#Kryze family drama
backpackingspace · 1 year
okay on my what would be funnier korkie theories. Korkie really is bo katans bio kid. She dropped him off with Satine when he was baby. Said she didn't want him growing up in the death watch. It was the first time Satine had seen her sister as adults. Yes bo katan is holding Satine at gun point. All Satine can think to say is so you admit you joined a terrorist group
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stealingpotatoes · 1 year
hi! i've been running into your art a lot recently and it's really adorable! i love obi-wan, anakin, ahsoka, padme, and the twins being one big family. so I gotta ask. how do you think the kryzes fit into the dynamic (in a "satine is not shish kabobed by maul au")? like would obitine/ anidala have date nights often? would anakin and bo-katan always do the stupidest things ever. are ahsoka and korkie the wine aunt/ uncle to the twins (regardless of korkie being obi-wan's and satine's son or him just being satine's and bo-katan's nephew). i wanna know your hcs please!
oo very good question!!! tbh I love Obitine so much, but even if she lived, I don't think either of them would be able to fully break their ideals and properly get together (it's the tragic period-drama-esque romance, baby!)
but that doesn't mean Anakin won't try to set them up! you KNOW he's being like "oh duchess why don't you come have dinner with padme and me?" and just "happening" to invite Obi-Wan round the same night. or inviting the two of them somewhere and suddenly having to leave them alone. every time Obi-Wan tries to confront him, Anakin insists he's the picture of innocence and Would Never
Ahsoka and Bo are besties from the Siege (and I guess Ahsoka would be besties w Satine too if she's surviving it) which means Bo is absolutely looking the other way when Ahsoka drags Korkie into her Corrupting The Twins Agenda, tho I imagine Korkie's a bit more healthily afraid of anidala and Obi wan finding out they're up to mischief with small kids
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chocobothis · 1 year
Perrine Kryze Profile
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Name: Perrine Kryze
Nickname(s): Perry, Quiet
Pronouns: She/Her (Questioning)
Species: Human, Echani, and Keshian (Percentages Unknown)
Birth Year: 39 BBY
Gender: AFAB (Questioning)
Sexuality: Queer (Questioning)
Romantic Status: Single
Love Interest(s): Who has time for that?
Enemy: New Mandalorians, Satine Kryze/Her Brother (for tarnishing their Clan, House, and her father’s name)
Hobbies: Photography, Radio Dramas, Admiring Leatheris Work (she wants to actually make own one day), Mythology
General Likes: Strills, Maintaining her gear/helping others inspect theirs, Camp Fires, Space Pirate Stories
General Dislikes: Large gatherings where she’s expected to socialize with everyone, How alarms only sound when she’s comfortable in bed, People who pirate radio dramas and leave in the commercials, Nobility because there’s so many rules
One Word To Sum Them Up: Exacting
Noun to Describe Them: Introspective
Temperament: Compared to Kloe’s sweetness she’s a little sour and definitely in her own head. She’s not the best at trying to socialize or expressing her feelings. So, it’s really common for her to show her feelings through actions i.e. helping people maintain their gear.
Other’s First Impression of Them: Physically, she’s tall (5’10”) with nearly white eyes, a muscled physique, and a facial scar making her come across as imposing and severe. With her job as an assassin and loner personality people assume she’s a hardass bitch. It’s not wrong entirely but there’s a lot more nuance there.
How did they get here: She’s not exactly a bastard cousin to Clan Kryze but she’s not not a bastard cousin? It’s a super complicated situation where the thing they are sure of is that she’s blood related to Clan Kryze. Growing up she heard a lot of the stories from her part of the family about Clan Kryze’s former greatness and the accomplishments of Adonai Kryze the Warlord. Seeing what became of Clan Kryze and House Kryze with Satine in charge pissed her off even as a young child pissed her off. That fire was discreetly stoked in her, culminating with her falling into Hudu Shiv’s tutelage at 13. She’s a skilled member of Death Watch with a multitude of missions under her belt. Her goal is to help Bo-Katan make up for the stain of her sister and brother; maybe even get Bo-Katan instated as the rightful leader.
Fun Fact: Because she mostly works alone, and at a high volume, she has two strill to help. Their names are Ordo and Cadera. Privately, she also thinks of them as some of her best friends.
Free Space/Ramble: She was actually sent with the group of assassins to Coruscant to assassinate Satine. Because it was with a group she didn’t have her strills. The others in the group died at the hands of a monumentally pissed off little padawan that was thriving on the hunt. Pre recalled her before she could make another go at Satine and Obi-Wan. Dutifully she returned but expected to be executed for her failures. Which she wasn’t but she did get some shit jobs as punishment.
Armor Notes: Perrine's willing to adapt almost everything to fit the Death Watch/Nite Owl Standards. However, she's keeping the Kryze Blue. It's very much her digging her nails into something that's Hers. Satine and the New Mandalorians don't get to poison that blue. It's her Clan's.
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My little foundlings, Tasaia Stralkost and Tsarika Stralkost.
these are the adoptive children of my self-insert Danx.
Tasaia... she loves animals and gardening and annoying her sister with animal noises in the middle of the night it is more fun when they are on the ship meant to be sleeping but neither are actually sleeping. she loves staying up late gossiping with Tsarika about random drama they hear about on the holo-net and silly things their dads do, She looks up to Halea and wants to be a fashion designer like her when she grows up
Tsarika... our force-sensitive child, a fiercely loyal person to her family and friends and a force of nature in the battlefield. she is the padawan of master Makilesh Esad a lotholite survivor of order 66 (another oc i made especially for my bb girl here) Her best friend is named Ylyva (she is another oc of my friend who is also a padawan learner) they are rivals to friends but the rivals part was very one-sided that's just how Tsarika makes friends
Tsarika Stralkost She/Her FC: Anais Lee
Pantoran, Mandalorian, jedi padawan learner to Master Esad
Born to a teenage mother on an imperial prison barge, liberated by fulcrum operative Korkie Kryze and bounty hunter Danx Stralkost aka dada, dad, buir
Enjoys nature
Is mildly off putting in nature for being goth making it hard to find friends but also she is mando so that doesn't help the situation either.
