#Kung Fu of 7 Steps
fuforthought · 1 year
Classic old school shapes from Chia Kai and Chang Shan in the classic, Kung Fu of 7 Steps aka 7 Steps of Kung Fu (1979)
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thejournallo · 3 months
Witchy hacks: The movement of your body.
You probably heard this phrase too many times, but it is important to keep your body moving not only to increase your physical health but to improve your mental health too. But there is more. The movement that our body can make can actually release energy, and it can give us a lot of boosts in many ways.
In spirituality, movement is often seen as a way to release, channel, and harmonize energy within the body. Different spiritual traditions and practices emphasize various types of movement to achieve these goals. Here are some ways energy is believed to be released through movement in spirituality:
1. Yoga
a. Asanas (Postures)
Energy Flow: Yoga postures are designed to open energy channels (nadis) and centers (chakras) in the body. This facilitates the free flow of prana, or life force, enhancing physical and spiritual well-being.
Grounding and Balance: Specific poses help ground the practitioner and balance the flow of energy, aligning the body with the earth and promoting inner stability.
b. Pranayama (Breath Control)
Breath and Movement Coordination: Coordinating breath with movement helps regulate and release energy, purifying the body and calming the mind.
2. Tai Chi and Qigong
Chi (Qi) Flow: These ancient Chinese practices focus on slow, deliberate movements combined with deep breathing to cultivate and balance chi, the body's vital energy.
Energy Circulation: Movements are designed to enhance the circulation of chi through the meridians, or energy pathways, removing blockages and promoting overall health.
3. Dance
a. Ecstatic Dance
Expression and Release: Ecstatic dance involves spontaneous, freeform movement that allows individuals to express emotions and release pent-up energy. It’s often accompanied by rhythmic music that guides the flow of energy.
Trance States: The repetitive nature of dance can induce trance states, facilitating a deeper connection with the spiritual self and the collective energy of the group.
b. Cultural and Ritual Dance
Ceremonial Movements: Many cultures incorporate dance into spiritual rituals to honor deities, celebrate life events, and connect with ancestors. These movements are often symbolic, representing the flow of spiritual energy.
4. Martial Arts
Energy Control: Martial arts like Aikido, Kung Fu, and Capoeira involve movements that cultivate and direct internal energy. Practitioners learn to harness this energy for physical strength, mental clarity, and spiritual growth.
Mind-Body Connection: The discipline and focus required in martial arts enhance the mind-body connection, aligning physical actions with spiritual intent.
5. Breathwork and Movement
Holotropic Breathwork: This practice combines intense breathing with movement to access altered states of consciousness and release stored emotional energy.
Rebirthing: Involves rhythmic breathing and movement to release traumas and blocked energy from the body, leading to spiritual healing and transformation.
6. Shamanic Practices
Drumming and Movement: Shamanic traditions often use rhythmic drumming and dance to enter trance states, journeying into spiritual realms to retrieve knowledge and healing.
Ritual Movements: Specific movements in shamanic rituals are designed to summon, direct, and release spiritual energy for healing and transformation.
7. Meditative Movement
Walking Meditation: This practice involves slow, deliberate steps coordinated with breathing, enhancing mindfulness and the flow of spiritual energy.
Dynamic Meditation: Developed by Osho, this form combines vigorous movement, including shaking and dancing, with periods of stillness to release suppressed emotions and awaken spiritual energy.
In spirituality, movement is a powerful tool for releasing, channeling, and harmonizing energy. Practices like yoga, tai chi, dance, martial arts, breathwork, and shamanic rituals use specific movements to enhance the flow of spiritual energy, promote healing, and achieve higher states of consciousness. These practices underscore the profound connection between physical movement and spiritual well-being.
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myfaveisfuckable · 9 months
Shang Qinghua:
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The guy's a head of logictics in a magic kung fu school in fantasy ancient China. Like his department is basically the normalest guys on the whole mountain. Also in the world where important characters' appearances range from 11/10 to 20/10 hes like a solid 7.
And no one knows he is the literal creator of the world they live in. As in, he's a writer who was reincarnated with memories into the world of his own novel. Like, ppl come to him if they need a roof one of their superpowered teenagers broke fixed and he looks at them and knows their entire life with all of the secrets and traumas they hide, ya feel?
And in addition to that, he's also, in this world, a spy for the demons and a trusted advisor to one demon lord. And eventually they get together. So like imagine if your school's head accountant showed up one day with a huge demon on his arm like Hiiiiiii this is my new bf one of the kings of Hell. And that's Shang Qinghua.
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Introduced as a bland everyman only made exceptional by circumstance, slowly revealed to be the most batshit, suicidally depressed, bisexual maniac in existence. Uses self-sacrifice like a tool and is completely unaware of how beloved he is by the people he keeps pulling into his fold because he is so deeply and utterly convinced that he is fundamentally unlovable. He's like sixty foundational traumas stacked in a trench coat and he's always sixty steps ahead of everyone else and he loves the people he chooses so so dearly and people keep calling him ugly even though he's canonically pretty average and holy shit dude get some therapy please
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sammerific · 2 months
tagged by @all-yourn, tysm <3333
rules: list your five all time favorite films and have people vote on which one matches your vibe
tagging @official-bagpipes @deanwhump @misti-step @transmascsam @mercurialkitty @stellernorth @coldasyou @jellybracelet and anyone else who wants to do it :))
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> How to Turn your Mars On < Why Mars ain't working for you and why you getting Gecked around> Lost yo tail ya fkn lizard <
Mars is Fighting > and i notice some people could use adjustments in their kung fu jitsu
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1 > Never surrender. If you surrender, you just told the other person you don't believe in what you are doing or saying. this then makes them believe you are someone easy to fight. If you want to be seen as someone who knows the art of fighting. You only fight when you are prepared to fight. 2 > Everything and Anything is a weapon. Do not let people guilt trip you, do not let people call you out. If you want to call someone out its easy as fuck to do because everyone has a few flaws and that are stapled on their faces. So if someone insults you. You can very easily insult them back. Its easy to make fun of others, and if someone makes fun of you. Its their turn 👹 3 > Everyone chooses their fights very carefully because they are insecure of not coming off strong with this in mind. If someone is willing to fight you, you must at least be aware that they fully believe they will win. If they didn't believe it, they wouldnt try it. Now let me point out that this philosophy. Is some bitch shit. You are all setting the difficulty of your game boys to easy, because you only show others your teeth when it suits you. Sometimes you will be forced to fight in situations where you cannot win. And since you've been practising life on 'easy' you are an easy kill. 4 > Fight someone good at fighting. I notice everyone likes to kill the easy kill, but everyone usually shuts the fuck up when someone notorious walks in the room. And this is all a miserable display of ego isn't it. 5 > You can never tell who is and who isn't good at fighting. Many people keep to themselves and some people are very loud and obnoxious, and they are thought to be intimidating, but I shit you not if you step on them a little bit, they will react very quickly. and far too often there is a reason the quiet one is quiet. They may be afraid of fighting. But question why they are afraid of fighting? If someone is afraid. You must realize there is a reason to be afraid. And if they show you what they saw (its not too hard to mimic) you will realize the quiet one. is always. the darkest. Quiet is displayed in many ways, quiet. is not revealing. Those who reveal. Are revealing because they are not afraid. Quiet is unrevealing. Quiet is afraid. And with a simple change in mindset the quiet one knows how to truly inspire fear. Which today seems to be the only way to fight. Have you seen anyone knocking each other out? Jail is a pretty effective incentive to stop each other from entering physical altercations. Oh and the worst part about this set up? Jail is full of physical displays of dominance. But we are afraid of doing so irl. LOL so we are all fucked if we go to jail I suppose ;p 6 > What is the price of winning? Winning requires you to be humble. No one cares for an arrogant winner. When you win it far too often feels bitter sweet because everyone else is caught up in giving you bullshit flattery, and the other half is so bitter they are biting their tongues. Do not regret losing, its honestly burden relieving. Winning should not be taken for granted nor congratulated because you stole someones happyness "Hey its okay buddy :D" type shit will piss anyone off lmao. 7 > Modern warfare is disgusting. We are mental abusers but not physical abusers. most of us restrain ourselves. We just unleash our rage through our minds because thats what society demands (some use emotions but that is a whole nother topic initself). And well with this in mind. The winner is usually the one who gave the other person the biggest reality check. And its sad. who won really? no one ever does. we just sharpened each others insult sword. kinda sad reality right :/ hey at least no one died. but we are killing their souls :D good job everybody now cmon lets insult each other like internet trolls :D
8 > Do you even know what you want? What do you even want to gain. Is the other person going to change their mind. are you looking for an apology? really assess what you want when you fight or pursue something. because far too often I notice people are pretty goalless and have not much reason to fight. So they just fight when someone steps on their little toes. Like someone pointing out the flaws in something personal always gets defensive. But ask yourself why you being defensive? Like they are probably right. We all have our reasons to live, but that comes with flaws that are stigmatized by each of our own little society's ways of conforming. Usually you are triggered by a wound, as you know how it feels to be cut their, the scar reopens. And your afraid of feeling fear. But if you show someone your not afraid of something that once scared you. Well you learned the art of war my fren 9 > Mars requires fearlessness. If we still fought each other today. with swords and shit. Would you withhold your strike? Or would you strike their weak points? Ofc this is a matter of life and death so you will kill them. But most of you dont realize their is an energy here. And the more you surrender to others whims. The more you gave others victory over you. And this causes a stifling energy of insecurity, and lack of strength / belief. So if you want to fight for something. You fight to the death. Unless you dont bvelieve in it. Then you should not be fighting. Everyone must fight for something. Nothing is more enthralling then fighting and finding something worth fighting for.
