. At the time Seto had slipped his mask up momentarily to explain to you that the others were blocking the referee’s view so it would go unnoticed.
They had only tested this out about twice before, in practice games before you had joined as their manager. It was Hanamiya’s way of breaking the opposing team, something he found much more entertaining than winning the game.
Perhaps the fact that you had been lying about yourself had shifted your moral compass to the point where you no longer found yourself able to judge others. “You could have won without that.”
“Easily,” Hanamiya responded, confirming your thoughts. “But,” he added. A smirk plastered on his face now that your eyes met his. “It wouldn’t have been as entertaining.”
Your lukewarm response was just as he had imagined. The day he happened upon your conversation in the hall he knew there was something familiar about you. It would take some time to draw it out, but he was sure you had the potential to resonate with him.
From then on, you dealt with Kirisaki Daiichi’s reputation, the one Hanamiya had carefully cultivated.
Kirisaki Daiichi began garnering the attention and social acknowledgment it had wanted. Because an alpha of your caliber attended the mixed school so proudly, higher society began to consider it a diamond in the rough that only your family had seen potential in.
As the proud captain brought you along to all practices and games. You were a sort of status symbol to Hanamiya Makoto, a bastard son of an important political figure. His mother, an omega, was the mistress who seduced a married man. There was little to no hope of him inheriting anything from his father although he was given the family name and enough money to live a comfortable life.
However, Hanamiya was not one to be satisfied with the bare minimum. He always wanted more than what life had dealt him. His eyes were always searching for opportunities just like the day of the entrance ceremony.
It was rare for someone of your caliber to enter a mixed school rather than the all-alpha high schools that were popular among your level of society.
Social status could be his if he played his cards right, so he began his greatest play yet.
Before you knew it the season had come to an end. Kirisaki Daiichi had made it to the Interhigh Preliminaries, but Hanamiya had no plans to go any further. For now, he was satisfied that his first year had gone successfully. He had managed to acquire the right type of people. 
Now here they were.
Seto was thankful to know he would be sitting out the whole game. He laid across one of the two benches that your team was to occupy, forcing everyone else onto one bench.
It didn’t really matter since they would be on the court most of the time.
As everyone stretched you approached Hanamiya inquisitively about his decision. The athlete in you seemed to come out suddenly and you were unable to comprehend how or why Hanamiya had decided this was as far as they would go. They had no plans to try and win their next game so they could be disqualified.
“Why not keep going?”
Hanamiya shrugged, he had no interest in the team they were going up against. Although he always wanted more he also was one to value his time overall. If it wasn’t entertaining or of value to him then he would not give it a second thought. He had accomplished his goal for his first year of high school. 
“We could easily win them even without our technique.” It was interesting how you suddenly showed an interest. Hanamiya took this as an opportunity to take the next step in engaging you. “Would you prefer we win?”
It was nonsensical to you as a former athlete yourself. When you play tennis you always played to win. No matter who it was you were against the goal was always the same.
“Don’t you want to win?”
Hanamiya didn’t respond, he simply smiled and walked off to speak to the others.
Seto had heard the entire conversation and sighed. He knew now that because of your comment, he would end up on the court.
As soon as the game began Hanamiya and the others went all out. Surprising even Seto who had finally sat up.
Your eyes widened as you noticed everyone was being much more aggressive than usual. You gasped when you saw a couple of players stumble out of nowhere. It took all your will to stop yourself from covering your nose, it was pheromones.
The other team’s coach was finally able to call a foul and a time-out to get his vulnerable players out.
When Hanamiya looked over at you he smirked as if this was his answer to your question.
During sports competitions, it was a well-known rule that all players had to take suppressants to ensure the safety of all genders. You were sure you had seen them all take their dose yet somehow one of them had managed to release some pheromones.
You looked over at Seto, “Didn’t they take their suppressants?” By now you had perfected your lies and were able to pretend like you weren’t phased by the pheromones in the air but honestly this time something felt off. Your throat became dry as if you would choke from simply breathing in the air.
He had purposely made it so you saw everything, including that which he had not shown you before. Letting you in on his secret and watching for the slightest reaction at the revelation brought a sense of joy. Their tactics, signs, and overall game plan- and now even the fact that he used his dominant alpha pheromones to impose on the beta and omega players. He had done this so often to the point of perfection. Everything was meticulously calculated by the mastermind Hanamiya Makoto so he would only give enough to incapacitate those within arm's distance.
As the game progressed you remained silent as you watched them win the game that they had initially given up on. 
When they retired to their assigned locker room to change and gather their stuff you walked around the venue until you got to the infirmary. Through the slightly opened door you could smell the omega’s pheromones, the one Hanamiya had affected. It seemed he was now in full-on heat. 
To think he could get away with it so easily was strange. Hanamiya had been tested to see if the suppressant was in his system. When the results were positive it was determined there was no foul. Because he had indeed taken his suppresant it was all overlooked. How dominant an alpha was he that he is able to override the suppressant and release pheromones at will?
As a courtesy you closed the door wondering how incompetent everyone can be. This was a serious situation where someone could easily take advantage of the omega that had been left to rest.
You stood guard outside the door for a moment until the other team’s coach appeared with the doctor who had attended to the omega earlier. You offered an explanation before they could question you, “The door was left open, someone could have gotten hurt.”
To their knowledge you were an alpha, so they panicked slightly at their oversight. 
Not wanting to engage further you left to meet your team.
The whole bus ride back to the school was spent in silent contemplation. Had you never spoken up it could have been avoided. You knew you couldn’t afford to dwell too much on it. 
When you arrived at the school everyone said goodbye and went their separate ways while you and Hanamiya walked back to the club room. There was paperwork and equipment to submit. 
“So what did you think?” Hanamiya finally broke the silence.
“You cheated,” was your simple response. You didn’t want to elaborate or get into it with him so you put up your best front as a nonchalant yet honest athlete. An athlete that was frankly disgusted by their lack of sportsmanship. You knew they could play well; they had put the time and effort into their practices- even Seto. “Winning by cheating isn’t winning at all…it’s not fair-“
“Life’s not fair,” Hanamiya shot back. “I am simply taking advantage of the fact that I can manipulate the court. As dominant alphas, we were born to win.”
Life sure wasn’t fair.
Here you were pretending to be an alpha only to encounter a rare dominant alpha. You tried to leave quietly in hopes of avoiding danger, but you managed to utter a single word under your breath, “Pathetic.” 
He caught your wrist as you tried to walk away.
You looked back into his eyes, trying your best to seem unphased by his behavior. 
“What are you doing?”
Hanamiya released his pheromones into the whole of the club room. As soon as it hit your nostrils your hand jerked up to cover your nose and mouth, a dead giveaway of what he had suspected. It took seconds for your body to heat up with a sense of desire to touch and be touched by the alpha before you. You didn’t want to admit it earlier, but his pheromones were strong, much stronger than any you had smelled before. This specific scent seemed way too enticing.
“Hanamiya-” your body went limp unable to withstand the overwhelming presence of a dominant alphas pheromones. Thankfully he caught you before you could hit the floor.
It was faint but Hanamiya managed to make out a sweet scent mingling with his, something sweet and floral. A smirk made its way to his face realizing what was happening. You were going into heat because of him.
Your free hand went to reach for your smartwatch trying to call for help but Hanamiya overpowered you. He held both your hands in his with a strong grip.
Lightheaded, your eyes fluttered shut. This was the first time you had ever been exposed to such strong pheromones for so long without supervision.
Hanamiya heard you muttering about the heat your body was starting to feel.
You rubbed your thighs together needing some sort of stimulation. Your mind was running wild with thoughts of satisfying the urge you felt to mate, to be bitten, to be with an alpha.
Hanamiya tilted your head up to look at him. Your hooded eyes blankly stared into his in a haze of lust. “My bag-” you uttered with your last shred of decency. 
You needed your emergency suppressant. 
In that moment you wanted Hanamiya more than anything in the world. Your arms wrapped around his neck and his went to your waist. He stumbled slightly when you pulled him down to meet his lips.
It was a pleasant surprise.
You slipped your tongue past his lips and continued to passionately kiss him until your lungs cried for air. That’s when you came to your senses once again and pulled away to breathe.
Hanamiya grinned seeing you gasp for air.
With newfound clarity, you looked for the bag you had dropped and pulled out a syringe. In a single fluid motion, you removed the cap, picked up your skirt, and inserted the needle into your thigh.
Relief washed over you when the heat began to subside. Your body relaxed enough for you to control your limbs and sit on the cold hard floor.
He watched your chest rise and fall gently now that your breathing had returned to normal. It seemed the suppressant had done its job and blocked out his pheromones.
“I guess this makes us even.”
Indignant of his nonchalant attitude you chose silence. You needed your words to come out as stable as possible. Any sign of weakness would shame you into submission and although you had given in to his pheromones for a moment you were damned if you were going to submit to him.
“For what?”
“Well, I let you know one of my secrets... it’s only fair I knew one of yours.”
What irked you most was the fact that he already knew you weren’t an alpha. You needed answers.
“How did you know?”
“Lucky guess.”
Hanamiya was an extremely intelligent and intuitive person. His initial theory had proven to be correct what he didn’t know was the fact that he would uncover more than he had wanted to.
He had his fair share of omegas and none had ever smelled like you.
Just as you were about to threaten him to remain silent about everything your phone began to ring. On the screen, you saw your mother’s face.
You could barely get a word in when your mother began going off on a tirade. “Y/N where are you? You were supposed to be home an hour ago! Your brother will be there any minute now, I swear all you do is worry us. Can’t you just stick to the rules and-“
“Yes, Mother I understand” If you didn’t cut her off you were worried, she would say something triggering to your situation right now. You were at least relieved to know you had an excuse to part from Hanamiya. Surely, he wouldn’t insist on keeping you when you had someone coming for you.
When you attempted to get up off the floor you stumbled a bit. “I have to go,” you quickly gathered your stuff and walked out leaving a satisfied Hanamiya behind. You were certainly much more entertaining than he had originally thought.
A/N: Hello everyone it’s been a while but I finally wrote part two... 3 years later.