Is a passionate fighter but is trying to reign that in for a more relaxed and calculated fight style like her masters with a few tweaks.
Tasaia Stralkost She/Her FC: Maribelle Lee
Pantoran, Mandalorian
Born to a teenage mother on an imperial prison barge, liberated by fulcrum operative Korkie Kryze and bounty hunter Danx Stralkost aka Father, dad, buir and or Babie.
Daddies girl through and through
Overly formal speech pattern potentially from being told her accent made her sound uneducated even though she isn’t. Probably came from a dick bag somewhere because she wouldn’t tell him where her dad was.
Has a fat ass crush on Ragnar Vizsla. But refuses to go out with him until he grows up a little
Is going to school for fashion design in the Thustra district on Coruscant and eventually gets a intern placement with Halea
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guesswhattimeitis · 1 year
side eye
Who’s the first oc at that comes to the front of your head rn?
And can I know about them 🥺
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Thanks for asking, I am going to dump a whole summary on you now:
Ok so I’ve actually got… a lot of characters in the front of my mind right now but you reminded me of a specific one, this is going to get long.
So back during the first season of The Mandalorian I was reminded that I like rotating mandalorians in my head so I decided to make a group of OCs and a whole set of lore for them. The short version is that I wanted to play in the Star Wars sandbox but didn’t want to deal with the ramifications of the main characters and their nonsense. Thus, there is no Palpatine, no Skywalkers, no one from the original story. It’s a fairly involved AU the more I think about it but the important part is that I came up with this mid-season 1 and the Skywalker clan and friends aren’t going to come crashing into the plot.
Morgan Kryze became my first Star Wars OC in ages. (Again, there is no Satine or Bo Katan, etc, so while she would in theory be related that’s not really how this story goes. Also I made her before Bo Katan showed up in season 2 so that’s why she’s a Kryze.) She’s a hot headed princess of Mandalore, with enormous expectations placed on her by her enormous family, expectations of duty and of inheriting her family’s legacy of holding the darksaber. For her part, she doesn’t want any of that, and her rebellious streak has led her to be a leading bounty hunter and pilot. Her signature element is a round beskar shield, and her deep red cloak she wears over her armor, making her look a bit like a Roman soldier of sorts (or Pyrrha Nikos from RWBY lol). She wears her long blonde hair braided all the way up, and her features are sharp and hawkish.
Which leads to the branches in her story, where I couldn’t make up my mind with where to take her.
The first idea was that she’s regularly contracted by the Jedi temple on Coruscant with odd jobs, leading to her taking a pair of Jedi to save some younglings. She gets involved because a mandalorian can’t help but insert themselves into drama involving children, and subsequently ends up romantically involved with one of the Jedi. They accidentally get married. It’s a whole thing.
The other idea was a story of Morgan assembling a polycule of ladies across the galaxy, ending with her being captured and her girlfriends teaming up to save her.
Morgan appears in my head fairly regularly but I never finished any full stories about her because I realized her AU would require a lot of explanation and idk if anyone would actually read it lol. I’ve considered putting her into a more conventional fic but so far no progress on that.
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kalinara · 1 year
I’m still fascinated by fandom’s reaction to Din Djarin’s name.  There’s so much insistence that this is a retcon, and we have fans adamantly insisting that they’re not going to use it in their fic (which is their choice, but why so passionate?), and many others bending over backwards to explain how “Din” might be his given name but still pass down to Grogu.
It just seems like a weird thing to get worked up about.  Most of us have watched anime, or K-Dramas, right?  Last name first really isn’t that weird.
I assumed Djarin was his family name too, I admit.  But it’s not like the show ever said it was.  His parents were not named.  Hell, HE wasn’t named until the last episode of season 1.
I did see a few people say things like “Well, why did Fennec call him Din, then?” and similar arguments.  I wondered the same thing, honestly, so I thought it’d be interesting to look at the transcripts.  So I did!
This is what I found:
Obviously the only time Din’s name comes up in season 1 is in the finale,  Moff Gideon is the one who tells us his actual name: “Din Djarin”.  (Interestingly, Din comments that he hadn’t heard the name in years, even though he then tells Cara and company to use his name to identify themselves to the covert.  The Armorer also calls him “Din Djarin”.)
Fascinatingly, the name doesn’t come up at ALL in season 2, as far as I’ve been able to find.  Not even when he meets Boba Fett or Bo-Katan Kryze. 
We do hear his name in Boba Fett.  This is primarily in the season with the Armorer in Return of the Mandalorian.  She calls him “Din Djarin” each time.  Fennec Shand is the only other person to use his name, and that’s once, when introducing him to the others in “From the Desert, Comes a Stranger”.  She calls him “Din Djarin, the Mandalorian.”
That’s all I can find, prior to season 3.  His name comes up maybe five or six times in two series.  And each time, it’s his full name.  “Din Djarin.”  No one uses just one or the other, and at no point is there ever an indicator as to which is his family name and which is his given name.  Heck, maybe none of them are and next season we’ll find out his full name is “John Din Djarin” after all.
Now his name comes up a lot more in season 3.  Even then though, the characters who use it (the Armorer and Paz Viszla) call him “Din Djarin” each time.  I wonder if that’s like having your mother use your full name when you’re in trouble.  I’d imagine Din gets in trouble a lot.
So the shippers might love or hate this, depending on their pairing of choice, but there is one character who calls Din Djarin by only part of his name, and that is Bo-Katan Kryze.  Bo-Katan calls him “Din” exactly four times in season 3.