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toiletology · 2 months
Inaugural Pamphlet #0
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Toiletology was channeled by our founder Matt over a week long period starting on 1/7/2023 from the one and only true God. Coincidentally this was the same day their mom left on a charitable deployment with the Peace Corps to provide help along the border of Ukraine.
The original Toiletology commandments numbered at 64 and were a lot longer than the singular sentences you find them in now.
The commandments had to be refined and distilled further and further down so that even the layman could understand Toiletology. Religions nowadays are way too complicated and convoluted.
The commandments will never number more than 17 for the day 1/7 that the religion was first handed down from the Toilet God to our founder.
1 divided by 7 creates the signal to escape, or code to enter heaven. 1/7 = 0.1428571428571429 its a number that fluctuates subtly but stays consistent. It is the signal of the Toilet God calling out to you to find them. The 17 is the doorway for you to escape. We call this the PIRATE SIGNAL.
Practicing Toiletology will help you locate and find God within yourself and all around you. Once you are able to find God you will then be able to move into the heavenly realms. The pearly gates of heaven are guarded and you will need to practice Toiletology to help you defeat the guardians at the gates.
When creating the website for Toiletology.org the founding member discovered that if you take equal sized blocks when building a 17-step pyramid it creates a 33 block base. This is important because of the 33 bones in your spine that are needed for your kundalini to rise up into your pineal gland for you to reach enlightenment.
The founding member had a kundalini rising experience in 2015 on the Spring Equinox eclipse 3/20/2015. They were outside of a music venue in Philadelphia about to go in when they felt the gravity changed. It felt like a heavy weight pushing them down.
At this time they were in great shape from doing kung fu, fencing, skateboarding, walking everywhere and staying active. But the weight of the gravity was a lot to bear but pride wouldn't let them collapse all the way to the ground. Their friend ended up propping them against a van until they were able to regain their strength. The founder needed to use their friends shoulder for a few blocks back home till they could walk on their own again.
Exactly 33 days after this event on 4/22/2015 Earth Day. Over a 6 hour period starting around 6PM the founder of Toiletology notice an energy slowly building and rising up from the base of their spine. Finally climaxing in their head at 1 AM or so. This is also the exact day the Matt became aware of his cosmic twin flame Cara.
This energy culminated in an intense sense of clarity and knowing. This energy lasted around 4 days till Sunday of that week before it started to fade away. This was the start of an intense 9 year trial-by-fire by God to mold them into the perfect vessel to bring Gods message to the masses.
Fast forwarding to the present time of 2024 The Church of Toiletology is still on going and now finds a place within the comic book world the founding member is working on.
In the comic book the humans all hear the voice of God when they are near toilets and start worshipping what they call the "Toilet God." The comic books that are being written by the founder have been inspired somewhat based on the many paranormal or spiritual experiences they've had in their life. That date all the way back to when they were 16 when they were first abducted by aliens.
At this time around the year 2000 they were staying with their stepdad who was working the night shift at a factory. It was a small one bedroom apartment. So when their stepdad was gone working he would sleep in the bed. On this particular night he just got done watching an old western John Wayne movie around midnight and decided to go to sleep.
As they were trying to fall asleep they noticed the clock by the bed displayed 12:30 AM or so. All of a sudden a green light came in through the side window away from the street and reflected in the cats eyes making them glow.
As this was happening an intense heat wave came over their back and body freezing them in place as the light focused on them. This lasted for a few seconds, but when the light disappeared they looked at the clock and it displayed 4:30 AM around 4 hours had passed in the blink of an eye. They were so scared in shock they couldn't move until it became daylight.
This was one of many dozens of experiences the founder has been through over their life. Their role on Earth is a complicated one that only they fully understand.
Back in 2023 when the founder was channeling the religion of Toiletology they learned about the reasons this religion was needed in the world right now and why the Toilet God or the Lord of the Gap blessed them with the knowledge of Toiletology.
The three main Abrahamic religions are always fighting, hurting and killing each other for hundreds and hundreds of years with no end in sight. Always fighting about who's right or wrong in regards to God. Its obvious God does not want you to hurt each other, but their hatred of each other and water down bastardized text over the years has made them blind to the truth.
Toiletology was a needed solution, something simple people could could easily relate to. Done in a parody or jokingly type of way so that people are more open to learn about it. Many are pushed away when you mention religion or God, even the founder of the church's mom is atheistic.
The world is moving further and further away from God with each passing day. Toiletology has a lot of art, clothing, fashion, comics, toys and games surrounding it that will help attract people from all walks of life. This is why the Toilet God continues to bless our founder with endless ideas to keep feeding this fire so it never goes out.
The Toilet God wants Toiletology to be the fastest growing religion on Earth. Members of The Church of Toiletology will also achieve great success in life by following the commandments of Toiletology. There is a great power in Toiletology, the commandments and the ranks.
Every time you move up in rank in Toiletology you will notice your life improving. The more you practice the commandments you will see the Toilet God blessing you more and more with each passing day. Toiletology will be seen as a joke full of clowns by outsiders and non-believers. But the dedicated members and believers in the Toilet God will see their lives completely transformed by practicing the tenets daily.
To outsiders Toiletology is just a stupid parody joke religion made by a comic book writer. Those that have the patience, or a little insanity, or just flat out bored to actually follow what is being taught and take it seriously. Will start to notice serious change happening that they will not be able to explain.
This is because Toiletology is the ARK or the NEBUCHANAZZER given to us from the one and only true God to free our fellow Toiletologist from their shackles and chains imposed on them by their friends, families, co-workers, media, governments' and societies of the world.
A core message of Toiletology from the Toilet God is that we all are already living in heaven. The Garden of Eden is all around us. The problem is that heaven and hell exist both simultaneously on Earth. But it is possible to rise out of hell, regain your glory, angel wings and halo by following Toiletology. God created humor and gets a kick out of great funny art and The Church of Toiletology is exactly that. A mix of art, religion, spirituality, science, humor, and a lot more. The founder has created a vast world of art that all connects back together. They are very blessed by the one true God and you can be too.
Toiletology uses logic in its religious practice. The 4 main tenets is respect, honor, love and truth. If the 17 commandments is too complicated or if you find yourself in a battle against the devil remembering those 4 will help keep you protected against evil. There is also variations like RESPECT, TRUTH, LOVE, JESUS as there is power in the name of JESUS.
Toiletologist believe that there is no after life. And that all human beings will be reincarnated based on karma into their next lives. Your current life and past lives will determine what you experience in your next life. If you were a terrible person you will experience a lot of terrible things in your current or next life. It is also possible that you could go backwards into animal or bug lives if you are just the worst of the worst bottom of the barrel scum human.
Sometimes the Toilet God will send our founder reincarnated fly humans to be killed by the founder sometimes. The Toilet God expects you to respect all living creatures including bugs. Ideally you will let a bug out of your house or try to save it if you can. It is understandable if the bugs are multiplying or becoming a nuance to eradicate the problem.
With technology improving the Toilet God wants us to start moving away from meat consumption. In a perfect world we would be consuming roughly 60-80% of our calories from vegetarian or vegan sources. We can go 100% as our technologies improve with like printed meat, CACTUS leather, etc. We need to be more in balanced and harmonious with nature as that is the true Godly way.
The ultimate goal for Toiletology and members of the church is to see everyone reach their pinnacle and ultimate self (NE PLUS ULTRA). This means the best version of yourself, on track in perfect harmony with the Toilet God so you can reach your highest potential. You can't reach your highest potential by being a disrespectful disharmonic shitty sludge monster. The Toilet God will not bless you with the happiest healthy life if you're not actually putting in the work and following the commandments of Toiletology.
You will not see the results you are hoping for by not following Toiletology to a "T." The Toilet God sees and hears everything you do. Every word out of your mouth, every thought, every single thing you have ever done, they know it intimately. Do not think for a second you can get one over on the Toilet God. Disrespecting the Toilet God by thinking they are just a joke will keep you at the bottom with all the other heathens.
Once you have been working very hard in life and following Toiletology you may start to experience what we call the "SAUCE." You will start to feel more alive, lighter and full of health and energy. Ideas will flow easier, you will experience better relationships, a more beautiful world. Similar to the movie "Equilibrium" where the main character has been medicated their entire life not able to feel emotions and they are starting to feel for the very first time.
Another nickname for sauce = ACE or (angel cocaine energy) we also like to call it SPICE from the movie Dune or SLACK because it can make you very sedated feeling.
The founder tells us that they really don't know what this "SAUCE" is exactly, only that it comes more easily the more you practice Toiletology. Its basically a gift God gives to show you that you are doing things in the correct harmony on the right track.
Drinking Yerba Mate or the Hollywood aka the wizards wand is also conducive for reaching this bliss or sauce feeling. Yerba Mate is a liquid vegetable and many report that it can give you a high. Combining Yerba Mate + mastering Toiletology is a great way to reach this bliss like high feeling on a regular basis.
The founder of Toiletology reached apotheosis or the alchemical journey of transmuting lead into gold on 1/7/2023 or what many would call enlightenment. They are now a perfect channel for God to speak through and use as their paint brush to help create the world they want. Humans have gone far off course, and our founder was trained by the Toilet God to correct the disharmony of the world.
As a Toiletologist it will be your job to help raise the frequency/vibration of your friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, strangers, animals, nature/environment. Pretty much everything around you where you can see that you can make a difference.