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teamatsumu · 1 year
masterlist - kuroko no basket
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・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚ last updated -> 17-08-2023
・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚ characters i write for -> here
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⦿ ROUGH ➡ smut, nsfw, swearing, established relationship
⦿ TINY ➡ smut, size kink, swearing, established relationship
⦿ HIS ➡ fluff, mild angst, early relationship, slightly suggestive
⦿ Reacting to you wearing their jersey
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laceymorganwrites · 2 years
Calling you mommy for the first time
KnB edition:
when you´re pegging him
it´s your anniversary and he´s already comfortable subbing for you
he´s finally had enough of you begging him to do it, it annoys him
and he´s not a whiny bitch, he doesn´t go back on his words, he can easily take it
if you can take him he can take you
let´s just say he doesn´t stay that overconfident for long
but not because you´re so rough with him, quite the opposite actually
you´re so gentle with him it touches him to tears, he didn´t expect that
he genuinely never felt so loved, you´re taking your time with him, prepping him and actually making it feel good
he could cum from your fingers alone, he´s wondering how the hell you know exactly where his prostrate is
´mommy please, I´m ready´
when he cooks for you
he enjoys cooking overall, it calms him down while he can easily focus as well
and he´s super proud of all of his creations, liking to experiment with a few flavors and recipes
and it makes him so happy when you like it as well
loves cooking for you more than for anyone else
´do you like it, mommy?´
he always regards you with such cute puppy dogs eyes, always waiting for your approval
but he always gets it, he´s such a good boy for you
´of course I do. I like everything you make for me, baby´
when you praise him
this man honestly thought he was a sadistic control dom before he met you
but not only do you show him how touchstarved he really is, you also unlock his praise kink
Seijuro has so much pressure on his shoulders, but somehow you manage to make it all go away, he doesn´t break underneath it anymore
you force him to take breaks and help him out in private, reminding him of all of his successes, no matter how little they might be
be that a basketball match, managing to get out of bed, shower or get groceries, you always make sure he knows he´s appreciated and loved
´good job, baby´ you smile at him, gently stroking his hair
he looks up at you with such a proud and happy expression, it just makes you melt
´thank you, mommy´
during facesitting
out of everyone he probably has the biggest mommy kink since he´s a little
he just loves it when you take care of him, he can let out his inner child completely, you accept him just as he is
you never scold him for eating too much sweets or making a mess, instead you help him have a balanced diet and clean together with him
he was unsure about sex at first, just because he´s so big and doesn´t wanna hurt you, it took you guys a while to find positions that were comfortable for both of you
he has an oral fixation so eating you out is literally his favorite hobby
whenever he´s anxious he´ll just pull you over and have you sit on his face, that´s how it´s most comfortable for both of you
´mommy tastes so good´
literally gets so drunk of your pussy, won´t stop until you yell at him to, the best feeling to him is your shaking legs squeezing his head 
when you stroke his hair
he never thought you´d be dating, moreso that he´d ever fall in love with you
or anyone for that matter, he never thought he was deserving of it
you started out as friends, you noticed how he was always alone and one day you caught him crying and let him vent to you
ever since that day he comes to you whenever he has something on his mind, weighing him down
a deep friendship formed from this, but soon he became a bit too interested in you as a person, panicking a bit
but when you ask him out on a date he´s so relieved because he can finally place the feeling, it´s the first time he´s ever fallen in love
your relationship progresses slowly but that´s what makes it so deep and unwavering as well
one day you´re just cuddling and stroking his hair gently when he looks at you with a dreamy expression and that cute smile of his
´I´m so glad I met you, mommy´
when you edge him
he´s the best good boy out of all of them
wants to make you so proud of him
he´s super insecure in his skills in bed because he genuinely thinks he´s nothing special and barely average
but he makes up for it in endurance and stamina, so he´ll always tell you how you can use him however you like, until you´re completely satisfied when he can´t cum anymore
loves edge play the most because it tests his will, he will hold out on cumming until it hurts for you
the best part is following your orders, falling so safely in your arms, he just needs to listen and let go whenever you tell him
´I want you to cum with me, baby. Another round, will you be a good boy for me?´
´yes! I´ll be anything you want me to be, mommy´
when he service tops
confuses topping and domming for the longest fucking time
until you just yell at him how you wanna take care of him
he´s literally so touched at the sentiment and very willing to let you show him the reigns
doesn´t mind domming or subbing, he´s the perfect switch who will adjust to your every need
he doesn´t have a high libido himself but he´s always more than ready to satisfy you fully
it´s rare that he initiates but it mostly happens when he´s feeling very emotional, when he just can´t believe you´re really his
´I want to make you feel good today, mommy´
when he subs for the first time
he wasn´t really a dom before but because he doesn´t have a lot of sexual experience he´s mostly vanilla
he never really had the time or partner to try out anything new
but he sure likes it when you pamper him outside of the bedroom so when he brings up how he wants you to take control who are you to deny him
´you´re so eager, it´s cute~ don´t worry, mommy´ll take care of you´
he blushes so hard, he´s not used to using those terms in bed, he did think about calling you mistress or something along the lines just because you´re the perfect dom to him
I mean he watches way too much femdom porn so of course he wants to be a good slut for you
´I´ll be a good boy, mommy´
after he won a match
he has too much energy, literally too much
you have to stop him from  running you over most of the time cause he´s the type of person to jump hug you
´baby, calm down a bit´ you giggle, hugging him back and promptly being lifted up by him
´we won, mommy!´
he´s so euphoric and proud of himself and the team
you smile at him and kiss him, not caring if anyone else sees, it´s known you´re a couple at this point and nobody from the team minds so nobody else gets to gossip about you 
´that´s amazing, baby! you did so well´
calls you mommy to tease you
it´s still early in your relationship and he doesn´t think you have it in you to dom him
he caught Wakamatsu watching femdom porn the other day and made fun of him for it, but the concept doesn´t leave his mind
he´s in denial that he´d like it as well, because he does enjoy domming a lot. like a lot. mostly a very sadistic dom but can be gentle when in the right mood
he´s in a silly mood a lot where he just won´t stop talking and cracking stupid jokes, at the most inappropriate times
especially when you´re working
´aww am I being a bad boy, mommy?´
´yes you are, you fucking brat´ 
your voice is so deadpan, he doesn´t even have time to be embarrassed about how much he´s blushing right now
it doesn´t happen that he´s speechless
´will you punish me?´ his voice is quieter now, he hates to admit it but the thought of you putting him in his place turns him on a lot
´later if you can be fucking patient for once´
asks for it after discovering his kink
he always found women in control to be incredible endearing
you already had such a confident and strong personality, he fell for you incredibly fast
mostly because his friends set you two up and therefore it was pretty clear the relationship would last
he´s such a sweet and considerate boyfriend, falling in love more every day
and you two are always very open and direct about your needs and desires so it´s no surprise when he mentions the possibility of a mommy kink
´oh don´t worry, I´m into that, you can call me mommy, I´d like that´ you smile and watch his reaction
he´s so relieved that you don´t judge him for his preferences and gives you a  big hug
´you´re the best, mommy´
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captain-silk · 1 month
New fic let's go!
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worldwide-bothersome · 9 months
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readingisloving · 2 years
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veroniquesboutique · 2 months
A Good First Impression - Atsushi Murasakibara x AFAB!Reader
I am feral over Atsushi Murasakibara. Worms using my brain for food type of feral. Foaming at the mouth type of feral.
He is unironically my phone background type of feral.
So, uh....here's this. Personally, I feel real great about it, so I hope you enjoy it as well.
Title: A Good First Impression
Rating: Explicit
AFAB!Reader, Female Reader, f-receiving oral, fingering, it is genuinely only him eating you out, mention of m-receiving handjob, super intense orgasm, squirting, reluctance/hesitation about the squirting but not quite dubcon/noncon, baby used regularly as pet name, college au, fear of getting caught, getting caught after the fact, home for the holidays, parent mention
Characters & ships: boyfriend!Murasakibara Atsushi x AFAB!Reader
Word count: 2.6k words
Summary: Your long-term boyfriend is nervous about staying at your childhood home and meeting your parents for the first time for four reasons:
1 - He's tall, and people tend to comment on it. Too much. 2 - First impressions are a big deal, and what if he fucks it up with his future in-laws? 3 - He met you in college and is terrified of learning something about the you from before (spoiler: you pass the test!) 4 - He can't keep his hands off of you, and he doesn't want the embarrassment of getting caught.
18+ Minors DNI!
More explicit below the cut
Atsushi Murasakibara was nervous to meet your parents for many reasons.
First, his height. This was the first time he was meeting your family, and your parents weren’t exactly short per se, but he was a towering 6’10”. He hated new people having to crane their neck up to look at him, he hated the same three questions and two jokes that every person tells when they meet someone as tall as him, and he hated that he was going to have to learn the careful layout of your childhood home since it was likely not designed with someone of his towering stature in mind. It was always so embarrassing when he’d bump his head on too-low ceiling fans or when he had to bend too far to reach the sink. No one really realizes how weirdly isolating it feels to be at least a head taller than everyone around you, and that’s if he’s lucky. It definitely makes the first impression game much harder.
Second, the holidays. For some reason, instead of meeting your parents for the first time at a low-stakes dinner or briefly in public, he agreed to stay for a week for the holidays at your house. It wasn’t ideal, but they lived in the countryside, and a hotel would have been so inconvenient, so you two decided to stay with your parents. He even sat through the awkward conversation where you all had to figure out if he was sleeping in your room or on the couch. Your parents weren’t exactly the most conservative people in the world - they knew you lived with him now for God’s sake, so it’s not like they had no idea what you two got up to - but everyone was deeply uncomfortable with the suggestion of anything happening under their roof. That being said, none of their couches could handle him - re: the aforementioned height problem - so they made the disgruntled decision to let you two room together. Just no locking the door.
On top of it all, he wanted to bring them gifts, but he had no idea where to even start with holiday gifts for future in-laws he’d never met. You insisted that he didn’t really have to get them anything and that they’d be thankful for anything he put thought into, but that didn’t ease the burden of deciding if your dad was a beer guy or if he was a tool guy or if he was a sports guy or a grill guy or a music guy. The options made his head spin, and that’s not even touching all the possible gifts he could get your mother. This was it - THE first impression - and if he didn’t get it right, he was afraid of a rocky relationship with them forever.
Third, your childhood. He didn’t know you before you two met in college, so everything about you before you moved to the city is a complete mystery to him. His worst nightmare was discovering something about you that he would never be able to unsee. He had always hated the vulnerability in this moment in all of his previous relationships, and it had soured more than one relationship well before its expiry date.
The night you arrived, you showed him to your room, and he held his breath as you swung the door open for him. He walked in, looking around, waiting for the weird childhood shoe to drop, but…it didn’t. The room was fairly normal. It looked like it could be a teenage room in a movie. It seemed stale, set in time, but it didn’t give him the same feeling of ick throughout his body. Carefully, shelf by shelf, he investigated your knickknacks and decorations and memories, and everything he saw made him love the small piece of you that he knew more than the last. By the time he had overturned every stone in your room, his heart was beating harshly in the rhythm of your name.
“You look like you were expecting something crazy,” You laughed at him, having watched him snoop through your past.
He looked at you, his eyes full of warmth. “I was. I didn’t find anything.”
And then he snuck a kiss.
Fourth, the final most important reason he was nervous was you. Well, to be more specific, he was nervous because he couldn’t keep his hands off of you, and this trip wasn’t going to change anything.
He was nervous because he didn’t want to get caught.
“Ah-Ah, ‘Sushi!” You moan, high pitched and trying to keep the volume low as you wiggle in his grip in an attempt to free yourself from the intensity of his tongue between your legs. Your wrist is pressed against your lips to dampen the sound. He tightens his grip on the back of your thighs, pushing your legs further apart and against your body, opening you up for him, and his tongue continues roughly sliding against your sensitive, buzzing clit.
“They aren’t home. You can be loud,” He grunts against you before wrapping his lips around you and sucking you into his mouth, and you can’t help it as you throw your head back and cry out at the feeling.
“They could be home any second!” You hiss, your hips bucking involuntarily against his face, and in response, he moans deeply, sending tingles through your body.
“Then cum before they get back.”
Biting your lip and panting, nearly winded, you stare down at him, meeting his eyes watching you just over your pelvis, and when his tongue dips into you and presses against your trembling walls, you moan loudly with a furrowed brow. Your fingers tangle through his messy purple strands, pushing his face against your core harder.
He slurps the messy wetness dripping out of you, the sound lewd enough to make you blush. “God, you taste so good,” He groans into you, his tongue desperate. “It’s been too long.”
“It’s been three days!” You laugh breathlessly, body convulsing at the small nudges of his nose against your clit as he drinks you in.
“And that’s three days too many,” he complains, shaking his head and smearing his face against the slickness between your legs. “I can’t wait like that. I need you all the time.”