She calls him Din three times in Mines of Mandalore, to ask if he’s all right.  And once in the Pirate, wanting his coordinates.   She’s never called him Djarin.
The interpretation of those could go either way, I think.  The context of her use of Din in the Mines of Mandalore seem more like the kind of situation where you’d use someone’s given name, but they’re still acquaintances at best., so she may be more comfortable using his surname. 
They’re closer friends by the Pirate, so it’d definitely be natural to use Din’s given name, but it’s also a tactical kind of situation, where a lot of folks default to surname.
(I personally like @opinions-about-tiaras suggestion that Bo-Katan THINKS Din is his given name and he’s never said otherwise, because he’s Like That.)
So I guess, ultimately, I’d argue that this isn’t a retcon, because there was never any real continuity established with regard to Din’s name and family. “Clan Djarin” was always fanon, based on assumptions we made about our own norms and what we saw of the Mandalorians in general.
But Din wasn’t born Mandalorian, and Mandalorians are definitely not a monolithic culture, so...there you go.
No one liked the name “Grogu” at first either.  We’ll all get used to it.
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synthwwavve · 2 years
I have numbers for the trash husband! 1-2-4-6-9-10-11/12-13/14
Yesssss, Pre "trash husband" Vizsla, let's fucking goooooo......
— a fun headcanon
He is surprisingly good at cooking— nothing fancy, just simple traditional dishes. Everything he makes is obscenely spicy though, even by mandalorian standards. Makes sense. Weeds out the weak, only the truly strong can stomach his food, etc. etc.
— a sad headcanon
Both of his parents were toxic and hateful in different ways— Tor Vizsla was of course a warmongering barbarian who founded the original Death Watch, and Mom Vizsla I headcanon as a cold and calculating woman who preferred to fight not on the battlefield, but with subterfuge and manipulation.
I feel like they had a loveless, abusive marriage that only got worse the further they settled into their opposing ways. The one thing they came together over was their goal to restore Mandalore as a galactic superpower with their clan at the head, and poured everything into grooming their son to take over in their wake.
I feel like Pre had no semblance of a normal childhood, every second devoted to brutal combat training with his dad or grueling political education pushed by his mom (her idea to send him to study on Coruscant at the same time as Satine— I headcanon she had a fixation on outdoing and undermining the Kryzes by infiltrating their own game of diplomacy and beating them from the inside, which was the origin story of Pre running for governor eventually.)
He definitely inherited all of his parents' strengths plus a heaping side of their worst traits, all with zero warmth or nurturing from either of them at any point along the way.
— a headcanon about their family
Okay enough bleak past family shit! Let's pivot to my "death watch succeeds" AU where he and Bo-Katan get married and have their own family 🥹
They have two daughters, one biological and one adopted/foundling, named Shae and Ranah after their favorite historic girlbosses prominent female Mand'alors. These two should by all rights be terrible parents, but I honestly feel like it would mellow out their unhinged sides slightly, and shift their focus from "conquest and wrecking shit" to "intense dedication to family" in terms of which traditional mando values they prioritize.
Pre, for all his other flaws, would I think be acutely aware of how shitty his own parents were and commit to not making his kids live through a similar upbringing.
— a headcanon to spite canon, specifically
I feel like calling it a "headcanon" is an understatement since it's, well, an entire verse, but as I keep mentioning I have a whole AU that explores what would've happened if Pre and Maul didn't fuck each other over and Death Watch succeeded in retaking Mandalore, the whole basis of which is spiting canon by keeping this dude alive, lmao
— a missing scene that definitely happened
This is literally a missing scene by virtue of it happening off screen in canon, but I would've loved to see his duel with Dooku after they had a falling out! Yeah yeah the "darksaber v. lightsaber fights are cool" aspect but also..... the sheer amount of drama and extra-ness the clash of these two would've exuded....
— I recognize that canon has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid-ass decision, I've elected to ignore it:
You already know I'm going to say this but fuck his hairstyle from The Mandalore Plot, it makes me irrationally mad, I'm retconning it, he had a shaved head the entire time, etc etc
But on a serious note, why would he shoot one of his own men for no reason? Like I'm not downplaying the random murdering aspect. I absolutely believe he'd do this to an outsider (as we've seen,) but randomly murdering members of the small minority of mandos he supposedly wants to unite and needs the loyalty of to further his goals? Even for someone who is extremely impulsive and casually violent, this doesn't make sense to me. Boom, didn't happen, retconned.
(I'm literally just rehashing the things you and I already said we dislike about this episode lmao)
— something [other character] believes about them that isn't true
Satine thinking early on that he would be a good influence on Bo and steer her towards maturity and an interest in politics, and supporting the two of them getting closer based on that. Oops 😬
(I mean.. Satine trusting him in general but that's canon and not a headcanon so!)
— something they believe about [other character] that isn't true
Gonna jump in and defend my boys the Zabrak brothers for a second..... they were not monsters or thugs, at least not at their core, not even by virtue of being Sith/dark side force users. They were chronically subjugated, objectified, and used as pawns by the nightsisters and by the Sith. Poor dudes barely ever had a chance to organically form their own personas, goals, allegiances, etc. without being directly or indirectly influenced by an outside party's motivations. But anyway that's a rant for another post. Moving on!
— their happiest memory
I mean. Definitely the fleeting moment of retaking Mandalore, having his entire life's purpose be fulfilled, and finally having it all.... for a brief blink of time before it all inevitably went south.
— their worst memory
Being sentenced to exile on Concordia as the civil war came to a close. The shame of his once great clan eroding to a shadow of what it once was, the traditionalist faction as a whole being weak and decentralized to the point where it took such little force to drive them off-world and keep them there. I imagine this was a "worst memory" and a gateway point to further radicalization for many trad mandos of this age/era.