Toiletology is not about forcing our beliefs down peoples throats. One of the commandments is to not waste your energy on non-believers. As a Toiletologist it is more important to listen, than forcing your beliefs onto others. To truly be a master of Toiletology you need extreme patience with the Legs(low energy ground slugs)/Eggs/Loopers (non members). They just aren't as bright or savvy as you are and can be stuck in their loops unable to break free from their deeply ingrained belief structures.
Toiletology will teach you how to not get stuck in these self defeating patterns and be open-to-any and all possibilities. Following Toiletology seriously for a long period of time will rapidly accelerate your growth as you are being fed directly from the one true God in the exact way you should be living to reach your highest self.
Since we all are already living in heaven and hell its not binary 0 or 1. There are many degrees of heaven and hell. The founder believes it is 98 degrees based on many experiences and their birthday, similar to the average temperature of a human.
49 degrees of hell and 49 degrees of heaven. Where exactly you are on this spectrum only the founder could possibly guess at if the Toilet God blesses him with this information. Where you are at on this spectrum is not that important. The only thing that is important is knowing the complexity and magic of the reality that you inhabit. Your life path can grow brighter, more joyful and full of love by following Toiletology. Or it can grow darker, sadder, more painful and full of fear and hate.
Most people would choose to have a happy life filled with more loving experiences. Most of us don't like to experience bad circumstances or pain. Many of us would like to attract a high quality mate that we can spend the rest of our lives with. As a Toiletologist you will and can attract the perfect harmonic companion for yourself. That is if you take Toiletology seriously and help the church grow throughout the world.
The world is a very messed up place and needs everyone we can gather to help heal the disfunction. As The Church of Toiletology grows we will give back to the world/charities, etc. Officers will also receive a stipend or salary for helping manage the underlings. Officers start at the 9th rank will be able to start their own chapters in their local areas. If we grow large enough we can even help fund new churches to be built all over the country/world.
As you can see Toiletology is a big vision. You gotta think as big as possible because this is going to be extremely iconic. As the other religions, spiritual practices, methodologies see our members keep winning they will wonder what exactly is going on. This will create a fire of growth that our members will need to keep up with to keep their progression through the ranks.
Progressing through the ranks will not be easy and not handed out willy-nilly. You will need to show up and show your willingness to help grow the church and spread the message. True disciples of the Toilet God will make the fastest progress through the ranks. There will be no exact formula on how you get promoted. Just remember that there is power in those ranks and you do want to get promoted.
The ranks of Toiletology will give you more understanding and guidance directly from the Toilet God the higher you climb up the ladder. Exposing the secrets of Toiletology can find yourself exiled from the church for life or at least not back in without a serious mea culpa as an apology. We take the laws, rules and commandments of Toiletology very seriously. Anyone caught breaking the rules will face punishment directly from the Toilet God. No member will ever do anything to you as it is not our style. You may get made fun of but that is about it. We will leave it in the Toilet Gods hands to decide how you will be judge for your dishonor.
HONOR is extremely important in Toiletology. Being dishonorable is a disgusting trait and will not be looked highly on. Outsiders or non-believers in Toiletology will be known as EGGS. Eggys, eggheads, legs (low-energy ground slugs), loopers etc. be creative with your playful taunts of the eggs they need it. Its just tough love to help get them on track to reach their best happiest most fulfilled self.
This concludes the first informational pamphlet or #0 put out by The Church of Toiletology. May the Toilet God bless us for many years and lives to come throughout the ages. GOD iS GREAT!
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sharperthewriter · 4 months
Chapter 27 of Roneo and Kimliet
Chapter 27
(Feb. 14, 2006, 8:11pm)
Back at the Possible house, Kim and Monique were finishing up the lines from Scene 5.
"So I have to kiss Ron pretty much twice in a span of two minutes in that scene of the masked ball..." Kim said sighing.
"Yep...that's what it says on the play, girl." Monique replied.
"Too bad the censors didn't cut it out." Kim muttered, "But still, it's only a play...only a play!"
Then, the Kimmunicator on Kim's bed, beeped the familiar four-beep tune.
"I'll get that." Kim insisted as she grabbed the Kimmunicator.
"Hey Wade, what's the sitch?"
"Hey Kim, how's the Romeo and Juliet thing going?" Wade asked.
"Okay so far, we got through the first three scenes of Act I and we're going to finish the rest of it tomorrow." Kim didn't want to mention anything between her and Ron to Wade as of yet.
Then she added, "Is there anything else more than the Bard's works on this call?"
"Oh yes, I was about to get to you on the IRCH. It took me about 14 hours, but I managed to scan the extensive employee database of the entire Space Center." Wade said, "I found one discrepancy."
"You wonder who could it be?" Kim wondered.
"According to my findings, the fake Middleton Space Center employee is actually a con-woman named Grace Larceny." Wade said as he brought a mugshot of the woman to Kim's attention. She was in her mid-20s and stood 5'7. "She is an expert in the art of theft ranging from rare jewelry to scientific devices for money. She is also an expert at 15 styles of kung-fu and is a master of creating fake identities to fool even the toughest security systems."
"So where is she now?" Kim asked.
"As it stands, she could be anywhere in the world!" Wade exclaimed, "She's really good at the fake identity thing! But I can try and track her credit card use and let you know where she is!"
"Please and thank you, Wade!" Kim said as the two of them ended the communication on the Kimmunicator.
(February 15, 2006, 7:30am)
Kim entered Middleton High wearing a long-sleeved button-down croptop, Club Banana khaki baggy overalls with both straps hooked and high-heeled brown boots. Giant gold hoop earrings and a couple of gold CB bracelets completed the outfit.
She met up with Ron at her locker. Ron was in his normal outfit, holding the Romeo and Juliet script.
"Hey, Ron!" Kim exclaimed, waving to him.
"Hey, KP! How did practice with Monique go last night?" Ron asked, waving back.
"It was no big, really. We managed to get through Scenes Four and Five alright." Kim replied. "Wade did beep in on the Kimmunicator last night. He may have found who stole that insect helmet thing."
Ron shuddered, "Again, KP, insects really bring up those bad Wannaweep memories..."
Kim then thought, "The only problem is where the thief will strike next. From what Wade said, she blends well in the shadows. We would have to find her first..."
However, her train of thought was interrupted by Tara. The blonde was in a CB long denim dress and black high heel boots with a long gold necklace.
"Ummm...Kim, don't look at Bonnie and her girls now..." Tara groaned.
"Step aside, losers
"Oh, great..." Kim muttered, "...what is Bonnie...?"
She turned around and found her answer as to what Tara was talking about.
Kim's jaw dropped at the outfits Bonnie, as well as Hope, Ashley A, Ashley B, Ashley T, Amanda and Sarah all wore.
Bonnie led the way, as usual. She was wearing a pink tube top and baggy oversize dark denim Club Banana overalls with both straps undone and a belt to hold them up. Normally, this wouldn't be an issue for Kim since she had seen Bonnie style them in that manner, as much as it annoys the redhead since the brunette cannot utilize the basic need of the straps and that it was a blatant violation of the MHS dress code. What was different this time was that Bonnie was showing off half her pink Club Banana boxers.
As for the three Ashleys that were there, Ashley A and Ashley B were also in the dark denim CB overalls with the bib down, only that both straps were hooked to the bib. Ashley T was in the CB carpenter jeans. They were all in croptops with Ashley A and Ashley T sporting pink while Ashley B was sporting teal. All three of the Ashleys went with the purple CB boxers to show off. While Ashley A and Ashley T were wearing pink sneakers to complete the outfit, Ashley B went for beige boots.
Hope, Sarah and Amanda, were wearing yellow, lavender, and blue croptops, respectively and, like Bonnie, Ashley A and B , were in the CB dark denim overalls with both straps undone and showing off the CB boxers, like the other Mean Cheers. Those three girls also coordinated their sneakers to match their croptops.
They also wore varying amounts of heavy gold and silver jewelry that were extremely shiny.
"What's the matter, K? Jelly over our fetch outfits?" Bonnie grinned.
"B, can't you or your girls EVER hook up overalls properly like I do?" Kim muttered. "Monique would declare this a fashion disaster area!"
"And look like a farmer? So no way!" Bonnie countered, "Unlike you, in which your wardrobe is always the same, me and the girls stayed up at midnight to watch the new Britina-MC Honey duet!"
"Lemme guess, the outfits you and the Mean Cheers are wearing match the ones in the video?" Kim guessed.
"They are so ab-fab!" Bonnie exclaimed while flipping her hair, "Elsa Cleeg said so!"
"I don't care what she says, Rockwaller!" Kim exclaimed, "You know, you're going to be the reason why this district is going to force us to wear school uniforms!"
"Not going to happen, Possible! Not as long as my mom is the head!" Bonnie countered, "You should know this already!"
"Whatever, don't blame me if you do indeed suffer a Ron moment." Kim muttered. "And I gotta get to my first class any ways!"
"Kthanksbye, loser!" Bonnie smirked "See you at cheer practice!"
And so, the two rivals parted ways for their separate classes. The rest of the Mean Cheers also went their separate ways for their first classes.
Bonnie walked with Amanda, for they had US History as their first period class.
"Amanda, I want you to record Scenes 4 and 5 for me for today's practice." she insisted, "But keep the camera hidden from Possible. We still do not want her to notice anything!"
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15 questions, 15 mutuals
tagged by @viciousland
1. are you named after anyone?
yes, my great-grandfather who had a big impact on the family despite / owing to his early death. his first name is my middle name.