You pant in response, unable to form words when his tongue finds your clit again, brushing against it at a punishing pace. Your eyes roll to the back of your head, your stomach spasming, and he finally releases one of your legs from his controlling grip just to slide it up your needy slit and dip one of his long fingers into you. You nearly cum then, your back arching so aggressively that you hit your head against the wall, and he can’t help the small laugh that rumbles against your nerves.
“Careful, babe,” He mutters, curling the single finger inside you, and the feeling is such a warm, pleasurable tightness in your core.
“I’m going to cum,” You whisper, dropping your jaw open in pleasure, and you feel his smile in response.
“I’m not done yet, so if you cum now, you’re going to have to handle it when I keep going.”
You whimper, lip quivering and body shaking. Breathing, you attempt to stave off the orgasm that has you dangling off the edge of sanity. He slows his movements, watching you closely as he wrings you of cute little sounds and moans and shivers, and it helps when you suck in air, huffing through your nose to stop the trembling in your lower abdomen.
“Y-you said cum before they get back,” You counter, hissing the words through your teeth as you lean up, your toes curling tightly. His tongue helicopters against your throbbing clit, and he takes the hand that was on the back of your other thigh and places it atop your pelvis, pressing down as the finger still deep inside presses up, and you feel the telltale tightening in your core that makes you panic a little.
“You can choose to cum now and be overstimulated, or you can choose to cum later at the risk of your parents hearing you,” He looks up over you with a smile, a second finger suddenly pushing into you to meet the other. “I’m a believer in autonomy.”
As his two fingers now press into the gummy sweet spot in you, you confirm the tightening is definitely going to cause many, many more problems than he’s considering. You bring your hands to grip the bedding below you, trying to wiggle away again. “’Sushi, I-I, wait, I’m going to-” You frustratingly cut yourself off with a groan as his mouth finds your clit again.
“Going to what, babe?” His voice rumbles against you, and there’s a soft wash of pleasure moving through you like waves against a shore. You can only think that it’s going to be a pain to clean after this.
“It’s going to-I’m going to-”
“Aw, baby, I need you to use your words,” He teases, batting his eyelashes innocently when you shoot him a glare.
“I’m going to make a mess,” You grunt through gritted teeth, raising your eyebrows in hopes of him understanding the euphemism, and when it clicks in his brain, his eyes go bright and wide.
He hums darkly, pressing his fingers into you deeper and earning a surprised squeal out of you. “You’re going to squirt for me, baby?”
“God, I hate that word!” You yelp, involuntarily grinding your hips down onto him and panting out in tight, restrained pleasure. “You-you gotta stop now, I-”
“I wouldn’t dare waste this opportunity. You know I love making a mess of you.” His voice is dark, his eyes still teasing as he draws circles around your clit, and between the stretch of his now scissoring fingers, the pressure on your pelvis from his large hand, and his unrelenting pace on your sensitive spots, you’re seeing stars.
Falling back, you groan again, the feeling of uncomfortable tightening worsening deep in you. “The bedding!” You exclaim, arching your back, “I can’t-ah, fuck, I’ll mess up the bedding.”
“Your parents have a washer.”
“The bedding was from my grandmother,” You groan, scrunching up your face and writhing, closing your thighs around his head when it gets too intense. Hyperventilating, you press the side of your face into the pillow, bringing your hand to your face to bite down on your hand to quell the rocking of pleasure inside you now.
“Pity,” He mumbles, distracted too much by the sounds pouring from your mouth, the clenching of your pussy, the taste of your arousal coating his tongue, the slick sounds of his fingers deep in you, and the promise of even more to come (literally and figuratively). “We should’ve put a towel down, huh?”
You groan, frustrated by his lackadaisical demeanor but unable to communicate it as the feeling of pleasure floods your body. You can feel your eyes go a little hazy, and moments later, you call out, your orgasm hitting you like a wall of bricks. It feels like an electric shock through your body, every muscle in your body tensing with a tight zap as the dam breaks inside of you. You squirt, gushing and coating the bed and, effectively, Atsushi’s face, and the only thing that cuts through the absolute sensory overload of your pleasure is his praise that he groans against your skin.
“That’s it, baby, that’s so good. Feel it, c’mon, you can breathe. You taste so good, thank you, baby, thank you.”
With your heavy pants and soft, whimpering moans as aftershocks of the orgasm reverberate through you, your pussy pulses and throbs in time with your heart, and when he softly pushes into you one last time to wring the rest of it out of you, you squeak out a last whine as the final wave of your cum rushes out of you and over his hand. He chuckles at the sight, pulling out of you and dragging his tongue up his fingers while making dark, teasing eye contact with you. Watching his tongue work to lick all of your cum off his skin, your body trembles with both your world-shattering orgasm and the sudden impending need that pulses through you yet again already.
“Kiss me?” You breathe softly, lips barely parted, and he cracks a wide smile, laughing like he’s disbelieving of you.
“You’re going to be the death of me, baby.” His voice is tense and dark with desire, and he crawls up your body slowly, and he meets your mouth with his extended tongue. You lick against it, tasting yourself, and he moans out loud, his hips pressing against yours. His length, hard and impressive, rubs against you, and the friction makes you cry out. You’re too sensitive and overstimulated, but he just smirks against your lips. “I told you to choose carefully. I wasn’t done with you.”
His hand drags down your body, feeling your curves with a hint of possession in his grasp. When he reaches his waist where his hips are pressing into yours, he grips his belt, pulling at the buckle, ripping it through the belt loops on his pants -
The front door opens. The sound of rustling bags floats up to your room. The floorboards creak.
Your eyes go wide in panic.
“Sweetheart?” Your mother calls up the stairs. “We’re home! Atsushi and you should come down and help us with dinner.”
“Get up, get up!” You mutter under your breath, gently batting at his shoulder as he frantically slides off you and off the bed, fixing his belt and helping you by pulling your bedding off. You’re searching for clothes, quickly pulling them on your legs.
The stairs whine as someone climbs step by step.
Your face burns at the impending embarrassment. Atsushi is struggling to hide his arousal with his clothes, and you’re struggling to wipe the slowly drying slick from between your thighs. Your bedding lays in a crumpled, suspicious ball on your mattress.
“Sweetheart?” Your mother asks again, her voice much closer than before.
The doorknob jiggles against the lock.
“C-coming!” You call back, pushing your fingers through your hair as Atsushi wipes his hands down his face to clean up any mess left behind.
“Your door’s-”
You cut off your mother’s inquiry about the locked door by swinging it open. “Sorry, force of habit,” You laugh, opening the door wide enough that she can see Atsushi sitting at your desk with his phone in his hand. He nods a greeting at her.
Her eyes flit to your unmade bed, back down to you, and back over to Atsushi. A slight blush covers her cheeks. “We…we brought groceries for dinner. Would you two like to come help?”
You look over your shoulder at Atsushi who meets your gaze. After a moment, he shrugs and nods. “Sure, we’d love to.”
“Great…come…down when you’re ready,” Your mother says awkwardly, quickly excusing herself back down the stairs. Once you hear her shoes click into the kitchen, you shut the door again, pressing your back to it as you finally let the air in your lungs go in a long sigh. You look up at Atsushi who is trying to bite back his laughter.
“Do you think she noticed?” You wince, knowing the answer.
“Oh yes, absolutely. She knows everything,” He stands, lumbering across the room towards you. He kisses your nose, his hand meeting yours on the doorknob. “Let’s go help with dinner.” He thinks. “And maybe later you can pay me back with a handjob in the shower.”
You groan, the thought of the blush on your mother’s face making your embarrassment burn brighter. “Absolutely not.”
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rireraa · 8 months
his favourite thing I
[all characters aged up, mdni]
Murasakibara X f!reader
there are no doubts of him loving to eat.
with aging, he had the urge to try out more than just the sweetness of the candy from his everyday life. firstly starting with different food from his home country, then going to the international land, cooking curry, baking bretzels, freezing mochi and everything else he found in the internet
as he thought, he had experienced every flavour in this world, it hit him like a car crash when he had your dripping cunt the first time below his face. the combination of bitterness, spice and sweetness was something he had never lived through before. and after the first shock had faded, it shifted into addiction.
every day, every hour, every second of his life he needs to taste that pussy of yours. when he isn't able to for more than a day, this man drives crazy. his head starts spinning because all his blood rushes into his cock, craving the feeling of you. on his mouth. making you cum for him like this is the thing which keeps him alive
if you are outside, he will do everything in his possibility to get at least some private seconds to eat you out. might it be pulling you into a private toilet cabine while being at the mall, having you laying on the bench of the locker room during the half-time break of an offical game, or if there is no other option, guiding his fingers into your panties and then licking your wetness off them while you guys are sitting at the table with his family
sometimes he is that hungry, he forgets about the time existing and eats you out for hours, having you cumming literally twenty times on his tongue in just a short time. body limb, sweaty and exhausted you would think it's finally over because he would lift his head from your cunt after an eternity, but only to place you on the edge of the bed, leading you to the next edge of your orgasm
"one more time, please. i need you one more time"
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part II
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pumpkin-bats · 3 months
What's Important - Daiki Aomine x Reader
a/n: The poll has spoken! And tbh the results genuinely surprised me. Since Aomine and Akashi tied, I’m gonna do them both! KEEP IN MIND THAT ALL CHARACTERS ARE AGED UP. Thank you. I hope you all enjoy!
summary: He shows up for something important to you that you thought he'd skip.
contains: sfw topics, a bit of personal space invasion, gentle above the neck touching, gender neutral terms for the reader.
wc: 1k+
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It wasn't a date or an anniversary, but you'd be lying if you said it didn't feel equally as important.
The thing that set you on the path for your particular set of career goals was a very specific internship. Ever since your third year of college began, you've focused all your energy and efforts towards trying to get said internship. And you had to learn the hard way that it was a high competition, low acceptance, and extremely difficult to qualify for type gig. Yet you made it.
You'd gotten the news earlier that morning as Daiki was getting ready to head out. In your excitement, you'd nearly burned your hand on the stove.
Thanks to your blatant level of enthusiasm, you ended up explaining the situation to your boyfriend before you could accidentally launch an egg at his face trying to silently contain yourself. And with some huffing and puffing, you both settled on plans to celebrate later in the evening.
At the time, you were too blinded by the pure, utter joy that overcame you that you'd forgotten. Now, as you sit on the couch with food spread across the coffee table along with a few other things, you remembered.
The thing is, Daiki isn't the most... timely person. Not to say he didn't treat you well, he did, he just has an issue with showing up to certain events on time, if at all.
The both of you met in your second year of high school. Things started as a tentative friendship, bordering on arch enemies, before it developed into something more around your third year. And over the years you learned a thing or two about his track record in terms of attendance. Namely, how he'd built a bad habit of skipping basketball practice or any other event he deemed unimportant.
As much as you'd like to say it was something you didn't have to worry about anymore, he still had a tendency to miss or skip out on plans the two of you have made. You'll never forget how one time, during the earlier parts of your budding relationship, he bailed on a date for something he refused to specify. That was also the first time you had your first major fight.
All that to say, as the seconds ticked by and it became a good half hour or so past the agreed upon meetup time, you realized this might just be one of those events he deemed unimportant.
You held out hope, but it was a brittle thing. After all, you knew that getting the internship had a bigger effect on you than it did him. Still... you waited a bit longer.