Ask meme post for anyone who wants it!
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typewriteringalaxy · 3 months
i think Sabé really wanted Miramir to married Luke but she falls for Dathan
Hello dearest anon! I think you're right and I'll take this chance to expand upon the Miramir as Sabé's daughter ask and the Dathan Kenobi ask :
First, I think Miramir would be older than the twins. Perhaps not by much, but Sabé would feel a strengthened sense of responsibility after Padmé's becoming a mother—and her handmaidens were the only ones aside from Anakin to know of her pregnancy, since they also helped her hide it—and a protectiveness that would extend to the twins, so I don't imagine she'd willingly have children of her own after that.
Now let me try to do some math that no one asked for. Obi-Wan Kenobi and Satine Kryze had the chance rekindle their old flame in 21 BBY, which could be the time of conception for Dathan. Luke and Leia are born in 19 BBY. Miramir however would have to be born before the assassination attempt on Padmé's life on 22 BBY, before perhaps the Separatist Crisis that started in 24 BBY and which would heighten both Padmé's preoccupations and her handmaiden's duties—because again, I can't imagine Sabé making a "selfish" choice such as motherhood in such dangerous times, and before those events, Padmé might even encourage and support her to make it. To be safe, I'd place Miramir's birthday in 25 BBY, in the transitional time between Padmé stepping down as Naboo's queen and becoming a senator.
Canonically, Satine died in 19 BBY. If Obi-Wan knew of her pregnancy and the birth of his son, he'd try to save the latter from Bo Katan and the rest of Satine's (and his) enemies. If we add to the fact that he likely knew/suspected of Padmé and Anakin's relationship, we have a very positive scenario in which he trusts both of them enough with his secret, they trust him in turn, Anakin voices his worries about Padmé's possible death at childbirth and Obi-Wan helps assuage them enough that he doesn't fall to the Dark Side and the twins are raised together with Dathan by the strong trio. A nice, happy family, right?
Well, perhaps not. It's same to assume that since the handmaidens were the ones helping Padmé hide her pregnancy, they would also help her juggle motherhood and politics—since Padmé would undoubtedly keep fighting against the Empire. And while they couldn't say anything about the twins, Dathan was not strictly her responsibility, and why deprive him of a chance to be raised with more stability? So, in a spin complimenting canon, Dathan could be fostered by Bail and Breha Organa—and I think Obi-Wan would agree to it, if he didn't suggest it himself. (Though I also think he wouldn't resist the urge to tell his son the truth eventually, so adult Dathan would know he was a Kenobi).
Dathan Organa (Kenobi) and Luke & Leia Amidala(-Skywalker) would grow up as playmates and close friends, being close in age and understanding the struggle of having loving but politically involved parents (and hidden Jedi Master fathers). But Miramir would be 6-4 years older than them, an age gap negligible in adult relationships but quite the obstacle in childhood ones. Sabé would likely project her own role into her daughter, drilling into Miramir the duty to cherish and protect the twins. But in trying to paint Luke as the perfect boy, the real Luke, a clueless toddler in Miramir's eyes would clash horribly with that, and teen Miramir especially would rebel against that idea of her mother. (She might even become a little resentful of the twins for monopolizing her mother's attention—the drama!) In this scenario, falling for Dathan would occur in their twenties, perhaps when Miramir is sent to be his bodyguard before the destruction of Alderaan. (0 BBY: Miramir 25 yo, Dathan 21 yo and the twins 19 yo).
In a less positive scenario, where both Satine and Padmé die, Sabé would likely not know that Luke was Padmé's son and where he would be. However, if Luke was the one taken in by the Organas and she did know, she might leave 6-year-old Miramir in Alderaan to be trained as his bodyguard and grow up alongside him—and I imagine she'd do the same if it was Leia, too. Meanwhile, Bo Katan might've taken Dathan and raised him as a warrior if only to spite her pacifist sister (or bc of a hidden streak of familial love between them). And whether Miramir would remain loyal to the Organas, following the will of her mother, or betray them for the Empire to spite her, or even go rogue and try to find herself, she would meet Dathan when they'd be older.
Either way, I don't think Miramir would fall for Luke because of what he'd represent to her—someone held up by her mother, to protect and idolise. Either she'd idolise him platonically and focus on her own function as the protector, or rebel against the idea entirely.
(Side note: the same applies to Leia x Miramir. The analogy with Sabé x Padmé is very direct and admittedly quite appealing shipping-wise, but I would like for Miramir to be her own person, and a romance with Dathan would be more conductive to that).
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ao3feed-obikin · 10 months
Mind Your Manors
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51844615 by spacewombatty It's the last spring of the Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore's season, and rumors are abound that this season would be the her last. Beaten down by heartbreak, there are whispers that she’d decided to be buried with her wealth; but the more romantic of the ton speculate that she wishes to find a more unusual partner to intertwine her life with. In a world were power, influence, charm and wit are stepping stone on the ladder of prestige, love has very little influence. Anakin Skywalker is an engineering prodigy with dirty blood. Obi-Wan Kenobi is the last living Duke of the Order. One marriage may determine the Fate of their family names, and in their vying for her hand, they find their feud has vastly overcome the boon that would be their success. In a galaxy filled with subterfuge, sabotage, sparring, and secrets, the most dangerous rival is the one sleeping in the same bed. Space!Bridgerton AU. Words: 3247, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Prequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, Satine Kryze, Qui-Gon Jinn Relationships: Obi-Wan Kenobi/Anakin Skywalker Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pining, Enemies to Lovers, Secret Relationship, Courting Rituals, Angst with a Happy Ending, Jealousy, Rivalry, Slow Burn, Fake/Pretend Relationship, You're like a brother to me except literally yikes, Obsessive Anakin Skywalker, Complicated Relationships, Family Drama, Half-Sibling Incest, space!Bridgerton, Sibling Rivalry read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51844615
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
So Here's My Number, So Call Me Baby
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rn54Svd
by AnneAnna
A one night stand ends in disaster for Rey and she ends up pregnant. But when she accidentally texts the wrong number Fate just might provide another chance at happiness.