2. when was the last time you cried?
phew, the last time i remember was in late 2019, early 2020 when talking about my grandmother’s death in therapy. i may have cried since, but i don’t remember. unfortunately, i don’t cry easily.
3. do you have kids?
no. i think would like to care for children some day, in some capacity, if i’m ever in a position to do so. i wouldn’t reproduce for ethical and personal reasons, but i might adopt.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
oh yes.
5. what sports do you play / have played?
the only sport i really pursued is martial arts. judo, karate, kung fu, kickboxing, mixed martial arts. i’d started training with tonfas and katanas as well, but that was some time ago. i still train with and without my tonfas every now and then, but only solo these days.
6. what's the first thing you notice about people?
really depends on the person and under which circumstances i encounter them. different things stand out for different people. if i just pass them by on the street, it’ll probably be how they move. that is to say, where are they going? how slow or fast are they? do they see me? are they looking at their phone? are we in danger of bumping into each other? do they expect me to step out of the way? quick vibe check to determine if too many or not enough people step out of their way. everything i can gauge without looking at them directly for too long.
even in passing, i’ll sometimes notice when someone’s wearing something particularly elegant, is very beautiful, graceful, or has some other peculiarity. another thing that can be hard to miss and that i pay special attention to are people’s voices and their volume.
7. what's your eye colour?
results are inconclusive. the most accurate description i can give is blue-green-grey with light brown/golden rings around the pupil. people tend to become more puzzled, the more they try to settle on a colour.
8. scary movies or happy endings?
yeah... these are not mutually exclusive, but it’s gotta be scary movies for me.
9. any special talents?
language/s and low-level telepathy.
10. where were you born?
a small town in southwest germany, close to france.
11. what are your hobbies?
reading, writing, singing, translating.
12. do you have pets?
no, alas 😢 my parents have two cats and a dog, and i still think of the cats as ours even though i don’t live with them anymore. pretty sure the cats still think of me as part of the family, too. they’re always really happy to see me. haven’t met the dog, so we don’t have a relationship yet.
13. how tall are you?
170 cm or 5'7''
14. favourite subject in school?
probably english
15. dream job?
anaesthesist (get it? because you put people to sleep?)
tagging: @venacesaur, @azover, @autumngracy, @skeletordidntdieforthis, @sanspatronymic, @thejournalman, @voidedvisions, @dilfslayer1080p, @inthecornerreading, @deez-no-relation, @anarcho-tits, @thane-kyrell-ciena-ree, @orphiclyre, @theformerissilent, @6151-richmond-street
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manasseh · 9 months
'23w51 weekly wrap-up
chill week honestly. not productive, not unproductive, homey enough and finally some time to finish up what needs to be done and step back to plan for what's up next.
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classes for the year done, and possibly no more kung fu either. it was stormy all week too so i spent a lot of time with huddled up with my dearest cat
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steadily working on my 3D hw and commissions. i'm happy i started with these dirt cheap prices so i can struggle with sending invoices in relative peace lmao
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game i loved: bokura // movie i loved: kill boksoon // dish i loved: 4 chicken leg for 7 buck, blanched broccoli, some nuts, sesame oil, lebanese bread >>>
yea thas about it. here's my boy once more destroying a card i got
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(i did indeed end up not going to the party) (sleeping instead)
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That image for KUNG FU PANDA One looks a wee bit different, doesn't it? It's the very first publicity pic that got out for the movie, waaaay back in the fall of 2005...
I skimmed through an old article of mine on another site, and I remember the world of upcoming animated movies... In around late 2005... Looking like this.
Yes, it's a random year. No milestone or anything, as 2005 was 18 years ago, rather than 15 or 20... But I thought I'd share this.
This was what was announced as upcoming back then... To give one an idea of what happened and what didn't, and how radically different some studios' slates were:
THE WILD (Disney/C.O.R.E.)
OVER THE HEDGE (Paramount/DreamWorks)
CARS (Disney/Pixar)
MONSTER HOUSE (Sony/Amblin/ImageMovers)
BARNYARD (Paramount/Nickelodeon)
OPEN SEASON (Sony Animation)
RATROPOLIS (Paramount/DreamWorks/Aardman)
HAPPY FEET (WB/Roadshow/Animal Logic/Kennedy Miller)
DELGO (Fathom/Electric Eye)
HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER (Lionsgate/Vanguard)
FOODFIGHT! (Threshold)
TMNT (WB/Imagi)
SHREK 3 (Paramount/DreamWorks)
SURF'S UP (Sony Animation)
RATATOUILLE (Disney/Pixar)
BEOWULF (Paramount/ImageMovers)
BEE MOVIE (Paramount/DreamWorks)
AMERICAN DOG (Disney Animation)
KUNG FU PANDA (Paramount/DreamWorks)
MADAGASCAR 2 (Paramount/DreamWorks)
THE SMURFS (Paramount/Nickelodeon)
TOY STORY 3 (Disney/Circle 7)
FINDING NEMO 2 (Disney/Circle 7)
FRAIDY CAT (Disney Animation)
IT CAME FROM EARTH! (Paramount/DreamWorks)
PUNK FARM (Paramount/DreamWorks)
REX HAVOC (Paramount/DreamWorks)
RIBBIT (Vanguard)
ROUTE 66 (Paramount/DreamWorks)
SHREK 4 (Paramount/DreamWorks)
And probably a few more that I'm missing, but that's what the landscape looked like back then. It's fascinating to see what didn't make it, what certain films on here later morphed into, and what ended coming out and when...
Shall we dive in? I think I will, briefly...
Most of the 2006 movies made it to their intended release frames, as many of them had trailers out by the end of 2005. After Michael Eisner stepped down as CEO of The Walt Disney Company, his successor Bob Iger bought Pixar, and two of Pixar's top brass - John Lasseter and Ed Catmull - assumed control of Walt Disney Feature Animation, changing the last two words to "Animation Studios". Their "overhaul" of the studio resulted in the delay - and re-titling - of A DAY WITH WILBUR ROBINSON, which became MEET THE ROBINSONS and opened in spring 2007. RATROPOLIS is retitled to FLUSHED AWAY, to avoid possible confusion with RATATOUILLE, so as not to have another ANTZ/BUG'S LIFE, FINDING NEMO/SHARK TALE situation on everybody's hands.
DELGO, infamously, got pushed back multiple times. It was already pushed back several times by that point to begin with, until randomly appearing out of nowhere a little before Christmas 2008. Happy 15th anniversary!
FOODFIGHT!, an even more infamous production, wouldn't be released until 2012 at the earliest after so much went wrong during "production" up until its sale by its completion bond company. We all know the story of that travesty!
2007 also largely stays the same... THE SIMPSONS MOVIE was thought to have been a 2008 release back in 2007, and out of nowhere a teaser for it showed up before ICE AGE 2 and confirmed it was actually coming out in summer 2007, which it did! AMERICAN DOG was to be Chris Sanders' sophomore Disney Animation effort, until Lasseter fired him from the film at the end of 2006, and it would be completely retooled into BOLT, which released in fall 2008.
2008 is where things get interesting... Outside of THE SIMPSONS MOVIE moving up a year, we have a Paramount/Nickelodeon Smurfs movie that was set to kick off a trilogy and had a cast... And curiously, after three Sony-made Smurfs movie, we're getting a Paramount/Nickelodeon Smurfs movie in 2025.
CAT TALE was to be made by Imagi, who of course did the 2007 TMNT movie and the 2009 ASTRO BOY picture. It, too, had a cast and a logo. It was supposed to be about a cat ending up in an all-dog city, playing off of old cats-vs.-dogs tropes. I wonder how much of this thing got quietly transplanted into PAWS OF FURY: THE LEGEND OF HANK over the years? That too was a looooong-gestating film.
TOY STORY 3 was not going to be the movie we all know, this was going to be the version that was being made by Circle 7, a studio Disney set up to make sequels to Pixar's films. This was when it looked like Pixar were going to part ways with The Walt Disney Company after their contract was up. Disney had first rights to the movies produced under the contract, and these sequels were a way for big bad Diz to play hardball and get them to renegotiate. Iger threw out this Eisner tactic, and instead offered to simply buy the studio. Pixar took over TOY STORY 3 and made their movie, not what the Circle 7 movie was going to be: Buzz Lightyear being recalled to Taiwan.
Then you have... KUNG FU GECKO... Sharing a year with KUNG FU PANDA. I remember the minor controversy over this one on animation blogs and forums and such back in the day; that DreamWorks were supposedly trying to sabotage this small Singaporean animated film that had a trailer out and everything. (It wasn't rolling in theaters, you had to dig for it online. It was an independent production through and through, and the guy spearheading it had worked for DWA in the past.) But yeah... This thing was real... And it never got made, because its studio (Egg Story) got shuttered. Apparently it was retooled into a TV production, but I've seen no sign of its existence. If it had been made, it would've probably been re-titled.
(Update: Actually... It kinda... Was... Made? As an NFT animated series. Yeeeuch.)
2009 and beyond... DreamWorks had the bulk of the titles here. REX HAVOC, a comic adaptation, would later be retooled into an original story sharing some similarities: MONSTERS VS. ALIENS. IT CAME FROM EARTH! - about aliens dealing with human invaders - never happened, ROUTE 66 - a truly bizarre project about the statues in front of the various local businesses being anthropomorphic - got left behind, animal rock band romp PUNK FARM was later transported to MGM but ultimately went nowhere... SHREK 4 would of course happen, the prequel did not. PUSS IN BOOTS went from straight-to-video affair to theatrical film, and dropped the subtitle THE STORY OF AN OGRE KILLER. Similarly, the Penguins from MADAGASCAR were to get a direct-to-video movie of their own that would later go theatrical.