When it was creeping toward a full hour after what you planned for, you slowly stood up and shuffled forward to start putting the food away. It was when you reached for a large bowl of chips, fingertips barely grazing over the rim, that you heard the lock to the front door click before the telltale squeak of it opening.
"Hey, practice ran late so-" You stand there, arm stretched out in midair, staring like a deer caught in the headlights at your boyfriend who'd just stepped into the living room. A towel was slung loosely over the back of his neck and he'd been using one end to scrub at the back of his hair, but paused when his eyes met yours.
"Why do you look so surprised? It's just me." He asked, lowering the towel and raising a brow at your frozen figure.
"You're back," you answered, quite dumbly in fact.
"I live here. And we have the whole-" he gestured vaguely at everything you'd set up and had yet to put away, "Celebration thing for you internship thing."
"Yeah, but... you're actually gonna celebrate it with me." His brows furrowed, a frown creeping onto his face at the baffled way you said it.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"Oh, well, no, because I thought- I just-" it took you a second to kick your brain back into gear and unfreeze long enough to spit out a coherent sentence. "I didn't know if you really would. Not to be rude but... you don't have the best track record when it comes to going through with plans."
"What?" His expression soured for a moment, voice dipping low and biting. It lasted for all but a second as he clearly forced himself to relax. 
Daiki stepped into the room, dumping his bag on a nearby chair before moving closer to you. His steps were heavy but they didn't thunder as he approached you. A faint smell of sweat drifted from him and you're suddenly reminded of how, despite his complex with the sport since high school, he continued to play and practice.
"I'm here, aren't I?" In a few strides he stood toe to toe with you, your neck aching from how far back you had to pull your head in order to look up at him. "No way I'd miss something you talked my ear off about all morning."
"That's because it means a lot to me."
"That's why I'm here."
There was a moment where the two of you stared at one another in silence. The deep blue of his eyes glinted under the lamplight, sharp enough to cut. His gaze was intense enough that you needed to fight the urge to take a step back. It felt like electricity snapping and dancing across your skin with the way it prickled under the full weight of his attention.
To help diffuse some of the charged energy in the room, you let a nervous chuckle slip out and poke playfully at his stomach. Though it clearly did nothing when it felt like poking straight concrete.
"I thought you'd say something like 'the only one who can tell me when to do things is me.'" You chuckled weakly at yourself,  pitching your voice a bit lower to mimic his voice. His eye twitched and it's all the warning you get before he moves.
His fingers reached out to glide along your jawline and settled gently on your cheek. Not a caress, but similar enough to it that your breath hitched at the touch. He bent down to be as level with you as his monstrous height allowed him to be. 
There was no escaping the oceanic chasm in his eyes, swallowing in the sight of you and holding you firmly in place. A soft smirk played at his lips when he leaned in close, nose nearly brushing yours.
"The only thing that's more important to me than me, is you."
{Fin!} Thank you for reading ^o^/
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kentumi · 6 months
city of angels
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kagami taiga x reader
*+:.. b4 u read ... fluffy (?), gn friendly, college au (?), implied height difference between kagami n reader, barely proofread = a lil messy (;ω;)
a/n: waow i've never written something so happy this long before >< sorry if it's a little everywhere.. i'm not the best at writing fluff hu (◞‸◟) i feel like this had the potential to be wayy way way way way better ,, also.. i debated on making this a multi-chapter series? but i'm not sure if it's worth expanding on it so let me know wat u guys think in my inbox (づ_ど)
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los angeles.
new home, new beginnings. getting an apartment here definitely wasn't easy and barely made it within your list of "apartment requirements."
a wave of stress comes upon you as you arrive at the tenant's office. here to pick up your keys, you would officially start a new chapter. as you stand in front of the building, you second guess your decision on moving to the big city. in comparison to your previous place, the two heavily contrasted. since the beginning, you always held a fear that you wouldn't become accustomed to your new style of living here. within those fears, one of them stood out the most to you: making new connections.
"alright, just sign here.. and the keys are all yours," the tenant smiles. her smile is warm and welcoming. just what you needed.
"i'm assuming you've been to los angeles before, right?" she asks in attempt to ease your mood. the stress that resided in you could probably be seen from a mile away. however, you were too caught up in making sure that no mistakes were on the final paperwork.
"oh! uh- no, not really.. i decided to move here on a whim to start new and," your voice trails off. then it really sinks in; what kind of decision was it to move to a city that you've never been to before? that you knew barely anything about? you can feel the look she gives you without even turning your attention to her.
"well, i wish you luck on your journey. welcome to the city of angels," she smiles again. this time, her words catch you off guard. your eyes dart straight to her and she has the same warm smile on her face. in that moment, you realize that maybe, just maybe, things will be alright.
"yeah.. yeah! thank you!" you stutter. she drops the keys into your hands, and you're on your way.
"city of angels," you whisper to yourself. "i wonder if it lives up to its name." sure, the tenant herself was already an angel and already served the name right, but what's a city of them if there's only one?
making your way to your flat, you take notice to the athletic center of your complex. basketball, tennis, swim. there's a spot for almost everything. however, that grows out of your concern. the red-headed figure on the basketball court wounds up taking your full attention. several attempts were made to get a glimpse of his face, but the world only worked against you. back turned to you, you were only able to admire the passion in his movements across the court.
swinging the door open, you get a whiff of the freshly painted walls of your flat. your tenant had just been here assuring the final touches, which you had assumed since the kitchen lights had already been on. the empty space fully submerges you into your new reality, and you decide, it's time to get to work.
stumbling down the stairs and back into the parking lot, you make way to the moving truck. struggling to set up the ramp, you became convinced that dealing with the truck's contraptions was harder than trudging your boxes up the stairs.
a half hour passes, and you're whooped already. you've moved about four out of the fifteen boxes and you're also definitely at your limit. the workload had you debating on calling it a day and just sleeping on the floor with a sheet for the night.
"hey, you need some help?" an unfamiliar voice shakes you out of your thoughts.
whipping your head around, you're met with the chest of a stranger. and when you look up, your eyes meet with the eyes of the redhead from the basketball court. for some reason, a shiver makes its way down your spine. what was this feeling? you can tell he's shaken up too, eyes wide and jaw clenched.
he looks a little mean, but you can tell he's soft. his gorgeous face and impressive height held your focus for a little too long. you also take notice to the muscle he packs on his arms. the mystery man you were just admiring was now standing right in front of you offering.. help?
you stumble on your words, "oh! i mean, if you don't mind.." and before you knew it, the box in your hands disappeared.
"i can handle it. carry whatever's easiest," his voice was charming. fierce, yet kind. he was confident in his abilities, but not too arrogant. following that, you let him take over.
"you from around here?" he asks, breaking the silence. the two of you had been focused on not tripping up the stairs with your hands full.
"no, actually. it's my first time in los angeles," you smile to yourself. suddenly, living here didn't sound too bad. not if he was around.
your redheaded assistant exclaims out of shock, exhibiting the same reaction as your tenant but with his own twist, "well, i hope you come to like it here. it's a beautiful city, really."
you nod, and it goes silent again.
"what was your name? i didn't quite catch it before," you needed to know who he was. after all, he was your athletic center crush turned moving assistant.
" 'names taiga. taiga kagami," you can tell he's proud of himself. not in the sense that he was an arrogant loser, but that the journey connected to his name was all worth.
"well, it’s nice to meet you taiga. i'm y/n, and i am very grateful to be having you help me," you smile. it's obvious that your comment flusters him.
"mm," his shoulders are tense and his voice grows quieter than it was before. with that tough look on his face, you'd never think he'd become easily flustered like this.
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a few hours pass, and taiga places the rest of your stuff next to the front door, "you need help with anything else?"
"i think i'll be fine," you smile, "thank you again for helping me. i think i would've just given up on moving had you not showed up."
you find it cute the way he scratches the back of his head. a gentle giant, he was. and for a moment, you both steal a glance from one another. he plays it off, acting as if he was observing the room. the room grows silent once more, and you decide it's your turn to break it.
"oh yeah, i've been meaning to ask.. where's your place at? unless you're just here to use the courts," you joke, but he pouts.
"actually, i'm right across from you," it sounds like he takes pride in where he resides. right across from you. what a steal.
the way everything fell into place so perfectly had you starstruck. you couldn't believe that the man, who simply started out as a mystery crush, turned assistant, had now turned into the boy next door. or rather, across the hall.
shock made itself at home on your face. you were speechless, unsure on how to recover from this right in front of him.
"what a coincidence this must be then," you smile, trying to sound like what he just said didn't just send you through the roof. he smiles back, but this time, it feels more welcoming. the former desolation of your empty apartment becomes warm and you feel an invisible pressure lifted off of your shoulders. however, the feeling is all too familiar.
"well, i'll be across the hall if you ever need anything. just ring the doorbell and i'll get to ya," he shoots you another smile, and up and out the door he goes. at first, you debate on stopping him and offering to take him to eat out, but you decide you're not bold enough for that yet.
the evening replays in your mind as you hover over your kitchen counter. his kind nature paired with his athletic abilities topped with his physique had you absolutely whipped. you'd align him with your definition of angelic.
maybe los angeles truly was the city of angels, and taiga just so happened to find his way to you.
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svfttachi · 1 year
Would you be able to write a oneshot or some headcanons for Kuroko x reader where reader is always hugging him from behind and giving him butterfly kisses while he's just standing there straight face? The episode at the pool where Momoi is shaking him back and forth cracks me up. "he's got the looks and personality of old drywall" 😭
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wc — 312
type — kuroko tetsuya x gn!reader
tw — n/a
✎ pls, these cute requests are too much, and i go overboard a little. but that's a good thing! actually, this specific request makes me miss actively watching knb. kinda want to rewatch it... anyway, hope you enjoy!
◃ to knb writings
❥ Kuroko Tetsuya’s known for holding a straight, nonchalant expression on his face.
❥ However, only a select few were allowed to see the emotion that is buried deep within his body, and you were one of those people.
❥ Your way of expressing your love for someone is through physical touch.
❥ But the first time you gave your partner, Kuroko, a hug, he froze up immediately.
❥ Before the two of you got together, the only person who’d give him hugs and affection was Momoi, but he saw it as a mere-friendly reaction.
❥ Yet, when you hugged him from either behind or the front, Kuroko wouldn’t understand what to do in that situation, particularly for the first month or so of your relationship.
❥ As time went by, Kuroko grew more comfortable with you, so his reaction is less dramatic than before whenever you give him your back hugs.
❥ Butterfly kisses landing on his cheek on the other hand… that took some time for him to adjust to.
❥ Again, Kuroko wasn’t really big on physical attention before getting together with you, so he, especially, wasn’t used to the sudden, warm feeling overloading his cheeks whenever your lips made contact with them.
❥ It took even longer for him to get used to your surprise kisses than it did for the hugs.
❥ Nonetheless, Kuroko’s back to his neutral appearance whenever you give him the slightest bit of physical attention, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t bubbling with happiness and warmth within.
❥ He may not know how to express it on his face or through his actions properly, but everyday, he tries his best for you.
❥ Occasionally, those small acts of love bring the tiniest hint of a smile to his lips along with a faint blush appearing on his cheeks.
❥ Kuroko Tetsuya may be a shadowy figure to others, but to you… he’s the light in your eyes.
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sxtvrns · 2 years
kiss witness
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🎶 now playing: old with you - grentperez
P: Tetsuya Kuroko x Fem!Reader
S: Your last year of junior high may have not been the smartest time to start going out with Tetsu. Puppy love was fragile with the transition into high school meaning potentially going separate ways, but the sport that brought you together in the past brings you closer after finding out your boyfriend is going to the same school as you.