Words: 1332, Chapters: 1/7, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Satine Kryze, Kaydel Ko Connix, Din Djarin, Bo-Katan Kryze, Rose Tico, Armitage Hux, Phasma (Star Wars), Bazine Netal, Poe Dameron, Finn (Star Wars), Maz Kanata, Chewbacca (Star Wars)
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Rey/Ben Solo
Additional Tags: Romance, Explicit Sexual Content, Unplanned Pregnancy, One Night Stand, Misunderstandings, Idiots in Love, Pregnancy complications, Twins, Family Drama, sugar Daddy vibes, Ben just likes to take care of Rey, Bazine is mean, Rey's parents death is mentioned, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Happy Ending
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/rn54Svd
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tessaliagrey · 3 years
Satine Lives AU Chapter 9 - Collision
Summary: Satine’s return doesn’t go over as smoothly as she’d hoped.
A/N: This chapter switches between Satine's, Bo's and Korkie's POV.
Posted on AO 3.
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internet-go-brrrr · 2 years
Bo-Katan is like the most consistant character in star wars. she looks (mostly) the same in all her appearances.
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Her voice is the same in both animation and live action, (for obvious reasons). 
Aaand... she’s always trying to start some shit. Like even in the Mandalorian season 3 trailer she’s already throwing out accusations. She is consistently just a little bit of a bitch, (affectionate). You can always rely on her for that.
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Get excited over kitchen appliances:
Doesn't appreciate how cool kitchen appliances are:
Wants to fight kitchen appliances:
Artoo detoo
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Satine: Bo! That’s racist!
Bo-Katan: I’m not racist! I hate everyone equally!
Satine: Oh, So you’re a quirky racist, Bo?!
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inkognito97 · 7 years
Can we have more of the sith family au?
Sorry for the delay… o.o
I simply forgot to post it…
“Obi-Wan? What…” but Satine stopped herself from questioning, when she saw the haunted look on her partner’s handsome features. His golden eyes were wide and they fixated on the the man, who was lying on the ground and the honey skinned female at his side.
“Satine,” the accented voice said very carefully, “get the children away from here… and please, take Nox with you as well. he is badly hurt and is in need of medical treatment immediately.” The voice in which those words had been uttered, had been calm and collected, too calm, for Satine’s liking. Yet she hastily agreed and gently took the wounded Nox into her own arms, while motioning for the still frightened children to follow her.
The first child to comply, was a blonde girl with two long braids at each side of her skull. After she had made the first brave steps, did the others follow her example. Satine’s blue eyes met Obi-Wan’s golden ones for the briefest of moments, and with a last nod in his direction, did the female of noble blood, vanish.
“I’m fine, I’m fine,” grumbled the long haired man on the ground, while waving his fretting wife away.
He pushed himself into a sitting position, with Tahl sitting on her heels, ready to assist her husband if necessary, Just as he was about to get to his feet, was Qui-Gon stopped by a blood red lightsaber that flickered to live right in front of him. Midnight blue eyes widened and their owner slowly followed the lightsaber and the arm that was holding it, until he was looking into a familiar face.
“Obi-Wan!” gasped Tahl, but the ginger haired male ignored her.
“Tell me,” he said in a dangerous low voice, his eyes blazing in barely concealed fury, “what you are doing here. And don’t you dare to lie.”
“We came to see you,” Qui-Gon replied calmly. He would lie, if he were to say that he was not feeling fear in his current position. He had not seen his son for a long time and people changed. Who could say what kind of man the ginger haired male had become?
“Did you now?” his eyes narrowed. “And why is that? Did you come to ruin my love once again?”
That single statement, hurt more than all the years of his son’s absence combined. There were immediately tears coming to Qui-Gon’s eyes, but he willed them away, barely. “No,” his voice sounded hoarse, “of course not.”
“No?” the ginger haired male tilted his head. Not even Tahl dared to move or interrupt the conversation. In this state, Obi-Wan was unpredictable. One wrong move could set off the bomb and cause mayor damage to everyone present. Also, she somehow had the suspicion that even with their combined strengths, they would be no match for her son. “I wonder, since you are doing such a fine job already.” 
Qui-Gon’s brow furrowed in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“What do I mean?” he was yelling now and the ruby red blade came threateningly close to Qui-Gon’s neck. The long haired man in question did not even dare to breath. He could feel the heat radiating off the deadly blade, it was barely bearable. “What do I mean? I mean that you come barging in like a possessed man, hurting and almost killing my companion. You destroyed my life once already and you dare to ask, what I mean?”
“Obi-Wan… please,” with horror he realized that he was trembling all over, “let me explain…” he was rudely and heatedly interrupted.
“Explain? I think the time for explaining is long over, ‘father’,” the last word was spit in disgust. “It was over, ever since you replaced me by Anakin. Tell me, oldtimer, how is your ‘son’ doing these fine days?” He mocked gasp. “Tell me, have you brought him here as well? Please tell me you did, because I would just love, to meet him.”
“Please dear, this is not you,” Tahl was finally trying her luck. She felt suffocated by the pure darkness that was coming from him. It was beautiful in a terrifying way, but not a good sign for their current situation. 
“How would you now, mother?” hissed the ginger haired man.
“I know you are angry,” the Sith on the ground tried his luck, but once again, he was interrupted.
“Angry? Oh, I am not angry, I am bloody furious!” his eyes shone madly in the dim light. The trees began to vibrate with the darkness pouring out of his every fiber.