Circle 7 had a MONSTERS, INC. sequel and a FINDING NEMO sequel ready to go by the end of 2005, with scripts and everything.
RIBBIT was one of many proposed Vanguard Animation movies, after their debut feature VALIANT was released and when HAPPILY N'EVER AFTER was in production. Apparently they still plan to make it, along with like 20 other movies they had wanted to make for years... It's a very weird production company.
Disney Animation's RAPUNZEL UNBRAIDED, of course, got retooled into RAPUNZEL and was given to Glen Keane and Dean Wellins to direct... Until Keane and Wellins stepped down, Lasseter gave the film to Byron Howard and Nathan Greno, the film became TANGLED. This partially explains why it's one of the most expensive animated films ever, Disney got pretty far with test work and other development work for UNBRAIDED. FRAIDY CAT was to be the next Ron Clements-John Musker picture for the studio, but they left as morale got lower and lower before Lasseter and Catmull were put in charge. When they returned to Disney Animation, they were assigned THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG, and never looked back on FRAIDY CAT. (It wasn't their concept to begin with.)
Yeah, I just felt like reminiscing about my younger days on the Internet and the first time I caught wind of lists of upcoming movies that I was initially unaware of, lol.
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yazzydream · 1 year
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Too Flawless (Gojo Satoru Playlist)
I made a Gojo playlist not to long ago... and then more playlists for other characters too. Lol. Anyway, thought I’d share it now. → [Spotify Link]
1. Mada Minu Ashita ni (Into the Unseen Tomorrow) - Asian Kung-Fu Generation Chosen by Gege Akutami.
[...] We who are presently here Yes, to an unseen tomorrow No matter how sad the ending awaiting us is Let's call it Hope
2. Everybody Loves Me - OneRepublic Because I'm a cliche.
Oh my, it feels just like I don't try Looks so good I might die All I know is everybody loves me Head down Swingin' to my own sound Flashes in my face now All I know is everybody loves me Everybody loves me
3. YES MOM - Tessa Violet Lyrics are pretty self-explanatory. But specifically, some imagery of Gojo's "honored one" scene comes to mind.
Bet you've been a fan of me See me in your fantasies Everything I got, I got working for me so Eat that, peep that I'm the one to beat, yeah [...]
20/20 vision with ambition's how I'm made I can't keep from winning when it's in my DNA Push me down and I bounce right back Trampoline and it's in my past Rising like a phoenix making fire from the ash, yeah
God, it's such a treat Just getting to be me Spending all my time on what I want Looking in the mirror I'm so glad I'm here [...]
4. Without Me - Eminem Gojo is a headache everyone wouldn't miss. Especially those higher ups in jujutsu society.
So the FCC won't let me be Or let me be me so let me see They try to shut me down on MTV But it feels so empty without me
Now this looks like a job for me so everybody just follow me 'Cause we need a little controversy 'Cause it feels so empty without me
5. Can I Get a Witness - SonReal Some meme songs are really too good.
No, I ain't too flawless and no, I ain't the best And no, I don't say sorry and no, I ain't perfect But I am the man, I am the man Shots fired
6. Trust Issues - Emei I mean, Gojo has this whole grand ambition to change all of jujutsu society because he doesn't trust the ones who do control it. (For good reason.)
Calling them incompetent 'cause I might need control Recovering perfectionist, I'm learning to let go
7. Teeth - 5 Seconds of Summer POV: The singer talking about Gojo. Reminded of that one comment Akutami made about how he can't imagine Gojo being sincere to a woman specially.
Fight so dirty but your love's so sweet Talk so pretty but your heart got teeth Late night devil, put your hands on me And never, never, never ever let go
Call me in the morning to apologize Every little lie gives me butterflies Something in the way you're looking through my eyes Don't know if I'm gonna make it out alive
8. comedy - Sion Inspired by that one color spread of Gojo and Getou standing as a manzai duo.
No way, tell me this is just a part Of a comedy TV show or a prank You told me, yeah, that we'll only have to laugh My eyes are sweating in regret, so please explain Oops, I did it again If they don't let me play, they all go away Hey, we're friends 'til the end Be mine or it ends You just can't keep a good guy down
9. hot girl bummer - blackbear Honestly, Gojo vibes~✨ And that one line about how he can't be boxed in is too perfect.
Fuck you and you, and you I hate your friends and they hate me too Fuck you and you, and you This that hot girl bummer anthem Turn it up and throw a tantrum This that hot girl bummer 2-step They can't box me in, I'm too left This that drip that's more like oceans They can't fit me in a Trojan [...]
10. Drugs (feat. blackbear) - UPSAHL
So, you say you're moving out of state Soon as you graduate... interesting (yeah) Anyway, you're leaving Need a hug? Okay then Call me up, no, thanks man
[...] So just stop the faking Not for here for nameless faces Pointless talkin', conversations [...]
11. High Enough - K.Flay Gojo reaching enlightenment.
I used to like liquor to get me inspired But you look so beautiful, my new supplier I used to like smoking to stop all the thinking But I found a different buzz The world is a curse it'll kill if you let it I know they got pills that can help you forget it They bottle it, call it medicine But I don't need drugs
Cause I'm already high enough […]
12. STRUT - EMELINE Gojo Satoru, shameless human dumpster fire.
They say I'm tragically obsessed Hot mess, God forbid, I'm getting what I like Every night, make 'em livid All these saints are watching me My sex life like TMZ You're welcome, bitch, the show is free I don't do the walk of shame, I strut (strut) [...]
13. you should see me in a crown - Billie Eilish Gojo's just biding his time.
Bite my tongue, bide my time Wearing a warning sign Wait 'til the world is mine Visions I vandalize Cold in my kingdom size Fell for these ocean eyes You should see me in a crown I'm gonna run this nothing town Watch me make 'em bow One by, one by one, one by, one by [...]
14. Kid in a Candy Store - JoJo Siwa Obligatory ode to Gojo's love of sweets. 🍭
I don't need no money, just a little bit of honey Got a jellybean heartbeat keeping me hungry Chocolate and vanilla with a strawberry swirl I'll never sugarcoat it, I'm my own kinda girl
15. Candyman - Christina Aguilera
[...] There's nothing more dangerous than a boy with charm He's a one stop shop, makes my panties drop He's a sweet talkin', sugar-coated candyman A sweet-talkin' sugar-coated candyman
16. IV. Sweatpants - Childish Gambino Gojo is that rich kid asshole.
[...] I'm winnin', yeah, yeah, I'm winnin' (Why) Rich kid, asshole, paint me as a villain (Whyyy) Don't be mad cause I'm doing me better than you doing you [...]
I'm winning so they had to dump the Gatorade And I don't give a fuck about my family name
17. Villain - Bella Poarch
I don't know why I'm like this, I'd love to piss you off Something in my psychosis finds it a little hard I always got good intentions, you tell me I saved your life But I'm craving your attention (and you know that I've got two sides)
18. Gojo Flow - DizzyEight, Mix Williams A song written specifically for Gojo. There’s a bunch of these on Spotify, but only a few I like.
I got that Blindfold Swag, that limitless energy, I'm a menace to society, woah
19. My Ordinary Life - The Living Tombstone So many of the lyrics are so on point I'm left baffled.
They tell me that I'm special, I smile and shake my head I'll give them stories to tell friends about the things I said They tell me I'm so humble, I say, "I'm turning red" They let me lie to them and don't feel like they've been misled They give so much to me, I'm losing touch, get me? Served on a silver platter, ask for seconds, they just let me
They tell me I'm a god, I'm lost in the facade Six-feet off the ground at all times, I think I'm feeling odd No matter what I make, they never see mistakes Makin' so much bread, I don't care that they're just being fake They tell me they're below me, I act like I'm above The people blend together but I would be lost without their love
Can you heal me? Have I gained too much? When you become untouchable, you're unable to touch Is there a real me? Pop the champagne It hurts me just to think and I don't do pain
19. Shame On Me - Avicii Closing out with the second song chosen by Akutami. Pretty sure he's trying to tell something to those who love Gojo. lmao
I'm baptized and born again Imma raise hell to the bitter end I'm a crazy little bitch in the first degree Shame on you for loving me
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spitzy-speaks-jp · 1 year
Karaoke song list!