W: fluff, knb spoilers, a tad bit rushed, goes over first bit of first season, bare minimum of basketball knowledge
N: Y/N is your first name, L/N is your last name. Words in quotation marks and italics are thoughts. I’ve only watched the first season so far but me and my friend have been screaming at every single competitive game. Giving the blueberry some love since he deserves it. I’ve been wanting to get this out of my drafts since the Suga blurb did so well.
please interact if you enjoy!
A tall man with red hair lingers at the basketball club recruitment table for a moment, writing something down before walking away. “Are you sure you don’t have any questions for them, Tetsu?” You ask, looking at your practically invisible boyfriend.
“No. I’d rather you do all the talking.” He says, dragging you along with him to the table. They don’t seem to notice him standing right beside you, their attention focused on you. “Hi! Are you looking to sign up for the basketball club?” The girl asks, an eager smile on her face. “I don’t think this school has a girl’s team... but I was just wondering if there were manager spots open.”
‘She’s so pretty… is she really a first year?’
She looks at you with a glimmer in her eyes, her clasping your hands together while jumping up and down. “Yes! Yes, absolutely– we could definitely use a manager. Do you have the sheet?” Her hands are practically begging to receive the document. “Riko, calm down…” The man seated beside her says, you taking the pen from the clipboard and writing down some extra details before giving her the paper.
You check for Kuroko’s sheet on the desk, him simply lingering behind you with a gentle grip on your wrist. “Thank you so much, we’ll see you at practice!” She exclaims, a dead giveaway that you made it onto the team.
“Yo, you forgot this club request.” Koga says, handing his coach the sheet. “Oh, sorry. Tetsuya Kuroko… huh?” Riko’s suddenly shaken by her team captain, him nearly crumpling your sheet. “What’s going on with you? Calm down, seriously!” She says, Hyuga completely ignoring her. “She’s– that girl is from Teiko!”
“Huh!?” Riko then looks back at the sheet she was holding in her hand, being left equally shocked. “This guy’s also from the Teiko basketball club! If they’re both first years, then they must be from the Generation of Miracles!” She suddenly slams her head down on the desk, wailing. “Ugh, why can’t I remember that golden egg’s face?”
“Tetsu, they didn’t even notice you. I know it’s a part of your whole thing and all, but sometimes it gets to me, how you’re always… ignored.” Both of you trail behind the tall, red headed man from earlier, Tetsu’s grip moving from your wrist to your hand. “It’s okay, Y/N. I appreciate your concern, but I’ll be fine. I like it when you’re the only one that sees me.”
“Aida!” You greet from the door, Tetsu holding onto your hand as you walk towards her. Given his lack of presence, he didn’t seem to be worried about keeping your relationship a secret. If something happens, it happens. If they find out about you two, then they find out. “L/N! Welcome! I’m so glad we have a manager this year; it’s gonna be so fun having another girl on the team!”
“Are you the coach? Or is there someone else?” You ask, looking around the mostly empty gym. “I’m the coach! Everyone thinks I’m the manager all the time…” She sighs, understanding why one would assume so. Aida is pulled aside by one of the boys, leaving you to observe the rest of the players.
“Y/N, where do I go?” Tetsu asks, also staring at the players. “Go with them. Line up.” He nods, letting go of your hand and going to join the players. He doesn’t say anything, mostly because he’s being ignored but even so, you felt a little bad.
“Hey, isn’t the manager cute?” Furihata whispers. “I think she’s in our year. She’s kinda sexy.” Kawahara replies, both of the boys being punched in the back of the heads by Hyuga. “Morons.” Aida introduces herself, her true position on the team coaxing gasps out of everyone. “Listen up!” She yells, attention being brought to you.
“Y/N L/N. I’m the basketball club manager this year.” You introduce, feeling awkward saying your own name. “L/N, is this your first year managing?” Someone asks, you shaking your head no. “I managed for Teiko in junior high. I’ve played a bit of basketball myself.”
Aida then takes the stage from there after gasps could lead to more questions, her first order a strange one that caught you off guard. Your eyes darted towards her and shifted between her and Tetsu repeatedly, realizing he never took his shirt off.
“Aida, you forgot someone.” Everyone seems to give you a confused look. “What? Who?” You point at Kuroko. It isn’t until he fully introduces himself that everyone finally notices, the fact that he was also part of the Generation of Miracles suddenly relevant. To your demise, no one seemed to believe him.
Practice was more of an introductory to the members and program, for there was no actual playing involved. You met with Tetsu outside the gym, his hand fitting with yours. It was a small but meaningful gesture and almost the only one that he did to express affection. “Y/N, are you okay with walking alone?” He says after his attention was suddenly brought to something else.
“I am, are you?”
He nods, giving you a hug before walking the opposite direction.
Sometimes you can’t tell what your boyfriend is thinking.
“A practice game? With the second years?” You ask, dribbling the game ball. “Just so they get a feel for who they’re playing with. I also wanna see how the first years do, so I can coach them better.” Aida explains, watching you dribble the basketball. “You said you played, right? Unfortunate we don’t have a girls team.”
You shrug. “I was good.” She cocks an eyebrow, now curious. “How good?” Her arms are crossed, her intense stare focused on you. You crouch, dribbling the ball in between your legs followed by a behind the back, approaching the net with solid dribbles, running under to make a reverse layup.
“I obviously can’t dunk, but…” You quickly run out to the three point line, the spin on your shot so perfect that it goes in swiftly, rolling back to you. “I was taught some things at Teiko.” Aida’s mouth hangs open, the sight of her frozen nearly scaring you. “You’re amazing! Why’d you quit?” She took the ball from you. “It wasn’t something I enjoyed. I don’t want my whole life to revolve around doing something that I didn’t want to do.”
“I can understand that.” She says, yelling at the boys that walked in to hurry up. Hyuga ruffles your hair out of nowhere. “We got a sharpshooter!” He goes to talk to the coach, Tetsu appearing beside you. “When will you teach me how to shoot?” His head rests on top of yours, making you giggle. “When you actually pay attention when I try to. You’re always spacing out.”
“I do not.”
“You know I read you better than anyone else. Yes, you do. Now go join your team. I’ll be with Aida.” You hand him a penny jersey, noticing him reluctantly walk away from you to linger behind the red haired boy, who you found out was Kagami, his presence not noticed by his team like usual. Even when the game started, it was like they couldn’t see Tetsu the entire time. Kagami took the lead the entire time, dunk after dunk.
It wasn’t until Tetsu actually said something for once that the first years finally noticed him. In fact, everyone finally noticed him when he was under fire from Kagami.
“Hey!” Your voice booms across the gym, your stare hard and cold at the tall boy. “Drop it.” You add, the first years suddenly freezing up and going back to the game. Aida’s eyes are wide at their instant submission, surprised at the power you seem to hold despite it being only the second practice.
You cheer after he finally pulled off his ghost touch pass for the first time, the trick being pulled off again and again there on. You changed the score with such enthusiasm, Aida had to remind you twice to do so. The takeback practically had your heart racing at the end, giving a gleeful double high five to Tetsu before taking the pennies back.
Aida saw both you and Kuroko out of the corner of her eye as she was putting away the small scoreboard, your head resting against his arm for a brief moment. She didn’t think anything of it, while the second year players thought otherwise.
Meanwhile Tetsu held your hand as you walked across the street, stating that he deserved a treat for winning the practice game today. It worked out since you were also hungry, having a small lunch today. He waited at a table booth while you ordered, his signature vanilla shake and a burger and fries for you.
You sat beside him, Tetsu talking about his classes that day while sipping on his drink to let you eat without interruptions. It was nice having something he didn’t share with others; Tetsu’s talkative side mostly reserved for situations when it was just you two. Otherwise, he was never this chatty with people.
Someone suddenly sits down in front of you, the amount of burgers on their tray making your eyes go wide. Only then you realize that it’s…
“Kagami?” His head perks up at the sound of his name, eyes on you first before he sees Kuroko beside you. He nearly chokes on his food, bewildered to see the two of you together. “Hello.” Kuroko greets, sipping on his drink. “Where’d you come from? What are you doing here?!” Kagami seems more surprised at the fact Kuroko was there, making you the invisible one.
“I was sitting here first. Me and my girlfriend stopped by to eat. I like this place’s vanilla shakes.” The sudden mention of the label makes your face heat up and hide your face in his shoulder. “Tetsu…” He looks at you, confused. “What? Are you not?” You really don’t feel like dumbing it down in front of Kagami. “I am, but it was so sudden.”
“Girlfriend?! You two are dating!?” Kuroko nods, taking a fry from you. “Hey, hands off. If you wanted fries, you should’ve told me.” He pouts, Kagami sighing. “Here.” He tosses Kuroko a burger while you check your phone, the time having you rush to grab your things.
“What’s wrong?” Tetsu asks, watching you scurry. “I really need to get home. I don’t want my mom to ground me. Are you gonna walk with Kagami?” You feel like a parent, asking who your boyfriend is with. “Maybe, but I can walk alone. Text me when you get home.” His hand glides over yours as you both say your goodbyes, Kagami there to witness the whole thing.
“I feel like I’m interrupting something.”
“You aren’t. What were you saying?”
The sliding door opens, the person you’re looking for happily sipping on a milk carton with her head in the clouds. Tetsu then strays from you, standing at the side of her desk. “I’d like an official club membership form.” He says with no greeting, Aida spitting her drink everywhere. You have to stifle a laugh to avoid her from flaming up at you.
“Geez, Kuroko, you came out of nowhere!” Aida wipes down her desk, noticing you standing by the door. “I was standing here the whole time.” She sighs, reaching into her bag and pulling out a sheet of paper, handing it to him. “I’ll only accept the forms Monday at 8:40 on the roof.” Kuroko nods, meeting you at the door. “Thank you.” He says before sliding the door shut.
An article posted outside the library catches your attention, Tetsu stopping beside you to read it. It was their debut in a tournament from last year, which displayed and wrote about Seirin’s excellency for a now school. “They’re good.” You say, mostly to yourself, hearing your boyfriend huff in response.
“Hey L/N.” Kagami greets, stopping to read the article as well. “He wasn’t kidding.” His eyes scanned over the article, eyes mostly drawn to the two images on the sides. “Yes, they’re strong.” Kuroko says, making him jump.
“What is wrong with you?! Stop coming out of nowhere!” Kagami seems to completely forget about your presence, only focusing on Tetsu when he shushes him and points at the sign for the library. He grabs his head, threatening to beat him up until you whack him in the gut. “Stop that.” You say, walking away with Tetsu while Kagami doesn’t seem to notice.
For as long as you’ve been hanging out with Tetsu, he’s been quite antsy waiting for Monday, mostly worried about forgetting the whole ordeal on the roof. He couldn’t forget with how much he was thinking about it. The whole thing being 5 minutes before the morning assembly was your only concern. You stood beside Aida on the roof, the first years lined up in front of her as she makes a motivational speech for them.
Frankly, you thought it was too early in the morning for this.
“Give me your year, class, name, and your goal for this term and announce it to the entire student body! If you fail to achieve them, you’ll come back up here, strip naked and confess your feelings for the girl you love.” That last part definitely caught you off guard, knowing Tetsu was either unwilling to be so bold or work his ass off in order to avoid the humiliation.