“Please,” Tahl pleaded, her eyes were glistening with unshed tears. This was not, how she had imagined their little reunion to go and she desperately wished that she had brought Dooku along after all.
Qui-Gon had already lost all hope of getting out of this alive, when the lightsaber suddenly retreated. He hopefully gazed up at the younger male, only to find himself looking in a emotionless mask.
“Stand up,” Obi-Wan demanded out of a sudden. 
“What?” Qui-Gon blinked in confusion.
“I said, ‘stand up’,” Obi-Wan repeated slowly. 
The long haired Force user exchanged a worried glance with his wife, before following the strange instruction. He had no desire to anger the man in front of him further, if that were humanly possible that is. 
“Good,” Obi-Wan mocked, “Now take out your lightsaber.”
Qui-Gon’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “No, please Obi-Wan. Don’t make me do this,” he said.
“Take. Out. Your. Weapon.” Obi-Wan repeated his command.
“Please,” the older male’s voice broke, but he did take out his lightsaber. Strangely, he could not remember having made the decision to follow the command and he was left to wonder, if it was Obi-Wan’s magic that was making him do it.
Now it was Obi-Wan’s turn. He got into an offensive position, but not before taking out his second weapon, taking it in a reverse grip. The two older Sith knew that one, it was Obi-Wan’s old lightsaber, and even though it WAS older, it was just as deadly as his new one.
“Now, defend yourself, or die like the gutless bastard that you are,” growled the yougn Sith and in the blink of an eye, he was gone, leaving green-black fog behind, before he reappeared right in front of the startled Qui-Gon, who instinctively took a step back and raised his lightsaber to defend himself. 
A pleased grin appeared on the ginger haired male’s features, while one of desperation and despair appeared on the taller man’s. Meanwhile were tears streaming down Tahl’s face. She knew that she would just make it worse, were she to interfere on a physical level.
“Oh, Obi-Wan,” whispered the honey skinned female to herself, silently asking the Force for help and guidance…
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jedijesi · 3 years
Luminary Love
Prince!Din Djarin x F!Princess!Reader
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Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut (F receiving, PiV, Breeding kink)
Summary: Tonight is your (unwanted) wedding to the soon-to-be King of Mandalore, but is there more to him than meets the eye?
Word Count: 3,100+
A/N: I’ve had this idea for several days now and I just needed to write it. Don’t worry tho bc the next ch. of biblichor will b out soon. Enjoy some Din content!🤍
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All night long, you received congratulations and cheers. Thousands, billions of people would kill to be in your position, but you dreaded this more than anything. You never wanted to marry the soon-to-be king of Mandalore, but the Royal administration never gave you an option. Throughout the fantastical wedding, you repeatedly reminded yourself it was for your people - they are the ones who will prosper from this. Thankfully, his creed forbade him from removing his helmet in front of others, therefore you weren’t allowed to kiss him. The only time you had to touch him during the ceremony was when you held hands. Even then, his mastiff-leather gloves create a barrier from any real contact.
After the ceremony, you avoided your new husband as best you could. When it was time to put on a show, you had forced yourself to put on the royal smile you had been practicing. When eating, you sat as far away as possible from him but not far enough to worry the royal administrations that watched you two tentatively. The times you were called to waltz, you performed what you had been learning for months but never made eye contact with him. After a few dances, the royals watching had joined in and forgotten about you, giving you the perfect chance to escape.
You spent your time talking with other royalty, expressing your worries and concerns to Princess Mary of Ryloth. Unlike you, she was happily married, but it was her 3rd time. The first two suitors weren’t ‘good enough’ for her, so she became the royal’s biggest scandal and ignored her administration to marry for love. Luckily her experience with terrible lovers led to wonderful tips and tricks that she gladly gave you for your wedding night. You knew she was telling you these things to help, but in reality, it only made you feel worse about your new life.
“Djarin, my oldest friend, how are you enjoying your wedding?” General Paz said with a heavy pat to Din’s pauldron.
“It’s… grand.” Din sounded unconvinced by his own words.
“Grand? Is that all you have to say?”
“Well, everything appears wonderful, but my wife won’t speak nor look at me.”
“Have you attempted to talk to her?”
“Of course!” Din and Paz turn to watch you talk to Princess Mary. “She never responds, though.”
The uncomfortable feeling of Din’s stare props you to turn around. The blue and silver beskar statues jump when you catch them and quickly turn back to avoid any further embarrassment.
“I haven’t seen her in years, but she has grown to be quite beautiful, you must admit.” Paz shrugs.
“I know, it’s one of the many reasons I married her. I just… wish she’d give me a chance.”
“Well, she better. I overheard that the administration is already seething that you two haven’t gone back to your honeymoon suite.”
Din rolls his eyes under his helmet. “I don’t care about them. They shouldn’t have a say in my marriage.”
“Good luck arguing that. You know they expect an heir to be conceived tonight.”
“I already have Grogu. Is he not enough?”
“Nothing is enough for them, my friend.” Paz pats Din’s back reassuringly. “Just be kind to the poor girl. I’m sure she isn’t pleased with all of this.” He gestures to the grand chandeliers and dramatic towers of cake and food.
Din sighs as he fiddles with the edge of his cape. “Alright. I should probably go fetch her before the Administration creates any more drama.”
“Good luck, your majesty.” Paz bows as Din walks your way.
Din let’s go of his cape before wiping his armor of any lingering bits of dust and dirt, wanting to be as presentable as possible for you. When Din arrives behind you, he clears his throat and bows.
“My Princess, it is time for us to leave for the Honeymoon Suite.”
Without a word, you give him a nod and take his arm. The guests cheer and whisper as you and your husband make your way out of the ballroom. You could hear Royal Administers whisper their concerns regarding your fertility or your performance in bed. It was dehumanizing, to say the least. You fought for justice and equality on Naboo, but this was not the way on Mandalore. Your new role would be diminished to a supporting queen who would raise the future heirs. Meanwhile, the other women of Mandalore were busy serving valiantly in wars. This was the way. Mandalore was born out of extremists, and you had to embrace the consequences.