I'm streaming starting 7:00pm Central tonight 8/25/23 to raise money for the maui wildfire recovery effort. one of the milestones is karaoke, and this post is a list of all the songs donors can choose from! repeats ALLOWED because getting myself into a salt n pepper diner scenario would be hilarious
song title - artist Kagerou Days - Jin
World is Mine - supercell
Kick Back - Kenshi Yonezu
Haruka Kanata - Asian Kung Fu Generation
Sugar, We're Going Down - Fall Out Boy
Welcome to the Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
Sanctuary - Utada Hikaru
Bakamitai - Takaya Kuroda
Gotta Catch 'em All (Pokemon Theme Song) - Jason Page
All Star - Smash Mouth
Hare Hare Yukai - Aya Hirano
Snow Halation - those love live hoes you know the ones
Cruel Angel's Thesis - Youko Takahashi
Jump Up Super Star - Mayor Pauline in Mario Odyssey
The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny - Lemon Demon
Plastic Love - Mariya Takeuchi
Stay with Me (Mayonaka no Door) - Miki Matsubara
Strong Wind, Slick-Backed Hair - Yukopi
Misery Business - Paramore
Sugar Song to Bitter Step (short ver.) - Unison Square Garden
Flamingo - Kero Kero Bonito
Bad Apple!! - its touhou
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legion1227 · 2 years
74 shows I watched this year: Ranked from least favorite to Most
74. Resident Evil (2/5)                    (Lance Reddick Wesker is only good thing)
73. Mike (2.5/5)                             (Poorly paced)
72. Shenmue (3/5)                         (Decent animation, middling plot)
71. Murderville (3/5)                       (Peaked with Conan o Brien episode)
70. Wednesday (3/5)                      (All the guys in the show suck)
69. Haikyu!! (Seasons 1-2) (3/5)       (Cute, but not for me)
68. Ms. Marvel (3/5)                       (Liked first half more)
67. The Walking Dead (Season 11: Parts 2 & 3) (3/5)     (Decent final ep)
66. Doom Patrol (Seasons 1-3) (3/5)              (Great cast)
65. Assassination Classroom (Season 2) (3/5)    (Season 1 was better)
64. Bel-Air (3.5/5)                                  (started fine, lost steam)
63. Kung Fu Panda: The Dragon Knight (3.5/5) (great to have Jack Black back)
62. Euphoria (Season 2) (3.5/5)     (Enjoyable schlock)
61. Violet Evergarden (3.5/5)         ( Amazing animation, likable main lead)
60. The Orville (Seasons 1-3) (3.5/5)        (season 3 elevated the show)
59. The Righteous Gemstones (Seasons 1-2) (3.5/5)   (chaotically endearing)
58. Book of Boba Fett (3.5/5)              (Should’ve focused more on Boba)
57. Tekken: Bloodline (3.5/5)            (other characters needed more screentime)
56. The Proud Family (Seasons 1-2) (3.5/5)    (Penny is my favorite character)
55. Schitt's Creek (Seasons 5-6) (3.5/5)    (Not the funniest, but I love the family)
54. Reacher (3.5/5)              (Strong first half, kinda falls apart 2nd half)
53. Insecure (Season 1-3)       (Issa and her friends are an intriguing bunch)
52. Disenchantment (Season 4) (3.5/5)     (luci, bean, and elfo, fun trio)
51. Handmaid's Tale (Season 5) (3.5/5)   (its very good, almost great)
50. South Park (Season 25) (3.5/5)    (wayyyyyy too short for a season)
49. The Last Kingdom (Season 1-2)    (Dreymon as Uhtred is a good main lead)
48. Moon Knight (3.5/5)        (oscar isaac is amazing in the role as moon knight)
47. Re: Zero (Season 1-2) (3.5/5) (fun cast and action sets)
46. Baki (Season 1-3) (3.5/5)      (over the top action fest thats a roaring time)
45. Black Mirror (Season 1-5) (3.5/5)    (mixed bag but mostly good episodes)
44. Code Geass (Season 1-2) (3.5/5)    (lelouch is a good anti-hero) 
43. Whose line is it anyway (CW seasons 1-7) (3.5/5) (bit predictable but still hilarious)
42. Love, Death, and Robots (Season 3) (4/5) (best season they had yet)
41. Archer (Season 13) (4/5)  (RIP Jessica Walter, still managed a solid season w/o her)
40. Zootopia+ (4/5)   (episodes that are as gratifying as the movie)
39. Baymax (4/5)      (Baymax helping others is just so cute) 
38. Baki Hanma (4/5)   (more focused than other seasons)
37. Rick and Morty (Season 6)  (4/5) (Big step up from season 5)
36. Avenue 5 (Season 1)  (4/5)   (Uproariously funny)
35. Legend of Korra (Seasons 1-4)       (4/5)  (besides season 2, its incredible)
34. Scrubs (seasons 1-4)  (4/5)  (carried by great character work)
33. Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (Seasons 1-6) (4/5) (last 2 seasons weak, iconic tho)
32. Jeen-yuhs (4/5)           (the kanye fall of is so damn depressing)
31. Stranger Things (Season 4) (4/5) (another solid season for the show)
30. Vikings: Valhalla (4/5)   (savagery at its finest)
29. She-Hulk: Attorney At Law (4/5)   (Jen Walters and cameos are dope)
28. What We Do in the Shadows (Season 4) (4/5)  (season 3 was better)
27. The Witcher (Season 2) (4/5)    (better than season 1)
26. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Stone Ocean) (4/5)   (beautiful ending)
25. One Piece (Whole Cake Island & Wano Arcs) (4/5) (peak storytelling)
24. Tales of The Jedi (4/5)   (love what they did with Ahsoka and Dooku)
23. Atlanta (Seasons 1-3) (4/5)     (Prefer seasons 1 & 2 over 3 just a bit
22. House of the Dragon (4/5) (confusing names, but compelling family drama)
21. Dexter (Seasons 1-4) (4/5)   (Serial killer drama at its finest)
20. Blindspotting (4/5)  (4/5)     (lack of Diggs and Casal is felt, still great tho)
19. Obi-Wan Kenobi (4/5)   (return of mcgregor and Christensen was lovely)
18. The Sandman (4/5)   (Excellent cast with clever ways of dealing w/ enemies)
17. Umbrella Academy (Season 3) (4/5) (great but hate what they did with Allison)
16. Big Nate (4/5)  (loved reading the books growing up, cute show)
15. Arcane (4/5)    (one of the best video game adaptations)
14. Demon Slayer (Season 2) (4/5) (love way more season 1)
13. Chainsaw Man (4/5) (animation and characters are fascinating)
12. Cuphead (Season 1-3) (4/5) (an even BETTER video game adaptiation)
11. Regular Show (Season 1-8) (4/5)  (wild, ride of a show from start to end)
10. The Boys Presents: Diabolical (4.5/5) (superb snack to quell Boys hunger)
9. Mob Psycho 100 (Season 3) (4.5/5) (beautiful sendoff to amazing people)
8. Smiling Friends (4.5/5)   (funniest show I’ve watched in a long time)
7. Peacemaker (4.5/5)    (funny, but has better action and drama)
6. Harley Quinn (Season 3) (4.5/5)  (top tier character arcs
5. Don't Hug Me I'm Scared (4.5/5) (wayyyy funnier than I thought it would be)
4. Barry (Season 3) (4.5/5)  (balance of comedy and drama is masterful) 
3. Attack on Titan (Season 4 part 2) (4.5/5) (only 1 subpar episode)
2. The Boys (Season 3) (4.5/5)      (the best season with the best episode)
1. Better Call Saul (Season 6) (5/5)       (literal PERFECTION) 
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vampire207343 · 2 years
Athanasia Cordelia Potter
What if.... Charlie Swan is the younger half brother of Lily Potter and Petunia Dursley.
When the Potters died after the dark lord Voldemort try to attack their home and the only survival of the attack was their two daughters Athanasia Cordelia Potter The heiress of the house of Potter & Peverell the oldest twin and the youngest Iris Lilian Potter the Girl Who lived.
Athanasia Potter grow up with her grandmother Helena Swan in Washington she is very much loved by her grandmother and Uncle Charlie who was her mother younger half brother. She was given everything she ever wanted and was told tge truth about herself she even learn from her mother and Father old books which she learn etiquette and manner dhe would need when she step back to the wizarding world as a Heiress of two house she required to alot of things like business and politic so as child she learn and master them before she even turn 11 years old. But her magical studies wasn't the only thing she learn she also learn voracious martial arts such as
kung fu
Muay Thai
Tai Chi
Okinawan Kobudō
I begain learning at tge young age of 5 years old to keep me busy at all time while it was hard to learn at first but as time pass I gotten use to them and work hard on every 12 martial arts and fully master them all by the time I was 11 years old. But martial arts weren't the only thing that keep me busy learn voracious dance such as
Hip hop
acro dancer 
belly dancing 
pole dancing
Learning voracious martial arts and dance made me fit and flexibility at a young age. I also master 6 of all the dance I was taught the only Dance I haven't full master is pole dancing since I haven't everything about pole dancing not by a long shot. I also learn a couple languages such as
Which I full master by the time I turn 11 years old and I wanted to learn the Greek languages so bad because I found out the Potter family originated greece before immigrating to England during the 12th century.
While Athanasia Potter grow up love and adored by her grandmother and Uncle her younger twin Iris Lilian Potter was neglected and abuse by their Aunt that she never even know she had a twin sister and a grandmother and Uncle until she turn 11 years old when she learn everything. And their Uncle Charlie gotten custody of Iris Potter after their first year without the knowladge of Dumbledore. But she had to see a mind healer in Washington from the neglected and abuse she had since she was young st tye hand of Petunia and her family that they encouraged their son to bully Iris.
7 years later....
Iris Potter the Girl who lived resuce a vampire by the name of Garrett Williams from the order of the phoenix who wanted to kill him just because he is a vampire and they are a dark creatures which her so call best friend Ron Weasley and hermione Granger didn't agree with Iris saving Garrett's life not one bit but they can't do anything they already push Iris near to her limit especially when they killed her godfather Remus Lupin just because he is a werewolf and made an example out of him and they dare call them light side what a joke.
That after the war she didn't stick around England like everyone was hoping for especially since Garrett changed her into a vampire while she was in death's door
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(Iris Lilian Potter with fire orange eyes)
Since he dosen't want to lose his mate he was given no other choice but turn Iris. After she open eyes she join her sister Athanasia and her two bestfriend Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom who were also changed into vampires and during neville and Athanasia's changed their gift made them self known which are quite simlier to one another during both of their change the worst storm came to England along with hurricane touching british soil that people didn't dare come out of their home in fear of drag in by the hurricane or beging hit the couple trees fell down.