“I have a question.” Kuroko raises his hand, Aida giving him permission to speak. “Since I’m dating Y/N, do I have to comply with the punishments in front of her?” The coach’s eyes go wide while you’re left with a hot face, flustered, practically informing part of the team of your relationship with him. Kagami was simply surprised at his boldness while the other three were yelling in shock.
“You’re dating L/N!?”
“Since when?!”
Aida blew her whistle, the three shutting up and standing still. “I suppose… that works. It’s only fair.” Tetsu was calm and collected about everything, but this? How could he be so reserved when he just agreed to go nude in front of you if he wasn’t a good player?
Something felt off while the players yelled, the students staring up at the balcony rather than paying attention to the assembly. You moved from the rail to the side of the entrance where no one could see you, Aida letting you be since Tetsu was the last person to go.
He never went, those in sight being ridiculed by staff while you stayed hidden, holding in your laughs. You’d rather be yelled at by the coach than an actual teacher.
You met with Tetsu after school, him placing a hand on your shoulder before asking you something. “Again? Really? Fine, but you’re gonna be alone this time. I have to go home.” He sighs defeatedly, giving you a hug. “Text me.” You nod, going ahead while Tetsu walks into the diner.
You wonder if Tetsu was ever going to announce his goal publicly after receiving a text from him that reminded you of the whole ordeal. After running into Kagami on the way to class, you both enter the room to see students lined up against the windows, seemingly looking at something outside. You make room for yourself and the tall player and notice writing on the field outside.
We will be the best in Japan
You turn around and see Tetsu standing behind you, looking at you before saying, “I’ll do it for the school, for the team, and I’ll do it for you.” You try to say something, but to know you’re one of his motivations for such a difficult goal made you fall in love with him even more. You hugged him, making him jump a little bit before he hugged you back.
Luckily everybody was too focused on the field that nobody noticed you two, besides Kagami. He simply gave Kuroko a thumbs up.
“Ryō?” You mutter, noticing him sitting on the stage with a line of girls going out the door. You didn’t pay attention to the coach, the only important thing she was saying being a practice game against Kaijo High anyways. Tetsu would remember. You walk over, catching Kise���s attention. He says something to the girls that you can’t make out.
“Is that Y/N L/N? The former manager of Teiko Middle School Basketball Club?” He asks in an overdramatic tone, jumping down from the stage to meet you. “What are you doing here?” You ask, a pout appearing on Ryō’s face. “Wow, not even a hello to your older brother? We haven’t seen each other in ages! Where’s Kurokocchi?” His eyes eventually land on Tetsu. “It’s good to see you again.” Tetsu says.
“Brother?!” The team yells.
“No. Everyone called them ‘practical siblings’ in middle school since Y/N was always scolding him.” Kuroko explains.
“Good to see you, too,” Kise replies. “Going back to your informal greeting, Y/N-cchi, when I heard our next opponent was Seirin, I remembered you two went here, so I came by to say hello. And besides, the three of us got along best in middle school.” You scoff, hitting him in the side. “You sure about that?”
“You haven’t changed at all! Still so mean…” He fake cries.
“I’m staying that way.”
“‘Ryōta Kise. Though he started basketball his second year of middle school, his exceptional physical ability and sense got him on the Teiko team as a regular in a heartbeat.” Furihata says, the article having you feel sympathy for Tetsu. He never got his own personalized interview for that magazine, and every time it comes up, you can’t help but feel bad for your boyfriend.
You obviously care more than Tetsu does.
“That article exaggerated quite a bit, y’know? I’m glad to be called part of the Generation of Miracles but I’m the worst of the bunch.” Kise says. “You really are.” You joke, him shoving you. “Don’t make me feel worse about it than I already do!” He cries. You laugh at him, seeing the almost angry look on Kagami’s face, who stood at a distance.
You never really knew what was going on in Kagami’s head, so you assumed that he wasn’t really angry. If anything, that was his excited face.“Kise, get out of here, practice is still going on.” You nudge him repeatedly in the side. “Aw, why?” He drags out the ‘y’, pouting. “Do you not miss me? I wanna know what you’ve been up to!”
“I’ll talk to you at the game, okay? Just get out, you’re interrupting.” You shove him away from the team.
Aida begins to intervene. “Actually, we still have 5 minutes left–“
“Do you really want this idiot having full knowledge of our plays to inform his coach about?”
“Hey, I am not an idiot!”
Aida looks at you bickering with the Kaijo player before sighing, “Well, I guess we can cut it short for today–“ Suddenly, a ball is thrown at him, everyone turning to Kagami after seeing where it came from.
And the rest of practice consisted of you shoving Kise out of the gym after his little scrimmage against Kagami.
One of the things that was going on in the minds of the benched Kaijo players’ mind was:
‘Damn, Seirin’s manager is cute!’
Meanwhile you were thinking…
That was one hell of a block.
Kagami practically climbed into the air, pushing himself up with Tetsu’s head and blocking Kise’s three-pointer.
“Fast break!” Kagami shouts, prompting everyone on the court to turn around. Kise turns around quickly, not paying attention to his surroundings, his hand whacking Kuroko in the face.
“Te– Kuroko!”
He falls back, lucky to not have hit his head. You look at Aida, who’s attention is on the injured player. You try to run to him while she’s distracted, but grabs and holds you back from going onto the court. He gets up slowly, footsteps uneven with his eyes focused on the ground.
Kagami and Hyūga check up on him, everything supposedly going okay until Tetsu collapses onto the ground. Only then do you realize that he’s bleeding. You break free from Aida’s grasp, running over to pick him up, supporting him with one of his arms around your shoulders back to the bench.
“Y/N-cchi…!” Kise merely looks at the two of you, your backs facing him. “I didn’t mean for this to happen– I’m sorry.” Your head turns just enough for you to see him out of the corner of your eye. “Don’t apologize to me. If this ever happens again, I’m going to rip your piercings out of your ears.” You threaten, walking away. Kise knows that you joke around when you say things like that, but you sounded completely serious this time.
For once, he was intimidated by your unknown sarcasm.
Tetsu laid on a mat behind the bench, bandages wrapped around his head, a bit of dried blood here and there but nothing too drastic. For the rest of the second quarter and a bit of the third, you stayed by his side, holding his hand and keeping your ears open for anything important the coach had to say when the game was paused. Aida kept track of points, rebounds and assists for you while you tended to an unconscious Kuroko. After a bit, you feel a squeeze on your hand, noticing that Tetsu’s eyes opened a little bit.
He tries to get up, but you usher him to lay back down for a bit, noticing he’s visibly tired. “Are you okay? Does your head hurt? Do you need anything?” You ask him these questions knowing he may not have been in the best state to comprehend all of them. “Have you been sitting with me this whole time? You should be working.” He says, looking at the benched team members.
“I did help a bit during halftime. Aida let me stay with you, said she needed someone to watch over you.” A smile grows on your face knowing that he’s okay. You’re still concerned. “Are you still gonna play?” You ask. “Yes.”
Tetsu was a persistent person, so whatever he says he will or will not do is the thing that sticks through. But knowing he was going to play after getting hurt? It scared you. “I’ll be okay. If I get hurt again, you’ll be there to help me. Please don’t worry.” He sits up, his hands cupping your face. He pulls your face towards his, giving you a kiss on the cheek.
There’s too many things going on right now. Your heart is racing, your face is hot, you feel so giddy but also so surprised. That was the first time he ever… kissed your cheek. He didn’t care if anyone was looking. He didn’t even care if no one or everyone saw, he just did it.
“What’s the matter? Are you okay?” You’re left stunned while he looks at you confused. “Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine, I’m great!” You get up, brushing off your skirt and helping Tetsu up. He pats your head, walking over to Aida to let himself back into the game.
For the rest of the game, you can’t help but think of how gentle he was when he cupped your face. How his kiss was soft and sweet on your cheek, He might’ve noticed how warm your face was, but if he did, he would’ve called you out for it. Your hand rested on the cheek where he kissed you, spacing out continuously.
“Y/N! Kagami scored again!” Aida yells, prompting you to mark it down on the clipboard. “Geez, what’s gotten into you? First Kuroko, now you?” You giggle while your hand rests on your cheek again, Aida knocking you on the head so you could pay attention.
You’re thankful that she did, because you got to witness your team’s first win. Even if it was only a practice game.
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They worked hard for it. They deserved it.
You even witnessed Kise cry for the first time. Part of you feels bad for him, but the other part is glad karma has done its job. It may have been an accident, but it still pissed you off.
Quiet mutters come from the spectators up on the balconies.
You cry out a celebratory roar from the bench, Kagami following right after. The third years return Aida’s thumbs up, while she jumps after feeling a pair of arms wrap around her. “We did it! We won, Aida!” She has no idea how to react, resorting to resting her arm and patting you on the back.
Tetsu breathing heavily on the court catches your eye. Sweat drips from his forehead as he pants, but weirdly enough, he looked handsome.
After the winning declaration, you swear you’ve never seen Coach glow with such brightness before. She’s practically beaming. Tetsu sits down on the bench while you hold his towel, wiping the sweat off his face and checking his bandages. His face rests in your hand, while your eyes scan over the bandages. “We’re gonna go to the hospital after this. I don’t wanna risk anything.” He nods, leaning in to have his forehead touching yours.
You’re hiding the fact you’re freaking out very well since he isn’t saying anything.
“I’m going to kill Ryō.” You laugh. “Don’t do that. It’s not his fault.” You pull away first, getting up to get the sheet from the scorekeepers. Kise appears at the table as well, taking the other sheet. “Y/N-cchi, can I talk to you?” He asks. You don’t say anything but nod, following him out of the gym. Tetsu watches you walk off, unsure of how he should feel at the sight of the two of you together.
“You and Kurokocchi are going out? I never thought he’d really own up to it.” You freeze, having to run to catch up with Kise. “Wha– how did you know? What do you mean by that?” He scoffs, stopping at an outside faucet. “I don’t think a manager would run onto the court for any boy, like him or not.”
You don’t respond, your phone buzzing in your small bag. “How long?” Kise asks before turning the faucet on to splash his face. “Since January.”
Tetsu had been the one to make the first move. At first, you were worried about the opinions of other people; your parents, your friends, Satsuki. You slowly started to realize that he didn’t care what others thought. He liked you and confessed to you for a reason. He’s done things with you he wouldn’t dare to do with another person. It showed how much he trusted you, and your face goes warm every time you think about it.
“He never showed you off in middle school like he did in the game today.”
“Tetsu mostly kept it a secret from you guys. He was… wary around Satsuki. It was harder since I hung out with her a lot. Otherwise, he was open about it when all of you weren’t around.”
“So he’s been kissing you at school and I’m just never there to see it?”
A rush of heat grows onto your face, making you hit Kise in the stomach. “We have not! You are so ridiculous…” Your phone buzzes again, this time you check who it is. A bunch of texts from Tetsu appear on your screen, a few calls as well.
Where are you?
Please come back, we’re waiting for you
I miss you
Please hurry
Don’t ignore me
I know you’re holding your phone right now
Please pick up
I’m getting worried
Coach is getting frustrated
“He’s really hung up on you, huh? He’s liked you since October, y’know. He always came to me for advice or just to talk to me about you.” Kise laughs at the memory. “Really?”
“Yeah! He’d say, ‘Y/N is so pretty’ or, ‘Y/N looks really good today’. He said you looked good every day, actually.” Your brain goes into overdrive, the thought of being admired like that seeming unreal. “We should keep in touch! I’ll give you my number.” He holds his hand out, you tossing him your phone. “Make it quick.”