Din hated the whispers. If he were king, he would have lashed out long ago, but the coronation isn’t for another few days. You didn’t deserve to be treated as an object. Din saw you to be the goddess that would help lead his people into prosperity and the gorgeous woman who may one day graciously birth his children. Such slander against someone so perfect made Din rage under his helmet. A few more days. Din would remind himself.
The Suite reflected Mandalore: grand and majestic. Silver swirls of beskar outlined the stained glass windows that watched over Mandalore. The bed was larger than any other you had seen before. It looked cozy; a complete contrast to the large and uncomfortable dress you’ve been wearing all day. You walked over to touch the silk-like blankets and sighed at its softness.
Din watched you with interest - mesmerized by the way the roaring fireplace creates a golden glow on your features. “Wife?”
“Why don’t you look at me?” The flicker of sadness in his voice took you by surprise. You weren’t sure if Mandalorians could feel emotions underneath the layers of cold beskar. “Do I… scare you?”
You turn to look at him, your nerves shining through by the twiddling of your thumbs. “I… I don't know.”
“What is wrong, my dear princess? I want to fix this. I don't want to start our marriage off on the wrong foot.” You sit down on the luxurious bed, your eyes now watching as you fiddle with your dress. Din walks towards you, taking a knee to be at eye level with you. “I understand this isn't what you wanted. I heard whispers that it took the maids an hour to get you off your ship. That you fought off any guard that laid a hand on you.” Din chuckled at the image he had created in his head. “But then the fighting stopped… why?” You couldn't find it within yourself to respond. “Won’t you please entertain my curiosity?”
You sighed and looked up into the dark visor. “I realized I was being selfish. I had forgotten that marriage among the royals was for the people… not for love.”
“You do not love me?”
“We barely know each other, your majesty.”
“What are you speaking of? We used to be best friends.”
You scoffed at Din. “We were children, your majesty. You were just a servant boy in the palace back then, but times have changed, haven't they, your majesty.”
“Please refrain from calling me ‘your majesty.’ I thought we were beyond that.” Din groaned, annoyed by the ridiculous title.
“Din, you're to become the Mandalore - the king - in a few days' time. I understand the rules - I understand why you had to marry me.”
“What? So that I could officially hold the title as king? I don't care about a stupid title - the administration does.”
“Then why marry me? There are millions of royals lined up to marry the Mandalore, but why choose me, Din? Why?” You started getting hysterical at it all. Your life's work had come to a halt just so that Din could be crowned king. It was disgusting and unfair.
“As an orphan-servant boy, the days your family visited were the best days of my life. Your parents always treated me like their own - the complete opposite of how the Kryze family did. I meant it when I said you were my best friend. You were the only person who could beat Paz and me in a fight. The only person who would sneak out of the palace to play in the garden at night with me. When your parents… passed and you stopped visiting me… It crushed me. I never stopped thinking about you, my princess.”
You could hear the build-up of tears in Din’s throat, but he wasn't the only one. You too had tears in your eyes, remembering the once pure and innocent life you had. You bring your hand up to din's helmet, holding where his cheek would be.
“Do you remember that last night?”
“Of course I do. It was a cold night in the rose garden. I gave you my coat since you had insisted you didn't need your shall.” Din smiled and chuckled at the memory.
“I... I never saw your lips, but I had never felt such pure joy than the moment they molded against mine.”
Din leans his head forward to rest your foreheads together. Underneath, he continued to beam. It had been so long since he had felt such love - such love that could only be created by you.
“My princess, I never stopped loving you. Even as we grew up and apart, I would watch the holovids that spoke about you, and all the wonderful things you were doing for your people. It was the only thing that kept me going through those torturous years apart from you. I love you.”
Din’s arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug. You reciprocated by wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burying your head in the crook of his neck. “I love you too, Din.”
“My wife?”
“Yes, my husband?”
“Will you take this ridiculous helmet off of me so that I may kiss you and make love to you?”
Your glowing smile melts Din’s heart. Your hand reaches up to slowly slide off the silver beskar helmet that covered those features you dreamt of. An audible gasp escapes past your lips when Din’s lips appear. It took everything in you to not pounce on him and cover him in kisses, but you maintain your composure. His nose was strong and beautiful, and his cheeks… oh, how you wanted to leave lipstick stains on them. Then were his perfect eyes. Those chocolate eyes that expressed an amount of love you'd never completely fathom in your life.
“You're stunning, Din.” Din’s heart flutters at your words. The only compliment he's ever received was about his combat skills and valor. He's never been complimented on his looks before.
“I’d never compare to my gorgeous wife.”
Din takes your face into his palms and slowly pulls you in for a kiss. The moment your lips touch, you feel fireworks exploding all around you. The glowing lights flash behind your eyelids as you mold your lips together. The tickle of his mustache causes you to giggle into the kiss, which Din finds to be enchanting. One of Din's hands leaves your face to grip your torso, massaging and kneading your skin.
“I love you.” He murmurs into the kiss. “I love you more than the moons and stars.”
As the kisses become more intense, so does your lust for one another. Din’s hands undo the strings of your wedding dress as you shed his armor off - lips never leaving each other. Once you two were completely naked, Din had you crawl to the center of the bed.
“Now, lay back, my love. I want to show you how much I love and miss you.” You follow his instructions and rest your head on the large cloud-like pillows.
Din crawls between your legs, taking one into his hand. Starting from your ankle, he works his way down, leaving a trail of sloppy yet delicate kisses. He takes his time at your inner thigh, sucking and licking at your skin to make you emit whimpers.
“D-Din, please don't tease me.”