Many wizard and witches were force inside their own home until the storm and hurricane stop, the storm only subside nearning the end of their change only when the two newborns open their eyes did the storm ended.
They know that they would have to leave since they would be lable as a dark creature and their inheritance taken so they all took step to insure that never happen by transfer all their account into the main branch of gringotts located in Italy which british ministry of magic and anyone of British soil would be unable to touch their fortune and properties.
With Athanasia now adult in eyes of magic she has full control of her vaults and property and sold all property she has in british soil since she has no desired to return to this god forsaken country again.
As the companies belong to the Peverell, Potter and Black family, she relinquish most of it to the goblin nation only keep three companies one is a Fashion campion, the secound one is a museum and third is a high technology company. Which her two friends Luna and Neville did the same.
With the three Heirs taking their fortune leaving british soil to turn into a economic depression since the three heirs family are one keep continuance but without them their economic meltdown.
With Athanasia & Iris Potter changed into a vampire they faked their death for their Uncle Charlie Swan who is a No-Maj and with their grandmother Helena Swan pass away they wouldn't dared return to Washington any time soon but before her death she gaved all her Jewelry to be split between Athanasia & Iris themself. Which they both kept safe with them at all times.
Luna, Iris, Neville, Athanasia and Garrett stay in Volturi for 5 years since Iris and Athanasia meet the three Kings and the guards Alec, Felix,Jane, and Demetri who found his mate in Athanasia during the War. The four half witches gained the kings and the guards respect with protecting them from their own kind which earn the four's distain for their own kind.
The five years they all stayed in volterra italy, Athanasia gotten close with Marcus which created a parental bond between them and when she's with him he is more alive like he use before his mate died. And in those 5 years she gotten close to Demetri Volturi as well.
During her stay in volterra italy, Athanasia discover that Storm manipluation wasn't the only gift she has Field Manipulation which is a powerful gift since the user can create, shape and manipulate fields that surrounds a single object, including whole planets. These fields include magnetic, electrical, gravitational and even force-fields.
Athanasia wasn't the only one who discover another gift Iris discover Age Manipulation is the only thing Iris is capable of she also has gift of Fire Manipulation the Users can generate, shape, and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. The user can also completely control the temperature of the fire at will.
While we were their we discover Luna's gift which is Chrono Vision which has ability to see the past, present, and future. The user can see any point in time, from only a few seconds or minutes into the future and/or past, up to events all throughout time, whether that be along their own timelines or along the timelines of others.which is alot more powerful than Alice Cullen's own gift which allow her see Vision of the future base on one's decision.
Neville train his gift of Weather manipulation and try to gain control of his gift which took about five years for him to full control his gift like Athanasia and Iris.
It wasn't long before Athanasia and her coven left volterra italy to travel and Demetri went after his mate with the permission of three king to leave which he did. But they all promise to come when their help is need before they said their goodbye.
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(Athanasia Cordelia Potter with fire Orange Eyes)
the Potter Coven moved to an Island Athanasia's family own for generation in Greece and they are only ones since it's hidden from the sights from every No-Maj and their's a powerful ancient protection wards protecting the Island and I add my Force field on the Island as well and I also reinforced the wards just incase and no one can enter the Island it self without begin allow in.
With Athanasia beging a alchemist and enchantress mistresses she created something so they don't have hunt humans so offten called a Blood Stone which will turn any water it touch to the first substance it drop on it after it creation be it a potion, alcohol beverage, poison and human blood.
Which her new creation made the Potter Coven have limitless supplies of human blood for their coven to feed on. So they don't really need to hunt humans anymore, but they still do from time to time. And the blood are preserve to make sure to keep it fresh and clean at all times.
Iris Potter manged to discover that if we mix blood with human food or beverage we could consume it without throwing up so if they are in a human town it wouldn't be strange see them not eating anything, Like the Cullen dose when they go human school of all place and it's a miracle non of the humans has notice that they are eating food at school at all.
2 year later...
Jane Volturi called them since they need either Neville or Athanasia's help to prevent Vampires beging expose to human. Since Edward Cullen plan to expose himself to human just so the kings would kill him because he wanted to join his blood singer in death. Which is kind pathetic if you ask them if the girl was his true mate they would have understand him wanting death but the girl is his blood singer not his mate.
They berly made it in time volterra to moved the clouds to cover the sun prevent the shirtless Edward Cullen from exposing Vampires to humans. And the one push him back inside was someone both Iris and Athanasia recognized even if it's been years since they last saw her their younger cousin Bella Swan. Bella the 19 years old is still very much human and the only reason she was able to leave volterra as a human was because Alice Cullen promise that she would change bella herself. And if the two ever get married it would only lead to unhappiness when one of the find their true mate.
Potters visit Marcus which made him happy to see his daughter figure he has miss her dearly. And they gaved a suprising news to him Demetri finally propose to her after 7 years together.
A month later...
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(Athanasia on her wedding dress)
Athanasia and Demetri gotten married surrounded by their friends and family and was officiant by Aro himself it was quick and small but Athanasia never wanted a big wedding so she was happy to her wedding.
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She wore something blue bridal Tiara her grandmother Helena Swan wore on her first marriage with her grandfather Harnold Evans. Which makes her look even more a queen than she already was without the tiara.
they spent their honeymoon on Mamanuca Islands of Fiji they spent a month their and they got a suprising news that they never thought would happen Demetri gotten his wife and mate pregnant which Suprise even Marcus of the news since they all believe that Vsmpires are an able to have children but here is demetri who manged to get his wife and mate pregnant. It was to this discovery that they know male Vampire are able to procreate with any female who is fertile which female vampires are not except for female of the Potter coven who are still fertile even though they were changed to vampires, they are still part witches which makes them fertile and cable of getting pregnant.
Nothing change in Athanasia that much except she feed alot more human blood than she did before she got pregnant that Luna is overseeing her pregnacy to make sure everything is normal. But beging a vampire her pregnancy is faster than humans that in two months she was ready to pop anytime so Demetri dosen't leave his mate alone.
Athanasia gaved birth on March 7, 2006 on a beautiful girl by the name Dianthus Astria Potter. Their daughter grow alot faster than a normal human by the time 3 days pass since Dianthus was born she was already looking like a 3 months baby instead of 3 days and by the time 5 years pass she was already looking like a 1 years old.
1 year later...
Dianthus Astria Potter is now 1 years old but she look nothing like a 1 years old child she look more 7 years old than 1
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( Dianthus Astria Potter, 1 years old and physically 7 years old)
It wasn't long after Dianthus turn 1 years old did she discover her own gift which is Danger Detection The user can sense nearing danger, acute danger, potential immediate danger, or impending danger and sense unwanted or hectic threats to their well-being and the possibility to evade it. The intuition usually regards themselves but may include their surroundings (like a distant car-wreck, friends or strangers).
But Danger Detection wasn't her only gift Age Manipulation this gift might be seen as a weak gift but Users can manipulate age of living beings or objects, causing them to rot and decay by aging them forward, or regressing them by aging them backward. This can be used offensively to decay oncoming attacks to nothingness, turn opponents to dust, or enhancing one's own attributes by entering into their "Golden Age".
And Energy Manipulation the user can create, shape, and manipulate energy, the capacity or ability to cause change or do work, one of the most basic quantitative properties of a system, such as an object or a field of energy. Energy can be transformed (converted) into a number of forms that may each manifest and be measurable in differing ways. The law of conservation of energy states that the (total) energy of a system can increase or decrease only by transferring it in or out of the system, thus the total energy of a system can be calculated by simple addition when it is composed of multiple non-interacting parts or has multiple distinct forms of energy.
Common physicalforms of energyinclude the kinetic energy of a moving object, the radiant energy carried by light and other electromagnetic radiation, and various types of potential energy such as gravitational and elastic.
With how much energy influences as a whole, it would be the ultimate superpower. One who can control energy is probably limited by their vitality & imagination.
It wasn't long before Garrett propose to his mate Iris Potter which she agree she been preparing her wedding for a while now before Garrett even propose that she slready had the wedding dress she want to wear on her wedding day
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(Iris Potter's wedding dress)
She also decided what something blue she's wearing the bridal comb her grandmother Helena Swan worn on her 2nd wedding to
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Geoffrey swan. The very bridal comb that Bella wanted to wear on her own wedding day but will be unable to since Charlie believe it's lost when Iris died so they got something else to wear on her wedding day with Edward Cullen.
Bella & Edward return months early from their honeymoon when this discover bella is pregnant with Edward's child they know this from Luna but unlike Athanasia's pregnacy the baby that bella seem to be carring is slowly killing her from the inside. They didn't tell the Volturi that bella is pregnant since they thought that the Cullens already did. As the months progrecces until Bella give birth to a daughter instead of the son she was expecting and she was given the name Renesmee Carlie Cullen before Edward injected his venom inside bella's heart.
Jacob black unexpectly imprinted on Bella's daughter.
Luna also saw that in her vision which was unexpected since Vampire and werewolf don't get along with one another.
Bella Cullen née Swan wake up and open eyes as a vampire she was expecting a son when she see her child child instead she see a daughter instead and who also happen to be the imprint of her bestfriend which she isn't taking to well. Which only cause an argument between Bella & Edward and whatever spark of Love edward use to have had with Bella slowly disapear as they argue with one another. She dosen't seem to care for their daughter at all which jacob is worry about his imprint that Bella would do something to Renesmee with back turn so Rosalie dosen't allow Bella to be alone with her which Edward full agree with.