Kise punches in his phone number, handing you back your phone. “See you at the Inter-High!” He waves, watching you walk away. You meet up with the team, Tetsu welcoming you back with open arms. “What took you so long? Is everything alright?” He questions, holding your hand. “Ryō wanted to talk to me. He found out we were dating.”
Tetsu tenses up a little bit. “He didn’t… tell you anything, did he?”
‘He’d say, ‘Y/N is so pretty’ or, ‘Y/N looks really good today’. He said you looked good every day, actually.’
“Well… he may or may not have said one thing.”
Tetsu suddenly jerks, covering his face with his other hand. It’s one of the only times you’ve seen him embarrassed, but really, it makes you laugh. His face is a bit red and he refuses to make eye contact with you, avoiding your gaze.
“What did he tell you?”
“That you talked about me every day with him.”
“Oh, that’s not… I thought he told you something else.”
“Like what?” Tetsu doesn’t respond, simply walking along like he didn’t hear your question. “Tetsu, don’t ignore me, now I’m curious!” You shake him slightly, emitting a giggle from him. “You know that love note you got in your bag that you wouldn’t stop talking about?”
“The one I got the day before Christmas break?” He nods. “That was me. I wanted to be the one to tell you about it, not Kise.” That’s why he seemed a bit antsy earlier at the mention of Kise saying something. “I reread that note over and over again for a week trying to figure out who wrote it. I have it hung up in my room.”
“I know. I saw.”
“Why didn’t you say anything?”
“I figured I’d bring it up sometime, but I didn’t know how to say it.”
He pauses, feeling you lean against him. “Why didn’t you call me that when I got hit?” He asks, leaving you confused. “Call you what?”
“Tetsu.” He refers to the moment where you called his name, being held back by the coach from running onto the court. “Ryō only knew I called you by Tetsuya before we graduated. I think he would’ve caught on if I called you that. I tried to play it safe.”
“I guess I can understand why you did that. Kise’s one to gossip.”
“I’m sorry if it hurt you.”
“It’s okay. Knowing Kise, you did the right thing.”
“Momoi’s gonna freak when she finds out you two are a thing.”
“You aren’t going to tell her, are you?”
“No, no, I won’t. I’m sure she’ll find out on her own. Why?”
“Because I want to be the one to tell her.”
Kise freezes, surprised. ‘So bold!’
“Y-You’re really okay with her finding out?” He stutters, spinning the ball on his finger. “She knows I don’t like her back.” Kise drops his finger, catching the ball in his hand. “Well, yeah, but her and Y/N-cchi were best friends! Don’t you think she’ll feel a little hurt after knowing her best friend of her entire junior high career is going out with the guy she loves?”
Kuroko pauses, Kise passing the ball for him to catch. “Momoi needs to know. Y/N is my girlfriend, not her. She needs to accept that. Besides, Y/N’s changed. She’s tougher and isn’t afraid to confront others.”
“Hasn’t she always been like that?”
“She got into an argument with the captain and won. She’s broken through our coach’s shell multiple times. She made me run extra laps after conditioning.”
“Okay, I get your point. Still, you know Momoi. She doesn’t stop.” Kuroko shrugs. “You underestimate Y/N. If anything happens, I’ll intervene.” He says, a look only Kise could recognize on his face. “What’s wrong? You okay?” Kise hunches to look at Kuroko’s face, the doubt more visible.
“I’m fine.”
“Well, you don’t look fine. We’ll never see each other again after this, so might as well tell me now.” Kuroko sighs, embarrassed to look at his former teammate in the eye. “Is it too soon for me to make any moves on Y/N?” Kise cocks an eyebrow, catching the ball that Kuroko passed back to him. “What do you mean?”
“I’ve only been going out with Y/N for three months and I don’t wanna make her uncomfortable but… we haven’t kissed yet.” Kise nearly bursts into laughter at his worry. “I never thought that Kurokocchi would ever worry about kissing!” He giggles, getting up from the table he was sitting on. “I haven’t even gone out with anyone yet, now that I think about it. Geez, you’re one lucky guy.”
Was Kuroko’s kiss on your cheek so discreet that even Kise didn’t see it? Not even out of the corner of his eye?
“What should I do?” Kuroko asks, Kise trying to come up with a solution. “The guy always has to make the first move, remember that. You confessed to her first, so you should initiate it.”
“So do I just kiss her out of nowhere?”
“What– no! Let me finish!” Kise stutters. “You didn’t pressure her into forcing her to go out with you. She already liked you, right?” Kuroko nods, Kise going back to thinking again. “Well, I think you should… no, I know you should ask her first before you kiss her. You don’t want to pressure her into something she doesn’t want to do. If she’s ready to kiss you, then she’ll let you do it. Like how she was ready to be in a relationship with you.”
“I see.” Kuroko mutters. “If she says no, then you wait. Good boyfriends are willing to be patient. Don’t be greedy.” Kise plays around with the basketball in his hand, Kuroko’s eyes stuck on him the whole time. “You know, you give good relationship advice for someone who hasn’t had a girlfriend yet.”
“Why’d you have to say it like that?!”
“You idiot, why’d you disappear like that?” Kagami looms over Kuroko, Kise’s eyes wide.
“What are you looking at?” Kagami sneers, staring down Kise. “What is she doing?!” He panics. Kagami turns around, seeing you confronting a much older boy on the basketball court behind them. “Y/N! What’s wrong with you– get out of there!” Kagami yells to no avail, feeling a hand on his shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go help.” Kise pats him, guiding him towards the court.
“I didn’t even know you played! Why didn’t you tell any of us?” Kise wails, stretching after the win against those thugs. “Tetsu knows. I played club basketball; none of you would’ve known.” You answer, feeling Tetsu’s fingers intertwine with yours. “How come you stopped?”
“I started to hate it. It made me hate myself.” You confess, the air suddenly becoming awkward. “Sorry! You just asked, so I answered.” You laugh, embarrassed at killing the mood. “You would’ve gotten crushed playing alone. You’re lucky we were there.” Kagami scolds.
“I still think I could’ve done it on my own.” You shrug, feeling Tetsu let go of your hand. His arm then wraps around your shoulders, pulling you in a little bit. “Please be careful next time. You might’ve gotten hurt.” You blush, stuttering over your words. “Y-You’re one to talk! You ran off with Kise without even telling me!”
“Did I not text you?” You flip open your phone, showing him a message from earlier that day. He then takes out his own phone, showing that his message wasn’t delivered. “Tetsu…!” You hit him on the head, his other hand rubbing over the spot. He noticed Kise looking at the two of you, more specifically him, giving him a look and a thumbs up before being tackled by their coach on the spot.
The day before Seirin’s first preliminary match against Shinkyō, both you and Tetsu planned for him to come over to your house, since it was closer to the meeting spot the team had planned for the following day. He’d been working hard, balancing athletics and academics, managing to stay on top of both things with your help. Sometimes Kagami tagged along with the two of you, always worried he was third-wheeling.
This time, it was just you and him. You both got home after an evening outdoor court practice since Tetsu was so antsy, luckily you weren’t out for long. You looked over your notes, taking peeks over your book when you suddenly remembered that this was your own room.
Meaning there was only one bed.
Sure, Tetsu’s stayed over before, but you always insisted on sleeping on the floor since your relationship was just starting at the time and you didn’t wanna make it awkward. But now that you two were closer, you wondered if it would change.
“Tetsu, I can sleep on the floor again if you’d like.”
“No thanks. We can share.”
…Huh? Did he really just say that?
You two would be so close if you slept in your bed together, way too close, in fact. “Are you really okay with that?” You ask, making sure you’re fully awake by pinching yourself. He nods. “I am. Are you?” You break eye contact, trying to bury your face in your book. “I mean, as long as you’re okay with it…”
He gets up and turns on the lamp by your bed, turning off the main light and sitting down next to you. Meanwhile, you’re trying not to freak out being in such close proximity with him in your bed. You’re too busy freaking out that you don’t notice him taking your notes out of your hand and putting them on your desk. “We revised yesterday. We should be okay.”
“Oh, I know, I was just… I don’t know, looking over it.” You say, Tetsu getting back under the covers. “Is this too uncomfortable for you? I can sleep on the floor.” He seems to notice your distress by making that offer. “No, no, it’s okay! I just… haven’t shared a bed with anyone before, so this is kind of… new to me.”
“Are you sure? I don’t want to pressure you or anything. I just figured since our previous sleepovers that this was okay.”
“It’s fine, Tetsu, really. I’ll just face the wall the entire night. I do kick in my sleep, though, just a warning.” He eyes you, his lips pursed shut for a moment. “Can I kiss you?”
“Eh…” Your face bursts into flames, flustered and shy at his sudden question. “WHAT?! Where did this come from…!?” You mutter, looking at your boyfriend’s completely monotone face. “I was told to ask you first in case you didn’t want to. Is this a no?”
“No,” you say repeatedly, panic imminent in your voice. “It was just so out of nowhere and so sudden and… I’m sorry for panicking but yes, you can kiss me but–“ Tetsu suddenly leans forward and presses his lips on yours, his hand then gently holding your jaw. Your eyes shut and so do his, your lips shifting and resting at a more comfortable position.
He pulls away, admiring every part of your face. “Is it too soon for this to happen?” He asks innocently, hand still resting on your jaw. “No. Why?” He leans in closer, your foreheads touching. “I want to do that again.” You smile, this time you initiate the kiss, planting your lips against his. This kiss was smoother, comfortable, his other hand holding you close to him as if you weren’t already close enough. Your lips glide awkwardly against his, but his follow every time you move.
Is this really what making out is?
You pull away after a few minutes, noticing the mix of disappointment and eagerness on Tetsu’s face. “We need to rest. You have a game tomorrow.” He pouts while you lean across him, turning off the lamp and laying back down. Your hands hold onto his arm while your head moves closer to his, resting on his shoulder.
“I love you, Y/N.”
Tetsu was full of surprises that night. Your heart begins to race at those three words, your face warming his shoulder. “Really? You mean it?” You feel him nod and turn his head, his chin resting atop of your head. “I understand if you aren’t ready to say it yet. I can wait.”
God, he was so patient with you, and that made you fall in love with him even more. “I love you too. Goodnight, Tetsu.” You feel him give you a peck on the top of your head, his arm wrapping around you and pulling you closer to him. He was so warm, his presence comforting, his hugs tight and secure, like he wanted the moment to last forever.
At the same time, he hoped the feeling of his own heart racing wouldn’t wake you up.
You waited in the change room labelled for your school while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive. You both had left early in fear of arriving late, but the crosswalks were on your side today, and you got there way earlier than you should have.
You peeked out of the room every once in a while, none of the team outside making you panic. Until you remembered that you were supposed to meet up somewhere with all of them. You frantically turn around and pull out your phone, hearing Tetsu say your name.
“I texted Kagami already. He knows.” You let out a sigh of relief and walk over to Tetsu’s side of the room, sitting down next to him and letting your head fall on his shoulder. His hand ghosts over yours for a second before he finally holds it. “Shouldn’t you get changed?”
“We have time. I want to stay with you like this for a bit.” He says. You lean into his touch, drowning yourself in the sound of your own heartbeat. Your head turns, chin perked up on his shoulder to look at him. He notices, staring deep into your eyes like he could see the thoughts behind them.
“If you’re gonna kiss me, just do it.” You mutter with a smile, Tetsu taking the hint and leaning forward to kiss you. Your lips meet, the moment so sweet that you don’t hear the door open.