“Hush, now. Let me take my time loving you.” And he does. He spends his time worshiping your body - kissing and sucking the skin around your lips while his hand massages your breasts. Suddenly, Din dives into your sopping wet cunt, immediately sucking and licking your swollen clit. You let out a loud gasp followed by a moan, making Din’s cock bounce up in excitement.
Your noises sound like music - the most angelic music he's ever heard in his life. Each moan and whimper you let out only addicted him more. Din wraps his hands around your waist and sits back, lifting your hips from the bed and to his mouth. You grip the blankets with a scream as Din explores further into your pussy. The animalistic grunts and growls he lets out only make you wetter.
“Come on, Princess. Cum. Cum all over my face. I need it.” And just like that, you let out a scream as you convulse around his tongue. Din slowly lowers you back onto the bed as he licks up your dripping cum. “You're sweeter than a meiloorun, darling. I've never tasted anything so divine. I’d love to stay between your legs forever and drink your cum until the day I die, but I wanna put a baby in you too badly to do so.” You let out a whimper at his filthy words. “Can I, darling? Will you let me fuck a baby into you?”
“Wait, we're not done?” You ask through pants.
“Not done? We’ll be done when the sun wakes up. Even then, I'm not sure if we'll ever be done. Why?”
“The other princesses said it would only be a minute of discomfort, and it’ll be over.
Din tsks and shakes his head, pressing a few kisses to your clit. “Oh, my darling. I'm not like those other royals. I care about my wife’s pleasure, and you…” Din presses more kisses to your overstimulated heat. “Are nowhere near done with your, please. So, I'll ask you again. Are you ready for me to fuck a baby into you with my thick, hard cock?”
“Stars, yes! Please, Din!” You hated how completely and utterly desperate you sounded, but you were completely and utterly desperate for Din to fuck you.
Din crawls up to meet your half-lidded eyes, drooping with lust. He places soft kisses on your cheeks before pressing one to your lips. “Are you ready for me, Princess?”
“Yes, my husband.”
Din grabs his cock, lining it up with your entrance. With a loud moan, he enters your sopping wet pussy.
“Oh, you're so wet! Ungh… Stars, you're so tight too!” Din’s thrusts speed up to a steady pace, your moans echoing through the room along with the lewd, wet sounds of your bodies pounding together. “From this day forward, y-your. Pussy. Belongs. To. Me.” Din emphasizes his words with his cock hitting against your g-spot.
“O-Only i-if your cock b-belongs - Oh yes, Din - To me.”
Din chuckles through his labored breaths. “Of course, my love. My cock is forever yours to do what you please with. I don't care what time- ugnh- or what p-place. It's yours.” You lean up to capture din’s parted lips, swallowing his beautiful moans. The knot in your stomach starts to tighten. Desperate for your release, you buck your hips back into Din. “Yes, take my cock. It's yours. All yours.” Din takes your legs, pushing them to your chest. Both of you let out a series of loud moans at the deeper feeling.
“Oh, Din! I'm going to cum if you keep doing that!”
“Ugh, I can see the galaxy when I'm inside you! Can you feel that, my love?”
“Yes, I-I can feel your throbbing cock!” You throw your head back at the euphoric feeling. Your exposed neck allows Din to swoop down and suck marks onto it.
“Th-That's me, claiming what's mine. You're all mine, my princess.” Din’s thrusts speed up, desperate and ready for you to cum. Each thrust was accompanied by a loud grunt that made you clench even tighter. “I'm gonna cum. I'm going to give you a baby - our baby. Are you ready?”
“Yes, Din! I love y-you!” You scream out a slew of ‘i love yous’ and clench tightly around Din’s swollen cock. Your orgasm and words of love cause Din to cum, sending spurts of his cum into your womb, where your future child would soon grow.
Din collapses on you which you gladly accept. You wrap your arms around his neck and place kisses on the crown of his head. Both of you stay like that for a while, basking in pure love. Once your breaths are back to normal, Din slowly pulls out of you to lay on the bed beside you. He pulls you closer to him so that no space lingered and adjusted the blankets to create a cocoon of comfort around you two.
You smile as you listen to his heartbeat against his chest. Din’s index finger presses to the underside of your chin, adjusting your eyes to look into his.
“Are you okay, my love?”
You nod lazily, completely worn out. “You know, having a husband isn't so bad after all.” Din lets out a hearty laugh before leaning down to kiss you.
“Yeah, having a wife isn't so bad either.” Din smirks at you, causing you to shy away in embarrassment and return your attention to his chest. Your fingers trace shapes and words onto his chest until you stop. A mark on Din’s torso prompts you to inspect it. “What are your curious fingers doing, my love?”
“What is this?” You ask as your finger traces the mark.
“It’s just a scar, dearest.”
“A scar?” You look back at Din with worry in your eyes.
“Oh, don't worry, my love. I've collected so many over the years, I've become immune to them. That one was either from when I fought Bo-Katan or when I fought a mudhorn to save my son.”
“Goodness.... I've missed so much of your life.” Your face droops with sadness, but Din is quick to relieve your worries.
“Now, it's nothing to be upset over. Yes, we've missed a lot, but that means we can spend the rest of our lives catching up and making new memories. Plus, you can meet my son tomorrow.”
You smile and press a chaste kiss to Din’s lips. “I’d love that.” You pressed another kiss to his lips, but this one wasn't so innocent.
“Did I not satisfy you, my love?” Din chuckles into the kiss. You climb on top of him and shake your head. “Oh, does my princess want more?”
You give Din a mischievous grin and shrug.
Din smirks before leaning in to kiss you. “Well, who am I to deny my wife of her wishes?”
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A/N: Idk who from my Javier Peña taglist wants to be on this one, but those who are interested in being added to a Din Djarin taglist or a perminante taglist, please let me know.🤍 Can’t wait to hear what you all think!
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