7 years later....
By this time Bella and Edward Cullen are now divorce for 6 years now and bella has always blame her daughter Renesmee for her divorce and why she even blame her death her non existen son the one she wanted instead of her. By that time Edward found his true mate with Maggie who is member of the Irish coven and she the gift of a Lie detection.
With how much Bella blame Renesmee it was no suprise that her daughter never bonded with her as her mother instead see Rosalie as mother and see Maggie as her secound mother beging her father's mate.
Evenutally Bella left the Cullen coven with no backward glace left, which hurt Renesmee even thought she never bonded with Bella she is still her birth mother and it hurts to see her leave but at tge same time glad she left.
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(The Home of the Potter Coven)
Dianthus Astria Potter is full grown woman now physically but she is still an eight years old little girl who is very much adored by her family especially her both her parents.
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(Dianthus Potter physically 17 years old)
she never once attend No-Majs school since she grew up physically faster than humans so her parents and Aunts & Uncles taught her everrything they know.
She found her mate to the most unexpected person and is the close friend of her father while he was a member of the Volturi guard and that is non other than Alec Volturi.
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Ross Elliott as Jim the telephone repairman disconnects and reconnects Dan Duryea's land line in Chicago Calling (1951). Ross was born in The Bronx and had a whopping 267 acting credits from 1943 to 1986. His entry among my best 1,001 movies is Gun Crazy. His other honorable mentions are Storm Warning, The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms and The Towering Inferno.
His other notable credits include two episodes of I Married Joan, Ma and Pa Kettle at Home, Dragnet, Women's Prison, four episodes of I Love Lucy (as Ricky's publicity agent in Hollywood), Tarantula, seven episodes of The George Burns and Gracie Allen Show, Perry Mason, The Donna Reed Show, One Step Beyond (2 episodes), Leave It to Beaver (2), The Untouchables, Peter Gunn, Sea Hunt (6), Dr Kildare, The Twilight Zone (2), The Alfred Hitchcock Hour, The Jack Benny Program (11), Gomer Pyle: USMC, Petticoat Junction, Hazel, The Dick Dan Dyke Show (2), Mister Ed, The Andy Griffith Show (2), General Hospital (19), The Lucy Show, Lassie (4), The Doris Day Show (2), The Virginian (61), Ironside (3), Mission: Impossible, The FBI (7), Bonanza (3), Kung Fu, Mod Squad (6), Marcus Welby MD, Here's Lucy, Columbo, Emergency (4), Barnaby Jones (4), The Bionic Woman, Phyllis, The Six Million Dollar Man (2), Wonder Woman, The Waltons, The Dukes of Hazzard, Dallas, Little House on the Prairie, The A Team, and the 1985 reboot pilot for Alfred Hitchcock Presents.
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Doralynn Mui didn’t view acting as a probable career path in her youth, but she’s making good use of her time now – gaining knowledge both in front of the camera and behind it along the way. After guest spots on shows like Riverdale, The 100, and Kung Fu, the Chinese-Canadian actress finds herself entangled in murderous mystery as Fiona on One of Us Is Lying.
We spoke with Mui about her journey in the arts, growing up in Vancouver, and more.
You have been acting since a young age, dating back to elementary school plays. Did you always see yourself pursuing a career in the arts, and can you describe the feeling you get when you perform?
I did have secret hopes of becoming a pop star (I’m partially kidding?), but I honestly didn’t know that acting was a real, attainable career until much later in life. I remember the first time I acted in a play in Grade 7, there was this buzzy feeling right before stepping onto the stage, and then on stage I sort of lost myself in the moment. I had maybe two lines in that whole play. I crave that feeling when you’re locked into the moment, and so open and present with your scene partner and the story that you lose track of everything else.
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Viewers can now see you as Fiona in Peacock murder-mystery series One of Us Is Lying. What did you enjoy most about this role, and what challenged you in playing her?
I love Fiona. She's so messy and insecure, and at the core of it all, she just wants to be loved! I had so much fun exploring everything that goes on in her brain.
During prep, I actually clued in from the makeup and wardrobe tests that she was going to be a bit edgier than I imagined her to be when we shot the pilot episode. I was honestly a bit intimidated about portraying Fiona's constructed "cool girl" persona, while also tying that in with other elements of her character (AKA being an outsider). It was challenging to find the right balance in making her a believable, rounded person.
What excited you about the story this season?
I was so excited about all the action that was packed into this season, they really turned it up a notch! Personally I got to learn how to drive a little motorized dinghy, which was surprisingly scary and fun at the same time.
Aside from Fiona, who is your favorite character and why?
Oof, that one's an impossible question to answer. I love all the characters so much and it would kill me to pick one!
You shared many scenes opposite Cooper van Grootel (as Nate). How was he as a scene partner, and did you discuss your characters' relationship?
How lucky I am to work with Cooper! He’s such a generous and curious person as an actor and human being, it was genuinely a lot of fun. We discussed our characters’ relationship a lot before we started shooting, because we really wanted to be specific about what drew them together. We also brainstormed some ship names (I vote for #fate). During shooting it was great to bounce ideas off each other without judgement, and discover the journey together.
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The series was filmed in New Zealand. Did you have the opportunity to sightsee with your castmates on downtime?
Yes! New Zealand is gorgeous, and they’re very protective of their ecosystem so we were extremely lucky to be able to explore the volcanoes, beaches and forests. The first free weekend, I hiked with Zenia [Marshall] and Karim [Diane] up Rangitoto, which is their youngest volcano. Climbing into their lava cave was surreal. We almost didn’t go in because the opening looked so tiny and terrifying, but thankfully some kid shamed us into going in, and it was unforgettable.
I also loved getting to learn about Maori culture in Rotorua and walking around Piha Beach; it was so beautiful. My absolute favourite spot was actually Devonport Village, which isn’t really a tourist destination, but it had the cutest op shops (Kiwi-speak for "thrift stores"), ice cream on every corner, and the best ever CARROT CAKE. I’m still dreaming about it. I feel like I’m writing a travel blog for New Zealand, but anyway, those are my highlights!
You have had guest roles in shows like Riverdale, The 100, and Deadly Class. What did you take away from working on these more high-profile shows?
All the experiences I’ve had make me really appreciate all the moving parts that go into getting a show made. Everyone has their own role and expertise, and you really notice how collaborative the whole process is. As an actor you have to show up and be prepared, but also be flexible enough to roll with the punches. I love watching experienced actors who have been doing this for so long that they have this sense of ease, and are able to try something new on each take. Sometimes it works, and sometimes it doesn't, but they really don't sweat it.
Did you ever face any challenges as a POC in the industry, and if so, how were you able to overcome them?
I would say, especially as an Asian-Canadian, I’m more aware of how POC can get sidelined in stories or neglected in terms of character development. I’m encouraged because I’m starting to see more effort being made to include Asian voices and characters on screen, but I would love to see more representation in the writers’ room, or in producing and directing positions. A lot of times when there is a lack of representation in those roles, our stories can be easily forgotten or misunderstood.
Personally, I'm grateful for every opportunity that I have and try to make the most of each role. For every character I play, I do my best to create an inner world and fill in the lines of their story, even if it's not something that gets to be explored on screen.
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Who are some actors you are influenced/inspired by?
I’ve never met her, but I would love to work with Sandra Oh one day because she’s a fellow Canadian-Asian actress who seems genuinely down to earth and just hilarious. I love how varied her career has been so far. Cillian Murphy’s character work is so interesting to me, and I’m always in awe of the work that Jodie Comer, Florence Pugh and Emma Stone do.
You grew up in Vancouver. What are your favorite places to visit - and restaurants to eat at - in or around the city?
I feel like I’m the wrong person to ask for exciting recommendations because all I want to do when I’m home is lounge around at my familiar places. My perfect day would be digging through thrift stores on Main Street or in New West, getting hot pot at Gokudo Shabu Shabu or Boiling Point, then getting chocolate, tea or ice cream at Teapressu, Shiny Tea, Purdys or Earnest Ice Cream. Maybe getting bubble waffles at Crystal Mall after that. There’s also a person in North Van who runs a clothing swap out of her basement – it’s a magical place for me. Ooh! And getting giant bags of fruit for a dollar in Chinatown. I always get a thrill out of that.
What is up next for you?
I’m working on a couple of guest spots on CBS and Hulu shows – I’m not sure what I’m allowed to give away, but I’m very excited about them! I’m workshopping a couple of indie projects with some friends, and slowly doing some writing of my own. I’m also going to continue purging my closet, tending to my plants, and learning how to do a body roll.
If you could be any ice cream flavor, which would you be and why?
I love this question because if you haven’t noticed, ice cream is one of my first loves on this planet! My dad always says I'm like a ball of fluffy cotton candy with spikes hidden underneath – as in, I can seem soft and bubbly on the outside, but I can be pretty feisty if you try to test me. So, if I could translate this into a flavour, maybe… cotton candy mixed with popping candies. Is that a flavour? I'm sure it is somewhere!
My alternative answer is chocolate. If you are what you eat, I think I'm made up of 90% chocolate.
Thanks to Doralynn for taking the time to answer our questions! We can’t wait to watch the second season of One of Us Is Lying, premiering in Canada on Thurs, Jan 19th at 9pm e/p on W Network. In other regions, it is out now on Peacock and Netflix (international).
Keep updated with Doralynn on Instagram and IMDb. 
Photo credit (headshot) to: Jenna Berman
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