The sight of many bewildered second years appears out of the corner of your eye, prompting you to pull away and hide your face. “Hello.” Tetsu greets nonchalantly, as if he didn’t just have his lips on yours earlier. A symphony of shocked cries come from the second years.
“You two are dating?”
“Why did we not notice…!?”
“I thought it was obvious! Didn’t Aida tell you? Kagami?” They look at you, still stunned. “Any of the first years?” They all shake their heads, leaving you surprised at their cluelessness. “They hold hands all the time, idiots, you think that regular friends do that normally?” Kagami sneers at their obliviousness.
“To be honest, they never told us. I didn’t think Kuroko was the type to start dating so early.” Hyūga admits. “And Kagami…” He starts. “Learn to respect your upperclassmen, okay?” Kagami flinches at his captain, immediately going to claim a locker.
You kiss Tetsu on the forehead before getting up. “Get changed, okay? You got this.” Before you can leave, he grabs your wrist.
Kagami watches as his duo says something to you, making you rush out of the room.
“What did you say?” He asks.
“I’ll win this game for her.”
well, if i ever grow old… (old with you!)
i’m needin’ your hand to hold. (just us two!) 🎧
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teamatsumu · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ tiny.
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murasakibara has a size kink
pairing: Murasakibara Atsushi x reader
word count: 1,489
✎ smut, nsfw, explicit content
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You didn’t notice it at first. You thought him cupping your hands between his was just a cute gesture. Or when he pulled you into bed and curled his massive frame around you until you were folded into a ball was just him being lazy and wanting to cuddle. You actually wouldn’t have caught it at all if that one fateful afternoon hadn’t happened.
It was a lazy Sunday, Atsushi’s favorite time of the week. Sundays meant no basketball practice and no school, which meant you had no reason to leave his bed unless it was to make food or pee. Currently you were laying between his legs, back against his chest with his chin resting on top of your head. He had propped a family sized pack of chips between your legs, reaching in and grabbing a piece every twenty seconds as his droopy eyes flitted over the laptop before you two. One of his hands was running lazy strokes over your bare thigh. It was quiet except for the sounds of the characters on the screen.
Every ten minutes or so, Atsushi would abandon the snacks in favor of wrapping both his arms around your middle and squeezing, nuzzling his face into the junction between your head and shoulder, inhaling deeply. He would bend forward until you curled under him, giggling at his affections.
“You’re so tiny, Y/N-cchin.” He cooed. “So cute.”
You opened your mouth to reply but all that came out was a gasp, feeling something long and hard press into the small of your back. You stiffened as the mood in the room shifted.
“Atsushi.” Your voice was breathy and quiet, feeling his lips meet the skin of your neck. Goosebumps rippled over your arms and your eyelids began to flutter shut when his hand on your thigh started inching up, fingers dipping below the seam of your shorts to tease the sensitive skin. Your intake of breath was sharp, and you felt Atsushi lean forward even more, effectively folding your body on itself. His arms wrapped around you tight, lips busy sucking a dark mark on your neck.
“Look how small you are,” he drawled, “I can cover you with my body completely. You won’t-” a pause while he squeezed your body. “You won’t be able to get away from me.”
You yelped as your body was suddenly lifted into the air and flipped, Atsushi now on top of you as your back hit the mattress. His shorts did nothing to disguise his hard on, pressing between your spread legs as he lapped at your neck like you were his latest snack.
You reeled at his words, feeling your body heat up at the implication. Oh.
“Atsushi,” your body buzzed in excitement as you thought out your next words. “You’re so much bigger than me. You could crush me completely.”
His moan was broken and it made you fill up with glee. Oh, the thought of this was destroying him. And you weren't fairing much better either. You could feel yourself dripping at the thought of your huge boyfriend holding you down until you couldn’t move. Until all you could do was lay there and take what he gave you.
He seemed to be on the same page as his hand played with the waistband of your shorts, teeth nibbling at your earlobe. “You want it, Y/N-cchin?” His voice had dropped a few octaves. “I’ll give it to you if you promise to take it all.”
You nodded into his hair, pulling your limbs further into yourself. You watched his eyes darken at the action, at the thought of you making yourself smaller for him. Your mind was getting hazy, playing into this newly discovered fantasy you didn’t know he had.
“I’ll try to take it.” You whispered. “But I don’t think I can.”
Of course you can. You had done it before. But you loved the way his lips twitched at the pretend apprehension in your voice. His expression turned devious as he stared down at your pliant body.
“We will just have to see, won’t we?”
Clothes came flying off after that, feverish kisses exchanged between you two as you felt Atsushi resist all of your actions. He slapped your hands away and pushed your body down over and over, making sure you knew how helpless you were compared to his overwhelming strength. You moaned and whined into his mouth, letting his tongue ravage every crevice. You loved it when he got like this. When he abandoned the slow, lazy sex and gave you more. And if you were anticipating correctly, today he was out to wreck you.
His heavy cock dragged over your slit, rock hard and throbbing. He hooked his hands under the backs of your knees and pushed your legs up until you were folded in half, making you sigh and squirm just a little. You bit your lip in exaggeration.
“Atsushi-kun, I can’t move at all.” You purred, watching him take in a shuddering breath as his hungry eyes ran over your pinned body. He gave you a grin.
“Don’t worry, baby. You don’t have to. You’re gonna take it like a champ, just like this.”
The head of his cock poked at your entrance and your eyes widened. Okay, this was new. Atsushi always prepped you. Always. Because it was true that he had a huge cock, and you couldn’t possibly take him without opening up on his fingers first. He registered the genuine apprehension on your face and you could feel his cock twitch at the sight. His eyes gleamed.
“Take it like a good girl, Y/N-cchin. No complaints~” And then he sank into you.
You gasped and your back arched, body struggling to accommodate his girth. Pain shot up from your core and through your torso as Atsushi pushed deeper and deeper, not pausing for one second until his balls slapped into your vulva, and you cried out when the head hit your cervix. He was moaning loud and unhindered, hands gripping your legs so hard you were sure he would leave bruises. Tears ran down the sides of your face and into your ears, eyebrows furrowed as you tried to relax your core, panting heavily.
“Aw, baby,” Atsushi bent forward when he saw your state, licking at the tears running down your temples, humming low. His cock twitched inside you, making you yelp. He was enjoying this too much, and that made you squirm in excitement. His enthusiasm was turning you on.
“You’re so big, Atsushi-kun.” You gasped out, clenching around him until he groaned. “You’re stretching me out. You’re going to tear me into two.”
Nothing could have prepared you for the pounding that came next.
He was fast and rough, slamming his hips hard into you with every thrust. You screamed and cried, more tears leaving your eyes. He leaned over you, your legs hooked over his shoulders and forehead pressed to yours, watching every little detail of your face closely as his cock tore through your pussy.
“Taking it so well, Y/N-cchin.” He muttered, his breath hitting your face. He licked at your lips. “Your tiny little pussy really wants me that bad? No matter how much it hurts, you’ll still let me crush you?”
You did nothing but babble out scrambled words in response, gripping tight at his biceps until your nails were digging into his skin. That seemed to spur him on even more. His hand reached between your legs, pinching your clit until you shrieked, rubbing it in hard, tight circles that had you arching your back off the bed and cumming all over his cock, eyes rolling up and legs seizing tightly. Atsushi groaned and kept going, prolonging your orgasm by not letting up his ministrations on your clit until you were sobbing and begging him to stop. You struggled against his grip, trying to push his hand away from your pussy but failing. He drove into you harder at the sight of you struggling against him.
“One more,” he moaned. “Come with me. Gimme one more-”
He pushed you into another orgasm fairly quickly after that, heavy balls slapping on your ass until he stilled deep inside you, cumming with a loud groan that washed over you like warm water. Both of you heaved long breaths, trying to blink through the roaring in your ears.
You whined when he finally pulled out of you and lowered your legs. They were trembling and twitching with fatigue, making Atsushi snicker and kiss the inside of your thighs. He bit and licked at your salty, sweat-covered skin.
“Well,” you sighed. “That was new.”
He hummed and fell down on top of you, making you groan in protest. He shoved his face into your neck when your fingers reached up and carded through his damp hair. Already, you could feel sleep encroaching on your mind.
“Next time, I’m taking you against the wall.”
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japeneselunchtimerush · 10 months
Its always "pretty setter squad this", "pretty setter squad that."
We Have:
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Perfect Pretty Girl(◕‿◕)♡
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Pretty(I mean who doesnt think so)
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Pretty Orange Boy
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Evil af but still pretty
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Minus points for the eyebrows but some people are into that so yk ╮( ̄ω ̄;)
Edit: now that I think about it the eyebrows suit him. Look past the knee breaking and he really is pretty!
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Pretty Pretty Captain
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The only reason this man's beauty is overlooked is because himuro is his teammate.
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Im pretty sure that almost no one remembers this guy but he is seiho's pretty point guard
So yes, more love for our pretty point guards please
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evereinefaust · 5 months
. . . ⇢ ˗ˏˋ 𝐈 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫, 𝐀𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞~ ࿐ྂ
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Pairing: Daiki Aomine X afab!Reader
Synopsis: Who knew a corny knock knock joke would turn out to be something naughty in the end?
Word Count: 454
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"Hey, Daiki~" you called on to your tan boyfriend who's sleeping on the rooftop.
"Knock, knock." you said and looked down at him.
He opened one of his eyes, revealing his sapphire hues, and sighed in annoyance. "Who's there?"
He raised one of his brows but continued. "Aomine who?"
You mentally laugh because he literally asked Aomine who. But you just smiled to yourself and laid down beside him, snuggling your face into his neck, with your lips on his ears. You opened your mouth and whispered. "I know I can treat you better, Aomine~"
Once Daiki heard those words, he swiftly changed his position and now he is hovering over you, with his arms and legs caging you under him. You saw him lick his lips and got a bad feeling about this.
"Is that true, [Name]~?" he asked huskily, feeling all seductive.
You, on the other hand, gulped and sweat-dropped at your mistake. You should have to reconsider telling him the joke or else this happens. As people say it, regret is always at the end.
"E-eto... it just only a joke," you gave off a forced chuckle and averted your [e/c] hues to avoid his blazing gaze.
But knowing Aomine, he didn't accept your answer. He smirked, and you gulped once again knowing what he intends to do.
"You better take your words seriously, [Name]." he said then kissed you aggressively.
He bit your lower lips, and you gasped, but because of it, he took the opportunity and slid his tongue inside your mouth. You gave off a pleasurable moan, turning him on. He removed his lips on your and proceeds kissing you and biting your skin, leaving hickeys down your neck. You just moaned and played with his hair.
"I think you're liking this [Name]~" he smiled and looked at you.
"I don't care, just fuck me, Ahomime," you growled with your face flustered.
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ah0minecchi · 4 months
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hiii ! ♪( ´θ`)��� i’m kei and i’ve been wanting to start publishing my writing sooo here we go i guess :3
i’m 19, my pronouns are she/her, i’m bisexual and latina (english is NOT my first language) ! ! (^з^)-☆
(masterlist is pinned on my profile)
↳ haikyuu
↳ one piece
↳ kuroko no basket
↳ jujutsu kaisen
↳ boku no hero academia
↳ shingeki no kyoyin
↳ ouran high school host club
↳ the disastrous life of saiki k
↳ bungou stray dogs
↳ fruits basket
↳ blue lock
… and more ! <3
LIKES & REBLOGS are rlly helpfulヾ(^ー^)ノ ♡
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